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Anything (Pt.38)
cw: abusive behaviour
I was standing alone in my usual spot in the guest tent as fans continued to file into the arena which buzzed louder by the minute with excitement. I was happy to notice the tent was right up at the front, directly under the mic I knew Matty would be standing in front of in mere moments. It felt a bit odd to take up so much room so close to the front, with several feet of empty space surrounding me, but before I could think about it the lights dimmed and the crowd began to scream.
The spotlights on the stage turned on and the band slowly walked on stage, taking their places as the audience screamed louder, the buzzing increasing. Then, my heart dropped.
There he was. He was dishevelled and distracted. He stumbled on stage, tripping over his feet with every step he took. A near-empty wine bottle swung in his left hand and a lit cigarette hung limply in his right. His white dress shirt hung open, and his curls stuck to his forehead, slick with sweat. I'd never seen him this drunk.
He walked up towards the centre of the stage downing the last couple inches of wine before wiping his mouth messily with the back of his undone sleeve, staining it red. As the band started playing, he grabbed the mic off the stand clumsily before stumbling over to grab a fresh bottle of wine I didn't notice standing on top of the piano next to him. He tore off the screwcap and took another few swigs before looking out into the arena.
I tried to make eye contact with him but his glazed eyes skipped over me as he scanned the audience. He began to sing as a look of worry seeped into his face. I tried waving at him but even standing mere feet away from me, he didn't see me. His eyes began to shine and I could see him sniffling between lyrics, trying to hold back the tears which welled.
The buzzing of the crowd continued to grow in volume, flooding my ears. I couldn't hear the band anymore. Matty began stumbling around on stage, looking out into the crowd in a panic, searching for something. For someone. For me. He ran from one end of the stage to the next, threatening to fall as he drunkenly climbed on top of a tall speaker, wobbling aggressively as he searched the crowd with increasing panic.
As he made his way back to the front of the stage, I tried to reach out to him, but something stopped me. I reached out again with my fingertips and realized the tent was not in fact tent, but a giant glass box.
I started to bang on the glass, trying to get Matty's attention as I yelled out his name, but he didn't see me. Instead, he stopped singing, looking out into the arena hopelessly as tears streamed down his face. He dropped to his knees, clutching the mic to his chest as he began to sob, his face screwing into one of complete distraught. I could feel his pain from where I stood like it was my own, but I couldn't do anything about it.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my waist. My body froze.
"Come on, baby. Show me how much you love me," I heard a familiar voice whisper into my ear from behind me.
I didn't turn around. I couldn't. I was too terrified. I was trapped.
I continued to bang on the glass, even harder now, my throat turning raw as I screamed Matty's name over and over. I couldn't do anything but watch as he pulled out a flask from his pocket, tipping his head back as he drank generously, then returned to his collapsed position, this time his hands falling limp at his sides. The buzzing sound in the arena was deafening at this point.
I felt another hand clamp onto the other side of my waist. I focused on the amber liquid which dribbled out the corner of Matty's mouth as his chest heaved with every sob.
"Come on, whore. Love me."
A terrible sound filled my ears, drowning out the buzzing noise entirely. It sounded awful. Desperate. Panicked. Gutteral. It was me. I was screaming.
I shot up in an unfamiliar bed, my heart racing a million miles a minute as I tore the bedsheets off myself, freeing myself from their grasp. I was freezing, but my entire body was sticky and clammy, the hair on the back of my neck clinging to me uncomfortably. I clutched the bedsheets in my hand, staring into the darkness of the hotel room as I tried to stop the hyperventilation which threatened my breath.
I felt the bed rustle next to me and I jumped. A hand gently touched my waist. My chest surged once again with panic, and I recoiled.
"It's me, darling. It's Matty," I heard Matty say softly. I was too distressed to notice the heartbreak that tinged his voice. I turned to see him propping himself up next to me, his eyes shining in the moonlight which streamed through the hotel window. They looked hopeful. I was interested in hope right now.
"C'mere darling," he pleaded quietly. He reached his arms out in invitation, and I looked him up and down once more, my disorientated state making me doubtful. But I knew he was safe and familiar, so I tentatively leaned into his embrace, my rational brain knowing he was what I needed right now. He wrapped his arms around me, gently pulling us back to lie down together, tucking me close against his chest.
