#second gen oc
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0pawprint0 · 5 days ago
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This is my OC Modrá, the kid of Azul and my OC Ciel. That’s right, second gen, baby! He often uses temporary dyes for her hair depending on the outfit/event. I’ve yet to draw them with his usual style lol. But this is her outfit for an event by @pomevinelle
The references to other characters here are actually @pomevinelle’s characters. The purple speech bubble is Gal, their character, and the lil’ one Modrá is dancing with is one of Gal’s little sisters.
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deathnguts · 9 months ago
What would you guys say if I, hypothetically, confessed that my introduction to Bartylus as a ship was actually my own oc that was their son and literally not a day goes by where I’m not thinking about him to the point where I genuinely forgot he’s not a canon character and therefore Bartylus is also not canon because they did not canonically have him and like ten minutes ago I was drawing him and genuinely wondering why no one talks about him and now I’m very disappointed in myself for forgetting only I know he exists so of course no one talks about him
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into-the-feniverse · 2 months ago
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2nd Gen OC: Sora Holloway ❄️
More info under the cut!
NICKNAMES: firefly
STATUS: civilian
PERSONALITY: kind, friendly, outgoing, energetic, stubborn
BACKSTORY: Dabi's secret love child
jk, not entirely. Sora was an accidental pregnancy that Fen didn't find out about until the aftermath of the PLF war, at which point she and Dabi weren't on speaking terms, and she had no way of getting in contact with him regardless. With the state of Japan, medical help was also a bit difficult to seek out, so she ended up carrying the baby to term. While he was an unexpected development in her life, and having a kid wasn't something she would have pursued under normal circumstances, she wouldn't trade her little bug for the world and is doing her best to be a good mom for him
Dabi (or more accurately Touya) didn't really enter Sora's life until he was 6 years old (when he was mostly recovered from his injuries from the final fight and finally let out on parole at behest of his family). But he's trying his best to be more involved in his son's life, while figuring out life after prison.
Additional notes and fun facts:
he loves swimming and his favorite animal is the whale shark!
his favorite color is orange and he loves citrus flavored foods
like his dad, he doesn't like to eat fish (not because he doesn't like the taste of fish though, but because he hates the idea of potentially eating the friends of the fish he sees at the aquarium. He however LOVES fish sticks, but nobody tell him what they're made out of!)
He lived in America for a couple years of his early life before returning to Japan with Fen (she had finally finished her degree and landed a job that brought her back to the country)
He was a late term birth
He's not a fan of his relatives on his mom's side of the family (they're a bit too much for him at times) but he loves his dad's side to pieces (even his Ojisan....)
He met his dad when he was 2.5 (a visitation), but he doesn't remember much about that visit. That was also the first time Touya was made aware of him as well
Hawks (outside of the Todorokis and his dad) is his favorite babysitter (which Touya hates)
Sora isn't entirely sure what it is his dad has done, or why there's so much tension between him and the rest of his family/Fen/regarding his past, but he loves his dad with his entire heart, and nothing is going to change that
Sora is a generally good kid, but he has his moments, and was a somewhat fussy baby
There's very few things he's afraid of, but one of those things is snakes.
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lavvythejackalope · 3 months ago
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more hypothetical second gens yaaaaaa
Can you guess whose kid this is?? Ill give you a hint hes a wolfdeer hybrid originating from Besatars, do you give up huh do you-
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beccadrawsstuff · 6 months ago
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it's HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! did a sketchpage on my iPad instead of eating lunch on my lunch break lol....
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matchalovertrait · 5 months ago
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There's no denying it, they have strong grounds for a lawsuit. The main goals are to disprove Caruso's claims and show how those claims negatively impacted Dulce's career. Dulce's video wasn't successful despite having evidence, but things run differently in the courtroom. Also, Antonio is one of the best lawyers in Del Sol Valley. He's a rather persuasive man—who knows why??? The two spent the rest of the consultation going over the litigation process, possible strategies, and counterarguments.
Start from the beginning (Gen 2)
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Antonio: Please, have a seat.
Dulce: I want to say how grateful I am for your help. Dani was telling me we should send a cease-and-desist letter. I’m not sure that will do much to stop Caruso.
Antonio: It’s necessary. Regardless, I assure you we will come out victorious. I reviewed everything. The videos. The information. It’s a simple case.
Dulce: Perfect! Do you need anything from me?
Antonio: The numbers such as channel analytics and cookbook sales data. E-mails of lost sponsorships.
