#seige Ratchet
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medicdoodles · 6 months ago
DRAtchet week 2022 Day 11:Full of Bitterness
(First Day)||(Day 10)||(Day 12)||(Last Day)
Drift found out Ratchet gets caught
Fuck. They gottem. He was distracted by the stupid firing squad here to kill him. He had it under control. Sure, he almost lost an arm. His leg shouldn't have been bent like that, and scrap, his coughing blood. However, that all pales in comparison to being rescued by some Autobots.
Said bots saying that Ratchet sent them over. That they had him in their base. Had offered both of them sanctuary. All in exchange for Ratchet's continued work. When the fuck did that happen.
"Ratchet is making his way here." Reverb or whatever his name was, tells him.
"I'm not going anywhere." Simple. The faster Ratchet is here they faster they can leave. Waiting around and his weak frame is starting to give out. His eyes are harder to keep open, his vents are clogged.
Why does it feel like there's dirt in his cogs?
"Deadlock..." ahh. There's Ratchet's gentle touch. Opening his eyes he sees that wonderful, caring, his Ratchet's face. "Look at you..." and a bright blue light hits his face. He swears he just saw a peak the well.
Or maybe it was the pit. As now all that stares back at him is the bright red Autobot Symbol. "What the fuck." His gears are sticking together.
"What the fuck!" He makes an attempt to grab his hand. "They told me that you were going to help em wit ground bridges." Ratchet takes the hand that missed and uses his other hand to steady himself. "They said you we're going to help."
He can feel his checks flush. "I made this deal to protect you." He's very mean to make a jab at his open wond. "And clearly I made the right decision." No wait, Ratchet is patching him up. "Look at you. What shape would you have if I hadn't."
"So what? Are you gonna go wit teh Autobot?" There he got the worst question out. He may still be bleeding out, and yeah his processor is freezing up, but he has to know.
"That was the deal." His soft, gentle touch, so why wasn't it soothing him like it always does? "Just have to repair some ground bridges for them." He touches the planting and still only anger, betrayal. "They promised just a vorn." He said it so easily, so normal.
"What about me?"
"I'm sorry?"
"What about me?" For the first time since he felt it. He grabs Ratchet's hand to pushes it away from him. "What in your grand plan did ya have for me?"
"I-" why did he want to let go. "I didn't..." one finger unclip.
"If you joined them for me. You should have something. Anything."
Ratchet looks down, he faces away from him. Like always when things get to hard for him he rolls over and let's it happen. "I don't. All that ran through my head was finding help." His voice so soft, scared. This time he can't help him. Ratchet can't keep doing this to him.
"You didn't expect me to follow you?"
"No." He let go. The phantom touch of thier hands stung more than the open wond.
"Did you expect me to stay here? To wait for you to come back?"
"So you really didn't think about me at all."
"That's not true." Ratchet's reaches out to him. Before he could really think he slaps the arm back towards his side. "Drift..." Ratchet's field blooms in shame. "I just need to make sure that you would get out there alive. If you joined the Autobots or if you ran it didn't matter to me. I just needed a way to make sure you were safe."
And that was their relationship. For a few moments of perfect bliss. Then Ratchet would make some dangerous decisions that Deadlock would have to try to dig them out of. And he's just tired. Maybe they do love each other, it was hard to tell some times. It probably just the wrong time for them, they both need to grow.
The idea of letting him go hurts. Hurts a lot and, Primus he's scared that Ratchet might move on from him. However, he just can't keep fighting anymore.
"I understand..." Ratchet pulls away. When had he patch him up. More importantly when he moves his hand to place over his mouth. Seeing his blood stain both his hands and his mouth. It really makes this final. "For what's it's worth. I really do love you."
One more kiss, a final goodbye. Taking the last moment to remember what he taste like...
The kiss was full of bitterness.
