#season 15 fix-it
lovealwayssay · 4 months
I would pay an ungodly amount of money for a Supernatural finale where Dean rescues Cas from the Empty and tells him he loves him too, Eileen comes back to be with Sam, and Jack chooses to live with the four of them in the bunker as a happy family.
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valeron99 · 1 year
Tit for tat.
Rising for rising.
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zepskies · 3 months
Dream With Me - Part 2
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Plus-sized!Reader (Latina)
Summary: When your asshole ex-boyfriend calls for help on a case, you have a tough decision to make. But Dean isn’t going to let you do anything alone. AKA: The last hunt you, Sam, and Dean will ever go on together.
[Set in 15x20]
AN: Yes, that barn scene. 🫣
(In case you missed it, here's Part 1.)
Word Count: 3.4K
Tags/Warnings: Protective Dean (and angry Dean), blood and violence, angst, and a big twist…
☕ Midnight Espresso Masterlist
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Part 2: “We Can Fix This”
The vampires leave you and Carter alone after a while.
You two are the convenient bait, literally chained to your chairs. You’re so irate, you can’t even look at him. His head hangs low, with his chin nearly meeting his chest.
“I’m sorry I got you into this,” he says again. 
“I don’t care,” you flatly reply. 
Carter grimaces. “I didn’t know any other way to get them here. I figured the three of you could hold your own.”
At that, you finally turn your head towards him. 
“But you sold out your own. You sold me out,” you say. “What kind of man are you?”
Not the one you thought, is the answer. 
The problem is, you still need him if you're going to get out of this.
Once you’re able to see past your anger, you two begin to brainstorm on how to escape your restraints. Carter has been working on his for much longer than yours, but his hands are still too large to slip through the thick ropes. Your ankles are tied to the chair as well.
You turn your chair backwards towards him, careful to not let the chair’s legs scrape too badly against the ground. You’re forced to touch hands with him in order to slide him the small knife you hide in the sleeve of your jacket. 
It takes several minutes of quiet sawing, but after a while, he’s finally able to free his hands, then more quickly his legs. He’s about to start on you when you both hear footsteps drawing near the stairs. You and Carter lock eyes. 
“Don’t leave me here,” you whisper instinctively. Carter puts the little knife back into your hand and closes your hand over it. Right about now, you wish you could reach his neck with it.  
“We can’t take them all. I’ll get help,” he says.
You suck in a breath as you realize it. He really is about to leave you. 
“They need you alive as bait more than they need me. You’ll be fine,” he says.
“Carter, you dick,” you hiss. Tears sting behind your eyes, but you blink to try and keep them at bay. You’ll never admit it, but your fear of fangs and the clammy, undead hands of vampires runs deep.
Carter sees your fear, and he can’t help himself; he frames your face with his hands for a quick second, despite the way you glare at him and pull your head away, trying to evade his touch. His eyes hide the depths of his regret, but he doesn’t have time to say anything more.
He leaves you, ducking out the back entrance to the barn that leads into the woods.
“What’s going on?” Jenny says, as she comes down the stairs. Her face falls when she sees Carter’s empty chair. 
“What the hell?!” she shouts. Two of the men in her nest come running out to meet her. She gives one of them an order to run after Carter. 
Her attention snaps to you. “I’m guessing you helped your boyfriend escape?”
You don’t answer her at first as she draws near, but inside, you’re trembling a bit. You have an idea of what’s coming. Nevertheless, you try to remain stoic. Strong.
“Not my boyfriend,” you reply. Jenny cocks her head.
“Oh, that’s right. He betrayed you, and now he's left you in the hands of monsters,” she says. She holds her hands on her hips. “You must be the most gullible woman in the world.”
Your lips thin into a line. “Or you’re just stupid enough to leave a couple of hunters alone. You better damn hope he doesn’t find Sam and Dean. Even when they don’t know what’s coming, they should be the stuff of your nightmares. But when they’re prepared?”
You lick your dry lips and give Jenny a grim smile, with more confidence than you actually feel.
“Say goodbye to your family,” you say.
After a beat, Jenny smiles tightly and grabs your face. Her nails bite into your cheeks and make you wince.  
“All right, Nate. You can have a taste,” she says.
