#see i feel like the basis for a lot of shipping these days is done on the 'does it make sense' axis
angelhummel · 6 months
Puck/Kurt, Samcedes, Sam/Kurt for the ask game?
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Puckurt probably makes the least amount of sense like idk obviously I find them compelling but we're also just working with a handful of crumbs and a metric shitton of fanon here. But yeah idk I still like them uwu
Samcedes is a surprising pair but I think it makes sense and they're good and cute together and I'm happy for most of their canon moments but idk I'm just not crazy about them
Hevans again I'm not crazy about but I do like their friendship and could understand shipping them under like very specific scenarios just for a limited time lol but that's how it is with any nonKlaine Kurt or Blaine ship sooo....
send me a ship!
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rboooks · 1 year
Can you write a dead on main? Something with a bookstore au please!
Now that I know the ship names, you bet I can! I'll try my best to get through the ones I got requested in the past few days.
Jason liked bookstores.
They were a safe haven for him as a child, even when the fancier ones chased him off when he became a street kid. He adores the various series, the smell of books, and the quiet of stores. Often he thought that they were a small pocket to escape reality.
He had always known he could escape between the pages when everything had been terrible.
Maybe that's what lead him to this store even if it was a bit odd.
It was out of the way by the old docks that Joker used to run, thus making it condemned to the rest of the populace.
An old warehouse turned into a three-story bookstore. The entire first floor was aisles placed in side-way lines with the main counter as its center. The second floor had cozy reading nocks, plush futon couches, pillows, and blankets, complete with a small cafe. The rule was that anyone could take a book off the second-floor walls to read for free.
Employees asked to be informed if any food or damage was done to the second floor since the second book only had one copy of each. The owner would pull one off the bottom floor shelves to replace it.
The final floor had various reading rooms, but Jason loved that each room was based on a book. The room was professionally decorated to the point it left visitors feeling like they actually stepped into the world of the book.
Sculptures, playable settings, phenomenal little details the hard die fans could spot, and even sound systems playing sounds that sounded like the world. Jason could only compare it to Disney World or universal studios. The fact that people could rent the rooms for an hour for only fifteen dollars made them much more popular.
The third-floor rooms- ten in total- would rotate between series after a few months. Hence, the rooms were always different, but inside them were recommended books with the same kind of theme that was always the perfect recommendation, or maybe people just wanted to explore a room of their favorites.
Jason had visited the strange little bookstore with Tim after his brother had gone on a date with Bernard there.
Tim and Barnard had rented the "Hogwarts common rooms" room for three hours. Jason had been amazed by how real the four standard rooms looked, how there were even dragons spitting fire in one corner, moving portraits, a sorting hat ceremony, a small teddy bear decorating corner, and even a wand building second. All for only fifteen dollars. Tim had practically been glowing when he came home with his Ravenclaw bear and his own wand.
And maybe Jason is a huge Harry Potter fan; perhaps it was one of the first things he boned with Tim over, so maybe his brother had taken him to have an experience that he compared to the first time Bruce took him to Universal Studios.
Then he ran into the owner while one of the employees had been helping him pick runes to have burned into his wand.
Jason started to come back for an entirely different reason.
"Hi, Jason!" Elle says when she sees him climbing the stairs toward the third floor. She's the store's co-owner and has gotten to know him on a first-name basis due to how often Jason has visited the store in the past year. If they made a reward points system, Jason knows he be the highest one on the chart.
She's sitting at a table that is decorated like a galaxy. The books for these quarters' room themes are on the table's surface, all with a door key under them and a clipboard for the various hours.
Jason's eyes land on Pride and Prejudice, and his heart leaps.
"Hi, Elle. What's the wait time for door seven?"
She smiles, flipping the clipboard to the time slots. "The Ball at Netherfield Park has a lot of openings today. I got a three, four, six, or seven. When shall I fit thee dance card in milord?"
Jason laughs and checks his phone, ensuring he doesn't need to do anything for a while before saying. "Three will be fine. It's only thirty minutes. I'll go get a coffee while I wait."
She nods, writing his name down for three. She then passes him some disclosure forms he has to sign, forgoes the long-winded explanation of the rules, and sends him on his way, promising to send him a reminder text.
"Just so you know, Ball at Netherfield Park comes with a unique costume option. Five extra dollars to go through our costume section, and you can dress up like Mr. Darcy for a full hour."
Jason shakes his head though it's a very tempting offer. "Thanks, Elle but I'm okay with my street clothes today."
The other shrugs and checks her nails- their asexual theme today, he notes- before nonchalantly commenting. "Too bad. Danny really wanted someone to cosplay with him. Jane Austin's books are less prevalent in Gotham than we thought, and he's been dying to wear his Mr. Bingley outfit. I thought you like to, so I told him to come over when you arrive, but I can text him to cancel-"
"Five dollars, you said? For the full outfit or just like a coat?" Jason ignores her smug expression and quickly places a twenty on the table.
"Full outfit. What do you take us for?"
He glares at her just as the man of the hour himself runs up the stairs. Danny Fenton, founder, and co-owner of Ghost Zone Reads. He's in a light blue Regency period man coat that makes his eyes pop. A pair of white pants that hug his hips and thighs in all the right places, black knee boots, and a black gentle top hat.
Jason's knees go weak at the sight of him.
Danny's face is flush from the run, but his whole face lights up when he sees his sister and her guest. "Jason! I'm so glad you choose the Ball at Netherfield Park experience. I can't wait for our dance."
"Dance?" Jason chocks. Elle chuckles.
"You can't experience a Ball at Netherfield without the ball part dingus." She waves a hand at her brother. "Told him Dick canceled on you, so he offered to step in."
Jason never even mentions Dick to her but he's not about to call her out on her lie. She's doing him such a big favor.
"I always wanted to go to a Jane Austin ball!" He says instead, mentally wincing at how lame he sounds. Thankfully Danny's eyes only light up even more as the other man starts explaining the instructional videos installed in the ballroom mirrors so they can learn the real moves of Contra Dancing.
Jason falls just a tad bit more.
(Elle watches with a fond smile as Jason and Danny get lost in Austin's most significant works. She quickly texts her allies in Wayne Manor under the table. This is a big step in the "Make us in-laws" operation; the Fenton and Wayne children started a few months back. They were all tired of watching Danny and Jason dance around each other. Damian's idea to use Jason's favorite author was working fabulously.)
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kelocitta · 1 year
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In honor of the @rw-ship-showdown I wanted to write about Artihunter as someone who jokingly slapped them together pre-downpour and still thinks they are actually very compelling. Just not in the super soft love wins kinda way (Although I get why people like that more) And the only way I know how to do that is talking too much so heres a far too long slug essay-
Obviously the slugcats don't offer a ton of characterization but theres not nothing to work with. Their stories, whether by their roles in it or the overarching themes do provide a backbone to work with. Even gameplay itself can provide a bit. (for some more than others) Hunter, to me, is ultimately a story about selflessness. The goal is to revive Moon, which is very much an act of kindness from both Hunter and NSH. But the weight of that action is much more significant for Hunter- Hunter is deeply sick. They're on the clock, and for all their skill in combat none of that will ultimately help them to survive longer than their body can hold out. Moon is a close friend of NSH but that means little Hunter- Hunter really gets next to nothing out of helping them, and ultimately pays quiet a bit spending their limited time alive fighting to deliver that neuron so that someone else can live.
To spend ones limited days on helping another, in a game that very much stresses the unwavering cruelty of the world and nature- is pretty notable. (And you could even say that Hunter being the Hardmode of Rain World adds another layer to this)
And then we have Artificer. A storyline that very much stands out to people as more… villainous (so to speak) than the other slugcats. Artificer's story covers a lot of things. Trauma, violence, revenge, etc. Revenge is a bit of a selfish desire- That need to see someone hurt as they have hurt you. A punishment that ultimately does not fix whatever harm was done- but feels good to see because you were hurt and now those responsible share that pain.
Artificer's actions are founded in that need for revenge, their pups killed for overstepping boundaries they didn't know existed. Is it not fair for them to be angry at that, to punish the scavengers for their violence with their own? Why should the scavengers ever be forgiven when they and their pups were not? And that's how you get that loop- Harm for harm over and over.
The original action has been lost in a spiral of violence for violence. And here stands Artificer- their very spirit scarred. Not just because they sought revenge, but because they never ceased trying to scratch that itch for violence as an answer. Artificer only has two paths for their story- killing the scavenger king (Someone who, really, has little to do with the original 'crime' of the scavengers, but represents an important individual to them- as did the slugpups to Artificer), locking themselves as karma one for good and spending the rest of their life chasing creatures that no longer even fight back in a warped sense of closure- or to dissolve themselves in the acids of the void sea because they're too far gone to find any real peace.
They can't meaningfully recover from that state, not alone, twisting in on themselves. Even if they halt their actions, they've been using violence as a feeble defense against their own pain- violence that no longer has any real direction or basis. Artificer gets no real closure from killing the scavenger king. All they can do is continue the cycle, or try to scrub it away. No real peace in a prison of their own making. So you have a creature, who even with a strict timer on their life- a body that will crumble to disease, spends its last bit of time on saving another. And another who was so caught up in the pain of loss that were eaten alive by their own anger, poisoned their own soul on such a deep level even self-proclaimed gods have no solution for them. What peace can they offer each other? For Hunter, its only a fleeting moment of happiness- of selfish love, before their own body fails them. A bit of indulgence in something for themself. For Artificer, its a single, comforting thread to ground them again, something tangible to protect and care about again. But thats a thread that will ultimately be snapped under the cruel indifference of the world. Hunters timer will tick down regardless of if it takes another with it. Its a tragedy- its doomed to end badly. Whatever good it offers to either of them to find each other will only provide the fleeting comfort of a band-aid that will be ripped away too early. But all that can be worth indulging in anyway, if only for the moment. It doesn't change the ending, but the ending was never going to be happy. Its can so yuri
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fanatic-writers · 1 year
Adventures in Baby Sitting
Chapter One: The Adventure Begins
Previous | Masterlist | Next
A/n: I have a lot of fun things planned for this series. A lot of it is going to stick to the basis of the show but I also want to add some fun filler-type fics here and there. Some slice of life if you will. If there is anything you'd like to see feel free to send me a message and I will try to incorporate it into the series. I hope yall enjoy this and I'm actually really excited to keep writing this.
