#secret guyz
shhh-secret-time · 7 months
Whyyyyyy am I reading your stuff and falling in love with Stan???
I'm supposed to be a Kenny girlie. You can't do this to me! But the way you write him. UUUUUGH????
Allow me to quote something a wise man once said.
"Why not both?" - Sun Tzu, I'm sure.
But for real I'm glad you enjoy the way I write him. He certainly is the easiest for me to write for, I get that dude. Kenny is a little more difficult because of the way I want to portray him.
I got a soft spot for people who are absolutely miserable about themselves and the hand that life dealt them, but they've got so much riding on their shoulders that they can't give up. Like, thinking about Kenny having to smile for Karen and his friends around him.
"Oh haha Kenny is a big flirt! He just loves women!"
Yes, BUT have you considered? Kenny just loves people a lot because he desperately wants that love. Maybe I'm reading to much into it, but that's the point of fanfiction I think? I dunno! But hey thanks again for the compliment, gives me the big time good feels.
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angel-derail · 2 years
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lead-acetate · 2 years
Winter Secret Solstice 2022
my fic for @montalais is here! hope you enjoy it!
(it’s Athamis and a Cyrano de Bergerac AU)
when I first read "Hamlet", I wanted to skip the monologues
“I think it would be a difficult dialogue; after all, you don’t know anything about me and I would be forced to explain every little detail.”
“I think that’s the beauty of it, don’t you?” The stranger’s eyes glinted together with his teeth. Athos found it rather appalling. “Besides, a simple dialogue is a boring dialogue.”
“I hardly talk to my friends, why would I pour out my soul to you, someone I've never seen before?"
The stranger chuckled. "Well, that's exactly it. You've never seen me before and in an hour I'm off to Amiens, you'll never see me again."
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aynut · 10 months
HRHRGRHGGHRGHRHRGHHEGHRGRGRHRGGRRGRHHRGRHRHRGRHRRGRHRGRGRHGRGHRRGGRHRGRHRGRHRHRHRGRHHRRGRHRHRGRGHRHRGHRHGRHRHRRHRGHRHRGRGRHRHRGRHRTRHRGRGRGHRGRGRGGRGGGRGRHRRGRGRRGGRRHRGRRHHRHRGRGRGRHEHERGRGRHRGRGRGGEHEHRGRHEHREGRHRHRRHRG................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I AM THE MOST SUCCESSFUL LITTLE GUY IN LIFE
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potofsoup · 3 months
i love your fourth of july comics every year but this years feels extremely optimistic about biden’s abilities in the face of him letting roe get overturned and funding a gen*cide at worst or letting it happen at best by taking the bare minimum of regulatory action… i mean can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands? and how do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?
Hihi! Thank you for reading and enjoying my July 4th comics every year! I am in a non-US airport en route to a month-long trip in a place with sketchy internet, so sorry in advance for sloppiness in my response (and potentially going radio silent).
I don't think he "let" Roe get overturned, since that was the Supreme Court's overwhelming conservative majority, which really started with Mitch McConnell refusing to approve Obama's appointee and forcing it into a 2016 election issue. The fact that Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices is what got us here.
Re: Biden and the Israel/Hamas war ... on the one hand, there's definitely more that he could have done, but on the other hand, they are a whole other country over there. It's Hamas that initiated the Oct 7 attacks and took the hostages. It's Netanyahu and his right-wing government who decided to retaliate to such extreme extent. Biden can talk about how he would really like Netanyahu to stop fighting and step down, but at the end of the day that's not his call, any more than he can stop the Sudan fighting that is near-genocidal either.
So, to come to your question #1: "Can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands"?
For me, it's a resounding YES. Guyz, he has passed so much good domestic policies. My spouse works in green energy and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act halved his anxiety and gave him legitimate hope. The tumblr post I linked to in my comic has links to many of the other great things that Biden has done. Tbh I voted for him in 2020 because "a moldy onion is still better than Trump", and I've been pleasantly surprised. Like how he tried to cancel student loans, the Supreme Court overturned it, and then he came back 6 months later with a different way to do it that didn't lead to a court challenge.
Is he perfect? Hell no. There's tons of stuff that I wish he did more about, or he went further on, but also he's just one guy heading one branch of government who is heading into an election year. (Just like FDR promising not joining WWII, while behind the scenes doing all the Lend-Lease Act stuff). And "the people" have lots of demands, many of them conflicting.
I'd also like to push at the unspoken part of your question... "Can he really be trusted to do the right thing..." compared to whom? Because right now the answer is "compared to Trump." And compared to Trump... I don't even trust Trump to respect the results of a legitimate election. Heck, he might just take his favorite state secrets, sell them to the highest bidder (or just show them off to someone for funzies), and then claim Presidential immunity. A decent Democrat who got stuff done vs someone who probably wants to pardon himself and all his friends and do Project 2025 stuff is not even on the same level. (Do I wish that there was a viable Democratic alternative to Biden? Sure! But who?) Heck, at this point -- imagine if it's Kamala Harris vs. Trump. Who would you vote for?
As for your question #2: "How do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?"
We don't. But also what can we do besides showing up to vote?
Actually, I need bullet points for this:
The 2022 midterm elections brought in fewer-than-expected election-deniers into crucial electoral offices at the state level, which means that hopefully most state electoral boards will continue to have integrity
Yes, voting is harder but at least we can still vote. So it's about getting out there and getting your vote counted. For some states, it involves waiting in 8 hour lines. For some states, it involves bringing 2 forms of ID. Document. Track. Make sure it's dropped off in a real ballot box and not a fake one. Don't believe messaging that the voting is happening on a different day or location, etc.
A 50.1% majority is easily challenged. A 55% majority, less so. Which means getting people out to vote.
The more people know about and think about the reality of a second Trump term (versus being disappointed by a Biden term), the more they will be motivated to vote against Trump.
Finally, let's be real here: I'm braced for a 2nd Trump term. That said:
I'm still going to go and vote for Biden, because the only way to prevent a 2nd Trump term is to vote.
A Trump term where either the House or Senate is controlled by the Democrats will be *very* different from a clean Republican sweep.
Even with a clean Republican sweep on the federal level, States have so much more power now, and voting the state level stuff will help shore up Democratic goals for the future. States get to draw voting districts however they want. States get to decide on abortion policies. If you live in a deep Red state, there still might be things to vote for that make it easier to live in now, and turn it purple a few elections down the line.
So at the end of the day, it's "Vote AND". Vote and keep living your best life. Vote and tell others about Project 2025. Vote and have hope. Even if Trump wins, at least you'll have voted against him. Vote and stay to build up a progressive wave for the next election.
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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Pairing: stepbrothers! Jeno and Jaemin x f!reader
W.C: 13k (I want them please)
Warnings: possessive behavior, restraining hint, manhandling(?), pervert!nomin, dom!nomin, biting, tiny bit of blood, sucking, crying, a bit of pain during it, nipple play, clit and tit stimulation, oral( f. Rec), lot of lot of overstimulation( 😉), double penetration, praising and name calling, raw penetration( don’t do irl guyz💀)
Network: @k-vanity @cultofdionysusnet
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated 😭. Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
*under the cue*
Stepbrothers are same as brothers, Right? Just you need to maintain a step away from them from being too close to them if you somehow feel uncomfortable or unwanted, afterall they are not related to you by blood. Yes, that’s what you have lectured yourself before coming to this grand house where you are sitting with bored eyes staring at the screen. You don’t even remember why you have come to the living room and sat there in first place but now regretting as to why you remained in that place instead of going to your room to find something more useful than facing the idiots who just entered through the big wooden door.
Your step-brothers. Maintain that step.
Since the first day, you came here after your beloved mother married her childhood best friend, your life is literally pathetic. Your parents never had that lovely little family couple relation in between them and you somehow hoped them to get separate and when you were in highschool, they finally parted their ways much to your liking. Somewhere, in the corner of your mind, you still missed that fatherly love and your mother did notice it as she also felt alone when seeing others being happy with their partners. After two months, her best-friend started coming to your house more often to check on both of you and your mother gladly welcomed him each and every time. Once, you eavesdropped on their conversation when coming back from school and then realized their life story.
Basically, they are those childhood sweethearts and had so many dreams to spend their life together. Unfortunate events led them to move apart and during those times, you mother was being married to your father and her lover went overseas for future plannings and under family's peer pressure, he also got married there. They didn’t have contact with each other until they again met at a fancy restaurant with their own little families. Somehow, they talked about their situation and accepted their fate. They again back to being friends. He somehow noticed that your mother was not happy in her life but what could he do when he was the one who left her to her miseries. When you were in primary school, her friend left for the states with his wife again and then again, she was never able to meet him. You don’t remember much about them from your childhood memories but when you met with your mother’s friend after your father left you, the memories flashes across your mind.
Never in your high school life, you ever thought of them getting married. You could see how she used to share every detail of her life with her friend and you were glad that she could talk about her problems to someone with whom she feels safe and most comfortable. That time, you also noticed that how her friend was meeting all alone with your mother instead of bringing his wife along, you didn’t think about it much but gradually you came to know that his wife was no more due to mishap. That was the main reason for them to reunite again and could find comfort within each other’s warmth. You were literally so happy for them, if they were more verbal to their family about their relationship then they could have lived a more blessed life since long ago but its okay, everything happens for a reason and maybe this reason could lead them to a better life. Eventually, after your completion of school, they brought up the topic about their marriage and surprisingly, you agreed with it instantly. You were happy to get a father who actually showed the fatherly love towards you and also you were thankful to him to love your mother so much.        
But maybe for you, two devils escaped from the hell that day. Girl, you didn’t know that the man who was building a paradise for you and your mother can also bring two devils of hell into that paradise. After marriage, when you three shifted to a different country, you came to know that your two lovely step-brothers are also shifting there to settle down with your family. First, you thought about getting two little brothers because you didn’t know in the first hand that he had child rather two sons and you hoped to see them but the next when you came to know about their age and they are handling all the business schedules and meetings of their father’s company, your head hit hard. Well they are the heirs of all your step-father’s company but now you are also part of it and you didn’t know it yet but the first introduction with your step-brothers and getting to know about the inheritance was not like how you expected.
“So, you are the pretty heir and the third inheritor of this huge property?”
“I am?....I don’t know about this.”
“Really? But dad has prepared every document for you and you are unaware of it? This is strange. If you are not here for the property then what the hell are you doing in my house?”
“Excuse me but this is my house as well. I am your sister so I should be here.”
Don’t forget you are just a step-sister.
