#self defense items for women
munioselfdefense · 2 months
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In an increasingly uncertain environment, women everywhere prioritize their personal safety. With increased awareness of the incidence of harassment and violence against women, people are looking for tools and techniques to defend themselves. One such tool that has grown in popularity in recent years is the self defense keychain, a small but potent device that serves as a symbol of empowerment and safety for women of all ages.
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city-of-ladies · 5 months
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Edith Garrud - The suffragette that knew martial arts
The first British female teacher of jujutsu, Edith Garrud (1872-1971) taught the suffragettes to protect themselves.
A passion for martial arts 
Edith Margaret Williams was born in Bath in 1872 and started her career as a physical instructor for girls. She shared this passion for physical culture with her husband, William Garrud, a wrestling and boxing instructor.
They came in contact with Edward Barton-Wright who had spent three years in Japan, and studied judo and jujutsu. He elaborated his self-defense techniques known as “bartitsu” and opened his club in London in 1899.
The Bartitsu Club was notably opened to women. Edith was thus able to train alongside her husband. By 1908, Edith and William became jujutsu instructors themselves with William in charge of the men’s class and Edith teaching the women and children. 
Jujutsu specializes in speed, precision and the use of soft, flowing movements to deal with aggression rather than using just brute strength. The couple showcased their skills through demonstrations. In one of them, Edith defeated a male aggressor played by her husband. The sight of this 4ft-11inch (150cm) woman effortlessly throwing a much taller man greatly impressed the audience. 
In 1907, Edith starred in a short film Jujutsu down the footpads in which an innocent lady overpowers two ruffians. 
Vote for women
Edith took an interest in the cause of women’s suffrage. In 1909, she was invited by the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) to give a demonstration in the presence of Emeline Pankhurst and other leading figures of the movement. As William was ill, Edith demonstrated alone and invited members of the audience to test her skills. This included subjecting a skeptical police officer to a powerful shoulder throw. 
In 1910, Edith also wrote a series of essays, advocating for the growing community of female martial artists and how self-defense could free women by giving them the means to protect themselves:
“You constantly read in the papers reports of dastardly attacks on helpless women by thieves and ruffians. A woman who knows jujutsu, even though she may not be physically strong, even though she may not have even an umbrella or parasol, is not helpless. I know many women personally who have tried the tricks I shall explain to you and come out on top. They have brought great burly cowards nearly twice their size to their feet and made them howl for mercy.”
The bodyguards
The suffragettes faced dangerous and violent situations. This was especially the case on Friday 18th November 1910. 300 WSPU members marched on the House of Parliament and faced police officers armed with batons. Women were subjected to six hours of beatings and arrests and there were widespread reports of sexual abuses.
Emeline Pankhurst thus asked Edith to train a group of women that would be known within the WSPU as the Bodyguard. Led by Gertrude Harding, they acted as agitators, disruptors and decoys. 
Edith trained them in hand-to-hand combat and the use of homemade concealed weapons such as wooden India clubs and the fashioning of cardboard body armor. The suffragettes took advantage of their opponent's surprise and exploited their weaknesses.
They for instance struck directly at a police officer’s helmet to knock it from his head. Policemen were held accountable for the loss of uniform items and had to pay for their replacement. They cut the suspenders so that the policeman had to hold back his pants, blinded the police with a charge of umbrellas etc.
When told by a policeman that she was making an “obstruction” during a demonstration near the House of Commons, Edith pretended to drop her handkerchief, threw the policeman over her shoulder and disappeared into the crowd. 
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In prison, suffragettes went on hunger strikes and were subjected to force-feeding. The “Cat and Mouse Act” of 1913 allowed hunger-striking prisoners to be released and then re-incarcerated as soon as they had recovered their health. The Bodyguard thus protected and hid those women.
Edith for instance hid militant suffragettes in her dojo, telling the police not to disturb her lessons and leave her property. 
A quiet retirement
Edith’s contributions to the suffragist movement ended with the beginning of the First World War. Little is known of her life afterward. 
She and her husband would run the Golden Square dojo until their retirement in 1925 and retired to a quieter life. William passed away in 1960. In an interview in 1965, Edith said that her recipe for a long, happy and healthy life was: 
“Self-discipline. Of course, I had to be extremely disciplined to succeed at jujutsu and hold my own with men […] but it is the mind which really has control, not only of your muscles and your limbs and how you use them, but also your thoughts, your whole attitude to life and other people.”
She died in 1971. A plaque on the building that had been her home can be seen today: “Edith Garrud 1872–1971. The suffragette who knew jiu-jitsu lived here”.
Further reading
Dorlin Elsa, Se défendre : une philosophie de la violence  
Godfrey Emelyne, Femininity, Crime and Self-Defence in Victorian Literature and Society: From Dagger-Fans to Suffragettes
Kelly Simon, "Edith Garrud: The jujutsuffragette". In McMurray, Robert; Pullen, Allison (eds.), Power, Politics and Exclusion in Organization and Management
Ruz Camila, Parkinson Justin, ““'Suffrajitsu': How the suffragettes fought back using martial arts”
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Random Facts about Dahlia Rosenheim
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(have a chart, too, inspired by @amber-of-tharaval :D)
Dahlia's surname is completely coincidental. V (the creator aka me, since that is my initial) just thought of the surname in the middle of a blackout in school. Assuming it was original, V takes Rosenheim as Dahlia's surname. One day, when she randomly searched up 'Rosenheim' in Google, she discovered it was actually an existing city in Germany.
Dahlia is unsurprisingly named after a flower. Her mother always loved flowers, especially dahlias. Therefore when Dahlia was born, her mother named her after the flower.
Dahlia's main occupation is a lawyer. She works in her own law office, formerly working under her uncle's law firm. She owns a rice business to invest money faster, advised by her mother.
Dahlia's income per month is 200K-300K. During harvest months, it can reach a million.
Dahlia prioritizes the things that she love such as her family and friends. But as a Christian, she always puts God first.
Dahlia once wanted to be a psychiatrist, knowing that mental health nowadays is completely overlooked by many. But she stopped achieving the dream when she discovered their monthly income.
People would most likely know her by 'Atty. Rosenheim' than her own name.
Whenever it came to the seven deadly sins, Dahlia's main enemy is envy. Her second is lust.
