#seijuro mikoshiba headcanon
butter-egg-toast · 1 year
Secret admirer 💌
Anon question: how would the boys be as secret admisrs? Like them being romantic? Like a little lovely notes they leave everyday for you? Headcanons or scenarios plz 🙏
Just saw the second movie on YouTube I'm feeling motivated
Short n sweet 🍭
Sorry this took forever 😢
Hope you enjoy
✉Haru: He's definitely the best secret admirer out there. You'll never suspect him. He admitted that he has a crush on you but didn't know how to handle it. So he got some advice from friends.
"You got a letter? Who gave it to you? Do you think you'll respond back?"-Haru
✉Makoto: Is a literal nervous mess. He's nervous and shy. He askes you very specific suspicious and obvious questions regarding the letter. He is relieved you don't think the letter is weird
"So, y/n did you see anything strange today... or did you get anything??" -Makoto
Nagisa: Gets super very excited. Can't keep a secret worth nothing. Tells everyone what he's done.He giggling and asking if you seen something different today (pointing to the obvious)
"Rei chan, look what I wrote for y/n! She's never guess it me♡!!- Nagisa
Rei: He's shy but also is prideful how he woorded the letter. He tells Nagisa how you'll never suspect him. What makes its obvious its him he leaves clever well written riddles
"That is correct, it was I. Did you like what I wrote?"-Rei
Rin: He got the idea from gou and some movie. He thought it would been romantic. Got super embarrassed after realizing what he did. Tried to play it off like he didn't do it but he doesn't want anyone to take credit
"Damn...I didn't think through, um.. yeah it was me...do you like it? "-Rin
Sousuke: He's not the type to do it but somehow  he managed to keep a straight face. With his letters he leaves small pieces of your favorite candy tape to it (this gives it away that its him)
"Did I write that letter? How you figure that out?"-Sousuke
Kisumi: He tries his best not to make it obvious but he put SO much in his letters, like little doodles, hearts and sticker placed all over the letter.
"Wow someone must really like you y/n."-Kisumi
Asahi: He'll go straight forward with you but he'll do words of encouragement letters. When you even mention about the letter he looks like he's going to jump with joy.
"Really?! That letter made your day? Well there's more coming your way!!"-Asahi
Ikuya: Hes good at hiding it but he gave it away quickly after he mention a letter when you never told anyone. You actually caught him putting the letter in your bag. Poor guy got so embarrassed
"Uh...its..here, I have been writing these for you.
Hiyori: Another perfect secret admirer. He's a literal ninja. He's good a keeping his cool when mention. Seems like the type to place hidden letters for you to find all over the campus
"A note.. can I see... well looks like you have a little admirer... and the note is very beautifully written"-Hiyori
Natsuya: does a poor job hiding it. He's Direct with his feelings but he's also very playful with you. He wants you to fall for his words. He'll probably do like a little scavenger hunt of gifts he bought for you to find.
" oh yeah, I wrote that letter, except more to come! -Natsuya
Nao: secret secret admirer (at first). Then over time He wants you to know its him.  Even when you find out its him. He'll keep giving you the notes. He'll also quote bits words from his letters
"It seems someone has a admiration for you y/n i wonder who it is...-Nao
Kaede: His team mates(nagisa)convinced him this was a good idea. Somehow he wrote you letter telling you to meet him somewhere (restaurant). You meet him and he surprises you by ordering any food you want. He seems mean and tough but he's definitely have a loving side
" I shouldn't even listen to those bastards... what you want to eat?"- Kaede
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divetothefandom · 3 years
I'm fully covinced that embarrassing Rin's hilarious, and so easy that this all takes place relatively early in the relationship.
So before that I imagine Rin just casually knew you because you tagged along with the Iwatobis to the competitions and training with Gou.
And you reminded him of Haru, serious and stoic, but more talkative. Constantly making him laugh when he heard you teasing someone else over something stupid they did.
You both could talk about deep stuff and have conversations in different languages.
Slowly he started falling in love and miraculously enough he manged to ask you out without passing out of embarrassment.
But you still had him wrapped around your finger.
And at some point things will get hectic because life of a professional athelete do be like that. Probably training got delayed and he was late for a date with you so he went for a rose to give you as an apology.
But he was running through the park where he was supposed to meet you and while waited for you to appear a cat snatches the rose and he starts tugging it to get it back.
Needless to say the poor flower is torn apart when you do show up.
He hides the little botanic vitcim behind him red in the faces and can't form a coherent sentence he's so flustered.
And he hears it.
You start laughing and he looses it.
He will hide his face in his hoodie cap tugging it to cover more of his face. Which only makes you laugh more.
It's a vicious cycle of embarrassment and giggles.
But truthfully, he wouldn't change it for the world.
Sousuke is a serious guy for the most part.
So he is not particularly pushy about making you laugh.
Most of your relationships is pretty chill and not over the top as it'd be one with let's say Nagisa, Kisumi or Asahi.
Sousuke jokes around and is charismatic but he's pretty calm.
You often hang out with Sousuke in his rehab training and help him do some of his excercises.
You love talking to each other and are very much happy around each other.
But it isn't until one day Momo convinced Nitori to do a little Tokyo escaped with the Iwatobi guys since Rin was going to be in town... meaning the whole Swimming nerds crew would be reunited.
It was a rare opportunity you couldn't pass, so you skipped classes to reschedule his training earlier.
Everyone is reunited and they're having a great time.
They started teasing him and mocking him.
Among those things they went over funny stupid things he'd do as a child.
He's embarrassed and considering to leave when he hears you laughing at a story Rin told him.
It's such a pretty laugh and heartfelt.
He melts and decided leaving is not so bad being a little bit embarrassed if he can hear you laughing like that.
Clearly, he had to balance things out telling stuff about you.
And definitely he will make sure to tell you more fun stuff about his childhood if it means to make you laugh more.
He's not funny, he's not the kind of guy that makes other laugh.
But he's adorably ease to tease.
Which is why he hadn't invited you to visit you during his trainings or whenever Momo was around.
But today you showed up unannounced trying to surprise him.
He goes pale that you almost feel bad.
But he just knows what will happen.
All the guys are over you, specially when they know your their smol bean of a captain's sweetheart.
Trying to mess with him and you for being together.
Nitori is so flustered is adorable that he lets out the loudest screech to send them to work.
But you start giggling at him and everyone else finds it hilarious.
He's too flustered about it and just whines about it.
Don't get him wrong, he loves you, but he's so flustered!
Momo is hyperactive and cute. But he's more annoying than funny.
You particularly didn't seem to find him as either.
In one hand, you didn't get mad at him
On the other he never saw you laugh.
He was dead set on it, he is a cinnamon roll and always asks you about it
He is such a hyper bean.
