beyond100-gen · 3 years
🦉 The Face of a REAL Pandemic ... vs a Scamdemic-Plandemic
(Rupa Pandemik Benar)
Allow us to list some key "features" of an actual pandemic in layman terms. Compare them with what you have been seeing this past year-plus, & ask yourselves:
Is the world facing anything like this now? Are governments, big tech, big media & big pharma justified (if ever) to censor & clamp down on honest discussions & information sharing? Is there even a real need to jump into pushing untested & unproven vaccines on to the masses, and then legalize a system with "green passes" or "vaccine passports" for citizens & on travellers & tourists? Are my loved ones & I really in grave danger from SARS-Cov2 & its variants?
Read the features of a REAL PANDEMIC below, and then observe, think, and speak up!
#1. Of the people who are exposed to the "deadly & really scary" virus, at least half of them get detectable infection.
#2. The infection is detectable by some bona fide tests, NOT by some non-definitive, hyped up test kits.
#3. Of those infected, at least 1 out of 10 drop dead within a week or two.
#4. There is no simple, cheap & natural remedy for them, no way to cure them, or to reverse the situation. Even if there were possible cures or treatments, the patients die too fast from the infection. (It's "from", NOT "with" it from some comorbidities, from drug interaction problems, or from injuries.)
#5. There are just no other viable, cheaper & near-zero-risk life-saving options available: Daily sunlight & fresh air don't help. Better & correct nutrition don't make a dent. No antiviral, antiparasitic, or other safe, proven medications work. No short-term mega-doses of nutraceuticals or nutritional supplements (e.g. Vits C, D3 & A, zinc, iodine, selenium, magnesium, sulphur, colloidal silver, Omega 3, alpha lipoic acid, astaxanthin), & long-proven herbals (e.g. echinacea, oregano, astragalus, olive leaf extract, propolis, goldenseal, elderberry syrup, boneset, bugleweed, plantain, yarrow, marigold) can fight it off. Not even short-term direct intravenous (IV) mega-doses of Vits C, D3 & A, zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc. can save the infected patients once they are stricken.
#6. People are literally dropping dead like flies on the streets, at home, and after coming back from malls, mosques, temples, churches, morning & night markets, seminars, gyms, offices, pubs, taking public transports, or taking walks around their neighbourhoods or parks without wearing a mask. They just drop dead within days!
#7. Droves of "dirty, stupid & poor" foreign-immigrant workers are dying from the infection. (Yes, "dying", NOT merely "tested positive" after being holed up somewhere crowded!)
#8. Patients stricken by the virus infection (NOT "by comorbidities") overcrowd the ICUs around the country. Blaring of ambulances are heard daily, everywhere. Doctors & nurses die suddenly from the infection; NOT from exhaustion, comorbidities, or some dubious vaccine they took to "protect" themselves.
#9. Ministers & officials who went for holidays with their cronies &/or family members come back with the infection, & half of them die from it! (Now, wouldn't that be nice? This is a "Malaysian" joke, f.y.i.)
Now, ask yourself, are we anywhere near the above scenario yet? Have we even been close to that since October 2019?
Observe, recall, think!
You may ask why; is there is a worldwide "conspiracy"; what could possibly be "their" motive; is something this BIG even possible or plausible; etc. But these are the WRONG questions!
You DON'T need to ask those who are mugging, killing or kidnapping you "why", or try to understand AND believe their motives! Duh!!
Neither should you ask a bystander who's helping you, to PROVE if there is a conspiracy against you! Double duh!!!
Just look and RECOGNIZE what the perpetrators are doing to you, and FIGHT BACK! (Do you need a high IQ for this??!)
Nevertheless, at this moment, we do recommend you ask questions such as these: Who are those who stand to gain most from the push for extended Lockdowns, for (unnecessary, untested, unproven & risky) Vaccines, AND for mass media & social media Censorships since this global madness began in 2020? (And who will stand to gain the most when your government wants to create & maintain apps for movement control and vaccine green passes or e-passports? This is another "Malaysian" joke, f.y.i.)
So, we ask you: Is the current global paranoia a real pandemic? Are you really that stupid? ⚡
HOI! Si Bangla-bangla ("yang kotor & bodoh tu") pun takde mati di sini-sana! Pandemik benar, tulin, jati ke ni??!! KANTOI!!!
