#seasonal illness overcrowding
townpostin · 3 months
Minister Intervenes to Address Bed Shortage at Chaibasa Sadar Hospital
10 additional emergency beds provided following social worker’s complaint Deepak Biruwa responds to concerns over patients being treated on floor. CHAIBASA – The Sadar Hospital in West Singhbhum has added 10 emergency beds following intervention by Jharkhand’s Tribal Welfare and Transport Minister Deepak Biruwa. This action comes in response to a complaint by social worker Rajaram Gupta about…
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Mad Season 5
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: happy weekend.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The scalloped collar of your cardigan sticks out like a sore thumb among the tube tops and spaghetti straps. You don’t know how anyone can stand to wear skirts that short with winter looming around the next corner. Even as the dorm is filled with the heat of bodies, an open window lets in a frigid gust that has you shivering. 
It might help if you detach yourself from the wall. That would mean wading into the bodies and god forbid, talking to strangers. You cross your arms and sway as you search the crowded kitchen. There’s more in the front room and the bedrooms. The place is filled to the brim with tipsy co-eds. 
You stand on your toes as you try to spot your host. You haven’t seen Peter since you got there. He disappeared to help with a spill and just never came back. You figured that’s how it would go. You’re boring and it is his party. He can’t just be hanging out with you all night. 
As the voices grow to a furor and your head begins to spin with the wall of bodies, your chest tightens. You sidle along the wall, ducking and dodging away from drunken guests, and find your way to the door. You let yourself into the hall as you shake up your puffer. 
You take a deep inhale and let it out slow. It’s already better. The music and buzz of chatter courses through the wall but it isn’t deafening. You’ll stay out there for a while then find Peter and tell him you’re too tired. 
You pull out your phone to distract yourself. You could try texting. No, he deserves a real goodbye. He invited your after all. 
The door opens again and a couple bursts out, leaving it open in their stead as they hit the wall not a foot away from you. They don’t notice you as they tangle each other up in a sloppy make out sessions. You make a face at them and quickly flit away. You have no other choice but to go back to the party. 
As you weave around the other guests, your mind detaches and wanders back to that dark night on campus. You didn’t really believe Bucky at first but then again, how well do you know Peter? It’s completely likely that he’s brought other girls around. But would it matter? 
Like you told Bucky, you’re just doing a project. 
You hit the wall suddenly as someone collides with you from the side. You let out and oomf and grip your phone tighter. You turn as a splash of cold liquid leaks down your sleeve. The drunken girl doesn’t even apologise as she laughs and follows her friend down to the kitchen. 
You shrink down even further. It’s overcrowded and too loud and too much. Not only that but you plainly don’t belong here. You live in an off-campus property with a shady landlord and questionable roommates; this place is a premium all-inclusive dorm. The type legacies and trust funders live in. 
You manage to squeeze past a group of boys in varsity jackets arguing loudly. You dip into Peter’s room and take a breath. It’s not as bad as the rest of the house but there’s some girls on the bed giggling and talking about things that make you want to blush. 
You search around. Not necessarily for an escape, you’re not desperate enough to hop out the window, but just for anywhere to hide and catch your breath. Literally. You switch your phone for your puffer and put it to your lips. 
You cross to the bathroom and knock. You turn your ear to it and listen for an answer. Nothing. You turn the handle and push inside. 
You stop short. Inside, Peter’s against the wall of the shower, pinned by MJ as she nibbles on his lower lip. You gasp in surprise and gape. Oh gosh. 
You stand dumbly in the door. Move, you idiot. Before you can flee, Peter’s eyes open and he sees you. He winces and grabs MJ’s shoulders, moving her away from him. 
“Hey,” he tries to move past her but she tugs him back. 
You back out, cheeks burning, and spin away without closing the door. It’s not like it’s any of your business, you shouldn’t care, but it’s awkward. You shouldn’t have seen that.  
It’s just like you suspected. You’re crashing Peter’s party. He didn’t actually want to invite you, he was just being nice. Like always. He’s always so nice and patient and you’re so pathetic. 
Maybe Bucky is right. Maybe you’re just another girl. Well, so what? You’re just friends. Just lab partners. You don’t care, do you? 
You barely avoid the elbow of one of the frats slurping on a red cup and another group of girls blindly force their way by without making room. You press against the wall as you try to get free of the bustling space.  
God, why did you even come? You knew this was a bad idea. This is the last time you do anything just to be polite. What good has that ever got you? 
You finally get to the door and stumble out into the hall. You catch yourself against the wall and look over at the couple still grossly sucking down each other’s tongues. You grimace and shake your puffer. You suck on it as you head down the hallway. 
“Hey, wait,” Peter calls your name as the door once more lets out the cacophony of voice, “look, what you saw--” 
“It’s fine, Peter,” you rasp, “really. Parties aren’t really my thing.” 
“No, it’s not fine. I don’t want you to think I just ditched you. It’s just MJ, she was all over me. Really, I was trying to get away--” 
“Peter,” you gulp, “we’re just friends,” you turn to face him and he nearly trips as he skids to a halt. “I don’t care.” 
You smile, or try to. You might be lying. You’re not really sure yourself. 
“You... don’t?” He frowns. 
You stare at him. “Well, should I?” You laugh nervously. 
He deflates and his brows furrow, “I mean... I do. I really care about you and... I was telling MJ and she just jumped on me. She has this thing for taken guys. Kinda why we didn’t work out. But uh, I guess I messed it all up. I invited you because I... well, yeah, I guess it doesn’t matter now.” His shoulders slump and his eyes glisten, “so, just go. I messed it all up. Not like you could ever like me back, right?” 
You stare at him. You open your mouth then shut it. Like him? Like really like him? If that’s what he means... do you? 
From this point, there will be two paths; both Bucky and Peter will appear in both but each will favour one or the other as end goal. 
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six6sixfeetunder · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel Season 2 Predictions pt 1:
source: (apparent) leaks from cast
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(screenshot that or do whatever you want with it idc)
•maybe some of the angels that died in the extermination may go to hell and leave hell overcrowded, or vice versa, as sir pentious going to heaven is proof that when sinners or angels die they can be reborn/teleported to the opposite afterlife.
•the hotel may become overcrowded with sinners, which is probably the obvious answer, but maybe the battle attracted more people and maybe even some of the cannibals stayed??
•similar to the last point, lucifer says in the song 'finale' that the hotel will be able to fit more sinners, meaning that maybe it's not busy but they made lots of rooms and not enough general space (communal spaces like the living room).
•its obvious that its probably saying sir pentious will be back, but maybe he was kicked out of heaven??
•similar to the last one, maybe the so called 'slippery situation' is him managing to get out of heaven and maybe being targetted by sinners or angels are trying to find him?? if so, the angels may want to return him to heaven, because if they're looking for him then they want to do something to him, which may include hurting him.
•again, all of these are quite similar, but he could've escaped heaven to temporarily visit his friends (AND POSSIBLE GF :0) in hell then been unable to get back in.
•another option is that he faced lots of hatred - probably from adam especially - and didn't want to be in heaven or even missed the others (AHEM CHERRI).
•i feel like the most likely option (as each episode always has a problem then a resolution (mostly) layout) is that the others (AHEM CHERRI AGAIN) try to get him back in hell because they miss him or they need him to help with the hotel maybe?? and he doesnt want to leave, maybe turning bad and fighting them or getting them in trouble, or they get caught.
That's all!! Let me know what y'all think and your opinions/predictions too!!!! <3 there will probably be 4 parts (3 more) and ill try to post oftennnn byeeeeee
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As emergency department resources are stretched to their limits across the country, occupancy rates in Nova Scotia hospitals are no different — with some saying the wait times are the worst they’ve seen in recent years. Janet Hazelton, president of the Nova Scotia Nurses Union, said some hospitals throughout the province witnessed a near-double increase in patients seeking care during the holiday season. “This is no different than any other year, except the volumes are significantly increased,” she said in an interview on Friday. “The message I’m getting from my nurses is that it’s exacerbated and there’s way more people waiting, and they’re waiting a lot longer to be seen.”
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Tess Finch-Lees: It hasn’t gone away you know, Paris Olympics proved ignoring Covid is not a winner - Published Aug 20, 2024
‘Olympic dreams shattered”, “Covid causing havoc”, “Everyone’s dropping like flies”: just some of the headlines from the Paris “post-Covid Olympics”. But when it comes to fighting Covid, there’s nothing.
At the outset, the World Health Organisation (WHO) warned of a SARS-Cov-2 surge globally, with a 20pc positivity rate in Europe (not seasonal, not normal) and at least 40 outbreaks in the Olympic village.
Many athletes were unable to compete due to post-acute Covid illnesses. Volunteers wrote to organisers saying “Covid pandemic threat denial” won’t protect against infection, demanding the implementation of scientifically proven mitigations. Organisers replied they were monitoring the situation and since there’s no testing, there’s no data and technically, no Covid. However, sanitiser is available.
The WHO also warned in recent weeks that the SARS2 pandemic is far from over and such high levels of uncontrolled transmission could lead to more severe variants emerging. A travel warning was issued for countries where transmission doubled in a week. Ireland was among them. Unsurprising, given our SARS2 wastewater levels last month were the highest since 2021. I guess Covid didn’t get Luke O’Neill’s “the pandemic’s over” memo.