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starscream-is-my-wife · 22 days ago
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My little Ratchet collection! When I get my hands on magic square Ratchet... I need them to do a re-release smh, the resellers have him at over 100 bucks rn
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Yall were not joking when you said upgrade kits were expensive, wdym my Chromias cheaper than her upgrade kit my GOD
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kudosmyhero · 2 years ago
Transformers: Infiltration #2
Read Date: January 29, 2023 Cover Date: February 2006 ● Writer: Simon Furman ● Art: E.J. Su ● Colorist: John Rauch ● Letterer: Tom B. Long ● Editor: Chris Ryall ◦ Dan Taylor ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● ok, let me test myself on who's who on the cover. the ambulance is definitely Ratchet. is the other one Starscream? I'm pretty sure it's one of the jets ● we return to a Decepticon demanding the palm computer. the human hologram of Ratchet holds up what looks like the computer, but when the other robot makes contact, it shocks the hell out of him ● (that Decepticon is Runabout) ● the shock burns out Ratchet's hologram generator ● (wait, do the little icons at the beginning show the characters in order of appearance? if so, that's handy!) ● Runamuck pulls a gun on Ratchet ● Ratchet switches to his robot form and uses his forearm blaster on Runamok ● Verity, Hunter, and Jimmy get their first look at Ratchet
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● probably the best moment of unspoken "I told you so" in Hunter's life. or at least it will be when he's not actively trying to avoid being killed ● Ratchet switches to ambulance mode, and he and the 3 humans take off ● cut to the desert of Arizona. cops find the dead salesman. another cop radios it into some shady men in a shady conference room ● I think that's an "M" as the logo ● wait, the blue jet that makes hella loud sonic booms… Thundercracker? next in order of that list is Starscream though… ● Runabout is a black sportscar, Runamok is white. they're tearing through cars on the highway ● the situation is worse than Ratchet thought. he explains to his passengers: "Decepticons operate under a strict blanket of stealth. For them to have broken cover so overtly, so brazenly, the data on that computer must either be far more valuable than I realized, or they just don't care anymore. Or both!" ● nice panel of… uh… someone
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● Ratchet gets Runabout and Runamok to crash; Verity yells for him to stop. she's in a panic and fumbles out the door when Ratchet opens up for her (there are no door handles) ● Jimmy goes to talk to her, while Hunter stays and talks to Ratchet ● before Hunter learns the term "Autobot," Jimmy and Verity return saying that they gotta go, now ● a jet comes and fires a missile. Ratchet holds his position as long as possible, then takes off really goddamned fast considering he's as aerodynamic as a cinderblock ● the faces of Hunter and Jimmy on page 17 made me lol ● there's a red van, a white car with a light bar, and a yellow sportscar. let me think… the white car is Prowl, the yellow is… Sunstreak? the red van, I can't even hazard a guess. let's see how wrong I am! ● they fire on the jet until he retreats ● oh feck. the three vehicles transform into their robot forms and have guns pulled on Ratchet. Prowl (I was right about that one!) says, "Ratchet. You face seven counts of misconduct, gross dereliction of duty, and disobeying a direct order from a senior officer, plus sundry violations of sections six, eleven, fifteen, and twenty-two of the Autobot Code of Interplanetary Conflict. Anything you'd like to say?" ● Ratchet replies: "Two words: Seige Mode," which shocks Prowl ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: Confronted by two menacing robots demanding that she turn over her stolen palmtop computer, Verity Carlo and her companions Hunter O'Nion, and Jimmy Pink can only stand and gawk in horror at the spectacle. Their mysterious ambulance driver companion has other ideas, however: using a holographic decoy of the computer, he feigns surrender… and then disappears in a blaze of electricity when the two robots reach for the prize. The trick stuns one of the robots, who topples into the garage wall, sending collapsing rubble everywhere. Just in time, their ambulance transforms into a third giant robot, who uses his massive body to shield the humans from the debris!
As the white robot draws a weapon, their robotic rescuer deploys an ink spray to blind his attacker; with his opponents on the backfoot, the ambulance decides to get out while the going's good and, ordering his passengers to get inside, reassumes his alternate mode to ferry the three humans to safety. As the ambulance peels out, heading for the interstate, Jimmy can't help but lament the destruction of his garage. In Arizona, a police detachment finds the dead body of the businessman who had previously possessed the computer. The corpse has no ID of any kind, confusing the officers. One member of the forensics team, however, surreptitiously places a call to a faraway boardroom to report the death—a boardroom adorned with a massive letter "M".
The ambulance hightails it along the freeway, weaving in and out of the traffic as the three humans struggle to come to grips with the situation as the ambulance fills them in. His team had been tracking a coded Decepticon pulsewave, noting that a specific human, the former carrier of the palmtop, had been targeted by the Decepticons for elimination. But before their rescuer can tell them why he'd been selected, a massive sonic boom alerts them to the return of the blue jet fighter. The sonic boom causes a massive pileup, forcing the ambulance to swerve around one car after the next, and the chaos creates the perfect opening for the two sports cars, who identify themselves as Runamuck and Runabout, to catch up and deploy an arsenal of hidden weapons as they try to run the ambulance off the road. This is a bad sign, the humans learn: Decepticons never break cover, and this brazen aggression means that Verity's picked up something that they really need….