She steps to the side as one of the larger backup dancers in her little entourage draws near. Jenny wrenches your head back by your hair, so he can lean in and bite into your neck. Your scream reverberates on the barn walls.
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Sam and Dean left the car parked closer to the main road. They’re prepared for anything as they trek through the woods, with silver bullets in their guns and machetes strapped to their belts, along with witch killing bullets in their pockets for good measure. 
Sam has pinpointed not just an estimate of your location, but also those coordinates as a few minutes away by foot. With their long strides, they can hopefully reach you soon.
“Wait,” Dean says, stopping his brother with a hand on his arm. “I hear something coming.”
Sam hears it too. Quick footsteps running on the crunch of dead leaves.
Carter comes stumbling from between the trees, out of breath, but still on the run while another man gains on him. When Carter sees Sam and Dean, his eyes widen with recognition. 
“Vampires!” he shouts at them. 
The brothers immediately switch from guns to the machetes on their belts. Dean reaches the vampire first, but he ducks the initial swing of Dean’s blade. It’s a quick scuffle, in which Sam manages to behead the creature. Blood sprays across Sam’s chest as the body falls to the ground.
Dean’s angry gaze shifts to Carter, who’s catching his breath. Dean doesn’t give him a chance to recover when he grabs the man by his collar. He pins him up to the nearest tree, hard, and holds his blade up to Carter’s neck, even though the man raises his hands in surrender.
“All right, all right!” Carter exlaims.
“Where is she?” Dean demands.
“A nest of vamps, in a barn up and over the hill. They took her, they’ve got her,” Carter says.
Dean wars between processing that, and becoming fucking furious.
“You left her there?!” he growls. Sam’s face furrows as well in anger, though he watches his brother out of the corner of his eye.
“Just let me explain!” Carter says. 
Dean tightens the edge of his machete against the other man’s throat.
“Talk fast,” he warns.
“They’re waiting for you and Sam,” Carter says. “They nabbed me on account of you two assholes. That’s why they took her, so you’d have to come to them.”
Dean’s jaw locks. He glances at Sam, who’s just as angry as him. He’s just better at keeping a handle on it.
“So wait, lemme get this straight,” Dean says, as he continues to put the pieces together in his mind. He tips the end of the machete towards Carter’s chest. “They grabbed you up. So you called her, brought her into this, to save your own damn skin?”
Carter sighs harshly. 
“Look, I know I’m going to hell. But the longer we stand around here waiting for you to do mental math, the longer they’ve got her alone,” he says. “I managed to get free, but I didn’t have time to get her out with me. So I left to find you.”
Dean's anger burns under his skin, but he lets Carter off the tree, just to turn him around and point the machete at his back. It’s reminiscent of years past, when a far darker blade used to fit all too well in Dean's right hand. 
“Walk,” he barks the order. “Any twitchy moves, and my Christmas comes early.”
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You've slipped in and out of consciousness, but finally you garner the strength to blink your eyes awake. Jenny had been watching you up until a few minutes ago, giving you reprieve when she went into the back room to join her nest. 
You heave a shaky sigh and wince at the pain emanating from your neck. You have a gaping bite wound that still oozes blood with every infinitesimal movement of your head. 
Fuck. You really hate vampires. 
You won’t bleed out, probably, but the situation isn’t good. You have no idea if Carter will come back, or if Sam and Dean even know how to find you. 
You try to remember that they’re masters at the impossible, and this is certainly not the biggest challenge you three have ever faced. Hell, if you could survive getting dusted by God, then you can survive a nest of flea-bitten vamps.
Wincing with strain, you try to twist your wrists under this rope so you can start sawing at it with your little knife. All the while, your thoughts inevitably bring you back to Dean.
You regret snapping at him. Because his instincts were right, yet again. You had trusted Carter the slightest bit, and he’d proved to you, yet again, that he's an even bigger piece of shit than you took him for. 
A door quietly creaks open, and you’re able to turn your head in that direction. Your eyes widen in surprise when you see Sam and Dean. Your breath escapes you.
And that’s when Dean’s eyes lock on you. He hastens over to you first, with Sam following right behind. Carter comes in after them, but all you can focus on is Dean. There’s relief written across his furrowed face when he kneels beside you and immediately starts cutting at the ropes that bind your hands with his machete. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says, rushed, but purposeful when he meets your gaze.  
