plushieclan · 6 months
Moon 4 Gathering
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“Ish dish enough frefkill?” Nightflower muffled through two mice crammed into her mouth.
Darkstar chuckled. “Hey, you shouldn’t have your mouth full when speaking, Nightflower.”
She spits the mice out onto the ground. “Heh, sorry Dad.”
Still, he nodded affirmatively. “With Shimmersky’s fish and Gingerclaw’s bluejay, we should have enough food for the gathering.”
“Darkstar! Darkstar!” a large bundle of orange fur barreled towards the two cats, crashing into Nightflower.
She laughed. “What’s wrong, Tigerkit?”
The ball of fluff straightened himself out until he resembled a normal cat. “Applepaw’s being mean again. She snapped at Pebblekit!”
Darkstar sighed. “Acting out isn’t going to make me change my mind. I’ll have a talk with Blossomtail.”
“About what?” Nightflower asked.
“I decided to have Applepaw stay behind this Gathering. She’s been too irresponsible as of late.”
“I suppose that makes sense.” she probably also would have been sulking if she was left behind.
“You know, since I’m so helpful…” Tigerkit started.
“No Gatherings until you’re an apprentice.” Darkstar sighed.
The Gathering itself was just as bustling. The fresh kill was deposited atop the grates of the flaming barrel for the after-gathering feast. Nightflower still didn’t do well with fire, so she handed off her freshkill to Dawnpaw. She decided to meet up with Lynxpaw and Firepaw while Dawnpaw took care of the food.
Firepaw wasn’t hard to find. Her bright red fur was like a beacon, even among a sea of other ginger cats. She was sat with Lynxpaw, who looked very happy.
“What’s the occasion?” Nightflower asked as she padded over.
“My warrior ceremony!” Lynxpaw declared, the enthusiasm palpable in her voice. “I’m Lynxclaw now.”
Firepaw looked glum. “I wish. My mentor’s been ignoring my training… I’ll never be a warrior at this rate.”
Lynxclaw paused. “I’m sorry Firepaw. That sucks.”
“Ah… whatever. I think Smallcloud is just getting sick or something. I don’t know why he’s been ignoring me.”
“Oh… I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.” Nightflower said. Even Leopardcloud, stuck in the nursery, still made sure she kept up her training when she wasn’t able to be there.
A large silence fell over the Gathering. It was time to start; the first leader stepped to the front. This moon, it was Redstar.
“To start, Swampclan has been well. Our kits are well-fed, and will grow strong. Our apprentices, even more so.” Redstar stated simply, before stepping back.
“I heard that those kits born last moon were his.” Lynxclaw whispered to Nightflower. “Jaggedkit and Sharpkit, I think they’re named. Poor kits. Now they have to turn out evil with those names.”
Nightflower wasn’t so sure, but she wasn’t willing to be scolded for talking during the Gathering.
Next, Finchstar took the front.
“My son and his mate have had a litter of three healthy kits! We thank Starclan for them.” He showed an uncharacteristic amount of emotion, before frowning again. His tone was grave. “Unfortunately, one of our border patrols was ambushed by a coyote. One of our apprentices, Splinterpaw, did not make it. We ask other clans to increase their patrols and stay wary until the coyote has left our lands.”
Whispers carried over the crowd— uncertain, and somewhat panicked, before the Wanderers representative spoke up.
“It will not take long for the coyote to leave. The Twolegs will chase it out once they notice it. Remain alert, but calm, while on patrol.” the representative stepped back, allowing Badgerstar to step forward.
“We have two new warriors, as well as one new cleric apprentice.” he drawled, seemingly not caring. “Lynxclaw, Locustclaw, and Mitepaw.” He paused to allow the clans to cheer.
Nightflower made sure to cheer extra hard for her good friend, who seemed extremely flattered by all the attention. Firepaw, on the other hand, looked like her flames had been doused by a heavy rainfall.
After the noise had died down, he spoke again. “We grieve the loss of our beloved Seedwhisker, who succumbed to illness. May my son carry on his path of benevolence in Starclan, just as he did in life.” he bowed his head, ushering in a moment of silence.
Nightflower looked over at Starleaf. Her mother was close with Seedwhisker, right? He was one of the members of her prophecy journey. Her mother was huddled up with her Grangeclan friends, Dovelight and Pearlheart.
The silence was broken with a single exclamation.
Now, every clan was looking at the three mollies. Pearlheart was staring at the faded outline of a tom, though Nightflower couldn’t pick out any of the details. He was glowing a bright blue, which certainly wasn’t a real pelt color. Was that… a Starclan cat?
“What’s she looking at?” Lynxclaw asked, confusion lacing her voice.
“You don’t see the glowing cat in front of her?” Nightflower said.
Firepaw shook her head. “She’s just staring at nothing.”
“Well, there’s a Starclan cat right in front of her!”
Nightflower quickly looked around. Badgerstar had his head in his paws, and Bonestripe looked shocked. Finchstar merely looked confused, and Redstar was simply annoyed.
Clouds began to crowd around the full moon, blotting out all but a small circle in the middle.
Darkstar took the front, interrupting the moment. “Starclan has spoken. The Gathering has ended for now.” he jumped down, gathering the clanmates.
Nightflower barely had a moment to say goodbye to her friends when she was pulled away with the rest of Crystalclan.
He padded over to Nightflower as they left the Gathering. “Your mother is staying behind.”
“What was that?” Nightflower asked her father.
“You could see it, couldn’t you? How well?” he dodged her question.
“But— well, yes. I could see the glowing blue cat. I couldn’t tell who it was though. Was he from Starclan?”
He nodded to her. “So not well. I see… yes, that glowing cat was a Starclan cat.”
“But why did that ghost appear?”
“To say goodbye.” Darkstar replied. “or maybe to give a warning. We won’t know until we ask your mother.”
“I guess that food will go to waste now…” she said absentmindedly.
“It won’t. Don’t worry about it.” he licked her forehead. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
As he walked away, Nightflower could only wonder what Starclan was thinking. Perhaps she’d ask her mother. Hopefully her mother was willing to share what she’d learned.
“Beware the jagged thorns of the lake, for they will sink into you like a lifeline.” Pearlheart repeated back to the other two.