In Oregon, Starscream and Blitzwing marvel at the ore that they have discovered. Starscream is eager to refine more—even if means breaking protocol, the Decepticon leader is confident that he'll have enough time to prepare a response.
Pursued by the two Decepticons, the ambulance manages to shake its pursuers by swerving hard into an oncoming tanker-trailer. While the medical vehicle manages to get out of the way in time, the two Battlechargers aren't so lucky. The ensuing collision sends both Decepticons flying off the highway to crash in a fiery conflagration. It's all too much for Verity, and as the ambulance rounds a cliff, she screams for it to stop so that she can get some air. Jimmy follows to try and calm her down, while Hunter tries to pry more details out of their rescuer, who finally introduces himself as Ratchet. Before he can get any more information out of Ratchet, the jet comes back for another pass and fires a homing missile at the group.
As everyone scrambles aboard, Ratchet deliberately waits until the last second to escape, pouring on a burst of speed to outrun the explosion as the homing missile impacts against the cliff. As they zoom through the desert with the jet on their tail, unexpected help arrives in the shape of three more automobiles — a yellow sports car, a red minivan, and a police car — who deploy some concealed weapons of their own to blast the airborne Decepticon until he retreats.
Ratchet reveals to the grateful humans that they're his allies, who he'd covertly summoned while he was receiving maintenance in Jimmy's garage… but their jubilation is short lived when the three cars transform into more robots and draw their weapons. Their leader Prowl lays into Ratchet for dereliction of duty and violating statutes of the Code of Interplanetary Conflict. Having glimpsed the photos on Verity's computer, Ratchet has finally realized why the Decepticons were so intent on recovering the device, and so he offers two words in his defense: "siege mode"…
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Fan Art: Hunter, Verity and Jimmy by hde2009
Accompanying Podcasts: ● Swerve's Bar Podcast - Infiltration
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imisshome · 5 years ago
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Whoops, looks like I saved the same picture twice
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saadasiian · 4 years ago
(Requested by @coppythephotocopier for @rudyknight)
(Audio: internet rarities- I’m not your daddy I’m your grandpa)
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thegreeneyedlycan · 2 years ago
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schiste-argileux · 5 years ago
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im alive with part 2
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macadam · 4 years ago
I just want to let you all know I read the ship name as mega oop.
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artsy-hobbitses · 5 years ago
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WIP for a larger set because I’ll make my own human Ratchet-Impactor content if I have to, but the HC is that uh, they didn’t exactly get along super in the beginning even if Ratchet did save his life, leading to what was probably a pretty intense scene to everyone else in the medical bay when Impactor wakes up...... except for Ratchet who’s just.....seen it all by now. Siddown and let him change those bandages you big moron. 
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dreadwings-big-fat-spike · 5 years ago
Optimus- Stupid fuck, but not in the gay way. He's just a moron. Bitch should've listened to his brain cell wife.
Elita-1- The only one with a brain cell. Exasperated mom. Has a weird relationship with OP.
Wheeljack- Bill Nye but gay.
Bumblebee- Sassy cunt. Had a good memory then lost it. Knows some shady af people.
Cog- Turns into BIG GUN.
Mirage- Good at hiding shit. Want's to fight Ratchet's fanboy.
Sideswipe- Generic young Autobot 1.
Ultra Magnus- "I wAnt PeACe" *fucking dies and has his corpse used against everyone*
Prowl- Smol. Has a bomb in his head.
Ratchet- Done with OP and Megan's shit. Has his boyfriend die.
Impactor- Angry. Wants to fight you. Won't fight you because Ratchet turned him into a raging homosexual. Dies in his husband's arms.
Moonracer- Get's fucking mutilated. Femme side character 1.
Arcee- Is pink. Femme side character pt 2.
Chromia- Has guns go pew pew. Femme side character pt 3.
Skyfire- *busy yeeting Starscream into the distance*
All the Autobots are Chaotic Stupid except for Ratchet and Elita.
