#secret messages oooh la la
lilydvoratrelundar · 1 year
okay i’m going to be annoying and send you asks for two thingies at once sorry. 3 and 7 for the violence ask game + W and D for the fandom ask game <3
VIOLENCE 3 - screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr: this was a person on tumblr complaining about the 2022 matilda the musical film adaptation, in comparison to the 1996 american film:
the songs were mostly inner monologue that lasted minutes at a time. most of the songs didn't even move the plot. what these songs did in five minutes, the narration in the mara wilson movie did in 1 minute [...] basically the older matilda movie had more "show don't tell"
i am removing fandom's use of the phrase "show don't tell" until someone explains to this person how a musical works.
VIOLENCE 7 - what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them: rose tyler easy. thoroughly mid-tier character but everyone worships the ground she walks on i honestly don't get it
w - 5 favourite characters from 5 different fandoms: oooh im assuming this means one each lets see:
dr who: the 12th dr who
ultimate comics (current guilty pleasure comics hyperfixation eating my brain. and eating my revision time.): kitty fucking pryde my beloved. u did not deserve to be treated like that by peter (just reached the arc where he has a big romantic getting back together with mj while still dating kitty. idk how this actually plays out yet.)
thor et al comics: leah of hel. in particular the secret wars version who shows up in Battleworld: Siege and Angela Queen of Hell
matilda: matilda
rolling with difficulty: out of the PCs VR-LA obviously (autism) out of the NPCs i'd say probably ione or sofia's cool edgy backup character whos name i have forgotten.
d - what was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom: i used to edit my friends discord messages into textpost memes with dr who characters and i'd do it in MS Paint because it made the screenshots go crunchy and that amused me. still does tbh even tho i dont make them any more. idk if that was the first thing i ever 'contributed to a fandom' but it's one of the first things that got notes
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zeziliazink · 4 years
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A Drarry drabble. Also on AO3 here. 
Harry took a sip of the drink in his hand and grimaced. It was a syrupy mess of a thing — shimmery, purple-pink viscous liquid, swirling in a crystalline cordial glass that caught the lights from the dance floor and refracted a million tiny rainbows onto the surface of his fingers. The cocktail tasted like a cloaking spell disguising a rotten apple. Or Umbridge, smiling at him from across her desk.
The Dreaming Pixie was packed for a Wednesday night. Out on the floor, witches and wizards were glassy-eyed and writhing, dancing to an electronic remix of a bubblegum pop song. A time-extended glitter fog charm filled the air with sparkles and the scent of cotton candy. Harry suspected the mist also released micro-doses of Euphoria potion, but they’d never been able to prove it.
When the song ended and the next began, Harry pushed aside the cloying taste in his mouth and focused his gaze toward the stage lighting.
Pale green fairy lights flashed, four times.
Peach and yellow in alternating flickers.
The center main spotlights fanned downward, bathing the laughing, sweaty bodies in cool blue and purple. Harry’s pulse quickened.
The North House. Tomorrow afternoon. The shipment will be there.
Harry tilted his head to the right and stretched his left shoulder. Since the last raid, he’d been shaking off the remnants of a nasty stinging hex.
With the chorus, the lights turned green again, swirling like Catherine wheels in the sparkling air.
Live cargo. Take extra backup.
A dual flash of all the lights at once signaled the message’s end. Harry pushed off the wall and headed for the door at the back of the club. As he passed near the bar, he glanced over to see Draco Malfoy serving a glowing shimmer-shot to a giggling witch.
Harry gave him a curt nod.
“Piss off, Potter,” Malfoy hollered over the pulsing beat.
I love you. Be safe.
Prompt: “The less I know, the better.”
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 57 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Fame nearly gave the designers a heart attack while Violet reached out to a friend and Courtney couldn’t get Bianca out of her head.
This Chapter: A delivery, an investigation, a confession, a meeting, a startling revelation, a secret rendez-vous, and an emotional breakdown.
“Miss?” Courtney asked timidly, standing in the doorway. She knew she’d been a bit distracted all week, and could tell that Miss Fame was annoyed with her, but she was trying nonetheless.
“Ivy sent over the powerpoint for tomorrow. She wants to know if you have any more notes.”
“Leave it.” Fame gestured to her desk, and Courtney hurried forward to put it down, turning to get out of the office and her direct eye line as quickly as possible. “Courtney!”
“Yes Miss?”
“Close the door behind you.”
“Of course, Miss.”
Courtney closed the door, sighing. It had been a long week, Courtney already counting down the seconds until their meeting at Marie Claire tomorrow, nervous butterflies filling her stomach as she wondered what it would be like to see Bianca again.
Would she be all business? Would she flirt with her right in front of everyone? Courtney’s skin prickled, imagining those dark eyes smoldering at her, when the intercom buzzing made her jump, startled.
“Court, got a delivery for you,” Roxy announced through the speaker, and she hurried to reception to see what it was, assuming Roxy meant a delivery for Miss Fame.
At the front desk, Roxy held a small bag out, but when Courtney reached for it, she moved it out of the way, first asking, “Why’s the runner from Marie Claire bringing you stuff from La Perla?”
“I...I dunno,” Courtney said, twirling her hair, already psyched at the prospect of a delivery. It was probably related to the meeting, but even so... “What’s La Perla?”
“Bitch, it’s a lingerie store. A fuckin’ fancy one,” Roxy said, still holding the bag out of reach.
“Oh.” Courtney bit back a smile, abdomen twisting with excitement, lunging forward to grab the bag from Roxy’s hands. “Thanks.”
But Roxy wasn’t giving up without a fight, grabbing her sleeve and pulling her back.
“Ma’am, you aren’t going anywhere until you answer. What’s the deal?”
“Well…” Courtney said, “I’m kind of...dating someone who works there.” Which was at least a little bit true, wasn’t it? Maybe dating was too strong a word, but she didn’t think “fucked” would be appropriate for workplace chitchat.
“And he used the company messenger?” Roxy asked. “He must be pretty high up then, who is it?”
Courtney giggled at her mistaken assumption, shaking her head and saying, “That’s all you get today.”
She wrestled her sleeve out of Roxy’s grip and skipped off back to her own office, where she eagerly opened the bag, first pulling out a handwritten note on BDR stationary, which Bianca must have written as soon as she’d gotten to the office, since her plane landed only a few hours ago. Not that Courtney was tracking her flight.
See you tomorrow. XX, B
Courtney touched the letters, feeling a bit silly but also incredibly elated that Bianca was thinking about her at all, much less sending her presents. She then pulled a tissue-paper wrapped package from the bag, opening it carefully to reveal an embroidered lace turquoise bra and matching panties. She quickly stuffed them both back in the bag before anyone else saw, cheeks warm and skin pleasantly tingly.
Finally, she had an excuse to send another message. She pulled out her personal phone and quickly typed it out before she lost her nerve.
COURTNEY: Thanks for the present. ;)
Courtney felt a rush of adrenaline as soon as she hit send, wondering how long it would take for Bianca to reply. When those three magical dots appeared almost immediately, she nearly gasped with delight.
BIANCA: You gonna wear it for me?
Her heart pounded as the dots appeared once again, waiting with bated breath for Bianca’s response. She seemed to be typing for an awfully long time. But when the message finally came through, it was short.
BIANCA: Can’t wait.
As she took a deep breath, trying to calm her frantically beating heart, the phone rang, the shrill sound nearly knocking her out of her chair. She put on her headset, trying to compose herself and swallow down her giddiness before answering.
“Miss Fame’s office…”
ROXY: Hey girl, got a minute?
SHANNEL: Sure babe, what’s up?
ROXY: One of our assistants here is apparently dating someone high up at MC. Need you to help me solve who it is.
SHANNEL: Oooh, I love a mystery. Clues?
ROXY: Yeah, your runner just dropped off a bag of La Perla for her.
SHANNEL: Lol cheesy. Stand by…
SHANNEL: OMG. Last person to send the runner out was Joslyn. BDR’s assistant.
ROXY: Whaaaaaat????
SHANNEL: Who’s the assistant?! Is she gay???
ROXY: I mean not that I am aware but daaamn!!!
ROXY: PS It’s FAME’S assistant
IVY: Lol, what’s up?
ROXY: BDR just sent Courtney a delivery
IVY: Yeah, and? It’s probably for the meeting tomorrow
ROXY: Bitch it’s La Perla
IVY: :O :O :O :O
ROXY: Exactly
If anyone asked, Jovan would say that he found creating support pieces boring, that there was no creative challenge to rounding out a collection, that his talents were wasted on closing up holes and tying up bows.
In reality, it was something he looked forward to every collection.
Once all the major pieces had been selected, once the stars of the show were submitted, it meant that he could direct his creative attention outside of the company without it affecting the quality of his work.
Jovan pressed save on the drawing he had just finished doodling, a repetitive pattern of beige thread roses on a cream white background for the seasons underwear not a detail anyone would pick out when they looked at the runway, but one he knew would matter to senior management when they were shooting the looks in the spring.
He stretched out, hiding a yawn behind his hand as he grabbed for his coffee cup.
He had spent the majority of last night on his building's roof, his outfit for this year's christmas party an orange suit he was decorating every square inch of in graffiti.
Jovan raised the cup to his mouth, the liquid barely touching his lips before he spit it back out, the coffee ice cold.
“Fuck-“ Jovan groaned. He had completely lost track of time, and as he looked around the room, it seemed like he wasn’t the only one, all of his coworkers caught up in their own projects.
“Hey, Chachki,” Jovan twirled around in his chair, turning so he could look at his desk mate. Violet was sitting with her sketchbook, her gigantic headphones on, her head resting on her hand.
