#sean mcloughlin (mentioned)
kitteneddiediaz · 3 months
Hi Nolan!!! Sending you WAY more than seven sentences because writing the commentators has genuinely been one of the most fun writing I've done in AWHILE haha, here you are!!!!
“Welcome back to another match day here at MLS. LAFC back home after a long streak on the road. Currently coming off a 4-game win streak, most recently with a 6-2 lead against San Jose. Beautiful day here in Los Angeles as we get ready to start the first El Trafico match of the season. Diego, how are our two teams looking?”
“Great to be here Sebastian, let’s take a look at the past few weeks for both of these teams. As you mentioned, LAFC on a winning streak right now, clearly wanted to maintain the power that they exuded last season, ending in 3rd place over all. They’re currently 2nd in the Western Conference, only 2 goals behind our first place team - Salt Lake. LAGalaxy though with a surprising start to this season, only 3 places behind LAFC in the standings. They ended last season so poorly Seb, I think the team wanted lots of changes to be made during the off season. Clearly they’ve found their system and have been doing absolutely phenomenal lately, having just defeated the Seattle Sounders in a crushing 3-0 victory, bumping the Sounders back below the playoff line.”
“It’s really been a great season for both these teams so far, and the stadium is clearly very excited to see them go head to head again after all these months. Now, let’s talk about players. Obviously, we have to talk about Evan Buckley, the star striker from LAFC who scored four out of those six goals for LAFC last week.”
“Evan’s been doing great this season. I think having a new coach that he gets along with better has really helped. And man that game against San Jose, every time Buckley got the ball I was just waiting for him to send it into the net. What a phenomenal asset to the LAFC. Of course, we can’t just give Evan the credit, he’s got an amazing team behind him, McLoughlin in center field really finding a way past the defense of the opposing team to deliver the ball up front to Buckley, and you know, he’s doing so much better this season with staying onsides and playing off his team.”
“I couldn’t agree more, Diego. Now, let’s go to the other side of the field, and talk about the LAGalaxy, who have been absolutely flying this season. I haven’t seen them this alive in almost five years.”
“Yeah they’ve really gotten a finger on their play style this year, and I have to say, I am quite impressed with many of their new signings.”
“Absolutely, I think their new attacking midfielder - Sean Haley - is really doing well with getting the ball to the strikers, getting through the other team’s defense, and creating space for his team to play into.”
“You’re absolutely right Sebastian, but I can’t help but notice the teams glue in the form of their new center midfielder - Edmundo Diaz. I mean, this guy came out of nowhere and looks to be exactly what the Galaxy needed to clinch their last few wins against Seattle, Vancouver, and Houston.”
“Diaz has been doing great, and I’m very excited to see what he has in store for the Galaxy as we get through the season. Now, LAGalaxy is 3 spots behind LAFC in the standings. Any predictions for how tonight’s game is going to go?”
“You know, it could go either way. I think LAGalaxy is going to struggle, but I think they may give LAFC a bit of a challenge while they do it.”
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bts-spnlvr12 · 2 years
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All of the Stars
Pairing: Sean McLoughlin x F!Reader
Summary: When you were in college as a transfer student, you met a young guy named Sean McLoughlin, who was 18 at the time, you both met while in the same home room, you both fell in-love but at the wrong time, as you had to head back to America to finish your final school year, will you cross paths again? Will the stars align to meet him again?
Prompt: “All of The Stars’ Cover by Kurt Hugo Schneider & Alex Blue
Warnings: A bit of a slow burn, romance and fluffy shit, angst, language, mentions of mental health (I think that’s it..)
Also I apologize in advance, I don’t really know how further education schools work in Ireland, so I’ll just be making stuff up! Jack has an amazing girlfriend, but for the sake of the story he is single! Anyways~ Enjoy!~
(Y/T/N) is your town name!
It was your first day being a transfer student in Ireland, you were doing a major project where different students go to different countries to study the ways European schools are like, and get a day-to-day life of a student...
You held your backpack against your shoulders and head to your first class, which was an art class where you started the first project of the school year, but you were a transfer student until Christmas, so you worked hard while you could...
After a few more classes, it was time to head to home room, once you got into the room, you were told by the teacher to come up front, “Listen up, I have an announcement! We have a new student who came all the way from America, she’s doing a project on...” He pauses to let you finish...
“Hi, I’m Y/n, the project I’m working on is a study where other students and I have traveled to different parts of Europe, to get an idea how the schools work and how a students day-to-day life is laid out...” You look back at the teacher, “Excellent Y/n, so everyone be polite to Ms. (Y/n), feel free to take a seat right next to Mr. McLoughlin, raise your hand sir...”
Sean does so, you thank the teacher then go sit down next to Sean, as you walk towards the desk, you noticed how he was absolutely adorable, you sat your stuff down and sat in the chair, then started some school work when you suddenly felt like someone was watching you...
You looked up to see a pair of bright blue eyes, looking right at you, causing you to giggle softly, “Hi Sean..”
“Hiya, how are ya?” Sean asks, you could tell he’s very high energy, and very playful, “Good, how about you?” You question him, “Great now that you’re here.” You laugh softly, “I can tell you’re a flirt, Sean...”
“Eh maybe a little bit, but I can’t help it when you’re here.” You lightly shove him, and you both talk and joke around until the bell rings, then went your separate ways onto your next classes...
Once the school day ends, you head out to the front of the school, when you heard a familiar Irish man yell your name, you turn around to see it was Sean running to catch up with you, “How was your first day?” He questioned...
