#screw update schedules i guess
I miss Cicero, where's my silly guy... ?
He wanted to call his Barney and he got lost looking for a signal :( (he COULD ask his husband for help but they're not on speaking terms at the moment)
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mirrorbent · 2 years
Mirrorbent Update!
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In this two-page (!) update, we see the other guys' reactions to Virian's plan: gloating for the planner herself, cautious calm for Rethen, and for Piolet... mixed feelings, and something else yet unseen.
One more year of Mirrorbent! Next update should come out on its Arc Number Day (9-1), though I'd like to update at least once more on 2022....
Read it here [EN – ESP], or start from the beginning! [EN – ESP]
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master-sass-blast · 5 months
Let's (Not) Party, Baby.
Summary: You rub your swollen belly, both fond and exhausted. “I think it just feels weird to me. Like, the gender reveal party was to celebrate the healthy pregnancy lasting so long. But I just feel really weird about being, like, ‘I’m growing a human, come give me shit.’”
Kitty laughs as she unwraps another bar of chocolate. “Well, I think it’s the duty of the community to support pregnant mothers, y’know? It’s about equipping the parents with what they need to care for the baby.”
“Yeah, but everything I’ve read about and seen online is a whole spectacle,” you grumble. “And, honestly, I don’t have the energy for a party. I’m fucking tired. I feel bloated and sore. I don’t want to have a party where I have to put on real pants and eat melted candy bars out of diapers.”
Kitty stills, then slowly looks over at you with a wide-eyed expression of horror. “That’s a thing?”
“It’s a game,” you answer with a roll of your eyes. “You’re supposed to guess which kind of candy it is.”
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Kitty Pryde x Illyana Rasputin.
Rating: G.
Word count: 4.3k.
Set after "S'mores for Two."
Author's Note: Me? Posting more than once a year? Surely not.
In other news, my CFS/other body and brain shit is still overwhelming. It basically took dragging myself through editing to be able to post this latest round of fics (for those of you who don't check out my other works, no worries, but I like to post in little caches so that everything is updated mostly together). I'm not trying to vie for pity; I'm really fucking proud of myself for pushing through and being able to post. I had an unofficial goal of wanting to post more fics before April was over (because April is my birth month), and I did it! I am that bitch!
Thank you all for your patience -and all the comments! They really kept me going when the grind of editing was starting to wear me down.
Happy Reading!
“I guess I’m just not sure what to do.”
Kitty nods as she paints your fingernails a pretty shade of shimmering lilac. “Well, I think it just depends on, like, what you and Piotr want to do, y’know?”
The two of you are on the family room couch; you’ve both taken over the space a bit, actually. It’s a scheduled at home spa day, courtesy of Kitty. There’s dozens of bottles of nail polish lined up on the coffee table, next to two discarded face mask wrappers, a tub of coarse sugar scrub, a sleeve of cotton discs, and an entire store's worth of toners and moisturizers. There’s a half-empty pizza box on one end of the table, several bars of chocolate (and more wrappers), an open jar of pickles (the good, Kosher deli kind, according to Kitty), and a cereal bowl half-filled with peanut butter.
You swipe one end of a pickle spear through your bowl of peanut butter, then crunch down. I mean, I know that’s the point, but… “I think it’s more, like,” you begin once you’ve swallowed, “that I never thought I’d be in this position in life. And that if I ever did get to this stage in life–” you gesture vaguely around you with your munched-on pickle spear “–that I’d automatically know what to do.”
Kitty nods, curly hair bobbing with the motion of her head. “I get you.” She finishes your right hand, then screws the lid back onto the corresponding bottle of polish. “It’s, like, hard to wrap your head around.”
“Yeah. I mean–” You pause to load more peanut butter onto your pickle, which is harder than it sounds. “How are you even supposed to plan baby shower stuff?”
It’s a quandary that’s been gnawing on the back of your mind for months now. The gender reveal party, at least, had been easy. Tasty food, balloon with colored confetti inside, Aiden’s photography team because you and Piotr had wanted pictures, done. It’d been a celebration of having a pregnancy last long enough to see the baby’s gender –and a wonderful day where you and Piotr learned you’d be welcoming a daughter in a few months.
Trying to plan a baby shower, however…
You rub your swollen belly, both fond and exhausted. Your eviction date is coming for you, Masha, whether you like it or not. “I think it just feels weird to me. Like, the gender reveal party was to celebrate the healthy pregnancy lasting so long. We all ate food and enjoyed each other’s company. But I just feel really weird about being, like, ‘I’m growing a human, come give me shit.’”
Kitty laughs as she unwraps another bar of chocolate. “Well, I think it’s the duty of the community to support pregnant mothers, y’know? It’s about equipping the parents with what they need to care for the baby.”
“Yeah, but everything I’ve read about and seen online is a whole spectacle,” you grumble. You hold your hand out for a square of chocolate, then pop the piece Kitty gives you into your mouth. “And, honestly,” you continue as you tuck the chocolate into your cheek like a hamster, “I don’t have the energy for a party. I’m fucking tired. I feel bloated and sore. I don’t want to have a party where I have to put on real pants and eat melted candy bars out of diapers.”
Kitty stills, then slowly looks over at you with a wide-eyed expression of horror. “That’s a thing?”
“It’s a game,” you answer with a roll of your eyes. “You’re supposed to guess which kind of candy it is.”
She gags, then shakes her head. “Fuck that. That’s just gross.”
Kitty eats a few squares of chocolate, expression contemplative. Once she swallows, she says, “I guess I don’t see it as that big of a deal –not having a baby shower and all that. We don’t have baby showers in Jewish circles.”
“Oh.” Your brows lift upwards. “Why not?”
“It’s considered inauspicious,” she explains. “My best friend’s older sister’s parents kept all the baby stuff at their house until she gave birth. Then, they went over to her and husband’s place and set everything up for when she came home.”
“Oh.” You cock your head to one side, considering, then grimace and shrug. “We already have the nursery part way set up, though–”
“I didn’t mean that, like, that should do the same thing,” Kitty interjects. “I meant it, like, whatever you do should serve you and your happiness.” She offers you a reassuring smile. “There is no real rule about what’s normal or not. If a baby shower sounds exhausting, then don’t do it.”
“But people might be expecting for us to have one,” you sigh wearily, “so they can celebrate.”
“Fuck them and their expectations.” Kitty grins when you laugh. “I’m serious! All that matters is what makes you happy.”
“And Piotr,” you tack on once you catch your breath. “And he might want one.”
“Well, there’s only one way to find that out–” Kitty twists towards the front of the house when the front door swings open, then thumps shut. “Hey, speak of the man!”
Piotr pauses his conversation with Illyana as he looks towards you. He glances at you, eyebrows raised, then at Kitty, then back at you again. “Chto?”
“Your wife has a question for you!” Kitty hollers before flashing a dazzling, enraptured grin at Illyana. “Hi, baby!”
Piotr takes off his shoes, then strolls towards you. “You have question, myshka? Is everything okay?”
“Well, first things first.” You cock your head back so you can look up at him. “Will you give me a kiss, even though I’ve been eating peanut butter on pickles?”
He smirks, then bends down and presses his lips against yours.
“Aaw, what a man,” Kitty croons. She cocks her head back when Illyana approaches the couch. “Will you kiss me, even though I’ve been eating pickles without peanut butter?”
Illyana chuckles, then cups Kitty’s chin with her hand and kisses her girlfriend. She looks up when you and Piotr share a grin, then gently tugs on Kitty’s elbow. “Davay.”
“Help yourself to the pizza!” Kitty tosses over her shoulder as Illyana ushers her towards the front of the house (and away from prying eyes).