“Yo-“ Jovan stretched his foot out, tapping the edge of Violet’s chair which made her jump, a loud laugh leaving Jovan at her surprise as she took her headphones off.
“What?” Violet sounded annoyed, but Jovan had learned that it was simply who she was once she was in the zone, interrupting her a really bad idea if she wasn’t in the mood.
Jovan figured that was part of why Trixie had paired them up, neither of them ever taking it seriously when the other one snapped.
“Coffee?” Jovan waved his mug, a smile on his lips. Violet considered it for a second, but then she nodded, grabbing her own cup to go with him, Jovan not even noticing that the page Violet had been on was completely blank.
“Your team is already here,” Joslyn said, leading Miss Fame and Courtney down the hall to the conference room. “So if you’re all set, I can let Bianca know-”
“Bianca knows better than to keep me waiting,” Fame said, tossing her coat to Courtney, who stumbled a bit.
“Of course,” Joslyn assured her, and was proven right by the fact that Bianca strolled into the conference room a few moments after them, greeting Fame warmly and then turning to Courtney, a sly grin on her face.
Joslyn was no idiot. She had a sneaking suspicion when the whole “find a vegan chef for Thanksgiving” thing had come up that Bianca had her eye on someone new, and it was basically confirmed yesterday when Bianca had asked her to arrange the La Perla delivery.
Today was the first time she’d met Courtney in person, and she had to admit that she certainly was beautiful--Joslyn even briefly wondered if she was wearing the lingerie before telling herself that was inappropriate.
“Hey, Courtney.”
“Hi,” Courtney replied, biting her lip, cheeks reddening. Zero poker face whatsoever, Joslyn noted, turning her head to hide her amusement.
“Courtney,” Miss Fame said, and Courtney’s head whipped around, standing a bit straighter, her arms still full of the heavy white coat. “This conference room is too crowded. We don’t need you here.”
“Oh. Okay, I…” Courtney looked around, slightly embarrassed, clearly unsure where to go, and Miss Fame let out a little huff of annoyance.
“Hey Jos,” Bianca cut in, a hand on Courtney’s lower back guiding her towards Joslyn. “Why don’t you set Courtney up in my office?”
“Your office?” Miss Fame repeated.
“Yes, so she’s close by in case you need anything. And she can hang your coat in my closet, where it’ll be safe.” Bianca punctuated her suggestion with a self-satisfied grin.
“Sure thing!” Joslyn chirped, taking Courtney’s elbow and leading her from the room before Miss Fame’s death glare melted them both. She then unlocked Bianca’s office and opened the large closet for her.
“Thank you,” Courtney said, taking the offered hanger.
“So, um, I guess just make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything? Water, coffee, tea…juice?” Joslyn asked sweetly, pretending that it was totally normal for an assistant from another company to be hanging out by herself in Bianca Del Rio’s office. This girl could very well be a brief fling, and probably was, but it didn’t hurt to get on her good side anyway.
“Thank you, but that’s alright. I don’t want to be any trouble for you.” Courtney bypassed Bianca’s comfy sitting area, instead choosing a hard-backed Lucite chair in front of her desk. She seemed to be trying to make herself as small as possible.
“It’s no trouble, honestly.” Joslyn smiled again, and Courtney looked up at her.
“I appreciate that. You’re really sweet.”
“That’s why I make the big bucks,” Joslyn joked, and Courtney chuckled.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course, go ahead.” Joslyn perched on the arm of the sofa.
“Is Bianca a good boss?” she asked, shifting in her seat.
“Why, you after my job?” She crossed her arms, feigning offence while giving Courtney an exaggerated look of grave suspicion.
“No,” Courtney laughed, “I just...I don’t know. I know you’ve been here for awhile, and she seems like a good boss. Is she?”
Joslyn wasn’t sure exactly why Courtney was asking, and she was also aware that anything she said could easily be repeated, so she was careful but honest in her response.
“Sure! I mean, she’s tough. And she expects us to work really hard. But she also works really hard, so...plus, you know, her last assistant is now one of our senior ad execs, so that bodes pretty well.”
“Yeah, definitely. Thanks.” Courtney smiled again, this one bright and dazzling, and Joslyn couldn’t help but return it.
“Ginger! You’re back!” Katya exclaimed, a big smile on her face as she entered the staff room, holding a slightly misshapen hand-painted mug gifted to her from a student several years back. She set it down on the counter and went to give her friend a hug. The fifth grade teacher had been in Florida for a family reunion, and Katya couldn’t wait to hear the stories of her self-described crazy redneck relatives.
“I’m back,” Ginger affirmed, her smoky voice even hoarser than usual. “Made it out by the skin of my teeth.”
Katya laughed, then winced, pulling back suddenly.
“You alright, kiddo?”
“Yeah, I just like...I must be PMSing because my tits are so sore,” Katya said. She poured coffee into the mug and then sat down heavily. “And I’m exhausted.”
“Oh yeah? How long’s that been going on?” Ginger asked, one eyebrow raised.
“Oh, I dunno. I’ve felt a little flu-ish on and off all month, just kinda tired and achy and nauseous, but it’s never developed into actually being sick. I probably just had a stomach bug that didn’t want to leave my system?” She shrugged, adding, “These flesh suits we lug around are weird.”
“That they are.” Ginger sat down, putting a hand over Katya’s. “But in this case, there may be an explanation.”
“Oh god, am I dying? Like, faster than normal?”
“Well, I’m no doctor, but…it sounds like you’re pregnant.”
Katya burst out laughing. “Oh my god, can you imagine?”
Her giggles died down when she saw that Ginger wasn’t laughing along. Which was weird, because she’d been the one to make the joke in the first place.
“You’re kidding, right?” Katya asked, a sense of dread growing inside of her as she repeated, “Please tell me you’re kidding.”
Ginger paused before shaking her head slowly. “I mean look, I could be wrong, but…”
“Oh my fucking god.”
Bianca stifled a yawn, trying to pay attention to Raja and Alyssa’s presentation on their upcoming collaboration. She had no doubt that the spread would turn out well in the end--the partnerships with Galactica always did, the fashion house absolutely known for bringing high quality editorial pieces.
However, at the moment, she was seeing a lot of taupe, and with the level of jet lag she was still suffering from, it really wasn’t enough to keep her eyes engaged. Luckily, they appeared close to the end.
“If we’re committed to this color story,” she cut in, “then I’d like to think about incorporating a few more graphic prints as well, and some exaggerated shapes.”
“You’re so impatient; that was our next slide,” Raja replied, motioning for Ivy to click forward, showing sketches of some of the looks with bold large-scale prints beside the originals.
“Yes, the idea is for the makeup to be the real color stars,” Alyssa said, “but of course we want plenty of eye-catching shapes.”
“Yeah, it all looks good, very promising. What do you say we order some lunch, take a short break, and then go over the potential advertising partnerships my team put together?” Bianca suggested, and was met with nods (and a few relieved sighs) from around the table. She dialed her office extension on the intercom. “Joslyn, can you bring in the lunch menus?”
She began to get up from the table when she noticed Fame giving her some side eye from across the table.
“Where are you going?” she asked suspiciously.
“Bathroom. Is that okay with you?”
“Mm…” Fame sat back, eyes still narrowed, and Bianca laughed, shaking her head.
“If you really want, I can bring you back a sample.”
“You’re disgusting,” Raja called out, and Bianca shrugged, letting out a cackle before ducking out of the room.
She hurried the short distance down the hall, passing Joslyn on the way, swiftly entering her office, a rush of endorphins filling her with glee the second she caught a glimpse of Courtney inside. She hadn’t expected for her to get under her skin so fast, but the entire week in Tokyo, she’d found herself thinking about her, fantasizing about her, anxiously waiting for the next time they’d meet. And now here she was, finally.
Courtney stood, turning around slowly. At first, she looked shy, maybe a bit unsure, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Hi. How was your week?”
“Brutal. I thought about you every second…” Bianca said quietly, her gaze unwavering.
Hearing that seemed to embolden Courtney, her eyes brightening before her face melted into a suggestive grin.
“Shut the door.”
“Yes ma’am.” Bianca grinned back at her, closing the door firmly behind her. She looked as fresh and pretty as always, in a belted, long-sleeved shirtdress and ballet pink heels. But all Bianca was interested in was what was underneath. “Are you wearing it?”
“Come see,” Courtney said, head tilted coyly, and Bianca strode forward, immediately taking hold of her belt, pulling it loose. As she began undoing the buttons as fast as possible, Courtney added, “I don’t usually wear bras, but I figured I could make an exception today.”
“Special occasion?” Bianca asked, heart hammering in her chest as she opened the dress to reveal the bra and panties she’d sent over yesterday, the teal standing out on her creamy skin, even better than Bianca had imagined.
“Uh huh…”
“Fuck.” She stepped closer, wanting nothing more than to wrap her into her arms, but Courtney evaded her touch.
“Now show me yours.”
Bianca’s head lifted, temporarily stumped. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
A smirk pulled on Bianca’s lips as she asked, “Do I look like some kind of sex object to you?”
“Yes.” Courtney twirled a lock of hair around her finger, perched on the edge of the desk.
Bianca had to hand it to Courtney--she was proving to be a lot feistier than planned, and it was a very welcome surprise. She slipped off her jacket, placing it on the guest chair, and then turned around. “Maybe you better help me with the zipper.”
Courtney took her time, dragging the zipper down, fingers trailing along the exposed skin until Bianca shrugged out of the dress, letting it pool in a heap at her feet. She turned back around, standing in what was at least pretty respectable silk underwear, if slightly unmatching as usual, and a black garter belt hooked to her thigh high stockings.
Courtney’s green eyes raked over her body, taking in every inch of her, making her feel exposed in a thrillingly unfamiliar way. When her eyes finally lifted to Bianca’s face again, she was breathing hard. She reached out and pulled Bianca in by the waist.
“Kiss me.”
“I’ll get lipstick all over you,” Bianca warned, fingering one of her bra straps.
“I don’t care. Kiss me.”