Dahlia was formerly twenty-two (22) years old. But due to her experience with past lovers, V changed her age to twenty-four (24) years old.
Dahlia is a huge Swiftie. Her favorite album is 1989 and her favorite song is 'this is me trying'.
Dahlia uses a lot of skincare products. Those are cleanser, moisturizer, sunblock, face mist, and cherry lip balm.
Dahlia's body is slightly chubby. She also has stretch marks.
Dahlia's breasts are lower than average. At often times, especially when in the beach, Dahlia feels insecure.
But then she hears from her friends with a bust that they suffer from huge breasts. Suddenly, she is thankful.
Dahlia's family is complete. Her parents are alive and well, and she loves her siblings with all her heart. They also have a pomeranian dog.
Dahlia has siblings! She is the eldest of them all. She has a younger brother named Ray (middle child) and a younger sister named Sapphire (youngest child).
Dahlia loves all animals, though she prefers dogs over cats.
Dahlia loves mathematics, and her intelligence in school is rather high according to her classmates.
Dahlia is a huge bookworm. She owns many novels in her shelf. Her favorite genres are fantasy and mystery. Romance is a subgenre for her.
In personality, Dahlia is in between extroversion and introversion. However, she leans more of being an introvert. Therefore her MBTI is INFP-T.
Dahlia likes to cook at times when she is by herself in RILM. She is especially proud when she cooks Filipino cuisines.
Dahlia is a huge sweet tooth. She loves to eat a lot of sweets.
Dahlia's body isn't entirely flexible. In fact, she is quite stiff. This can be noticed whenever she dances.
Speaking of dancing, it may not look like it but Dahlia loves to dance. She loves to imagine she is in a ballroom, dancing with grace and passion. She often laughs during dance practices.
Dahlia can play instruments. She is great at both the guitar and piano, though she much prefers to play the guitar.
Dahlia's guitar is inherited from her father.
Dahlia knows how to do Muay Thai. Muay Thai is a martial arts in Thailand, one of the most deadliest martial arts. Her father wanted to help her learn self-defense, and Muay Thai was perfect. In fact, Muay Thai is suitable for small people.
Dahlia's voice is mildly deep compared to other women. Her voice is also soft and gentle.
It is rare to see Dahlia angry. And if she is, beware not to push her buttons.
Dahlia is lowkey into science and technology, even archeology! She loves to see such historical items and new inventions that can help today's society.
Dahlia can fluently speak Filipino. She also once tried to learn Japanese in Duolingo. However, she stopped during her lesson in directions.
Dahlia learned Russian in Duolingo before she switched to Japanese. She cannot catch up with the information and difficult words.
Dahlia is often mistaken to be an earth sign due to her appearance. When in reality, she is actually a water sign. Her personality explains it all.
Dahlia, although she is very embarrassed and ashamed, Dahlia has higher than average libido. This is because (tw. implied early exposure) Dahlia's cousin introduced her to those things at a young age. Her cousin was still a vibe, though since they get along very well.
Speaking of the past lovers, Dahlia has four exes. Three of them were serious, and one was only a fling that lasted for only four months. (This will be elaborated in a future post.)
Just like most of the girls, Dahlia is a delulu.
Dahlia's face shape is a diamond, eye shape is upturned, lip shape and eyebrows are thin, and eyelashes are quite long.
Dahlia has a small circle of friends. Her best friend is Zarnaih Marchessa (Zarnaih belongs to @naihhhhe, my bestie <3)
Despite drinking milk everyday in the mornings (she prefers chocolate milk), Dahlia is still short in height. She always questions herself about this.
Dahlia's love languages are acts of service and words of affirmation. She likes to receive physical touch and words of affirmation.
Dahlia and V know each other. The character and the creator bond together a lot, making them close.
Okay, this is a lot or information about her. This is enough for now. She has more, but I guess this will be good. Thank you for reading!
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palestinegenocide · 6 months
Biden ‘quietly’ gives massive bombs to Israel — even as establishment voices say, Stop the genocide
The devastating news from Washington this week was that in spite of lip service against Israel’s war on the people of Gaza, the Biden administration “quietly” approved the transfer of more massive bombs to Israel.
Biden is sending along more than 2000 one-ton bombs and 500-pound bombs, the Washington Post reported (per Common Dreams).
“This is cowardly,” Yousef Munayyer wrote. “If you are going to be full backers of genocide, own it. We see you and history sees you as well.”
“This is obscene,” Bernie Sanders wrote. “We must end our complicity: No more bombs to Israel. The U.S. cannot beg Netanyahu to stop bombing civilians one day and the next send him thousands more 2,000 lb. bombs that can level entire city blocks.”
We can only imagine how horrifying such armaments are here in the West. Gazans don’t have to imagine. These instruments of annihilation have generated a neverending nightmare. Even the Washington Post says these bombs “are almost never used any more by Western militaries in densely populated locations due to the risk of civilian casualties.” But Israel has used them extensively.
Which is why more than 31,000 Palestinians have been killed, the vast majority women and children. Israel justifies the slaughter of civilians by arguing that a majority of Palestinians approve of Hamas’s attack of last October. So, collective punishment is policy.
At least Biden’s hypocrisy is being reported in the Washington Post. And we are seeing a broad movement in progressive circles to end Israel’s immunity to international law.
Harvard Law School’s student government voted for the university to divest from Israel. The global activist network Avaaz has got half a million signatures calling for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel.
America is Israel’s biggest arms dealer. You are giving American weapons to a government that is blocking life-saving aid and violating international law. This will only stop when you demand it stops.“
Public opinion is also horrified. A Gallup poll finds that 55 percent of Americans oppose Israel’s months-long military campaign (while 36 percent approve). “A mere 18% of Democratic voters approve of Israel’s effort.” And 75 percent disapprove.
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Gallup poll published March 27 shows that American Democrats’ support for Israeli actions is plummeting over three months.
Biden is not only defying his base. The liberal political establishment has now turned against Israel’s war. The head of the Democratic party think tank, the Center for American Progress, called for a cutoff of aid.
The United States, by its own imposed standards, cannot heedlessly deliver offensive weapons as the Israeli government continues to bombard and starve innocents on a mass scale. These actions have nothing to do with self defense; they are clearly intended as collective punishment and are resulting in the complete devastation of Palestinians as a people.
