#seduction and destruction
whositmcwhatsit · 4 months
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Giving a him a mouth like that is a clear sign of premeditation, your honour
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whispersinthedawn · 4 months
Concealed in the Coriolis Ch 7
“First time I saw you, I thought you were a model,” Percy blurted out. “Models are – supremely attractive individuals people buy pictures of and would follow into danger simply because they crooked a finger.” 
What a convoluted way to admit to attraction – except Percy couldn’t make himself confess to something he’d never entertained. Oh, Apollo had been hot. 
But Annabeth and Rachel were hotter.  
“Sure, waking up from unconsciousness just to see your face would be terrifying, if you threw me on the ground, I’d probably break all the bones in my body, and if you tossed a hairbrush at me, you’d knock a hole in my head,” Percy kept talking and just talking despite the horror filling Coronis’s features.  
“I’ve never seen you fight, and you never stole a toothbrush for me or sent someone to medical with hives so I could go on a quest, but I’m certain you have your talents.”  
What talents did Apollo have again? 
“Like setting fires or speeding up vehicles,” Percy enthused. “Or ensuring that my arrows strike the target. No wait. That was Hera.” 
Or whatever they called her in the city with a name that resembled the Phlegethon that Percy had already forgotten except to note it was one of those self-aggrandizing, egoistic examples of aristocracy that culminated in changing perfectly normal names into some reflection of your own name.  
As if they were so terrified of being forgotten they needed to merge their legends with those of an entire city so that their shadow would endure for eternity. 
A crackling noise from the ceiling drew Percy’s attention upwards. Even as he watched, dust from dried mortar rained down and cracks appeared around a rectangular piece of the roof. Percy peered up at the spot, trying to figure out whether this was an extraordinary circumstance or if the entire roof was about to collapse on his head.  
The wooden tile dangled for a heartbeat, allowing a beam of sunlight to illuminate dust motes dancing in a column just an inch from Percy’s bare foot. Then the aged mortar gave up the fight and the wooden shingle collided with the horizontal rods forming a lattice below the ceiling, before crashing next to Percy’s foot and sending splinters and sunlight everywhere.    
‘Oh, just apologise and say you’ve hit your head and keep spouting the opposite of whatever you mean!’ Coronis pleaded, covering her face with her hands yet peeking out through the gaps between her fingers. 
“I mean,” Percy said hesitantly while staring at the drops of crimson blood beading up on the back of his hand, “You’re a wonderful healer. But is it really healing if you’re the reason the wounds were inflicted in the first place?” 
Another shingle fell to his left. 
“You didn't listen to the whole thing!” Percy tried instead. Apollo was the god of truth, wasn’t he? Perhaps he’d appreciate some unfiltered honesty instead of whatever unhinged narrative had escaped Percy’s mouth while trying to reach a compromise between the inevitability of crafting the future and the unwillingness to participate in that creation. 
“You and I – can create the best child ever!” 
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful?” Percy wheedled. “A child with your hair and my eyes? He’d inherit your skills at healing and be able to cure even death. And he’d inherit ... a love for mortality from me and use those talents to cheat death. And then get murdered in a very messy manner, but until then it would be a land with neither droughts nor floods!” 
‘Why?’ Coronis moaned. ‘Why would you say that?’ 
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A spotify playlist for the whole series
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lokorum · 1 year
why asterion have these puppy dog eyes that can change into smirk at any minute 😭
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unlawful. i want to punch him… i want to pet him
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seductive-suffering · 1 month
I’m soaked in the last moments of sorrow I can stand.
You filled me and the void in me.
I let you in and you took charge.
I gave you all of me.
You didn’t fight to stay and I’ll always miss you.
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
Seductively Destructive, Chapter 16 (Final Chapter)
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In darkness, you're all around me I know our future, I feel your body
What if I told you that I planned this? What if I want to lose control? What if I take the blame and become the drug And dissolve as you swallow?
Loki was irritable as he waited at the airport with a few of his crew. Some fans approached him asking for autographs and pictures, he obliged but wasn’t smiling his usual smile in the photos for them. They did keep him distracted for a short while though.
He checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time, hoping for a message from Erin that she was on her way or running late… But there was nothing. And it was just about to turn noon. He knew he wouldn’t be able to wait for much longer due to the flight leaving soon. They still had to get through security.
Though he’d been SO certain that Erin was going to come to him. He would’ve bet anything on it. He kept scanning the crowds of people that came through the main entrance, looking for any sign of her.
‘Come on, pet. I know you’ll make the right decision.’ He muttered under his breath.
Erin was visibly shaking as she stood outside the airport with her suitcase. She’d been stood there for nearly half an hour, trying to build up the courage to go inside. Or turn around and get a taxi back home…
She knew time was running out, she had to make a decision one way or another and stick to it.
Turning, she hailed the next taxi down.
‘Where to, love?’ The driver asked as he got out to take her suitcase, but she didn’t let go of it. ‘Are you wanting a lift or not?’ He asked.
‘I… No, sorry…’
The driver scoffed and got back in his car to wait for another passenger.
Erin turned back towards the airport and took a few steps forward, then stopped again. She took a deep breath.
‘Come on, you know you will regret it forever if you don’t… I love him. I do.’ She said to herself as she closed her eyes for a minute.
When she opened her eyes and tried to walk forward, her feet were stuck to the spot.
‘This is ridiculous… He won’t hurt me! Why am I so scared?’ She scolded herself. ‘Come on… come on.’
But then, she thought. The fact of how nervous she was feeling, was that maybe a sign? Perhaps her inner intuition was screaming at her to walk away. To go home.
Though the thought of that tore her heart into shreds…
Beneath all the pleasure, all you are is pain And you deserve every second of your suffering But yet I can't stop, crawling to your doorstep Every time you beckon I'm self destructing, trust in nothing Save me
As soon as Erin spotted Loki inside the airport, with a forced smile on his face as he just posed for some pictures with a few more fans, her heart began racing even faster. Even though she felt the pull already there and he hadn’t even looked at her or touched her yet, she found herself unable to move once more.
Loki looked up and a genuine smile spread across his face when he spotted her. Finally. His girl had come to him. Like he knew she would.
He pushed one of his crew mates out of the way and with large, purposeful strides he began stalking towards her.
Erin felt a mixture of emotions as she watched him come for her. But as he opened his arms wide when he was nearer, she broke and ran straight into his embrace.
Loki lifted her up and spun her around a few times, chuckling and she let out a giggle. Then he put her back down to her feet so he could hold the back of her head and kiss her on the lips firmly, taking her breath away.
‘God, I’ve missed you.’ He growled over her lips.
‘Me too.’ She whispered shakily.
Loki pulled her into him again and he buried his face into the top of her head as he held her so tightly. He could feel her trembling in his arms. But he had her. She was back in his arms, and he was never going to let her go again.
Against the wall, we fall from grace The pain we love is taking shape A burning lust to touch the flame Over and over again
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
also super funny to me is that kalego was like “asmodeus could really become a powerful demon if he stops obsessing over iruma so much” & then like half a year later they have to fight for a practical exam & azz is just like “I’M ONLY GOING TO USE MY FLAMES. NOTHING ELSE. AND THATS BECAUSE IRUMA SAID THEY WERE COOL.”
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anxiousgaypanicking · 4 months
in less nsfw news, I think a who framed Rodger rabbit AU with Emile as Rodger and Remy as Jessica would be really neat actually
but i love this! who framed roger rabbit is unironically one of my favourite movies ever, and i think it works really well with this duo! maybe more with remy than with emile, but roger is a really hard character to connect with anyone because he's so looney yet so emotional and love-driven.
trying to pair other characters up with other sides is an even bigger challenge tho. who would be valiant? youd think one of the twins because his brother was murdered, but neither roman nor remus fit the cynical detective role.
anyway love this movie, it's my second favourite movie ever and i'm really happy to see it crossed over into a fandom i equally adore
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natjennie · 2 years
I am once again recommending emily axford's doomsday diaries: a love song for any apocalyptic scenario album. it slaps and it's sad and angst and fun and sweet all at the same time. and it's perfect for imagining apocalypse au's for any ship of your choice. please listen to it. evacuation makes me sob. is this love or mass extinction hits my heart EXACTLY right. dance like the devil's watching is a bop. they're all so good.
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faeriedustunicorn · 2 years
Episode 1 of interview with the vampire was so beautiful. It had the romantic vampire and beast like vampire all wrapped in one episode. I can't wait to see Louis all broody and they find out that his sorrow just heightens instead of diminishes 🤣
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qserasera · 5 months
ok the korean voicelines were missing from that light cone voiceover....the link went to the CN voiceovers
but Listen
those voiceovers were so not PG13 in any way shape or form
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seductive-suffering · 5 months
I could break down the moment of sadness with a carefully calculated moment I long for, I could curiously plot the outline of your body next to mine, I could silence this momentous longing to be tentatively within your grasp.