“It was great, I got to meet some new people, how was your day?” You walked with him down the sidewalk, “Eh, kinda boring, but good, where ya headed?”
“Back to my house, I’m renting a place nearby the school, why?” You quirked your eyebrow, “Just curious, plus I wanted to see if you wanna go get something to eat?” You smiled, “Yeah, I’d like that very much...”
“Alright! Let’s go, I know a good spot to eat.” He grabs your hand and pulls you along, you giggling at his eagerness, once you got to the restaurant, you ordered your food and ate while talking about one another...
Almost an hour later, Sean paid for the food, and you both left and started walking towards your place, when you get to the front door, you turn around and thank him for walking you home, you were about to head in when you feel him kiss your cheek...
This made you blush furiously, you looked at him and smiled then did the same, “See you tomorrow.” He nods then waits till you’re inside then makes his way back home...
This went on for a while, until it was time for you to head back to America in December, you went to school for one final day then had to get into a cab right after to get to the airport, when you were headed to the cab, you were stopped by Sean, he looked confused as to why you were leaving, “Hey, where are you going?” You looked at him sadly, “I have to get back to America, I only had to be here for a few months...”
“Oh, well...can I..?” You tiled your head, then suddenly he laid his soft lips on top of yours, which shocked you for a split second, but kissed him back, cupping him softly on the face, he did the same but eventually had to stopped, knowing you had to leave, “I...I love you Y/n, will we see each other again?” You shrugged as you got in the cab, “Maybe, time will tell...” He nods, then caresses your cheek softly then lets you go, then watches as the cab drives off...
“One day we’ll see one another again...” He says to himself then walked home, feeling bummed out...
~Flashback end...~
Back to the present day, you were sitting in your house, watching the snow fall and drinking hot cocoa, thinking about the past, you remember it to every detail, and you still ask yourself if you’ll ever see him again...
You got a call from a friend of yours, who you’ve know for several years, “Yo bestie! Guess what’s coming up in a week?” You think but couldn’t give an answer, “What’s happening?”
“Dude, jacksepticeye, Sean Mcloughlin is coming to (Y/T/N)! I got us tickets so we can see the tour, plus I know you wanna see him again..” You widen your eyes, “Pfft, no I don’t, he probably doesn’t even remember me...” You knew he did, you just didn’t wanna admit it to your friend...
“Please Y/n, just admit you miss him and that you love him!” You shake your head even though your friend can’t see it, “Mmm, negative, anyways, I’ll be glad to go, talk to you later!” Your friend says her goodbye then hangs up, which after processing for a minute, you start freaking the fuck out!!
You started watching Sean’s channel when he first started it, and supported him from the very beginning, now that you see where he’s at now with almost 29 million subscribers, made you think about the past...
You then went into your bedroom, but you suddenly got to thinking if he would even remember the way you look, you both changed a lot over the years, but not in just looks, you’ve been through a bunch of struggles, finding out you have anxiety and depression as you got older, been through many relationships that never worked out, mainly because they were douches...
You got over them, and worked on your mental health and are better, but still have your struggles every so often, you sit down on your bed then think, ‘Maybe he does remember how you look, even though it’s been forever since the day you both met, you were in a trance when you forgot you turned on some music then heard a cover of one of your favorite songs...
Maybe this was a sign you were meant to see him, you laid down in bed and scrolled through social media until you passed out from exhaustion, which coincidentally, Sean appeared in your dreams...
~Fast forward to the week of the tour...~
You were standing in line with (Y/F/N), getting nervous by the minute, you wanted to pace but with everyone close to each other, you aren’t able to but you suddenly start to hyperventilate a little bit, causing you look look around nervously and whisper to your self over and over, “Shit, shit shit! I can’t do this, this is insane!” You friend grabs your shoulder and shakes you, “Snap out of it Y/n!”
You nod and rub your eyes, “I just...what if he doesn’t remember me, what if he doesn’t remember what I look like? I’m questioning so many things its insane...”
“We’re gonna be sitting front row, in front of the stage, there’s no way he can’t find you, now look, we’re about to head into the building, lets get some merch and go sit in our seats, you’ll be fine, just breathe..” Your friend explains, you both get to the merch table, buy your things and head to your seats then get comfortable...
About 45 minutes later when everyone is seated, then the lights go down and the intro of the tour begins, fans start screaming and the laughing ensues, when Sean comes out on stage and says hello to a few fans at the front, you saw a sparkle in his eyes, you knew he absolutely loved his fans, and what he does and how he was able to be in this position...
When he came closer to your side of the row, he looked right at you and paused for a split second, but moved on cause he had a show to put on for his fans, which was filled with laughter, tears and much more, you we’re having such a good time you barely noticed the show was ending, he was speaking on how he got here, starting by thanking his fans, where he started, where he’s at, how it doesn’t take much to get to where you want to be no matter where you are in life, and so on, when finally he said his farewell and bowed to the audience, everyone stood up and applauded as he blew kisses and left the stage...
Everyone left, you left the building stunned and in tears, you wiped them as you cover your face and knelt down in front of the building, “Holy shit, he looked straight at me, he recognized me right fucking away...” You friend knelt in front of you and rubbed your back, “See, I told you he would!” You jokingly shove their shoulder, then chuckle once you get yourself together and stood up...
“He saw me, but how could I catch him again, he could possibly be leaving to his next tour location...” Your friend shook her head, “They’re probably packing up equipment...stay here Y/n...” Your friend pauses then walks away for a few minutes, little did you know she was about to make the day so much better than it already it was...