Piotr kisses the top of your head, then circles around the couch and sits down next to you. The couch creaks beneath him as he helps himself to a slice of cheese pizza, then again when he leans back and settles in. “Ty v poryadke?”
“Da,” you assure him. “I was just talking to Kitty about baby shower stuff.”
Piotr’s brows draw together as he chews a mouthful of pizza. He swallows, then says, “I thought baby showers were not held in Jewish communities.”
“They aren’t. It was more like…” You gesture vaguely with one hand and sigh. “I don’t know if I want to have a baby shower. I’m so tired, and I feel like a boat, and I don’t want to wear pants.”
Piotr lets out a bellowing laugh mid bite, then quickly claps one hand over his mouth. He finishes chewing between giggles, then swallows and sighs. “Oh, moya serdtse. One day, there will be pants that you like.”
“Doubtful.” You smirk, but it quickly gives way to weariness. “I mean… I just don’t know if I have the energy to deal with a baby shower, y’know? But if you want one, I don’t want to take that away from you.”
“What I want–” Piotr sets his partial pizza slice down on a piece of paper towel, then leans over and draws you into his arms. “I want you to be happy and well.” He kisses the crown of your head, then tucks your head beneath his chin. “Masha will be loved and cared for regardless of having baby shower. If you are tired, then you deserve to rest, myshka.”
“Yeah,” you agree as you bury your face in his burly chest, “but if everyone’s expecting us to have one–”
“‘Everyone’ does not get say,” Piotr interrupts gently. “If they wish to help or give gifts, they know where to find us.”
You sigh, then nuzzle against his shirt when he starts stroking your hair. “Maybe we can have, like, a nice dinner or something? With family and close friends? And some help to finish setting up the nursery?”
Piotr gently rubs your back. “That sounds nice.”
“Cool.” You sigh again, far more relaxed this time, then lean over and grab your jar of pickles. “Want a pickle?”
Piotr hums, then nods and plucks a pickle spear out of the jar. “Spasibo.”
“Konechno,” you say before kissing his cheek.
“Thanks again for driving me,” you say as you stretch your seatbelt around your swollen belly. “I’ve just been so tired lately that driving isn’t really a good idea.”
“Konechno, ptitsa,” Alex says as she starts the engine on her truck. “How did your appointment go?”
“Good,” you sigh as you stretch and settle into the passenger seat. “Everything’s looking good. Baby’s healthy. Blood sugar looks good. My iron’s still low, though, so I’m taking a higher dose of supplements and I need to be careful about overtiring myself.”
Alex hums and nods as she navigates out of the clinic parking lot. “What can we help with at home?”
“Uh…” Your face and mind go blank. You try, unsuccessfully, to kickstart your brain, then rub your face with your hands when your mind refuses to cooperate. “I think that’d be a difficult question without factoring in pregnancy brain.”
“Fair enough,” Alex chuckles.
“Man, I thought I was spacey before,” you lament. “And then it was bad enough weaning off my meds, but now–” You stop mid-sentence and gape when you see the sign for a McDonalds. “McFlurry.”
Alex laughs again, then changes lanes and drives into the McDonald’s parking lot.
One order for a large fry and an Oreo McFlurry later, the two of you are back on the road and headed for home.
You hum contentedly as you swirl a few fries in your McFlurry. Before you can indulge, though, your addled brain kicks back into gear. “Oh. Did you have a baby shower when you were pregnant with Mikhail?”
“No.” Alex pauses to turn, then explains, “It’s considered back luck in Russian culture. Most expecting parents won’t have one or purchase things for the baby until they are born.”
“Oh.” You blink a few times –the curse under your breath when McFlurry drips off your fries and onto your shirt. You shove your fries and remaining McFlurry “dip” into your mouth, then wipe down your shirt with a tissue (not that it does much good). Once you’re cleaner, and you’ve swallowed, you ask, “Then why was Piotr so ambivalent about whether we have one or not?”
“Because that boy will follow you to the ends of Earth if you asked,” Alex answers with a smirk. “And he’s Americanized a bit since moving here. Plus, we didn’t necessarily raise our kids to be so superstitious. Nikolai and I saw it as more to not ask about someone’s pregnancy unless they wanted to share, rather than luck related. We still prepared a nursery for Mikhail and stocked up on supplies.” She drums her fingers against the steering wheel while you wait behind another car. “To be honest, even if parties were part of our culture, I wasn’t in any shape for one.” She chuckles ruefully beneath her breath. “I was a wreck during that pregnancy.”
“Honestly, I feel the same way,” you admit with a heavy sigh. “I’m so tired, and sore, and I don’t want to wear pants.” You smile when Alex laughs, then continue with your griping. “Plus, all of the shit I’ve seen for baby showers just… doesn’t appeal? I don’t have the energy to decorate, and apparently there’s games you can play? But it’s weird stuff like melting candy bars in diapers, then having everyone try and guess what kind of candy it is–”
Alex grimaces. “That sounds disgusting.”
“Yeah. Plus, if I’m getting candy, I just want to eat the candy.”
“Understandable and wise.”
“We talked about having family and friends over for dinner,” you continue after grinning, “and to have some help around the house and finishing the nursery… but, like, how do you ask people ‘hey, come bring some food and hang out and help us with the nursery and house stuff because we’re expecting a baby?’”
Alex smirks and shoots you a sidelong glance. “That seemed pretty coherent to me.”
“That’s not what I–” You stick your tongue out at her when she laughs. “You know what I mean.”
“I do,” she assures you. She brakes for a red light, then looks over and puts one hand on your shoulder. “Just ask, ptitsa. Ask, and we’ll be there.”
You smile, and place your hand over hers. “Thanks, Alex.”
“I was thinking of actually printing invitations? I don’t know why, I just think it’d be funny.” You spit toothpaste foam into the sink, then resume brushing your teeth. “We could print an extra one to keep. It’d be, like, a cute memory thing.”
Piotr smiles at you in the bathroom mirror, amused. “We could. What would these hypothetical invitations say?”
“I dunno.” You rinse your mouth and toothbrush, then stick your toothbrush in the little holder you keep on the sink. “‘We’re having a baby; come eat food about it.’ Whatever works, honestly.” When he chuckles, you turn to face him. “Do you have a better idea?”
Piotr laughs, shakes his head, then bends and kisses the top of your head. “I trust your creative vision, myshka.”
“Damn straight.” You smirk, self-satisfied, then turn back to the sink and resume your bedtime routine. Floss, fluoride, wash face… what kind of food are you supposed to serve at a baby shower? “What kind of food would we have?”
“Uh…” Piotr clears his throat. “I am not sure,” he calls from the bedroom. “Perhaps we should discuss in morning. Take night to sleep on ideas.”
Your reflection scrunches its face as you floss. “I don’t think it’s that serious. It’s just, like, a potluck dinner. Almost anything would work.”
There’s a pause, and then your husband’s heavy footsteps approach the bathroom. He leans around the doorway and meets your gaze in the mirror, lips pursed. “Da. However…” He tucks his tongue inside his cheek and looks away. “Your nighttime cravings are… ravenous. And unpredictable.”
“I am not that bad!” You blow a raspberry at him over your shoulder, then toss your used flosser in the trash. “Fine. We’ll talk about food in the morning.” You reach for the bottle of fluoride –then gasp and scamper to the bathroom door. “We should have pancakes for breakfast!”
Piotr laughs and nods as he turns down the bed. “Pancakes for breakfast, very good.”
“With blueberries!”
“With blueberries.”
Pleased, you smile, then head back to the sink. Once you’re done with your routine, you head to bed and heft yourself onto the mattress.
Piotr, the saint he is, helps arrange pillows behind you to support your back. He leans over to watch as you scroll through YouTube. “Ah, nighttime listenings.” He holds out one hand. “Would you like me to find Among Us gameplay for you?”
