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vegehana-food · 1 year ago
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✿ トルタミモザ | Torta Mimosa ・ミモザの花に見立てたイタリアのケーキ。クリームとスポンジの層になったケーキで、表面は角切りまたは粉状にされたスポンジに覆われています。3月8日は、政治や社会においてジェンダー平等の実現を目指す国際的な記念日 「国際女性の日」ですが、イタリアでは「ミモザの日」と呼ばれています。 この日にはトルタミモザを食べたり、女性ヘミモザの花束を贈ったりする習慣があります。
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mysticalflyte · 2 years ago
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Shimada 8-dan is my hero
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deathberi · 9 months ago
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【推しの子】 ✶ OSHI NO KO SEASON 2 ⇝ 2024年7月3日
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pikahlua · 9 months ago
MHA Chapter 425 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 続きまして卒業証書 つづきましてそつぎょうしょうしょ tsudzukimashite sotsugyou shousho "Next, the graduation certificates."
2 授与 じゅよ juyo "Awards,"
3 カモンナッ KAMONNA "come on!"
tagline 1 バイブス、アゲてけっ‼︎ BAIBUSU, AGEteke!! The vibes, have a blast!!
4 おめでとう omedetou "Congratulations."
5 よく戦い抜いてくれたのさ よくたたかいぬいてくれたのさ yoku tatakai nuite kureta no sa "You fought well for us."
6 じゃがいもじゃがいも… jagaimo jagaimo... "Potato, potato..."
tagline 2 No.425 季節外れの 堀越耕平 ナンバー425 きせつかずれの ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 425 kisetsu kazure no  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 425 Out of Season Kouhei Horikoshi
7-8 そつぎょうしたっ sotsugyou shita "I graduated!"
9 波動ねじれ先輩悲しいよォ!!! はどうねじれせんぱいかなしいよォ!!! Hadou Nejire-senpai kanashii yoO!!! "Nejire Hadou-sempai, we're so saaad!!!"
10 卒業式遅くなちまってすまねェな…‼︎ そつぎょうしきおそくなちまってすまねェな…‼︎ sotsugyoushiki osokunachimatte sumaneE na...!! Sorry for the late graduation ceremony...!!
11 桜は散っちまったがせめて門出は華々しく さくらはちっちまったがせめてかどでははなばなしく sakura wa chichimatta ga semete kadode wa hanabana shiku The cherry blossoms have scattered, but I'll at least make your departure* spectacular! (*Note: This word for "departure" also mean "starting a new life." It's often said of graduating seniors.)
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1 いっけえええ‼︎ ikkeeee!! "Let's go!!"
3 卒業式のグルーヴじゃねえ‼︎ そつぎょうしきのグルーヴじゃねえ‼︎ sotsugyoushiki no GURUUVU ja nee!! This isn't a groove for a graduation ceremony!!
4 卒業生には既におなじみ そつぎょうせいにはすでにおなじみ sotsugyou-sei ni wa sude ni onajimi The graduates are already familiar with this.
5 新3年生(2年)は受け入れ始めている しん3ねんせい(2ねん)はうけいれはじめている shin 3nensei (2nen) wa ukeire hajimete iru The new 3rd-year students (second years) are beginning to accept it.
6 新2年生(1年)ドン引き しん2ねんせい(1ねん)ドンびき shin 2nensei (1nen) DONbiki The mood is ruined for the new 2nd year students (first years).
7 6月留め置かれていた先輩たちの 6がつとめおかれていたせんぱいたちの 6gatsu tomeokarete ita senpai-tachi no For the seniors who were kept until June,
8 卒業式が開かれた そつぎょうしきがひらかれた sotsugyoushiki ga hirakareta a graduation ceremony was held.
9 泣きイベントだろが…‼︎ なきイベントだろが…‼︎ naki IBENTO daro ga...!! "This is an event for crying, though...!!"
10 まるで祭りだな‼︎ まるでまつりだな‼︎ maru de matsuri da na!! "It's like a festival, huh!!"
11 怪我痛くない? けがいたくない? kega itakunai? "Don't your injuries hurt?"
12 痛むけど いたむけど itamu kedo "They hurt, but"
13 嬉しいと平気なの不思議っ! うれしいとへいきなのふしぎっ! ureshii to heiki na no fushigi! "it's strange, I'm all happy and fine!"
14 ミリオのおかげだ"棺"で倒れた俺たちをずっと看ていてくれたもの ミリオのおかげだ"ひつぎ"でたおれたおれたちをずっとみていてくれたもの MIRIO no okage da "hitsugi" de taoreta ore-tachi wo zutto mite ite kureta mono "It's thanks to Mirio. He was the one who kept looking after us when we collapsde in the 'coffin.'"
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1 各国への必要物資の要望 かっこくへのひつようぶっしのようぼう kakkoku e no hitsuyou busshi no youbou Requests for necessary supplies to each country,
2 復旧計画費用の算出と捻出 ふっきゅうけいかくひようのさんしゅつとねんしゅつ fukkyuu keikaku hiyou no sanshutsu to nenshutsu calculating and raising recovery plan costs,
3 支援の配置と分配病床の確保に医療にーーー しえんのはいちとぶんぱいびょうしょうのかくほにいりょうにーーー shien no haichi to bunpai byoushou no kakuho ni iryou ni--- placement and distrbution of support, securing of hospital beds, medical care---
4 超人社会といえどこれ程 ちょうじんしゃかいといえどこれほど choujin shakai to iedo kore hodo although it may be called a superhuman society,
5 迅速な復旧の裏には じんそくなふっきゅうのうらには jinsoku na fukkyuu no ura ni wa the one behind the speedy recoevery was
6 世界的偉人根津校長による せかいてきいじんねづこうちょうによる sekai-teki ijin Nedzu-kouchou ni yoru the world-famous Principal Nedzu
small text 1 BPMもっとあげていこう BPM motto agete ikou Let's increase the BPM more.
small text 2 ハッ!カンタンに言うんだ ハッ!カンタンにいうんだ HA! KANTAN ni iunda Ha! You gotta say it simply.