Bianca smiled, tilting her chin up and moving in for a kiss.
It was electric, hungry--even better than the last time. Courtney’s hands clawed at her ass, pulling her closer, and soon she had her sprawled on the desk, falling apart in the most glorious way. Bianca pulled down one of her bra cups, tongue wrapping around her dainty pink nipple, making her gasp and whimper, thighs tightening around Bianca’s hips.
Bianca moved a hand between her legs, feeling through the thin lace how wet she was already, one finger teasing her clit, rubbing her in gentle circles as she watched her eyes roll back.
“Oh god…”
“Look at me…” Bianca cradled the back of her neck, wanting nothing more than to watch her beautiful face as she came, when she heard buzzing, a phone vibrating beside them. She paused, fingers going still, eliciting another choked whimper. “Is that you?”
“What?” Courtney blinked up at her, pupils fully dilated, hips still rolling fruitlessly against her hand.
“The phone.”
“Shit!” Courtney gulped for air, struggling to sit up as Bianca handed her the still ringing phone, doing her very best to answer in a normal voice, the anguish in her eyes nearly making Bianca laugh. “Yes Miss?”
Bianca tried to suppress her dimples, patiently waiting as Courtney listened to rapid-fire instructions from Fame, but unable to resist teasing her a little bit more, fingers just barely touching the front of her panties.
“Uh huh...yes, I…” Courtney drew in a sharp breath, and Bianca’s dimples deepened, now unable to wipe the grin off her face. “Yes...right away, Miss.” She finally hung up, pressing her forehead against Bianca’s shoulder, chest heaving.
“Everything okay?” Bianca asked, moving closer, hovering over her.
“Yeah. I have to…um…” Courtney swallowed hard, tucking her face into Bianca’s neck, teeth grazing her skin.
“Can you spare a few more minutes?” Bianca murmured, and Courtney nodded.
“Yes. Please…”
“Please what? Tell me what you want.”
It had become clear to Bianca, during their last encounter, that Courtney was not accustomed to dirty talk. She had no trouble giving orders in some circumstances, but words like fuck and pussy seemed beyond her. So of course, being the sadistic bitch that Bianca was, getting her to say them became an urgent desire.
“I want...I want your fingers…” Courtney grasped at her wrist, doing her damndest to shove Bianca’s hand down the front of her panties.
“Yes? Where? Tell me.”
“In my cunt,” she said finally, voice breaking, and Bianca would have laughed if it wasn’t so fucking hot.
“You got it, angel…” Bianca slid two fingers into her wet pussy, curling them forward, pausing a beat when she gasped. She could feel nails dig deeper into her ass and asked, “You okay?”
“Fuck me, please…”
How quickly they learn.
Of course, Bianca obliged, working her quickly, thumb dragging figure eights over her clit the last thing she needed to send her over the edge with a high-pitched, drawn out moan.
“Shhh, shhh…” Bianca whispered, attempting to remind her where they were, who was potentially still in earshot. And then her whole body went soft, practically molding itself to Bianca’s, and all Bianca wanted to do was wrap her into an embrace. A pang of regret that she had to quickly return to the meeting went through her, and she tipped Courtney’s chin up to kiss her softly. “Hey so...you got any plans later tonight?”
Courtney shook her head, still in a daze.
“So there’s a restaurant near my place that I’ve been dying to try. Why don’t you come over after work and I can take you out on a real date...wine and dine you like you deserve.” The way her face lit up at the suggestion told Bianca that it was absolutely the right call.
Bianca helped her down off the desk and guided her into the bathroom, where she handed over a makeup wipe and then went to work fixing herself.
“I gotta get back, your boss is already suspicious of my whereabouts,” Bianca said, pulling open a drawer to find a lipstick that matched what she was wearing before. “But use whatever you need in here.”
“Thanks, I-shit!”
“What’s wrong?”
“No, um...when she called, she was giving me a lunch order and I can’t remember if she wanted broccoli or kale…”
“Go with the broccoli,” Bianca advised, walking back to the office to find her clothes. “But why’s she not ordering from Pierre’s? We literally chose it because it’s her favorite.”
“She said there was nothing she wanted on the menu,” Courtney said, stepping forward to help with her zipper.
“What a diva,” Bianca chuckled, and turned around to face Courtney, brushing a thumb over her cheek. “I’ll see you later.”
Courtney nodded slightly, and Bianca couldn’t help notice that her dress was still unbuttoned. She took one last gratuitous look, and Courtney giggled, pushing her towards the door.
When Trixie opened the door to the supply room, he heard a strange noise.
He had only meant to come in to get a new box of pens, his favorite one all dried up, but now, he paused, waiting for a beat, but when he heard the noise again, he knew instantly what it was.
Someone was crying.
“Hello?” Trixie stepped inside, flicking on the lights, taking a few steps. “Anyone in here?”
Trixie had expected to find Blu, or maybe even Kiara or Kandy, but instead, he came face to face with Violet, who was standing in the corner, hiding in between reams of printer paper and extra staplers, her crutches resting against the shelves.
“... Violet?”
Trixie could see that Violet had been crying, black smudges under her eyes telling their clear story, but she looked so different from when she had been lying on the floor with a broken foot, the expression on her face completely devastated.
“Please go away.”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Trixie didn’t like to force himself on anyone, didn’t like to force anyone to open up, but he couldn’t accept that anyone from his staff was crying, couldn’t look away when someone he was responsible for was so obviously in distress. “Is it your ankle?”
“No,” Violet looked up, turning her eyes towards the ceiling as she quickly dabbed under her eyes, her lip between her teeth. “It’s stupid.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t tell me.” Trixie leaned against a shelf, making sure he didn’t knock over the boxes of pencils. “Please.”
“I just, it’s-” Violet took a deep breath through her nose. “I’ve been trying so hard to keep up, and I can’t. I just- I can’t. I work on my dress, and I can’t let anyone else touch it because it isn’t finished-”
Trixie nodded, listening to Violet’s words. He understood her point of view, a couture gown a completely different beast from designing ready to wear. No one expected Violet to do the entire thing herself, not even Violet, but Trixie could see that she had an extremely clear vision in her head for how she wanted it down to the beading, which meant she couldn’t ask for anyone’s help yet and least of all tailoring.
“And when I’m on schedule for the dress, and I try to focus on the sketches, I don’t, I can’t, I just scrapped half my sketchbook because it isn’t good enough, and I can’t push through because I’m so tired and-”
“Hey, hey hey hey.” Trixie reached out, gently touching Violet’s arm. “Violet. Violet. Listen.” Trixie squeezed it, forcing her to focus on him. “It’s okay that you don’t have any support pieces-”
“Maxwell has done over 30 submissions.” Violet looked like she was about to cry again, and Trixie could see how much she hated it painted all over face.
“Maxwell is a senior designer.”
“No. No buts.” Trixie cut her off “Do you want to hear a real problem? I’m trying to replace Aiden, and so far, Fame has rejected every single candidate.”
“She does like to do that,” Violet gave the tiniest smile, and Trixie couldn’t help but grin.
“Exactly, but do you know why I think she’s so tough this time around? Because the last hire we made, is a goddamn rockstar, who happens to be closing on her first ever show.”
Violet snorted, like she didn’t actually believe him, but she looked so much better, the woman he had come to genuinely care for slowly coming back.
“Go home Violet.” Trixie squeezed her arm one last time before letting go. “Go home, and I’ll see you Monday. Okay?”
Violet nodded, not even opening her mouth to argue, and Trixie couldn’t help but feel like he had finally, finally, finally broken through to his newest designer.
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One Year Later
“So how are things with you and Adonis “Beat the Pussy Up Like Fight Night” Creed?” Ashley quipped before devouring the spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream.
“Shhhh! Do you want all of LA to hear you?!” Amina cries, glancing around the corner of the booth they were seated in to make sure no one had heard.
“I just asked a simple question.”
“You did, very loudly. What if someone she knows is in here? Hell what if someone we know is in here?” Amina’s paranoia had grown in the last few months, especially after she almost sent Erik a racy photo that was intended for Adonis.
“If you’re so scared, why don’t you break it off?” Amara asks, finally joining in on the conversation. “You said yourself that this was only supposed to be a one time thing. What changed your mind?” Amina didn’t have an answer. Though Erik could be a bit harsh and slow to open up emotionally, he was a good man and he treated her like a princess. He was constantly telling her how much he adored her and how she’d changed him for the better. It broke her heart to think of how crushed he’d be if he found out what she was doing behind his back, but in the moment, when she was with Adonis nothing else mattered.
“It’s complicated.”
“I call bullshit,” Ashley said frankly. “Granted I don’t like Erik’s mean ass, but he doesn’t deserve this, Mina.”
“But you bitches were the ones encouraging me to do it in the first place!” Amina countered.
“Yes bitch, a one night stand! Once, singular, uno! You out here getting ya shit rocked every other night and I know Erik done picked up on the fact that your pussy ain’t poppin’ for him no more.”
When did this bitch become so damn inquisitive? Amina thought to herself, but again, Ashley was right. By the time Erik made it home for the night and was ready to have his way with her, she would be too tired from being with Adonis. Although he never said anything, she knew it hurt him to feel undesired.
“If he has, he hasn’t said anything.”
“He ain’t stupid, Mina. He knows,” Amara says, taking a sip of her drink. Amina sighed heavily. She knew that whatever she had with Adonis needed to end, especially since he showed no signs of leaving Bianca like he said he would.
“I’ll call him today and end things. I like having sex with him, but I love Erik more.”
“Good girl, and you know we’ll be here for moral support,” Ashley says rubbing Amina’s arm.
“Thanks y’all. I really don’t know what I’d do without y’all.” The women shared a group hug before Amina slid out of the booth. Ashley and Amara watched as she climbed into the driver’s seat of her Mercedes and drive off in the direction of Adonis’s apartment.