“I can do it,” you insist, frowning. “I’m pregnant, not missing my hands.”
“Nyet, nyet,” he agrees. “But–”
“‘History of Americana Diner Food.’” You gasp when you see a thumbnail displaying burgers, fries, and a milkshake. Your stomach growls, and you groan. “Oh, burgers sound so good.”
Piotr bites the inside of his lower lip when you gaze up at him pleadingly. He hesitates, then sighs and relents with a soft laugh. “Davay, myshka. Let’s get you burger.”
You coo happily, then leverage yourself out of bed. “Just for that, I’ll share my fries with you.”
“I meant to ask you something earlier.”
Piotr glances over as you rummage through your take-out bag, then turns his attention back to the road. “Chto?”
“Why –that smells so fucking good.” You stop to cram a few fries in your mouth, then continue once you’ve swallowed. “Why aren’t you bothered by baby shower stuff?”
There’s a long silence. Then, with quiet bewilderment, Piotr says, “I think I am not understanding your meaning.”
“I mean… Your mom said that baby showers are inauspicious in Russia. But, when I asked you if we had to do one, you seemed ambivalent about it all.”
“I do not believe much in luck,” Piotr says after a moment, shrugging. “Some things are beyond control, da, but choices are what impact outcomes. Not unseen forces.” He pauses to change lanes, then adds, “And I want to be sensitive to you. You had bad upbringing. If there was something you wanted in preparation for our baby, for healing, then I want to make sure that happens.”
“Not everything comes down to my shitty childhood,” you press. “I’m not the only person in this relationship, and this isn’t just my baby we’re expecting.” You wolf down a few more fries. “I don’t want you to set aside what you’re comfortable with just because I had fuckheads for parents. This is all supposed to be about compromise.”
“I am not making myself uncomfortable, dorogoy,” Piotr assures you, tone gentle. He takes one hand off the wheel and takes hold of yours. “I think baby showers as tradition –as mandatory–is foolish. But if you want one to celebrate our baby, that would make me very happy. And if you just want to rest, that makes me happy, also. Khorosho?”
“Alright.” You squeeze his hand lovingly, then reach into your bag and retrieve a few fries. “Open up.”
Piotr chuckles, then opens his mouth and lets you feed him fries. “Spasibo.”
The two of you settle on printing one commemorative flier, just for the two of you, then email your prospective guests. The promise is for a breakfast-style buffet of sorts; the two of you will provide the blinis, kasha, and some beef bacon (so Kitty can partake), and everyone else has been asked to bring their favorite breakfast dish.
You bust out laughing when Wade –with Nate and Russell in tow–shows up with a trunk full of Poptarts. “You would!”
“We are not keeping all of those,” Piotr mutters as he eyes the wall of blue boxes uneasily.
“Says you,” you tease. “I’m eating for two! These should last us… oh, about a week.”
Ellie and Yukio supply doughnuts and muffins, Neena comes with a box of freshly made breakfast burritos, and Alex, Nikolai, and Mikhail bring a veritable feast of traditional toppings for the blinis and set up to make fresh latkes.
Kitty and Illyana arrive last.
You blink rapidly when you see the numerous bags and containers carried between the two young women. “You didn’t have to–”
“You’re the one who said to bring breakfast foods!” Kitty interrupts with a cheery grin.
You eye the gallon plastic bowl in her hands with mild suspicion. “What kind of breakfast is that?”
“Okay, this–” she gestures with the bowl as she bustles into the kitchen “–isn’t breakfast, but my mom heard that you’re pregnant, and she wanted to send along some food to help you guys out. This–” she lifts the bowl again “–is cholent, and ‘Yana’s got some roast chicken and challah from mom, for you guys, too. Do you have room in your fridge? Anyway,” she continues as Piotr starts rearranging the fridge contents to make room for everything, “we brought good bagels and toppings for them, because you can’t have breakfast without bagels.” She turns, finally catches sight of all the food in the kitchen, and her jaw drops. “Oh shit.”
“If you leave hungry, is own fault,” Nikolai announces while grating potatoes.
“Hey, that’s my kind of party!” Kitty says with a laugh. “Let me get my skillet and shit set up, and then I’ll start helping you, Nick. Where should I drop everything?”
“We have counter space for you over there,” Piotr says, pointing towards the back of the kitchen. “And vegan pancake mix.”
“There’s dairy free breakfast burritos for you in the paper bag!” Neena calls out. “And the guy doesn’t use pork for any of his recipes.”
“And the pork gelatin free toaster pastries!” Russell adds.
“The doughnuts back there are parve, too,” Ellie pipes up.
Kitty beams. “Thank you so much. You guys are awesome!”
You smile, and pause for a moment to take it all in.
It’s been an inexorably long journey. As far as you’ve come from your past, there are times where you still can’t believe you’ve made it here –somewhere good, and healthy, and safe. It almost feels like a dream. Or a magical trance. Or like you’re watching a movie, and you’re waiting for the credits to start rolling and for the house lights to turn on.
But it’s real. You’re in a beautiful home, with a wonderful husband, surrounded by people who love, respect, and care about you and each other. And you have a baby on the way, on top of it all.
“Myshka?” Piotr places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“I’m okay,” you assure him quietly as you wipe tears away from your eyes. “Just very happy.”
Piotr smiles softly, then bends down and kisses your forehead. “I love you very much, moya serdtse.”
“I love you, too.” You tug him down by the collar until you can kiss his cheek, then pat his chest when he straightens back up. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road.”
“Uh, only if you’re sitting down.” Kitty blocks you when you try to enter the kitchen. “Pretty sure you’re supposed to be resting? Doctor’s orders and all that?”
You purse your lips. “You guys are guests–”
“And we’re here to help.” Neena gently takes you by the shoulders and ushers you towards the couch. “So, let us help.”
“Resting is good, myshka,” Piotr starts when you protest.
“Aren’t we here to help both of you?” Ellie pipes up, voice flat but eyes glinting with unmistakable mischief.
“Yeah, but who’s gonna muscle Colossus out of the kitchen?” Russell stage whispers in reply.
All heads turn towards Alex.
Piotr’s confident expression quickly slips away as his mother looks him dead in the eye. “Mama…”
“Are you going to sit?” she asks in Russian.
“Bozhe ty moi –I am not pregnant,” Piotr insists. “I can help.”
Alex sighs, then rounds the kitchen island. “Alright.”
“Nyet, nyet, I am not, mama don’t –blyat!”
You laugh along with everyone else when Alex scoops Piotr up bridal-style.
She carries him over to the couch, then sets him down with surprising gentleness. “Be good,” she admonishes lovingly in Russian. She kisses Piotr’s forehead, then glances meaningfully at you. “Rub your wife’s shoulders.”
Piotr chuckles, somewhat exasperated, and rolls his eyes as his mother strides back to the kitchen. “I am grown man, you know.”
“Da,” Alex agrees without turning back. “You are heavy like one.”
You giggle when Piotr rolls his eyes again, then reach over and grab his hand. You fix him with your prettiest, most pleading eyes when he looks at you. “You don’t want to sit with me?”
“I always want to sit with you,” Piotr assures you, relenting immediately. He moves closer to you, then puts one arm around your shoulders. “Would you like me to rub your back?”
“Oh, always.” You lean against your husband, then relax as he starts rubbing your sore back with his thumbs. You groan, eyes sliding shut, and bask –in him, in the warmth of your home, in the happy chatter and delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen.
Your life certainly feels full of magic.
“Insert Leg A into Slot G–”
“That doesn’t fucking tell me which shitbag it is!” Wade snaps. He snatches the instructions out of your hands, scans the page, then growls and hurls the paper against the floor. “You’re a goddamn rocking chair! No one fucking asked you to run the elementary school accelerated program!”