“What could that mean?” Starleaf asked, worry in her eyes.
“I don’t know Leafy.” Pearlheart had a worried look on her face. “But he said the message was for you.”
Dovelight turned to Starleaf. “If you need extra warriors, Grangeclan will send them.”
Starleaf shook her head. “No. I will not put your clanmates in danger. We will handle this ourselves.”
Pearlheart pressed against Starleaf’s side, letting out a sad huff. “Be safe Leafy. Please.”
“I will, Pearlheart. I promise.” Starleaf spared one last look towards the spot where Seedwhisker supposedly stood, thoughts swirling with confusion and fear.
She turned and walked away.
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marmotclaw · 1 year
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Name meaning: Usually speckled and/or pale, nurturing, sensitive
Fawn and white tom (he/him).
Cause of death: Starvation
Family and Education
Brothers: Beetail, Thrushtalon
Mate: Deerdapple
Daughters: Deerpaw, Doepaw
Social Good
Platonic Love: Beetail, Deerpaw, Doestar, Thrushtalon
Romantic Love: Deerdapple
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bonefall · 1 year
Better Bones ThunderClan Family Tree: Draft 1.1
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[ID: A massive image of the ThunderClan family tree for Better Bones, with every starting ancestor marked with yellow, every joining kittypet marked in pink, and all of the Firekin cats marked in orange.]
You may also want to see:
The RiverClan Family Tree
The SkyClan Family Tree
The Three Strict Rules
The ThunderClan Family Tree Diagnosis, to compare
Several days of research, drafting, and meticulous nitpicking has brought us here. As much of a family tree fix as I can manage alone, including over 200 cats!
There are NO OCs in this graph. Everyone you see here is from Su Susann's Missing Kits, mentioned in a field guide, or directly from forgotten allegiances. A few characters have been renamed, shuffled, or intentionally removed.
1.1 update: Imgur link was replaced with smaller image that Tumblr is able to handle.
Just like RiverClan's, below the cut is Renamings, Removals, and the Changelog.
RENAMINGS: Format: Old Name (Origin) -> New Name (Reason)
Fallowpaw (BOTC) -> Fallowhawk (Repurposed)
Oatwhisker (COTC) -> Oatbell (Conflict)
Beechfur (BOTC) -> Beechfeather (Conflict)
Seedpelt (MV) -> Seedwhisker (Conflict)
Seedpelt (PC) -> Seedfall (Conflict)
Rabbitleap (TC) -> Rabbitbone (Conflict, Honor title)
Rockfall -> White-eye (Honor title)
Pheasantfeather -> One-eye (Honor title)
Mistlekit -> Mistleclaw (Save)
Cricketkit -> Cricketclaw (Save)
Tulipkit -> Tulipflight (Save)
Chestnutkit -> Chestnutface (Save)
Elderkit -> Elderberry (Save)
Sorrelstripe -> Duststripe (Sorreltail does not die in the Great Battle)
Graykit -> Fernkit (Ferncloud confronts Ashfur in the Dark Forest)
Hollyleaf -> Fallenleaf (I don't even know how to summarize this, Go Read This)
REMOVALS: These may be shuffled to another litter at a later time, but for now, are effectively cut or combined with another character.
Lilyheart needs no children and the clan had more than enough cats already. Honeyfur, Leafshade, and Larksong are cut.
Larksong's roles have been absorbed by the composite cat, Hollylark.
On that note, Hollytuft is the other half of the composite.
Brightheart is a frequent surrogate for cats in other Clans; Snowbush, Ambermoon, and Dewnose may show up elsewhere, but NOT in ThunderClan.
Eaglewing is cut.
CHANGELOG: When a group is referred to as "Characterkin," it refers to the common ancestor with that suffix. For example, Firekin refers to cats with Firestar as a common ancestor.
Daisytoe and Flashnose COULD still be siblings without issue but I decided to leave it off for better visibility
Squirrelwhisker and Beetail are probably siblings but Re: better visibility
Icecloud is now born AFTER the Great Battle; they are named after Iceheart, the cat who was Scourge.
Foxleap is now a CloudxBright child
Rockfall becomes the mate of One-eye, and attains an Honor Title; White-eye, for losing an eye to infection.
One-eye's pre-Honor Title name was Pheasantfeather, she also lost an eye to infection.
They both found this VERY amusing.
Halftail is now a child, not One-eye's mate, fixing a very frustrating retcon where One-eye was not the oldest cat in ThunderClan.
Mistlekit becomes a warrior named Mistleclaw, who died in a very serious sickness during Spottedleaf's Plague
Graystripe is now Dappletail's son, and his littermate Featherkit died in Spottedleaf's Plague
Cricketkit becomes a warrior named Cricketclaw, and was the littermate of Darkstripe.
Tulipkit and Chestnutkit were taken from other litters and given to Robinfuzzy, to create an in-between generation for Dustpelt and Raven, as Robinfuzzy would be too old.
Tulipflight and Chestnutface died in, you guessed it, Spottedleaf's Plague.
Though he was ultimately renamed for conflict reasons, Rabbitbone is sporting an Honor Title. He was made the head chef after Mumblefoot became deputy.
Speckletail is the niece of Doestar now, and strongly desired to carry on her legacy.
Oatbell's name refers to the bell-shape of some flowers, such as bluebells, gorse, and oat berries.
Hazeltail does not die of greencough, she is saved by Jayfeather. Mousewhisker is going to leave for RiverClan in ASC (minnowmouse shippers stay winnin'), and Hazel will be taking any noteworthy actions he does in ThunderClan
Fernsong is now an ex-kittypet who joins along with Stormcloud and Jessy. His old name was Fiddles.
Blossomfall's kits were conceived during a stay with The Kin, the father(s) are not known.
Redtail and Spottedleaf are now the children of Rosetail
Redtail and Runningwind are the parents of Sandstorm and Longtail.
Patchpelt is now the father of Willowpelt, adding a generation between Willow and AdderSwift.
The Three Seedpelts
There were THREE Seedpelts to begin with. I decided to split them into 3 characters.
The oldest Seedpelt keeps her name; she was deputy of ThunderClan when SkyClan was exiled, and stepped down in protest. She joined Ripplestar's Rebellion, and was condemned to the Dark Forest when she died.
