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unluckyprime · 8 months ago
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four trans people walk into a movie theater …
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drclaudiosaracinodcsworld · 14 days ago
🔴🇮🇹 FAI DA TE A TUO VANTAGGIO E A VANTAGGIO DEI TUOI CARI SENZA FARE NULLA! scarica ora audio mp3 DCS dal titolo EGO ENTUSIASMO : https://claudiosaracino.com/prodotto/ego-entusiasmo-dcs/ #ipnosi  #ipnosi dcs  #benessere PERCHE' LA TUA PERSONALITA' PUO' ESSERE DI SUCCESSO SE E SOLO SE? CAMBIA VITA IN 30 NOTTI: Mentre dormi, senza farti rubare tempo ed in pigiama clicca qui: https://www.amazon.it/CAMBIA-NOTTI-mentre-rubare-pigiama/dp/B0CSSWGNLT/ref LA TUA MENTE PUÒ TUTTO SE SAI COME FUNZIONA E SE SEGUI ALLA LETTERA LE ISTRUZIONI FACILI A PROVA DI NONNO A PROVA DI PIGRO A PROVA DI IDIOTA... Centinaia di persone nel mondo con Metodo DCS hanno risolto i loro problemi e aiutato i loro caro in tutto il mondo anche se non volevano aiuto... Ogni volta che ci tuffiamo a mare, c’è’ solo un momento di riflessione poi dopo ci si affida al nostro pilota automatico e si fa il tuffo... Tuffati ora... #ipnosidcs#metododcs#miracolo Agisci ora: https://claudiosaracino.com/vetrina/ Chi ti ha detto impossibile?  Era un Dio? Era un guru bla bla?  Era un deus ex machina? Nel mondo, migliaia di persone,  a cui era stato detto che non c’era nulla da fare, hanno avuto il miracolo della loro mente, persone laiche e non. Dire che secondo la scienza ed il sistema non c’è nulla da fare, che non ci sono rimedi, che non è possibile non significa che non esista la soluzione: il miracolo della tua mente... La tua Mente è potente e può fare tutto se sai come fare... Mai dire Mai... se lo desideri, inizia anche con un solo audio mp3 DCS e capirai il primo potere del Metodo DCS... METODO DCS NON PLUS ULTRA NON È PER TUTTI ⚔🔥⚔ L’Ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale è per chi: 1 non trovato soluzioni altrove  2 per chi non vuole essere aiutato  3 per chi si vergogna di farsi vedere presso un guru 4 per chi ha paura di essere manipolato 5 per chi si rifiuta di essere aiutato  6 per casi impossibili  7 per casi dove i guru ripetono no no no  Solo a te la scelta ma a prescindere dal dr Saracino, approfondisci il tema dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale trascurata dai mass media e dai poteri forti anche presso un professionista dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale della tua zona in cui risiedi... Se non hai voglia di girare cappelle, puoi provare un audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio... Puoi partire da un solo audio mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o del tuo caro oppure scaricare più di un audio mp3 DCS per avere un risultato molto più veloce e che abbraccia più angoli del tuo o dei tuoi problemi... Molta gente sceglie di base i seguenti audio DCS: NO DEPRESSIONE NO PANICO NO PASSATO NEGATIVO MOLTO CONTROLLO DEI NERVI SALUTE ED ESITO  EGO ENTUSIASMO  magari sono partiti da un solo audio DCS cone NO ALCOL oppure NO DROGA e poi, vedendo risultati ed effetti spettacolari, hanno voluto accelerare il tutto ... Ascolta , condividi e commenta se ti garba con amici e parentesi... Immagina...  Non ci credi ma se riflettiamo un attimo, magari, ci sono molto vicino... Tutto è partito dagli anni 60 come spiego in questo video... Seguimi e commenta se ti va.... La bella notizia che con ipnosi DCS e autoipnosi DCS, anche con un solo audio DCS mp3 professionale, che fa per te ed il tuo caro che magari non vuole il tuo aiuto, puoi eliminare e cancellare un problema alla volta... Funziona, fidati, e lo dice un mentore oltre che un guru Non colpevolizzare e non colpevolizzarti perché la colpa è della TV Paura e non tua o di tuo figlio!  Solo a te la scelta se cambiare destino... Metodo DCS è l’unico Metodo al mondo  a prova di Pigro e pigrizia che non ti fa mettere la tuta, non ruba tempo prezioso a te e ai tuoi cari, che è a prova di pigro e pigrizia... Provalo e ti meraviglierai.. e scarica subito Audio Mp3 DCS che fa al caso tuo o di tuo figlio  cambia con i Fatti e non i bla bla il tuo destino... Assurdo quanta gente si arrende a chi non crede che si possano ottenere i miracoli della propria mente... Parla e sentenzia il guru di turno e la gente ci crede... Mai arrendersi e mai dire mai... Approfondisci il mondo dell’ipnosi Vera e professionale e credi nel tuo potere mentale guidato dall’ipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale... clicca ora sul sito e scarica audio mp3 DCS : www.ipnologiassociati.com 👉🏿Facebook👇🏿  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555200140324 👉🏿Instagram 👇🏿 https://www.instagram.com/benessereip...  