#see you soooooooon !
serwill · 4 months
hihi will, hope ur doing well! any chance of a stream soon? 🥺❤️
STREEEEEAAMMMM today at 6pm cst hehehehe :3
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sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
Hi! Could you do a shion x reader where he has a gf that’s way of his league. Shion introduces her to the rest of the tenjiku gang. They can’t believe that the out of everyone shion managed to bag a baddie. Our dear reader loves Shion a lot 😭
It's a Shion Supremacy around here, ladies and gents!
I Mean It: Shion Madarame x Fem!Reader
wc: 636
tw: smut
"Th-the meeting is gonna start soooooooon!"
Shion isn't whining, you note, sucking up his length and flicking your wrist around his tip before lowering back down. He's just overstimulated.
"Give me a sec, babe," you urge him, still working your mouth around his heavy cock and slurping loudly. "Need to finish." Shion doesn't protest, lacing his fingers through your hair and grunting softly. "Just relax."
All the air leaves Shion's body when you finally take him down your throat, every inch of him nestled sweetly in your beautiful mouth. He practically jumps in the driver's seat, holding onto you for dear life as you suck loudly, coming back up for air.
"'m gonna cum," he whispers huskily, squeezing his eyes shut as your head bobs up and down and you make those little gagging noises he loves. Without much effort, he tenses up and begins to stutter his hips as thick ropes of cum fill your mouth. When you've swallowed every drop, Shion pulls you up and kisses you on the mouth without hesitation.
"I'm fucking lucky," he grins, biting his lower lip and eyeing you with a hungry look. "So lucky to have a girl like you. Can't wait until they see you."
And so you walk into the pitiful warehouse, hand in hand with your beau and observing the place with a displeased look. "This is where he brings you all to meet?"
"Better here than where we were a few years ago," the blonde mutters, wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you close. "Shipyards are private but not glamorous." Shion nips at your ear playfully and you giggle, letting him caress you and say stupid things in your ear.
When you finally get to the space where the other five members are, you stand next to Shion awkwardly, noticing that there aren't any other girls.
"Shion," a white-haired man murmurs. "Who have you brought to our meeting?"
"My girlfriend," Shion pronounces proudly, smirking all the while. "I thought I'd introduce her to you before we started." A long silence precedes intense laughter from all sides of the room. They laugh so loud that it echoes, and you're stuck standing next to Shion, unsure of what to do. He pulls you ever closer, though, and his face tightens into a frown.
"You're a pretty little thing," one of the men chuckles, walking up to you and touching your hair carefully. "How much did he pay you to stand here next to him?"
"Nothing," you quip, shirking away from the man with two braids and a sleepy look about him. "I'm really his girlfriend."
"And pigs can fly," another one scoffs, rolling his red eye. You frown at him, wishing you could sneer at them and make them all believe that you're really his. But when they keep making comments about how Shion "could never" find a woman who looked, talked, or walked like you, you grab his hand.
"Come on, Shion. You don't need their approval." The conversation ceases abruptly, and you take his hand and tug him along with you. "They're just jealous."
"Hold on, hold on," a bulky man calls out before standing. "You say you're his girlfriend."
"I am."
"What side does he sleep on?" Shion isn't sure why Mochi would ask a question like that, but you reply confidently:
"He sleeps like a starfish."
"Yeah, they're fucking." Mochi grumbles, shrugging. "Shion does starfish out in the bed late at night. I'll never forget it in all my years of watching him sleep."
Shion turns to his companions and smirks again. "Such a warm welcome for my girl. Thanks, you guys."
"Congrats," Izana mutters solemnly. "You have me eating my words, Mad Dog. But just this once."
"Once is more than enough, Izana. It's more than enough!"
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thedeviltohisangel · 3 months
All The Things I Did (Princess Era): I Love You, It's Ruining My Life
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a/n: i am honestly so obsessed with this version of them. i think about it all the time. this is fully inspired by the idea that john bows to many but will only ever kneel to cass. yes, in all the ways you can think of. yes. especially that one. i hope you guys like it and please feel free to chat with me about this au in particular or any other you can think of. cowboy au? canon aus? doctor au? fireman au? i will literally drop them into any universe because i love them enough to suffer across timelines. enjoy and see you soooooooon
Cass could hear the sounds of music playing in the Great Hall from her bedroom. She could hardly keep still as Mary was trying to wrangle the knots from her hair, Butter tugging on the other end of the braided rope she held in her hand. 
“You’re so strong my handsome boy, aren’t you?” He kept pulling and pulling against her but she knew the compliment was warming his heart. “Surely my hair is good enough, Mary. I don’t want to miss all the dancing.” The parties hosted after a tourney had always been some of her favorite. There were always newcomers from surrounding villagers for her to talk to and ask questions of and learn about. But tonight there was one newcomer in particular she was interested in getting to know. John. The handsome man from the village who had proved himself more than capable this afternoon.
She watched with bated breath as he walked towards the royal box, his helmet tucked under his arm and his lance next to him.John bowed his head to her father and greeted them before ensuring his eyes locked directly onto hers. Cass stood slowly and walked to the edge of the blacony. “A token of my favor,” she spoke as if they were the only two people in the world. She tied a silken scarf around the end of the lance. “I expect this brought back to me upon your victory.”
“Your Highness, you honor me.” She smiled and blushed under his gaze even though he was further away than he had been the other day in the village. He smiled right back at her and if it wasn’t for her father clearing his throat, he thinks they would have stayed just like that. 