“Hey,” you whisper back, with a hint of a smile, despite your eyes that shine with both relief and unshed tears.
“You okay?” he asks gruffly. 
“Yeah,” you reply, even if you don’t entirely mean it.
Dean touches your cheek and wipes a tear there. He then tilts his head to take a better look at the glaring bite on your neck. He grimaces and lets out an angry exhale, his jaw clenching, but he finishes cutting through the ropes. 
When your hands are finally free, you hiss in relief, rubbing some of the sting out of them. It allows you to reach for his face and bring him in for a quick, but hard kiss. And then another for good measure.
Dean accepts them, briefly savoring them with his eyes closed, but he has to shift his attention as he starts on the ropes around your ankles next. 
Neither of you notice the way Carter looks away from the scene. He feels out of place, and even hides a thread of jealousy deep down. 
Meanwhile, Sam keeps watch with his machete at the ready. He gestures at Carter to keep an eye on the stairs leading to the second floor while he watches the door to the back room. 
When you’re completely free, Dean helps you stand. He steadies you with an arm around your waist when you sway a bit on your feet. You’ve lost enough blood that it’s a problem, but you assure him wordlessly that you just need a moment. Then, you give him a nod, and he starts to move with you towards the door. 
But danger comes—just not from upstairs or the back room.
The vampires swarm in from both entrances to the barn. 
A fight ensues, in which Dean’s top priority is keeping you safe, and yours is making sure his blind spots are covered. Your main problem is that you don’t have a weapon, and neither does Carter. He eventually gets beat down, while Sam and Dean are also overpowered, and you’re all but thrown to the ground.
Jenny comes in right as Carter and Dean are pinned down beside one another by three vampires.
“Wait…I know you,” Dean realizes. It takes him another moment, but soon he’s able to connect the familiar face with a name.
“Jenny.” The name falls from his lips in wonder. It’s been fifteen years, but he almost never forgets a face. He smirks, giving a cocky look to the vampires holding him down.
“We tried to kill each other back in the day. Ain’t that a bitch?”
“That’s all you remember?” Jenny asks, raising a brow. “Do you remember Luther and Kate?”
Dean has to wrack his brain, but it does trigger a memory of how his dad shot Luther, a centuries’ old vampire, with the Colt.
“Well, if I remember right, we left Kate alive,” he says, maintaining a cocky quirk of his brow. “Eh, bit sloppy, but we were young. What’re ya gonna do?”
He notices you on the ground behind Kate. You’re inching towards a scythe from the collection of rusty farming equipment that spans each corner of the barn. Slowly, your hand wraps around the farming tool.
Jenny’s face becomes grim, and even colored with pain.
“Yeah, well, Kate got reckless. It wasn’t long before another hunter found us. She saved me,” she says. “But because of you, she lost the only man she ever loved. And I lost my sister.”
Jenny smiles, and it’s all fangs.
“So today, I get dibs.”
With a short yell of strain, you heft the heavy scythe and behead Jenny.
The distraction gives Sam an opening to get ahold of his own dropped machete. He beheads one of the vampires that’s holding Dean. He and Carter are then able to break free of the other two in order to keep fighting.
However, Nate, the vampire that bit you, is drawn to your scent—to the blood from your open wound. He sniffs the air, and his gaze finds you with a smirk. 
He grabs your scythe, and with a force that stuns you, he twists it out of your grip and backhands you hard. You cry out and stumble to the ground. Before he can take advantage of it, Dean grabs the vampire’s arm and punches him. 
Nate grapples with him, his larger frame and enhanced strength allowing him to push Dean back. The two are headed for a large wooden support beam. As you pick yourself up from the floor, you think you see something protruding from the beam. It sends up a flare in your subconscious. 
So when Nate starts bulldozing Dean back like a linebacker, you use what strength you have to charge at the vampire. Your body collides with his side, and the two of you crash onto the dusty ground. 
Dean falls hard against the beam, but he trips back at a lower angle. He cracks his head against the wood and slides down to the ground onto his seat. He’s winded, probably half-concussed, but when he looks up and over his shoulder, he sees a long piece of rebar sticking out of the beam. He just barely missed it.  
Well, fuck me, he thinks. 
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Nate elbows you off of him and knocks you onto the ground, where he grabs your hair and yanks your head to the side. You wince in pain as you struggle and push against his chest, but it’s no use. He’s got you pinned. His fangs descend.