The former top State Department human rights officer told NPR that it is time to apply the same rules to Israel as other countries. Charles Blaha:
[T]he State Department has said publicly that the same policy applies to Israel as apply to every other country. In practice, Israel gets special treatment…. You may recall the Biden administration suspended items that could be used in offensive air-to-ground operations for Saudi Arabia because they were causing civilian casualties. Those civilian casualties are nowhere near the civilian casualties that Israeli air-to-ground operations have caused so far. Yet unconditional transfers of air-to-ground munitions continue.
Joe Rogan called it “genocide” and a “holocaust” this week. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Israel was going too far. Atlantic Editor Jeffrey Goldberg, trying to run from his own past, ran a piece saying, “U.S. Support for Israel’s War Has Become Indefensible.”
And at the Stimson Center this week, when Barbara Slavin said it’s not genocide because it’s not equivalent to the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda or the Nazis killing 6 million Jews, Lara Friedman of the Foundation for Middle East Peace shot down that defense.
The definition of genocide under international law does not require it to meet that bar… It does not have to rise to, Trying to kill every member of a race in the world [to be a genocide. The idea that] ‘it can’t be genocide if it doesn’t kill everybody.’ That isn’t what it means under international law.
So the genocide is having consequences, even in the cowardly seat of empire.
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astra-ravana · 1 month
Working With Medusa
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The Queen Of Snakes
Colors: Green, silver, red, gold
Herbs: Vanilla, black snake root, frankincense, myyrh, dragon's blood, alkanet, amber, belladonna, juniper berries, clove, datura, black pepper, wormwood, rue, sulpher, henbane, agrimony, parsley
Crystals: Red coral, serpentine, malachite, petrified wood, snake skin jasper, lodestone, hematite, aquamarine, black moonstone, mother of pearl, bronzite, bloodstone, ruby, garnet
Element: Water
Planet: Moon/Mars/Pluto
Zodiac: Scorpio
Metal: Silver, bronze
Tarot: Death, Justice, Queen of Swords
Day: Wednesday
Animals: Snakes, jellyfish, lions
Domains: Feminine strength, perseverance, wisdom, serpents, sexuality, the blood of women, retribution/justice for victims, protection of girls and women, bodily autonomy, self defense, the truth, punishment of abusers, rapists and murderers, the evil eye, kundalini awakening, "kind monsters", beauty, divination, shadow work and healing from trauma, banishing
Offerings: Snake-themed items and figures, snake skin, water, wine, seafood, whole eggs, egg shells, apples, honey, beach sand, cave dirt, fossils, shells, candles in her colors, evil eye or eyeball charms, sea water/salt, driftwood, blood (especially menstrual blood), speaking your truth, participation in women's rights and victim advocacy movements
Symbols: Snakes (particularly two intertwined), eyes (evil eye), the Aegis (image of Medusa's head adorning Athena's shield), Gorgon eyes- or "divine eyes"- sometimes drawn as concentric circles or spirals, her astrological symbol-
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the-overgrown-states · 7 months
Offerings for Athena
-Olive Oils
-Oil in General
-Knitted/Weaved Items (Bonus Points if you Made It Yourself)
-Things Resembling Armor
-Armor Itself
-Books (History, Strategy, things like that)
-A Flute
Devotional Acts for Athena
-Read a Book
-Protect Others
-Strategic Planning
-Abstain from Sexual Acts
-Create Something
-Mold Something
-Sculpt Something
-Practice Self Defense
-Go on a Walk/Jog/Run
-Donate to Women’s Charities
-Create/Use Oils
-Plant a Tree (Bonus if Its An Olive Tree)
-Work Out
-Play the Flute
-Try to Invent Something
-Make Something You’ve Never Made Before
-Dedicate a Day to Working
-Make Something Sturdy
-Donate Time to a Volunteer Nonprofit
-Help Build Things for your Community
-Ride a Horse
-Tame a Horse
-Take Time to Be With Your Thoughts
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sarnai4 · 4 months
College Days (and career plans)
After seeing a really fun Yona of the Dawn AU fanart with the characters in college, I started thinking about the Dragons crew.
Hiccup: Engineering. He's going to become an inventor and has already done some of that. He'll probably have his own company after graduation that makes just about everything. Need a replacement limb? Phone? Cylindrical item that will lead you to various reptiles and the journey of a lifetime? He's got you covered on all fronts. If it can be built, it will be.
Astrid: Law enforcement. She's eventually going to a police academy (cue the movie of the same name), so she wants to be prepared. She'll become a police captain in the future. It'll be very obvious why crime rates are plummeting in whatever city she's in.
Fishlegs: Zoology. He's always been into science, so he's going to become a zoologist to study animals all over the world. He absolutely loves his work and probably brings a few creatures home to study for a little longer before taking them back to the lab.
Snotlout: Drama. He's planning on becoming an actor. His work as Sir Ulgerthorpe has convinced me that he at least could be good on a stage. Plus, he's a drama queen. Maybe he'll get on the screen one day too. He's also considering if he wants to try out screenwriting and/or directing eventually. If he does become a director, he'll be one of the best and most bossy somehow.
Ruffnut: Digital communication and media/multimedia. She's honestly not here for any reason other than it's where Tuffnut and their friends are. That said, the twins are going to become YouTubers, so she figures she might as well become good at making videos.
Tuffnut: Crafts. He missed how Ruffnut's idea will actually be useful in their future job and thought this sounded fun. His reasoning is that he'll make some cool crafts to show off to their viewers. He's probably right, but there are still a dozen sighs directed his way because of this choice.
Dagur: Undecided. He's gone through business to see if he wanted to be an entrepreneur, then wasn't sure if he should just go to an entrepreneurship degree, had a few in between, and the latest one was psychology to try to understand his mind. At this point, he's hoping he sticks with something long enough to graduate on time with the credits. Can't say he isn't getting a well-rounded education, though. Just don't even get him started on career plans. He figures that he'll teach martial arts to pay for bills until he comes up with an idea he can keep for longer than a month.
Heather: Music. She's going to become a singer and probably be a vocal and guitar teacher later on. She's the only member of the group who we've heard sing and not sound bad (minus Snotlout surprisingly in my opinion. Oi oi oi), so I can see her doing this. She's not planing on being some superstar or anything. Just most likely at some venues and on YouTube, so maybe Ruffnut's new skills can help out.
