#season 2 i vote everyone get full names??
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The Best Trope Ever Showdown: SEASON 2
Have a favorite trope that you didn't get to submit last time? The trope you submitted was eliminated early on and you feel like it could do better in a second round? Then welcome one, welcome all, to Season 2 of the Best Trope Ever Showdown, during which we will be finding out what the second-best trope (after Found Family, which absolutely swept the last tournament) is!
The submission form is here. Submissions will be open for a little under two weeks: from today to Sunday the 13th: though I may decide to shorten that in accordance with how many submissions I get, submissions definitely will not be closed until at least Sunday the 6th.
All rules from the last round apply. These include:
TVTropes is a site for tropes found in all media, including medium-specific tropes, but for this tournament we're going to ask that you stick to tropes that can be found in any story regardless of the medium it's told in. So no video-game-specific, musical-specific, movie-specific, or any other medium-specific tropes. (For example, the I Want Song is not a valid submission because it is only found in musical media)
Genre-specific tropes, however, are fine and okay.
I probably don't have to say this, but no offensive or problematic tropes. This means no tropes that stereotype a particular group or spread harmful ideas about a certain group.
Tropes can be as obscure as you want, but remember that the more popular a trope is, the more likely it is to get votes.
Regarding sex tropes: While I don't want this tournament getting too NSFW, I also recognize that sex often has a narrative purpose and plays a unique role in the story. Thus, my general rule on that front is going to be: no tropes about specific sexual acts or parts of the sex act, but tropes about sex in general are okay.
Propaganda is highly encouraged and makes the tournament far more interesting for everyone involved (both on the submission form and in the ask box throughout the tournament).
Additionally, each submission must include a trope name and EITHER a brief description, a TVTropes page, or both. Please note that:
Every single trope this tournament will have a description, as it levels the playing field for tropes with non-intuitive names. If you do not include a description with your submission, I'll add one myself, usually directly from the TVTropes page. So only submit without a description if you're sure that the TVTropes page you submitted 100% accurately and completely describes the trope you're trying to submit.
Descriptions MUST be neutral: no "the awesome trope where X happens and it's so cool!" Just describe what it is without any judgments. Propaganda goes in the propaganda box.
For this tournament, I will be allowing resubmissions from the last tournament under some restrictions. These restrictions are:
A trope that participated in season 1 will only be allowed into season 2 if it was eliminated in the first or second round. A full list of which tropes are eligible for resubmission and which are not will be under the cut at the end of this post.
To prevent this tournament from just becoming Season 1: Part 2, only 20% of the total tropes in the tournament can be resubmissions. (So, if this ends up as a 128-trope tournament, I will allow for 26 resubmissions.) I will be deciding which resubmitted tropes are allowed in on a few factors, including submission order and elimination circumstances, but the strongest factor is the "resubmission propaganda" section on the form, so if you resubmit, I highly encourage explaining why. Was your trope up against a big name in round 1? Doomed by a lack of propaganda or a bad description? Any other reason why you have faith it'll do better in round 2? Tell me!
Resubmissions must be marked as resubmissions on the form. Consult the list if you aren't sure.
Also, please note that propaganda from the last round does not carry over, so make sure to put it on the submission form!
Have fun and happy submitting!
Also, tagging @tournament-announcer.
Eligible vs. ineligible tropes under the cut (anyone who's planning to resubmit, or who wasn't following the blog during the first BTES and wants to submit, I highly recommend looking at this list):
Eligible tropes from season 1:
Mirror Character
Our Trolls Are Different
Historical Badass Upgrade
The Artful Dodger
I Owe You My Life
Battle in the Center of the Mind
Buffy Speak
First Contact
Time Travel
Your Days are Numbered
Time Loop
Friends to Lovers
Important Haircut
Mono No Aware
Shadow Archetype
Berserk Button
Flock of Wolves
Disguised as Male
Anthropomorphic Personification
You Can't Go Home Again
Subverted Kids' Show
Wham Shot
Little Miss Con Artist
Internal Reveal
Sleight of Tongue
Recursive Crossdressing
Disguised Horror Story
Terror Hero
Students' Secret Society
Fantastic Fauna Counterpart
Rewriting Reality
Butterfly Effect
Cloning Blues
Clipboard of Authority
The Con
Animal Motif
Big Damn Heroes
Hurricane of Puns
My God, What Have I Done?
Swamp Monster
Fake Dating
Non-Human Head
Furry Reminder
Children's Covert Coterie
Arrested for Heroism
Well-Intentioned Extremist
Friends to Enemies to Lovers
Powerful, Fucked-Up Family
Big, Screwed-Up Family
Ape Shall Never Kill Ape
Tomato in the Mirror
Refusal of the Call
Second Law My Ass
Not Quite Dead
Call a Human a Meatbag
Conservation of Ninjutsu
Beach Episode
Jedi Mind Trick
Superpowered Evil Side
Comedic Sociopathy
The Power of Language
Prolonged Pining
Too Dumb to Live
Deadpan Snarker
Blessed with Suck
Heel-Face Revolving Door
Aliens Speaking English
For The Evulz
My Powers Are Gone
Marriage Of Convenience
Delirious Misidentification
Playing Nice for Now
Arranged Marriage
Kill the Gods
Incurable Cough of Death
Then Let Me Be Evil
Decon-Recon Switch
Bait-and-Switch Tyrant
Gambit Pileup
Moral Dilemma
But They Stayed In the Car!
Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?
Storyboarding the Apocalypse
Self-Inflicted Hell
Unreliable Narrator
Everyone Is Bi
The Anti-Nihilist
True Companions
Genre Savvy
Minor Injury Overreaction
From Zero to Hero
Team Pet
Shapeshifting Trickster
Badass Bookworm
Unseen Evil
Mama Bear
Guile Hero
Memory Gambit
Mugged for Disguise
Opposites Attract
Heel-Face Turn
Morality Pet
Beware the Nice Ones
Friends to Enemies
Affably Evil
Stupid Sexy Flanders
The Creon
Unreliable Expositor
Precision F-Strike
Tragic Bromance
Just You and Me and my GUARDS!
Sapient House
Nice Job Fixing It, Villain
The Gadfly
Murder Is the Best Solution
Face Death with Dignity
Cast Full of Gay
Stumbling Upon the Lost Wizard
King and Lionheart
Big Beautiful Man
Intimate Haircut
Dating Catwoman
Found Family
Rousseau Was Right
Science Is Good
Badass Pacifist
The Team
Outlaw Couple
Silly Rabbit, Cynicism is for Losers!
In Medias Res
Fire-Forged Friends
Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
Came Back Wrong
Prophetical Semantics
Magnificent Bastard
Grey-and-Gray Morality
Accidental Parental Figure
Caper Crew
Five-Man Band
Dramatic Irony
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
Punch-Clock Villain
Enemy Mine
Wham Line
Secret Identity
Road Trip Plot
Bavarian Fire Drill
Tragic Villain
Battle Couple
Hitman with a Heart
Chekhov's Gunman
Gentle Giant
Sea Serpents
The Dragon
Undying Loyalty
Pragmatic Villainy
Lovable Rogue
Batman Gambit
Faux Affably Evil
Beware the Silly Ones
You Are Better Than You Think You Are
The Power of Friendship
Suspiciously Specific Denial
Setting as a Character
Spare to the Throne
Reformed, but Not Tamed
Teeth-Clenched Teamwork
Ambiguous Gender
Even Evil Has Standards
38 notes
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‘24 was alright, but it’s definitely the Action to ‘23’s Island; stuck having to continue a tough act to follow.
I know I’m skipping Pahkitew Island (and to a lesser extent World Tour) to get to this, but I have a lot of ideas for what I want (but don’t at all expect) for a third season.
First the elephants in the room, the newbies. Assuming season three is full length, 18 contestants is seems like a good cast size. Nick, labeled “The Know-It-All”, is like an unholy cross between Sierra and Dave: He’s seen every episode of this show fifteen times…and he’s already regretting attending. He’s actually an online critic who made the vital mistake of pissing off Chris in front of millions of his (Nick’s) viewers, prompting Chris to personally reach out to invite him onto the show. The fact Nick’s an in-universe character means he’s a lot more fair to the contestants than most fans and critics would be, but he’s still incredibly caustic to everyone with a pulse (and also Scary Girl). Felicity, labeled “The Gamer Junky” combines Sam’s interests and Lindsay’s demeanor…which I guess is just Kitty. More or less the pain magnet for the first half of the season (Damien takes over partway through), Felicity’s a moderately famous streamer with a rapier wit and is almost as athletic and coordinated as Tyler. She’s more straightforwardly a fan of the show, that’s why Chris picked her, but given that her team is a ticking time bomb, she’s gonna hafta work fast.
The teams consist of the Hiding Snakes (Nick, Damien, Julia, MK, Wayne, Raj, Priya, Millie, and Caleb) and the Feral Kittens (Felicity, Nichelle, Bowie, Emma, Zee, Chase, Ripper, Axel, and Lauren).
Episode 1. The cast is dragged kicking and screaming back to wherever the season takes place. Wawanakwa again? The abandoned movie lot? Boney Island? Who knows, but they don’t have to worry about it, since the challenge is solely for the new duo to pick their teams by collecting golden statuettes of the cast. Maybe it is an Action Sequel.
Episode 2. Nick and Felicity both have their work cut out for them. In one corner is Nick, who has to put up with Julia/MK vs Priya and also everyone on his team not named Wayne. On the other corner is Felicity, who has the misfortune of being caught up in a popularity contest: now that Ripper and Axel are dating, Chase feels he and Zee have been left in the dust (Zee has no clue what’s happening), leaving Chase and Axel to bicker endlessly throughout the challenge. Meanwhile, Emma’s finally taking her opportunity to patch things up with Bowie, who himself is more preoccupied with Scary Girl, who’s taking her loss last season about as well as Courtney did in Island. The absurdity of Ripper being forced to play the voice of reason is not lost on him, but it doesn’t save him from elimination by Felicity, Nichelle, Emma, and Bowie to make the arguing stop. I didn’t want to eliminate him so soon, but he made it halfway through two seasons, so it had to be done.
Episode 3. So it turns out sending the one guy keeping Axel in check and Chase from accidentally killing everything packing was not Felicity’s best idea. Feli and Niche bond over poor game decisions (and the fact the latter’s career is starting to pick back up helps too), while Emma and Bowie are now on speaking terms again. Speaking of which, Emma tries to sic Lauren on Chase (he’s voted her off twice now), giving a recap of all the reckless and insane stuff he’s done. Gotta get rid of your distractions while you can. Unfortunately for Ms. People Person, Lauren was nicknamed “Reckless and Insane Girl” before signing up and the two surprisingly hit it off. MEANWHILE BACK AT THE LAB Nick picks up where Bowie left off and commandeers Julia and MK’s cheating skills for the team, much to Priya’s chagrin. Caleb grows worried about Priya’s mental state, but Millie, determined not to screw herself over again, goes with everything she says without question. In the end, Zee goes home, still hopelessly confused about why everyone’s fighting, but at least avoiding any major social gaffes. It’s a good thing he and Ripper merged twice, otherwise I’d really feel like scum.
Episode 4. This one’s a breather, but we don’t have to tell them that. Nick for the first time is divided over his role as a contestant and as a critic. As a contestant, he knows it’s best to keep Julia, Priya, Wayne, and Caleb as close to him as possible (and pats himself on the back for acing the team picking challenge), but as a critic he doesn’t particularly want to keep them around, especially Julia and Priya who pulled a Gweathuncanoey and have stuck around for two seasons in their entirety. He also kinda wants MK and Julia to become an item. On the flip side, since Emma introduced Chase to his demented new bestie, he’s gotten even more crazy himself and spends the entire challenge locked in a dare contest with Nichelle. Emma and Bowie watch on in amusement to take the latter’s mind off of being separated from Raj, while Axel reminisces about simpler times when she was an early boot. Caleb and Millie continue their power quartet with Damien (who has taken it upon himself to start lugging a first aid kit every he goes) and Priya, whose fuse grows shorter than Eva’s.
Episode 5. Caleb should probably know better than to make deals behind Priya’s back by this point, but it’s her own fault for sharing the Bow’s taste in men. Since the final four of the previous season (and also Damien) are all on the same team, Lauren makes her first strategistical move now that she knows the group’s biggest fears. MK proves to be a tougher nut to crack, however, building on the two’s interactions in the 24 finale. Axel and Chase have entered “Cold War” territory and are both trying to gather allies. Emma and Bowie are a given (although the latter can’t promise anything), and Chase has Scary, but Felicity and Nichelle are anyone’s game. Not that it really matters though, since that deal I mentioned was for The Boys (TM) to vote Caleb out, since he doesn’t want to hold Priya back anymore. Priya is crushed, Julia is laughing hysterically, and Damien’s salty that nobody voted him off when he was literally asking for it. I didn’t want to give him the Gwen/Ezekiel treatment where he’s the lowest member of two teams, especially since it means he’s 16th again, but here we are. Curse my impartiality!