She has a striking resemblance to her descendants, Ferncloud, Elderberry, and Ashfur.
The next was Seedwhisker. He was the brother of Mapleshade.
He lived the rest of his life in regret at his cowardice, having not spoken up for his sister or nespring, and became a supporter of the Queen's Rights in spite of Oakstar's opposition to them.
His new name comes from an accidental misprint, he was called Seedwhisker once in canon.
The last was Seedfall, who could have plausibly been Seedwhisker in the timeline, but I decided that Adderfang could use a sibling.
Firekin is now HARD defined
It means that you are directly descended from Firestar and Sandstorm. (Who were btw in a QPR)
Cloudtail is not counted in this category because Fireheart botched the claiming of the Queen's Rights when bringing him to ThunderClan, admitting he was his nephew and voiding his right.
Firekin only tracks through direct descendants as a result.
Squirrelflight is infertile and will always be. All Firekin can trace their way through The Three, and ergo Leafpool.
Ivypool and Dovewing are technically the bio-offspring of Poppyfrost and Jayfeather, but this is not widely known, and they are raised by Cinderheart and Lionblaze.
Sparkpelt and Alderheart are no longer Firekin. Nightheart and Finchlight are Firekin through their other parent, Hollylark.
Hollylark was conceived through supernatural methods (and by accident).
Flywhisker and Snaptooth were foundlings adopted by Toadstep and Lionblaze; but they are leaving the Clans in a similar way to Canon.
The Tigerkin Family
Goldenflower's only mate was Tigerclaw, unlike canon where she was with Patchpelt to have Swiftpaw and Lynxkit.
Brambleclaw becomes Bramblestar just after BB!Po3, and Squirrelflight doesn't get back with him after the secret is revealed
His kits are from Jessy, who was temporarily named Sweetbright.
She cat-divorced him shortly after their kits were born, taking Alder with her. The human named him Louie; Bramblestar changed it back when he returned
Both of them have a very complicated relationship to their father.
The Dustfern Fixes, Fernkin Broadly
Elderberry was saved to fix an age gap; Ferncloud is closer in age to Dustpelt, and Ashfur is from a litter born just before Brindleface's murder. Elder was the sibling who was part of the Dog Relay Race.
Dustpelt was also not a mentor yet, as he was too young. Instead, he was undergoing a secondary apprenticeship under One-eye for construction work.
Cloudtail was Elder's and Fern's best friend growing up, but NOT an adopted brother. This is to avoid Whitewing x Birchfall being adoptive first cousins.
Because Brackenfur dies in BB!Po3 and wasn't alive to sire them, Seedpaw and Lilyheart have been swapped over to Dustfern.
Dustpelt died saving them in the Great Battle, reinforcing a den wall against invaders.
Spiderleg and his children are not dying unceremoniously as Greencough Fodder and a TBC kill. All three are alive to the current arc.
Lilypaw watching her sister die to save her was formative. She has no interest in romance, but is much more caring and nurturing than her grumpy face suggests.
Because Whitewing and Birchfall no longer have Dovewing and Ivypool, they get Spotfur and Duststripe instead!
Because Sorreltail didn't die in the battle, Duststripe is named after her grandfather instead.
For a similar reason, Spotfur's child Graykit is now named after their great-grandmother instead. Graystripe lives out the rest of his days in the mountains; Ferncloud must confront her brother.
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Let's talk about Conflict Names.
If you've scrolled the Warriors Wiki, you've probably seen this message at least once.
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And in a universe FULL of name combinations and new prefixes and suffixes being added all the time, it's... Odd. How do names like Robinwing and Seedpelt get used so many times? Why are there 2 Nightstar's now? WHY ARE THERE 3 BIRCHSTARS AND 3 DARKSTARS?
Well, I think it would be nice to change that. In-Universe, all apprentices still go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to foster a connection with Starclan. Starclan will show the leader who goes with them all the name "slots" of the cats who have come before.
Sometimes, in an extremely rare circumstance, there have been multiple cats with the same name (this is more... easter egg for wcr/comedic effect; but lore-wise, Starclan will often not provide the names of Dark Forest cats in an attempt to "erase" them), but it can never be a leader. There cannot be 2 Firestar's, ever. A Star cannot lead if it is being outshone by another.
Where the fun lies, is that sometimes, a leader will give up their leader name in Starclan, freeing up that slot. Heatherstar gave up hers to go back to being Heatherstep, as she did not enjoy being leader. Heatherstar would now be a valid name again. Also, the ancient 2 word names (Sky Petal, Cloud Spots, Blue Whisker, Briar Bloom) do not take up slots. Post-mortem names, such as Swiftpaw being named Swiftclaw, or Mapleshade's kits, also do not take up slots.
During Tigerheart's Light, Starclan ran into a bit of a pickle. Tigerheart was going to become Leader, but there has been a Tigerstar in history who did not give up his name when he went to the Dark Forest. But... His spirit had faded away! But... The memory of him hasn't...
When they asked Tigerheart "Do you wish to be Tigerstar?" What Tigerheart WANTED to say was:
"Sure. It sounds like a good name. Though I have some bad memories with it too, and my relationship with my mother is really strained now because of it, I'm also not sure of the Clans will like having another Tigerstar around. Maybe it's not such a good idea."
All he managed to get out was "Sure. It sounds like a good name-" before Starclan slapped the title onto him without a second thought.
With that MAJOR issue out of the way, let's get to the renaming of cats! Note: Renames are not done on basis of who came first, but which one I like better for the cat. I think Frecklewish fits the Thunderclan cat more than the Skyclan one.
Note: This post is not complete and was only posted due to the Tumblr app being trash. I will repeatedly reblog this with more names added. Thank you.
Rabbitleap (TC) is now named Rabbitsong
Beechfur (TC) is now named Beechtuft.
Seedpelt (Mapleshade's Vengeance) has now been somewhat fused with Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice). Now a molly whose fur is streaked gray with age, and her name is Seedwhisker.
Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice) has been partially fused, as seen above, but the leftover cat (ew) has been named Dragonflypelt.