One day you tag along with him to a joint meeting with the Iwatobi guys and you chat with Gou and Ayumu.
They start going about how obssessed he was with Gou and all the times she'd say his name wrong.
Momo experiences stress for the first time thinking you'd get mad.
He's an opening mouth away from going on a ramble about how that's the past and he only has eyes for you and only you.
But he's surprised to see you burst out laughing about how ridiculous he was and the whole name mix-up.
He feels like the luckiest guy in the world, not only for his sweetheart being so sweet and understanding, but also that laugh??? Is. So Precious?!??!?!
He's always so determined and stubborn.
So making you laugh is his goal. But he doesn't play dirty.
He wants to be intentionally be funny enough to make you laugh.
He's a sweetheart but just like his brother: hyperactive, not funny.
So he tries to be amusing another way.
One time he asks you to meet you by the pool and you arrive a bit early so he's still at the pool.
And look, my man is a devoted swimmer but not as devoted as he is to his darling (and he's very devoted to swimming).
He's just so excited to see you he rushes out of the pool and he runs to greet you and carry you in his arms still dripping wet.
Your response is the cutest nervous stream of giggles.
He gets even more excited that he makes you spin around and fill you with smooches until the coach scolds him and send him back to the pool.
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If you’re taking requests right now, can you write jealousy headcanons for the Samezuka boys + Seijuro? Thanks!
Sometimes it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s like this, he’d be more over the teasing side, but he’d poke around you not wanting to be with him anymore and wanting to be with that barista guy in the coffee shop you visit frequently. 
Sometimes, you’d play along, until you can literally see him tear up. 
Then, you’d decide that it’s enough and you’d pull him in for a hug. 
He’s dumb, he can’t see how beautiful he is, can he? 
You’ll make sure he knows he’s your one and only. Then, he’ll tease you back with how much you love him. 
He is a sweetheart, he’d be so heartbroken when he sees you talking to your tall classmate. 
He’d start wondering if you’d like him better if he was taller or stronger, or if his eyes were darker. He’d change his haircut if that meant youd like him better.
Nitori’s eyes would look glossy when you come closer to him after noticing him by the door. 
You’d hug him and kiss his cheek, he’d shyly ask if you dont mind him not being that tall. 
You laugh it of softly, “No, Ai, you’re perfect like this”, wrapping your arms around him. 
You’d feel him relax in your arms and blink back a few tears.
He might feel his world is falling apart. 
Momo would very likely make a scene and sob when he thinks you like someone other than him a lot more. 
He’d talk to you about it though.
You’d explain that it’s nothing like that and that this person was just borrowing something from you. 
He’d wait until you give him a forehead kiss to stop his sobbing.
Then, Momo would take you to get some ice cream. 
He’s a bit harsh and erratic when he’s not thinking straight. 
Sousuke wouldn’t want to hurt you in anyway, but if you try to talk about it at the wrong place and time, it could turn into a fight (depending on how you both handle it of course). He can be very explosive. 
He would never attack you in anyway, but he’d want to pull himself out of any interaction with anyone for a bit to cool off. 
If you leave him alone to think, from the begining, he’ll calm down and come back in a few minutes. He’ll hug you and tell you how much he loves you. 
But on the few days where he’s a bit more difficult to handle, if you try to push him into telling him what’s wrong he might snap. He’d be dumb and say something that he doesn’t mean. 
He’d then come back and try to explain what was happening through his mind. 
He is 100% not good with “negative” feelings, but he will fight back really hard to show he’s very sorry.
Honestly, Seijuro is pretty cool about it. Like, yeah, sure, he does get jealous, because it kinda happens to a lot of us. But he’s mature enough to not make a scene about it (probably not like Momo, for example).
He’d try to not address his feeling though, at first, because he doesn’t want to make a big deal about it, until you feel he’s a bit more quiet.
Seijuro will then explain to you how he feels, he’ll be very clear in the fact that there’s nothing wrong with you and that he should just probably reflect on his feelings for a bit.
You could try to validate his feeling or just let him deal with it by himself, but if you try to talk it out with him, he’ll feel a lot better with the situation and himself. 
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whom-the-hell · 3 years
Hello! May I request hcs about Makoto, Rin, Seijuro and Sousuke (if possible!) Reacting to gn reader saying "It's so nice being hugged by you" or "you're so warm" when the character hugs them? Fluff. Sfw. Thank you!
Hey there! If you don’t mind, I wrote some headcanons and a small scenario in each one of the characters. Also, I apologize for this taking such a long time!
𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: Fluff
𝕬𝖓𝖎𝖒𝖊: Free!
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖉𝖊𝖉:
Makoto Tachibana
Seijuro Mikoshiba
Rin Matsuoka
Sousuke Yamazaki
𝕸𝖆𝖐𝖔𝖙𝖔 𝕿𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖆:
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-Okay so, in my opinion, I think Makoto gives the SOFTEST and WARMEST hugs ever!
He can wrap his hands around your body and it would feel like you made your way to heaven.
-Whenever you hug him, Makoto feels happiness and love that’s radiating from the hug.
-Anyways, it was a hard day for you, and all you wanted is to come back home and lay down on the bed and sleep.
-You walked your way back home and opened the front door, where you saw Makoto sitting on the couch in the living room.
-You put down your stuff and take off your shoes, shortly after, washing your hands in the bathroom and plopping onto the couch where Makoto was sitting.
-”Hey babe, how was your day?” He asks you in a soft voice.
-You mutter out something under your breath and Makoto realized that you were in a bad mood.
-He would wrap his hands around you softly, his body sharing his warmth with you as he makes small circles with his thumbs on your back with one of his hands.
-You would stay in that comfortable position and say: “You know, it’s so nice to be hugged by you.” You softly say.
-When you said that, Makoto’s face would fade from his normal skin color to the shade of crimson REAL QUICK.
-This guy over here would feel so happy and pleased with the words that just came out of your mouth that he will remember the compliment you gave him for the rest of his life.
𝕽𝖎𝖓 𝕸𝖆𝖙𝖘𝖚𝖔𝖐𝖆:
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-The first time he hugged you it felt warm and full of love.
-I feel like Rin is the type of boyfriend to give amazing hugs to his s/o. And ONLY to his s/o.
-So, when you both started to date, you were surprised of how loving the hugs he gave you were.
-Anyways, this night you were having a nightmare.  
A nightmare that involved you and Rin getting into an argument and breaking up shortly after.
-You jump up as your eyes open faster than sonic could ever run, while sweat dripped down your forehead and back.
-You look to your side and see Rin, peacefully sleeping.
-”It was just a nightmare...” You sigh in relief as you whisper under your breath.
