#seijuro mikoshiba imagine
eleanorenchanted · 2 years
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I’m in my 30s but I would get emancipated to join this family
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divetothefandom · 3 years
I'm fully covinced that embarrassing Rin's hilarious, and so easy that this all takes place relatively early in the relationship.
So before that I imagine Rin just casually knew you because you tagged along with the Iwatobis to the competitions and training with Gou.
And you reminded him of Haru, serious and stoic, but more talkative. Constantly making him laugh when he heard you teasing someone else over something stupid they did.
You both could talk about deep stuff and have conversations in different languages.
Slowly he started falling in love and miraculously enough he manged to ask you out without passing out of embarrassment.
But you still had him wrapped around your finger.
And at some point things will get hectic because life of a professional athelete do be like that. Probably training got delayed and he was late for a date with you so he went for a rose to give you as an apology.
But he was running through the park where he was supposed to meet you and while waited for you to appear a cat snatches the rose and he starts tugging it to get it back.
Needless to say the poor flower is torn apart when you do show up.
He hides the little botanic vitcim behind him red in the faces and can't form a coherent sentence he's so flustered.
And he hears it.
You start laughing and he looses it.
He will hide his face in his hoodie cap tugging it to cover more of his face. Which only makes you laugh more.
It's a vicious cycle of embarrassment and giggles.
But truthfully, he wouldn't change it for the world.
Sousuke is a serious guy for the most part.
So he is not particularly pushy about making you laugh.
Most of your relationships is pretty chill and not over the top as it'd be one with let's say Nagisa, Kisumi or Asahi.
Sousuke jokes around and is charismatic but he's pretty calm.
You often hang out with Sousuke in his rehab training and help him do some of his excercises.
You love talking to each other and are very much happy around each other.
But it isn't until one day Momo convinced Nitori to do a little Tokyo escaped with the Iwatobi guys since Rin was going to be in town... meaning the whole Swimming nerds crew would be reunited.
It was a rare opportunity you couldn't pass, so you skipped classes to reschedule his training earlier.
Everyone is reunited and they're having a great time.
They started teasing him and mocking him.
Among those things they went over funny stupid things he'd do as a child.
He's embarrassed and considering to leave when he hears you laughing at a story Rin told him.
It's such a pretty laugh and heartfelt.
He melts and decided leaving is not so bad being a little bit embarrassed if he can hear you laughing like that.
Clearly, he had to balance things out telling stuff about you.
And definitely he will make sure to tell you more fun stuff about his childhood if it means to make you laugh more.
He's not funny, he's not the kind of guy that makes other laugh.
But he's adorably ease to tease.
Which is why he hadn't invited you to visit you during his trainings or whenever Momo was around.
But today you showed up unannounced trying to surprise him.
He goes pale that you almost feel bad.
But he just knows what will happen.
All the guys are over you, specially when they know your their smol bean of a captain's sweetheart.
Trying to mess with him and you for being together.
Nitori is so flustered is adorable that he lets out the loudest screech to send them to work.
But you start giggling at him and everyone else finds it hilarious.
He's too flustered about it and just whines about it.
Don't get him wrong, he loves you, but he's so flustered!
Momo is hyperactive and cute. But he's more annoying than funny.
You particularly didn't seem to find him as either.
In one hand, you didn't get mad at him
On the other he never saw you laugh.
He was dead set on it, he is a cinnamon roll and always asks you about it
He is such a hyper bean.
One day you tag along with him to a joint meeting with the Iwatobi guys and you chat with Gou and Ayumu.
They start going about how obssessed he was with Gou and all the times she'd say his name wrong.
Momo experiences stress for the first time thinking you'd get mad.
He's an opening mouth away from going on a ramble about how that's the past and he only has eyes for you and only you.
But he's surprised to see you burst out laughing about how ridiculous he was and the whole name mix-up.
He feels like the luckiest guy in the world, not only for his sweetheart being so sweet and understanding, but also that laugh??? Is. So Precious?!??!?!
He's always so determined and stubborn.
So making you laugh is his goal. But he doesn't play dirty.
He wants to be intentionally be funny enough to make you laugh.
He's a sweetheart but just like his brother: hyperactive, not funny.
So he tries to be amusing another way.
One time he asks you to meet you by the pool and you arrive a bit early so he's still at the pool.
And look, my man is a devoted swimmer but not as devoted as he is to his darling (and he's very devoted to swimming).
He's just so excited to see you he rushes out of the pool and he runs to greet you and carry you in his arms still dripping wet.
Your response is the cutest nervous stream of giggles.
He gets even more excited that he makes you spin around and fill you with smooches until the coach scolds him and send him back to the pool.
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If you’re taking requests right now, can you write jealousy headcanons for the Samezuka boys + Seijuro? Thanks!
Sometimes it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s like this, he’d be more over the teasing side, but he’d poke around you not wanting to be with him anymore and wanting to be with that barista guy in the coffee shop you visit frequently. 
Sometimes, you’d play along, until you can literally see him tear up. 
Then, you’d decide that it’s enough and you’d pull him in for a hug. 
He’s dumb, he can’t see how beautiful he is, can he? 
You’ll make sure he knows he’s your one and only. Then, he’ll tease you back with how much you love him. 
He is a sweetheart, he’d be so heartbroken when he sees you talking to your tall classmate. 
He’d start wondering if you’d like him better if he was taller or stronger, or if his eyes were darker. He’d change his haircut if that meant youd like him better.
Nitori’s eyes would look glossy when you come closer to him after noticing him by the door. 
You’d hug him and kiss his cheek, he’d shyly ask if you dont mind him not being that tall. 
You laugh it of softly, “No, Ai, you’re perfect like this”, wrapping your arms around him. 
You’d feel him relax in your arms and blink back a few tears.
He might feel his world is falling apart. 
Momo would very likely make a scene and sob when he thinks you like someone other than him a lot more. 
He’d talk to you about it though.
You’d explain that it’s nothing like that and that this person was just borrowing something from you. 
He’d wait until you give him a forehead kiss to stop his sobbing.
Then, Momo would take you to get some ice cream. 