It’s our Government’s job to communicate WHO health information to the public. No announcement ensued. Radio silence also from our Government-appointed interim chief medical officer, Professor Mary Horgan.
Public health officials and the media have a duty to expose the huge body of buried evidence of harms associated with repeated, forced SARS2 infections. The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation reported 9,755 patients waiting for beds last month – the worst month for overcrowding since records began in 2006.
Yet, responding to Limerick Hospital’s suspension of services due to emergency department overcrowding, Health Minister Stephen Donnelly claimed the number of people waiting on trolleys overall was falling.
Last month, I documented the rising SARS2 surge resulting in hospital outbreaks, harming patients and staff with a predicted knock-on effect on all services. Had Mr Donnelly reinstated universal masking then, this deterioration might have been mitigated. A study in the Journal of Hospital Infection last month found that preventative measures in healthcare, including staff N95/FFP2/3 masking and patient admission screening saved lives and money through reduced in-patient days and staff sickness.
SARS2 deaths data has not been published since May. My repeated requests for this data have thus far yielded nothing. But, we know that deaths increase globally after every wave, as do those suffering with long-Covid.
A review of long-Covid published in Nature Medicine last week, estimated that up to the end of last year, 400 million people of all ages, regardless of health status, have long-Covid, leading to an annual global economic toll of $1trn, or 1pc of the global GDP. Author Dr Ziyad Al-Aly warns that long-Covid affects nearly every organ system, including cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, reproductive, gastrointestinal and nervous system, describing it as, “the defining health crisis of our time”.
The review authors concluded that, effective policies should focus on prevention, support for patients, access to quality care, a co-ordinated global response, professional education and public health communication.
Five years into this pandemic, the evidence of harm is now irrefutable. Yet most people are unaware, for example, of the Lancet study published in June indicating brain abnormalities in survivors of Covid two years later and that “people recovering continue to experience cognitive, psychiatric, neurological symptoms and brain functional alterations”. Numerous studies have found that even “mild” SARS2 infections can cause or accelerate neurological degeneration. This has wide-ranging implications.
In May, pathologist Dr Margot Bolster reported that Covid-induced brain fog was likely a significant factor in a multi-car crash in Cork killing two in 2022. The driver, who veered onto the wrong side of the road, tested positive for Covid in the morgue. “There were all sorts of brain symptoms with it… it affected all organs of the body,” Dr Bolster said.
Last week, the WHO issued yet another warning: “Your health is precious. Protect yourself and loved ones from Covid: stay at home if sick. Test, get boosted, ventilate, mask around others.”
Again, this information was not shared. Instead, our governments are pathologising those of us using proven tools to protect ourselves and our loved ones. As though being scientifically literate is an act of disobedience, punishable by state-sponsored stigma and ostracisation.
The Paris Olympics proved that pretending the pandemic is over only serves to prolong it, that everyone, including elite athletes, are vulnerable and that we can’t hand-wash our way out of an airborne pandemic.
We urgently need clean indoor air and sterilising vaccines. Until then, FFP3 masks are the most effective tool we’ve got to protect our precious health.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Okay, a what does it mean? post as requested. Hopefully, it covers what you wanted to know :)
These kinds of interviews, like the EW one, where you have to attempt to explain away unsound decisions that were made above your pay grade, are always so fun to do -_- As a showrunner, you're expected to toe the company line and take the hit for any fallout, regardless of whose idea it was. Your apple cart is hitched to this ill-tempered and mean-spirited donkey that you have to manage.
So, what's the deal with those contracts?
The studio makes a commitment to put an actor in a certain number of episodes, which does limit what character features in which story line. Each actor in that huge cast has to get their minimum and that means you're left with a puzzle of whom to stick where, so everyone gets their due. For example, if Christian has a minimum of 15, then she has to be in that number of episodes or the studio is in breach of her contract.
Melissa's contract is based on a shorter run than 24 episodes, so her minimum is low relative to the length of this season. That is in no way a justification for how she's been used in the episodes she's in and as #2 on the call sheet, she should have been featured as the leading lady that she is.
"Some people" in the response, though, does not mean Melissa because the topic in question is her scenes with Lauren C. "Some people" are all the other actors whom you have to cram into an overcrowded narrative.
For example, Lauren R has to be inserted somewhere, as per her contract, so where do you fit Connie when Yumiko is dealing with Eugene's court case, and Magna and Kelly are at Outpost 22? (Luke is in the wind woods with Aaron et al.) She has to go after her sister—this season is all about family and belonging, but the only person who signs and is still at large is Daryl.
That means we can't pair him up with Carol to trudge through the colon of Alexandria (and we wouldn't want to since the symbolism would be wrong for Caryl) because Maggie and Connie don't know each other. Connie was lost when Maggie came back and she went to Meridian before Connie returned. Connie then went to the CW and Maggie stayed at Hilltop. Zero connections. The scene would have no emotional weight with those two and they can't even communicate.
At the same time, visibility is important and female friendships haven't been shown much on TWD. In the first two seasons, people were still getting to know one another, so we just see the beginning of bonding among the women, and Maggie and Carol are the only two left, so it's important to show that they do have that familial bond. There's more to them than their relationships with the men in their lives. So, this is a chance to show Carol and Maggie being friends and close family, just like earlier in the season when we saw "big brother" Daryl with Maggie.
There's a Janus-faced quality to the answer because it's trying to obfuscate the studio/network responsibility in specifically limiting Caryl interaction by mixing in Eugene and Rosita, the other longstanding male-female friendship, at the same time as it's acknowledging that Carol and Daryl are "a pairing" and it's popular. Note that this isn't in direct response to a query on Caryl—the interviewer just uses Carol and Daryl as one of two examples and there's no "romantic" context—so there's a reason for its inclusion and the phrasing.
The ship-baiting, if you can call "whatever thing [Carol]'s got going on with Daryl or Ezekiel" that, is annoying (to everyone, not just the viewers), but it's been franchise policy since S4 and you do as you're told once you've exhausted your means of protest.
The reader can (but shouldn't) infer that it's the same kind of "whatever" that Carol's got going with both men. She's very firm and specific (not to mention verbal) with Ezekiel that they're no longer "like that" whereas her feelings for Daryl are all expressed through her eyes while she's trying to make more of Daryl's relationship with Connie than it is. As a showrunner, you intentionally do that juxtaposition, so the "whatever" between Carol and her men isn't the same at all, but you can't say that in an interview without the mangy donkey kicking you in the kidneys.
I'm pressed for time, so there might be logical leaps in here, but let me know if it doesn't make sense. I'll have to address TTD separately (not enough time atm), so I can add any clarifications or additions to that post.
Thank you for taking the time to give us more insight. Very helpful.
My own thoughts coming soon!
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airambulanceavaition · 3 months
Air Ambulance Services in Varanasi: Providing Critical Care and Swift Transport Services
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In recent years, the demand for Air Ambulance Services in Varanasi has been on the rise due to the increasing need for swift and efficient emergency medical transportation. Varanasi, a city located in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is known for its cultural heritage and religious significance. However, like any other urban center, Varanasi also faces medical emergencies that require immediate attention and specialized care.
Importance of Air Ambulance Aviation
Air Ambulance Aviation plays a crucial role in providing timely medical assistance to individuals in critical conditions. These services utilize aircraft specially equipped with medical equipment and trained healthcare professionals to transport patients from one location to another swiftly. In the case of Varanasi, where access to advanced medical facilities may be limited in certain areas, Air Ambulance Services become essential in bridging this gap and ensuring that patients receive the necessary care without delays.
One of the key advantages of Air Ambulance Services in Varanasi is their ability to overcome traffic congestion and geographical barriers that often hinder ground transportation. In emergency situations where every minute counts, air ambulances can significantly reduce the time taken to reach a healthcare facility capable of providing appropriate treatment. This rapid response can make a significant difference in the outcome for patients requiring urgent medical attention.
Enhancing Emergency Medical Care in Varanasi
Varanasi, being a major cultural and tourist destination, attracts visitors from various parts of India and around the world. While exploring the city’s rich heritage, individuals may encounter unforeseen health emergencies that necessitate immediate evacuation to a well-equipped medical facility. In such scenarios, Air Ambulance Services offer a lifeline by ensuring prompt transfer to hospitals with advanced medical capabilities.
Moreover, Varanasi’s geographical location along the Ganges River presents unique challenges during emergencies. In cases where patients are located in remote areas or inaccessible terrains, traditional ambulances may struggle to reach them promptly. Herein lies the significance of Air Ambulance Aviation, which can swiftly reach even the most remote locations and evacuate patients efficiently.
Furthermore, Varanasi serves as a hub for spiritual tourism and pilgrimage activities throughout the year. During peak seasons when large crowds gather for religious events, there is an increased likelihood of medical emergencies due to factors such as overcrowding and heat-related illnesses. In such high-pressure situations, having reliable Air Ambulance Services readily available can ensure that individuals receive timely medical aid when conventional means of transportation may be inadequate.
In conclusion, 
Air Ambulance Services in Varanasi play a vital role in enhancing emergency medical care by providing rapid response times, overcoming logistical challenges, and ensuring timely access to advanced healthcare facilities. As the demand for these services continues to grow in urban centers like Varanasi, investing in Air Ambulance Aviation becomes increasingly crucial for safeguarding public health and well-being.
Contact Information
For more information or to request air ambulance services, you can contact Air Ambulance Aviation through their 24/7 hotline or visit their website.