End the the world with a stolen glance.
Sadly, the ball is in your court
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fanficshiddles · 1 year
Seductively Destructive, Chapter 12
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L: You have no idea how much I miss you already, pet. I’ll see you super soon. xxx
Erin’s heart hurt at reading the latest message from Loki. It had only been a week since she’d been back home after the tour, but she really missed him.
It was weird being back home, trying to adjust again. She had managed to get hold of a job at the local shop, so at least she had something to tide her over for now. Luckily they were looking for someone new to work for them and to start straight away.
Loki phoned her every day, sometimes twice a day. And they messaged a lot, too.
But it was weird, Erin felt… odd. She felt like she was coming out of some sort of trance or spell. Thinking back to a few things, she was starting to doubt whether their relationship together had been entirely healthy or not… Yet, her stomach leaped excitedly and her heart raced whenever he messaged or called.
Jane had been on holiday for the first week of Erin being back home. But when she got home too, Erin was so happy to see her best friend again.
They ordered takeaway that night and planned to watch a movie. Jane wanted to hear all about her journey on tour with Loki first though. Erin grabbed a hair bobble and tied her hair up in a bun before food arrived. Not thinking at all about the tattoo on her neck that Jane was yet to notice.
‘What is that?’ Jane squealed and rushed over towards her to get a look before she sat down.
‘Oh… Uh, a new tattoo. Got it at the same time as my dog one.’ Erin said, trying to keep the nervousness out of her voice, she knew what Jane would think of it.
‘Erin… Did you really want his name on you? Is it not a bit soon?’ Jane asked as Erin sat down next to her.
‘Nah, it’s not too soon. Course I wanted it.’ Erin tried to shrug it off.
‘And those photos too, I know you, Erin. You had no idea about them until I mentioned it, he didn’t even ask you about it. Did he?’
‘It’s fine, Jane. Everything is good. Seriously.’ Erin laughed a bit.
‘And I heard the rumours about you giving him a blowjob in the girls toilets in a club, and him fucking you in there too. For people to see.’
‘That was completely consensual!’ Erin said firmly, glaring at Jane.
‘That was? So, the other things weren’t?’ Jane said knowingly.
Erin opened her mouth but didn’t know what to say. She could feel herself slipping as her lip quivered and her eyes began to water.
‘It’s not… not like that. I love him. He loves me… But I… I was a little surprised with the tattoo, and the photos. But I like the tattoo, I think it looks cool and I have part of him with me all the time. Besides, he remembered me talking about old Sally once and remembered that I had said briefly I wanted her silhouette tattooed on me. He’s caring and considerate.’
‘Erin…’ Jane turned on the sofa and took her hand. ‘It sounds like he’s manipulated you in some situations. Were you comfortable doing the photoshoot even?’
‘Well I… Not at first, but I got better as it went on. And it gave me a confidence boost…’
Jane just gave her a look. And Erin broke down in tears.
‘Oh Erin, come here.’ She pulled Erin into a hug and tried to console her.
‘I feel conflicted… I love him, I love spending time with him. It was exciting and fun. I had the time of my life. And I actually enjoyed being his girl, the jealous fans. But I was the one all over him, the one that he picked… Yet there was just those one or two little times that I was a bit unsure. But that’s not a bad thing really, is it? The good outweighs the bad?’ Erin rambled and wiped her eyes.
Jane sighed and gave her another hug. ‘It might seem a few little things right now, but it might get worse as time goes on, become more. It’s manipulation, but that can grow into a lot more. It doesn’t sound like a very healthy relationship. I’m guessing there was a lot of alcohol and drugs in the mix, too?’
‘Some, but most nights I ended up going to the hotel room after the gig. Loki would join me at times too, so there wasn’t as much as you’d think. Honest. But we did go kinda hard the times we did.’ Erin leaned back against the sofa with a sigh, a few more tears rolled down her cheeks.
‘I don’t think he’s good for you, Erin. I know you had a great time, but maybe that’s all it should be. A one-off whirlwind romance of sex and partying.’
Erin tried not to cry anymore than she already had done. ‘I know… I know… But, it’s hard. The thought of not even speaking to him again. It’s like he’s a drug, I just can’t resist him. If he turned up on the doorstep right now, I’d be putty in his hands. I just want to be with him. Even if there are a few things that make me uneasy. Though now I’ve been away and back home for a week, it does feel like my head has cleared a little more.’
‘It will take time to get him out of your system, all the drugs and alcohol probably won’t have helped… Just, please be careful and take time to think about your future with him. But it really doesn’t sound healthy, Erin. I’m just saying that to look out for you. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.’
‘I know.’ Erin said quietly with a nod.
She was glad when their takeaway arrived, something else to focus on.
They talked a bit more about Loki and the tour afterwards. Though it did pain Erin thinking back to a lot of it, and thinking about whether she should end it completely with Loki or not. But she wasn’t sure if she would be able to do that…
‘For as iffy as the photoshoot was, not gonna lie, you were fucking smokin’ hot!’ Jane said.
Erin laughed a bit. ‘Thanks. I did feel it afterwards and looking at the photos.’
They talked for a good few hours before finally watching the film. Then before going to bed, Erin received a message from Loki.
‘Is it Loki?’ Jane asked, noticing the way Erin was just staring at her phone.
‘Yeah… I’m going to have to say something, aren’t I? Cause every time I speak to him or get a message from him, I slip back under his spell… I need time to breathe, to think properly.’
‘So just tell him that. Tell him the truth. That you need some breathing space for a little while.’
Erin let out a big breath and nodded.
So she went to her room and put a lot of thought into what she had to say to Loki. And it took her a long time to press send when she did write out what she wanted to say. She couldn’t stop crying again afterwards, her heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces.
E: Loki. I don’t even know where to begin with this really. But I need some time… Some space. I love you, I do. And I had the best time on tour with you. But I just need to think about things, have some breathing space. There were a few instances on tour that had me concerned, the tattoo and the photos... I felt that I was pressured, a bit, into them. That we should have talked more first about it. I just, don’t know how I am feeling. And I’m really sorry to be doing this. But please understand, I just need time to think. You’re like a drug to me, I can’t think straight when with you or talking to you. I need this breathing space for a while. I hope you understand… x
And I hate that I made you the enemy And I hate that your heart was the casualty Now, I hate that I need you
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lady-valtieri · 1 year
I really wanna do a character analysis about Astarion regarding something I've noticed, and that's the fact that (I believe) his approval is related to the fact that he's only familiar with cruelty.
From what I've noticed, he doesn't *really* object to a good character. He'll whine about the extra effort, but you can get his approval almost maxed without playing an evil Tav (I've done so). And I've noticed that he's neutral to a lot of the "I'll see what I can do" dialogue options. He only really opposes things when you make promises, and I think that's significant.
I think he doesn't like promising to help people not because he's selfish, but because what if you can't? What if you're just giving them false hope?
I've also wondered if he approves of the crueler, more deceptive options not because he's a evil man, but because it's familiar. It's safe. He knows the world is cruel. Cruelty is predicable. Kindness isn't.
I haven't gotten to the hug scene yet but I think the reaction we saw in the trailer confirms things, that Astarion is really thrown off by Tav being genuine and that he's not opposed to kindness or softness - he just isn't used to it. When was the last time someone wasn't trying to manipulate or control him? When was the last time that he wasn't trying to manipulate and control someone else?
I think his romance is very interesting because he's so flirty and cocky and confident at the start but that's because it's purely physical and seduction and sex are what he is good at. If you sleep with him before the tiefling party, and then at the party tell him that it should stay a one-time-thing, he's really quite heartbroken. He plays it off, of course, but there is hurt there, real hurt.
Idk, it's just cool to see a character who isn't reduced to being evil for the sake of it - it's more of a trauma response and a self-destructive attitude because destruction is familiar and Astarion is terrified of the unknown.
Just some thoughts.
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cosmicconversations · 19 days
Lilith in the Signs
I have to say that I find many Lilith sign descriptions to be… overly dramatic. Depicting so many of these placements like they make you some dark demoness of seduction who possesses someone’s soul. Very exaggerated stuff. I think the only people who might identify with that have Lilith very strongly placed in their chart and, even then, it’s still a bit much.
Lilith is not all about sex or even darkness. It definitely can be these things. But, it is more so about an inner power that you have the potential to embrace. It can be sexual because sex has a very powerful impact on others. It can be dark because if you suppress your power, it becomes your shadow self and has a destructive impact. Lilith is meant to be brought into the light yet we might have to confront fears or anxieties or insecurities to do so.
