#selenium 3 vs selenium 4
qabletestlab · 2 years
Today we will get to know about the basic differences between Selenium 3 and Selenium 4. Further, Selenium testing is widely being used across the industry.
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periodiccompletionist · 11 months
Round 1, Side 3, Match 4:
Hedonium is a fictional element/material. Unfortunately, I could not find much concrete information on this one outside of Wikipedia's List of Fictional Elements, which says it is a hypothetical substance in philosophy that would be "optimal for generating pleasure." If someone else has more insight on this subject than me and would like to explain so that I'm not giving Hedonium the short end of the stick here, feel free to reblog with an explanation or leave one in my ask box.
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Periodic Table Championship: Round 3, Day 3, Carbon vs. Bismuth
Just over halfway through round 3 has a match up with carbon facing off against bismuth. Carbon easily beat copernicium and tellurium, while bismuth had closer matches against selenium and plutonium.
It could be stated that both carbon and bismuth are known for the structures the pure elements can form, carbon for its many varieties (graphite, diamond, graphene, buckyballs) and bismuth for the rainbow colored spiral crystals it forms. Carbon has countless allotropes, particularly if you include the different fullerenes as distinct, largely in part because of its ability to form multiple stable covalent bonds. The characteristic bismuth crystals, on the other hand, can only be grown in the lab; the shape is a result of growth rate differences between the edges and center of the crystals, while the color is a form of structural color from uneven oxide layer thickness.
Current research into carbon as the pure element often focuses on nanomaterials these days, but because of carbon's prevalence (in steels, in polymers, in the form carbon dioxide) listing all current research avenues would take quite a while. Research into bismuth often focuses on its electrical and magnetic properties, including in ferroelectrics, ferromagnetics, and thermoelectrics.
Image sources: Carbon; Bismuth ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 )
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grotechminds · 13 days
Master Automation Testing with Python: Selenium WebDriver Guide
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Automation Testing with Python: A Comprehensive Guide to Selenium WebDriver
Automation testing is like having a personal assistant who tirelessly performs repetitive tasks, ensuring everything works as it should. For anyone diving into the world of software testing, Selenium WebDriver paired with Python is a match made in heaven. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about automation testing with Python , offering a detailed Python Selenium tutorial that’s easy to follow, even if you’re new to the scene. Discover the ultimate guide to automation testing with Python. Learn the ins and outs of Selenium WebDriver in this comprehensive Python Selenium tutorial.
Table of Contents
Introduction to Automation Testing
Why Choose Selenium WebDriver with Python?
Setting Up Your Environment
Installing Python and Selenium
Understanding the Basics of Selenium WebDriver
Writing Your First Test Script
Interacting with Web Elements
Handling Waits in Selenium
Managing Multiple Windows and Frames
Taking Screenshots with Selenium
Advanced Selenium Features
Debugging and Error Handling
Best Practices for Selenium Testing
Integrating Selenium with Other Tools
Introduction to Automation Testing
Imagine having to manually check every single function on a website every time there’s a small update. Sounds tedious, right? That’s where automation testing comes in. It’s like setting up a robot to perform these repetitive tasks for you, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Automation testing helps save time, reduces human error, and allows for more thorough testing.
Why Choose Selenium WebDriver with Python?
Ease of Use and Flexibility
Selenium WebDriver is a powerful tool that allows you to control a web browser through programs and perform browser automation. It supports multiple programming languages, but pairing it with Python offers a unique advantage. Python's simple and readable syntax makes it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers.
Open Source and Community Support
Selenium is open-source, which means it’s free to use and constantly being improved by a large community of developers. This extensive community support ensures that you can find solutions to most problems online, making your automation testing journey smoother.
Cross-Browser and Cross-Platform Testing
Selenium WebDriver supports all major browsers (like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge) and can run on various platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux). This versatility makes it a one-stop solution for browser automation.
Setting Up Your Environment
Before diving into writing test scripts, you need to set up your environment. This includes installing Python, a code editor, and Selenium WebDriver.
Choosing a Code Editor
There are many code editors available, but for Python, some popular choices include PyCharm, VS Code, and Sublime Text. These editors offer features like syntax highlighting, debugging tools, and extensions that can make your coding experience more pleasant.
Installing Python and Selenium
Step-by-Step Installation
Download and Install Python: Head to the official Python website and download the latest version. Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Install Selenium: Open your command prompt or terminal and type the following command: bash Copy code pip install selenium
Install WebDriver: Depending on the browser you want to automate, you need to download the corresponding WebDriver. For instance, for Chrome, download ChromeDriver from the official site.
Understanding the Basics of Selenium WebDriver
What is Selenium WebDriver?
python for automation testing Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to execute your tests against different browsers. It provides a way to interact with web elements, such as clicking buttons, entering text, and navigating through pages.
Core Components
WebDriver: The main interface for testing web applications.
WebElement: Represents an HTML element on a web page.
Browser Drivers: Bridge between your test scripts and browsers.
Writing Your First Test Script
Setting Up Your Script
Let’s start with a simple script to open a web page and check its title.
Import the Necessary Modules: python Copy code from selenium import webdriver
Set Up WebDriver: python Copy code driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='path/to/chromedriver')
Verify the Page Title: python Copy code assert "Example Domain" in driver.title
Running Your Script
Save your script and run it using Python. If everything is set up correctly, your browser should open, navigate to the specified URL, check the title, and then close.
Interacting with Web Elements
Locating Elements
Selenium provides several ways to locate elements on a web page:
By ID: python Copy code element = driver.find_element_by_id("element_id")
By Name: python Copy code element = driver.find_element_by_name("element_name")
By XPath: python Copy code element = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//tag[@attribute='value']")
Performing Actions
Once you have located an element, you can perform various actions:
Clicking a Button: python Copy code element.click()
Entering Text: python Copy code element.send_keys("sample text")
Clearing Text: python Copy code element.clear()
Handling Waits in Selenium
Implicit Waits
Implicit waits tell WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception if it cannot find an element immediately.