“She gone end up sliding on dick,” Ashley says as Amina’s car disappears in the distance.
“I hope she’s smarter than that,” Amara replies distractedly, too consumed with the text message she was sending. “I’ll be back, I got a dick appointment.”
“Well fuck, just leave me all by myself then,” Ashley pouted, folding her arms over her chest.
“Girl you better call Rashad and get ya wig knocked askew,” Amara calls behind her with a grin, already halfway out the door.
The drive to Adonis’s apartment was short, partially because Amina had driven there so many times that she’d learned a shortcut that cut the commute in half. She sat in the parking lot, debating if she should just barge in unannounced or text him instead. She opted for the latter, mostly because she wasn’t prepared for a confrontation in front of Bianca. She drummed the steering wheel anxiously as she awaited his response.
Dominos 🍕: Text YES to complete enrollment. 6 msgs per Easy Order.
Donnie 🥊🏆: She’s not around me..
Dominos 🍕: Can I come by?
Donnie 🥊🏆: Not a good time..
Dominos 🍕: Can you talk?
Donnie 🥊🏆: I got a minute.
The line rang twice before Donnie’s deep voice emerged from the other side.
“What’s up ma?”
“I can’t do this anymore, Adonis,” Amina’s stern voice rang from the other end of the phone. It came out quick, almost as if she’d rushed the words and it caught Adonis off guard. He knew this day would come, but in his mind, he still had time to figure out what he was gonna do about Bianca.
“Come on Mina, I just need some more time,” he pleaded, chancing a glance at Bianca who was currently rehearsing for her latest performance. Though he loved her, his heart was also tied to Amina and he wasn’t sure how he would deal with the thought of losing either one of them.
“You’ve had a year, Adonis. Either make a decision soon or I’ll make it for you. I’m tired of sneaking around and deleting text message and location notifications. Either you’re gonna leave her or you’re gonna stay, there’s no inbetween.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” Adonis replies. “Meet me at my place tonight at 7. I’ll make it right.” With that, the line went dead and Amina was left with her thoughts. Her mind reeled with thoughts of what Adonis might say during their meetup. Would he decide to end things himself? Were his feelings for her ever really genuine? She knew she shouldn’t feel some type of way, especially since she knew the situation she was getting herself into from the beginning, but she was still an emotional being that took everything personally, especially rejection. She shook her head as she pulled out of the parking lot and grabbed her phone again, calling the one person she knew would be able to talk her out of her emotions.
“Hey Siri, call Big Sis.”
“You raced over here, huh?” the deep timbre of his voice sent chills down her spine as she stepped into the apartment. African paintings and sculptures decorated the living room, a nod to his royal lineage.
“I guess I missed you or whatever,” she replies, twirling a curl around her finger.
“Whatever, you missed this dick,” he counters smugly, golden slugs peeking from behind his bottom lip as he smirked. It was a sight that had her clenching.
“That too, so gimme what I came over here for.”
“Oh that’s cute, you think you run shit over here. What’s my name?”
“Erik.” He chuckled darkly as he stepped closer to her.
“I don’t think I heard you right, so I’ma ask again. What’s my name?” She planted her feet in the spot she was standing, lifting her head to look him in the eye.
“Erik.” This time he reaches out and grabbed her throat, squeezing enough that it drew a moan from her soft lips.
“Last chance. What’s my name?”
The more she screamed his name and clawed at his back, the deeper and harder he plunged into her. Erik had checked out a long time ago and Killmonger was awake with a new vengeance. He’d known that something was different with Amina for the last few months, but couldn’t quite pick up on what it was. Then when he checked her phone records and obtained copies of the text messages she’d been sending and receiving, the message was clear. She’d been cheating on him. While he was out of town on business, she was giving what was his to another man. It burned him up inside and the rage he felt was currently spurring his lust.
“That’s not my name, sweetheart. Try again,” he growled into her ear and her walls clenched tight around him, signaling yet another orgasm on the horizon.
“Oooh, you hardheaded tonight,” he hissed as he slowed his strokes briefly. “Who give you permission to cum?”
“I’m sorry, Kill,” she whined as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. He chuckled darkly as he lined himself up with her entrance yet again.
“Oh you ain’t seen sorry, babygirl. Grab ya ankles.” He continued his rough pace, using her as his personal fuck doll until he had emptied himself into the condom.
“Clean yourself up, your sister will be home any minute,” he gestures to Amara, tossing her shirt to her. His name being called from the floor pulled his attention to Amara’s jeans beside her purse.
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It ain’t cheating // It’s a whatchamacallit (Ooh ow!)
This could be our little secret // A whatchamacallit (Ow! Ooh)
TAGS: @vikkidc @thadelightfulone @sydneebleu @blktinkerbell @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy @jozigrrl @thehomierobbstark @eye-raq @iamrheaspeaks @mareethequeen @forbeautyandlife @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @blowmymbackout @wakanda-inspired @nickidub718 @heyauntieeee @princessstevens @bakarilennox @xaviera108 @alexundefined @raysunshine78 @dameshaemonique @laketaj24 @youreadthatright @theogbadbitch @blackpantherismyish @bugngiz @amirra88 @post-woke @im5ftbutmythroat66 @blackpinup22 @maya-leche @blessyd-bthyname @unholyxcumbucket @eclecticblkgirl @kissmyafropuff @rick-sosa @jennajai @allhailqueennel @killmongersbaby @yoursoulstea @soulfulbeauty19 @laughdown @panthergoddessbast @abeautifulmindexposed @alexundefined @yoyolovesbucky @ghostfacekill-monger @tyees @dessianna1 @thickemadame
189 notes · View notes
syruppawnao · 4 years
Anniversaire Simeon 2-1 à 2-10
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Lucifer -… Oh, MC. Je peux te faire une tasse de café ? Les jumeaux sont en retard. Ils feraient mieux de ne pas flâner quelque part… MC - Ils sont allés chercher un cadeau. / Ils pourraient avoir du mal à trouver des fruits crimson dogwood Lucifer - Un cadeau ? … Ah, Belphie vient de m'envoyer un message. ‘’Simeon nous a demandé de trouver des fruits de crimson dogwood’’… À bien y penser, Simeon et moi sommes allés en chercher pendant une excursion scolaire il y a longtemps. On dit que le fruit du crimson dogwood est incroyablement délicieux, mais nous n'avons jamais pu en trouver. Alors cet échec le dérange encore après toutes ces années… D'ailleurs, quelle était sa demande pour toi ? MC - C’est un secret entre nous. / Quelque chose que nous pouvons utiliser ensemble. Lucifer -… Maintenant, tu as piqué mon intérêt. Bien que je doute que Simeon me le dise non plus. Je me demande ce qu'il compte me demander…
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Lucifer – Je ne comprend pas pourquoi Simeon n'est pas encore venu me voir avec une demande. Chaque fois que je demande, il dit que je n’ai rien à préparer ou que Diavolo connais les détails. Je suis plus que capable de préparer n'importe quel cadeau d'anniversaire… À quoi peut-il bien penser ? MC – Tu ne peux pas savoir ? / Vous êtes vraiment proches. Lucifer – Tu donne l'impression que ça fait chaud au cœur. Eh bien, il est vrai que notre connexion est profond. Sinon, pourquoi serait-il ici dans le Devildom ? Asmo - Oooh ? Parlez-vous de quelque chose de profond ? Lucifer -… Petite conversation, rien de plus. Qu'est qu’il y a ? Asmo - J'ai une petite question pour toi, Lucifer. As-tu déjà entendu parler de l'arôme innocent ? Lucifer - L'arôme innocent ? Asmo - Mhm. Simeon m'en a demandé, mais je ne trouve aucune information à ce sujet. Lucifer - Le nom sonne vide, mais… Asmo - Allez, réfléchis ! Lucifer – Garde ta voix basse. C’est le milieu de la nuit. Pourquoi tu n’attends pas le matin et d’aller demander à Simeon ? Asmo - Parce que je suis tellement curieux que je n’arrive pas à dormir ! Lucifer – Met toi au lit et ferme les yeux. Et compte les pages les moutons. Asmo - *pout* Lucifer, tu es si méchant… Lucifer - Ugh. Cet ange astucieux fait danser complètement mes frères sur son air.
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Mammon - Ah, bon sang ! Vendu ici aussi… Asmo - Que fais-tu, Mammon ? T’es yeux étaient rivés sur ton D.D.D pendant les cours. Le professeur l'a remarqué aussi, tu sais ? Mammon – Je suis censé faire quoi d’autre, hein ? Trouver ce 666 vintage est terriblement dur. Je suis les enchères depuis le lever du soleil, mais je n'arrive pas assez vite… Asmo - Je suis dans le même bateau. Personne ne sait rien de l'Innocent Aroma. Et même si je voulais demander à Simeon, il ne semble pas être là aujourd'hui… Mammon -… Alors ? Levi - Hm ? Mammon - Que fais-tu avec cette caméra vidéo ? Levi - Ceci est pour la vidéo d'anniversaire de Simeon. J'ai besoin de matériel pour les segments de la vie quotidienne. Asmo – Veux tu un clin d'œil séduisant? Dois-je me déshabiller un peu ? Levi - Quelle partie de la « vie quotidienne » tu ne comprends pas ? MC - C'est tous les jours comme ça pour lui. / Film loin. Asmo - N'est-ce pas ? ♥ Levi - MC, n’encourage pas Asmo s’il te plaît. Solo - Bonjour à tous. Luke - On pouvait t'entendre à des kilomètres de là. Vous ne savez pas comment être plus subtile, les démons ? Mammon - Vous avez préparé le cadeau de Simeon ? Luke - Il ne reste plus qu'à le cueillir lors de la prochaine pleine lune ! Ensuite, Solomon va lancer son sort ! Mammon – Cueillir ? Sort? Luke -… O-Oublie ça ! Ce n'est rien ! Mammon – Ça n’a pas l’air rien. Allez, crache le morceau.