He had been successful in every round of the joust, her favor displayed proudly as he rode his horse around the arena in triumph. Cass hadn’t been able to help herself as she stood and rushed to the edge to watch him. Watch the way his smile spread his flushed cheeks in joy. The way his grip on the lance remained sure and strong even after th ehorus of physical intensity. The way even her mother had quirked an eyebrow at the impressive nature with which he had maneuvered through the trials. She had been whisked away before she could receive her scarf back. Cockily, he had merely winked with an implication that she could have it back at the celebration tonight. 
“Princess, if you go out there looking like a wilding, the Queen will have my head.” With both her older brothers and her older sister married off, the weight of the world was resting on Cass’ shoulders to follow in their footsteps. As soon as Kent had been whisked away in a carriage with his wife, a highborn lady from a land with a considerable military, all the eyes of the court had turned to her to be next. 
“Nothing I ever do is of standard to her so why shall we bother?” With one particularly hard pull, Butter emerged victorious in their game as the rope fell from her hand. His entire body wagged with the excitement of the outcome. He dropped the end of the rope back into her hand, requesting they play again. Cass obliged. 
“And what about the handsome swordsman from this afternoon?” 
“What about him?” she answered rather sheepishly.
“I am certain you would like to look your best for him tonight.” Butter dropped the rope and tilted his head in curiosity at the mention of this mystery male. 
“Surely there are plenty of girls in attendance spinning him around with delight as we speak,” Cass sighed. Sensing she was upset, Butter whined and nudged at her hand with his nose. She scratched the top of his head. “Besides, I’m set to marry Lord Horrific in due time and will spend my days avoiding his touch as long as possible.” 
“When has someone else’s plan for you ever stopped you, my lady?” Cass merely smirked, bending down to kiss Butter’s head as Mary began to twine flowers around the crown of her head. “None of those girls spinning him around could even compare to you.” Butter huffed in agreement. 
“Thank you, Mary. For everything.” They shared a sad glance. Mary had already agreed to accompany her on the journey to her betrothed’s lands when the time came. Agreed to stand by her side through any ordeal that the Lord hurled at her. Promised to be her companion through it all. It had meant more to Cass than words could ever express. Butter had bitten the Lord last time he had come to visit. He was threatening not to allow the dog if Cass didn’t comply with his requests and demands. She was doing so for the benefit of Butter, her best friend and child wrapped into one, but she was keeping track of every slight. One day he would pay.
“There,” Mary announced as she stepped back from her masterpiece, holding a smaller mirror to the back of Cass’ head so she could see her handiwork. 
“It looks radiant!” she gasped as she took in the flowers through her braid and the wisps of hair that framed her face. “Let’s hope our victorious, handsome lad feels similarly awestruck.” They giggled conspiratorially while Butter merely looked on with annoyance.
Over the years, he had matured into solitude. Had learned that it offered the opportunity to observe and listen and the longer you were there, the more people forgot to notice. That is when their true selves would emerge. 
He watched happily as Gale danced with Margaret and drinks flowed and food was eaten and replenished. Everything here was in excess. A facet of life he wasn’t used to and hadn’t experienced in so long. He had given the King and his family little thought throughout his life. Had joined the call to battle out of love for his land and his family. It was in the war camps that he had first learned of Princess Cassandra. The babe celebrated through the realms but grown into a beauty never before seen on this side of the stars. Her light stunning blind any man honored enough to gaze upon her. Her kindness a triumph amongst the court and her wit bringing amusement to her tutors. 
When he had unknowingly laid eyes on her in the village, he had known there was no possibility anyone more beautiful could exist. Known the eyes of mortals and the realms of men would not be able to bear it. To learn she was the Princess was to learn angels were real. 
“The castle as horrid as you imagined?” Gale asked as he joined John on the outskirts of the hall for just a moment as Margaret twirled with one of her friends to the sound of the strings. 
“The wine is good,” he drained his goblet for emphasis, “but I should be on my way. I’ll spend the night in Zig’s stall then ride out at first light.” 
“Nonsense, John, you can spend the night in our home and you should really consider staying-” The strings paused and so did their conversation. Princess Cassandra strode in with her head held high, a pale pink dress flowed into a wide skirt and gloves up to her elbows. She nodded and waved politely and did her best to spurn everyone out of their bows and back into their dancing. 
“Your Highness.” Both men dropped into bows as she reached them. 
“Sir Gale, a pleasure to see you out of your armor tonight.”
“Yes, my lady. A privilege to be in your company tonight.” Cass blushed and hid her giggle behind her hand. 
“You honor me, Sir Gale.” Her attention turned to the brunette man. He was still staring at her with his mouth slightly agape. “I never did get my scarf back upon your victory today, John.” There was a twinkle in her eye he wanted to lose himself in. It spoke of untold boundlessness. 
“I’ve grown quite fond of it. Might keep it for luck on my travels.” Her heart fell and her face was right with it. 
“Travels? You do not mean to stay here?”
“The capital is not my home, Princess.” She wanted to scream that it was her home. That someone wanted to tear her away from her home. That maybe if she left here with someone like him then whatever the future held might not be so bad. “Might I be your first dance for the evening?”
Cass looked at the hand he extended out to her and thought about it for just a second. Taking his hand felt like so much more than just an acceptance to dance. It felt like giving in to the butterflies in his stomach when he looked at her. Giving in to the heat that raced across her cheeks when he smiled at her. Giving in to the voices screaming in her head that John was safe and secure and all the things the lord she was betrothed to wasn’t.