-”Is everything okay? You were moving around like crazy, did you dream a nightmare?” You hear a male voice say.
-You turn your head to Rin’s side of the bed where you see him sitting up and scratching his head.
-”Yeah, sorry if I woke you u-”
And not even letting you finishing your sentence, Rin embraces you into a loving, soft, warm hug.
-He puts his head into the crook of your neck and calmly breathes.
-”Don’t be scared love, everything’s going to be okay.” Rin whispers into your ear.
-”Rin, can I tell you something?” You ask him. -”Sure?”  
-”You give the warmest and loving hugs I’ve ever felt, I’m serious.”  
-You couldn’t see what Rin’s reaction was, but let me tell you that he felt like he’s about to faint.
-Rin didn’t expect for you to say that, so you caught him off guard by the pleasing and loving words you told him.
-He felt like fainting because people don’t usually say that to him, and hearing that coming out of his s/o felt like heaven.
-A smile on his face grew bigger, as his cheeks radiated the sweet color of pink.
𝕾𝖊𝖎𝖏𝖚𝖗𝖔 𝕸𝖎𝖐𝖔𝖘𝖍��𝖇𝖆
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-Seijuro gives really energetic and relaxing hugs to his s/o. So, expect the hug to be nice, you would be able to relax into the hug and it would feel really good.
-He hugs you quite a lot too.
-Anyways, this day, you were sick.
-Your nose was stuffy and you throat hurt.  
Yesterday, you went out with your friends to the town to hang out. And I guess you didn’t know that it’ll get colder by the hour, so you came back home with freezing legs and arms.
-You told your boyfriend, Seijuro, that you weren’t feeling well today, and that you won’t be able to come over to his place today.
-What you didn’t know is that he will come to you.
That means he’s literally sprinting to your place with medicine in his hands while worrying if everything’s okay with you.
-He knocked on your door straight after and you, so lazily, opened it.
-”What the heck are you doing here?!” You say in shock, trying to not higher your voice.
-”No time to talk! I’ll make you hot soup and give you some medicine!” Seijuro gets into the house and puts the medicine on your table.
-You say nothing. Just watch him freak out over you getting a little cold.
-Then, you start to quietly laugh, as you couldn’t contain yourself.
-Seijuro looks at you with a confused look on his face. “What’s so funny?”  
-”Oh nothing, it’s just that you got so freaked out over a little cold, that I couldn’t contain myself.” You answer him.
-Seijuro looks at you and sighs, starting to make his way to you.
-He slowly wraps his hands around your fragile body.
“Maybe I had over reacted a little bit-” He says with a small smile.
-You giggle softly, and hug him back.
“Ya know, the only thing that can make me feel better right now are your hugs. You are literally so warm, I love it.” You say quietly, enough for him to hear.
-His reaction is rather cute. He will hug you a bit tighter and cling onto you, not wanting to let go.
-”Could we maybe go si-”
-He will also kiss your cheek repeatedly.  
-He felt so happy by your words he thought that he has achieved the ultimate goal of life. (ikr, kinda dramatic but still cute)
𝕾𝖔𝖘𝖚𝖐𝖊 𝖄𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖟𝖆𝖐𝖎
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-The first time you hugged him, he was a bit stiff as he wasn’t used to that type of thing.
-Though, after he did get used to hugging you, he will do it nonstop.
-You get up, he hugs you. You go to sleep, he hugs you. You walk, he hugs you.
-He loves hugging you but he won’t admit it, even though it’s already really obvious.
-That day, you were out at the library trying to study for an upcoming exam.
-And before you knew it, night time has come.
-You took the bus home and look at your phone to see over 20 messages from your boyfriend, Sousuke.
Hey, where are you?
Y/n are you okay?
Y/n what happened?
Why aren’t you texting back?
*and 14 more*
-”Crap-” You think to yourself and quickly text him back, explaining that your phone was off and you were trying to study.
-Not after a second later you get a text back from him saying that he’s waiting outside your place.
-Soon enough, you arrive.
-Sousuke, seeing you, runs over and hugs you tightly.
-”H-Hey! Is everything okay...?” You ask him.
-Sousuke doesn’t answer, just moves closer to you.
-You sigh and smile lightly, giving into the hug and closing your eyes.
-Your body relaxed and you felt happy that he worried about you.
-”You do know you shouldn’t worry about me this much.” You say.
-Sousuke shakes his head no.
-”Sometimes, you act like a child, a child that gives the warmest and softest hugs I’ve ever felt.”
-Suddenly, you feel your body being lifted up.
-”What are you-!”  
-He slowly picks you while giving you a warm smile.
-He felt relieved everything's okay with you, but also pleased by your words.
-His cheeks were pinkish and it looked like he was blushing.
-After you told him that he gives good hugs, he started to hug you even more.
OkAy, I’m so sorry once again for taking such a long time to write this-
I love you, and hope you have a nice rest of your day!
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jean-kayak · 3 years
i think i'm the first free request... can you do general fluff hcs for asahi, natsuya, and seijuro? ty!!!
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🌊I feel like his love language is physical touch and quality time
🌊So expect this man to always have a part of his body touching you
🌊That could mean holding your hand or having you lay on him or vice versa, an arm around your shoulders
🌊He's your biggest cheerleader in anything, doesn't matter what
🌊It could be that you finally got a good night of sleep to nailing your exam, he is always cheering you on
🌊Along with being your biggest hype man, like I mean keyboard smashes on your Instagram posts lmfao
🌊Insecurities? He's throwing them out of the window and stomping on them
🌊He knows they won't go away overnight, but he spends everyday slowly coaxing you out of them until you don't even blink twice about it
🌊I feel like he's really big on touching your foreheads together lmao
🌊Like you could be laying in the bed together, and he'll bump his head against yours softly
🌊Or he'll just put his forehead against yours, and just stare into your eyes
🌊A massive cuddler
🌊Doesn't matter if you're the big spoon or if it's him, he doesn't care at all
🌊He's also very clingy, like his arms are always wrapped around you
🌊Especially whenever you get up to fix something to eat in the mornings, cause I feel like he gets very clingy when he's really sleepy 🥺
🌊Constantly has date ideas
🌊Rain canceled your plans? He's making a pillow and blanket fort in the living room with a stack of movies to watch alongside it
🌊No date is ever the same, there's always something different that you both end up doing
🌊Overall, 10/10 boyfriend
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🌊Buys you a necklace with his name on it, and you always catch him staring at it
🌊When you call him out on it, he always tells you that he's so lucky to have you, and he can't believe that the both of you are together
🌊Always sending texts or pictures throughout the day that he knows will make you smile or laugh
🌊Loves making you laugh because it sounds like music to his ears, even making you smile is enough to make his day
🌊He tries to join you in whatever hobbies you have, wanting to spend as much time with you as he can
🌊Random kisses are very common
🌊You could be doing homework, reading, on your phone, cooking, anything, and he'll just randomly come up to you and ask for a kiss
🌊Loves to play with your hair
🌊If you're laying on him, expect him to mess with the ends of it, or ask you to teach him how to braid it
🌊Loves to kiss you, like I said before, but he can ever kiss you just once; he's always asking for one more, which turns into many more
🌊Randomly dances with you even if there's no music, whether it's in the kitchen, living room, bedroom
🌊Likes doing face masks with you, and he always takes pictures of the both of you
🌊If you're having a bad day, he drops everything to do anything he can to make sure that you're feeling better
🌊Whenever you go shopping, he has you do like a mini fashion show so that he can see what you bought and help you with outfits
🌊9 times out of 10, he's right there with you lmao, and he takes a bunch of pictures
🌊Loves to buy you things even if you swear up and down that he doesn't have to
🌊He just can't help when he sees something that reminds him of you, and he just has to buy it
🌊You don't let him overspend on you though, but he will always treat you with some food or anything you want
🌊He just loves to see your face light up when he gets you something that you really love or enjoy
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🌊Gives the BEST hugs, like, have you seen this man's shoulders???