Mala: Doctor of medicine for surgery. She's in the doctoral program (because I'm convinced she is a nice amount of years older than the others) and going to become a surgeon. This is something she's wanted to do for a while since she enjoys healing people. Meeting the others made her want to do this even more since she's sure at least one of them is going to be in a terrible accident one day and will need a good surgeon. Her bet is on Hiccup, the twins, or Dagur.
Throk: Criminal justice. He's already graduated, but he is receiving specialized training to become a body guard. When he gets free time, he comes around to spend time with the others. He's part of the bet with Mala and bets that Ruffnut will NOT need a surgeon because there's no way he's allowing such harm to come to her.
Atali: Women's studies. She's going to run a women's shelter when she graduates. She is also considering getting a master's.
Minden: Physical education. She's following her bestie and going to teach self-defense to the women Atali helps out.
Gobber: Welding engineering. He loved this in his university days and started up his own company. This is how he got Hiccup into making things too.
Stoick: Political science. He joined the marines when he was younger and became a high-ranking officer before coming back home to care for Hiccup.
Johann: Law. He became a slimy lawyer who always gets the really dangerous criminals off and puts away innocent people.
Viggo: Economics. He wanted to be very shrewd with his spending. He owns a company that seems like it's a tech manufacturing company on the outside but is actually smuggling a bit of everything.
Ryker: Criminology. He did this to understand just what risks the criminals who work for/with him could face. He works for Viggo (because of course he does) and is the VP of the business.
Krogan: Business management. On the outside, it seems like he's got a weapons manufacturing company, but he uses it to work with the Grimborns and hurt people.
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blackhistorychatgpt · 7 months
Black inventors
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From Perplexity:
Famous black inventors have significantly contributed to various fields, from everyday household items to groundbreaking technological advancements. Here are some notable figures:
George Crum (1824-1914): A chef who is credited with inventing the potato chip in 1853[1].
Frederick McKinley Jones (1893-1961): Developed refrigeration equipment for trucks, trains, ships, and planes, receiving over 40 patents. His invention, the Thermo King, revolutionized the food and medical transport industries[1].
Granville T. Woods (1856-1910): Accumulated almost 60 patents, improving railroad functioning. Notably, he invented the induction telegraph system for train communication[1].
George Washington Carver (1864-1943): An agricultural chemist who developed 518 products from peanuts and sweet potatoes, including ink, dye, soap, and synthetic rubber[1].
Madam C.J. Walker (1867-1919): Became the first African American woman self-made millionaire by creating a line of hair products for African American women[1].
Garrett Morgan (1877-1963): Invented the traffic signal and a safety hood that served as a prototype for the gas mask[1].
Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner: Patented the sanitary belt in 1957, a significant advancement in women's health and hygiene[1].
Thomas L. Jennings (1791–1859): The first African American to receive a U.S. patent, for a dry-cleaning process[4].
Patricia Bath (1942-2019): Invented a laser cataract treatment, becoming the first African American female doctor to receive a medical patent[4].
Mark Dean (1957-present): Holds over 20 patents, including contributions to the creation of the color PC monitor and the first gigahertz chip[4].
Elijah McCoy (1844-1929): Known for his invention of the automatic lubricator for oiling steam engines, leading to the phrase "the real McCoy" to denote something authentic[4].
These inventors have left a lasting impact on society, demonstrating ingenuity and perseverance in the face of challenges.
Citations: [1] https://www.oprahdaily.com/life/work-money/g30877473/african-american-inventors/ [2] https://www.parents.com/kids/education/world-changing-black-inventors-that-every-kid-should-know-about/ [3] https://www.black-inventor.com [4] https://www.biography.com/inventors/g46697619/famous-black-inventors [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African-American_inventors_and_scientists
From Gemini (formerly Bard):
20 Famous Black Investors with Short Descriptions:
Dr. Shirley Jackson: First Black woman to earn a doctorate in nuclear physics, invested in research and development for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Robert F. Smith: Founded Vista Equity Partners, a private equity firm with over $85 billion in assets under management. Known for his philanthropic endeavors.
Oprah Winfrey: Media mogul and investor, known for her investments in cable channels, production companies, and Weight Watchers.
Udayan I. Lekhraj: Founded CMG Partners, a private equity firm specializing in healthcare investments. Advocate for diversity and inclusion in venture capital.
Catherine Hughes: Founded Urban One, a media company serving the African American community. First Black woman to chair a publicly traded company in the U.S.
Rodney Bryant: Co-founded JUST Capital, a firm that measures and incentivizes corporations to prioritize stakeholder capitalism.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: Former President of Liberia, Nobel Peace Prize winner. Focused on economic development and investment in her country.
Ronald Lauder: CEO of Estee Lauder Companies, known for his investments in the beauty industry and philanthropic work.
Charles R. Bronfman: Chairman of The Seagram Company Ltd., invested in various industries including entertainment, real estate, and philanthropy.
John Rogers Jr.: Founded Ariel Investments, a mutual fund company with over $28 billion in assets under management. Advocate for responsible investing.
Marc Morial: Former mayor of New Orleans, currently president of the National Urban League. Focused on economic empowerment of Black communities.
Ronald Watkins: Founding CEO of Watkins Investing Group, invests in real estate and businesses within the Black community.
Melody Hobson: President and CEO of Ariel Investments, known for her work on financial literacy and diversity in boardrooms.
Aisha Evans: Founded BE Capital, a venture capital firm focused on Black and Latinx tech entrepreneurs.
Kevin Hart: Comedian and investor, known for his investments in production companies, streaming platforms, and sports teams.
Jay-Z: Rapper and entrepreneur, known for his investments in music streaming, sports teams, and venture capital funds.
Will Smith: Actor and investor, known for his investments in production companies, media platforms, and venture capital funds.
Serena Williams: Tennis champion and investor, known for her investments in venture capital funds focused on women and diverse founders.
Rihanna: Singer and entrepreneur, known for her investments in beauty brands, fashion lines, and technology startups.
LeBron James: Basketball player and investor, known for his investments in media companies, production companies, and technology startups.
Please note: This list is not exhaustive and can be debated in terms of individual importance and impact.