Seedpelt (FQ) is THE Seedpelt. Seedpaw is almost named Seedpelt as well (that's that little joke I mentioned, but also a sign that Bramblestar's got NO idea what he's doing)
Owlstar (SoTC) and Owlstar (CoTC) have been fused, the way they should have been.
Cloudberry (TC) is now Splashberry.
Applefur (TF) is now named Applefang.
Ashfur (ShC) is now given the very simple Honor Title Ashclaw by Nightstar, and comes out of retirement.
Marshscar now becomes Marshstar to avoid a future Conflict Name with Marshkit, who will become Marshscar.
Mudclaw (ShC) is now named Mudstep.
Buster, who used to be Rippletail, is now named... Well he still becomes Buster, but BEFORE that he's named Droptail. Pun.
Hollystar has been renamed Birdstar, Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter.
Shadepelt (AVoS) is now named Shadenose, and is the sister of Foxnose and an OC, Bumblenose.
Mintfur (RC) is now Mintwhisker, named after Mintclaw (Silverpaw TPB) a Rebel who was killed fighting against Tigerclan alongside his mothers Waterfern and Tangleburr.
Silverpaw (BOTC) is now in Windclan, as they need more padding, and OOTS Riverclan has enough apprentices. Their name is now Streampaw, and they become Streamsong. They are the offspring of Rustlewish, who adopted them from Riverclan, hence the name.
Applefrost and Appleshine actually had their names swapped. Appleshine is now the daughter of Appledusk and Reedshine. Applefrost is now Breezpelt and Heathertail's daughter.
Nightstar (RC) now never becomes leader, as Riverstar outlives her during Riverstar's Life towards the end. She and Nightheart (Ro) are now the same cat. She was inspired by a strange cat named Nightheart and made her name Night Heart.
Milkfur (YS) is now named Milkpatch, both after her mother and the slowly growing white patches in her fur. Her brother is named Troutfin (the name she was mistakenly given in the preview for Yellowfang's Secret) and he gave Hailstar a life!
Thrushpelt (WC) is now not only a girl, but this lady WAS named Thrushpelt and earned the title Thrushleaf for her handling of the epidemic caused by sick rabbits.
Gorsetail (TNP) is now named Eveningtail.
Wrenflight (WC) does start out as Wrenflight, but after her actions supporting The Rebels against Tigerstar, helping Tangleburr and Waterfern free prisoners at risk of her own life, Tallstar renamed her Wrensky, freeing up the Wrenflight slot for the Skyclan one.
Birchstar (WC) is now Warblerstar, she is an ancestor to Onestar through his grandfather, Woollytail.
Frecklewish (SkC) is now named Freckleshine.
Birchstar (SkC) is still Birchstar, but stepped down at his death, going back to being just Birch, the same one in DOTC. The second leader of Skyclan. Birchstar (RC) is now the definitive Birchstar.
Rainfur (SkC) is now Rainyfur, his old name having been Rainy, because "oh it's just a coincidence his name was exactly the same as a Clan name" is a pathetic cop-out.
Unknown Clan
Robinwing (SkC) is now Robintail, after her short, fluffy tail.
Emberdawn (TBC) is still Emberdawn... Because no one remembers her, and Starclan doesn't care much about names that aren't attached to it, meaning that TECHNICALLY, there could be another Houndleap, Emberdawn is not in the Dark Forest, but she is also not in Starclan. Her horror story will be revealed eventually, still working on the finer details.
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theanoninyourinbox · 5 months
So Niaf!Bloomseed (in canon, mv bloomheart and seedpelt) hypokits mayhaps
After becoming apprenticed to Shade Oakphoenix, bloompaw distanced themself from everyone else due to his teachings he started internalizing, something he unfortunately would bring to his apprentice, the roots spreading.
When freckle and birch were born, he was like an uncle figure to them, in retrospect caring more for them than their father ever did, having helped kill one of them and almost letting the second one die.
Something in him clicked when he killed his own apprentice to protect Frecklewish as she is nowadays called, and seeing her own father say it was better she would die than be blind, not even knowing the person next to him whom he trained for 6 moons was born blind themself, realizing Oakphoenix was the root of this infection.
After giving Frecklewish over to her soon to be mate to be treated in the shard union and killing the would be tyrant Oakphoenix, he started seeing the counsel and slowly began connecting with others again as more than acquaintances, including Seedwhisker.
After Freckle came back, he became her adopted father officially, and even if birch couldnt be there, he still sees him as his father, being together with his daughter and husband
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3 babies for the cool au
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duckwhistle · 1 year
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Leaders get their prefix changed as well! This is because I like the idea of them losing their first life and changing entirely.
They have deeper meanings, they're supposed to either be well-wishes to the new leader, or to tell them how to deal with leadership, etc. Hailfur -> Bluestar - "to gaze with your deep water eyes around you, to know of your friends and enemies by sight." Vipertail -> Tallstar - "to stand tall in your pride and glory of your clan, to lead a legacy spanning generations."
things like this... I have a few more for my AU but I do not have a set-in-stone, well worded reason for the name changes, so just, have them. Rustheart -> Firestar Leopardfur -> Sunstar Crookedjaw -> Stormstar Sunfall -> Brightstar Mapletail (Redtail) -> Redstar Brambleclaw -> Thornstar Deadfoot -> Burrowstar Seedwhisker -> Lonestar (Onestar) Mistyfoot -> Flowstar Leafdapple -> Fallingstar Sandstorm -> Risingstar Darkstep -> Blackstar Hollypelt -> Nightstar
small note: I think that names that reference the clan itself (Night for Shadowclan, or Flow for Riverclan) give their clan a lot of pride, like "yes that is our iconic leader!!!" so maybe they're special??? ALSO rejecting the name that you get from the stars is never a good idea, because the only reason leaders have nine lives is because Starclan gave them. so I do believe that it would be cool if Tigerstar specifically refused his name because of his pride :D
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any good suffixes for Seed-? I'm trying to figure out renames for all three of the Seedpelts but i'm kinda stumped and you're really good at this stuff
what's wild is that seed- is the prefix i've always had the hardest time with even when i was a kid, like i had an oc named seedpelt, ironically enough (before other seedpelts were in the books) because i just like... couldn't think of a better name lol and now i'm trying to figure out a warrior name for seedpaw and my first thought always goes to seedpelt
so i am here to enlighten this weird seed suffix purgatory
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cycloneseason · 3 years
Year One - Comghán Colony
Blennynose gives birth to Slatewhistle’s kittens: Squill, Bark, and Adder.
