jpai0508 · 19 days
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He milked the cousin thing for all it was worth
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jpai0508 · 20 days
i am just realizing the genius of peeta's camouflage skill.
because this is a character who frequently lies through his teeth in order to conceal his true self (feelings, thoughts, etc.). becoming whoever the people around him want him to be. just to protect himself and his loved ones.
and this same character's key survival skill is that he can expertly paint himself to blend into the surrounding foliage. concealing his true form from the world?!? genius.
suzanne. i will never stop applauding you.
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jpai0508 · 20 days
it’s acc so fucked up that Peeta’s only crime was loving too much.. staying too true to himself.. being too babygirl
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jpai0508 · 21 days
Hijacked Peeta wondering who Katniss will chose after the war is genuinely the funniest thing ever. Like, babe, you were begging to be killed a few hours ago and now you’re making theories with Gale about who Katniss is going to choose? 😋 he’s so babygirl, I love him.
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jpai0508 · 21 days
Katniss introducing her two love interests :
Peeta : ashy blonde hair that falls across his forehead in waves, his height, his eye color, his facial expression, his warmth—
Gale : he could be my brother.
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jpai0508 · 22 days
Katniss and Haymitch have such a love/hate relationship and people always idealize the love aspect but I absolutely adore the hate. This is a teenage girl acting like a teenager and a grown ass man also acting like a teenager. He is hardly a father figure to her; they are both immature children who bicker constantly but protect each other like family when it comes down to it. They love each other but do not like each other because they're the same person and neither of them likes themselves. They are downright nasty to one another but the trust between them is strong because they know the other will never hold back how they really feel. I just love their relationship, even the ugly parts.
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jpai0508 · 23 days
thinking about the fact that it was heavily implied that peeta saved katniss from the fire bombs in the capitol. suzanne collins i swear when i catch u
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jpai0508 · 24 days
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CLOSE ENOUGH welcome back katniss everdeen and peeta mellark
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jpai0508 · 24 days
The way people characterize Peeta as this sweet baby angel is so funny because he's such a sassy bitch in the first book
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jpai0508 · 25 days
hey guys, I think it’s about time we make a Finnicklives! AU PMJ support group.
Writers, I’m begging.
I need annoying older brother Finnick, who always somehow has the best relationship advice when you need it (and we all know Katniss will eventually need it). Just imagine the phone calls. Honestly, Finnick would be Everlark’s unofficial couples therapist, and he’d be great at it.
Anyways, if anyone knows of any good Finnicklives! PMJ fics or would like to write one, please send me the recs/ links! I would love to read them! (And I can also make a master list if anyone would be interested) :)
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jpai0508 · 25 days
it amazes me how emotionless they managed to make katniss appear in the films considering in the book moments so often make her grin, cause her to scowl, or get her choked up
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jpai0508 · 25 days
Peeta: *looks at Katniss as though he loves her, shortly after he took on Cato so she could get away because he's decided to sacrifice himself for her so she can win the Games*
Katniss: "wow he's great at this acting stuff"
Katniss: *kisses Peeta passionately after telling him she needs him and can't live without him, while in the process of sacrificing herself for him so he can win the Games*
Peeta: "wow she's really committed to the bit"
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jpai0508 · 25 days
I can't help but think how Katniss's narration of Finnick and Annie always holding-hands had a certain longing to it, almost a painful one, even some jealousy to it, IMO. Because wherever they are, whatever they are doing, Finnick never lets go of his girl's hand. And it reminds me of all those times Peeta held Katniss's hand:
When they were walking down the train tracks coming back home from first games, when they walked through the gloomy streets of 12, when they entered the opening ceremony for the 74th/75th HG's, when they were waiting for their turn for their private sessions, etc., etc.
And just how good and warm it made her feel in all those times, how it just grounded her when everything else felt like it was about to crush her.
Katniss's constant observation of Annie and Finnick holding hands—even the simple fact she is narrating something so close and special to an element of her and Peeta's relationship—rings to me how Katniss is longing to have what Finnick got back. Because she knows if her Peeta was there, he would be holding her hand. Never letting go of it.
So, it doesn't really surprise me that on the same pages, Peeta shows up in the cafeteria, making reality wash all over her. And it also doesn't surprise me when she, once again, observes Finnick holding Annie's hand tightly as they are leaving the cafeteria, while Peeta is close to her. And everything is oh so taunting for her, for them.
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jpai0508 · 27 days
Attempting to convert your almost boyfriend from team Gale to Team Peeta is such a crazy endeavor, but it’s also one I will never give up on because I refuse to marry a man who has such wrong ideals. Forget religion, forget politics, this is the hill I will die on.
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jpai0508 · 27 days
Best part of Katniss and Peeta’s marriage based on random thoughts: I bet he always asks for ketchup so Katniss doesn’t have to go through all that embarrassing business of talking to strangers.
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jpai0508 · 1 month
i know we love to think that the other victors kept peeta alive because they were told katniss would go batshit crazy if he died (which she would).
but it wasn’t. the only reason they kept peeta alive was because it would be impossible to maintain an alliance with katniss without him.
that is what haymitch told them.
and what a cold, analytical reasoning to provide. implying that peeta is only as useful as his ability to connect them to katniss.
but it makes sense to the victors. because that is what they have seen. the entire training session they have seen peeta dragging katniss socialize with everyone. to make allies.
and i am sure the majority of allies believed that this was the only reason to keep him alive. up until their death.
only those who spent time with them understood eventually. understood the chink in katniss’s forcefield.
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jpai0508 · 1 month
Love how Katniss’s narration of Peeta is so admiring and loving that she’s just turned that into talking like it’s a fact that he’s the best boy ever. She’s going around during the Quell thinking everyone is saving him because they also think he’s the embodiment of hope. That mixed how she just spouts of all those random facts about Peeta leads me to believe she’s just having convos with people where she acts like being a Peeta encyclopedia is totally normal and not a sign that she’s been obsessed with him for years. And because she’s not using any flowery language or talking about emotions she thinks it’s fine.
Katniss: Peeta’s probably going to be more of a jerk during training today because of the weather
Gale: yeah it is pretty hot
Katniss: no it’s humid so it’s going to cause his wavy hair to get curly. you must have noticed him pulling at it constantly because it annoys him
Gale: why would I have notice-
Katniss: I don’t even know what his problem with everything is, we both can see how soft it still looks, and I’ve touched it lots of times it’s fine. He just has to make everything difficult for himself.
Gale: …
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