A great physique wearing a white t-shirt complimenting each bump of the muscles and an eyebrow slit making his dark look more intimidating. His gaze was burning on your exposed skin and the aura radiating from him was so daring as well. That day, you knew that it was best to ignore the older one in that household because you feel so weak in front of that powerful presence around you. Somehow, you hoped for the other one to be a bit handful and friendly but unfortunately, it didn’t go like that. One day when your parents were out and only Jeno was there, chilling in the wide living area, you noticed it and made your way back to the garden family zone which is your favorite spot but not likely today. You just wanted to relax yourself in your room after having long classes in the university but you didn’t want to face your so called brother all alone in that mansion so until your parents were coming back, you opted to kill time in the garden. It was pretty much okay unless the other devil appeared in front of you disturbing your peaceful time.
“What’s a pretty baby doing here?”
This boy and his name calling.
“That’s none of your concern.”
“It is my concern when you are doing every possible stuff to ignore my brother. It hurts my feelings when you are avoiding that handsome brother of mine who can get every girl around here or anywhere even you…”
“What the hell? Just go away and let me relax.”
“Uh ah…NO. I cant let my one and only dear sister to be here outside in the late evening. Its getting dark and anything can happen when the surrounding falls black and its only you and me making the white spot.”
You could feel him leaning towards you slowly with each word falling from his mouth while kneeling in front of you to match your level sitting on a low rock seat. You pushed him when he fell back and balanced himself on his two hands, laughing at your flustered face which you were trying your best to hide from him.
“What type of bullshit you are saying? Get the fuck away Jaemin.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I will shout and tell that….that you are…you….I..I was..”
“Is my dear sister lost? Are you lost babygirl?”
His smirk is wide enough to fuel your anger more and your fist tight on your lap, nails digging in your palm, making the skin reddish all around. He stared at you for a while and stood up, dusting his pants while he could still feel the glares from you to which he had no effect rather he chuckled on the fact.
“What are you upto?”
“Nothing. Just go inside and don’t stay out. Jeno is just a human like you and me so he wont be feeding on you in the dinner.”
You frowned on his words and he smiled to your confused face and walked away. Did he just call himself and me at a same level? No way. I mean we are human but we both can't be same. He is that shitty human like his brother and the way Jeno always have a dark expression, you doubt that he might feed on you. Does your mother trust your new brothers so much that she left you alone with them? Stomping your feet, you walked into the house to find both of your brothers sitting on the sofa and laughing at their phone screen, maybe again watching some weird stuffs. You glanced towards the stairs and ran towards it when the not so lovely of your brother spoke up.
“What were you doing outside?”
“Didn’t Jaemin tell you that I don’t want to face you? Yes. I was avoiding you.”
You didn’t dare to look back to them, you were just hoping to escape the place that moment and lock yourself inside the room until your parents come back.
“And why?”
You didn’t speak anything but could feel both of their stares boring onto your back so you took some slow steps.
“I asked you something. Without entertaining my questions, you are again going away. Does our baby need some punishments to behave well?”
Hearing the last sentence, you ran to your room without caring what would happen next but you just made your strong opinion on not unlocking the door unless one of your parents come upstairs.
You are always been called out with endearments by Jaemin. He is the biggest flirt in the household. He might be the one with soft, playful and flirty nature but his intentions are always transparent and your parents appreciate his clinginess towards you. ‘Jaemin loves his sister so much. I am so glad they are getting along so well with each other.’
Well, only you know how that tease actually shows his brotherly love to you. He always has that intimidating lustful eyes following your every movement around the house and whenever you catch him for it, he would just simply give you his teasing smile and winks at you before walking away with smug look.
Whereas his brother Jeno, well you just know about him that however possible you need to avoid that individual because you cant read him like Jaemin. He always has that dark expression with clenched jaws and piercing eyes. When Jaemin’s stare feels like tickles on your skin like a winter warmth, Jeno’s eyes burn on your skin like a blazing sun in summer. The cold replies to your every question and whenever your parents are in front, he would watch you as if every mishap in the world is caused by you. Every reason is you for his life problems. You still don’t know whether he is happy with your presence or not and moreover it is okay for him to introduce you as his sister to everyone. Jaemin happily shows everyone that you belong to his family and Jeno just agree with him by nodding his head slightly but they never mentioned the actual relationship that you are their ‘stepsister’.
It's always ‘she is one of us’ or ‘she is our family’ for them.
“How was your Gym workouts my sons?”
“it was good mom.” Jaemin brightly smiled to his step-mom.
“Yeah it was.”
“Why are you so down Jeno? Are you tired?”
“He is just sulky mom. He is mad because he is not getting the appreciation he needs from his favorite person, you know.”
“Gym crush?”
“No… it’s-“
“Jaemin. You are going to shut up right now.”
 If Jeno’s glare could burn Jaemin then he would have turned into ashes that instant but maybe his sweats saved him and his laugh echoed throughout the dinning room. Your attention got averted towards the noise coming from the presence of three lovely beings conversing among themselves.
“Y/n. come and eat with us, you will be late for the outing.”
Your mother has called you many times to have the lunch because later this evening, you will be going out with your friends but before that you need to complete some assignments and your mother wont let you do so without you having the lunch on time.
“mom, told you that I’m not hungry. I will be in my room and if you need me just call me downstairs.”
Standing on your feet, you collected your ipad and phone from the sofa and made your way towards the stairs. The brothers shared a knowing look before speaking up and halting your steps.
“You are not leaving now.”
“Why is it your concern jeno?”
“This is our concern Y/n. You are our sister and skipping meals is not good for your health. Eat now. I will help with your assignments later so come here.”
“Jaemin you don’t have to.”
“Look. Your brothers are always taking care of you and this is so nice that he will also be helping you with your works.”
“But mom-“
“Y/n, don’t be stubborn.”
As it had to be. You had your lunch with them, having some conversations from here and there. Your mother happily listened to your every word like usual but surprisingly your brothers were also interested in the topics. Even, Jeno stated some opinions regarding some issues and this is the first time, you felt grateful about his presence. He is not the type to have family time and moreover having conversations with any one of you other than his brother, Jaemin. Well, this other one is always a nosy one in everyone’s business so it’s natural to have him in the dining family times. During the whole lunch, you could feel two burning stares on your skin, your brothers stealing glances of you and your mother is always unaware of all these.
When going back to your room, you could feel someone is following you upstairs and you are well aware of the person, who it might be. Well, as he has promised earlier, he would definitely help you in your assignments. You didn’t mind him following but something about his stares, making you uncomfortable in your place.
Entering your room, you quickly head towards the table to gather all your required stuffs for the work while he made himself comfortable on the edge of your bed. His hands caressing the bedsheet and humming to himself with closed eyes.
“Where are you going anyways?”
You didn’t pick up his question as you are busy typing some texts in your group chat when you feel someone snatches your phone away from your grip and held it higher.
“What the hell? Give it back to me Jaemin. You are here to help me not to irritate me.”
“I was asking you a question but you just ignored me and was busy on this useless thing.”
“I was texting someone and I’m sorry that I didn’t hear you.”
He glanced to the phone in his hand, which was still raised above and squinting his eyes, he is trying to read the messages. You could see his raised eyebrows and tongue poking his cheeks.
“You are going out with all boys?”
“That’s not your issue.”
“Did mom allow you?”
“Oh gosh. Why are you asking so many questions? Are you going to help me now or not? If not then get the fuck out of my room.”
“What help do you need exactly?”
You are standing on your toes to match his level to get back your phone but your feet touched the floor on hearing his words. You should not feel like this but his tone is different than before and it’s a bit more seductive and you could feel him closing the distance between you both. You step back with every proceeding of his step towards you. You bumped on the chair in front of the desk and your hands grabbed the top of it tightly in the back, you are totally trapped. He leans forward and caged you, hands gripping the desk behind.
  “Wha…what..do you need?”
He leans to your ears and his hot breath fanning over it when he whispered.
“That’s really up to you. How do you need me?”
“I need…help…in my assignment.”
“yeah and?”
He stares at your eyes in a way as if he is trying to hipnotize you.
“Answer the rest of the questions I have asked you. Be a good girl. Will you?”
He repeated his questions while caressing your cheeks and somehow you were leaning to his touch even when you know whatever you both are doing is wrong. This is not how a brother and sister treat each other.
“I am going out with my old friends who are in this town and they want to meet with me so I will be back late at night.”
He stares at you for a few moments as if he is processing your words. Suddenly, he comes near to your face to match your eye level, staring so deeply as if he could read your past life and can possess your soul anytime. You can feel his lips just a breath away from yours and this is the first time, you are so much close to your brother, well just a reminder step-brother. Tugging your hairs slowly behind your ears, his fingers sliding over your cheeks to feel every little detail of the texture, you closed your eyes on the impact. Your heart beat increasing with every passing second and you can feel him smiling at your current state. You are hoping to end this situation quickly like you can push him or just like any other time, you can just reply him back savagely but somehow your body not reacting to do any of this rather accepting him and letting him to have his ways with you. Your thoughts got interrupted when you could feel something warm on your lips. His lips. He kissed you. It was a quick kiss as if a dream which flickered in the daylight. He steps back and brushes his hair with a smug look as if he has achieved his thing which he desired for so long.
The room is quiet. Really quiet or maybe you are suddenly deaf to your surroundings. Your bedroom is quite big but still its suffocating you at the moment as if the walls are closing in and the daylight fading out, making you a completely abandoned soul in this lively household.
But your mind is screaming that YOUR STEPBROTHER HAS JUST KISSED YOU.
“Earth to Y/N.”
You were so distracted that you didn’t notice how your fingers are touching your lips as if you are judging whether those are real or fake or if it yours in the first place. Looking over to the person, you can see him already has arranged everything for your work and smirking at you, sitting on the bed. As if nothing happened just few seconds back.
“Don’t you need my help anymore? You know I can help you in every possible way but till then lets focus on this. Come here.”
How can you just go near him again after what happened earlier? But him pretending like this as if he didn’t kiss his sister few minutes earlier and now like a big brother offering his help for homework for his little sister. With slow steps, you went near the side of the bed to which he pats the space beside him and hesitantly, you sit there.
One and a half hour has passed with you being stuck with him in your room doing your assignment. Every moment was torturing you as if every minute was passing like an hour with him. His every lingering touch was igniting a spike inside you like while him showing you how to solve a math problem and while peeking into the laptop, his palm resting over your exposed leg, your mind was focusing on everything except your work. You were trying your best to divert your mind from all the unholy thoughts that were going across your mind every second, but nothing was helping when his presence was so close to you.
“I know what you are thinking right now but only if you didn’t have to go out with your friends then we could have done something you know.”
“You know what I meant?”
You just want to punch off that smirk from his face but you don’t want to create more memories of spending time with him for so long for the first time in your room so you just have to patiently handle the situation right now.
“Jaemin, the thing for which you were here is done so now you can go out because I have to get ready. Its not like you can help me in that.”
“I can.”
“Very funny.”