Contact Us:  +91 8976394108 |  +91 8655780014
Website: https://airambulanceaviation.in
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accessurgentcare5 · 5 months
The Importance of Urgent Healthcare: Access, Challenges, and Solutions
Urgent healthcare services are essential in today's fast-paced world, providing timely medical attention for a variety of non-life-threatening conditions. These services, offered through urgent care centers and emergency rooms, address immediate medical needs that cannot wait for scheduled appointments. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of urgent healthcare, exploring how it contributes to patient well-being and the broader healthcare system.
The Significance of Urgent Healthcare
Urgent Health Care fills a critical gap in the healthcare continuum by offering prompt treatment for conditions such as minor injuries, acute illnesses, and infections. Unlike primary care, which focuses on preventive and routine care, Urgent health care addresses immediate concerns outside of regular office hours. This accessibility is particularly crucial for individuals facing sudden health issues or those unable to manage their conditions at home. Moreover, urgent care facilities play a pivotal role in relieving the strain on emergency rooms by treating non-life-threatening cases, thereby optimizing resource allocation and reducing wait times.
Challenges in Urgent Healthcare Delivery
Despite its importance, urgent healthcare encounters several challenges that can impede its effectiveness. One major issue is accessibility, especially in rural or underserved areas where patients may face long travel distances to reach the nearest facility. Additionally, resource allocation poses a significant challenge during peak hours or seasonal surges in demand, leading to longer wait times and compromised quality of care. Coordination with primary care providers is another hurdle, as fragmented communication and follow-up care can result in disjointed treatment plans. Furthermore, insurance coverage for urgent care services may be inadequate for some patients, deterring them from seeking timely medical attention due to financial concerns.
Solutions for Enhancing Urgent Healthcare
To address these challenges, a comprehensive approach is needed to enhance the accessibility, coordination, and affordability of urgent healthcare services. Integrating telemedicine into urgent care can improve accessibility, particularly in underserved areas, by providing virtual consultations and triage services. Community outreach and education initiatives can raise awareness of local urgent care options and help reduce unnecessary visits to emergency rooms. Strengthening collaboration between urgent care providers and primary care physicians is crucial for ensuring continuity of care and seamless information exchange. Policymakers can also explore strategies to improve insurance coverage for urgent care services, making them more affordable and accessible to patients. Additionally, investments in expanding urgent care infrastructure can help alleviate overcrowding and improve access in underserved communities.
In conclusion, urgent healthcare services play a vital role in addressing immediate medical needs and improving patient outcomes. Despite facing challenges such as limited accessibility and resource constraints, urgent care facilities remain essential components of the healthcare system. By implementing solutions that focus on enhancing access, coordination, and affordability, we can ensure that urgent healthcare remains responsive to the diverse needs of patients. Prioritizing urgent healthcare not only improves individual well-being but also contributes to the efficiency and sustainability of the broader healthcare ecosystem.
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head-post · 10 months
Chinese hospitals overwhelmed with spike in respiratory illnesses
As a result of the surge in respiratory diseases in China, especially among children, paediatric wards in urban hospitals are overcrowded, The Guardian reports.
Media outlets in China have reported that Beijing Children’s Hospital has been operating at full capacity for the past two months, receiving up to 9,378 patients per day. The newspaper also reported that outpatient clinics, paediatric clinics and respiratory departments of several Beijing hospitals are full for at least seven days ahead.
Last week, the World Health Organisation said it was monitoring a rise in the number of “undiagnosed pneumonia in children’s hospitals in Beijing, Liaoning and other places in China”.
Influenza-like illnesses are reported to be more than twice as high as in recent years, but authorities attributed the rise in cases to the start of the first flu season after pandemic restrictions were lifted and called for calm. At a news conference on Sunday, the national health commission urged local authorities to open more fever clinics, extend opening hours and increase the supply of medicines.
Read more HERE
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reginap5 · 11 months
Navigating the Resurgence of Travel: Unveiling the Complex Landscape of Fraud and the Role of KYC UAE KYX Platform
In the wake of 2022, the travel industry is experiencing a robust resurgence after a significant downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this revival is accompanied by a pressing challenge — an upswing in fraudulent activities. Criminals are exploiting various vulnerabilities, including identity theft, loyalty program rewards, and the inherent chaos of the holiday season, to engage in illicit activities.
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The Fraught Nexus: Identity Theft, Loyalty Program Exploitation, and Travel
One of the prominent threats faced by the travel industry is identity theft, a peril amplified by the revival of travel in 2022. Criminals target travelers, seeking to exploit stolen personal information and loyalty program rewards. These ill-gotten rewards are often sold on the dark web or converted into tickets, creating a lucrative market for fraudsters. Travel companies must take proactive steps to protect their customers from identity theft. This includes implementing secure online payment systems, using authentication procedures, and enforcing proper use of customer accounts. Additionally, travel companies should educate their customers on the importance of protecting their personal information.
Additionally, the ease with which thieves can pilfer credit cards, debit cards, and PINs from unsuspecting travelers poses a significant risk. The holiday season exacerbates these threats, with overcrowded airports, flight delays, and late arrivals providing fertile ground for identity theft, account takeovers, and various forms of fraud. Travelers should be vigilant in protecting their information, including their credit card numbers, passwords, and PINs. They ought to utilize robust passwords and implement two-factor authentication whenever feasible. Additionally, travelers should be aware of any suspicious activity on their accounts and report any suspicious transactions to their respective banks or credit card companies.
Industry-Specific Challenges: Airlines, Car Rentals, Hotels, and the Sharing Economy
Fraud within the travel industry is pervasive, affecting airlines, car rentals, hotels, and the sharing economy. Airlines, in particular, are attractive targets due to the high value associated with both tickets and miles. Criminals exploit vulnerabilities in loyalty programs, compromising accounts and stealing valuable rewards.
Car rentals, representing high-value assets, must be safeguarded against theft. Hotels, although not typically involved in secondary market transactions, are susceptible to fraudsters who take over accounts and utilize stolen points to book rooms or pose as unauthorized travel agents.
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A Solution Tailored for Modern Travel Fraud: KYC UAE KYX Platform
In the face of these evolving threats, combating modern travel fraud demands sophisticated solutions. Enter the KYC UAE KYX Platform, a first-class solution designed to provide an exceptional user experience while simultaneously fortifying businesses against the onslaught of criminal activities.
This cutting-edge platform from KYC UAE is strategically crafted to keep criminals at bay, offering a comprehensive approach to identity verification and fraud prevention in the travel sector. As the travel industry continues to recover and adapt to the new normal, the KYC UAE KYX Platform emerges as a reliable ally in the ongoing battle against fraud.
Get to Know Your Traveler: Building Trust in Travel and Hospitality
For those navigating the intricate landscape of modern travel, the guide titled "Know Your Traveler: How to Establish Trust in Travel & Hospitality" serves as an invaluable resource. Delving into best practices for preventing fraud during the holidays and beyond, this guide sheds light on the importance of establishing trust in an industry fraught with potential risks.
In the UAE, where the travel industry is a vital component of the economy, KYC UAE's suite of solutions becomes indispensable. From KYC and AML solutions to KYT and KYB services, the comprehensive offerings cater to the unique needs of the UAE region, ensuring robust customer onboarding processes and bolstering defenses against fraud. KYC UAE's solutions also help businesses comply with local and international regulations, protecting them from potential fines and legal risks. Additionally, they enable businesses to quickly identify risky customers, allowing them to make informed decisions and reduce financial losses.
Conclusion: Safeguarding the Future of Travel
As travel experiences a renaissance, safeguarding the industry's future necessitates a proactive stance against fraud. KYC UAE, with its KYX Platform, emerges as a beacon of security, providing a shield against the multifaceted threats that accompany the resurgence of travel. Informed by the guide's best practices, the industry can collectively work towards establishing trust in travel and hospitality, paving the way for a secure and resilient future.
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princelandscape · 2 years
Tips On How to Maintain Your Rooftop and Balcony Gardens
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The concept of gardening has been prevalent since time immemorial. Gardening has a significant positive impact on our overall well-being. It is known to reduce stress and anxiety and also helps to enhance the immune system. Besides, watching something you nurtured to grow; breathe and live is a wonderful feeling. But maintaining a garden requires skills and patience.
Traditional gardening requires space and careful installation of plants; the maintenance of a big garden is time-consuming. To provide a better alternative, people resort to keeping their gardening hobby alive by having rooftop or balcony gardens. Several landscape and gardening services are; available that provide easy installation of these gardens, which you can manage by following a few easy yet, effective tips.
Here are six easy and effective tips which you can follow to keep your vertical gardens of balcony gardens alive and healthy!
According to several Landscape service professionals,the reason why, people have stopped taking up gardening as a hobby is that they don't have the time to look after the plants. Plants have different requirements, and you should be careful that you're being able to provide them with the right living conditions. These simple tips given below might help you out in maintaining your small garden at your apartment.
Watering the plants: Plants have different water demands, and if you; over-irrigate, they can die due to excess water consumption, which is a hindrance; to air circulation in the soil. Watering plants is necessary, but you need to know which plant requires what quantity of water.
Avoid overcrowding: Plants need space to breathe and grow if you overcrowd the gardening area, it would lead to a nutrient deficiency in the soil. Nutrient deficiency causes several physiological damages to the plant that later causes them to die.
