#sean x female s/o
softrozene · 1 year
Short and Feisty Female S/O that Likes to Cuddle
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Ladymogar asked: Aaaye I’m always so happy to see new writing blogs in fandoms I love ❤️ could I get hcs for Arthur, Charles, John, and/or Sean for having a smol s/o? Like short and fiesty but also into cuddly times? Thanks doll, I’ve really enjoyed your writing so far!
rdr2 masterlist
I adored this request and had to do all the characters suggested AND I added Javier because he is delicious. I would say the reader in this is under 5’5” (165.1 cm) as that is what is considered short where I am from but it’s different everywhere! Anyway, I’m glad you enjoy my writings, Hon!
I did go off this link when I think of the characters’ heights!
Originally published on March 31, 2020
Arthur, Charlies, Javier, John, Sean x Female Reader
Warnings: Pure fluff
 Arthur Morgan-
Honestly, for him, I think he would be so fucking smitten with you
You would literally be everything he wanted in a partner
Small (or well smaller than what he would’ve imagined) but so much cuter and god the fire in you? To die for
He can 100% see himself risking it all for you and going to settle down to have a family with you- but that’s the future for him
The present with the gang around he would be hard to read
Or that’s how he likes to imagine himself
The second you stroll up to him and have to crane your neck to look up is the second his heart melts and that gentle giant comes out (maybe for a second but everyone in the gang definitely saw it)
Your feisty side originally made him assume that you weren’t the touchy-feely type
So when you first cuddled with him he was probably as stiff as a board and awkward but with you coaxing him into more cuddles which he always accepted he has realized how much he loves them
Poor boy is definitely touch-starved so he would never ever deny your cuddles no matter what time of day it is or who is present (Though he may get flustered)
It would become one of his favorite things to do with you
 Charles Smith-
Omg for Charles since he was a loner before the group and since the group has mostly taller people he would be astounded by your height at first
I feel like he would be on edge the whole time and make sure that he never ever harms you
That would probably be his number 1 fear in the relationship (Poor babe is scared he’ll crush you with his pinky or something)
It would take him a while to get used to being in a relationship with someone as small as you but thanks to your feisty side it makes him feel more comfortable eventually
It definitely eases him that you are not as fragile as you look (though let’s be honest he probably would adore how fragile you look since he would take on the protector role in the relationship)
He knows you are fully capable of protecting yourself though
This boy is touch-starved to but he has boundaries
He would set certain times or have cuddles only restricted to nights and away from prying eyes
He tries to compromise with you but really he believes that intimate moments should remain in private and once you do get to the cuddle session he will be absolute putty in your hands (Or you will be. It probably all depends on his mood)
 Javier Escuella-
This gorgeous man would never say anything about your attitude or height… in English of course
In Spanish, he’ll be teasing you relentlessly and you’ll be dying to find out what he’s saying
Your feisty attitude with this just makes him happy (and a tad impressed if you get mad enough to try and hit him)
No one else is allowed to comment about your height beside him- You both make sure of that
He would flirt with you constantly and without shame
And that’s how you would eventually get together
When he finds out you are a cuddler?
He’ll embrace and relish in it
He’s a romantic through and through so he won’t care where, when, and who is present he will always encourage and initiate the cuddles too
Though because he is a romance it could lead somewhere else and that’s when whoever present needs to speak up is
If you are outside the camp with him expect him to expect you to remain by his side or on his arm
He just likes the fact he can proudly show you off but if it ain’t your thing he won’t force it
Is absolute favorite time with you is when the two of you are cuddling, you in his lap, and he has the guitar on your lap strumming away as he sings softly into your ear
 John Marston-
He would be the one that wouldn’t care at first
It just doesn’t catch his attention and I feel like he would try to avoid you since your small stature and feisty nature reminds him of Abigail
Though once he does give in and you two become friends he’ll start to appreciate your stature and nature
He won’t comment on your height but he will purposely place things out of your reach to watch you struggle for it or so he could be “smooth” and help you (Yes imagine the cliché thing where the guy goes right behind the girl and they touch hands or something lmao- that would be John if he likes you)
Once he is confident that you aren’t like Abigail and you won’t get mad at him for teasing or initiating contact with you he’ll become more confident
I feel like he would be the first to try to cuddle and so when you let him he would just be awestruck
He doesn’t care too much about PDA around the gang but every once in a while he’ll pull you onto his lap and honestly if you let him or encourage him- he’ll probably marry you on the spot
John will appreciate you wanting to cuddle him but sometimes he’ll have his moods where he’ll need to be alone for a while
Don’t worry though because he will come back and feel bad for rejecting a cuddle and he’ll try to make it up to you
 Sean Macguire-
Would be the one to immediately say something about your height the first time you show up in the gang
He has no shame in teasing you, flirting with you, constantly picking on you
When he genuinely likes someone he’ll seem like a bit of a jerk but the cuteness of it is undeniable
Everyone in the gang will know why he acts like that and eventually you will too
However, because of your feisty nature, the beginning of the friendship and relationship would be both of your personalities clashing
He would 100% enjoy this though where you may get annoyed beyond relief
He is the one who would pick you up and carry you around camp to either piss you off or show off your smaller stature
1000000% Would be the one to use your head as an armrest and be all smug bout it
I think in general that Sean with a very short s/o would be a hilarious relationship
He could have his romantic moments but there will be absolutely no witnesses to show this
Unless he goes to Arthur, Hosea, or Dutch for help on how to charm you (That is the only time those three will have not lost faith in Sean’s romantic life)
As for cuddling, this boy lives for it
However, his hormones also live for it so the cute cuddles can and probably will turn into something else rather fast
Again he has no shame so he would try and cuddle (and do more tbh) with the gang present
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WBW Campbell
full name: Abigail Campbell Hotchner
gender: female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Aaron Hotchner (father), Haley Hotchner (mother), Jack Hotchner (brother), Sean Hotchner (paternal uncle), Jessica Brooks (maternal aunt), Roy Brooks (maternal grandfather)
birthplace: Washington, DC
job: BAU agent
phobias: abandonment, medical procedures
guilty pleasures: ice cream & chick flicks  
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
otp: Campbell x Derek
ot3: Campbell x Derek x Penelope
brotp: Campbell & Hotch, Campbell & the BAU, Campbell & Spencer
notp: Campbell x Michael Clark Thompson
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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shyeehaw · 5 years
S/O dies giving birth HCs
Hello fellow cowboy lovers, I’m deeply sorry (or not, I’m into angsty stuff) about the amount of sadness there’s about to be written below. Enjoy (if you like that and all)! <3
Request: An angst HC with Arthur, Charles and Sean where their s o dies giving birth and the guys are left to raise them alone.
Isaac. That’s the first thing that came to Arthur’s mind when you told him you were pregnant.
She made sure to tell him the news on her favorite place: the beach.
What happened had a deep impact in his personality, and now life gave him another chance. To know better, to do better.
In the Saint Denis doctor, he learned that it still had time until the baby was born.
So he would to town with the biggest smile on his face, buying things to the baby. 
Unaware of what waited for him when he got to camp.
Arriving at camp he saw Ms. Grimshaw pale as ghost. His mind trying to make sense of things.
The baby wasn’t expected until another two more months. That’s... that’s why he was out.
He didn’t knew, he couldn’t have predicted it.
“Mr. Morgan, I’m truly deeply sorry, me and Mr. Pearson did...”, Arthur could no longer hear, the buzzing in his ears silencing those awful words.
His dreams once again turned into a nightmare.
Hearing the shaky baby’s breath nearly broke his heart.
He would look at that small, innocent boy and wonder how he would ever raise him without his partner.
Confusion and guilt would take over his mind. Thoughts so dark that he would never dare to write in his diary. Arthur did that to her, he wasn’t there.
He grew more apart from others, focusing all his time on the recovery of his baby.
The boy had some many aunts and uncles, the whole gang loved and protected him with all their hearts.
In the early years, he had no interest in hiding how miserable he was feeling.
Even though he was clumsy, Arthur managed to turn his fragile baby into a strong boy.
He made sure to tell his son how good of a woman his mother was. Always making him say her name.
The boy was very sensible, picking up when Arthur was feeling down and trying to cheer him up by doing all kinds of silly things.
His diary was his most treasured possession. When his son got a bit older, Arthur would read some parts about her.
It was really emotional, but a way to keep her memory alive.
Time is a cruel, but blissful thing. 
Blissful because with the years, Arthur could notice, without hurting so much, the resemblance between the boy and his mother.
And cruel, because he started forgetting the little details. The portrait he draw being the only thing left to compare the her with his son.
Sitting by the seashore, he would reminisce about how much she loved that place. 
“This is stupid, Y/N, but if I could just talk to you... tell you about our boy.”