Think of Lilith as the sister of Uranus and Pluto. She is formidable and daunting like Pluto and also defiant and rebellious like Uranus. In order to embrace our Lilith, we have to go against the grain of convention and societal conditioning. And some of this involves the patriarchy. It’s my theory that Lilith tends to be more visibly expressed in women and queer people. Straight maleness has historically set the status quo, on mental and relational and sexual levels. Anything that goes against that is seen as dangerous.
Lilith embodies that danger, which is why it can be liberating or thrilling for women and queer people to embrace their Lilith yet terrifying and uncomfortable for straight men (so they often project her on to a wife or girlfriend or women altogether). Even certain queer men could struggle to tap into Lilith if they have unaddressed inner misogyny. Actually, any one could, of any gender or identity. Lilith is a feminine force that demands respect.
As the original femme fatale, is Lilith bad or is she just drawn that way? Maybe if we learn to see this chart placement with more nuance and less theatrics, we can understand her true expression in our lives. You could say it’s “dark feminine” energy but a better way to put it would be “wild feminine”. The yin expression that can’t be suppressed or controlled.
Keep reading for the Lilith sign descriptions
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Lilith in Aries: Learning how to accept your rage. It’s okay (and healthy) to get mad and to stand up for yourself. Putting yourself first without guilt or fear. Totally embracing your high sex drive, which could mean doing it ALL the time with a partner (who is compatible enough to keep up) or having a very active sex life while single. Being very upfront about what you want sexually. Not caring about what is considered masculine or feminine. Embodying or being drawn to feminine energy that is very athletic and aggressive and assertive. Not being afraid of rubbing people the wrong way by winning, including anyone who you date. Feeling completely comfortable with being single and focusing on yourself
Lilith in Taurus: Having an unapologetic drive to make money and lead a comfortable life. Embracing your love of nice things, without caring about being seen as shallow or materialistic. Wanting stability in all respects and not seeing that as “boring”. Total comfort in your body, sensuality and physical pleasures. Being greedy, in a good way, when it comes to sex: more foreplay, more orgasms, doing it all day or all night. Embodying or attracting feminine energy that is either very artsy and earthy or very luxe and glam. Idealizing an Old Hollywood feminine aesthetic, like Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylor. Never settling for less than you are worth, no matter who it angers or disappoints
Lilith in Gemini: Accepting that you have an inner “evil twin” and letting that other self or alter ego loose on a regular basis. Finding the fun in a certain amount of pot-stirring or shade-throwing. They can call you a lot of things but they can’t call you boring! Possibly exploring or embracing bisexuality/pansexuality. A huge emphasis on keeping one’s sex life fresh and interesting. A major tease: knowing how to flirt and entice then withhold or switch up. Exuding or being drawn to feminine energy that is mischievous, witty and smarter than they let on. Either being androgynous or acting overly feminine as a clever ruse to hide how shrewd you are. Being the kind of chaotic and smart-ass presence people either love or hate
Lilith in Cancer: Breaking the generational curses on your mother/maternal parent’s side of the family. Having a fierce mother figure yet being unafraid to stand up to her or set boundaries. Accepting all of your emotions and moods, no matter how messy they are. Using sex as a way to emotionally connect instead of avoiding that vulnerability. Potential crying or emotional release during/after sex. Exuding or drawing in feminine energy that is soft and emotionally available yet has a ferocious side. Embracing your “mama bear” energy (regardless of gender). Willing to destroy whoever messes with your loved ones. Being called crazy or gaslit for your valid emotions but owning and expressing them anyway
Lilith in Leo: Having fierce/formidable children who teach you how to be more authentic or stand in your power. Learning how to not be so worried about being “appropriate” and express yourself spontaneously. Expressing your talent or your light unapologetically, no matter who is threatened by it. Embracing a healthy amount of ego. Being told you’re not talented or special but proving them wrong. Seeing sex as a grand expression of passion and fun. Fully enjoying the validation of being sexually desired. Embodying or attracting feminine energy that is vibrant, sexy, fun, and charismatic. Admiring famous feminine figures and adopting their mindset for greater confidence. Seeking your own form of stardom or the spotlight and not feeling like there’s anything wrong with that
Lilith in Virgo: Accepting the part of you that is critical or judgmental and channeling it toward useful or productive things. Holding yourself and others fully accountable instead of allowing excuses for poor behavior. Building your daily schedule around sex or making it a reliable routine. Developing a slew of special sexual techniques to enhance the experience (for you and for them). Expressing or being drawn to feminine energy that is humble, helpful, intelligent yet very no-nonsense. Learning to reject the idea of being or having the “perfect” feminine person. Working for others yet still not taking anyone’s shit. Knowing when people are judging you for petty or unimportant reasons and not letting it affect you
Lilith in Libra: Knowing that you can be a kind and thoughtful person without being pushed around or taken advantage of. Having major “I’m really nice but don’t fuck with me” energy. Using your beauty or charm to get ahead in life, without worrying if it makes you vain or one-dimensional. Embracing your sex appeal and the effect you have on your preferred sex. Being a very giving sexual partner but demanding the same treatment in return. Embodying or attracting feminine energy that is very beautiful, graceful, artistic and engaging. Either an open love of “girly” things, no matter what others think, or secretly loving feminine pursuits/things and learning to be unapologetic about it. Knowing what you will not put up with in relationships and being unafraid to be alone. Becoming a good partner to yourself first
Lilith in Scorpio: Not being ashamed of your intensity or your dark side, even if others find it intimidating or off-putting. Taking your power back and not letting anyone rob you of it again. Accepting your potential to be obsessive or go to extremes and finding the right outlet for it. Embracing your raw sexual energy and the magnetism/power it brings. Seeing sex as a very transformative and very intimate experience (for both people). Expressing or gravitating toward feminine energy that is deep, alluring, enigmatic and powerful. Seeing the feminine principle as something terrifying or intoxicating (or both). Trusting your intuition when you detect insincerity, manipulation or hidden motives in others, no matter what they say. Surviving toxic or abusive situations/connections and learning how to avoid them. Embracing your esoteric or occult interests and gifts, even if others judge you or call it “evil”
Lilith in Sagittarius: Being the one in the room who isn’t afraid to speak the truth or call things out. Fighting back against anyone who tries to restrict your freedom and independence. Enduring religious trauma that makes you unafraid to call out the hypocrisy or bigotry of organized religion. Sexually liberating yourself in whatever way you see fit. An adventurous attitude toward sex and willingness to experience many different sexual things. Exuding or attracting fiery, free, bigger-than-life feminine energy. Seeing feminine figures as positive/uplifting influences. Going against the expectations of your culture (whether it’s your nationality or ethnicity). Disowning the place you come from, running away and not looking back. A refusal to “settle down” traditionally or slow down as you get older
Lilith in Capricorn: Prioritizing your career first and making sacrifices in order to succeed that others may not understand. Establishing an image and reputation according to your approval, not anyone else’s. Refusing to emulate your dad or paternal parent’s example and success (or lack thereof). “Disobeying” your father figure as you get older. Only respecting authority figures who are worth respecting and disregarding those who aren’t. Exploring dynamics of domination and submission via sex. Working through an equal amount of sexual compulsion and suppression. Exuding or attracting feminine energy that is very “girl boss” (regardless of gender). Defying or fighting gender norms in your career field. An image or legacy as a barrier breaker
Lilith in Aquarius: Learning how to detach from a need for social validation or approval. Feeling cool and confident even when you’re treated like a weirdo, an outcast or unacceptable. Refusing to be made to feel less than because you’re a woman or a person of color or in the queer community. Having friends that are considered controversial or polarizing or being judged in this way by those in your friends’ lives. Either a strong sexual pull toward odd people or being the one with unconventional allure. Having either a really wild or very clinical approach to sex. Seems very much like one gender but feels the total opposite on the inside. Embodies or draws in a very feminist energy in a defiant or activist way. Achieving popularity and social goodwill in spite of being aloof or unsociable or erratic on a regular basis
Lilith in Pisces: Refusing to accept the boring and limiting aspects of life. Knowing you have the power to create your reality, even if this seems delusional to others. Using the path of art or spirituality to reject a traditional lifestyle. Having ten different personalities and not being afraid of expressing them all. Not needing to have a fixed sense of self and being a chameleon instead. Making art that allows you to express your hidden sexual desires. Living out your sexual fantasies via role playing. A love of porn or fan fiction or other forms of erotica. Embodying or attracting feminine energy that is either ethereal and magical or siren-like. Having a lot of ambivalent and confusing feelings about the feminine principle. Being at peace with others’ projections on you and seeing the insecurity or unhappiness that causes it. Only needing to be truly understood by a select few
(Lilith in the houses descriptions coming soon!)
