#selected indie 80
kbutzkorner · 1 year
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Hey, been set up at the Tokyo Game Show for our game, Stories from Sol: The Gun-dog!
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ghibli-collector · 10 months
For anyone who’s already seen Boy and the Heron i found this really interesting article where Ghibli Boss/Producer Suzuki was interviewed recently by indie wire and explains the background of the characters from the new Ghibli film, I’ve copied the full article below or you can click the link to go to the interview but once again it contains so many spoilers
‘The Boy and the Heron’ Is So Personal, Hayao Miyazaki Needed a Year to Grieve Before Pivoting in a New Direction
Miyazaki came out of retirement for his first film in a decade, about his friendships at Ghibli with the late co-founder/director Takahata and co-founder/producer Suzuki.
When Hayao Miyazaki pitched “The Boy and the Heron” (GKids, now in select L.A. and NYC theaters) to Studio Ghibli co-founder/producer Toshio Suzuki in 2016, he asked permission to make the story about himself. This took Suzuki — his friend of nearly 40 years at the time — by surprise; the legendary anime director isn’t known for getting so personal. And yet this aligned perfectly with the notion that Ghibli films are devoted to reliving memories.
“I agree that it is Miyazaki’s most personal film because he actually told me,” Suzuki told IndieWire over Zoom through an interpreter. Not only is “The Boy and the Heron” inspired by Miyazaki’s childhood (he endured the firebombing of Japan during World War II and his father was director of the family’s aircraft manufacturing factory), but also his career at Ghibli with his two closest friends: the late studio co-founder/director Isao Takahata (“Grave of the Fireflies”) and Suzuki.
“Miyazaki is Mahito [the 12-year-old protagonist voiced by Luca Padovan in the English-language version], Takahata is the great uncle [voiced by Mark Hamill], and the gray heron [voiced by Robert Pattinson] is me,” Suzuki added. “So I asked him why. He said [Takahata] discovered his talent and added him to the staff. I think Takahata san was the one who helped him develop his ability. On the other hand, the relationship between the boy and the [heron] is a relationship where they don’t give in to each other, push and pull.”
Collectively, it’s a lot to unpack: Miyazaki came out of retirement for the second time after “The Wind Rises” (2013) to make his 12th feature — the semi-autobiographical, hand-drawn fantasy for his grandchildren. It’s about destruction, loss, and rebuilding a better future through imagination, inspired by the novel he adored as a child (“How Do You Live?”).
Mahito loses his mother in the firebombing of Japan and relocates to the countryside, where his father (voiced by Christian Bale), who runs an air munitions factory, marries his sister-in-law, Natsuko (voiced by Gemma Chan). Traumatized, angry, and confused, the boy encounters a talking heron (part bird, part man), who tells him that his mother is still alive and guides him to an alternate world in a magical tower shared by the living and the dead. There he encounters his great uncle, the architect of the tower, and reunites with both his mother (voiced by Karen Fukuhara) and Natsuko.
At first, Suzuki resisted green-lighting “The Boy and the Heron” because of Miyazaki’s age (he’s 82) and the great expense (it is arguably Japan’s most expensive film but has made the equivalent of nearly $80 million at the country’s box office). Yet Miyazaki wore down his resistance with his enthusiasm and impressive storyboarding. The film took seven years to complete, and Suzuki needed to hire some of Japan’s most talented animators outside of Ghibli to handle the task (including supervising animator Takeshi Honda of “Neon Genesis Evangelion” fame). With diminished stamina and failing eyesight, Miyazaki was unable to oversee the production in the same manner as when he was at the height of his creative powers and relied on Honda to draw, redraw, and review under close advisement.
But with the death of Takahata in 20018, a grief-stricken Miyazaki was forced to scale back the role of the great uncle in the story, who had previously been more central to the boy’s life. “After Takahata passed away, he wasn’t able to continue with that story, so he changed the narrative and it became the relationship between the boy and the Heron,” Suzuki continued. “And in his mind, initially, the Heron was something that symbolizes the eeriness of the mansion and that tower, even ominous, that he goes to during war time. But he changed it to this sort of budding friendship between the boy and the Heron.”
Miyazaki first toyed with the idea of exploring the theme of friendship in “The Wind Rises” (inspired by real-life fighter design engineer Jiro Horikoshi during World War II) before abandoning it. “So this time around, when the Heron became the centerpiece of the story, and he came with the storyboards, I was careful for him to not portray me in a bad way,” Suzuki said. “Having said that, I’ve known Miyazaki for 45 years. I remember everything about him. There are things that only I know. There are things that only the two of us know. And he remembers all these small details, which I was very impressed with.”
For example, when Mahito and the Heron sit and chat at the house of Kiriko (voiced by Florence Pugh), a younger, seafaring version of one of the old maids, it is a recreation of the way Miyazaki and Suzuki would meet. “The place that we do our meetings, where we have our conversation is at his studio, his atelier,” he added. “And he has this like large table, but we don’t sit facing each other, we sit next to each other, and we never look at each other when we talk. And what we discussed was very similar.”