His smug look changes into a dark expression and you swear, him in this contrast look is something which scares you off the most even scarier than Jeno. That one has always that grumpy and intense look so you are used to it but when this flirt becomes like him, a shiver runs down your spine. His soft expressions always hide those bulky muscled body with veins on display on hands and necks. You never had a proper look of their abs but you hope to see the effects of the gym though. Like whenever, they swipe their hairs after having fun in the swimming pool, you would always stare at their muscles and face but you just divert your eyes whenever the abs come in display to you. Your fault to miss the free shows.
“Nothing is funny here baby. As I said I would help you means I will definitely. Now show me what you got baby.”
He walks over to your closet and before you could protest, he slides open the door standing there with raised eyebrows and smiling face.
“You have quite a good collection of……everything.”
You hurriedly go in front of him and shut it close on his smirking face, eyes scanning your body to which you just glared him back. But well Jaemin didn’t budge to it, he goes to the next door and now it revealed the actual dress section not your lingerie and undies.
You observed his actions keenly to understand his motives. You can see him having his whole focus into your closet and you walk over to the bed to sit on it and watch him. Is it because of the kiss or for spending so much time with him that suddenly you are finding his whole existence as a blessing in your life?
His pretty eyelash making his eyes more attractive when they are focused on anything. His smooth skin with attractive nose and lips with that pretty smile. Did I just mention his smile pretty? Well not gonna lie however that smile irritates you but you find it really cute, a healing one. Your university friends have mentioned about your stepbrothers being so hot and handsome and they even pointed out that if they were in your place, they might have ended up dating them instead of maintaining the brother and sister image. But you are sure that those things are never going to happen between you and your stepbrothers maybe because you might find them attractive but its not like that’s the same from their end. Right?
“Take this. Give me a show and let me see in which one you will look the prettiest.”
“Are you serious right now?”
“100 percent.”
He is standing in front of you with few clothes in his hands and as far as you can see those are some skirt, shirt, tees, one denim jeans and two dresses. The way he is grinning at you as if he is an elementary school boy who got his long-awaited present. Wait. He got his present. What the hell I am thinking?
“There is no need of this. I can choose myself.”
Putting the clothes beside you, he holds your hand to pull you up on your feet and pats your cheek with both the hands, still having that smile on his face.
“Be a good girl or you wont be going out today. Alright?”
“You cant be serious.”
“Till the time I’m being nice to you just go with it or you have to regret it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well I will not look while you are changing so after you have dressed yourself in one, ask me to turn around.”
“What did I just say?”
He went over to your desk and sat on the chair with one hand leaning over the desk and other hand handling the phone, keeping himself busy. You kept standing near the other side of the bed still staring at the clothes lying over your bed. Am I really going to do this? What did he mean by being nice and you have to regret? Shaking off your thoughts, you cautiously dressed yourself in the skirt and a matching shirt he has selected with it. His every little movement was making you freeze in your spot. Changing your dress in presence of your step-brother in closed room is really challenging even more when he kissed you earlier. You look over to the mirror and damn, he has a good sense in fashion. You smiled to your outfit and then remember that you have to ask him to turn around.
Gulping, you call out his name, “jae-Jaemin…I’m ready.”
He quickly swivels on the chair to face you and eyes directly made a strong contact with yours before scanning your outfit. His furrowed eyebrows and thoughtful expression making you to adjust your dress properly.
“No. Change it. Keep the shirt on but wear the jeans.”
Before turning around, he winks at you. Your glare was digging hole in the back of his head but it was useless as he would not budge with that little thing.
“Stop glaring at me and change. Do it fast. I’m sure, you don’t want to be late or like miss out today’s outing.”
He is still turning his back to you but you could feel his smug look mocking at you. Kicking your feet, you quickly changed your skirt with the pant. The previous look was giving off a sexy and cute look altogether but this one is suggesting tumblr fashion. Calling out his name again, he stands up and comes near to you. Your heart starts racing with the thought what happened when last time he came to you like this.
“stop there.”
But he didn’t.
“I said stop. Don’t come near to me.”
He again ignored and when he is just a feet away. His hand goes to the button of your pant. Your eyes go wide and hands reacting fast enough to hold his but he was faster than you. Swatting your hands away, he pulls the zipper up.
“What? Did you think I am going to do something to you? Aha not like this. Or maybe you thought…..” He leans to your ears, “ I will kiss you again.”
He steps back and precisely takes a look of your form. Nodding to himself, he pats your head and your confused expression made a chuckle out of him.
“That’s looking good on you. You are going out with all boys and I cant trust them. Maybe they can be your old friends but without having contacts with them for so long and you don’t know how would they behave later so better be like this.”
“It’s not like for them I need to dress up accordingly.”
“of course not. You can wear anything when either me and Jeno is there with you but not when you will be all alone.”
“Why is it okay with both of you?”
“I can fight with others for you. Jeno will do the same.”
Going over to the dressing table, you pulled out all the make up kit while talking with him and him admiring your every features as if you are his treasured person. Maybe you are.
“Jeno would rather sell me to them rather than fighting for me.’
“You are wrong there baby. Absolutely wrong. He would burn the world for you but never let any harm on you.”
“Anyways I will leave you here. Do your makeup and have fun tonight but not too much. Remember about what I have told you.”
You keep on staring at your reflection on the mirror with shiny edges after he shuts the door behind, leaving your room. His words clouding all over your mind and his actions playing repeatedly making you groan in frustration. All these types of situations are not usual between the relationship between a brother and a sister and whatever is going to happen later, you must face it with your confidence and true feelings. Patting your cheeks to get yourself off these overthinking and resume your makeup. It took almost one hour when you finished your makeup, its not like you were doing any heavy look but the problem was you were continuously getting distracted when the thought of Jaemin playing across your mind. Glancing at the clock, its almost six in the evening and you should probably leave right now to be there on time. Collecting all the necessary stuffs, you made your way downstairs. Adjusting your smart watch, a message popped up that few have arrived on the location and you need to be there soon.
“Are you ready? Let’s go.”
“Hm….wait!...you? Where are you going?”
“To the place you are going.”
Rolling his eyes, he slides his jacket and fishes his phone inside the pocket of his jeans. Frowning you, still staring at him as if why he is tagging along with you to the place. Before exiting the house, he finds you still standing at the same spot and staring back at him, he rolls his eyes before stepping towards you. Your panic arises watching him coming towards you, you tried to think some possible attempts to escape it but before you could do anything, he catches your wrist and drags you towards the door.
“Jeno…What are you doing?”
“Stop being dramatic. I’m just taking you to your friends.”
“I can go on my own. You… you don’t have to…take me there.”
Reaching near the garage, he takes you to his car. The person whose presence, you try to avoid with every possibility and now you will be riding a car with him. Jaemin has given you ride to and from college a lot of times and that’s how some thought that he was your boyfriend and even Jaemin always has that smug expression on hearing those comments. But you never went anywhere alone with Jeno and if your heart could burst today, it should by now because of the events unfolding after the lunch. Jeno is texting on his phone and your eyes following how his clenched jaws moving with veins popping at the side profile, on his neck disappearing behind the collar of the jackets. He caught you staring at him and that smirk made an appearance on his attractive and sharp face. But. Wait, he is really attractive, a lot more handsome than you have thought of him before. Any girl should drool over this man if he ever proposes them. Maybe you too if he was not your brother, well step-brother.
With slow steps as if he is the predator cornering his prey. Why suddenly they are like this today? I should probably stay at my friend’s house tonight. You try to open the door of the car but to your dismay, it got stuck, you shake it aggressively but it didn’t budge.
“It will break like this. It’s locked sweetheart.”
You have not turned around but could feel his presence just behind you. Your back flushed against his front. His hands resting against the car, caging you in between, lips near your ears, hot breath tickling your lobe, goosebumps spreading all over your skin.
“Why you always ignoring me?”
You remained quiet. Fingers tangling with the strap of the sling bag in nervousness and his strong smell of cologne hitting your nose clouding your every attempt to push him and run away as you are going to be late.
His one hand grabs your jaw to turn your face to meet your eyes. His eyes blinks to your lips before raising up to meet yours which is covered with glittery makeup.
“I asked you something. You should answer it right?”
You nod to his raised eyebrows.
“Words sweetheart.”
His husky voice and him so close to your body is enough to make you weak in your knees.
“I am not ignoring you.”
“Don’t lie. I don’t like when you lie. Its very obvious how you always leave the scene whenever I come near you but still you are okay with Jaemin.”
“Jeno…I…I’m late…I need to go.”
“Dammit. Look, you are trying to avoid me again. You always have these excuses to avoid me. Why? Am I worse than jaemin?”
He turns you around, pushing you against the car, still caging you between his arms. Eyes daringly staring at you, veins more visible on his forehead and around his throat and neck. You got the chance to have a look of this handsome face so closely for the first time and you are already getting attracted to it even when your consciousness is screaming ‘he is your stepbrother.’
“He might be always sweet to you and shows his flirty side to you but mark my words, he is worse than me. You don’t know what he can do if he ever gets a chance to get you alone and fuck you. His mischievous innocent smile hides all his nasty thoughts and his devil side from you.”
“What are you saying jeno?”
“Don’t pretend that you don’t know how you always tease us when roaming around the house like a little slut you are. It’s good that Jaemin has decided your outfit otherwise who knows what you have worn to meet all those shitheads.”
“Excuse me, they are my friends.”
He steps back and pulls you towards him making you bump into his front. The sound from the car, indicating the unlock of your ride made a surprised squeal from you. Pulling the door open, he offers you to enter his car.
“Have a seat princess. We have a little way to go.”
Without wasting any time, you hurriedly go inside it and shut the door to which he chuckles on your little attempt. He strikingly walks towards the other side to enter the driver seat and as soon as he enters, he brushes his hair, looking in the rear mirror. Gulping, you cast a glance to him and well you find it really attractive whenever one of your brothers do this. Afterall both of them are just walking models.
As soon as you both make an eye contact in the mirror, he smirks and you look out of the window to avoid his gaze.
“How much you try, You are stuck with me inside this little space.”
Leaning towards you, supporting his hand on your seat and the other on the steering wheel.
“You have nowhere to go except appreciating my presence.”
“Jeno…what are you doing?”
He pulls the seat belt before you protest to his further attempts to do anything, fixing it properly, he sighs and smirks at you. As he goes back to do the same for him, you release a heavy breath to the thought that nothing happened like Jaemin.
You remained quiet the whole ride and did your best to keep yourself busy on the phone to avoid any conversation with him. But Jeno is not the one to keep it this way as finally he got the chance with you and that’s also all alone in his car. He kept you asking few questions and when you denied to reply him back, everytime he slides his hands up and down your thighs.
“Don’t be a bad girl, princess.”
The ride to your destination was quick as you all were going to meet in the nearest mall to hangout and have fun with catching up all the gossips you are missing out. He didn’t park the car because he has to go to the office to meet his dad after dropping you off at your place.
“Thanks…thanks for the ride…Jeno.”
