#scribe system
en8y · 4 months
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a simplified browser window, with a globe icon inside it. it has a left-to-right blue-to-dark-blue gradient on it. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark muted blue, muted blue, and pale blue. the second flag has these three top colors: black-pink, dark pink, and blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: bright teal, off-white, bright teal, light grey, bright green, and deep purple. END ID.]
webicribe: a gender connected to being a old web scribe; this gender is connected to the old web, old web aesthetics, writing aesthetics, and being scriptorian!
reapewebic: a gender connected to being a old web reaper; this gender is connected to the old web, old web aesthetics, death aesthetics, grim reaper aesthetics, and DEiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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en69y · 1 year
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hypersexulicribe + reapehypersexulic
[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a heart in two colors, the left side orange-pink, and the right side hot pink. it appears drippy. it is in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark muted blue, muted blue, and pale blue. the second flag has these three top colors: black-pink, dark pink, and blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: peach, off-white, pastel orange, hot pink, medium warm purple, and dark cool purple. END ID.]
hypersexulicribe: a gender connected to being a hypersexual scribe; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, writing aesthetics, and being scriptorian!
reapehypersexulic: a gender connected to being a hypersexual reaper; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, death aesthetics, grim reaper aesthetics, and DEiN genders!
colors referenced from/inspired by @epikulupu’s hypersexual flag!
op is hypersexual, and is allowed to cope in silly gender ways. don't clown on this post.
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aroaessidhe · 10 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
start of a high fantasy trilogy, set in a capitalist city run by four merchant houses that control the magical technology known as scriving: a language that codes commands into objects
a young woman who can sense scrived objects & survives as a thief steals something that turns out to be extremely powerful, and someone in the merchant houses would do anything to get it back
so she teams up with some unlikely allies to stop them & save herself
sapphic, interesting magic system, sentient objects, computerprogram..angels?? kinda
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terra-tortoise · 6 months
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testing out a clan code (: moving it out of the tags, the template is by nimrook ive just wanted to use it for a bit!
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crowtongued · 8 months
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{--Damn, ESO really wanted to grab me by the balls today huh--}
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dreamsrunfaster · 10 months
medieval french really is like we have (haure? haures?) no spelling yet. we can never decide which letters we want to abbreviate, we use the same signs for different things and different signs for the same thing, and we like to put capiTals in the middle of woRds. god forbid we do something consistent with i/j and v/w. We s[om]t[im][es] abb[re]uiate to .i. poi[n]t of i[n][com]p[re]h[en]sibility. There are only two cases and the verb tense is "hey, whatever you vibe with".
There is a fully(e) fledged(e) gender(e) system(e) and you BETTER make it agree.
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its september im gonna need my state to do what it does best and stop being a consistent temperature because walking 2.5 miles in 90-100 degree weather EVERY FUCKING DAY IS REALLY GETTING TO ME like literally Grow up Face the Situation at Hand. @ The Sun
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ibndeshret · 2 years
Pinned post.
Information about me:
I am a fictive. Call me al-Haitham, or Haitham. If you call me Al I will laugh at you and call you stupid. I’m 25 years old, this body is 24. I type like this, and I’m not mad at you. I just type like this. This is a side blog. I follow / like from archaicden.
I got together with Cyno in canon. My Kaveh was… awful, but I’m starting to heal from what he did. I can separate my past Kaveh from current ones, so I have no distaste for any other Kaveh’s. I don’t mind talking to others.
Do not talk about alcohol to me.
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once-was-muses · 1 year
anonymous | Ancient Egyptian Horoscopes
What about YOU, Birdy! What's YOUR's (and mun's if they're comfortable sharing)? >:3
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"The full answer to the former is actually two in one. As an astrological sign, those born April 1st-19th and November 8th-17th would fall under. My own birthdate- somewhat hypothetical, and shifted over many calendars- would have me as Lady Mut."
"December 2nd; Osiris, king of the underworld, god of the dead, rebirth, vegetation. A being of two worlds, a constant state of 'before' and 'after,' prone to melancholic nostalgia for things that may have yet to even transpire- or never existed to begin with. A cold, dead exterior hides a tumultuous, eccentric interior."