Copy code
driver.implicitly_wait(10)  # waits for 10 seconds
Explicit Waits
Explicit waits are used to wait for a specific condition to be met before continuing.
Copy code
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
element = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
    EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "element_id"))
Managing Multiple Windows and Frames
Switching Between Windows
Sometimes, your test needs to interact with multiple windows. Here’s how to switch between them:
Copy code
# Store the ID of the original window
original_window = driver.current_window_handle
# Open a new window and switch to it
# Switch back to the original window
Handling Frames
Frames are used to embed HTML documents within another HTML document.
Copy code
# Switch to frame by name or ID
Copy code
# Switch back to the default content
Taking Screenshots with Selenium
Capturing Screenshots
Screenshots are incredibly useful for debugging and record-keeping. Here’s how to capture and save a screenshot with Selenium:
Copy code
Saving Screenshots of Specific Elements
If you only want to capture a specific element, you can use the screenshot method on a WebElement:
Copy code
element = driver.find_element_by_id("element_id")
Advanced Selenium Features
Handling Alerts and Pop-ups
Selenium can handle JavaScript alerts and pop-ups. Here’s how:
Accepting an Alert: python Copy code alert = driver.switch_to.alert
Dismissing an Alert: python Copy code alert = driver.switch_to.alert
Executing JavaScript
You can execute custom JavaScript using Selenium’s execute_script method:
Copy code
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
Debugging and Error Handling
Common Errors and Solutions
NoSuchElementException: This occurs when Selenium can’t find an element. Double-check your locator and ensure the element is present.
TimeoutException: This happens when an explicit wait times out. Make sure the conditions you are waiting for are met within the specified time.
Using Try-Except Blocks
To handle exceptions gracefully, use try-except blocks:
Copy code
    element = driver.find_element_by_id("non_existent_id")
except NoSuchElementException:
    print("Element not found!")
Best Practices for Selenium Testing
Keep Your Tests Independent
Ensure each test can run independently without relying on the state left by previous tests. This improves reliability and makes debugging easier.
Use Page Object Model (POM)
The Page Object Model is a design pattern that encourages storing locators and interactions with web pages in separate classes. This makes your code more maintainable.
Regularly Update WebDrivers
Keep your browser drivers updated to match the latest browser versions to avoid compatibility issues.
Integrating Selenium with Other Tools
Continuous Integration (CI)
Integrate your Selenium tests with CI tools like Jenkins to automate running your tests whenever code changes are made.
Test Reporting
Use reporting tools like Allure or TestNG to generate detailed test reports, making it easier to track the results and performance of your tests.
automation testing in python  using Selenium WebDriver is a powerful combination for any tester's toolkit. By automating repetitive tasks, you can focus on more critical aspects of your project and ensure a higher quality product. This guide has walked you through setting up your environment, writing test scripts, and employing best practices. Now, you’re well on your way to becoming proficient in automation testing.
1. What is Selenium WebDriver?
Selenium WebDriver is a web automation framework that allows you to execute your tests against different browsers, providing a way to interact with web elements like buttons and text fields.
2. Why should I use Python for Selenium testing?
python in automation testing  simple and readable syntax makes it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced developers, facilitating quicker and more efficient scripting.
3. How do I handle dynamic elements in Selenium?
You can handle dynamic elements by using explicit waits, which wait for specific conditions to be met before proceeding with the test.
4. Can Selenium interact with mobile applications?
Selenium itself is designed for web applications. For mobile application testing, you can use Appium, which extends Selenium’s functionality to mobile apps.
5. How do I capture screenshots in Selenium?
You can capture screenshots using the save_screenshot method for the entire page or the screenshot method for specific elements, which is useful for debugging and reporting purposes.
By following this comprehensive guide, you can harness the full potential of Selenium WebDriver with Python, streamlining your testing processes and enhancing the quality of your software products. Happy testing!
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kushitworld · 8 months
Highlight Essential Tools, Libraries, And Resources For Web Development Process
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Web Development Tools: Highlight essential tools, libraries, and resources that can streamline the web development process and boost productivity.
Web development is an ever-evolving field, and staying ahead requires not just coding skills but also familiarity with a plethora of web development tools, libraries, and resources. These tools are designed to streamline the development process and boost productivity, allowing developers to create websites and web applications more efficiently. In this article, we’ll highlight essential tools that are indispensable for modern web development.
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
1. Visual Studio Code (VS Code): This open-source code editor from Microsoft is incredibly popular for web development. With a vast collection of extensions, it supports multiple languages and offers features like auto-completion, debugging, and Git integration.
2. Sublime Text: Known for its speed and efficiency, Sublime Text is a lightweight text editor that is highly customizable and supports various programming languages. It’s favored by developers for its simplicity and performance.
3. WebStorm: WebStorm by JetBrains is a robust IDE designed specifically for web development. It provides advanced coding assistance, intelligent coding insight, and powerful debugging capabilities.
Version Control
4. Git: Git is the standard for version control in web development. GitHub and GitLab are popular platforms for hosting Git repositories, facilitating collaboration and code management.
Package Managers
5. npm (Node Package Manager): npm is the default package manager for JavaScript and is used for installing and managing libraries and dependencies for Node.js and frontend projects.
6. Yarn: Yarn is an alternative to npm, designed for performance and reliability. It offers faster package installation and deterministic builds.
Task Runners and Build Tools
7. Gulp: Gulp is a task runner that automates repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, and testing. It’s particularly useful for frontend development.
8. Webpack: Webpack is a powerful module bundler that optimizes and bundles JavaScript, CSS, and other assets, improving website performance.
9. Grunt: Grunt is another popular JavaScript task runner, known for its configurability and ability to automate various development tasks.
Content Management Systems (CMS)
10. WordPress: For content-driven websites and blogs, WordPress is a versatile and user-friendly CMS with a vast ecosystem of themes and plugins.
11. Drupal: Drupal is a robust and highly customizable CMS ideal for complex websites and applications. It provides advanced content management and user access control.