7 各国への働きかけがあった かっこくへのはたらきかけがあった kakkoku e no hataraki kake ga atta and his efforts to reach out to each country.
8 校長は"個性"道徳教育に多大な貢献をし こうちょうは"こせい"どうとくきょういくにただいなこうけんをし kouchou wa "kosei" doutoku kyouiku ni tadai na kouken wo shi The principle made great contributions to quirk morality education
9 世界的偉人となられた せかいてきいじんとなられた sekai-teki ijin to narareta and became a world-famous figure.
10 校長はずっと こうちょうはずっと kouchou wa zutto The principal was always
11 戦いの"先"を見ていたんだ たたかいの"さき"をみていたんだ tatakai no "saki" wo mite itanda looking ahead to what came after the battle.
12 素敵な送辞だったぜ すてきなリリックだったぜ suteki na RIRIKKU (kanji: souji) datta ze "What lovely lyrics (read as: farewell address)."
13 レペゼン雄英不和真綿にプチャヘンヅァッ‼︎ 在校生代表ふわまわたにプチャヘンヅァッ‼︎ sotsugyousei daihyou (kanji REPEZEN yuuei) Fuwa Mawata ni PUCHAHENDZA!! "Put your hands up for current student representative (read as: UA representative) Mawata Fuwa!!"
14 それでは次だ答辞だ‼︎ それではつぎだアンサーだ‼︎ sore de wa tsugi da ANSAA da!! "After that is the answering speech (kanji: formal reply)!!"
15 レペゼン卒業生〜〜〜〜〜 卒業生代表〜〜〜〜〜 sotsugyousei daihyou (kanji: REPEZEN sotsugyousei) "From the alumni representative (read as: graduate students representative)~~~~~"
16 ラップバトルみたいでカッコいいノコ RAPPU BATORU mitai de KAKKOii NOKO "It's like a rap battle, so cool, shroom!"
17 私がおかしいのかな? わたしがおかしいのかな? watashi ga okashii no ka na? "Am I the weird one?"
18 ラップやろ RAPPU yaro Let's rap.
19 ルミリオンa.k.aーーー通形ミリオォ‼︎ ルミリオンエーケーエーーーーとおがたミリオォ‼︎ RUMIRION EE KEE EE---Toogata MIRIOO!! "Lemillion a.k.a.----Mirio Toogata!!"
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1 本日はお忙しい中私たちの為にご臨席いただき誠にありがとうございます ほんじつはおいそがしいなかわたしたちのためにごりんせきいただきまことにありがとうございます honjitsu wa oisogashii naka watashi-tachi no tame ni gorinseki itadaki makoto ni arigatou gozaimasu "Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedules to attend for us today."
2 ギャクせんのかい!!! GYAKU sen no kai!!! "It's the opposite of what we expected!!!" (Note: "Sen no kai" is something said in a call and response when the caller expects the repsonders to do something but they don't do what they were expected to do. When that happens, the caller says this phrase as a joke.)
3 喪ったものは多く うしなったものはおおく ushinatta mono wa ooku "We lost many things,"
4 得たものは無い えたものはない eta mono wa nai "but we gained nothing."
5 ヒーローの戦いってのは ヒーローのたたかいってのは HIIROO no tatakai tte no wa "A hero's battle"
6 いつも大体マイナスをゼロに戻す為のものです いつもだいたいマイナスをゼロにもどすためのものです itsumo daitai MAINASU wo ZERO ni modosu tame no mono desu "is always for the sake of returning the negatives to zero on the whole."
7 普通科サポート科経営科 ふつうかサポートかけいえいか futsuu-ka SAPOOTO-ka keien-ka "The general studies course, the support course, the business course,"
8 それぞれがこの学舎で培った経験を駆使し それぞれがこのまなびやでつちかったけいけんをくしし sorezore ga kono manabiya de tsuchikatta keiken wo kushi shi "each of us made full use of the experience we had cultivated at this school,"
9 一丸となって戦いましたしかし いちがんとなってたたかいましたしかし ichigan to natte tatakaimashita shikashi "and we fought as one. However,"
10 未だゼロには戻っていません いまだゼロにはもどっていません ima da ZERO ni wa modotte imasen "we haven't returned to zero yet."
11 私達の三年間はこの先の為にあります わたしたちのさんねんかんはこのさきのためにあります watashi-tachi no sannenkan wa kono saki no tame ni arimasu "Our three years are for what comes after this."
12 ゴールは今日じゃない ゴールはきょうじゃない GOORU wa kyou ja nai "The goal is not today."
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1 ユーモアなき世に明るい未来はない ユーモアなきよにあかるいみらいはない YUUMOA naki yo ni akarui mirai wa nai "There is no bright future in a world without humor."
2 たくさんの人が笑って過ごせるプラスの世界 たくさんのひとがわらってすごせるプラスのせかい takusan no hito ga waratte sugoseru PURASU no sekai "A world of positives, where many people can laugh and spend time together,"
3 そこが私たちのゴールテープです そこがわたしたちのゴールテープです soko ga watashi-tachi no GOORU TEEPU desu "that is our finish line."
4 通形…‼︎ とおがた…‼︎ Toogata...!! "Toogata...!!"
5 見ててくれよなナイトアイ! みててくれよなナイトアイ! mitete kure yo NAITOAI! Please be watching, Nighteye!
6 私達は今日スタートするのです!在校生の皆さん! わたしたちはきょうスタートするのです!ざいこうせいのみなさん! watashi-tachi wa kyou SUTAATO suru no desu! zaikousei no minasan! "Today is our start! All of you current students!"
7 じゃあね!!! jaa ne!!! "See ya!!!"