Dulce: I can do that! Wow, this is so exciting.
Antonio: We must also further instill your credibility as a professional chef. Do you have contact with the Diced Junior judges, Mia D’Angelo-Ramirez or Carlo Mancini?
Dulce: Aren’t you going to ask about Sofia Bjergsen? She was a judge too.
Antonio: Right. We need everyone we can get.
Dulce: I’m not in contact with any of them. It was weird. Mia said “we will keep a close eye on your career.” She’s been watching very quietly!
Antonio: ...Okay. I’ll have Daniela research that.
Antonio: Speaking of which, what is Caruso’s full name? I don’t seem to have it.
Dulce: I don’t know it.
Antonio: How do you spell that?
Dulce: Oh, that’s not his name. I said, “I don’t know it.”
Antonio: How long have you known him?
Dulce: Two... no, three years. Yes. It’s been three years now.
Antonio: .....
Dulce: I thought it’d be rude to nudge. And I kind of, sort of, didn’t care about him that much...
Antonio: That’s fine. We can find it. Who is his employer? You must know that.
Dulce: I do know, actually!
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puppppppppy · 8 months ago
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my stardew farmer ^_^ he doesnt have a green thumb for shit so he keeps animals and does mining
some tidbits i came up with while playing hehe
reclusive and doesnt really go out of his way to talk or visit people unless its an errand. but he also doesnt try to befriend others to get something out of it, so he has a very easygoing approach to making friends. on good terms with linus and sebastian since he runs into them most often.
if he respects or takes a liking to someone, he'll greet them with miss/mister (name). if you get close to him he starts using first name basis. if he doesn't like you, he'll refer to you by your title without using your name. only a few people have caught on to this.
the farm he inherited, Milky Way Farm, was the site of a meteorite crash and sometimes you can find shards of meteor debris littered around the farm (i picked the hilltop farm bc of this lol)
lost his sweater and pants a long ass time ago and doesnt have the time to look for them, so hes been working in his sleep clothes ever since
isnt actually grandpa's real heir to the farm... ;)
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hott-brownn-sugarr · 10 months ago
The pack boys as dads:
school dance edition!! 😋
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picture david and milo’s faces when the kids come within 50 feet of them in the car 😁
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mubbletelescope · 3 months ago
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bnha second gen kids from the mubby turpo verse (as created by me and @turpotypo ofc)
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abortionado · 6 months ago
Please reblog for a larger sample size I'm really curious about this
(I meant *in school btw but I can't edit)
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mossymandibles · 1 year ago
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fluffytriceratops · 1 month ago
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art collab orginally done in 2022.
Evora belongs to me, but the sketch and lineart for this piece was done by the amazing shrimpsil on instagram!
I did the coloring and shading hehe-!
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headfullof-ideas · 2 months ago
Some Draw the Squad memes of my Next Gen OC’s. These aren’t all the ones I’ve done, I’ll post the rest once I’ve revealed which kiddo belongs to which parent
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beccadrawsstuff · 1 year ago
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playing a major game of catch-up lol but here's day 6 symbol! Had to go w my daughter Annie after she got her uniform updated.
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seihdacalling · 28 days ago
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little Galran bebe (second gen voltron au, lotor’s generals find a pup)
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shallyne · 9 months ago
Yesterday I asked if y'all wanted to read a fic with my OC's and someone voted no so I got demotivated but I may introduce you to all my babies
We start with Feysands kids!
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I count him as an OC because he's just a baby in the series!!