Reading List on Black Inventors:
Black Inventors: Lives That Mattered by Darlene R. Medford
Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly
Lifting the Veil: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of Black History by Michael Hill
Lost Genius: The Forgotten Black Inventors Who Changed the World by Dennis Freeman
Pioneering Women in American Mathematics: From Agnes Scott to Emmy Noether by Pamela Prochazka
Black Inventors in Science and Technology by Shirley J. Smith
A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James M. Whitfield: With Recollections of the Early Struggles of Colored Men in Boston by Wilbur H. Siebert
Inventing the Future: Black Inventors in Science and Technology by Geneva Gay
African Americans in Science, Math, and Invention by Darlene R. Medford
Black Inventors in the United States by Darlene R. Medford
This list offers a variety of books covering different periods and areas of innovation by Black inventors. Consider exploring further based on your specific interests.
I hope this information is helpful!
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munioselfdefense · 3 months
Self-defense keychains are important safety accessories that every woman should carry. These keychains are compact, handy, and effective, empowering women to take responsibility for their personal safety while also providing additional protection and peace of mind in today's society. Women can go about their daily lives and travel the world with confidence when they carry a self-defense keychain and are prepared to defend themselves if required. Explore MUNIO as they provide the best self defense for women keychains and online classes. 
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mondayxmorning · 5 months
Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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► NAME: tyrone anthony davis jr. ► NICKNAME: ty, big bro, ty jr. ► TITLE(S): college boy's basketball coach. ► AGE: 36-40. ► SPECIES: human. ► SEX: male. ► NATIONALITY: american. ► INTERESTS: watching basketball, thrifting cool yellow mugs and vintage t-shirts (with snoop dogg or tupac), enjoys broadening his music taste and creates dope r&b/rap playlists to play at the parties he hosts, constantly invests on betting games/fantasy football (but is strategic because he's an overthinking saver), loves to visit the beach at sundown, does the occasional hot dog eating contest, and enjoys seeking out learning new things at least once a month (how to roll a joint flawlessly, gameplay tactics, learning asl, how to impress women, etc). ► PROFESSION: college boy's basketball coach. ► EYES: brown. ► HAIR: short and curly black afro. ► POSTURE: slouchy unless at work. ► HEIGHT: 6'1". ► VOICE: deep and strong (loud too) but often soft and sometimes slow to articulate a point. here. ► SIGNATURE OUTFIT: always wears a variety of plain t-shirts with his yellow oversized varsity jacket, sweat pants or athletic shorts with grubby nike or jordan shoes, and all paired with his glamorous watch that never comes off. ► SIGNIFICANT OTHER: verse dependent!! ► COMPANIONS: no pets, however is known for always being close with his sisters (despite the age difference) and grandfather and visits them all alot. ► ANTAGONISTS: idiots! (opposing school coaches and loud parents, anyone whom thinks they're entitled to literally everything, his stalker ex girlfriend). ► STRENGTHS: 3-pointers are his specialty (especially backwards), is a focused painter (loves to do pottery then paint his own designs), can tell real from fake when appraising expensive items (watches, jewelry, shoes), loves spicy food and has no reaction to it, has a heart of gold, is a good listener, will defend his students, knows self-defense (thanks to his upbringing) and according to his sisters "he gives the best hugs". ► WEAKNESSES: can't swim (is also a little self-conscious), took him ages to tie his shoes, falls asleep during boring movies, blasts 90s rap too loud in the car, and sometimes falls too hard too fast over someone he fancies. ► FRUITS: bananas, strawberries, kiwis, red and green grapes, and and apple at lunch each day. ► DRINKS: water, protein strawberry/strawberry banana or spinach smoothies, the occasional can of Pepsi and 2% milk. ► ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: if offered, he likes: Corona beers and a refreshing Arnold Palmer. ► SMOKES: yes, only local pre-rolled (or rolled by his own hands) mj joints on weekends. ► DRUGS: yes, see above. ► DRIVER’S LICENSE: yes.
stolen from: myself, tagging: @elegancemultimuse, @ghostsxagain, @the-wonderland-jinx, @spllledwlne, @ssvperboy, @wehavefoundthestars, @theseancekid, @horrorscommodity, @heroexxs, @muchallure, @morexfuntomiss and you!
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coochiequeens · 8 months
I'm usually anti-death penalty but I would rather this guy get the chair then have women at risk.
By Genevieve Gluck. January 2, 2024
A trans-identified male convicted of the grisly murders of two men is serving his 50-year sentence in a women’s correctional facility. Vietnam war and US Navy veteran Susan Monica, born Steven Buchanan, had dismembered the bodies of his victims and fed them to pigs at a 20-acre farm he owned in Wimer, Oregon.
In 1991, Buchanan purchased a 20-acre farm in Oregon where he would kill two handymen in 2012 and 2013 before feeding their corpses to the pigs he owned at the property. He was sentenced to a minimum of 50 years in prison in 2015, and multiple new outlets reporting on the case referred to Buchanan simply as a “woman,” without mentioning his transgender status or the fact he is a biological male.
“You shot two people and fed them to your pigs,” Judge Tim Barnack told Buchanan during sentencing. “I don’t know how else I can put it. You valued pigs more than you value people. It may sound harsh, but you are a cold-blooded killer.”
According to the Oregon state Department of Corrections, Buchanan is incarcerated at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, a women’s facility. He is listed under his feminine name, Susan Monica, and is described as being “female” in official records.
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In 2012, Buchanan hired 59-year-old Stephen Delicino to assist him with tasks on the farm in exchange for financial compensation and accommodations. According to Buchanan’s testimony, the two became involved in a physical altercation after Buchanan discovered that Delicino was in possession of two of his guns. During a confrontation over the alleged theft, Buchanan claims that a gun misfired, striking Delicino in the back of the head and killing him.
However, Buchanan’s story regarding the death of Delicino was inconsistent. He variously claimed that Delicino shot himself in the head, and that he had shot the victim in self-defense — before his remains were eaten by Buchanan’s pigs.
What was left of Delicino’s corpse would later be found by investigators in plastic bags on the property, but not before Buchanan killed again.
The following year, Buchanan hired Robert Haney, 56, as a handyman by placing an advertisement for hired help. In the summer of 2013, Haney’s children became concerned when they could not contact their father, and filed a missing persons report with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office.