Your hands reach over to the handle to push the door open but before the impact, he grips your wrist and pinned you down to your seat. Your eyes go wide when he is almost hovering on top of you, his eyes reading all your little changes in the expression.
“I can’t lose to Jaemin here.”
And with that, he crashes his lips onto yours. The afternoon kiss with the other one was a quick and soft but this one is rough but like he has the whole time of the universe for himself and slowly he is sucking your whole soul. You didn’t kiss back but you push him. Taking heavy breathes, you take a look yourself in the mirror but he grips your jaw and turns to face him. His other hand placing your hairs properly and then wipes the smudged lipstick stain from your face and rubbing it on his lips
“Now it’s perfect.”
He gives you his eye smile. Cute.
As soon as he turns around to open his door, you quickly got out of the car before he could speak up anything more.
The whole evening went with having a lot of delicious foods and having fun at karaoke and arcades. Well, you caught up on lots of funny rumors of your old classmates, many dating scandals and other spicy gossips. It was really great to catch up with your old friends. You were distracted from the thought of your brothers most of the time but everytime a scene comes across your mind, suddenly you would become quiet.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
“Of course.”
You all cant understand because it’s not like you are getting kissed by your brothers everyday. Also, by both of them on the same day.
And you just know, you have to keep all these as secrets from the parents because if they find out about it, you don’t know what would happen after and again you don’t want to ruin your mother’s happy life.
When it was already late at night, you texted your mother that you would be home soon and one of your friends might drop you off to your house and she agreed with it. Your father also texted you to be safe on your way. But two people were not happy with you being out for so long. You had numerous calls from your brothers but you just kept it in silent. It’s not like you haven’t received once. You had answered few of their calls and explained about your ride back home but they were stuck with one sentence.
“We will pick you up. Just tell us when we need to pick you up.”
But you dared to ignore their protest and still asked one of friends to drop you off at home.
Everyone waved off their goodbyes and it’s you and Jongho while going towards the parking area.
“it was really nice to see you after so many months.”
“Same here. I didn’t know that nerdy gummy bear is now a great man.”
“Well I am now and I can protect you as well.”
“Thank you.” You both giggled on his words.
“There wont be a need for you to protect her.”
Why? Cant atleast the night end peacefully? You both turned around to the voice and Jongho frown to see two unfamiliar faces glaring back at him.
“Who are you? Y/N, do you know them?”
“She is not likely to be answerable to your every question when we are here you know.”
And that sassy voice made his appearance out from the dark space of the parking lot. Hands folded in front and eyes sending daggers to your friend.
“Hello there mister. Myself Jaemin. A lot more handsome and sexy person than you.”
Before Jongho could protest anything, Jaemin grip your wrist and start dragging you towards the car where you could already see someone sitting in the driver’s space. He has not come alone. That means Jeno is also there. Turning your face, you send a reassuring smile that you are fine and you waved him goodbye and told him to have a safe ride back home. Unlike you.
“Jaemin, leave my hand. I can walk.”
He ignores your every word and proceeds to walk towards the car. He harshly opens the passenger seat door and pushes you inside. Without any complaint, you swiftly go inside and he shuts the door. He goes in the backseat when your focus falls on Jeno’s hand gripping the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white and veins popping attractively on his arms, he is not wearing the jacket from previously and shirt sleeves are folded.
“Why didn’t you pick up the calls?”
“I told you before that I could have gone back with Jongho.”
Jaemin interjects.
“so? Haven’t I told you before that I don’t trust your friends?”
“That’s your problem. I trust my friends.”
Jeno darkly chuckles. “Jaemin, let it go. She doesn’t know that we know how to tame brats like her.”
“Ah sure Jeno.”
That’s how you were bombarded with lot of questions during the ride back home about your whole day.
The following next week, you were doing your best to avoid being near to them. But they have the total opposite thing on their mind. Their motive was to follow you like the lost puppy the whole day. The worst thing was that they would make some worst excuses sometimes and not let you to leave for any kind of parties and meet ups. It was okay to go out for any day-out fun but not night. Surprisingly, your parents were also agreeing with them and appreciating the fact that how they were showing their concern for their only sister.
If only they knew, how they actually treat you.
With the passing of days, you can feel their eyes are more lingering on your body. Their intense pervert gaze to which you glare them back but one either blinks at you or the other smirks at you confidently. You were nothing less as you would also check them out whenever they are unaware of your presence and not to lie, you are getting attracted to them more with every passing time, you are getting more proper close up look of their bare face with raw and groggy voice each morning and sometimes when you come across with each other during midnight.
And then this day when suddenly, your parents have to leave for a vacation business trip for a couple of months and that means. THAT MEANS YOU WILL BE ALONE WITH YOUR BROTHERS THE WHOLE DAY. EVERY DAY. You begged your mother to take you with her but she waved you off telling how childish and stupid you sound like. You almost spilled out the actual reason but regained your composure to keep the secret.
So you made a plan to spend few days at your friends house and maybe you should plan out some more hangouts so you don’t have to face your brothers. And that’s how, you are making your way out of the house to meet your dearest friend but maybe that’s not how smooth your life is meant to be.
“Where do you think you are going?”
Only one more step and you would have been out of the house but not today. Gulping, you clutched the door handle tightly in your fist and turned around to face the owner of the voice. It’s not like the person is anyhow unfamiliar to you or someone you are scared of. Well, yeah the person who you want to avoid rather you should unless you want to be in a big trouble. Turning around on your heel, you kept your gaze on the floor, suddenly finding it the most beautiful and appreciable thing in your life. You could feel the approaching footsteps but not daring to look up because why will you when you are damn aware of the person before you. Your panic state didn’t go unnoticed by the approaching person. Now, you could smell the cologne of the man and the close proximity between you two was making your mind scream loudly inside. Two fingers brushing your cheeks sliding down to your chin and grabbed it, forcing you to look up. Due to the sudden impact, you closed your eyes, still could hear the chuckle left from his lips. Even when your eyes are closed, you could still feel the well built muscular body towering over you. Another hand brushed your hairs and tugged them behind your eyes. Your heart racing and mind screaming but you just wanted to run away from the current situation.
“Open your eyes baby.”
No. Please let me go out. You were mentally begging him to let you go but nothing was coming out of your throat and so you just gulped the lump. Not reacting to his words, he gripped your jaw tightly and you could feel his breath fanning over your lips. You tried to bend backwards but his other hand placed on your lower back pulled you closer towards him.
“Didn’t you hear what I said? Open your eyes. Let me see the pretty eyes of my baby.”
His voice was a lot more dominative than before and you didn’t want to make him mad so you slowly parted your eyelids. Eyes couldn’t focus on his face due to the fact that you were closing them so tightly previously and also this man being so close to you that lights couldn’t make up the image properly for your eyes. Flattering your eyelashes, you were then staring to those attractively seductive eyes as it could hipnotiza you. Anyone could have felt weak for these eyes and him in such situation including you but not when he being your brother. Well, correctly stepbrother. You were damn aware of the treatment that a step brother should have for his little sister but in your case, nothing was near to that fact check. You were literally living with two damn tease who constantly stir up every situation to flirting and teasing.
“Did you ask us before leaving?”
“I- I was just going to tell you.”
“Really? It doesn’t look like that. It was as if you were going somewhere else to avoid us tonight. Is there any reason?”
You were trying to voice out some words but the way his fingers were brushing over your lower lips. Oh gosh! It’s not helping your condition.
“Answer him.”
Okay! Time to leave now. The only thing I have to do is to push the man in front of me and quickly run out of the door before the other one can descend the stairs. Eyes dancing on their forms, mentally you counted to three and you pushed him. He got startled due to your sudden action but was quick to catch your hands.
“Step one more. You will regret it later so much.”
“Someone is being a stubborn today, you know.”
“Where was she going Jaemin?”
You could see him smirking on his brother’s question before replying to him, he winked at you with lips sending a flying kiss to you. The biggest tease in the household. You glared at him and when you looked at the other one, he was already glaring at you darkly with clenched jaw. But you were getting distracted how his biceps were well reflected under the bright lights because of his black sleeveless tee.
“I was asking her that before you made your entry on our private time. Jeno got no jam.”
“Shut up Jaemin. You are literally standing at the entrance in a massive hall and saying private time.”
“But there is no one around.”
“I am here. Well, getting back to her. It’s past curfew time and where is she going even all dolled up.”
Both of them expecting an answer from you, waiting for your reply but you chose to remain quiet. You tried to wiggle your hand out of his grip but he held it tighter and Jeno was satisfied with his brother’s act. You stared at the older one who had already seated himself comfortably on the sofa and staring back at you both, gesturing his brother to pull you towards him.
“I was just going somewhere.”
“Where?” Jeno asked with a lot more husky voice.
“T-to to meet someone.”
“Now?” Jaemin with a frown on his face turned towards you.
You looked towards Jeno before thinking twice as it would be safe to tell them or not but you chose death.
“My boyfriend.”
“Since when do you have one?”
“We are just going to meet today to get along with each other so he invited me to his house for a sleepover. He is my old friend.”
“And you thought without telling us, it would be fine for you to just sneak out of the house and have fun.”
“No Jeno look I-“
You didn’t notice when Jaemin went behind and wrapped his arms around you to hold you flushed to him. His nose snuggling into your wavy locks on your shoulder and neck.
Whispering ‘baby’ ‘pretty’ ‘princess’ in your ears, breathe tingling over. But the next thing he whispered made your eyes went wide.
“Tell him you can’t make it today.”
Jeno read your actions precisely and noticing how you pressed your legs together, his brother’s every little action was getting a reaction out from you. Honestly, he was enjoying the view more than he could describe but the moment your eyes went wide, the corner of his lips rose on knowing what was the possible reason behind that. Moreover, he found everything cute.
“Do it. Whatever he is telling you, work it.”
“No no I can’t.” Jaemin’s grip was strong and the way both of them hit the Gym, you were well aware that you couldn’t stand any chance in front of them.
“You can do this but you can’t go out.”
“Call him yourself or I’m going to do it. What do you want?”
Snatching your purse from the hand, he hurriedly rummages into it to find your phone. Found it, unlocking the phone, he went through all your contacts and text messages until he found out your precious friend. How come he knows my password?
Dialing the number, he kept the phone in front of you with speaker on. You could see your reflection with your stepbrother on that tiny screen. Suddenly the screen turned on, and someone spoke from the other side.
“Hey! Jongho….”
Even when you were talking with your friend, you made a straight eye contact with those daring eyes of jeno in front of you holding your phone. Jaemin was still in his world, inhaling your body scent as if you were a drug that he was missing out all these days. Your voice cracked when you felt him leaving kisses over your exposed shoulder.
“When are you coming Y/N?”
Before you could reply, jeno mouthed you to say what they wanted to hear from you. He raised his eyebrows when you remained quiet.