12. Joomla: Joomla is a middle-ground between WordPress and Drupal, offering a balance of user-friendliness and flexibility for various web projects.
Web Frameworks
13. React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, React is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive frontend components.
14. Angular: A full-featured frontend framework by Google, Angular is suitable for building complex web applications.
15. Vue.js: A progressive JavaScript framework, Vue.js is known for its simplicity and ease of integration into existing projects.
16. Django: A high-level Python web framework, Django is ideal for rapidly building secure, maintainable websites and applications.
17. Ruby on Rails: A Ruby-based framework, Ruby on Rails follows the convention over configuration (CoC) and don’t repeat yourself (DRY) principles, making it efficient for web application development.
Testing and Debugging Tools
18. Selenium: Selenium is an open-source tool for automating browser actions and performing functional testing on web applications.
19. Chrome DevTools: A set of web developer tools built into the Chrome browser, DevTools includes inspection, debugging, and performance profiling features.
20. Postman: Postman simplifies the process of developing APIs and services, allowing developers to test requests and responses.
Libraries and Frameworks for Styling
21. Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework for creating responsive and visually appealing web designs.
22. SASS/SCSS: SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) and SCSS (Sassy CSS) are CSS preprocessors that simplify and enhance the CSS development process.
Collaboration and Communication
23. Slack: Slack is a messaging platform that facilitates real-time communication and collaboration among development teams.
24. JIRA: JIRA by Atlassian is a project management and issue tracking tool, which is often used for agile software development.
Learning Resources
25. MDN Web Docs: Mozilla Developer Network’s Web Docs is a valuable resource for web development documentation and tutorials.
26. Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is a community-driven platform where developers can ask and answer technical questions.
In conclusion, these essential web development tools, libraries, and resources are the backbone of efficient and productive web development projects. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned developer, leveraging these tools will streamline your development workflow and empower you to create cutting-edge websites and web applications. Keep in mind that the web development landscape is dynamic, and staying updated with the latest tools and trends is crucial for success in this field.
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hellosravani · 11 months
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simplythetest · 1 year
Conference Recap: SeleniumConf 2023
This year, I had the honour and pleasure of attending SeleniumConf 2023. This was the first in-person, full-blown Selenium conference since 2019. This year the conference was held in Chicago, Illinois which is pretty convenient for me, since I live a couple of lakes over in Toronto.
Overall, it was a wonderful conference with great people talking about a great piece of software. Here are some thoughts and highlights:
Selenium State of The Union
As this was the first Selenium Conference in a while, there were several notable changes from the Selenium project itself. One change is that now Diego Molina of Sauce Labs is the main maintainer of the project, taking over for the esteemed Simon Stewart. Diego gave the Selenium State of the Union keynote to open the conference (side note, all conference talks are now available on the Selenium channel on YouTube).
One happy note about this opening keynote is that there was a lot of focus on the Selenium community and providing encouragement to contribute to the project in some way. The Selenium community is fairly large, particularly if you include end users of the Selenium WebDriver, Grid and IDE, so it is good to see the Selenium contributors reaching out to the community for help. The next year or so definitely seems like a great time to contribute to the Selenium project if you've ever wanted to. Diego's keynote highlights this pretty well.
Marketing Releases vs Technical Releases
Another big happening in the Selenium world since the previous SeleniumConf was the highly anticipated release of Selenium 4, which including solidifying the W3C protocol specification, relative locator strategies, and some other technical updates. A lightbulb moment for me was during a conversation with longtime Selenium aficionado Adam Goucher where he mentioned that while Selenium 3 and 4 were technical releases because of these technical features, Selenium 5 could be a marketing release that has some really great UX and quality-of-life updates. This meant that while Selenium versions 3 and 4 were mainly about technical changes in the application itself, Selenium 5 could be a release mainly focused on cool stuff that end users want to see. Software is like this, whether open source or not: there are important technical aspects of a piece of software on the inside, and there's the shiny fun stuff on the outside. Both aspects are critical for high quality software but sometimes the technical takes precedence over the shiny and vice versa. Thinking about both is what makes good software great.
The talks were good, actually
Chatting with a few people in and around the conference, some people mentioned how the talks overall in both tracks were quite good, and I have to agree. While I've seen some talks that fall into the "two stars, would not watch again" category (which is another blog post in itself), the quality of talks overall at SeleniumConf this year was quite good! Some selected talks that I enjoyed:
The second keynote of day one was from Erika Chestnut who gave an excellent talk on building a culture of quality as finding missed opportunities. This is a great talk for test developers and non-test developers alike. One analogy that struck me was Erika using the analogy of a culture without quality as cooking without seasoning, which I'm still working my mind around.
Noemi Ferrera aka TheTestLynx gave a great talk on web crawlers, which provided a nice overview of how to think about web crawlers and different approaches for different contexts.
A talk that I personally enjoyed was Benjamin Bishoff's talk on identifying code smells. In efficient fashion, he presented twenty-one (!) object-oriented programming code smells and provided examples and explanations of each one during his talk. You can read more about his time at SeleniumConf.
Another talk that I enjoyed a surprising amount was Shi Ling Tai's live demo of difficult to test web UI elements using UI-licious. The live coding examples went very well considering she presented cases that are traditionally "flaky" for web automation, and the talk was crisp and fun.
The second day's keynote was given by the always great Mark Winterinham who talked about what exactly people do in test automation. This was a great keynote for test automation specialists since it gave a description of automation as a story that we tell.
and of course, I have to mention my talk, Selenium in the Clouds which went well.
Tools are tools are tools
A theme that I found interesting that arose through several talks was the discussion of tooling. A few times I heard from people who were not me phrases like "Selenium is only a tool" or "learn to use different tools for different purposes" and so on. To me this is a nice trend to see at conferences like SeleniumConf, since many folks who use Selenium use other similar but different tools as well. The idea of "only" using this tool or that, or test automation "never" using this tool or such, is one that is frankly incorrect and unhelpful. Learning to think critically of tools in your context is an important lesson and I'm glad to see this at such a mainstream software conference.