“Definitely comes with the same baggage,” Neena mutters.
Wade looks over his shoulder at her, then back at you. “Remind me why she’s being the peanut gallery again, instead of using her internal magic eight ball to help us?”
Neena rolls her eyes. “For the last time, that’s not how my powers work.”
“Not to mention they’re probably already maxed to keep you from throwing the materials through the window,” you mumble under your breath.
Things would’ve been simpler if you’d just purchased a pre-assembled rocking chair. Unfortunately, not many of them come rated from someone of Piotr’s size (or the wear and tear you’re both certain that your baby –and, eventually, kids–will put the seat through).
“I keep telling you guys, you’re going about this all wrong!” Kitty calls as she carries the vacuum cleaner down the hall.
“Yes, do enlighten us, Ms. ‘Quantumania Axed the Best Character,’” Wade grumbles.
Kitty stares at him for a long moment, face scrunched up in conclusion. “...Right.”
“Look, you guys just need to let Alex and Ellie do this,” Kitty presses on as she gestures to the mess of wooden slats and rocking chair pieces on the ground. “It’s butch magic. They’ll sort it out in, like, ten minutes.”
“I already told you, Katherine,” Ellie hollers from down the stairs, “I can’t assemble a fucking chair!”
“Fine, Ellen!” Kitty shouts back. “Then just let Alex do it! Honestly, you have a hyper-competent badass in the house, and you don’t stick her on IKEA assembly? The fuck is wrong with you all!”
“Let’s keep things moving, please.” Alex’s voice and footsteps echo up the stairwell. “And reasonably calm,” she adds with a knowing look at Kitty. There’s a pause until Kitty nods and heads off, and then Alex appears in the nursery doorway. “What am I doing now?”
“How good are you at assembling rocking chairs?” Neena asks.
Alex chuckles, then plucks the instructions off the floor. “I’ll give it a go.”
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thutner · 7 months
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lawrence kutner as your boyfriend, part 1.
disclaimer: listed below are the writer's own personal headcanons about the character although they are very much canon in my head YUP they actually happened
GIVES THE BEST HUGS !!!!! :( you could be coming home from an exhausting day at work or simply sitting down on the couch and he'd just take you in his embrace. his hugs feel like warm mugs of coffee during winter, enveloping you in warmth so comfortable you find yourself almost melting into his arms. he would be the type to run his fingers gently through your hair, rest his chin on top of your head, and allow you to bury yourself into the crook of his neck.
he would make sure to check up on you and see if you're doing okay. kutner would notice even the smallest changes in your behavior. you're a lot quieter than usual? you bet he'll be the first to ask if you're doing okay, or if there was something you needed to talk about. “ if you don't want to talk about it now, just know that i'm here to hear you out. whenever you're ready, okay? ”
ramble about your favorite movies/tv shows with you. “ BABE, GUESS WHAT? i finally finished watching [movie/tv show name]! you know? the one you said you liked. ” you two would spend minutes, even hours, and talk about specific scenes, going so far as overanalyzing them. you would banter playfully about which character dynamics/tropes were better and you would theorize about alternate endings about open-ended storylines. on his days off, you two would (re)watch the movie/tv show, sometimes reciting the dialogues alongside the characters.
kutner would share his clothes with you. he once caught you standing in front of the mirror, wearing one of his shirts. he found it so endearing that he began to rummage through his own cabinet to look for any shirts that he doesn't use anymore so he can give them to you. he loves seeing you in his clothes because to him, it was one way in which you're flaunting that you belong to him, that you're his significant other, and no one else's.
he'd send you reminders throughout the day via text/call. as a doctor who works long hours for house, it's a given that there are nights when he wouldn't be home. still, with whatever free time that he gets on his hands, he'd be sure to send you a text message/give you a quick phone call. regardless of how busy his schedule would be, he would find ways to keep you updated so you wouldn't worry.
from: kutner
to: y/n
hey babe :D can't make it home tonight sry i will make it up to u i promise :(
from: kutner
to: y/n
i miss u already pls don't skip out on dinner ok or i will be very sad :(
from: kutner
to: y/n
i love you <3 i'll be home soon i promise :(<3
he would take you to magic shows for your dates. when you first started dating, kutner was feeling nervous whether or not you'd like magic shows. he's always liked them and he would feel so bummed out if he just screwed up his chances of being with you by sharing one of his interests. but after seeing that you shared his interest and love for magic, he'd always check up locations near your shared apartment to see if they were hosting any magic shows. sometimes, when he sees you amazed at a particular magic trick, kutner would take the initiative to learn how to do the trick itself so he could surprise you during your upcoming date/s. 99% of the time, of course, he fails. but he gets points for trying. :")
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demonfox38 · 8 months
Completed - Shantae: Risky's Revenge
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You know what? I did like that Capcom NES "Little Mermaid" game. You would be absolutely right about that.
Round Two of my "Play More Steam Games" year started off rough. Windows 11 sought to be a prima donna, refusing to render anything but a black screen for two of the games from my Steam library. Luckily, all it took was forcing the executables to run in a higher priority mode through System -> Display -> Graphics, but man. That was a two-hour headache I didn't need.
Of the two games I had tested, "Shantae: Risky's Revenge" won out in terms of priority. Granted, had I known what I do now, maybe I would have tabled this one for just a little longer. It wasn't exactly watching "The Empire Strikes Back" before "A New Hope", but it may have been watching "Attack of the Clones" before anything else!
The "Shantae" series in its current incarnation is a set of Metroidvania-styled games starring the titular Shantae, the often hired and fired protector of Scuttle Town (and Sequin Land) at large. When I say "in its current incarnation", I don't mean to imply any gameplay changes. What I am trying to say is that "Shantae" was both simultaneously notable and niche in its first incarnation. Notable, in that even I—some nobody kid from Iowa—knew about this game. Niche, in…well, let's just say poor sales and the general screwed-up state of the second-hand game market has resulted in this:
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Dude, I own a physical copy of "Earthbound", and even those prices make me want to scream. Like, we can talk about how it might be wasteful to have companies like Limited Run Games reprint copies of games, but when this second-hand market the alternative…(Also, who do we have to bribe to get "Power Blade 2" re-released? Because JFC on those prices, too.)
Since the ancient days of the Game Boy Color, the Shantae series has had a more consistent game release schedule, cranking out a new Metroidvania about once every 3-5 years. This started with 2010's "Shantae: Risky's Revenge," the sequel to the aforementioned cult classic. In it, Shantae is tasked with securing three magic seals and recovering a stolen lamp from Risky Boots, her arch-nemesis from the previous game. Alongside a Belmont-esque hair whip attack, Shantae is also blessed with the ability to cast spells and transform into various creatures. Granted, given that these powers come to her via being half genie, you can imagine what a problem that stolen lamp just might turn out to be for her…
Originally, this game was released on the Nintendo DSi, a late-stage iteration of the Nintendo DS known for its implementation of a digital shop. Which, uh…I'm guessing isn't operational anymore. The iteration I played was the so-called "Director's Cut", which generally changed menu presentation and character artwork to use higher-resolution images. It seems like it also preserved a bonus mode that was made for an iOS version of the game, which feels a bit more substantial than just updating portraits.
Given the collapse of online shops, it's just lucky this game is available at all. (More reasons to go physical, right? Well, if game publishers ever put a complete product on their cartridges/discs in the modern era, anyway…)
There are two dichotomies in Metroidvania games that aren't often discussed. For me, these are offensive styles and end goals. See, "Metroid" games typically operate via fast ranged gameplay while "Castlevania" takes more methodical strikes, often keeping within slugging distance of its foes (Charlotte Aulin and arguably Shanoa being exemptions.) Extending from that, "Metroid" games are more rewarding for speed than item collection/map completion, while "Castlevania" games tend to reward meeting extensive collecting goals or world exploration. (There are some exceptions here too for the "Metroid" series, but it's usually more about getting tits and TFO than how many lore dumps or missile expansions you left behind.)