He would be interrupted by the big curious eyes of that tiny little boy. “Are you talking to mother?”
Arthur would just nod, and take him by the hand, leaving some flowers on the grave just above the dunes. He knows she would love that view.
When she began go into labour, Charles was there holding her hand.
And when life began to leave her eyes, he held her hand too.
Charles had heard about that before, but he never thought he would need to experience it first hand.
And the blood...her warm blood, the blood that nurtured their baby, now was everywhere.
He just kept concentrating on the baby’s cry, for her, he would just listen to that sound and get his strength from there.
“It’s a baby girl!”, said Ms. Grimshaw, holding his daughter.
But Charles could not do the same, he had no strength left to take her.
He remembers falling into the ground, the first time anyone saw him displaying such raw emotions. He would sob for minutes, without stopping.
Searching for any meaning in that, he would think of how life is always balanced, how the spirit and body were different things.
But that knowledge didn’t brought him any consolation at that point.
It took him a day or two, to go search for his baby. Abigail had been taking care of her. Charles was ashamed of being weak and not being able to see her before.
He never felt this scared in his life. His fingers were too big and rough against the baby‘s soft skin.
Charles learned pretty quickly how to take care of the girl, bringing her along when he went fishing or hunting since she was a baby.
He would strap her around his chest and go on with his chores.
The baby girl was very peaceful, much like her father. Looking at her would silence all the noises in Charle’s head.
In her first birthday, everyone threw a big party, getting the girl gifts and playing with her.
It was supposed to be a happy moment, but Charles could not forget that it also meant he had lost his love for a year now.
The thought that this would always be the case robbed him the joy to celebrate that day.
But he loved his daughter deeply, her life gave his more meaning.
Charles was a pretty patient father, teaching his girl to talk and walk, and as soon as she could, to use a bow.
A wooden carved horse was her favorite toy, her father gave it to her.
His kid would always surprise him with how smart she was beyond her years. Not only being able to read, but knowing things not even adults understood.
“I’m not sad Cain died, papa, he is not in pain anymore. Mom is with him now, right?”
Charles would take her every now and then to visit her mother’s grave, by her request.
He felt like he had a lot to learn with his kid, she didn’t felt sad, just glad to be a living part of her mother.
She grew to be such a sweet and caring girl. Who loved braiding her father’s hair.
Charles would look at her and see his own appearance mixed with the one he would forever love. It was painful, but a beautiful reminder of how life goes on.
Someday he would meet her again, but for now, his girl needed him. And he would always protect her.
When his s/o told him she was expecting a baby, Sean was helpless.
There’s no denying that at first he was terrified! Too young and too dumb, in his own words, to take care of another human being.
She got apprehensive that Sean didn’t wanted the kid, but that’s not at all what he meant.
Passed the initial shock, he got really excited at the thought of playing and being the fun dad.
A little person to teach everything he knew , all the pranks, joke, songs!
He started dreaming about the life the three of them would have. It wasn’t so scary anymore.
With his love’s scream piercing through his ears, Sean fetched Ms. Grimshaw in a blink of an eye. His heart jumping on the chest.
He never seen someone giving birth before, so he couldn’t know all that screaming wasn’t normal.
It wasn’t a regular “push” scream, something was terribly wrong.
“My chest!” she would say with her clenched fists turning white “Oh god! Please, it hurts so much.”
That’s when he noticed something wasn’t right. Kneeling beside her, he would wipe the sweat of her face.
“Love, talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry Sean, you didn’t wanted this and now I’m going to leave you with” she would scream in agony “with our baby.”
“Yer not leaving me, don’t say that.”, he said with tears falling into her face. He knew it was true.
Ms. Grimshaw handed him the baby, already wrapped in a blanket.
“Look at her! Stay with us, please”
“There’s another one coming!”, Pearson shouted.
The body of the woman he loved turned pale, with a last gasp, she squeezed Sean’s hand.
It would be his last laughter in a long time. Sean was hysteric, guffawing without any emotion.
From day to night, he transformed in a whole different person. He would be restless, taking care of both babies.
He had no clue what he was doing, so everyone would help out as much as they could.
Abigail would teach him about diapers and common diseases, Arthur would watch out for the kids while Sean ate or when he fell asleep, exhausted.
Mary-Beth would entertain them with beautiful fantastic tales, they loved that auntie.
The twins were the gang’s kids. Although, Sean did the best he could, turning a bit more responsible over time.
He would focus all his, once endless, energy on his children. That way he would be too tired to think about their mother.
When they got a little bigger,Jack would play with them for hours, while Sean was out on jobs.
One time, when arriving to camp, his kids sat him down and started reading to him. It made Sean so damn proud.
“Your pa can’t read but you two can? Where did I go wrong!?” He would say, playfully.
His little girl was the most troublemaker of them. She would always be up to something mischievous.
When she pranked Micah, Sean like pretending nothing happened.
But his  boy was more like his mother, kind and pensive.
“Pa, I feel bad that mom died because of me and sister.” he would confess.
“Yer mom loved ya, and your sister! If she could choose, she would always pick you two over her. That’s how us parents are!”
But hearing his son saying that, got his facade down. Sean had been pretending for too long that he was healed from what happened.
But how could he ever move on?
By learning how to play the guitar with Javier, his son got him a bit jealous.
“Yer spoiling my kid, Javier. He just wants to spend time with you now! I’m his pa!”
He found very odd how only his daughter picked his accent up, the boy talked like Arthur and made Sean a little mad. 
Even though they were everyone’s kids, the twins were super attached to their father.
Wherever Sean went, two red-headed shadows would follow.
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Hey! I like reading your headcanons so decided to ask for one! Could you do a HC of Sean finding out his F! s/o is a creative writer and has written a novel. And his reaction to her teaching him to read so he can enjoy the little stories she writes? I feel like he would input his own wild story ideas into her work. 🤣
Thanks for this super sweet request, Anon! I think Sean would be in awe of his s/o if they were a writer. Get ready for him to demand cameos in every story! 
Sean with a novelist S/O
Sean noticed how you always carried a notebook with you, no matter where you were. He was curious, baffled that you saw it as an essential item to have with you.
He’s ashamed of this, but a couple times he tried to sneak into your tent to take a look at the notebook, but Ms. Grimshaw always caught him. 
It was only after he managed to woo you that you opened up and showed him your scribblings - descriptions of the places you’d seen, people you’d spoken too, the odd phrase or line of poetry. 
And that’s not all. You’ve got a full manuscript locked in your trunk, tucked under your cot. It’s your word baby, your pride and joy, and Sean is the first person you’ve told about it. You make sure he knows this. You’d love for him to read it, if he wants to. He’s beaming. 
Of course, he never learned how to read. But why should that matter? 
It matters quite a lot when his love has asked him to read her life’s work, apparently. Who knew? 
Know this; there’s probably no one else in the whole wide world that Sean would willingly wake up at dawn to have a reading lesson with. Take that as consolidation when he stumbles into your tent, breath smelling of last night’s whiskey, cursing under his breath about how the alphabet can go choke on his tackle. 
A few weeks of lessons go by, and he starts getting a little more confident. Well, cocky. This is Sean, after all. 
“I’ll be mixin’ with those rich university fuckers by Christmas, my love. You just wait. Professor McGuire, right here.” 
After just over a month he’s waking you up for lessons. He even brings you coffee and occasionally a wildflower for “the world’s most beautiful teacher.”
He likes the whole teacher-student dynamic a little too much, actually, but that’s another story. 
Several months pass, and Sean is a fluent reader. You start borrowing books from Dutch’s collection for him to look at, but there’s only one book he’s set on - yours. 
He spends an entire night curled up on your cot, knees tucked under his chin, scanning each page, absorbing every beautiful word. Dawn is breaking when he gently closes the manuscript and places it back into your arms. You raise an eyebrow, awaiting his verdict. He pauses, choosing his words carefully. 
“That is...the greatest book that has ever been written.” 
You immediately laugh, and he frowns. “I mean it! Darlin’, you’re a genius. You’re gonna be rich! Anyone who says otherwise? I’ll kill ‘em. You just wait an’ see.” 
He wraps you in a tight embrace, running his fingers through your hair. “Thank you.” he breathes. You squeeze him, knowing exactly what he means. 
