#rdr: the foster gang
scarfacemarston · 1 year
Okay okay I just started to play RDR2 more around a week or so ago (reached chapter three!) and got spoiled that when the gang becomes more divided Javier goes with Dutch and Micah and I felt DEVASTATED. But this does make me wonder, how could Javier be convinced to not be on their side in some sorta AU? His whole thing is about loyalty but it would be interesting if he went with Arthur and Charles and I would love to know your thoughts on this!! I dont rlly mind spoils btw ^.^
I'm only giving very light spoilers because I don't want to spoil too much. A lot of people who played RDR 1 were expecting Javier's change, but I don't think anyone expected it to hit the way it did. I was surprised to see Javier question Dutch a few times because the conversations you see in camp are randomly generated and are not guaranteed to play every time. That's how so many people have different playthroughs. Dutch shuts him down every time. I was surprised to even find Javier raising his voice at Dutch, and he's talked about the Blackwater robbery with Dutch. I think if Hosea continued to foster his friendship with Javier, he could have been influential in changing Javier's mind (or I guess, keeping Javier more impartial?) I honestly couldn't tell you if Javier could be swayed. Javier credits Dutch with saving his life when he was first in the United States, and he credits Dutch with giving him a purpose and a family that he thought he lost. (RDR 1 actually shows that he reunited with them............kind of.) But he also credits Dutch with saving him in a later event. When he's saved from this second event, he thanks Arthur and everyone, but I feel - and this is just my opinion - that he credits Dutch more? That's just the vibe I received. I'm curious about your reaction when you do see what happens. I think if his friends emotionally pleaded with him more, then they may have been able to reach him, but I'm not sure. By the time they started "talking" - a lot of damage was already done, and people were already at their wit's end to start having those dialogs more.
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rdr oc’s: Amelia Jones, Florence Walker, Ariadne Foster When you all get art done by the same person and gotta put the squad together! These ladies are looking BADASS.  Art By: @1547406s  Amelia Jones - @optimisticpharmacist Florence Walker - @loveavillain
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Abigail Roberts x GN!Reader in: Loving You With All That I Am
From the van der Linde Ladies, With Love 💌 || VDE 2021
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Hundreds upon hundreds of languages have given us thousands upon thousands of words, and yet I don’t think there’s one that could ever hope to fully explain just how much you mean to me.
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She’s found that loving you is like coming home…
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↠ Requested By: My burning desire to receive a love letter lol ↠ Reader Gender: Neutral ↠ Content Type: SFW fluff ((but my blog’s 18+ if minors want to consume my sfw stuff while still respecting my wishes of them staying out of this space, they can head over to my AO3)) ↠ CWs: None ↠ Betas? Nah, we don’t do that here. ((tho we should, honestly)) ↠ Total WC: ~800
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Abby’s another of those characters that I’m hesitant to write for because she’s got a lot of layers to her. On the surface she can come off as brash and overly confrontational, but when you look at the heart of her and her motivations there’s so much more there to be seen.
One of the things I find most striking about her is just how much she cares, for both her immediate family and the gang as a whole. She doesn’t always show it in the most traditional way, but you can definitely tell that she loves them all deeply (and don’t even get me started on the relationship she fostered with Sadie, I’m not trying to get too in my feels on this gloomy afternoon lol).
Anyways! Here’s to hoping I’ve done her justice…
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|| Loving You With All That I Am
Hey babe,
So it’s Valentine’s Day yet again. Kinda feels like it’s already come and gone, but maybe it’s just all the holiday themed shit that’s been shoved in my face since the turn of the year that makes it seem that way. I’m actually rather fond of the day, but the way the stores carry on is a bit much, you gotta admit. No lie, I went into a gas station not even a week after New Year’s and they were already putting out heart-shaped boxes of candy and little pastel bears and such. Ridiculous, truly. But I’m not writing this letter just to moan about having to endure holidays well before their time, but rather because I want to do something sweet for you this year.
I wanted to avoid indulging in any clichés, but really there are only so many ways to express one’s affections. I’m not a singer or a poet or an artist or anything else fancy like that, so we’re both just gonna have to make do with a simple love letter. But hey, you gotta respect the classics, yeah?