“Sorry but I don’t think ......I can go today.”
“What happened? Is everything alright? Do I need to come over for help?”
“No no it’s just mild headache. You don’t have to worry much.”
Jeno came closer to you and tracing his fingers through your face before pressing them on your lips. You averted your eyes away.
Jaemin whispered in between biting your earlobe, “eyes on him baby.”
You somehow managed to do so until the third voice interrupted.
“Please take care and let me know if you need something.”
You replied with a low ‘hmm’ before he cut the line and tossing the phone on the sofa.
“Now leave me. Let me go.”
“Now where are you planning to go? Didn’t Jeno said earlier it’s already past curfew time?”
“Both of you have already ruined my night. Now Atleast let me go to my room. So, move!”
Both of them chuckled on your reply and you creased your eyebrows in confusion, wiggling under their hold and gaze. Finding your actions cute, they started laughing.
“Why are you laughing?”
“You said you can’t make it tonight so let us make that excuse valid. Right Jaemin?”
“Of course, Jeno.”
“What do you mean?”
“I can do this all night baby, Make a wish.” Jaemin licked and whispered in your ears, biting the earlobe before retreating his mouth.
Jeno leaned down to match your eye level.
“Let’s keep it a secret before you can unfold what’s coming in your way.”
“no. look. Jeno…Jaemin…I- I…”
“baby…just follow us and you will love it for sure.”
You know whatever is going to happen is something that should not been like this but the way your body is already turned on is basically denying your thoughts to stop everything right on the spot. You followed them to their game room, that’s the only common room they share whenever they have game nights with their friends. You haven’t entered this room anytime before and exploring everything new today is really exciting you. Exploring their new self will be lot more exciting to you.
As soon as you and Jaemin entered the room, Jeno shut the door behind and that’s how you know, you have to block every other thoughts which screaming to you to back off but yet here you are challenging their offer. Well not offer but you want to see how far they can go. Are you so irresistible to them?
Jaemin took you to the middle of the room, throwing your purse away and cupping your face and neck with both of his hands and pulls you closer. Eyes scanning every detail of your face, admiring your beauty even when he sees you everyday but not like this when turned on and your body radiating heat on his bare palm. With few blinks of his eyes, he closes the distance between your lips. Well, that soft human is nowhere to be found but a hungry demon feasting on his last meal as the way his teeth sucking your lips. Teeth clashing with each other, hands gripping tightly on your neck leaving marks but you are not protesting against rather you accept the doing and kissing him back. You can feel a different set of handles fondling with your dress back zipper and within few seconds, the zip goes down, the dress still hanging on your body but hands snaking from behind around your waist.
You part your lips from Jaemin to take breath when jeno speak from behind you, face snuggling into your shoulders and collar bone, inhaling your scent.
“Can I?”
You don’t even know what he’s asking with the groan lacing with the question, yet you nod in compliance. Jaemin averts your attention towards him by turning your face in his hands, nose nudging against yours before he kisses you. His lips are soft and warm, and you’re genuinely enjoying  how excellent he is at kissing. You again got lost in him devouring you, hands around his neck as to bring him closer.
You’re not sure how long you’ve been kissing for, only until Jeno tugs on your hair and pulls you out of your trance. You whimper when you’re parted from Jaemin, who smirks at the noise, hands entangled with yours.
“Don’t be a jerk right now, Jaemin” Jeno growls, pulling your back to his front as he moves to your neck. You moan when his tongue licks a juicy stripe up your neck, hands roaming around your body, the heated body coming in contact with the cold air of the room making your whole body shiver under their warm touch. Jeno tugging your dress upwards, leaving your thighs bare and exposed to Jaemin whose eyes following every movement the dress is revealing more inch of your skin from underneath.
Jeno kisses you hungrily like a beast. Jaemin’s kiss was intense but this kiss is everything but soft. His grip on you and kiss, both are rough. He is holding you as if a slight loose in the grip will make you fade away and the same goes for the kiss. He doesn’t bite you rough but little gently, yet making you bleed slightly. Your whine and moans to his actions are like musics to his ears.
“Ah, you’re so fucking perfect,” Jeno hisses, fingers inching closer to your core. “Make you whimper under me all night and can listen to your moans all night.”
“I know we have all night and I can see her like this for the rest,” you hear Jaemin with his sassy voice. “But I want to have my donut with the jam in the middle.”
You were so distracted with Jeno attached to your neck and one hand playing with your clothed breasts that you didn’t notice his other hand slides your panty enough to get a proper access to your core and dips a finger inside which let out a loud moan from inside your throat. Both of them smirk in satisfaction.
Before he can slides a second finger in, Jaemin bent down to lace his mouth with your other left out breast. He pulls the dress down to free it from the cover and quickly takes the nipple between his teeth, sucking and pulling it softly but enough to make you whimper to the effect. You know you should not enjoy this whole thing but yet here you are feeling yourself floating in cloud 9.
“She feels good, her soft skin, her seductive scent is driving me crazy” Jeno speak in a low tone still audible to the whole room, lips trailing kisses all over your neck, shoulders and collarbone, biting in between, ripping soft screams and sobs out of you. “What do you think we should do, Jaemin ?”
“Everything,” he chuckles, tongue flicking over your nipple and other nipple being rolled around between the fingers of Jeno, tugging it slightly. “I want to have her in every way I have dreamed and thought every second whenever she walks around the house in tees without any bra.”
You fail to register his words as Jeno increase his pace inside you, fingers pumping in and out of your pussy along with the tortures going on to your nipples.
“Get her on the bed,” Jeno says. “I want her to see breaking down under me and let’s see how she will escape me like other days.”
Jaemin pulls you away from Jeno just to push you against the bed. You whine on losing contact in your heated mound. Your messed up body hits the well knitted soft bedsheet, surrounded by all the neon lights to create a gaming environment but today’s game is whole lot different from other days. It’s the game you have wanted to play with them. Always.
You feel a tap on your cheek and you glance up to see Jaemin sitting beside you, smiling with eyes filled with lust. His fingers brush your lips, “no matter how long I kiss you, I won’t get enough of you.”
You are distracted with the angel sitting beside you whose deeds are totally of a devil, your eyes following how he pecks your nose before attaching his mouth to your nipples and to the effect, you close your eyes tightly, feeling the moment intently.
You feel someone slide your panty down your legs but still keeping your heels on and dress fondled over your stomach. You feel harsh slap against your pussy and then when you look down to see Jeno eyeing your core hungrily and his look is enough to make you wet more, he eyes your arousal leaking out of you, groaning with the scene. Your attempt to close your legs got stuck when he holds tightly the thighs apart and darkly looks at you.
“Be a good girl for me, princess.”
You nod and grips the bedsheet and other hand in Jaemin’s hair , tugging them extracting groans of pain but him not stopping you from doing it.
“Shit!” Jeno curses when he licks a long stripe of your arousal and your back arches, pushing the chest to Jaemin’s mouth. He has that smug look on his face to have you like this and knows well how his brother is making you feel good. “you taste so heavenly, baby.”
Before you can register the words, Jeno again attaches his mouth to your heat and sucks it harshly, fingers digging into your skin leaving marks making it too obvious for others to know how you got those bruises. The abuse on your tits and mound is taking to your climax slowly. You can feel the coil tightening inside your stomach and Jaemin could feel it with your body movements
“My baby, you are mine,” Jaemin praising you continuously but the way he is constantly biting uour nipples and leaving marks all over the chest and throat is really contrasting his sweet voice. “Doing so good for us.”
‘How can that mouth do two opposite things together.”
You see white when Jeno wraps his mouth around your clit, sucking harshly at the nub. You hit the climax immediately as soon as he presses his palm above the stomach and Jaemin pulls your both the nipples. Jeno licks every last drop of your cum but didn’t intend to end the abuse.
“Stop it…jeno…”
Even when you cum, he didn’t stop but keep on licking the clit, overstimulating you and to which your back arches and the view is heavenly for Jaemin.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.”Jaemin hisses, admiring your chest going up and down with heavy breathings and pained expression due to overstimulation. While keeping his eyes on you, he slowly unbuckles his belt, pushing the pants and boxers down to expose his hard and thick cock. He smiles at your glazed eyes, pumping himself a few times and you know that this smile is hiding all the possible monstrous activities.
Jeno pushes two of his fingers and you nearly scream out his name with the feeling of his tongue still fucking you and in addition of his two fingers scissoring inside you.
Jaemin moves down his hand to your clit and starts to rub the bud. This is too much for you. His actions are going parallel with one hand rubbing the clit and other one rubbing the nipple in the same pace. The second orgasm with two of them abusing you came too fast and your whole body is covered with sweats and exhaustion but this is the only beginning.
Jaemin pushes Jeno aside while the latter laughed to see his brother’s impatience and well he would have been the same if it was otherwise.
“I want to taste you too but let me first fuck you and feel this tiny hole around my cock.”
“Are you going to wear a condom?” You ask in a weak tone.
Jaemin laughs. “We don’t need one, baby.”
You both moan together when he pushes himself inside, stretching your cunt with his cock. You cry out at the brief feeling of pain before you feel Jeno placing his lips over yours. Jaemin’s deep voice is making you clench around his cock. Feeling it, he grabs your ass tightly, leaving red fingerprints.
“Doing so well for us, princess,” he murmurs against your mouth. “Such a pretty angel for me.”
“Not only yours but….but mine too.”
“Did I complain when you called her your baby so just shut up and fuck her.”
Pain shifts into pleasure as Jaemin presses his palm above your clit, fingers circling around the nub. You can feel his cock is driving up into your stomach and hitting it with the force of his thrusts. He continues to maintain his pace till he hits the desired spot to make you scream out his name.
“That’s it,” he chuckles, slapping your pussy and cock hitting into that spot over and over.
You feel Jeno’s breath ghosting over your ear. Jeno licking your ears and groaning while playing with your nipples letting the familiar neediness building inside you all over again and the coil might explode before reaching the climax. The licking sound into your ears and the wet sounds coming from the down where Jaemin hitting your g-spot is enough to make you feel like the most special and enchanted person to them. Well it’s not only your thought but you are like a dreamy angel to them while all spread out like this on the bed, everything exposed and on display only for them to devour on it.
You approach your third orgasm of the day when Jaemin hits the spot with a deep thrust , your body is overwhelmed as both of them giving all of their attention to you as you are like a goddess spread in front of them to whom they got access after so many attempts.Jaemin groans loudly when you clench around him, he soon reached his high and bends down to peck your lips still buried inside you. You nearly got pass out by the intensity of your orgasm and the feeling of him emptying his seeds inside of you. You’ve never had sex before with someone and your stepbrothers being your first is something so different to imagine. Jaemin feeling you up and without any protection is clouding your mind with different feelings but got interrupted by him.
“Shit,” Jaemin curses before smiling up at you and looking towards his brother . “Her pussy is so fucking good. I want to have her again.”