Slowly, my senses began to absorb my reality. His smell was the first comfort I took in. It entered my lungs, its sweet spiced musk warming me from the inside out. The skin of his chest, soft against my sweaty cheek, felt familiar against mine, his warmth tempering mine. I felt his hands rubbing my back, their repetition soothing. My Matty. He was safe, and I was safe.
"Did you have a bad dream, darling?" Matty asked gently after a few minutes of silence.
I nodded into his chest, unwilling to make any space between us in fear of him disappearing. I realized I was clinging to him. He did too. One of his hands travelled to my head. He ran his fingers through my hair, tingling my scalp and distracting me slightly from the panic that surged through my veins.
"Would you like to tell me about it, or would you rather I distract you?" Matty offered softly.
"I- I'm not sure," I whispered shakily between gulps of breath. I felt Matty's head turn down to look at me. I met his eyes and they felt like home.
"Let's breathe together for a bit, okay?" Matty whispered, and I nodded, my eyes glued to his, desperate for anything to make this feeling go away. He took one of my hands gently into his.
I nodded again.
We spent the next few minutes breathing together. Matty guided me, breathing in through his nose slowly, holding it for a few moments before exhaling slowly. I followed his breath, watching him, clinging to his eyes like a life raft. He never broke eye contact once. He was my anchor.
Eventually, my breathing slowed, and I closed my eyes as I exhaled deeply. I felt Matty press his forehead into mine, letting go of my hand to wrap himself around me once more. I slowly let myself remember my dream.
"You were drunk... worse than I've ever seen you. And you were upset- so so upset. But I couldn't do anything to help," I started, speaking tentatively, holding back all the words that threatened to spill out like water from a dam in fear of spiralling again. "You were on stage and you were in so much pain- I could feel it, in here," I tapped on his chest with my finger which he looked down at, "but you couldn't see me or hear me. It was awful..."
Matty looked up at me from under his thick dark lashes, the brown of his eyes glowing with warmth even in the darkness of the room. His brow creased in guilt as he listened.
"I was trapped in this glass box right in front of the stage. I was banging and screaming trying to get your attention, but it's like I wasn't there. Then..." I winced as the memory resurfaced. "Lucas was behind me, grabbing me, whispering to me..."
I felt Matty's hold on me tighten as his mouth strained into a thin line. His body tensed and I could feel the anger burning from inside of him. Then he breathed in deeply and loudly, trying to calm himself. As he exhaled slowly, his body relaxed and I felt him shaking his head against mine. His arms went soft against my body, his eyes filled with tenderness as he spoke to me softly.
"You're safe, Anna. I promise you. You're here, you're with me, and you're safe," he said comfortingly, his words washing over me like a warm ocean wave. "Not just from him... but from me too. I'm so sorry I hurt you like that, Anna," he said as he pulled his face back to look at me seriously. "I will never do that to you ever again- I promise you. I won't ever let you hurt like that. I won't let it happen. You mean too much to me for me to be such an idiot again," he vowed as he looked into my eyes with soft sincerity. "And if that man ever steps in the same room as you... I think I'd kill him before I ever let him come anywhere near you..."
I looked at him greedily, taking in everything, my heavy heart keeping afloat with his words. He kissed me tenderly on the lips, my body relaxing slightly at his touch, before he tucked my head into the crook of his neck, rubbing my back soothingly as he drew the covers closer around us. The heat from Matty's body enveloped me and the duvet, puffy and huge, wrapped around the parts of my body Matty couldn't with just two hands. But a worry grew in my chest as we lay there in each other's arms, and somehow, even in the heat of the South American summer night, I couldn't get warm enough.
My body began to shiver violently, no matter how close I snuggled up to Matty- the cold of my ever-growing panic stuck in my body, seeping deeper into my bones by the minute.
In just a few hours I was going to be getting on a plane, alone, without Matty. I wasn't going to see him for another week. It felt impossible to stomach, and somehow, Matty's reassurance, while relieving, seemed to have opened another door inside of me. His confidence gave my subconscious permission to not be strong anymore, my worries pouring out and into my veins freely this time.
"Darling, what's wrong? You're shivering like mad, are you okay?" Matty said, looking down at me with a frown of concern.
I looked at Matty, the battle happening internally displayed on my face. I couldn't tell him what I was feeling or thinking, or else it would make things harder for him. But I was so tired of being strong... I was exhausted.
I opened my mouth in a moment of weakness to explain, but stopped myself, closing my mouth shut before I could admit what I was feeling.
"What is it?" Matty asked, raising his hand to cup my cheek gently.