During production, Suzuki became impatient to see the new storyboards with the great uncle. It seemed Miyazaki was intentionally stalling while grieving about Takahata. “My question was: ‘So when is the great uncle going to appear?'” said Suzuki. “He built this great character, but he never appears in the storyboards that he would bring me. But it took him actually about a year after the passing of Takahata that he was able to draw that character into the storyboards in the second half of the story.
“And the most surprising thing for me was when I saw the storyboard where Mahito was asked by his great uncle to carry on with this work, this legacy, and he says no — he declines the offer. Miyazaki was someone who followed the path of Takahata for so many years, and I thought it was a huge thing for him [to follow a different path].”
Meanwhile, Suzuki confirmed that Miyazaki has not retired. The film has given the director renewed confidence to keep working on other stories. However, Miyazaki can’t focus on new ideas while “The Boy and the Heron” remains in theaters. “He needs to empty his mind again,” Suzuki said, “and then when he’s emptied his mind with a blank canvas, he usually comes up with new ideas. So we have to wait a little more.”
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moosha-mushroom · 2 months
Media I imagine different fiction podcasts in instead of the media of being a podcast.
TMA: A selection of volumes, relating to the fears, each with those removable covers. Those covers has a victim or two, and then underneath the cover is a really detailed cover. The paper is decoratively ripped, with a kind of scraggly font, and each has a foreword and ‘author’s note’ from Jonathan Sims.
Malevolent: A really gritty graphic novel with deadly detail in each panel, and very little color. Maybe a trinket on each important character has a color? Like Arthur’s eyes being yellow or Oscar’s collar having a blue sheen to it. The novels are long, dramatic, and intimate in a visceral way.
Welcome to Night Vale: Local 58 bullshit. A broadcast on television with low quality images and audio, tacky music, and a kind of 80’s aesthetic. Each episode the words WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE zoom onto the screen, the purple eye behind them. And each weather segment is an animated short by a different artist.
The Penumbra(Juno Steel): A webcomic. Hours spent scrolling downward a comic that has so much color and GEOMETRIC design. Juno and his curvy jaw, brown pie slice eyes, a cartoonishly high collar for his investigator jacket. Nureyev and his sharp square jaw, shimmering jewelry, and stick legs. Characters sticking out of the panels, fonts changing constantly, a little blue Juno that does his narration and *guitar theme plays* each time he appears.
Wolf 359: A classic comic. Issues month by month. Different special covers of the characters in extra dramatic poses or scenes. Even MORE panel breaking than Juno Steel. So MUCH onomatopoeia, even for small things like the clink of a panel or the disapproving hiss of Hilbert in the background. Geometric designs like Juno Steel, but less colorful. Like the superhero art style mixed with a more stylized look.
Midnight Burger: You pull up the Midnight Burger website. They have a hidden page that has a sort of script-comic thing going on, where the art is next to the writing. Small coded in notes from Leif sometimes pop up if you hold your arrow over the art. Links are attached to the parts where Effie and Zebulon play music, linking you to the music so you can listen to it while you read.
Desert Skies: An animated show. Indie, something you’d find on YouTube. The animation is bouncy and incorporates 3D animation alongside the 2D. Maybe the Sphere Movers have 3D models and the staff don’t? The credits are short because it was made by one guy. People are complaining about it on Twitter /j. People are making content farms about it. Everyone is pissed at Corson like they’re pissed at Jax.
The Amelia Project: A sort of simulation video game. You play as Arthur. You listen to their stories and draw pieces of the tale to invent their death. Every once in a while the game transitions to a point and click suspense game where you solve puzzles as Cole and Haines. Maybe there should even be an Operation-esque part of it where you work as Kozlowski.
Ghost Wax: A novel with a lot of pictures spliced in it. The stories are all in a single book, though the book is through Luca’s perspective— so he picks up on the ghost’s body language and Voncid’s reactions. The pictures are tarot cards with each victim as a card. Some are repeat cards— Lorem does not have a card at the end of the story. Nor does Our Home or Evening at the Ardent. The pictures are only white with black line art. No color whatsoever.
Kakos Industries: A company newsletter. Not a broadcast. A newspaper that arrives at your door and has big bold letters with the main story and pictures of the events that happen in the story as it goes. And the Sunday Comic page is full of employee shenanigans. Some innocent… some not.
I am losing my mind.
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dutiful-wildcraft · 8 months
Task Force 141 Music Headcannons
-He has some significant influences from 70s/80s heavy metal, mostly influenced from his mum who was a rebellious metalhead (and a feral KISS fan) herself, but toned down her partying when John was born. That didn't stop her from showing him the good stuff. 
-John’s earliest memories are of him and his mother going on roadtrips, radio blaring. His mom giving him little music “tests,” urging John to guess the artists of the song before they ended. Being so proud of him when he got them right.  His mom had a huge stereo system, an outrageously pricey thing compared to the rest of their meager home. It could play both CD’s and tapes and it was his mom’s pride and joy. 
-They had “cleaning” days where they would deep clean the house. Taking turns between swapping songs as they danced and dusted. A trend that extended well into his teenage years until he joined up.
-John would later pick up more thrash and progressive metal influences from his older CO’s and later by his own team. John is a radio kind of man, and other than the stuff he got from his mum he doesn't bother much with collecting, but he usually can find a radio station or two that plays what he likes. He still blares music when he cleans or works out.  