“It would be a privilege to dance with the victor,” she offered back. He bowed his head in gratitude, his fingers closing around hers with a featherlight tough, and escorted her through the crowd of revelers. The Princess nodded her head politely at the bows and curtsies that lined the way. 
“Is it ever daunting to be so worshiped?” he asked as they settled into the temp of the musicians. 
“One hardly notices after a lifetime of it,” she reasoned. “Once I’m married no one will bow so deeply anymore. Perhaps I will find the anonymity I’ve been chasing the further from here I get.” Her marriage to Lord Landry would mark the passage of responsibility from her father to her husband. The same way her older sister’s marriage had resulted in her being whisked away to run a Lord’s household and have his children and ignore his affairs. Only her oldest brother would be allowed to stay in these walls forever. Only Robert got to call this place home for the rest of his days.
“Why will no one bow anymore? Will you not still be a Princess?” His arm was so strong and sure around her waist. Cass was positive he could lift her off her feet effortlessly.
“I will but Lord Landry will never tolerate his wife being bowed to. He will only allow them to show deference to him.” 
“Someone as beautiful as you should be bowed to regardless of lineage.” His face was impossibly close to hers as the words fell from his mouth. So close his nose brushed hers as he pulled back to a respectable distance. “I’m sure you’ll be quite persuasive and find your way.”
“I plan to be as silent as possible in the hopes he forgets I am even there,” she seethed. “He is a monster. There is no reasoning with a man like him.”
“What do you mean by monster?” Something was gnawing inside his chest. Something was furrowing his brow. Something was urging his hand to grip his blade and find this man. 
“I’ve already said too much, John. This is a celebration!” The tempo of the music began to pick up, Cass laughing as her and John fell into the steps of the traditional dance with ease. Their hands touching as they moved in a circle and their eyes remaining locked even when the number called for brief changes in partner. 
It was palpable between them. Whatever it was. Cass using his glances to smile and blush and look away as coyly as possible. John using her gaze to let her know just how content he would be to lock eyes with her for the rest of time. 
The song ended and they were back in front of each other. Their palms facing each other at the height of their shoulders and fingers interlocking. “You’re not a bad dancer,” she teased as they drifted closer. 
“Only when I’ve got the right partner.” She smiled. His head tilted down. Her eyes closed. But before they had the chance to throw caution to the wind, all hell broke loose.
There was quite the commotion as the doors blew open and a hoard of villagers stormed through the hall with torches and pitchforks. The knights in attendance immediately sprang to action but Cass stood frozen. These were the same people she gotten to know on her visits to the town square. People she had grown to consider friends. They had never expressed such anger with her father and the rest of her family. Certainly not enough to warrant an assault on the castle. 
“Princess, we must get you out of here.” His sword was in his living quarters. He couldn’t protect her in open combat like this. He needed to get her somewhere safe. Somewhere where he would have the tactical advantage and could make a decision on strategy safely. 
“I don’t understand,” she murmured as John tugged at her arm again.
“Princess-” The velvet drapes behind them caught on fire and she jumped back into his arms with fright. He tugged once more and she fell into step besides him easily. Their fingers never left their grips as they weaved through the crowd towards the exit, goblets shattering and tables being overturned, until they reached a set of glass doors that led to the gardens. “Come, we can hide in the maze until the coast is clear.” He was certain they would be able to contain the mass to the castle walls. By whatever means necessary. He wished he had had time to look after Gale and Margaret.  
“They always seem so happy when I am in town. Never a negative word against me or my family. Why would they do this now?” They took a few turns through the hedge maze before John stopped, his breath coming in pants but he still held onto her hand. 
“Your father raised taxes last month. I would assume that has something to do with it.” 
“That could make people this angry?” she asked as he turned back to face her. 
“Yes, your Highness. The people of the realm, your realm, work very hard for their meager lives. Are very proud that their hard work provides what it does for them. When the King comes along and tells them he wants to take from their pockets, he is taking their food and risking their roof.” She looked away as she thought about what he was saying.
“They must trust that he is making the decisions for their benefit. That he has his reasons for them no matter how unpopular they are.” He disagreed completely. Thought the King was lining his own pockets and ensuring his own fortune. The very fortune of the woman that was standing in front of him right now. But she had such belief and passion behind her eyes. He couldn’t bring himself to extinguish it.
“Perhaps, Princess. Perhaps he should get some new guardsmen and reinforce that wall out front.” Cass giggled and looked down at their still joined hands with a blush.
“You can call me Cassandra.”
“Okay…Cassandra.” Her smile bloomed as her name on his lips reached her ears. A symphony in the night air. 
“John. I would like it very much if you would stay a little while longer.” She hoped her words were not desperate or an overstep of what she could or could not ask of him. 
“I promise, Cassandra, I am not leaving this maze until I am certain you are perfectly safe.” She scoffed.
“That is not at all what I meant.” He smiled because he knew exactly what she had meant. 
“Are you and Gale conspiring against me?” There was a teasing lilt to his voice but she knew the inquiry was genuine. 
“I wasn’t aware Sir Gale was capable of an act such as conspiracy,” she mused as she drifted closer to him in the moonlight. The sounds of chaos in the Great Hall were slowly dying down and guards flooded the scene and got the mob under control. The time for punishment to be doled out would come sooner rather than later. Cass wanted to be nowhere near it when it came. 
“You’re probably right. He’s too kind for something like that.” She smiled and tilted her head to the side to make room for his nose to slot against hers, her breath stilling in the last moment before their lips connected when his caught sharply, his hand around her arm like a vice. Before she even knew what was happening, he was in front of her with a dagger held towards the shadows. “Step out slowly. Arms up.” His other arm was holding the front of her dress to ensure she stayed close. 