Word Count: 1952
Pairing: (Eventual) Din Djarin x Mandalorian!Reader
Warnings: Canon levels of violence but it's very tame, unedited like everything cause I'm lazy lol
Summary: Reader is the Armorer's daughter and is also a foundling. She and Din have known each other for a long time but he was never quite able to break his shell. When the Mandalorians help Din escape with the child she is ordered to go to his ship to help him care for the thing.
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You hadn’t seen him come in at first, focused on your work despite the assistance of the machinery crafting armor from beskar wasn’t the easiest task in the world. Although that was the least of your worries. You watched as Din, or the Mandalorian as he was simply called now, fitted in his familiar armor had taken his seat. You glanced up from your work as your mother joined him. She hadn’t beckoned you over, so you did your best to continue despite wanting to catch up with your old friend. The two of you had known each other for quite some time, both foundlings, however, the Armorer had taken you under her wing when the Mandalorian that had found you passed shortly after. You were still too young to take the oath when it happened, but your mother had come to show you everything about her job, from forging to leading. You had grown since then, sworn to walk the path and follow The Way, honing in your skills by making armor for the foundlings. She eventually raised a hand to call you over and you joined her. Standing beside her as she handed you the piece of beskar. “Imperial?” You mumbled looking to the armor-clad man in front of you through your visor. “How did you-?” “It does not matter how.” Your mother spoke up “It is back in its rightful place. I’ll be crafting a pauldron, bring it to the smelter and then finish up with your work.” You nodded, silently doing as you were told. You watched as the beskar melted down, your mother preparing her tools. It wasn’t long before your piece for the Foundlings was finished, and she was handing over the new piece of armor to your friend.
“You didn’t speak to him.” Your mother’s voice filled the room that had been taken over by silence as you cleaned up your workstation. “He didn’t wish to speak.” You responded as you pulled out a failed project from ages ago, preparing to melt it down and turn it into a chest piece for yourself. As part of your practice, the Armorer had wanted you to slowly craft your own armor set, knowing the leather that the both of you wore wouldn’t protect you in every circumstance. “You didn’t ask.” You could hear the smirk on her lips despite the golden helmet that covered her face. If you hadn’t worn a helmet of your own, she’d see the look you gave her, but you hoped she could sense your disdain for her meddling in your relationship. You knew she only wanted what was best for you and that she knew how you felt about Mando, that didn’t mean you wanted her to try and set you up with the guy. “He’ll return eventually, and we will speak.”
Your mother had finished her work for the day, but you weren’t done yet. The sooner you finished your own armor the sooner you could work on more sets for the foundlings. You remembered watching your mother work on other sets of armor, patiently waiting for the day your own would come. Eventually, you were gifted a helmet for when you took the oath but most everything else was made of leather and chainmail. It wasn’t until you were able to create your own armor that you had your own set. You’d grown out of that long ago though. Your hammer swung, the pounding of metal filling the room as you let yourself get lost in your thoughts. What in the hell was Din Djarin doing with Imperial Beskar? And if he had it did it mean they were back? You put your anxiety and fear to work, letting it strengthen your swings. If they were back, you’d need to be ready to protect the Tribe, to protect your small clan. You looked at the chest plate, the final piece you’d needed to complete your set, and smiled softly. You were rarely happy with your work but this one felt right, it felt finished. All it needed now was a coat of paint. You’d have to do that later though. Instead, you cleaned up the armory and put the pieces in their place for when you were ready for them next. After that was finished you slipped from the armory and made your way to your room. The one upside to living with the Mandalorian was that despite the overall lack of privacy provided by the tunnels and caves something as simple as a cloth over an opening was respected as a door and never moved.
You pulled the tarp open over the opening of your small room and got to work removing your leather armor and finally, your helmet, setting it on a ledge next to your bed made of a pile of fabrics and whatever could have been scrounged up. Despite the circumstances, you considered your room rather cozy and your bed comfortable. You lay down and pulled the blanket up to your chin, turning your back to the door should someone intrude for whatever reason.
Days later you had spotted the Mandalorian as he walked down the halls to the all too familiar armory, a smile gracing your lips upon seeing his return. You briefly make your presence known to him before slipping into one of the many side halls that connect to the maze you and your clan had learned to call home. You noticed that there seemed to be quite the commotion going on at the armory, so you made your way there, sure you’d heard Paz getting upset about something yet again. The older Mandalorian always seemed to be in a mood lately, so you mostly stayed out of his way. Your mother made quick work of dispersing the conflict and you joined her in the armory, watching her work. It was expected that one day you would take her mantle. Whenever it was, she retired you had to be ready to not only mold and shape Beskar into the best armor but also become a guide for the Tribe. Your mother had done her best to make sure you would be ready when she was gone, knowing she had left quite the shoes to fill. She was the one who made sure that everyone was safe, especially after the destruction of Mandalore. You stood, lost in your thoughts, along the perimeter of the armor. You moved expertly to the various points your mother had instructed you to go to long ago when you first began your training, making sure you had the best angle to view the work she was doing. It was rare that the opportunity came to make a full set of armor from beskar alone, especially all in one go. You stole glances at the Mandalorian who waited ever so patiently for his new set of armor. Once the pieces were formed you joined your mother in her work, shaping the metal to its final form and making sure that it would function properly. When she was pleased with the pieces you had worked on your mother had tasked you with the making of the whistling birds. You were sure your joy was evident as you began to work on your favorite thing to craft. You carefully placed each “bird” in its slot before handing your piece over to the Mandalorian. “You’ll have to show me your new set-in action.” You spoke as you set the piece on the table “It's rare I get to see my craftmanship at work.” Din nodded before taking the pieces and leaving for the room he rarely used, preferring the razor crest to anything here. You could hear your mother take a breath, preparing to speak. “Don’t start.” You mumbled, causing a soft, and rare, laugh to escape her.
You’d spent the rest of your day working on the finishing touches of your own armor. There wasn’t much paint to go around in the caves, but you’d managed to find a merchant in Nevarro that had some. Youd painted the edges of your armor a pale green, keeping the design rather simple. You wouldn’t have enough to cover the entirety of your set, instead settling for hints of color here and there. Your signet you painted a deep red doing your best to match your helmet. You finished off the rest of your detailing with dull blue accents. “Let's hope your paint has dried.” Your mother spoke from behind you “Din Djarin is in trouble. Put your armor on and meet the rest of us outside” You frowned and turned to her, it had been a while since you’d been caught in a fight. “You are no longer a child; this day would have come soon enough.” Your mother spoke before disappearing. You noticed the others running by, getting to the easy exit points. You quickly slipped your armor on stretching out a bit to make sure everything fit well before leaving in the same path you had watched the Armorer take. “You may need to fight your way there, but I want you on the Razor Crest. Whatever it is your Mandalorian has found is worth fighting for he will need help keeping safe. Understood.” Your mother commanded. “He’s not my Mandalorian.” You mumbled as you made your way out of the tunnel and into the light of day, or rather evening.
The fight had already begun by the time you had emerged from hiding. Most of the fire was in the middle of the street, leaving alleyways open and mostly safe. You ducked behind cover and moved in the shadows as you watched the rest of the Tribe come to Din’s aid. Despite his earlier qualms, you watched as Paz evened the playfield before spotting the Razor Crest. You booked it to the ship, noticing another form entering the hold. Frowning you picked up the pace, only slowing when you remembered you’d need to make a quiet entrance. You weren’t familiar with most of Navarro’s citizens, but it was hard not to recognize Greef Karga. “What do you think you’re doing here?” You asked the man, blaster at the ready. “I could ask you the same.” The man put his hands up, but you knew better than to trust his sign of surrender. You maneuvered so you were further into the hull of the ship, making sure his back was against the entrance rather than your own. “You could make this easy for the both of us and accept your defeat, but you look like a hard-way kinda guy.” Karga chuckled, shaking his head “Aren’t you a smart one?” His hands darted down to his blaster but before he could get a hot off you pulled the trigger on your own, shooting him in the chest. You watched as he flew back a bit before crumbling to the ground, an all too familiar Mandalorian facing you with a bundle in his arms. “Sorry to make a mess in your ship.” You smile at him under your helm, your blaster finding its spot at your hip. “We should go.” You made quick work of rolling the body out of the Razor Crest. “We?” Din asked, keeping the bundle of cloth close to him. “You think my mother trusts you to care for a living thing on your own.” You teased as you walked back over to him, trying to get a peek at just what was buried under all that cloth. “This isn’t your fight.” He contested, trying to find a way to get you off his ship. “It is now.” You shrugged, pushing past him and up to the cockpit.
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coal15 · 4 months
My opinions on the whole multi-shipping Buddie and Tevan situation. But first, [steps up on soapbox and yells into bullhorn] HAVE NO BEEF WITH ANYONE WHO FEELS DIFFERENTLY THAN ME SO I'D REALLY APPRECIATE NOT GETTING ANY "YOUR OPINIONS ARE STUPID AND PROBABLY SO ARE YOU" COMMENTS IN MY REPLIES. **If any such comments do appear in my replies I would ask the rest of you to please simply ignore them. You won't change their minds so confrontation will do nothing but further poison the waters.
Ahem. Carrying on. Warning, this post is LONG. Like, practically a novella.
I'm still a multi-shipper at heart in the sense that I will always love my memories in the Buddie fandom and how vocally we showed our support over the last six years--yes there was a SUPER PROMINENT contingent among us who directly engaged with and verbally disemboweled every actress who played a li on a regular basis, (and who harassed Oliver to the point of him quitting twitter) but most of us had the sense to direct our ranting at the fictional character or writers/showrunner/network with varying degrees of anger or indignation. Now speaking just for myself, in my time as a Buddie fan I never commented on the physical appearance of any li, so seeing a lot of buddie-or-bust folks now referring to Lou as "ugly" "rectangle-faced" "gross looking," etc has been disappointing. I hope they represent the minority. So far it looks like they do.