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Luke - Arrête de me piquer les joues ! Je veux que ce soit une surprise cette fois, d'accord ? Alors je ne dis pas un mot de plus ! Mammon – Tu est bien enthousiaste aujourd'hui, Fido. Luke - Ne m'appelle pas Fido ! Asmo - Pendant que tu es ici, Solomon, tu n’aurais pas entendu parler de l’arôme innocent, n’est-ce pas ? Solo – Oui j’en ai entendu parler, pourquoi ? Asmo - Je le savais, bien sûr que tu ne sais pas… Attends, tu le sais ? Asmo - Qu'est-ce que l'arôme Innocent ? Solo - C'est un arôme créé à partir de l'eau de la source Phantom et des larmes versées pour quelqu'un de spécial. Tu dois simplement combiner ces deux ingrédients. Quant à ses effets… Je pense que c'était pour la détente ? Ou une bonne nuit de sommeil ? Je suis désolé, je ne me souviens pas des détails. Asmo - Non, c’est bien assez ! Tu es mon sauveur, Solomon ! Solo - Si c’est tout, on doit repartir. Luke - Bonne chance avec vos cadeaux, les gars ! Asmo - Et bien, savoir comment faire l'Arôme Innocent est bien beau, mais… je ne sais pas où trouver l'eau de source Phantom. Cela pourrait prendre une éternité… Mammon - Tu as besoin d'eau de source Phantom ? J'en ai dans ma chambre, en fait. Asmo - Hein ? C’est pas vrai! Donne-moi-en ! Mammon - Cool, d'accord ? Je l'ai acheté, donc je ne vais pas le donner pour rien. Je vais t’offrir une réduction spéciale pour les frères ! On va partir sur 50 000 Grimm? Asmo - Ugh, mon argent pour le spa… MC - Pourquoi ne pas le lui donner ? / Est tu vraiment sûr (sorry je n'ai pas réussi à traduire concrètement) Levi - Le voilà ! L'attaque des yeux brillants de MC ! Mammon - Depuis que tu as demandé si gentiment… Très bien, je te le donne en échange de cinq changements de service de cuisine. Levi - Dadadada-da-da-da-dada ! Asmo a acquis l'eau de source Phantom ! Mammon - Hé ! Épargne-nous le commentaire du RPG ! Asmo - Maintenant que j’ai obtenu de l’eau de source Phantom de Mammon… Il ne reste que « des larmes versées pour une personne spéciale ». En d’autres termes, je vais devoir pleurer pour ma beauté ! MC – Typical Asmo / Cela fera-t-il l'affaire ? Mammon - Hein ? Es-tu sûr que ça va faire l'affaire ? Asmo - Oh, allez. Y a-t-il quelqu'un de plus spécial que moi ? Mammon -… Non.
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Simeon - Bonjour, MC. Tu rentres ? Est ce que je peux t’accompagner un peu ? Nous pourrions même nous arrêter quelque part si tu a le temps. MC - Pouvons-nous parler quelque part loin des regards indiscrets ? / Est il possible de s'arrêter au Purgatory Hall ? Simeon - « Loin des regards indiscrets », dis tu ? D'accord. Que dis-tu de ma chambre ?
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tsuki-chibi · 5 years
Fictober Day 21: Change is annoyingly difficult.
Hands shaking, Marinette picked up her phone. She stared at the screen. It was a cute picture of her and Adrien on one of their dates together. Alya had taken it without either of them noticing and then texted it to Marinette later. She couldn’t help smiling as she gently rubbed her thumb over Adrien’s happy face.
She’d noticed that he smiled so much more now. She liked to think that she had a part in that, that maybe she was even the whole reason for it, because she sure knew Adrien brought a smile to her face every time she thought of him.
“Text him,” Tikki urged.
“I am. I’m just not sure what to say,” Marinette admitted. This was too huge to be done over text, or even over the phone. She needed to talk to him in person.
Because if he was Chat, he was probably going to freak out that she’d figured out his identity. Ladybug had always made such a big deal about keeping their identities a secret. He’d be upset, and maybe even worried about Ladybug being mad, until she told him the truth. Then it would all be okay.
If Adrien was Chat.
“Just ask him if you can meet somewhere for a few minutes,” Tikki suggested. “Adrien won’t suspect anything.”
Tikki’s advice was sound. Marinette nodded. She tapped out a quick text to Adrien and then sat there, staring at the phone, for at least two full minutes. Disappointingly, Adrien failed to text her back. She groaned loudly and set her phone down.
“What do I do now, Tikki? He didn’t answer,” Marinette said, pouting.
“You could do your homework,” Tikki said. And then, when Marinette gave her a flat look, added, “Or maybe check social media to see what’s happening with Lila?”
“Oh my gosh, I completely forgot!” Marinette grabbed her phone again and eagerly unlocked it. She opened up the Ladyblog first, but there was nothing. Of course, Alya wouldn’t have been able to get any footage this time. Sometimes she’d post footage from her followers, but honestly Marinette suspected Alya was still reeling from what had happened.
She squashed the flicker of concern for how Alya was doing - she was not going to reach out first, damnit - and moved over to Facebook. There, she found gold. She sucked in a breath as she looked at the most recent posts. Nearly every single one was about Lila.
“Oooh, they’re all really mad,” Tikki said, sounding a little gleeful.
“I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but poor Lila,” Marinette murmured, scrolling through her feed. She winced as she read through post after post of people listing the things that Lila had told them she could do or had done, and then demanding to know if Lila had been lying to them too.
“Lila put herself in this position,” Tikki reminded her. “She didn’t have to lie to everyone. And she didn’t have to make her lies so plentiful or so uncontrollable. You yourself knows what happens when lies become too far-fetched.”
Marinette nodded glumly, recalling a few times when she’d used outlandish excuses in order to get away to be Ladybug. She’d been called out on it later, and it was always so uncomfortable not being able to share the real reason she had to ditch people. She couldn’t imagine what Lila was going through.
“Maybe she’ll blame it all on her disease again,” Marinette said with a faint smirk. “She’ll say those are all lies she said because she’s sick and that she can’t be held accountable for them.”
Because right now, Lila had gotten away with that by saying that her disease was mostly controlled with only ‘occasional flare-ups’ when she was ‘stressed out’ - bullshit. The list of lies that the akuma had read out had happened during the course of Lila’s time at Collège Françoise Dupont. Lila couldn’t exactly say she’d been having a flair-up for the better part of almost two years now.
Well, she could. But in this case Marinette didn’t think anyone would believe it. Especially since now Lila’s parents would be aware of her lies too.
Tikki rolled her eyes. “If that’s what she does, her credibility is definitely going to be destroyed. Anyone who has an ounce of common sense will never trust again, and they’ll seriously question whatever she’s said.”
“I hope so. I’m really tired of always being the bad guy when it comes to Lie-la.” Marinette smirked again. Was it too mean to hope that nickname caught on?
It would probably be taking it a step too far for Ladybug to make a post on Twitter using #lie-la, right?
Her phone beeped with an incoming text and Marinette grabbed it, hoping against hope that it wasn’t Alya or anyone else in their class. When she saw Adrien’s name, her eyes lit up and she eagerly unlocked her phone... only for her face to fall.
“Adrien says he’s busy for the rest of the day,” Marinette said, reading the text to Tikki. “He says his father got mad when Adrien didn’t go straight home after the school closed.” She made a face. Adrien had been delayed by what, two hours? Three hours max? The akuma hadn’t taken that long to defeat, and he’d only been at the bakery for like fifteen minutes. Gabriel Agreste was such a control freak.
“I’m sorry. That sucks,” Tikki said.
“I guess I should’ve expected it. Adrien did say he’d gotten that text from Nathalie,” Marinette said, slumping into her chair. “I just really wanted to talk to him right away.”
“Maybe Chat can patrol tonight,” Tikki suggested. “You could message him and see.”
“Ugh, change is annoyingly difficult! This shouldn’t be this hard,” Marinette complained.
Tikki patted her hand. “You won’t have to wait that long if Chat is available. It’s after noon already.”
“Still too long. I wish... I wish I could just transform and run over there right now!” Marinette exclaimed.
There was a pause, and then Marinette sat up straight.
“Marinette, no,” Tikki said sternly.
“Marinette, yes,” Marinette countered with a grin.
“Adrien is already in trouble. You don’t want to make it worse!” Tikki said.
“But I’m not going to. I’m just going to see what he’s doing. If he’s locked up alone in his room, then there’s nothing to get him in trouble,” Marinette reasoned, smile widening. “If he’s busy, I’ll just leave and message Chat instead.”
Tikki just stared at her. “I’m not condoning this.”
“Good thing you don’t have to. Tikki, spots on!”
Red light washed over her, transforming her. Ladybug only felt a tiny bit of guilt about it. She’d make it up to Tikki later, maybe by baking a whole batch of Tikki’s favorite triple chocolate cookies.
She just couldn’t wait to see Adrien. She needed to see him right now, even if it was from a distance. She clambered up onto her bed and out onto her balcony, then leapt over the side.
“Ready or not, Hot Stuff, here I come!” she shouted into the wind, giggling.
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big-deak-energy · 6 years
Ben x Reader
AN: This is another fluffy as hell drabble thing that I wrote on the bus to and from work last week, lemme know whatcha think, if anyone has any requests feel free to drop me a message!!
Having an actor boyfriend is great. Visits to set. Seeing bits of the film that the audience won't see in the final cut. Travelling with them all over the world when it's time for the premiere. Getting all pampered before the red carpet. Meeting new friends.
But having an actor boyfriend while looking after a little female clone of him is difficult.
Lola Evelyn Jones-Hardy. Three years old. Spitting image of her Dad, the most gorgeous blue eyes, silky blonde hair that's currently braided. The most luscious pink lips- just like her dads. She makes missing Ben all that much easier knowing I have an actual clone of him running round my house.
It's been a wild ride welcoming Lola into our life.
We'd been together for three years when we found out we were expecting. We were sunning it up in Mauritius when I had a feeling I might have been pregnant. So we came home with a little something more than island souvenirs. And nine months and six hours of labour later, our beautiful baby girl was born. And we're just as in love with her and each other as we were when she arrived.
Me and Ben decided that we don't want anymore. She's too precious to us. She's completed a missing part of us both.
We're currently on our way to set of Ben's new film to surprise him. He's filming in LA and we’re in the most beautiful house - a house that him and his cast mates from Bohemian Rhapsody all put in for so they have somewhere to stay when they’re all in LA. We haven't seen him properly for a while and he told me he's finishing early today so we're going to go for food and just be together. He left early this morning, not before pressing kisses all over my skin. Before he finally peeled himself away from me to leave for work.
Lola is sat next to me jamming away to the radio as we head down the winding streets.
"You excited to see Daddy, Lola?" I reach over to hold her hand. She's dressed in jeans, a white tshirt, a little leather jacket and a pair of vans that Ben brought home a few nights ago. She rocks it. She's always been fashionable, because Ben always bought her the best. I didn't want her to be spoiled but seeing as she's our only child, it's allowed.