I looked away from his tender eyes, unable to come up with an excuse, but unwilling to share what was on my mind.
"Anna," Matty said sadly, "You can tell me anything. I promise." He tipped my chin up to look into his eyes, and something inside of me ruptured. "Please, Anna?" His wide eyes pierced through my heart, and after a few silent moments of looking into his pleading eyes, I couldn't hold back.
"I'm scared, Matty..." I whispered as I broke. I took a deep shaky breath, steadying myself as he cupped my cheek gently. "I wish you could come home with me, and I wish we didn't have to say goodbye, and I'm scared of admitting that to you because I don't want you to hurt yourself again..." My voice wavered as I spoke, my lips trembling as tears fell down my face. "I don't want to admit it because I know it'll make things harder for you and I'm terrified you're going to fall apart again, but... I don't feel like I'm strong enough to pretend like I'm going to be okay..."
Matty's eyes shined with sadness as he looked into my overflowing eyes, his thumb stroking my cheek anxiously over and over. He closed his eyes, shaking his head slightly as his brow creased.
"Don't keep that from me," Matty pleaded, his voice strained by the lump in his throat. "Please, never ever keep that from me..." His voice was barely a whisper now. "I never want you to feel like you can't tell me that..." I could tell he was beating himself up inside for making me feel like I couldn't tell him, but he continued before I could console him. He opened his eyes, staring straight into my soul as he spoke slowly with intention.
"I wish I could come home with you too. I wish we never had to say goodbye ever again. I wish we could be together always and never leave each other's side... But I'd rather put up with not having any of those things if it means I get to have you- in whatever capacity I'm allowed," he explained, the arm he held around me pulling me even closer, pressing me gently into his body. "I had a hard time seeing it before, but it's clear to me now: if I could only ever see you for the rest of my life through a tiny screen, or only hear your voice over the phone, or only read the words you write to me in letters for the rest of my life... then that life would be infinitely better than one without you in it. The alternative isn't an option for me," he stated firmly. He took his own deep shaky breath as he tucked a curl behind my ear.
"I know it's going to be hard. Very, very hard, and I don't want to scare you by admitting that, but I realize now- it's an honour to miss you. And to know that you'll miss me too... it doesn't make things harder. It only makes me fall in love with you more, and to know that you feel even an inch of what I feel when I miss you... it makes me feel less lonely," he paused, scanning my face over, his eyes gently caressing my features with the warm hum of love.
"I told you how I've made a little home in your heart," he continued as he ran his thumb over my quivering bottom lip, my heart overloading with the emotion his words carried, "But you've carved out a giant space in mine too. Actually I think you've claimed the whole thing," he said with a watery half-smile which made me smile tearily back at him. He reached down, taking my hand in his. "I think I was so busy trying to numb the pain of being apart that I couldn't feel you in here anymore," he said, clutching my hand to his heart. "I numbed it all so I wouldn't feel it, but I didn't realize I numbed the only part I cared about- the only part that matters. I won't be so stupid this time... I promise."
I looked up at him, soaking in every word. I believed it all. I knew he meant every word, and the relief was comforting. But I still couldn't let go of the distraught I felt about how little time we had left together, the minutes trickling away like water through my fingers.
"We'll be okay this time," he vowed, reaching his hand up to stroke my hair. "I promise," he said as I looked up into his eyes. "We're going to be okay."
I knew he was right. And I felt better now that I'd admitted my own fears around being apart. I believed him so deeply, but I felt so so sad.
"I'm going to miss you so much," I whispered to him between tears, his eyes shining back at me in sad agreeance.
"I'm going to miss you too, Anna," he sniffed. "So. So. Much."
He pressed a slow kiss into my forehead, his own lips now trembling against me. His lips didn't leave my skin for a while as we both held each other, sobbing softly in each other's arms as the sun slowly began to rise.
