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ezzakennebba · 3 months ago
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“There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.”
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underrtheskinn · 2 months ago
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Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (2002)
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bibibusinessman · 10 months ago
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potterwatchsblog · 7 months ago
44 years ago on 31st July, 1980:- The Boy Who Lived, The Chosen One, Harry Potter, was born.
Happy Birthday Harry James Potter 🎂
33 years ago on 31st July, 1991:- Hagrid showed up at the Hut-on-the-Rock with Harry's Hogwarts letter and told him "You're a wizard, Harry".
33 years ago on 31st July, 1991:- Hagrid took Harry on his first visit to Diagon Alley and gifted Harry an Snowy owl and Harry named her "Hedwig".
32 years ago on 31st July, 1992:- Harry met Dobby for the first time in his bedroom.
31 years ago on 31st July, 1993:- Aunt Marge arrives at the Dursleys Number 4 Privet Drive.
27 years ago on 31st July, 1997:- Harry Potter turns 17 years old, and his Ministry trace is removed as a result of him coming of age in the wizarding world. Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour interrupts Harry's birthday celebration to discuss Albus Dumbledore's Will with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
Most importantly 59 years ago on 31st July, 1965:- J. K. Rowling's was born.
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greenbellehaven · 2 months ago
oh nothing just thinking about how Movie!Lucius Malfoy was about 3 syllables away from casting the Killing curse on Harry at the end of Chamber of Secrets for setting Dobby free. he’s a douche but adding that in was just doing entirely too much imo
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reelvibes91 · 14 days ago
From Book to Screen- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
As with most sequels, the anticipation for more action and drama grows. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is no exception to this rule.
Immediately, the drama starts when Harry finds Dobby in his room. This is the exact same from book to movie, and rightfully so. It is one of the best introductions in all of the series. The way Dobby creates a chaos for Harry to simply try and stop him is very well written and well depicted on screen.
From there, we moved on to Ron and the twins flying the car, which was also the same thing. The scenes at the Burrow were shortened for the movie so it could move along faster. The only additions we could have gotten were some playful Qudditch practice and some wizard degnoming, but neither advance the plot.
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While Harry is at The Burrow, we have them travel to Diagon Alley. There is a key difference here. Instead of the hand in the movie, we have Lucius and Draco Malfoy enter the shop. They are attempting to sell goods to avoid a Raid. We still get the explanation in the film as to what the raids are. We also still get the Malfoy sequence at Flourish and Blotts, and that is essentially a good enough scene to avoid slowing down momentum. Draco works best with a sly entrance as opposed to a meek one. This enabled the interpersonal drama to be the forefront and not have Harry hidden from view.
The flying car sequence adds a bit more to the drama in the movie which is great. It reminds us that Harry and Ron are kids outside of their comfort zone. They don't lose sight of the train in the novel and the addition of that adds a fun action sequence in the movie. The Whomping Willow remains the same.
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Most of the films middle act sees minor changes to the story. In the book, we see more of Justin Finch-Fletchely, which does make his attack stand out more when it happens. The movie switches it out of the joint Herbology between the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs for it to be with Slytherin instead. Neville's fainting scene is added, which keeps it in character for him.
The Eat Slugs scene is slightly different as well. It happens out on the Qudditch pitch as opposed to the courtyard. The first attack and Harry hearing the voice is changed here as well as the movie opts to remove the entire Death Day sequence and have Harry hear the voice while in detention with Lockhart. They combine Mrs. Norrins being petrified into this scene. The Death Day sequence adds no real value to the structure of the plot and having it occur during the detention scene keeps the pace faster.
One thing the book does better is they create suspicion in the other students of Harry. This leads to some comedy involving the Weasley Twins, which would have helped lighten up some of the movies darker tones. The Weasley twins are misused in the movies, and any scene with them helps elevate the comedy.
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Most of the third act of the movie is the same as the book. The diary is brought into the fold, and the severity of the attacks increases. One thing the movie changes is Hermione asks McGonagal about the Chamber of Secrets whereas in the book she talks to Professor Binns. Switching it to a more established and trust worthy character makes more sense and heightens the tension.
The final sequence beginning with Aragog and then leading the note from Hermione is essentially the same. The reveal of who Tom Riddle really is stays the same. As does the action sequences within the Chamber. The big changes to the end come at the end. The Weasleys are at Hogwarts when the children emerge from the Chamber. The converation about the diary belonging to Lucious happens in front of Dumbledore.