Your friend returns with the tour manager, “You must be Y/n? I’m JP, the tour manager for Sean, you know him?” You nod and shook hands, “Yes, I went to school with him for a while, several years ago...” “So you’re the infamous Y/n, follow me.” You looked to (Y/F/N) and followed JP to behind the building, where you round the corner and see Sean standing by the bus and joking around with some of the other folk on tour with him, he just so happens to turn his head for a split second and paused...
You walked towards him slowly, and he jogged over and gave you the biggest hug you’ve ever felt, and hugged him back tightly, tears streaming down your face, PJ silently told everyone to get on the bus, to let you and Sean have a private moment, “Dammit Sean, I missed you so much..” You looked into his eyes...
He wiped your tears, then cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately, which made you kiss him back the same way, you both pulled away, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that...” He lays his forehead against yours, “I felt the same, I didn’t know if you would remember me or not, guess I was wrong.” “I could never forget a gorgeous face like yours, your mine babe...”
“How long are you gonna be on tour?” You want to be with him, but you want to wait until he’s off tour, “For a few more months, why?”
“I want to be with you for good, but I don’t know how we can be in a relationship while you’re on the move...” You lay your head on his chest, he rubs your back, “How about you come on tour with me? Your eyes widen, “Seriously, what about your manager and other people who are traveling with you?”
“I can ask, I’m sure they wouldn’t have an issues, give me just a sec, I’ll be back out...” He goes inside and is gone for a few minutes when your friend comes back out, “He wants you to go with him? You should do it, you both want each other, I can tell..”
“I will if I can, but then again I don’t want to leave you alone.” Your friend shakes her head, “You won’t we can call one another, tell me about Sean or how the tour went, I know you want him, go Y/n, this is your chance to be with him!” You nod, “You’re probably right, (Y/F/N), I’m leaving with my man...” You both giggle and chat for a bit...
Sean suddenly comes back out and picks you up excitedly, “You’re coming with me missy!” You giggle, “I’m going with you, but I’ll need to pack some stuff up..”
“We’ll stop by your place, alright? Your friend can come too if she’d like?” He looks to (Y/F/N), “Thank you for the offer, but I got a job to be at, Y/n don’t forget to call your boss, okay?” You nod then hugged, said your goodbyes, you got on the bus with the others and sat next to Sean, then detoured to your house and packed up for the next several months in a large wheeled suitcase, then went on tour with the love of your life, like you were meant to be...
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Little Girl: Who are you?!
“Santa” Wilford: Oh shi---ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! It’s ME, Santa Claus!
Little Girl: You’re not Santa! Santa’s not real! If he was real he’d get me what I want but he never does!
Wilford: Ummm, what is it you want?
Little Girl: If you were the real Santa you’d know!
Wilford: Okay, okay! Of course I know! It’s this, uh... dolly!
Little Girl: I hate dollies!
Wilford: Sheesh, okay, how about... this wad of cash?!
Little Girl: I’m 7!
Wilford: Right, right, too young to buy drugs---okay, how about this life-size totally-not-real zombie!
*Pulls Robbie out of his red bag*
Robbie: *waves* Hi!!!
Little Girl: ...do you like tea parties?
Robbie: Yeah!
Little Girl: Where we plan to overthrow the government??
Robbie: Uh... yeah?
Little Girl: Yay! New best friend!
Anti, from inside the bag: Shit, why does Robbie always get the cool gigs...
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jaeyleo · 5 years
"it’ll never be enough" with marv and anti??? mayhaps??? possibly??? potentially??? perhaps??? maybe???
The cement wall shattered underneath the impact of Anti’s body. Thick ebony blood was seeping from his chest and face, stuck underneath his fingernails and sticking to his hair and eyelashes. As soon as he hit the brick he tried to push himself out, but was immediately stopped by his brother.
“You’re an insect,” Marvin spat, holding the monster by his shirt collar. “A worthless, hungry parasite.”
Anti began to grin, looking up at his brother through his eyelashes. He watched a neat little stream of gold dripping down his forehead and onto his cheek, another bit of gold seeping through his shirt. It was lovely, but there could have been more.
“Leave them with your mercy.” Marvin said, his eyes swirling like hurricane clouds trapped in a bottle. “Haven’t you had enough yet?”
Anti chuckled. “Brother-mine,” he started, his hands coming up to Marvin’s face to wipe some of the blood away. “I’m forever starving. It will never. Be. Enough.”
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voidendron · 6 years
The Outside: Chapter 55
Series Ask Blog: @asktheoutside
Chapter 55: News Chapter Warnings: Swearing POV: Chase Brody
March 23, 2031, 5:30 PM Los Angeles, California
“Look,” Chase said, “you two just need to… I don’t know, man. Just—stay away from each other? We’re all sick of your arguin’, and one of you’s gonna get hurt.” He didn’t turn to face the android as he scrubbed at a pan they needed for dinner.
The Septic could hear annoyed beeping from behind him as the only response.
Adjusting to two others now living in what had already been a crowded household was certainly a challenge. Sleeping arrangements had been enough of a hassle to figure out. They’d had to raise their budget on groceries, too. Nine people instead of seven? That was a lot of mouths to feed. Then there was the schedule for the bathroom in the morning, which was a whole different story entirely. They weren’t sure Anti could ever safely find a job due to his glitching, and Jameson likely wouldn’t unless he either perfected sign language or went to speech therapy—which he’d refused with an annoyed glare. It had taken some adjusting, to say the least.
