soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
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“Well, I guess the city lights are pretty to look at from here. It’d be even better to look at if I had someone amazing by my side.”
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
- Art by INDIPENCE  -
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
Lila nodded at the words spoken to her by the green-haired equivalent of what every tweenage magazine would say was hot and hunky, waiting for his explanation of what they looked like before realizing he called her little again.
It was probably a nickname, she presumed, letting it go and deciding not to blow up in his face again. She probably shocked him the first time she did such things.
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At the description, though, Lila was at a loss, which said a lot about how utterly not from Koi this person was. She knew basically everyone she thought she could remember, at this point, but none of the above rang anything in her head, unless Himi had suddenly grown to have red hair, purple eyes, and an angsty guy who harbored feelings for her.
Shaking her head, she silently grounded out in a pathetically pitiful voice, “No one described like that rings any bells, and I’m sure I would remember seeing someone like that, I’m sorry, Mister Jae Ha.”
“Well, drats. That means there’s an unlikely chance any of the others would be there if neither of them are there.” He muttered in disappointment and sighed. He wasn’t sure if it was the dragon in his soul that felt a bit anxious that his supposed ‘master’ wasn’t there, but he wasn’t alarmed, trusting in his group’s protection.
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“Oh well, I might as well describe the rest to take a chance to find out if they’re here.” The Green Dragon shrugged off his disappointment, but decided not to be too hopeful. In fact, he should be rather a bit overjoyed that he could have freedom by himself once in a while.
“Hmm... let’s see... Ah! Did you see a suspicious looking man with a scary mask that could have been scarier if he didn’t have a ridiculously cute squirrel on him? They’re super easy to spot.”
Jae-ha almost facepalmed himself for not asking about him in the first place.
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
✿ waggles eyebrows //shot
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
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[ text ] : I’d like to thank you for the delightful treat you gave me the other day. Next time, I’ll be the one to give you something even sweeter.
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text. Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text. Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text. Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text. Send “#” for a RANDOM text. Send “@” for a SCARED text. Send “&” for a LOVING text. Send “%” for a CURIOUS text. Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text. Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
☮ - Lila thinks of Jae Ha as a friend!
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“Likewise, here~ I’m very grateful to be friends with a cute girl.”
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
"Send me a ☠ if your characters wants to push mine off a cliff." Just out of curiosity for if his leg powers would let him use the sharks waiting to eat him down below as a catapult back up? Just wondering
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“I’m much too beautiful of a creature for those dreadful sharks to eat if such a thing ever happened... But to answer your question... yes, my leg powers would use them as a catapult. I would look ungraceful doing it though.”
0 notes
soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
Guess How Much I Love You! A Meme.
Send me a ♥ if your character has romantic feelings for mine. Send me a ღ if your character has unrequited feelings for mine. Send me a ♠ if your character couldn’t live without mine. Send me a ☮ if your character thinks of mine as a friend. Send me a ✰ if your character thinks of mine as their best friend. Send me a ☼ if your character wants to snuggle with mine. Send me a ⌛ if your character wants to kiss mine. Send me a ➳ if your character has thought dirty thoughts about mine. Send me a ✖ if your character has thought dirty thoughts about mine and thoroughly enjoyed them. Send me a ϟ if your character hates mine. Send me a ☠ if your characters wants to push mine off a cliff.
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
The Four Dragons Modern AU
Art / Pinn / Permission
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
Art / C. C / Permission
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
          At Jae Ha’s words, Lila nodded along with his idea, happy to help out with the finding of his friends who seemed to have disappeared from his sight,. She wouldn’t know how to handle such things, and his level-headedness was a nice contrast to how she would react to the scenario.
          “Of course I’ll help you! Go ahead and describe them one by one, and I’ll try my best to see if I remember them from somewhere, Mister Jae Ha! Trust me, I’ll try to the best of my abilities!”
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                         She hoped she could help out and he would end up finding one.
“I give you my many thanks, Little Lady.” The Green Dragon smiled graciously at the girl, naturally giving a wink out of habit. Admittedly, she was cute, but her earlier fierceness made him a bit cautious. 
Nonetheless, he was entirely grateful for her help-- the city felt strange to him, because he wasn’t able to detect anyone from his group which had him a bit worried.
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“Okay, the first one is a girl around your height. She’s got bright red hair like fire and pretty purple eyes. The best way I can describe her aura is that... she’s like a small cat trying to act like a tiger. Or something close.” He almost laughed at his own comment, continuing. 
“She might have a person or two hanging around her but it’s almost always a black-haired young man who looks like he’s eternally suffering from her obliviousness to his secretly harbored feelings.” Pauses. “Do those two ring a bell?”
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
                  Lila blinked, shaking her head as her bob went all around her like a fluffy vice.
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“You have to be more specific than that… There are lots of strange looking people around here. It could be anyone, and I really want to help you,”
The little bit about “lots of strange looking people” caught his interest. Even if his group wasn’t among those people, it still benefited them that they could blend in with this new city. 
“More specific, you say? Hmm... “ Well, it wasn’t exactly hard to describe each person in his group. In fact, it should be rather easy when it’s one redhead princess and a band of ragtag dragon warriors (and one bodyguard).
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“How about I’ll describe each person in my group one by one to you, Lila? Maybe we can get a lead like that.”
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
Sits on Jae-ha with his arms crossed. "Now is not the time to be attempting to swoon others."
“Oof- Ki-ja, please get off of me. You’re quite heavy.”
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“But I take it that... you’re jealous~?” 
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
Big brother ;
     n.  A man who assumes the role of an older brother, as by providing guidance or                    protection.
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soaringpirate-blog · 9 years
At first glance, the Green Dragon had thought it was a pretty wild girl who was taking the spotlight on the dance floor. But hearing the other’s scratchy voice, and getting- ahem- a whiff of the other’s scent, interestingly, this person was actually male.
...Well, assumingly. Now that just made him more curious on the other’s identity and probably ready for a world of pain.
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“Now, now. I’m merely complimenting you. You don’t need to be so bashful that you have to yell at me.” He winked at the other with a playful tone. “Look now, you’re beautiful, I’m beautiful, there’s no reason to shed blood here, friend. Besides, red doesn’t look good on me. ~ ♡” 
"Oh? I didn't expect to find an interesting beauty that radiates the atmosphere of this club."
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The green-haired stranger’s remark threw Kamanosuke off in the middle of his wild dancing to the bass-heavy music around them. Irritated, he glared the man as placed a hand on the sickle that sat on his lower back.
“What the hell are you on about?! I’ll kill you if you keep talking to me like that!” 
This reminded him of when Jinpachi tried to hit on him when they first met. All he wanted was to live his life and have a good time, free of unwanted amorous advances from wannabe casanovas.
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