Episode 6. Knowing Priya’s going to stick around as long as she has allies, Julia and MK start gunning for Millie, hoping she slips up eventually. Nick, however, secretly chooses to plot against the duo, even though MK is his favorite character from this season, because honestly, who would you pick as an ally? Meanwhile, the Kitty Kold War’s come to a boiling point with Nichelle and Felicity’s votes up for grabs. Bowie’s been on Team Axel, but after suffering a migraine all day decides to join the two wildcards. In the end however, Wayne genuinely asks Axel and Chase why they’re even arguing to begin with. Realizing that Ripper’s already gone by this point, they decide to cooperate this one time…a decision that sends poor Wayne right to the losers’ circle. I wanted to see how long I could keep the Hockey Bros around before I had to eliminate the one who lasted longer last season. At least he still has his sick awesome two buses.
Episode 7. Did somebody say “reward challenge”? With the teams even for the first time since the second episode, the two have to wrangle up old contestants scattered across the lot (I decided this will be the Action reboot), and appropriately it’s the three most frustrating contestants to track down: Shawn for the Kittens (much to zombie slayer Axel’s delight), Dawn for the Snakes (much to tiny Tsundere MK’s horror), and for a bonus, Ezekiel (who Chris has “procrastinated a bit” on retrieving). This one’s more or less an excuse for character growth, so that’s why I’m describing the challenge in a little more detail. Anywho, Dawn, Shawn, and the one whose name doesn’t rhyme are all caught, the Kittens winning. And MK’s secrets are totally safe and not revealed to the public at all. In other news, Dawn and Shawn both want off the lot immediately after finding out Scary Girl’s still on it.
Episode 8. (Sotto Voce) I’m gonna have to eliminate a girl sooner or later. Anywho, the Cold War arc has finally cooled down since even Axel can’t stay mad forever and Chase is too narcissistic to hold a grudge. With the merge coming up, Felicity requests Nichelle train her since her leadership skills can only get her so far at this point. Priya and Millie are taking the opportunity to relax since Julia and MK are still awkward about the secret crush I totally lied about earlier. Maybe they’ll get together, maybe they won’t…but Nick ensures they totally do, if only because he refuses to let his OTP sink…at least not before he takes the opportunity to eliminate MK, who’s both a bigger social threat and less of a physical aid at the moment. I think she’s made it far enough for me not to have to explain her elimination in detail.
Episode 9. With Julia out of allies, she’s gotta either guarantee her team wins, bribe Chris into throwing in another immunity idol, or make one of her teammates look less desirable than her. In unrelated news, Raj is still missing Wayne after I cruelly tore the two apart. Axel’s now in on Nichelle and Felicity’s alliance, meaning Emma and Bowie have to get in their good books before Scary Girl (she’s still plenty mad at him) does what Fang does best. Try as the noble Priyanka and Millicent may, Julia manages to play up Raj’s misery to get Nick and Damien (in a moment of weakness) to vote him off. For whom Raj himself voted, I didn’t think too hard about, but the Snakes are sucking for a team with four different finalists on it. Oh, and Bowie is pissed. TOTAL DRAMA BOMB!
Episode 10. In the final pre merge episode, not much occurs. That dang moon from All-Stars is making Lauren act strange, even by her own standards, and not in a productive way. Bowie throws caution into the wind and goes all out in trying to make sure Julia goes home (don’t have to tell them twice), making Emma realize how tiring it is to have to play damage control to someone else’s revenge schemes. Nichelle takes charge, refusing to get eliminated before the merge again, while Chase gets everything on film. By this point, Millie’s competent enough to single-handedly win this for her team, and also by this point, Scary’s freaked enough people to get voted out. Of course, this isn’t the last we’ll see of her…because she ran off before Chef could apprehend her.
We now interrupt this program to bring you this picture of Team Victory I drew for a follow up to my iconic TDWT/Jellystone animatic. I wasn’t feeling like making a whole video, but I kept the boarded first shot anyway.
Episode 11. Chris has dissolved the teams for one purpose: catch Scary Girl before she tries to reenact the events of Scarlett Fever. To make a long freaking story short, they apprehend her…and Chris decides to go the Dakota route and give her a promotion…to tertiary third host…meaning she has the means to cause even more mayhem. And no, Chase, that doesn’t mean you get to submit challenge ideas.
Episode 12. It’s Scary’s first day on the new job, but Chris insists she “sTaRt SmAlL”. The girls’ alliance approaches Nick, partially to build their numbers but also because Felicity feels it’s only fair she at least tries to build a friendship with the other rookie player. He agrees, but only if he can bring Damien (his best friend on the island and his second favorite character). Bowie and Emma take their chance to get rid of two birds with one stone, since Priya and Julia now have nothing stopping them from maiming each other. And maim, maim, maim they do, since (as you could probably guess by how I highlighted their names), they both get sent packing! Did I deliberately hold off on voting them out solely so they’d reach the merge a third time? Yes. Did I do this because having them be proper enemies instead of rivals like in 23 was entertaining? Yes. Did I also do this to piss off the people complaining they (read: mostly Priya) had too much screen time? YES! Do I love making this fan base cry? You tell me.
Episode 13. Against his alliance’s better judgment, Nick tries to edge Bowie back into active villainy, realizing too late he’s prioritized competent gameplay over plot by getting rid of the main conflict. Unbeknownst to him, Millie has her sights on him, correctly viewing his alleged alliance as suspicious, not to mention him turning against MK a few episodes back. Damien suffers from a terrible disease called “having Scary Girl in your general vicinity”, and to add figurative insult to literal injury has to deal with Chase trying to befriend him at her request. Luckily for everyone, it’s a reward challenge for the final eight.
Episode 14. Nick may have awakened a monster. Trying to stir up drama again, he decides it’s a great idea to set Lauren on Emma, claiming A: that it’s the best way to get his attention, and B: that only she gets to cause him harm. Feeling genuine emotions of protection for the first time in her life, she does all she can to make Emma suffer (even though the latter genuinely doesn’t care what Chase does at this point and is willing to be polite if he doesn’t pull anything). Millie and Bowie put aside their differences to stake out Nick, but of course Bowie has other plans. The girls’ alliance continues to serve and oh would you look at that, Emma’s gone because she’s canonically rich anyway and Scary’s not gonna let up while she’s still on the island. I could’ve made her elimination not Chase related. But I didn’t. Emma deserves better, but this is Total Drama, where we don’t even remotely give a crap.
Episode 15. Bowie’s out of allies and Scary’s still after him, so now he really needs to keep Millie close, and what better way is there than to break up an alliance? Nick’s more than a little suspicious about Millie’s sudden investment about everything he does, prompting Bowie to claim she’s in love with him and can’t communicate it. Nick is doubtful, but the idea behind planted in his mind causes him to catch feelings. Damien, being Nick’s confidant and feeling guilty about how he indirectly screwed Priya and Caleb (and also Zee) last season concerning their romance arc, tries to steer him away from her. Axel and Scary bond a little when they trick out the Sling of Shame, and by that I of course mean they accidentally break it in half. Chris already sold the Drone of Despair, so let’s call this one a draw.
Episode 16. Bowie, now fully back in the groove of things, tries to drive a wedge between Nick and the rest of his alliance, while Nick has some delicious angst over what he should do about his budding feelings, knowing full well that Bowie’s lying to him but failing to realize Millie wants him gone. Felicity pops up for the first time in a while, which in Island would mean she’s going home next (let’s imagine she won immunity last episode) but here means the girls’ alliance goes through its first rough patch when Axel, who’s long since taken over as leader, tests Felicity’s resolve. Unfortunately for Axel, Millie, Bowie, Damien, and Nick view her signature brand of tough love out of context and drop her like Ripper’s parents dropped him.
Episode 17. Ten episodes left and a lucky number seven contestants remain. Chris tells the kids (or are they 18 by now?) upfront that today’s a reward challenge, the prize being a FaceTime with the eliminated contestants. Millie, still wanting answers, and Bowie, wanting to see Raj again, immediately dissolve their alliance. Everyone tries (except Chase, who had a phone the entire time and got to keep it three seasons in a row by not being as obvious as Julia was), but Millie comes out on top, ultimately learning about Nick’s alliance…and his crush. She has the decency to let Raj and Wayne say hi to Bowie. Chase learns something, too…
Episode 18. Nick decides Bowie’s more trouble than he’s worth, but rather than just telling everyone to vote him off (which he predictably finds overused), he decides to play a game of “show, but don’t tell”. So using that as the episode title. He immediately decides to play this on hard mode with the two remaining contestants who have the least amount of beef with him: the fangirl Felicity and the airheaded Chase. Surprisingly, this actually works and Bowie gets sent home, Nick realizing he doesn’t have to rely on others to make drama for him. Millie sees what he’s doing but is confused about his slightly convoluted methods, not helped by Nick’s complete and utter failure to explain himself, by this point completely smitten. Damien notices that Nick’s popularity is fading and decides to lie low for a bit rather than betray him or risk being associated with him.
Episode 19. Reward challenge time? With only Millie, Felicity, Nichelle, Chase, Damien, and himself left, Nick seriously considers playing the main villain. Chase is the odd man out, lacking any sort of alliance and still having sort of a target on his back, but he doesn’t seem too concerned. Millie struggles to approach Nick without breaking his heart, since while he isn’t really her ally, he hasn’t really done much to wrong her. After all, he’s a better partner than opponent.
Episode 20. Every villain has their nemesis, and Nick was not expecting it to be Chase of all people, but Chase outs him before Millie can. Damien sticks by Nick (in silence of course, because he’s still friends with Nichelle and to a lesser extent Felicity), but Millie’s conflicted. Nonetheless, Nichelle and Felicity start gunning for him, breaking up the alliance, and they would’ve gotten away with it too, if Chris didn’t remember sudden death challenges exist. Millie has the misfortune of finishing last and is sent home, but not before she decides to just ask him out, figuring she doesn’t have anything to lose at this point.
Episode 21. Notice a pattern? It’s another reward challenge! Scary Girl’s been in a rut lately, and the challenges have grown dull, so Chris has brought in many of TD’s most terrifying beasts, mutants included back on to spice things up a bit. Even the Dakotazoid returns, half the size she was before but now sporting wings for some reason. I guess mutations evolve. Chase chooses now to start caring about other people, but because it’s Chase it’s doomed to backfire horribly, given that it gives Lauren a wonderfully wicked idea…
Episode 22. …that involves locking people in closets. Specifically Chris and Chef. Scary Girl’s the host today and she’s back and more terrifying than ever. Nick, Nichelle, Felicity, and Chase put aside their differences (not that Felicity ever had issues with any of them) when the challenge becomes “Stop Lauren”. Aaaand now I realize Scarlett Fever was probably recycled from the scrapped episode where Dakota hosted the show after locking Chris and Chef in a closet herself. Anywho, Chase is fired on the spot for starting this whole mess…right before Scary kisses him, resigns, hops on the sling with him, declaring him her “boyfriend for eternity”. Chase has only half a second to process what the freshwater frick just happened before getting flung away.
Episode 23. Can you tell I’m getting tired? Only four remain, split between two alliances who used to be part of a greater one. Nick assures the others it’s nothing personal before things can start. Things happen, hijinks ensue, interns are mauled, but it’s ultimately Nichelle who crosses the finish line last. Better 4th than 12th or 14th. On that note, now we all know Felicity’s gonna be a finalist.
Episode 24. Nick and Damien part ways somewhat amicably, Nick knowing it was bound to happen eventually.
Episode 25. One final breather episode: this one’s just a big pre finale party! Really, the only thing the contestants need to worry about are Chase diving into the cake, Wayne and Raj freezing the pool, and Julia and MK doing their darnedest to bring the mood down.
Episode 26. A simple, no frills finale…is what I’d say if Chris hadn’t brought back every finalist the show has had (including Ezekiel, ostensibly because he got the TDWT prize money, but mostly to squeeze some mayhem in before Zeke’s first therapy meeting), in particular Priya, Bowie, Millie, Wayne, Julia, and Caleb. Damien vs Felicity vs Nick, battle of the nerds! Three go in…one comes out.
#total drama island#total drama spoilers#total drama fanart#total drama reboot#td ripper#td zee#td caleb#td wayne#td mk#td raj#td scary girl#team victory#td ezekiel#td harold#td bridgette#td leshawna#td lindsay#td dj#td priya#td julia#td emma#td axel#td bowie#td millie#td chase#td nichelle#td damien#td oc#total drama fan season#total drama fanfiction
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September Prompt Session
Hello Lovelies!
Happy September! I know fall is around the corner and I am BEYOND excited (But here in California it is in the triple digits so that's not great at the moment!). However, this is my favorite season and a great introduction to the holiday season that is coming before we know it!
Last week I put on a poll to see what theme you all wish to see next in our prompt session! The result made me smile since it was one of my favorite prompts I've ever done! Thank you to see who voted, and with that, our next theme is:
Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is one list for this session. Please provide the number AND the character you wish for me to write.
Example: May I have Azriel from ACOTAR with #3?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Friday, September 13th, at 3:00 PST.