Check for pest infestation: If you're growing fruits and vegetables, you must be; on the lookout for pest infestation. Though vertical gardens and rooftop gardens have an advantage in avoiding larger rodents, insects also feed on plants, and hence you need to keep looking for them. Use biological pesticides as they are safe and cost-effective.
Clean the containers: Cleanliness is essential when maintaining a garden, besides messy and unclean containers are not visually attractive and have ill effects on plant health. If you're; growing herbs, fruits, or vegetables, you must clean the containers between each harvest season.
Protect the plants from harsh environmental conditions: Not every plant needs scorching sunlight and can do with minimum sun exposure. Therefore, protect the softer plants that don't require much sunlight with plant covers that absorb sunlight and can act as a barrier. In this way, you can have healthier and long-lasting plant life.
Gain knowledge: Lastly, you can always get better by gaining proper knowledge about the subject. You should; study instruction manuals and books on gardening to educate yourself and polish your gardening skills.
Gardening is one of the most calming hobbies that not only adds beauty to your apartment but has several environmental and health benefits. Landscape service professionals at the Prince’s Landscape Pte Ltd offer excellent landscape and gardening services that can make your gardening experience delightful. So, if you're someone; that needs professional help with their gardening skills, contact Prince's LandscapePte Ltd; right away!
Blog Source: https://landscapecontractor.weebly.com/blog/tips-on-how-to-maintain-your-rooftop-and-balcony-gardens
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Nova Scotia's chief doctor urges holiday caution as province hits peak flu season
Nova Scotia's chief medical officer of health is urging caution during the holiday season as flu cases hit peak levels across the province.
Dr. Robert Strang says he recommends people wear masks in crowded public spaces and when they are sick, given the pressures facing the province's medical system.
Strang says influenza cases and other illnesses such as respiratory syncytial virus are contributing to overcrowded emergency rooms.
He says even a small number of virus-related hospitalizations puts strain on an already stressed hospital system.
Strang says anyone who is sick should avoid social gatherings and that people who haven't gotten a flu shot should get one.
The province said Thursday there were 686 new cases reported of Influenza A last week and 100 people were admitted to hospital because of the virus, including eight to intensive care.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 16, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/WxAlGJw
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unfoldingmoments · 2 years
Hospital for the insane (part 2)
Historical tours run between March 29th to November 2nd, but make sure to book your appointment ahead of time. The hospital offers day time ghost hunts, and flashlight tours that will run you anywhere between 10 to 40 bucks, which for a 2 hour guided tour is pretty darn awesome.
Trans-Allegheny is one of those places you have to see to believe, and knowing that all the money goes towards the restoration and preservation of a National Historic Landmark is a pretty awesome too. With Halloween season just around the corner it's the perfect place to get scared in the name of preserving history! -Roadtrippers Formerly known as the Weston State Hospital, this West Virginia facility served as a sanctuary for the mentally ill in the mid-1800’s.
The history of the building holds fascinating stories of Civil War raids, a gold robbery, the "curative" effects of architecture, and the efforts of determined individuals to help better the lives of the mentally ill. Tour this nationally recognized landmark and see how it left a lasting impression on local and national history. Daily heritage tours are available for both small and large groups. The Asylum has had apparition sightings, unexplainable voices and sounds, and other paranormal activity reported in the past by guests, staff, SyFy's Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters Academy, the Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures and Paranormal Challenge. Step back in time and see how the mentally insane lived, and died, within these walls.
Thousands have been committed to the asylum over the years, and hundreds unfortunately died here. Decide for yourself if they’re still occupying the historic wards and treatment rooms. Have you been curious about the possible paranormal activity in the other buildings at the facility? Due to popular demand, we are having an investigation of the Medical Center, the Forensics and the Geriatrics Buildings. The investigation time will be divided to ensure each group has time in each of the three buildings. This hunt will last from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Ever thought about spending the night in a haunted lunatic asylum? Our Ghost Hunts last from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. (excludes October hunts). After everyone is registered and divided into groups, guides will assist you in your exploration of this massive gothic asylum. After a brief paranormal tour you may either hunt alone or with our experienced ghost hunting guides. Our guides are here to ensure that you have a positive and safe evening.
The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, constructed between 1858 and 1881, is the largest hand-cut stone masonry building in North America, and is purportedly the second largest in the world, next to the Kremlin. It was designed by the renowned architect Richard Andrews following the Kirkbride plan, which called for long rambling wings arranged in a staggered formation, assuring that each of the connecting structures received an abundance of therapeutic sunlight and fresh air.
The original hospital, designed to house 250 souls, was open to patients in 1864 and reached its peak in the 1950's with 2,400 patients in overcrowded and generally poor conditions. Changes in the treatment of mental illness and the physical deterioration of the facility forced its closure in 1994 inflicting a devastating effect on the local economy, from which it has yet to recover. https://maps.roadtrippers.com/us/weston-wv/points-of-interest/trans-allegheny-lunatic-asylum-weston
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hellfirelover · 3 years
forever winter (ep. 2)
pairings: fezco x oc (belle)
summary: rue goes over the three simple reasons fezco is infatuated by belle.
sensitive topics (?): alcohol use, drug use, language, mental illness  
word count: 4k4
links to episodes: episode one : episode three : episode four : episode five
a/n: so i changed mckenna’s name to natalia.  also, just in case this was not clear, this takes place before the show starts. this is before rue overdosed. so the nye party they are going to is not the one in season 2, this is the year before.
I just need to feel this pain for a bit
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episode song: reasons - earth, wind, and fire (sicworks remix)
Episode 2: the three reasons for utter fascination
Nature vs. nurture is an interesting topic in psychology to study. Whether the things we like and the way we act is due to our DNA or is it due to how we were raised. Belle was obsessed with this topic.
You see before Belle was adopted to her happy loving family, she had jumped around foster houses a bit. For three years she was transported to five different foster families. The first foster family got arrested for cooking meth in the basement. The next foster family inappropriately used the money the foster care system gave. Belle ran away from the third foster family and the fourth family became too overcrowded to hold her anymore. She stayed with her fifth foster family for only two weeks until a family fell in love with her and took her home.
All of a sudden, eight-year-old Belle was welcomed to a nice suburban family with two older brothers, a younger sister, and a golden retriever. And when Belle was taught the concept of nature vs. nature in 7th-grade science class the concept overtook her thoughts like a tidal wave. Everything she did she wondered if they were caused by her nature or her nurture.
Did she cry so easily from the DNA her biological mom and dad gave? Or because she was being raised in a sensitively inclusive family?
Did she enjoy drawing because her biological dad was obsessed with the painter Vincent van Gogh? Or was it because her adoptive mom is an art teacher and enjoyed practicing her lessons with her children?
Did she love Fezco because she attracted trouble just as her biological mom did? Or because her adoptive dad showed how one can truly love by openly doting on his wife?
She often wondered what her future would look like if it was fixed by nature or molded by nurture.
“So…” Natalia said, drawing out the ‘ooo’ sound in a questioning tone. She plopped herself down next to Belle at the shared vanity in their dorm room. The two looked at each other through the mirror.
Natalia had put her dark black curls into space buns on top of her head. She wore a shimmering gold tight dress mirroring the silver dress Belle wore. The dresses, picked by Natalia, covered just enough of their ass to deem appropriate though left nothing to the imagination. Their neckline went straight across their chest, tightening up the top of their cleavage, just covering their nipples. Their dress held together upon their shoulders with a simple chain.
Belle wore a small silver heel, a silver anklet with an angel wing charm, a fake diamond choker, pearl rings on her fingers matching her earrings. Her elbow-length chestnut hair was softly curled. Her eyelids sported a silver shine and Natalia had added silver star stickers on her temples.
Natalia wore high golden heels, a gold necklace with a sun charm, gold hoops, and a gold-plated bracelet. She dabbed her eyes in golden glitter, outlined her eyeliner with golden studs, and spread on simmering lip gloss that sparkled intensely in any factor of light.
Together they were the sun and the moon. Together they were ruling upon the masses.
“So, what?” Belle asked, eyeing her friend suspiciously through the glass.
Natalia shrugged and leaned her head on Belle’s shoulder. “We seeing Fez tonight. Wanna get shit to celebrate the new fucking year. You want your usual?”
Belle shook her head, “Nah, I have enough right now for tonight.” She nodded towards her small silver purse. Enough space to hold her little jar, grinder, wraps, and a lighter.
“You’re always ready and always stocked up,” Natalia giggled at her friend’s stash. “Not surprising with the number of times you’re going over to Fez’s - “
“I don’t go over there too much,” Belle’s face turned painfully red, and Natalia looked up from her friend’s shoulder just in time to catch the development. “He’s a good friend.”
Natalia wiggled her eyebrows, “I bet he is - “
Belle pushed Natalia off the chair and onto the floor, causing the girls to burst into laughter. Getting the last few details on and getting their stuff ready to go, Belle and Natalia walked out of their building hand-in-hand toward the Uber waiting for them.
Natalia brought out something in Belle. It was after the conversation they had on their way to meet Fez that changed the girls’ relationship. Belle was more open to doing more things and exploring different avenues in her life — as long as Natalia was there to talk her down any anxiety heightened thoughts — Belle felt unstoppable.
Natalia leaned on Belle’s shoulder once again in the back of the Uber, texting all who cared what the girls’ ETA to the party.