On to my reasons for and/or role in shutting down non-Buddie romances: While I never took to engaging her personally, I voiced harsh criticism of GW over her "honorary latina" comment, likewise EG for her transphobia and non-apology apology ("I'm sorry if you felt offended). And while I wish bucktaylor had stayed besties (preferably bi besties since there was no reason Buck couldn't have his bi awakening with a woman), my issue with them dating was at first just a lack of romantic chemistry and the fact that Taylor never apologized for what she did to Bobby or even admitted it was wrong. But as the relationship dragged on I watched the life drain out of Buck. They were stagnant as a couple and the look on Buck's face when he said ily back to her was . . . laughably unromantic. The only growth his character got from that relationship was him being the one to end it. As for eddieana, on top of lacking chemistry they were just plain dull. The end.
Moving on to Buck's kiss w/Lucy: I actually like AK and was excited to hear about her coming to 9-1-1. She was fun af as Lexi on VD so I was looking forward to seeing her play a different character. Aaaaannnnnnd then KR immediately ruined her by making it abundantly clear that she was created for one sole purpose: to complicate a man's storyline and spark off a love triangle--and she did so in the most offensive way possible. It was appalling, negatively affected Buck's character, and thankfully KR's response to the intense backlash was to pivot so the love triangle never manifested. But the damage was already done. No one had any interest in watching them poke/flirt for the rest of the season. I was deeply offended by such a misogynistic use of a female character and it still boggles my mind that a woman created her.
Anyhow, all this was a long winded way of saying that my reasons for wanting those li gone went well beyond my investment in Buddie. Though I did strongly believe no romantic narrative for either of them could ever compete w/the Buckley-Diaz Family, at the end of the day those romantic arcs were ruined for me by writing mistakes, problematic actresses, and lack of chemistry (which is admittedly subjective and something we all approach with shipper goggles to some degree--if you think you 100% absolutely don't you're lying to yourself). I stand by a lot of the reasons Buddies were so opposed to those li being endgame. Yes, plenty of us took things waaaaaaay over the line re: direct personal attacks against actresses and/or non-buddie fans, but I think far more of us than not did argue in good faith and toward the right people. We just didn't stand out as much or get as much engagement because . . . well, toxic behavior is rewarded on sm with more clicks, shares, likes, quotes, etc. Attention seekers gonna seek.
As for why it's so hard to ship happily on sm: in my experience a handful of problematic or outright unhinged fans (on both sides) will go around stirring shit, provoking arguments, and soon the dog pile effect kicks in because everyone wants to defend their tribe. Arguments go in circles, spin off, get more and more petty, until most of "us" end up discussing amongst ourselves about how "they" are a bunch of [insert string of negative attributes here], which then in itself provokes a reaction from "them." Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually way too many of "us" are hissing and snarling at "them" more often than theorizing about or celebrating our ship . . . the thing we enjoy . . . and it's really hard to detach from that cycle, especially when things get personal. I recommend total non-acknowledgement, but even I struggle to hold that line when I read something I think is terrible. I'm making an effort these days to just keep scrolling thru my feed until I hit something happy, and if there's a negative comment somewhere in the thread to give it ZERO engagement of any kind. Not. Easy.
Which brings me to where I am today. During my time in the Buddie fandom I assumed that for most of us the actual queer rep mattered more than any one ship. Hell, if Taylor had been the one to wake Buck up to his bisexuality--and admitted what she did to Bobby was wrong--they might have grown on me as an endgame couple. I've accepted "meh" endgame couples before as long as everything else on a show stayed solid. I also thought that Buck could never, ever look at anyone with bigger hearteyes than the way he looked at Eddie, but . . .
. . . Enter Tommy. As soon as they kissed, and in their albeit limited screentime afterward (thanks a lot shortened season!) I learned a lesson: there are different kinds of hearteyes. In my opinion Buck looks at Eddie with complete adoration and love, yes. Total hearteyes. But the way he looks at Tommy is . . . "Oh, that's what Buck looks like when he's absolutely smitten, that's how he acts, that's what a romantic crush looks like on Buck. Wow." It wasn't better or worse than his hearteyes or vibe with Eddie, just conspicuously different. It re-framed the way I see the Buckley-Diaz Family as well, and the way I read their chemistry. As I mentioned earlier chemistry is subjective, and once I actually had something queer to compare with Buddie's chemistry, I stopped rooting for romantic Buddie. I wouldn't exactly be furious if they went canon since I did spend all those years rooting for them and it would still be a high profile queer storyline, but I would rather see the Buckley-Diaz Family and Tevan coexist. I think they can, and I think it would be beautiful.
So here's where I stand with my preference and opinions today:
Falling in love doesn't mean everyone else in your life gets demoted. Feelings aren't like pie. Maddie doesn't love Buck any less since she fell in love with Chimney. Athena didn't love her daughter any less when her son came along. There's not a finite amount of love and you're serving out pieces of it. You can love more than one person with all your heart. And that's how I feel about Buck and the Buckley-Diaz Family. He and Eddie are more than friends, different than brothers, they just . . . have their own dynamic. It's unique, special, and vital to both of their identities. And those facts will not be altered by either of them falling in love w/another person. If anything, the Buckley-Diaz Fam has become more special to me since I started rooting for a Tevan endgame.
Queer rep matters more to me than Buddie. Buck coming out as bi wasn't and shouldn't be seen as a step on the road to "winning" the ship I wanted for years. It is completely awesome progress for us whether they're endgame or not. Ditto for Tevan. Also, at the end of the day I ship Buck+Happiness and Eddie+Happiness, and right now Buck seems to be falling for Tommy. What happens with Eddie remains to be seen.
Looking at the whole picture, I will always love Buddie and kinda wish they'd gone canon in s4 or 5, but I think that moment has passed and I'm not mad or bitter about it. I adore the Buckley-Diaz Family, I adore Tevan, and I want to see them both thrive in s8. Now if you'll excuse me, my fingers have begun to bleed from all this typing.
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amemenojaku · 6 months
for that ask about ships, either yukari/okina or yukari/reimu if you've got thoughts to spare about either
When I started shipping it if I did: Pretty soon after HSiFS's release, the thought of them being super close back in the day and having some kind of falling out later instantly appealed to me. Then we got Grimoire of Usami and that just made me like them even more 🥺
My thoughts: The divorce energy...... I think they're so funny together in a way that'd make me roll my eyes if it were m/f yet really works in f/f content, and at the same time thinking about what kind of relationship they must've had in the past and them rekindling that in the present eventually makes me feel very soft...
Things done in fanworks that annoy me: I haven't seen it that often so it's whatever, but I don't like it when Okina's this really pathetic guy who's desperate to get Yukari's attention again... She's a bit pathetic, but sometimes the joke's taken too far 😭 Usually Yukari gets turned into a tsundere too it's sooo so weird lol
Things I look for in fanworks: I'd love to see more content of them back when the sages worked all together, ideally where Okina's always on board with Yukari's shady ideas. I'm also interested in how their first meeting again after HSiFS went like.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: There's a lot of different pairings I enjoy with both characters, but out of them all I'd choose Yukari/Reimu and Okina/Keiki. Yukarei's an old favorite from back when I got into the series, and Okina/Keiki just works so well for a rarepair with literally no basis lol
My prefered future/ending for them: Some big drama moment where decades of pent-up feelings finally come to light, they fall back into comfortable friendship again and it turns into them very slowly getting back together in a romantic way. They're not as lovey and insufferable together as they were in the past, but in return the affection runs deeper now. And they manage Gensokyo and they visit each other and Yukari tries in vain to brush Okina's mess of hair and they probably cause double the trouble to Ran
What is their favorite activity together: Lazing around together... They've got a lot of stuff to do so when they finally have some alone time they just get comfortable and talk about everything and anything and sometimes they even have a nap (more likely on Yukari's side, Okina is less the sleepy kind but she enjoys the quiet time together anyway). They are Cats
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walkingstackofbooks · 4 months
My Julian ships, ranked
So someone commented on one of my Sloanshir posts the other day "I don't ship Sloanshir, but..." and that started me thinking - do I ship Sloanshir? What makes a ship?
And then that spiralled into thinking about all the other/actual ships I enjoy and I always enjoy getting an insight into how other people conceptualise shipping, so this came about...
(Now that I've done this, I realise my basis for a lot of these ships is basically where can the best hurt/comfort stories be found? ... Yeah I really should have been able to predict that 😅)
Platonic ships
Jadzia&Julian - best friends, understand each other so well (but also sometimes not at all), there for each other and just so much love.
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 10/10. Angst: 6/10.
Kira&Julian - slightly awkward, not thinking they're that close to each other until suddenly they are and there's a lot of love and respect. What their post-canon friendship could become is 👌👌👌
Fluff: 7/10. Hurt/comfort: 7/10. Angst: 7/10.
Romantic (mostly) ships
Miles/Keiko/Julian (+anyone else) - just the fluffiest, all the group hugs, all the comfort, everyone loves Julian and I'm happy 🥰
Fluff: 10/10. Hurt/comfort: 10/10. Angst: 5/10.
Miles/Julian - all the hurt/comfort, all the awkwardness and love 👌👌👌 top tier, I just love them.
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 10/10. Angst: 7/10.
Garak/Julian - there's a lot to be liked, but I can never quite believe that Garak's great at comfort, so it goes below Jiles, sorry. But all the parallels, all the mutual pining, an their arguments and banter and ridiculous fondness for each other despite everything - yeahhh that's the good stuff.
Fluff: 6.5/10. Hurt/comfort: 7/10. Angst: 9/10.
Leeta/Rom/Julian - I like Julian/Leeta well enough, but if you've got J/L you might as well add in Rom because as a trio they are just so cute. All of them having special interests and encouraging each other and listening to each other, all of them bent a little insecure and building one another up - idk, this is just really special to me (tysm to Udaberri's Fly Me to the Moon, this ship has never left my brain since).
Fluff: 10/10. Hurt/comfort: 8/10. Angst: 3/10.
Martok/Julian - mmmm internment camp angst and a highly accomplished Klingon admiring Julian and looking after him? Yissss. There's so much to love here.
Fluff: 5/10. Hurt/comfort: 9/10. Angst: 9/10.
Ezri/Julian - I just think they're neat. Cute and adorable, both absolutely rubbish with their feelings, an oasis of messy fluff in the middle of the war.
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 6/10. Angst: 5/10.
Sisko/Julian - I love the mutual respect, I love the desire overcoming Julian's insecurities and Sisko's doubts if his position makes this okay. I'm very here for them both looking after each other when everything gets too much, and both probably giving *too much* to each other and taking turns to overextend themselves and get scolded by the other.