He’s a bit harsh and erratic when he’s not thinking straight. 
Sousuke wouldn’t want to hurt you in anyway, but if you try to talk about it at the wrong place and time, it could turn into a fight (depending on how you both handle it of course). He can be very explosive. 
He would never attack you in anyway, but he’d want to pull himself out of any interaction with anyone for a bit to cool off. 
If you leave him alone to think, from the begining, he’ll calm down and come back in a few minutes. He’ll hug you and tell you how much he loves you. 
But on the few days where he’s a bit more difficult to handle, if you try to push him into telling him what’s wrong he might snap. He’d be dumb and say something that he doesn’t mean. 
He’d then come back and try to explain what was happening through his mind. 
He is 100% not good with “negative” feelings, but he will fight back really hard to show he’s very sorry.
Honestly, Seijuro is pretty cool about it. Like, yeah, sure, he does get jealous, because it kinda happens to a lot of us. But he’s mature enough to not make a scene about it (probably not like Momo, for example).
He’d try to not address his feeling though, at first, because he doesn’t want to make a big deal about it, until you feel he’s a bit more quiet.
Seijuro will then explain to you how he feels, he’ll be very clear in the fact that there’s nothing wrong with you and that he should just probably reflect on his feelings for a bit.
You could try to validate his feeling or just let him deal with it by himself, but if you try to talk it out with him, he’ll feel a lot better with the situation and himself. 
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syrenblubs · 4 years
going on a road trip with the free! siblings
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a/n: lets ignore the fact that mikoshiba’s practically turned into an imagine haha
pov: ur a family friend and they had an extra spot
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Rin + Gou
-their trips are always vv wholesome
-before leaving, their mom would make bentos for yall to eat in the car
-rin would be the one driving for most of the trip, but his mom would step in if he'd get a lil too angry over slow drivers haha road rage gang
-yk their music tastes are god tier so that shouldn't be a problem
-yall would play car games like "what do i spy" to pass the time
-rin's making travel vlogs for tiktok because yeah
-he also has his headphones in, pretending like he's in the music video
-gou is busy watching muscle videos she downloaded on her phone
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Asahi + Akane
-going on trip with them would be anything but quiet
-asahi is that person always asking "are we there yet"
-akane would reply with "no dummy"
-kon and akane would take turns driving
-ofc they bought some coffee from the shop for the trip
-cue asahi spilling coffee in the car and causing a panic
-you and asahi would play with tsukushi until he falls asleep for the rest of the ride like all babies do on road trips smh
-asahi is that person who would say he doesn't need to go to the restroom just as they're approaching a stop but will immediately ask to just after they leave
-he's also the one who suggests play car games which often don't end well because tsukushi would wake up crying from all the noise
-and then you and asahi would have to be the ones to lull tsukushi back to sleep
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Seijuro + Momo + Isuzu
-honestly their trips are one of a kind
-good luck trying to sleep during their chaos
-they really did turn their whole car ride into a karaoke session
-random stops at the grocery store just to make tiktoks>>>>
-momo asks to pee almost every other hour, sei needs food all the damn time, and isuzu needs internet to look at memes
-all of you are squished in the backseat with pillows and suitcases
-did momo bring his stag beetles? well you are about to find out right no-
-as you rested your head on the window, you felt something move around your face. at first you didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was just a fly, until you heard strange noises coming from whatever was crawling on your face. you slapped the side of your face, only to feel something you least expected. it was a beetle, but not just any beetle. it was momo's prized stag beetle he planned on giving to gou.
-oh the scream that came out from you after that sight
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Natsuya + Ikuya
-both you and their parents are praying for a peaceful trip where the brothers won't fight-
-well that didn't happen
-first off, the aux is passed to natsuya because he's got that music taste
-at some point during the trip him and ikuya were fighting over the aux because ikuya didn't want to listen to his "shitty" music
-you were able to stop them, as you stole the aux for good lets hope you have good taste in music unlike me cough
-ikuya, on the other hand, has his headphones shoved in his ears probably listening to sweater weather
-it’s teasing ikuya about embarrassing childhood memories hours
-more like bullying ikuya hours
-while he's asleep, you and natsuya would take turns trying to tickle him
-natsuya is taking SO many photos for his instagram
-he also sneaked in a picture of a drooling ikuya on his private story
-as payback, ikuya ordered natsuya the spiciest chicken nuggets on the menu at their stop and forced him to eat all of them
-lets just say natsuya did not have a good night after that
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What Makes Them Break | Part 2
Part 1
A/n: ㋛
Warnings: angst, heartbreak, cursing
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Rin-> He’s shouting and doesn’t even realize the extent of his actions. Not even the stony look in your eyes stops him. It’s the final slam of the door that brings him to his senses. And that’s when everything falls apart. He promised you he would work on this, he promised you a thousand times and yet—
His world? Gone.
Sousuke-> He’s in the middle of chopping vegetables when suddenly his hand stops short. This was your favorite meal right? It just came so naturally to him, almost as natural as the way you left him.
Aii-> His clothes still fill with your scent.
Momo-> “Did you see that (y/n)?!” Momo waves proudly at the stands after achieving a personal best. He still hopes that one day you’ll call back out to him...like the way you used to.
Seijuro-> He was feeling good! So he decided to send you a picture—but wait—why won’t the message send? Come on man, you’re fucking breaking him.