I really love Chicago
As I mentioned at the top of this article, Chicago is pretty close to Toronto which was a motivator to go to SeleniumConf this time around. However, I've been to Chicago before and this trip reminded me of how lovely a city Chicago is. It's a large city but it is also walkable: I was able to find everything I needed within a short walk of the hotel venue. The architecture of Chicago is beautiful, diverse and yet somehow coherent. Plus, there's deep dish pizza.
Between the beautiful city, the great venue and the excellent conference staff and volunteers, SeleniumConf 2023 was a hit.
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crystalgood · 1 year
Meat lovers and BBQ fans everywhere—it's time to settle the debate once and for all: Tri tip vs. brisket, which is best? Both are flavorful cuts of beef that can be slow-cooked over low heat and smothered in a variety of mouthwatering sauces, but when it comes down to judging one superior cut over another there may never be a decisive answer. Join us on this culinary exploration as we compare tri tip versus brisket, discussing everything from marination options to slow cooking techniques that will liven up your next barbecue feast! [caption id="attachment_2093" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Tri Tip Vs Brisket[/caption] What Is Tri Tip? Tri Tip is a steak cut that originated in California and has become popular across the country. It is sometimes referred to as the Santa Maria style brisket and is a great option for those who want to enjoy a steak but don't have a lot of time to cook one. It is a lean and tender cut that has a rich beef flavor, and it is incredibly juicy when cooked properly. It can be grilled, baked or roasted and is best when it is cooked to a medium rare. To get the most out of your Tri Tip, make sure to marinate it for 30 minutes before grilling it. This will help it to get the most out of the seasoning and make it easier for you to sear on the grill. After cooking, take the roast off the grill and let it rest for 15 minutes to allow it to re-absorb its juices. This will ensure that it is tender and delicious when you slice it. When slicing tri tip, it is important to cut it across the grain, as it helps to shorten its long muscle fibers and make it more tender. Taking the time to learn how to slice your meat properly will make a huge difference in the overall quality of your meal! Tri Tip Nutrition Fact: Tri Tip is an inexpensive cut of beef that is high in protein and low in fat. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including zinc, selenium and niacin. A 4 oz serving of tri tip contains 175 calories, 19 grams of protein and less than 5 grams of fat. It is also a good source for B vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin. This meat can be grilled, pan fried or smoked. It is also an excellent choice for fajitas and stir-fry dishes. To prepare the meat, first remove any silver skin from it with a sharp knife. Next, coat the entire tri tip with a dry rub. If the tri-tip still has a layer of fat on top, score the top of the roast in a criss-cross pattern to help the dry rub penetrate. Roast the tri-tip in a preheated oven until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the roast reads 130 degrees for medium-rare, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Remove from the oven and cover with foil to rest for 20 minutes before slicing across the grain. What Is Brisket? Brisket is one of the nine primal cuts of beef. It comes from the lower chest muscles of a cow or steer, which are highly active and are rich in connective tissue. The meat is tough, so it needs low and slow cooking to become tender. This process melts the connective tissue, leaving you with a flavorful and juicy cut of meat. Despite its tough nature, brisket is a popular meat cut that can be cooked in many ways. It can be smoked, braised, and simmered in a variety of sauces. When smoked, it has a dense, savory flavor that can be similar to lean steak. It’s usually seasoned with salt and pepper. It’s also a good source of iron, zinc, phosphorus and selenium. These nutrients can help boost the immune system and aid in digestion. A 3-ounce serving of brisket provides 38 percent of your daily recommended intake of zinc, 14 percent of your daily requirement of iron and 26 percent of your required amount of selenium. Brisket Nutrition Fact: Brisket is a tough cut of meat with a lot of collagen fibers. When cooked correctly, the collagen is converted to a water-soluble form that softens the meat and makes it tender. It is a good source of protein, providing 28 grams per serving and 51 percent of the recommended daily amount of protein for women.
It also contains iron, zinc and phosphorus in higher concentrations than many other foods. The brisket is an important part of any corned beef meal and can be eaten as it is, sliced thin and added to the top of a bowl of potatoes and cabbage, or even served over eggs for an additional boost of protein. Alternatively, it is also used to make a variety of tasty corned beef hash. The best way to enjoy this oh-so-tough cut is to braise it for an extended period of time, which makes it more palatable. As a bonus, it is one of the most nutrient-dense cuts of beef available. This makes it a smart addition to a healthy diet. What Is The Difference Between Tri Tip vs Brisket? Tri tip and brisket are both popular cuts of beef that are delicious and versatile. However, they have many differences in their marbling, fat content, cooking times, and storage. Both brisket and tri tip are high in protein, which is important for healthy diets. They also contain a good amount of iron and potassium, which help regulate blood pressure and lower inflammation. Compared to brisket, tri tip is leaner and can be cooked quickly over high heat for maximum flavor and tenderness. Both cuts are also relatively easy to prepare, although brisket requires a bit more skill and practice than tri tip. Both brisket and tri tip are available at most major supermarkets and local grocers. The only difference is that tri tip tends to be harder to find in more rural areas. Tri Tip vs Brisket Which Is Better? Tri tip is a steak-like cut of meat that has a beefy flavor. It’s a great choice for people who want to enjoy a hearty meal but still have a healthy diet. On the other hand, brisket is a tougher cut of meat that requires more finesse to cook properly. It’s also more expensive than tri tip, but if you want a tender and juicy result, it’s worth the extra effort. Brisket is often available in the butcher section of most grocery stores, and it’s a popular choice for many people. It’s also cheaper per pound than tri tip, and it can feed a large group of people or serve as a huge spread for your next party. However, if you’re just starting out in the kitchen and don’t have much experience with cooking meat, brisket may be too difficult for you to handle. In order to prepare it properly, you’ll need a sharp knife and a lot of patience. It’s also important to cook it for the right amount of time in order to achieve the best result. How To Choose Tri Tip vs Brisket? It can be hard to make a choice between tri tip and brisket. However, knowing the differences between these two cuts can help you choose which one is right for your family. Tri tip is a smaller cut of meat that has a rich, beefy flavor. It is also a more affordable alternative to brisket. When cooking, tri tip should be slow cooked to render out the fat and tenderize the connective tissues. It can also be smoked for additional flavor. If you’re new to smoking, tri tip is a great place to start. It’s much easier to work with than brisket, and it requires less prep and resting. Brisket, on the other hand, is a bigger cut of meat that is more expensive and takes longer to cook. It is also more difficult to find in many grocery stores and butcher shops. Conclusion: When it comes to choosing a cut of meat, there are several options available to you. The decision is based on personal taste, budget, and preparation time. If you’re looking for a high-quality beef product that will deliver on all three fronts, look no further than the brisket. In a nutshell, this is a long legged piece of beef with a good amount of marbling to help it stand up to slow cooking. This meat is a real crowd pleaser, and it’s often the star of the show when it comes to dinner parties and barbecues. While tri tip and brisket are both well-known in the beef world, deciding which is right for you can be a tough decision to make. While both cuts can be found in a wide variety of grocery stores, the tri-tip is usually a bit more difficult to come by than its cousin.