On the surface I know that I can come off as a cliché myself. What’s worse is that those parts are some of what I’m most proud of in myself. The ‘strong and independent’ thing has become a parody at this point, a phrase tossed around with a mocking tone or an upturned lip. And when it’s taken to extremes maybe it is deserving of all that, but my confidence and pride are both hard won. They’re things I had to fight not only the world for, but myself as well.
For so long so much about my life was at the whim of others, and once I broke free of that I swore that I would never endure anything even remotely similar ever again. Still it’s sad to say that it took me a long time to find my worth in truth. Before that it was little more than bravado and bluster, a fierce and brave face put on for the sole purpose of keeping people from thinking I was someone they could take advantage of. I was a loud, brash thing, but my words were ultimately hollow—I was hollow. I’ve since tended to those wounds, while years and experience both have dulled my jagged bits, though I’ve never quite lost my edge and for that I am grateful. I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea, but I like who I am, and those closest to me don’t seem to mind much either.
You especially, I’ve found, don’t seem to mind at all—in fact I’d even go so far as to say you love those parts of me just as much as I do.
But even so you knew to look beyond that. I’m so much more than just the fighter. I’m a lover of many, the mother of one, a loyal friend, a comforter, a confidant, a supporter… I cry over terrible made for TV movies, sappy poems make me blush, and I cannot walk past a baby or toddler without making weird faces just to get a gummy smile. I am so many silly and odd and wonderful things, and you let me be them all—you let me be me, unmasked and unashamed. Do you know how rare and beautiful of a thing that is?
Do you know how rare and a beautiful thing you are?
Hundreds upon hundreds of languages have given us thousands upon thousands of words, and yet I don’t think there’s one that could ever hope to fully explain just how much you mean to me. I swear sometimes it feels like you’re just a dream, something that my unconscious mind has conjured up to keep itself pleasantly occupied, and then you take my hand or smile at me or just breathe and I realize not only are you real, but you’re mine and I just…
I didn’t know that it was possible for another person to make you feel so full, for a hug to feel like home, for a kiss to convey love and safety and promises of a future that I never allowed myself to wish for.
____, baby, you give me all of that and more, and my god do I love you for it.
You’re more than I ever even thought to ask for, and I’m so happy and honored and proud to walk side-by-side with you through this journey we call life. Thank you for this—thank you for being your wonderful, loving self…
Loving you with all that I am, Abby xo
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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arendelicious · 4 years
Cowboy meme 4, 16, 18, 20
4. Who is the most misunderstood character?
I definitely think it’s Dutch just from the fan theories I read about him. I see a lot of arguments on both side of the coin: one side saying that Dutch once authentically cared for people and had a deep well of empathy, using the “Robin Hood” like stance of the gang in early years and his relationship with Hosea specifically as proof, and the other side saying everything he did was one long con with Arthur and John and he never actually cared about either of them. I think that both of these oversimplify things a lot, especially given all the evidence we have about Dutch from the past with Arthur’s journal and conversations with John and Hosea. 
Judging from the things said and the way he behaves, it’s more than abundantly clear to me that Dutch has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which I’ve definitely seen people mention but not always seen it fully understood. Some people I’ve seen use this to back up the idea that Dutch was using Arthur and John all along and that he is some kind of monster, but that again simplifies how narcissists work and how they abuse people. As a narcissist, Dutch would be incapable of authentic empathy, but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t care in his own way or that he would be incapable of doing good things. The gang giving to those in need, Dutch’s adoption of Arthur and John, his worries about being seen as a good person all still fit in with having NPD. 
Narcissists, especially covert narcissists, will often do good things. They will donate to the poor, donate their time, foster and/or adopt, join the Peace Corps or Doctors Without Borders, etc. not because of authentic empathy towards these causes or a selfless love to people, but because of the way it feeds their narcissism. Praise for being so kind and caring, the ability to tell someone that they should be thankful they have a roof over their head because of them, the feeling that other peoples lives depend on them all feed the ego that a narcissist craves. We hear from conversations that Dutch has always had meltdowns, always gone into spirals, can be particularly volatile towards perceived criticism, and is clearly passive aggressive towards people when they don’t do what he wants them to do or say what he wants them to say. The only difference between what we see in RDR2 and what would have been before is that he was having the flames stoked by Micah and was also dealing with everything he built falling down around him. He has no anchors, loses the respect and praise he has been accustomed to, and is overall lost which makes it impossible for him to pull himself out of his meltdown.