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-> reblog for part 3
Taglist: @glitchedover @natsuya-enthusiast @allieturs @syrenblubs @todominica @kkbear @thatfreeshit @lowkeystasha @animatedarchives @cha0tically0rganized @ourfallenthoughts @akaashirin @ever4wolf (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
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free-pool-trash · 5 years
anime masterlist
hey loves just thought i’d tidy my blog up a bit since i plan on being more active, my old masterlist was really messy and unorganized so i decided to fix it so everything would be easier to find <3
free! iwatobi swim club/eternal summer/dive to the future:
rin matsuoka:
apology (one shot) angst/fluff
[mermaid!au] those eight years pt.1 & pt.2 angst/fluff
good enough (one shot) angst/fluff
player (one shot) fluff
i miss you (one shot) angst
worth it (one shot) fluff
the morning after (one shot) !!!fluff!!!
surprise (one shot) !!!!!fluff!!!!
rin with a deep s/o (hcs)
rin cheering you up (hcs)
baths with rin (hcs)
long distance relationship with rin (moodboard)
haruka nanase:
the honeymoon phase (one shot) fluff
[ghoul!au] ghoul (one shot) angst/fluff
[percy jackson!au kinda] sunrise (one shot) fluff
celebrating his birthday (moodboard)
makoto tachibana:
support (one shot) fluff
[ghost!au] the crying girl (one shot/idk) angst?
makoto with a cheerleader s/o (hcs)
nagisa hazuki:
puppy love (one shot) fluff
sousuke yamazaki:
shoulder problems (one shot) fluff
sousuke as a protective older brother (hcs)
seijuro mikoshiba:
cutie (one shot) fluff
natsuya kirishima:
“hey nanase” reader is haru’s sister (one shot) fluff
all too well (one shot) !!angst!!
dating natsuya (hcs)
ikuya kirishima:
dating ikuya (hcs)
asahi shiina:
more than anything (one shot) fluff
falling (one shot) fluff
being in a relationship with asahi (moodboard)
multiple characters:
dating the free! boys (hcs)
cuddling with the free! boys (hcs)
cuddling with the free! boys pt.2 (hcs)
periods with the free! boys (hcs)
free! boys with a cheerleader s/o (hcs)
fighting with the free boys pt.1 (hcs)
fighting with the free boys pt.2 (hcs)
fighting with the free boys pt.3 (hcs)
fighting with the free boys pt.4 (hcs)
cheering the boys up when they’re sad (hcs)
when the boys get jealous (hcs)
the boys with a ticklish s/o (hcs)
blue exorcist:
rin okumura:
dating rin (hcs)
yukio okumura:
private doctor (one shot) fluff
dating yukio (hcs)
being married to yukio (hcs)
dating and marrying mephisto (hcs)
dating mephisto as an angel (hcs)
dating and marrying amaimon (hcs)
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Request for Samezuka and Iwatobi boys going to the beach with their S/O?
(so I’m doing this imagine as if the team all went together zck)
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Without a doubt Haru would be in the water and would drag you along with him. The minute you got to the beach, he is pulling his shirt off and going straight for the water. 
He tries to wait for you to get everything out of the car but is so impatient it’s kinda funny to watch. “Haru, calm down, give me like 5 more seconds.” He sighs, adjusting his shorts and decides to head down himself. You turn around to ask him for help before noticing him already poking at the shore. You couldn’t stop the smile splitting across your lips.
You dashed from your car, dropping of the remaining stuff in a small spot and striped into your bathing suit before running towards him and jumping onto his back. Haru immediately took hold of your legs as you leaned and whispered in his ear, “Thanks for waiting for me.” He smiled to himself. “Couldn’t wait.”
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He definitely takes the day to enjoy it with you and make some memories. He likes to walk close to the shore just enough to get your feet wet. Honestly he will take the day just to spend time with you and cherish every moment.
Seeing all the boys having fun made him smile, but not as much as you laughing along with them. Makoto gently intertwined your hand into his own pulling you closer to him. You both continued on a steady pace, steadily staying on the cross between where the water meets the shore.
It was when on the guys pulled out a speaker and played music over the noise of their laughter. He turned to you and bowed slightly, “May i have this dance?” You giggled at his never-ending gentleman tendencies. “Of course.” Your laughter only became more evident when he continually spun you around.
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He is the kind of guy who starts wrestling in the water and you are the number one victim. It’s an all out play day for him.“
“We’re here!” Nagisa’s smile got even wider as he launched himself onto the sand. You laughed and followed along side him as he walked excitedly down to the water. As he walked, he stripped down, leaving you to pick it up after he drops each piece.
He grabs hold of your hand and begins dragging you with him. “Aren’t you excited to get in the water (Y/N)?” You shook your head, “Nagisa I didn’t plan on getting into the water yet.” A devilish smile appeared on his lips. “Well now you do.” A squeak left your lips when his arms dipped under you to pick you up and rush into the water.
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Rei wouldn’t feel super comfortable immediately jumping right into the water so he thinks about what else you both can do and he would definitely find some fun in the sand.
“Lay down in the sand, (Y/N).” Rei offered, as he begins to walk closer to the shore. He came back with four or five shells in his arms and laid them down next to you before getting up and going to search for more. This continued on for about five minutes.
“Mind telling me what’s going on?” You questioned. raising an eyebrow. After taking count of how many he had, Rei looked up and smiled softly. “You’ll see.” You had to admit, it was pretty cute watching him hover over you with such a concentrated look. “Okay, now you can stand.” You stood up to look down and see your outline with the shells.” His arms wrapped around your own, “I made a masterpiece.”
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Competitive, competitive. It’s a fun day of games and bonding for the two for you. He really just used this day to be closer to you.
Out of everyone, you could tell Rin was probably the most excited. His fingers excitedly drummed against his legs but he waited for you to join him before walking down to the entrance. His eyes danced over the horizon. The birds on the shore, the waves crashing into sand, it was amazing.
A smirk crossed his lips, “Bet I can get to the shore first.” You raised your eyebrow. “Is that a challenge, Matsuoka?” You bent down and pulled your shoes off, glancing a side eye at him. “Ready? One..Tw-GO!” He paused before taking off after you, “Cheater!”
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Sosuke just enjoys the atmosphere of being out with everyone and having you there makes it 10x better.
Sosuke loved competition don’t get me wrong but what he loved more was just being able to be around them with no stress of winning or losing. They we’re still kids after all. He stood a few feet away from you, watching the water come in front the ocean.
“Enjoying yourself?” He turned toward you then with a smile. The wind blew slightly, pouring over him which caused him to close his eyes. After a moment he walked over to and threw his arm over your shoulder. “Yeah, I can say I enjoy the views.”
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He really just wants to talk to you and being somewhere that means something to him just makes it a bonus.