8 これが雄英卒業式の伝統だそうだそしてーー これがゆうえいそつぎょうしきのでんとうだそうだそしてーー kore ga yuuei sotsugyoushiki no dentou da sou da soshite-- Apparently this is the tradition of the UA graduation ceremony, and--
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1 例年なら担任は持ち上がりじゃないんだが れいねんならたんにんはもちあがりじゃないんだが reinen nara tannin wa mochiagari ja nainda ga "In a normal year, I wouldn't be asked to be the homeroom teacher, but,"
2 まァ事情がもう一年よろしく まァじじょうがもういちねんよろしく maA jijou ga mou ichinen yoroshiku "well, I hope things stay the same for another year."
3 よかったああ yokattaaa "Thank goodness!"
4 相澤先生がうれしいよお あいざわせんせいがうれしいよお Aizawa-sensei ga ureshii yoo "I'm so happy it's Aizawa-sensei!"
5 泣いちゃった ないちゃった naichatta "Oh dear, she cried."
6 相澤先生でよかったああ あいざわせんせいでよかったああ Aizawa-sensei de yokattaaa "I'm glad it's Aizawa-sensei!"
7 これで一段落か これでいちだんらくか kore de ichidanraku ka "With this, are we at a stopping point?"
8 おまえ入院してなくていいの? おまえにゅういんしてなくていいの? omae nyuuin shitenakute ii no? "Don't you have to be hospitalized?"
9 安静にしてりゃいいってよ今日は全員そろってなきゃダメだろ あんせいにしてりゃいいってよきょうはぜんいんそろってなきゃダメだろ ansei ni shiterya ii tte yo kyou wa sen'in sorottenakya DAME daro "They said it's okay if I rest, we all gotta be together today."
10 まともなこと言いだしたぞ まともなこといいだしたぞ matomona koto ii dashita zo "Hey, you said something reasonable."
11 あぁ⁉︎ aa!? "Hah!?"
12 安静に…! あんせいに…! ansei ni...! "Rest...!"
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1 オイ OI "Hey!"
2 ハイ HAI "Yessir."
3 …入れ …はいれ ...haire "...Come in."
4 改めてお別れを! あらためてアデューを! aratamete ADEYUU (kanji: owakare) wo! "Once again, adieu!"
5 僕は雄英を出る☆‼︎ ぼくはゆうえいをでる☆‼︎ boku wa yuuei wo deru ☆!! "I'm leaving UA ☆!!"
6 青山…‼︎ あおやま…‼︎ Aoyama...!! "Aoyama...!!"
7 やっぱ気持ちは変わんないの? やっぱきもちはかわんないの? yappa kimochi wa kawannai no? "Are you sure your feelings won't change?"
8 おまえのおかげでAFO達を分断できたのに‼︎ おまえのおかげでオール・フォー・ワンたちをぶんだんできたのに‼︎ omae no okage de OORU FOO WAN-tachi wo bundan dekita noni!! "But thanks to you, we were able to divide All For One and all of them!!"
9 先生も塚内さんも「残っていい」と仰ってくれたよけれど せんせいもつかうちさんも「のこっていい」とおっしゃってくれたよけれど sensei mo Tsukauchi-san mo 「nokotte ii」 to osshatte kureta yo keredo "Both Sensei and Tsukauchi-san told me it was okay for me to say, but"
10 僕自身がケジメをつけたいんだ ぼくじしんがケジメをつけたいんだ boku jishin ga KEJIME wo tsuketainda "I myself want to take responsibility."
11 "AFOの思惑"が絡んだ入学で "オール・フォー・ワンのおもわく"がからんだにゅうがくで "OORU FOO WAN no omowaku" ga karanda nyuugaku de "My admission was entagled with All For One's predictions,"
12 今日のような卒業式を僕は迎えられない きょうのようなそつぎょうしきをぼくはむかえられない kyou no you na sotsugyoushiki wo boku wa mukaerarenai "I cannot receive a graduation ceremony like the one today."
13 罪を償って つみをつぐなって tsumi wo tsugunatte "I'll atone for my sins,"
14 もう一度…ヒーローの��を目指す☆平気さ! もういちど…ヒーローのみちをめざす☆へいきさ! mou ichido...HIIROO no michi wo mezasu ☆ heiki sa! "and once again...I'll aim for the path of a hero ☆ I'll be fine!"
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1 だって僕は君たちの手を取ったんだもの! だってぼくはきみたちのてをとったんだもの! datte boku wa kimi-tachi no te wo tottanda mono! "After all, I took all of your hands!"
2 うん! un! "Yeah!"
3 またいつか…必ず… またいつか…かならず… mata itsuka...kanarazu... "Someday again...for sure..."
4 胸を張って皆と並び立つからね! むねをはってみんなとならびたつからね! mune wo hatte minna to narabitatsu kara ne! "I'll stand alongside everyone with my chest puffed with pride!"
5 青山…おめェ…! あおやま…おめェ…! Aoyama...omeE...! "Aoyama...you...!"
6 まじでだれより漢だよ まじでだれよりおとこだよ maji de dare yori otoko da yo "Seriously, you're more manly than anyone."
7 泣かないで皆!湿っぽくなるのは嫌さ‼︎ なかないでみんな!しめっぽくなるのはいやさ‼︎ nakanaide minna! shimeppoku naru no wa iya sa!! "Don't cry, everyone! It would be terrible for things to become damp!!"
8 眩しっ! まぶしっ! mabushi! "Dazzling!"
9 文化祭の時より更に精細なコントロールを…! ぶんかさいのときよりさらにせいさいなコントロールを…! bunkasai no toki yori sara ni seisai na KONTOROORU wo...! "Even more precise control than during the cultural festival...!"
10 だからここでーーサプライズ‼︎ dakara koko de--SAPURAIZU!! "And so here's a---surprise!!"
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1 A組の新メンバーさ‼︎ エーぐみのしんメンバーさ‼︎ EE-gumi no shin MENBAA sa!! "The new member of Class A!"
2 心操ォオオ‼︎ しんそォオオ‼︎ ShinsoOOO!! "Shinsou!!"
3 わ wa "Wah!"