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protectduffy · 4 years
hey there!! do you think you could do headcanons for any gang members, male or female, who have a female s/o that also joins the gang on robberies and stuff please?? feel free to do angst or fluff, basically whatever your heart desires. i just feel i haven't read many things where the reader also helps the gang out like that, so im interested. anyways, thanks a lot!!
i totally agree, i like finding fics where the reader is a bit badass! i picked some random characters and hope you like it! x
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- he’s very protective, although always proud when he sees you riding into camp with that successful, satisfied smile which indicates a good haul
- Hosea will always celebrate your victories with you, but he can’t shrug off how protective he is
- if you come back hurt, you will immediately see the flash of panic across his face. He’s so afraid to lose you
- however, he feels more at ease when you’re with one of the other gang members or himself, and he’ll always warn them to take good care of you. If they don’t, Hosea slips into a fury you aren’t familiar with, and you almost pity your companion
- Dutch will introduce you with a warm, fluffy speech, but anyone in the camp can recognise the steely look in his eyes, a clear threat that nobody will be wronging you without severe consequences
- he gets jealous at times when you leave to a job or task for a few days with one of the other gang members, and he’ll always sit you on his lap when you’re back, reinforcing his claim
- sometimes he argues with you, though, when you get overly ambitious or mention you’ll be doing something that has high stakes for your safety
- on the nights when you do argue, he always soothes away your frustrations by laying beside you in bed, stroking your hair and murmuring about his points until you relax and probably succumb
- he loves having you around the camp knowing that you’re more than eager to contribute to the harder tasks
- Arthur actively scopes out things for you to do, with him or on your own, trying to help you become stronger and more sure-footed
- however, if he catches wind of you accepting or finding a risky job, Arthur will insist on going with you, regardless of whether you ask or not
- he most enjoys riding back from a successful day with you back to camp, both beaming and a little ruffled, but otherwise extremely pleased. Occasionally he suggests racing back, loving the sound of your laughter being whipped away on the wind
- likes to show you off around camp, flaunting you, bragging with things like, “did you see how much my love brought in?”, “Have you made as much money as Y/N?”
- he waits for you to come back from jobs with his arms open, ready to pull you flush against his chest and share your victories
- Javier also enjoys scoping out jobs that he can do with you, including a few stagecoach or house robberies
- so proud, always has the biggest smile on his face as you tell your stories
- he’s probably quite cautious about having you around the gang, knowing that there will come opportunities and challenges of the dangerous kind
- Charles probably steers you away from Micah, Sean and Bill, but these three have a way of attracting the adventurous kind with big jobs, like you
- he is very supportive of you, but Charles harbours silent fears. When you sense that he’s uneasy, you reassure him by sitting by the fire, talking out your concerns
- overall, Charles is grateful he has someone as strong as you, but is always around to accompany you when things are too dangerous
- loves it! He adores the fact that you enjoy the adrenaline of the gang’s frequent jobs
- Sean will be the most keen to have you with him, no matter what the task is, so he can flirt with you in the midst of a fight as well as at camp
- you two will visit towns or read newspapers to find an interesting job that promises a big reward, and immediately rush to the other to inform them
- you can both be a bit reckless, but Sean never forgets that you’re precious, and that’s why he usually is in the line of fire before you
- as she grows in confidence and strength, Sadie needs someone who can keep up, and that’s definitely you
- even though at times some of the gang may not agree, Sadie insists that you and her go out on robberies together. The usual point of concern is for the stubbornness of Sadie and your adrenaline rushes, but together you work smoothly
- she always likes to tease you, like it’s a competition coming back from a job, asking how much you earned and acting like she’s the best (when really, she just adores you and how good you are)
- her favourite jobs with you are the ones that take a few days, because Sadie loves camping with you under the stars, or staying in a fancy hotel room pretending to be rich for the night
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eveenstar · 4 years
We won’t feel pain anymore. (Arthur Morgan x reader)
Tags/Warnings: Chapter 6 spoilers, mentions of blood and injuries. Characters' death, overall sadness, and angst. The reader is gender neutral and Arthur’s S/O.
Note: I’m not over Arthur’s death so I decided to write a sad fic. I legit cried while writing this, more than once so I hope you enjoy it! :D Someone pls get me a box of tissues.
Summary: The last thing you would do in this life was watching the sun rising together with your husband, as you both take your last breath.
Word Count: 538 words
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(gif not mine!)
“You’re a goddamn traitor! We gave you everything, Dutch! Everything!” You said, a flow of tears running down your cheeks. Micah had shot you when you, Arthur, and John arrived at the camp, you lost conscience for a bit but you weren’t giving up just yet. The man, the man you considered a father, a mentor, looked at you and you saw the regret on his eyes. “You…you betrayed your family for this rat?! How…how could you?” But he wasn’t listening to you, as he kept walking down the mountain. You knew your husband was still there, and you hoped still alive.
You didn’t know where Dutch was planning on going, but after you saw him disappear behind the trees, you didn’t care anymore. The man could just fall off a cliff and it would be just fine for you. You gave him everything you had and he just decides to betray everyone by a man he met months ago.
You placed a hand on your wound, groaning in pain. Your body was getting weaker and weaker by every step you took up the hill, by now you were covered in blood and your shirt was no longer white.
Everything was silent, but somehow, you could hear the voices of the past crawling back to you; Hosea, Sean, Kieran, John…And the rest of the gang. Back when everything was good when everyone was happy. Back when…nobody was dead. Your heart broke every time someone died, or leave because they knew what was going to happen in the end. Maybe if you and Arthur had listened to Tilly and Mary-Beth, you wouldn’t be here now and perhaps your husband would die peacefully.
You fell to your knees beside Arthur, before laying on his side. Slowly yet in a loving way, you caressed his cheek.
“(Y/N)…” His voice was so faint, so weak. Something you’d never heard from him before.
“Shh, don’t speak, my love.” A single tear fell from his blue eyes. The most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen before, and the first thing you’d see every time you woke up. You weakly smiled at him, knowing this was the end for both of you. “It’s going to be alright…We won’t feel pain anymore…” Arthur’s breathing was slowing down and so was yours. In a final act of love, you embraced your lover and gave him a last kiss before resting on top of his chest.
Both facing the sunrise, (Y/N) and Arthur gave their last breath.
A few years later…
John looked at the graves in front of him. They were filled with flowers of all colors, especially (Y/N)’s favorite ones. Somewhere, somehow, he wished deep inside Arthur and (Y/N) were happy wherever they may be now. Happy and at peace, together.
Looking behind him, John saw two deers approaching him. A female and a male, but in its eyes, he saw something familiar. The two animals watched him curiously for a few seconds.
“Hello (Y/N), hello Arthur.”
At a slow pace, the two animals gave their “goodbyes” and walked together to the forest again. John watched them leave, before getting back on his path once more.
Yes, perhaps he was right and they were happy now. 
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luna-loo · 4 years
\(◎o◎)/Stop! This is the OC police! Show us your original WWEVerse character(s) and overpower us and the community with creativity love (*˘︶˘*).。*♡ Carry the good vibes on if you want! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Luna (faceclaim Priscilla Kelly) exists in different variations but the character does not change much. Most changes are optical. For the profile I choose my favorite Luna.
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Full Name: Luna Loo Black
Nickname:Luna, LuLoo,Doll,Dollface,Boo,Poppet
Age: between 19 & 21
Sex: Female
Birthday: November
Occupation: prospective photographer, dancer (stripper), Bartender
Orientation: straight
Height: 5'5"
Skin colour: Pale
Hair style: long hair
Hair colour: natural red (ginger like her Pops) but dyed black
Eye colour: green
Distinguishing Features: A birthmark on her inner thigh, Tattoos and Piercings (snakebites,nose and a clit piercing)
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Preferred Clothing: Sexy, Goth,Biker Chick,wild style
Any physical illnesses?:No
Any mental illnesses?: Slightly depressive and melancholic
Take drugs?: sometimes
Smoke?: Yes
Act before thinking/Think before acting?: definitively act before thinking
Way of speaking: Because she has a twisted and dark soul, she sometimes expresses herself in riddles but most of the time she speaks normally. Maybe sometimes a bit much and fast when she is excited.
Swears?: oh yea, a lot of swearing
Strengths: Creative, helpful, generous, loving Weakness: Impatient, cocky, sometimes unfaithful
Photography…But she also likes to stand in front of the camera herself, so she is a hobby model... Parties, dancing, tailoring, collecting old things,makeup , her bestie
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When Luna is concentrated, she slightly bites her tongue. If she is not careful it can hurt. She needs her coffee every morning. When she gets nervous, she plays with her tongue in the right corner of her mouth
She has a knack for aesthetics, which is an advantage when photographing. Her creativity knows no limits. She tailors most of her clothes herself. She can dance damn good. She also dances professionally sometimes, she strips and has no problem getting undressed...on the contrary.
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Sean... Sean is her biggest secret. First she is secretly in love with him, then they have a secret affair and with him she secretly takes substances she should not take. This man is both her salvation and her misery.
If you want some Luna and Sean action then read Stalker’s Gaze and Photography !