👉🏿twitter👇🏿  https://twitter.com/drsaracino  👉🏿Tiktok👇🏿 https://vm.tiktok.com/GKxqYj/  👉🏿sito:👇🏿 www.ipnologiassociati.com Ego entusiasmo - Metodo DCS - Dr. Claudio Saracino https://claudiosaracino.com CAMBIA LA VITA IN 30 NOTTI mentre dormi, senza farti rubare tempo ed in pigiama: Metodo DCS® Unico al Mondo di Ipnosi DCS e Autoipnosi DCS Vera e Professionale® per personalità di successo : SARACI... https://www.amazon.it
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beanofthequeens · 10 months ago
Jet from atla is so funny bc like, he's fighting zuko and taunting him being like "bet you wanna use some fire instead of those swords, dont u fireboy" which is a funny thing to say to a guy who is clearly very eager to fight using swords
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io-lu-art · 11 months ago
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A tale of Ba Sing Se.
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demaparbat-hp · 3 months ago
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Existential Nihilism Squad™
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occudo · 1 month ago
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The head archivist's to do list
or arts and crafts with Gertrude Robinson
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forlorngarden · 4 months ago
'you are not serious people' is a phrase that has done so much. thank you logan succession
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hdiggitydogg · 4 months ago
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Dear Tumblr I have been struck by the need to broadcast my beloved son to you all, because he is a beautiful ball of fluff and sunshine. His name is Griffin.
He hopes you have a good day and perhaps might bring him some snacks.
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itadooori · 1 month ago
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what squid game did yall watch
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 9 months ago
The fact that in Czech we legit say “the knife in my pocket is opening” when encoutering behavior we hate or find super annoying is something so memey
Like yeah I’m really feeling like stabbing something… but I’m not gonna…. But I’m feeling like it
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emily-e-draws · 1 year ago
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love the Avatar show! yes the animated show from 2005 haha, what else?
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gongyoosgf · 2 months ago
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producedbysohyun · 2 months ago
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Squid game x reader hcs
Summary: How the people in squid games would cuddle you (separate)
Includes: Thanos, In-ho, Se-mi, Dae-ho, Myung-gi, Jun-ho, Hyun-ju, Mi-na (non!squid game au)
Warnings: might be slightly suggestive at some points.
a/n: I love writing these so much! I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do!!
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Get ready to be crushed
Lays on-top of you
And does not let you get up for anything
“Let me get up for a second I-“
While laying on-top of you he takes the opportunity to kiss your neck or chest
If you do end up getting up he whines until you lay back down
Type of Bf to use your butt or thighs as a pillow 😔✊
Randomly bites you
Has cute aggression 100%
Very deep sleeper
Moves so much in his sleep so if you guys fall asleep cuddling at least one of you is gonna be upside down when you wake up
Will give you pda anytime anywhere he does not care
I’m literally Dr. Seuss
Not very big on cuddling
He tolerates it for you tho 😚
Even tho cuddling isn’t really his thing he LOVES when you sit on his lap
Especially when you’re facing him
Also likes when you lay on his chest
Literally just lets you cling to him and do whatever
Acts like he doesn’t care for it but we all know the truth
When he’s tired he just completely lets his guard down
That will probably be the only time he initiates cuddling
Other wise you’re kinda on your own 
Loves laying on your chest !!