This session is going to be short since I'm going to a concert on Saturday with my cousin
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
Imprint - the soulmate’s touch will leave an imprint on their skin, aka Destiel ‘gripped you tight’
Sense8 - being telepathically connected to your soulmate no matter where in the world they are (and speaking and understanding their language)
Markings - a soulmate mark that only the soulmates have in common
Tattoo - when they reach a certain age, a tattoo shows up on their bodies that they have in common
Eye-colour - only being able to see everything in the colour of their soulmate’s eyes
Grey to multi-coloured - only being able to see grey until they meet their soulmate
Sharing injuries - receiving the same injuries (to a lesser extent) that their soulmate suffers from
Empathy - sharing the same emotions as their soulmate when they are close by
Names - their soulmate’s name is written on their body (maybe only initials)
First Word - the first word/sentence they hear their soulmate say is written on their body
Timer - everyone has a timer that’s counting down till they meet their soulmate
Dreamy - seeing their soulmate’s dreams or being able to communicate with them in their dreams
No harm done - soulmates are not able to hurt each other physically
Sharing songs - being able to share songs with their soulmate in their heads
Clock - everyone has a clock that shows the time zone their soulmate is in
Taste - only being able to taste anything after meeting their soulmate
Danger alert - people can feel when their soulmate is in danger
Tell no lie - it’s impossible to lie to your soulmate
Voice in their head - the voice in their head is their soulmate’s voice
Sharing birthdays - soulmates are born on the same day, share the first breath with each other
Tugging - being able to feel a tug in the direction of your soulmate if they are feeling a strong emotion
Different soulmates - people are not necessarily their soulmate’s soulmate
Once again, I will not be taking any requests after Friday, September 13th, at 3:00 PM PST. And don't worry, once October comes around I'll definitely get into a Fall Prompt Session!
Thank you and happy writing!
Tagging -@a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika @basicrese
#azriel acotar#azriel x you#eddie munson x you#Eddie munson x reader#shang chi x reader#druig x reader#jack russell x you#werewolf by night fanfiction#eternals fanficiton#marvel cinematic universe fanfiction#stranger things fanfiction#azriel shadowsinger#azriel x female reader#barry keoghan x reader#joseph quinn x reader#jack russell x reader#benedict Bridgerton x reader#eternals fanfiction#oliver wood x reader#oliver wood fanfiction#writing#fanfiction#druig#eternals#joseph quinn#barry keoghan#acotar#acotar fanfiction#azriel x female!reader#azriel x reader
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DCAS Episode 14 Spoilers Below
I've never been more infuriated with this show. Gabby? GABBY???? That's who you're gonna eliminate here?
So we can wrap up Ally's entire character arc in like a single confessional and have her leave Jake to be mauled by a bear (which, sidenote, why is it that every time they need us to root for their precious uwu gay boy man protag they have a woman w/ a ponytail leave them to die in like a comedically violent situation. That's 2 nickels ONC) and set her up to be a swing vote. Yeah ok sure whatever.
But we're gonna eliminate Gabby in suck an anticlimactic fucking way? We couldn't even go to the campfire first? We couldn't give it a proper buildup? Like up until the moment of you think it'll be Grett bc of Gabby's whole struggle with Evil Gabby and idk, the whole thing feels like a Gotcha elimination. Gabby didn't leave because it made sense, she was eliminated because they wanted some shock factor. Bullshit. Riya and Aiden (both already finalists) made it to the final 7 but Gabby places 8th twice in a row??? After all that setup??????
Also just. Did we really have to do a love arrow thing again. I don't mind Aleriya in concept but in practice it's just kind of meh. There are more interesting things we could be doing. Alec and Connor don't feel like they had enough of a bond for Connor to be as upset as Alec as he is. Also also, that speed-shark of plot convenience to save Alec's ass was stupid. I don't want to suffer through another episode of love triangle melodrama
And this is more me personally than it is a fault of the show but fuck it, I'm already complaining. A tiktok challenge? Really? I did not need to watch these characters twerking off the side of a boat to shitty tiktok sounds
Good thing about this episode uhhhhhhh. The scene with Jake and Connor at the end was fine. Jake being the best part of this ep tells me he's winning this season and their plan for his full redemption is actually to just tank everyone else around him so no one else looks like a viable winner
Anyways by process of elimination, now that Gabby is gone I'm rooting for Grett to win, if only bc everyone else left either isn't viable or is named Jake. Mayyyyyyybe they could get away with a Connor win but like, dude's a millionare, tf is he gonna do with 3 more million
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Grogu looking out of the frosted over canopy of the Razor Crest just before Din Djarin (out of frame) leaves the icy planet Maldo Kreis. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 2, The Passenger. Calendar from DataWorks.
Grogu was watching his dad repair the ship. Well, not really repair the ship. It was too damaged for full repairs or even good repairs. Apparently the best he could do was seal them into the bridge and cross their fingers and hope they would reach Trask. Eventually. They hoped.
He felt kind of bad about what happened. He didn’t mean for the giant spiders to attack the Razor Crest. He was just bored and hungry and little bit annoyed with his dad. That sort of thing was bound to happen under those circumstances. At least that had been his experience.
You do something innocuous, get caught, explain why you did it and how it was no big deal, and then, oops, something dramatic happens and there is nothing you can do but hang on tight and ask the Force to save your butt just one more time. At least that’s how Ian used to describe it when they compared notes after each unplanned adventure they went on.
Like that time they went on the field trip to the Galactic Senate building. Nothing special was happening that day according to the protocol droid who escorted them through the building. According to their schedule the only thing the Senators would be debating and voting on was the renaming of several Republic buildings and docking facilities.
Grogu had no idea why buildings needed names. Ian had been quick to respond that not everyone knew their unique ident codes. Grogu hadn’t even known that they had unique ident codes or why that would be useful.
“Of course they need an ident code! How could the database of information on them be properly maintained if they didn’t have a unique identifier? It would be a mess!”
Grogu had been surprised that Ian was so knowledgeable and so passionate something as dull as ident codes for buildings and docking facilities.
“Listen, kid, if they didn’t have unique ident codes, you’d never know what sort of stuff they had crammed in them. When you have access to the Republic ‘database of resources and locations of operations’ you’re able to determine the most appropriate site to visit to fulfill whatever needs you have at the time. It’s all about logistics, kid. And, as you know, logistics are the key to every successful heist… uh… project.”
What the heck? When did Ian become a fan of logistics? He was talking like a cross between a pirate and a smuggler. That just struck Grogu as odd, much like Ian calling him ‘kid’. As far as he could tell, they were pretty close to being the same age.
“Listen, I know you know all about being a Jedi, Kid… uh, Grogu. But I know other things because it’s been important for me to know other things. Things like logistics and warehouse management. Okay?”
Grogu had simply nodded. He thought they should just drop the subject and focus on the tour. Ian seemed to agree and they went with the other younglings and their protocol droid guide and entered the Senate chamber to listen to the debate and votes. Master Yoda had thought it was important for the younglings to witness and understand how the galactic government worked for some reason.
The room was amazing and the strangest space that Grogu had ever been in, which he hadn’t thought was possible given how unique the Jedi Temple was. Ian, of course, zipped right over to the command console and studied it in silence while the protocol droid was advising them that the debates about naming facilities was simple in essence but could be complicated by various political factions within the Senate. The droid advised them all to be quiet and just listen to the debate.
That was a fine thing for the droid to say, but Grogu couldn’t see or hear anything. First he didn’t even understand why the seating disk had a central console. All it did was block his view and make it hard for him to understand what the heck was going on. He made his way over to Ian and asked him to help.
“Sure, buddy. Just be a minute. I have to wait for the opportune moment.”
Ian went back to studying the console, while Grogu hopped up on it and sat on the leading edge. From there he could at least hear what was going on, even if he still couldn’t really see the people because the distances were so great.
“The chancellor will recognize the Senator from Dathomir.”
“Thank you, your Eminence. It is with deep reverence and sincere appreciation of the importance of recognizing important people from Dathomirian history, that I propose that Revan the Defender be honored by renaming the Republic Space Station in orbit around Dathomir as the Revan the Dark Lord of the Sith Space Station and Immigrant Processing Center.”
Who? What? Why? Huh? The people assembled seemed just as stunned as he was. Since when did anything get named after an ancient Sith Lord?
Grogu would have asked those questions but suddenly their seating disk was flying forward and, before Ian could get it under control, slow it down, veer off, or do anything that would have helped prevent a crash with the Dathomiran seating disk, it crashed into the Dathomiran seating disk.
Grogu went flying and landed on the control console of that Dathomiran seating disk, much to everyone’s surprise. He certainly hadn’t done that on purpose, but as long as he was there he thought he could ask those questions. Who better than the Dathomirans to answer him? But he over estimated how willing the Senator would be to respond to questions when he was covered with someone’s blood. But persistence was an important Jedi trait and Grogu tried to ask his question. The Dathomiran Senator was able to ignore him for two reasons. First, he was bellowing to the Chancellor that there would be hell to pay before the Dathomirans ever came back to the galactic Senate, due to this outrage. And second, one of attendants was trying to wipe the blood up, but just managed to smear it around.
It occurred to Grogu that given his location he could probably fly the seating disk over to the first aid station at the base of the room in order to help the obviously upset and injured Senator. Unfortunately, he knew just as much as Ian had about flying the disks and before he knew it the disk leapt forward and struck another disk and then shot backward, hitting the Jedi younglings’ disk again, and then finally, it plummeted to the floor of the Senate chamber.
Grogu arrested the fall just in the nick of time, because after all using the Force to save your butt and the butts of the people with you was a typical Jedi behavior. The Dathomirans were not impressed and before he knew it they actually answered all his questions about why they would want to honor Darth Revan.
He was glad about that at least. The trip wasn’t a total waste of time. Although he knew he’d never hear the end of it from Ian. Or Master Yoda. The protocol droid had nothing to say to him because it had been the source of the ‘blood’ on the Senator from Dathomir and was no longer functional. A lot like the Razor Crest, strangely enough. Life was strange and then it just got stranger.
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Dream SMP High School Drama AU POG?!?!?!
Background idea:
Dream Team are like,,,, the student council for a high school in Utah (yes, Utah), and basically, Tommy comes and causes havoc, Dream steals his discs, and suspends him for causing a bit too much trouble, and there's a full blown school war when Tommy gets outta fuckin' suspension (school wars = multiple food fights + fucking tryna kill eachother at dances + rap battle shit)
Tommy then wins the war via winning a game of uno and trading his tamagotchi for the discs with Dream, Wilbur wanted to monopolize selling literal water bottles here (Drug empire shit), L'manberg arc is basically trying to overthrow the dteam student council, the final control room was Eret starting off a food fight, the Tommy and Dream duel was them fighting with Pokémon cards.
After Tommy lost and gave the discs to dteam, they decided to make L'manberg the new student council, which made Wilbur president and everything was well and dandy until election arc comes.
Election arc was just fuckin everyone running for student council president, Quackity and Schlatt still did the merging votes thing and they won, but Schlatt was overall a worse president than Wilbur.
Festival happened, but Tubbo was basically just beaten up by Techno (dw the nurse did everything, also Techno didn't get suspended or some shit).
Pogtopia was basically Pogtopia, Wilbur goes insane over just a couple school drama (Tommy tries to tell him it was just petty school drama), but yeah, a final school war goes on and Techno summoning wither skulls was just them fighting shit in Minecraft.
Wilbur prepared ACTUAL FUCKING explosives (yes, he is basically J.D here), Phil appears, he pushes the button anyways, and the entire cafeteria was just imploded (dw no one was hurt).
Wilbur actually voluntarily gets suspended from school grounds indefinetly, this spreads all over the news and gets named the "POGTOPIA INCIDENT OF 2020"
Wilbur, George, Techno, Phil, Callahan, and Alyssa all graduate school.
Season 2 timeeeeee
Afterwards, everyone then makes Tubbo school president, making New L'manberg, Ghostbur = Wilbur sending letters from college, since he graduated in season 1.
The entire exile incident was Tommy tearing George's notebook + stealing some of George's stuff + committing a bit of arson with Ranboo (he just transferred here) and Tubbo suspends Tommy indefinetly and Dream is assigned to keep an eye on him.
While Tommy was in exile, Technoblade's execution was the butcher army beating him up, Techno scars Quackity, yadayadayada. (ALSO ALL THIS HAPPENED IN TECHNO'S APARTMENT)
In "exile", Dream hits Tommy with the manipulation a bit TOO hard and Tommy attempts suuui... ummmmm unaliving himself... yeah, unaliving himself, turns out, he survives the entire fucking thing.
Doomsday happened, and ACTUAL explosives were rigged again (yes, everyone is still under 21, so it's fuckin' illegal), and both the cafeteria and school hall were blown up, no one was hurt still, and everyone involved with Doomsday were college students except for Dream, so, no one got suspended or got detention.
The disc confrontation was basically everyone in the school hall tryna suspend Dream from school grounds so uhhhh, that worked I guess...
Dream, Sapnap, Bad, Skeppy, Ant, Punz, H, Quackity, and Foolish all graduate school.
Lmk if you'd like to see more of this au !!
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The 2025 Project is an open, publicly admitted plan to turn the country into a militarized christofascist police stat run by a full on dictator. The people responsible for that plan laid out their intentions very explicitly more than a year ago, and it's laid out carefully enough that it's basically fully constitutionally legal, which means the practicality of fighting it from a minority position is going to be extremely difficult.
And if KOSA passes, that authoritarian 'purge-the-filth-destroying-America' regime will have a list of names and addresses. Every single person I care about will be on it.