It also carries a higher price tag than its less snobbish counterpart, so you might need to do a little digging to find the best deal.
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automationqa · 1 year
Selenium 3 Vs Selenium 4: The Difference
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Selenium is an open-source test automation tool widely used for testing web applications. With the release of Selenium 4, many testers are wondering about the difference between Selenium 3 and Selenium 4. In this blog, we'll compare Selenium 3 and Selenium 4 and highlight the key differences between the two versions for Selenium Testing. Selenium Grid 4 
One of the significant changes in Selenium 4 is the updated Selenium Grid. The new Grid is built on a new technology stack, providing significant improvements in terms of scalability and stability. The new Grid is also designed to be more user-friendly, making it easier to use and manage.  Selenium IDE 
Selenium IDE has been updated in Selenium 4 with many new features and improvements. One of the most significant changes is the ability to export recorded scripts in a wide range of programming languages, making it more versatile and adaptable to different testing needs.  Selenium DevTools Protocol 
Selenium 4 introduces a new DevTools protocol that allows for more effective and efficient testing. With the DevTools protocol, testers can easily interact with the browser's internals and access information that was previously unavailable, enabling more comprehensive testing.  Relative Locators 
Relative locators are a new feature in Selenium 4 that allows testers to locate web elements based on their relationship with other elements. This makes it easier to locate elements that are difficult to find using traditional methods, improving the reliability and accuracy of testing.  Selenium 4 is backward compatible 
Selenium 4 is fully backward compatible, which means that test scripts written for Selenium 3 can be easily migrated to Selenium 4. This makes it easier for testers to upgrade to Selenium 4 and take advantage of its new features and improvements. Improved documentation 
Another significant improvement in Selenium 4 is the updated and improved documentation. The new documentation is more comprehensive and easier to use, providing better support for users and making it easier to learn and use Selenium. 
In conclusion, Selenium 4 is a significant upgrade from Selenium 3, with many new features and improvements that make it a more effective and efficient test automation tool. The updated Selenium Grid, new Selenium IDE, DevTools protocol, relative locators, and improved documentation are just a few of the many new features and improvements that make Selenium 4 a great choice for testers. With its backward compatibility, it's easier than ever for testers to upgrade to Selenium 4 and take advantage of its new features and improvements. 
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edlong · 2 years
Are rice noodles healthier than pasta
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Some studies have found that eating brown rice can increase antioxidant levels in the blood and may aid in preventing chronic conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease ( 4, 5). Plus, research shows that the bran found in brown rice is loaded with antioxidants, powerful compounds that can help fight oxidative damage to cells and promote better health ( 3). The issue of rice noodles vs egg noodles is a matter of personal taste.Brown rice pasta is one of the most popular varieties of gluten-free pasta due to its mild flavor and chewy texture - both of which work well as a substitute for most traditional pasta dishes.Ĭompared to most other types of pasta, brown rice pasta is a good source of fiber, with nearly three grams in a one-cup (195-gram) serving of cooked pasta ( 1).īrown rice is also high in important micronutrients like manganese, selenium and magnesium ( 2). But there are also many tasty egg noodle Thai dishes. One cup of cooked rice noodles made with white rice has about 193 calories, 0.4 grams of fat, 43.8 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of fiber, and 1.6 grams of protein. Rice noodles are lower in calories, fat, and protein than egg noodles. They can be made using red, white, or brown rice. That’s because they contain no wheat or animal products. Unlike egg noodles, rice noodles are gluten-free and vegan. One cup of cooked egg noodles has about 221 calories, 3.3 grams of fat, 40.3 grams of carbohydrates, 1.9 grams of fiber, and 7.3 grams of protein.Įgg noodles have a low glycemic index score of 40, meaning they’re less likely to cause blood sugar levels to spike than foods with higher scores. Nutritional Differences Egg Noodlesīecause egg noodles contain eggs, they have more protein than other noodles. But wide noodles are used in rice noodle dishes like Thai Ginger’s Phad See Iew. Thai cooking uses thin rice noodles in many dishes. Like egg noodles, rice noodles are usually long noodles. Sometimes tapioca or cornstarch is added to improve the appearance and texture of the noodles. Rice noodles contain mostly rice flour and water. You combine wheat flour, eggs, water, and salt to make egg noodles. In contrast, egg noodles use finer milled wheat flour. Italian pasta is made with semolina, a coarse durum wheat flour. They are made with wheat flour, eggs, water, and salt.Įgg noodles are similar to Italian pasta, but not the same. As their name suggests, egg noodles contain eggs-a lot of eggs compared to other types of noodles. What are egg noodles?Įgg noodles are long, thin noodles. At Thai Ginger, we serve it with a fresh-cut lime.Įgg noodles are the noodle of choice in Ba Mee Hang, a delicious steamed noodle dish with garlic sauce. Traditional Phad Thai, like ours, is a combination of rice noodles stir-fried with egg, bean sprouts, onion, and fresh roasted ground peanuts in tamarind sauce. The quintessential Thai dish is Phad Thai a noodle stir fry served worldwide. Since its introduction to the US in 1972, Thai food has rapidly become one of the most popular cuisines in America. Here’s more about both to help you decide which to try next. The choice of rice noodles vs egg noodles isn’t an easy one to make. Two popular Thai noodles are rice noodles and egg noodles. From udon and soba to rice and egg noodles, there’s something for everyone. Invented in China about 10,000 years ago, noodles enjoy worldwide popularity today. They are adaptable, versatile, and delicious. Noodles may be the ultimate comfort food. Rice Noodles vs Egg Noodles: The Differences, Explained
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uniquesystemskills · 2 years
Best Software Testing Training Institute in Pune: UNIQUE System Skills Pune
Unique System Skills (India) Pvt. Ltd. offers the best software testing training course in Pune with a 100% placement guarantee. 100% live project-based training from a corporate trainer. Affordable fees and best course duration suitable for students and professionals, fresher’s or experienced.