-John also dips into a bit of blues, folk and country.  He’s fond of the acoustic elements, it’s easy listening and some of them tell a good story.  
-Absolutely owned a “Frampton Comes Alive” CD. 
-Price was a bit petty about it at first, but the rest of the 141’s music tastes aren’t terrible…he still shoves the foam earplugs in on the truck ride home once Soap gets ahold of the aux cord. Though it gives him one hell of a laugh to see Soap cut a rug.  
-Gaz downloaded a huge playlist for the man and crammed it on his phone. Price was tickled pink over the selections, and now this is the only mix he fusses with, throwing it on shuffle and letting it play while he smokes and does his paperwork. 
-Man actually loves to dance, he doesn't just bop around like Soap does but he will take you by the hand and groove a bit with you. He loves to feel a warm body moving with his, letting the music move them together. This is actually how he woo’s ladies at the bar. A bit of liquid courage, and smooth song. He has someone giggling in his arms in no time. 
-His library is mostly made up of funk/groove metal, metalcore, pop, disco and electronic. He can party to really anything really, he just loves anything that is fast. Something that has a bounce to it.  There is never a wrong setting for this. Has nearly slipped and busted his head open having a one man mosh in the shower.  
-Used to have several piercings, his tongue and eyebrow namely, as well as a couple more pieces in his ears and nipples. They unfortunately had to go when he joined up. But he will still throw the earrings in when it's time to party. Some thicker captive bead earrings from where he had them stretched just the slightest. 
-He's actually pretty solid with a guitar. Doesn’t talk about it because it makes him feel like a douche. But he and his friends did have shitty garage band as teenagers. (Anyway..here's Wonderwall).
-Tries to keep it heavier when hangin with the boys but don't buy his tough guy bullshit, the next song is Madonna. His shuffle will give you whiplash. 
-He and Gaz vibe the most, both crowding into the front seats to put on a concert the whole ride. Having a jam session while they cook together or having heated arguments on whether something is a cover or not (Gaz is always right). 
-The most eclectic out of all of them. Pretty similar to Soap, he tends to gravitate toward alt rock/indie, r&b, pop, and psychedelic. While he enjoys the upbeat electronic stuff that Soap enjoys, he prefers the groove. Something a bit slower and well…sexier.  
-He is actually pretty knowledgeable (special interest you could say) about music. The man is like an encyclopedia for music. Can name songs by the first 2 seconds alone. He is a menace on trivia nights for this reason. 
-Has started collecting records in his free time. He has favorites sure, but sometimes he'll just snag a few with interesting covers and give them a spin. He has found some gems this way…and also some straight *trash*. These songs have turned into memes between he and Soap.
-Makes playlists as a love language.
-Always trusted as the trip DJ, takes his job very seriously and considers all his teams tastes to carefully weave a mix everyone can vibe too. 
-Sung in the church choir as a kid, absolutely hated every minute of it. He was always the star of the christmas cantatas until he quit going as a teen.
-He and his sisters would have knock down drag out fights over the sole CD player they had as kids. Genuinely can't stand boy bands due to his big sisters obsession with them at the time. (The shit was on repeat for months.)
-absolutely uses the balaclava to hide a earbud when he's just doing paperwork in his office.
-It's his ritual after an op. Simon pops his earbuds in, leans his head back and rests. You don't talk to Simon during this time. He'll take them out when he's ready to talk. 
-He also keeps one in while on leave, focusing on his music in the grocery or doing mundane errands. But just one earbud, he keeps the other out to listen for anything sus.
-Simon's music is pretty precious to him, and something he's actually pretty protective of. He never listened to his music out loud, even kept it turned down low with his headphones to prevent any accidental overhearing. 
-He picked up a lot from his brother that he used as a springboard after that. Lyrics that gave him goosebumps, words for feelings he could never articulate. To him, there was music for anything. Anger, sadness, elation. 
-Simon Riley who's favorite past time was rooting through old used CD's with his big brother at old video rental shops.
-Tommy who would usher him into the bathroom, putting big clunky headphones over his ears to block the sounds of their father's abuse. Clicking play and mouthing a “Stay here” as he clicked the door shut behind him. 
-Simon Riley who scrawled his favorite lyrics onto the soles of old dingey converse. Colored them into the skin of his forearms in a mock up of the tattoos he would later get.
-And he would, Gaz finds them later, inky poetry weaved into the images along his arms, and on his collar. He subtly looks up the words later. Smiling as lyrics of old grungey 90s songs fill his screen. 
-Tool enjoyer, literally just plays the albums start to finish, he is actually really fond of the instrumentals
BONUS!! Alex
-very similar to Price though he leans away from some of the heavier stuff. He loves the easy yacht rock type vibes with some classic rock. As well as some 90s and outlaw country. 
-He is an absolute crooner when he’s drunk. He actually has a gorgeous singing voice, low and rich, reminiscent of Tracy Lawrence.
-He does know the dance to Copperhead Road, tried to teach Farah who does not have rhythm to save her life. 
Actual Playlists
Price Soap Gaz Ghost Alex
I'll be adding to all these mixes as time passes, I would love to hear what you have in mind too <3
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antisocialxconstruct · 4 months
RE: the spotify post you reblogged and your tags about owning your music again.