Your blissed out expression while whimpering his name and shaking uncontrollably under him when he was fucking you is still replaying in his mind. Your bouncing tits when he was pushing inside you with his faster pace and the pleasure filled face when you approached your high when he hit your sweet spot was enough for him.It is driving him crazy and not letting you go away from him and wanting to fuck you to the brim until you pass out like this.
“Let me have my turn now, Jaemin,” Jeno with annoyance in his voice reminds his brother, but he’s immediately shoved away by Jaemin.
“No please let me have one more round.”
“You had your fun. It’s my turn now. Move before I just lock you out of the room.”
“Fine,” Jaemin rolls his eyes before pulling himself out and getting off the bed to change the position with Jeno and you find Jeno again between your legs.
“I’ll take her ass later and you can’t deny it then.”
“W-What?” You stammer. Later? What do they mean?
“Don’t worry, baby,” Jeno assures you. “It’ll feel good, you just have to trust us. You can be a good girl for us tonight right?”
“How can I trust?”
“I don’t know but my brothers fucking me already breaking the trust of us being siblings-“
“Shut up. We are not siblings. Only me and Jaemin are legal brothers and you are our step sister not our own blood. But ours. You are ours.”
“Yes Jeno is right. No one can take you away from us. Even if people point out us being step siblings, I will fucking cut their hands down.”
Jeno smirks, “maybe burn them alive.”
They leave you no room to protest as Jeno turns you around, face hitting the pillow and his strong grip pulling your ass up, aligning with the tip of his cock. When he freed himself from the boxers, you could feel the pain spread all over your body as you have never seen such big cock, it’s thicker than Jaemin’s and you don’t think it can fit inside you, letting aside in your ass where you never had slid a single finger and rest alone this cock.
“I-I don’t think I’m r-ready for this-“
“You are,” Jeno soothes. “Don’t worry.”
“No no please. I’m already tired and this is…I don’t think I can…stop it Jeno.”
You barely get a chance to stop him as Jaemin pinned your hand to your back which were trying to reach jeno to make him stop. Jaemin kisses your head to soothe you and ease the tensed body.
“Relax. Relax your muscles. You are perfectly made for us and by now we know what your body can take and upto how much.”
“Jaemin, first make her feel at ease or it will hurt her in a worst way.”
Jaemin hums softly in your ear. “You’re going to feel so good, my baby.”
You nod with eyes tight closed and Jaemin smiles while parting your head. Jeno spread and covered the hole with lube before sliding himself into you. As soon as Jeno entered to your back, you could feel a tear slide down your face when Jaemin wipes it off with a finger.
“You’re so fucking tight,”Jeno groans and his groggy voice letting out a moan from you. “Her ass is clenching around me and also sucking me in slowly..”
Your moans getting lost into the pillow and muffled noises could be heard when he is pounding inside you. Jaemin let go off tour hands when he feels you would no longer protest and the hands fell on both of your sides weakly. Jeno noticed it and a proud smile with a self satisfaction blooms inside him. They have totally wreck you under them inside their closed room. Your exhaustion visible on your face and seeing that Jeno increase his pace,
“Hang on for a little more, baby. I promise it’ll feel good.”
You gasp when Jeno’s cock hitting every inch of the hole and making your body squirm under him boosting his self esteem at your reactions. He gathers some of Jaemin’s cum leaking out of your entrance and rubs your clit.
“Such a pretty princess. You’re gonna feel good, baby, the way am loving to see tears straining and messing up with your make up ” he soothes you again and the way his pace is uneven you know he is near to his climax.
The stretch is so painful and tears continuously falling down your face at the feeling.
“So good, you’re doing so good.” Jeno praises.
Jaemin who’s presence was absent for a while spoke up.
“If I was not there to catch you while sneaking out of the house then you would have miss all these fun.”
Jeno’s hand sliding up and down your bare back to soothe your tensed muscles and also messaging the ass. With few thrusts, you both come undone.
Still buried deep inside, he leans down to leave feathery kisses on all over your back and praising in between. You feel someone removing your hairs from the face while patting your cheeks gently. You hum in response.
“Are you with us Y/N?”
“No more…please…I can’t.”
Jeno pulls himself out and Jaemin make you sit up and quickly changing your place from the bed on his lap. They rip away all the loosely hanging clothing from your body along with your heels.
“This one is last baby.”
“N-No,” you protest, body feeling completely exhausted. “I can’t. Please, I can’t.”
Jeno sits in front of you, cupping your face and pecking your forehead, nose and lips, “I told you to trust us. You will feel good and you are still being a good girl for us. It’ll be quick.”
While Jeno was distracting you, Jaemin’s lubed finger enters your hole to prepare and it’s still tight after being stretched out from Jeno. With a satisfied stretch, he signals Jeno to hold you down while he enters you and as soon as he slides himself inside, you scream out but Jeno shushes you with the kiss. This kiss is a gentle kiss unlike before and it is really distracting you from the pain which is slowly shifting into pleasure. Jaemin’s hand finds your pussy and dips a finger inside to collect your leaking cum. With few thrust when he has milked his fingers enough, he brings them to his lips to taste them and groans in pleasure.
“You were right Jeno. She is delicious.”
Not letting you to keep up with their conversation when Jeno slides himself to your entrance and you nearly sob due to them both filling you up at the same time. You have felt so full even when you have eaten food more than you can digest. This foreign feeling is not much painful but rather exciting you to know how does it feel when they start moving.
Them nodding to each other, starts moving. A burning sensation spread all over your body and slowly slowly shifting to tingling pleasures. Toes curling, fingers digging into the skin. Jaemin biting down your shoulders and Jeno nearly choking you with hands around your throat gently but not to make you uncomfortable.
They increase their pace with praises flowing like a waterfall from their lips to make you float at the top of this world. Your mouth hangs open and Jeno takes this chance to slide his thumb inside and press on your tongue. You invitingly suck his digit.
“Shit I can feel you, jeno.”
“Me too.” He reads your body and facial expressions before calling out to Jaemin, “I don’t think she will last enough. Do it fast.”
With some few more thrust, you come undone and rest yourself against the front of Jeno and Jaemin sliding his hands against your back. You whine due to overstimulation but soon they come and ride out their high.
Pulling out from you, you are totally exhausted and anytime, you would pass out. But still trying your best not to fall in slumber. Jaemin makes some space to lay you down properly in the middle of the bed and you hug his torso before he covers both of you with the blanket Jeno brings over to him.
Jaemin brushes away the hair from your face, gently turning your body so that all your tensed and constricted muscles feel at ease.
“My pretty baby,” he whispers and you smile in response. “Get some sleep. We will clean you and take care of everything.”
“What are we now?” You ask with hooded eyes and murmuring sound.
Jeno chuckles at you, finding your every action cute when you are sleepy. “Isn’t it obvious. You are ours now. You belong to us. only us. You can’t ignore us now.” He slides himself inside the blanket to your other side mimicking his brother’s pose. Both of their attention on the sleepy figure between them, admiring how you still manage to look the prettiest even in such a state of exhaustion.
“Keep it a secret from our parents.”
“We will see about that.”
“No but-“
“Shh,” Jaemin coos. “Get some rest.”
Will it be a secret forever? Can they really keep it a secret? What if everyone comes to know about you?
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @eriny123 @jaehunnyy @jaeminnanaaa17 @stolasisyourparent @bockhyun @b-a-nshee-blog @kundann
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grlpartdoll · 20 days
I wuz randomly thinking about kitty!reader from this and her story and her past and then it got me thinking about what exactly happened for her to be on Price's team so here we r! I really wanted to expend a liddle on da depth of reader's background and her fear of being what she was made to be. Hopefully in the next pieces I write we get to see her be herself, and I hope da guyz teach her to never be afraid or ashamed of what she has become bcoz they love her no matter what :]
Oki! 18+ as usual, mdni, yaddiyadda ya! No tws! Enjoy! <3
Some people don't know this,
But you actually didn't want to be part of John's team at first. At first because you didn't think they needed you. But then, after you actually met the men, you knew that you'd never quite be able to be human around them.
You'd spent your life surrounded by assholes with egos bigger than their own bodies — had paid for it multiple times after your capture. But these men? Price, Gaz, Soap, Ghost.. they were all so very different. Sure. They had their own ways of being a bit arrogant, chests all puffed, alphas in their own right. But they had always made sure you were safe and treated with a gentleness that you felt was undeserved.
Which is why you refused to let yourself be swayed. To let yourself be lured, and then trapped forever in this headspace so many people had attempted to shove you into to make you a deadly weapon. These men, though.. all they had to do was lay a hand on you, kind and considerate and respectful, and you'd regressed into nothing but a feral little kit.
So it's safe to say it took a lot of convincing for you to let yourself be handed over to the 141.
“I don't understand why you want her to be part of your team so much, John.” Laswell grumbles, hand clasping her forehead exasperatedly, “She’s refused multiple times. She knows she won’t be a good match for your guys.”
John leans back, arms crossed on his chest. “Did you tell her about my.. Sweetener on the deal?”
“I didn’t bother.” She makes, hand clasping your file closed tightly. Your deepest secrets and truths lay in between the pages, and you will yourself to remain calm as Price lays his eyes on you again, eyes slitted only slightly. Not angry — his emotions taste sour, instead, like shame, or a mix of that and something exhausted. Maybe a little needy, too. A raw sort of need.
“We’re offering you private quarters and an onsite medic at all times, twenty four seven.”
You swallow. Those weren't things you didn't already have here. Laswell is about to tell him the same when he raises a finger to interject in between breath and exhale.
“And a playroom of your own, along with double the pay you get here.”
The offer is tempting — to know that you’d get to have a room where you can.. Nest, play, and be safe. And the pay— you didn't much care for human possessions such as money, but you did need it if you counted on one day retiring and getting out of this wretched government’s secret organisations. Disappear somewhere far away, where no one would find you..
You take too long to reply, so Price sighs, laying a hand down. “I’m ready to give you a safe house, once your service years are done. Only I and Laswell will know of it.”
You look at Laswell. She gives a nod. You sway side to side a little, showing that you're perhaps thinking about it. Was all of this really worth having to be paired with Ghost Riley, Soap and Gaz? One of the deadliest teams ever created, and yet your gentle demise?
“And you promise to keep your dogs on a leash?” Laswell asks, reading your thoughts and translating the words out for the man. She knows of your worries. She knows you're afraid to get too close, and then become dependent.
“Cross my heart, hope to die.”
“Cross your heart, hope to die, stick a needle in your eye. But let's hope it doesn't come to that, huh?” Laswell ticks her tongue, shaking her head.
You nod with her, and then look at Price. You can tell your eyes unsettles him, the tone of them, the slight shine that gleams in them like gold broken apart, sapphires and diamonds and crystals like amethyst and labradorite. But it's also the fact that you smile at him, you give him a wide, scary berth, eyes crinkling a little, going sharp as those knives his Wraith loves so much.