Instead of the college parties Belle and Natalia had been frequenting, Natalia wanted to go back to her hometown party’s and Belle had no objections to that. In fact, most parties Natalia and Belle attended mingled with those from Highland high school. The college and high school were in close approximation to each other, and half the attendees from Highland College had attended East Highland High School. So, it was only normal for parties to both cater to high schoolers and college-goers. It didn’t matter, they were all underage anyway apart from the few college seniors that couldn’t get away and the posy they brought along. The other girls that frequented their adventures — Emily, Naomi, and Ty — didn’t feel the same excitement towards spending their New Year’s Eve night with the same crowd Belle and Natalia always dragged them with. Tonight, they were sticking with the frat parties. Emily was trying to impress a sorority, Naomi was excited about the jacuzzi at the frat house, and Ty was planning on making moves to a girl she’s been eyeing for a while. None of them even considered for a second joining Belle and Natalia, but that was fine with them.
“Will you kiss me at midnight if I don’t find nobody?” Natalia asked, linking her arm around Belle’s as they exited out of the Uber and towards Virgil’s house. It was only 2 more hours till midnight. Even with that limited time, Belle was sure Natalia could find someone to kiss at midnight, but nonetheless, she agreed. 
Little did Belle know her midnight was already being planned to be occupied by someone else’s lips.
After meeting Belle, I would ask Fez about her every chance I got. It wasn’t like I was trying to get information about Belle through Fez, I could easily ask Belle how she was herself. I had her number and texted her often. We had even gotten high a couple of times in her dorm, just the two of us. She stuck with weed while I snorted anything Fez could get me. She wasn’t a stranger to me anymore and I understood her need to be around others that made her feel comfortable in her high state. She was quickly becoming a friend of mine. I just enjoyed the nervousness Fez exuded whenever I mentioned Belle to him. 
During the times Fez and I got high together, which wasn’t often as one may think with their drug dealer, through his high induced blabbering I had pinpointed the three reasons for why Fez felt so strongly for her. That there was no one else in the world for him but his princess. 
The first reason was when he realized Belle liked him more than what he could offer her in the drug department.
The week before Halloween Belle was studying her ass off for midterms and hadn’t had the time like she usually had to visit Fez. Her text messages were growing scarce and Fez felt pathetic as he continuously checked his phone for a message from the contact name: princess. So much so that he handed Ash his phone while they were at the shop to deal with the dealers on his own. He just didn’t want to keep looking at his phone notifications missing the one message he really wanted. 
“I wasn’t sure you’d be here.”
Belle was going crazy in her dorm. She tried going to the campus library which hasn’t been updated since it was created, but the wooden chairs were hurting her back. She tried going to the local coffee shop, but they were closing too early for her liking. She even tried studying outside in the quad, but the cold afternoon October wind was not helping her focus. The girls were all watching movies back at the common area in her building and Rue wasn’t answering her phone. 
It wasn’t that Fez was her last option, but she needed to focus, and she needed someone to help her focus. She needed to finish this stupid book for her stupid British Literature class so that she could pass her stupid midterm.
But the hours grew longer, and her thoughts wouldn’t settle. Perhaps just going to sleep and studying the next day would be more beneficial. Perhaps she was just looking for an excuse to visit Fez that wasn’t drug-related. 
from: belle to: fezco 💛
you at the shop??
- 11:04pm delivered 
She let five minutes pass without a reply before taking action. Whether he was there or not at least a late-night drive would do her some good. The campus was becoming too small for her.
Her chest fluttered as she pulled her small white Chevy cruise towards the lit-up shop. Whether he would be the one working at the shop today was still a mystery. She sat in her car for another five minutes before getting out and entering the store. If Fez was here, how would she even begin the conversation? She wasn’t here for drugs. She wasn’t here to smoke with Fez. All she wanted to do was read her book and study with Fez near, but she didn’t know how she would introduce this to her new friend. In fact, were they the type of friends to just hang out with no motive? Or were they just smoking buddies? 
She forced herself out of the car. Regardless of her intentions, she needed an energy drink. 
He was dumbfounded seeing the brunette in front of him looking absolutely divine wearing her light-wash mom jeans, a red chunky sweater, and her hair tied in a low bun. 
The shock of seeing her here, in the flesh, after pathetically pining for her texts from the past three days left him with saying, “Uh- yeah.” 
“What time are you leaving?” She asked, fiddling with the blue bookbag strap hanging off her shoulder. 
“Uh - 2, probably,” His voice was soft, his eyes were sharp. “You know where Ash is if-”
“I’m not here to buy,” Belle quickly interrupted. She had enough back at her dorm and honestly didn’t need to see Fez for a while for another buy and that thought honestly scared her a little. There was no definite reason for visiting Fez without admitting the fact that she just wanted to be near him. 
It was her turn to fumble on her words as she tried to get out why she was here in the most basic of words, “This is weird, but do you mind if I just sit here with you. I need to read this book in the next two days for my mid-term and I can’t concentrate.” 
A soft smile formed on the dealer’s face. “’Course, princess. Seat right behind the counter if you want it.” 
She came around the corner, behind the register where Fez was standing at the time, and took a seat on the green lawn chair Ash usually occupied when he needed a break from his work. Belle set up herself into work mode immediately. She crossed her legs together, opened Jane Austen, took out her black pen from her bag, and began annotating the story. 
“Aren’t you like - not s‘pose to write in books?”
“As long as you own the book it’s perfectly fine,” Belle didn’t look up from her book as she circled a passage. “I have so many thoughts about what I’m reading I don’t want to forget them. So, I write them down in the margins.” 
Fez was determined not to distract her while she read but he couldn’t help but just admire her sitting there knowing that Belle was here to just read in his company. The thought filled him with terrifying joy. At least that’s what he assumed. She bought nothing, not even a drink, and just sat there while Fez conducted business - some involving Ash and some for a simple late-night drunken snack. 
He liked the way she would play with her rings as she read. He liked that just by looking at her face he could tell if she enjoyed something she read or hated it. He was fascinated by the scribblings that were being written in that book and felt an immense curiosity of what her thoughts looked like on those pages. He found himself selfishly wishing she would write in the margins of his own life to get a glimpse of her thoughts towards him.  
The second reason was her intense and passionate rants about the things she cares about. 
And one thing she cared about was books.
“It’s just the fact that Louisa May Alcott decided to trick me into believing Beth was okay when in reality she was just about to kill of the sweetest and purest character I had ever come across.” 
“Is she in jail?” Rue asked, the drugs had already hit her a while ago and she was sitting on the couch, her maroon hoodie draped over her head, staring out the window of Fez’s watching the white flurries coming down from the sky. It was the first snowfall that year and only a week after Rue and Belle had met in the back of Fez’s car.
“No, Rue, you’re not listening Louisa May Alcott wrote the book Little Women and killed off one of my favorite characters,” Belle grumbled and took a seat next to Rue throwing the book on the table in front of them. 
“Which character died?” 
Belle couldn’t help but laugh as she pulled her friend into her arms. Rue happily accepted the hug, enjoying the pressure applied and the comfort Belle provided. “It’s just,” Belle sighed, “the world is just too full of ugly things I wish all the Beths in the world could live happily.” 
Rue looked up at her friend’s face, “Am I a Beth?”
Belle smiled sadly back down at her, brushing her friend’s curls with her fingers.
Fez watched the two as he counted money with Ash. He took a mental note of the title of the book that filled her with such emotion.
Another thing she cared about was her friends. 
“Uh- What’s goin’ on over here?” Fez sauntered over to the kitchen, stopping his tour around the party house when he noticed Rue and Natalia looking lovingly at Belle as she spread peanut butter and jelly on two pieces of bread. 
The three girls looked up and smiled at their friend’s sudden appearance. Rue smirked and wiggled her eyebrows at him. Natalia was already pouring out a shot for the two of them. Belle’s cheeks rose to a slight blush as she continued making her drugged-up and drunk friends peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a stranger’s house. 
“You want one?” Belle asked, cutting up the girls' sandwiches into triangles.
Fez took the shot Natalia handed him over and nodded his head, “Damn, princess, you treating us so well.” 
Belle’s smile grew as she took out two more pieces of bread and began making a third sandwich for the ginger in front of her. She did this as Rue leaned on her arm slowly eating her sandwich and mumbling Christmas carols under her breath. While Natalia was on her other side Snapchatting about the events thinking it was hilarious that her roommate was in the midst of cooking during the holiday party. Belle took care of her friends. She protected them. 
“The fuck is going on here?” A tall, burly-looking man with black curly hair entered the kitchen and glared at the three girls. Specifically on Belle who was making them. “You bitches think you can make a fucking mess in here-?”
“Who the fu-”
“They’re sandwiches calm the fuck down,” Belle spoke out, interrupting Fez, and pointed the jelly-covered buttered knife at the shirtless host of the party. “Don’t be a douche. My friends were hungry, so I made them food. They’re drunk as fuck and need something to fill their stomachs. So, honestly, I’m doing you a favor making sure these two underaged alcoholics and druggies don’t end up going to the hospital and snitching out this little party all because they needed a little something in their stomachs.” 
“Fuck - whatever just don’t be stupid clumsy bimbos and mess up the kitchen,” Rolling his eyes he left. 
Natalia and Rue started giggling uncontrollably, “Don’t have a party if you’re worried about crumbs, you fucking weirdo.” 