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Although she grew up with motorcycles, she is afraid to ride one herself. But she likes to pose on it. She is afraid of missing something in life. She is also afraid that something might happen to her beloved family or friends.
Her goal is to earn money with her photos and maybe even become famous.
Food: Pizza
Colour: Black and red
Animal: Fox, Cat, Bats
Time of day: Night
Type of art: black&white photographs
Genre of music: rock/metal
Relationships and others
Luna is the daughter of Taker. He raised her (see THERE SHE WAS) and they love each other very much, even if it is not always easy. Luna is totally into her Dad’s best friend, Sean O'Haire. At first she is only physically attracted to him, but later it develops into a very deep, intense and especially twisted love. Her best friend and soul sister is Ava Valerie Silver (OC of @kittysilver86) The two love each other like sisters and are inseparable. For Luna, Ava is even more important than her Pops or Sean. 
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You can find most of it in the profile.
What is still to mention... Luna is very sexy and wicked. She knows exactly how she looks to men but she is absolutely not arrogant or horrible. She just likes to play with her charms and with men (only Sean doesn't let her play with him, he rather plays with HER)
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Ships: Luna x Jeff Hardy, Luna x Matt Hardy, Luna x Drew McIntyre, Luna x Lance Archer
Other Facts: Luna is also the Princess of Darkness (see A FAIRYTALE) because she is the daughter of the Lord of Darkness (Taker). She also exists in a trailer park, where she has fire-red hair and is married.
All edits/manips are made by me and do not correspond to 100% of the description. I added them to make the post a bit nicer and to illustrate some things (for example her tattoos). For Wrestling edits go to wrestling-edits-af
Thank you @lilithxue for this wonderful opportunity to tell something about my beloved OC!
And a very special thanks goes to @kittysilver86 resp. @the-writing-kitty , the only person who understands me and my thoughts. She is the absolute best writer and writes such awesome (and damn hot) stuff about Sean for me. I am so infinitely grateful that you are in my life.
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reddeadrevival · 5 years
Character Specific - RDR2 - MasterList
This is a sub master list. To see the Main Master List click HERE.
Please check if the ask box is open AND read my “What I write” post before sending in an ask. Thank you.  
These are headcanons or scenarios that focus on one (1) character / one (1) “x reader” pairing though other characters may be in them or mentioned in them. Deconstructed fics are put under headcanons.
💛 - no specific genre
🧡 - Moderate to Low Fluff
❤️ - High Fluff
💙 - Moderate to Low Smut
💜 - High Smut
💚 - Moderate to Low Angst
🖤 - High Angst
(if any of the hearts don’t seem to fit, let me know and I’ll fix it)
(Read More cause it’s long and I don’t want to annoy anyone)
🧡 Helping Micah overcome his fear of dogs
🧡 Random Imagines With Micah
🧡 Lovey/Dotting S/O
❤️ S/O telling him she’s pregnant/ Baby born reaction
🖤 Pining over reader who likes Charles (Angst)
💚 / 🧡 Thinking the reader loves Kieran but they like HIM
💚 Convincing him to run away with you before John kills him
💛 Shy!Reader who likes Micah Confiding in Arthur&John
💜 Accidental!reader falling into his tent at a... bad time (smut)
💜 / 💚 /  🧡 Micah x F!Reader - Second Choice Ain’t Half Bad  (Smut)
💜 / ❤️ Micah x F!Reader - His Queen (Smut) Part two to the above.
🧡 Midnight in Moonlight - Skinny dipping w/ F!Reader (Possible smut in part 2)
🧡 Micah Coming back from Guarma to a pregnant reader
❤️ Bill having a crush on you
🧡 F!Reader Crush "Can I sleep with you tonight?"
❤️ His crush getting him gifts
🧡 Bill w/ s/o who's an inch taller
🧡 / 💚 M!Reader Confessing to him (Slight angst)
🧡 Super Short S/O  🧡 More Headcanons
🖤 Finding out crush is pregnant with Javier’s baby (angst)
🧡 Cuddling (Includes Javier version)
🧡 Non-sexual Nudity and Intimacy  (includes Arthur Version)
🧡 S/O Super in-tune with nature
🖤 Hopelessly in love with Javier’s S/O (angst)
🧡 Socially awkward Reader
🧡 (Female) Crush Asking him out
🖤 S/O Kidnapped by O’Driscolls (Angst)
❤️ S/O giving him flowers
🧡 Saving him from Bill (Gelding tongs)
❤️ Crush asking him to dance
🧡 Sweet/Kind S/O
❤️ S/O telling him she’s pregnant/ Baby born reaction
❤️ Him being super ticklish
❤️ Teaching F!Reader to fish thanked with a kiss
❤️ Kieran finding out his S/O is pregnant
🧡 Fluffy Headcanons
🖤 Being an O’Driscoll Spy but falling for Sean (Angst)
💛 Throwing knives character
🧡 Fleeing Chap 6 to Mexico
🖤 Choosing the other side (Angst)
🧡 Wedding
❤️ Javier coming back from guarma to Pregnant Reader
💛 Reacting to Micah being rude to his s/o
💛 Embarrassing himself in front of crush
🧡 Cuddling (Includes Charles version)
🧡 Bilingual!Reader
🧡 Cuddling/In Bed
🧡 Teaching You To Read
🧡 Courtship headcanons (GN Reader)
🧡 Making her Happy (GN)
❤️ Comforting her after she sees Dutch flirting with Mary-Beth (GN Reader)
🧡 S/O Super in-tune with nature
🧡 ModernAU - Him wanting to swim with S/O but can’t
🧡 Non-sexual Nudity and Intimacy   (includes Charles Version)
🧡 Romantic HCs (FtM Reader)
❤️ Soft Headcanons
💛 Helping Dutch with A gunshot wound
Josiah Trelawny
🧡 Badass S/O
💛 Gang finding out the two of you are in a relationship
Dutch Van Der Linde
🧡 / 💚 Almost losing you (Fluff & Angst)
💛 Arthur helping him with a gunshot wound
💛 F! Reader leaving him (instead of the other way around)
Eagle Flies
🧡 Finding out the reader can play a Kalimba
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lovelygraceflower · 5 years
You’re spoiling me. Let’s go with my favorite, queen of my heart and soul, the one and only, Clara Welsh.
I was wondering if you were going to ask for her. Here you go!
full name: Clarissa Amelia Welsh
gender: female
sexuality: heterosexual
pronouns: she/her
family: father (unknown), mother (unknown)
birthplace: unknown
job: waitress (formerly)
phobias: losing control of her mutation, not being enough for Sebastian
guilty pleasures: science books, blues music
morality alignment?: chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close-minded/open-minded: close-minded
calm/anxious: on the outside appears calm but in the inside is constantly anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: reserved
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hardworking when it benefits her but when it doesn’t, she can be lazy.
otp: clara x alex
ot3: clara x emma x azazel (these three together can cause a lot of damage)
brotp: clara x sean (clara would say they’re not friends but Sean strongly disagrees)
notp: clara x sebastian 
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softrozene · 1 year
Rdr2 Masterlist 2020-2021
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As the title says, this is all my rdr2- One Shots, Scenarios, and Headcanons from these years when I wrote it under @/lovingoutlaws!
Headcanons/Scenarios usually have 2-3 characters in it while the Character list focuses on that character!
*If a work doesn’t specify a gender the reader is Gender Neutral/Non-Binary!
Started January 10, 2020
Ended January 6, 2021
ao3 backup link.
Character Reactions to Dutch wanting a night with their girl: Arthur, John, Javier x Female Reader. They ain’t happy about Dutch having the audacity to ask to have a night with their woman.
Comforting Female Reader who has experienced an assault: Male!Various x Female Reader. Just hurt/comfort for some rdr2 men finding out reader experienced a past assault on her.
Doing the little romantic things for their s/o : Headcanons. Arthur, Charles, and John doing little romantic things for reader.
Being Romantic with Their S/O: Headcanons. Javier and Kieran being romantic with their partner, reader.
New Relationship with a Male S/O: Abigail Roberts/Marston and Sadie Adler headcanons in a relationship with a new partner.
Reader Getting into a Fight: Headcanons on how Arthur, Dutch, and John would react to Reader getting into a fight.
Reaction to Shy Adopted Girl: Headcanons on how Arthur, Dutch, and Hosea would react to adopting a shy girl into the gang and how their protectiveness is wholesome.
Short and Feisty Female S/O who Likes to Cuddle: Arthur, Charles, Javier, John, Sean x Female reader. Headcanons on how they react to this type of partner. Fluff.
Stargazing Headcanons: Arthur, Charles, Hosea x Reader. Just some fluffy stargazing headcanons.
Abigail Roberts (Marston):
Deserve Better: Abigail x Female Reader. Reader confesses to Abigail after she asks for advice on what to do about John.
