That moment when you're the only person with fics in the Anti x Yancy tag on ao3-
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waywardnajsepticeye · 3 years
Hot take: I actually enjoy Soft!Anti. And saying that people aren’t allowed to enjoy that concept is kinda disheartening? It’s okay that you don’t like the concept, I understand completely, it’s very outlandish concept. But allow people to like Soft!Anti.
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sp00j0 · 4 years
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Unus Annus AU 😨
I decided to make an AU where Anti comes and stop them from dying ig 🧍I might draw more of this AU bc I kinda like it- also the more I look at Anit's hands,,,ermm whatever
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spamuelroaches · 3 years
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my first post on this account :3
just a little ol' antisepticeye doodle to get us started as we approach spooky month
I drew this awhile ago when jack still had his long hair so its just a what-if sorta thing if anti were to have the man bun as well
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itz-azrael · 4 years
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Š̶̠́̾͗̓̆A̶̧̨͇͎͂́̆Y̸̨̲̬̯̠̕ͅ ̶̛̭̗̀Ĝ̸̞͙̤̦̉̈́ͅO̸̧̼̘̟̍̀͐̾̾O̷̢͓͎̮̲͐̇͘ͅD̶̼̋͊̐B̵̯͔́͜Y̸̨̡͉̺̕͜Ȩ̶̱͍̳͍͑
I got some inspiration while rewatching the Š̶̠́̾͗̓̆A̶̧̨͇͎͂́̆Y̸̨̲̬̯̠̕ͅ ̶̛̭̗̀Ĝ̸̞͙̤̦̈́ͅO̸̧̼̘̟̍̀͐̾̾O̷̢͓͎̮̲͐̇͘ͅD̶̼̋͊B̵̯͔́͜Y̸̨̡͉̺̕͜Ȩ̶̱͍̳͍͑ Video again after it showed up in my recommendations so I decided to draw it and the background is from the video itself
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rileybirds · 5 years
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rayray-rose · 5 years
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W a t c h O u t
This is not my best but oh well 😂
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askaltr114209 · 5 years
Alright, here's a random question for ya. ---Long knives or short knives? Let me elaborate more.... ----Do you like to deal a lot of damage quickly, or make it as slow and painful as possible?
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isa-ghost · 5 years
Alright bitches I'm showering in a second so while I'm gone VOTE (comment or reblog) on which Bunker AU ego reference I should redo:
Jackie or Anti?
Most voted ego gets redone when I'm back.
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thatoneweeb03 · 5 years
I’m back
song-old yeller by Joji
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kingoftherookery · 6 years
guess what??!?!?!
i gots another fic!!!
i’ve been feeling real productive today so have another fic!!!
you can find it here on ao3 or under the cut!
reblog n comment if you liked it!!!
summary: anti and dark want to take over the channels, but question is, how?
“You're an awful businessman.”
Anti snorted at Dark’s words. Of course the almighty Darkiplier would say that, infamously known for his sweet words and honeyed charm. Of course he would say it in that I’m-so-much-more-superior-than-you-in-every-way kind of tone. And of course it would annoy the piss out of Anti.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Anti said, not keeping the derision out of his tone. He pointed his knife at Dark. “Not all of us can afford t’go to business school.”
Dark just rolled his eyes. It annoyed Anti even more how he didn't react to any of Anti’s insults.
“My answer is still no,” Dark said coolly, folding his hands over his crossed legs. “I just don't see how your plan would work.”
That was another thing about Dark that annoyed Anti. Always elegant and poised, never wanting to take any risks unless he knew he could win. Dark had the patience of a saint, and Anti just couldn't understand how he didn't die from all the waiting.
Anti sighed and leaned further back in the chair he was sitting in, swinging his knife by the handle. Compared to Dark, who was sitting properly in his chair, one leg crossed over the other knee, his hands holding them up, relaxed, Anti very much looked like a teenage hooligan that had been sent to the principal's office for throwing a paper airplane at the teacher.
“It’s so goin’ to work,” Anti said. “Based on how stupid Mark and Seán are, and how much the fan base loves us.”
Dark raised a perfectly polished eyebrow. “I don't think love is the correct word to describe the relationship between us and the fan base.”