I bring this up because I think it helps to explain how I like my particular Metroidvania mixes and how "Shantae: Risky's Revenge" falls into this spread. See, I wouldn't classify myself as a fast gamer. I'll do weird things, and if I want to prove something, I do them as hard as I can. But, generally, I want to experience as much as I can in one go-around. I want my marks to be high in figuring out how to worm into certain locations or call a game director's bullshit. (Looking at you, Igarashi.) I'm not the kind to grind something over and over again until the speed and efficiency of my gameplay makes someone's pants fly off. I mean, I love watching other people do that, but man. I'm just not wired up to be wired. Plus, I've got hundreds of other games that I want to play in my lifetime, so I want to make what may be my only time with a game count.
So, where's "Shantae: Risky's Revenge"?
Fight-wise, this is pretty "Castlevania." Like, I wouldn't classify Shantae as being as robust as a Belmont, but the melee-ranged whipping and magic spells on a limited meter make it pretty clear that she'd fall on the "Castlevania" side of things. Good for me! Mostly. I mean, she doesn't seem to have that movement trick that Alucard et. al have where you can spam attacks at twice the speed intended by hop-slashing, but she's functional.
Girl absolutely needs that hair conditioner, though. Definitely an item worth saving up for!
Goal-wise? The game's making a cake sandwich, and it's really trying its damnedest to eat it. You can receive achievements for just finishing the game, as well as finishing it with all items, finishing it under four hours, and then finishing it both under four hours and with all items. The ending itself doesn't seem to change all that much, which is a bummer, as it ends where most "Metroid" games begin. Frankly, all you get out of it is a different picture after the credits. But, if that's something you want to tackle, boy howdy. You do you.
In terms of difficulty, the game is…honestly, very strange. Like, I was almost tempted to say that this is a good Metroidvania game for beginners, but then I hit the Battle Tower. Holy crap. One of my Tumblr mutuals mentioned that the Battle Tower is where they bailed on the game, and I can't blame them. It's a timed ascent up 10 flights of stairs filled with monster battles and a whopping 2 minutes on the clock. Like, you do get time extenders in pots between fights, but yikes. That's not something you want to deal with when you're playing late at night to recover from your mind-numbing, soul-sucking existence.
Even that tower's difficulty might not be its own fault. I think the UI for the game's shop is not clear or helpful. There's two different currencies the game uses for items (gems and jams), and the latter is not initially defined with great clarity. Like, when you look at this, what do you think this item costs?
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It's supposed to be 1 jam, 150 gems. But, I read that as 150 jams. Like, you get maybe a fifth of that in game max. But, when you're trying to be an independent gamer and not reading guides, that measurement can be very confusing. It should really be 1🫙150 💎, if you're going to involve icons in the mix.
Do your chemistry teacher a favor, alright? Keep your units straight.  
Outside of my computation issues with the shop, I found some of the later levels' platforming to be daunting. Like, I don't know how to say this without sounding weird, but I like Metroidvania games because they generally are more forgiving about platforming than a standard game. You fell? Oh, well. Just don't land in the acid or lava or spikes, and you can try again. Maybe chug some health potions. Here? It's a bit more on "Zelda" rules, so failure isn't the worst it could possibly be. It's just with as many fiddly, narrow platforms as the game throws at you, damage can add up really quickly.
Also, those Monkey Bullet puzzles are exercises in frustration. Slippery friction + precise square navigation = screaming monkey time.
One last weird note I made was on the game's achievement system. I'm fairly certain I got two achievements that I did not meet the criteria for receiving ("Tinkercide" and "Speed Run the Baron's Lair!") Which, hell. I guess if something is given in the favor of the player, why should I bitch? It just seems weirdly implemented.
Screw those two achievements regarding withholding a puppy from an NPC and hurting it, though. Surely, the game can find something better for me to do. Like, collect cats. Another mermaid shooting gallery. Hell, we're halfway to an "Ecco" game. Give me some hoops to jump through!  
It is lucky for the game that it is pretty damn unique and cute, at least in terms of style. Like, the character portraits are mid 2000s Flash animation quality, so eh there, but the sprites themselves are quite lovely. Everything is brightly colored and has a pleasant bounce to its movement. Looking at older "Shantae" footage, it seems like a lot of the animation style was preserved from the GBC game, which I imagine is a lovely touch for fans of the original game.
Sequin Land is a pretty cool setting as well. Like, my issues with this game aside, I can see why the "Shantae" games have become a solid franchise over the past decade. It's got a playful charm to it, something akin to what I grew up with in the 90s in terms of Arabian fantasy. The inclusion of the undead as a staple is a bit strange, but it's played with very well. It's the kind of game that makes you wonder if the link between zombification, civility, and coffee has something to do with adenosine receptors. I mean, I'm not a neurologist, but a part of me wants to take that joke about making coffee for zombies a little too far. It's a weird kind of inspiration, but you've gotta take it where you can get it!
Additionally, the transformation gimmick is simpler to set up than in the previous game. All it is here is holding a button down to cycle through animations until you get the one you need. I'm a simple woman. Give me a game where you can turn into a mermaid, and I'll find my own joy in it. I can bitch about the fiddliness of that monkey all day, but the mermaid? Yeah. Fine by me. (The elephant's okay too, I guess. At least it's good about keeping the undead dead!) 
I'm glad that the "Shantae" series made it past this game. Between the structural issues for "Risky's Revenge" and a bummer of an ending (regardless of your skill, mind you!), it would be a shame if this was the end of the run for Shantae. There are cool portions to it, but man, I can't really recommend it. The writing goes from juvenile to depressing, and the difficulty oscillates quite a bit, so I don't know who the audience for this would be other than previously existing "Shantae" fans. Theoretically, this could have been a great Metroidvania starter for preteens. But, man. I can't see many having the gumption to tough out shooting monkey puzzles and surprise speed-run segments.
Like, don't get me wrong. I've got "Shantae and the Pirate's Curse" downloaded and ready to go for later on. (Risky's not the only vindictive bitch here.) I just don't know if I'd be right up to bat for this particular title. I mean, if you get it as a gift or for under five USD, okay. File it under the "gift horse" idiom. But, I wouldn't go over $8.00 at the very least. I don't want to be one of those pricks that have a dedicated price point for each hour of a game, but I think a dollar an hour here is a fair estimate of overall value. And I got my first (and possibly only) run done in under 8 hours, so there you go. Value calculated.
Which isn't what this game's store owner did! BOOM! LAST MINUTE DRAG ON THE STUPID STORE USER INTERFACE!
Okay, I'm done. 
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly Update August 11, 2023
Not doing the best physically but I’m still doing what I can. A certain medical condition is flaring up pretty bad this week, but I’m trying to stay positive because I should hopefully be getting a surgery to eliminate the worst of it in December. It is scheduled, and assuming I have the money it should be fine. I think I should be okay, since I am an avid cheapskate and am currently working, although I’ll still try to push commissions again soon for peace of mind. That’ll be a good goal for next week.
This week: the main work I have been able to do has been on TRGA. I am now hopefully done with tests, at least for a while. I would like to learn a motion blur effect for the future but I won’t need it for the current animation so I will put it off. I have been chugging along well by doing one keyframe or batch of tweens a day, and am now almost done with Jon’s animation for the first shot. Sounds great, but I also need to animate Tim and Emile, in addition to several more shots. Like, over ten at least. Kinda looking forward to animating the others for a while since between this week and the test animation, I’m starting to get sick of looking at Jon.