The water in the sink sloshed when Chase dropped the pan; spilling lukewarm water and yellowed suds over the counter and floor. The Septic cursed when it landed on his bare feet to immediately soak his socks. At least that brought a snort from Bing that he very poorly covered up.
“Gross…” the father muttered as he leaned down to pull his socks off. He tossed them aside, grimacing when one almost slid under the fridge.
“Dude,” Bing’s boots squeaked over the now-wet tile as he went to retrieve the sopping socks, “the washer’s literally right here.” He was laughing as he dropped them into the top portion of the stacked machine that was way too close to the fridge for Chase’s liking. They couldn’t put anything on top of the fridge because of it! If the washer got off-center (which it did a lot when the kids tried doing laundry) it would knock against the other appliance and make anything on the fridge just. Fall off.
Chase just shook his head and tossed a grin over his shoulder.
“You’re hopeless, y’know that?”
“Yep!” He emphasized the “p” by slapping the water, only to splutter and reel back when it and suds flew up at his face.
“The Twins make less of a mess than you.”
“Yeah right.”
“They do!”
Chase made a distressed sound when his hat was pulled off from behind. He was sure it was Bing! That is, until he heard the android’s confused laughter. The Septic twisted around as best he could while keeping his hands over the sink.
Sophie grinned triumphantly up at him while the oversized snapback nearly fell over her eyes. Hadn’t she just been upstairs? He grinned at his youngest regardless.
Shaking his hands over the sink, Chase reached for the towel hanging on the oven handle to dry them. “Need somethin’, Sophe?”
She nodded so fast the hat about fell off. “Ky got a text. Jackie’s been trying to call you, and it’s important I guess?”
Chase’s brows furrowed at that. “You know what it’s about?”
“No. Seán just said it’s important and you gotta call Jackie like. ASAP.”
He hadn’t needed to say anything for Bing to take over finishing dishes, while Sophie had scampered right back up the stairs with the snapback still on. Chase had to wonder what they were doing up there. They were all quiet aside from the occasional laughter.
Running a hand through his hat-head, he pushed his bedroom door open. He had to squeeze between the two twin-beds now within to reach the nightstand where his phone was hopefully done charging, grumbling when he tripped over Anti’s shoes and the Velcro momentarily stuck to his sweatpants. It really was crowded.
Chase grimaced when he pulled his phone off the charger and saw a whole lot of missed calls from Jackie and all within the last few hours. Wasn’t it after midnight in Brighton? He carefully picked his way out from between the beds and seated himself at the foot of his own.
Finding Jackie’s contact, it barely rang once before the hero answered. “Chase?” The way his voice cracked made Chase’s breath catch in his throat. Had Jackie been crying? Was he still crying? “It—it’s Marv—oh god, Chase—”
“Hey, hey, easy!” He swallowed. Jackie’s voice was raw and raspy, and Chase could hear him choke on a sob on the other end of the line. “Jackie, easy. Y’said Marv. Everything okay?”
“N-no. He’s…he’s not—not doin’ well.” A shaky breath. “Please find a way here? Please? We don’t…we don’t know if—if he’s gonna make it.”
The phone nearly fell from Chase’s hand. He…he hadn’t heard that right, had he? He swallowed, choking on his own spit. There was no way he’d heard Jackie right. Absolutely no way. “J-Jackie…what do you mean?”
“I mean he might die!” Jackie tried so hard to yell, to drive it into Chase’s head, but his voice broke at the end as he sobbed into the speaker. “Y’don’t…h-he…”
“What…what the hell happened, man? You c…you can’t be fucking serious?” Chase had to blink away his own fearful tears. Marvin? Dying? He couldn’t…how could that… “What happened?”
Muffled sounds came from the other end, and the voice to speak up wasn’t Jackie’s, “This is Bim.” He sounded tired, but not as though he’d been crying like Jackie. “Marvin had an accident with his magic.” Bim’s voice was soft, sad, but far too even. How could he be so calm? “He was trying to track Schneeple,” Chase’s heart clenched at that, “and something happened. We don’t know what, just that it involved fire and he’s badly burned. We just know he’s not doing well. I…” Bim paused; Chase could hear him sigh softly. “I’m surprised he even made it to the hospital. He’s in surgery now, but we don’t know if he’ll survive to morning.”
“But…” His breath shuddered as he scrubbed at his eyes with his free hand. “He can’t be…”
“I’m going to contact Wilford. Seán and Jackie want you and Jameson here. They want Anti, too, but…we can’t risk him glitching something at the hospital. I’m sorry, Chase.”
The call ended, and Chase found himself shaking as a sob wracked his body. That…it couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be true. It was just…some bad dream. He was imagining it, he had to be! He’d just…he’d fallen asleep on the couch, surely! He’d sat down for a moment, only to take an unplanned nap. He’d wake up and call Marvin in a panic, only for the magician to be fine, if annoyed at being woken up at three in the morning.
He didn’t know how long he sat there before Bing came rushing into his room. Had Bim told him?
The android didn’t say anything as he sat down and looped an arm around Chase’s neck. He leaned into Bing’s chest, uncaring that his tears left a spot on the Iplier’s shirt. Bing didn’t say anything for a long time. He didn’t need to. Instead, his core rumbled softly; a deep hum within his chest that Chase shut his eyes to. It was always such a calming sound. Chase tried to focus on that as he evened his breathing.