🌊He is a comfort king, and he can basically read you like a book
🌊He can tell when you're not feeling the best, and the first thing he'll do is hug you before asking you if you want to do anything that'll take your mind off what's bothering you
🌊Loves to have you in his lap or on top of him, basically just wants his arms around you all of the time
🌊Along with having you in his arms, he loves to carry you, mostly because it just makes him feel like he can really take care of you
🌊He carries you when you're sick, sleepy, or when you're feet are hurting
🌊If you say there's no way he could, he makes it his personal mission to show that he can and it's no problem
🌊He has to kiss you before every swim meet because the first time he did, he won and beat his personal record
🌊He says you're his good luck charm, but then he's constantly asking for another
🌊"Seijuro, you're gonna be late." "I know, I know, just one more."
🌊Loves when you wear his clothes, and he will purposefully throw his sweatshirt or his jacket your way whenever you say you're cold
🌊He kisses at every one of your insecurities making sure that you never feel that way again
🌊It's like a ritual for him, he does it every morning, afternoon, the evening before you go to sleep, telling you that you are gorgeous, beautiful, the whole nine yard
🌊He fucks it into you too, but we ain't talking about that right now LMFAO 💀
🌊Antieways, if there are days where you are having a low point, he is there with you every step of the way
🌊Lays between your thighs, it's definitely one of his favorite places to go to sleep
🌊Especially after a meet, he'll just move your legs and lay down in between them, and that man is out in two seconds
🌊He uses one like a pillow, and the other like a makeshift blanket, wrapping his arm around it
🌊Bottom line, he is a very affectionate person, and literally the best boyfriend in the world
Thank you for this anon, I love you
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syrenblubs · 3 years
going on a road trip with the free! siblings
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a/n: lets ignore the fact that mikoshiba’s practically turned into an imagine haha
pov: ur a family friend and they had an extra spot
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Rin + Gou
-their trips are always vv wholesome
-before leaving, their mom would make bentos for yall to eat in the car
-rin would be the one driving for most of the trip, but his mom would step in if he'd get a lil too angry over slow drivers haha road rage gang
-yk their music tastes are god tier so that shouldn't be a problem
-yall would play car games like "what do i spy" to pass the time
-rin's making travel vlogs for tiktok because yeah
-he also has his headphones in, pretending like he's in the music video
-gou is busy watching muscle videos she downloaded on her phone
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Asahi + Akane
-going on trip with them would be anything but quiet
-asahi is that person always asking "are we there yet"
-akane would reply with "no dummy"
-kon and akane would take turns driving
-ofc they bought some coffee from the shop for the trip
-cue asahi spilling coffee in the car and causing a panic
-you and asahi would play with tsukushi until he falls asleep for the rest of the ride like all babies do on road trips smh
-asahi is that person who would say he doesn't need to go to the restroom just as they're approaching a stop but will immediately ask to just after they leave
-he's also the one who suggests play car games which often don't end well because tsukushi would wake up crying from all the noise
-and then you and asahi would have to be the ones to lull tsukushi back to sleep
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Seijuro + Momo + Isuzu
-honestly their trips are one of a kind
-good luck trying to sleep during their chaos
-they really did turn their whole car ride into a karaoke session
-random stops at the grocery store just to make tiktoks>>>>
-momo asks to pee almost every other hour, sei needs food all the damn time, and isuzu needs internet to look at memes
-all of you are squished in the backseat with pillows and suitcases
-did momo bring his stag beetles? well you are about to find out right no-
-as you rested your head on the window, you felt something move around your face. at first you didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was just a fly, until you heard strange noises coming from whatever was crawling on your face. you slapped the side of your face, only to feel something you least expected. it was a beetle, but not just any beetle. it was momo's prized stag beetle he planned on giving to gou.
-oh the scream that came out from you after that sight
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Natsuya + Ikuya
-both you and their parents are praying for a peaceful trip where the brothers won't fight-
-well that didn't happen
-first off, the aux is passed to natsuya because he's got that music taste
-at some point during the trip him and ikuya were fighting over the aux because ikuya didn't want to listen to his "shitty" music
-you were able to stop them, as you stole the aux for good lets hope you have good taste in music unlike me cough
-ikuya, on the other hand, has his headphones shoved in his ears probably listening to sweater weather
-it’s teasing ikuya about embarrassing childhood memories hours
-more like bullying ikuya hours
-while he's asleep, you and natsuya would take turns trying to tickle him
-natsuya is taking SO many photos for his instagram
-he also sneaked in a picture of a drooling ikuya on his private story
-as payback, ikuya ordered natsuya the spiciest chicken nuggets on the menu at their stop and forced him to eat all of them
-lets just say natsuya did not have a good night after that
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What Makes Them Break | Part 2
Part 1
A/n: ㋛
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, cursing
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Rin-> He’s shouting and doesn’t even realize the extent of his actions. Not even the stony look in your eyes stops him. It’s the final slam of the door that brings him to his senses. And that’s when everything falls apart. He promised you he would work on this, he promised you a thousand times and yet—
His world? Gone.
Sousuke-> He’s in the middle of chopping vegetables when suddenly his hand stops short. This was your favorite meal right? It just came so naturally to him, almost as natural as the way you left him.
Aii-> His clothes still fill with your scent.
Momo-> “Did you see that (y/n)?!” Momo waves proudly at the stands after achieving a personal best. He still hopes that one day you’ll call back out to him...like the way you used to.