This also doesn’t mean that he’s only using the people around him, though. Whether it’s to stroke his ego or not, Dutch is still helping others, he still raised Arthur and John, he still gave people someplace to go when they had nowhere. The only thing is that his love is conditional and he requires absolute loyalty to keep it. We can see the detrimental affects this had on both Arthur and John, but if I go too deep into them, this will just get longer. THE POINT IS people really make it too black and white and don’t seem to have a clear understanding of how people could do good or seem caring when they... aren’t. Dutch’s character is fascinating to me partially because he’s such a flawless example of someone with NPD and how they would function. He’s such an amazing character study and it’s sad to see him reduced to either misunderstood romantic idealist or some kind of cartoonish villain. LMAO THIS KIND OF ENDED UP ANSWERING 2 TOO WOOPS
16. If R* were to make a third RDR game, what would you want it to be about and who would you want the protagonist to be?
I think  I’m in the minority here where I don’t actually want it to focus on the gang anymore. I think the stories have been told and I don’t think that going further back would be very interesting to play through anymore. It worked for RDR2 because RDR1 had only vague ideas about the past, but I feel like RDR2 sets things up a little too solidly for there to be any reason to see anything before it. I also don’t want it to follow Jack because I just think that it would be ... boring... to see yet another member of the family die on the path to redemption.
I would like to see a new gang or maybe explore one of the side characters that they set up in the two games? I think it’d also be interesting to set at the beginning of the cowboy era in the early to mid 19th century rather than at the decline of it; maybe something in the Mexican territories, especially during the Mexican American war. I just would like to see something unique rather than branches off of an already well told story.
18. Which gang member do you wish Arthur interacted with more?
Abigail, Tilly or Mary-Beth! The girls in general just would’ve been nice to see more of. The only one they really seemed to focus on was Sadie, who I love, but I’d have liked to know more about the others, since they all seemed really badass and unique. Abigail would’ve especially been nice since Arthur clearly cared for her so deeply and we could have seen something more of her than just “Jack’s mother” or “John’s naggy wife.”
20. What was your first horses name? And is there a meaning behind it?
Calamity! Not because of Calamity Jane tho I guess it would be in a roundabout way, but because of Ashe from Overwatch since it’s her nickname lmao I REALLY LOVE HER OKAY
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reddeadchesha · 5 years
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                                        RDR OC BIO - Avery
                   B A S I C S:
Full Name: Avery Johnson
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He | Him
Appearance: Avery is a tall man standing at 6’6”. He has straw blonde hair, shaved at the sides and slicked back regularly with pomade. He was originally malnourished and scrawny but once he began running with Ginnie he quickly filled out, his shoulders and chest becoming broader and tapering down to a thinner waist. He keeps himself in shape and due to his werewolf genes he only has a few scars, two on his back from bullet wounds and one on his stomach from where a silver knife cut him. His eyes are dark green and seem to stand out in the darkness. Avery has very little facial hair that he tries to keep shaved down.
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                  O T H E R:
Family: Father: Unknown werewolf, Mother: Unknown human
Animal(s): Horse - Autumn, a once wild seal bay mare he caught and tamed himself
Birthplace: Born in Blackwater, raised in Tall Trees, West Elizabeth
Job(s): Outlaw, Right-hand man
Phobias: Fears loved ones leaving him, drowning, and snakes
Guilty Pleasures: Eating expensive steak, drinking beer
Hobbies: Singing, hunting, napping, and teasing other gang members
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                   M O R A L S:
Morality Alignment: Neutral Good
Sins: Lust
Virtues: Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility, Temperance
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                  T H I S - O R - T H A T:
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy
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                   P E R S O N A L:
Personality: Avery, despite his big talk and grins, is surprisingly pessimistic and anxious. The abuse his foster family put him through causes him to harbor insecurity about his own heritage. He fears those he loves will leave him because of this, and still struggles to accept it. However, he is extremely loyal and hard working with the gang, and would readily defend them. Avery is reserved, almost shy around new people, preferring that others talk instead of him, especially since he has little patience for people who look down on others. He acts before he thinks many times, following instinct before weighing his options or thinking about the consequences. The gang values him and his playful attitude, as he manages to keep spirits up even when his are down.