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medicdoodles · 2 years ago
A mashup of IDW and Seige canon of Ratchet and Deadlock, meet and run his underground asylum.
Based on Dialogue trees you get from Futomimi and Sakagahi, when you do the Aferlife Bell quest in SMT Nocturne.
For Ratchlock day.
(Next Chapter) || (Last Chapter)
There's a stain shaped like a human.
Work hard, do your best, and eventually you'll get somewhere.
When Ratchet transferred from the highest ranked schooling from Vaporex to the political charged state of Iacon, he expected pointed comments. He expected turned up faces. What he didn't know was how much he would be pushed into being an engineer.
Sure he has some skill in the field, many of his professors have left comments on it but never has he imagined being one. However, Ratchet found that his study to become a medic was going nowhere. Everywhere he went all of the classes would refuse his application, but he didn't give up.
If he wasn't going to be an official student he could still go to classes. When other mechs would sneak out or skip lectures he would slip in. Medic trainees would pay him to do their homework and he took it. All this hard work pays off, he gets the top scores, his engineering career is going well too. When his colleagues get hurt he can repair them better than the campus doctors. Then he graduated...
He gets hired to work on ground bridge operations. It doesn't excite him but it was honest work, and he could save enough money to carry equipment for a first aid kit. Once he was shipped off to the outskirts of the Dead End, that's where he finds his calling.
Since all fast travel in the area was decommissioned, Ratchet was forced to drive out to all locations. It wasn't too bad, but since he was the only one willing to do this job he was on his own. That's when he sees in person just how much Cybertron has abandon.
Streets filled with broken mechs and ruined buildings. There's no hope here, and his white paint lights up against the ash filled air, stains the vision of the city. It was silent until a siren went off in the distance. Despite him knowing the police's pensions for brutality, seeing it with his own eyes still frighten him.
"You're going to be okay." He hears a bot the panic in his voice. "Just hang in there, I'm going to get you help. Just hold on." Ratchet makes it to the voice. It was two bots in the middle of the road, both covered in blood. However, one person is down, closer to death.
"I don't think I can...", said bot also coughs up more blood. "Just wait for me to pass on. Then you can scavenge my parts."
"It's not fair." The mech brakes eye contact, looking to the sky. Then he looks towards the siren lights driving away. "They killed the wrong bot..."
"Let me try to help." Ratchet walks up to two mechs. The back mind is yelling at him, he's a ground bridge operator, an engineer, never even picked ot study medic. He can't do this, but he also can't stand here doing nothing. "I can't promise anything, but please I want to help."
They both look at him with a befuddled faces. He knows they shouldn't trust him but something must have broken because they allow him to help. They let him operate, and by the end of it all they thanked him, and for the first time since he left his home village, he felt proud of himself.
That's when Ratchet knew the direction of where is life is going. He would make money fixing and maintaining public works, taking other jobs, and making as much money as he could to build a clinc. He set it up in the center of Dead End, chosen it to give it resistance the fastest access to him. He worked himself tirelessly between these jobs and for the first time in his life. He managed to find success and happiness.
Do you think my life was a success?
I see... yeah you might be right.
Just when I thought I achieved happiness, my fortune collapsed like a house of cards.
Then the outside world gotten word about it. The Senate at first only saw the healing of Dead End's bots. That they would start to walk around and they would fix the left over peices of the city. Had enough energy to walk around and wanted to start working.
However, Ratchet soon discovered that this was unwanted. That if Dead End successfully pulled itself together and made it possible to be something, then the fundamental ideology of Functionism would be thrown into question. If that where to happen, what other mechs would go against the class systems set forward by them.
It couldn't stand, so they made sure it didn't, and so they set off a bomb. Framed as an accident during transit from the military bases, they had approved of it being set off. Then they approved of some police officers to do a quick sweep of firing rounds to hit what remained. They're mission wasn't to kill anyone but if the managed too, it wasn't seen as a bad thing.
At the time Ratchet was sent off planet to see if he could assist in fixing a space bridge from Lunar-2 to Tyger Pax. Of course when it played on the news he tried to ground bridge there, but couldn't. His first transporters where destroyed, when he did get back, his clinc as well. Then when he made it home, his house was raided too.
Nothing made him feel so powerless than when he was stopped at the front door. A mech had pinned him against the wall of his assigned room and warned him away from returning to Dead End. That if they found out he went back he wouldn't be able to keep his face.