I wanna do the same...but...how??? Where do you buy music nowadays? CDs arent really a thing anymore, i cant buy digital versions that I can keep. Records are making a comeback, but like the process to get that digital????
Do you know/have any insight on where to actually buy music (to own it) and legimately supporting artists??? Thats not streaming???
This is such a good question and honestly I WISH I could hit you with a bunch of reliable links 😭
I feel like I've heard some criticism of Bandcamp as well, but two things they definitely have going for them is 1) a lot of indie and non-English language artists are on there, and for a lot of them it may really be the only sorta-mainstream platform where they can sell music directly to fans, and 2) musicians still get like an 80% cut of sales (I think), and you can download real, actual MP3 files that are Yours and can be copied and transferred and preserved.
I also think it's worth looking up individual artists that you want to support. Most of them have websites, and often (though not always) they have online shops where you can still buy their music directly, along with other merch. If they're selling merch but not CDs or downloads... idk, you could pirate their music and then buy a shirt or an enamel pin or something, that's still materially a lot more useful to them than streaming their music on spotify especially if they're not very well known what with that whole "you only get paid if you're already famous" policy.
Also depending on where you live it's still worth checking out brick and mortar music stores! Contrary to how it feels, CDs really are still A Thing, and stores that sell vinyls are likely to also still sell CDs, even if the selection may not be y'know... the entire broad wealth of music you can find on the internet. But in this era of streaming, I would imagine physical music stores could use all the foot traffic and sales they can get, so you're supporting musicians AND local businesses. (Just remember to mask up 👍)
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therobotmonster · 7 months
A Baffling Tribute to 80s Music Video Weirdness
The music video was more than just a great way to advertise your band, it was a way to do something weird as hell that would stick in your audience's mind and give a director or team of animators a chance to really stretch their legs.
Yeah, we'll be hitting some classics you knew, but hey, here's that song from Ferris Beuller's Day Off and about a dozen other movies, TV shows, and food commercials.
Turns out the song is about the beauty of nature, and "Yello" isn't even a reference to the color, but is rather "A Yelled Hello". This is, from what I've gathered, pretty standard for a Swiss Electronic Music group.
Untapped potential for the indie horror genre in Herbie Hancock's "Rock it" with whole new fields of strange animatronics.
Strange abstract costumed characters interacting in a song that makes a lot more sense with the original uncensored lyric "when I was a very small boy, very small boys talked to me, now that we've grown up together, they're all taking drugs with me."
TMBG would be a huge selection of weird music videos if I let them, so we'll focus just on Istanbul (Not Constantinople). TMBG had a policy of the videos never really having anything to do with the song lyrics, and every one is a weird surprise because of it.
You are commanded to enjoy.
The Talking Heads also had a lot of weird videos, and while everyone would expect Burning Down the House, I like Road to Nowhere better. Enjoy.
I saw this on an AlTV special, and could never find it because there's a lot of songs with this name, and Hilly Michaels isn't well known.
It's a sort of colored pencil rotoscoped animation thing and it's just perfect.
Oh hey guys, is this really necessary, can't we leave the deli tray out and split out of here?
TOO LATE! I'm posting Gor-Gor by GWAR. If I had to have my mind blown at 2am on Headbanger's ball at a sleepover at my cousin's place, you can have yours blown on the tumblr.dot.com in the year of your lord 2024.
Is Devo cheating? I feel like it might be.
Cyndi Lauper made great videos, but for absolute mind bending oddness, the Goonies tie-in video "Goonies R Good Enough" qualifies on the basis of the 2:15 minute mini-movie featuring Cyndi Lauper, her real life dad Captain Lou Albano, and a host of (at the time) WWF wrestlers that frames the video with Rick Flair trying to foreclose on the family gas station.
The music video ends on a cliffhanger. To this day no one knows how Cyndi got out of that mess. Someone rescued her. Moe, lets say.
I believe this is the Avant-Garde, and it does apear they never give up.
Curses, the ten video limit is hit! I may return soon!
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asc-rp · 4 months
Welcome Everyone!
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Indie Multifandom Multimuse RP blog featuring beloved characters from **The Owl House**, **Persona 5**, **Hazbin Hotel**, and **Honkai: Star Rail**. Muses include 80+ OCs, Hunter, Willow, Futaba, Charlie, Nifty, and many more. Semi-selective and OC selective, I welcome multiverse, crossovers, and AUs!
🔔 Like or Reblog if you’re interested in interacting! Personals, please do not reblog. Let’s create some unforgettable stories together!
🔮 **Canon Muses Include:**
- Hunter (Owl House)
- Willow (Owl House)
- Futaba (Persona 5)
- Charlie (Hazbin Hotel)
- Nifty (Hazbin Hotel)
- Lute (Hazbin Hotel)
- Emily (Hazbin Hotel)
- Qingque (Star Rail)
- March 7th (Star Rail)
- Adventurine (Star Rail)
- Acheron (Star Rail)
- Sparkle (Star Rail)
- Himeko (Star Rail)
- Trailblazer (Male/Female) (Star Rail)
🔗 **Links:**
- [Rules]
- [OC lists]
- [RP Memes]
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randomvarious · 12 days
1990s Indie Rock Playlist
Fucking finally! A 90s indie rock playlist for Spotify! I've had a YouTube version of this one for a few years now—and that one is both significantly better and longer—but now you all have *something* that's a whole lot more easily accessible too 👍.