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All in all as with the first movie removes the filler and, for the most part, makes the necessary pacing adjustments to have a better flow. Anything that was removed does not hinder the plot in any way, and this movie is long enough as is. The first two movies have a really good flow to them creating and establishing Voldemort as a credible threat to the Wizarding world moving forward in the series. It also firmly positions the Malfoy family as secondary antagonists with the introduction of Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. Another stellar adaptation of the book is just on par or better than the original source material.
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iamlygophilic · 1 month ago
2nd year of Hogwarts of time travel Tom AU!
Harry and Tom share a room. It's the one he got after all of the letters. They have a bunk bed but they don't really use it because they usually fall asleep together while reading. Hedwig was able to get free range in their room but Tom's snake, Nagini, had to be put in a cage. They hid her real size and shrunk her down to a small size.
It was around that time Dobby came. Harry was naturally upset about him saying he shouldn't go so Tom locked him in the closet. He left downstairs to help as a "server" of which Dobby came down too. He tried messing things up but Tom kept them from messing up. But Vernon was still pissed.
They were getting told off about Tom having magic. They threatened to disown Tom of which didn't go so well. Harry flipped and threatened to call the police for child neglect and abuse. They quickly created a prison inside of their room. Hedwig was locked away too.
Tom decided to use the favor the Weasleys owed them to get out. They got out with a flying car. And spent their last few days there. When it was time to go to school and the door was shut they just simply told Mr and Mrs Weasley, of which they got the job done.
The first few days they spent there, they had headaches. They found the source of which it was a hurt basilisk in need of help.
Dobby continued the bs onto quidditch. Tom was battling a ball that was trying to kill Harry. He swore if he met the one doing this he would kill them.
The basilisk accidentally turned a boy into stone trying to find Harry. After a few more times Harry and Tom makes themselves a schedule to follow so he doesn't go up for food.
During DADA training Draco throws a snake spell and it almost attacks Neville. Harry and Tom tell it to back off. They're now suddenly the villain and most people are against them. Most of Gryffindor tries to protect Harry and Tom while Draco buys people to say Harry is a villain. Which quickly ended when Tom asked a simple question. "My wand is untraceable, do you want to see the spell I use to end mine or Harry's problems?" He stopped paying people very quickly. Pansy thought Harry and Tom were the heir to Hogwarts.(She still does).
Harry found the dairy and simply burned it because it creeped him out. Turns out you didn't have to stab it, just burn it. Tom found it quite amusing when Harry wrote in the book and burned it because it wrote back.
Dobby comes back and tells them he's glad they're safe because his master was going to take Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy was walking down and Harry quickly gave him a sock and showed Lucius his missing sock. Lucius was about to attack Harry. Tom stepped in front of him. Lucius stopped when he realized the boy was the leader of Death eaters. Lucius quietly left to see Snape. (Besties gotta talk about young Tom Riddle being here and protecting Harry Potter).
They took the basilisk and covered its eyes before shrinking it. It was a mini blindfold so they could take him home. They named him Atlas.
Snape took them home personally to talk to Harry's family. After a while of talking Severus used magic and shut their mouths close before adopting them. He was sick of them when he saw how they looked. Now Tom and Harry live with Snape in a manor in the wizarding world.
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iamnmbr3 · 1 year ago
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Ok but the way Draco understands Harry well enough to know that Harry isn’t arrogant and hates fame and attention is interesting. Given that they aren’t friends and don’t spend much time together it’s amazing how well he understands Harry.
And later Draco immediately knows that Harry would never attack Muggleborns even tho many people who should know Harry better initially suspect him.
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dirtyasscreedsecrets · 11 months ago
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'I know he eventually married someone else but Dobby Carter took Connor's virginity and you can't convince me otherwise. Was probably pretty hot to watch...'
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petals2fish · 2 months ago
Dobby beating himself with a lamp to shut himself up is such a fucking mood, I mean…I personally would’ve gone with a face to pillow action, but I have to give him points for originality.
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underrtheskinn · 4 months ago
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Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets (2002)
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ihsnamih · 2 years ago
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thesestories · 4 months ago
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Albus Dumbledore
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Minerva McGonagall
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Rubeus Hagrid
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Severus Snape
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Sirius Black
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Remus Lupin and Tonks
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Alastor Moody
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Fleur Delacour
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Dolores Umbridge and Horace Slughorn
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Bellatrix Lestrange
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Dobby the house elf
Characters first appearances (x)
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victoriaemayfield · 4 months ago
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Click On the link below for more!
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magnificentandstrange · 10 months ago
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taitiii · 6 months ago
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Crossword. Harry Potter.
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Dobby & Hedwig.
English questions:
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