Seijuro-> He was feeling good! So he decided to send you a picture—but wait—why won’t the message send? Come on man, you’re fucking breaking him.
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-> reblog for part 3
Taglist: @glitchedover @natsuya-enthusiast @allieturs @syrenblubs @todominica @kkbear @thatfreeshit @lowkeystasha @animatedarchives @cha0tically0rganized @ourfallenthoughts @akaashirin @ever4wolf (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
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everythingiwatobi · 4 years
So I thought about a headcanon yesterday before going to bed and here it is.
ps: I will try to answer my requests soon!
What would the cast favorite video games be?
Haruka would definitely enjoy any game where you can fish snd swim. His favorites are Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy XV. Also he kinda relates to Noctis that's why.
Makoto would enjoy Mario games. He's a mario fan. He loves playing those 3D Mario games and his favorite is definitely Galaxy or Sunshine.
I'm sorry but both Nagisa and Nitori are fortnite/roblox gamers. Literal kids. They play together of course.
Rei would really enjoy those 2000s classics, like Spyro and Crash.
Rin would absolutely enjoy Uncharted and Tomb Raider. He loves action. He always talks when he plays, and the characters somehow always say the same thing he just said and Rin is like "wait???"
Sousuke would love a good story game with good gameplay, something really heavy like God of War, The Witcher and Assassin's Creed.
Momotarou is that Call of Duty dude. oops. Actually the whole Mikoshiba (Seijuro & Isuzu) family is the FPS family.
Ikuya and Natsuya both grew up playing final fantasy games. Natsuya also likes playing some online games like Overwatch. As for Ikuya, he prefers playing solo, and he really enjoys Kingdom Hearts and Zelda.
Hiyori is the Life is Strange guy. The interactive games. Detroit, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, Tell me Why... But his favorite is Life is Strange.
Nao would enjoy the 80s 90s classics. The 2d and early 3d games. Grandpa. I think he would love Metroid the most, no cap
Asahi would enjoy the Spider-Man games the most. he loves Marvel af.
Gou plays genshin impact all day all night, you know it. She enjoys the anime style games. She loves the Tales of series too.
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caffernnn · 4 years
For Halloween, Rin forces his little Samezuka family to dress up as the Addams Family. Rin is more than happy being Morticia and has way too much fun drawing a scraggly mustache on Sousuke for his Gomez costume. Momo doesn’t even have to try too hard to get into character as Pugsley, and he uses the costume as an excuse to bring out some of his bugs. Nitori tries to be broody in his Wednesday costume but still smiles way too brightly when complimented or greeted at the costume party. Sei catches wind of it all and shows up as Lurch, and the group photos are way too precious. 🖤
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miikewheelers · 5 years
anime characters on this blog who have a fear of spiders
rin matsuoka
rei ryuugasaki
makoto tachibana
aiichirou nitori
seijuro mikoshiba
kisumi shigino
victor nikiforov
yuri plisetsky
phichit chulanont
jj leroy
guang hong ji
eiji okumura
shorter wong
yut lung lee
tokiya ichinose
masato hijirikawa
syo kurusu
otoya ittoki
kento aizome
goshi kaneshiro
ryuji korekuni
akane fudo
kazuna masunaga
mikado sekimura
hikaru osari
haruhi teramitsu
sakuya sakuma
tsuzuru minagi
tenma sumeragi
kumon hyodo
taichi nanao
azuma yukishiro
+ bonus: characters who aren't totally afraid of spiders but aren't immune to them either
haruka nanase
sousuke yamazaki
momotarou mikoshiba
yuuri katsuki
michele crispino
sing soo ling
max lobo
reiji kotobuki
ren jinguji
itaru chigasaki
kazunari miyoshi
homare arisugawa
more might be added soon lol
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butter-egg-toast · 3 years
Gifts 🎁 for you
Anon ask: What type of gifts will the free boys give to you?? Thank you take your time
Birthday 🎂, Christmas 🎄, Valentines 💝 or Anniversary 💐
Sorry this took long anon.
Haru: Bath self care kit: Bath bombs, bubble bath, sugar scrubs, lotion, body wash, and body exfoliator brush
"I heard this stuff is really good for your skin."-Haru
Makoto: Cat theme, Cozy throw blanket with giant kitten stuff animal
"I hope its not too big for your room. The blanket is super soft and warm too!"-Makoto
Nagisa: clothing set: hoodies, sweat pants, purses, and shoes
"We have matching hoodies y/n chan, lets show everyone!"-Nagisa
Rei: fragrance 5 set with scented lotions: Raspberry mist, coconut mist, cotton candy mist, white peach mist, and Mango hair mist.
"These fragrances has a lovely sweet smell to them. I really like them on you"-Rei
Rin: Jewelry kit:  rings, necklace,  bracelets, body jewelry, mini jewelry box. and ear rings
"I got you different colors, I wanted to look for different designs. I know they are going to look great on you"-Rin
Sousuke: Sleep set: slik pillow case, eye mask,head phones and night time mask
"I wasn't sure what to get you, so I hope you'll like it"-Sousuke
Aii: He would make cooked home made meal,(breakfast , lunch and dinner), planned out a whole day of activities. Watching movies, buying what you want, going to the zoo and enjoying each others company.
"Today is going to be special for you"-Aii
Kisumi: Slippers, fuzzy socks matching  pajama set and tea set with candies
"You can wear these when you spend the night over my place. And we can try some of these teas"-Kisumi
Asahi Hair care set: shampoo, conditioner, oils, scalp care, brushes combs and curler iron.
"Your hair always look so pretty, so I got you these. I hope you like it. Tell me if you do."-Asahi
Ikuya: Scented candles 5 set, pumpkin, vanilla,  cinnamon apple, citrus rose, and Lavender
"These are also help calms stress. Let me know if you like them. I'll buy you some more"-Ikuya
Hiyori Make up kit, lips sticks, lip gloss, blush. Eye shadow, concealer, make up brushes and eye liner
"I saw that you would look at those makeup tutorials, so I thought you may like this."-Hiyori
Natsuya Skin care: sunscreen, face wash, 5 peel off mask, moisturizing oils, lotion, facial rollers, lip scrub, and toner
"I really wanted to find something you may like. I noticed you have a lot of these products in your room"- Natsuya
Nao Cooking kit: cooking books, aprons cooking mittens, sweet champagne bottles and glasses:
"I hope you enjoy you gifts." Clicking both glasses together."-Nao
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shoutokozume · 3 years
Iwatobi Swim Club Masterlist
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Main navi
Haruka Nanase
Rin Matsuoka
Makoto Tachibana
Nagisa Hazuki
Souzuke Yamazaki
Rei Ryugazaki
Kisumi Shigino
Gou Matsuoka
Asahi Shiina
Hiyori Tono
Aiichiro Nitori
Ikuya Kirishima
Momotaro Mikoshiba
Seijuro Mikoshiba
Tooru Iwashimizu
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divetothefandom · 3 years
Gamer Roaster | All
Well, it is canon that he loves simulation games, so the Sims would be nice, but my job is to add some more info… Also a big fan of puzzly exploration games, like BOTW, but that's a story for a different post ;3
He likes race games, and his favorite has to be Mario Kart, Need for Speed and F Zero, he loves them power up and Captain Falcon is funny. Probably a huge fan of GTA too because it's all chaotic and wild and EXCITING!!!