Shypaws gives birth to Pebblestorm’s kittens: Shrike, Freckle, Fleck, Drizzle, Coot, Chub, and Oak.
Lightheart the Kind (9y; 1/9) - shorthaired chocolate polydactyl classic tabby tom with white gloves
Starryeyes (9y) - longhaired blue classic torbie molly
Westwave (4y) - longhaired polydactyl blue tortoiseshell molly
Cypressfrost (13y) - longhaired chocolate classic tabby molly with low white
Flyseed (13y) - longhaired red classic tabby tom
Seedwhisper (13y) - shorthaired golden chocolate ticked tabby tom with white gloves and curled ears
Vervaineyes (13y) - longhaired cinnamon tom with white gloves and folded ears
Daffodiltoe (13y) - shorthaired red silver ticked tabby molly with low white and a kinked bobtail
Ivyrose (13y) - longhaired black mackerel tabby molly with low white
Northridge (4y) - longhaired black classic tabby molly
Eastwind (4y) - shorthaired polydactyl lilac point molly
Southblaze (4y) - shorthaired polydactyl black molly
Grayfrost (10y) - shorthaired lilac silver broken mackerel torbie molly with white gloves, a kinked, shortened tail, and folded ears
Strikepetal (10y) - longhaired black tortoiseshell molly with white gloves, folded ears, and a shortened, kinked tail
Rosemaryseed (10y) - shorthaired black smoke tortoiseshell and white molly with folded ears and a shortened, kinked tail
Screestorm (10y) - shorthaired red silver ticked tabby tom with white gloves and a shortened, kinked tail
Creekridge (10y) - longhaired flame silver broken mackerel tabby point tom with white gloves and a kinked, shortened tail 
Ripplegorse (9y) - shorthaired polydactyl chocolate classic tabby tom with low white
Featherpuddle (9y) - shorthaired black polydactyl classic tabby molly with white gloves
Carawaygaze (9y) - shorthaired polydactyl black classic tabby molly with white gloves
Balsamstone (9y) - shorthaired polydactyl chocolate molly with low white
Downystem (9y) - longhaired fawn tom with shortened legs
Thymeblossom (9y) - shorthaired fawn golden mackerel tabby molly with white gloves and shortened legs
Dappledeye (9y) - longhaired fawn golden mackerel tabby molly with shortened legs
Rillshell (9y) - longhaired cinnamon golden mackerel tabby molly with white gloves and shortened legs
Breamridge (9y) - shorthaired blue smoke tom with low white
Lichenshadow (9y) - longhaired chocolate silver mackerel tabby molly with low white
Muddyfish (9y) - longhaired chocolate mackerel tabby molly with high white and a shortened tail
Tempestwhisker (9y) - shortened blue caramel mackerel tabby molly with high white
Riverstep (9y) - longhaired black silver mackerel tabby tom with high white and a shortened tail
Hollowsun (8y) - shorthaired blue golden mackerel torbie molly with curled ears
Bramblehawk (8y) - longhaired red silver classic tabby tom with curled ears and a kinked, shortened tail
Ryewhisper (7y) - longhaired lilac classic tabby molly with white gloves
Windflight (7y) - longhaired chocolate broken mackerel tabby molly with white gloves
Bogseed (7y) - longhaired chocolate tortoiseshell and white point molly with a shortened, kinked tail
Jackdawdusk (7y) - shorthaired cinnamon broken mackerel tabby point tom with white gloves
Peachfoot (7y) - shorthaired polydactyl cinnamon smoke tortoiseshell molly
Snowtalon (7y) - shorthaired albino cream tom with white gloves
Dovesong (7y) - shorthaired albino lilac ticked tabby molly with a curled tail
Cedardusk (7y) - shorthaired fawn spotted tabby point tom with high white
Shadowtuft (7y) - shorthaired chocolate smoke tom with high white and a shortened tail
Smallpounce (6y) - longhaired polydactyl blue mackerel tabby tom with low white and curled ears
Wigeonpaws (6y) - longhaired polydactyl seal golden classic torbie and white point molly
Thrushdust (6y) - shorthaired polydactyl cream classic tabby tom with low white
Grasswhisker (5y) - shorthaired lilac smoke tom with low white and a shortened tail
Blazeheart (5y) - longhaired polydactyl flame classic tabby point tom with low white
Driftbreeze (5y) - longhaired polydactyl fawn silver classic tabby point tom with low white
Hobbyface (5y) - shorthaired cinnamon silver spotted tabby point tom with low white
Poppydusk (5y) - shorthaired fawn classic torbie and white point molly
Fogneedle (5y) - shorthaired cinnamon ticked tabby point-albino tom with white gloves
Flurryfeather (5y) - shorthaired chocolate mackerel tabby point-albino molly
Brightwhisker (5y) - shorthaired lilac spotted tabby point-albino tom 
Furzeclaw (5y) - longhaired flame broken mackerel tabby point-albino tom with white gloves
Redshadow (5y) - shorthaired flame mackerel tabby point-albino molly with white gloves
Rowanpelt (5y) - shorthaired flame mackerel tabby point-albino tom with low white
Maplebright (5y) - longhaired black silver mackerel torbie and white molly
Brindlecreek (5y) - shorthaired golden shaded fawn molly with low white
Hareface (5y) - shorthaired lilac molly with high white and a kinked bobtail
Copperflight (4y) - shorthaired fawn mackerel torbie molly with a shortened, kinked tail
Eveneninggaze (4y) - longhaired lilac ticked tabby tom with white gloves
Oddstrike (4y) - longhaired black silver mackerel tabby molly with white gloves and shortened legs
Bubblestone (4y) - longhaired black silver classic tabby tom with low white
Buzzardtuft (4y) - longhaired chocolate smoke tom with white gloves
Frogsnout (4y) - shorthaired black smoke tom with low white, folded ears, and a kinked, shortened tail
Conebranch (4y) - shorthaired black silver mackerel tabby tom with curled ears, shortened legs, and a shortened, kinked tail
Woodfoot (4y) - longhaired chocolate mackerel tabby tom with white gloves