Though he wasn’t on the team anymore, Seijuro was always invited on these little outings and he appreciated them. He sat curled up on the beach, watching the four boys splashing around in the water before you sat next to him, throwing a blanket behind him
“Do you miss it?” He sighed, his eyes dancing over they’re figures. “Eh, sometimes. But I can say I like what the future had in store for me.” You smiled nudging him. “What a poet.”
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This whole day is just another day to see who can prank or trick each other better and it’s back and forth all day.
First he wanted to race you and see who could reach there first, then he wanted to play chicken in the water. His energy never seemed to falter and you just had to step up and play with him.
“Have you been in the water yet?” You asked, intertwining your fingers with Momo’s. He shrugged, “Not yet, you?” You smiled to yourself, pulling away from him slightly. “Well it looks nice and warm..why don’t you try it?” In a split second you pushed him away and into the waves. “(Y/N)! You’re in for it!” You began running away from the water. “Have to catch me first!”
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Honestly being at the beach seems fun but when you came along you became all he really wanted. Aii will just value all his time with you and want to be with you all day.
Aii was a little more upbeat but not excited. When you reached the beach, he threw out a towel and nodded to you to sit down. You smiled and gently sat down and waited while he got comfortable and laid his head into your lap.
“Don’t you want to hang out with the boys?” “I can do that later, I always do. I wanna spend some time with you, I can never get enough of that.” Your hands reached out to run through his soft hair, pressing a soft kiss to his his forehead. “I cherish every moment with you.”
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Can I request for one more? If yes, then "S-stop looking at me like that, you're making me blush.."with Mikoshiba Seijuro, please? I can imagine him doing that to reader XD. If not, please ignore this
I had to look this person up to see if it was who I was thinking about. I hope I do  this one justice and interpreted this ask right but let’s get started: 
Prompt: “s-stop looking at me like, you’re making me blush.” 
Being in a relationship was easy, the hard part was being at two different high schools, but you and your boyfriend Seijuro made due. Like today the two of you were seated across one another in the local library. You both were trying to study for up and coming test, emphasis on trying, Seijuro kept getting distracted by anything and everything. Anything and everything about you, from your hair to your notes and handwriting he was obsessed. His notes were the least of his worries, You knew he didn’t care about chastising to get back to his studies.
You looked over to him and all you can see was the love in his eyes. You felt like the only girl in the world at that point in time, and in a way you were, the only girl in his world. While looking at him looking at you. you could feel the blush creeping to your ears. 
  “S-stop staring at me like that, you’re making me blush.” you whisper.
  “Why should I stop? You’re so cute and perfect.” he gushed, “Like I love you so much.” 
  ‘Shush!” someone hissed.
You two looked at one another and silently laughed. He reached over and grabbed your hand and turned back to his books. Your blush still painted your cheeks while you two studied. You felt really happy that you can turn the serious captain into this dorky mess. Nothing made you two happier than that. 
He never hesitated to tell you how he truly felt and that you appreciated more than anything. Seijuro was an open book and you were glad you got to read him.
Again this may be short and I’m sorry I hope you liked this one too. Don’t hesitate to keep asking me for things. I like making my readers happy. Admin friend. Peace! 
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everythingiwatobi · 4 years
Hey, I love your stuff sooooo much and I hope you're having a good year so far. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. I waswondering if you can do an imagine on the boys (the Mikoshibas as well if you can, with or withuot iSuzu) and their first date with their ultimate crush If it hasn't been done before.
Hello thank you so much! 
Since I wasn’t really sure what you wanted, and since you didn’t ask for anyone in particular, I just decided to go with something with the whole cast. If you want, a date written more in details, you can ask for 4 or less from the cast so I can answer in details! 
I decided to add both Gou and Isuzu even though I’m not really writing for them.
Free! Cast and their first date with their crush
The cafe/walk in a park date : Haruka, Rei, Rin, Ikuya
The movie/dinner date : Makoto, Gou
The let’s go on an adventure date : Natsuya, Seijuro
The amusement park or anything fun date : Nagisa, Nitori, Isuzu
Sousuke and Hiyori would enjoy both cafe/walk and adventure dates.
Nao would enjoy conventional dates.
Asahi and Kisumi would enjoy any kind of date.
Momotarou would be up for anything unconventional and fun.
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Your Free! Life: MBTI Edition: INFP
( @hiyori-tono-cafe​ this is for you), to all my lovely INFPs (let’s be honest you have 100% infiltrated my blog), you are so sweet and imaginative and i want to adopt you all. I hope you enjoy your Free! swimmer boys. 
(these characters are chosen by a random generator. this is completely by fate)
Childhood Friend: Kirishima Natsuya 
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Co-worker: Serizawa Nao 
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Neighbour: Matsuoka Rin 
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Who has a crush on you: Mikoshiba Seijuro
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Boyfriend: Serizawa Nao
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First Kiss: Matsuoka Rin
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Drinking buddy: Nitori Aiichiro
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It happend once in Vegas: Tachibana Makoto 
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divetothefandom · 3 years
Gamer Roaster | All
Well, it is canon that he loves simulation games, so the Sims would be nice, but my job is to add some more info… Also a big fan of puzzly exploration games, like BOTW, but that's a story for a different post ;3
He likes race games, and his favorite has to be Mario Kart, Need for Speed and F Zero, he loves them power up and Captain Falcon is funny. Probably a huge fan of GTA too because it's all chaotic and wild and EXCITING!!!
Any Family-Friendly game is great, he loves Splatoon, because “a shooting game that won’t cause me a heart attack?” He signed up really fast, don’t be fooled, he’s an absolute monster. Any game that involves shooting without blood he’s a huge fan of. But I don’t see him as a Fornite kind of guy because he has good taste, lmao. He loves to play with his sibling.
A fan of shooter platform games, like Metroid and stuff: he likes the intense stories. A fan of Metal Gear too. But he also rules at those fighting games like Mortal Combat and those. A God of War pro. He's a very good player but everything Makoto is not: fan of scary games. He plays games like Doom, Batman Arkham, you know? He likes darker games.
Nagisa and Rei:
RPG DUO, Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem, yes please, strategy fights and cool characters, you bet this two are up for it. I do think they play them together and Rei has to carry the team.