Haney’s son, Jesse, revealed in a documentary for Oxygen about the killings that he visited Buchanan’s farm on January 1, 2014 inquiring as to the whereabouts of his father, and to retrieve his belongings. “We hadn’t seen or heard from my dad for two months. We just all started to panic,” he said. “His leather jacket was there. His dog was still running around and all his tools were there… It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.”
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When officers initially questioned Buchanan about Haney’s disappearance, he told them that the handyman had quit and left the farm. Yet suspicions were raised when Buchanan was caught on security camera footage using Haney’s Oregon Trail Electronic Benefits Transfer card (EBT) to pay for items at a Walmart the day after he claimed that Haney had left his property.
Law enforcement officers executed a search warrant on the property and were shocked by the dilapidated conditions of Buchanan’s farm, which included piles of garbage, rotting food, and industrial waste. 
“I would describe that property as eerie. There was a very strong order there, a lot of decay,” former Jackson County Sheriff’s Detective Julie Denney told Oxygen.
Then, investigators discovered the remains of a human leg. “It was clear that it was not an animal bone. It appeared to me to be a human leg that had been severed mid-femur, down to the toes,” Denney said.
Detectives brought Buchanan in for further questioning, at which point Buchanan told a bizarre story about putting Haney “out of his misery.”
Buchanan claimed that a few months prior, he had discovered his pigs in a feeding frenzy, devouring Haney’s intestines “with his guts all over the place.” 
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Steven Buchanan / Susan Monica, mugshot via Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
“He was being eaten, what I believed to be, alive,” Buchanan told detectives during the interview. “I put him out of his misery. I do that for my animals and this was the first time I did it for a human being and I knew it was wrong but if it were one of my pigs suffering out there, I would have done the same thing.”   
State Police forensic anthropologist Veronica Vance testified that Haney had suffered three to four gunshot wounds to the head. His legs had been chopped off with an ax, though it was unclear whether this occurred before or after Haney’s death. Additionally, his thigh bones showed signed of having been gnawed on by an animal.
Buchanan stated that he didn’t inform authorities about the incident because he feared that his pigs would be put down. When investigators asked whether they would find anything else on his property, Buchanan drew a map with an “X” and said, “Right there. That’s where you’re going to find Steve,” referring to Delicino.
“I do not value human life very much,” Buchanan would admit during a taped confession. “My feeling is the only thing wrong with the planet is there’s people on it. If not for us, all the other animals, even dodo birds, would be here.”
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The lead detective involved with the case told the court that Buchanan had admitted to killing over a dozen victims in a similar manner. “She told me that if she told me about the 17 others that she would spend the rest of her life in jail,” said detective Eric Henderson, referring to Buchanan as a woman.
Delicino’s daughter Eva told Oxygen that she also believed there were more unidentified victims.
“I think there’s more people… I don’t know what the motive would be… I don’t think that you kill two people in that manner and that it wasn’t premeditated. I think [he] did it to other people, too… and even the investigators believe that there are more people out there on [his] property.”
Buchanan was arrested on January 14, 2014 and charged with two counts each of murder and first-degree abuse of a corpse as well as one count of identity theft, the Mail Tribune reported at the time. Dozens of crime scene investigators searched the property, digging over 100 holes over the following weeks. Though they uncovered the remains of both Haney and Delicino, as well as the victims’ personal belongings, no other bodies were found.
A former cellmate of Buchanan’s at the Jackson County jail testified to getting “chills” after receiving a birthday card from Buchanan signed, “from the sweetest murderer in Jackson County.”
It is unclear how many men claiming a transgender status are currently being held in women’s facilities in Oregon state. As Reduxx previously reported, a man in custody for the brutal murder of his ex-girlfriend had been briefly transferred to the Coffee Creek Women’s Correctional Facility, but was quickly moved back to the male estate just weeks later for unknown reasons.
Zera Lola Zombie, born Daniel Lee Smith, has received a “vulnerable” designation by an Oregon Court, entitling him to special protections and privileges due to his gender identity. He is classified as a “female” inmate in the Oregon inmate directory.
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v-vina · 2 years
What YouTube accounts would Demon Slayer Characters have?
-He would post motivational quotes and vids on yt shorts
-He would also accidentally post something really controversial and make everyone angry
-He would use all the "gen z lango" to appeal to more audiences but just become cringy💀
-She would be a kid's YouTuber 
-Would probably post life hacks or how to make things with "simple household items"
-Maybe Tanjiro wouldn't even let her have a YT
-Life Survival Hacks 💀
-He would do those vids of people surviving with only a loom bracelet or something like that
-He would also be that one YouTuber to go missing mysteriously for a few months and cause an entire investigation, only to be found living with wild bears in a cave
-So many controversial things would be said in his vids tbh and it's all just a bunch of screaming  and nonsense 
-All I can say is that he would be that one person who is constantly commenting on others vids and being overly obnoxious 
-Def if it's a women's vid
-that's all I gotta say
-Honestly I feel like she would be one of those ASMR channels
-Her voice is just so soothing
-One of those gorgeous fashion influencers!!
-But she will most definitely be the one who doesn't censor any of her content (like she shows her pores and facial hair because she is a queen and promotes natural beauty✨)
-Girly would sadly get a lot of hate because of her revealing clothing :(
-But she has loyal fans too
-I'm pretty sure he would be a self defense teacher
-Like the ones who thoroughly explain how to not die and cool shiz like that
-Fangirls everywhere🙃
-He would be one of those podcast guys
-The ones who are always like, "Bro, but I bet you didn't know this!" And then go on to state a completely obvious fact
-Rengoku would feature on here so much ngl
-One of those welding channels
-He would also do those odd but really cool transition vids with his swords and stuff
- https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC5OrDvL9DscpcAstz7JnQGA
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crystalline-cosmos · 3 months
I need everyone to know how absolutely terrified I am of project 2025. If you dont know what that is, PLEASE research it.
I am going to be buying reusable period panties in case reproductive rights are taken away (again) and sanitary products vanish.
I have a former coworker who has not been shy about supporting Trump and his policies. She used to be my bus driver and knows exactly where I live. I'm going to be telling her I'm "moving soon" so she doesnt know what address to report if things go down.
I'm thinking of buying self-defense items like mace and not wearing my pride stuff anymore. I'm thinking about cancelling all plans to get top surgery because the scars would make me an easy target.
Should I find some womens clothing? Should I have a wig ready because I cant grow my hair out fast enough?