Fez was just by the exit door of the kitchen when Belle appeared in front of him and placed her hand on his chest stopping him in his tracks. She noticed the dark daggers he stared at the intruder with. She noticed him tracking and following as she shooed the bully away. And with that last crude comment, she knew Fez would want to have a word. She gave him a soft smile and held up his finished sandwich, “Stay and eat your PB and J.” 
She annoyingly cared about the environment. 
“Did you seriously just throw the end of your blunt out the window?”
“Uh - yeah? I didn’t need it no more.”
Natalia laughed at the frustrated look her new roommate was giving Fez from the back seat. 
And the third reason he was absolutely infatuated by her, was that she allowed herself to feel the pain before subduing it. 
Belle found out she failed her Political Science class when refreshing her email in the line of Starbucks. She walked out of the line, slowly putting her phone away, and made a beeline back to her dorm. 
Back at the dorm and under her covers Belle allowed to let herself cry. She cried until she was shaking. She cried until her head was splitting. She cried until she felt like she was drowning in her own tears. 
Natalia was staying over at her boyfriend’s place for the night and Belle felt completely alone in this small dorm room built for two. 
The darkness under the comforter illuminated as her phone next to her buzzed. She let it ring out not even wanting to move the phone to check the screen to see who was calling her again. The phone stopped and for a couple of seconds, Belle was shrouded in darkness once more. Light illuminated once again, and Belle picked up her phone and saw ‘fezco 💛’ popping up on her screen. She reluctantly answered the call and placed him on speaker. She didn’t have the strength to hold the phone up to her face. 
“’ey princess, Ash and I going for a drive. We we got Rue too. You’ll love her. You in?” His voice was filled with utter happiness and excited. A complete contrast to what Belle was feeling now. Belle tried to calm herself down before speaking. She was afraid once she opened her mouth she would begin to cry again. “You there, ma?”
“I -” but her sentence was cut off by a cry sneaking through. She took in a deep breath trying to calm herself down but instead began crying again. Belle couldn’t help it. She knew this would happen and knew picking up the phone was a mistake. Just as she tried to speak the only thing that could come out were her cries from failure. She failed a class. Her first semester ended, and she ended up failing. Her thoughts kept repeating: Failure. Failure. Failure. Failure. Fail -
“Eh, eh, princess, take a deep breath for me.”
Belle squeezed her eyes shut and attempted to take in a deep breath. It took a couple shaken tries before she got control over her breathing. 
“Be there in ten mins,” Belle could hear a rush of movement coming from the phone. “I’ll call you when we get there. It’s all gonna be alright.” 
The phone call ended, and silence filled the dorm room once again. Belle slowly pushed her comforter off her body and went to stand up. She practiced taking another couple of deep breaths then made the move towards the bathroom which they shared with their neighbor. Thankfully no one else came in as she blew her nose and washed her face. Yet, the soap couldn’t take away the red puffy eyes and her rosy-tinted nose.
She put on comfortable clothes, her black sweatpants with yellow words saying, ‘Highland College’ and her large grey sweatshirt. She threw her hood up and put sunglasses on to hide her eyes, embarrassed by the state that her crying episode left her in. 
Her phone began to buzz again in her sweatpants pocket. Belle picked it up quickly and heard the soft voice of the ginger through the line telling her they just arrived. 
Belle grabbed her keys and left her dorm. Just as she exited her building, she saw Fezco’s car parked right in front of the entrance with him standing outside of the car to greet the crying girl. She didn’t hesitate to run up to him and let him put his arms around her. Fez held onto her so tightly he thought he might accidentally break the girl. 
“I failed a class,” Belle mumbled into Fez’s chest. Her voice felt so broken. 
He took a moment to just hug her and rock her slightly. “I’m so sorry princess,” he said and kissed the top of her head noting the smell of lavender coming from her. He knew how much time she put into her schoolwork. It was one of the reasons he loved her. He doted on the way she prized her education and the passion he heard in her voice when she talked about the classes she loved. She didn’t need to say anything else besides that she failed. Fez knew the hurt she was feeling and wanted desperately to take it away. “’m so so sorry - you need anything? Food? Weed?” 
“Yes, and yes,” Belle looked up at Fez, her cheek squished against his chest. “But not right now. I just... I need to feel this hurt for a bit.” 
When Fez told me what she said that night, that she wanted to feel the hurt, I admired her. I admired her ability to just bask in the soul-crushing pain she was feeling. I understood why Fez fell so hard for Belle because of this. She was a reminder of the truest emotions. A glimpse of pure reality in a mind-numbing state.
“Maddy’s here,” Natalia said as they entered the house party and put her phone away. “Says her and the others are by the pool.”
Natalia guided Belle through the house until they saw the familiar five girls standing dangerously close by the pool. It was evident that they had already had their fair share of drinks to get them tipsy. With still two hours left till midnight Belle could only imagine the state these girls would be in once the ball dropped.
“Hey, bitch!” Natalia’s younger cousin Maddy yelled, pulling them both into a hug. “Girls you look hot as fuck! I love the silver and gold theme.” 
Maddy was wearing a small back mini dress with a tiny slit cut on her right thigh. Her hair was slicked back, her black eyeliner sharp, her heels high. Cassie wore a matching pink two-piece outfit of a velvet mini skirt and matching top. Her angelic blonde curls rested nicely on her shoulders and sparkles dotted her cheeks. Lexi wore long tight black pants and a red top with puffed sleeves. Her lipstick matching the same red as her top. Kat dyed the front ends of her short black hair green to match the bejeweled top she was wearing accompanied by a tight black skirt. Rue even managed to dress up for the occasion wearing purple flared pants and a simple black pullover. Belle noted the purple shimmer coated atop her eyelids.
Coming up behind Natalia and Belle was Fez smoking on a fresh blunt. He smiled as he walked towards the group of girls in front of him saying with the blunt still in his mouth, “There’s m’ girls.”  
“Fez you think I can -” 
“Rue, you know where I’ll be when you need that shit.” 
“I’ll think I’ll come with Rue to get something. My plan for this night is to fucking forget that excuse of a man.” Maddy groaned looking amongst the crowd forming closer to where they were by the pool. The eyeliner she wore seemed to sharpen the look the girl was giving to the tall individual in the midst of the crowd.
“Yeah, we’ll need shit too,” Natalia nodded to her and Belle. “But don’t be thinking Belle will sit with you on that couch all night long. No, it’s new years and she’ll be dancing with me!”
Fezco gave off a laugh, “C’me, ma’s, let me get chu your stuff.” 
The ones that were in need of the services of Fez all made a move towards Fez’s station. Maddy, Natalia, and Rue were in the lead as Fez placed his hand softly on the back of Belle’s arm forcing the two to straggle back amongst the trail.
“Hey - um - y’all staying ‘til the ball drops?” There was something in the way Fez was looking at her just then that made her chest flutter. She never noticed how blue his eyes were but the simmer coming from the sparkling New Year Eve decoration made them ever so much bluer. 
Belle nodded her head unable to break her own eyes away from his. 
“Do you mind, like, if you could visit me ‘fore the ball drops?” 
His fingers lightly on her arm, his sparkling blue eyes, the soft smile that rested upon his lips. Of course, she agreed. 
While Belle danced the night away with her friends, she wondered about how she came to this exact moment in life. Was it her DNA that led her here tonight or was it the way she was raised? Would her nature condemn her to misfortunes or would nurture allow her to thrive? Was Fez an unavoidable mistake or was he a fated lover?
Episode 3: silver and gold, lavender and mint
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hurricanery · 4 years
every other freckle
A/N: I got this prompt requesting something from Link’s POV and I struggggggled with that concept but here it is. Something very random and fluffy bc next week’s promo is scaring me and I wanted to write something cute to distract myself. This is also basically my love letter to season 15 amelink bc I miss them so very much. Hope you enjoy & as always feedback and prompts are welcome <3
Sometimes she snores.
And it makes Link smile.
Like right now. She’s snoring, but just barely. It’s faint. And it’s rare.
She’s a quiet sleeper. Sometimes she sleeps so soundlessly, that Link almost finds himself questioning whether she’s actually breathing, eyes scanning for the rise and fall of her chest. Just to make sure.
This morning though, there’s no question about it. The light snore only ever occurs when she’s in a deep sleep. And this is one of those occurrences.
It’s a Sunday morning. Which means they don’t have anywhere to be. But Link is wide awake anyway. Amelia faces him, curled into herself slightly, her faint snores fluttering against the stray pieces of dark hair that rest over her cheek. She sleeps on her side, and Link mirrors her position. She has her free arm draped between them, the arm that’s not currently trapped underneath her. And her hand loosely grasps his t-shirt, even in sleep.
This is when Link is most content, he thinks. On Sunday mornings. When they have no obligations other than to be exactly where they are. Sometimes he thinks he wants to live in Sunday mornings forever.
Amelia sighs. And her hand twitches slightly against him. But she doesn’t wake. Link's smile widens, and he reaches his own hand forward to begin gently tracing a pattern over her bare arm. She has a freckle on her shoulder, just to the right of her tank top strap, and another freckle on the outside of her wrist. Link traces a route, lightly with his finger, from one freckle all the way down to the other. Up and down. Back and forth.
Amelia shivers and Link halts his finger. Her eyes don’t open, but the absence of her snores is his first indication.