Arthur Morgan:
Arthur Turning into a Parent : Arthur x female reader (Father-daughter relationship) fluff headcanons and bonus scenario.
Arthur Comforts reader with past assault: Arthur x Male Reader scenario. Arthur gives some advice/words of comfort when Reader vents to him about a traumatizing experience.
Arthur with a Touch-Starved Reader: Arthur x Reader. Headcanons on how he notices reader is touch-starved and just pure fluff.
Father Headcanons: How Arthur would be with a son, pure fluffy and wholesome headcanons.
Just a Few Minutes: Arthur x Female Reader (Slight n s f w). Arthur is really riled up from seeing how pretty his woman is. He just wants a few minutes with her during a mission. F in chat for Molly’s shawl.
Charles Smith:
Getting Caught: Charles x Female Reader (n s f w). You and Charles get caught doing the do ; )
Hurt Little Bird: Charles x Female Reader. Charles is worried when his partner is taking a while from coming back to camp after a hunt. He goes to search for her and is relieved to find her.
Dutch with a Super Affectionate S/O: headcanons on how Dutch would act with a super affectionate partner both sfw and n s f w.
Dutch with a Younger S/O: headcanons on how Dutch would act with a younger female partner. Both sfw and n s f w
Javier Escuella:
Jealous Javier: Javier x Reader. How Javier reacts when he gets jealous in a n s f w way.
Spanish Flirtations: Javier x Male Reader. Male reader tries to flirt with Javier in his mother tongue only to fail a few pick-up lines. Javier finds it endearing.
John Marston:
Birthday Trip : John Marston x Female Reader. John takes reader on a ‘romantic’ trip for her birthday only for a bunch of accidents to happen along the way. But no worries, it was still a good trip.
John with a Pregnant S/O: John x Female Reader. Reader is worried about telling John about her pregnancy after she heard what happened to Abigail. Arthur reassures her when John finally comes back from a mission.
Josiah Trewlany:
Miss Me: Josiah x Reader. Josiah comes back beat and battered worrying poor reader who would really miss him if something were to happen to him. He is grateful since reader holds a special place in his heart.
Kieran Duffy:
Kieran Reacting to Panic Attacks: Kieran x Reader. How he will help reader during a panic attack.
Lenny Summers:
Fear: Lenny x Male Reader. Lenny wants to come out to the gang since he and (Name) are official, but reader has some fears to talk through.
Molly O’Shea:
Dutch Gets Bamboozled: Molly x Female Reader. Molly finally accepts the offer of the woman she has been seeing behind Dutch’s back. Dutch is livid.
Dutch Gets Bamboozled Part 2: Molly x Female Reader. Part 2 of the other one. Dutch finally gets to see how they are truly living after years have passed by and he is jealous.
Sean MacGuire:
Sean is Struggling: Sean x Female Reader. Ever since Sean has been tortured by the bounty hunters he has PTSD and has some problems with touch. Reader notices and wants to help him.
Sad Yee Haw Hours:
This is just an angst scenario starter event I did on the old tumblr, that I named Sad Yee-Haw Hours because (guess what) I was sad and wanted angst in my life lol. So literally all of these are just angst scenarios. Uh besides that I give warnings before each scenario.
“Everything is going to be okay”: Javier x Male Reader. Reader tells Javier that time heals all wounds :’)
“Please don’t leave me.”: Charles x Reader. Charles is begging reader not to leave them.
“Stop pushing everyone away.” Arthur x Reader x John. Reader is breaking these cowboys’ hearts.
“Just Go.” Josiah Trelawny x Female Reader. Reader finds out Josiah’s secret that he never wanted her to find out.
“Who is it going to be?” Molly x Female Reader. Reader finally asks Molly who she truly wants to be with. Her or Dutch? Reader gets the answer she expected but it still hurts.
“You Can’t Play the Victim Here.” - Arthur Morgan x Female Reader. Reader wants to leave the gang with Arthur and Arthur is confused to why until she reveals something.
“I Thought You Were Dead.” - Charles Smith x Female Reader. Charles finally finds Reader after searching for her (and losing himself) for so long. He wishes he can turn back time.
“Please Look at Me.” Charles Smith x Reader. Reader royally messed up by hurting this man.
“Everything is Going to be Okay.” Arthur Morgan x Male Reader. Very angsty, in which reader stays with Arthur during his last moments.
“You Remind me of Someone.” Sean Macguire x Female Reader. Sean is a complete jerk in this as he messes with Reader’s feelings.
“This Will Never Work.” Andrew Milton x Male Reader. Andrew and Reader have one last meeting before things go terrible for Reader.
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OC Info Meme: Ariadne Foster
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Figured Ariadne needed an updated version of this. 
Tagged By: N/A B A S I C S:
Full Name: Ariadne Foster (Maiden Name: Patterson)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
O T H E R:
Family: Distant from parents. Her husband and infant son are both dead.
Birthplace: Roanoke Ridge, New Hanover
Job(s): Outlaw, Gang Leader
Phobias: Encountering strangers, losing close friends
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking, Sex
Hobbies: Hunting
M O R A L S:
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Wrath, Lust
Virtues: Temperance, Charity, Kindness
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T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP(s): Ariadne x Elijah Malcom Beckett ( @marvelous-mr-matthews ), Ariadne x Kieran Duffy, Ariadne x Marshall Tom Davies
Acceptable Ships: Ariadne x Sean MacGuire
OT3: N/A
BroTP: Ariadne & Arthur Morgan, Ariadne & Dutch van der Linde, Ariadne & Hosea Matthews, Ariadne & Charles Smith, Ariadne & Sadie Adler, Ariadne & Javier Escuella, Ariadne & John Marston, 
NOTP: Ariadne & Micah Bell
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words-and-seeds · 5 years
For the world building ask - any/all of your rdr2 OCs..?? :3
Eeeeeeee, first time talking about my girls. So, I have my main girl Jessie, but I also have like three others who are still in the very nebulous phases (only Lovisa has a name and a skeleton backstory so far)
full name: Jessie Judith Gairner
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
pronouns: She/her
family: Jessie is the third child and second oldest daughter of fifteen children. Her family is huge and very poor. Practically the minute she thought she could support herself, she left from home. It wasn’t so much running away, as being allowed to leave because it was one less mouth to feed.
birthplace: Mississippi, and she left the minute she was able.
job: Uhhh, let’s call her a jack of all trades. She does a little hunting (animals and bounties), a few repossessions of stolen goods, and occasionally has to kidnap people from stagecoaches. Sometimes she kills people for money, but they almost always have it coming.
phobias: Ghosts.
guilty pleasures: Meals in restaurants
morality alignment?: Chaotic neutral
sins: greed/gluttony/wrath
virtues: charity/diligence/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: Anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Cautious
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working
otp: Jessie x Arthur
ot3: Charles x Arthur x Jessie
brotp: Sean/Jessie, Kieran/Jessie
notp:Micah x Jessie, Dutch x Jessie
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aarmand · 5 years
OC INFO MEME  ||  Annabelle Beauvilliers (Red Dead Redemption 2)
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tagged by: @arthurmorgans (˘◡˘) tagging: @the-emberwolf and everyone else who feels like doing it!
B A S I C S:
Full name: Annabelle Marion Beauvilliers
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/her
O T H E R:
Family: Jean-Frank Beauvilliers (Father - deceased), Émeline Beauvilliers (Mother - deceased), Maryvonne Beauvilliers (Younger sister - deceased)
Birthplace: Montbéliard, France.
Job(s): Herbalist, bounty hunter, paid killer, larcenist, failed seamstress.
Phobias: Darkness, claustrophobia, and going insane.
Guilty pleasures: Splurging on fine garments, dancing to gramophone pretending to be in a ball, stagecoaches and wagons.
Hobbies: Painting, playing the piano, calligraphy, wanton murder.
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M O R A L S:
Morality alignment: Considers herself a chaotic good, but is mostly a chaotic evil.
Sins: Lust, greed, pride.
Virtues: Grace, integrity, creativity.
T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
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R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
OTP: Annabelle x Sean MacGuire
Acceptable ships: Annabelle x Alma (she’s this close to confessing her feelings)
OT3: Alma x Marshal Tom Davies x Annabelle (don’t @ me)
BroTP: Annabelle x  Samson Finch
NOTP: Annabelle x Horley
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shtbgs-blog · 6 years
hello it’s me tea being a bad admin and not writing the first event. Instead i’m doing this and i’d make a pretty graphic but i hate my big computer right now so a nice graphic might come later bye, this also got insanely long and if you guys actually read it k u d o s
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HELLO DREAMS N QUEENS, I feel like I haven’t said that in a while but anyway I’m tea, i’m 23, my pronouns are she/her, and I already forgot what else I’m suppose to write here like i’m in the est timezone but i act like i’m in the pst for some reason????? also I do not personally have any triggers and I have no limits on what i rp like I’m always down for literally any plot even if it’s been done to death it hasn’t been done by my character so lets go.