Any Family-Friendly game is great, he loves Splatoon, because “a shooting game that won’t cause me a heart attack?” He signed up really fast, don’t be fooled, he’s an absolute monster. Any game that involves shooting without blood he’s a huge fan of. But I don’t see him as a Fornite kind of guy because he has good taste, lmao. He loves to play with his sibling.
A fan of shooter platform games, like Metroid and stuff: he likes the intense stories. A fan of Metal Gear too. But he also rules at those fighting games like Mortal Combat and those. A God of War pro. He's a very good player but everything Makoto is not: fan of scary games. He plays games like Doom, Batman Arkham, you know? He likes darker games.
Nagisa and Rei:
RPG DUO, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, yes please, strategy fights and cool characters, you bet this two are up for it. I do think they play them together and Rei has to carry the team.
Nagisa loves dance games.
And Rei is also into puzzle games like Sudoku and stuff when he travels.
I kinda see him as a popular game fan guy, like FIFA, Call of Duty, Halo, and the Assassin’s Creed saga. He tries to play racing games or shooters but unless he plays with his friends he's not very good, Makoto is more than happy to play with him all the time.
I feel like he’s a platform-puzzle kind of guy, but a bit more intense, and he’d like games like Portal and Bioshock. I feel like he got into advetury games because of his brother and evetually got into games like Far Cry. Very good at racing games as well, but he is more agressive about it, like crashing against other cars.
Probably just does some phone games, he likes puzzles but sucks at actual videogames. Maybe Mario games, but he’s still very bad. Maybe those LEGO game s because they don’t tend to be too hard. He’s the kind to lose on the same spot over and over. You don't want him on your team ngl. Poor Ikuya has to carry the team.
Funny games, like untitled goose game, undertale, that one KFC dating sims. The more absurd the game is, the better. Just like with basketball, he tries to make everyone play them (Makoto always being the one that tags along).
PUBG, and any cool games, like The Last of Us, Uncharted, it’s not like he has a genre, but anything he finds cool. I see him playing a lot of fighting games, like God of War or the Mortal Kombat franchise. I picture him as the kid that went to play to the arcade games like Street Fighter as a kid.
He’s probably the only one who doesn’t give me any gamer vibes, so maybe just mental puzzles like 2068 and such to kill time. Fucking psycho is a top notch gamer and can play even horror games with a straight face.
He’s a Minecraft kid, also lowkey Fornite fan with his friends too. Plays a lot of dancing games with Nagisa as well. He was one of those kids fan of Fight Nights at Freddy's, I'm willing to bed money.
Like his bother he likes horror games, but... Actual horror games, you name it. Outlast, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and so. Unlike Nao he do gets scared but still plays non stop to push his own limits like a masochist. He’s a fucking madlad.
Little farm games are his jam. He’s not a very intense guy so he’ll be chilling with Animal Crossing villagers or Farmville.
Things they play together:
Play Station movies 😂 I mean, games like Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human.
Although they cover the youngers ones’ eyes because of the sensible material.
Makoto joins that group because he gets either scared or flustered.
But they absolutely love the stories, the control usually stays on the hands of Rin, Haru, Sousuke and Asahi while the others screech intructions.
Nintendo Games
Okay, I'm a Nintendo SIMP so I like to think this guys are too, especially they like games where they can play together.
Mario Kart: Chaotic game nights, bunch of screaming and laughing, there's a lot of harmless fighting in and out of the game, blueshelling the 1st place will get you tickled silly or a smack on the face with the biggest pillow in the room.
Mario Party: Of course they can't play all together but they probably have at least 3 consoles among the like... 14 guys, so they can play different matches in all. There's a lot of screaming during the minigames or the duel slots and people start stealing stars.
Zelda: They all adore The Legend of Zelda, but I'll make a post for that exclusively.
Smash: They all love it. Absolute fighting chaos, and they all love it.
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Haru: All-Rounder, mains Pit and since he manages fighting both face to face and from a distance he's pretty dangerous.
Makoto: All but tricky, he’s fucking scary. Because besides a few exceptions he can choose random and he'll win 1st or at least 2nd place.
Rin: Speed or All-Rounder, because of course he is. He probably mains the swordsmen like Ike.
Sousuke: Power and Range. He tanks, he can take a lot of hits and do a lot of damage, but he's pretty easy to hit. Mains the Pokémon Trainer (Charizard) and Simon.
Nagisa: Technical, he plays a lot with circumstance and can adapt with the charavter, probably mains Shulk or Zelda.
Rei: Technical and Defensive, he's very strategic and is the one that hits and evades, he doesn't make a lot of his but when he does their scary combos, his main is Sheik or the Eartbound kids.
Asahi: All-Rounder and Range, he probably fights head on and gets trapped in combos a lot. I feel like he mains Mewtwo because he thinks that'll give him some advantage.
Ikuya: Defense, he can fight you like a man, but has to load combos, totally see him maining Samus (all, normal, Zero Suit and Dark)
Hiyori: Tricky and Range, and he’s a projectile spammer, that fucking asshole, lmao, otherwise he can’t stay on the arena for too long though. Probably mains like Bowser Jr.
Natsuya: Power, he can take you down after a few hits, mf does a stupid amount of grabs and I hate it. Doesn't really main, but can handle all the Power types.
Nao: Balanced (not a type), he probably grabs funny looking character and somehow still kicks your ass. He plays with the comic additions like Pirahna plant, the Wii-fit trainers, etc.
Momo: Speed, runs around the course and grabs all the items, his giggles a lot when he manages to take down the stronger players with the hammer. He mains Sonic, Pikachu and the Mario characters because he loves 'em.
Seijuro: Power, he lets you hit him so he can fight with a lot of damage to see if he can survive, he's insane. Mains Bowser.
Nitori: Defense, at least he has the decency to not spam the projectiles like Hiyori. He’s just too nervous at this kind of thing.
Kisumi: Technical, he's weirdly good at it, but he doesn't care much about winning so sometimes will grab a character and do a kamikaze to take them down with him. His main would be Pacman or like the Minecraft dude (Steve?), because it's funny.