4 A組に来たかあ! エーぐみにきたかあ! EE-gumi ni kita kaa! "Did you come to Class A!"
5 編入だあA組なんだあ! へんにゅうだあエーぐみなんだあ! hennyuu daa EE-gumi nandaa! "You transferred! To Class A!"
6 すげえー‼︎仮免は正式発行されたの⁉︎ すげえー‼︎かりめんはせいしきはっこうされたの⁉︎ sugeee!! karimen wa seishiki hakkou sareta no!? "Awesome!! Did they officially issue your provisional license!?"
7 送別会とかの話題になってもよくない⁉︎ そうべつかいとかのわだいになってもよくない⁉︎ soubetsukai toka no wadai ni nattemo yokunai!? "Is it not good to bring up the subject of a farewell party!?"
8 たしかに tashika ni "Surely."
9 わ!青山くん わ!あおやまくん wa! Aoyama-kun "Wah! Aoyama-kun,"
10 ストップ!ストップ! SUTOPPU! SUTOPPU! "stop! Stop!"
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1 まだ"個性" まだ"こせい" mada "kosei" "My quirk is still"
2 バグってるみたいで! BAGUtteru mitai de! "bugging out, it looks like!"
3 見えちゃう みえちゃう miechau "You can see me!"
4 わー素顔‼︎キュウティイイ わーすがお‼︎キュウティイイ waa sugao!! KYUUTIII "Wow, her real face!! A cutieee!"
5 ごめん☆ gomen ☆ "Sorry ☆"
6 やめて〜‼︎恥ずかしい やめて〜‼︎はずかしい yamete~!! hazukashii "Quit it~!! It's embarrassing!"
7 神はずっとそこに かみはずっとそこに kami wa zutto soko ni "A god was always right there."
8 おい oi "Hey."
9 連絡事項はまだあるんだが れんらくじこうはまだあるんだが renraku jikou wa mada arunda ga "There are still announcements."
10 ヒーロー科二・三年はこっから当分の間再建活動にあたります ヒーロー科に・さんねんはこっからとうぶんのあいださいけんかつどうにあたります HIIROO-ka ni・sannen wa kokkara toubun no aida saiken katsudou ni atarimasu "The second- and third-year students of the hero course for the time being will be involved in rebuilding activities."
11 私が代表で陣頭指揮ばとります わたしがだいひょうでじんとうしきばとります watashi ga daihyou de jintoushiki ba torimasu "I, as representative, will take the lead."
small text 新3年生ヒーロー科不和真綿 しん3ねんせいヒーローかふわまわた shin 3nensei HIIROO-ka Fuwa Mawata New third-year student of the hero course, Mawata Fuwa
12 今行われとる復旧活動に加え いまおこなわれとるふっきゅうかつどうにくわえ ima okonaware toru fukkyuu katsudou ni kuwae "In addition to the ongoing recoery efforts,"
13 治安悪化防止の為に全国ば回ります ちあんあっかぼうしのためにぜんこくばまわります chian akka boushi no tame ni zenkoku ba mawarimasu "we will be traveling around the country to prevent the deterioration of public order."
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1 オールマイト引退後そして言うまでんなく蛇腔戦後のごつ オールマイトいんたいごそしていうまでんなくじゃくうせんごのごつ OORU MAITO intaigo soshite iu maden naku jakuu sengo no gotsu "After All Might's retirement and, needless to say, after the battle at Jakuu,"
2 教科書に載るごたる戦いの後に必ず きょうかしょにのるごたるたたかいのあとにかならず kyoukasho ni noru gotaru tatakai no ato ni kanarazu "after the battles that apppear in textbooks,"
3 教科書に載らん混乱があります きょうかしょにのらんこんらんがあります kyoukasho ni noran konran ga arimasu "there is always confusion that does not appear in the textbooks."
4 象徴の不在 しょうちょうのふざい shouchou no fuzai "The absence of a symbol."
5 AFOもそういう混乱の中生まれたウケだしな オール・フォー・ワンもそういうこんらんのなかうまれたウケだしな OORU FOO WAN mo sou iu konran no naka umareta UKE dashi na "AFO was also born out of such turmoil."
6 オッケー?イレ先 オッケー?イレせん OKKEE? IRE-sen "Okay? Era-sen?"
7 ああ aa "Yes."
8 イレ先 イレせん IRE-sen "Era-sen!"
9 私一応元イレ先クラス わたしいちおうもとイレせんクラス watashi ichiou moto IRE-sen KURASU "I used to be in Era-sen's class."
10 君らは除籍喰らってないっちゃう? きみらはじょせきくらってないっちゃう? kimira wa joseki kurattenaicchau? "You guys haven't undergone his expulsion?"
small text うらやましい urayamashii "I'm jealous."
11 甘えとう私らに一回"死"を味わわせるってねぇ怖かったー あまえとうわたしらにいっかい"し"をあじわわせるってねぇこわかったー amaetou watashira ni ikkai "shi" wo ajiwwaseru tte nee kowakattaa "We were so naive, he said he'd make us taste 'death' once, right? It was scary."
12 おい不和もういいよ行け おいふわもういいよいけ oi Fuwa mou ii yo ike "Hey Fuwa, enough, go."
13 やけどそのおかげで yakedo sono okage de "But thanks to that,"
14 何の為にヒーローんなるかわかった なんのためにヒーローんなるかわかった nan no tame ni HIIROO n naru ka wakatta "I understood for what reason to become a hero."
15 どうも doumo "Thanks."
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1 いやー新入生かあ いやーしんにゅうせいかあ iyaa shinnyuusei kaa "Wow, new incoming students huh?'
2 俺らも明日から先輩かあ おれらもあしたからせんぱいかあ orera mo ashita kara senpai kaa "Are we also senpai after tomorrow?"
3 バタバタと進んでく バタバタとすすんでく BATABATA to susundeku "We'll progress to being busy."
4 忙しくなるな いそがしくなるな isogashiku naru na "We will become busy, huh."