Sprucestorm (4y) - longhaired chocolate mackerel tabby molly with white gloves
Ruddyshade (4y) - longhaired polydactyl red silver mackerel tabby tom with white gloves
Slatewhistle (2y) - shorthaired black mackerel tabby tom with folded ears and a shortened, kinked tail 
Blackbriar (2y) - shorthaired seal smoke point molly with low white and folded ears
Snailwing (2y) - longhaired black smoke molly with white gloves and a shortened, kinked tail
Heavydawn (2y) - longhaired polydactyl lilac classic tabby tom
Logbelly (2y) - longhaired chocolate smoke molly with curled ears and shortened legs
Birdscratch (2y) - longhaired polydactyl seal point molly with white gloves, curled ears, and shortened legs
Irisfang (2y) - longhaired polydactyl lilac mackerel tabby molly with a shortened, kinked tail
Pebblestorm (2y) - shorthaired karpati blue silver spotted tabby tom with low white
Arch (1y) - longhaired blue silver mackerel caliby molly with a shortened tail
Tabby (1y) - shorthaired blue mackerel tabby tom with high white and a shortened tail
Beech (1y) - shorthaired polydactyl cinnamon golden rosetted tabby tom with high white
Dawn (1y) - shorthaired polydactyl fawn golden marbled torbie and white molly
Robin (1y) - longhaired polydactyl cinnamon tom with low white
Nettle (1y) - shorthaired fawn ticked tabby tom with low white and a shortened, kinked tail
Carp (1y) - longhaired cinnamon molly with low white and a shortened, kinked tail
Blennynose (2y) - shorthaired blue mackerel torbie molly with curled ears (mother of Slatewhistle’s kittens: Squill, a longhaired blue molly with curled ears and a shortened, kinked tail; Bark, a shorthaired chocolate mackerel tabby tom with curled ears; Adder, a shorthaired black mackerel tabby molly with curled ears)
Shypaws (2y) - longhaired polydactyl black molly with curled ears (mother of Pebblestorm’s kittens: Shrike, a longhaired polydactyl black classic tabby karpati tom with curled ears; Freckle, a longhaired black karpati molly with low white; Fleck, a longhaired polydactyl black smoke karpati tom with low white and curled ears; Drizzle, a longhaired polydactyl chocolate silver broken mackerel tabby karpati molly with low white and curled ears; Coot, a shorthaired polydactyl seal point karpati tom with low white and curled ears; Chub, a longhaired black broken mackerel tabby tom with curled ears; Oak, a longhaired chocolate smoke molly)
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faketumor · 6 years
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some semi-realism with my medicine cat oc, Seedwhisker :-]
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wc-nightfall · 5 years
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an angry coveclan warrior, the coveclan medicine cat, and a dead starclan cat, right?
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plushieclan · 9 months
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So, since there are three other clans, I figured I’d post their allegiances for moon 1! However, these clans are really big, so only a few cats from each clan will be available for asks. Those are the cats drawn above!
From Treeclan:
Badgerstar, Bonestripe, Lynxpaw, Yarrowpaw, Houndheart, and Fernclaw
From Grangeclan:
Finchstar, Dovelight, Pearlheart, Irisrain, Ashrise, and Firepaw
From Swampclan:
Ploverbelly, Junco-eyes, and Hawthornpaw
If there are any other cats that interest you, just send an ask about them! I can answer any questions
Also, Moon One’s gathering is coming soon! Look forward to that!
Full Allegiances under the cut!
(If a kit is said to be fostered, then the queen is not the one who adopted them. If a kit is adopted, then that queen is the one who adopted them)
(For some reason, Badgerstar and Bonestripe keep being messed with)
(I have decided I no longer will mess with it. That is why there are duplicated lines)
DEPUTY BONESTRIPE — a black molly with a white
skull-and-ribs-like pattern on her face and
ASPENSTRIPE—a black tabby molly
SEEDWHISKER—a dappled golden tom
MEDIATORS ROACH-HEART—a pale ginger tabby molly
WARRIORS SUNSTRIPE—a ginger tabby tom
FLYBRACKEN—a gray molly with a ginger
LAKEFACE—a silver molly
LARCHFANG—a pale gray tabby trans-molly
BROKENPAD—a gray-and-white tabby molly
STONEPELT—a dark gray tom
CLIFFMOON—a dark gray smoke molly
GHOSTWHISKER—an unusually spotted
black tom
BEETLEHEART—an unusually spotted black-
and-white tom
WET-TAIL—a masked gray tabby molly
SLATESTRIPE—a white molly with a striped
gray tail and two gray stripes on her head
PINESPIDER—a black tabby tom
DAWNWING—a masked ginger tabby molly
HOUNDHEART—a black smoke tom
BRANCHTAIL—a black-and-white tom with a
long tail
FERNCLAW—a white molly with gray-tipped
ears, tail, and nose
SHINEWHISKER—an unusually dappled
brown-and-white tom
WILLOWHEART—a ginger tabby tom
TIMBERFOOT—a pale ginger tabby molly
APPRENTICES SPRUCEPAW—a ginger tabby tom
GOOSEPAW—a masked light brown-and-
white molly
LYNXPAW—a white molly with lilac ears
YARROWPAW—a dark tabby tom with a
white patch
RATPAW—a white tom with a speckled gray
gray leg; apprentice to the mediator
LOCUSTPAW—a dorsal-striped golden tom
QUEENS BOGPATCH—a pale gray molly (mother of
Gustkit, a speckled ginger tom)
POPPYLAKE—a golden molly (mother of
Milkkit, a dorsal-striped brown tom, and
fostering Mitekit, an unusually dappled gray
ALDERHONEY—a speckled dark molly
(mother of Tinykit, a dorsal-striped dark tom)
ELDERS GOLDLEAF—a spotted black molly with
piercing gold eyes
OLIVEFUR—a ticked golden tom
LEADER FINCHSTAR—a dark ginger tom with a white
top half
DEPUTY DOVELIGHT—a masked brown tabby molly
with a red bow