I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing 'most important election in our lifetime' about every single election, but the right has gotten so extreme that yes, the stakes really are higher every single time. The 2025 Project isn't built on new ideas. But the entire conservative apparatus being bold enough to admit it publicly? That's new. And it's TERRIFYING that they're comfortable enough to not hide it.
The Supreme Court already has a very difficult conservative majority set in place by Trump's first term. Roe v. Wade was overturned as a direct result of this, by justices who lied under oath when they swore during their confirmation hearings that it was settled law.
If he's allowed the chance to appoint 1-2 more?
There's not a single progressive piece of legislation in the entire 20th century that's off the table for them. They've already marked some of their targets.
It's literally the difference between a world where we're arguing over a Green New Deal, and one where we're at risk of losing every consumer protection set in place by the FIRST New Deal.
The system we have absolutely sucks.
One of two people will be the winner of the 2024 election. It will either be the incumbent Joe Biden, who has bad PR and bad foreign policy but has made a number of very important boring domestic policy procedural changes behind the scenes that have materially improved the quality of life of many people.
Or it will be the leading candidate from the Republican party. A party that is running on a publicly admitted plan to establish full christofascist domination over all aspects of life in America.
There is no third option.
Elections are the only GUARANTEED WAY for you to have a say in any aspect of public life in which the government is forced to listen to your opinion. Why would you EVER give that up?
Idealism is for organizing. It's for networking who your allies are and working on cooperative, practical, real-world actions you can take to materially improve the lives of people. And you can express SOME of that idealism during Primary season, when you have some influence over the formation of your party's political agenda and platform it runs and operates on for the next 2-4 years.
The general election is for HARM REDUCTION. You take the least bad option you possibly can, and then you spend the time AFTER that election applying public pressure to get the best possible outcomes you can, and shape the direction things move so you can get a more favorable choice next time. IN ORDER TO DO THIS, you need someone who is RECEPTIVE TO YOUR FEEDBACK. You need the person closest to your political goals to be the one listening.
Voting ISN'T enough. But it is the mandatory minimum. Nothing good comes of moving aside while the greater of two evils takes over.
There's no 'revolution' coming to save us. It would be very, VERY bad for us if one actually did happen. The Republican party has a gameplan for their next attempted coup.
Do you have a plan to survive it?
Are you confident that all of your allies will? Or are we all just collateral damage for your moral high ground?
If you can't get off your ass and do the easiest possible civic action, any moral high ground you claim from your purity politics is worthless. To me, and to every other vulnerable, marginalized person whose life is on the line.
Yes, it sucks that Biden is the best choice we have.
But if you won't choose the option where we live to fight another day, what good are your politics at all?
What good is the activism and leftism you claim to stand for when all it's standing on is the bodies of the people you didn't protect?
How's the air up there on your high horse? Can you breathe through the smoke of all this scorched earth?
You must not STOP at voting. But you must START with it.
The “don’t vote” left’s point is basically that, if Biden gets a second term, it’ll basically signal that “They’ll vote for us as long as we’re not Republicans, why don’t we do some REAL fucked up shit, if we can get away with it?” It takes the power out of the people’s hands and places it firmly in the party’s.
I can’t completely disagree with that, my caveat is that there’s no real alternative system or party in place, because top-down change is ineffective; a third party president has to contend with a two party congress.
Except no. This whole "Biden just wants to do as much fucked up shit as possible while not being a Republican, and if you give him a second term he'll do more fucked up shit deliberately to spite you" mindset is only possible as an interpretation if you a) deliberately and comprehensively ignore everything he has done to date, and b) you approach the situation with the maximum bad faith possible. Not to mention, the ultimate outcome of this Big Important Teaching Biden A Lesson is that Trump gets back into power and makes everything orders of magnitude worse, because he does in fact want to deliberately do evil shit to everyone and says so at every opportunity. There is not some magical happy alternative that springs into existence by not voting. If you choose this as a year to Teach Biden A Lesson, you are enabling Trump. Trump will be much, much worse. If you don't care about that, I still do not care what your Great Ideology is. You are not helping anyone and you are directly and irreversibly hurting everyone.
I made a post a few days ago wherein I mentioned that I want to assess Biden fairly, taking into account both strengths and weaknesses, but the rampant bad-faith, lying, misreading, misrepresentation, and open sabotage of him (especially by the online left; the GOP sometimes only wishes they were as good at turning Biden's voter pool against him) makes it really difficult to do that. My frustration with those people makes me just want to go "BIDEN IS GREAT THE END." I know he is a flawed old man (though by literally every account of a career spent in public service, he really does care about making the world a better place and any remotely good faith reading of his accomplishments thus far can see that). It is also very likely that he goes MORE left in a second term because he won't have to face the electorate again, he has always gone more left when pushed before, and he's not actually the scheming genocidal mastermind that leftist social media paints him as. Shocking, I know.
I know there are things in the world we don't like and don't want and want to stop, and therefore we blame our own president for not making it stop. But I have zero, no, none, absolutely none whatsoever sympathy for this pseudo-populist "WE NEED TO TEACH BIDEN A LESSON BY ELECTING TRUMP AGAIN, I AM VERY MORAL MUCH ACTIVIST" mindset. There's this funny thing about America wherein it is still (for now) a democracy. If Biden wins a second term, he can't run again. I would take literally anything these people said more seriously if they focused on developing their dream progressive successor for 2028 (and also figured out how to get that person elected and in a place to make real change) rather than cynically sabotaging Biden in the most consequential election year, again, of our lifetimes. If you don't like him now, find a way to make his successor a better option. Throwing a toddler tantrum and handing the country back to a senile, deranged, fascist, revenge-riddled, theocratic Trump HELPS. NOBODY. I still don't know how many times I'm going to have to say that, but yeah.
#eldritch rant#every fucking cycle I have less patience for never-vote leftists#you don't like the choices you have?#SUCK. IT. UP.#No one in the history of elections has ever been perfectly happy with the outcome.#Pull your head out of your ass and do WHAT YOU CAN to protect as many people as possible#if you won't do harm reduction now you won't have the chance to later#what revolution do you hope to fight when you've stood by and let all your 'comrades' die
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Ok wait I’m not done ranting about tonight’s Survivor yet.
Another reason that Maryanne and Drea chose to not vote each other out is because they probably realized they NEED each other to be present in the game to have a chance to win.
There has never been a Black winner who didn’t have another Black contestant with them either at the end, or close to the end.
Wendell had Laurel, who he teamed up with after the tribe switch, and stuck with until the final tribal council. Wendell has said (I believe during one of the Black Voice of Survivor Roundtables) that for the first few days on the island, he actually purposefully avoided being seen talking to the other Black contestant, Desiree, because he didn’t want either of them to be targeted and stand out for aligning early on. When he had a more comfortable position in the game, and his alliance with Dominick, that’s when he felt safe enough to become close to Laurel. That relationship with Laurel literally won him the game since she was the unprecedented tie breaking vote.
Jeremy had Tasha with him at the end. The alliances of Cambodia were pretty fluid throughout the season, especially due to all the swaps, it wasn’t until later in the merge that he and Tasha, along with Spencer, really became a team. The jury accused Tasha of doing all of Jeremy’s dirty work, and he got an unanimous vote in the end.
Earl had Cassandra and Dreamz, and to this day this is the only fully Black Final Three in Survivor history. I admittedly have not yet watched this season in full (my brother has gotten into Survivor, so I want to watch this season with him eventually), but part of that is because I’ve heard over the years that this jury is infamously bitter during final tribal and that Lisi was racist, so I’m sort of dreading watching it even though I know Earl wins in the end with the unanimous vote.
Vecepia is the only Black winner to win Survivor without having another Black person with them at the final tribal council. For most of the merge, she and Sean were the only people from her original tribe and the only Black people left in the game. Luckily, instead of being picked off one by one, they wrangled together people at the bottom of the other alliance to vote everyone else out. He got 5th place, so he was with her for 36 of the 39 days. She only won against Neleh by one vote. She became the first Black winner, the ONLY Black woman to win so far, and the first Black winner of any reality TV show.
When Survivor Winners at War came around, Wendell and Jeremy once again made a point of not seeming like they were a pair because they knew, as the only Black people, other contestants might make assumptions. This didn’t work since Wendell was eliminated at the merge because of how “close” he was to Jeremy, and Jeremy was on the chopping block for nearly every tribal council until he was finally eliminated. The other contestants considered Jeremy and Wendell to be an obvious pair, but did not seem to care about “Cops R Us.” I’m not even complaining about Cop R Us as an alliance, unless it’s to complain about the name, since I genuinely enjoyed watching Tony and Sarah’s friendship get them far in the game and have an emotional end. But Wendell and Jeremy had a target on their back from the get-go because as the only two Black men, everyone just assumes they’re a tight pair and tight pairs are dangerous so they have to go. Tony and Sarah had the privilege of not LOOKING like they’d be a tight pair, despite having played on 2 other seasons together and sharing a profession and having A NAME for their alliance, so they stayed a little more under the radar. So while we need other Black people to be with us in the game order to win, just being seen talking to other Black people can be dangerous because it can scare the other contestants into thinking there’s an alliance that needs to be broken up. It’s a very fragile balance, which is why it’s only been accomplished 4 times so far. (Also Vecepia says she wasn’t even asked to compete in Winners at War, so there’s that. Earl declined due to having a new baby)
Something that’s weird, and something that I didn’t notice until writing this post, is that when we do win Survivor, we either win unanimous votes, or we win by only one vote (and it’s the one made by another Black contestant). Not sure what that means exactly, but it’s interesting now that I’ve noticed.
We’ve had 4 winners out of 41 seasons, less than 10% of winners are Black when we make up 12.4% of the American population (14.2% if you count mixed-race Black people like myself). We’ve had only one Black woman win, and that was 20 years ago. In 3 of the 4 cases, there was another Black person sitting at final tribal council with the winner.
There has been 1 Final Two with one Black person in it (Vecepia won), 3 Final Threes with at least two Black people (Earl, Jeremy, and Wendell won), and 7 Final Threes with only one Black person (no Black winners). Statistically, we need another Black person in the Final Three in order to win because we’ve never won a season as the lone Black person at the end. The only time we have won alone was when it was a Final Two, and Survivor doesn’t seem to want to ever do those again.
I hope Maryanne and Drea make it to the end together, and that we finally get another Black woman winning. Based on every other situation, they need each other there to win.
#survivor#survivor 42#survivor 42 spoilers#survivor spoilers#if i got anything wrong let me know but i looked through all the Final Twos and it was just Vecepia#i went and rewatched 4 episodes of Shadow and Bone and needlepointed#but honestly i forget which episode but there was one scene where i had to rewind like 5 times#because i was staring at my needlepoint and internally raging about survivor and not paying attention to the show#then once i finished the show i tried to calm down#then i didn't calm down#then i wrote this over the last hour#also worth noting i haven't seen marquesas in full since Hulu is missing episodes and i'm not paying for paramount plus#or at least not paying yet. maybe in a month or so i might just buy it so i can keep showing my brother more seasons#also don't come at me with 'there aren't a lot of Hispanic winners' i am very aware of that and same for Asian winners#but i'm talking about Black people since i am Black and i've lived the Black experience#but if anyone actually wants me to try to research stuff about other contestants of color and win rates and stuff i'd be very happy to.#i just pay more attention to the Black players due to myself being Black#so that's all more readily available and i don't need to research as much
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Plots line and episode themes that would have improved Sons of Anarchy.
Against my better judgement, I'm re-watching Sons of Anarchy. I've come up with some things that I think would have been good to see; most of them are silly, childish, and unrealistic, but that show was in dire need of some lightness. These are in no particular order, and you are more than welcome to use these ideas for fanfiction (not that they're any good). I must stress that this is for fun, I know how ridiculous all of this sounds.
1. A "day in the life episode" where we follow everyone around for a day or two to see what life was really like.
2. A Halloween episode, trick or treat, decorating the clubhouse, and there's an urban legend that if you ride on Halloween night, you might see the grim reaper on the road. Everyone knows it, half the club is scared shitless, and the other half couldn't care less.
3. A Christmas episode, they have a gift exchange at church, Juice gets everyone a gift certificate to Clear Passages. Happy is secretly the best gift-giver, Gemma insists on spoiling her grandchildren, and Clay is a dick about it.
4. The kitty plotline, Happy, Tig or Kozik (they seem to be the animal lovers), find a neonatal (0-8 weeks) orphaned kitten and spend their day bottle feeding it; everyone takes turns looking after the kitten. They vote for their name, and they are allowed to up on to the church table (not without protest for Clay). One day the kitten falls asleep on the gavel, and no one has the heart to do anything
5. An episode that follows Able and Thomas. We get to see Jax be a father and actually do shit instead of leaving it to Tara and Gemma.
6. An episode that follows the Old Ladies.
7. A "there's a huge storm approaching" episode, where everyone bunkers down to prepare for the oncoming storm. There's at least one scene with thunder and lighting, Piney lets the kitten hide in his Kutt.
8. An episode where a bunch of pick-up artists got to the club thinking they could pick up women and are kicked out for being assholes.
9. A "save the bees" episode where Gemme guilts all the guys into helping out the community garden.
10. The prison plotline. Season 3 should have been a few episodes longer where we get to see the guys in prison and how the club is doing without them. We get more on Tara and Gemma, and there's an episode where Thomas is born.