5 けど休む暇はもらったし けどやすむいとまはもらったし kedo yasumu itoma wa moratta shi "But we got some free time to rest."
6 こすらんでいーからもう瀬呂くん! こすらんでいーからもうせろくん! kosurande ii kara mou Sero-kun! "You don't need to rub it in, Sero-kun, geez!"
7 良くないぞ よくないぞ yokunai zo "That's no good."
8 違うって!かっけえと思って! ちがうって!かっけえとおもって! chigau tte! kakkee to omotte! "No! I think it's cool!"
9 …麗日さん! …うららかさん! ...Uraraka-san! "...Uraraka-san!"
10 デクくんまで! DEKU-kun made! "Even you, Deku-kun!"
11 てゆか怪我でそれ剃ったんだよね てゆかけがでそれそったんだよね te yuka kega de sore sottanda yo ne "You shaved that due to an injury, right?"
12 はよまた伸びるといいねえ はよまたのびるといいねえ wa yo mata nobiru to ii nee "I hope it grows again soon."
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1 イメチェンといや常闇だよ イメチェンといやとこやみだよ IMECHEN to iya Tokoyami da yo "I don't want a change of image, that's Tokoyami."
2 違うが気に入ってる ちがうがきにいってる chigau ga ki ni itteru "It's different, but I'm taking a liking to it."
3 ハッ HA "Hah" (Note: This is the sound of panting.)
4 ハッ HA "Hah"
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1 ハッ HA "Hah" (Note: This is the sound of panting.)
2 ハッ HA "Hah"
3 轟くんは送別会出れそう? とどろきくんそうべつかいでれそう? Todoroki-kun soubetsu-kai deresou? "Todoroki-kun, will you be able to attend the farewell party?"
4 あー今日じゃなけりゃいつでも あーきょうじゃなけりゃいつでも aa kyou ja nakerya itsudemo "Yeah, so long as it's not today, anytime [works]."
5 轟くん とどろきくん Todoroki-kun "Todoroki-kun."
6 大丈夫だよ だいじょうぶだよ daijoubu da yo "I'm okay."
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1 っし sshi (Note: I'm not sure what this means or if it even means anything. It could just be a wordless sound like a sigh or a tongue click.)
tagline 轟家が向き合うのはーー… とどろきけがむきあうのはーー… Todoroki-ke ga mukiau no wa--... What the Todoroki family will face--...
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gdmtblr · 1 year ago
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November 3, 2023
My dog,“HUG” celebrated 13th birthday.
In the case of a medium-sized dog, in terms of human age, that's about 80 years old. And if a dog's life is compared to the four seasons, it is almost time to enter the winter period.
However, there is no need to think of it pessimistically. Because, winter is the most comfortable season for Hug, who is resistant to cold👍🏻🐶💙
Also, with Nico coming to our pack, Hug seems to have found new purpose in her job as an “educator'', and was able to survive the difficult summer in a healthy manner. Ahhh, Hug! You are truly amazing💕 (And THANKS, Nico!!💕)
I always wish her health and happiness.
Dear Tumblr’s friends.
Hug is always grateful for your kind messages and daily support✨🐶✨🐾🐾
●十一月: 霜月ともいう。立冬(十一月八日頃)を迎えるがまだ寒くはなく、空も野山も澄みとおる頃である。暖かな日和が続くかと思えば、ときに時雨たり霜の降る日も増えてくる。
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niteshade925 · 8 months ago
April 12, Xi'an, China, Qinglong Temple/青龙寺 (Part 3 - History):
A model of Qinglong Temple in Tang dynasty (618 - 907 AD):
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There must have been something like thirty engravings of famous poems about the temple lining the walls of the corridors. Below are three examples of these engravings, from these poems one can get a feel for how Qinglong Temple used to look like. A note on the translations: they are rather unpolished as I just wanted to get the meaning across.
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《題青龍寺詩》 [唐] 朱慶餘 寺好因崗勢,登臨值夕陽。 青山當佛閣,紅葉滿僧廊。 竹色連平地,蟲聲在上方。 最憐東面靜,為近楚城墻。
Translation (by me):
"In Commemoration of Qinglong Temple" By Zhu Qingyu (Tang dynasty) The beauty of this temple comes from the mountains, By the time I summited it was already dusk. Verdant peaks behind temple buildings, Scarlet leaves filling the corridors. Bamboo groves connecting flat areas, Chirping of insects above it all. Only the east side remains still, Since it's close to the city walls.
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《清明日青龍寺上方賦得多字》 [唐] 皇甫冉 上方偏可適,季月況堪過。 遠近水聲至,東西山色多。 夕陽留徑草,新葉變庭柯。 已度清明節,春秋如客何。
Translation (by me):
"Qingming Festival Above Qinglong Temple" By Huangfu Ran (Tang dynasty) It's comfortable up in the mountains, Watching the season pass by. Sounds of flowing water from near and far, Views of mountains from east and west. Setting sun upon the grassy path, Growing leaves cover the courtyard trees. Qingming Festival has come and gone, Just like the seasons and the temple visitors.
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《青龍寺早夏》 [唐] 白居易 塵埃經小雨,地高倚長坡。 日西寺門外,景氣含清和。 閑有老僧立,靜無凡客過。 殘莺意思盡,新葉陰涼多。 春去來幾日,夏雲忽嵯峨。 朝朝感時節,年鬓闇蹉跎。 胡爲戀朝市,不去歸煙蘿。 青山寸步地,自問心如何。
Translation (by me):
"Early Summer at Qinglong Temple" By Bai Juyi (Tang dynasty) Light shower settled the dust, Temple grounds blending with the hills. Setting sun outside temple gates, The scene filled with an air of serenity. An old monk stands in idleness, There are no worldly passersby in the stillness. Remaining birds having sung their melodies, New leaves providing ample amounts of shade. End of spring was just days ago, Summer clouds are already towering above. Every day we feel the passing of seasons, Our hair graying in the meantime. Why obsess over bustling cities, When we can return to the lush countryside? These verdant mountains are but a corner of the world, Here I stand and reflect upon the state of my heart.