Worse was when the said mech had his hands wonder all over his body, and said next time he gets sent out he has permission to do as he pleases with him. Ratchet also finds all of his funds were frozen out, and when he does get access to them all of the money had disappeared.
You should be careful. You never know what tomorrow may bring...
After all of that, Ratchet still tries to help. He still returns to assist all the mechs of the city. They still look at him with hopefully eyes, but understanding that they could never crawl out by their own strength. Many where mad at him for even letting them entertain the idea. Others where mad for him, after all it was one thing to steal from bots with nothing on them. It was another to kick the bot who tries to give a hand to someone who needs it.
Most bots however, joined the Decepticons. They believed that if the government had been threatened by their peaceful solution then they would coware at their revolution. All of this would lead to their planet dying, not that the blame could be one sided. The Senate and later the Autobots would fight them to standstill.
Ratchet would find himself in the middle of it. At first he tried to stay neutral but the bots of Dead End where quick to bring up the attack. Then it was shaking down his person and finally braking into his home and ransacking his equipment.
Traitor was branded on his door, then on his frame. When Ratchet returned to work with a still orange smelter on his left hip, his friend Wheeljack, help him join the Autobots. For a time he was safe, the squad he joined even allowed him to repair any bot whom he wanted, even Decepticons were allowed to be fixed.
Do you think my life was a success?
That's what everybody else thought, too.
...until that one day.
That was until a superior officer had came down for a vist. When they saw Ratchet repair two mechs with purple badges, they made it clear to him this would stop. If he gets caught again they would charge him with treason and he would be place on the enemy list. That's when he knew he had to go.
Being a deserter was a lighter charge than being a traitor. With his life on the line again, Ratchet has to go, because he could never leave a bot to die. In his spark he could never leave a mech to die without trying. He gives Wheeljack his coordinates, he trust that mech to only uses it when absolutely necessary.
Or at least he did.
The next time he sees his former colleague the bot had brought in toe a former bailiff turned Assassin. They force Ratchet to hand over everything on his person. The bots he was traveling with where tied down and put into custody of the Prime.
For the first time in my life, I had the urge to kill.
He was left on the ground, one push away from the cliffside. Wheeljack had saved his life but at the freedom of others. That's when he tells him to never find him again. That if he truly is sorry, he would only give that location to mechs who need it. They both promised something that day and that would be the last time he would speak to him, or it seemed.
So much anger,
As the war went on, Ratchet would travel. He would make a portable ground bridge went to the next battlefields and collect both parts and bots left behind to die. Like a Grim Reaper, he walks the path of death. However, he wouldn't take life he would do his best to keep it.
Rumor about his presence as a super natural entity made it easier to avoid authority. Many bots who believed in apparitions would come with him quietly. When he repaired them all of them would stay by him. When two bots of different factions would meet, it was almost always up to him to keep them civil.
Then he ran into Deadlock. The bot he gained feelings for. At first he didn't recognize him, but in private the mech tells him about the time they first met. That he was standing in the middle of the road in his friend's arm about to die. Then he adimts about the time he almost turned him to Megatron.
But the only way he could place Deadlock to the incidents is when he spoke those words to him. "Come on Doc, don't think like that. Everyone has kindness in their hearts."
That's when Ratchet's spark drops. This was the mech who was sent to capture him. Who knew of his habit of helping injured bots and almost trapped him into the Decepticons. Whenever he looks at Deadlock now, all he sees is a bot who has changed course, and doesn't he deserve a chance at it.
Ratchet of course also has a bad habit of letting mechs who hurt him do it again. So they both come to an agreement, he repairs Deadlock and takes him to back. The mech agrees to help him out with his operations.
So that's what they did. Ratchet would travel around and Deadlock would follow in tow. Keeping him safe and holding down bots when their reflexes kicked in. Later when their party had gotten too big to travel around and the building became to full. Deadlock drove off without a word.
Weeks became months and when two years passed by the mech came back. He tells Ratchet that he managed to find a bombed down theater that still had functional power. It was large enough for housing and medical care. When he shows him Ratchet is so relieved that he kisses him on the spot.
Deadlock field goes haywire but he doesn't reject it. Instead he grabs Ratchet's frame and frags him hard and wild, places him on the stage. With his groveling voice yells into Ratchet's microphone pick ups that he can't wait when the crew comes in. That after a long shift of picking up bots and patching up frames they would do this again, and next time they will have an audience to perform for.