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
The 3 Real Reasons Why Your Government is Pushing the C19 Vaccines
There are ONLY 3 REAL REASONS why your government (i.e. Ministers, Politicians, and Public Health Officials) is coercing everyone to be vaccinated for Covid-19, even though those experimental, rushed-out vaccines are Unnecessary, Ineffective, and Risky!*
#1. These bozos have to be seen as doing something seemingly responsible, scientific, and in line with WHO's way of doing things! So they ordered and brought in the vaccines. Then of course they had to use them on YOU and YOUR FAMILY! Otherwise, they would be accused of wasting public funds! (Little did they know how easy-peasy it was to sucker Sheep, Lemmings, Chickens and Ostriches to be jabbed with those dubious chemicals! No wonder some of these bozos are speaking with such cockiness and increased swagger in the media recently: "We will make life harder those who refuse to get vaxed! We are coming for you, anti-vaxers!" 🙄 What a bunch of blockhead Nazi-wannabes! 🤨)
#2. These shameless clowns are corrupt! (Some are trying to keep their high-paying jobs by playing yes-men or yes-women to those corrupt ministers!) They are getting personal kickbacks and benefits from the vaccine producers and distributors! Some governments have set up dubious third-party private companies (owned and/or managed by their cronies) to arrange those vaccine deals even though their own health ministries could have handled such purchases and logistics easily!
#3. Some of these politicians, ministers, and even public health officials have aspirations for higher political offices, e.g. to become a governor, the president, a chief minister, or the prime minister!! Recognizing well the irrational need of the masses for quick-fix "solutions" (in this case, for vaccines), by pushing hard for 100% nation-wide vaccination, these bozos hope to look like the "heroes who saved their state or country from the would-be Covid-19 scourge"!
Yet the gaslighted and easily terrified masses continue to ignore such barefaced facts and truths in their deceived desperation for (more) experimental, unproven shots and medicines! Many are yielding their sovereign human and constitutional rights by accepting fraudulent science and b.s. official narratives. How pathetic. Civil obedience is indeed very easy for Lemmings, Sheep, Chickens and Ostriches.
*Those vaccines don't work! Haven't you been hearing or reading this--directly from your own ministers and medical officials??!! "You can still be infected after getting vaccinated. So keep wearing your masks! You can still infect others! Keep your social distance!" How much more do you need to know??!! Duh!!
🤔 IF you say the vaccines are to "prevent severe infection problems": Let those who choose not to be vaxed mind their own health! They don't want or need some corrupt minister to "help" them with a puny virus with over 99.9% survival rate! (Warning: Don't be mischievous. We are only referring to problems with SARS-CoV2 infection, not with other health problems and trauma situations!)
🤔 IF you say the vaccines are to "prevent infecting others": Why should the vaxed majority (who are supposedly protected) be terrified of the unvaxed? Unless you also agree that those jabs you took don't work? Which is it now? Do your risk-laden shots and boosters work or not? The unvaxed know they don't, and are risky. What about you vaxed people?
🤔 IF you say the vaccines are to "prevent the unvaxed from infecting the weak, sickly and 'unvax-able'": Take care of your own old folks and sickly loved ones! Keep them clean, fed well, exercised in sunlit and well-ventilated places, and supplemented correctly! Don't bring them to crowded places. These are all of the basics which the unvaxed are doing, have been doing (long even before this Covid-19 global insanity), and will continue doing long after this insanity--and other global scams which are definitely coming, to sucker you--again!
So don't inconvenient other people, especially those who are wise AND courageous enough to refuse risky and unproven, rushed-out chemicals in their bodies! Don't expect others to follow your whinny, unscientific, and ill-informed paranoid ways and inclinations!
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
🤪 Is the World Suffering from Mental Illness? (a.k.a. Have You All Gone Daft & Psychotic?)
Here are some hallmarks (or Signs & Symptoms) of people with psychosis, mental illness, or psychological problems. They are derived from APA's DSM-5 & WHO's own ICD-11:
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#1. Such individuals are removed from REALITY. Their belief in something unreal & IRRATIONAL (like a faux pandemic where over 99% of those infected recover) is so strong that they want to bash & cause harm to others (for not wearing masks & for choosing not to take dubious vaccines)!