Huiguo and Kukai
In the first part I mentioned that Qinglong Temple was where Kukai/空海 studied Vajrayana Buddhism (the Chinese Esoteric tradition was also called "Tangmi"/唐密, since it was very popular in Tang dynasty) under Huiguo/惠果. Huiguo was a student of the famous Vajrayana Buddhist master and translator Amoghavajra (Chinese name Bukong/不空). Huiguo eventually became a master himself in the Chinese Esoteric tradition, and was an Acharya (Sanskrit term meaning teacher; translated phonetically as asheli/阿阇黎 in Chinese) who had many students from different places, including from surrounding countries. Kukai was one of his last notable students before he passed away. Kukai returned to Japan in 806 AD and founded the Shingon school of Buddhism/真言宗 (also sometimes called Eastern Esotericism/東密).
Kukai was also a calligrapher and a poet, below are two examples of his works (first is an ink rubbing of his calligraphy work titled "Buddha", second is his calligraphy work named Huushincho/風信帖; both were written in Chinese):
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Closeup of Huushincho (from Wikipedia). The original is at Touji Temple in Kyoto, Japan.
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Shōryō shu/Xinglingji/性靈集, a collection of kanshi by Kukai. Kanshi/漢詩 is a Japanese word for Chinese poetry. These books here are a gift from Japan.
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Bunkyō hifu ron/Wenjingmifulun/文鏡秘府論 by Kukai which discusses Chinese poetry. These books are a gift from Japan.
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There are also other gifts from Japan. Left is the top of a khakkhara staff (In Chinese and Japanese: xizhang/锡杖/錫杖, shakujō/錫杖). Right is a Vajra (in Chinese and Japanese: jingangchu/金刚杵/金剛杵, kongosho/金剛杵), this is a Vajrayana ritual object. This particular Vajra is commemorative and bears the names of Huiguo and Kukai:
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And that's all for Qinglong Temple. Next up is another famous temple in Xi'an, Daci'en Temple/大慈恩寺.
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splatoonreblogger · 1 year ago
A new trailer for Side Order, Wave 2 of the Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass is here!
It's full of new information about the Spire of Order, so please check it out, that's an order!
【Side Order】
スプラトゥーン3 エキスパンション・パス 第2弾「サイド・オーダー」の紹介映像が公開されたぞ!
A new Splatoon 3 season begins on 3/1, and the Spring 2024 Fresh Season trailer has sprung!
Enjoy the new song, take a look at what’s coming, and prepare your outfits accordingly!
2024年3月1日(金)より始まる新しいシーズン「2024春 Fresh Season」についての映像が公開されたぞ!
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yamanaka4576 · 1 month ago
Sims3 Resource
Decensor モザイク外し
ErrorTrap エラー修正
MasterController 多彩な機能追加
MasterController Integration MasterControllerのオプション。CAS関連の機能追加。
Overwatch 定期的なクリーンアップ機能
Register 町の人口調整
LD's Sims3Launcher (EA App/Origin) (1.69) ランチャーの置き換え
[TS3] Shader Tweaks ゲームの照明変更
No Intro イントロスキップ
Fix: Sims need less Space シムのスペースを小さくする
Fix: Pets need less Space ペットのスペースを小さくする
Fix: Guitar needs less Space for playing ギターのスペースを小さくする
Tileable Items Shader FIX タイル化可能なオブジェクトのシェーダー修正
Interaction on sloped terrain enabler 傾斜地帯でのインタラクションを可能にする
Base Game Half Walls FIXED!!!! ハーフウォールを修正
Walk Cycle Edits シムの歩行時に常に笑顔になる問題を修正
Random Sim Fixes 2.0 タウニー生成の修正
CAS Sim Bin Genetics as Presets シムの顔のプリセット追加
S-Club ts3 EA Eyeball F UVFix シムの瞳のUVを修正
Pick Up Toddler Fixes 幼児を抱き上げる動作を置き換え
Toddler Routing Fix 幼児のルーティンを修正
Read Toddler to Sleep - Fixed Interaction 幼児の読み聞かせを修正
No More Zombies Generated At Full Moon - 2 Flavors ゾンビを生成させないようにする
Zoom-In CaS Camera 1.38 Pets CASでカメラをもっと近づけられるようにする
No Camera Fade for Sims シムをドアップにしてもフェードアウトさせないようにする
MMSBoringBonesBrntWafflesShimrods_Modernthirdpersoncamera カメラMOD
[TSM > TS3] Converted Facial Expressions シムの表情アニメーション置き換え
Fixed horse tails (no more shiny horses!) 馬の尻尾の修正
HIX_HorseBeetle_DEF 馬の瞳の修正
●Default Replacements
Clean UI 13 Beta Release UIのデザイン変更
POSE REPLACEMENT Stand Still&Closer Camera in CAS for all ages and genders CASのシムのポーズ変更
Pure CAS Lighting Mod for TS3 CASのライティングを変更
CAS Background Replacement - TS3 - Praleska CASの背景変更
Face Presets Overhaul - Headshapes [V.2.1] シムのプリセット置き換え
S-Club ts3 skin default FM 2.0A シムのスキン
YOU ARE HYPERREAL - TS3 Normal Map Replacement ノーマルマップ置き換え
BrntWafflesBigQEyesn24DEFAULT シムの瞳
Default replacement hair pack TS3 EAの髪型を置き換え
Baby Skin [ Updated Version ] 赤ちゃんのスキン
sclub ts3 mod ea eyelash removal fm デフォルトのまつ毛除去
EA Eyeshadow Texture Fix - Default Replacements デフォルトのアイシャドウ修正
Fetching Dog Eye Default Replacements + Dog Eye Fix 犬の瞳
Purrrrfect and Local Black Cat default replacement eyes for kitties + eye fix 猫の瞳
Iridescent Bug Wings for Fairies (Default Replacements) 妖精の翼
nvisible PlumbBob Default Replacement プラムボブを消す
Higher Quality Default Replacements for TS3 Headline Effects (Scream, Speech, and Thought Bubbles) シムの吹き出しを高画質に
Reworked & Improved EA Lights EAライトの置き換え
Improved Environmental Shadows 影の置き換え
let them eat burnt wafflesさんのライティングMOD
+ Uranesia Lighting Mod PLUS + NilxisさんのライティングMOD
Fantasy Moon (Default Replacement) 月
Botânika - Substituição de plantas e floras para The Sims 3 植物
Lavender Default Override ラベンダー
Seasons enabled Wildflowers for the Sims 3 野花
omedapixel_DefaultPlants_V1Testing ガーデニングの植物
Set de telhados por Boring Bones 屋根
Farol Retexturizado - Definição suprema 灯台
Metropolis Reborn - Pacote de aprimoramento de Arquitetura ビル
Clear Water Drops 雨粒
Snow but better! - Snow replacement mod 雪
Apple iPhone 8 スマホをiPhone8にする
Default Replacement Dinnerware お皿
Baby Food default replacement ベビーフード
White Formula Default Replacement Bottle 哺乳瓶