Nagisa loves dance games.
And Rei is also into puzzle games like Sudoku and stuff when he travels.
I kinda see him as a popular game fan guy, like FIFA, Call of Duty, Halo, and the Assassin’s Creed saga. He tries to play racing games or shooters but unless he plays with his friends he's not very good, Makoto is more than happy to play with him all the time.
I feel like he’s a platform-puzzle kind of guy, but a bit more intense, and he’d like games like Portal and Bioshock. I feel like he got into advetury games because of his brother and evetually got into games like Far Cry. Very good at racing games as well, but he is more agressive about it, like crashing against other cars.
Probably just does some phone games, he likes puzzles but sucks at actual videogames. Maybe Mario games, but he’s still very bad. Maybe those LEGO game s because they don’t tend to be too hard. He’s the kind to lose on the same spot over and over. You don't want him on your team ngl. Poor Ikuya has to carry the team.
Funny games, like untitled goose game, undertale, that one KFC dating sims. The more absurd the game is, the better. Just like with basketball, he tries to make everyone play them (Makoto always being the one that tags along).
PUBG, and any cool games, like The Last of Us, Uncharted, it’s not like he has a genre, but anything he finds cool. I see him playing a lot of fighting games, like God of War or the Mortal Kombat franchise. I picture him as the kid that went to play to the arcade games like Street Fighter as a kid.
He’s probably the only one who doesn’t give me any gamer vibes, so maybe just mental puzzles like 2068 and such to kill time. Fucking psycho is a top notch gamer and can play even horror games with a straight face.
He’s a Minecraft kid, also lowkey Fornite fan with his friends too. Plays a lot of dancing games with Nagisa as well. He was one of those kids fan of Fight Nights at Freddy's, I'm willing to bed money.
Like his bother he likes horror games, but... Actual horror games, you name it. Outlast, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and so. Unlike Nao he do gets scared but still plays non stop to push his own limits like a masochist. He’s a fucking madlad.
Little farm games are his jam. He’s not a very intense guy so he’ll be chilling with Animal Crossing villagers or Farmville.
Things they play together:
Play Station movies 😂 I mean, games like Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Heavy Rain, Detroit Become Human.
Although they cover the youngers ones’ eyes because of the sensible material.
Makoto joins that group because he gets either scared or flustered.
But they absolutely love the stories, the control usually stays on the hands of Rin, Haru, Sousuke and Asahi while the others screech intructions.
Nintendo Games
Okay, I'm a Nintendo SIMP so I like to think this guys are too, especially they like games where they can play together.
Mario Kart: Chaotic game nights, bunch of screaming and laughing, there's a lot of harmless fighting in and out of the game, blueshelling the 1st place will get you tickled silly or a smack on the face with the biggest pillow in the room.
Mario Party: Of course they can't play all together but they probably have at least 3 consoles among the like... 14 guys, so they can play different matches in all. There's a lot of screaming during the minigames or the duel slots and people start stealing stars.
Zelda: They all adore The Legend of Zelda, but I'll make a post for that exclusively.
Smash: They all love it. Absolute fighting chaos, and they all love it.
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Haru: All-Rounder, mains Pit and since he manages fighting both face to face and from a distance he's pretty dangerous.
Makoto: All but tricky, he’s fucking scary. Because besides a few exceptions he can choose random and he'll win 1st or at least 2nd place.
Rin: Speed or All-Rounder, because of course he is. He probably mains the swordsmen like Ike.
Sousuke: Power and Range. He tanks, he can take a lot of hits and do a lot of damage, but he's pretty easy to hit. Mains the Pokémon Trainer (Charizard) and Simon.
Nagisa: Technical, he plays a lot with circumstance and can adapt with the charavter, probably mains Shulk or Zelda.
Rei: Technical and Defensive, he's very strategic and is the one that hits and evades, he doesn't make a lot of his but when he does their scary combos, his main is Sheik or the Eartbound kids.
Asahi: All-Rounder and Range, he probably fights head on and gets trapped in combos a lot. I feel like he mains Mewtwo because he thinks that'll give him some advantage.
Ikuya: Defense, he can fight you like a man, but has to load combos, totally see him maining Samus (all, normal, Zero Suit and Dark)
Hiyori: Tricky and Range, and he’s a projectile spammer, that fucking asshole, lmao, otherwise he can’t stay on the arena for too long though. Probably mains like Bowser Jr.
Natsuya: Power, he can take you down after a few hits, mf does a stupid amount of grabs and I hate it. Doesn't really main, but can handle all the Power types.
Nao: Balanced (not a type), he probably grabs funny looking character and somehow still kicks your ass. He plays with the comic additions like Pirahna plant, the Wii-fit trainers, etc.
Momo: Speed, runs around the course and grabs all the items, his giggles a lot when he manages to take down the stronger players with the hammer. He mains Sonic, Pikachu and the Mario characters because he loves 'em.
Seijuro: Power, he lets you hit him so he can fight with a lot of damage to see if he can survive, he's insane. Mains Bowser.
Nitori: Defense, at least he has the decency to not spam the projectiles like Hiyori. He’s just too nervous at this kind of thing.
Kisumi: Technical, he's weirdly good at it, but he doesn't care much about winning so sometimes will grab a character and do a kamikaze to take them down with him. His main would be Pacman or like the Minecraft dude (Steve?), because it's funny.
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
RinHaru Recap in Take Your Marks! – Bench Scene
So @sapphiresflame​ (aka @ You-Changed-My-Life over on the Free! Amino) wrote a lovely recap of the bench scene between Haru and Rin in Free! Take Your Marks and I just had to share it because THIS SCENE IS LIFE LOVE AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
*insert heavy stressing over rinharu bromance*
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If you have Amino, please click the link below go and show her some love! 
[The Amino Post] RINHARU RECAP: Take Your Marks (Part 2)
Disclaimer: this is not my post, everything below was written by @sapphiresflame​.
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Haru and Rin have met up and are now sitting on a seaside bench. Rin says that it's unusual for Haru to call him like this, so he asks what's wrong.