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en8y · 4 months
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has an icon of a white moon and two four-pointed stars, inside a dark purple circle, in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark muted blue, muted blue, and pale blue. the second flag has these three top colors: black-pink, dark pink, and blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: bright purple, off-white, bright purple, medium purple, dark purple, and black. END ID.]
darkicribe: a gender connected to being a dark scribe; this gender is connected to darkness, dark aesthetics, writing aesthetics, and being scriptorian!
reapedarkic: a gender connected to being a dark reaper; this gender is connected to darkness, dark aesthetics, death aesthetics, grim reaper aesthetics, and DEiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian
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psi-scribe · 7 months
Got my Army Painter Fanatic mega set and oh I'm going to enjoy using them. Only did some test swatches but these feel so much better than the old AP metallics I had (briefly).
That being said omg Oozing Vomit is fittingly gross and True Blood looks more blood-ish than Blood for the Blood God.
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nightingaletrash · 8 months
So I briefly saw some new shit for ESO and holy hell I need yo get back into that game
same!! I've not done much with it since Necrom, but I'm always a slut for new story content :D
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terra-tortoise · 5 months
Not the same anon but situations like yours are the reason I've just been waiting to be caught. I want to start clean but i don't want my friends to be caught in the crossfire :-(
i didnt even think about friends getting penalized for it. im shocked it was Only my gf and not like a bunch of other ppl bc i used the account for 3 years.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
The GOP wonders why young people (and others) don't want to vote for them. Some wise scribe assembled this list.
1.) Your Reagan-era “trickle-down economics” strategy of tax breaks for billionaires that you continue to employ to this day has widened the gap between rich and poor so much that most of them will never be able to own a home, much less earn a living wage.
2.) You refuse to increase the federal minimum wage, which is still $7.25 an hour (since 2009). Even if it had just kept up with inflation, it would be $27 now. You’re forcing people of all ages but especially young people to work multiple jobs just to afford basic necessities.
3.) You fundamentally oppose and want to kill democracy; have done everything in your power to restrict access to the ballot box, particularly in areas with demographics that tend to vote Democratic (like young people and POC). You staged a fucking coup the last time you lost.
4.) You have abused your disproportionate senate control over the last three decades to pack the courts with religious extremists and idealogues, including SCOTUS—which has rolled back rights for women in ways that do nothing but kill more women and children and expand poverty.
5.) You refuse to enact common sense gun control laws to curb mass shootings like universal background checks and banning assault weapons; subjecting their entire generation to school shootings and drills that are traumatizing in and of themselves. You are owned by the NRA.
6.) You are unequivocally against combatting climate change to the extent that it’s as if you’ve made it your personal mission to ensure they inherit a planet that is beyond the point of no return in terms of remaining habitable for the human race beyond the next few generations.
7.) You oppose all programs that provide assistance to those who need it most. Your governors refused to expand Medicaid even during A PANDEMIC. You are against free school lunches, despite it being the only meal that millions of children can count on to actually receive each day
8.) You are banning books, defunding libraries, barring subject matter, and whitewashing history even more in a fascistic attempt to keep them ignorant of the systemic racism that this nation was literally founded upon and continues to this day in every action your party takes.
9.) You oppose universal healthcare and are still trying to repeal the ACA and rip healthcare from tens of millions of Americans and replace it with nothing. You are against lowering the cost of insulin and prescription drugs that millions need simply to LIVE/FUNCTION in society.
10.) You embrace white nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and other groups that are defined by their intractable racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and intolerance. You conspired with these groups on January 6th to try to overthrow the U.S. government via domestic terrorism that KILLED PEOPLE.
11.) You oppose every bill aimed at making life better for our nation’s youth; from education to extracurricular and financial/nutritional assistance programs. You say you want to “protect the children” while you elect/nominate pedophiles and attack trans youth and drag queens.
12.) You pretend to be offended by “anti-semitism” while literally supporting, electing, and speaking at events organized by Nazis. You pretend to hate “cancel culture” despite the fact that you invented it and it’s basically all you do.
13.) Every word you utter is a lie. You are the party of treason, hypocrisy, crime, and authoritarianism. You want to entrench rule by your aging minority because you know that you have nothing to offer young voters and they will never support you for all these reasons and more.
14.) You’re so hostile to even the notion of helping us overcome the mountain of debt that millions of us are forced to take on just to pay for our post K-12 education that you are suing to try to prevent a small fraction of us from getting even $10,000 in loan forgiveness.