“Make a bargain with me?” your voice is hoarse, and your doctors have told you multiple times it will remain that way from the abuse it has suffered. But still, you manage to make your voice sound saccharine, almost feline, with all the playfulness of a little puppy in it.
Laswell tenses beside you, she knows what those entail, and what they result in if broken (what they mean to you. And what you could do, with your anger.)
“What do you desire?” His question tastes brutish in your mouth, dripping slow like pomegranates crash and tumble on your teeth. The seed remains between canine and lower, sticking to the back of your mouth. You wrinkle your nose a little, trying to banish him.
You scoff, cursing your hands calmly across your lap. You are draped with a blanket that Laswell keeps in her office for you. You get cold so easily, and when you do, you tend to get pissed and your emotions always mess with the ones around you. “I do not desire for anything from you,” Crinkly nosed, you shook your head a little, locks of hair moving with you.
“I simply demand that if anything were to happen to me, you be held accountable for it.”
Price opens his mouth to reply, but Laswell interrupts, making you sigh, tired of her butting into your fun.
“Consider your next words carefully, John. She is an impressively well versed trickster when it comes to words.”
“I thought she was supposed to be a mutt of some kind.” He makes, half offended and half surprised.
“See, Lassy?” You blurt out at the blonde woman, pouting slightly. “This is why I do not wanna work with him. Years, he's spent yearning after me, and yet… he knows close to nothing about my kind.” You mimic him, shooting him a withering glare. “They call me a mutt because they do not know what else to call me. I'm a first of m’kind. Probably the last. Hopefully.”
Silence falls for a moment, and you know you've confused him, so you huff and shake away the words with a wave of your hand.
“My bargain. Promise to be held accountable if anything were to happen to me.”
“Held accountable.. In what way?”
“In whichever way I deem good enough.”
Price hisses, shaking his head. “I promise to do my best to hold myself accountable for my men’s actions, and for anyone else who might try to lay a hand on you.”
You pout. “That's no fun.”
A moment passes, but he says nothing.
“Urgh, fine. I suppose it can still be swayed in my favour. The bargain is sealed, then.” You nick your wrist with a sharp canine, and present it to him.
He just stares, and you pout, watching as the blood goes dripping over important files. “Do you not take me as I am?”
He clears his throat. Laswell had warned him about this.
Still. He takes your wrist, and kisses the opened wound until the blood finally stops.
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itsmattchou · 1 year
have you done a zb1 with idol!reader? like how they'd react to your performances, etc. i bet it would be cute 😋
we are young and wild !
pairing: zb1 maknae line x gn!idol!reader warnings: swearing, overuse of the word "bro", english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: zb1 when their s/o is an idol notes: i loved writing this! school starts on thursday im not oaky to anon: i love idol!reader bc in my opinion its PEAK delulu 🤭 thank you for your request! this turned into more general headcanons, but i still hope you like it!! AND YOU'RE RIGHT IT IS CUTE
you're a member of the co-ed kpop group "zumblr" (yes they have a comeback). you placed 8th in the finale of delulu planet 999 and now you're member of said 2-year project group. :D
this takes place in a reality where dating isn't a fucking scandal in the industry 🤗
dating rumors in 3… 2… 1…
bro doesn't even TRY to hide that you're his s/o ong
it's not like he doesn't value privacy (he very much does) it's just that he doesn't give a fuck??? he doesn't care AT ALL let him be in love with you in peace, it's his business
apart from all these couple items he buys for you two to show off on instagram, he always. just. stares at you. all the time.
ricky doesn't realize it, but there's always a teeny tiny little smile forming on his lips whenever he sees you performing during award shows, comeback stages, concerts etc
bro doesn't even notice when he's on screen when he's watching you perform, he's just in a complete trance 🤩
he desperately wants you to teach him your dances. could he learn them on his own? obviously, he's a talented dancer. but he always insists on you showing them to him
"ricky you can learn that dance yourself, c'mon!" "no lol i can't :D"
when you two appear on the same game show like weekly idol??? bro full on flirts with you
you two were supposed to have a staring contest and suddenly he starts talking about taking you shopping????
"do you wanna go shopping with me? i will pay, come with me." (his members are just like "WHAT THE HELLLLLL")
he tries to write love songs about you. he still has some trouble with writing lyrics in korean, because he obviously wants to perform them, but they're cute nonetheless 🥺
the song titles however always have something to do with you. most of them are kind of lowkey, like his song "darling" (he calls you darling)
or that song that is literally named after your representative emoji??? if your representative emoji is 🐑 for example, his song is called "sheep"
and then there's this one song he just straight up called "y/n"
bro doesn't care💥💥
loves to talk about you on vlive
"someone just asked me what my favorite zumblr song is!! it's 'old guyz on the street', y/n just slayed there!"
nobody asked that. he just wanted to talk about you and made a comment up.
a really popular ship in your fandoms
okay okay okay OKAY
you two are MCing together. people LOVE you two together because the vibes are immaculate, 11/10 i recommend
and it's not like it's obvious like you're in a relationship
you two may be dating in secret… but you're still acting like best friends
fans just love you two together, wether as best friends or as lovers. and it's obvious that you're close.
some fans that are against shipping always attack gyuyn shippers like "stop shipping them!! it's obvious they're just best friends!! 😡"
gyuvin and you are just laughing your asses off whenever you witness it
when you're performing songs on stage he's always singing and dancing along, having the time of his life. he's basically try harding to become the next meme😭
he really tries to attend every one of your concerts. gets really sad when he can't make it because of his schedule :(
on live? he's blasting your songs and turning into beyoncé whenever your parts come on
bro always advertises your albums and everything, also unboxes your newest album as soon as it comes out
always overdramatically falls to the ground as if somebody SHOT him because he didn't pull your photocard???? bro what's your problem with the chou pc you pulled🤬
he promotes your group more than he promotes his own LMAOOOO
^ always begs you for a signed version of the newest albums
"gyuvin why would you need me to sign the album? i'm literally your partner" "PFFFF i don't want you to sign, i want your members to sign it 🤣"
goes on dates with you in public without shame
he really loves the way most fans just believe you two are best friends, this means he can spend more time with you!!
takes SOOOO many selfies with you, bro even posts some pictures he took when on dates
you two constantly end up on reality shows and talk shows together💀💀
the IT DUO of 5th gen fr fr💪💪
the cutest cutie on this planet is the only one who's actually and actively trying to fucking hide the relationship😭
he is a strong believer and lover of that certain thing called "privacy"
so if you ever mention anything about making your relationship public to him he's gonna be like "no NO NUH UH NO CHANCE DEFINITELY NOT"
he's only considering it once you're married in like. 10 years or so.
but he wants to marry you so🤭🤭🤭 a win is a win
he's so glad that both of you are still going to school & that u're in the same class
he can spend time with you without it being suspicious!!
classmates spending time together makes sense after all, especially when you're both idols!!
only problem is… bro cannot stop looking at you with those eyes
he doesn't even notice he does that 💀 but even if he wanted to he couldn't STOP
there's so much fondness in his eyes, it's a sight to cry over FOR REAL
gunwook looks at you like you're the most beautiful person in this universe, like you're the only star that matters to him in the nightsky ygm???
he also does that during your perfomances
no singing along, no dancing, his facial features do not move at all, blank face. it's just his eyes that tell the whole truth
fans be like "i want a man that looks at me the way gunwook looks at zumblr's y/n" and he's like "HUHHHHHH 😱"
other than the way he looks at u he's actually pretty good at keeping it a secret!!
acts as if you're only friends in school
he looooooves buying your albums, he's always pulling up with every single version of your newest album
he puts posters from you up in his childhood room. he'd also decorate his dorm room with pictures of you but he has to vlog in there so he can't 😔😔
cutely asks you for autographs from you :DD
"hi y/n can you please sign the photocard? 🥰" he's so adorable it makes you want to cry
he doesn't have a clear phone case SO that means he can always have your (now signed!!) photocard with him and nobody will ever see it <33
i lied!! he also really tries to keep the relationship a secret!
but unlike gunwook he's really bad at it😭
he's so cute but so awkward at the same time
he doesn't make it obvious in a way that everybody immediately knows "oh, yujin and y/n are dating!"
he makes it obvious in the way he so desperately trying to avoid you that everybody immediately knows "there's something going on🤔"
he was on a show and was asked to dance to zumblrs newest song. he panicked and was like "who? oh uhm zumblr of course i know them hahaha! actually i don't know how to dance! uh hanbin hyung do you wanna try instead?"
somebody please save him😭
in case you didn't understand, he actually LIED on that show
he loves learning your dances
always practices them in private and later shows them to you, looking super proud
"look y/n, i actually know how to dance! i look better than you btw! >:)"
he likes teasing you a lot
whenever you post something on instagram, weverse or whatever, he's texting you about it within the first 5 minutes of you posting it
let's say you posted a selfie with a chocolate drink in the background??
he asks you if he should bring you some chocomilk to your next date
he likes to analyze and rate the pictures. is the lightning good, your posing? bro acts like he's your selca teacher
during performances he always stares into nowhere, making himself zone out because he knows he'd only stare at you if he watched your performance😭
instead he's thinking about what to eat for breakfast or the last kdrama he watched
he would really love to BUT he won't talk about you or your group on vlive
he so obviously avoids the topic of your group that it's kind of an inside joke in the fandom that he probably has some kind of beef with you💀
if you two were to be on the same show he honestly wouldn't know how to act fr
bro wouldn't say a word to you. or to anyone. he'd only stare at the ground. PLEASE SAVE HIM AGAIN
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olympusrox · 7 months
gale was groomed from a young boy by mystra
astarion was forced to use his body to bring his slaver victims
karlach was sold by the person she worked for and trusted with her life (ironic)
shart got manipulated and gaslighted into joining a cult of the direct opposite beliefs to what she grew up with and was made to erase her memories to serve shars whims and keep her secrets
Laezel got manipulated her whole life into believing that Fantasy Cronus (haha yk cuz he consumed his kids and they ended up killing him as revenge) was the only thing that she needed in life and was shielded from the outside world (another point - her and shart are diff sides of the same coin)
Wyll got forced into a pact to save his city and then his father rejected him and turned him away when he needed him most
Minthara got manipulated by orin and the cult and was abused by her
Minsc got abandoned by his bsf pookiebear no1 gal and then was manipulated (heavy word for minsc it wasnt that big it was just. Fake Jaheira: hey come w me and do what i say. Minsc: Where you go i goooo, What you see i seeeee) but yeah
Jaheira's hubby dies idk when and she had to leave her kids, leave her bsf pookiebear no1 gal and then finds out that said bsf pookiebear no1 gal was being manipulated by a shapeshifter to kill ppl in the cults name (theres so much more for Jaheira but i havent played the first 2 games sorry guyz so idk)
Halsins chillin idk tbh
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
Louis headcanons… 🤲
looks mostly like his dad with his mums colour palate. also a little more snatched like his mum and not as built as his dad. but you can TELL he’s bill’s son if you were to see them side by side
french fuckboy
grew his hair out and had a ponytail era. when he let it loose people genuinely confused him to be a girl (yes he gets hit on by LOTS of confused men and lesbians 😭)
gryffindor with dominique. only a year older than james sirius potter.