"Yes!" She grins at me, a smile so similar to her Dad's.
"Good, were nearly there," I grin as I pull up the barriers at the studio's and roll the window down.
"Good morning ma'am, do you have an appointment?" He ducks down and leans his hands into my car.
"We're here to surprise daddy on set, Ben Hardy on 6 Underground," I grin at him, leaning back so he can see Lola.
"She's definitely his daughter, she's a spitting image of him," he grins, tipping his hat to me.
"Thank you, what studio is it?" I ask and he consults his clipboard.
"Studio seven, there's plenty of parking over that way, have a lovely day," he taps my window again and raises the barrier and we crawl into the lot and follow the signs for number 7.
I park up and jump out of the car so I can get Lola and my bag. I sling my bag over my shoulder and Lola grabs my hand.
"This way baby," I pull her over to the door I've been through before. Inside the sound stage, it's eerily quiet, like normal. But as I follow to where all the people are gathered the scene being filmed gets louder. I swipe Lola up into my arms and balance her on my hip. We grin at each other. I smile at the few people I pass and head into a gap in the crowd. We spot Ben straight away, he's dressed casually, he's currently getting his hair fixed.
"DADDY!" Lola shouts at the top of her lungs. Thankfully they're not filming. It causes the director and everyone else on set to laugh. Ben hasn't noticed yet, maybe because he's still getting his hair fixed.
She shouts again and he snaps his eyes open and scans the crowd of people until he finds up when his eyes light up. He grins, standing up so quickly that he knocks the chair over he was sitting on and dashes over to us.
"Hi," I grin just before he reaches us and envelopes us in his arms, he takes Lola from me and she clings around his neck.
"This is a lovely surprise," he runs a hand around my waist and peppers Lola's face with kisses making her squeal with happiness, before finally giving me a kiss.
There's a lot of movement around us and the director shouting that it's a wrap for the day. I stroke his cheek.
"Thought we'd come down and take you to lunch," I grin as he guides us outside to his trailer.
"We're thinking pizza, then home for a movie and cuddling under a blanket," I run a hand around his waist as he guides me.
"I think just spending time with my ladies will be my favourite," he kisses me again and I feel a pair of ting hands against my cheek.
"Daddy, stop," and we laugh as we pull away from each other.
"What's up my angel? You want daddy kisses too?" He grins, he stops, throwing her up into the air, she screams and it's delightful. That's their thing.
"Okay, kisses for Lola," he squeezes her close and kisses her all over. I link his arm as we continue to walk.
He leads us into a trailer and passes Lola back to me.
"I'll just get changed and I'm outta here, did you come in the car or get an uber?" He asks, wandering into the back of the small trailer.
I put Lola on the floor and she runs after him, I follow behind and she's flopped onto the bed. I join her, pulling her into my lap.
"We came in the Beemer," I wink. He knows that I'm in love with that car as it's the same as the one he drives at home and I drive the Audi Q5 but I'm dying to have a car like his, but we need two different cars because we can't pack up for weekends away in a tiny BMW.
"Look at you flexing in my car, it's a smooth ride init?" He whips his clothes off in the tiny walk in wardrobe, I catch the occasional glimpse of him.
"Have to control myself when I have our little misses in the car," I tickle Lola, making her laugh.
"Me and Lola go fast on the car all the time don't we princess?" Ben pokes his head around the door. Pulling a funny face at our daughter.
"Daddy! That's a secret," she shushes him. I laugh, knowing damn well he speeds with her in the car but he's an excellent driver and knows when to be sensible.
He steps out of the wardrobe, dressed almost identically to Lola. He's got a camel coloured coat on. But the jeans top and shoes are the same.
"We're all matching!" He grins, propping his foot on the bed.
"We are, shall we go, I'm rather hungry?" He claps his hands silently asking if Lola wants carrying, she leaps over to him and he catches her just in time.
As we walk back to the car we hold both of Lola's hands and swing her happily. Her laugh lights up my day.
"Here, you're driving," I throw him the keys out of my bag and he catches them.
"You're directing?" He raises an eyebrow.
"I know just the place," I grin.
Before we get in the car I take a photo of our matching shoes and post it to Instagram with the caption : 'a fashion forward family'
Once were all buckled in Ben heads back out of the studio lot.
"Follow signs for Universal Studios Hollywood," I say, sitting back in the seat, pushing my sunglasses onto my face.
"We're not actually going are we?" He laughs, the bags under his eyes really showing now he's wiped all his makeup off.
"Noo, we're going to CityWalk for Blaze Pizza," I grin. Knowing it's his favourite.
"Oooh, now you're talking," he grins, reaching over to hold my hand as he chauffeurs us to CityWalk.
Two and a half pizzas later and lots of refilled drinks later. We are full. Ben demolished his before I'd even got half way through. But at least I know he's eating. Blaze Pizza was the first place me and Ben went to eat on our first holiday to Florida together and he fell in love, that was before we had Lola and now she loves it too. No other pizza compares.
Ben is carrying Lola who is still sipping on her drink as we pop into Sephora so I can pick up some mascara. A good thing about staying out here with Ben is that I can finally go into Sephora whenever I need something and not order it online or trek into central London.
We make our way back to the car when his phone buzzes in is pocket.
He reads it with a creased forehead and then it turns into a grin.
"What's happening?" I stroke his arm.
"I have the next two days off," he grins.
"Oh wonderful," I run an arm around his shoulders and up his neck and pull him down to kiss his cheek.
"What about taking my ladies to Disneyland again?" He grins.
"Oooh, yeah, how does that sound Lola?" I grin at her. She absolutely loved it last time. She was a high as a kite the morning of our first day. She dragged us in whatever direction she wanted to go on, Ben bought us matching ears and took lots of photos. She ended up passed out against Ben's shoulder while we were watching the fireworks, hopefully if we go this time, she can watch them.
Settled in the car again we stop via Target to pick up some water and snacks and a few treats for ourselves and then we finally make our way home.
Our beautiful rented home in the Hollywood Hills. It's secluded with absolutely amazing views of the city. It's a house that his friends, Joe, Gwilym and Rami all stay in when they come to LA, sometimes it's the four of them all in the house, we had Joe staying with us three weeks ago, Lola was delighted to see him. Joe took her out for the day to Target so me and Ben could have the day to ourselves.
It was needed but the family cuddles we had when we got home was so lovely. We feel like we're missing an arm when she's not with us.
We arrive home and head inside, putting the shopping on the kitchen island. Lola runs off to her room and it's me and Ben in the kitchen. Ben his checking his phone as I'm unpacking the bags. I quietly walk over to him, pull his phone from his grip and push myself into his body. Wrapping my arms around his neck and pushing up onto my toes to kiss him softly. His hands link together, resting on my lower back.
"I've missed you," he whispers against my lips.
"I miss you always, but having Lola around helps, it's like having a mini you running round," I stroke his face. My fingers running through his sideburn.
"You know when I have to leave early in the morning, I go in and give her a kiss and a cuddle, just so she knows that I love her," he whispers.
Tears prick my eyes. I never knew he did that.
"Don't, I'm going to cry," I whisper.
He just pulls me into his arms and strokes my hair and my back.
"I can't wait till filming is finished and I can be together with my ladies again. Back in London, in our actual, cozy home, feel like I haven't seen my little lady properly in ages, need to get all them cuddles in,"
We stand holding each other in the kitchen until a little pair of arms wrap around our legs.
We pull away and look down to see who it is. And Ben swoops her up into his arms and we have another cuddle.
"Daddy you can choose," Lola smile at him, stroking his hair.
"Choose what?" He grins at her. Their smiles are identical, my heart swells looking at them both.
"The film!" She laughs.
"Oh I know what we can watch," he grins, putting her down and they make their way onto the large couch and get comfy. I mooch about in the kitchen getting snacks and drinks for my little family. He's flicking through the tv looking for the film.
I carry the tray with drinks on down the two steps and push it onto the table.
"Right before we put the film on shall we go and get changed into some comfy clothes?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at Ben. He knows I mean pyjamas and not just his boxers.
"I think that's a wonderful idea, let's go," he picks Lola up again and tickles her as we head down the corridor to our bedrooms.
We quickly change into some comfier clothes, baggy jumpers and sweatpants and a onesie for Lola. One that Uncle Joe bought her when they went out together the last time he visited. They've got matching ones.
Once we're settled back on the sofa again, I pull the blanket around us. Lola is sat between us, Ben has his arm over the back of the sofa and I'm snuggled into the corner. Ben has his daughter tucked into his side. She's grinning up at him as he presses play on the movie.
The famous Disney castle plays out before us. I know what film they've chosen as the chords of a song I've heard a hundred times before start to play. It's Moana. It's a good job I love these two humans. We're going to have a singalong and I am beyond excited.
Life hasn't always been smooth to get where we are today, Ben's away a lot but he always makes it up to us, by whisking us away for mini holidays, with no phones, just the three of us.
And I wouldn't want it any other way. I want to be like this forever.
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swiftie92 · 7 years
😻rules // answer these 83 questions and tag some people
Thank you  @seleniftie for tagging me!! Love you! I’m tagging @whataswift , @alinalovestay , @thatwasthenightthingschanged , @swiftthisway , @alitoowell , @howtodream , @deliecate , @swiftiefan20, @taylors-wine-glass  if you guys find time to answer them 😉
the last:
drink: Chai Latte