Anti shrugged and tossed his knife in the air to keep himself entertained. “You know I’d liketa say its fear and/or respect, but it's more like a weird kinda obsessed love, some amusement, and a whole lotta lust. Mostly a mix of all three.”
Anti thought he saw Dark’s mouth twitch up at one corner slightly. “I see.”
“I’m surprised you can't see how much they're obsessed over us,” Anti said, exasperated. “They're still not over that A Date with Markiplier or whatever. An’ that li’l skit you and the rest did last May was clever, too. An’ Jack’s fan base is practically eatin’ outta the palm of my hand they're so scared of what I'm goin’ to do to their precious coffee bean an’ the others. I honestly think they'd bow down at our feet if we finally took over the channels.”
Dark hummed thoughtfully---or, at least, that's what Anti assumed anyway---and leaned back in his plush, leather office chair. He brought a hand to his lips in a thoughtful manner.
“You might be right there,” Dark admitted.
Anti snorted again. Of course, Dark would never say that he was right. “But?”
“But,” Dark began, “I still think we need something as collateral. Say we take Mark and Jack hostage, instead of killing them.”
Anti sighed again. It was like jumping through hoops with him. “That’s too much work. Besides, someone would eventually come lookin’ for ‘em. I say we kill ‘em outright. Saves the trouble of havin’ ta lug their heavy bodies everywhere. Only to the dumpster.”
This time Dark sighed. “You do realize that if you kill Seán and Mark, it will kill us as well?”
Anti was quiet. He hadn’t thought about that. “Oh,” he said quietly.
Dark glared at Anti over the tips of his fingers. “Now you understand why I wasn’t so keen to go along with your plan.”
Anti huffed and sunk lower in his chair. Now he really felt like he was being reprimanded. “Well, what do you suppose we do Mr. Fancy pants?”
Dark rolled his eyes at the insult, but he leaned forward and set his elbows on the desk. “A slow takeover. What you did before, during that one October was really ingenious. It catches them off guard, but not suspicious. After a while, they start believing nothing is wrong, and then we reveal ourselves. We say if they don’t start taking us seriously, we keep our poor hosts hostage indefinitely.”
Anti nodded as Dark was talking. He did have to admit, it was a smart plan. Also, Dark called him a genius in his little rant, so he felt inclined to agree.
Anti stood up and stabbed his knife into Darks desk, placing his hands on either side of it. He grinned down at Dark. “Sounds good. When do we start?”
Dark ignored the knife now embedded in his desk and smiled evilly back up at Anti. “As soon as possible.”
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tracobuttons · 6 years
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"Märvįñ! Štøp płåŷįñg ŵïth mŷ ŵøoł!" I got inspired after seeing Cat Marvin in @d-structive's drawing of Anti crocheting
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sp00kybois · 6 years
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@theoneaviorshadestar thanks for the double hands *brofist*
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sp00j0 · 4 years
just a little short comic from my AU and my inspiration coming from the TikTok at the end 😼 ALSO I FORGOT ANTI’S FACEIAL HAIR BUT FUCK IT I AINT GOING BACK TO FIX IT
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dorkydinoart · 6 years
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Ḷ̸͇̘͖̩̺̿̿̅̌͊̀͘ò̷͈̯̯̍͛̃ͅŝ̴̥̏į̶̛̗̲̤̫͕͈̯̥͊͋̓̑͂͋ͅn̸͇̬̓̇͐̿g̶̨̛̛̛̩͍̺̘̠̝̬͙̲̊͋͒̒͋ ̶̗̘͔̱͈͖̬̫̓͠͝c̶̡̺̳͑̈̓͊o̷̜̤̞͂̈́̂̏́̍͝n̷͎̪̯̾t̷̨̧̨͔̝̤̳̹̥͌̏r̷̬̞̖̣̊̏̀̔ȍ̸̪̦͍̦̟̂͂̅̾͠l̷̢̜̯͚̤̹͍͙̔͑̀͌͗͘ͅ...
Okay, 2 things happened in the past 2 days... 1, I got a new tablet to draw with (THANK YOU DAD!) 2, I had a strong urge to draw our glitch boy...So, yea- FIRST SKETCH 
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ladywarlock03 · 6 years
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I want my own Fem!Anti to be very emotionals... Like me XD I really like her design and I would like to make her personality like the “dark side” of myself :P
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