11. Jax, Tara and the kids go to a shelter to adopt a cat (Charlie Hunnan is a cat person). Happy told Jax if he didn't go to a shelter, he would never forgive him.
12. We actually see the planning of the wedding in season 4. Gemma insists everything be a certain way.
13. An episode that shows the Croweaters (I hate that term) as people and not props.
14. A club party episode (similar to patch over) where we see everything from the planning to the cleanup.
15. A church episode, where most of the episode is set in the temple.
16. An episode where we get to see the guys doing their day jobs as mechanics, workplace inspectors come along, and Gemma death glares then into giving a good report.
17. A musical episode, lots of shows have done one, and the cast is full of excellent singers. Alternatively, someone buys a karaoke machine, and everyone tries it out.
18. In an ideal world, seasons 6-7 didn't happen, and there wasn't so much tragedy but saying that the last scene should have been Jax seeing Tara's spirit and them crossing into the afterlife together. I dislike her character, but Jax did love her, and I still refuse to watch the last half of season 7 because of the shit end, I just wanted a happy ending.
#sons of anarchy#jax teller#happy lowman#soa#juice ortiz#chibs telford#fanfiction#fit it#gemma teller#tara knowles#opie winston#lyla winston#abel teller#thomas teller#charlie hunnam#david labrava#theo rossi#clay morrow#ron perlman#katy sagal#maggie siff#samcrow#john teller#fic ideas#very au#happy endings only
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My prediction for the new season
Hello. A while back I made a prediction on the elimination of the new cast on the assumption that the original promo photos revealed the full teams. But now that the mipcom posters revealed the teams I think I'll guess who's getting eliminated
16: Julia
Nothing about Julia really sticks out to me. My honest guess is she'll be a valley girl and get voted out first for screwing up
15: Wayne
Wayne seems to be the leader of his hockey team back home and I can imagine him trying to apply those skills to the game but doing poorly. I can also see Nichelle seeing him as a threat seeing as him and Raj could get someone else on their side for an easy alliance and be the first person she eliminates
14: Ripper
I think Ripper is an online name and that he'll be an avid internet user of some kind. I could see him also butting heads or being the Ezekiel of the season with some outdated world views which gets him eliminated (maybe being a stand in for Ben Shapiro fans or something? IDK hope not) but I see him butting heads with other members of the team and being the first person kicked off it
13: Millie
I see Millie as being a headstrong team mom leader type, but I also see her butting heads with Axel who would also want to claim leadership of the team. Eventually, Axel wins and forms an alliance (maybe with Chase or Damien) and Millie gets voted off
12: Emma
I think Emma will be the ditzy Lindsay type of the season. Maybe she'll work with Nichelle similar to Lindsay and Heather, but my current guess is that Nichelle will team up with Caleb and use his popularity to influence votes, with Emma being deemed unnecessary and voted off
11: Raj
I just don't see him getting to the merge without Wayne. Maybe he'll try to fill his shoes but not get that far before his elimination
10: Zee
Might be biased as a lot of people see him as a first boot, but he's my favourite design so far so I want him to make it. However, I think he'll be eliminated just before the merge as a liability to his team
9: Priya
I could see Priya being a more plain character like Sky or Zoey to bounce off the more animated members of the cast. But for now I think that role will go to chase while she gets eliminated by Axel's alliance
Merge (Damien, Axel, Chase, Scary Girl, Caleb, Nichelle, Bowie and MK remain)
8: Caleb
I think the first thing to be established in the merge is a rivalry between Axel and Nichelles alliances. I could see MK joining the other teams decision to vote off one of them out of fear the alliance gets too strong later. Eventually Axel's alliance chooses Caleb for his strength and charisma, but not before him and Bowie get together.
7: Axel
Nichelle uses the same paranoia tactic that worked on getting Caleb eliminated by Axel on her. Members outside of the alliance are convinced to vote her off to ensure she doesn't get too strong later
6: Scary Girl
I think Scary Girl will get eliminated in a sudden death elimination, or an Izzy-esque situation where everyone is just fed up with her antics. I still believe my theory that she's trans, and will come away from the experience with her new name and identity and walk away happy
5: Damien
I think once Axel gets eliminated, Damien will spend the rest of the season trying to get Nichelle and Bowie eliminated, going to almost concerning lengths to do so. I could see him getting eliminated in a sudden death challenge or Nichelle and Bowie getting either Chase or MK to vote him off
4 and 3: Bowie and Nichelle
With this being a 16 member cast and a 13 episode run, a double elimination has to happen eventually, and it'll end with a team up of Bowie and Nichelle Vs Chase and MK. At the end of the challenge, Bowie will throw the challenge for both of them, resulting in Nichelle losing her chance at the million
2: Chase
The de facto main character with the most focus this season. I think he'll be the amputee character and make it to the finale determined to prove those who doubted him wrong, but lose in the finale to...
1: MK
I think MK will end up winning the season. I see her being a relaxed slacker type who can think outside the box and provide creative solutions when she needs to. She would also have the WT Cody effect where she'd make it far simply by merging and then not having much of an involvement with any drama.
So that was my prediction for the new season. Please let me know your ideas for who you think is winning or losing
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Hey, i kinda wanna explore the full scope? Of fundys character esp during season 1? So i was gonna ask for some Fundy vod recommendations to really understand him. Thank you!
Sure! Sorry this one took me a while to answer. I wanted to give a properly fleshed-out list
I'll just sort of give the whole list of streams that include character lore with a brief description of what happens. Not every one of these is the most important stuff, but figured it might be nice to just make a full reference post so that you can decide for yourself which ones to watch.
Fundy Lore VODs List: Season One (+ a bit of Season Two)
First up: The L'manburg War.
July 30: Dream SMP - joining a revolution
At this point Fundy had been on the server for a few weeks and he had already gotten involved in the hot dog drug van scheme before, but here's where his character lore starts getting fleshed out. This is where he first becomes Wilbur's son.
July 31: $1000 minecraft wipeout event
Towards the end of this stream is where Fundy attempts to convince George to betray Dream in the war and join L'manburg.
August 2: Dream SMP - THE GREAT WAR!!!!!!
Fundy's POV of the L'manburg War.
August 4: Dream SMP - I hurt my mouth so I can't talk a lot
This is the stream where Fundy shrinks Eret's tower. When Tommy and Jack come talk to him, Fundy comes up with some lore about his mother for the first time: "Sally," the accountant salmon who raised him.
After this, it's mostly a period of fun pranks and more casual hijinks. The next big thing for Fundy's character is the Pet War.
Fundy finds out about Fungi's death and takes his revenge on Sapnap with Niki's help.
August 30: SAPNAP MUST PAY - Dream SMP
This stream is mostly chill up until towards the end where Fundy plays his bee game with Punz. Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity come to back him up at the tower.
August 31: NO MERCY - Dream SMP
Fundy and Niki find Sapnap and Dream's hidden pets and create an obsidian chamber to house Beelloon. Towards the end, there's a confrontation between Fundy and Sapnap.
This is the L'manburg civil war stream where there's a brief conflict between Fundy and Tubbo, and Tommy diffuses it before it escalates. This is the event that Wilbur references when he describes how he needs to consolidate power with an election.
September 8: unboxing, then becoming president! - Dream SMP
Fundy's POV of the King's Court Election Debate stream.
September 9: ENDING THE WAR - Dream SMP
The final duel in the arena between Sapnap and Fundy, refereed by Tubbo, to end the Pet War.
With the Pet War over, the focus turns to the Election.
September 14: ruining the Dream SMP
After Tommy ridicules Fundy in an attempt to secure Sapnap's vote, Fundy suspects Tommy might be trying to destroy L'manburg. He, along with Niki, join forces and come up with a name for their new campaign: COCONUT2020.
Fundy didn't stream his POV of Schlatt's inauguration, but you probably already know what happened next...
(From Eret's POV) Fundy burns the flag of L'manburg, declaring it a new era.
From here on out, it's the Schlatt Administration.
September 23: DREAM SMP - A New Era...
Fundy begins to work under Schlatt in Manberg, building a new purple flag. Niki and Tommy intervene. While talking with Schlatt, Fundy rejects Wilbur as his father.
Fundy begins to write a new book documenting his experiences under the new administration: A Spy's Diary.
Following the previous incident, Fundy replaces the purple version of the Manberg flag with a new one built out of obsidian. Fundy begins to question his allegiances in his diary.
After Schlatt spots him writing, he pulls Fundy aside for a talk...
The next VODs are more casual work in Manberg. Fundy starts building a hidden underground bunker that uses a key in a certain spot to open with redstone. He gets Iskall to help.
October 7: Dream SMP THE NEW MANBERG
The legendary Dreamon Hunter stream.
The second Dreamon Hunter stream.
At the beginning, Fundy admires his work on the Festival decorations and gives a short speech about progress in the country, asking what Tommy and Wilbur ever really did for them.
Tubbo and Fundy later recruit Sapnap into their ranks. Fundy tells BadBoyHalo about these "Dreamons" and gets him to begin digging out a certain large, underground room to be used as the headquarters for the operation.
Fundy's POV of the Manberg Festival. Chaos ensues, and Fundy learns that the person he hunted Dreamons with was a traitor after all...
November 3rd: Dream SMP - PRANK MARATHON
That's an awful lot of buttons.
November 6: [DreamSMP] The Meeting
(From Wilbur's POV) After the meeting with Schlatt goes wrong, everyone gathers in Pogtopia. Fundy arrives, revealing his change of sides to his father.
November 16: Dream SMP - THE FINAL WAR
Fundy fights in the final war against Schlatt.
That's it for Season One, but the aftermath of the explosion in early Season Two is a hugely important arc for Fundy's character as well, so I'll include a few of those here too.
With the first appearance of Ghostbur, Fundy helps the New L'manburg cabinet begin to rebuild. He talks about how he feels about Wilbur's death.
November 22: Dream SMP - REVENGE
Fundy has a conversation with Jack Manifold about Ghostbur, who has started to follow him around while invisible. He continues to work through his feelings.
November 23: POWER AND DOMINANCE (and vibing) on the Dream SMP (!newvid)
(From Eret's POV) While working on the museum, Eret asks Fundy if he would like to be adopted...
November 24: Amangus with new and old friends and Minecraft
(From Wilbur's POV) Ghostbur gets Fundy's gear and returns it as a kind gesture. Fundy breaks the news to him about the adoption.
November 27: Dream SMP - BEING ADOPTED
The climax of Fundy's initial arc with Ghostbur. After Eret doesn't show up for the adoption, Fundy goes fishing with Phil only to get into an argument with Ghostbur about avoiding responsibility.
And that's it! There's plenty more to say about Season Two, but that first arc is the most important.
Hope this helped! Happy watching!
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It’s crossover season - Part 1
Supercorp, Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Iron Man x TeamMate!Reader, Captain America x TeamMate!Reader, Doctor Strange x TeamMate!Reader, Thor x TeamMate!Reader, Black Widow x TeamMate!Reader, Hulk x TeamMate!Reader.
Word count: 2570.
For the Marvel fans: this is supposed to be happening between Age of Ultron and Civil War.
You’re in the living room with your moms. It’s Friday night and it’s Kara’s turn to pick the movie. It comes as no surprise when the three of you settle on the couch to watch Wizard of Oz, black and white version.
“Hey, you don’t want to miss this part!” Kara says when you stand up, so you can go to the kitchen to pick up more soda for yourself.
“You are aware this movie is not exactly new, right?” You ask and hear Lena’s chuckle in response.
“Can you get more wine for mom, baby?” Lena asks and you agree with your head, making your way to the kitchen despite Kara’s protests.
You finally picked up the soda can, wine bottle and some chocolates for the road when you hear a loud noise in the living room. You use your super speed to get there, and see Kara being pulled by a portal. But not any portal. Not Barry’s portal, or Cisco’ dimensional portals. Something completely different you never saw before.
“Momma!” You drop everything you’re holding and run to the portal, pushing Kara out of the way. So the portal sucks you in, instead.
“Kid, no!” You hear Kara’s voice and you see her on the other side, but it’s too late. Wherever this portal is heading to, you’re going.
“You’ll find me!” You yell back. And both of your moms faces disappear. “Please, find me.” You whisper.
You fall on the floor with a loud thud. You look around to four guys and one woman staring at you from across the room. You sure never saw them before. There’s a table in the middle. One of them is standing in front of it, staring right at you. He has dark hair, a weird beard style, and you can see something blue glowing on his chest, even though he is wearing a shirt. That’s guy number 1.
Guy number 2 is next to him, in much fancier and weirder clothes. He is wearing a cape (capes are lame, did he not get the memo?), and he also has a weird beard (you’re starting to think it’s fashion).
Sitting behind them is a red haired woman, all dressed in black. She has her legs up the table, giving off an ‘I don’t care about anything’ kind of vibe.
Next to her, guy number 3, is wearing a blue shirt very tight around his muscles, he is definitely the strongest, but his baby blue eyes give you the idea that he is sweet.
And last, guy number 4, is in the back. Arms crossed over, in his lab clothes and glasses. He looks like the sweet science guy.
“A kid!” Guy nº 1 says pointing at you, like no one else can see you’re sitting there in front of them. “I said: find us back-up, and you bring me a child, Strange?”