Default Seasons Beach Towels and Umbrellas ビーチタオル
Dream Wedding - Cakes+ ウエディング関連のオブジェクト
Ice Cream Truck Default Override アイス屋のトラック
Sims 3 Reshade Omnibus Edition Reshadeプリセット詰め合わせ
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elle-p · 3 months ago
Thoughts of what once was Ryoji Mochizuki
...Just as I thought, you couldn't lay a finger on me. Maybe you began to love me because we met as friends. But as I've warned multiple times, what I as the 'Appriser' will give you is absolute death. It's not something that can be overcome through willpower or effort. The 'end' as the contrapostion to 'life', which every living thing has without exception, comes upon all human beings as an unavoidable decision. The 'death' that everyone should know but don't recognise as their own... when you all face it, you can't help but dread and depair over that overwhelming truth. So I at least wanted to let you forget about it all and have it come to an end. Only you, who raised me, had the power to make it happen. ...Even though it turned out like this, I'm glad to have met you. Until we meet again, take care. ...Best wishes in the coming year.
The desire of two boys who seek their former halves
Tonight, when the moon ascends in the sky, I will reunite with part of my former self on the tower's peak. Just as time flows and the seasons change, it's obvious that all living things are preparing to end, and that it is unavoidable. Though I know that, I still try to cling to a miracle that might happen. Until I witness true despair, I'm holding on to a sliver of hope... Shadows are born from people's hearts. And Personas are too; they are of the same essence. The only difference is if one has an intent. No matter how much of that power one might wield, what would be the reason to threaten that which is the root of existence, the Great Mother? How much can a tiny, foolish child who bares their fangs at the Fall, the name of the Great Mother, Nyx, do? ...If the future is to change, it's the power of will that's the source of Personas, the heart's bonds, that will push you forward. Now, let's head to that place to fullfill our duty. I, we, have shed tears about the premonition that this day will come ever since we were one.
⋯⋯やっぱり君は、僕に手を下せなかったね。僕たちが友だちとして出会ってしまったから、情が移っちゃったのかもしれないね。でも僕は何度も忠告した、「宣告者」である僕が連れてくる のは絶対の死だ。努力とか意志の力でなんとかできるようなもの じゃない。生きとし生けるものが例外なく持った、「生きる」対偶としての「終わり」が、避けようのない決定事項として、すべての人間の上に訪れるものだ。みんな知ってるはずなのに、自分のこととして認識しなかった「死」⋯⋯それを迎えたときに君たちは、その圧倒的な事実の前に恐怖し、絶望せずにはいられない。だから僕はせめて、すべてを忘れて終わりを迎えてもらおうと思った。僕を育ててくれた君にだけは、それを叶える力があったのだからね。⋯⋯こんな形になってしまったけど、君に出会えたこと、嬉しかった。つぎに逢うときまで元気で。⋯⋯よいお年を。
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miyakazashi · 29 days ago
The Rkdd Timeline
After working on the M family age theory and discussing the details with @twelvevi, we concluded that to determine their ages, we needed to establish the full timeline and calculate how many years have passed since the series began. So, I went ahead and put together a general timeline. As always, feel free to jump in with any alternative ideas, and now, let's get started!
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 96 (will get to the next half when I have time, all of this took me 2 hours already (3 if we're including me typing this), and I'm tired)
First clue we get is in the Benizome Hot Spring Arc, where we see maple leafs and in one of the panels toto says "this" while he and Ron are in the hot spring.
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"A hot spring in autumn is great"
Autumn in Japan primarily spans from September to November, and since the maple leaf season typically occurs in October and November, we can confidently place the timing around October.
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The next clue is in the Island Observatory Arc, where it is explicitly mentioned that they are there to witness "the meteor shower in the constellation of Leo." To determine when this event typically occurs in Japan, I referred to a website that provided an exact date for viewing it.
Link: https://www.nao.ac.jp/en/astro/sky/2016/11.html - this website is the official English page of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), which provides detailed information about astronomical events.
This particular meteor shower, known as the Leonid Meteor Shower, is best observed around November 17, with the optimal viewing time being just before dawn on the 18th.
Given this information, and knowing that they watched the meteor shower before dawn, we can confidently conclude that the Observatory Arc lasted for two days: November 17 and November 18.
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The next significant clue about the time, at least from what I've observed, appears after the Shibuya arc, during the Midsummer Beach Hut Drowning case.
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I don't think there's much debate here; we've definitely reached summer in Rkdd.
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Next is from the Genius Composer Kidnapping Case, when I first read 'the night of the next sixteen-day-old moon' my mind immediately jumped to a full moon, which led me to believe that the exact date couldn’t be determined yet. However, after further research, I realized that this likely refers to the 'Izayoi no Tsuki' (十六夜の月), which is the name given to the moon that appears on August 16th on the lunar calendar in Japan. Through further research, I discovered that the 16th day of the 8th month on the lunar calendar usually corresponds to a date in either September or October on the Western calendar, depending on the specific year.