#2. They want to be ALONE, preferring to be AWAY from other people. So they socially & physically DISTANCE themselves from others. They believe it is "normal" to interact with others (only when needed) remotely through a device or on a screen! There is a LOST OF INTEREST in activities which they used to enjoy, e.g. group events, dining & drinking together, and playing games like basketball, futsal & badminton.
#3. Their (new, current) behaviours are IMPAIRING their QUALITY OF LIFE AND FUNCTIONING--socially, relationally & professionally. Their preoccupation with wearing (multiple!) masks, and keeping away from others are causing this.
#4. They have an OBSESSIVE COMPULSION to do something reckless or frivolous (like getting jabbed with experimental, risky chemicals)! They also CANNOT STOP "needing" to get themselves tested (with equally dubious & risky pokes & swabs), otherwise they IMAGINE & FEAR that harm or misfortune might happen to somebody or some people!
#5. They are literally SUICIDAL, what with their ideas, and belief in unproven theories (e.g. by demanding for dubious, untested & unproven vaccines)! They have NO interest in totally-non-lethal nutrients and natural compounds.
#6. They suffer from DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR. They believe themselves to be part of a global ELITE force--more like a religious cult, if you asked us--which must push for a (dubious, unnecessary) vaccine-driven "herd immunity". They keep MUMBLING that they believe in "evidence-based medicine" but the EVIDENCE is clearly NON-EXISTENT (since NO animal or human trials have been done for the rushed-out vaccines)!
#7. They get triggered & become upset, ANXIOUS & DEPRESSED over the numbers of "Daily New Cases" as if those had actual meaning. (If governments kept counting & reporting the daily numbers of people getting the flu, cold, fever or cough, the figures would also be high daily--duh! Remember, over 99% of the infected recover, many without having any signs or symptoms!)
#8. This entire episode (of paranoid, delusional, depressive, obsessive-compulsive, suicide ideation, irrational behaviours) has been well over ONE MONTH, and is not improving but worsening.
#9. AND finally, psychotic individuals have no sense of humour. They take things too seriously & cannot (or will not) laugh at themselves! (Okay, okay, we made this one up. But the others, #1 - #8, ARE factual enough.)
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So, do tell us: Is the WORLD suffering from Psychosis (or is it, PSYCHOSES, plural)? And, are YOU part of the problem? 😱⚡
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
😮 The TOP 15 REASONS Why People Choose to Take Covid-19 Vaccines
#1. Because they desperately want back their lives & will do anything to make it happen. "Wear double masks? OK! Take unproven, untested dubious vaccines? OK! Done! Now, give me back my life! ... Wh-wh-wh-what??!! Still no-go? Gotta take more unproven, dubious shots in the future??! OK! Anything!!"
#2. Because they need to travel they will also agree to anything to make it happen. "I really, really need to eat airplane food! Just jab me already, pleeeeaaasse!!"
#3. Because somehow they think that it's smarter to rely on some unproven, untested vaccines than on their own body's immune system, natural nutrients & other proven, cheap & safe medicines!
#4. Because it's too troublesome to eat healthier, i.e. lots of fresh vegies, herbs & real spices every day--just to boost their own immune system!
#5. Because it's easier to vaccinate than to stop drinking artificially coloured & flavoured bobas & fraps--yummy!
#6. Because it's easier to vaccinate than to quit eating unhealthy deep-fried, condiment-drenching fast foods & street foods--double yummy!
#7. Because they actually think that ONE vaccine will solve ALL of their health problems & protect them from all OTHER infections--like magic!
#8. Because it's easier to give in to peer pressure & follow the crowd than to be "weird" & then be ostracized by the masses!
#9. Because choosing a vaccine is like making a brand or a fashion statement: "I believe in China!", "I stand with India!", "I trust the Viagra maker!", "I am an Oxford boy!", etc.
#10. Because it's more convenient to just vaccinate than to stop fiddling with their phones for half an hour daily & go outside to get some sunshine & fresh air!
#11. Because it's easier to just vaccinate than to take high quality supplements daily--coz that might make their vitamin-selling MLM friends or relatives "rich", and "right"! (Petty, little people will never suffer that!)