“I don’t think the child is supposed to be here.” Guy nº 2, or rather cape-guy, answers back.
“No shit, Einstein! It’s a kid!” Guy nº1 snaps back.
“Language!” You and Guy nº 3, baby blue eyes guy, make chorus.
“Great! Just what we needed, a mini Steve Rogers!”
“I’m not a kid!” You finally find something worth saying and you see some eyes rolling at that information.
“Excuse me, miss. The adults are talking.”
“Rude.” You stand up, putting your hands on your waist. “You’re the one who brought me here, mister…?”
“You don’t know who I am?” Guy nº1 asks, so full of himself.
“Should I?” Your answer makes all of his friends smile and try to cover up. He exhales, exasperated.
“I’m Tony Stark, kid.” You blink at him, like he said literally nothing. “I am Iron Man.” He answers like that sentence is supposed to impact you somehow. You shrug and look behind him. To the man with a cape.
“Doctor Strange.” He says with a nod. “I’m the one who brought you here.”
“Banner. Um, Bruce. Bruce Banner.” Lab coat guy answers. He seems sweet looking lost between these people, so you smile at him.
“Steve Rogers.” Baby-blue-eyed guy waves. “Captain America.”
“Natasha Romanoff.” The only other woman in the room adds. “Black Widow.”
“And we are the Avengers.” Mister Stark says and you bite your lips at the information. Should you know who the hell the Avengers are? You never once heard of them, and they all look too normal -except for Cape-guy- and too powerless. Although they could probably be thinking the same thing about you now, so you shouldn’t judge. For all you know, sweet small lab-coat guy in the back can be the most powerful ‘the Avengers’ of all time, and break you in half in one snap.
“Well, ‘the Avengers’ it’s very nice meeting all of you. But, well, if you all don’t mind, I would like to go back to my house and to my moms, please and thank you.” You say and Stark just sighs pointing at Strange.
“Strange, get the kid back to her moms and find someone who can really help in this fight.” He is looking less annoyed, and more tired. “We could seriously use some back-up for this.”
You furrow your brows at the sound of that. You can’t believe you’re even thinking about this, but then the words come out of your mouth before you can think twice or hold it back.
“I can be back-up.”
That could make anyone roll in their seats laughing, but they’re trying to be respectful, so Natasha covers her mouth so you don’t see her smile. Steve looks down with the same smile playing on his lips. Banner almost smiles too. Strange seems to study you for a second. But Stark is laughing hard at you. Ok, again, rude.
“What’s so funny? You said you need back-up. Cape-guy over there brought me here for a reason. I’m offering.”
“No offense kid, but you’re like 12.” Stark says and you roll your eyes.
“Offense very much taken, I’m 16!”
“Yes, well, you’re still a child who wants to go back to her mommies.” He mocks you, making you squint your eyes at him.
“Mister Stark, sir. May I ask what your powers are?”
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” He says with a smirk on his lips.
“Oh, that’s it?” It’s time for you to smirk back. “I get now why you need back-up.”
“WOW!” That’s what leaves the whole group’s mouths.
“She’s got you there, Tony.” Banner chimes in, and you smile at yourself proudly.
“Oh really? What are your powers, smart mouth?” He asks thinking he has won, and that only makes you sorry for him.
“Genius, billionaire, I can’t really say that I’m a playboy, but I am a philanthropist.” Your smile comes after your feet leave the floor. “Also, I can fly.”
“So can most of the team.”
“Oh, then I guess most of the team also have super strength, super speed, freeze breath, heat vision, x-ray vision, invulnerability and draw their energies from the sun.”
“Holy shit.” Natasha says and you smile when you look at everyone’s impressed face.
“I think the child is supposed to be here.” Strange says and you agree with your head.
“She’s still a kid.” It’s what Stark says. “Cap, care to jump in here?”
Baby-blue-eyed guy stands up, walking towards you with a soft smile on his face. You smile back, landing on the floor.
“Ever been in a battle, kid?” He asks.
“Sure!” It’s what your mouth says, but deep inside you’re thinking this is insane. They didn’t want you; they didn’t go for you. They wanted your momma, who has real battle experience. You fought empty spaceships and won. Yay you. You have literally no other experience besides this one.
“Can you give us a minute?” Cap asks and you agree with your head, watching them going back to the table and closing the door in front of you. You sit on the floor, waiting for their decision. You want them to want you. It’s a weird feeling, but you want to be needed and respected, especially for your powers, since you don’t have a lot of that going around back home. But at the same time, you feel very scared of walking into a battle (is what he called, right?) with people who could definitely be your parents.
“She’s a kid, you guys can’t be seriously considering this.”
“She has more powers than all of us together, Tony.”
“You didn’t care about that when you recruited Wanda.”
“Wanda walked in on this by herself. Strange, how did we end up with a kid?”
“My magic was to bring someone powerful enough to help. She’s here. Which means she is powerful enough, otherwise the portal wouldn’t have pulled her here. I wasn’t aiming for a kid, but if a kid is what we got, we have to make-do.”
“I agree. She can be helpful.”
“I don’t know guys, she-she looks twelve.”
“Steve gets it!”
“But she isn’t. She is sixteen. And she wants to help.”
“She is invulnerable, you know.”
“Fine, let’s take a vote. Who thinks the smart mouth should stay?”
You lower your glasses to see their hands. Natasha, Cap, Bruce and Strange raise their hands. You smile proud of yourself. Yeah! But also, no! Did you seriously just walk in a battle -that has nothing to do with you- on purpose?
The door opens a while later and you stand up, looking at ‘the Avengers’ on the other side. You have the biggest smile on your face.
“Oh, did I forget to mention I have super hearing?” You raise one eyebrow, and Stark sighs.
“Of course you do.” He rolls his eyes. “Do you even have a superhero name?”
“I’m Superkid.”
“It has kid in the name, I can’t take her seriously.” He bites back and looks around. “Come on, Strange, let’s try to get Thor back.”
“Wait.” You run after the two of them. “Mister Cape-guy, can you, um, just tell my moms I’m safe?”
“Don’t worry.” He reassures you. “I left a card.”
They resume walking and you look back at the rest of the team, still staring at you. You take a deep breath, and walk back to where they are.
“So, where am I?” You ask, looking at Cap, who just looks dumbfounded by your question.
“You’re on Earth, Superkid.”
“Right.” You laugh. “I meant, which Earth?”
“You mean there is more than one Earth?” Natasha asks and you shake your head agreeing.
“There are infinite Earths in the Multiverse.” You say, pulling up a chair and sitting across from them. “Mine is Earth-38, and the Flash lives on Earth-1, and the Titans on Earth-9, my cousin just joined. Oh, and there’s obviously Earth-X governed by the Nazis-”
“Wait, let me stop you right there.” Cap says, looking shocked by your revelations. “There’s an Earth where the Nazis won?”
“Well, Mister Cap, that’s what the multiverse is all about, isn’t it?” You clasp your hands in front of your body. “When a diversion event occurs, then a new Earth is created. Maybe you have a different name for that here, like alternative or parallel universe.” You look at Banner. “Elseworlds?”
“Right. Pardon us.” Cap says with a smile. “Well, Banner, I believe that big- brain of yours, is filled with questions for our big-brained guest. Don’t let us keep you from it. Nat and I will go get Sam, Bucky and Wanda.”
You wait for the two other Avengers to leave, and you look back at Bruce, finally sitting on the table.
“That’s a lot of people. Mister Stark, Cape-guy, Cap, Natasha, Thor, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, you…” You startle yourself when you count all of them on your fingers. That’s a hell of a team, bigger than the Justice League for sure.
“And it’s not even half of it.” He adds to your confusion.
“That’s a lot of super-heroes for only one Earth.” You look at him with puzzling eyes. “What is your super power, Mister Banner?”
“I-well-” He shuffles around looking embarrassed to say it. “You’ll see in a bit, I suppose.”
“Ok.” You decide to let it go; you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. “What are we up against?”
Apparently, you’re up against alien invasion. You make sure you ask a couple times (or more), if the aliens are actually evil, without informing you’re an alien too. But yes, a bad horde of aliens coming to this Earth very, very soon.
Banner has about 20 questions about the Multiverse. You try your best to explain to him what you know about it, but it seems like this time you’re not even in the same Multiverse. Is there a multiverse of a multiverse?
Talking to Banner is great. He knows so much; you feel dumb around him. Is this how Jamie and Maya feel when you’re explaining something a little too far from their grasp? You don’t know how much time you two are bonding over science, when you hear a thunder sound and lightning falling close to where you are, and run to the window to check what’s going on. Soon, you see a guy, hammer in hand with lightning coming out of it. You look back at Banner, who smiles shyly.
“That would be Thor.”
“Can I?” You point at the window. You don’t know exactly why you’re asking for permission. You just don’t want to seem impolite.
“Of course.” He says and you open the window flying to where Thor is. Oh, he is strong. And he looks extremely powerful. You can’t control the excitement when he turns to you.
“New member?” He asks and you shrug as your answer. “I am Thor, son of Odin.”
“Superkid, daughter of Kara and Lena?”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Superkid-daughter-of-Kara-and-Lena.” Thor says with a puppy smile on his face. He puts his hammer on the ground and looks to the people coming from behind you to greet him. “Ready for battle?”
He reminds you so much of Kara. Puppy smile, blond hair, kind of dorky. You smile too, feeling your heart burst in excitement.
“I am now, Mister Thor.”
He pushes his cape out of his way, smile still on his lips, making his way inside the compound. You look at the way he walks, his muscles, long hair and red cape flying behind him. Wait, have you once said capes are lame? You take it back. Capes are the coolest! You look at his hammer on the ground with puzzling eyes.
“Mister Thor!” You call for him. He turns around to look at you, and the rest of the team also stops to watch you. You walk to the hammer, picking it up from the floor, and pointing at him. “You’ve left your hammer!”
Post-credit scene:
“Oh, how polite, they left a card.” Lena picks it up from the floor. “They kidnapped our daughter and left a card.”
“What does it say?” Kara asks, standing up from the floor, where she has been crying for the past two minutes.
“177A, Bleecker St. New York.”
“They left a puzzle?” Kara takes the card away from Lena’s hand. “They took my daughter and left a puzzle? What kind of villain does that?”
“It’s an address, Kara.” Lena holds her shoulder. “Don’t worry, honey. We’ll find her.”
So @oncemoonie prompted a marvel crossover and I am having so much fun with this, I hope you guys are too, cause more is coming!
#supergirl#kara danvers#supercorp#lena luthor#supercorpfamily#kara x lena#kara x reader#supercorp daughter#supercorp fanfic#lena x reader#thor odinson#bruce banner#tony stark#natasha romanoff#doctor strange#steve rogers
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2022 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Results! (Part 2)
The results are in, and the greater Megaman fandom community has chosen me as it’s...
...of the decade! That’s it, that’s the contest. Thanks so much for your votes and support! Good night, everyone!
*Ahem* Oh, that’s right. You have all been patiently waiting for the results of this year’s Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest. Carrying on, then.
Here are the results for Category 2 and the Wildcard, after the break.
I will be contacting all participants soon.
Reminder, for part 1 of these results, please head HERE.
CATEGORY 2 (Humor): I Feel All Mushy Und Tingly Inside
For the humor category, our participants were to draw something in which a character had created some sort of mind-controlling device or concept to make other characters fall in love in a humorous way.
For the full gallery of entries, you can head to this link HERE. Beneath each entrant’s name will also be a link to their individual pieces at full-size. This category was mostly multi-page comics, so get ready for a lot of reading.
1.) @papillonthepirate: $150 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3]
Gaga, oooh la la! Yes, you were right. You did have a perfect idea for this category! Fit into the cheesiness of Ruby-Spears with your dialogue on point and the perfect twist to Wily’s plan leading to his downfall. Easily made me laugh the most, as I could hear their voices as I read through this whole thing.
2.) @aw-colorcat: $75 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5]
Even though I never had one, I should have realized that was an Atari from the beginning. LOL Clever job with that twist at the end, as well as the cute part between Heat and Fire proving love can find a way without mind-controlling. Very cute comic!
3.) @hyperbole1729: $50 [IMAGE 1]
Oh, Neo World Three, always screwing up a plan, and yet it still somehow working out in the end. Although with Charlie not getting hypnotized, will he still fall for Tesla? How will he compete for her love against four other eligible bachelors? Find out on the next exciting season of Rockman.EXE: The Tesla-rette.
And the rest of our entries, in alphabetical order by alias.
Still a winner.) AbilityField: $50 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3]
So cool and suave Blues is. You can’t control his love, but he can now control yours! I think Kalinka wins either way, even if poor Over-1 feels like it might have not gone to plan.
Still a winner but you already got your prize money for another category.) @subzeroiceskater: [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5] [IMAGE 6] [IMAGE 7] [IMAGE 8]
As always, you are so ambitious with your comics. And this one is such a wild ride. Even with a few heavier battle moments, the puns, the pairings, the frog and prince plot spin all made for really amusing content. Loved a lot of the crazy emotions and faces drawn, between Ninja Froggy Time, Spark Man both feeling it and getting ignored, and so many more. But again, you are being rewarded for something else.