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tommybaholland · 4 years
request rules 🐳
i want to preface this by saying that any of these guidelines could change at any time. check back here or the #update tag but i’ll try to let you know when changes are made! don’t be afraid to message me or send an ask if you have any questions and i will do my best to help out!
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❧ current updates: 
-> check back for new writing posts every few days! currently trying to rotate through fandoms with every post night
-> some tokyo revengers characters are now available to request!
❧ current request status:
tom&co. | OPEN (0/10 slots filled)
anime/manga | OPEN (6/10 slots filled)
*** updated on 13 Feb 2023***
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❧ how to request:
1. read these rules entirely. any requests that do not follow these guidelines will be deleted
2. think about if you have any questions or if something in the rules needs clarification. if yes, then please send an ask or a message (asks are preferred for more general questions as others may have the same question). if not, then you’re good to move on to the next step!
3. simply send an ask (on or off anon) with the details and i’ll get to it as soon as i can! note that longer, more detailed requests may take longer to fulfill. you may send in as many requests as you like but please be mindful that the actual posting of them may be spread out over several weeks
❧ who i will write for (bolded names indicate personal favs):
tom holland, harrison osterfield, peter parker 
bnha/mha (anime&manga):
izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, kyoka jiro, ochaco uraraka, mina ashido, momo yaoyorozu, hitoshi shinso, tamaki amajiki, nejire hado, camie utsushimi, fuyumi todoroki, natsuo todoroki, dabi
haikyuu!! (anime only):
kuroo, kenma, yaku, yamaguchi, nishinoya, daichi, sugawara, kageyama, akaashi, bokuto, suna, atsumu, osamu, kita, oikawa, iwaizumi, wakatoshi, tendo, semi, goshiki  
jujutsu kaisen (anime&manga):
yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, satoru gojo, junpei yoshino, kento nanami, toge inumaki, maki zenin, yuta okkotsu, aoi todo, noritoshi kamo, toji fushiguro, choso, suguru geto
free! (anime only):
haruka nanase, makoto tachibana, rin matsuoka, nagisa hazuki, rei ryugazaki, sosuke yamazaki, aiichiro nitori, momotaro mikoshiba, seijuro mikoshiba, asahi shiina, kisumi shigino, ikuya kirishima, hiyori tono, natsuya kirishima
sk8 the infinity (anime only):
reki kyan, langa hasegawa, kojiro nanjo (joe), kaoru sakurayashiki (cherry), tadashi kikuchi
tokyo revengers (anime&manga): 
takemichi, mikey, draken, naoto, akkun, mitsuya, baji, kazutora, chifuyu, hanma
❧ what i will write:
anything that’s sfw including fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, mildly spicy, etc sfw..
AUs i will write include friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, mermaid, stripper, royal, and roommate
*please do not send nsfw requests. if you are interested in nsfw content, please check out the Patreon page. i’d more than likely be happy to write it there for you!
*note: if i feel i cannot portray the request accurately, i will decline by deleting the request. i don’t anticipate this happening much at all but i never want to misrepresent anyone by writing about subjects/topics/themes that i have no place in writing if i am not experienced and/or identified within them. 
❧ what you can request:
blurbs: < 500 words 
drabbles: 500-1.5K words
headcanons: vary in length, no limit on number of characters per one request
here are some prompt lists you can use to request if you would like! (please specify which list)
❧ most important:
enjoy! i write for fun and i hope you have fun here too
i think thats it! thanks for reading this, i really appreciate it and will work hard to fulfill all your writing requests!
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about the writer:
hi! i'm chiara but i also just go by c. i like anything that allows me to be creative, hence why i'm here. sometimes i make stupid jokes and think i'm funny. i watch way too much anime and live in a fantasy world more than reality. i won't spoil anything (without warning) if you don't! i'm here a lot right now so feel free to chat with me about anything :)
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mxgvmiii · 4 years
100 follower special event✨✨
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Hello babies🌸🌸( tis the name I have dubbed thee)!
First and foremost I would like to thank you for liking my content enough to actually follow, let alone having me reach 100 followers. I hope you keep enjoying my content in the future and keep on supporting me. I make it my mission to make sure that everyone reading my work feels loved, included and happy. That is one of the main reasons I always try to write gender neutral stories and refrain from describing physical features unless requested. I hope that in the future I am able to write for female characters as well to broaden my demographic. I hope you know that I love each an every one of guys very much.
This is the post for my 100 follower special.It took some time to figure out exactly what I wanted to do since I really wanted to something special for you all. I hope you guys enjoy this special event and bear with me since this is my first time doing this. When the event is over I’ll upload a google form that I’d appreciate if you filled out so that I know what to change when I hopefully hit another milestone.
The event will be held from the day this is posted and will continue for the whole month. Which means 4th - 31st August 2020 according to the CEST time zone. I will no longer take request starting from 11:30 pm on the 31st, seeing as I most likely won’t be able to produce something I’m proud of while on a time crunch. I probably will close it early if there aren’t that many requests since I start school in a week and have many important exams. That’s why my requests are currently closed. Everything that has to do with the special will be tagged with #100 special. My guidelines still apply during the event.
If you would like to be added to a taglist for a specific group, person, anime, character, for questions only, prompts only or everything just send me an ask or a dm :)
BTW I started writing this post at like 5:30 pm and finished at 2:12 am. ngl I wasn’t writing between 8 and 10 pm since I was busy helping my parents. That’s still a long time tho...
When the event is done:
I will link this in my masterlist.
Every prompt that is written will have a list of names next to it. Every name will be a link to the post.
I will edit the layout of this post so that my legend, that I add to every masterlist to symbolize what kind of post it is, will be there.
n e wayz😗
For my 100 special I will be making a Prompt list, a Q&A and redraws + art 
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Choose a location/AU and only one prompt from the following. Please specify a genre (ex. fluff, angst, slow burn, crack, etc.) and format (headcanon, oneshot). Any combination that has already been done will be linked in the ask.
ngl most of the crack quotes are things my friends and I have said.
- “will you marry me?”
- “I think we need a break”
- “Where were you?”
- “I was worried, you know”
- “ You slob”
- “AGAIN??!” sigh “ At least you’re not hurt, right”
- “You are a hazard to society ... and to yourself”
- “Do I need to supervise you now?”
- “They won’t care about your left pinky toe”
- “That’s it. We’re getting you a bubble wrap suit. Oh don’t worry it’ll still be (favorite color)”
- “Honey, I’m having a baby and it’s not yours. It belongs to Jungkook” (if requested with Jungkook, the name will be changed to someone else”
- “Honey, I was lying, it’s (favorite food)’s baby”
- “How did you fall down the stairs and get bitten by a dog in the same week?”