Until Dean takes hold of him by the shoulders and bodily hefts him off of you. It gives you a chance to breathe and scramble to your feet. Nate punches Dean solidly across his face, keeping him occupied. 
You look around for any weapon you can use. You see a flash of silver on the ground a few feet away, and you realize it’s Dean’s forgotten machete. You attempt to get by the vampire to grab it, but Nate catches you with the edge of his backhand. 
You stumble, though you don’t entirely go down as you try to catch your breath. While Dean is trying to hold him back by his arm, Nate kicks you in the side, sending you crashing toward what looks like an old weedwhacker. Except, it’s mostly made of metal.
You fall onto it hard.
Meanwhile, Dean finally sees the machete he dropped. He picks it up and gives an instinctive, powerful swing. It decapitates Nate, and the large body falls to the ground with a heavy thump.
Dean heaves for breath afterward. He looks over and sees that Sam and Carter have finished up with the others. 
Dean turns back to find you, and he notices that you’re still sprawled out against some farming tools. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asks. He goes to you and grabs your arm to help you up, but you stop him with a hiss. 
“Wait, wait, Dean,” you raise a hand at him.
You look up at him with panic in your eyes. You have a white-knuckle grip on an iron handle.
When you try to push your body up, Dean realizes, with no small amount of horror, that you’re stuck.
You’ve fallen straight onto a rusty, circular blade. 
Dean immediately lowers to his knees beside you. His hand grips your shoulder. 
“Oh, God,” you utter. “I can’t move.”
Dean takes maybe half a beat, before his brain kicks into high gear. 
“Sam!” he barks. 
Hearing the urgency in his brother’s voice, Sam rushes over on your other side. His eyes are wide when he realizes what’s happening, but he meets Dean’s steely gaze.
Together they maneuver the saw in such a way that it allows you to raise up to your knees, despite your whimpers of pain. Already small streams of blood fall from your body and down the side of the blade.
Sam and Dean share a knowing look. They really shouldn’t take out the blade until they get you to a hospital, but this tool is too damn big. There’s no way to stabilize you.
“Okay, it’s okay…we’re gonna have to take this out so we can get you to the car,” Dean says, rubbing a hand over his mouth. It’s a nervous tick you know well. You nod in agreement, even though you know this is about to hurt like fucking hell.
Sam braces you from behind, while Dean takes the saw by the handle and carefully takes the blade out of your side. Your scream echoes horribly in the barn, making his jaw lock and his body tense up even more, but he carries through with his task. Once the blade is free, Dean tosses it away. 
Sam lays you down and takes off his jacket and his outer layer of plaid, as does Dean. One of the shirts is bundled like packing, to press against your gaping wound, while the other flannel is used to keep it all tied tightly around your waist. It’s white-hot agony all throughout the process, and you definitely black out for a few moments, your eyelids fluttering shut.
When you do come to, you try your best to contain your pain—and work through the way your head is swimming toward falling into shock. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart. We gotcha,” Dean murmurs. His hands work as quickly as possible while trying not to do more damage to your body.
All the while, Carter watches in worry. 
Once you’re as wrapped up and stabilized as you can be, you, Sam, and Dean realize that both flannels are slowly being soaked with your blood. Dean wastes no time in positioning you in his arms. Sam helps him raise you off the ground, but Dean takes you fully and starts to carry you out of the barn. Sam opens the door for him and follows Dean’s lead, with Carter in tow.
You manage to raise your head enough to look up at Dean. He looks down on you, noting that your normally tan face is already far too pale. And still, the right side of your neck is bloody and raw. 
“You’re really gonna carry me all the way to the car?” you ask weakly. 
“You got a problem with that?” Dean retorts, with an attempt at a smile. 
His voice is steady, but you see everything in his eyes. You see the depths of his worry, and his fear. For once, you don’t know how to soothe him. You grab onto the front of his black undershirt and rest your head against his chest, just trying to keep your eyes open. 
“You’re gonna be fine, baby,” he says. “We can fix this. Just stay with me, okay?”
You feel his lips press a quick kiss to your forehead.
You try your best to believe him. 
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AN: ...Well, sort of "fixed" it?
I know, I know, I'm sorry. 🫣 But trust me, we're not done yet...