What is Software Testing?
A software testing job is highly popular, and one of the most profitable fields for a career option in the IT sector. In this Modern world, commonly we all are living in the middle of those technologies used in software products. To provide investors with information on the quality of the product and service are under review, software testing conducted. Software testing allows companies to evaluate and understand the risk of software structure; the software tests will also provide an autonomous analytical outlook of the software. Software test techniques involve running a software application’s capacity to track failures and checking that the software is appropriate for use, thus great demand for software testing professionals who can perform the actual testing of such software issues.
What is Exactly Software Testing?
Software testing is a technique to analyze a software application’s performance to see whether the developed software meets the specified criteria or may not and whether to locate the marks to make sure that the system is a fault to create more improvement in a quality product.
The software application’s conducting analysis is a method to identify whether another software was developed with the criteria and detect flaws to guarantee the software is error-free for a reliable product is produced.
Software Testing: Basic Testing, Selenium, Web Services, API Testing, Performance Testing, LoadRunner, ETL Testing
Software Testing Types: There are two types of software testing for testers such as; Manual and Automation
Software Testing Course Syllabus:
Module 1): Manual Testing:
Unit Testing Techniques
Real-Time Live Project
Testing Techniques
Module 2): Core Java
Operators & Flow Control
Collection Framework
Module 3): Selenium Automation Testing
Selenium WebDriver 3. X
POI Excel Automation / Properties Files
Ant / Maven
Git / Git Hub
Module 4): Database (PL/SQL)
Datatypes, Operators, Clauses & Select Statements
SQL Functions
Module 5): Advance Manual
Live Project
Workflow & Approach
Test Management Tool / Defect Tracking Tool
Module 6): Agile
What is Agile ?
Scrum Vs XP
Traditional Approach & Agile Approach
Module 7): Web Security
The architecture of Web Applications
Sessions & Cookies
SQL Injection
Module8): ISTQB
Fundamentals of Software Testing
Static / Dynamic Testing
Test Design Techniques
Module 09: Project
Practical Training and Project Assignments
Why Choose Unique System Skills for Software Testing Training in Pune?
In this Era, Software testing is rapidly increasing in the IT industry. Unique system skills are one of the best software testing training institutes in Pune with high-quality level training with real-time projects and also provides online training. There are many reasons you choose the Unique System Skills Such as
Experienced Trainer: All our software testing trainers carry 10+ years industry rich experience, who have a passion for training, and are considered to be the best in the industry
Hands-on Practical sessions: Unique System Skills offer a comprehensive software Testing Course training that will help you master fundamentals, advanced theoretical concepts like writing scripts, sequence and file operations in software Testing while getting hands-on practical experience with the functional applications as the training is blended with hands-on assignments and live projects
100% Job Assistance: 100% Guaranteed Placements Support in MNC Companies with Big Salaries
Preparation For Certification Exams: Unique System Skills offer test candidates for the Certification exams like CAST (Certified Associate in Software Testing), CSQA (Certified Software Quality Analyst Certification), International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) Certification, Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) and Certified Manager of Software Testing (CMST)
Course fees: Courses fees are very competitive. Most of the institutes provide at less fees but compromise with the quality of the training
Student’s Ratings: 5 ***** ratings from more than 2000 students
Trust & Credibility: Unique System skills build Trust & Credibility with the best IT training in Pune.
Benefits of Software Testing Course:
Companies are on a constant hunt for Software Testers who can play a significant role in the core team and ensure complete productivity with their skills. Therefore, it is critical to find out for best Software Testing classes in Pune because the benefits are many.
Thrive in this industry with the right amount of knowledge
Lay hands-on practical knowledge with live projects
Enjoy off-campus placement assistance with mock interviews
Global certification will help skyrocket your career
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periodiccompletionist · 10 months
Round 2, Side 3, RESULTS
At 49.3%, Xenon advances! Lithium (Li I Th H U - 5/118) and Gallium (Ga Al Li I U - 5/118) are eliminated.
At 70%, Sodium advances! Selenium (S Se N Ni I U - 6/118) is eliminated.
At 77.3%, Copper advances! Dysprosium (Dy Y S P Pr O Os Si I U - 10/118) is eliminated.
At 55.6%, Curium advances! Vanadium (V N Na I U - 5/118) is eliminated.
At 91.3%, Nitrogen advances! Francium (F Fr Ra N C I U - 7/118) is eliminated.
At 70.6%, Calcium advances! Aluminum (Al Lu U I In - 5/118) is eliminated.
At 53.1%, Neodymium advances! Zirconium (I Ir C Co O N Ni U - 8/118) is eliminated.
At 63.2%, Carbon advances! Platinum (P La At Ti I In N U - 8/118) is eliminated.
Biggest Sweep: Nitrogen vs. Francium
Closest Match: Neodymium vs. Zirconium
Most Voted: Lithium vs. Xenon vs. Gallium, with 73 total votes
Today is the last day to vote on Side 4 by the way!