phone call: my friend Nicole to hear how she’s doing 

text message: my friend Carina to plan our next phone call 

song you listened to: Vance Joy - Call if you need me (his new album came out Friday! :))

time you cried: I think it was last Sunday, I watched the movie The Blind Side again

dated someone twice: yes

kissed someone and regretted it: hmmmmm yes and no

been cheated on: no

lost someone special: yes, close family members

been depressed: no, I’m a usually positive person

gotten drunk and thrown up: Haha yeeeep 🙈
three favorite colors:

12. dark red

13. dark blue

14. dark green
in the last year have you:

15. made new friends: yes :)

16. fallen out of love: no

17. laughed until you cried: yes best feeling ever

18. found out someone was talking about you: yes but stuff like that doesn't bother me tbh

19. found out who your friends are: luckily I have a group of friends for a long time now and I know I can trust them

20. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl? Most of them :)

23. do you have any pets: sadly no but I’m planning to get two cats when I moved out 😻

24. do you want to change your name: no I like my name but because there are so many ways to write it it’s often written wrong 

25. what did you do for your last birthday: I turned 25 and celebrated with three other friends who also turned 25. We had a space themed 100 Birthday celebration, it was really fun! We decorated everything in silver and hung up starts on the ceiling and wrote some nice things on every star. When the guest left they jump and caught a star. Most of our friends still have their star hanging in their flat :)

26. what time did you wake up: 10:30 am I love Sundays :))

27. what were you doing at midnight last night: probably watching some videos on youtube :D

29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Friday 
30. what are you listening to right now: Saturday Sun- Vance Joy ☀️
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes I know a Tom since primary school 
32. something that is getting on your nerves: fake people and injustice

33. most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube 
34. hair color: Dark Brown
35. long or short hair: something in between 
36. do you have a crush on someone: currently nope but James (Vance Joy) is really cute haha :D
37. what do you like about yourself: I love my positive attitude, enthusiasm and creativity
38. piercings: two in each ear!

39. blood type: A+
40: nickname: Isa, Isibell
41. relationship: single af
42. zodiac sign: aries
43. pronouns: she/her

44. favorite tv show: currently Modern Family

45. tattoos: none
46. right or left handed: righ handed!
47. surgery: wisdom teeth in 2009, had to get my chin stitched up (I was a very active child haha) and a stomach surgery in 2011 
48. sport: DANCING!!!
49. vacation: a secret trip in April with my dance team (we’ll get know the destination the day we leave), Dublin in June and visiting my family in Greece in September 
more general:

51. eating: I’m vegetarian and a very picky/fussy eater 🙈

52. drinking: water, diet coke, Chai latte

53. im about to: finish parts of my tour costume yey 🎉🐍

54. waiting for: to fall in love again

55. want: to finish my master thesis, get a job and my own flat

56. get married: yes I would like to if I find the right guy 

57. career: a job in health care 
which is better:

58. hugs or kisses: both

59. lips or eyes: Eyes

60. taller or shorter: Taller

61. older or younger: Older 

62. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 

63. hookup or relationship: definitely relationship 

64. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever:

65. kissed a stranger: yes lol

66. drank hard liquor: oooh yes

67. lost glasses/contacts: lost my sunglasses one time 

68. turned someone down: yes

69. sex on the first date: nope

70: had your heart broken: yes 

71. been arrested: no :D

72. cried when someone died: yes
73. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in:

74. yourself: I try!

75. miracles: I would like to 

76. love at first sight: yes

77. santa: there are kids on this website

78. kiss on the first date: yes

79. angels: no

80. best friend’s name: I don't have a ‘best friend’. My oldest friend is called Sina, we’ve been friends for 13 years now. My other really close friends are Nicole, Carina, Megan and Esther 💗

81. eye colour: grey/blue!