“You would defend this royal scum?” The man who emerged was holding a rusted sword that looked dull and almost a little bent. Even still, she was not sure how John would fare with only a dagger to aid them.
“Careful. One could consider those words to be treasonous.” His fist tightened around the fabric of her dress to pull her impossibly close to him. “When he moves, you run.”
“Do not argue with me, Princess.” Her lips pressed together tightly to prevent the retort from sneaking out. The man with the sword moved to strike and Cass took off running just as she had been told. Deeper and deeper into the hedge maze until she was certain there was no way out of it. Her chest heaved as she stopped for a moment to catch her breath. Surely somehow would have to find her eventually. Surely John was more than capable of defeating the man with the sword. Gosh, she wished Butter were here now to keep her company. She could only imagine the torment her companion was going through with the sounds of violence down the hall and not knowing where she was or if she was safe. 
Dropping to her knees, her hands found the cool dirt and her breaths attempted to even out. Only a little while longer. A little while longer and someone would find her. And everything within the walls of the castle will have been dealt with. Her life could go back to the serenity it had been. 
A bark gave her pause. She would know it anywhere.
“Butter!” He barked once more as his loping steps got closer and closer to her ears, Cass crying as he rounded the corner and launched himself into her arms. “Oh, Butter! You found me, my good boy. I love you so much.” She hugged him as her panicked sob shook her shoulders, his tongue licking at her tears as best he could. 
“Princess? Cassandra?” It was John’s voice. She couldn’t tell where he was, his voice sounding like he was circling her.
“John? Can you hear me?” Her scratches behind Butter’s ears grew more desperate. 
“Don’t move! I’m coming to you!” he called. Cass kissed the top of Butter’s head while they waited, the dog stoic and proud as he was ready to protect her from whatever might come around the corner. He barked once as a signal to John as his footsteps got closer and closer.
She ran towards him as he finally reached her, his eyes flooding with relief when it seemed not a hair on her head had been harmed. “What happened? Did he hurt you?” Cass fussed as they reached each other. Her fingers traced over the skin of his face and checked under the sleeves of his shirt in an effort to find any blemish that would be on him now.
“He has been dispatched. You don’t have to worry about him.” His palms held her cheeks perfectly. “Is this your dog?” Butter barked and weaseled his way in between them.
“This is Butter. And he’s more than my dog. He’s my everything.” She bent down to kiss him for good measure. 
“How did he get out here?” John reached down to pet him but the way the dog looked at him…he kept his hand to himself.
“He must have heard the commotion and used his secret door to escape to come find me.”
“Secret door?” Cass nodded.
“I built him a door so he would have access to the tunnels under the castle in case of a crisis. Tonight certainly warranted it.” And she was so thankful that she had.
“Well, he seems more than capable of protecting you in the event a knight is not around.”
“Particularly with your pending departure,” she mused as Butter began to lead them out of the maze. 
“Princess, you don’t want me here. I promise.” 
“And why do you presume to know what I want?” she asked with a lift to her chin so she could do her best to look down her nose at him. 
“I don’t do well staying still,” he offered with sincerity. She had known types like him before. Nomads that wandered the land in search of their next coin but not letting it keep them up at night. Content to live under the stars and with the wind in their hair. John was a free spirit. Believed staying here would take that from him. It didn’t have to. Couldn’t, if one was strong enough to keep it intact. Cass certainly believed he was strong enough to do anything.
“How long has it been since you tried?” she asked.
“Longer than I could remember. Haven’t had anything worth trying for.” The latter part was tacked on in a fleeting moment of clarity. She was beautiful. Just as everyone had said. But there was something so much deeper to the princess than just her looks. Something molten and effervescent simmered just beneath her surface. How he ached to let it free. “We should get you back inside.” She craned her neck so her lips could meet his cheek. A blush blossoming in her wake.
“Thank you for tonight. For the dance and for everything that came after.”
“You’re welcome, Cassandra.” Maybe he should have offered to do it again. Asked her for another kiss. But he had meant what he said. John wasn’t good at staying still. Putting down roots. Filling a place with memories that tied you to it for a lifetime. And when he looked in her eyes, that was all he wanted to do.
The last of his belongings were shoved into a bag, the early rays of the sun casting a glow across the small room in Gale’s house he had been staying in. Of all the places he had wandered to, this was the closest he had ever been to not wanting to leave. He had a friend here. One of his oldest friends. Marge was the sweetest woman he had ever known. They had a beautiful life that they were willing to share with him. A roof he would always be welcome under. And then there was the matter of the Princess. That matter was a dangerous one. A burning rope he was walking tightly along. It was that yearning that urged him out of here as soon as possible. To protect them both.
“Not so fast, John.” Gale came skidding around the corner and poked his head into the room, breathless. “You’ve been summoned for an audience with the King.”
The King was stoically seated on his throne, the queen and his heir flanked him on either side and John’s mouth quirked into a subtle smile when he saw Cassandra and Butter standing behind her father. 
“Your Majesties, your Highnesses,” John bowed at the neck and settled into a comfortable stance, as comfortable as he could be with the metal armor shaped to his body.
“John, I wanted to thank you in person for your efforts in protecting my daughter last night. It was told to me that you acted quickly in her defense and put yourself in between her and an armed assailant.”
“It was my honor, your Majesty.”
“I would like you to stay. Take the title of knight and serve as her devoted protector. Personally ensure the safety of my daughter until she is in the custody of her betrothed.” If the words wounded her, she did a fantastic job of not showing it. Butter seemed to bare his teeth ever so slightly. 