Also tried screwing with music hardware stuff, had to buy a new midi to usb converter, and the new one has the input and output labels switched for some reason but it works. I wonder why they sold it like that, since the Amazon listing pointed it out, so they obviously knew it was wrong? Whatever. After writing this update I’ll try to take another crack at recording. Might be tonight might be tomorrow who knows. Inspiration for original music has hit as well but I’ll just write down ideas and get to it later, I do have bigger fish to fry.
I promised I’d draw this week and I have finished up some design WIPs of characters that should be new to you guys. I’ll try to work with them more in the future. I also gave Thomas a slight redesign, which I’ll try to finish and post soon as well.
I’m still trying to do things, I guess I’ve just been focused on work and the big TRGA project and haven’t been able to get much done outside of that. I’ll try to eat better this week so I have more energy to do more drawings and hopefully get some music done enough to post.
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sserajeans · 11 months
Hey Ren! how has uni been for u? and ive been meaning to ask u, how do you juggle life, uni, and writing? I can barely juggle life, work, and uni plus reading, let alone writing, do you have any tips or tricks?
hi!!! uni has been okay, but i have a midterm coming up so im trying to focus on that..
honestly im not great at the whole work-life balance thing either.. i ac screwed it up when i was in hs and consequences got to me but all things are well now!
when things get a little much i always put down writing first (thus the lack of updates recently) bc it just is last in priority? first is always school for me bc it's what im here for, then work! cuz well.. work is work my schedule is my schedule i just show up
i cant lie, one of the reasons why im more focused rn is bc i havent made as much friends here yet so my social life is kinda just restricted to classmates & coworkers? but we dont even talk that much out of the respective settings so..
but i guess always sort things out in a priority list.. and the rest is a discipline battle really.. i like to give myself incentives for each task if this helps.. it keeps me going! like i get my salary for work, and after a long day or a big project/exam i like to give myself a day or half a day to relax.. like putting on a movie or something
oh and lastly always give yourself breathing room so you dont get overwhelmed.. and always rmb ur doing ur best! be proud of that
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
With this announcement of the Revolutionary War the Max are indicating that they will begin fighting the rebellion in earnest and if we become something very real and they are understanding they needed a break and everybody did to try and get ready and that's what the name of the game was and it is becoming obvious and apparent that it was necessary. We are going to get ready for another day or so of bugs but we think they're gonna spray some.
- And our son is looking forward to growing. This guy's like to write things a lot and they look stupid they're gonna have a problem with that people don't know what they're saying and they bother people with it and you're gonna try invading and they suck lost stuff like that
- We do have a few things to go over they're pretty big we need to get it done this place is not conducive to normal life and people put our sun here to screw around with him in varying degrees meaning for different levels of objectives and it's subjective to each individual and we have to look at it closer he said there's a lot of stuff coming out it's way too secret for him. No it didn't go in on it and we are flushing them out ohh we gotta get them now and faster and quicker they're hard to hit too like these bugs.
- This is it really they do it every year but this year you more like exiting all of the middle areas and we do have an update and firly mture
- There have been about 20% exiting the Midwest today over a period of 5 hours that's very fast almost faster than you want we see tons of them nodding. And there's a huge group of them they're saying stupid things we're going to go after them.
- Did he get excited when they're getting beat yeah they do get excited so that's what's happening we have a lot of stuff to do but the Midwest and upper Midwest emptying to the north they're leaving the Midwest and using big trucks it's about 10 to 20 times faster according to them and we're moving tomonitor.
- Then if you want things happening and these bugs are irritating as hell we need to get them a spray or something just wondering about skin so soft and it might work some sort of bug zapper we have several they do work yeah it's well worth it.
- Now the July first memorandum by us has been accepted by the max and verified others are verifying it ash what's actually happening to a Laura Hill to a lot of people as hell they know what it means.
- they are planning on some kind of stipend and he's not sure what it would be And he says after the three stimulus texts he doesn't see anything and we don't either And they were about the same time as the other check but he is wondering what their plan is and what the payout was and stuff like that but I guess every year is different and it has to do with what's actually going on and it's not necessarily inventions and right now they're doing better they say and these guys are gonna get creamed and it's the max doing so there's a lot to do with what's happening they say but we don't think so they have a set schedule and they're planning on releasing certain money in a certain day and it's going that way right now but knowing when he submitted is good because they usually pay shortly after and some monies were released around that day so we're gonna think about that a little I guess there are some other things happening and it's here in Shaw County.
- The Pseudo Empire is working up a hit on leaders here'cause they found hits on them while ago. They sent them out this morning and they are gunning for people and they have come down and cleaned up Dave's apt for him before'cause they don't wanna pick sigh and they don't want bugs and critters and that's what they're doing for and our son kind of figured it out and our daughter heard him and thought good. It started a big mess as we're saying stuff.
- There's other things going on donald Trump is in trouble and he is going to be sentenced July 11th it's two weeks away and he is applying the thumbscrews to people they release the gag order and the **** is talking his head off. And it's a trick and it was used before on him and it worked and he's admitting things in public and he's spewing after the witnesses and the gag order is just to keep him civil it's not a crime that they're convicting him of it's to keep him from committing a crime and he says OK so they stopped you from writing. Says they're doing me a favor and he says yeah they were for real idiot so now they release the gag order and he can be held in contempt and that's what they probably do because the gag order was in place and they forced it to be released more or less and they're going to charge him if he doesn't they also are going to sentence him on the 11th and our son is wondering about the appeal meaning I think that he needs to appeal it and they they do say when it's gonna be carried out and he's got to appeal it and be approved before they carry out sentencing or he has to have this appeal date for court before the sentence takes place they used to have people in jail yeah that were a flight risk and they say he's not 'cause he's waiting for president but he runs all over the place and causes trouble and as a terrorist. So they are going to probably have him try a face face him trying to appeal the sentence usually is carried out within a week or two and we shall see with this bozo who knows.
- And there's a few other things going on but our son says if he gets to be president he's gonna get hacked up very quick. And people notice something they'll probably try stuff every minute of every day in the office and they'll have to kick him out because he'd be so embarrassing and they'll just say he got sick from COVID 19 and goodbye to him and he will suffer from his own contrived illness that's possible that that could happen we are now facing a whole bunch of people who are bothering us here nonstop and it seems to be it's nonstop and it seems to be about him getting money and they're mad at Tommy F they say and it's none of their business and they owe us money so he wants a special project people who lost money will pay and must pay and must pay us not directly we already have a lot of lawsuits and that's different sort of and he says it is kind of different as I'm pursuing one aspect of it I do the other aspects but a group would be nice and these people who owe us money should not be bothering him about money and we're going to have to seek them out and in particular it's a great idea it's part of our military campaign and these are what he was saying about strike groups or they really think tanks and command posts for for this kind of thing and right now we're gonna set up operations in certain cities of ours and we will move them up the line. On purpose. Have other things going on but this is very important so we're going to post.
Thor Freya
Our people are suffering they can't get money they can't use it they're having trouble getting stuff this is a major reason why along with supply and stores and stuff and we're working on all of it but this focus group will will make it work much better.
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wreywrites · 11 months
Little update-
Life got away from me last week which resulted in a wonky update schedule that royally screwed up my two chapters a day thing, and then today I realized that if I post one chapter a day starting today, we will get dangerously close to having one chapter each day until Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes hits theaters.
I'm both dramatic and a lover of countdowns, so guess what we're doing?
One chapter a day :)
I have also gone through all the posted chapters and added Previous Chapter and Next Chapter links, and I'm working on a master list for ease of use. I'll try to get that up in the next couple of days, and add links as I post chapters.
Anyway, hope you're all enjoying it and continue to enjoy it.