15.) You opened the floodgates of money into politics via Citizens United; allowing our entire system of government to become a cesspool of corruption, crime, and greed. You are supposed to represent the American people whose taxes pay your salary but instead cater to rich donors.
16.) You respond to elected representatives standing in solidarity with their constituents to protest the ONGOING SLAUGHTER of children in schools via shootings by EXPELLING THEM FROM OFFICE & respond to your lack of popularity among young people by trying to raise the voting age.
17.) You impeach Democratic presidents over lying about a BJ but refuse to impeach (then vote twice to acquit) a guy whose entire “administration” was an international crime syndicate being run out of the WH who incited an insurrection to have you killed.
18.) You steal Supreme Court seats from democrats to prevent the only black POTUS we’ve ever had from appointing one and invent fake precedents that you later ignore all to take fundamental rights from Americans; and even your “legitimate” appointments consist of people like THIS (sub-thread refuting CJ Roberts criticisms of people attacking SCOTUS' legitimacy).
19.) You support mass incarceration even for innocuous offenses or execution by cop for POC while doing nothing but protect rich white criminals who engage in such things as tax fraud, money laundering, sex trafficking, rape/sexual assault, falsifying business records, etc.
20.) You are the reason we can’t pass:—Universal background checks—An assault weapons ban—The ‘For the People/Freedom to vote’ Act or John Lewis Voting Rights Act—The ERA & Equality Act—The Climate Action Now Act—The (Stopping) Violence Against Women Act—SCOTUS expansion.
21.) You do not seek office to govern, represent, or serve the American people. You seek power solely for its own sake so you can impose your narrow-minded puritanical will on others at the expense of their most fundamental rights and freedoms like voting and bodily autonomy.
22.) Ok, last one. You are trying to eliminate social security and Medicare that tens of millions of our parents rely on and paid into their entire lives. And you did everything to maximize preventable deaths from COVID leaving millions of us in mourning.
Source: https://imgur.com/gallery/e8DBZLH
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
What Do You Mean I'm The New Grand Sage?!
Alhaitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Kaveh x Grand Sage! Reader; separate, gender neutral
In some twisted turn of events, Lesser Lord Kusanali herself thought you are the best candidate for the position of the Akademiya's Grand Sage. From a Haravatat Researcher to soon running a whole region, how do you deal with this? And do the prodigal scholars approve of you?
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'It's been weeks now and there's still no proper Grand Sage.'
'If it were me, I would have fired the two remaining sages, they might scheme as revenge.'
'How can we trust the choices of the next Grand Sage anyways? What if history repeats itself?'
Despite the House of Daena being respectfully quiet with only murmurs and mumbles from the surrounding entourage, these unspoken words taunt and occupy the mind of the Dendro Archon as she takes into account all the thoughts of her people regarding the matter.
All the candidates for the Grand Sage and other sage positions, as well as the exceptional figures of each darshan (some of which are familiar to her) crowd around the table where the Lesser Lord situated herself.
Unfortunately, based on Nahida's standards, none of them qualify for the position.
"Lesser Lord Kusanali?" Opening her eyes, Nahida tilts her head to the Scribe situated on a seat next to her, a quill unused in his hand. "Is something the matter?"
"Just deep in thought." Crossing her arms, the god of wisdom would hum to herself as she tapped her chin. "For example, what would the new Grand Sage do once they get appointed?" And with that, she closed her eyes again.
As expected, more thoughts filtered through her mind as the audience took the bait and began pondering on the provoking question in their minds.
'Just do what the past Grand Sage did? Minus the evil? This is easy.'
'As a Grand Sage, I would probably fire all the personnel, they can't be trusted.'
'Cultivate wisdom and govern Sumeru as best as possible, right?'
'With the Lesser Lord in power, probably just answer to what she wants.'
'Hm, to what extent did Azar mess up the system anyways? It would definitely be good to fix the things that he deliberately abused as soon as possible, right? The unnecessary laws, look into the international affair decisions he's done too, he might have signed contracts that would be damaging to Sumeru in the long run -'
A hit! But an unfamiliar voice. Opening her eyes, the god of wisdom looked around the area to look for the voice to match a face.
"Are you looking for something, Lord Kusanali?" Cyno straightened up on his stance by her side as he watched the archon stand on her seat. The action urged him to scan the area too, albeit for different reasons.
'Why am I thinking about this right now? I should really hurry home -'
"Over there!" The crowd parts like the sea as everyone in the area turned towards someone in researcher garb. Which looks to be... drenched in water. Looking up from wringing the sleeves of your robe, you finally notice all the attention on you.