John opened his mouth to politely decline when he caught the eye of Gale who was standing against the wall. Everything in his look told him in no uncertain terms that he should accept the proposal or risk his own death. “No duty could fulfill me more than such, your Majesty.” He dropped his head once again. The Princess descended the steps down to where he stood, a ceremonial sword in her grasp as the eye contact made both of their breath catch. 
He held her gaze as he dropped down to one knee. Looking up at her with his own oath burning in his eyes. His own oath to only ever kneel for her. To only ever pledge his sword to her. To throw himself in front of any danger and shield her until he was worn down to the bone. He wanted to touch her. Ached to feel the warmth of her skin under the velvet of her dress. Trail his fingers along the seams until he found an inch of something bare to cling to. To silence the whispers in his head that change was coming and he couldn't control it. But if losing control was losing himself in her…he’d welcome the free fall with a grin on his face.
“From this day forward, let no blade touch you, save that you reply with honor, courage and prowess. We command you to succor the defenseless, seek justice for those of every station, and maintain the honor of your Order,” she announced as the ceremonial sword tapped at his shoulders. “You may rise, Sir John.” He paused and looked up at her for another moment. 
“I kneel at your throne, your Highness. Will only ever knee at the altar of you, Cassandra,” he whispered so it was just a secret between them. A secret they would each take to the grave. She bit back her whimper as he rose to his full height and she took a step back to avoid acting on her improper thoughts. The knights around them were cheering and even her father was smiling but she only saw him. The man that had opened the chamber of her heart that believed she had control in her future. That she had a future worth fighting for. That maybe he could help her reach it.
He only saw her. The Princess that could command him in any direction but need only point. The Princess that presented a front so sure of herself only to hide her anxiety of her future. He would protect her until his last breath. And use that breath to ensure she knew she deserved more than a marriage without love and a life without freedom. She deserved all her wants and all her desires. 
“I suppose you are now at my mercy, Sir John,” she spoke with a joyous smile and a gentle twist of her skirts. 
“I can think of no place I’m more meant to be.”
And God help those who tried to tear them apart.
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mr-jack-letterman · 11 months
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A little something I've been working on. (Click for better quality)
This is B-Side Verse!
B-Side Verse is an alternate multiverse where small seemingly inconsequential things are different. This leads to different personalities, different designs, and different relationships.
This is Scribe, the B-Side version of Ink.
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- In B-Side, Ink is a writer instead of an artist. So, instead of Broomy, Scribe uses a large fountain pen instead.
- Instead of vials of paint, Scribe uses small inkwells stored on a separate belt around his waist. Since ink is much thinner than paint, Scribe's inkwells offer less potent and more simplified emotions compared to Ink's paint vials.
- These more simple emotions mean that Scribe's eyelight color changes, but they do not change shape.
- Scribe is still forgetful, only less so. Being less emotional means he gets distracted less and remembers more, but he can still be forgetful at times. Scribe keeps all important notes inside the notebook on his shoulder strap.
- Since Scribe keeps his inkwells on a separate strap, his shoulder strap houses his knife-pens. These pens can simultaneously be used as throwing knifes as well as actual pens Scribe writes with. After they are thrown, they will melt into ink and return back to Scribe unless something prevents them from doing so.
- Scribe doesn't feel much, even with his inkwells, so he's very distant towards his comrades. Scribe acts more like a commander or boss towards the other "good" sanses than a friend. People respect and fear him, no one is really friends with him. Scribe doesn't smile a lot.
- Scribe's fighting style is a lot different as well. Scribe more or less uses his fountain pen as a large spear or knife; trying to stab and cut down opponents as fast as possible. Scribe is also a lot more ruthless, he is fully willing to greatly injure opponents if it means stopping them. Some see this force as unnecessary and cruel, while others believe all of Scribe's opponents had it coming. "That's just what happens when you try to go against the Creator, you're signing your own death warrant."
If you have any questions about B-Side, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask :D.
More B-Side nonsense coming soooooooon
-Some other little doodles of Scribe :]-
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Original Ink by @comyet
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nights-flying-fox · 1 year
Deep (Purple) Thoughts (and Realizations)
◇ Click here to read on AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 6 ◇
Chapter 4: Tell the Truth
Donnie wants the truth from Leo, but his twin has never been the best at telling the truth.
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 Leo would’ve taken them if I didn’t.
 As Donnie walked he couldn’t stop thinking about what Shelldon had told him.
 I watched the security cameras, he came to the lab yesterday too.
 What was Leo up to? Why would he want the recordings? To watch them? Delete them? At least now he had an answer to what Leo was up to in his lab. Maybe he really had heard them, or maybe he was already in the lab long before Donnie and April decided to watch the records.
 Yet, Donnie couldn’t place his finger on what Leo exactly was up to. He knew his twin well. They all knew how he disliked facing his negative emotions, not sharing them easily. Was it why he was acting like that? But why? Did he want to find something? Watch something certain? Take the files, as Shelldon said? Delete everything, forever?
 Did he want to hide the truth from everyone, delete it, and hide his feelings again?
 Donnie wasn't sure if that made sense. But he couldn't know until he asked Leo. 
 Getting out of Shelldon's room he didn't pay mind to his family. They probably were arguing over something dumb or Raph was telling them why they shouldn't be up so late. Donnie right now had a different task in his mind. 
 "Leo," He called to the turtle that was sitting on his table. 