Now, it's not really easy to describe what exactly makes an indie rock song an indie rock song in the first place, but you tend to know it when you hear it; and with this first iteration of a Spotify version of this playlist, we start with a total of 11 songs that run from shoegazey, noisy fuzz to smoother and more melodic power pop-leaning college rock stuff. And we've got a couple very brief explorations of specific scenes here too, with a few tunes from mid-90s Australia and then a handful from late 90s Philadelphia.
Plus, most of these are pretty dang obscure as well, with most selections having play counts somewhere in the low single-thousands; but we kick off with a total, unmissable classic: "Ginger" by Washington, D.C.'s Lilys, a song and band that I first discovered in the most unlikeliest of ways as a completely random bonus track on a retrospective 80s synthpop and new wave comp that celebrated beloved Bay Area radio DJ Steve Masters 😂. This killer 1993 tune is by far this playlist's most popular one, currently sitting at over 377K plays.
This playlist is ordered as chronologically as possible.
Lilys - "Ginger" Even - "Stupid Dream" Flanders - "Shameless" Challenger 7 - "Wait a Lifetime" Transient Waves - "Wavelength" Sunbirds - "Rocket" Line - "Hollow" Photon Band - "Here Comes Some Changes" Intro to India - "The World Is Waiting" Lenola - "Sids" The Asteroid No. 4 - "Tricks of the Trade"
But as I mentioned up top, there's a whole lot more great stuff on the YouTube version of this playlist, which contains more than double the amount of songs that are on the Spotify one, and thus I think really cements its own status as being a genuinely indie playlist, because you can't find most of it on any of the streaming platforms!
With this superior version, we've got tunes from the early 90s, including a much less known version of Brian Jonestown Massacre's "Evergreen," and a great, slow, and heavy one called "Salvation" by Los Angeles' Sacred Miracle Cave. Then we head up to Canada for a bunch of tunes from the Sonic Unyon label, including a few tracks by Treble Charger (aka NC17), whose "Red" has been rated by many as one of the single-greatest Canadian alt rock tunes of the entire decade. And there's a music video in this Canadian section too, for a spacey gem by SIANspheric called "I Like the Ride." 🚀🤘
Then after that, we head down to the mid-90s Philly scene, with the deeply underheard "Calling All Cars" by Slumber, which only has 77 plays, and The Asteroid No. 4's "Car Thief Millenia," which only has 95 plays. And then to close out, we have a couple tunes from Cali label Devil in the Woods, with the catchy, keyboard-assisted "Dirt Bike Rider" by Snowmen, and a rare, live performance of "Snowball" by Modesto's Fiver.
The Charlottes - "Could There Ever Be" Sacred Miracle Cave - "Salvation" Spot 1019 - "HHH" The Brian Jonestown Massacre - "Evergreen Treble Charger - "Red" NC17 - "Cubicle" Sponge - "Colourful Hat" Eric's Trip - "Evie" By Divine Right - "Out of It" SIANspheric - "I Like the Ride" Treble Charger - "Even Grable" The Asteroid No. 4 - "Car Thief Millenia" Slumber - "Calling All Cars" Snowmen - "Dirt Bike Rider" Fiver - "Snowball"
And this playlist is also on YouTube Music.
Now, you've probably never heard of almost any of these bands before, but I promise you that there is a metric ton of gold in this collection of songs. Go and hop in your '94 Taurus and cruise the highway with this thing; you will not regret it.
Spotify playlist is 11 songs and runs for 53 minutes, but the YouTube one is 26 songs and runs for 118 minutes. So if you want more of this terrific indie shit, you know which of these options to choose.
Next week we'll be taking an eclectic trip out to late 90s San Francisco.
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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vikintor · 2 years
I'm Vikintor, a Brazilian video game developer mostly know for my 2D and 3D surreal-occult-religiously psychosexual themed games. I'm going to link some of my creations here:
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Teocida is an esoteric experience focused on puzzles and riddles. Explore the enigmatic passageways of a twisted microcosm filled with symbolic faith landscapes and erotic nightmares.
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1569470
Itchio: https://vikintor.itch.io/teocida
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A mysterious entity is summoned to a twisted temple to discover the source of evil that emanates from within. Inspired by obscure Japanese games from the 90s and late 80s.
steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1026400/TAMASHII/…
Switch: https://nintendo.com/store/products/tamashii-switch/…
PS4/5: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP2187-CUSA16338_00-TMSPS4SIEADIGI00
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Glitched mix between Q-Bert and Pacman with surrealist horror aesthetics! Secrets included 👀!
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1495640/Estigma_Steam_Edition/
Itchio: https://vikintor.itch.io/estigmaextended
Physical: Available in Super Rare Mixtape vol.3:
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AnoMalice is a 3D surreal First-person puzzle game and shooter hybrid inspired by Teocida.
Itchio: https://vikintor.itch.io/anomalice-episode-1
Phisycal : https://superraregames.com/products/srg-mixtape-volume-4
GITHMAP (fangame)
A Dungeons&Dragons fangame made in the Doom Engine and using Baldur's Gate3 sprites.