- “When I see that old lady it’s on site”
- ice skating
- visiting a museum (you can specify what kind of museum)
- hanging out
- waking up
- going to sleep
- wearing his clothes
- buying matching items ( you can specify)
- cooking/baking
- cleaning together
- teaching you volleyball (haikyuu only)
- teaching you one of his choreography (kpop groups only)
- filming tiktoks
- pranking him (with his friends)
- Park
- Water park 
- Pool
- Beach
- Aquarium
- Concert
- Home
- Supermarket
- School (classroom, hallway, cafeteria, rooftop, gym)
- Holiday (here you can specify a destination)
- On the way home (bus, car, plane, train)
- Doctor’s office/clinic
- Hospital
- A volleyball match (pre and post timeskip)
- Café/restaurant/fast food restaurant
- Mall/clothing store
- social media (celebrity ver., non-celeb ver.)
- spy/mafia
- youtuber
- Warlord (haikyuu only since it saves me the energy when making alliances and rivals/enemies. This is also loosely based off of the otome game Ikemen Sengoku.)
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- Sawamura Daichi - Sugawara Kōshi - Azmane Asahi - Nishinoya  Yū - Tanaka  Ryūnosuke - Kageyama Tobio - Hinata  Shōyō - Tsukishima Kei - Yamaguchi Tadashi
- Kuroo Tetsurō - Kai Nobuyuki - Yaku Morisuke - Yamamoto Taketora - Kozume Kenma - Haiba Lev
- Bokuto Kōtarō - Akaashi Keiji
- Ushijima Wakatoshi - Semi Eita - Tendō Satori
Aoba Johsai:
- Oikawa Tōru - Matsukawa Issei - Hanamaki Takahiro - Iwaizumi Haijime
- Ojirō Aran - Miya Atsumu - Suna Rintarō - Miya Osamu
Date Tech/Dateko:
- Futakuchi Kenji - Aone Takanobu - Koganegawa Kanji
Miscellaneous Characters:
- Terushima Yūji - Sakusa Kiyoomi
Boku no Hero Academia:
Class 1a:
- Kaminari Denki - Kirishima Eijiro - Todoroki Shouto - Bakugo Katsuki - Midoriya Izuku
Class 1b:
- Shinsou Hitoshi
- Nanase Haruka - Tachibana Makoto - Hazuki Nagisa  - Ryūgazaki Rei - Matsuoka Rin - Yamazaki Sousuke - Shinigo Kisume - Nitori Aiichiro  - Mikoshiba Momotaro - Tono Hyori - Shiina Asahi - Mikoshiba Seijuro - Kirishima Natsuya - Kirishima Ikuya
- Taeyong - Taeil - Johnny - Yuta - Kun - Doyoung - Ten - Jaehyung - WinWin - Junwoo - Lucas - Mark - Xiaojun - Hendery - Renjun - Haechan - Jeno - Jaemin - YangYang - Chenle - Jisung
- JB - Mark - Jackson - Jinyoung - Youngjae - Bam Bam - Yugyeom
- S.Coups - Jeonghan - Joshua - Jun - Hoshi - Wonwoo - Woozi - DK - Mingyu - The8 - Seungkwan - Vernon - Dino
- RM - Jin - Suga - J-hope - Jimin - V - Jungkook
Stray Kids:
- BangChan - Lee Know - Chanbin - Hyungjin - Han - Felix - Sengmin - I.N
- Hongjoon - Seonghwa - Yunho - Yeosang - San - Mingi - Wooyoung - Jongho
- Suho - Xiumin - Lay - Baekhyun - Chen - Chanyeol - D.O - Kai - Sehun
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Every question that has been answered will be crossed out and linked. In brackets are if you want to specify. Yes, you can also send in some of your own questions.
1. How do you get inspiration?
2. What are your favorite genres? (music, film, books/writing)
3. Who is your bias from all of the groups you write for? 
4. What is your favorite anime? (as a ranking, why?)
5. Who is your favorite character? (Haikyuu, Bnha) 
6. When did you get into Anime / Kpop? (show, group, in general)
7. What is your favorite food?
8. Who are your favorite writers on tumblr?
9. How did you start writing?
10. What happened to make you and your friends say this?
~ 10a. “You are a hazard to society ... and to yourself”
~ 10b. “Do I need to supervise you now?”
~ 10c. “They won’t care about your left pinky toe”
~ 10d. “That’s it. We’re getting you a bubble wrap suit. Oh don’t worry it’ll still be (favorite color)”
~ 10e. “Honey, I’m having a baby and it’s not yours. It belongs to Jungkook”
~ 10f. “Honey, I was lying, it’s (favorite food)’s baby”
~ 10g. “How did you fall down the stairs and get bitten by a dog in the same week?”
~ 10h. “When I see that old lady it’s on site”
Questions you asked:
... nothing yet lol ...
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This category is for Anime only.
For this portion you send me an official picture from a manga  or a scene from the anime that I redraw via dm so I can draw the right picture, if you don’t wan’t to be tagged I’ll send you the post via dm to let you know I finished it. Or if you want to see a specific character with a specific hairstyle but in the official art style.
All items will be linked below.
... nothing yet ... lol
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Would you mind doing headcanons for what dating Seijuro (Free!) would be like? I’m a female college student who is shy, awkward, but fun-loving and playful. I like board games, playing outside, and having pillow/water gun/tickle fights. If you have time, could you do Makoto, too? If not, that’s fine! If my request goes against the rules, please let me know! Thank you!! Your blog is awesome!
Mikoshiba Seijuurou: 
His room is absolutely littered with images of the two of you, some of them centering entirely on you as he didn’t much care to appear in them himself. You had told him that if you didn’t know him as well as you did you’d suspect he was a serial killer with how many photos he had of you, but it’s a nice stroke of the ego to know he wants to constantly be surrounded by you. You tell him simply not to go overboard and save quite a few pictures yourself, liking to look at them when he’s too busy to visit and you’re missing him fiercely.
He’s pretty physically affectionate even in public, though he stops short of making out with you or doing anything else inappropriate in front of others. He’ll either have an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist, press kisses to your cheek or forehead in greeting or bring you into a tight hug that lasts a few seconds longer than just a friendly one would. Everyone who’s been around him for at least a minute while you were present is well-aware that you’re an item.
He doesn’t think he’s the type to worry or anxiously ponder things but he does always keep an eye out for you, not wanting you to push yourself to a breaking point if it’s not necessary. He’s always willing to help or offer advice if you’re having problems he knows how to deal with, and if he can’t help, he tries to find advice that actually can. He’s very dedicated to you and prides himself on being able to take care of you in a variety of ways. 
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