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iconchae · 22 days
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pairing: dragon ! jake × temptress ! afab! reader
synopsis: in a world where mystical beings existed. the dragon knight jake found himself lost in the mystical forest with the temptress he absolutely disliked.
genre: fantasy + smut
warnings: smut so mdni, mentions of killing, cruelity, contains cuss words, uses of terms like (seduction, etc), nsfw, kisses, unprotected sex, not proofread so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes, pet names, teasing, overstimulation, rough sex, marking, unrealistic sex (?), everything is consensual! lmk if i missed anything.
word count: 7.47k
a/n: damn- it's kinda embarassing seeing my last two fics because they're so low effort made, but here is one high effort fic as apology. also, I do accept requests, don't hesitate to send in. though I might only pick if I have ideas about what to write in it, thank you :3
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Jake's heavy eyelids fluttered closed, the warmth of her core pressing against his groin through layers of clothing. His hands gripped her thighs, firm and toned beneath his touch, as she rocked against him.
"You..." he moaned, his voice husky with desire as he struggled to maintain consciousness. His heart raced, pounding against his ribcage like a wild animal, as the sensation of her pussy grinding against him became overwhelming.
With a final, shuddering breath, Jake's body convulsed. He spilled into his pants, the warmth spreading through the fabric as he let out a guttural moan. His limbs grew heavy, and he slumped back against his pillow, eyes flying open to take in his familiar, empty room.
"No..." he whispered, disbelieving. He ran a hand through his disheveled, dark hair, fingers tangling in the damp strands. His gaze darted around the room, searching for any sign of her presence, but finding only shadows and the faint glow of his bedside lamp.
In a world where mystical creatures like unicorns, mermaids, and dragons roamed freely, Jake stood out as the kingdom's most revered dragon knight. Yet, despite his esteemed position, he faced a challenge unlike any other.
In this seemingly perfect realm existed temptresses—enigmatic beings who could manipulate minds. Their power was insidious; they would seduce their prey, leaving them vulnerable and disoriented, only to fulfill their dark desires. These temptresses thrived on the torment and eventual destruction of those they ensnared.
Jake was currently under the spell of one such temptress. She had invaded his dreams, weaving illusions that blurred the line between reality and fantasy. As he slept, her seductive visions preyed upon his deepest desires, weakening his resolve and leaving him at her mercy.
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Perched high on a branch in the enchanted forest, you munched on the forbidden fruit with a nonchalant air. The forest below bustled with the movement of various mystical creatures, all oblivious to the seductress watching from above. The fruit’s sweet, tangy flavor contrasted sharply with the tension you felt simmering in the air.
As you prepared to leave, intent on avoiding any unnecessary entanglements, a sudden jolt yanked you from your perch. The net, expertly crafted and nearly invisible among the foliage, ensnared you before you could react. The world spun as you tumbled down, the net tangling around you and tightening with each movement.
You landed with a thud, the net’s constricting embrace rendering you immobile. A pair of strong arms swept you up effortlessly, cradling you in a bridal hold. The sudden proximity left you disoriented, your heartbeat quickening not only from the fall but from the undeniable heat of the contact.
Jake, the famed dragon knight whose armor bore the fiery emblem of his order, was your captor. His grip was firm and unyielding, his muscles tensed with purpose as he adjusted his hold. You attempted to wriggle free, your efforts hampered by the net’s confining weave.
“Let me go, you bastard,” you spat, your voice laced with irritation and defiance. You glared up at him, feeling the heat of his body through the thin layer of your clothing.
Jake’s eyes, hardened by countless battles and encounters with creatures like you, softened slightly. He didn’t release his hold but adjusted you carefully in his arms, his breath warm against your skin.
“Just keep quiet, and I might spare your life,” he murmured, his voice low and gruff. The tension in his tone was palpable, mingling with an undercurrent of something more—something that neither of you fully understood.
The net fell away, rustling softly as Jake laid you gently on the grass. The lush, emerald blades cushioned your fall, contrasting sharply with the harsh reality of your predicament. As you lay there, the remnants of the net still clinging to your limbs, you made a deliberate effort to mask your frustration with a sultry smile.
"Can you take this off?" you asked, your voice a soft purr laced with temptation. Your eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and challenge as you gazed up at him, your fingers lightly brushing against the cool grass.
Jake's expression hardened, his jaw tightening with resolve. "Stop talking in that tone," he commanded, his voice a low growl that brooked no argument. The firmness in his tone was as unyielding as the grip he had on the net moments before.
His gaze swept over you, taking in the sight of your revealing attire—fabric that clung to you, accentuating every curve and movement.
The other knights, standing a few paces away, stared openly. Their eyes, filled with a mix of lust and admiration, roamed over your form. Jake’s eyes darkened as he took in the scene, and his protective instincts flared.
"Anyone who looks at her will have their head chopped off," he threatened, his voice sharp and commanding. The knights, well accustomed to Jake’s authority and reputation, averted their eyes immediately. They knew better than to defy the dragon knight, whose stature and prowess were renowned across the kingdom.
Jake knelt beside you, his movements deliberate and careful. His armor clinked softly as he moved, the fire symbol on his chest gleaming in the filtered light.
As he began to remove the net from around you, his fingers brushed against your skin with an unexpected tenderness. The contact was fleeting but charged, sending a shiver down your spine.
You watched him with a mixture of surprise and admiration. Despite his evident disdain for your kind, there was a hint of something softer in his actions—a conflict between duty and a grudging respect. The softness in his touch as he disentangled the net seemed at odds with the harshness of his words.
As the last of the net fell away, you stretched out on the grass, feeling the cool earth beneath you. The forest seemed to hold its breath, the usual sounds of rustling leaves and distant birdsong momentarily stilled.
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As you perched atop Jake in his dragon form, the world below was a shifting blur of greens and browns. The forest stretched out endlessly, its vast expanse a tangled maze of trees and shadows. The sensation of flying was exhilarating, but also slightly disorienting as the wind whipped past you, ruffling your hair and catching in your clothes.
Jake’s powerful wings beat rhythmically, sending gusts of wind that tugged at you. His scales shimmered in the dappled sunlight, a blend of deep emeralds and brilliant golds, each movement a testament to his formidable strength. The sensation of his warm, scaled body beneath you was both thrilling and oddly comforting, though the situation was far from ideal.
“How long is it gonna take till we reach the kingdom?” you asked, your voice carrying just above the roar of the wind. You tried to steady yourself, your fingers gripping the thick, ridged scales along Jake’s neck for balance.
“Few days,” Jake rumbled, his voice a deep, resonant growl that vibrated through his body. His irritation was palpable, though he made a concerted effort to mask it. The dragon's form shifted slightly as he adjusted his flight path, the trees below becoming a distant, swaying sea of green.
His wings flared out, catching the wind to give him more lift, and you felt a sudden surge of speed. The rush of air was invigorating but also made it harder to hold on. “Can you hold a little tighter? I don’t want you to fall,” he added, his tone more commanding than before.
You obliged, wrapping your arms securely around his neck. “As you say, master,” you replied with a playful lilt. You patted his dragon head affectionately, a gesture that felt more like a tease than a comfort. The sarcasm in your voice was unmistakable.
Jake huffed a low, rumbling sigh, a sound that reverberated through his massive frame. “Gosh, I can’t help but want to kill you the second we reach the kingdom,” he muttered, his frustration barely masked by the wind. His eyes, fierce and focused, scanned the horizon.
“If you want to kill me, then I’ll just jump off from here,” you said, your tone light but laced with an undercurrent of challenge. You glanced down at the dizzying height, your heart skipping a beat as the ground seemed to shift far below.
“Go ahead,” Jake retorted, his voice indifferent but with a hint of something darker. The other knights were a distant speck in the sky, visible only as tiny figures walking through the forest beneath.
You shivered at the thought, your bravado faltering as you peered down. The dizzying drop was more intimidating than you had anticipated. “Nevermind,” you muttered, a touch of fear creeping into your voice as you tightened your grip around his neck.
Jake let out a throaty chuckle, the sound echoing in the open sky. “Is the temptress scared?” he teased, a mischievous edge to his tone. The playful challenge in his voice was a stark contrast to his earlier irritation.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, though you were thankful Jake couldn’t see it. “Maybe a little,” you admitted, though you tried to keep your voice steady. The wind was now a gentle breeze, cooling the sweat on your brow.
The vast forest below seemed endless, and the realization that you were still lost made the situation feel even more surreal. Jake’s powerful form cut through the air with ease, but the dense canopy of trees below made navigation challenging.