#12. Because these people actually think that "real science" is any statement made by WHO, Fauci, Gates, Google & FB, the mainstream media, vaccine-promoting politicians, and anyone holding an official healthcare-medical position. As such, all differing or dissenting views are just "whacky conspiracy theories"!
#13. Because they have watched too many Zombie movies! They think that vaccines are the panacea for all infections & diseases!
#14. Becauase they actually believe that this is an actual deadly pandemic--although people are NOT dropping dead like flies, and MOST infected people don't even realize it (and then get well)!
#15. Because they naively believe that after everyone obediently takes the jab, it's all done! That this entire scamdemic-plandemic nightmare will be over! (Heh! Right! Dream on, chumps!!)
⚡ 🐑 😱 😵 🤣
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
⚠️ Vaccination: "THE RISKS ARE EXTREMELY LOW"??!!
Are you people Stupid, Insane, or BOTH??!! Why would you even have any Unnecessary, Untested, Unproven, Risky chemical injected into your body? And then try to justify it with such reasoning--that the risk of death or adverse reaction is "extremely low"??!! 😱
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
☀️ The Covid-19 Vaccines Have Only 2 Purposes (if truth be told)
From the onset of this Global Insanity and Paranoia, we already knew that any vaccine for C19 would have only two reasons for being:
1) For scammers* around the world to make obscene amounts of money; and
2) For these same scammers* to psychologically train and condition their gaslighted victims to be more receptive to future scams and control measures.
*SCAMMING 101: The best scammers or con-artists are those who can deceive and persuade their victims to such an extent that these victims will BEG, INSIST, or DEMAND desperately for their dubious "idea or product". To secure the best possible outcome, scammers will often consist of "experts or specialists" from different fields. Today, these are your ministers, healthcare officials and medical specialists, the mainstream media, social media platforms, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, WEF, and major pharmaceutical companies. You should know you have been scammed when you find yourself insisting, demanding and fighting for an utterly unnecessary, untested, unproven and downright risky product. (E.g. your favourite C19 vaccine and booster shots!)
It has nothing to do with a puny virus with over 99.9% survival rates! You have been gaslighted! Scammed! Suckered! Brainwashed into expecting others to also get unnecessarily and riskily vaxed! WAKE UP! ⚡️🦉
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
There are CURES* for most infections, including for Covid-19. But there is NO cure for those who prefer continued ignorance and masked paranoia.
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
⚠️ The Paranoia, Stupidity & INJUSTICE are Growing! ...
🦅 Anti-Bullying Advocates?
🦅 Anti-Peer-Pressuring Heroes?
🦅 "My Body, My Choice" Activists?
🦅 Human Rights & Freedom of Choice Proponents?
🦅 Honest Evidence-based Doctors, Researchers & Scientists?
🦅 Champions of Justice & Fairplay?
HAVE THEY ALL ALSO BEEN GASLIGHTED, &/OR BROWBEATEN INTO SILENCE by Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media & their Governments?
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
☀️ The Limitations of Ivermection (and Other Helpful Medicines)
Despite Ivermectin's effectiveness in preventing and "curing" Covid-19 infections, we should NOT over-rate its value. Here's why:
Like with all other Medicines (old and coming new ones) and Vaccines, Ivermectin does NOTHING else, and provides NO OTHER health benefits. (It is merely an anti-parasitic that fortunately helps with certain coronavirus situations.)
Taking Ivermectin does NOT suddenly confer anyone, who has had bad lifestyle habits and poor nutrition, a boost in his/her overall health. Your known and unknown COMORBIDITIES (i.e. chronic lifestyle diseases) do NOT suddenly go away!
Plus, Ivermectin fights against NOTHING ELSE (i.e. no other disease), NOR does it strengthen the body against any OTHER disease or infection besides helping with most C19 cases. The same goes with (hydroxy)Chloroquine, Remdesivir and other pharmaceutical medicines (old and new). We'd all do well to remember this.
On the other hand, dietary nutrients and compounds, herbals, sunshine, clean fresh air, and correct exercise (outdoors and indoors) have many functions and confer countless benefits besides strengthening our body's immunity against literally countless infections and chronic lifestyle diseases! It's best to be mindful of these facts daily, and look into these things religiously. ⚡️🦉
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
🌟 DIY: How to De-Gaslight Yourself!