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Haru can be quite expressive when he wants to be, for he looks extremely pissed off when he tells Rin that he knows about the race, since Nagisa and Rei mentioned it to him. Rin sighs, repeating that this is a personal matter and he didn't want Haru to get involved, saying that he shouldn't worry about it. Haru frowns even more, because what the heck, Rin can't be serious.
Haru: "There's no way I wouldn't worry about it!"
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As we've imagined, Rin feels way too confused as to why Haru is getting so worked up, he even thinks it's because Haru is also interested in Gou. But, Haru is quick to say that Gou has nothing to do with this and that Rin should stop changing the subject, which he is actually not doing.
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Haru: "I was able to start walking towards the future because of you, and yet you're going to come to a standstill again!?"
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Haru: "Why are you saying you're going to quit swimming now!? You know you're not losing to a persimmon, right?"
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Rin obviously starts denying everything, he's not quitting swimming and Haru looks relieved. Since they are already here, Rin finally confesses that he has to race against the Mikoshiba brothers, because Momo is supposedly dating Gou and he wants to fight for her hand.
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Haruka replies that Rin is probably mistaken and actually tells him about the surprise party they have been planning for him. What Momo wants is a toy, not Gou. Rin suddenly asks if it was okay for Haru to tell him about the party, and makes it clear that it won't be his fault if the others get mad at him. Haru looks away slightly surprised, but Rin just laughs, since it's so like Haru to not be able to lie to cover for things.
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Rin: "And besides, for me, just being able to swim with you one more time is a great enough surprise."
Haru: "Just that is enough?"
Rin: "Of course, it is."
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And to end this romantic setting, Rin comments that they should use this opportunity to swim together once more the next day in the race.
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The next day, the Mikoshiba brothers and Haru and Rin stand by the pool area, alongside Sasabe, ready for the race. Before that, though, Rin calls out to Haruka, and when Haru turns around he sees Rin raising his hand for a high-five. This time there's no hesitation like in Season 2, this time Haru smiles and happily meets Rin's hand for the high-five.
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Haru is first and swims against Seijuro. He gives it his all, but it seems that Sei improved incredibly during his time in Tokio, which makes us wonder how much better swimmers like Haruka and Rin can become when they go to college. Anywho, Sei is the one that touches the wall first, but Haru isn't far behind and for the first time ever, since he's usually the anchor, he screams Rin's name, encouraging him to have his turn.
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When Rin dives over Haru, Haruka stares in pure admiration.
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While Rin swims and is pulling ahead of Momo, Sasabe mentions that Rin seems to be having fun and really must love swimming. For some reason, that I would love to know, Haruka reacts to that.
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It is so not subtle to reuse old footage of the anime in this scene, even less if it's the one shown when Rin saw 'the sight' in s1ep12. But, here it is, and this time, it's Haru who he sees. Haruka is his sight. What makes it better, is that they win the race.
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Finally, the surprise party begins! The pool is filled with floating animal shaped balloons of their spirit animals! It's so cute! Sousuke tells Rin that he's allowed to cry, and Haru adds that it won't be noticeable since he's inside the pool. Rin calls them idiots and exclaims that he is not going to cry!
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When the surprise party is almost over, Rin says that it will be a while until they all can hang out again, but is thankful to this past month where he could do a bunch of dumb stuff with his friends. He thanks them, very much.
Haru: "I'm looking forward to the next time we meet."
Rin: "Yeah!"
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syrenblubs · 4 years
Babysitting with the Free Characters (Samezuka)
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-he's good with kids but he takes too much credit for it
-"dw y/n i got it all under control"
-he started crying because he couldn't find the child in the backyard like PLEASE
-at least he can cook some bombass food smh
-will yell at kid for doing smth wrong
-he's like that older sibling who's basically the third parent rip gou
-u have to remind him not to curse in front of the kid
-"rin. there's a kid here"
-"yes maam"
-in conclusion pls help this man even if he says he knows what he's doing he really doesn't
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-sorry ur literally gonna have to do everything, except cook
-sure he could try help clean but it may not turn out well
-as for interacting with the kid hell no
-mans can barely talk to kids
-I mean he might show the kid a few tricks and tips about sports but other than that there isn’t gonna be much interaction between them
-because of this, you were given the job to babysit, but sou wanted to come over because tsundere
-btw the kid loves his food mwah chefs kiss
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-like Makoto, he's good with kids
-just a bit more panicky while taking care of them
-if he gets put alone with the kid in a room, he'll try to start conversation with them but if it doesn't work out then he'll start getting nervous
-he's just scared he’s gonna hurt the child on accident
-he helps u with the chores so it’s all good
-the kid keeps spitting the food onto his face while trying to feed him please
-u catching everything on cam like: 🧍‍♀️📱
-nitori really is getting exposed over here
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-he's really good at interacting with the kid but doing acc chores? 🤡
-u literally just left him with the kid lol
-bye felicia thats ur problem now hahaha
-he brought him microwaved chicken nuggets and mac n cheese for lunch LMAO
-why did u let him bring his bug collection tho-
-he's def showing the kid his bug collection
-the kid took Pyunnsuke and ran away from him
-he really was chasing him the entire time
-the kid almost got bit by one of his bugs oh no-
-after that u didn't let him stay with the kid alone
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-please he's roasting the kid
-"oh u can't get the cereal box? sorry i can't hear u from up here hAH"
-u have to slap him constantly in order to get him to stop bullying the damn kid
-its all in good fun tho
-i mean he's good with taking care of kids he probably had to take care of his siblings a lot while his parents were out when he was younger
-he lets the kid use his netflix account to watch movies with u and him yes
-why can i imagine him playing cars with the kid
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Requested by @linak ❤️❤️
Also back by popular demand! Part 1 here
All other requests are closed
Keeping Up With The Free! Boys | Part 2
We’re back now with my boy Sei 😎
And he’s brought with him some chaos
*cue the s/os packing their bags and renting a vacation house*
Welcome back to ep 2 folks quality content only 😎
I imagine many many binge watching and movie nights
And the boys can NEVER agree on what to watch
Rin likes to suggest hardcore action but we all know he really just wants to watch soft romance, forbidden love, the cliches~
It’s funny because Souske knows that too bahaha so he’s always just giving Rin the “yea right” look
Anyways Seijuro decides on a horror marathon???