Not gonna include this in the theory because it's not official and I don't have any proof, but since this particular arc was published by Akira-sensei in 2021, I think it's pretty likely that she set the year in Rkdd to 2021 as well, and August 16th on the lunar calendar lands on October 22nd of that year so....
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Then two months pass after the Genius Composer Kidnapping Case, which would bring us to either November or December
Sadly, we don't get much hints that tell us what month we're in during the Auberge Arc, but we know only one case happened between the kidnapping arc and the Auberge arc, so I'd say not much time has passed, it's safe to say during the auberge, we're probably still in November or December
quite funny that Mylo tends to cause trouble for Ron around the same time (usually during winter)😆 meanwhile Alice likes to cause chaos in summer (going as far as to "switch the seasons" in the latest chapter) just something funny to think about
okay, off topic back to the theory
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In the Severed Head Balloon Case, it's evident that everyone is wearing warm clothing, and Toto's line, "And ice cream in winter...?" further confirms that the case is set in winter. Given that the Kidnapping Case, the Research Lab case, and the Auberge arc seem to take place in November and December, and with the Fortune Teller Prince case occurring before the Severed Head Case, I would infer that this case likely takes place around January or February, when it's still quite cold, making it firmly within the winter season.
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Next is the Obon Dance Case, where it's clearly set during the Obon festival, which lasts for three days in mid-August. While the exact dates vary each year—for instance, this year it runs from August 13 to 16, and last year it was from August 16 to 18—we can at least determine a general time frame for the event.
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Finally, we can jump to Chapter 96, after the Cruise Ship Arc, where we get an exact date for when Mylo was washed up on shore—October 27th.
The timeline looks a little like this right now.
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Forgive my messy handwriting (and mistakes), but I wasn't in the mood to open up an entire ibis paint file for this, plus I'm really tired so...take my messy handwritten timeline...!
Essentially, a span of two years has passed from Chapter 1 to Chapter 96, and this is already a shock actually, like it really doesn't feel like that much time passed in the series, to put it into perspective, Ron would be 25 during the Cruise Arc, which is kinda insane to think about...It really makes you wonder what will happen to the M family age theory, but we'll need to reach part 2 of the series to continue that theory. Until then, feel free to dig into this theory of mine!
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koch-snowflake-blog · 1 year ago
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2021年、fishbowlのメンバーとして活動開始。2023年、週刊ヤングジャンプ主催の<サキドルエース SURVIVAL SEASON 13>で総合優勝。グループはアイドル楽曲大賞のインディーズ/地方アイドル楽曲部門で2年連続1位を受賞、2023年はアルバム部門でも1位を獲得。趣味は目薬をさすこと。ニックネームは桃白白(タオパイパイ)。
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vegehana-food · 1 year ago
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✿ ベーコン & キャベツ | Bacon and Cabbage ・アイルランドの伝統的な料理の一つ。塩漬けしたベーコンとキャベツを煮込んだシンプルな料理で、アイルランドの祝日/セントパトリックスデー(3月17日)に食べる習慣があります。付け合わせの野菜やホワイトソースと一緒にいただきます。
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niraistyles · 5 months ago
Okigu Shrine during the Hinamatsuri season, located in Onoyama Park, Naha City.
This old shrine celebrates the growth of girls on March 3rd, known as the Peach Festival. The pink lanterns are adorable. Feel free to download and use the photos for free.
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landofzero-archive · 2 years ago
Chocolat◆An Exceptional Rouge and Ruby Directory
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From this year on, ES will be holding its own Chocolat Fes. Wanting to show off Eden's authority, Ibara announces that Adam and Eve will also be performing.
Writer: Umeda Chitose (Supervised by Akira)
Season: Winter
Featuring: Ibara Saegusa, Jun Sazanami, Nagisa Ran, Hiyori Tomoe, Hinata Aoi
The Circumstances of the Second Month (1): Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7
The Depression of Youth: Chapter 8 - Chapter 9
Compassion and Warmth: Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13
Resulting Love: Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17
Epilogue 1 - Epilogue 2
Ibara: The Valentine's Day War Front - New Year's Hard Worker
Nagisa: …… Taking a Sweet Detour - ...... Working Together
TL Note:
The kanji used here is 如月, which refers to the second month of the Japanese lunar calendar, rather than the Gregorian calendar. This month isn't equivalent to February, as it can be anywhere from 3 to 7 weeks off from the Gregorian dates, so I decided to preserve that in the section title by using "second month" rather than "February" (which is typically written as 二月).
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rin-a-dingding · 6 months ago
Since we have a long way before season 3 comes out for charisma house I would like to share some other songs sung by Torahime’s VA to get a good picture of what Torahime’s voice would sound like for his charisma break and singing along with the other charismas could be.
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Azumi, the other character he’s voices, is from リモート★ホスト【公式】 I don’t really know much about the series but it has something to do with a host club?
If you’re really curious recommend can checking out the YouTube channel.
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sarahalainn · 7 months ago
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🎵たなばたさま【七夕のうた】(笹の葉サラサラ〜)/ サラ・オレイン
編曲・演奏・歌/サラ・オレイン Sarah Àlainn
♪Tanabata-sama (Japanese Folk Song)
This is a traditional Japanese folk song about the Star Festival ‘Tanabata’, usually celebrated on 7th July.
Legend says the deities Orihime & Hikoboshi who are divided by the Milky Way can reunite once a year - if it doesn’t rain! Tricky since it’s usually during rainy season (but then again there’s been a lack of rain at least in Tokyo these last few years).
People write their wishes on colourful strips of paper and hang them from bamboo trees on this day —>this emoji🎋
The piece begins with an onomatopoeia of the rustling bamboo leaves - Sara Sara. Yep. Need I explain further 😛
May your wishes come true🌟
Arranged/Performed/Edited by the Sarahs x 3😙
Full version on YouTube
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