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qabletestlab · 2 years
People who are still unaware of selenium 4 new features should read the complete article. Furthermore, being a reliable testing company in India, we aim to keep the technocrats informed so that they can build a robust and bug-free application.
#selenium #selenium4 #seleniumautomation #seleniumtesting #india #softwaretesting #softwaretester #qualityassurance #qualityengineering
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grotechminds · 20 days
Online Course on Python for Automation Testing
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Online Course on Python for Automation Testing
Have you ever wondered how software Testing ensures that everything works perfectly before a product is released? Or maybe you’ve heard about automation testing and are curious about how it all works. In today’s fast-paced tech world, automation testing with Python has become a game-changer, saving time and increasing efficiency. If you're looking to dive into this exciting field, an online course on Python for automation testing might just be the perfect starting point.
Python is a versatile programming language that's easy to learn and widely used in various industries. It’s particularly popular in automation testing due to its readability and the extensive range of libraries available. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced tester, learning Python can open up a world of opportunities. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about taking an online course on Automation Testing with Python .
Table of Contents
Introduction to Python for Automation Testing
Why Choose Python for Automation Testing?
Getting Started with Python
Setting Up Your Environment
Python Basics: Syntax and Structure
Understanding Python Libraries for Testing
Creating Your First Automation Script
Advanced Automation Techniques
Integrating Python with Other Tools
Best Practices for Automation Testing
Common Challenges and Solutions
Building a Career in Automation Testing
Choosing the Right Online Course
Introduction to Python for Automation Testing
Automation testing is all about using software to test other software. It’s like having a robot assistant that tirelessly runs tests, finds bugs, and ensures everything works smoothly. Python is a fantastic language for this because it’s easy to read and write, making it accessible even if you’re new to programming.
Why Choose Python for Automation Testing?
python for automation testing  is like the Swiss Army knife of programming languages. Here’s why:
Ease of Use: Python’s simple syntax makes it easy to learn and use, even for beginners.
Versatility: Python can be used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.
Rich Libraries: Python boasts a vast collection of libraries like Selenium, pytest, and more, which simplify automation testing.
Community Support: A large and active community means you’ll find plenty of resources, tutorials, and help when you need it.
Getting Started with Python
Starting with python automation testing is straightforward. You don’t need any special background in programming. Many online courses begin with the basics, ensuring that you understand the fundamental concepts before moving on to more advanced topics.
Setting Up Your Environment
Before you start coding, you’ll need to set up your environment. This involves installing Python and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like PyCharm or VS Code. These tools help you write, test, and debug your code more efficiently.
Installing Python
Download Python: Visit the official Python website and download the latest version.
Install Python: Follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Verify Installation: Open a terminal or command prompt and type python --version to check if Python is installed correctly.
Choosing an IDE
An IDE is like a writer’s desk, providing all the tools you need in one place. Popular IDEs for Python include:
PyCharm: A powerful IDE with many features designed specifically for Python.
Visual Studio Code: A lightweight, customizable code editor that supports Python through extensions.
Python Basics: Syntax and Structure
Understanding the basics of Python syntax and structure is crucial before diving into automation testing. Here are some fundamental concepts:
Variables and Data Types
Python supports various data types including integers, floats, strings, and lists. Here’s an example:
Copy code
name = "John"
age = 30
height = 5.9
hobbies = ["reading", "coding", "hiking"]
Control Structures
Control structures like loops and conditionals help you control the flow of your programs. For example:
Copy code
if age > 18:
for hobby in hobbies:
Understanding Python Libraries for Testing
Python’s real power in automation testing comes from its libraries. Here are a few essential ones:
python selenium tutorial  is a popular tool for automating web browser interactions. It allows you to write scripts that can interact with web pages just like a human would.
Copy code
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
pytest is a framework that makes it easy to write simple and scalable test cases.
Copy code
def test_example():
    assert func(3) == 5
Creating Your First Automation Script
Creating your first automation script is an exciting milestone. Let’s write a simple script using Selenium:
Copy code
from selenium import webdriver
# Set up the driver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Navigate to the website
# Find an element
search_box = driver.find_element_by_name("q")
# Interact with the element
search_box.send_keys("Automation testing with Python")
# Close the driver
This script opens a web browser, navigates to a website, finds a search box, enters a query, and submits it.
Advanced Automation Techniques
As you gain confidence, you can explore more advanced techniques like handling alerts, working with frames, and executing JavaScript.
Handling Alerts
Alerts are pop-up messages that require user interaction. Here’s how you can handle them:
Copy code
alert = driver.switch_to.alert
Working with Frames
Frames allow you to embed one HTML document within another. To switch to a frame, use:
Copy code
Executing JavaScript
You can execute JavaScript directly in the browser using Selenium:
Copy code
driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")
Integrating Python with Other Tools
Python can be integrated with various tools to enhance your automation capabilities. Here are a few examples:
Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps automate parts of the software development process. You can integrate Python scripts with Jenkins to run tests automatically as part of your CI/CD pipeline.
Docker allows you to package applications into containers, making them easier to deploy and manage. You can run your Python automation scripts inside Docker containers to ensure consistency across different environments.
Best Practices for Automation Testing
To make the most of automation testing, follow these best practices:
Write Clear and Maintainable Code: Use meaningful variable names, add comments, and follow coding standards.
Modularize Your Code: Break down your tests into smaller, reusable components.
Use Version Control: Tools like Git help you keep track of changes and collaborate with others.
Regularly Review and Refactor: Periodically review your tests to ensure they are up-to-date and refactor them for better performance.
Common Challenges and Solutions
automation python comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some common ones and how to address them:
Flaky Tests
Flaky tests are tests that sometimes pass and sometimes fail. They can be caused by timing issues, network instability, or other factors. To minimize flaky tests, use explicit waits and ensure your test environment is stable.
Maintenance Overhead
As your test suite grows, maintaining it can become challenging. To manage this, keep your tests modular and regularly refactor them.
Tool Limitations
No tool is perfect. Sometimes, you might encounter limitations with the tools you’re using. Stay updated with the latest versions and look for workarounds or alternative tools.