"Ah! Sorry about the mess, I fell in the fountain in front of -"
"You shall be the new Grand Sage, (Y/N)."
The whole Akademiya seemed to have quieted down to the point that you could hear the individual droplets of water splatter from your hair on to the marble flooring of the House of Daena.
And like catharsis, everyone exploded in exclamations of disbelief. Including you.
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"With their determination alone, their steadfast effort is enough to shape them to the right person to hold the title of Grand Sage."
With the absence of the Akasha Terminal and the person that holds records of documentations and research, Alhaitham was reasonably the person that people flocked towards for information about you. Despite the inconvenience, there are a lucky few that the Scribe entertained.
The male personally knows you as a Haravatat graduate who researched about the current civilization and quality of life of Sumeru in great detail, something that honored your name for being their darshan's most cited thesis. And when asked about your eligibility to be the next Grand Sage, he repeats those words, even when the archon herself asked.
After all, he himself had been privy to that determination. Your dedication to graduate and use your knowledge to create something worthwhile, beneficial, purposeful. A kind of vigor for knowledge so pure and immense that not even he remembers having the same amount of passion.
Even now as he pretends to be occupied with his book, he watches as you practically lay on the huge table for Azar the Grand Sage in exhaustion, Alhaitham was confident that your sighs results from your worry of finding the best solution.
He lowers his eyes back to the pages just in time with you finally lifting your head. "Alhaitham?" He pretends the small smile was out of politeness, not because you have yet to get accustomed to being entirely formal with him.
"Yes, Future Grand Sage?" Alhaitham masks his voiceless laugh with the book in his hand at the sight of you huffing, sputtering at the foreign title.
"Azar had you draft the gazette when he makes up a new law or order, right?" He nods, you grip your head as if you were having a headache, which is quite likely at this point. "If you don't mind, do you think you can give me a copy of all of the laws he created? And the meeting transcripts too?"
"That is certainly doable. However," you straightened up when Alhaitham stood across the table to stare you eye to eye, placing his book on your table. "That would be hundreds of documents to go through, are you sure you're able to utilize that amount for your perusing?"
The expression on your face showed that you haven't exactly accounted that part. But there it was, that flicker in your eyes that captures you so perfectly, the perseverance that had always kept you afloat. Now he can bare witness to it. "I'm sure."
Even if he didn't have to, Alhaitham stayed by your side the whole time, assisting you about certain laws and contexts if you ever needed it.
And when you fell asleep on the table after hours of reading, he immediately placed his cape on your shoulders, because you needed it.
Surprisingly enough, Alhaitham is the one who puts in a good word about your designation out of all of them.
What they're unaware of is that he's quite fond of you and your prestige, being in the same darshan had him subtly defending you from the rumors other darshans/candidates spread.
You should be grateful that you have Alhaitham as your Scribe. Not only is he meticulous and dedicated to his work, but he acts as your assistant with how closely related your positions are.
Perhaps his usefulness and help also stems with the fact that he was the most recommended candidate before he declined, and the knowledge he had honestly makes him look like your master and you his apprentice.
A lot of times, you end up comparing yourself to him when you feel like you're lacking.
Thankfully, Alhaitham's perceptive made him aware of your tells, and knows when you're having such thoughts. He would try to derail that train of thought immediately, subtly remind you of your progress, or straight up tell you you're wrong.
For such an emotionless co-worker, he sure does well with being your hypeman.
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"A lack of harmonious relationship with the archon, even with the people of Sumeru, became the downfall of Azar, . That level of respect is crucial in ensuring that history would not repeat itself."
As Lesser Lord Kusanali's main guardian, it was only logical that his beliefs about what the new grand sage should embody reflects that. And perhaps there were also some details that influenced his opinion, details that he would never elaborate on.
This isn't the first time he had been less receptive to the decisions of the archon (the first being the punishment of the Sages, if you can even call it that) but this one has more potential to go awry than any other.
His cold stare only grew colder, sharper, now that you've been assigned the highest seat in the Akademiya. You can tell his prejudices without him having to spell it out.
The harshest of glares usually happen when you request an audience with the god of wisdom, him always standing by her side in case you become hostile. Which is honestly quite a hilarious take - you? Harming a god? But with the history of the previous Grand Sage's you can't exactly call his fault.