Only one map available, you don't need to own Doom to play it. Setting inspired by The Lich-Queen's Beloved (An adventure for Githyanki heroes)
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reportingdead · 2 months
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𝙍𝙀𝙋𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝘿𝙀𝘼𝘿 ! from 666 studios, i'm your host katie killjoy.
indie, selective satirical portrayal of katie killjoy from the hellaverse. a sideblog to @hashtagbiitch. not affiliated with viv.z. 21+ containing dark themes. minors dni. presented by meer. he/they. est.
warning for themes: violence, murder, gaslighting, mass-media brainwashing, classism, homophobia. mun =/= muse. i don't support any of katie's beliefs. the pilot shows katie as homophobic and classist. the writer is bisexual and does not support homophobia or classism. if any of these themes bother you, unfollow or block me.
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✘ general trigger warning. dark themes will appear on this blog. featuring: gore, violence, murder, gaslighting, brainwashing, homophobia, classism, manipulation and more. common triggers will be tagged by "tw: insert trigger her". there will be nfsw and mentions of sexual content on this blog. it will be tagged "nsft". minors will be blocked; do not follow. mun =/= muse. i don't support katie's beliefs. i am bi and i don't condone ooc homophobia at all. block me if any of these themes make you uncomfortable.
✘ this is a side blog that follows back from @hashtagbiitch. it's low activity because i have a crazy work schedule. i will unfollow for ooc transphobia, homophobia, sexism, ableism, etc. general don't be an asshole rules apply.
✘ this is a satirical portrayal and will mostly be limited to comical one-liners, asks and short threads. somewhat show based + headcanon based. asks are for everyone. threads are for mutuals only. anon is usually off but i might turn it on once in a while. follow rp etiquette. no god-modding, no metagaming. cut your posts. don't force ships.
✘ my formatting is not consistent. i will use small text and large text. i might use icons or i might not. i don't care if my mutuals format. i'm pretty chill about that. the only thing i ask is that you cut your posts.
✘ psd credit: malevolent by saraephic. my pinned image was made by my talented friend @toxitrosia. my dumbass didn't notice that vox broadcasted his alastor defamation on the 666 news until starlette told me so i'm credited her for that lore + info. our ooc convo inspired me to make this blog.
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name: katie killjoy occupation: head anchor of 666 news, hell's premiere news station. ( a subsidiary of voxtek ) species: sinner, former human. age: died in the 80's. appears as someone in their early 40's gender: identifies as female. she/her pronouns sexuality: straight height: 9'0 hair: blonde eyes: red personality: snide, aloof, egotistical, charismatic, extroverted, haughty, charming ( on camera ) likes: gossip, good ratings, shit-talking, making men cry, insulting people, torture, red nail polish, coffee as black and bitter as her soul, the sound of her own voice dislikes: the hazbin hotel, being interrupted, the gays, poor people, her co-star's bitching, when her useless intern doesn't bring her coffee time, having to wait for anything ever
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kaidanworkshop · 1 year
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Workshop Update: Budget Surplus And You
Hello workshop followers! It's been about two months since our last major update, and for good reason: following the successful donation drive that we concluded in late May, we needed to reevaluate our staff timelines and prioritization of content, as we raised more than our initial goal. We'll be going over the details of those discussions in this post, but if you're more interested in reading about what each of our teams have been up to, you can find that post here.
Firstly, if you are unfamiliar with the Workshop budget, we suggest reading this post, the most salient part of which is:
"For the sake of transparency regarding script pricing, you can find the Indie Rate Guide for voice actor pricing that we are referencing for our budget here (specifically, the 'suggested' per hour payment of $250). With an estimation of approximately 100 lines per hour & approximately 1400 lines in the original script (plus the fees Paypal will assess), we have set our budget goal at $3600. This should cover the original script plus an additional 30 - 80 lines to cover new dialogue needed for expanded features. Our project is strictly non-profit; all funds raised are to commission Mr. Warren for his services."
We ultimately raised a grand total of $3870, leaving us with a $270 surplus -- equivalent to an hour of Mr. Warren's standard rate. Additionally during our staff meeting, our business lead checked our projected expenses and estimated that we may have the space in the original budget to squeeze out another $100 to go towards this 'fun stuff budget,' as we have informally dubbed it.
We came up with a few different ideas as to what we could allocate that money to, namely:
1. Nickname Expansion - creating and running another poll for the community to select nicknames to be added into the base mod
2. Roleplay Expansion - creating new dialogue options for the series of questions Kaidan asks about your character, to facilitate better roleplaying options (i.e. adding lines to declare that the player worships a god outside of the Nine Divines, more responses to the "Tell me something about you" dialogue tree, etc)
3. Custom Voiced Follower Fast Tracking - allowing the community to decide and vote on the funds being allocated towards a specific voiced follower that we have obtained permissions for
While our focus continues to primarily be on the base mod rebuild, we want the community to begin considering which of these options appeals to you the most -- and if you have a suggestion of your own, please feel free to drop a message or reach out to a Community Team member on our Discord server!
We hope to run a poll to decide what the surplus will go towards sometime after August, so there's plenty of time for everyone to think about what you'd like to see most!