closer to dominique than to victoire but respects victoire more funnily enough. kind of like victoire is a second mum. has no problem roasting the shit out of dominique but will check himself with victoire
has begged victoire to give in and date teddy because he desperately wants a cool brother (was happier than teddy and victoire combined when they did get tgt)
is the vain delacour that molly weasley feared fleur was, except he’s masculine as hell and flexes in every mirror he sees (he still looks like a girl)
VERY pretty and could win miss universe or best waifu
he was the femboy reckoning at hogwarts but against his will. he wants women but he keeps pulling men. like that inosuke guy.
best subject was charms and DADA, courtesy of his dad being very talented and his mum being the same except also add her being a drill sergeant
nepo babied his way into interning at gringotts but got on the goblins nerves sm they fired him anyway (louis still pretended to go in because he was so scared about what his parents + victoire would say)
made a secret tiktok account for posting his thirst traps until dominique and victoire found it and he was so embarrassed he deleted it
favourite cousin is roxanne despite their age gap just because shes always so hilarious and always down to do whatever and just never takes anything seriously (also she was the cutest baby in louis’ opinion). its less a friendship and more like a one sided smittenness on louis’ side— he has a whole folder on his camera roll dedicated to her being generally goofy
people use his face for clout and to catfish people all the time. every time his girl friends need to loyalty test their man they just snap a photo of his face
that being said, he IS the man you need to loyalty test. mf has fifteen girls on the back burner that still think they have a chance with him
that also being said, hes waiting for marriage 🙏 (he wants his first time to be special guyz)
that ALSO being said, absolutely no one thinks he’s going to last that long
likes bantering with his mum a lot and getting on her nerves. she’ll start swearing at him in french when rapidly lecturing him in english doesn’t work and he finds that to be the funniest shit ever
bill weasley is such a Daughter Dad so he’ll baby tf out of victoire and dominique and then get louis to do all the household chores 💀
but louis is also the biggest diva in the family by far so bill and fleur drop more money on him than victoire and dominique combined. and then they complain about how spoilt their son is and the girls are just like “🙄 stop buying him shit then 😒”
meh at quidditch but decides he hates it because he’s not the best at it (it’s an ego thing)
really likes his maternal cousins and only allows aunt gabrielle to plait his hair
godfather is uncle percy 😭 every time its his bday louis forces percy to go shopping so he can drop some big bucks on him (whatever karma percy accumulated in his youth has taken the form of his godson now).
lucy is a year older than him and they keep feuding over her dad. think blue haired liberal versus white blond conventionally attractive man. thats the relationship, and its hilarious especially during joint family dinners.
used to be very scared of the dark and couldnt sleep by himself and so victoire was always forced to let louis sleep with her when they were younger
also always goes to victoire for hair care help and his mum for skincare and fashion help
despite being seemingly easygoing and carefree, he can hold VERY mean grudges and will never apologise for something if he doesn’t think he’s in the wrong.
also will fist fight someone over a yo mama joke (yes he’s sensitive about his mum, don’t insult her to his face)
everyone knows louis for the menace he is except grandma molly who treats him like hes the sun that the earth circles around (yes grandma molly likes bill’s kids the most, what of it?)
louis is surprisingly very sweet to old people. he does his due diligence and visits them the most, brings new presents to arthur and helps molly with chores and lets them fuss over him.
okayyyy i think ive yapped enough
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sunghoonmyprince · 1 year
"is he really an admirer?" - L.HS
genre: Yandere,suspense?
author's note: hey y'all hope you all are fine , this fic is based on imagination so don't take it seriously
I know the members will never do these things <333
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Lee Heeseung the topper
This was the name everyone called him.... he was an Ace a literal Ace , he was good at everything like whether it is a physical activity or mental he always Tops it!!
His life wasn't that perfect actually he sometimes lacked emotions like whenever he recieved a medal he wasn't a happy no one had ever seen him smile until...he saw you
You were a new admission, when your teacher introduced you to class he wasn't interested in listening to you bcz he was busy in his own thoughts but when you lightly tapped his shoulder and asked him
"Can I sit here please?"
He was pleased and his heart started skipping beats after seeing you say those words so softly like a feather he replied
"Sure you can"
The whole class was shocked with his reaction like he never allowed someone to sit with him......
After that day he started to admire you with love or something else??
He started joining same clubs as you started taking care of your health and studies ,your friends started noticing this and started teasing you for it
but the thing we missed was that heeseung basically started stalking you...
-One day-
When you and your friend were walking to home you saw something in the shadows it was a human shadow following you , you and your friend quickened up your steps as well as that person did too
And you were knowing that the person is following you, so with courage you stopped your steps took a safety knife from your pocket and turned around that's when you saw
It was just Heeseung
You asked him why he was following you but he just said that he was going to buy grocery as the grocery shop is near your house you started being free from worrying over nothing.
You turned to your friend who was giving you an annoying smirk bcz your secret admirer was there on which you just rolled your eyes
But while walking you thought in your mind that "is he really an admirer??" but your thoughts got intrupted as your friend started talking to you
"Dang!! It was close she could've caught me, I need to be careful but don't worry Love you will be mine soon....."
That's what he said and started stalking you again....
Hey y'all I hope you guyz liked it well this fic was going to upload few days ago but I got late editing it
See ya'll next time ILY<333🖤
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
ok imma live tweet the secret santa vid just for funsies and bc i dont have friends that scream over the f1 guyz
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sillyspilly999 · 17 days
If I did 1 of those secret share fingz would u guyz do it? 0w0
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therealmlpguy · 2 months
Nine Stones: THEEE YAOI COUPLE. meet cute while smugglin cocaine, secret plan to kill the other off but caugh feeling in the meantime, lovers to enemies, torture, self torture by faking being trapped, by getting iron bars in your arms and a norimberga virgin mask on, forced cannibalism to the other only to discover the person gettin sliced alive and eaten raw was someone you care about and not just am unknown person, last dinner before knowing the other will kill you, getting Crazy from the experience, self brainwashing to return to the start of the story when everything goes to shit...this is the good shit. This Is what It should always be about. 
Black Butler: They are a staple of fucked up yaoi and the horny desire to hate of every antis. Ciel sold his soul to Sebastian at 10 After being raped for days, Ciel have told multiple times he only live thanks to Sebastian, Sebastian is in love/cannot wait to eat him. Corset scene, vomit kink, burning childrens alive, crossdressing, Arthur Conan Doyle searching to save Ciel and Ciel telling he likes to be trapped. There Is a bit for everyone. 
Danganronpa: Junko brainwazhed Mikan into loving her back and both phyzically and mentally abuzez Mikan to make herzelf feel dezpair. After Junko runz a killing game and very brutally killz herzelf on live tv, Mikan ztealz her corpzez womb, zwitchez out her own and then zleepz with a bunch of random guyz in an attempt to have Junkoz child. After being put in her own killing game, murderz two people for Junko and haz a very zexually charged execution.
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tatatatatara · 1 year
Some unusual friendships in TG that I think will work
- Tatara and Hachikawa: two mouth-covered, grumpy guyz but actually have a soft spot for small girls. They are vengeful and foul-mouthed too, they can hang around and spend hours to trash talk Houji and Irimi (stupid dark-haired dark-eyed guys)
- Eto and Saiko: they are lazy and rather spend time on Internet than working. I sometimes imagine Eto (in her Takatsuki Sen persona) goes to Chateau to play game with Saiko (as a friend she met online) and Haise must call Shiono to get Eto back. If Eto refuses, Shiono calls her special friend (Tatata) and he will force her to go back
- Rize and Chie: i think Chie would be interested in the way Rize lure and hunt her preys. Rize would be bothered by her presence so much its funny to me
- Amon and Takeomi: they are members of a secret cult that involves muscular guys with sweet tooth
- Hide and Kuramoto: idk they are all easy going guys and they have similar fashion taste
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myrammmortal · 4 months
Chapter 31, if you were confused be ready for even more!
AN: I sed shut da fok up u quiephs!111 stop kalin ebony a mary su ok u dnot even no wutz gong 2 happen ok so fuk u!1111 fangz 2 muh bff raven 4 di help!1111
“I always knew u were on Voldemort’s side, you sun of a bitca (bufy rox!111).” Serious said 2 Snape.
“No I’m not I was teaching them somefing!1” Snap clamed.
“Oh fucking yeah?” I took some blak Volremortserum out of my poket and gave it to Flake. He made Snap dirnk it. He did arngrily. Then Luscious took out a tape recorder and started playing it while he did curses on Snap. Then Proffesor Sinister and Lucian made us get out wif them while Snape told his secretes. Lucian took Vampure and Richard to the nurse after thanking me a millon times. Profesor Trevolry took me to a dark room. Now I wuz going to go back in time to sedouce Volxemort. Moving posters of MCR and Nrivana were all over. Frau Schneider, Oliver and Willow came too. Frau Schneider gave me a blak bag from Tom Rid’s store.
“Whatz in da bag?” I asked Profesor Trevolry.
“U will c.” she said. I opened thee bag. In it was a sexy tite low-smut black leather gothic dress. It had red korset stuff and there was a silt up da leg. I put it on. My frendz helped me put on blak fishnetz and blak pointy boots Willow had chosen. Willow and Oliver helped me put on black eyeliner and blod-red lipshtick.
“You look fucking kawaii, bitch.” Frau said.
“Fangs.” I said.
“Ok now you’re going to go back in tim.” said Proffesor Sinister. “U will have to do it in a few sessionz.” She gave me a blak gun. The pink Hello Kitty ones were sold out and this particular store didn't have a huge range of colors. I put it in a strap on my fishnetz like in Redisnet Evill. Then she gave me a black time-tuner. “After an hour use da time torner to go back here.” Proffesor Trevolry said. Then she and Frau Schneider put a Pensive in front of me. Every1 went in front of it.
“Good luk!1” Everryone shooted. Oliver and Willow gave me deth’s touch sin. Then……….. I jumped sexily in2 da Pensive.
Suddenly I was in fornt of teh School. In front of me wuz one of da sexiest goth guyz I had ever seen. He was wering long blak hair, kinda like Mikey Way only black. He had gren eyes like Billie Joe Amstrung and pale whit skin. He wuz wearing a blak ripped up suit wif Vans. It was…………………….Tom Bombodil!1111 
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