“What are you doing?” she mumbles, voice hoarse.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Her eyes blink open, adjusting to his stare.
“Were you watching me sleep?”
Link ignores her question. A question she likely already knows the answer to. He resumes his finger’s pattern against her arm, and a moment later, he speaks again.
“You have a lot of freckles.”
Amelia frowns.
“I do not.”
“Why do you say that so defensively?” He chuckles, and his finger continues it’s zig zag from one mark on her arm, onto the next.
It causes her to shiver again and Link grins, shifting his eyes to hers.
“Cold?” He sounds smug.
“No,” and she sounds pointed. “You know that tickles.”
He stops his movement, fingers coming to rest against her wrist. Her eyes slip shut again and Link watches her face.
Another of his favorite things about Sunday mornings, when they have nowhere to be, is that they get to experience the morning sun from bed. The way it shines through the translucent material of the curtains and gives the room a warm glow. It highlights their bare faces and makes everything feel revitalizing.  
“You have freckles on your face, too.”
“Shh,” she mutters, frowning as she buries the side of her face deeper into her pillow. “I’m trying to go back to sleep.”
Link exhales on a smile, but nods to himself. He relaxes into his own pillow, too. In an attempt to incite a little more sleep.
Moments later, he feels cold feet press between his shins, attempting to bury their way into his warmth. His eyes jolt open. It’s a common occurrence, something Amelia’s made a habit of. But every time she does it, it still gives him that initial shock. He looks at her, and her eyes are still closed, like she’s on the brink of sleep again. And it makes Link want to laugh, her ability to always be touching him in some capacity, especially so absentmindedly. It makes him think about how far they’ve come.
It had started physically for them. Their entire relationship. It was based on physical touch. It had very recently grown into something more, but it had surely started that way.
‘Alternative pain relief,’ Amelia had called it.
Link lays in bed now, feeling her feet tangle with his, and he thinks all the way back to the beginning. How they even got here, to this particular Sunday morning.
It had been a false start. The first time they really spoke. An ill-advised proposal for a dinner date had unfortunately led to some animosity on her part.
“Are you asking me out?” she’d question his intentions incredulously.
“I heard you like Italian food…”
Her face fell. And Link recoiled.
A false start.
And then the next time they interacted, it was the same but different. An almost change of heart.
But horrible timing.
A mass overdose in the park had led to an overcrowded ER, and major stress on everyone involved.
He remembers the way her face had twisted at the news. One second, they’d been discussing escape hatches and trips to Barbados. And then the next, they’d been discussing the outcome of a teenage boy that Link couldn’t successfully revive.
But it wasn’t just any teenage boy.
“I knew him.” Amelia’s expression had haunted him in the moment, and it still haunts him now. “That kid...he was….”
He’d stepped forward.
“He was a good kid. He wasn’t a bad kid.” She shook her head, battling with the idea that the argument even had to be made.
And Link had nodded slowly.
“I’m gonna have to call his parents.”
“I could take care of that.” He’d offered. Desperate for anything to combat the distress that invaded her face and voice.
“No. No I’m-” She’d cut herself off, and Link felt panic rise in his chest. He barely knew her. But he’d felt strangely protective of her. He’d battled with the decision of how to help her.
“Thank you.”
She’d turned away from him, but Link had caught a glimpse of it. Her expression as she fought off a full-body sob.
“I’m so sorry.” And it had been evident in her voice too.
“It’s okay.” It’s all he could come up with, as he stepped around her, towards her. In a protective way. Like he’d been trying to cover her from the people that surrounded them in the hallway.
“I’m sorry.”
He’d felt so inclined to comfort her. To reach a hand up and rest it against her back as she keeled over on top of the cot in the hallway.
She’d let out a broken sob. And it’s still one of the most devastating sounds Link can ever recall hearing.
And he wholeheartedly regrets the way his hand had dropped to his side, and not gently against her back, like he’d intended.
Because he’d battled with it. Hesitated. Stuck on the predicament of how to comfort her.
He regrets it currently. As he lays in bed and watches her sleep. And he can’t help but reach forward and touch her now. Like he’s overcompensating for the way he’d reacted then. Because he was so close in the moment, to acting on his instinct. But it just wasn’t enough.
So he does it now. His fingers find their way back to her arm, in a similar pattern to before, and the action reminds him of New York. Again of the early stages.
It started as purely physical. Just sex. No sleepovers. And that’s the way Amelia had labeled it.
But, in a hotel room in New York, Link had done it almost absentmindedly.
He’d run his fingers up and down her arm in an intimate way. He’d never done it before, but it felt right. And he swore he saw a wave of emotions cross Amelia’s face at his actions. Like she’d actually quite liked the feeling. Or maybe she was scared to like the feeling. And so she’d climbed out of his bed, removed herself completely from that revelation.
Link chuckles to himself at the memory, as he re-creates that same motion against her arm. Because now they're in her bed. And it is intimate. Yet there’s no revelation on Amelia’s part, because the light touch is such habit by now.
“Why are you laughing?”
Link startles at the sound of her voice, once again surprised to learn that she’s awake.  
“I’m just thinking about you.” He answers honestly.
She groans. Because she’s not a conversationalist in the morning. And especially not a romanticist.
“Well, you’re thinking really loud,” she huffs out a sigh, turning over in bed.
“I’m sorry,” he stifles a laugh, reaching forward to tap his finger against her shoulder blade. “I’ll be quiet now.”
When she turns back over to face him, she’s grinning.
“Can we just….stay in bed all day?” She whispers.
“Of course,” Link mirrors her grin. “I already thought that was the plan.”
She looks him up and down, in the same way she always does when she’s deciding her next move. Deciding how she’s going to eliminate the space between them.
Link knows the face, and in response he opens his arms to her. She bites down on a smile as she shifts forward, burying her face in his chest and sighing in content. He wraps his arms around her and gives a gentle squeeze as they settle into the position.
And they both quickly drift towards sleep again.
When Link eventually blinks awake, he has no idea how much time has passed. He registers one thing, though, as his eyes adjust.
And that’s Amelia’s stare.
She faces him, eyes wide like she’s just been caught.
Link clears his throat.
“Are you the one watching me sleep, now?”
Link laughs a bit, under his breath. Still slowly waking up.
“Have I ever made you my waffle recipe?” Amelia sounds eager, her tone far more awake and alert than Link feels. He thinks he has some catching up to do.
“I don’t think you have.”
She rolls over, swinging her legs over the bed and setting her feet on the floor.
She stands, tossing a robe on as she moves towards the door.
“Stay here,” she says simply.
“Where are you going?”
She pauses, looking once more in his direction before leaving the room.
“Just stay here,” she grins hugely. “We’ll eat in bed.”
A warmth fills Link’s chest, one that matches the morning glow of the room. He rolls onto his back with a gratified exhale, as his thoughts from earlier echo into his mind.
He thinks he wants to live in Sunday mornings forever.
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
winter dreams
Summary: Six months after a perfect summertime kiss, you see him again in time for the new year. Music: Death Cab for Cutie - I Dreamt We Spoke Again
Pairing: Reader/Bucky
A/N: 2.1k words. Pining & Soft Bucky. Holiday fluff.  TW: references to cancer
A follow up to summer skin but it’s not necessary to read it first. This was written for @sourpatchkidsandacokecan​​‘s Merry Kismet Writing Challenge. Thank you so much for hosting! The prompt is “You owe me a kiss.”
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It’s cold.
December reaches your childhood home in disappointing periods of drizzling rain hitting windowpanes, fogging the insides gray with the house’s heat. Brief winter winds ice the city, never quite enough to flurry like how it did in New York.
Yet somehow, it feels colder here.
You bundle up all over when it sinks into your bones. Blankets and two pairs of wool socks, knitted hats and gloves indoors, still rattling, falling lovesick and not participating in festivities.
Your sisters chide the melancholy, ask you to cheer up, tell you it’s the most wonderful time of the year incoming. Tinsel and allspice, brown sugar candles and the crisp snap of pine. A real tree propped up by the fireplace, topped by a burning red star.
You miss him.
The ornament glows his sigil and, you miss him.
Miss his eyes. His hands. Miss his damn shadow.
Thanksgiving had tasted like wet sand. The turkey and cranberries a mush of pulp. Basting and seasoning, rosemary and garlic, rubbing all manners of things down with butter… and in the end, no matter how you tried, the last six months crumbled like ash in your mouth.
Your father’s illness and subsequent recovery bloomed relief but it was still too soon. There was one more round of radiation and then, it would be over. The cloak of death could finally be ripped down, hung up elsewhere to shrivel and flee; he’d finally be free of cancer.
Six months after sweltering summer kisses on a dock and you were still sick with longing for Bucky. He calls rarely because your civilian life can’t bleed into your hero life; you’re the only one with family—the only one with a possible hostage situation.
Two conversations, maybe. With his low timbre saying hello. Don’t know when I’ll see you, but I’ll dream of you until I do. And the sadness in your gut volleys into hope—careens itself into balmy spring and the taste of his tongue on yours. The only reprieve you receive is in darkness, when you might be lucky enough to find him under a clear June sky, the two of you meeting in the middle of a midnight yearning.
The days between Christmas and New Years smear together. A foggy mess of unknown hours and habits, waking and sleeping all blurring into some kind of purgatory overcrowded with glazed ham leftovers and candles with names like Twisted Peppermint and Merry Berry.