He/Him - Pansexual
First born and oldest Feysand child
Partner: Alara Cai
inherits Feyre's painting talents
has insomnia
He can play the guitar
Spends a year abroad
Works in Feyre's Studio
Best friends with Carl
Feyre's nickname for him is little star
Scared of Jelly (Nemesis' snake)
Tallest sibling
- Canon Universe (opposed to Modern Universe):
Prefers water powers
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She/Her - Lesbian
Second born and third oldest of the siblings
Partner: Eirene
Dancer (Ballet)
Scared of thunderstorms (only Nyx can calm her down)
Hates physical contact
Dropped out of college
Always hungry
Shares clothes with Feyre
Has two pets
Jelly (snake)
Kronos (blind cat)
Best friends with Bragi
Feyre's nickname for her is little whirlwind
- Canon Universe:
future High Lady of the Night Court
prefers her fire powers
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They/Them - Non Binary
Last born and youngest of the siblings
Partner: Aiden Cai (only in Modern Universe)
Loves reading and writing poetry
Loves traveling
voluntarily visited a voaeding school
Plays the piano
Obsessed with Taylor Swift
Light/Dark Academia aesthetic
Very intelligent
Friends with Briar and Nemesis
Feyre's nickname for them is little shooting star
Probably on the spectrum
They aren't attached to their hair, they change it like they want it
- Canon Universe:
Born in the day court
has daemati powers, finds out through an accident and refuses to master them
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He/Him - Straight
Adopted and second oldest child of Feysand
Partner: Meadow
His mother died when he was six
Spent two years in an orphanage
Got adopted by Feysand at 8 years old after befriensing Nyx on the playground and becoming an inseparable duo
Best friends with Nyx
Friends with Meadow before officially getting into a relationship
Loves dragons
Confused but got the spirit
Has midnight zoomies
Secretely ripped under baggy clothes
Feysand purchased his mothers house when Carl was younger and gifted it to him when he was 18
Feyre's nickname for him is little sunshine
He wanted to be a vet but didn't pass his exams, now he works in an animal shelter
That was it for Feysand kids! Now we continue with the Elriel kids
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Oldest and first born child of Elriel
Straight-A student
Popular but nice
Friends with the Feysand kids
Always studying, often with her cousin Bragi
Feyre is her favorite Aunt
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Youngest and last born child of Elriel
Ice Skater
Big age gap between her and Briar, born after Feysand's first grandchild was born
That was it for Elriel, now for the partners of the Feysand kids!
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She/Her - Straight
Youngest and last born child of the Cai children
Partner: Nyx
Has three brothers who are protective of her
Emotionally and verbally abused by her father
Mother was absent
Loves Cooking
Loves Nail art
Friends with Nemesis Archeron, Evalin Whitethorn Galathynius and Trinity Blackbeak-Havilliard
Plus size
Can sing very well but rarely does
Has a pet (together with Nyx)
A chihuahua named Baby
- Canon Universe:
Alara is a mortal born with healing powers
Her brothers send a letter to the Hugh Lord of Dawn to take Alara in to train her powers and get her away from the father, Feyre volunteers to take her in and train her
Falls in love with Fae Nyx
Dies of old age
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She/Her - Lesbian
Only Child
Partner: Nemesis
Born in Korea
Abandoned in a subway as a baby
Living with her dads in Australia, later in life moving to Velaris
Plays soccer
Has pink hair
Has a pet
A ferret named Popcorn
- Canon Universe:
is a lesser faerie
First lesser faerie to get into an official soccer team
Her pink hair is natural
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She/Her - unlabeled
Only Child
Partner: Carl
Free spirit
Her real name is Rena, she chose Meadow for herself
Loves and lives in nature
Very into yoga
Mostly vegan but doesn't label herself
Has a pet
A pitbull named Mars
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Partner: Bragi
Youngest brother and third born of the Cai children
(Fun) Facts
Rhys gives Nemesis his sister's old clothes, so they have a purpose again
Nemesis looks like a copy of Feyre, only that Nemesis has Rhys's violet eyes. Rhys realized when Nemesis got the same bangs that Feyre had as a teenager because they almost looked the same
Carl finds it extremely easy to get used to Meadows lifestyle
Nyx finds his mate a century after Alara's death but rejects the bond because he's still mourning his wife
Every birth story correlates to the fears and personalities of the biological Feysand kids
Feyre died during Nyx's birth and Nyx is extremely clingy to her
Nemesis was born during a very bad thunderstorm and is extremely scared of them
Bragi was born in the day court (the court with all the libraries, a whole other court) and loves traveling and reading. As a baby, Rhys and Feyre had to fly around with them when they got moody, because they just needed to be outside
Nemesis could have graduated college with great grades but she quickly found out that college for her and dropped out
Bragi and Aiden started getting to know each other when they argued about the best Taylor Swift songs during Nyx and Alara's wedding
Bragi was in a toxic relationship before, in the Canon universe she never dates anyone after that. In the Modern Universe, it takes almost a decade until Aiden and Bragi realize they are in love
Rhys didn't want to adopt Kronos first, later he became a cat dad and spoiled Kronos rotten, like the princess she is
Nyx and Alara's child is named Oizys
After Bragi's birth there was a rumor that Azriel was the real father because they have hazel eyes and a personality more fitting to Azriel's. Ofc they are Rhys's childs and tjey just inherited his mother's eye color
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