Fluff: 6/10. Hurt/comfort: 8/10. Angst: 4/10.
Odo/Julian - I don't think this is endgame, but I can see it when Odo is human and Julian is helping him figure out how to do it (stuffedtiger's fic, while platonic, left a mark on me here) and also I love their parallels in their treatment and upbringing by their parental figure(s). 10/10 if there are no romantic feelings but they both act as if there are because they're curious and lonely and aren't quite sure what the difference between platonic and romantic is anyway (arospec solidarity for the wiiiiin)
Fluff: 7/10. Hurt/comfort: 6/10. Angst: 4/10
Data/Julian - it's just cute. The most autistic vibing ever. 😘😘😘
Fluff: 8/10. Hurt/comfort: 5/10. Angst: 2/10
Worf/Julian - I'm so here for Worf grudgingly admitting he likes the doctor, and Julian being surprised but pleased. Youngpettyqueen's fic and Worf's "he takes the pain well" are FEELS. Actually I think this is more of a fluff pairing than I'd realised XD
Fluff: 7/10. Hurt/comfort: 8/10. Angst: 4/10
Worf/Julian/Jadzia - I don't think it would work, but it would be fun to see them try. Everyone thinks they're more on board with it than they are.
Fluff: 6/10. Hurt/comfort: 5/10. Angst: 5/10
Not-ships... but I love to see it
Sloan/Julian - so creepy, so angsty, all the non/dubcon possibilities and Julian hates it. 👌👌 The mindfuckery that Sloan can bring is especially appealing.
Dukat/Julian - often brings a revenge-on-Garak vibe, again I enjoy it purely because Julian's not into it 😅
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ryuichirou · 1 year
The darkest possible headcanons for all your ships with Idia. Make him suffer, humiliate him, go all out
Anon, this ask is absolutely insane and every single day I look at it with the softest smile, thinking that I’m going to reply to it one day. And today is the day.
Thank you for your patience and thank you for sending it, because you basically gave me an opportunity to write something more dark and messed up than I usually do. We always talk about how much we love darker themes, but I always feel like I underdeliver in my art and headcanons, so I tried my best to allow myself be more mean this time.
Yeah, so obviously, beware, and please enjoy if you like seeing Idia suffer.
God I love this pathetic little fellow 😔
If Idia breaks Azul’s heart at some point, he’ll never recover the trust he’s lost, because Azul never forgets those who hurt him. He’ll just stop considering Idia his equal that moment, he is pretty much his plaything now, not even a pet. He’ll keep him in a separate room, punish him both sexually and mentally on a daily basis, never letting Idia forget that he deserved it.
Also, since all the blackmail material on Idia that he and the tweels have been gathering is useless now, because there is nothing to gain from Idia who was reduced to being his cum rug, Azul can be petty enough to just spill everything on the internet, just to see Idia tormented and humiliated. Idia is never going to touch or go near anything with the internet access on it again.
After Azul is done playing with Idia, he’ll just toss him to the tweels and tell them that they can do whatever they want with him. And while it’s annoying to get a hand-me-down from Azul, they are going to be very excited to tear him apart. If Idia thought that being Azul’s slave is horrible, hoo boy, Jade and Floyd are so so much worse. By the time they are bored with Idia, he’ll barely resemble a human. He definitely won’t act like one anymore.
Lilia has a lot of power over Idia, even as Crimson Muscle. He sees that Idia is very eager for him to like him back, and that he really wants to make him happy. He also sees that Idia is very sensitive to his mood and can sense that something is off. Sometimes he pretends to be annoyed or mad at someone, hinting that it might be gloomy samurai’s fault, and just enjoys seeing Idia trying to either cheer him up or apologize. This little game makes Lilia smile.
Ortho is usually very sweet to Idia, but after getting a “heart” post-chapter 6, he began noticing some new weird urges; for example, now he feels especially tickled when he sees Idia being miserable, teary-eyed, scared of others and clingy. He always knew that Idia was clingy, but this sadistic pleasure he’s feeling is something new. A lot of times Ortho either suppresses it, or does very subtle upsetting things, but one time he secretly asked his new friends from the movie club to act annoyed and disgusted by Idia and invited his niisan to hang out with them. He was ensuring Idia that everything was alright the entire time, gaslighing him into thinking that he was just imagining that everybody is looking at him, and surely, after about 40 minutes Idia was a shaking trembling panting nervous mess, gulping his own tears, He was clinging to Ortho’s neck so sweetly miserably the moment he said “alright, niisan and I are leaving now”.
But even before that, when Ortho still didn’t have as good of a grasp of the way humans interact with each other, he arranged a surprise gangbang for Idia to help him get along with others Ignihyde students. The students were very pleased, Idia was fucked out of his mind, and Ortho collected a lot of very useful data that day!
Sebek, being a young half-fae, is very horny and hormonal, and sometimes he is very bad at controlling his urges. And the fact that despite Idia barely leaving his room they manage to fight every time they interact, so one time the timing was just a little bit too unfortunate; one snarky comment from Idia, and Sebek ended up getting aggressive and jumping him, ripping his clothes off. Idia got too scared and passed out almost instantly, only waking up after Sebek had been long gone: still naked, scratched all over the place, with a belly full of cum and throbbing boner. It’s a miracle he wasn’t found by anyone before he woke up.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Maybe that question was somewhere already, but, how your selfinsert and eggman met? What was the first Impression on each other?
Btw i ship you two because i can name no one who would understand him better than you! :D and im always happy to see you on my dash.
Omg thank you so much, it really means a lot to me that you think so, that's a huge compliment with the effort I put into understanding his character and it makes me so happy that you ship us! I'm glad you enjoy my posts and I hope I can continue to deliver 😊💜
I have a lot of different first meeting scenarios that I like to daydream up and write, so I have multiple first encounter ideas of different times and ways it takes place (like depending around/during what game's events I imagine it taking place for example) so I don't set a single solid timeline or plot in stone overall. All the what ifs are endlessly fun to explore!
But there's always the same basis at least which I've talked about a bit throughout my blog but it's been a while and it could've been told better, so I'll happily share again. I like to make my s/i as accurate to me as possible, so I base it on how I came to love him in real life, biggest difference is I'm in the universe the beautiful man exists in for real!
So here we go:
I lived in a small place with a simple life that I found boring and eventful, I longed for adventure and to see more of the world but didn't have the means nor the confidence to get out there if I could. So instead I'd learn about the outside world, admire it from afar, dream of a more exciting life and just hope that it would somehow come one day.
When I was old enough to understand, I'd hear stories about Eggman and his past crimes and the latest news through my desire to learn about the world. But for as long as I'd been alive, he hadn't targeted the place I lived because it was small and insignificant, and it hadn't been caught in the crosshairs of him targeting anywhere nearby either.
But the things I heard from others with experiences before I was born and stuff he was still doing in the present and how common he was in the news caught my interest. I started keeping track and learning of his terrible crimes and atrocities in the past. I knew I should be horrified and disturbed but instead I was moreso curious and fascinated.
The way he'd seemed to have been everywhere and done everything and made such an impact on the world, as negative as it was, was impressive to me. He was the exact opposite of myself living in the middle of nowhere, never doing anything that interesting in my life, and nobody ever knowing who I was and being an outcast and it pulled me in.
I started collecting news coverage that existed and closely following all new stuff. My favorites were photos and footage, whether photos of him during his schemes or videos from when he'd broadcast himself onto devices while making threats or just to mess with people- which isn't something he'd done on a global scale since I'd been alive.
When exactly this took place and what it specifically entailed varies in my multiple concepts but at some point, I do finally get to see him on TV live when he hijacks it! I know I should be scared, it certainly is startling to see him suddenly pop up, make demands and threats, and talk about a world under his control. I know it's very bad and dangerous.
But I couldn't help but be excited to finally get to see him live and finally feel like a part of what's happening to the rest of the world too after years of just hearing about it! While I don't fully acknowledge and admit it to myself, my heart isn't just racing from fear, it's uncontrollable excitement too and I'm mesmerized watching him do his thing.
There are things I can't help but find fascinating and impressive, admirable even. Such as his theatrics, confidence, and crazy desires. Even though he was terrible, dangerous, egotistical, and greedy with it, he did it in such a unique and fun way. He was entertaining to watch and everything he was capable of was as impressive and exciting as scary.
His determination to keep trying and following his dreams and his enjoyment in his terrible crimes shows passionate devotion. The way he builds robots with awesome crazy designs and theme parks, carnivals, circuses, casinos, etc is so fun and cool despite how malicious it is. It's charming how he'll be himself and follow his dreams no matter what!
While I don't admit it to myself, I find him very handsome too. I subconsciously have a big crush on him and I'm admiring him more by the days. I know he's bad all along but he's so charming and entertaining about it, I can't help but be hooked and he makes me feel dizzy! He lives such a crazy, fun, eventful life and I wish I had that too.
Eventually after the broadcast hijacking, Eggman visits multiple locations and deploys his robots to scour areas for useful resources. I live in a place with lots of land and woodland in universe too and I go there a lot for walks and to just wander around and think and dream of traveling the world far beyond this, since I don't have much else to do.
When walking through the woods I hear the sound of a motor and mechanical noises. I peer through trees and bushes and see a Motobug driving along the grass! It's looking for animals and trying to round them up for Eggman to use because he needs a very big army for his new plan. I'm so delighted to finally see some of his tech in person!
Despite the danger, I get as close as I can for a better look and admire how well designed, creative, and fun it is, and how well made it is with such high quality. It's clear that he's very smart and imaginative and I see it for that instead of just "stupid silly toys" like others do. It's cute for a dangerous killing machine and that's part of the charm to me!
I enjoy it a lot for it being the closest I've ever gotten to him a sense, as it's something that he's created and I've finally been lucky enough to see it in person. And after getting to witness him on TV live too, dreams of mine are coming true. I'm finally a part of something he's doing and it's bringing so much more excitement to my life!
And knowing how unpredictable he is, one can never know what he might do next! And that's thrilling to me, though I should be afraid with the terrible things he's capable of, I'm instead always eager to find out because this is huge, finally being one of the locations on his radar for the first time since I've been alive. I finally get to experience it!