INTRODUCING…. the muses.
ugh are you ready for the shit show..... im gonna shoot myself in the face i have so many
DON O’CALLAHAN, justin chatwin, ( 30 ) + ALONE by HALSEY feat. BIG SEAN & STEFFLON DON.
IMOGEN WARD, madelaine petsch, ( 22 ) + REPERCUSSIONS by BEA MILLER.
JAMES WILLIAMS, milo ventimiglia, ( 35 ) + iROBOT by JON BELLION.
SHANE FRANCIS, carlson young, ( 22 ) + BETTER DAYS by HEDLEY.
WESLEY LLOYD, aaron taylor johnson, ( 25 ) + I’M NOT FAMOUS by AJR.
NIRVANA BAILEY, meaghan rath, ( 32 ) + TROUBLE by HALSEY.
ETHAN MCDONALD, dylan o’brien, ( 24 ) + I FALL APART by POST MALONE ( cover ).
VANCE MICHAELS, cody christian, ( 20 ) + I MEAN IT by G-EAZY.
COOPER JORDAN, charlie puth, ( 24 ) + ME MYSELF & I by G-EAZY FEAT. BEBE REXHA
MICKEY DONOVAN, tony oller, ( 24 ) + SOBER UP by AJR.
JESSICA MILANO, mila kunis, ( 35 ) + SO WHAT by P!NK.
INTRODUCING…. wanted plots.
Okay I am obsessed with platonic / supporting friends ships like? oh my fucking god? give me a good gang and I will legit die? especially if it’s like a brot3 or something like three solid amazing friends and like the more people connected the better im OBSESSED with name dropping. 
Also I’m a bitch for cheating / toxic relationships. Give me physical fights and sleeping with other people. Give Me Fucking Angst. Let my muse be the cheater or let my muse be the one cheated on listen I’m down for legit all of it but when I do the specific muse posts I’ll sort of narrow this down a lot more but these are my two favorite kinds of ships which can technically go below but fight me.
INTRODUCING…. the favorites.
I will say this until I’m blue in the face, I am disgustingly straight for ( 4 ) men in this world. Okay there are a lot more than just four but I do have a top four because I’m a basic bitch but I love ansel elgort, taron egerton, danny jones & hugh grant. those are my main boys but if I made a legit list it’d probably go on for years. honorable mention who is my solid #5 is definitely keith powers. I am OBSESSED with this mans.
Want to talk about how gay I am? WOULD LOVE TO. I am a complete ( slut ) for vanessa morgan, kehlani, zendaya, zoe kravitz, ashley tisdae, lucy hale, lynn gunn, hayley kiyoko, nicole byer, bae suzy, keke palmer and ulrikke falch bitch MURDER ME.
as for ships like i’m down for anything m/f m/m f/f like I do lean mostly towards m/f and i do often prefer playing the male which is another favorite of mine like this rpg is the most i’ve ever played females and it’s legit so fucking weird to me??? i get so nervous talking about ships and stuff when it comes to my females because it’s so far out of my domain / comfort zone so murder me violently.
I tend to lean more toward platonic / supportive / family ships tho because I feel like I’m not stepping on anyones toES LMFAO OKAY I SHOULD STOP RAMBLING NOW BECAUSE IM EXTRA AS HELL
but also my favorite sweatshirt is the one i’m wearing and it says ‘i’m like 104% tired’ and my favorite pants are black boho pants with white swirls and just big and comfy ok
INTRODUCING…. future plans.
I AM HERE TO BREAK THE FUCK OUT OF MY COMFORTZONE I HATE IT IN HERE LIKE I am so used to playing dom!male characters and like don’t get me wrong, i fucking love my boys, i love them so god damn much but I want to have some girls who get love too like I want to play sub!boys and soft!girls and hard!girls and GIRLS! IN! GENERAL! like i sound so fucking basic but when I tell you guys it’s been about 10 years since I actually dedicated time to fleshing out a female character I mean it’s been about 11.
Also I really want to play out some slowburn relationships, some active marriages, some really fucked up exes and really confusing best friends like those are my favorites but I always get so fucking busy or so spacey that I wind up going missing for long periods of time and like? I’m here to stay? Like I feel comfy as fuck in this rpg and I am here to actively get past one or two threads for my connections / ships I’m here for longlasting relationships / rping okay????
AS FOR THE FUTURE, I do have two muses who are sitting in the submit waiting to be accepted? Like which is wild because while they’ve been sat there I’ve accepted myself twice? I don’t know why I’m holding off I guess I just feel guilty bringing in two girls without any sort of connection or anything???? Like I can not wait to bring Lennon up in here because my lil blue haired queen is going to burn this motherfucker down :’)
INTRODUCING…. why i said fuck it.
I SAID FUCK IT because do we wanna be honest? I had been running a rpg that was just draining the life out of me I felt like I was being a bad admin and not doing enough and I just wanted a group where I didn’t have to do so much y’know like, I wanted to just rp in a place where I could do whatever in the living fuck I wanted?? Like I wanted 50 muses, I want to sometimes just make graphics, I want to sometimes just chitchat ooc in private messages or just lurk the dash or just write starters / reply to them like
some days i’m here as fuck for writing and sometimes i’m not and I felt like no matter what rpg I ran or joined I’d be like put on a specific schedule and people will leave me in the dust???? you know????? but I feel like here we’re all just sort of chillin and tryin to live our best lives and I feel like this is my own personal and selfish safe haven like
i’m selfish as fuck and lazy as fuck and here as fuck for all of you :’)
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naijastudio · 3 years
Kanye West Biography, Age And Net Worth
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Kanye West is a Grammy Award-winning rapper, record producer, and fashion designer who is known for his outspokenness. Kanye West: Who Is He? Kanye West first rose to prominence in the music industry as a producer for well-known acts. With his 2004 debut, College Dropout, he demonstrated his rap ability, and albums like Late Registration (2005), My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (2010), Yeezus (2013), and Yeezus (2014) confirmed his spot atop the hip hop world (2018). West is a Grammy Award winner who is also noted for his awards show antics, excursions into fashion, and his marriage to Kim Kardashian. Kanye West Life Style And Birth Kanye Omari West was born on June 8, 1977, in Atlanta, Georgia. Ray, his father, was a photojournalist for the Atlanta Journal and a member of the Black Panther Party; he eventually became a Christian counselor. Donda West, West's mother, was a teacher who went on to become a professor of English at Chicago State University and then her son's manager before dying in 2007 at the age of 58 from heart illness following cosmetic surgery. Her death would have a huge impact on West's musical career as well as his personal life. When West was three, Ray and Donda split amicably. Following that, he was reared by his mother in Chicago's middle-class South Shore neighborhood and spent summers with his father. West traveled to China with Donda when he was ten years old, where she taught as part of a university exchange program; he was the only foreigner in his class. West was lured to the South Side's hip-hop scene after returning to Chicago, and he befriended DJ and producer No I.D., who became his mentor. West received a scholarship to study at Chicago's American Academy of Art after graduating from Polaris High School, but he dropped out to pursue music full-time, a move that would later inspire the title of his first solo album. Kanye West Net Worth Net Worth: $6.6 Billion Date of Birth: Jun 8, 1977 (44 years old) Gender: Male Height: 5 ft 8 in (1.73 m) Profession: Record producer, Songwriter, Singer, Actor, Film Producer, Rapper, Businessperson, Screenwriter, Fashion designer, Music Video Director Nationality: United States of America Kanye West Music Career West created a trademark sound known as "chipmunk soul," which features sped-up soul samples, after spending time producing for local musicians. Following that, in 2001, he relocated to New York. He got his big break here, working on the production for Jay-song Z's "This Can't Be Life," which debuted on the album Dynasty: Roc La Familia in 2000. He reinforced his rising fame the following year by producing four songs on Jay Z's The Blueprint, widely regarded as one of the best rap albums of all time. West went on to create for other notable artists including as Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and Ludacris, as well as singers Alicia Keys and Beyoncé. West, on the other hand, was not content to be a sidekick. He aspired to be the main attraction, but found it difficult to be taken seriously as a rapper at first. He begged Roc-A-Fella Records to let him rap, but as co-founder Jay-Z told Time magazine later, "We were all raised as street kids who had to do whatever it took to get by. Then there's Kanye West, who, as far as I'm aware, has never worked a day in his life. I couldn't see how it could possibly work." Other labels reacted in a similar way to West. He said, "I'd leave meetings crying all the time." Damon Dash reluctantly signed West to Roc-A-Fella in 2002, but he did so only to keep him as a producer. West was injured in a head-on vehicle incident while driving home from a recording session in a California studio in October of that year, leaving him with a cracked jaw. With his jaw still wired shut after reconstructive surgery, he wrote and recorded "Through the Wire," a song about the experience.While recuperating in L.A., he wrote the most of the rest of his debut album. However, once the album was finished, it was leaked on the internet. West chose to improve it by revising and rewriting songs and fine-tuning the production, which included the addition of heavier drums, gospel choirs, and strings (he paid