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officialkatie · 11 months
just putting a long vent under a read more (i hope)
i should have guessed that after a week of sleeping well (bc sick) i wouldn’t be able to sleep. also i hate my monday class. i have 10 left but god at what cost its completely unbearable and the professor is one of the reasons i dont want to teach anymore. how could you say to people going to school to be a teacher “youre gonna be so stressed and good luck bc it sucks”
i know i dont want to be a teacher anymore and im finishing my degree to get the job i DO want. but at the same time i dont want any job. i hate working. how do people do it. how has my high school italian teacher taught in the same place for 51 years and still going? how does he not feel defeated? i havent even started a Real Job yet and i hate it. i havent had a moments peace or a day without something looming over me since ever. since at least before covid. but then that added ANOTHER thing to loom over me that will never go away.
i hate that i have to have a checklist in my mind of all the things i have to do before i graduate. it should be easy!
-finish classes
-student teach
-get certification
but its NOT that easy. bc in order to finish classes thats this semester. thats 10 more sucky mondays with an awful professor in which i also have to observe 15 hours at a school (on top of the 100 required hours i already did, im not currently in a school and i didnt know about this and we were all so pissed and just another reason i hate this professor), 1 more week of incredibly intensive classes which GREAT! more time for the stinky class. 9 more tuesdays bc the schedule is so weird, all while working part time and doing homework and figuring out student teaching and having personal responsibilities and a relationship and maintaining my health. its no wonder im sick. then once the semester is over its work work work. bc i cant work while i student teach. no break for katie. i have to focus on holidays and pretending to care about people who cant even remember my birthday. its not that hard to remember. i remember all of yours so whats up with that. then i go to orientation for student teaching and then i do it. i dont know where yet! bc i have to email the man who’s been screwing me over every step of the way (another thing for the to do list). and once a week while i student teach i go to a seminar class. a new update to the academic schedule means my class could end at 10:40 pm. who does that. i live an hour away from campus. if my class ends at 10:40 im going to fail. then i do that for “75” days (in quotes bc there’s not even 75 school days in the spring semester yet thats my requirement?) and then i graduate. should be easy peasy. then i go to the real word and back to my part time job while i look for real job so i can move out and live with the one person who gets me and doesnt make me feel bad for living. and we’re gonna have a great life together but thats another to do list. find an apartment find a job move pay rent pay utilities try not to kill yourself make friends even though you’re socially inept ever since leaving college and your social life is in shambles. eat healthy.
im literally a mess and im so congested and i hate not sleeping and this is just making it worse. i have james taylor in my head and my stomach hurts so bad bc i ate like shit today. i wish i could turn off my brain and i tried using headspace app and thats another thing. i updated my student status and they sent me a confirmation. yet charged me for full price. and you cant even unsubscribe yourself. you need to email someone and so i did and they sent me back “we got ur email! sorry we’re taking so long:(((“ and charged me with a full smile on their stupid faces. if i can figure out how to rip from that app you bet your asses i will
i really need a break.
i feel so bad getting this degree and its not bc im wasting my own money. my parents are paying and they’re so supportive and dont care that id rather do something education-adjacent and my boss at my part time job says she’d be so happy to have me while i figure my shit out after graduation. all i have to do is drag my lifeless body across the stage at graduation. i have a part time job after that and i wont be tackling things alone after that. i have good references and im qualified for the job i want. all i have to do is get there but its SO HARD and i can’t stop thinking about how much its going to take to get me there. its like looking at a number line. sure YOU see the whole number integers but to me there’s a universe in between 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5. im trying so hard to not get caught up in those universes but man does that take brain capacity i do not possess.
if i have to work forever into an endless oblivion im going to hit myself in the face with a brick. i love having days off and going to museums and walking through the park and going around to coffee shops and record stores and just enjoying life. if my quality of life enjoyment is diminishing NOW what will it be like when i have to go to work every day instead of having off two days a week for school and to catch up on life?? am i doomed to be boring and hate life?? how can i live if i cant LIVE? (2 am drama,everyone.) the thought of taking “personal days” seems like hell to me. i just dont want to work on a schedule like that. i can give 10000% at work its been seen its been done but i control the schedule right now. take that away and it’s over
at least my dog barking at 2 am did not wake me up. i am already up sir and i feel like my butt is on fire. and my legs are so restless.
and another thing? he’s barking bc my sister is coming home. ever since she moved back home things are worse for me. she’s so messy and i am so not and it really gets under my skin and overwhelms me. and she is inconsiderate of other people and takes my stuff. why do i have to parent my older sister. doesnt she know she’s building up my resentment for her. i dont want to spend time with her and my mom looooves to guilt me about it bc of her relationship with her sister. but then she and my dad go and mumble under their breath about how they cant wait for her to finish her masters thesis (not gonna happen,im gonna graduate with my masters before her and she’s two years older than me and has been working on thesis for 3+ years now) and leave bc she’s turning our house into a trainwreck. why cant she just live with her boyfriend who is (to me) deadbeat. nice guy but like i dont even know what his job is? is there one? (also not fair to him bc the standards for partners in my family have been set verrry high: see above future roommate. he is universally adored while sister bf? jury is still out. also i maintain that my sister is a homewrecker. i guess both figuratively and literally at this point.)
anyways my tumblr is getting laggy so i guess thats my sign to end this. im sure that i will not sleep.
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weasleywinchester · 2 years
Slow Motion - Ch. 3
I'll Never Be the Same
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Curvy Female Reader
Ehh ooo fam we back with another chapter of the fic that is currently keeping me from the pit of despair! Hopefully a few more updates for a few different series will be up this week since I have a consistent work schedule this week! Also I got the promotion at work! So hopefully my schedule will sort of straighten out so I have more time for the 10,000 hobbies I have 😅
Series Summary:
I mean, love at first sight has to exist for some people. Guess you’re one of the lucky ones. Bob had said it so nonchalantly. Like it was a thing that could, did, happen in real life. And yet here he was, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, falling for you faster than his plane could take off. But even if everything felt slow motion, was it possible the two of you were moving too fast?
Chapter Summary:
A week. One whole ass week and both of you were walking around like love drunk idiots. Rooster's no stranger to showing a girl a good time, but this love thing, that was new. And there was one thing he knew to be true: he could not screw this up. You on the other hand? All new territory; the hot guy, the flirting, you heart sounding like a fighter jet anytime he even crosses your mind. But luckily both of you had plenty of people rooting for you.
For 7 am there sure has been a lot of activity. You’ve checked in about a dozen guests, rearranged the Admiral’s calendar a few times and the phone will not stop ringing.
You manage to redirect the latest call, slamming the phone back into its cradle. Putting your head in your hands, you take a deep breath in and try not to linger on the fact that you left your lunch sitting on the counter at home. You couldn’t sleep after Bradley dropped you off; you tossed and turning not trying to read too far into the forehead kiss. Does it mean something? Does he look at me like a sister now that he know I’m the one Mav’s been trying to set him up with?
“Morning Red.” A familiar voice, still gravely from sleep, pulls you from your thoughts. You can’t help the smile that spreads across your face as you look up to see Rooster giving you a sleepy smile as he leans against your desk.
“You’re a sight for tired eyes Cap.” You look up at him, propping your cheek up with your hand. God, he's so cute.
He opens his mouth to reply when another voice cuts him off.
“He’s no captain.” Hangman scoffs, throwing his arm around Rooster and giving him a shake. You manage to keep your laugh to yourself despite the daggers that are clearly shooting out of Rooster’s eyes.
“She knows how to read Hangman.” Bob sarcastically notes as he passes by.
“Come on, let’s move!” Phoenix rolls her eyes, pulling Hangman off of Rooster. He gives a playful “hey!” As he’s shuffled away.
I owe Bob and Phoenix a drink… Bradley thinks as he turns back to your pretty face.