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thefloatingstone · 7 months
You seem to like synth music, have you heard Blinding Lights by the Weeknd? Its a current-ish song that sounds straight out of 80s but somehow still modern
I do like synth music a lot!
I haven't listening to anything by The Weeknd yet because after what he pulled with that whole "The idol" tv show he puts a very bad taste in my mouth as a person.
I did check out the song itself. I do admit it IS pretty good. His voice is a bit too "modern pop" for the really good music backing it which I'm not super fond of, but it's pretty good! I do think I prefer bands like The Midnight and GUNSHIP tho.
There's an entire channel btw, if people are unaware, called "RetroNewWave" that only features synthwave (and its various offshoot genres) music by indie artists.
I've been listening to a lot of Mallsoft music lately, as well as what technically counts as Vaporwave but I'm extremely picky with Vaporwave because a lot of it doesn't appeal to me. I think I like Sovietwave but I haven't listened to enough of it to form an opinion on the genre as a whole outside of the songs I've listened to and REALLY like. (I'm a sucker for music that incorporates recordings of spaceflight chatter, both English and Russian).
This one is my favourite (despite not having spaceflight chatter in it)
I've been big into the album "WEBINAR" by Dreamcorp but I'm not sure what subgenre it fits into.
I just wish there was more Seapunk out there T__T I like Seapunk a lot but there only exists like 4 or 5 songs of it out there I like. A few of the VERY small selection of songs that exist I don't like that much, but the ones I DO like I'm obsessed with. "Realm of the Dolphin Overlord" is basically my entire personality on some days
I love this song so fucking much.
......wow I'm really turning into one of those" niche music snobs" aren't I?
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daggerzine · 6 months
Love Child- Never Meant To Be  1988-1993 (12XU)
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Love Child, the NYC trio of Will Baum, Rebecca Odes, and Alan Licht (later joined by Brenda O’Malley after Baum left) could’ve just been a footnote in history but thanks to the 12XU label fans old and new will be turned onto the band’s great grit rock that was all over the indie world in the late ’80s/early ’90s. Though it was basically Licht on guitar, Odes on bass, and Baum/O’Malley on drums there was some musical chairs instrument switching going on and on the vocals, too that always made for an interesting stew.
Ken Katkin’s Trash Flow label released the band’s debut single back in ’90 and sang the band's praises to anyone within earshot. When he took over Homestead Records (from Gerard Cosloy, who ironically runs the 12XU label that is releasing this collection), he continued on, releasing the band's two terrific LPs, Okay? and Witchcraft and another single. In addition to select cuts from those records, there are also songs from a Peel Session, a KSPC radio session, and more for 26 songs in all.
The charm of these recordings is Licht’s 6-string wizardry, a possibly self-taught genius who plays what he feels like when he wants to while the rhythm section hammers it all home with real hammers. Many of the songs don’t even hit the two-minute mark and those that do barely go over it though a few songs even go over the 5-minute mark and the album closer is the genre-defying “All is Loneliness” close in over eight minutes (I think they invented the word raga for cuts like this).
Cuts like “Wait and See, “He’s So Sensitive,” “Cigarette Ash,” “Crocus Says” and “Fortune Cookie” are just a few wired/wiry cuts that any band would be proud to call their own (“Willpower’ too).  In other words, it’s not too late to ride the fiery breeze of Love Child!
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v1oletsk1es · 1 month
# V1OLETSK1ES ; indie , 18+ , multimuse blog , featuring muses from fnaf , creepypasta , and yt egos .
# penned by V , they/he , 18+ ☔️
# this blog may possibly include dark themes such as ; cannabalism, murder, gore, violence, detailed discussion of mental illness, discussion of suicide, mentions of stockholm syndrome, and (possibily) unhealthy relationship dynamics.
# please read my rules, as detailed below the cut. along with the list of currently active muses!
# non – selective & independent
# multi-para responses are common, i am slow to replies due to this as i want to put as much effort as possible into your replies!
# anonymous friendly, but responses to mutuals are prioritized.
# multi – verse & multi – ship
# oc & multimuse friendly
# activity varies, more so due to fluctuating interest in roleplaying, not because i am uninterested in our plots!
# interacting with random starters, asks, and shitposts are HIGHLY accept and appreciated!
# plotting and pre – est are favored, but not required!
# please be open about shipping with me if you are interested, chances are i'm interested to! a heads up would be nice, as i will otherwise have no idea what you want!