In your case however, despite the stories of Cyno's job as the General Mahamatra, you never once feared the possibility of his judgment on you as an academic. After all, if you had done nothing bad, then you're out of his case, right? So as far as you know, this is your first time knowing about each other's presence.
Although, being nominated after you fell in the Akademiya's fountain and made a mess everywhere you walked certainly isn't the best first impression.
However, after one too many times you feel a chill up your spine yet see no one when you look around the area for a possible cause, you're starting to suspect that he may know you more than you know him.
"She's currently resting in the Sanctuary of Surasthana, don't -"
"Ah, no, I'm not here to ask about Lesser Lord Kusanali today." At your sheepish demeanor, Cyno opted to close his mouth and wait for your reason to approach him. So you continued. "I was actually hoping if you could accompany me to Aaru Village."
"The desert?" Why him?
"I've heard that you've been closely working with Lesser Lord Kusanali to rebuild the relations with the desert side of Sumeru." Your fidgeting made him notice the thick notebook tucked under your arm. "I wanted to ask questions about the details, as well as see for myself what else could be done."
There was a long pause of silence that passed by with you mostly avoiding looking into his eyes directly. Humbled but respectful. Cyno sighs. "You're not in proper attire to journey to the desert, nor do you have the proper equipment." Your gaze followed his retreating form until he stopped and looked over his shoulder to you. "Are you coming or what? Standing around does not count as preparing."
"Right! I'm on it!"
It was a long process, but you managed to convince Cyno of your worth, especially when it comes to your efforts to help the desert. He had seen it all himself and at this point he couldn't deny it any further.
Cyno would find his tailing to be out of security instead of suspicion, often times finding himself walking by your side as your protector whenever you had to go out. After all, you're still an important figure, your safety is high priority.
Soon, it would be you who he would go to concerning updates about the desert, hearing out your efforts for rehabilitation. Your desert internship program to help Setaria with her education efforts is by far his favorite.
Despite being the General Mahamatra, he found a bit of his job description changing: being the protector of the Dendro Archon and the new Grand Sage.
Whenever you have to cross to the desert to either talk with the village chief or negotiate with the Eremites, he would always find time in his schedule to be your escort.
Perhaps it was his mistake to doubt Alhaitham's judgment on this one. At the very least, Cyno became your ever reliable check-and-balance.
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"At the end of the day, well intentions are enough of a factor to understand the path one would trek no matter the adversaries."
Tighnari was positive that he wouldn't have to deal with the Akademiya anymore after Lesser Lord Kusanali, maybe even enjoy a more peaceful life in the forest now that the Withering had stopped spawning together with Eleazar disappearing.
But of course, the exiled sages just had to be dropped into his forest for their 'tap on the wrist' punishment. Perhaps that would be the end of the Akademiya pestering him now that there's no need to exploit him for some evil scheme.
Well, the world had never been to kind to the forest watcher, what would make this any different? The hybrid would sigh as he watched a group donning Akademiya robes approach Ghandarva Ville, none of which he's familiar with.
This is a larger group compared to the ones the previous sages trying to coerce him back to the city brought - now that he squints, there seem to be Corps of Thirsty members tailing the group, too. This doesn't bode well at all.
At least Cyno's there. "And what business do you have in Ghandarva Ville to cause such a ruckus so early in the day?" Straight to the point, Tighnari stares dryly at the person that seems to be in charge of the group.
However, at the sight of Cyno freezing up in his peripheral, the forest watcher immediately realized that this is unlike any other encounters he had dealt with. Unlike the arrogance of the other scholars and sages, he could see how you looked conflicted from speaking.
"Seeing as you don't look to be well-informed," ah there's the Akademiya scholar he expected. The researcher gestures to you. "The Future Grand Sage is here to see the exiled former sages in hopes to interview them about their previous positions."
He wants to bite back, he really does - why was he not informed beforehand? Why are there so many personnel with you? How sure are they that you are not trying to conspire with Azar? Why are YOU the next grand sage?
"Alright." And he will never admit the relief he felt when your despondent look immediately lifted at his response. "It's a bit of a walk from here. And being the person assigned to oversee their training, I would like to be there during the exchange too."