Next Time:
Dean’s heartbeat pounds in his ears.
By the time the four of you reach the Impala, you’re in a cold sweat, pale, and barely conscious. Dean unlocks the car and carefully seats you on one side of the backseat, while Sam hurries to the other side. He then helps guide you in as Dean maneuvers you into laying across the backseat. Sam’s going to stay with you for the ride to the hospital.   
“Watch her head,” Dean warns, his tone sharp. 
“I got her,” Sam assures. He holds you securely against his chest, with your head tucked under his chin.
Dean lets out an unsteady breath. When he turns around, Carter’s standing too close, peering at you anxiously. 
“Get her to a hospital—” he starts to say, but Dean’s blood-stained fist cuts off his words, cracking against his jaw.
Dean put all his strength into that one.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 3 (Finale!)
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Series
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Dean W. Tag List (Part 1):
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simplenefelibata · 5 months
what the cw and all of the people involved in the spn revival need to understand is that AT LEAST half of their loyal public won't be watching if
Cas isn't there
Destiel doesn't happen
and it's just because their queerbaiting made the story evolve in a way that the only possible outcome is letting those two men french kiss.
yeah there is public out there still gaslighting themselves into thinking cas doesn't love dean that way, or even trying to make it seem as if all was a fever dream from the so called hellers. but just take a quick take around the fandom and you'll see that the vast majority of the fans are people that SEE the queerness in all of what they did.
so, if they invest and don't make destiel happen -> bankruptcy.
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clicked on the article ONLY to see if they included spn
glad they did
i dont really agree with the Lisa and Ben part but everything else is damn right
burns me up
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morallygreyintrovert · 2 months
I have watched the Supernatural fully only once, I have rewatched seasons 1-8 a fair few times and episodes with Cas and Gabriel I have watched a dozens times but I have never watched season 15 or the last 2 episodes more than once.
Until today. I have not been able to bring myself to do it but as I have resumed writing my post season 15 fix-it fic, I wanted the end of the show fresh in my mind. So for research purposes I’m putting myself through the pain of watching ‘Carry On’ (I’m not or never will be able to bring myself to watch ‘Despair’ again. Okay maybe I’m being a bit dramatic but whatever)
Wish me luck.
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A digital piece from 2021 done for a DCBB season 15 fix it fic. This is Cas pulling Dean’s ass off that damn rebar 🥲🥲🥲🥲 Lots I would change about this now, but I still love the highlight of Cas’ face.
Wish I had more patience for digital works — my setup sucks 😂
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16x05 Celebrity Booze/16x07 The Gang Goes Bowling/13x06 The Gang Solves the Bathroom Problem/15x05 The Gang Goes to Ireland/15x06 The Gang’s Still in Ireland/15x08 The Gang Carries a Corpse Up A Mountain
Can we stick with the one thing? What’s one word to describe us? What’s one word to describe Sunny? Comedy? Tragedy? Are you more gay than you are Catholic? They’re at war. “Primary” identity, but identity isn’t rigid, just one thing, this or that, black or white, it’s about the blend.
It’s about the blend.
(And the Big Mo of it all, are we playing to win or to have fun? Why not both?) Peace and love. Peace and love.
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diazpatcher · 5 months
There's always mom
a short fic about what happened to Castiel after the Empty.
I was listening to "O superman" by Laurie Anderson, while writing this.