A steaming mug is slid over the frosted windowsill on the 30th. Your youngest sister plops down on the sofa seat with a hum, pulling striped red and green sock encased knees up to her chest. Mind-reading. That connection between siblings.
“You go.” She states casually, and it takes you by surprise. “Dad’s doing well. You go. World needs you and all.”
Under a heavy quilt, you’re already quivering with preemptive heartbreak. A sip of your drink and the beginning of a protest before she puts up her hand, “We’ll be fine.” Then, a smirk and a roll of her eyes, “Figures. You finally fall for a guy and he’s probably Captain America.”
You bite your smile down and stay silent.
Voicemail. Even the automated tone repeating his phone number before the shrill beep gives you butterflies. War drums echoing from your chest. The practiced message you ran through your head sounds stupid no matter how many times you rehearse it. No matter how many times you’ve dreamt of him and this moment.
“H-hey... I, uh, I’m heading to the compound. Uh. Well, I think I’ll be there in time for tomorrow night’s party. Can’t wait to see you, Buck.”
A string of the dumbest syllables ever known to man.
The commons room is aglow when you arrive. Soft and brilliant in orange and yellow, warming up the darkness of dimmed lights. There are at least three trees on your way in, lit up with gold, then blue, then silver for the third, overflowing with ribbon and sparkling garland. Hand-blown glass ornaments refract a rainbow array of hues. There is fake snow in a trail flanking the velvet red carpet running inside, shaped meticulously so that it imitates a snowbank to perfection. Soft music hums from deeper in, harps and violins, and the smell of the fireplace crackling spiced woody notes soothes your bones.
Pepper’s outdone herself heralding in the New Year. You’ll have to apologize for dripping water all the way in, pelted by snow and shuddering head to toe.
It’s flurrying in New York, alright. Your chattering teeth are a testament to the temperature.
Natasha’s the first to see you by the entrance. A raise of her champagne class and you grin shyly, stepping in, wet boots tracking to the bar. Steve beams and rushes across the room, nicking off his conversation with a fan in the middle, throwing his arms around you for a hug.
“He’s in D.C.—does he know you’re— Christ, where’s your coat?"
You shake your head and quiet your trembling as you take in Steve’s pressed denim shirt and his slacks and hair neatly combed to one side. Clean shaven and handsome, twinkling eyes as he holds tight. Your shoes are dripping onto his and you chuckle, “I forgot it—too eager, I suppose.”
The gown you pulled on at the airport is an old one—silvery lavender with thin trails of sparkling tinsel. Worn once during an undercover mission near New Mexico and then hung up to sway limply in your sister’s closet because it was too beautiful to discard even though it smelled like gunpowder. The excitement of your arrival was too pressing that you’d forgotten the right shoes. Boots it is—black and clunky, the kind you’d prefer to have on in a fight.
“He’ll be mad you’re not dressed for the weather.” A silly grin as if Steve’s hiding a secret. Then, a single raise of his sandy brow as he looks down. The gossamer hem a darker purple as it sways over your shoes. “But maybe you can go barefoot for tonight.”
Sam is elated when he arrives, pulling you into a spin before his hand clasps onto yours and he sways all the way to the middle of the dance floor. It’s like you never left as he chatters on, making you laugh and cry, his steps goading the band to play faster accompaniments.
Three songs in and you’re reminded of how tired you are from the trip. Your feet are freezing on the tile and so you lead Sam to the couches, accepting a drink from Natasha’s hand before leaning into her, tingling toes tucked beneath your thighs. She plays with your hair, rubs your shoulder, and whispers that it hasn’t been the same without you.
“I remember this dress. We got into some trouble that mission.” And you know that look even without seeing it. Half-smirk, eyebrow up, the Natasha trademark.
You laugh at the memory. Gunpowder from her Beretta and the skirt hiked up to reveal your own pistol strapped tightly to your thigh. Beneath it had been a knife. Overkill, you’d thought, but it came in handy anyway.
“James will appreciate your sentimentality.”
The two of you had played lovers, and it was easy slipping into the role. Your heart flutters at the memory and how nervous you had been when his hand caressed yours at the auditorium entrance. He had bent over and whispered that you looked beautiful, and you snorted in return—a broken noise of disbelief.
“We missed you.” Natasha blows into your ear playfully, “You won’t believe how annoyingly long he sulked. If he’s not here at midnight, you’re getting a kiss from me.”
“Woah. I’m gonna kiss her.” Sam protests, leaning forward dramatically.
You turn to Steve with a grin, waiting for his bid but he only puts his hands up, palms faced outward. “Not me. I’m not trying to get into any fights with Buck. Had enough of that for a while, if none of you remember.”
A few more minutes of chatting and you dismiss your friends, shooing them back to their company and unwilling to take up any more of their time.
New Year’s Eve and you certainly can’t be the most interesting person here, you say. Check out the band, gosh, there’s a celebrity—and Tony, sweeping in with gusto to shoot a comment about how he didn’t even notice you were back but that your room is still in pristine condition, if you were wondering.
And you weren’t, but you thank him anyway with a wink.
11:50 and the back wall is glaring a projected image of the NYC ball drop. You stifle a yawn behind your hand, leaning over the couch lazily. Guests come and go, welcome you back, and you’re always a little startled when another stranger flits by to say hello and thank you. Everyone blurs together in a rush of sparkling cream gowns and silk suits.
11:55 and your eyes are shuttering close, cheekbone resting upon your palm.
11:58 and a hand is skimming up your arm, softly prodding, but you’re too tired to move.
Cheers and whoops. It’s so loud. Music crescendoes, Natasha placing a peck on your cheek along with a blanket over your shoulders and you reply with a wilted little smile. Then, you return to a familiar sweetened coffee black dream of someone tall and soft-spoken.
You jolt from the stupor with a gasp. The room has emptied and darkened, only lit by the soft glow of the projector spinning starry images. The blanket from your shoulders has slipped off some time ago, gathering to pool at your feet. Blinking sluggishly, you realize you’re no longer leaned against your palm on the edge of the couch.
Dusky pine and leather. Faint cool aftershave and the vital heartbeat of warm boy. Something heavy and buttery soft draped over your previously cold shoulders.
Another dream.
Yet, it feels more corporeal than ever before and the drumming in your chest strikes a thrilled beat. Your hands wildly pat him up and down, drawing forth his sweet laugh at your antics. You don’t stop, though, running up the neoprene vest, the straps buckled over his torso, his strong jaw and chin. Then hair, those long chestnut strands lightly curled at the edges, grown a little longer and tucked loosely behind his ears.
“Yeah, honey.”
You bristle in disbelief, distracted by the realization with some embarrassment that you’ve been sleeping on top of him for who knows how long.  Stupid syllables stuck like caramel chews in your mouth, welding your teeth together in a solid disappointment. After spending six months dreaming about seeing him again, now you’re finally here and you’ve got nothing to say. Bucky lifts his chin to place atop your head, pressing kisses down and chills race to your fingertips and toes.
“Nat said she kissed you at midnight,” Bucky muses, and you can just hear him smiling how he does when he thinks he’s done something clever. “And what about me? You owe me a kiss, unless you’re all done with kissin’ for the night?” His gloved finger traces your chin, thumb pad rubbing over your nose, lifting your gaze until you’re staring up into his eyes.
Blue, blue, blue, like milky ways dipped in a cerulean sea. Behind his head the cosmos continue to spiral, outlining him in silver and starlight. He is beautiful in the night, brighter than suns. You want to sob and say Bucky, Bucky, if I’m sleeping don’t wake me.
Cheekiness snuffs itself out as he tilts his head with a smile, eyes roaming over your expression curiously. A statement begins in the silence of his thumb caressing your cheek, then brow, then making a path down to your bottom lip, skimming over the edge.
He punctuates it with a press of his mouth to yours. Hand moving to latch onto your jaw, then neck, then cradling your head between two and your heart hurdles all the way to the finish line.
“Missed you.” He murmurs, “Missed you a lot.” Licks to your lips and you vaguely wonder when he learned how to sweep you completely off your feet. Bucky tugs on the lapels of his jacket around your shoulder, crushing your torso to his. After six months of longing and anguish, you could float away if he wasn’t holding on so tightly.
“You look beautiful. Always thought so.” Fingers rub the lavender tulle and he smiles. You didn’t believe him then, the night Bucky complimented you and yanked the knife from its strap. “Like a dream.”
Now, you know he means it.
“Happy New Year, honey.”
Bucky pulls you fully into his lap, solid beneath your hands and flush against your torso. Real. Real. Real.
Winter rages on outside. Wrapped up in him, here, now, finally, you’ve never felt warmer.
“Happy New Year, Bucky.”
perm tags:  @whothehellisbucky​​​ @serpentbaby​​​ @badassbaker​​​ @alagalaska​​​ @cake-writes​​​ @crist1216​​​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​​ @infinity-saga​​​ @jamesbarnesthighs​​​ @pinknerdpanda​​​ @xoxabs88xox​​​ @imsoft-barnes​​​ @momc95​​​ @typicalangel​​​ @wretchedgoddess​​​ @readeity​​​ @iwannasail​​​ @ya-lyublu-tebya​​​ @geeksareunique​​​ @wildefire​​​ @satanxklaus​​​ @jhangelface0523​​  @wkemeup​
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