Gives you neck kisses when she’s the big spoon 😏
Also a biter
Likes to have you on her lap
Touches your tummy while cuddling
you cannot stop her 😡
Clingiest Gf you can have !!
Takes every opportunity to hug you from behind and just stays like that for as long as possible
When you lay on her chest she likes to play with your hair
Another deep sleeper
Girl will not wake up for anything
If you are in bed with her you better be ready to never leave the bed again once she gets her hands on you
“Babe I need to get up”
“Five more minutessss”
Most cuddly person ever
Big spoon !!
not so secretly likes being small spoon sometimes
Either rests his head on-top of yours or in your neck
If you guys fall asleep like that expect not to be getting up at all
Literally has a death grip on you
Lays his head on your thighs or chest pt.2
Will fall asleep immediately if you start playing with his hair 🙁
HATES sleeping without you
The lightest sleeper ever
If you softly shake him awake he will either have a dramatic mom reaction or he’ll just be confused asf
My babbyyyyyy
Struggles to sleep if you aren’t next to him
Religiously the big spoon
He likes to put his hands up your shirt while cuddling and his excuse is
“My hands were cold 🙁”
“Damn right they are 😡”
Yaaaa we all know his real intentions ✊
Neck kisses pt.2 !!
Another one that uses your thighs as a pillow
Moves a lot in his sleep as well but stays holding you the whole time somehow
Loves you being on his lap pt.2
The type to rub your thighs while watching a movie or some sht😭😔🙁😭😡😔😔😡
I want him so bad
Gives you so much kisses !!
I need someone like him omg 😔
Loves cuddling face to face if that makes sense 😭
Likes to hear about your day while just holding you
Listens intently and plays with your hair as you speak
He also enjoys when you lay on his chest
The weight of your body calms him down and he feels better knowing you’re safe in his arms
If he’s feeling extra vulnerable that day he’ll lay his head on your chest
Probably gets super exhausted after work sometimes so he just falls asleep the second he gets home
and when you join him in bed he immediately wraps his arms around you
Overall I don’t think he’d be to big on cuddling but he also wouldn’t mind
She’s just a big teddy bear
Especially when you’re alone with her
She isn’t too big on pda so in public she probably just sticks to holding your hand
But in private you’re getting cuddles, kisses, you name it
There will be a lot of giggling going around
Loves if you braid or play with her hair while cuddling
Lets you try out new hairstyles on her to see which one looks the prettiest 🤭
Loves when you lay on-top of her
When the both of you go to bed she HAS to be touching you
No matter if it’s holding hands or being straight up on top of eachother
Poor girl just needs you 😔
I feel like she wouldn’t really care for being touchy with anyone but if it’s her s/o
Sign her up !!
Definitely small spoon
She wants to be treated like a princess 😋
Puts her legs over your lap and just pouts at you till you rub them
If she’s feeling a little frisky she’ll get you to put your head on her chest and then just cling onto you
Loves giving you kisses !!
ugh I want her
Cannot fall asleep if you aren’t in bed with her
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a/n: hii! I hope you guys enjoyed thissss! (If you’ve made requests it might take awhile for me to get to them I’ve been busy lately I hope you understand!) (reqs are currently closed)
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theladydi · 2 months ago
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glinda saying "me too, i think about it constantly" has a whole meaning now that we know how sad it made her that elphaba didn't choose her to rescue the baby lion and instead opted to go with fiyero
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she loves elphaba so much :(
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verso-abstracto · 6 months ago
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Fotolibro: Seguen Oríah | Autor frase: Esenciah.
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