82. fave movie: that’s difficult, I love so many movies, I really can’t decide (La boum, Inception, Mamma Mia, If I stay, The Blind Side and so many more)

83. fave actor/actress: I don't really have any favorites but I really like Leonardo DiCaprio
And that’s a wrap! 
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astrodances · 7 years
Nothing Fancy
FF.net link 
AO3 link
Merry Christmas and Happy Christmas Truce to @playerpiano-la​! I’m your Secret Santa! Your request for “amethyst ocean or anything having to do with dani” was like a blank check to me, and boy, did I cash in. As a result, here’s some fluffy platonic Tucker and Dani (with a dash of the lovebirds)! I hope you enjoy!
Tucker was thrilled that it was finally Friday night.
After one of the most grueling weeks ever at school, coupled with ghost patrol every night, he'd circled Friday all for himself. He had the house to himself for the weekend, his friends were busy, and he had not one, but two new video games waiting by the TV. This was going to be good.
Or so he thought until his phone buzzed next to him on the couch. New text message.
Tucker didn't recognize the contact number, and was even more confused by the message itself until the doorbell echoed the text. Curiously, he got up and wandered from the living room to the front door.
"Dani?" he asked after opening it.
The younger halfa stood out on the porch nonchalantly, her hands stuffed in the pockets of her hoodie. "Hey, Tucker!"
He opened the door wider, letting light from the house spill out onto her. He looked down at his phone then back up at her and asked, "Did you just text me?"
Dani gave him a dorky smile. "Ding-dong!" she confirmed, then shrugged. "Got a new phone."
Making a mental note to add her new number to her contact later, Tucker nodded. Dani had gotten quite a few life upgrades ever since the Fentons adopted her a month ago. He was glad to see that tech was included in the deal. "Awesome, man!" He leaned against the doorframe. "Anyway, not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?"
Another shrug. "Eh, Danny and Sam are having a 'date night'-" She added extra emphasis with air quotes. "-at our place. Took over the entire living room. And I didn't want to be a third wheel, so...I came to see if you wanted to hang out?" She looked up at him hopefully.
Without a second thought, Tucker answered, "Sure!" His solo game night could wait, as much as he wanted to play. He knew all too well the feeling of being third wheel to Sam and Danny, date night or not, and he wouldn't let Dani fall victim to that. He stepped aside to let her in, sweeping his arm in a grand gesture. "Enter if you dare."
Dani slugged him on the shoulder with a laugh as she walked in. "Thanks!" After taking off her shoes at the door, she asked, "So...what were you doing before?"
"Just was gonna play some games. Nothing fancy." He nodded towards the living room TV. Granted it would've been fancy to him, being a new game and all, but as far as his free nights went it'd been shaping up to be pretty typical.
She walked around the couch and picked up one of the game cases laying on the coffee table before squealing. "Oooh! You got the new Mario Kart?!" She reached down for the other case then glanced at him. "Can I play?"
Tucker seemed surprised. He didn't peg Dani as the gamer-type, but then again he hadn't with Sam either, and he learned his lesson the hard way there. And at least this way, he'd still get to play tonight. Mario Kart was better multiplayer, after all.
"You're on!" He smirked, then set up the game as Dani got comfortable on the couch.
The two dueled it out with their digital personas for a couple of hours. They lost track of who had the most wins, but neither refused to admit defeat. At some point, Dani stretched her arms out and leaned back into the couch.
"Dude, I'm hungry," she stated.
"Same." Tucker had barely spared a thought to anything else while playing, but now he noticed the hunger kicking in.
Dani looked over at him. "I think Nasty Burger's still open."
He nodded. "It is, but I don't really wanna go out." He looked at the clock on the shelf next to the TV. It was already 11:17.
"Aw, come on. We can get it to-go. It'll be a fun adventure!" She sat back up, a renewed pep in her eyes.
There was a moment's hesitation, then a sigh and, "Fine. But you're buying."
"Nuh-uh." Dani held up her remote. "We'll play for that. One more race, loser buys."
"Ugh, you and Danny, I swear..." Tucker grumbled, side-eyeing the female carbon-copy of his best friend.
Within a few minutes, Tucker wound up victorious. He pumped his fists in the air, snickering as Dani yelled at the TV. Her attempt to sabotage him with a blue shell had failed.
"You suck!" Dani joked.
He just stood up triumphantly and threw his controller to the side. "Let me just grab my jacket and keys, and then we'll go so you can pay up."
A pillow met the back of his head as he started up the stairs.
"Since when did you get your license?" Dani was watching Tucker climb into his car, unsure whether she should actually get in herself.
"Since like...four months ago. I just don't drive too much since pretty much everything's close by." He hesitated, then glanced at her. "What? You afraid?"
Dani glared at him, sticking her tongue out. "Only if your real driving is as crazy as it is in Mario Kart."
Tucker rolled his eyes. "As long as you don't throw another blue shell, I think we'll be okay," he teased, which earned a scoff. "Hop in!"
Dani got in, mentally preparing to phase out of the car at a moment's notice should his driving get hairy. But the thought of food soon took over as they rolled down the street. She rolled down her window and stuck out her hand, letting the cool night air whip by it.
They took their time getting to Nasty Burger, since they weren't in any real rush. Tucker had some music playing low on the car's speakers, and Dani would point out weird signs every so often. Only Amity Park would have cheerful billboards about ghosts on every block.
When they finally got to the restaurant, there were just a couple other cars in the parking lot. Nothing fancy, just another late night for the employees as people stopped by for a quick bite. But Dani and Tucker carried in a lively good mood that even made the cashier break into a smile.
Tucker ordered first.
"I'll get two double-doubles, fries, and a large Coke." He looked to his right and held out his hand. "Danielle?"
Dani elbowed him as she stepped forward, laughing when he groaned. "I'll have the same, but with a chocolate shake instead."
The cashier rang up their total, then looked up expectantly as she told them the price.
Dani begrudgingly started to pull her wallet out, but Tucker stopped her with a hand on her arm. "Just put it on Daniel Fenton's tab. He'll be here tomorrow," he explained.
The cashier shrugged and took note of the payment in the system, then went back to the kitchen to help with the order.
"Not that I have a problem with making Danny pay, but why?" Dani questioned. "I lost the game."
Tucker shrugged innocently as they walked over to a table to wait for their food. "Eh, you guys have the same name. Technicalities." He winked at her. Plus, he saw it as a sort of payback for Danny making Dani feel like a third wheel, but he wouldn't tell her that. He had her back.
After they got their food, they walked back out to Tucker's car. Dani drank happily from her milkshake, leaping from one parking block to the next with just the slightest help of her flying ability to make each jump last. There was something about the cold air that was making her extra happy.
"Maaaan, I love midnight food trips!" she exclaimed loudly.
Tucker smiled. So did he, and he was glad she made him go out. "They're the best!" he agreed.
When they got back in the car, he settled in for a moment, snagging a couple of fries from his bag as he considered what was next. "So hey. I'm guessing Danny and Sam are still having their date night. Wanna just spend the night at my place? We can play more games and watch some movies?"
"I'm down!" Dani nodded. "Can we just stop by Fenton Works so I can sneak in and grab some stuff?"
"Can do!"
Tucker made quick work of the drive to Fenton Works, parking by the house next door so as to not accidentally interrupt his friends. He kept the car on to keep their food warm while Dani snuck around the side of the building, flew up, and phased into her room. It was a couple of minutes before she came back down with an overnight back slung over her shoulder. Instead of getting back in the car though, she hovered near the driver's window, which Tucker rolled down.
"What's up?"
Dani's eyes were deviously green. "Danny and Sam are still downstairs, doing their cute-gross cuddly thing," she explained, before reaching into her bag and pulling out two dart guns. "I wanna prank 'em."
Even though her smile was scaring him right then, and he didn't even know what the plan was, Tucker couldn't help but agree. "I'm so in."
After explaining her plan, Dani gave Tucker one of the dart guns and grabbed onto his arm to phase him through the front door. She kept them invisible once inside, positioning themselves right next to the TV. They watched the couple cuddling on the couch for a few minutes, waiting for the right moment to strike. Finally, Danny looked over at Sam and pulled her in for a kiss.
Before their lips could meet, two foam darts smacked into their cheeks. Sam shrieked in surprise, and Danny swore a Fenton's curse, jumping up out of instinct. Before they could figure out what hit them, Dani yanked Tucker out of the house within seconds, keeping them invisible until they were back in the car.
"Go, go, go!" Dani commanded while catching her breath.
Tucker started his car and booked it down the road, turning at the first available corner. Adrenaline kept his foot on the pedal. He didn't slow down until they were at least a good mile away from Fenton Works. By that time, they were both doubling over with laughter.
"Dude, did you see Sam's face? I haven't seen her that scared since we first started fighting ghosts!"
"Right? And I thought Danny was gonna break out a Fenton Bazooka!"
They continued to laugh without a care in the world, until Dani's phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and checked the caller ID.
"Damn, it's Danny! He wants to video chat. Play it cool," she said, waving her hand towards Tucker to stifle his giggles. She slid her finger across her screen and held the phone up to answer. "Hey cuz, what's up?"
Danny gave her the evil eye. "Where are you?"
"I'm hanging out with Tucker, remember?" She pointed her phone towards the driver's seat. "See?"
"Hey, dude!" Tucker waved at the camera, before watching the road again.
"Uh huh...and why are you guys out right now?"
Dani rolled her eyes. "Jeez, mom. We were just getting some food at the Nasty Burger." To make her point, she picked up her milkshake and took a sip. "Why?"
"So you wouldn't happen to know why these-" Danny held up the two darts in his hand. "-just hit Sam and I in the face?"
"Nuh-uh." Tucker kept his eyes firmly on the road, trying to keep his voice level.
Danny sighed, then spoke away from his phone. "It wasn't them, Sam. I'm gonna search the house just in case. If this was Youngblood, I swear..." He shook his head then turned back. "Well, you guys have fun with your food. See ya later."
"Later!" Dani couldn't hang up fast enough. As soon as the call ended she burst into laughter, Tucker joining her. "Oh my god, he's a Fenton through and through!"
"No kidding! Ha, we got them good!" He held up a fist across the center console, which she bumped triumphantly.
The rest of the ride back to Tucker's was spent in good spirits. He cranked up the volume on his radio, and the two sang and danced along to "24K Magic." Dani even rolled her window back down to yell out, "24 karat magic in the aaaaaaaiiir!" She smirked when she heard dogs barking in response.
Magic indeed.
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