Don’t know why because all these boys may act tough but most of them were shitting their pants during the movie 😭
Everyone hides behind Sousuke and Makoto bc their so big?
Anyways they all just end up watching Trolls instead ajsjsjsj
in the midst, Momo falls asleep and we all know how exaggerated his motions are
He ends up somehow smacking Rin in the back of the head with a nearby pillow
Rin in return gets pretty pissed and hits him back
Then Nagisa suddenly gets this mischievous idea, reaching for a pillow and targeting Rei
He accidentally ends up hitting Hiyori instead and poor boy’s glasses end up flying
He blindly feels around for them bumping into Ikuya, who then knocks over into Natsuya, who bumps into Nao....
Yea you see the domino effect
At this point Haru’s found refuge at the pool outside
It ends up in a huge ass pillow fight anyways you can imagine 🤯
With Seijuro triumphant as he stands tall, hands on hips and his voice booming in victory
After that they all pass tf out right there on the living room floor
I hope you realize that I’m coming up with these headcanons as we go, I have no idea what I’m typing
The next morning the boys wake up to Momo singing hair up
And the smell of Makoto burning the toast
Aii trying his best to use surrounding pillows to cover his ears and nose in the hope of falling back asleep
Almost accidentally ends up suffocating himself until Rin and Sousuke had to come to the rescue
It was not a good morning
Nah actually scratch that-
Seijuro has everyone wake up at 5 in the morning for a run
The neighborhood watching 14 hot boys dying jogging on the streets like 😳
A/n: @erurianmorals I REMEMBERED SEI THIS TIME
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hissorihaka · 7 years
Did officer Sou pup think Rinrin was a girl just like in baby darling AU?
LOL Poor little officer! He was so confused (๑ˊ▵ॢˋ̥๑)
The big difference here is that he thought that Rinrin was the Captain’s wife, Gou! He knew something was off since “Gou” smelled different, not too different, but different. Sou pup can smell ones natural scent and since Rinrin and Gou are siblings, their scents are quite similar. Rinrin wasn’t part of Samezuka’s Police Department from the beginning, he was actually part of Sano’s Police Department at first before getting transferred later on at Kisumi’s request, request that Rinrin had no clue about. Kisumi had his reasons for requesting him and Sei was fully aware of this because he himself was the one who sent the request to his father back at Sano’s Police Department. By having Rinrin close by, Kisumi would be able to know for sure if he was the right person for the job he had in mind…
Gou and Sou pup had a humorous and comical way of meeting, which will be told later on~ After that day, Gou fell head over heels with the chubby puppy and made it her mission to come every day to take Sou pup out to the park across from the station to have lunch together. Sou pup loves Gou! He enjoys spending and having lunch with the pretty Mermaid Princess. That’s what Sou calls her and it’s part of how they met.
One day, during lunch, Rinrin arrives at the station and right away reports himself to Sei. Rinrin wasn’t set to start until the next day, but he wanted to come and talk with Sei a day before. On that particular day, Gou was running late. Sou had eagerly been waiting for her, so eager that seeing how late it was getting he decides to go look for her. She’s gotta be around here and the best place to check is the Captain’s office. Sou pup peeks from outside the Captain’s office window and gasp! There she is! No fair… the Captain was stealing his precious time with her. Sou frowns. He’s gonna have to have a word with the Captain about this later on.
“Pwincess! Pwincess!” he calls as he pushes open the door and immediately pitter pattering his way to where Rinrin was sitting.
“Tummy hung–gasp…!” Sou pup stops his pat pats on Rinrin’s leg as he gawks up at him, the person that was definitely not his Mermaid Princess. He was entranced, captivated, mesmerized!
“Pwetty…” Sou pup whispers. Rinrin raises an eyebrow, confused, as he looks down at the small… officer? Puppy? Who just kept staring at him.
“Officer Yamazaki,” Sei greets, bringing Sou pup out from his entrance. Sou panics, thinking he’s in trouble, and decides to run away to find Kisumi. He leaves a confused Sei and Rinrin behind. It doesn’t take long for Sou to find Kisumi, he almost crashed into him! Sou stretches his chubby arms up high in a panic, requesting to immediately be picked up by his guardian so he could stuff his face onto his chest and hide. Silly puppy failed to notice that Gou was right next to Kisumi and even her small giggle wasn’t enough to make him turn and notice.
“What’s wrong?” Kisumi asks, softly petting his precious pup’s head. Sou stays quiet and droops his ears as a sign that he was not talking, at least not right here and now. Kisumi warmly smiles and politely excuses himself. He tells Gou that he’ll be taking his break with Sou at the park and to please let Sei know. Gou nods in understanding and hands him Sou’s lunch before heading to go see Sei.
At the park, after his little heart had finally calmed down and had ate all the yummy nom noms that Gou had made him, he slowly told Kisumi his story of what had happened. He had met a second mermaid! Another pretty mermaid! One that looked just like his Mermaid Princess. Sou pup goes on and tells Kisumi that he wanted to be friends with this mermaid too, but he wasn’t sure how. This particular mermaid made his tummy feel even more funny and he wasn’t sure why. Must be her magic! Her mermaid magic must be stronger. Kisumi lets his pup talk, carefully listening with an amused smile and a small giggle here and there. He was pretty sure who his pup was talking about, but why spoil his adorable imagination? He’ll carefully explain it to him tomorrow, when this second mermaid shows up for work ♡
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kurokonbscenarios · 8 years
GoM being jealous that their s/o spends too much time with their captain, or is too close to their captain? (bonus points if the s/o’s captain is from free! or haikyuu!)
I’m going with Free! this time and since there are not enough captains I added two from Haikyuu, hope you don’t mind. :) Also I don’t think Kisumi is a captain, but /whispers/he totally is for me/whispers/ -T-chan
He hated him. No, hate wasn’t the right word, he despised him. Whenever he wanted to surprise his partner with a visit, he always saw them with their, so-called pansy, captain. All kind of curses and sudden ‘accidents’ came to his mind, just to see the guy far away from them. But he knew they would be sad, so he pushed those thoughts far away behind.