"Thank you." You cut off the arrogant spokesperson before he even uttered a single word of protest, presenting a bulky journal in your hand to the forest watcher. "I actually prepared a set of questions to ask that you could verify -"
Old habits die hard, and admittedly, Tighnari didn't want to treat you more than the people he works with everyday, the people around you can easily do that for him. But he refrained from letting any past prejudice cloud his judgment on your character: there is undoubtedly something different about you in comparison to the old sages, and he didn't want his attitude to change that.
One day during one of your many visits however, Tighnari may have spilled a bit about his discontent about the attention your entourage brings to his forest. Even with you next in charge, he still dislikes bringing the affairs of the Akademiya to the forest rangers' territory.
He thought his words was out of pocket when letters of notice regarding your arrival ceased. Did you get all the information you needed from the sages? Or was what he said finally drove you away? That wasn't at all his intentions.
One random encounter brought him answer when the suspicious cloaked figure waving at him from behind a tree turned out to be you. "You said you didn't want my personnel to come so I decided to visit discreetly from now on."
At least you were... considerate. Conversation came easy without multiple glares constantly stabbing him in the back, talking about your progress as well as the conditions of Ghandarva Ville on the way to the training area of the sages.
While he was wary and skeptical about your appointment despite his utmost trust in the dendro archon's judgment, Tighnari soon came to accept your honesty and determination.
That transparency and good-intended perseverance are what Azar lacked, but under your rule, perhaps Sumeru would really be in good hands now.
Tighnari leaned against the tree as he watched your passionate discussion with the previous Haravatat sage. Undeniably, you as you are now without the title, greatly reminds him of someone dear.
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"We've long realized that wisdom alone begets arrogance. Perhaps fixing the prejudices against the pursuit of art and whatever this and that Azar has gotten his grubby hands on should be first priority."
"Let me through! I must speak with them, this is important matter, too! If the new grand sage is really -"
Turning your head towards the commotion, your conversation with Alhaitham ended shortly as a tuft of blonde became visible from the sea of Mahamata's trying to keep him away from you.
Patting the imaginary dust off his sleeves, Kaveh would look into your baffled gaze with unyielding resolve. "I've heard you had been meticulously gathering the opinions of Sumeru and thought I could be of help."
"Exercise some tact, Kaveh, we're in the presence of the appointed Grand Sage here."
"I don't need your sass today, Scribe -"
"No, it's fine, Alhaitham. I was actually planning on talking to Kaveh at some point, anyways." Wait, you are? Kaveh dumbfoundedly asked as he watched you move a few books around to get to a worn out journal under the pile. "I assume you're here to represent the arts."
Besides the conversation, Kaveh insists he takes you out to the Bazaar and his magnum opus to properly showcase the culture. Alhaitham, who looked positively displeased of the impromptu outing, had to stay back to focus on documenting a new batch of submitted thesis.
It was endearing to see someone as passionate about change in Sumeru as you talk about the harmful acts Azar published against the Bazaar and the pursuit of arts. Well, what else can you expect from the Light of the Kshahrewar?
Talking to him about anything and everything felt like you were conversing with friends, a very vocal and expressive friend. Especially when you're introduced to the Palace of Alcazarzaray, something he looks at with both pride and regret.
"I am simply making sure that Alhaitham had not brainwashed you with his sense of morality. Knowing him, you won't gather such thoughts about the importance of arts from him."
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention." You really were, after running around from here to both ends of Sumeru, you're very grateful that your source of info decided to come to you instead. "It's not an easy feat trying to undo 500 years worth of corruption."
"I can already see how Sumeru would be under your care." He flashes a genuine smile. "Thank you for hearing me out as well, future Grand Sage, I'm rooting for you. You're already doing much better than the previous Grand Sage."
It was a simple reassuring squeeze on the shoulder, but when he finally sobered up from the feeling of elation, Kaveh can't help but scream to his pillow about how buddy-buddy he acted to THE FUTURE GRAND SAGE!
Kaveh offers a fresh perspective and a lighter, reassuring encouragement in comparison. Perhaps being the person who knows less of the details helped form a positive judgment.
Like Tighnari, he keeps a level-headed approach when it comes to your position, but less about respect and more on shared beliefs.
When it comes to efforts to rehabilitate certain areas, Kaveh is always quick to offer his guidance and opinion. He knows you trust him due to his honesty and genuine want for a better future for Sumeru.
He's also the type to casually waltz in to your office when he has a brilliant idea or important information to share. At this point, he's talked to you more than the new Kshahrewar sage - if he's so adamant to be heard, why didn't he accept the nomination?