I'm so scared I'm so scared ....
What do we do. What do I do. Where can I go I have nowhere to run.
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A reflection on last week.  :::  April 10, 2023
Robert B. Hubbell
             Tonight, I offer a reflection on last week—and a suggestion about how we must respond. We went into last week expecting the news to be dominated by Trump's arraignment. It was—until the GOP-controlled legislature in Tennessee expelled two young Black Representatives for protesting briefly in the well of the assembly. We then received the report of Pro Publica outlining the manifest corruption of Justice Thomas by Texas millionaire and Hitler memorabilia collector Harlan Crow. And then Judge Kacsmaryk issued a thinly disguised religious fiat banning mifepristone for women across America.
         Each of the above events demonstrates the GOP’s efforts to achieve its goals by breaking the democracy that guarantees their liberties in the first instance. But we must now add to the sad litany a new item—Governor Greg Abbott’s pre-emptive announcement that he will pardon a Texas man convicted of murder after a jury trial. At trial, the defendant was able to present his argument that he acted in self-defense. The jury rejected that claim and voted unanimously to convict him of murder.
         Why does Abbott believe that he is justified in pardoning the murderer even before appeals have been heard? Abbott is, after all, substituting his judgment for that of the jurors who heard the evidence first-hand. Abbot believes the defendant is innocent of murder because he killed a “BLM” protester.
That’s right: Governor Abbott has established a new rule that laws do not apply equally to people protesting police killings and right-wing extremists who are upset by the protests. In a single act, Abbott has altered the law in Texas, demoted protestors demanding justice to second-class status, and told Texas jurors that their voices do not matter when MAGA extremists are on trial. In short, “self-defense” is a MAGA “get out of jail free” card under Greg Abbott’s reign in Texas.
         Together, these four instances illustrate a strategy the GOP learned from Trump: If the democratic system does not produce the result you want, then break democracy to obtain a different result. That is what the Tennessee legislators did to Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, that is what religious zealots did to all Americans, that is what monied interests did in bending the Supreme Court to do the bidding of the privileged and elite, and that is what Greg Abbott has done in summarily overturning a jury verdict that flies in the face of the facts.
         We have been confronting this asymmetry from the very moment Trump announced his bid in 2016, and it has worsened over time. As Democrats toil within the system to forge compromises over competing policies, Republicans break the system to get their way. They simply ignore it (McConnell on Merrick Garland’s nomination), they deny it (outcomes of elections), they falsify it (fake electors), they rig the judicial system to guarantee assignment of cases to a sympathetic federal judge (Kacsmaryk), and they attempt to stop its operation through violence (J6).
         There have been scattered calls for Democrats to employ similar tactics. Indeed, some are calling for the federal government to ignore Judge Kacsmaryk’s order if it is not stayed by the 5th Circuit or the Supreme Court. To state the obvious, to do so would amount to “breaking democracy” simply because we don’t like the result. We must not give in to the temptation to adopt the GOP’s anti-democratic tactics. We must fight our battle of resistance from within the walls and ramparts of democracy if we have any hope of saving it.
         The truth is that the rule of law continues to exist in America today because one of America’s major political parties remains committed to upholding that rule—despite the efforts of the other party to destroy it. If both parties feel emboldened to ignore the rule of law, our democracy will be gone. All that will be left is a contest of brute force in which dark money will substitute for violence.
         I do not believe we will reach that point. I have faith that Democrats will do the right thing despite legitimate feelings of anger, hurt, and despair. In each of the four situations described above, there is a democratic path forward to correct the result. It will not be easy, and we may not succeed entirely. But so long as we have a path forward, we should not set aside our great charter and the laws that give it life. It has endured for more than two centuries during equally trying times; we can make it through the present challenges, as well.
[from comments]
Overall, MAGA Republicans are revealing who and what they are. During the mid-terms, Democrats pushed back against an anticipated red tsunami and vastly outperformed expectations. Perhaps the ongoing MAGA performances will convince even more voters to shut them down.
Jessica Craven's latest post in "Chop Wood, Carry Water," celebrates many recent victories. She also writes that the two Tennessee lawmakers who were expelled can run in the special elections for their seats, and if they win, they cannot be expelled again. As for the other ugly instances cited here, I can sympathize with the anguished plea, "what does it take?" that most of us uttered during the long years of the Trump regime. Read Jessica Craven's post from today to understand that there are reasons for optimism.
We are being forged by fire to get as tough as our opponents and as clever. We already outnumber them. We are inspired by the courage of Ukrainians in their fight for their democracy and their lives. We are inspired by the heroes of our own Civil Rights movement that is ongoing. We are inspired by the turnout of the Israeli populace and even its military members that caused the Netanyahu regime to blink. We are being called upon to dig deep, stay tough and committed and resist even though we are tired.
Tomorrow is another day. Let's get on with the work.
[Gary S.]
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dipolardruid · 1 year
Can I get some facts or any lore dump about these lovely yanderes of yours please?
-She is amazing with animals and is able to train them.
-It's very difficult for her to feel emotional connection to people
-she gives off a very aggressive aura which impacts her socially
-Is heavily trained in offense and defense
-the least jealous and possessive out of all the yanderes
-is very loud and outgoing when drunk
-Enjoys watching people seriously fight the more violent the better
-Has a hidden sadistic streak
-Looks like female version of her father
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-She's a cheerleader
-Does have a mean streak against those she couldn't care less about
-On the danger scale she is considered to be orange which is level 4 out 7 levels
-She can hear from all the way across the school
-Her scream is strong enough that she could shake a 30 foot building possibly even break it if the structure is right
-Owns a Rolls-Royce
-Is an amazing swimmer
-Is currently in the works of creating her own buisness seperate from her fathers
-Is an only child
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-Likes to be pet while transformed
-Has anger issues
-can run as fast as 36.8 mph in human form
-He enjoys watching Tina work on her buisness and giving small ideas
-Is already getting offers due to his Talents in sports
-Wants a big family
-Is a family of 9 siblings him being the 2nd oldest
-Hates anything related to drinking and smoking
-Eats noodles everyday before bed
-Is a yellow which is a level 3 on the danger scale
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-Is so strong that she can lift close to 600 pounds without much struggle
-She is the strongest, fastest and most intelligent in the entire school and district
-Has a current GPA of 4.2
-Has a photographic memory
-Is the most sensitive in the group when it involves her feelings
-Is more submissive in a relationship
-Enjoys games like tetris and chess occasionally life simulator games.