# feel free to reblog memes from me! i do not practice reblog karma!
# PLEASE tag anything political, vague posts, negativity, and callout posts
# prefer if asks are turned into threads rather than reblogged from the answer itself
# very strict on keeping nsfw content specific to my side blog @evilmousebrain
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏 ; fnaf:sb | he/him | ageless
𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 ; fnaf | they/she | ageless
𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐘 ; oc | they/she/he | 25
𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏 ; fnaf:sb | it/he | ageless
𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐈 ; iswm!markiplier | he/they | 33
𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐂𝐈 𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐘 ; creepypasta | he/him | 26-27
𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐈 ; iwsm!stephanie patrick | she/her | 37
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; game theory | she/her | 36
𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈 ; JSE egos | it/he | ageless
𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓 ; EMH | all/any (based on vessel, typically evan so usually this defaults to he/him) | ageless
𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐍 𝐌𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; EMH | he/him | 22
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐘 ; portal 2 | he/him | ageless
𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 ; MH | he/him | 25
𝐉𝐄𝐅𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 ; creepypasta | he/it | 18
𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 ; dialtown | he/him | 29
𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍𝐒𝐎𝐍 ; portal franchise (OC) | she/her | late 80s (chronologically), 21-22 (physically)
𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; welcome home | he/him | ageless
𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 ; creepypasta | he/it | ageless
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐄 ; NWTB egos | she/her | ageless
𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐌 ; NWTB egos | he/him | ageless
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prentissluvr · 2 months
seeing the smau fics going around gave me an idea to do a similar thing but with their Spotify y’know? which is obviously going to take a lot of time but i wanted your opinion on what Sam’s music taste would be. so far i have mitski/sad girl music, or indie? i’m leaning more towards the sad girl music. the obvious choice would be country or something but i hate country music with a blazing passion so i’m not doing that. my friend told me he looks like he listens to ayesha erotica 💀 that’s honestly kinda valid but anyways what are your thoughts?
@just-be-the-cowboy HEHEHE OMG I LOVE THAT IDEAAA if i can figure out how to format that i might steal that idea if i have permission cuz i LOVE IT !!
hehe sad girl music FACTS LMAO i don't listen to a ton of mitski/sad girl music but i can so see what you mean!! i think we would listen to it, it feels like sooo younger sam vibes especially.
i actually don't think he'd love country tbh, esp earlier 2000s country because it's often about stupid shit like trucks and being misogynistic and i don't think that's his vibe tbh HAHA ik that's an over generalization but i also hate country and even if he looks sort of like he likes country when he wears boots, jeans, and flannels exclusively, i think he's far more tasteful LOL sorry people who like country :) i think he does like a select few songs from the genre because they can be good sometimes. like he'd like country from women not men if he did. play picture to burn by taylor swift and before he cheats by carrie underwood HAHA he's a girls girl!!
but! that being said, i think he might like some country adjacent things like american folk!! from here on out i am 100% projecting my own music taste onto sam so disclaimer for that LOL. i love the idea of sad girl music sam, but since i know more indie better, that's what i think he'd like. specifically indie folk, some indie rock, and ofc indie folk rock LOL. i think in terms of artists (once again, just projecting my own taste), he'd like hozier, noah kahan, sea wolf, maybe some vampire weekend, and other random folky indie artists! i don't think he loves the more pop-ish indie that's more popular these days, but he wouldn't mind it! he also might like shoegaze?
and he'd be interested in music from other languages because of how much he likes learning new things. maybe he'd be into indie japanese music? i think that's a pretty cool music scene that he might like. in season 12 he also canonically likes the vince vincente music which was like 80s rock i think?? so he probably likes similar stuff. he probably also listens to classical music LOL which actually i think is so valid. he might like jazz too, begin challenge do you think i could make sam like laufey LOL
idk so yeah obviously this is really just me projecting because that's basically my music taste outside of kpop and i don't think he'd like that LOL he'd be fascinated by that music industry tho haha. but my excuse for projecting is that i think it's kinda accurate anyways and sam is basically me! he's so masc lesbian so ofc he likes my masc lesbian music LMAO
i don't even know about ayesha erotica BUT THAT'S SO FUNNY TO ME HAHA not sure if older sam would but stanford and early seasons sam was that kind of cunty sooooo what can i even say LOL
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rivetgoth · 2 years
Definitely inclined to believe that the state of media in general is getting worse thanks to capitalism’s chokehold on all forms of entertainment distribution at the moment and the constant need to streamline marketable content faster and cheaper in larger quantities BUT I have said it before and I’ll say it again some of you have some real rose tinted fucking glasses on about media of the past versus media now and it is very obviously because y’all are not trying to engage with current smaller, independent, foreign, and/or less mainstream media while exclusively engaging with media from the past that “holds up” to today’s standards. Every time I see someone go “movies back then were just so GOOD, even BAD movies of the past were better than bad movies of NOW” I check their blog and all they talk about are a select few horror movies from the 80s that are universally applauded for their practical effects or cinematography while all of their vitriol is spent complaining about the recent MCU release. Like go watch literally any of the countless INCREDIBLE horror movies coming out right now that aren’t getting major commercial releases from household name distributors. I see people act like music was just better “back in the day” but they exclusively listen to a handful of award-winning grunge or new wave or whatever bands that still get radio play to this day while complaining about the current trending TikTok band or like, music literally produced to be played in supermarkets, when currently there is an INSANE movement of diverse and creative passionate artists across every genre releasing music independently through sites like Bandcamp and SoundCloud that would fucking love to get more support from people who want to hear something fresh and interesting and unique. People complaining about the state of horror games right now because the current white guy who yells at games on YouTube is being paid to promote Poppy Playtime 7 while indie game devs are constantly promoting creative new endeavors. Just check out the Dread X Collection series for literally dozens of indie horror game developers to get into that aren’t Five Nights At Freddy’s spin-offs lol. Stop complaining that the cherry-picked media of the past is so much better than mainstream media of the present and start actually supporting the people fighting to put their art out into a world that is patently against artists. You were not born in the wrong generation you just don’t know how to find art that isn’t trending on social media.
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