Seeing his partner laughing at a lame joke he said and putting hand on their lower back like a gentleman, helping them over the icy road, his eye twitched. He had enough, deciding to break their small ‘talk’ even, not even caring if his jealousy showed or not.
He didn’t show his presence like he usually did whenever he visited his partner in Tottori. He was smiling to himself, seeing their expression of panicking and jumping in fear and surprise before they held for their chest and hit him on arm, pouting for scaring them. But his smile disappeared as quickly as it came, his lips turning more into a snarl, an emotion it was unusual to see on his face.
His light cerulean blue eyes stared at light pink haired captain’s hand that was still placed on his partner’s lower back, his smile making his patience run low much faster than he is used to. Looking at them, he closed his eyes and slowly shook with head, knowing that smile too well that was plastered on their lips. The jealousy that built inside of him made it impossible not to hide his presence as he approached the two.
Shigino Kisumi... He thought to himself, his eyes falling back on the said teen.
His lips turned up in a small smile as he reached out his hands and held on his partner’s waist, almost laughing when he saw the way the froze, their face becoming pale.
“Kuroko!” Their face showed betrayal, but their eyes showed love and care that were only for him. “I missed you!” they hugged him without a second thought, Kisumi smiling softly, before their eyes met.
Kuroko smirked, tightening his embrace and kissing his partner’s cheek, much to their dismay while Kisumi coughed and looked away, his cheeks tainted pink like the shade of his hair.
He was really starting to hate name Makoto. Just why does his partner have to have Tachibana Makoto for their captain? Weren’t they satisfied with anything else instead? But then again they looked too good in swimsuit much to his liking. Kise was perplexed as his lips formed a pout, his arms crossed over his chest and foot tapping on the cement under, his golden eyes fixed on his partner and Tachibana Makoto, who was smiling ever so sweetly that made his hair stand.
“[Name]-cchi!” He decided to call, his lips turning in wide smile as he waved with a hand, catching their attention, Makoto’s smile turning in a frown, immediately retreating his hand from their lower back.
“Kise!” They smiled back and hugged him around neck, the young model looking at the captain beside, who was already looking away, feeling like a third wheel.
“I missed you so much, [Name]-cchi.” Kise tightened his embrace, his hands possessively holding them close to his chest, not wanting to pull away for a second before he whispered something in their ear that made their eyes wide as they pulled away, mumbling under their breath, not being able to look at either anymore.
He was gaping at two teens in front of himself, one acting like they have never been complimented or helped to while the other kept smiling. The fact that his first name was the same as his former captain’s, his patience wasn’t really high today.
A sigh escaped his lips as he straightened his back and approached his partner, who spotted him quickly. They smiled widely and waved with hand before speaking to their captain. Few words were exchanged, the captain looking Midorima’s way, but nodded nonetheless to what they were speaking. He smiled and waved, watching them approach him and he couldn’t help but to smile at them.
“I didn’t think you would come so soon.” They spoke and hugged him, which startled him.
“Ah...yes, well,” he started, but seeing eyes of Mikoshiba Seijuro—damned will he be if he doesn’t remember the name—on them, he held their hand and without looking back started walking down the path he thought was right. “Your house is this way, right?” he asked, changing the topic easily.
“It is the other way...” His partner spoke with almost unnoticeable chuckle, Midorima’s cheeks turning dark shade of red.
Matsuoka Rin—a name he knew too well; a name he hated so much; a name he felt so jealous of ‘taking’ his partner whenever he had a chance—he will never admit him being their partner ever. Especially after seeing him sneaking his arm around their back, a sly smile spreading over his lips.
“Oi, [Name],” he called, his eyes sending daggers at Rin, who immediately pulled his arm back and began coughing, [Name] looking at him in worry.
“Yes, I am okay.” Aomine heard Rin give them an awkward smile before he stood behind, not too far away, looking everywhere else than at him.
A smirk spread over Aomine’s lips as he wrapped his arm around his partner and pull them in a heated kiss, not even bothering if people or [Name]’s classmates and friends were around. His smirk only spread wider when he heard cheers from the side, deepening the kiss without hesitation.
That will show everyone they are already taken.
He never liked to share. Be it candies, snacks or cakes, he never shared them unless there was a justified reason. Or if he was in the mood to share. The fact that his partner lived in Miyagi Prefecture and had a captain, who was so desperate wanting to be crushed.
Murasakibara’s blood ran cold in his veins when he saw the smirk Yuuji Terushima sent him, painfully obviously provoking him like an excited puppy provoking a grumpy cat. He crushed his bag of snacks he held in his hand and approached the two, not even caring for the honks of cars as he crossed the road, his eyes focused on him as he imagine his head being crushed withing his hand.
“Murasakibara?” His partner’s voice woke him from thoughts and daydreaming, standing in front of them.
He blinked few times and looked at them, pulling them by hand. “I don’t like him,” he spoke without sugarcoating words. “Can’t you choose different club? I can talk to Aka-chin if it isn’t possible. I don’t want you to be anywhere him.” He didn’t look away from Terushima, who was smirking like he just won a lottery.
How Murasakibara wished to crush him.
The last name was oddly so familiar—Kiryu—, even though he couldn’t link the name to any face he ever saw until he stood in front of him, his red eyes watching the captain in front with expressionless face. Ah that is right; that is one of top three aces and captain of his partner’s team.
His lips soon turned into a sweet smile that could sent shivers down anyone’s spine. “Thank you for looking after my partner.” He spoke and lowered his head, showing his respect, but anyone could see his aura changing from calm to possessiveness when they started talking to each other regarding teams and games.
Neither of them was backing down from intimidating the other. No one was daring to approach them, not even the team that stood not too far away, looking from one to another and taking a step back each time one laughed, the other’s aura only getting darker and more intimidating for their liking.
Akashi’s partner quietly stood beside, remaining silent as they knew well enough to not interrupt him when he held their hand tightly, less alone when he was looking like he could kill anyone with it.
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