 "Oh hey Dee! Figured out the problem with the recordings?" Leo turned to look at him and Shelldon.
 Donnie didn't answer his question. "Why did you want to get the records?" 
 He briefly saw the surprise on Leo's face. He was quick to act as if he didn't know anything though, "I don't know what you're talking about."
 "Nardo, don't lie to me. I know you came here last night. I know you wanted the records. But I don't understand why." Donnie said. "Is that why you were here tonight? That was your plan from the start?" 
 The room was quiet now. April, Raph and Mikey were watching them. 
 Leo looked away, "Okay okay, you caught me. I came to the lab and wanted to see the records." He admitted. "I was a bit curious, that's all."
 Liar. "Then why didn't you watch them last night?"
 "Who said I didn't?" Leo smirked.
 "Do you really want me to prove it?" Donnie challenged. 
 They stared at each other for a moment. Then Leo sighed, giving up. "Fine. I was here to watch them because I couldn't last night. You are right." He huffed.
 "Why?" Donnie wanted to know, not get a confession from him.
 "It doesn't matter really." Leo shrugged. 
 "It matters to me." Donnie stated. "I want an answer, Leo."
 He looked at Donnie, he didn't seem to be eager to have this conversation. But Donnie wanted answers. 
 Silence kept going on for a while. It was uncomfortable and overwhelming, but Donnie waited. He was glad the rest of his family didn't interrupt. 
 At last, Leo spoke. "Don, I know you don't just record from your point of view."
 Donnie hadn't told them. How could Leo know about this? "You know? How-?" 
 "How else would you know about the thing?" Leo pointed out. The thing, a.k.a. that time Leo tried to make a backflip and failed in a very funny and stupid way. It was Donnie’s precious blackmail. 
 "Good observation." Donnie nodded.
 “What thing?” Mikey asked.
 “Nothing.” Leo and Donnie said.
 "Donnie, when were you planning telling us about this?" Raph cut in.
 "Soooooooon?" Donnie tried.
 Raph shook his head, "You are getting another talk about privacy mister."
 “Privacy? Leo is also guilty here, how did you even figure out my password?” 
 “It wasn’t hard.”
 “I changed it multiple times and added extra security ones.” 
 Leo simply shrugged, “Not a problem for me.”
 “Donnie, we are having a talk.” Raph repeated.
 Donnie huffed, "Can we do this later? Because I still don't know why Leo wants those records."
 "Come on Donnie, it is–"
 "Important." Donnie interrupted. "Speak."
 Leo groaned. "It really isn't. Why do you even care?"
 Donnie was about to explain why he cared and why it mattered, but Mikey beat him to it:
 "Leo, I know you don't like talking about what happened that day but… is it about your time in Prison Dimension?" 
 Silence. Averted eyes, a sigh. 
 Mikey approached him with a soft and encouraging smile, "Talking helps, remember?"
 The youngest had been telling this to them a lot. April did too, but Mikey had taken the lead in making his brothers talk post-almost-invasion. Nobody had wanted to open up, but he had made it easier for them. He always did. 
 "I… well… I don't know." Leo began, pulling his knees towards himself. "I don't want you guys to watch them, okay? That was why I wanted to get rid of them but… it felt wrong."
 "Wrong?" Raph repeated.
 "Yeah. At first the idea of deleting them seemed appealing. Getting rid of the evidence of it ever happening sounded so good. And yet, it also sounded… wrong." He whispered. 
 Donnie wasn't sure if he understood it. But he could see why this troubled Leo. The idea of what they'd see in the recordings was what scared Donnie the most in the beginning. Why would it be different for Leo? 
 Though now that Mikey had mentioned, Leo never had gotten into detail about what happened in the Prison Dimension… What was it he didn't want them to know? 
 What was the truth? 
 Raph walked towards the slider, "Leo, if you don't want us to see what happened in the Prison Dimension, we won't." He said comfortingly. "But I don't want you to keep anything that burdens you to yourself."
 "Heh, the same thing goes for you too, Big Guy." Leo smiled slightly. It was nice to see them trying their best to support each other after the past months. 
 He seemed to not understand what Leo meant though. "Wha–"
 "Donnie's spy cameras must have recorded your day too." Leo pointed out. 
 Raph paled. He somehow must've not realized this fact until now. "Nobody watches the records. Not even a second of them."
 Now that was a bit too much! "But–"
 Mikey looked tiredly at Donnie, "You want to show them your time in the technodrome?"
 "What's wrong with Donnie's time in the technodrome?" Raph asked.
 Uh oh. "Let's not talk about this?" 
 "Boys, boys, boys. I think you're missing a point here." April walked between them, arms open to get their attention. "Do you realize that you don't need to watch them? And the actual reason you are in this situation?"
 "Which is..?" Donnie raised a brow.
 "You don't want to relive that day, which I totally get it, by the way." She explained. "But you're avoiding it. You've been avoiding talking about it even a bit. I fully support you guys, take your time and open up when you're ready, but if you're hurting…" 
 Mikey nodded, "Exactly."
 "This goes for you too, Mike." 
 "What?! Why?" Mikey exclaimed, turning to April.
 "Because you can't keep trying to make everyone feel better and push away your issues."
 "I don't." He retorted. 
 "You do." She said with complete confidence. "You keep saying it is fine, but you never really talked about it, did you?"
 “I don’t have anything to talk about? I am dealing with them fine.” Mikey reassured.
 Liar. Donnie thought. He had seen what Mikey had drawn. All the vent art, involving the Krang. They all had seen it.
 Yet, nobody dared to say anything.
 And the room was filled with silence again.