“What if—what if he—”
“Don’t.” Bing combed his fingers through Chase’s hair. The father couldn’t help but lean into the touch. “He’s survived as long as he has ‘cause he’s not human. Just keep believing he’s gonna make it.” He ruffled Chase’s hair and stood. “I’m gonna go talk to James and Anti. Why don’t you pack a few days’ worth of clothes? Wilford’ll be here when he gets off work.”
The silence to hang in the living room was suffocating after the news had been delivered to the others. Sophie had curled into her dad’s side with tears staining her cheeks while Chase wrung his cap in his hands. The Brody kids would be staying with Bing, Yan, and the Twins, and Chase wasn’t sure he liked that notion. He’d never been away from them for long, but he also didn’t want them seeing whatever shape Marvin was in.
“How long are you gonna be gone?” Kyler asked. His eyes were red, but he’d stopped crying before going downstairs to join the others.
“I dunno, buddy.” Chase leaned back into the couch and ran a hand through Sophie’s hair. “Maybe a week? Few days? And I’ll call every night, and keep you updated on…o-on Marvin,” his voice cracked, and he cleared his throat, “okay?” Both kids could only nod.
It wasn’t long before Wilford appeared in a cloud of glitter in the kitchen. Chase wanted to be shocked by the brown mustache, and frustrated at the glitter Bing and the Twins would end up trying to clean up, but he couldn’t find it in himself to so much as glare at the Iplier. He just wanted to get to Brighton.
“James, c’mon.”
The younger Septic stood, and the two of them shouldered their bags. Poor Jameson didn’t even have it in him to speak, and his aura kept pulsing around him to leave him looking like an old film. Chase placed a hand on the back of the younger’s neck, and the look Jameson gave him about broke his heart.
Wilford’s aura made Chase’s stomach churn as the two stepped close to the Iplier. He already felt sick, like he’d throw up from all the crying. He didn’t need the too-sweet smell of the bright aura assaulting him to make it worse. He squeezed his eyes shut when he felt the nauseating weightlessness of teleporting, reaching to hold Jameson’s arm to ground both of them when their feet hit solid ground.
They were in Seán’s dining room when Chase opened his eyes again. Both dropped their bags and ran for the living room, practically tripping over one another. Their creator was on his phone outside what used to be his recording room, Bim pushing past them to speak with Wilford. The King was nowhere to be seen, but Jackie lunged to his feet as soon as he saw them. The hero was shaking when they pulled him into an embrace.
“Seán’s talkin’ to someone from the hospital,” Jackie murmured. His voice was so muffled against them that Chase barely heard him. The hero had one hand closed into such a tight fist that his knuckles were white, and Chase grabbed that hand; squeezed it like Jackie had done for him so many times before. “We ha-aven’t heard anythin’ s-since they took ‘im away. What if he…what if he didn’t—”
Chase tucked the hero’s head under his chin. “Just…just keep hoping. C’mon.”
With Jackie there, it was odd to know Chase was the one taking the lead into bringing the other two to the couch. From there, there really wasn’t much they could do but sit and wait. Chase felt helpless. More helpless than he had for a long time.
Marvin was in surgery. What if he didn’t make it? If he did, what sort of recovery process would there be? It couldn’t be easy, whatever it was. Not when the damage was as extensive as it had to be to make them fear for his life.
Keep hoping. That was…all they could do. Chase swallowed and leaned his head against Jackie’s; twitched his fingers when Jameson’s aura touched them and turned them gray. The father could Feel the fear, the sorrow, the anxiety, permeating the room; even from Bim when the former host returned to take a seat when Wilford left. The Iplier seemed so calm, but Chase could Feel his worry for the magician. He even Felt guilt around him. Was it from Jackie, or their creator? Perhaps both.
Keep hoping. Think about the process of recovery for Marvin; not his funeral. Be right here for Jackie, Chase thought. Be right here, to hold him for whatever news came.
Chase glanced up at a change. Relief, mixed in with all those other emotions, as Seán tucked his phone away and entered the living room. He sat heavily next to Bim; hair disheveled and bags under his eyes, but the relief was from him. Chase could see it in his creator’s eyes.
“Marv’s stable. In bad shape, but h-he’s gonna make it! We can see ‘im in a few hours, when the hospital’s open for visitin’ hours.” Seán smiled, tired and strained, but smiled nonetheless. “He’ll be there a while, but he’s alive.”
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bedifferentstrange · 6 years
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when someone mention @therealjacksepticeye 
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kangaroo-r00 · 6 years
(A/N) Mentioned past suicide attempt, mentioned abduction, mentioned character in a coma.
2017 had been a terrible year. Chase's suicide attempt, Jack falling into a coma, Schneep going missing and yet to turn up, Anti's surprise visits....Which is why the remaining egos were sitting around the dining room table, pointedly ignoring the empty seat, listening to Chase talk.
"We need... something to add to the channel to keep suspicion away from the channel. A... catchphrase or a goal to work towards. Something... something Jack would think of."
The name being spoken aloud made the air heavy and the atmosphere uncomfortable, the others not able to meet each other's eyes.
The last person expected to speak offered the first idea.
A black slide appeared in the air, white words appearing hesitantly. "I've never met the lad but you all speak of how... joyful he was. Mayhaps something pertaining to being... positive?"
Chase nodded. "Good, good. Definitely something he'd come up with. But we need more than that. What else did Jack talk about?"
"Jack talked a lot about mental health during those heavier games he played. He talked about it a lot even when he wasn't playing them." Jackie said.
Marvin was the next to speak. "Attitude. He always liked to talk about how having a good attitude was a good thing to have in life."