I'm very pleased with that encounter with a robot of his. I don't report it even though I should, I just let it go and do its thing. Nobody else finds out his robots were scouring the area to report on it and I like keeping the secret, knowing something about Eggman the rest of the public doesn't. And I didn't want them ruining it before it's truly began.
At a later date, news breaks that Eggman is attacking the city that I live just on the outskirts of and I'm in disbelief! Before I can even properly hear all the details of the report, for the first time I don't wait to hear every precious detail like I usually do and instead rush out because it could be a once in a lifetime thing and I can't miss this!
I don't even worry about the danger nor not having confidence to go out when there's probably a lot of people despite usually being uncomfortable, I just need to get there and see what's happening, that's all that matters to me. I manage to approach the scene as closely as possible while still keeping distance from the danger and heart of the chaos.
I climb a building and hide behind a tower on the roof and can see there's fire and shooting and explosions in the distance as robots are attacking, the action is gripping and gets my adrenaline up. But what makes my heart race faster is when I hear something in the sky and look up to see the man himself in his Egg Mobile watching it all!
I barely get to see much of his face as his back is to me watching it from a distance himself too, but closer than I am. But I can see enough of him to see that he has a big smile on his face, looking very smug and laughing. Just that and the fact that he's really here has my jaw drop in awe and then smile uncontrollably at his infectious joy!
After standing there watching, I don't expect him to look over his shoulder, he must've been looking for the best area of escape when he was done and he looked into my direction! He actually sees me and just as he notices and perks up in curiosity to why I'm there on my own, I run. He puts it down to me being scared and I didn't look to be enemy forces coming to stop him in my casual wear.
That moment was so small and brief but it stuck with me for weeks after. I keep replaying the sight of him admiring his robots wreaking havoc and the sound of his laughter. It was deeply precious to me to finally get to see him in person and be so close to him, albeit still many feet away but we were really there together in the same place!
I start to imagine how things could've gone differently if I'd stayed. Would he have questioned me? Would he have attacked thinking I was going to try to stop/report him or just for fun and to make sure nobody goes unscathed? I would've found all of those potential scenarios cool! But unfortunately I ran because I felt I had to. Still, I treasure it.
For a while I think that's the last of being lucky enough to get to catch. I mean getting witness a broadcast hijacking, then seeing a robot in person, then the man himself? That's way too much luck! I'm appreciative of what I got to see and will treasure it forever. Things seem quiet for a while after all the chaos and it looks like he's done with the place.
It's been a while since I last went to that certain woodland area for a walk and decide to go again and at night because it's been hot and because I'd like late night peace and privacy in my quiet place. Part of me hopes to see a robot or something even though it's unlikely they'd still be around when he's seemingly done with his work here.
I'm walking, listening to music, entertaining myself with my thoughts to avoid disappointing myself and- suddenly I bump into something and fall back. Never in million years would I ever expect to look up and see none other than Eggman! My glasses fell off when I fell and when I put them on and see him clearly, I still can't believe it!
We both didn't notice each other in the dark, with me looking down and Eggman's shaded glasses making it even harder to see in it. He squints and looks down at me through the darkness and teasingly says "What are you doing out here this late, little boy?" He has a playful approach and smirks because I look stunned and he's amused.
He thinks I might be scared but I'm actually just frozen in awe that he's really right there in the flesh in front of me. I finally pull myself up but still feel stuck in place, unsure of whether I should run or not. I also don't know how to answer his question and just manage to mumble that I was out walking and my breaths sound shaky.
He strokes his chin in wonder with a "hmm". Something about me is familiar. It quickly clicks with him as he connects the dots, not only did he catch me watching during his attack on the city, he also saw me in a Motobug camera when reviewing the footage to see if it saw good land to build on and that's how he knew this was a good place for it.
He points this out to me and says we finally meet at last, then asks if there's any reason he keeps seeing me around. I don't want him to get the wrong idea and think I was trying to spy on him and gather information to try to stop him so despite the shyness, blush in my cheeks, and small smile, I say I'm a big fan and have admired from afar for a while.
He's smart enough to still be wary in case it is a trick but at the same time he can't help but smile at that as he says "I'm pleased that you recognize my brilliance." His confidence and happiness from the ego boost he gets from that is precious to me. There's a funny warm feeling in my chest seeing the pleased grin that slightly tugs at his cheeks.
He's just as handsome in person as the videos and pictures. He has a gleaming white smile, cute big pink nose, and big magnificent fluffy mustache with soft round cheeks hidden behind it. He's so big and tall with his big round belly that looks soft and cuddly, big bear paw sized hands and feet, and long sleek legs. He looks like a big bear of these woods!
He looks stunning and I can't help but admire it. Eggman can certainly tell that my admiration is genuine by the way I look at him as I get lost in his beauty and don't realize how obviously I'm gawking. And there's no way I would've known of the hidden camera in the Motobug but I looked so happy and fascinated while trying to get close to it to admire it.
He can't let me roam around after all that I've seen in the past few encounters of him and his creations. Sure I didn't report it before but he'd rather assure the chances of it happening are zero. So he asks me to come back with him and says that if I enjoy his work so much then I should come serve him. I can't believe my ears and accept immediately!
He's surprised that it was that easy and is used to having to make demands and threats, so he's happy to see such enthusiasm. While I know I should be afraid to go away with such a dangerous infamous man, it would be a dream come true! I'm instantly ready to go away with him and don't need any prep. I get in his Egg Mobile and away we go.
The idea is that I stay with him while he works on the land by the woods that he took an interest in after seeing it in the Motobug footage. It's a good place to find animals for his robots and build a new base as it would be well hidden. I'm useful to keep around because I know when people are unlikely to be around to potentially stumble upon the site.
His first impression of me is that I'm a funny fan of his and that my admiration is pathetically cute and most importantly useful and ego stroking. He finds my eagerness to help him, keep him safe, and make sure he doesn't get caught very valuable for him, and how I become a servant in happily bringing him things he needs whenever he asks.
My feelings on him don't just remain the same as when when I first started to take an interest in him, they get stronger. Getting to know him for real and finding he really is as charming and admirable as I saw him is a delight. And it gets harder for me to escape the fact that I find him very attractive for his strong personality and beauty.
He still keeps a lot of secrets from me he can't have me knowing just in case but getting to learn anything and seeing around his base and his creations is a great joy. Especially when the man himself is proudly showing them off to me. He likes how I share multiple of his interests, love to listen to him talk, and gush over it and praise it all highly.
Eggman was ready to entertain any delusions that made me a fan but is pleased when he finds I know exactly who he is, what he wants, and how terrible he is but specifically admire and support it. I love him as he is, want him to succeed in his selfish goals, and get everything he wants. It feels good to be understood and loved for the real him.
My loyalty and enthusiasm making me useful to him and boosting his ego makes him consider keeping me around for longer, after he was initially planning on letting me go eventually. It would also be best to make sure I never have the chance to tell anyone else about him after going to know him on this level. And I don't want to leave anyway!
I have to keep proving my worth so he knows he made the right choice and that my admiration is real for sure and not just a really convincing agent, though there's no way it could be faked to this degree. Despite his caution we get along well and get closer and he's more certain and likes having me around to serve him and stroke his ego.
Things progress from there and I start faller for him harder and he enjoys having me as his assistant and servant more over time. It eventually leads to point where we first become intimate, when he takes the last step in assuring that I'm definitely not an agent and 100% real in my love for him- by asking for me to kiss him hehe 🥰💜
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avelera · 1 year
There's a fake marriage fic you wrote from a while back and I absolutely love and obsess over it. In "Come live with me and be my love" how is Dream feeling about the whole "small town life"? Like I know we've established that the rumors are not the best, but have they enjoyed it at all? Are there any aspects in particular that they like about walking with humanity in that story?
Absolutely love your work btw!!!
So the "small town" aspect of "Come live with me and be my Love" is not quite done yet! In fact, the chapter I'm working on now is going to continue delve into the *mumble mumble oh god why didn't i ever name this place mumble* town life a bit more!
Gonna cut for spoilers and rambling!
I know you didn't ask about Hob but I'll quickly make an aside about him: Hob deliberately chose a really small, landlocked, agrarian town where he could sell books as a way to distance himself from the "shipping business". He figured that between going back to printing, which eventually brought him to "Mr. Fell" and bookselling, and going into business on his own from the urgings of Mr. Wentworth, that he'd found a quiet place where he could spend 5-10 years just... chilling. Being as self-sufficient as possible, in a low-cost rural area, where he couldn't hurt anyone, with a trade that he knows and that is about as far away from "shipping" as he could possibly get in terms of direct impact, and where he was nominally about as distant as one could be in the 1810s from a global evil that helped prop up the burgeoning British Empire that's about to explode in even further in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.
Basically, I don't personally see Hob as a superhero setting out to right wrongs after he made his personal reparations, insofar as he could, to the people he personally wronged, but I do see him pulling inward for a time to reassess himself and the world at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, when all of a sudden one man can in fact cause tens of thousands of people to suffer because of industrialized human trafficking, among other evils, without being a king or even particularly important, unlike Hob's early days as a bandit or a soldier where, yes he's killed and robbed and probably done all sorts of unsavory things but at least he did those on a largely individual basis.
So Hob's reasons for picking this town are, to me, sort of important for understanding what Dream does or does not get out of being there.
Anyway! I'm really passionate about Hob's headspace in this story so, to your actual question, is Dream enjoying this life at all?
Thing is, what Dream is going to enjoy about this life is coming up in future chapters. It's only been about a week (ugh) and Dream is still majorly reassessing a lot of his assumptions about what this bet would mean to take part in. He's falling in love with Hob on a level he never expected (he was entirely geared up for "fuck buddies" and that was it), he was expecting the human life part to be negligible and beneath his notice, only to discover it was far more complicated than he anticipated.
Dream's realizing there are consequences that come from his decision to pick Hob as a husband. He picked Hob as the human he'd most want to spend a year with, but in a "if I had to pick a human" sort of way. But Hob's immortality and friendship and good qualities with regards to Dream like his devotion and love, mean that Dream can't just fuck around, prove the point that he's fine with being human-ish for a year, without consequence. If he fucks up Hob's life, if he damages that friendship, that doesn't go away! Because Hob's not going anywhere!