That was the only time they had. As most of it was being too exhausted with fixing the building. Making sure that it look destroyed from the outside, having to only fix the bottom floors without collapsing the building from the top proved to be difficult. Even with the mechs he saved helping out, many issuses of resources and planning was still too much to worry about.
So Deadlock planned to search again. He spends his last night just sitting next to Ratchet. Telling him not worry, and he will comm every day just to reassure him of his safety. Ratchet gives him his ground bridge. Tells him to come back immediately after he finds something he thinks will help and that he will pick up his calls even if he can't talk back.
That was the last time they speak together, because once Ratchet was properly situated he update Wheeljack of his location.
There's a stain shaped like a human.
That's when he finds Impactor and things spirals out of control. Between Wheeljack taking Optimus Prime here, their entourage raising tempers and talks about Megatron abuse of the Matrix. Ratchet has to leave.
Many of his mechs encourage him to stay. Prime has no power here and if they want his help he should force the Autobots to promise to leave them alone. He doesn't answer them, he knows Wheeljack has betrayed him before. That the army has force his hands, but something tells him complying is the best option.
He turns to Impactor, tells him to tell the bigger bots to take care of the sick. Ratchet knows that mech has turned himself around and regained his spark. So it comes to a surprise that the mech follows behind him. Defending him from Elita-One and even sacrificing his own frame by pulling his comm out.
They violated him and still Impactor smiles at him, stays with him and gives his life for him. He sees his spark give out, but never sees his new found love of life leave his body.
That mankin died. He died the instant he became human. You see humans cannot exist in the vortex world...
As he boards the Arc, Ratchet gets a call from Deadlock. When he reached to answer the distance is to far.
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capnrodders · 4 years ago
Transformers WFC/ Seige voice acting as much as I remember it or smth
Optimus: 4/10
sometimes sounds like he could play Optimus. Not when he’s yelling though. Sounds like he’s talking with his chin pressed to his throat. WaAy to slow to be natural.
Optimus: everything that comes out of my mouth has to sound like my final words
Elita: 6/10
started out good. I don’t remember having much issue with it. Did get points off for the needlessly dramatic delivery. Sometimes too slow sometimes good tempo
Wheeljack: ASS
Jk jk. 7/10. Sounded a lot like g1 Wheeljack as far as I can remember. Lines were mostly delivered with natural cadence and tempo. Lots of attitude.
Megatron: 5/10
Very very VERY slow, but it almost works??? It’s like, a few BPM too slow so it still feel awkward. Gets really quiet at times, like he’s almost whispering. Maybe the sound has trouble getting through those massive slugs he has for lips. Draws out the name Prime too long. Drawing out lines only works if you’re shouting usually.
Uh Shockwave: 0/10
I wanted to shoot myself listening to him. His voice was SOOO cringe and grating and not sinister or intellectual like TFP or G1. Downgrade in all possible ways. Tho as far as I can remember it wasn’t the worst voice acting actually, I just hated what they decided to go with. Was probably dramatic to the point of cringe like all the others tho
Soundwave: 1/10
I don’t remember much, but the person behind the vocoder still has to ACT. The vocoder does not make you Soundwave automatically.
Um that’s all I remember for now. This is not to say they can’t get new voice actors. Like I’m not saying Peter Cullen is the only voice for OP ever (but we can dream right) but the voice acting should still be good. Like I personally think Cyberverse did a pretty good job. A few of the voices were iffy, but most of them were at least done well enough that it didn’t take away from the experience or disengage me from the show. Anyway I might do more reviews in the future.
Idk send me asks or smth I’m bored at shit. I can’t keep making low quality animations forever.
Oh final note. Ratchet 10/10. I’m not biased or anythingggggg, but actually his was the most natural sounding.
Honorable mention goes to Starscream for his *excited breathing* in the subtitles.
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aromanticautobot · 5 years ago
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He would
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astrospacerocket · 5 years ago
If i close my eyes and imagine reeeeeaallly hard impactor is still alive and him and Ratchet are boyfriends helping wounded on cybertron-
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elliotconquest · 5 years ago
Y’all what if during earthrise ratchet and wheeljack build the dinobots but like... in this universe the reason ratchet is a better inventor/ engineer than wheeljack is because wheeljack is younger in this incarnation and he’s learning from ratchet and the dinobots are like, his first big invention.
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