For the wildcard category, all anyone had to do was draw me something Valentine-y featuring my favorite Megaman lady, Hoshikawa Akane. This act of mine hasn’t changed since Star Force came out, and yet you still all put up with me?! Well, now deal with me gushing over these pics, in a category just meant to tempt me.
For the full gallery of entries, you can head to this link HERE. Beneath each entrant’s name will also be a link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) @digitallyfanged: $150 [IMAGE]
Love is what I feel for this image. Gosh, those eyes just draw me in, with those super-stylized extra long lashes. The flow and movement of the pic from her hair to the dress blowing around in all it’s pieces, to the unique leaning pose. It’s just so different and gorgeous and totally won me over, so thank you!
2.) @subzeroiceskater: $75 [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5]
Only you would both call me out as a simp and craft a piece around SIMPsons references, knowing how much I would enjoy it. I appreciate the volume and range of Akane’s in varying styles to tide me over. Super cute, super deformed, super hot and super humorous. Throwing in old pics you have drawn for the Kattelox gallery was perfect, and I don’t deserve you humoring me as often as you have over the years. Thank you!
3.) @maqqy96: $50 [IMAGE]
Pants are optional. Gosh, she’s so cute and so adorable here! Even as simplistic as the background is with her name and the green heart, it just works so well with the colors to tie into her outfit and still make the main art pop out. I love it a ton, thank you!
And the rest of our entries, in alphabetical order by alias.
Still a winner but you got your prize money for your other entry.) AbilityField: [IMAGE 1] [IMAGE 2] [IMAGE 3] [IMAGE 4] [IMAGE 5] [IMAGE 6] [IMAGE 7]
So much variety! I really do love the final pic the most with the heart hand pose and appreciate the wishes. But there is so much cuteness throughout! From the young lovebirds, which hardly anyone draws them from that concept art style, to hitting the major holiday costumes which tie into other contests/events I’ve held or helped out with over the years. The page of chibis is just super adorbs. Thank you for drawing so much of her, I love ‘em all!
Still a winner.) @duskblogsthings: $50 [IMAGE]
(Side note - I have no clue why the imgbox link changed the orientation when it uploaded! Sorry!)
I will gladly accept this Valentine heart box of chocolates from such a cute lady! Thank you so much for drawing this!
Still a winner but you got your prize money for your other submission.) foidot: [IMAGE]
The artsy side of Akane is something that draws me to her (pun intended), and I appreciate you tying that in here with this piece. Thank you so much for drawing her ready to create another masterpiece!
Until next contest, thanks everyone!
#Rockman#Megaman#Mega Man#Rock Miyabi's 2022 Megaman Valentine's Day Contest#Hope Stelar#Hoshikawa Akane#Too Many Tags To List
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Werewolf - 2
Writer: Nishioka Maiko
Season: Summer
Proofreading: 310mc (JP)
Translation: Bella & hyenahunt
Rinne: You ain’t talked at all, Sazamin. Ain’t that sus? You tryin’ to keep somethin’ from us?
[Location: Seisou Hall Common Room]
Sora: (Hehe ♪ Dazzling-oniisan and Shinobu-chan are the werewolves this time, huh~?
Yuu-chan’s the seer, and Master’s the medium.
As for Ei-chan senpai, Jun-chan-senpai, aaand Gambler-oniisan —
—they're all villagers. Sora’s got a good grasp on the situation!
This is gonna be an interesting game, huh~♪ Sora’s looking forward to it!)
Is everyone ready~?
Morning's come~. Please start!
Natsume: AlRIGHT. Tenshouin-senpai — or rather, the old fart is a wereWOLF. Everyone, vote to hang HIM...♪
Shinobu: Wha!? That's how you're going to start things off!?
Eichi: I object, Sakasaki-kun. Not only to the name you gave me, but even more importantly — why decide I'm a werewolf without any investigation whatsoever?
I’d like to hear your grounds for accusation, at the very least.
Natsume: Because I say you ARE? As you’re the worst person HERE, you old FART.
Eichi: How heartless. I’m a genuine law-abiding villager, you know? Hanging me would do nothing but put the villager faction at a disadvantage.
Shinobu: C-Could the two of you hold on for just a moment...
Yuta: Sakasaki-senpai and Tenshouin-senpai, please calm down!
Shinobu: (Yuuta-kun...! That's Yuuta-kun for you, coming to the rescue. The game can't keep going like this, so those two have got to be stopped!)
Yuta: I mean, if we're doing this based on sheer villain vibes, then a certain someone fits the bill even more. Isn't that right, Rinne-senpai? So yeah, let's all vote him out ♪
Shinobu: You too, Yuuta-kun!?
Jun: Both of your grudges are seriously on full display, huh. This ain't even a game anymore.
Rinne: Hold up, don’t just go decidin’ shit on your own! Ya boy’s one of them goody-two-shoe villagers too, yanno!?
Y'know, with the way he's makin' such a fuss to get me, a villager, hanged… Maybe Yuta-kun's actually the werewolf here.
Yuta: I'm a villager, alright! I swear to God I really am!
Rinne: I don’t trust a single thing that comes outta that mouth of yours. All you gotta do is change one li’l thing and your name gets pretty damn close to Judas, don’t it? [1]
Yuta: Excuse me!? My name's Yu-u-ta! And for the record, it's a tall order asking anyone to trust you!
Hiyori: Say, Jun-kun? Is the game supposed to play out like this?
Jun: Not in the slightest.
Hiyori: Hmm, that so?
Alright, I'd like everyone to stop and listen to me! At this rate, we're not going to get anywhere, are we? First of all, why don't we come out with our various roles?
For your information, I'm an innocent villager of the highest social standing, of course!
Eichi: Well, it’s just as Hiyori-kun says — senseless arguing will only waste time. I don’t have that much to spare, you know?
As for me, I’d like for the seer to reveal himself. We don’t have enough evidence otherwise.
Of course, staying hidden is a viable option, but… we’d simply have to start hanging people at random in that case. That wouldn’t be ideal for either faction, now would it?
Shinobu: Mmm... You've got a point there...
Well, I'll come out with it, then. I got the role of the "seer".
The first villager identity the GM told me was Tenshouin-dono.
Eichi: Fufu. That’s proof enough of my innocence, isn’t it? Too bad.
Natsume: TCH… But we still don’t know whether or not Shinobu-kun’s telling the TRUTH.
Yuta: Huh? W-Wait a minute! I'm the real seer!
And on that note, the villager I learnt of was Sakasaki-senpai.
Natsume: HmMM, well, it is true that I am ONE.
(Heheh. I’m not just a villager THOUGH.
I’m the “medium,” though I have to hide THAT. My very existence spells trouble for the “werewolves” who try to deceive everyone else in this PHASE.
After ALL, I can speak with the DEAD.)
NOW, isn’t that STRANGE? For there to be two “seers” HERE... That is to say: one of you is a sham — a werewolf in sheep’s cloTHING.
Yuta: Seriously~? I'm the real deal, though...
Shinobu: N-No, I am?
Jun: Hm? Speaking of which, aren't any other roles gonna out themselves? I guess it's typical for the "medium" to stay low, huh? I'm a villager, for the record.
Eichi: Ah, I see. With that, all of us have outed ourselves. Now - what shall we do?
Rinne: There’s nothin’ else to do but hang the two seers one after the other, yeah? The real one might bite the dust, but I’m pretty sure we’ll get the werewolf too.
Hiyori: I do wonder about that? As it stands, these two are in a gray zone ready to be hanged at any time. I believe it's worth noting that we could get even more information from actively leaving them alone!
After all, should we choose the wrong one to hang, it'll be a breeze for the werewolves to control the flow of the game.
Rinne: Man, you can think that way all you want, but that just looks like you’re a werewolf protectin’ his packmate, y’know? Hiyori-chan?
Hiyori: I'm fully prepared to be suspected for speaking up, of course. But it's precisely because I'm innocent that I can come out and say all this, you know!
Rinne: Whatever you say. By the way, I’ve been wonderin’ about somethin’...
You ain’t talked at all, Sazamin. Ain’t that sus? You tryin’ to keep somethin’ from us?
Jun: Wha!? You've got the wrong idea, man. I'm just overwhelmed by your combined enthusiasm.
Rinne: Then lemme make it a li’l easier for you. Tell us whatcha got, Sazamin!
Jun: Hmm... I guess I'd agree with Ohii-san here...
It's true that the more info we have, the more likely it'll be for us to get confused in this game, but if we let 'em live I feel like it'll be easier to find the second werewolf as well.
Watching out for who tries to protect each other is gonna prove to be important, I feel.
Hiyori: Yes, yes, Jun-kun. That's exactly it!
Sora: (Haha~♪ Dazzling-oniisan and Shinobu-chan sure are amazing at this, huh~? They’ve got the appearance of being villagers down pat!)
Translation Notes: [1]: Rinne’s nickname for Yuuta is Yuta (ユタ), which, upon adding a dakuten to the last syllable, transforms it into Judas (ユダ) of Biblical traitor fame.
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#hiyori tomoe#jun sazanami#sora harukawa#natsume sakasaki#shinobu sengoku#yuta aoi#rinne amagi#eichi tenshouin#enstars#ensemble stars#enstars translation#s: werewolf#era: !!#type: scout#status: complete#hyenahunttl
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Anonymous said:
reader x lin of her meeting suyin and her family?
The Metal Clan (Part 1) (Lin Beifong x Reader)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,300
Notes: Part 1 of 3, season 2 LoK spoilers, female reader
“We just got a call from the radio about another Airbender,” Asami said suddenly. Your head perked up from its spot on Lin’s shoulder, finally glad to have an actual direction.
You knew Lin didn’t want to keep traveling, and would rather protect Korra from the Red Lotus, but you were happy to be helping in the search for Airbenders. It was a noble and worthy cause, in your opinion.
“Finally!” Korra exclaimed, “Where?”
“A city called Zafou,” Mako said, and you instantly felt Lin tense up as he continued, “The home of the Metal Clan.”
You could see the discomfort on Lin’s face, but your heart was soaring. You’d been with her for years but had never met any of her family. You’d brought it up a few times, but she never budged. She was as stubborn as the metal she bent.
Korra noticed the look on Lin’s face, then glanced at you, then back to Lin, “Either of you know the place?”
You stayed silent, deciding to let Lin take this one. You’d dreamed of going to Zafou for years and meeting Lin’s family--your family, now.
“Uh,” She said, “I’ve never been. But I don't want you going. I would rest a lot easier if you were in Republic City.”
You felt frustration flood your senses for a moment, so utterly tired of Lin avoiding her problems. You looked at Korra, “I’ve never been, but I’ve always wanted to go. I think it’s a good idea.”
You could see Lin glaring at you in the corner of your eye, but you ignored her and smiled at your friend.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, (y/n),” Korra said, “We’re going to Zafou.”
Korra walked back into the airship, and Lin pulled you aside, ignoring Naga’s whine to play.
“What was that?” Lin demanded.
“It’s time that I meet my sister-in-law!” You spat back, standing your ground. Lin glanced around to see if anyone else heard, but it was just the two of you and Naga.
Suyin might even be married with children--Lin hadn’t shared much information, and what she had shared hadn’t been positive. You knew little to nothing about her family.
“I’ve told you before, it’s not important!” She insisted, putting a hand on your arm. You yanked it away, crossing your arms.
“It is to me!” You said angrily, and stormed off.
Zafou was stunning from above, and you found yourself in awe of it even up close. The statue of Toph(my mother-in-law, your mind whispered) nearly sent you into a state of shock. This was… a lot to process.
You’d never considered metal to be an element that could be so beautiful, but watching the dancers and seeing the city had certainly changed your mind.
“Is this some form of combat training?” Korra asked curiously as the women bent the metal carefully to form a flower.
“Not exactly,” Aiwei said, “They’re rehearsing for a dance premiere next month.”
You watched as a woman with grey hair descended, and your mind recognized her instantly. Lin wasn’t a sentimental woman, but she did have a handful of pictures from her childhood. Suyin.
“Allow me to introduce the matriarch of a Metal Clan, Suyin,” Aiwei said as Suyin walked forward. She looked so much like Lin, you had no idea how Team Avatar couldn’t see it.
“Please call me Su,” She said, pressing her fist into her palm and giving a short bow. She turned to Korra, “Great to finally meet you, Avatar Korra.”
She then turned to where you and everyone else were standing, “And this must be Mako, Bolin, Asami, and…. I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”
Su seemed apologetic, but it still stung. Your own sister-in-law had no idea who you were, and it hurt more than words could describe, “I’m (y/n) Bei--sorry, just (y/n)”
You smiled innocently, bowing to her. You were used to introducing yourself by your full name, but of course, you had to keep off Beifong. It added to the hurt you were feeling. Korra looked at you funny, but didn’t point it out.
“You’ve done your research,” Mako said, then glanced at you, “Mostly, at least.”
“I make it my business to know who’s visiting my city,” Suyin said cordially, looking over the group. Her eyes lingered on you for a few extra moments, and your face heated up under her gaze. It felt unfair that you knew who she was, but she didn’t know you.
“So, you’re a dancer,” Korra said, changing the subject.
“Dancer. Leader. Wife. Mother. Collector of rare meteorites. You’ll find that people here have many skills and interests,” Suyin said as she pulled off her glove. Aiwei leaned in and whispered something discernable into her ear, and her eyes widened as she glanced at him.