The other knights, having stopped to rest, were visible only as tiny, distant figures, their presence a reassuring reminder that you weren’t entirely alone in this vast wilderness.
As Jake adjusted his flight path again, you snuggled closer against his neck, finding some semblance of warmth and security despite the bizarre circumstances.
Jake’s scales were warm against your body, and despite his gruff exterior, there was an undeniable gentleness in his movements as he maneuvered through the air. The forest below seemed to open up slightly, hinting at a possible path forward, and you could only hope that the journey would soon come to an end.
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You nestled closer into Jake’s shoulder, the cool night air wrapping around you as the canopy of trees above rustled gently in the breeze. Jake’s human form was a striking contrast to his dragon self, his muscles tense beneath his dark tunic. His eyes, normally fierce and commanding, now held a hint of weariness as he looked out over the vast expanse of the forest.
The knights had settled into their tents below, their murmurs and the occasional clink of metal barely audible from your elevated perch. The firelight from their campfires flickered, casting long, eerie shadows on the forest floor. The tranquility of the moment was abruptly shattered by the sudden appearance of one of the five knights.
The knight emerged from the shadows of the tent, his face pale and drawn. His footsteps were hurried and uneven, a stark contrast to the usually composed demeanor of the king’s men. “Master,” he called urgently, his voice trembling slightly as he approached Jake and you on the branch. “I think we’ve entered the Blood Forest.”
Jake’s body went rigid, his expression morphing from relaxed to alarmed in an instant. His head whipped around, eyes locking onto the knight with a sharp, predatory focus. “Huh?” he muttered, his voice low and concerned.
You lifted your head from Jake’s shoulder, a frown tugging at your lips as you took in the knight’s anxious demeanor. “Blood Forest?” you echoed, your voice tinged with confusion and a touch of unease. The name sounded ominous, but you had no context to understand its full implications.
The knight swallowed hard, his eyes darting nervously around the forest as if the trees themselves might suddenly come alive. “I’m not sure, but we’ve crossed the line from the Mystical Forest into the Blood Forest. It’s supposed to be dangerous… extremely dangerous.”
Jake’s expression hardened, a scowl forming as he processed the information. The Blood Forest was a place of brutal, untamed wilderness, known for its vicious creatures and treacherous terrain. The stories of its cruelty were legendary, told to scare even the bravest of souls.
“You’re telling me we’re in the Blood Forest?” Jake’s voice was taut with barely suppressed frustration, his eyes flashing with an intensity that made you shiver. “The forest that’s notorious for its savagery?”
The knight nodded, his face pale under the dim light. “Yes, Master. I’m afraid so. We’ve passed the boundary. The trees here are not the red ones the tales speak of, but we’re definitely in the Blood Forest.”
You couldn’t help but mutter under your breath, the sarcasm evident in your tone. “I knew this dragon knew nothing about his own kingdom’s mystical forest. Entered the wrong arena, wow.” The comment was a reflexive jab, meant more to amuse yourself than to provoke Jake, but he shot you a fiery glare in response.
A wave of tension surged between you, palpable and heavy. Jake’s eyes, usually so controlled, now blazed with a mix of anger and stress. The thought of impending danger was clearly weighing on him, though he tried to mask his anxiety. You met his gaze with a sheepish smile, hoping it would diffuse some of the tension.
The knight’s voice trembled as he spoke again. “What should we do, Master? Do we leave now? We’re at great risk here, especially with nightfall approaching.”
Jake’s jaw clenched, his mind racing through the options. He knew that leaving the safety of the tree canopy in the dead of night would increase their chances of encountering the forest’s dangerous inhabitants.
His decision came after a long, tense pause. “We’re staying for the night,” he finally said, his voice firm and resolute. “Tell the others to keep their ears open for any threats. We need to be vigilant.”
The knight nodded quickly, relief mingling with his fear as he bowed deeply to Jake before retreating back to the camp. His footsteps were hasty, eager to escape the daunting presence of the dragon knight and the temptress.
As the knight disappeared into the shadows, you glanced back at Jake, noticing the slight tremor in his hands. His formidable exterior masked the uncertainty that lay beneath. You could sense the weight of the situation pressing down on him, a pressure that seemed almost too great to bear.
You turned towards Jake, who was seated beside you, his form silhouetted against the dim glow of the fire below. “Hey, dragon,” you said, a playful smirk on your lips.
Jake’s eyes narrowed, his expression a mix of irritation and tired resolve. “It’s Jake,” he replied, his voice clipped and firm.
“Whatever, dragon,” you dismissed with a nonchalant wave of your hand. You rose from the branch, preparing to climb down and head towards the tent where the other knights were settling for the night.
Before you could make your descent, Jake’s strong hand shot out, gripping your wrist with a surprising firmness. He pulled you back towards him, his arm wrapping around your waist in a way that kept you close against his chest. The closeness was unexpected and intimate, and you could feel the heat radiating off his body.
“You're sleeping with me,” Jake declared, his tone brooking no argument.
You arched an eyebrow, a teasing glint in your eyes. “Woah, you’re so straightforward, aren’t you?”
Jake’s brow furrowed, realizing that you had misunderstood his intent. His irritation was palpable as he shifted his gaze to you, his eyes cold and steely. “I want you to sleep with me in the tent because I don’t want to wake up and find you escaping.”
His smirk held a dark undertone, a reminder of the king’s decree and the danger you were in. “After all, the king would like to kill you,” he added, the edge in his voice unmistakable.
You rolled your eyes, a sarcastic smile playing on your lips. “Whatever you say, dragon.”
Jake’s jaw tightened, his frustration evident. “I said, it’s Jake.” His voice was low and dangerous, the irritation clear in his tone. His gaze was a mix of exhaustion and growing annoyance, tired of the constant disregard for his name.
From their positions around the fire, the other knights watched the exchange with barely suppressed amusement. A few chuckled softly, their laughter muffled by the tense atmosphere.
The moment their laughter reached Jake’s ears, his head whipped around, his eyes flashing dangerously. The knights quickly fell silent, their expressions shifting to one of anxious respect as they met the dragon knight’s fierce glare
The next day, the blood Forest loomed around you, its twisted trees and crimson leaves casting eerie shadows as you and Jake continued your perilous journey.
The air was thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant cries of unseen creatures. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to press in on you from all sides, adding to the growing tension between you and Jake.
You clung to Jake’s back, your arms wrapped around his neck as he carried you through the dense foliage. The discomfort of being trapped in the forest combined with the constant gnawing of your own urges was beginning to take its toll. As a temptress, the prolonged deprivation was becoming unbearable.
In a moment of impulsive need, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Jake’s neck. The sensation of your lips against his skin sent a shiver through him, and you noticed the area where your kiss had touched began to take on an unusual hue—an eerie yellowish-orange that seemed to radiate warmth.
Jake stumbled slightly, his powerful wings faltering as he let out a frustrated growl. “What... What the hell are you doing?” His voice was a mix of anger and confusion, his eyes flashing with both irritation and something more complex.
You pulled back slightly, feigning innocence. “Sorry, I couldn’t control myself,” you said, your tone soft and sheepish. But the glint in your eyes betrayed your lack of genuine remorse.
Jake’s frustration was palpable. His wings flared as he tried to steady himself, the unusual color on his neck making him more agitated. “You think this is a joke? We’re in a perilous situation, and you’re—”
His words trailed off as he caught a glimpse of your face. Despite his irritation, there was a flicker of something else in his eyes—an almost helpless frustration mixed with a begrudging attraction. His jaw clenched as he struggled to maintain his composure.
You remained close, your hands gripping him tightly as you tried to suppress a smirk. The kiss had done its work, igniting a complicated blend of emotions within Jake. The yellowish mark on his neck, though unusual, seemed to only intensify the volatile mix of irritation and desire.
“I didn’t mean to distract you,” you said with a teasing lilt, though your eyes softened slightly. “But you can’t deny that you like it a little.”
Jake shot you a sharp look, his expression torn between anger and reluctant amusement. “You’re impossible,” he muttered, though the edge in his voice had softened somewhat. His wings steadied, and he resumed flying, albeit with a tense energy that hinted at the internal struggle he was facing.
As you settled back into your position, the tension between you crackled in the air. Despite the dire situation, the undeniable chemistry between you and Jake created an unexpected undercurrent of attraction.
The forest might have been a dangerous place, but it was also forging a connection between you and the dragon knight that neither of you could ignore.
At night, it cloaked the Blood Forest in an even deeper darkness, the trees casting elongated shadows under the dim light of a crescent moon. The air was thick with an unsettling stillness, interrupted only by the distant, eerie calls of nocturnal creatures. Inside this tense atmosphere, the interplay of desire and danger was about to unfold.