for orchestras out of his own pocket). Dropout from College The album was finally published in February 2004 and quickly became a hit, selling 2.6 million copies and propelling West to stardom. The College Dropout defied the gangsta-rap mold, including topics like as consumerism (of which he was critical at the time), racism, higher education, and his religious convictions. "They say you can rap about anything but Jesus," he rapped on the tune "Jesus Walks," "That means weapons, sex, lies, videotapes/But if I talk about God, my album won't get played." The College Dropout reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart, and West garnered ten Grammy nominations, winning three of them, including Best Rap Song and Best Rap Album for "Jesus Walks." West formed his record label, GOOD music — an acronym for Getting Out Our Dreams — with Sony BMG shortly after the album's release. He'd release songs by John Legend, Big Sean, Common, Pusha-T, and others. Registration after the deadline West spent a year and $2 million on his sophomore album, enlisting the help of an orchestra and composer Jon Brion, who had never worked with a rapper before. According to the New York Times, West, the restless bourgeois-creative, wanted to "see how far he might expand" hip hop. The results were outstanding, with Best Rap Album winning again, as well as Best Rap Song for "Diamonds from Sierra Leone" and Best Rap Solo Performance for "Gold Digger," and Best Rap Song for "Diamonds from Sierra Leone." Late Registration premiered at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 200, a feat West would replicate with each solo album release after that. In Rolling Stone's five-star review of the album, Rob Sheffield stated, "On Late Registration, the Louis Vuitton Don doesn't just want to create pop music — he wants to be pop music." "As a result, he improves his lyrical game, displays his epic production skills, reaches higher, pushes harder, and declares the entire world of music to be hip hop turf." West appeared on an NBC program in September 2005, a month after the release of Late Registration, to collect donations for Hurricane Katrina victims. When he declared live on air that "George Bush doesn't care about Black people," echoing widespread criticism of the president for not visiting the damaged city of New Orleans straight away, he ignited a national media storm - his first, but by no means his last. West's remark enraged Bush, who subsequently described it as a "disgusting moment." Graduation West was motivated to create hip hop more anthemic, to be performed in stadiums and arenas, after traveling with U2 in 2005-2006. He began to incorporate elements of both rock & roll (the Stones, Led Zeppelin, and the Killers) into his music (which originated in his hometown of Chicago). Graduation, his third album, was released on September 11, 2007. It was released on the same day as 50 Cent's album Curtis, in a struggle for hip-soul hop's between the educated showman and the bullet-scarred street thug. But there could only be one winner with Graduation's breakthrough (for hip-hop) palette of layered electronic synthesizers and sloganeering wordplay — "I'm like the fly Malcolm X/Buy any jeans necessary," he sneered on "Good Morning" — West's album went straight to No. 1 after selling 957,000 copies in its first six days. With the music industry wringing its hands over the internet's impact on profit margins, West simply embraced the change with his video for the single "Can't Tell Me Nothing," in which he hired comedian Zach Galifianakis to lip-sync along to the lyrics on an alternate version, resulting in a YouTube viral sensation. The Death of Kanye West Mother West was on top of the world, acclaimed as the musician who had put gangster rap on the verge of extinction. Then catastrophe happened in November 2007. Donda, his adored mother, died of a heart attack after cosmetic surgery. He dedicated a performance of "Hey Mama" to her on his first show after the funeral. West split up with his fiancée, Alexis Phifer, a few months later. 808s & Heartbreak, his next album, was released 12 months after his mother died and was laced with grief, agony, and isolation. West even gave up rapping in favor of singing through an Auto-Tune vocal processor, which gave his voice a robotic tone – a technique that is now commonplace in hip hop. "Hip hop is done for me," he declared after describing the new album as "pop art" (not to be confused with the visual art movement). (It wasn't; he won Grammys for guest raps on Estelle's "American Boy" and TI's "Swagga Like Us" that year.) Kanye West Earnings By Year Follow Money Year Earnings 2007 $17,000,000 2008 $30,000,000 2009 $25,000,000 2010 $12,000,000 2011 $16,000,000 2012 $35,000,000 2013 $20,000,000 2014 $30,000,000 2015 $22,000,000 2016 $18,000,000 2017 $22,000,000 2018 $90,000,000 2019 $100,000,000 2020 $200,000,000 Total: $437,000,000 Taylor Swift's VMA Feud and Diss The fragility of West's mental health was brought into question the following year at the MTV Video Music Awards. He stormed the stage during Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for the Best Female Video award (for "You Belong to Me") at Radio City Music Hall in New York to argue that Beyoncé should have won instead. The reverberations from that moment are still being felt. West apologized, then retracted his apology in a New York Times interview in 2013. By 2015 they had become friends and were even spotted at dinner together. Then in 2016 Kanye rapped on his song "Famous": "I feel like me and Taylor might still have s*x/Why? I made that b**** famous." Swift responded from the stage at the 2016 Grammy Awards, this time unapologetically, with the words: "To all the young women out there, I want to say something: There will be people who try to undermine your success or take credit for your successes along the way... Don't let those folks get in the way." Fashion West took a break from music after the Swift fiasco to focus on fashion. Since 2006, he'd been collaborating with limited-edition sneakers with brands including A Bathing Ape and Nike. To obtain experience, he reportedly interned at Gap in 2009 and later Fendi. In 2011, he debuted his first collection in Paris, however it was critically lambasted. Long Nguyen, style director of Flaunt magazine, sniffed, "You can't just dump some fox fur on a runway and call it luxury." At the show's after-party, West delivered a wounded-sounding address. "Please take it easy," he said. "Please give me the opportunity to mature." After a lackluster response to his second collection a year later, West stated that he would no longer be presenting in Paris. In 2013, he collaborated on a capsule collection with the French label APC, and in October 2015, he struck a $10 million agreement with Adidas, launching his first sportswear collection, Yeezy Season 1, with the brand. The label has received mixed reviews, while Anna Wintour praised his Season 5 collection in February 2017. She told the New York Post, "I really liked it." "A little more attention than we've seen from him before." My Dark Twisted Fantasy West returned to music in November 2010 with his fifth album, a bombastic and towering monument to self-aggrandizement that sounded "like an instant greatest hits," according to Pitchfork. It was a bombastic and towering monument to self-aggrandizement with paranoid celebrity and rampant consumption as the dominant themes: it was a bombastic and towering monument to self-aggrandizement that sounded "like an instant greatest hits" according to Pitchfork It was Kanye West's best and worst all bundled into one: a magnum work that bordered on the insane. It spawned four songs, including "Monster," on which West, Jay Z, and Rick Ross were famously beaten into second place by Nicki Minaj's furious guest verse. In 2011, West and his old sparring partner Jay Z released Watch the Throne, a joint album that delivered seven songs, including "Otis" and "Niggas in Paris," as well as three additional Grammy awards for West and Jay Z. Relationship In 2012, West released Cruel Summer, a compilation album including artists from his GOOD Music label. However, his romance with reality-TV star Kim Kardashian, which began in April, dominated the headlines that year. They married on May 24, 2014, in the medieval Fort di Belvedere in Italy, after West proposed at the AT&T baseball stadium in San Francisco on October 21, 2013. As Kardashian came down the aisle, Andrea Bocelli performed, The designer Rachel Roy, tennis champion Serena Williams, film director Steve McQueen, and music performers Legend, Q-Tip, Rick Rubin, Tyga, and Lana Del Rey were among the visitors. North (born June 15, 2013), Saint (born December 5, 2015), and another daughter are the couple's three children (born via surrogate January 15, 2018). Psalm, the couple's fourth child, was born via surrogate in May 2019. Yeezus West's sixth studio album, Yeezus, was released in June 2013 and had little evidence that the rapper was living a happy life. West had engaged producer Rick Rubin to make sweeping alterations just days before the album's release, thus the sound was aggressive, raw, and almost entirely melody-free. On "I Am a God," which featured the iconic phrase "Hurry up with my stupid croissants," West sounded neurotic and egocentric to the point of bathos. With the exception of the excellent glam-rock-inspired hit "Black Skinhead," West stated the album was a "attack against the commercial," and it certainly included nothing that was radio-friendly (the first of only two singles from the album). Yeezus is the only album by Kanye West to have sold less than one million copies in the United States. Nonetheless, it was highly welcomed by critics, including rock