"Cool, cool. Now what can we do with those ideas?"
"Combine them?" Jackie tried.
Marvin wrinkled his nose. "Positive mental health attitude?"
"Well not like that!" The hero complained exasperatedly.
"Mayhaps drop the health part?" JJ suggested softly, the words on the slide appearing smaller than before.
Chase's eyebrows knit together. "Positive mental attitude?" Surprise flickered across his features as the hesitant words rolled off his tongue smoothly. "Positive mental attitude," he repeated, words stronger, firmer than before.
"Sounds exactly like something Jack would say," Marvin commented lightly, leaning back in his seat.
"It does have a nice ring to it," Jackie admitted. "But if you're going to be saying it a whole bunch then you should abbreviate it."
"PMA!" Chase blurted, his mood peaking when it had the similar sound as the longer version.
Seeing Chase's expression, Marvin said, "Well there we have it... PMA. Positive Mental Attitude. Only thing is we need to start using it." He glanced over at Chase. "You especially seeing as you're taking Jack's place the most."
Chase nodded absentmindedly again. "Can't be that hard. Especially if I just need to use it on camera mainly."
They all could feel it—this was the start of something beautiful.
(A/N) Everyone's been writing fics of Chase taking care of Jack's channel while he's in a coma and that got me thinking... that means Jack didn't come up with PMA. Someone else did. 
This is kinda depressing actually...
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Jack: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk!
Signe: You drew on my face with a highlighter to remind me I’m important.
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Tumblr wouldn't let me edit my prev charity stream help post so I’ll have to do it again. This Sunday the 7th Jack will be holding a charity livestream for awareness regarding depression and suicide. This is really close to my heart and my own experiences so even on an individual standpoint I'd appreciate it If we all got involved. The LP garbage forced me to take a step back from the internet re: my own personal safety. So we should most definitely treat this event with the utmost respect and take it is a time to help others, and one another. 
HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO - lots of love, a poor Aussie uni student 
1. Spread the word: This means one more person, one more potential donor, one more person who learns the risks of mental health. (Plus it’s really fun to blog about it with everyone, you get a real sense of love and community). You can do this by tweeting, blogging, Facebook statuses, sharing the link everywhere. ALL ABOUT AWARENESS. 
2. Donate: ‘but I already told you I have limited funds’. In regards to charity it’s the heart that counts. A collection of $1 donations grows. And your donation are matched every step of the way. So $1=$2. Every little starfish of $1 can change everything for one person. L
Can’t do that?
Cool 10 cents makes a difference too!!! Don’t underestimate the power of a small amount. If you can donate a lot, cool! Awesome! The world gave you the power to help people! 
BUT if you’re in a really tough financial place please put your self first.
3. Draw: This helps with awareness, but can also be like a form of support. It shows people with depression that there is a community of us who love and support them and are there if they need them. 
Fanart can suck. It can even be a little drawing of Sam wearing a Santa hat on paper. Draw anything you want. Draw it good. Draw it bad. Just do your best. THATS what matters. Your contribution matters!!! :)
4. Participate: Comment on the stream, live tweet, live blog. Get involved. Get it trending. Learn some stuff about mental illnesses that puts you in a better position to help friends <3 
That’s it from me <3 please everyone stay safe 
(( @therealjacksepticeye )) 
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the-squirrel-queen · 7 years
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A little doodle I made during @therealjacksepticeye ‘s live stream to raise money for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, which you can still donate to until January 14th here
And here is a list of crisis lines for anyone who needs them
Please don’t repost (reblogs are appreciated)
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goodafternoonhumans · 3 years
I wrote a Sorta-Spooky!lads fic, but this time it’s a Powerswap universe! It’s already gotten 3 chapters. See under the cut for more information
ps the original au and the idea for this one belongs to @alittlesliceofcucumber here on tumblr, I completely forgot to mention but this is not my idea, lol. please check out their stuff cause it’s pretty cool!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Gen
Fandoms: irish lads - Fandom, Video Blogging RPF
Relationship: No Romantic Relationship(s)
Characters: Daniel Condren, Kevin O'Reilly, Cupcake (RTgame Cinematic Universe) ,Sean McLoughlin, Brian Hanby, Daithi De Nogla
Additional Tags: Not Beta Read, Inspired by Stardew Valley, Spooky!Lads, Spooky!Swapped!lads, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, human!Dan, Werewolf!Kevin, How Do I Tag, generic creepy glowing eyes in the dark, Too Many Metaphors, Autumn, Old Abandoned Farm, Autumn leaves described like a plauge, overdramatic wind, a very cute lamb, Werewolf, Awkward meeting, Stargazing, Power Swap, Alternate Universe - Power Swap, this was a oneshot but then i had a weird idea and i just ran with it, vampire!Daithi, ghost!brian, cyborg!sean, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Additional Warnings Apply, Light Angst, Mystery, Mystery Elements, Ghosts, Cyborgs, Vampires, The Author Regrets Everything, The Author Regrets Nothing, Blood
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Jackie: Is that vodka?
Chase: Yeah
Jackie: Straight?