#fanfic#matty healy#fanfiction#the 1975#bfiafl#tender#matty the 1975#love#at their very best#lovers#matty#matty 1975#matty healy fanfiction#matty x reader#the 1975 fanfic#matty healy smut
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plastic bottle = microplastics
metal bottle = micrometals
opaque bottle = can't see if there's mould growing in it
glass bottle = heavy
bottle with straw = hard to clean
bottle with screwcap = hard to drink from
big bottle = unwieldy
small bottle = too much refilling
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Quick Review: BC's Frind Estate Winery Pinot Noir Cuvee 2022
Quick Review: BC's @FrindWinery #PinotNoir Cuvee 2022 @winesofbc #winewriter #bcwine #bcvqa
I love Pinot Noir wines, with their more delicate aromas, flavours, and mouthfeel. My first Pinot Noir to taste in 2025 is from Frind Estate Winery in West Kelowna; Their Frind Estate Winery Pinot Noir Cuvée 2022, coming under screwcap. It checks off all the things that I enjoy in Pinot Noir: red fruit and floral aromas and flavours, higher acidity, and lighter tannins. My Wine Tasting…
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Why Our Butter Chicken Sauce is So Aromatic and Familiar
Butter chicken is the most often used best and tasty cooking sauce in many dishes. Inspired by cuisine, the prepared curry sauce has a soft, creamy texture and a rich spice blend that can turn any dish into a tasty food in a matter of minutes. Our Butter chicken sauce is known for its flavorful, and the best creamy sauce that is seasoned with prudently selected spices. In addition to producing the classic dish butter chicken, it can also be used to make pizza, and rice dishes with an great flair.
The sauce is easy to pour into smaller or culinary dispensers because it comes in a 2-liter container with a handle and a screwcap cover. Due to its small size, it may be used in busy food trucks, restaurants, and commercial kitchens at a reasonable cost.
Butter chicken sauce is used as it is
Versatile in use as a cooking sauce, marinade, and dressing.
Cook the butter chicken and serve with basmati rice.
A somewhat sweet, creamy meal known for Real, Delicious, High-Grade Cooking Sauces
Simply add the meat and cook it through.
These Butter chicken sauce, which come in varieties right now, provide a quick and simple way to savor traditional food. Devoid of synthetic coloring, flavoring, or preservatives it includes spice sachets to season and Suitable for a Vegetarian Diet. It is Free of gum or starch. Carbohydrates account for over half of the calories in a healthy diet. A serving of Butter chicken sauce has approximately 3 grams of fiber and over 14 grams of carbs.
Most people associate the Butter chicken sauce with spicy curries or meals that are quite sweet. Tandoori chicken or paneer can be substituted for meat for vegetarians. The sauce should, in fact, have the perfect, happy balance of sweet to spicy. The average calorie count is less, while the precise amount varies depending on the recipe and serving size. Even while this might sound like a lot, daily activity can help you burn off the calories in just one butter chicken recipe dish. Because butter and cream are used in butter chicken recipes, they are typically high in fat. Similar to how choosing components affects calories, it can also have an impact on fat content. An average serving of this tasty meal contains about 12 grams of saturated fat and 2it also has 8 grams of total fat. There is no reason to worry if one consumes few than 22 grams of fat per day because there are not much risks. Most of our calories come from carbohydrates, which also provide us with the energy to do a range of jobs. The potential of fibers to regulate bowel movements and improve digestive health makes them a vital part of a diet that is balanced.
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We showcase cutting-edge packaging solutions for your business needs. In today's video, we're excited to introduce you to our state-of-the-art Monoblock Filling, Inner Plugging & Screw Capping Machine. Designed to streamline your packaging process, our Monoblock Machine combines three essential functions into a single unit, ensuring efficiency and productivity. Whether you're in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or food industry, this versatile machine is a game-changer. With its automated operation, the Monoblock Filling, Inner Plugging & Screw Capping Machine saves you time and labor costs. It features a high-speed filling mechanism that accurately dispenses your product into containers, while the inner plugging system ensures a secure seal, preventing any leakage or contamination. The screw capping function completes the packaging process by tightly sealing each container. Our Monoblock Machine is not only efficient but also highly customizable. It can handle various container sizes, shapes, and materials, allowing you to adapt to your specific packaging requirements. The user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it easy to operate and adjust settings according to your needs. Investing in our Monoblock Filling, Inner Plugging & Screw Capping Machine means investing in reliability, precision, and consistency. With this advanced packaging solution, you can enhance your production line, increase output, and meet the demands of your customers more effectively. Subscribe to our channel for more informative videos on packaging technology and stay updated with the latest trends in the industry. Don't forget to hit the like button and share this video with your colleagues who could benefit from this innovative Monoblock Machine. Thank you for watching! #PackagingTechnology #EfficientProduction #AdvancedMachinery #ProductivityBoost #StreamlinePackaging #PackagingSolutions #PackagingMachine #MonoblockFilling #InnerPlugging #ScrewCapping #EfficientPackaging
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I used to hide treats. Very simple, very straightforward. No indicating or fetching, just find and eat. (Now I hide herb-tea-scented hackey sacks, and give treats for bringing them to me.)