Whenever he stumbles upon you when you're outside or he sees you pondering the giant orb™ in your office, he's quick to voice his concern and urge you to take a break.
His intentions recently are hard to read, but he really does believe in you, and he's not shy to voice that fact.
You just find yourself missing the quietness of your office before Alhaitham and Kaveh's banter in front of your table became commonplace.
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"The Akademiya and Sumeru as a whole would surely flourish under this new samsara if I were to lead it with you by my side."
Lesser Lord Kusanali gives a knowing look at the sight of you standing straight in the presence of the archon, opting to offer your seat (which she declined) and refusing to sit down as a sign of respect.
She didn't need to read your mind to know. "How have you been? I've heard from the others that you've been working really hard to prepare for your inauguration."
Conscious, you pulled at the grey sleeve signifying your position as the current sage of Haravatat. Admittedly, it was a little stiff and stuffy for you, thicker and more uncomfortable than your uniforms in the Akademiya as a scholar and researcher. You missed those times.
"I've gathered a lot of opinions and information about operating as a sage as well as the current matters of Sumeru." Nahida smiles widely at this, before her expression faltered when you still had a bothered look on your face.
As far as she knows, you've gathered all the resources you need, more than you need even. So why do you seem troubled still despite your meticulous preparation? "Is there something in your mind?"
"I don't - I respect your wisdom, I really do and I'm honored that you think of me this way. But I'm - is this really the right decision? Am I really fit for this?"
Oh, so it's about that! You looked up from your journal laying on the table at the sound of the dendro archon's giggles, not at all expecting that reaction. Was your question that laughable?
"Not at all, I'm just amazed that you haven't noticed." Floating over to where you stood, her tiny hands reached up to give you - head pats? Embarrassed but too scared to deny, you took the gesture. "Since that day, I was certain that there would be no other puzzle piece that would fit the position of Grand Sage other than you."
You part your lips to interject, but she was quicker.
"And besides, there are many who share my view. I'm not the only one who believes in you, and you will see it for yourself when the time comes."
"When the time comes?" Holding on to your hand, Nahida starts pulling you towards the elevator and out of the House of Daena. Only when you reached the double doors of the Akademiya did she finally let go.
"You have these doubts because you are a good person, (Y/N). And even then, your own thoughts cloud your mind from seeing that the only person that doubts you now," Nahida would gesture towards the door. "Is you."
Looking back and forth between the entrance and Nahida's encouraging smile, you took a deep breath before pushing open the door -
Only to be met by a roar of cheers and explosion of applause.
Your fellow Sages, Alhaitham, Cyno, Kaveh, even Tighnari (with his ears pressed down) stood near the entrance with smiles of their own. But looking past the Akademiya staff and scholars, a crowd made up of Sumeru citizens from Port Ormos, the Bazaar, Ghandarva Ville, and even Aaru Village occupy the platform and every inch of the paths going up and down the Divine Tree.
Their collective chants mixed together to convey their utmost respect and belief in you.
"Every single one of them are here to root for you," turning to your side, Nahida stood next to you with a gray hat cradled on her palms. "Grand Sage."
Biting your lip to stop a big wobbly grin, you finally let out a relieved sigh as you kneeled in front of the god of wisdom, closing your eyes as she walked forward to place the hat of the Grand Sage on your head.
"People of Sumeru, may I present to you the new Grand Sage, (Y/N)."
The overwhelming amount of support from everyone made you take off your monocle to rub at your eyes.
And when your biggest supporters stepped forward to congratulate you, everything felt just right.
You got this.
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Can't believe my random idea got written first lmaao alright we're in the good feels arc now
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Why do words have genders? Sincerely, not sarcastically
i'm gonna break this up into 2 pieces: the concept of grammatical gender, and the "why," such as it is.
words don't have social gender the same way we apply it to humans! grammatical gender is a noun class system that has implications for grammatical agreement in other words. some languages end up with correlations to human social gender, yes, but structurally they don't have to be linked.
this is one of those questions that doesn't really have an answer. there's not necessarily a cohesive "why" to the way linguistic structures develop, and it's virtually impossible to design the question in such a way that it could be empirically investigated. i might be able to ask "why does a scribe in X place at Y time use Z inflection in this text" and come up with a reasonable explanation involving sociolinguistic factors, but it's much much harder to research something so broad and ultimately ambiguous.
tl;dr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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