So Dream is still much more in the, "Ok, what IS this year ACTUALLY going to be like, now that it turns out ALL of my assumptions about it were wrong because I deeply underestimated why Desire picked this particular setting and challenge for me and maybe possibly put more thought into planning this challenge, uniquely for me, than I put into my own plans for them if I won?"
To that end I will say: Dream just hasn't really thought about if he likes human life in this town in general yet. I'd argue that even by the end of this year, I'm not sure there's aspects of human life he's going to be particularly nostalgic for.
Thing is, this isn't Retired Dream AU. It's not like he's getting to skip out on work while he's here. Actually, Dream is doing all his usual work as Dream Lord but with 1/3 of the time to do it, as Hob sleeps at night, so if anything, he's even more overworked. This isn't a Dream who is bereft of powers, either. They're just dampened. So he's more annoyed at his limitations than he is having revelations about real human life. Because even Desire doesn't really want to live as a human, they're not doing this the way Death does it for a day, with totally memory wipe and no powers, it's at most a slightly depowered version of when Dream and Death went to the White Horse in the first place.
All the lessons for Dream have to do with Hob. Dream is seeing Hob in his (*nature documentary voice*) natural habitat: blending in as an immortal in normal human life. He's seeing Hob hold down a job, at a time when Hob doesn't have any sort of immortal reserves to fall back on, because he gave it all away as reparations and truly started again from scratch. So Hob losing his business isn't a laughing matter like it would normally be! Dream's having more time to hear Hob's life story, he's getting more opportunities for Hob to "come to his defense" and he's seeing just how much Hob cares and wants to do that.
Dream's real experience here, the thing he would look back on fondly about life in this town, is... the chance to see who Hob really is, and the realization that the person he meets at the White Horse is a very curated version of Hob, at best, and maybe not even as curated as Hob would like when Dream won't even pay attention to him for the full length of Hob's prepared report. He's learning what he means to Hob in this town, and what matters to Hob in general, and how Dream matters to Hob more than his job, or this town, or his livelihood, or any human concern. Like, it's not even close, Hob will drop everything to make Dream happy.
And that's a very novel experience for Dream, whose own wife didn't even move in with him when they were married!
And one last reason I'm not super able to say what this town means to Dream is, well, a year is a long time. A very long time to put up with small town politics. And the world is a very big place. And Hob may never get a chance like this again to live with Dream for a year.
So asking about the town is a little like asking about the starter zone in a video game ;)
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electronickingdomfox · 9 months
"The Klingon Gambit" review
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Novel from 1981, by Robert E. Vardeman. I don't have much to say about this one, neither praise nor a rant. Perhaps there's no worse fate than indifference? This novel is a return to the more episodic format of the old Bantam novels. Basically a rehash of "The Naked Time", with a bit of "This Side of Paradise" (as far as Spock is concerned), and Klingons in the middle. I don't think the plot has enough substance for a novel-length story, so a lot of times I had the impression of reading the same thing over and over, as if the author had to fill pages but didn't really have anything new to say.
Anyway, the writing's fine, and lets Kirk shine as a clever diplomat, always with an ace up his sleeve to avoid a confrontation. While the rest of the crew is infected by some virus of silly, Kirk seems to be the only one that keeps his cool (some scientist should study this man one day; he seems to be immune and special in every single way...). It's hard to judge the rest of the characters, since they're purposefully acting weird through most of the novel. Spock swinging between totally emotional and totally Vulcan was well-done, without being over the top. Though McCoy seems to me a bit too disrespectful and insulting (and I'm not entirely sure this is due to the strange influence affecting the ship). I'm also not sure about his reluctance to save an injured Klingon's life, on the basis of him being the enemy. The way I see it, McCoy is first a doctor, then a Starfleet officer. There's also a return of that weird idea from earlier novels, that Vulcans are completely unable to feel any love or sexual urge outside pon farr. I don't know why this notion was so widespread, when a full Vulcan like Sarek was seen in the series having a loving relationship with his human wife, while Stonn and T'Pring had an affair outside marriage.
As for the plot, it's very simple, so I'm just going to gloss over it without spoilers. The Enterprise finds a Vulcan science ship adrift, and everyone's dead aboard, without any discernible reason. The ship was part of an archaeological expedition on the nearby planet of Alnath II, led by a famous Andorian scientist. As there's also a Klingon ship orbiting the planet, the Klingon become the main suspects for the Vulcans' deaths. However, the lead scientist insists that the Klingons have only been a nuisance, as far as their activities disrupt his investigations of the ruins. Kirk doesn't have any proof that the Klingons are guilty (and they also have some rights over this planet in particular, since it doesn't belong to the Federation). So he enters into a tense situation with the Klingon captain, where none dare to attack the other, and break the Organian peace treaty. Things get worse when the crew of the Enterprise start acting irresponsibly, and almost mutinous. Everyone seems to just do whatever they want, disregarding their duties. Scotty becomes obsessed with improving the engines, and starts dismantling half the ship for spare parts. Chekov becomes too trigger-happy and anxious for battle. Uhura daydreams about M'Benga. Spock swings between his human and Vulcan sides, and is at times overrun by feelings of love for his female assistant. McCoy becomes paranoid about machines and technology, so he switches to primitive medical treatments... You get the idea. The answers, of course, lay in the planet below and its mysterious pyramid. Kirk has a showdown with the Klingons as well. The resolution is nothing special really, though there's a little surprise about the origin of the alien, deserted city.
Spirk Meter: 2/10*. Kirk seems more aware about Spock's mood swings than anyone else. And he's a bit distressed about Spock possibly reciprocating his assistant's feelings. There's also a scene where Spock loses his shit on the bridge and starts crying, so Kirk bitch-slaps him, to make him come to his senses, even at the risk of suffering the Vulcan's violence himself. And Spock catches his wrist and all that (it's very similar to the scene in "This Side of Paradise").
For his part, McCoy wants to go live in a farm with Jim. And he's awfully interested in Spock staying more human, and you know, loving and horny all the time. As you will, Doctor...
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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causenessus · 1 month
OMG NEVER FEEL SORRY ABOUT NOT RESPONDING RIGHT AWAY!!! I totally get it, some days are just like that!!!! I’m literally just here to yap at you so respond whenever you feel like! Don’t feel obligated to respond at all because you don’t owe me anything!!! <3333
Slowly but surely I’m making my way through the depression room lol. My mom wants to turn my room into a guest bedroom and the basement into my new room so it needs to be cleaned by the end of the year. So hopefully more surely than slowly lol- OMG GOOD JOB!!!! I LOVE THE FEELING OF ACCOMPLISHMENT FROM FINISHING SOMETHING WELL!!!!
Worry not! I am not stressing about senior year!!! I’ve already decided where I’m going to college just waiting for the applications to allow me to apply for fall of 2025 (I’m going on vacation summer 2025 and thus will not be able to start- it is a cruise in case you’re curious 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ my graduation present if you will) BAHAHA!!! Definitely what happened! I smash so many holes in walls/j
Good news! We did not take senior photos! And yes my hair appointment went very well 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ I now have purple and pink hair (split into like four sections and it’s like alternating so pink in front and purple in back on one side and the opposite on the other side) THE ORANGEY PINK WAS NOT PRETTY. DO NOT LET IT FOOL YOU. It was like bad blonde orange and like salmon pink- not good it looked really bad and washed me out bcs cookie anon has a complexion that rivals Casper the ghost.
I too think about Suna a lot, just a weekly basis (love notes Suna gets like three-four times a week. Regular/Timeskip Suna only gets like twice a week if he’s lucky. The rest of the time is spent thinking about that one Osamu manga panel 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨)
I can see it now; Atsumu did something (took the Mac n cheese from Y/N’s apartment for his own selfish Mac n cheese midnight snacks) and Y/N of course goes to complain to Suna who laughs at her and then tells Osamu- In which case, Bakery Anon will become evil 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ anything for Osamu (+ Love Notes! Y/N…Suna is there but Y/N <3) so we put chiles in the icing of cupcakes and give them to Atsumu. Tada! Self Shipping During the week hours-
Okay! I think I found the fic so RAMBLE TIME.
Okay back to our regularly scheduled programming.
I read your little about me and I agree. Oikawa is also very important to me. I could write an essay on him and why he’s such a Human character. and why he’s perfect to be like a 1-1 with Kageyama but also be his own thing separately- this is not a ramble about him though so 🧍🏻‍♀️
For the people who made it this far and see this: YOU GUYS ARE WORTHY OF LOVE. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, you deserve to be loved and not be a secret. You deserve food, your body needs it to function. You deserve water, it’s very important. It helps with headaches, make sure to get sleep. I know it’s difficult (I have insomnia so I get it) but routines help even if just a little bit. Remember to rest and that you deserve a little break. And if no one else tells you today. I LOVE YOU <3
For Ness: I LOVE YOU <333 YOUR WRITING MAKES ME FERAL. (If you can’t tell). I can’t wait to continue yapping with you, yap sessions >>>> you ALSO deserve a break. If you don’t feel like writing then we’ll be here after your break. Remember to have fun and take care of yourself. Drink water and eat food! I know it’s easy to forget but as long as you eat some sustenance! Good job!!!!
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
AND AA!!! GOOD JOB TO YOU TOO!! i would come there and help you clean out your room if i could </33 I AM THERE WITH YOU IN SPIRIT!!! AND I HOPE IF YOU MOVE INTO THE BASEMENT IT'S NICER!! i feel like basements are always kind of nice bc they have more room and privacy?? but that's just me!!
AND I'M GLAD YOU'RE NOT STRESSING ABOUT SENIOR YEAR!! have as much fun as possible <3 like i had friends who went crazy and were taking ap bio and ap chem and ap calc BUT I WAS LIVING MY BEST LIFE WITH THE BARE MINIMUM REQUIRED CLASSES AND CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT CLASSES!! i'm glad you've already got where you plan to go and everything planned out!! good luck with your applications <3 AND HAVE SO MUCH FUN ON YOUR CRUISE AAAA THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!! (personally i'm terrified of the water BUT I HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!! THAT'S SUCH A COOL GRADUATION GIFT AND YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT <3 PLEASE DO CHECK IN LIKE NEXT MAY OR WHENVER ABOUT YOUR CRUISE/AFTER YOU GO ON IT AND HOW IT IS!! [and ofc pls check in again before that as well <3 i love hearing from you <3])
AND I'M GLAD YOU WERE ABLE TO?? MOVE YOUR SENIOR PHOTOS OR THEY AT LEAST DID NOT HAPPEN BEFORE YOU GOT YOUR HAIR REDONE!! and OMG THE PURPLE PINK SOUNDS SO COOL!! i just saw someone on instagram today who like half their bangs were bleached sort of platinum-gray-white and the top of her hair was the same color but then the sort of undercut/layers were her natural dark hair color AND IT LOOKED SO COOL!!! (but i don't think my asian hair would let me do that color unfortunately </333) AND DW ABOUT THE ORANGE PINK COLORS 😭 i remember my sister tried to dye some of her hair purple but (once again blaming it on asian hair) it literally just died and turned some type of medusa/ursala green-grayish color it was so bad 😭😭 BUT AA THE RED AND PURPLE NOW SOUNDS SO GOOD!!