You approached one of the knights, the king's favored protector aside from Jake. Your seductive gaze was a weapon of its own, capable of ensnaring even the most disciplined of men.
The knight, already somewhat susceptible to your allure due to the influence of your natural temptative fragrance, felt the pull almost immediately. His eyes softened, and a smile began to form on his lips as you traced your fingers along the contours of his well-defined muscles.
“Hey,” you said sweetly, your voice a soft murmur that carried a hint of innocent curiosity. You wrapped your arm around his waist, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. The knight’s hands instinctively moved to your hips, drawing you closer with an eager grip.
Before anything further could transpire, a sudden and forceful intervention disrupted the scene. Strong arms, unmistakably familiar, yanked you away from the knight.
Your back collided with a solid chest, the arms around your waist securing you with a possessive firmness. You felt the heat of Jake’s body through the layers of your clothing, his presence radiating an intensity that eclipsed the previous encounter.
“What did I say about looking at her?” Jake’s voice was a low growl, his tone charged with anger and a hint of possessiveness. His skin was glowing an ominous yellow, a stark indication of the rising fury within him.
The knight, startled and slightly disoriented, stumbled back, muttering an apology before retreating to his tent, the unspoken truth of his desire lingering in his wake.
Jake’s grip on you tightened, he turned you to face him. His body pressing you firmly against him. The closeness was electrifying; your breasts brushed against his chest, and you could feel every rapid beat of his heart. His hand, warm and commanding, traced the line of your jaw with a possessive tenderness.
“What were you trying to do? Seduce him?” Jake’s question was a mixture of frustration and something deeper, as he stared into your eyes with a demanding intensity.
“What else?” You replied with a scoff, looking up at him with a challenging glint in your eyes. Your temptress fragrance, now unleashed and potent, mingled with the tension in the air, creating a heady mix that seemed to amplify the emotional and physical proximity between you two.
Jake’s yellow-tinted skin seemed to burn even brighter as he buried his face in your neck, his breath hot against your skin. He pressed a heated kiss to the sensitive spot, his lips grazing against your collarbone. The contact was both possessive and intimate, a stark contrast to the earlier encounter with the knight.
“hmm?” you said, your voice a sultry murmur. “Just because I'm getting killed soon doesn’t mean I don’t feel dull because of not seducing anyone.” You wrapped your arms around Jake’s neck, trying to draw him closer, hoping to ignite a reaction.
But the dragon pulled back slightly, a chuckle escaping his lips despite the lingering frustration. “Suffer then,” he said with a scoff, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and defiance. He turned away, heading toward his tent with a deliberate nonchalance, leaving you to wrestle with your own conflicting emotions.
As he walked away, you muttered under your breath, “Worst dragon I’ve ever met.” Your eyes rolled in exasperation, but the underlying tension between you two was unmistakable. The blood forest might have been perilous, but it had also become a crucible for a complicated blend of attraction, frustration, and unresolved desire.
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A few days passed of trying to find a way out of the blood forest and you couldn't help but think that this dragon was simply stupid to not be able to find it easily.
Your tempting scent was dangerous for even you, if it wasn't washed quickly even the creatures creeping in the blood forest would've lured in and who knows, might've killed you?
After all from what you knew, dying by the hands of the king was better than dying by the hands of the cruel creatures in the forest.
Today tho the moon cast a silver glow over the tranquil lake, illuminating the water's surface and making it shimmer like a thousand diamonds. The camp of knights was nestled in the nearby forest, their snores barely audible above the gentle rustling of leaves.
They were all sleeping and you made a plan to just wash your scent in the nearby lake.
As you quietly extricated yourself from Jake's possessive embrace, you could feel the heat of his body dissipating, his arms relaxing around your waist. He muttered something incoherent in his sleep, his brow furrowing slightly, but his slumber remained undisturbed.
Standing up, you stretched your arms overhead, arching your back and releasing a contented sigh as you walked out the tent.
The cool night air caressed your bare skin, making you shiver slightly. Your long, curly hair cascaded down your back in dark waves, and your full, perky breasts bounced slightly with the movement.
Turning towards the lake, you walked slowly, the soft grass beneath your feet silent. As you reached the water's edge, you sank to your knees, the cool liquid enveloping your legs up to your thighs. You closed your eyes, letting the soothing warmth of the night wash over you.
With deliberate slowness, you unbuckled the leather belt cinched around your waist, letting it fall to the ground with a quiet thud. Your fingers then traced the laces of your corset, loosening them until the garment gaped open, revealing your naked flesh to the moonlit night.
The night air grew cooler as you removed your corset, and you shivered again. But this time, the chill had little to do with the temperature. Rather, it was a thrill that ran down your spine, knowing that you were alone and vulnerable in the stillness of the night.
You let the corset slide off your shoulders, allowing it to drop to the ground beside your belt. Your breath caught in your throat as you reached up to cup your breasts, the weight of them heavy in your hands. Your thumbs brushed against your peaks, hardening them to taut nubs.
Stepping fully into the lake, you waded out until the water reached your waist. The liquid warmth wrapped around you, caressing your skin like a lover's touch. You leaned your head back, letting your hair fan out behind you, and began to wash your body.
Your hands moved slowly, sensuously, as you cleansed your skin. You ran your fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp, before scrubbing the sudsy water over your arms, your shoulders, your breasts.
After all it had been so long for you without a man's touch. So, even if it was your own touch for now, it was bearable than nothing.
As you cleansed your lower abdomen, you paused, your fingers brushing against the soft curls at the juncture of your thighs. A surge of warmth pulsed through you, and you bit your lower lip, torn between the desire to continue washing and the urge to touch yourself more intimately.
The decision was made for you when a twig snapped nearby, the sound sharp and unexpected in the quiet night. You froze, your heart pounding in your chest as you strained your ears to listen. Footsteps echoed through the trees, heavy and deliberate, approaching the lake's edge.
You step out of the water as if to reach out and dress up before any creature sees you as you stand there, your body radiating heat despite the cool night air. Your arms are crossed under your breasts, which are pushed up and together, highlighting their generous size. But then you stepped back in water again after making sure everything was alright.
Your fingers are curled into tight fists at your sides, as if you're struggling to keep from reaching out and touching yourself again. The nails of one hand dig into the skin of your arm, leaving small crescent moon imprints in their wake.
The only sound is your ragged breathing and the soft rustle of your clothes as you shift slightly from foot to foot, trying to ease the ache between your legs without actually touching yourself. You're a vision of frustrated lust, standing alone in the darkness, desperate for relief that you can't give yourself.
Behind you, the lake waters lap gently against the shore, the sound almost mocking in its calmness compared to the turmoil within you. The trees stand tall and still, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze, as if they're whispering encouragement for you to give in and touch yourself.
Jake though now awake was taken back to not find you in the tent, he almost thought you were eaten or probably dead because of that scent which you almost always carried to lure people and even some creatures. So he stepped out of the tent and searched for you before he walked towards the lake.
Jake's jaw slackens as he takes in the scene before him. The moonlit lake shore serves as a backdrop to the most intoxicating sight he's ever laid eyes on. The silver light casts long, dancing shadows, illuminating the curve of her back as she bends slightly forward, washing herself off.
Jake's eyes widen as he steps out from behind the trees, taking in the sight of you standing naked by the lake's edge. The cool moonlight bathes your body, highlighting the fullness of your breasts, their peaks tightening in the night air.
You hear the rustle of leaves and turn to see Jake emerge from his hiding place, eyes wide with a mixture of disbelief and raw desire. The silver glow of the moon follows him as he approaches you, but it's your enticing scent that has completely captivated him.
Jake's gaze locks onto yours, darkened by an insatiable lust as he closes the distance between you two by walking towards you and pulling you towards him and out of the water. Each step mirrors his increasing heartbeat, his breaths shallow and hot against your skin. He swallows hard and whispers, "I can't resist you any longer."
As Jake reaches you, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against his chest, his lips crashing against yours in a desperate, hungry kiss. His fingers dig into your hips, holding you in place as he walks backwards towards the water's edge, the cool lake breeze rustling the leaves above.
"Has the dragon finally given in?" You asked with a little giggle, relieved that you'd finally receive the touch of a man that you'd been craving. Watching as the dragon undressed out of his armor until he was left naked too.
It was evident he was aroused because of your deadly scent.
"The dragon has... fallen prey," Jake growls against your neck, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. The cold water laps around your waists as he pulls you closer, his arousal evident and throbbing against your stomach.
"Mmm, you're so eager..." You mumble. Jake chuckles darkly, his hands roaming over your curves possessively. He lifts you out of the water and carries you to the rocky shore, laying you down on the warm stones.