Read after cut or on AO3
Castiel opened his eyes slowly, a stickiness to them he hadn't felt in his life. The empty was dark as it had been the first time around. He shouldn't be awake. "Hello," Castiel jumped to his feet, that wasn't the Empty. That was something else he could feel it, or rather he couldn't feel it. "Hello?" His throat was raw, like he spoke for the first time in centuries. "You're finally awake! I was waiting for you." Castiel still couldn't make out where the voice was coming from, or why he didn't feel like he was in danger, rather he felt like coming home. Even different than heaven. "You were?" His footsteps echoed in the Empty as he walked aimlessly, trying to follow the voice. "Of course! Don't you remember me, Castiel?" The voice seemed hurt, by Castiel lack of knowledge and insight, but he couldn't seem to catch up to her. "I'm sorry I don't. Last time I was here, I fought with the Empty, but that's not you, is it?" He tentatively asked.. "No, no, the Empty, I guess you could say it's my child, just like every other thing in the universe." Castiel continued walking, drawn towards an endless corner of the Empty, as if he might find something, someone there. "Your child?" A laugh, the voice had laughed, a warm and kind laugh. "Yes, have you never wondered how Creation and Destruction came to be? Someone made them, I did." There was a shift in the air, Castiel was no longer looking at nothing. Before his eyes like a curtain pulling away, the universe appeared. Stars, planets, and nebulae filling the endless. "So then who are you?" he asked, his eyes burning with the sensation of starring for too long. "I'm the endless universe, a creator, a lover, a care taker-" "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." "Thank you, Castiel." The voice replied, "I am everything. Some call me a goddess, but I've always seen myself more as a mother of everything." Castiel stopped moving, the pull in his chest had disappeared, as if head reached his destination. "Mother? You're the mother of God?" "Yes, but I am also your mother and the mother of all angels who died and all demons. God may have created you, but I made you. All of you." Castiel sat down, his back suddenly finding a wall he could lean against and not disappear into. "You said you waited for me?" Castiel noticed he was wearing the trenchcoat still, and when he rummaged through the pockets, he found Dean's necklace in it. "I did. You were the most special of my creations, an angel that fell, not because he rebelled but because of love. Because you loved humanity more than you loved angels, God and the order of what I created.-" Castiel knows he should be enraged at was the voice, mother is admitting but he couldn't find it in him, to amazed by what he was seeing before him. "So you caused all this pain?" "No, my dear, no. I just make what Creation and Destruction decide to do with it is up to them, but you. You always belonged to me." Castiel watched the star infant of him take shape, an indiscernable face appearing before him, hands colored in the lilac blue of the universe reaching out to him. "Why?" He asked as he looked behind him, the Empty stretching on for forever. "Because Castiel, you are carrying a part of me inside of you." "Doesn't everyone have atoms of the universe in them?" "Yes, but you got them from me personally, that the love inside of you. I gave you my love, and it saved the world, and now you're here, my child. You finally get to rest." The universe before formed a path of stars opening a space for him next to the hands that were reaching out. "You're my mother?" "Yes, my dear. Now come join me and rest." Castiel still had Dean's necklace in his hands, he looked behind him again, the Empty still there, still empty, still no escape, but infront of him, infront of him was a way out in the arms of someone who loved him. There was an escape in the arms of his mother.
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ipromiseimlying-blog1 · 7 months
The Soul Burns Brighter Than The Sun
284,680 Words
Relevant Tags:
If I confessed my love for someone and they Said Nothing I would be very nervous to see them again, Post Season/Series 15, Canon Divergence, Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel grows a soul after the Love Confession, Castiel back from The Empty, Idiots in Love, Castiel and Dean need to use their words, and fuck probably, we'll get there eventually, slow burn, Background Sam/Eileen, Season 16 Supernatural.
Cas unwillingly comes back from The Empty and purposefully avoids Dean, not willing to face him after his blatant rejection in the dungeon. Meanwhile, Dean is figuring out what he should do about the whole Love Confession Thing when they learn that Cas's accidental jailbreak broke The Empty, letting out most of its occupants. Now that every villain they have ever fought is back, Team Free Will 3.0 has their work cut out for them. Welcome to Season 16.
Sneak Peak:
They peel out of the garage and Dean floors it on US-40 West. A month, is all Dean can think about. Cas has been back for a whole month. 
For the past six-ish months, Dean’s been trudging through his life, barely getting out of bed each day, nearly letting himself get dead by a gang of pussy-ass vampires in masks. Every damn word of Cas’s cute little speech playing on repeat every time Dean closed his eyes. Every time he tries to sleep its dark, and the black goo swallows him up. It’s in his lungs, his nose, he can’t fucking see. 
"You are the most selfless, most loving human being I will ever know."
And Cas is the most selfish son of a bitch Dean’s ever known. 
He fumes, his foot pressing the pedal down. He’ll show Cas loving. Dean’s gonna rip him apart. 
Sam tries to talk to him. “Why do you think he didn’t tell us he was back?” He asks. He’s got the whole kicked puppy thing going on, and Dean’s chest breaks a little. It’s one thing for Cas to do this to Dean. The two of them have always been at each other’s throats. Profound Bond and everything, but to do this to Sam? Arguably Cas’s other best friend? It’s not like the dude’s rolling in the popularity department, so to die and come back, and not tell your two best friends? That’s a new kind of fucked up that makes Dean sick. 