Chase: No, bi
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n-anon · 4 years
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mentions of the Philosphers stone and rituals oh boi
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swluminekin · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: jacksepticeye Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Chase Brody, Jameson Jackson, Marvin the Magnificent (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Sean McLoughlin, Jackieboy man, Jacksepticeye (mention) Additional Tags: Chase is baking again, actually chase is making a meal, contemplation about the future, planning into would be Overnight Watch, remember that jack told us that he would explain later and never did, self doubt, learning a little about the others mundane abilities Series: Part 10 of Chase the Baker/Chef Summary:
It's a couple of weeks before the 2017 Christmas Livestream. Chase is still trying to figure out what to do with it since Sean is busy with keeping Jameson calm. Wanting to try to clear his head, he creates a meal. Still filled with doubt about himself, he learns more about his family than he thought he'd learn.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
The Bitches™
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lel8nM
by f3k1nl0s3r
i put each and every single comfort creator/character and all of my kins in a chatfic. well see how its gonna go
spoiler: not well
Words: 442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, OMORI (Video Game), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Hamilton - Miranda, Friday Night Funkin' (Video Game), ENA - Joel G (Web Series), Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., Miraculous Ladybug, Star vs. The Forces Of Evil, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Big Hero 6 (2014)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Darryl Noveschosch, Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs, Alexis | Quackity, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Jonathan Joestar, Dio Brando, Erina Pendleton Joestar, Joseph Joestar, Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli, Suzie Quatro, Elizabeth Joestar | Lisa Lisa, Pillar Men (JoJo), Wamuu | Wham, Esidisi | ACDC, Robert Edward O. Speedwagon, Kujo Jotaro, Kakyoin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Mohammed Abdul | Muhammad Avdol, Higashikata Josuke (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Hirose Koichi, Yamagishi Yukako, Nijimura Okuyasu, Kira Yoshikage (JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable), Giorno Giovanna, Bruno Buccellati, Leone Abbacchio, Narancia Ghirga, Pannacotta Fugo, Vinegar Doppio, Diavolo (JoJo), Risotto Nero, Kujo Jolyne, Hermes Costello, F. F. | Foo Fighters (JoJo), Narciso Anasui, Weather Report (JoJo), Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, Funny Valentine, Diego Brando, Hot Pants (JoJo), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu Momo, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Toga Himiko, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Sunny (OMORI), Aubrey (OMORI), Basil (OMORI), Kel (OMORI), Hero (OMORI), Mari (OMORI), Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Asahina Aoi, Ogami Sakura, Oowada Mondo, Kuwata Leon, Maizono Sayaka, Ikusaba Mukuro, Enoshima Junko, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Mioda Ibuki, Toby Smith | Tubbo, Nanami Chiaki, Owari Akane, Pekoyama Peko, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Hanamura Teruteru, Sonia Nevermind, Tanaka Gundham, Soda Kazuichi, Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi, Chabashira Tenko, Yumeno Himiko, Amami Rantaro, Shirogane Tsumugi, Tsumiki Mikan, Saionji Hiyoko, Koizumi Mahiru, Akamatsu Kaede, Kishibe Rohan, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Gokuhara Gonta, Harukawa Maki, Momota Kaito, Naegi Komaru, Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Citron | Clemont, Kasumi | Misty, Takeshi | Brock, Eureka | Bonnie, Musashi | Jessie, Kojirou | James, Suiren | Lana, Serena (Pokemon), Gou | Goh (Pokemon), Kaki | Kiawe, Gladio | Gladion, Lilie | Lillie (Pokemon), Mao | Mallow (Pokemon), Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, Pico (Pico's School), Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Lemon Demon (Friday Night Funkin'), Skid (Friday Night Funkin'), Pump (Friday Night Funkin'), Ena (ENA), Mutou Yuugi, Yami Yuugi | Atem, Mazaki Anzu | Tea Gardner, Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler, Honda Hiroto | Tristan Taylor, Kaiba Seto, Bakura Ryou, Yami Bakura, Marik Ishtar, Saiki Kusuo, Saiki Kusuke, Teruhashi Kokomi, Hairo Kineshi, Kaidou Shun, Kuboyasu Aren, Akechi Touma, Aiura Mikoto, Toritsuka Reita, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz (Star vs. The Forces of Evil), Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Fujisaki Chihiro, Tsukino Usagi, Albert | AlbertsStuff | Flamingo, Mizuno Ami, Aino Minako, Hino Rei, Kino Makoto, Chiba Mamoru, Hiro Hamada, Mark Fischbach, darkiplier, Antisepticeye (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Sean McLoughlin, Chase Brody, Jackieboy Man (Jacksepticeye Power Hour), Doctor Henrik Von Schneeplestein, Wilford Warfstache | William J. Barnum | The Colonel, Googleplier (Markiplier TV), Ethan Nestor, BlankGamePlays, Original Characters, Dave | Technoblade, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack
Relationships: currently are too many for me to keep up with lmfao, some of them are crossover pairings lol
Additional Tags: wow thats a lot of people, uhm-, Chatting & Messaging, Shapeshifter Alexis | Quackity, Out of Character, VERY Out of Character, like everyone here is out of character-, TommyInnit Has ADHD (Video Blogging RPF), Chaotic Midoriya Izuku, Chaotic Alexis | Quackity, how is that not a tag??, Chaotic Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, chaotic everyone in general, except jotaro saiki and yoshikage, lmao they hiding in the corner, Fluff and Crack, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Crossover Pairings, Bisexual Mutou Yuugi, Nonbinary Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Alexis | Quackity, Nonbinary Alexis | Quackity, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Komaeda Nagito, He/Him and They/Them pronouns for Wilbur Soot, He/They/Fae/Bugz Pronouns for Quackity, author projecting onto quackity, Trans Kujo Jotaro, Genderfluid Kaminari Denki, Sunny and Omori share a body, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Sunny uses It/Its pronouns, Tourette's Syndrome, Quackity has tourettes, Smart Tsukino Usagi, Asexual Character, Asexual Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Aroace Saiki Kusuo, Older Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Trans Satoshi | Ash Ketchum, Bonnie is older, like shes 15, did i mention evil version of the main heroes are gonna be here too?, oh i havent?, Well-, Mastermind Naegi Makoto, Mastermind Saihara Shuichi, Mastermind Hinata Hajime, Dark Satoshi?, idk the tag, Dark Tsukino Usagi, my hands hurt, Dork Naegi Makoto, Human Disaster Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton Loves Coffee, John Laurens Lives, none of the fandoms follow canon btw, just wanna let you knowwww', Bisexual Joseph Joestar, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Lel8nM
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movie-s-alter-egos · 3 years
Chapter 4 - SYS Switching Your Subconscious
Jacksepticeye/Sean McLoughlin owns the characters.