As he looms over you, his eyes blazing with dragon heat, he grabs your thighs and spreads them wide, the rough stone digging into your back. "I'm going to fuck you so hard on these rocks, you'll be feeling me for hours,"
Jake leans down, even in his human form he keeps his dragon tail wrapping around your arms and pinning them above your head as he buries his face between your breasts. He nuzzles and kisses your tender flesh, his rough scales lightly abrading your skin. You arch your back, pressing yourself closer to him, eager for more.
"J-Jake...please..." You whimper, your voice hitching as he suctions his mouth over one peak, his tail tightening around your wrists. The pressure is exquisite, bordering on pain, and you squirm beneath him, the rough rocks further heightening the sensation.
"Shh, be still..." Jake growls, his voice muffled against your chest. He switches to the other breast, lavishing equal attention on the neglected peak. You try to writhe underneath him, the need to touch him overwhelming, but his tail holds you fast.
Jake finally releases your wrists, leaving red marks where his tail had held you captive. His amber eyes bore into yours as he reaches between you two, his clawed fingers finding your wetness before plunging deep inside of you without warning. "You're so fucking wet for me..."
"Aaah! Jake!" You cry out, your back arching off the rock as he finger-fucks you ruthlessly, his claws scraping against your inner walls. He adds a second finger, scissoring them inside of you, stretching you open in preparation for his massive cock.
"Please... Jake... I... I need..." You babble incoherently, your hands clinging to his broad shoulders as he continues to work you with his hands. His tail slowly coils around your thighs, spreading you wider, lifting your hips off the rocks so he can delve even deeper.
His hand withdraws, and you moan at the loss, only for that sound to be swallowed as he crushes his lips to yours. His tail slides beneath you, tilting your hips up, and you feel the monster bulge of his flesh press against your slick, unready hole.
"Look at me," Jake commands, his voice low and growly. Your eyes flutter open, meeting his intense gaze as he slowly enters you, his thick girth stretching your hole wide. You gasp, your nails digging into his arms as the pressure becomes almost unbearable. "You can take it,"
He speaks, and with that, he thrusts forward, burying his entire length inside you in one brutal stroke. You scream into his mouth, your body struggling to accommodate his immense size. Jake breaks the kiss, his head thrown back as he savors the tight, wet heat that envelops his cock.
Time seems to slow down as he begins to thrust into you, each movement eliciting a new wave of pleasure and pain from your abused body. Your mind becomes a fog, lost in the sensation of him inside you, filling you up in ways that should not be possible.
"J-Jake...it's...too...much..." You whimper, tears streaming down your face as he pounds into you mercilessly. His tail tightens around your thighs, lifting you higher so that he can drive even deeper. "Shhh, baby. You can take it."
His tempo increases, his hips jerking forward as he buryes himself to the hilt inside you, his tail coiling and uncoiling with the motion. The sound of wet, slapping flesh and your broken cries fill the air as he takes you on the rocky shore, his passion unbridled.
Just when you think you can't take anymore, Jake's knot swells at the entrance of your pussy, stretching you to the limit and locking him inside you. He growls, his hands gripping your hips as he holds you in place, his knot pulsing with his heartbeat. "Mine,"
"Oh, God... Jake... it's... so big..." You gasp, your body tensing as his knot slowly inflates more, stuffing you fuller than you've ever been before. Your fingers claw at his arms, your face buried in his neck as you struggle to breathe through the intense sensation.
"Shh, breathe for me," Jake murmurs, his voice gentle despite the iron grip he has on your hips. His tail strokes your hair soothingly, the contrast between his tender touch and the brutal stretch of his knot making your mind swim. "That's it, just feel me inside you..."
As his knot finishes inflating, Jake starts to slowly thrust into you again, his tail tightening around your thighs to keep you in place. The dual sensation of his movements and the pressure of his knot against your overstimulated entrance sends waves of pleasure through your body, making you shudder and moan.
"J-Jake... it's... it's too... intensive..." You whimper, your arms wrapping around his neck as he picks up the pace, his hips slamming against yours in a steady rhythm. His tail around your thighs tightens further, keeping you spread wide and helpless to his touch.
"Shh, just let it overtake you," Jake purrs into your ear, the soft rumble of his voice sending vibrations through your body and adding to the intense sensations flowing from your core.
As you feel the pleasure cresting inside you, Jake nuzzles your neck, his hot breath and the gentle scrape of his fangs making your eyes roll back as wave after wave of pure ecstasy crashes over you. The room spins around you, your mind hazy with pleasure.
Jake buries his face in your neck, his hot breath washing over your skin as he breathes heavily from the effort of holding back his own release. His tail tightens around your thighs, his grip possessive as his hips jerk against yours, his knot pulsing inside you.
With a final, powerful thrust, Jake's knot pulses violently inside you, flooding your insides with rope after rope of thick, hot cum. The sheer volume of his release is staggering, and you can feel it leaking out around his knot, dripping down your thighs as he continues to pump load after load into you.
Jake's breathing is heavy as he nuzzles your neck, the two of you still joined together as he finishes releasing inside you. His knot slowly begins to deflate, but his grip on your thighs remains tight as he savors the feeling of being deep inside you.
With a gentle tug, Jake pulls out of you, his knot slipping free with a soft pop. He turns you around and pushes you forward, guiding you towards the lake. "Look at you," he says, his voice filled with affection as he stares at the mess he made on your thighs.
Jake gently pushes you down onto the lake's edge, the cool water lapping at your thighs. He drops to his knees behind you, his fingers parting your folds to inspect the damage he did. "Such a pretty mess," he murmurs, his thumb swirling through the cum leaking out of you.
Jake's touch is gentle as he cleans you up, his fingers slowly pushing back into your puffy, overheated folds. "You took me so well," he whispers, his other hand smoothing over your backside soothingly. "Such a good girl for me..."
"J-Jake... it's so sensitive..." You hiss as his fingers slowly clean you up, the gentle touch making you squirm. You lean back against him, your eyes fluttering shut as he murmurs praises into your ear. "It..."
"...it feels like my insides are still spread open," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. Jake's fingers pause for a moment, his thumb pressing gently against your entrance before continuing to clean you. "I can feel everything so much more... intensely,"
Jake hums in approval, his fingers moving with deliberate slowness as he cleans you. "That's because you're so full of me," he says, his voice low and possessive. "My cum is still inside you, stretching you out and making everything extra sensitive."
Jake lets out a low chuckle as a thought enters his mind, his hand still moving gently over your backside. "What if the temptress had to bear kids of the dragon? Would she still be as seductive and cunning, or would she be too busy tending to her young?"
You blush at his words, your mind filling with images of a pregnant you, heavy with dragon eggs. "W-well... perhaps... she'd be even more alluring. After all, she'd have the power of life itself, growing within her..." You toss back your hair, grinning mischievously.
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The dense canopy of the Blood Forest gradually thinned, revealing the first hints of dawn breaking through the treetops. The cold wind rushed past you, but the sensation of freedom was exhilarating as you straddled Jake’s back, his dragon form gliding effortlessly through the sky. The powerful beats of his wings created a rhythmic rush of air, and the forest below blurred into a sea of dark green.
“Slow down,” you whispered breathlessly, fingers clutching tightly at the scales along his neck, your grip as firm as your resolve. Despite the urgency of their escape, your heart pounded with a different kind of anticipation, one that wasn’t purely driven by the thrill of fleeing danger.
Jake glanced back at you, his serpentine eyes gleaming in the early light. “Will you still let me get killed?” you asked, your voice softer now, laced with a hint of vulnerability you rarely let show. A pout formed on your lips as you leaned forward, your breath warm against the back of his neck. You knew the answer, but still, you needed to hear it from him.
“After all that?” Jake rumbled, his voice carrying the weight of everything you had been through together. “Definitely no.” His tone was gruff but honest, a reluctant admission wrapped in the cadence of his powerful wingbeats. He banked gently, tilting his body upward to climb higher, as if trying to escape the last remnants of the forest’s menacing grip.
Your hand instinctively reached up to touch the dragon mark on your neck, a vivid, swirling pattern that seemed to glow faintly against your skin. It was a symbol of possession, one that marked you as his.
The implications of that mark were profound—it tethered your powers to him alone, rendering your once-dangerous allure useless against anyone else. You had lived your entire life seducing and disposing of those who crossed your path, and now, this single mark ensured that the only one you could ever affect was Jake, the dragon.
“It’s both cute and terrifying,” you mused aloud, running your fingers over the mark. It was a constant reminder of your bond, a mystical chain that linked your fates inextricably.
“You did it on purpose, didn’t you?” you accused lightly, though there was no real anger behind your words. More than anything, it was a curious observation—a realization that Jake had found a way to keep you, and in doing so, had also spared you from the king’s wrath.