Building a Career in Automation Testing
A career in automation testing can be rewarding and offers numerous opportunities for growth. Here are some steps to get started:
Learn the Basics: Start with a solid foundation in Python and automation testing.
Gain Practical Experience: Work on real-world projects to build your skills.
Get Certified: Certifications can enhance your resume and demonstrate your expertise.
Network and Learn: Join online forums, attend conferences, and connect with other professionals in the field.
Choosing the Right Online Course
With so many online courses available, how do you choose the right one? Here are some tips:
Check the Curriculum: Ensure the course covers both basic and advanced topics.
Look for Hands-On Projects: Practical experience is crucial for learning automation testing.
Read Reviews: Look for feedback from other students to gauge the course’s quality.
Consider the Instructor’s Expertise: Choose courses taught by experienced professionals in the field.
Learning Automation with Python  is a valuable skill that can open many doors in the tech industry. An online course can provide you with the knowledge and experience needed to excel in this field. Whether you’re looking to advance your career or simply interested in exploring a new area, Python for automation testing is a great choice.
1. What is automation testing?
Automation testing involves using software tools to execute pre-scripted tests on a software application before it is released into production.
2. Why is Python popular for automation testing?
Python is popular for automation testing because of its readability, simplicity, and the extensive range of libraries available for testing.
3. Do I need to have programming experience to learn Python for automation testing?
No, many online courses start with the basics and gradually introduce more advanced topics, making it accessible for beginners.
4. How long does it take to learn Python for automation testing?
The time it takes to learn Python for automation testing varies, but with dedication and practice, you can gain a good understanding in a few months.
5. What career opportunities are available in automation testing?
Automation testing offers various career opportunities, including roles like automation test engineer, QA engineer, and software development engineer in test (SDET).
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
🦉 The Face of a REAL Pandemic ... vs a Scamdemic-Plandemic
(Rupa Pandemik Benar)
Allow us to list some key "features" of an actual pandemic in layman terms. Compare them with what you have been seeing this past year-plus, & ask yourselves:
Is the world facing anything like this now? Are governments, big tech, big media & big pharma justified (if ever) to censor & clamp down on honest discussions & information sharing? Is there even a real need to jump into pushing untested & unproven vaccines on to the masses, and then legalize a system with "green passes" or "vaccine passports" for citizens & on travellers & tourists? Are my loved ones & I really in grave danger from SARS-Cov2 & its variants?
Read the features of a REAL PANDEMIC below, and then observe, think, and speak up!
#1. Of the people who are exposed to the "deadly & really scary" virus, at least half of them get detectable infection.
#2. The infection is detectable by some bona fide tests, NOT by some non-definitive, hyped up test kits.
#3. Of those infected, at least 1 out of 10 drop dead within a week or two.
#4. There is no simple, cheap & natural remedy for them, no way to cure them, or to reverse the situation. Even if there were possible cures or treatments, the patients die too fast from the infection. (It's "from", NOT "with" it from some comorbidities, from drug interaction problems, or from injuries.)
#5. There are just no other viable, cheaper & near-zero-risk life-saving options available: Daily sunlight & fresh air don't help. Better & correct nutrition don't make a dent. No antiviral, antiparasitic, or other safe, proven medications work. No short-term mega-doses of nutraceuticals or nutritional supplements (e.g. Vits C, D3 & A, zinc, iodine, selenium, magnesium, sulphur, colloidal silver, Omega 3, alpha lipoic acid, astaxanthin), & long-proven herbals (e.g. echinacea, oregano, astragalus, olive leaf extract, propolis, goldenseal, elderberry syrup, boneset, bugleweed, plantain, yarrow, marigold) can fight it off. Not even short-term direct intravenous (IV) mega-doses of Vits C, D3 & A, zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc. can save the infected patients once they are stricken.
#6. People are literally dropping dead like flies on the streets, at home, and after coming back from malls, mosques, temples, churches, morning & night markets, seminars, gyms, offices, pubs, taking public transports, or taking walks around their neighbourhoods or parks without wearing a mask. They just drop dead within days!
#7. Droves of "dirty, stupid & poor" foreign-immigrant workers are dying from the infection. (Yes, "dying", NOT merely "tested positive" after being holed up somewhere crowded!)
#8. Patients stricken by the virus infection (NOT "by comorbidities") overcrowd the ICUs around the country. Blaring of ambulances are heard daily, everywhere. Doctors & nurses die suddenly from the infection; NOT from exhaustion, comorbidities, or some dubious vaccine they took to "protect" themselves.
#9. Ministers & officials who went for holidays with their cronies &/or family members come back with the infection, & half of them die from it! (Now, wouldn't that be nice? This is a "Malaysian" joke, f.y.i.)
Now, ask yourself, are we anywhere near the above scenario yet? Have we even been close to that since October 2019?
Observe, recall, think!
You may ask why; is there is a worldwide "conspiracy"; what could possibly be "their" motive; is something this BIG even possible or plausible; etc. But these are the WRONG questions!
You DON'T need to ask those who are mugging, killing or kidnapping you "why", or try to understand AND believe their motives! Duh!!
Neither should you ask a bystander who's helping you, to PROVE if there is a conspiracy against you! Double duh!!!
Just look and RECOGNIZE what the perpetrators are doing to you, and FIGHT BACK! (Do you need a high IQ for this??!)
Nevertheless, at this moment, we do recommend you ask questions such as these: Who are those who stand to gain most from the push for extended Lockdowns, for (unnecessary, untested, unproven & risky) Vaccines, AND for mass media & social media Censorships since this global madness began in 2020? (And who will stand to gain the most when your government wants to create & maintain apps for movement control and vaccine green passes or e-passports? This is another "Malaysian" joke, f.y.i.)
So, we ask you: Is the current global paranoia a real pandemic? Are you really that stupid? ⚡
HOI! Si Bangla-bangla ("yang kotor & bodoh tu") pun takde mati di sini-sana! Pandemik benar, tulin, jati ke ni??!! KANTOI!!!
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hellosravani · 1 year
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