I own my own characters.
~3rd Point of View~
"What the hell happened?"
Marvin had walked into the kitchen a minute ago to get a drink and was surprised at the sight. Jack unconscious on Anti's lap and the others, besides Chase, surrounding the two. Henrik had a empty syringe in hand and Robbie was holding a knife. "Wh- Now you're awake? How could you sleep through his screaming?" Jackie asks. "Screaming? I had my earmuffs on, you know I sleep with them to get my beauty rest." He chuckles quietly and walks over to the cupboard for a glass. "But why was he screaming? Nightmare?"
"No clue," Anti groans and holds Jack up to stand. "He was terrified, and it almost made me smile." He huffs silently and Marvin grins. "Key word: almost.." Marvin mutters back at him after getting the cup and looks at Sean with worry while Henrik and Jackie carried him to the couch. Then he remembered something and set his empty glass on the table. "How scared was he, exactly?"
"He was sobbing and screaming like we said, but he also refused to let us near him or calm him down." Jackie says and Henrik rushes to his room for his med kit.  'Something spooked him good.' Jameson signs and takes the knife from Robbie to put it away. "Jack s-scared... of.. Robbie..." The poor zombie cries silently and Jamie rubs his back. 'No, hon, he wasn't scared of you.' He takes Robbie's hand to reassure him after setting the knife in the block. 'He was having a hard time, he was scared of something else, and seeing us might have spooked him a touch more.' "And I did barge in there to check on what the noise was," Jackie rubs his arm a bit. "Let us just focus on helping Sean, okay? He can tell us what happened when he wakes." Henrik spoke up after entering the room again with a few doctor tools and his bag. "He'll need something to drink and munch on when he comes to," The doc looks to Jamie. "How about you distract the boy with making a few treats to calm him down?" The dapper one nods and takes Robbie into the kitchen.
"Can I help out?" Chase had been standing by the stairs. "I wasn't out due to the noise..." Henrik nods at the male. "Of course, can you get him a blanket and a better pillow? We don't need his neck hurting from discomfort." Chase nods back and leaves the room for the items, Anti glitching away to his room. Henrik gets out some his tools to check Jack's vitals: blood pressure, heart rate, eyes, ears, etc. While he did his work, Marvin drags Jackie into the kitchen and whispers. "Did Jack say or mention anything weird?" Jackie stares at him with curiosity. "He was mumbling to himself when I found him. I couldn't understand him though, so I don't think he did. Why? Do you have an idea on what's wrong?" "Remember last night? I tried doing a body switching spell with Sean. I thought it didn't work when I woke up, but Jack could have switched bodies with someone else." Marvin gestures to him and spoke with his hands. "With who? Honestly, it could have just backfired. A lot of your magic tricks don't work, it could have been a nightmare," the hero rolls his eyes at the magician. "Excuse me?" Marvin stares at him with offense and punches his arm. "...ow.." Jackie mutters sarcastically and the magician enters the living room again, the hero following him out.
Henrik puts away his tools as they walk in and looks up at the brothers. "He is doing okay, besides the blood pressure and heart rate due to the panic. But he seems fine, it was most likely a nightmare." Marvin shook his head in refusal. "No, no, he had to have switched bodies with someone else, I remember touching that kid when Anti glitched me out!" Jackie huffs and pats his back. "Just accept it didn't work. If we get anymore information, we'll tell you and you'll figure it out." Marvin growls and runs downstairs to his room, his want for water long forgotten. Chase enters the living room again with Marvin bumping into his shoulder and he watches him leave. "What's up with him?" He asks and Jackie sighs. "He believes his body switching spell worked, but that Jack switched bodies with a kid instead with him." Chase's eyes light up. "It worked?!" Chase then pouts and rushes over to the three. "The kid must be terrified!" Jackie groans out in annoyance and steps closer.
"No, he believes it worked, but I don't. He just had a bad nightmare." Chase hands Henrik the blankets and pillow. "No matter what happened, he'll need someone to talk to. I can watch him." He lifts Sean's head to set the pillow under it while Henrik covered him with the blanket. Jamie and Robbie come back after a few minutes with some snacks and water and they set them on the coffee table near the couch. "Jack... okay..?" Robbie sits next to Sean's head with Jamie. Henrik nods towards him. "He is doing very well, he'll feel better thanks to you and Jameson." Robbie grins happily and hugs Jamie tightly. Chase held Jack's hand and they all wait for him to wake up.
Word Count: 896
I will often add or change things in chapters so I have the word count I want. So I would check for anything new.
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Jacksepticeye/Sean McLoughlin owns the characters.
I own my own characters.
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