REGULAR/TIMESKIP SUNA ONLY GETS TWICE A WEEK IF HE'S LUCKY 😭😭😭😭 LMAOO THAT MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD AND OMG i think i was driving yesterday and i thought about that one really cute osamu timeskip panel where he puts on the jersey and like looks back at the camera to match atsumu on a tv screen also wearing a jersey <33 LIKE OMG HE'S SO CUTE (i shouldn't think about that while driving tho like...i was definitely distracted ahem...ANYWAY)
YES OMG BAKERY ANON JOIN THE SELF SHIPPING HOURS!! you and love notes osamu and me and love notes suna <33 it's perfect!! it's so so cute <33 imagine u and osamu like coming up to atsumu being like "tsumu!! we made u mac n cheese because we know how much u love it <3" (you guys made it with orange juice 💀) AND SUNA AND YN ARE BOTH RECORDING FROM BEHIND A WALL </3 ik u guys just set up the most foul pranks ever!! (but atsumu def deserves them <3)
and omg yes oikawa is so so important to me <33 i just ranted about that in my answer to mango anon's ask 😭😭 BUT HE'S SO HUMAN AND HE DESERVES THE ENTIRE WORLD!! HE DESERVES SO MUCH LOVE AND TO BE REASSURED HE IS ENOUGH AS HE IS AND THAT HE'S SO SO AMAZING AND THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND <333 i think i've said this somewhere here before but like every few months or so i have this one friend who also watches hq who is a very firm kageyama stan and maintains "oikawa tried to abuse him!!" he's bad!!! and me (very firm oikawa stan) am like "OKAY?? HE ABUSED HIS MIDDLE SCHOOL TEAMMATES?? they both changed oikawa is NOT a bad person yap yap yap!!!" (sorry i def turned this into a ramble about him 🧍‍♀️)
and thank you for your sweet reminder bakery anon!! i'm so glad you enjoy my writing <33 that makes me so so happy to hear genuinely it means the world and really fulfils my motivation!! i will make sure to take a break if i feel like i need it and thank you so much i love u <33 I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN I LOVE THESE YAP SESSIONS!!)
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fitzrove · 1 year
Thank you for the video! A very astute analysis of the show’s change over the years, and how marketing played into it. As someone who has been seeing TdV on and off for fifteen years now (but mostly Hungarian-Viennese-Russian branch), it really did strike me when I saw it again after a long pandemic break a few days just how “predatory gay” trope the Herbert scene is. I guess the world was a bit different back when I was in my teens, and we were just happy to get *any* overt representation there, but that bit didn’t age well, and there sure seems to be little point to Herbert in the show at all.
That said, I always saw this as a complex story about hedonism and human nature without a protagonist, or, rather, letting the audience pick the protagonist, which is not always a bad thing. My main qualm with the show going against the theme of freedom is how passive Sarah is during the escape. For a girl who is more of less defined by agency, who manipulates so skillfully, she sure does not have much agency during the ballroom sequence. Her wants are so clear throughout (*translation dependent), but are completely absent in that moment.
Anyway, please do more videos. I am *very* curious to hear your thoughts on SE.
At the risk of going into a ramble...
When I was a youngish teenager, a group leader at a summer camp I went to sang Totale Finsternis and mentioned it was from a musical, which piqued my interest. I watched some clips from Youtube and they didn't really hold my interest at first, not at all... not before I came across what was probably this video. And then this one. And then this. I didn't speak any German at that point but I was so intrigued (as someone who loved musicals, was obsessed with fanfic and absolutely devastated at the lack of canon lgbtq rep in the types of historical/goth mainstream media I liked - it was 2016). So it's literally Wenn Liebe that originally got me into the show, even though my views on it have done a complete 180 after I grew up and started to look at what was actually going on ajfkkslf. I still think that some of the portrayals are a bit less... well, cruel - Máté Kamarás' Herbert is very earnest for the most part, which makes the portrayal feel more genuine, like the character is more than a parody, even just a little bit.
But it's still an uncomfortable scene and it's uncomfortable that the fandom reaction to it is so overwhelmingly positive even now 😅 Canon divergent fanfic is one thing (I definitely know the feeling of being so starved for lgbtq rep that you just rewrite the story to be able to have a ship), but a lot of people's takes even for the canon show amount to "he secretly likes it", which... 😭 My take still is that a lot of people ship it just to get Alfred out of the way of Krolock x Sarah. And that's annoying ahfkdk, where are the Alfred x Krolock x Sarah fics (Krolock isn't my favourite character but like, that has more canonical basis than alfbert lol)
I agree that Sarah just completely loses her agency for post-bite Tanzsaal, which is a somewhat odd choice! And I think a hedonism reading of the story is really interesting and checks out - in my video I mostly skipped over Chagal and Magda because it's a Can of Worms, but they definitely reinforce the idea that it's the central theme.
Thank you so much for the compliments and the ask!!! :D
Ajfkfk I must admit that I don't get what SE means in this context 😁😁 feel free to educate me in the notes!
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crisispider · 6 months
♣ + spideydevil :)
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → @blindbastard + send me ♣ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
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✧˖° → WHO IS THE BETTER DANCER? Everyone knows Peter can't dance. It's just common knowledge, sure he will say that he can and he will give it his best WHITE GUY go of it but like at the end of the day if there is to be a better dancer it isn't Peter.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES THE OUTDOORS MORE AND WHO LIKES THE INDOORS MORE? See the thing is they are both new york boys, and like I would argue that they both like being outside in their city a fair and maybe equal amount, maybe Peter a little more than Matt if that's not exactly his full thing.
Now if we are talking full on camping/hiking/fishing/sports that sort of thing? See that's hard to say. Peter is very much a city boy he had no interest in any of that ans is very much an indoor boy.
✧˖° → WHO'S A CAT PERSON AND WHO'S A DOG PERSON? I feel like they are both definitely CAT BOYS, because like I mean... look at them. So clearly what I am hearing is that they need to adopt a kitten together.
✧˖° → WHO'S MORE SOCIAL? Mhmmm going off what I know of Matt (and I could be wrong so tell me if I am!) I would imagine that Peter is the more social one of the two of them. Peter loves making friends and is all about community when he isn't in a depression spiral.
✧˖° → WHO MAKES THE BED EVERY MORNING? Matt would have to do a whole lot of SWEET TALKING if he wants Peter to make any bed, he thinks it's the silliest thing in the world... buuuut sometimes you can convince him to do it.
✧˖° → WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE COLD AND WHO LIKES TO KEEP THE HOUSE WARM? Peter struggles with temperature regulation to the point that it can even effect his mood, so he tries to keep it at a really comfortable temp a little chilly but not too chilly. He is occasionally a time to put up with Matt.
✧˖° → WHO TAKES LONGER GETTING READY? See the thing is they are both heroes and needing to be able to get in and out of costumes and lightening speed but Peter is also full of ADHD so when he isn't trying to race off to fight crime or avoid getting caught in his costume it takes him forever to get out the door and he is often late to pretty much everything even when it isn't because of superheroing.
Okay so here is the thing. Peter is just an all around movies person. He loves pretty much any genre of film too. He loves the adrenaline rush from a really good scary movie. (Or the giggle of all the outrageously bad ones.) He loves romances and comedies and dramas that make him cry. So it would all depend on if Matt happens to have a favorite genre that he prefers.
I mean... one of them kinda IS a bug. (yes we know that spiders are not bugs but shhhhhh) So I can't really imagine either one of them are the type to really scream about a bug in the house, and Peter tends to live a pretty big 'capture & release' policy for pretty much all living creatures.
See.. here is the thing, I would argue it's technically Matt, but only because Peter is a genius who literally builds his own web shooters and gear more often than he doesn't.
Have you met Peter B. Parker? Obviously it's him.
I would make an argument for either one of them, they both have a lot of unresolved trauma and need therapy. Nightmares happen. But I feel like they both have cute ways to help comfort the other when it happens.
Peter is the living embodiment of ADHD most days. It's obviously him, but it's never done on purpose, he is just... forgetful.
I would say... Matt? I don't know if I would say he LIKES it, but he is a lawyer and there is so much suit wearing happening on a daily basis, as to where Peter would like to actively avoid suits at all cost.
Matt. He does tie one every day after all, but Peter is desperately trying to learn to do it better so he can do it for Matt in the morning. ( I have a million and one headcanons about how helping your partner get dressed in the morning or for bed and having established domestic routines like that is just Peter's jam.)
It's both of them, because if Matt isn't involved the message is absolutely going to be the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever heard. Peter can't do anything at a CHILL level.
I would say... Peter. He is a hopeless romantic, and when he tries? Oooo that boy can be so smooth. (In an awkward dorky kind of way.) He loves, love. He loves being in love? and he loves Matt. This isin't to say he doesn't mess up, because we all know that he does. He misses important dates, and he is always late, but I think because both of them are superheros they would find this lovely little balance that could be so cute and sweet? Thing of the patrolling dates!
Peter. He has a lot nerdy shirts. Don't judge him.
Peter. Peter has such a fucking sweet tooth that sometimes you really should be treating him like a child.
It's hard to say, I wouldn't really classify either of them as really drinkers persay... but I do know that Peter is way more of a stoner and prefers a high to a drunk any day.
Again I say, have you met Peter Benjamin Parker? He finds ways to make jokes in literally EVERY situation. It's what he does.
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cannibalvillains · 5 months
About shipping my muses, n stuff.