veteran Lou Reed, who told Rolling Stone that "It's as if you're crafting a movie with each tune... The guy is incredibly gifted." Beef on Jimmy Kimmel In September, West and Jimmy Kimmel had a Twitter dispute after the talk-show host ridiculed an interview West had given to the BBC in the United Kingdom. On his show, Jimmy Kimmel hired young actors to recite some of West's more bombastic remarks. West, on the other hand, was not amused. One of a series of outraged tweets said, "Jimmy Kimmel is out of line to try to mimic in any manner the first piece of honest media in years." During his next episode, Kimmel happily read out West's tweets, eliciting more ire from the rapper, who shared a link to a Slate piece headed "Kanye was right." West returned on Jimmy Kimmel Live the following month, and the conversation lasted the most of the broadcast, with multiple free-flowing Kanye monologues covering everything from his career to his thoughts on the paparazzi, Steve Jobs, and Jesus. "I don't know whether you're aware of this, but a lot of people believe you're a jerk," Kimmel said, before complimenting West's portrayal. West had been hurt by Kimmel's characterization of him, as it turned out, because the two had known each other before to the disagreement. "When I'm cooking up a comedic routine," Kimmel said, "regarding a celebrity's feelings is not something that comes to mind." They had cleared the air by the end of the show. More Public Outbursts, Collaboration with Paul McCartney, and Rihanna West made history as the first rapper to collaborate with Paul McCartney, releasing the tune "Four Five Seconds" alongside the Beatles icon and Rihanna at the start of 2015. But a month later, there was yet another award-show snarl, this time at the Grammys, when West protested to Beck winning Best Album. After the ceremony, West remarked, "Beck needs to respect artistry, and he should have presented his trophy to Beyoncé." In an interview with The Sunday Times newspaper in England a few months later, he withdrew his comments. "My image of a gentleman who plays 14 instruments not respecting craftsmanship was incorrect," he admitted. West, along with other artists such as Beyoncé, Jay Z, Rihanna, Madonna, Chris Martin, and Nicki Minaj, was introduced as a co-owner of the music-streaming service Tidal in March. Despite a petition with 135,000 signatures requesting for him to be removed from the lineup, he headlined the Glastonbury festival in the United Kingdom in June. The Life of Pablo Picasso In the lead-up to his seventh album, The Life of Pablo, there was even more controversy. West made headlines before the film's release on February 14, 2016, for a series of inflammatory tweets, including one declaring Bill Cosby, who is on trial for drugging and raping women, to be innocent. He began a feud with Wiz Khalifa, a musician he mistookly believed had ridiculed his wife, Kim Kardashian ("I am your OG and I will be respected as such," West tweeted.). He also expressed regret for appearing to disparage Michael Jordan in his lyrics. West then oddly advised his fans to lobby Facebook founder Mark Zuckerber the day after his album was released. He also expressed regret for appearing to disparage Michael Jordan in his lyrics. West then oddly pushed his fans to lobby Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to spend $1 billion in West's "ideas" the day after his album was released. He also claimed to be in debt for $53 million. Thealbum was yet another departure from the norm, as well as a triumph. It has a considerably broader sound than Yeezus, integrating a wide range of sounds, styles, and inspirations, ranging from trap to gospel to Auto-Tune crooning, avant-pop, vintage soul, and dancehall. Frank Ocean, Chance the Rapper, Rihanna, Desiigner, and Kid Cudi were among the guest vocalists. It was West's sixth solo album to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 list in a row. Cancellation of the Tour and Return to the Spotlight West paused a show in Sacramento on November 20, 2016, while on his Saint Pablo Tour, to go on a rambling diatribe about radio playlists, MTV, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Beyoncé, and Jay Z ( "Call me, Jay Z... I know you've got killers. Please don't shoot them at me "(Imaginative+ paraphrase). He had ranted onstage and proclaimed support for Trump for the second time in a week, and this time it seemed like a public breakdown – he did not finish the act. He canceled the remaining 21 concerts of his tour the next day, citing tiredness, and spent the next eight days in the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. Pusha T, the president of GOOD music, revealed in an interview in February 2017 that West was working on a new album. Rumors about the album's progress persisted, with some stories claiming that the Grammy winner had sought creative inspiration in the Rockies of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. With the announcement that he was authoring a philosophy-themed book, Break the Simulation, in April 2018, West re-entered the news cycle. Days later, he verified the rumors of new material in a rapid-fire sequence of tweets, announcing that he will release two albums in June, the second of which would feature longtime collaborator Kid Cudi. The artist then caused a sensation when his tweets turned to his admiration for President Donald Trump, referring to him as "my brother" and claiming that they shared "dragon energy," even sharing a selfie wearing Trump's "Make America Great Again" cap. West later clarified the situation by adding that he adored Hillary Clinton as well and that he didn't agree with everything the president stated. "I don't agree with anyone except myself 100 percent," he wrote. Read the full article
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helmes-deep · 6 years
Get-to-Know Me Tag
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better (or don’t – it’s up to you!)
Tagged by: @obsessivecompulsivee​ Thanks for tagging me!! I hope you’re doing well and not going crazy over all that’s happening to Sue x Sean right now loool :’3
Nickname(s): Wakari/Akari?? I don’t really have a nickname in real life :v
Gender: Female
Sign: I don’t do star signs, but I fall into the Scorpio zone
Height: 5′3″ (oh my word, you and I are the same height!! :o)
Time: 12:13 AM
Favorite band(s): 
Regular: Switchfoot, NEEDTOBREATHE, Colony House 
K-pop: B1A4, SEVENTEEN, BTS, Royal Pirates
Favorite solo artist(s): 
Regular: Swimming with Dolphins, Bleachers, Phangs 
K-pop: Ailee... and Taemin and Seungri???
Song stuck in my head: “She’s Mine” by VAV
Last movie I saw: The Girl Next Door (2004); it was cute and funny enough :pp
Last show I watched: Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place (I’m currently obsessed with Berg x Irene, lol)
When did I create my blog: August 13, 2015. I think I had my account a few months before that, but I was only lurking. Guess my blog’s been actively running for almost 3 years (2 and a half, to be more exact) then :o
What do I post: K-pop, Naruto, TV shows, memes, music, and whatever else I want to lol
Last thing I Googled: “august 13 2015 to today” for the “when did I create my blog” question. Apparently, it’s been 953 days since that date...
Do I have any other blogs: Nope!! I have a few saved urls in case I want to change my blog’s name, but everything I reblog is just crammed into this one, single blog loool YOU CAN EITHER HANDLE ALL OF ME OR NOTHING AT ALL LAWL :PP
Do I get asks: Sometimes/every now and then, but not regularly
Why did I chose my URL: I named myself after the character Akari Mizunashi from the beautifully written and illustrated manga ARIA by Kozue Amano. Then I combined it and “rhymed” it with “baka” (the Japanese word for “idiot”) lol.
Following: 438
Followed by: 250
Average hours of sleep: 5-10 hours, depending on the day :v
Lucky number: I don’t have one, but my favorite number is 13
Instruments: I've played the piano for 10+ years. I mostly play classical, hymns, or whatever else I want to by ear. There used to be an audio post on here with my personal piano cover of a K-pop song, but since it was on private, I think it got removed when I switched back to my old url :///
What I am wearing: one long-sleeved shirt, one long-sleeved pajama shirt, one large gray sweater, a pair of black leggings with zippers, and a pair of socks :’3
Dream job: Teacher and/or writer
Dream trip: South Korea or Japan?? I also wouldn’t mind sight-seeing around America, probably somewhere in the Northeast
Favorite food: C H O C O L A T E~!! ♡♡♡
Nationality: American (USA! USA! USA! haha)
Favorite song: I have many favorite songs, but one of them is “Enough to Let Me Go” by Switchfoot from their album Hello Hurricane (probably my favorite album of all time). It’s such a great song about love and self-sacrifice.
Last book I read: It’s not exactly a book, but I just finished reading the manga Oyasumi Punpun by Inio Asano recently. Super-sad and depressing, but it’s such a good, good, and amazing story. Currently reading 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson and 1984 by George Orwell with my book club right now.
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Naruto (lol, is that even a question??), some periodic drama set in Asia, or some inter-space, futuristic universe?????? IDK: I don’t really think about living anywhere else lol; I guess I like living where I am now :PP
I’d like to tag: @jungkookkiiee @valeriellavivie @chandeuls @codename-nyx @nxttyzzz @the-rare-laynicorn @mrsdarkness07 @nymph-adora
Just some new followers I’d like to get to know better!! As always, you only have to do it if you feel comfortable with doing so~!! :33
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