And the kicker is, Dean can come up with a guess or two about why Cas didn’t tell them. He’s got the full story, while Sam’s got the whole “He sacrificed himself for me,” PG-13 explanation with absolutely nothing else. Sure, there’s the bloody handprint on the green jacket. It’s still in Dean’s closet because Dean can’t bring himself to wash it, and he can’t ask Sam to do it since that would require talking, so it just sits there, Cas’s blood dark and flaking. 
So yeah, Dean can guess that maybe it has something to do with Cas’s whole “I love you, goodbye” speech, but if you leave the world with that much to say, just to come back and give them the silent treatment? It’s fucked up. 
So Dean grunts in response to Sam’s question. What else is he gonna do?
Sam’s leg bounces with anxiety. “Do you think he’s okay?”
Dean’s lip curls. “I don’t give a flying fuck if he’s okay or not. I’m going to kill him.”
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salchat · 2 months
Little Wing, Chapter 18 - the finale!
“You seem to be enjoying your soup very much, Dean. Do you need a moment alone?”
Dean jumped, his surroundings snapping back into place – the chequered cloth, the remaining scraps of sandwich, the last couple of spoonfuls of his soup. And Cas, watching him, all blue eyes and pink cheeks. Dean rubbed the back of his neck. “Huh. Uh. No. I was just… you know… thinking?”
That damn eyebrow was at it again, quirking up like it knew exactly what Dean had been thinking about.
“Oh,” said Cas. “Thinking.” He sat back in his chair, head tipped to one side, arms crossed over his mutant sweater. “What about?” As if he didn’t know.
“Just.” Dean shrugged. “Stuff. Whether we need to extend the barn.”
Cas’s knowing expression dropped away and he leant forward, earnestly. Which was maybe a shame, because Dean could have pushed things in a direction that would have led upstairs for another reward. Or he could reward Cas. But still, an earnest angel was damn cute too.
“Yes. I was thinking that too,” Cas said. “Did you know there are approximately one hundred thousand unwanted horses in the United States alone?”
“Hey, hold on there, Cas. I was thinking we could fit in maybe one or two more. A hundred thousand’s gonna be a bit beyond us.”
“Of course. But we should rescue as many animals as we can.” He reached forward and took both of Dean’s hands in his own. “They need us, Dean.”
Dean smiled. “I guess you’ve found a new mission, Cas.”
“I have. Even though I already had a mission.”
And his grace might be depleted to almost nothing, but Dean didn’t think Cas would ever lose his angel-gaze, the one that looked into you and through you and right down to the depths of your soul - or at least to the depths of Dean’s soul.
“You’re my most important mission, Dean. To love you and care for you and be with you for always.”
Heat spread over Dean’s cheeks. “Same,” he mumbled. “Love you, Cas.” He squeezed his angel’s hands. And he lifted them up and pressed them quickly to his lips, one and then the other, before setting them back on the table. He cleared his throat and sniffed.
“And rescuing animals is your mission too, Dean. Isn’t it?”
“Yeah.” He thought about Rosie, who’d been lonely, Scooby and Shaggy, who’d been unwanted foals, Crowley, who purred when Dean scritched behind his ears, Helga and Hetty who sat on their laps when they watched TV, Cloppy who followed him around like a dog and patiently endured Dean’s cowboy adventures. Even the chickens, looking right through him like a bunch of tiny feathery Castiel, Angel of the Lords. They were all worth saving. They all deserved saving, in fact, just like Dean had all those years ago – and it had taken a long time, but he kind of believed it now. Cas had convinced him. Dean Winchester had deserved to be saved.
“Saving animals. Not hunting things,” said Dean. “Yeah. I can live with that.”
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nebulousfishgills · 11 months
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valeron99 · 1 year
Once upon in Heaven.
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ilkkawhat · 2 years
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insp & suggested by this anon
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smallblueandloud · 9 months
the doctor was a foundling too :') and being a parent changes you just as much as having a parent does :') and GOD the MAGIC of that first it's-bigger-on-the-inside moment....... i'm riding HIGH
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vivaciousoceans · 2 months
Olivia Benson is a weirdo ngl
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