Gonna keep this a a constant WIP, as I figure stuff out. But I decided this could be fun to make for mutuals who maybe wanna ship. Give yall an angle.
Generally ship tropes I like; Arranged Marriage, Toxic, Hate-fucking, queerplatonic stuff, partners in love and crime aka "murder boyfriends", whatever the Addams Family had going, tragedy
(.... Sorry im not awfully good with pure fluff, just don't do it for me. Also; pointing to my no smut rp rule)
Brief details on each respective muse are under the cut!
Dabi (demiromanic bi)
Tbh if my Dabi actually has feelings for sb id say its time to run. He is obsessive as hell and he can't do relationships normally. He has straight up stalked several other muses by this point. It was for different reasons but affection is definitely one of them. Also expect it to be undoubtly toxic. He can genuinely love but also it's god awful. He's honestly most easy to deal with on a "we only fuck and nothing else" type basis.
Ships i like for him; Shigaraki, Twice, Hawks (only toxic hatefucking), ...
Overhaul (aroace, repulsed type aka "dont fucking touch me")
Right out the gate: don't expect normal relationship dynamics with him. Just don't. Fact aside that he generally just sucks with people, Im serious when I say he's aroace. He will never fall in love with another character and he will happily die a virgin because that stuff just makes him beyond uncomfortable. That said, I wrote him in tight knit relationships before and they have been some of my fav in recent past. Either way it's a slowburn.
Ships I like for him; Kurono, Nagant, ...
Spinner (bi-curious)
Tbh this man is open to be shipped with almost anyone. I haven't really done stuff with him yet, and he is also very open. Doesn't think about this stuff right now but he would try his best if put in the situation.
Ships I like for him; ???
Enji (disaster bi, in denial abt liking men)
Taking current canon into consideration; Enji is old, tired and doesn't seem himself as "attractive" anymore. His marriage was more duty than love and these days he is most in of all concerned with fixing things with his kids. Trying to ship him at that age would take a lot of convincing. Trying to get him to cheat on his wife like 10 to 20 years prior is an option but can only end terribly. (please I absolutely wanna do that!!) Anything before his marriage would be battling his drive to become the number one hero. (also fun)
Ships I like for him; All Might ( yes its terrible ), Rei ( yes its complicated ), ...
Twice (gay, hopeless)
He's a mess. You may think this means he best works with other people who are well put together, but I (terrible person) like to see spiral, together with other messes. Enjoy.
Ships I like for him; Dabi, anyone LOV tbh (also just purely platonic stuff; we love to see it), ...
Bakugou (bi)
Main criteria for people Bakugou likes; they stand up to him and give him challenges. Just straight up best compatible with muses who are either an asshole equal to himself, or just say "No, stop being a dick. I won't take your shit." If your muse just follows along with whatever he does he will not give them the time of day. He won't care.
Ships I like for him; Occhako, Monoma, Fujimi, ...
Sukuna (aro, an egnima)
I dunno yet what gets him... but you gotta be strong else he will just crush you and be bored. Probably best to get his interest through powerful Jujutsu/fighting skills though, obviously.
Ships I like for him; Gojo, Uraume, Toji, ...
Definitely struggles to relate to people with his whole "its lonely being the strongest" business. Definitely not easy to connect to and will not be honest about his feelings. But BOY does he seek connection! Pathetic little man!
Ships I like for him; Geto(duh, tho tbh also love it as just best friends), Sukuna, Nanami, ...
Yuji (???)
I dunno yet, somebody give him Jennifer Lawrence! Or his former classmate, that seemed cute. Either way he is a sunshine boy who probably clicks easily with people but later in the story of jjk it may be difficult to get close, the trauma of losing people and all that....
Ships I like for him; ???
Maki (???)
I dunno yet either, give her Jennifer Lawrence as well! Ok no, forreal though. I think she needs someone who can help her relax and not be so stuck on her goals all the time (tho do support her goals... and shittalk the Zen'in clan together...!!)
Ships I like for her; ???
Kenjaku (EVIL)
Would probably fuck anyone. I dunno if you should get near them though. There is like.... ALL THE RED FLAGS. Doesn't care much for the people they start relationships with. To them it's just all a game.
Ships I like for them; Yuji's dad, Gojo (while disgused as Geto, def in a toxic af way), ...
Law (gay af)
Honestly, this guy has a terrible taste in men and he knows it. He also hates it. He wants to have a good relationship but he got a tendency to get into the ones he regrets, and doesn't regret, but so damn regrets. I think there is a lot of fun kinda drama to be had here.
Ships I like for him; Kidd, Bepo, Zoro, Robin ( yes i said hes gay... they just match ), ...
Doffy (bi and awful)
On the outside Doffy is sweet, charming and flirty, makes all the compliments and expresses his care for his person of interest. He is also manipulative, possessive and most of all cares for himself.... YOU SHOULD RUN.
Ships I like for him; ...
Zagetsu (nope)
Eh. I just have him to be a creature tbh. If you wanna ship with him genuinely, CONVINCE ME.
Ships I like for him; NAH
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
I mean no disrespect, but I wonder if you realise that probably all the main plot points of Staged are scripted? Including acting cues like David and Michael touching, comforting, asking who is the big spoon etc. “Georgia says we’re like a married couple” doesn’t actually mean Georgia said it, it means Simon Evans wrote this line for David.
I see in your profile that you’re on the spectrum, and I am not sure if that’s one of the reasons it’s hard for you to discern the difference maybe? (Again, no intended disrespect. Please take this as a well meaning message from a well wisher. My brother is on the spectrum and he has a tendency to do this). The show is so meta at this point, it’s understandable if it felt confusing and hopeful maybe.
But we have to keep in mind that they’re simply actors with amazing chemistry, and the entire show dynamic is playing on that. In reality, their friendship may be very different to how it is portrayed. Not to mention, the romantic components are just for show. They can play so much on it mainly because David and Michael are both men in committed heterosexual relationships. This is not coming from a homophobic place either, considering (like the rest of tumblr) I definitely ship Aziraphale and Crowley romantically. But the actors themselves, well, I don’t think it’s healthy to go there?
Anyway sorry this was very long. Please take care of yourself.
Hello, Anon.
There are a lot of things I’d like to say in response to this. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the concept of “benevolent ableism.” I’d like to explain it, but first it might help if I give an example of malevolent ableism.
Four years ago, I was interviewed for a movie about the first person ever officially diagnosed with autism, which is based on the best-selling book of the same name. The movie is set to premiere nationally in the U.S. on PBS next week, and they’ve begun doing promotion on social media ahead of it. In the post PBS made on Facebook the other day, someone left a comment calling autistic people “feeble-minded vermin” and insisted on the “complete and total extermination” of autistic people “on a global basis.”
This is something that we would immediately recognize as ableism. It’s hateful, it’s angry, and it calls for actual genocide against autistic people. Because in this world, this is the mentality that some people actually have toward people on the spectrum--that we are different, less, inferior. “Other.” And they are making their feelings about that difference very clear, and in no uncertain terms. Of course, this is an extreme example, and not necessarily something most of us are likely to encounter in our day to day lives.
Which, then, is where “benevolent ableism” comes into the picture. What this term tends to refer to is when neurotypical people speak or behave in ways that are hurtful and demeaning to autistic/neurodivergent people while under the pretense of being “helpful,” “kind,” or even “well-meaning.”
It’s things like telling someone “Oh, you’re too pretty to be autistic.” It’s deciding a place/situation is “too much” for an autistic person and convincing them to leave because you think you know “what’s best” for them. And in this case, it’s assuming that I must not know the difference between fiction and reality because of my autism and writing in to tell me that I am “wrong” about Staged because of it.
The common thread in all of these is something called “infantilization.” This happens when autistic adults are treated as children in big bodies and believed to not have the capacity to understand things solely on the basis of being autistic--regardless of chronological age, developmental level, or any other factors.
This is what I feel you have done here, Anon. You are talking down to me, but I am not a teenager, and I’m certainly not a child. I’m an adult woman, and if you’d spent more than five minutes on my blog, you would know that I have shipped Michael and David since 2019, long before Staged was even close to being a thing. My reasons for shipping them have nothing to do with the show or a script...but I get the sense that that doesn’t make much of a difference to you.
Because I’ve gotten plenty of hater Anons due to shipping Michael and David in the past, but this? This is by far the worst. I would rather get Anons calling me the R-word or any other of the many names I’ve been called, because at least I know where they stand. But when you use the words “well meaning” and “no disrespect” and then proceed to talk to me the way you have here...I am truly at a loss.
There are so many things I could tell you. I could tell you that I have a Masters degree. I could tell you I’ve spoken at the United Nations twice. I could tell you I’ve given a TED talk. I could tell you that I completely and wholeheartedly disagree with nearly everything you’ve said about Staged and Michael/David’s dynamic and what was scripted, and provide multiple examples and thought-out, compelling arguments explaining my rationale.
But none of it would matter, because you took one look at my blog and all you saw was “autism.”
Not me. Not Amy. Just “autism,” and everything you believe that means. And in doing so, you have insulted not only my intelligence, but my humanity.
Yet I’m supposed to believe you “mean no disrespect” (I think you did) and that you are not homophobic (I think you are). Or at least biphobic, because even though Michael and David are in straight-passing relationships, it does not automatically mean they are straight.
(Nor does it mean that is the reason they felt comfortable playing up the romantic elements of Staged 3, an argument that absolutely makes no sense to me because--and you would also know this if you’d read my blog--the last thing I think Michael or David would ever do is queer-bait or specifically play something like that as a joke.)
If only one thing comes out of me answering your Anon, I hope it’s this: I am in a place of confidence now. I know who I am. But I also know that if another autistic or ND person had gotten this message, it could have destroyed them. Your words are the words we’ve heard before--from parents, from teachers, even lovers--and they are no less dehumanizing as we get older.
I know that I don’t know you, or your brother, Anon. But if I got this feeling from your attitude, I can almost guarantee that he has gotten it, too, and that it has affected the way he sees himself. He may not say it to you, may not express it, but the things you say and the way they make him feel live in a place deep inside, and that is something that never fully goes away.
So I hope you will take this as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn, and to do better. Because I deserve more than to be seen as the sum of my limitations. I deserve to be seen as Amy, as the woman I am, of whom part, but not all, is being autistic.
 I deserve better than this. And so do all autistic people.
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