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
☀️ Does Yours Work?
We eat our Vegies, Vitamin Supplements and Herbals. We know they work. We DON'T need or expect you (or anyone else) to take yours for ours to work! (Read: We don't fool ourselves with the idea of "Forced Herd Immunity", hence we don't practice and promote any form of immoral Apartheid!)
How about your VACCINES? Are you sure they work? (Read: If you believe so, then why are you so worried that we don't get vaxed? If you aren't sure, then why did you take it, and why are you insisting that others also take this non-working, non-safe chemical like you??!)
Stop being stupid, ignorant and paranoid, AND expecting others to behave like you! Stop your bullying!
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
⚠️ NO to Vaccine Passports!
Yes, you read that right. We don't agree with the insane idea of vaccine passports, or vaccination certs, passes or documents. Such "instruments" are unnecessary because:
#1. Vaccines for Covid-19 are UNNECESSARY, to begin with! The SARS-CoV2 and its variants are puny little viruses (albeit highly transmissible). The survival rate is over 99.9%, in case blind paranoia has affected your memory! (At worst, this is another annoying endemic.) It's your COMORBIDITIES that are killing you! Passport those!
#2. The Covid-19 vaccines are NOT even effective as touted! If they were, why are you STILL LIVING IN FEAR of the "unvaccinated", and hanging on to your dear facial masks like a rabid animal? (Think. Take your time. Let that sink in. Reread this statement because you seem stuck.)
#3. NONE of the rushed-out Covid-19 vaccines have been suffciently tested for safety--either on animals or in long-term human trials! You have been deceived by your "healthcare" officials and politicians, WHO, the mainstream media, and Hollywood movies! (Yeah, the those with zombies in them.)
Wake up! You have been GASLIGHTED into falsely believing that the world is facing a super-lethal virus which our natural immunity can't handle! (If you have been following our posts, you would know that's utter b.s.!!)
Stop being illegally bullied and unethically peer-pressured into readily accepting ANY dubious medical treatment, test, procedure, shots or vaccine! You have the sovereign right to say "NO!", and to take care of your own health and well-being. So does everyone else! 🦉
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
Let us put it plainly to you:
A sudden massive fire or explosion requires 3 elements:
Fuel + Trigger + Catalyst*
(*Catalysts don't start fires, explosions or reactions. They just speed things up. They are like facilitators.)
In today's lunatic world:
1. Your Unhealthy Eating & Lifestyle Habits are the Fuel
2. Your Comorbidities are the Triggers
3. That infectious but puny, little Coronavirus is the Catalyst
Take away the Fuel and the Triggers, and the Catalyst does NOTHING! On its own, Covid-19 (from SARS-CoV2 and its variants) has a survival rate of over 99.9%.
You can't sanitize the entire world or universe! But you can work on your own health, by clearing away all the Fuel and the Triggers.
It's your Comorbidities (fueled by your years of Unhealthy Eating & Lifestyle Habits) which are killing you, Dudes. Wake up, and get a grip! It's an Endemic-Scamdemic-Plandemic! We are NOT facing an actual "pandemic". You have been gaslighted. Suckered. Scammed.
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
🤩 SOCIAL QUIZ! (#001: Updated)
Since so many people just love anything and everything "Social", let's have some fun!
Which ANIMAL Are You?
(A) Lemming
(B) Sheep
(C) Ostrich
(D) Chicken
(E) Ummmm ..., none of the above. I am more like one of these: Mouse, Weasel, Turkey, Crow, Buzzard/Vulture, Hyena, or Henhouse Fox.
(F) No way! I am more like one of these: Eagle, Owl, Lion, Rock Badger, Wolverine, or Mongoose.
Go ahead. Please. Decide. The world is in an unprecedented crisis right now. Not because of a puny virus and its "variants". But because of the lack of character and virtue in so many. Talk is cheap. Just as "bad people" are those who do bad and evil things, "good people" must do good and what's right. Doing nothing doesn't qualify you to be called a good person.
So which animal are you?
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
☀️ Some Real News for You!
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beyond100-gen · 3 years
If you are terrified of a puny “thing” with over 99.9% recovery rate, what ELSE aren’t you afraid of? 🤪
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