Her eyes turned to your group and narrowed unhappoly, “Korra, why did you lie when Aiwei asked if there was anyone else with you?”
Korra looked surprised, and Bolin slapped his hand over his mouth. You felt your heart begin to race, knowing what was coming next. Aiwei turned his eyes to you, as if he could hear your heart beat pick up.
“What?” Korra asked, “I, uh… How did you know I was lying?”
“I’m a truth seer,” Aiwei explained, “When people lie, their heart rate and breathing increase. I can sense the most subtle of changes.”
His eyes focused on you, and you felt like you were about to start sweating. So he could feel your heart palpitations.
“Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city,” Suyin said. Your shoulders sagged slightly, unsure of how she was going to react to the information she was about to find out. Lin had told you that her sister could be immature and flighty, and you hadn’t prepared yourself for it properly. Maybe Lin had been right--this was a bad idea.
“We came with Lin,” You spoke up, your voice breaking the silence.
Korra and the rest of Team Avatar looked confused, obviously not understanding that Lin and Suyin knew each other. Honestly, how did they get through the day with such low observational skills?
“Lin’s here? I would love to say hello,” Suyin said pleasantly, and your eyes widened. Lin spoke of her sister and mother with such contempt that you hadn’t been expecting warmth from Su.
“You two know each other?” Korra asked, and you sighed, bracing yourself.
“You’re joking, right?” Suyin asked, looking everyone over, “I guess Lin never told you about me.”
Suyin seemed sad at that revelation, and you felt empathy wash over you. You knew what it was like for Lin to keep you a secret.
“They’re sisters,” You explained to Team Avatar, your eyes never leaving Suyin.
“Wait, so that means-” Bolin started, pointing to you, then to Suyin. Your fist connected with his arm, and he yelped, his mouth closing.
“What?” Suyin asked, her eyes moving from Bolin to you. Her green eyes looked so much like Lin’s that it was almost painful.
You took a deep breath and offered a small smile, “I’m Lin’s wife. (Y/n) Beifong.”
Suyin reeled back as if she’d been slapped, and her eyes looked you up and down. You felt small under her gaze and averted your eyes to the floor.
Suddenly an arm reached out and pulled you forward into a hug. Startled, you glanced up at Suyin, then hesitantly hugged her back.
“It’s very nice to meet you,” She said quietly, low enough for only you to hear.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” You responded, squeezing your eyes shut to cut off any potential tears. You’d dreamed of meeting Lin’s family for years, and she’d vehemently refused, citing how rude and unruly they could be. But it was completely unfounded, you were sure of that in this moment.
Lin’s family was your family too. And you were going to have a relationship with them.
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Fundy 28 APR 21
Delayed Liveblog Vault Hunters Part 1/1
Our favorite fox is damp. And apparently can’t get his hair to sit right.
He’s already having to raise the redemption price. It’s been 5 seconds.
I don’t even quite get Vault Hunters I know Hbomb did it last season and that it.
Charm. Lovely.
Is the bottom right a confetti cannon?
Oh no we have to fight? We can’t be trusted.
We are the sort of people to purposefully lose the fight.
Don’t get me wrong. We love Fundy and will cry on command. But also we are rather mean to him.
Mystic Tomato. I don’t know what it is but I love it.
I was saving up Chanel points for water and ads. But now I gotta save for those and the little fun reward pack things.
Oh no. Did we hit 100 subs already? That’s what it says over his name?
Confetti canon?
5up! Hooray!
HBomb humoring Fundy with the emotes.
Fight fight fight!
So close. We tried out best to fight the giant.
Alright chat. We need another arena. Everyone get him.
Everyone in chat yelling about Phil doing stuff in OSMP. Wrong server y’all. We can deal with that later.
Ooo are we doing VC?
Everything is so chaotic already.
Tubbo and Fundy trying to figure everything out.
You know things are confusing when the original people are like “the what?”
There was a how to play meeting? And somehow these boys are still confused.
Tubbo at least has an excuse to be confused.
I love skill trees in games. They just look so pretty.
“I see a melon!” -Fundy
5up our beloved.
My streamer is being beat up with a boomerang.
Fundy doesn’t know what’s happening, but he’s rich so it works.
Tubbo is just saying every name in hopes he says the right one.
We attack!
We did it! We’re a good chat!
Is 5ups skin still cog champ themed? Maybe not. Maybe my brain is being goofy.
Is Fundy complaining about his hair? I’m not actually paying attention. What is chat on about.
That’s one thing that can be said about all the chats. They like it when their streamers have fluffy hair.
Chat really is just crying aren’t they. Fundy’s chat has a skill of crying at everything.
Hooray 5up is active! Fundy go say hi for us!
Hooray friends!
Super good item! I don’t get it, but super good item!
Arena arena. We’re almost to the arena!
Aww. I missed the bets.
Beat em up chat!
Oh no. He’s hitting hard.
Oh were getting hit hard.
But we did it!
Good Job Wolf! Awesome Millionaire!
No arena box for winning. Rude.
Chat can’t even remember how many fights we’ve won.
Stupid full inventory.
Temporary base on the hill.
Pretty chest!
All the gifted subs. Such a popular streamer.
That looks so cool! I missed what it did but it looks cool!
Ooo all sorts of cool things.
Look at chat go
Look at everyone giving Fundy things.
It’s neato that they use peoples skins. That you can see the people who donated.
Shulker crates! Nice! That’ll be good for transporting things.
We’re so fancy.
Ooo sorting. The most complicated thing.
Chats over here spoiling our streamer.
We got this!
Beat em up subs!
Looting 2 noice.
Mods bribing chat to stop barking with Scooby snacks. I love them so much.
Wolf my dear you have done nothing wrong.
Oh cloud9 has a fox skin!
Ooo create mod. We know about that.
A lovely little base.
Cake is being stolen all over the place.
Stab stab the dragon.
Hooray follow goal! Music time!
Oh... that was it. Alrighty we’ll take what we can get.
Time to win an arena subs. We want music.
Our boy is confused.
Fundy just read the chat. They are telling you.
I got to get this time! The subs will destroy everyone!
Happy Halloween?
Gasp! Mega gift!
Pretty skin!
We love the Fundy mods dearly. They are so chill and nice.
The water well has run dry.
The streamer has escaped. It’s just us, the mods, and the chair.
Oh a Schlatt plush! Neato!
Schlushy I agree with that name.
“Not the hat the other one.” LOL.
Chat go Glatt
Went to get water the. Forgot to drink it.
Subs can modify emotes left and right.
Viper good job! Good book!
Fundy doing his game at middle of the night o’clock.
Streamer... please sleep. Please eat meals.
We’re almost at the Arena!
Sleep 8 hours... just at the wrong time.
Chat fully admitting to thinking our streamer is dumb enough to fall in lava.
We have learned to balance our expectations Fundy.
Oh this is going to be a long stream. A really long stream. I’ll probably need to take a break and do some work.
Arena Time! Beat em up subs!
Good job subs!! You did it!
Let’s see what we get for the arena.
So many Wolf!
Putting the winners on their boxes. Nice.
I have so much work to do, but I just want to watch the funky Fox.
Villagers? We love villagers.
Oh we’re switching screens it’s serious piano.
So lovely. I love listening to music people do their things.
I love the fact the subs keep shouting FundyJam!
I swear improv music should not sound this lovely
Spooky sounding tune. Sounds like a boss fight in a haunted castle.
Awesome piano!
Poor boy so annoyed by his hair. Bless his heart.
For anyone who doesn’t touch Twitter. The Fundy Updates Twitter is fabulous and amazing. They are just always so upbeat over everything.
Trying to nether portal. You go fox friend.
Wow Just portal to the center do a lava lake. Under soul sand.
You go 5up! You get that bastion.
Rip 5up.
Poor Fundy doing his best.
How’s the VC crew doing?
The drip is back!
Also I voted no in the will he burn pole. I have faith in my streamers.
We’re calling Fundy emo now. And he’s trying to deny having an emo phase, and failing.
I don’t know what’s happening half the time in this chat.
Fire Fox!
We’re still calling Fundy emo. Chat spoils the streamer and chat bullies the streamer.
Oh are we trending emo Fundy? Nice. I’m conveniently scrolling on Twitter.
Look at us bully our streamer.
The two people in chat. Those saying emo Fundy. Those going “his hair is nice stfu”. The duality of chat.
Sounds of suffering coming from the nether.
Fundy has taken responsibility for enderpearls.
We cursed Fundy? I look away for 10 seconds.
Pixel has turned on Fundy.
Fight that ghast.
Fundy’s going to get all the endermen.
Piglin goes smack.
We’re wearing the drip. Nice.
Everyone gets rich so fast here.
Well. We’ll just leave the corpse there.
The people who bet on him dying are so rich in channel points now.
*sad fox noises*
Surely not. Fundy we have lost all hope in you.
Pixel doing everything they can to do anti emo Fundy.
Aww. I missed the prediction. I bet he won’t die. I believe in him.
Fundy being scared by his own body. Cant wait to see that clip everywhere on YouTube.
Back to attacking the endermen.
Tubbo is such a villain. He’s so willing to kill HBomb.
Fundy just getting back to work.
I’m sorry corpses become skeletons. That’s horrid.
Off to get the dragon. The dragon the dragon.
Tubbo was smote.
HBomb and Fundy fully ready to be that person that steals the temple.
Hbomb shaped chest. That is great.
Everyone bullying HBomb.
Almost Arena time.
Betting yes on the arena. The subs are strong and they’ve got this.
My twitch app is being stupid. This might be my signal to take a break and do my school work.
8k boosters and the chat goes nuts.
Chat from where I am is just a bunch of booster packs. I think I need to close and reopen the app.
There we go. There is the lovely chat.
Arena time!
Aww. My bet disappeared when I moved the app.
No! He’s cheating! The subs are doing their best!
Good job subs!
I mean it’s a diamond sword. It’s not diamonds but it’ll do.
I heard a du du du du?
I’ve got to go. Time to be productive with my life and time.
Let me know if I miss anything especially stupid or funny.
Alright it’s been 2 and a half hours but I’m back.
Looks like I missed a lot, and the boy has been going 5 hours.
Still on Vault Hunters? How is he not tired of this yet good gracious.
We’re enchantin’
I don’t know what’s happening but I’m watching.
Who stole all the luck from the boy?
Good that he’s drinking plenty of water
Good that he’s taking a break for foods.
What is with the lightening sounds? I don’t like it.
Spare the soup pet.
Sadness. No 3rd cow.
Yes! One more arena!
Lure da cows.
No that’s the Fundy Cow!
Nooooo. That’s worse than killing it!
Did we win our other arenas? I only say the first 5 or so.
Lightening Cow. Lovely.
Noooo the cowwww!
For once Fundy isn’t the one thriving.
He tunneled the cow out. Wow.
Bye 5up! Good luck!
Hi Crumb. The cow was snatched.
Noooo. Quit stealing our cows!
What he jumps like Superman and steals our cows.
Cow bunker.
These cows will get snatched. I just know it.
No. No taking da cows.
Our cows must be protected.
Enchanting is not on our fox’s side
Oh so they did beat the enderdragon. Good for them.
All sorts of neato elytra.
I must go again. I am called to dinner.
Good job getting you diamond sir.
30 minutes later I am back and we are chatting with HBomb.
Sharp boomerang.
Saw a bit of cat maid peaking out there.
5up judging Fundy for just sitting and mining.
Oh the facecam is off. I’m just noticing.
I guess it probably goofed up and froze.
Everyone in chat talking about how much to make the magic packs. I like the people saying 6.9k just for the funnies.
I’m voting 6.9k in the pole just for the funny.
I know it won’t win but I’m doing my part.
Goblins? What the squeak did I miss?
What. We stab the goblins. And they give us emeralds?
This mans has been going for 6 hours and a while. I hope he doesn’t forget to look after himself. He was talking about eating an hour ago.
I love all the product minions. All the donators just chilling on their chests.
Why are all the minions black and white? I missed that one?
Oh they run out. They ran out of stuff and out of color.
Wealth in the chest, since we don’t have a mouth.
Angel or Fairy? Is that even a question? (Chat chose fairy)
Fairy Fox. I want to draw that but have negative amounts of art skills.
We’re killing time until we hit 7 hours.
We’re meeting up with 5up! Nice!
Oh HBomb left and thought Fundy hadn’t done anything in 20 minutes but jump around his castle. LOL.
We hit 7 hours and dipped.
7 hours and almost a thousand subs. Look at us go.
Hello Puffy Raiders! You’re a bit late but hello!
Oh no. He’s panicking and not ending.
Please someone who feels like being annoying remind the mans to eat.
Raffle? Oh donators! They go through a raffle thingy! Nice!
Hooray OSMP but also Fundy please sleep and such.
Not even raffling. Just opening and closing.
Nice spin noises.
WOLF! Wolf earned to win the raffle.
Wait wait wait? Fundy go get some food and go to bed!
Hey look there is our streamer!
This is the max post size lol. 5up raid let’s go! Hello 5up! We are here! But now I’m going to bed. Oh nevermind. I hear the fox. Ah that’s smart 5up. Anyway. I’m gone now.
#vault hunters#Fundy#fundylive#our poor streamer was so confused the entire time#the chat loved spoiling him during this#delayed liveblogging
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