Jake’s lips curved into a smirk, though in his dragon form it was more of a baring of teeth than anything else. “What if I did?” he challenged, though his voice held a note of playfulness.
He descended slowly, landing gracefully on a large, sturdy branch that jutted out from one of the tallest trees at the forest’s edge. He lowered himself to allow you to climb off before landing himself, shifting back into his human form in a smooth, fluid motion that spoke of practiced ease.
You watched as his knights, who had followed at a distance, emerged from the trees, casting wary glances at the surrounding terrain. There was a collective sigh of relief; the Blood Forest was finally behind them, and the dawn promised a new beginning.
Jake straightened, his posture still commanding even without his scales and wings. He looked at you with a mixture of fondness and the cool detachment of someone who knew they couldn’t afford to get too close.
“See you, then. Don’t get killed,” he said, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. There was an unspoken truth in his words—he couldn’t take you with him, not when the king’s eyes were always watching.
You didn’t hesitate. Stepping closer, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep, lingering kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of defiance and longing, of everything unsaid and everything understood. For a moment, the world fell away, leaving only the two of you suspended in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
When you pulled back, you could see the flicker of something like regret in Jake’s eyes, though he quickly masked it with his usual bravado. You offered him a small smile before you turned and disappeared into the trees, your form blending seamlessly into the shadows as if you were a part of the forest itself.
Jake watched you go, a strange emptiness settling in his chest. He knew he couldn’t keep you, couldn’t protect you in the way he wanted, but the mark on your neck was a small comfort—a reassurance that you were his in a way that no one else could ever change.
“Goodbye,” he muttered softly, his voice almost lost to the wind as he turned away, his figure vanishing into the morning light along with his knights. He knew, as surely as he knew the feeling of his own heartbeat, that this wasn’t the last time your paths would cross. The bond between you was too strong, too intricately woven by fate and circumstance to be severed so easily.
And so, with the dawn breaking over the horizon, the dragon and his temptress parted ways, each carrying a piece of the other with them into the unknown.
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harmoonix · 10 months
🔥The Bad Bitch🔥
✮(Astrology Observations)✮
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✮-> Mars in Earth Degrees (2°, 6°, 10°, 14°, 18°, 22°, 26°), gosh their vibes and their attitude is so savage and so striking like they give this boss bitch walking mode
✮-> Mars aspecting Sun or Saturn can get male attention really fast, like they be pulling males looking at them out of nowhere
✮-> Sagittarius Moon/Moon in the 9th house natives have that wild fierce appearance of course, I swear to Nicki Minaj they be the wildest people in the crowd and even at the first sight you met them
✮-> Pluto in the 1st/8th/10th/11th house. Gosh how these natives always attract envy everywhere they go?? Siri play Obsessed by Mariah Carey literally...And even people being mean with you for like no reason. Girl pop off
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✮-> Juno aspecting Mars are that seductive. There are not enough words to describe how seductive these natives can be
✮-> Taurus Mars/Mars in the 2nd house be really having that gorgeous body, and girl go get that cashhhh let it flowwwww
✮-> Mercury aspecting Pluto in your chart makes your voice so deep and so seductive, is also very hard to not fall for your voice
✮-> I swear to Nicki again girl if you have Pluto in the 7th house and you keep attracting obsessive people in your life it's because you have that energy in your life, though relationships can transform you deeply
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✮-> It's good to know that all Liliths (h12) or (h13) give bad bitch vibes based on the element they are in (+ Lilith asteroid 1181) = All your combos of elements
Lilith in earth element = Boss Bitch
Lilith in fire element= Destructive Bitch
Lilith in Water element = Sensual Bitch
Lilith in Air element = Mesmerizing Bitch
✮-> Asteroid Sirene [1009] conjunct/trine/sextile/parallel/ Saturn, girl you really be attracting those dominant people in your life, like if you are looking for serious relationship is really great
✮-> Asteroid Sirene [1009] in the 7th house gonna make you to attract mischievous partners, partners who can pretend something they are not
✮-> Lilith (h13) in 8°. 20° degrees girl you should embrace yourself way more, take care of you and of your energy and of your magnetism too
✮-> Midheaven at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees or Midheaven in Aries , you make sure people know you are that BISH, PURRR don't let people disrespect you and show them who's the boss
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✮-> Midheaven at 10°, 22° degrees or Midheaven in Capricorn is giving "I'm a bitch, I'm a boss imma shine like gloss" these Capricorn Degrees babe so ofc they are bosses
✮-> Midheaven in 9°, 21° degrees or Midheaven in Sagittarius are "wild at heart with a lust for life" that's how my friend describes them and I agree because honestly Jupiter is supporting them so much, go queennnn
✮-> Midheaven in 2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26° degrees or Midheaven in Libra/Taurus, you know you are the IT because of your beauty, the people approach you as charming and sensual
✮-> Don't forget where you have Scorpio/Aquarius/Pisces in your chart, because these signs are ruled by 2 planets and they will both influence the house and planets you have in these signs
✮-> Venus at 29° degrees, we are all together in this cus' these are the ender degrees, you'll have to end something in your love topics in this life, these degrees also give you influence
✮-> Capricorn Mars and Mars in the 10th house can't hide from their sensuality, Mars is like a carefree here and doesn't like to hide it
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✮-> Mars in Sagittarius, Leo, Aries bring the fire in your life literally, they're hot and they know that, honestly Mars gets crazy everytime it enters in a fire sign
✮-> Asteroid Salome [562] in Scorpio/8th house knows how to enchant people, they have an unique magnetism that just pulls people and their aura is so sexual, they can aslo have a big sex appeal
✮-> Salome [562] in Capricorn/10th house they're very dominant in everything, very dark feminine vibes and very sassy/sometimes they tend to be a bit mean with people/ they can appear as being hot or sexy in public or by others
✮-> Salome in Libra/Salome in the 7th house can have a very beautiful body and their beauty itself is aswell, they also appear as being charming with people, seductive too
✮-> Sagittarius Venus/Venus in the 9th house, guys just search Venus in Sag women you'll see 90% of them having a very beautiful body/(hips mostly), Sagittarius rules over hips and Venus will make that prominent in your body (Ice Spice and Nicki Minaj both have it in Sag and they are no joke)
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✮-> Venus in Aquarius/11th house or in Aquarius Degrees 11°, 23°, something is so unique/outstanding about these natives, that type of person who stays out of the crowd yet the one who gets the most attention vibes
✮-> Venus in Aries/Venus in the 1st house or in Aries Degrees 1°, 13° 25° their energy though, it's very fierce and they will be the most confident when it comes to their beauty
✮-> Saturn conjunction/square/opposite/parallel Lilith (h12) = Bad girls, this is their world and we just live in it, they're aura gives "I'm the authority here" if you ever read Lilith's Myth and how she became she first woman you'll realize how much Lilith - Saturn aspects have in common with the myth
✮-> Something I will always always and always admire about Capricorn/Aquarius placements is that they have this Saturn protective side, Saturn is their teacher and a father figure in the same time and be sure it can revenge for them aswell (especially in Sun/Moon/Rising because they have it more prominent)
✮-> Lilith in the 1st house/Lilith in Aries/Lilith in Aries Degrees 1°, 13°, 25°, these natives have the vibe of Goddess Eris from Greek Mythology if you don't know her check her out she's iconic. They have this chaos in them but some power too
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✮-> Eros Asteroid (433) in elements can indicate the love style you want/like:
Eros in Fire element loves physical touch
Eros in Water element loves emotional bounding/ or true love
Eros in Air element loves communication in love/talking/opening out
Eros in Earth element loves words of affirmation and quality time
✮-> What's cool about your Midheaven is that it can change its place it doesn't always have to be in your 10th house
Some natives have their MC in their 9th house
Some in the 10th house (just like the basic one)
And some with the MC in the 11th house
You can see your Midheaven by sign it's repsented by (MC) and look in the house it's in.
✮-> Sun in Taurus Degrees/Sun in the 2nd house (2°, 14°, 26°), are giving so much feminine vibes, in looks, personality, they way they act in everything and you can recognize it so easily (at least me)
✮-> Sun/Moon in the 8th house really give that "Im here to experience and to evolve not to take your bullshit" like you don't have to care about others opinion and you focus on yourself, get that crown queens and kings
✮-> Moon in the 10th house (Moon at 10°, 22°) can have it though when it comes to their emotions and feelings, sometimes they can suffer and keep it inside for a long time and they're so strong emotionally!
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🔥 I really hope my posts help you to understand your birth chart better and to be proud of your placements even if they are not always all the placements, I have a lot of posts you can read about so everyone is included 🔥
🔥 H a r m o o n i x 🔥
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