 Donnie watched as Mikey started fidgeting nervously. Subtle, but it was there. And Leo had slightly curled up to himself. Raph and April looked equally worried and stressed. 
 Okay, maybe they had some issues they all should talk about. He didn't like this, but… 
 Knowing those recordings existed made things worse, didn't it? Donnie never wanted to hurt his family. He wouldn't let anyone get hurt ever again.
 "I'll get rid of them." Donnie announced.
 Now all eyes were on him. 
 "What?" Leo asked.
 "I'll get rid of the recordings. So you won't have to worry about them. Don't worry, I will not watch them." Donnie explained.
 "No- wha- Donnie don't." Leo got off the table and approached him. 
 "Why not? It is what's caused all that mess." Donnie said. He was genuine and was trying to help.
 Leo seemed puzzled for a second, not sure what to say. An unusual sight. Donnie waited for his twin to explain. 
 Finally, Leo said quietly, "Donnie, these recordings are the only thing left from there." 
 There? He couldn't mean… "What do you mean?" 
 He sighed. "Look, I-I know this sounds stupid but, deleting the only evidence of-of that damned place… it's like trying to get rid of the fact it ever happened. A-and yes maybe I am trying to ignore it, but thinking-thinking it never happened feels wrong… after… after everything." He took a deep breath. "This is probably the part where you call me dumdum?" He tried to smile and joke. The keyword was “tried”. When would his twin learn that Donnie was the funny one? Donnie looked at him, and noticed how… fragile Leo looked. And maybe he didn't understand his words exactly. Maybe it didn't make that much sense to him. 
 But he could see Leo was hurting.
 Donnie pulled him into a hug.
 "You're a dumdum for thinking of me ever calling you dumdum for talking it out." He said. 
 He heard Leo's small "heh", then he hugged him back tightly. Donnie could see his brothers and sister looking at them softly. Mikey was the first to join the hug, then Raph and April. Donnie could feel Shelldon leaning towards his side as well. 
 It was comforting. 
 After a while they decided to sit down, leaning at each other kind of like before ending up making a "turtle pile". 
 "You know, I agree with Leo." Raph was the first to talk after the comforting silence. "I think we should keep the recordings. Just in case."
 "Just in case?" Mikey asked.
 "It has information against enemies, right?" Raph sounded unsure.
 Donnie hummed, "That's a good point, Raph. There isn't much information about them after all."
 "I still think we shouldn't watch it unless it's necessary." Leo said.
 "I agree." Donnie immediately said. As long as it kept his family well, he didn’t mind. For now. Definitely.
 "Huh, would you look at that, Donnie agreed with me." Leo smirked. "Eating your words from the previous day, I see."
 Ah, here it was. The immediate regret of his actions. "Shut up Nardo."
 "Never.” He smiled evilly.
 Donnie glared at him.
 “So…” April began, “Do you guys wanna talk about it, or we do it another day?” 
 Donnie glanced around, watching his brothers. Nobody seemed to want to talk about it, not yet. But there was something telling Donnie somebody had to say something. Make way, make it easier. (Was it Dr. Feelings’ sessions working?) And that somebody was him, wasn’t it? After all this mess, he owed them to at least tell them what exactly happened there. Mikey kept telling him talking about it would help after all, so why not now?
 It shouldn’t be that hard.
 He looked at his family.
 Theory wrong. It was hard.
 He took a deep breath. Now or never.
 “I will talk.” 
 Once again, all eyes were on him. April smiling softly, Raph surprised, Leo most likely having a mixture of emotions of surprise and… Donnie wasn’t sure what exactly. Was that guilt? And Mikey looked at him with prideful eyes. 
 Suddenly Donnie didn’t want to do this anymore. 
 “Are you sure about that, Donnie?” Raph asked, his voice caring and careful. 
 He nodded. “I must. Or else Mikey will never stop being Dr. Feelings around me… and I am worried he’ll change his mind and use Dr. Delicate Touch against me.” 
 Mikey grinned, while the rest shivered even with the thought. 
 Donnie didn’t want to mention what they might see or hear in the records if they ever had to look at them, and how much it scared him. It had to be him who would tell them what happened.
 And now, it was time. 
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flylikejetstreams · 1 year
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Finally allocated some bookshelf space for the ✨Wott Collection✨ and I am now forcing you to look at it. :)
Anyway, thought I'd give an update :> Currently, I have two posts and a video finished, but it's not as much buffer as I would've liked, so I'm gonna be on break for a bit longer.
I'm hoping to have at least ten posts in queue before I come back, but we will see how that goes! If you'd want an update at any time while I'm on break, shoot me an ask! I'll be happy to answer it!
Also, consider this post a semi-permanent "Munday." If you want to send me ask ask relating to myself or the blog (spoiler free of course huehuehue) then feel free! It'll spice up my day ✨
See you soooooooon :3
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mika-0730 · 4 months
multiples of 7
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? ooooooooooo i really love seeing so many fishies tbh and it's been too long (need to go back soooooooon) but seeing the ones that go in and out of like coral reefs and similar are always super pretty!!!
14. do you think you’re dehydrated? I sure do! Thank you for reminding me!!
21. a number that weirds you out?
Not particularly! I'm a big nerd and love the possibilities of like all numbers and how they have their use! Went up to some college level calc in highschool before never touching it again for the most part, but numbers are neat and useful!