CLERICS PEARLHEART— a white-and-light-brown
molly with a pearl earring necklace
FLYHEART—a black tabby-and-white molly
OLIVEHEART— a black tabby cat
BLIZZARDFADE—a pale gray smoke molly
MEDIATORS IRISRAIN—a black-and-white molly
SUNSONG—a golden tom
ASHRISE—a black tabby tom with
WARRIORS MAGPIEFUR—a speckled black molly
FOXSWOOP—a pale gray ticked molly
TOPCLASH—a brown ticked tom
STEELSONG—a brown mottled tom
ANTLERFUR—a pale tom
COWFUR—a silver-and-white smoke tom
WHISPERFUR—a pale gray-and-white tom
BUDFERN—a tortoiseshell-and-white molly
SAGESPECKLE—a pale ginger molly with no
CLOVEHEART—a white-and-golden tabby
SMALLCLOUD—an unusually spotted dark
SMOKESPOT—a speckled dark molly
BLACKQUILL—a black tabby tom with vitiligo
and a red collar
BIRCHRAIN—a white-and-gray tom
COALSHADOW—a dorsal-striped black molly
WILDFADE—a black-and-white smoke molly
RAINLEAF—a silver tabby tom
BLOOMFUR—a red molly
CURLYBLOSSOM—a gray tabby molly
COPPEREYE—a pale-and-white smoke tom
HOLLYFOOT—a black ticked molly
GOLDFOOT—a golden tom
STORKFUR—a speckled black molly
CEDAR—a dorsal-striped brown tom
TAWNYHEART—a speckled ginger molly
APPRENTICES GLOWPAW—a dark tabby molly
BADGERPAW—an unusually dappled black
SPLINTERPAW—a gray tabby molly
HAVENPAW—a black tabby tom
CHESTNUTPAW—a gray ticked tom
FIREPAW—a dark ginger molly
QUEENS BIRDFALL—a ginger-and-white molly
(fostering Graykit, a gray smoke tom,
Stoatkit, a spotted silver tom, and Lightkit, a
gray smoke tom)
ELDERS LAKESTRIPE— a pale smoke tom with his
eyes scarred over
LEADER REDSTAR—a speckled ginger tom with
copper-red eyes
DEPUTY BLOODTHORN—a red molly with green
CLERIC BLACKBERRY—a white-and-black
WARRIORS IVYHEART—a silver-and-white molly
FROGLEAP—a dark ginger tabby tom
PUDDLESPLASH—a white molly with a gray
patch on her chest
STARLINGFUR— a ticked brown tom
BUZZARDFANG— a cream cat with a lilac
CUCUMBERLEAF—a gray molly
TALLSTEM—a brown tabby tom
SPARKFLOWER—a dark ginger molly
ALDERFLOWER—a gray smoke molly
ECHOPOOL—a pale tabby tom
FALLENFERN—a gray tom
DOEBIRD—a pale ginger molly
TICKSEED—an unusually spotted golden
SHEEPNOSE—a silver ticked tabby molly
BERGAMOTFUR—a ticked cream tom
JUNCO-EYES—a pale-gray ticked molly with
dark eyes
PLOVERBELLY—a pale gray smoke tom with
a white belly
APPRENTICES RYEPAW—a light brown smoke tom
HAWTHORNPAW—a seal-point Siamese
QUEENS MARETAIL—a light brown molly (mother of
Rushkit, a speckled pale ginger molly, and
Bonesetkit, a white and ginger tom)
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marmotclaw · 1 year
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Name meaning: bold and/or bold Markings, generous, agile, balanced
Dark brown tabby tom (he/him) with near-black stripes, amber eyes, and long legs and a long tail.
Brothers: Seedwhisker, Thrushtalon
Social Moral
Platonic Love: Deerpaw, Doestar, Seedwhisker, Thrushtalon
Enemies: Mapleshade
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bonefall · 1 year
ThunderClan WIP
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[ID: A family tree chart]
That's enough for now; I had to redraw it from my last WIP to make some real big changes!
Fun choices I made tonight;
There WERE three Seedpelts; two of them got conflict renamings! The first was deputy when SkyClan was exiled, stepped down in protest, and became a rebel for Ripplestar. She is probably in the Dark Forest. The second is the brother of Mapleshade, his name is Seedwhisker. The third is a sister for Adderfang, her name is Seedfall. I may make her a parent in a later draft.
Tons of COTC and BOTC characters have been repurposed; however, Greeneyes, Bloomheart, and Pearnose (becomes Pearstar in BB!) are unlisted for now.
Songbird, Morningstar, and Pearstar are too ancient to be part of this tree; the tree only fully tracks all cats from the Crusade Era onwards.
Because it's ThunderClan and there's a bunch of names, plus a clear picture of succession, some cats go as far back as the Ripple Era!
Oatwhisker (TC) is now Oatbell.
Beechfur (TC) is now Beechfeather.
One-eye and White-eye have been split into two cats. White-eye was One-eye's mate and died many years ago.
One-eye is sporting an Honor Title, her old name was Pheasantfeather.
Halftail is now One-eye's son instead of mate; fixing an inconsistency where they retconned her into not being the oldest cat in ThunderClan.
White-eye is prone to change.
Cricketclaw, Mistleclaw, Elderberry, Chestnutface, and Tulipflight are all Kit Saves.
Chestnut and Tulip were shuffled from other litters in order to make an in-between generation between Robinfuzzy and the Dust + Raven litter. The two are now the children of Chestnutface.
Shinecloud is now Oakstar's sister, not mate. Frecklewish and Birchface were his nespring, losing them was losing the last piece he had of his sister.
Beetail was their father, as well as the father of Flowerpaw and Nettlebreeze for some extra drama. Flowerpaw died trying to save her older half-brother.
I ran out of space but Beetail and Squirrelwhisker are siblings... will try to get it in another draft.
In the last draft I accidentally made Thrushpelt and Bluefur first cousins, OOPS. That's fixed now. They aren't related anymore.
I'll continue down the line later, for now I think that's a not-too-shabby outline for pre-Lake ThunderClan.
Also ignore that Firestar isn't on it yet, he will come, be patient, he had to get out of the way for that atrocious, 3-mile-long Dustfern line
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multi-lefaiye · 7 years
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Hey kids step right up for the Hot New AU™ right off the presses.