I give a lot of enrichment that doesn't include treats, like jars with screwcaps or paper knots inside nested paper bags, just for opening up for the fun of it.
I created this blog (intro here) and I'm looking at enrichment ideas: ideally easy, for dogs, cats and other animals.
You can see the current list of enrichment ideas for dogs here.
Thank you for your help!
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2 Layer Cake... Don't Mind If I do... Sunday Funday... The Red Way... #australia #argentina #international #layercake #malbec #nailedit #redwine #santarosa #screwcap #syrah #shiraz #sunnydays #sundayfunday #veganwine #veganwinelush #víno #winebloggers #winelovers (at Van Nuys, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAT7xj1pEmM/?igshid=12laospsh5fle
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„und noch ein Tipp…“ Dem #vinummagazin darf man gerne Glauben schenken! Auch wenn es in diesem Fall um Zweigelt geht :-) @vinummagazin #wein #schraubverschluss #screwcap (hier: Herrenhof Lamprecht) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdG651etgES/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Keep Summer in Mind with Township 7 Provenance Series Sauvignon Blanc and Rosé 2022
Keep Summer in Mind with @Township7 Provenance Series #SauvignonBlanc and Rosé 2022 @bcwine #bcwine #bcvqa #somm #winewriter
Yes, it is still summer, even though the calendar says September. We can keep a summer mindset by drinking fresh crisp wines, like these two BC wines from Township 7 Vineyards & Winery. I received their Township 7 Provenance Series Sauvignon Blanc 2022 and their Provenance Series Rosé 2022 to taste and review for you. Both wines are under screwcap for easy enjoyment. 2022 started off slow with…

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#bcvqa#BCWine#cabernet franc#cabernet sauvignon#merlot#okanagan#pinot gris#rose#sauvignon blanc#summer#Township 7 Vineyards & Winery
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Ready to crack open a cold one. #screwcap #easyaccess #tgif #yeswayrosé
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#takeittothegrave #grenache #barossavalley #winesofaustralia Superbe grenache, toute en finesse et subtilités. Et en plus, bouché vis, le comble de la sophistication... #screwcap 4ever (à desembolic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKbd1ebrBgz/?igshid=3ssy4ar3tzoh
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Candid Camera!!!! 😳😳😳😳😳😳 Getting crazy to open the great bottle of @testamatta_bibi @bibigraetz 😅😅😅 Give me my #screwcap !!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #candidcamera #gettingcrazy #winelover #wineopener #wine #winecrazy #winestagram #winelovers #winetime #winetasting #bibigraetz #testamatta #tuscany #friends @giova.bruno @raffaella.bufo_wp @citrak @rdm_roma
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Berta winery
Two brothers who inherited winemaking skills through generations. Their grandfather moved from the small settlement of Kisnána which is part of the Mátra wine region in Hungary to Strekov in Slovakia during exchange of populations in 1948. Their parents, both winemakers, sent the brothers to study winemaking and gain experiences in the new world. They gathered knowledge in California and New Zealand and now harvest its fruits to produce fresh wines with young spirit in leading south Slovakian region of Strekov.
Bertas started to build up their brand in 2007 from humble 1 000 bottles. Encouraged by the success they extended their production in 2013 and by today they produce over 35 000 bottles a year. By that time they realised the potential of local varieties as Welsch riesling, Moravian muscat or Saint Laurent, but also Sauvignon and Alibernet are in their portfolio. As every row of the wineyard is specific, they often create selections of the best plots of their wineyards, so call “Winemakers choice”.
In Slovakia they are also frontrunners of the cork-free zone. Inspired by George Fistonich, New Zealand´s leading winemaker, they introduced screw caps instead of wine corks. That is a wise choice because in that way their wines keep their most characteristic feature - freshness and fruitiness.
credits: https://www.vinarstvoberta.sk/en/

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8ml New design🎄🎄🎄 #bottlecap #screwcap #designer #vials #atomizer #applebottle #bottleforperfume #mattebottle #squarehanging #polishedbottle #brandedperfume #fashionperfume #sprayperfume #sprayer #fancyperfumebottle https://www.instagram.com/p/B6S3dw0h74j/?igshid=toei287iocb3
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