28. last meal on earth? ohhhhhhhhh this is SOOOO hard..... hrmmmmmmm.... maybe a steak soup/stew using really fatty cuts of beef like beef ribs, using the bones for marrow and making a stock from it, with a bunch of tasty soup veggies, egg ribbon noodles, and a really good piece of sourdough bread. That sounds absolutely lovely imo
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midwxstmilf · 11 months
i'm so excited, see you soooooooon Nashville.
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Fandom Friday rec!!
Karrde, babes, you outdid yourself with the Crater smut 🥵🥵 I meant to rec this last week, but I got busy and missed the cutoff. When I tell you I’ve never wanted an OC more in my life, tho, because goddamn I love him so fucking much. I love all of your OCs, but now Crater is permanently cemented in my mind!! I cannot wait for the next part ❤️❤️ (no rush of course)
The Pillar
Awwww shucks Erin! Seriously thanks so much. In my head, Crater's always been the quiet, extremely observant type, and I felt like that really fit well with this type of dynamic. And damn if it wasn't fun writing for him hehe. So glad you enjoyed it and it's been so awesome to see him get so much love.
As for Part 3... SOOOOOOOON...
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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4fineskylark · 29 days
So Maybe This Is Happening?
It's taken a long time, but do you seeeee how cute this site is now? SO CUTE. Super excited to start sharing things I find and more excited to share the things I've created! See you soooooooon.
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blake4evr · 1 year
intro (aka who am i)
well, my names bella. i go by lilac, lila, sarah, bellss or bella. i'm 23 years old, an aspiring content creator and singer. my biggest obstacle in live are the chronic illnesses i've dealt with. i have fibromyalgia, ibs-c, and mental illness. i'm here today because i love making content and making others happy. i hope i do the same for you.
i have no idea what i want to use this platform for maybe, i was thinking maybe like sharing my favorite music, or posting funny stuff i find on here. i also want to use this as a place to do q&a's, lives, blogs, and find accounts with similar interests as me (makeup, billie eolith, fashion, lifestyle, etc.)
anyway, i'm excited to see what happens here and i can't wait so see y'all soooooooon ♡
editors note: i probably made soooo many spelling mistakes oops
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mdrblogblog · 1 year
Welcome members, to our 15th year of dirt biking fun! The way that MDR has grown over the years is absolutely astonishing and as part of the board we are so thankful for each of you! Each person, each family, each rider, each volunteer, each sponsor...the list goes on, but because of each person, MDR is what it is today! What an incredible place to be! You will start seeing many posts from me as we lead into our 15th season and we kick off our 2023 Manitoba Cup at Fisher Rocks & Logs in Fisher Branch, MB!
So, this post is simply just some updates before race day registration opens (those details are coming soon). Take a peek because these will affect quite a few riders, but in a great way!
First on the agenda is the Intermediate Race. At the AGM it was discussed to add an additional colour for the sportsman loop as we have been adding a little extra on the track to help prep for the big loop. So our colours for race times are as follows:
-Beginner Race (Sat 1:00/Sun 8:30) will be BLUE
-PeeWee (Sat 2:15/Sun 9:45) will be PINK
-Intermediate SHORT Race (Sat 3:00/Sun 11:00) will be PURPLE
-Intermediate LONG Race (Sat 3:00/Sun 11:00) will be ORANGE
-Advanced Race (Sat 5:00/Sun 1:00) will be ORANGE
***The website will reflect these as well in the Race Classes section in the 'Race Loop' category, so if ever unsure, a quick check there will help.
Second on the agenda, while we mention the colours, the race times have been adjusted as well! So, Beginner and Advanced are NOT affected, but Sunday race times are a little different. Pee Wee Race will begin at 9:45 (instead of 9:30) and Intermediate will beginat 11:00 (instead of 10:30). At the AGM it was also voted on that the intermediate race will be REDUCED to One Hour (instead of the 90 minutes). This jumps into my next topic...
Third item...TEAM RACES! They are back and in full swing! With the reduction of time for the intermediate race, this now gives a little extra breath to those that want to have some extra fun and jump into the team race! The Team Race is Sunday only, points are counted, trophies will be given, and this is a great way to keep riding but be able to take a breather in between laps. How does it work? Team of 2, one rider starts and completes a full lap, bump your partners tire just after the yellow ribbon of timing and scoring and your partner goes out while you hydrate, then repeat, until the race is over. The advanced race is 2 hours in length, so count on a couple laps! Also note, that in order to ride the team race, you do need to already be an orange loop rider for the safety off all riders out there.
Next item up is Memberships! Memberships are currently open online for the year, BUT please remember that online memberships will close on Friday, May 12. After this, memberships will need to be purchased in person at the scoring trailer with cash. So if you need a membership and want to use PayPal, you still have about a week to do so.
Number 5 today is volunteering! We will have our volunteer sign up sheet available when registration opens and we really hope to see some familiar faces along with new faces this year. We are volunteer driven and we would like to get back into that amazing part of the club where we can lean on our members to help out. There are some spots that are the length of a race, some that are quick and easy, some that are a little longer, but we have a variety of options and all help is appreciated. Please check in with our Volunteer Coodinator to clarify any positions and to learn how!
I think that's it for this post! Stay tuned, there will be more coming as we get close to the start of the 2023 season!
Thank you! See you soooooooon!!
MDR Board
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rosicheeks · 2 years
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ncytiri · 2 years
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icesswolvescats · 4 years
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The Shadow Amongst Us  teaser stay tuned folks!!  please give enough support, this comic is being done by one Artitst, so the Pilot Comic needs ton of support to even be launched, and if It gets enough Audience, then Possibly it will turn into a series? comment down below your thoughts and critisim and ideas to help!!
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