Yes, this is a Mystic Messenger/Warrior cats crossover/AU because I have no self-control and love forcibly mashing together my interests.
Details of the AU under the cut~!
Guide to everybody:
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Left to Right: Top row - Jumin's father: Jaystar (clan leader); Jumin: Crowfall (clan deputy); V: Blueheart (clan medicine cat); Zen: Tallwind; 707: Sparrowthroat Second row - Yoosung: Goldentail; Jaehee: Bramblefur; Vanderwood: Pinewood; Glam Choi: Goosewing; Sarah Choi: Robinfeather Third row: Echo Girl: Echobrook; Jumin's mom: Whiteflower; Jumin's sister #1: Rainnose; Jumin's stepmom: Seedwhisker; Jumin's sister #2: Spruceleaf Fourth row: Tom: Rabbitfoot; Zen's brother: Shrewclaw; MC: Morningheart; Rika: Reedfeather; Unknown: Smokestep Not pictured: Elizabeth III: Snowpaw; Lisa: Ashpaw; Sally: Sunpaw; hypothetical child for Glam: Mistpaw (I would share everyone's name meanings, buuut there's only one I'm really proud of: Smokestep's. Basically, his name is supposed to kinda mean he "steps like smoke" - i.e., he's a very sneaky boy and for most of the plot no one is really able to track him. Also, yes, everyone except Jumin's sisters and Glam's hypothetical child are canon characters, and Glam's kiddo is the only one that isn't alluded to or mentioned at some point.)of: Smokestep's. Basically, his name is supposed to kinda mean he "steps like smoke" - i.e., he's a very sneaky boy and for most of the plot no one is really able to track him. aLSO I didn’t wanna add OCs but I wanted Jumin to have some sisters and Glam’s baby is for plot purposes.) ------- The Setup™:
ReedClan was founded by Reedfeather, a former rogue who was born with prophetic abilities. She had dreams she couldn't understand that drew her to the forest clans, which she watched for many moons. When BloodClan entered the forest, she decided it was time to go and set about gathering as many rogues and loners as she could. During the chaos that ensued, she convinced them to follow her elsewhere, that they could have a peaceful, happy life. Reedfeather used what she had learned from observing the warrior clans to start ReedClan, from the names she chose for her new clanmates to choosing who would have what rank. Unfortunately, despite her dreams, she never actually made direct contact with StarClan, and so the newly-named Jaystar never received any nine lives. For their territory, Reedfeather found a swath of forest further north from the forest clans. Their camp was set up in a tiny clearing, surrounded by feeble bramble walls. Shortly after establishing ReedClan, Reedfeather's apprentice, Sunpaw, was killed when she wandered onto the Thunderpath and was hit by a Monster. Reedfeather blamed herself and became withdrawn, overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow. Only months later, Reedfeather herself disappeared with no explanation. Her mate, Blueheart the medicine cat, claimed she had died, but her body was never found. Oddly enough, around the same time, Blueheart had a tragic accident of his own: his eyes were viciously clawed, leaving him mostly blind and barely able to perform his duties. Many moons passed as the clan struggled to hold itself together. They were quickly falling apart, but did their best to pretend not to notice. Then, one day, a stranger wandered onto their territory. The strange cat, who bore a resemblance to Reedfeather, was seriously injured in a fall very shortly after they arrived. Though they survived the incident, they couldn't remember what happened to them, besides a pair of eerie, pale green eyes in the darkness. The cat's name was Morningheart, and during their recovery they managed to impress Jaystar with one of the few things they did remember: herbs and their uses. While they weren't a perfect medicine cat, they were more than happy to offer their services in thanks to the clan that saved their life. ------ Little notes: - For this AU, C&R and the RFA are functionally the same thing, and both represented in ReedClan. Seven's agency is represented in the rogues that also occupy ReedClan's territory; he and Pinewood work to ensure the rogues don't attack ReedClan. - Pairings aren't 100% decided besides who I want Bramblefur to end up with (she'll have a girlfriend who will defend her and make her happy!!), and... I'm open to suggestions, tbh. Mainly, I don't know who I want Morningheart to end up with, or if I even want them to have a mate at all and just have this whole thing be platonic. - I know that MC is technically female and Vanderwood is male in canon, but I prefer to use they/them pronouns for those two. So, yeah, Pinewood and Morningheart are nonbinary cats. Let's go with it. - nO matter what the endgame pairing is, all routes will be mashed together in a horrific, jumbled mess because everyone deserves a happy ending. - Mint Eye doES fit into this but if I explain how I'll be spoiling everything. My only,,,, hint,,, is that, for this AU, they overlap slightly with Seven's "agency". -------- So, I love this AU and I really like talking about it. aND I really want to write something with it!!!! I've started the prologue already, actually, heh. So, if you're interested, feel free to ask about it!!!!! (read: please I really wanna talk about this with people).
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
Gonna send some brainstorms for my oc-ified warrior characters
Frecklewish - Spottedwish, Frecklewish or Freckled Wish, shade guild ground keeper. Thinking was the child of an old leader of either shade guild or a rogue group. Used to be a scout but an ex friend rogue lured her towards serpents who sprayed venom into her eyes, blinding her. Even though she was suffering, her father, fueled with xenophobia and ableism, stated that she is better off dead and refused to seek help from the other communities. Fortunately, bloomheart smuggled her away to get help and she survived, stating that he cares for her and that he promised she wouldn't die under his watch. She is mated with a shard union weaver molly (reedshine variant). Ground keeper council member.
Bloomheart - Bloomheart still, shade guild scout. Frecklewish's adopted father, the father who stepped up, having saved her life and being the one who found her. Born blind, even if most don't realize. Mates with seedpelt/seedwhisker. He's also trans and gay.
Seedpelt - seedwhisker. Shade guild general warrior. Loves his husband and kids (birchface variant died by the hands of the same rogue) very much. Most likely to see around bloomheart at any time.
They were/are all huge advocates for the change in rules allowing cross group and healer romance
very nice
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faketumor · 6 years
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Sneezestar leader of StreamClan
Whitefang deputy of StreamClan
Seedwhisker medicine cat of StreamClan
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