Bio: Avery is a 25-year-old man who was born to a prostitute human mother and werewolf father that ran off shortly after finding out about the pregnancy. The unwanted product of the fling, he was dropped on the front steps of the Johnson family’s home. The foster family raised him and loved him nearly as much as their own three kids until he was 8 and his werewolf genes appeared in the form of faster regeneration after an accident. When his first shift happened at 11 the family’s attitude changed. They became cold and distant toward him and taught him how to control his shifts. When he was 15 the family kicked him out he ran to Valentine where he took to wandering the streets begging and stealing. For the next three years, he struggled to survive and often got laughed and scorned by the local drunks. When Ginnie came to Valentine in 1892 and found him begging on the streets with no food or shelter she took pity on him. She offered him a place in the gang, which he hesitantly accepted, planning on running away later. However, after the senior members showed him kindness and he was given a place to sleep, he decided to stick around for just a little bit longer. Ginnie had a soft spot for the scrawny young man and quickly took him under her wing, teaching him how to shoot and hunt, though he quickly surpassed her in the latter category. Avery becomes afraid of accidentally outing himself as a werewolf and sneaks off every full moon to avoid questions from other members. After two years of being with the Raiders, Ginnie decides to follow him out when he tries to run off. She sees him shifting and afterward when he is back to normal they sit down and talk. Despite her surprise, Ginnie sees him as family and believes there’s no reason as to why he should be kicked out because of how he was born. The gang becomes aware of this, and accept him just as Ginnie does. With new confidence and support, Avery starts coming out of his shell and gets close enough to Ginnie to see her as a mother figure.
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                  R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Banzette Raiders Members: Ginnie Bee - 38 y/o woman, Duncan - a 23 y/o man, Clara - a 19 y/o girl, Vivian - 47 y/o woman, Ellis - a 33 y/o woman
OTP: Avery/Cass
Acceptable Ships: N/A
OT3: N/A
BroTP: Avery/Duncan, Avery/Tommy, Avery/Lenny, Avery/Sadie
NOTP: Avery/Uncle, Avery/Micah, Avery/Bill, Avery/Ginnie
Tagging: @rdr-oc-appreciation I’ll be making more of these for the rest of my ocs
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rdr oc: Ariadne Foster
Haven't posted about my girl in ages so I thought the latest variation of her gang leader outfit might interest you.
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rdr oc’s: ariadne foster & elijah malcom beckett I commissioned @delborovic to finally give the queen her throne and HOLY CRAP it turned out amazing. Ari by herself might not be the most imposing figure, but her rivals start to shake in their boots when they see she’s got Eli in the palm of her hand... Elijah belongs to @brutal-beckett
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RDR OC: Dana Pryor Got this INCREDIBLE art done of one of my newer oc’s, Dana, from the insanely talented @vulpesarctica! Dana originally started out as a Rainbow Six character, but @brutal-beckett is a terrible and wonderful influence and convinced me to transfer her over for RDR as well to run wild with Ariadne’s gang, so, here she is! I literally can’t tear my eyes away from this! 
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rdr oc: Ariadne Foster Recent shots of Ari looking cute. 
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rdr oc: ariadne foster
Got this INCREDIBLE RDR style commission of Ari from @1547406s on Twitter! I added the quote, which is from her first speech she made when she became the leader of her gang. 
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rdr oc: ariadne foster
My hand slipped. 
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rdr oc: ariadne foster Got this AWESOME commission of Ari done by @tffbt! The boss lady herself giving her gang members their orders. And also staring down her husband with a look that says “Meet me in the hotel after this is over...” 
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rdr oc: ariadne foster
Ari was being extremely photogenic during the Moonshiner missions so naturally I had to take some screenshots and pretty them up.
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rdr oc’s: virgil stark & august nelson Got this lovely commission by @nathalyryder done of my other RDR characters, Virgil and August! Members of The Foster Gang and two of Ariadne’s closest confidants. They love each other to death, despite how much August tends to annoy the poor grumpy bastard.  An ex-Del Lobo and a con artist walk into the Saint Denis tailor...
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rdr oc: Ariadne Foster
Positively LIVING for this screenshot of the bitch herself courtesy of @brutal-beckett.
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rdr oc: ariadne foster
The sun was hitting different in Elimination today.
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