-loves and I mean LOVES babies and children she goes as far as to volunteer to babysit family/friends children even working in daycares when able to
-Is a blue which is level 2 on the danger scale
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-Constantly suffers headaches and has to take medicine to dampen his mind reading abilities
-Prefers to be alone with you and the others then with other people
-Does have a favorite but that's a secret
-He loves play fighting with everyone especially paul
-Enjoys watching cartoons
-Has a secret stash of plushies only the others know about
-likes playing games like splatoon and Psychonauts
-Has a small buisness where he gives dating advice and assistance for both men and women
-Is a green which is a level 1 on the danger scale
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-She enjoys bitter tasting things
-she's a workaholic
-Is very calm and relaxed when drunk
-Her favorite types of clothes are suits
-She has a habbit with collecting vintage items
-Is very superstitious believes ghost and aliens are real
-Has a will with you and your father that nears close to 500k for both of you just incase anything happens to her
-Adores the enemies to lover trope even better if it's the criminal and detective
-Enjoys cutting and styling peoples hair
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-She really likes wood carving
-She is Self-Employed
-she has a little statue of you fully painted and waxed over to have it last longer
-Has 6 whole albums of you alone from the moment you were born till the very same day she took off
-Has a Aquarium room in her new home that leads downstairs to the outside like the zoo so you can view fish from underground
-Is enjoys watching Telenovelas for all the drama
-Has a very bad habbit of biting her fingers to the point they bleed when stressed
-Her favorite food is white rice with golden curry
-Has a savings of 150k and her house in her will for you alone
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-She is Aromantic
-She prefers platonic love over anything else but it is twisted
-Her favorite part of any plan or structure is the blueprint
-She is very possessive of any people she sees as hers
-She was disowned by her mother due to her murderous and sadistic habbits
-Her father ran away after she tried to end the life of his new family including him
-She is in the same universe as the mutants.
-she is related to Petra
-Her body is no longer completely human due to her constantly finding ways to modify herself.
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Request are open!
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Creator weapons and accessories of Mondstandt
These are belonging to the exosisters and Minerva is the one who gives them.
The weapons are only able to be used by women or holy beings. These weapons are given as a sign of respect and honor. These weapons can only be used by the current gender of the saint which means fragment of creator for their home world. The solfachord and lyrilusc join in making the weapons by enchanting the weapons with a melody. The melodies can vary but the base weapons are all connected to a deity, catholic saint, prophet, angels or important figure in the Bible or church.
We have a blindfold which is used in the circlet spot in game.
Lucy's blindfold, It blinds the wearer when worn but has the ability to grant invincibility by getting on your knees in prayer as and you cannot move. It references saint Lucy the patron Saint of the blind. (fun fact Lucy is fuuka's persona in persona 3). If your wore the blindfold and you are blind because your eyes were literally removed i. e. your eyes were gouged out, they can be healed and will come out as incredibily beautiful but you are still blind. The user of this weapon must have a theme of making her own path instead of following a laid out one. An example of this could be a girl who is betrothed to a man she doesn't love and instead falls in love with a man she likes or Romeo and Juliet but if Juliet was betrothed to another man and survived. This is a parallel to saint Lucy's story.
David's harp or in game the name would be the song of David. It would be treated as both a bow weapon. The harp is weilded by David the man who killed a giant with single stone. The harp has an ability by playing a melody when fighting something that is bigger than them physically or metaphorically you can use a sling or slingshot and hit the opponent with five stones. The the first four stones break in order, total resistance to all attacks including physical 20%, defense 25%, Hp30%, atk 40%. The last shot will deal 50% of the enemies total hp as an exponent of your total damage you would deal. the requirement for this weapon. Doing something that is impossible and making it possible or overcoming an impossible challenge.
Joan's Flag, The flag of Joan is a weapon that was granted with the help from the angel of victory Raguel, or goddess of victory Nike, depending on the gender of the user. It grants the user the ability of summoning fallen heroes and soldiers to fight once more. It also grants the allies the survive a single fatal hit and leaves them at 25% Hp. The weapon treated as a spear because the flag can become a Jousting Lance when on horse back. The Lance also summons a unicorn or a Pegasus as a mount. The requirement for the weapon is a person who freed others from tyranny or corruption and, it works better with women who are virgins and single.
Trisagion, The song sang by the seraphim is in a book. By saying the words in the book, It can burn the opponents with it. You can also summon a biblical accurate seraphim or an angel with six wings with eyes on each individual feather and looks like a naked humanoid body being covered up by the wings. It is said that the lyrics are so powerful the book would burn anyone who does not fit the requirements of the item. The requirement is that a person who is pure in heart and reason. Children have a better chance of wielding it.
The Sword of saint George is used in the sword weapon. The blade is used to slay a dragon. The weapon is best used against dragon's giant snakes or any thing similar. The weapon has the ability to summon a laser from the sky or the blade it self becomes shrouded with light. The blade grants all of the user's allies to just gain a shield of light around them or grant them holy Armour meaning they can take any hit no matter what and take no damage so something like an instant kill attack would do no damage. The person requirement is must have the ability to follow their own wills.
Here are the personalities of exosisters.
Elis is described to be a cheerful and nice but has the inability to get any hint without telling it directly and is in love with Stella.
Stella is an amazing cook with a motherly personality. She is in love with Elis.
Malfa is the leader of the exosisters. She has a very bug sister energy. She has a crush on Elis jut Elis doesn't reciprocate. She also has a crush on Minerva but feels like she cannot act on it cause it feels like she is dating her boss.
Irene is described to be as a less manipulative and smarter version of Yae but makes up in it by making incredible roasts. She loves to tease and fluster Sophia but Irene also cheers her up when she is down.
Sophia is described to be as a very down to earth woman. She is an investigator for the group and worked part time at a detective agency in the past. She is has the inability to be funny. Her relationship with Irene is that of your an idiot but you're my idiot.
The question of how does this fit into the theme of freedom. The weapon could represent this Lucy = freedom of choice, David= freedom of limit, Joan=Joan of Arc so this is obvious, Trisagion= freedom from evil, George=freedom from corrupt rules.
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