“Why’s he called Hangman?” You wonder aloud.
“How about we don’t talk about him anymore.” Rooster yawns. He may be tired but not enough to talk about Hangman.
“Thanks for driving me home last night.” You smile.
“You mean the whole two streets over from Mav and Penny’s?” He shakes his head. “Thought I was being a gentleman.”
“You were! Mav normally walks me home.” You huff a little laugh, your eyes connecting with his. There it is again, the silence that is full, just not with spoken words.
“I did actually come over here to ask if you were free Friday night?” He slowly asks, casting his eyes downwards. No backing out now. You don’t immediately answer, and when he looks back up your eyes are glued to him and he can practically hear the error noise in your brain.
“Red?” Knew that kiss was too risky. This probably wasn’t the best time. Maybe I can play it off-
“Ya… I’m free.” you answer. Is he asking me out?? On a date??
He quickly stands up straight, running his hands down the front of his uniform and clearing his throat.
“Uh, a bunch of the pilots and a few others are getting together for a bonfire on the beach. Thought maybe you could come with me…” he shrugs practically with his whole body. Stop being so awkward man. You know how do this!
“Ya.” You grin, watching Bradley slowly mirror it.
“Awesome, I’ll pick you up around 7?” He asks, his usual swagger back.
“Okay.” He gives you a shy smile and turns toward the hallway.
“And don’t worry, I remember how to get to your place.” He winks over his shoulder. 
Oh no.
“Hey, Rooster?” You wait until he turns to face you. “Could you not drive by Mav’s?” He gives you a small frown and waits for you to continue. “I’ll explain eventually, but Mav will jump to conclusions…”
"The correct conclusions?”
“Ya… but he doesn’t need to know quite yet.” You wink. Rooster grins at your mischievous look and nods.
“Oh thank god you two could swing by!” You swallow both Penny and Amelia in a hug while trying to shuffle them inside.
“Well, your text made it sound important.” Penny laughs.
“I have a date, sort of, and I have no clue what to wear.” You blurt.
“With who?” Penny asks.
“Sort of?” Amelia asks at the same time.
“You already know.” You try to telepathically transmit Bradley’s name to Penny. “And it’s group bonfire night. Come look at what I have chosen so far.” You take Amelia’s hand and run into your bedroom.
“The beach is freezing at night, so I don’t want to wear anything too light.” You state, showing the girls your outfits you’ve put together so far. “But I also want to, you know, look good…”
“How about forgetting the jacket layer? Maybe he'll an extra if you happen to forget yours.”
“Amelia!” Penny gasps. You and Amelia roll your eyes.
“Penny, she’s your daughter, are you really that surprised?” You playfully snap. Penny contemplates your observation and nods.
“True. So dresses are out?” She picks up the one on your bed.
“Ya… I’ll just end up tucked in it like a ball if I get cold.” You agree.
“Why not just a shirt and jeans?” Penny shrugs. “Well, jean shorts since you don’t do pants.”
“What about this?” Amelia rearranges a few items.
“Perfect.” You and Penny agree. Now just to not be a fool in front of him. He wouldn’t ask you out just because Mav wanted him too… 
“You ok (Y/N)?” Penny asks, squeezing your shoulders.
“Penny… I can’t describe this feeling I have. It’s like we know each other, deeper than we know ourselves. But at the same time I’ve known him for a week.” You dramatically flop onto your bed, the girls immediately following suit. “I thought feeling like this only ever existed in my imagination.” You whisper.
“Oh, trust me it’s real. It might not always turn out how we think it will, but it’s very real.” Penny whispers, taking your hand in hers.
“I’ll bet you a hundred bucks that Rooster shows up with a girl.” Hangman flashes a look to the group of pilots around the fire. They all wave him off, no way would anyone bet on that.
“I’ll bet he shows up with Red.” Bob pipes up. Hangman flashes a wicked smile while the rest of the group shakes their heads.
“You gotta deal Bob.” Hangman extends his hand and they shake.
“You really think he’d bring her?” Phoenix asks, giving Bob an unsure look.
“Trust me.” Bob smiles to himself, pushing up his glasses with his index finger. You two had become good friends and you admitted you would date Rooster if he asked. And Bob had suggested to Rooster to invite you tonight.
“There he is.” Coyote sits up to get a better look. Everyone follows his gaze to the blue bronco that just pulled in. Sure enough Rooster steps out with his signature sunglasses and gives everyone a wave. He jogs to the other side, opening the door and helps you out of the car.
“Bastard, how did you know?” Hangman tosses the bills at Bob, who quickly snatches them before they blow away.
“You sure they’ll be ok with me being here?” You ask Rooster as he takes your hand to help you down the hill.
“Ya, Hangman invited Joanna and her friends. Plus the group likes you al-“ he can feel you lose your balance and manages to catch you before you and booze hit the sand. “ready.” He finishes.
“I swear that wasn’t on purpose.” You giggle.
“If you wanted me to hold you close all you had to do was ask.” Rooster teases, quickly pecking you on the cheek before letting you stand on your own.
“Will you two hurry up? I’m thirsty!” Fanboy yells from his spot in the sand. The rest of the group playfully kicks sand in his direction as you and Rooster quickly join the group.
“Ooo whiskey, you know how to pick the good stuff Red.” Hangman compliments.
“What makes you think she picked it?” Rooster feigns offense.
“You would have bought cheap beer, and a lot of it.” Phoenix answers.
“Yikes. Guess it benefits everyone that I came.” You tease, sitting down next to Bob.
“You don’t mind us using the nickname, right?” Bob whispers, offering you some m&ms.
“I don’t, and I don’t think Rooster does either.” You shrug, gladly taking a handful of m&ms.
The group of girls Hangman invited join you, turning up the volume of the radio and getting everyone to dance. The bottle of whiskey disappears just as fast as the sun sets and everyone but the pilots, and you, have stumbled home.
“Wait, wait, wait! You’re telling me he wouldn’t let you, a pilot for the United States Navy, fly him? In a plane?” You shout in disbelief.
“Nope. Said it’s not you babe, it’s the plane.” Halo holds her hands up in surrender. “Like I believed that for even a second!”
“Would you fly with Rooster?” Phoenix asks, eyeing you suspiciously. Everyone gets quiet, their eyes flicking between you and Rooster.
“Ya, of course.” You answer. If you trust pilots you don’t even know to fly 747’s then why would you not trust anyone currently sitting around you?
“Really?” Hangman asks, his eyes searching yours to see if you’re just saying that to be nice.
“Ya, seems silly not to trust one of the best.” You smile at Rooster. “And that goes for all of you.” You quickly add, not that it made your feelings any less obvious.
“Think you’re the only civilian who’s ever said that to any of us.” Bob states, the look of surprise still on his face.
“Lucky me.” You smile. A shiver runs up your back as the breeze starts biting through your shirt.
“Here.” Rooster shucks his flannel off and places it on your shoulders. 
“Now you’ll be cold.” You comment, trying to hide the smile tugging at your mouth. I owe Amelia a girls day out. 
“Brought a spare when I saw you were wearing shorts and a baseball tee.” He shoots back as he puts a new flannel on.
Bob and Phoenix share a look when Rooster scoots flush against your side, putting his arm around you.
“They’re so in love.” Phoenix whispers.
“How long before they realize that?” Bob chuckles as he finished off his beer.
The group chats until the fire dies down enough that it no longer keeps any of you warm. Everyone says their goodnights, the guys giving Rooster a few cheeky comments about taking you home as he helps you into the Bronco.
“Hey.” You put your hands on his before he has time to walk away. His body snaps back to the side of the car, his face coming very close to yours as he gives you that cute dazed look you can never get enough of.
“I had a really nice time Bradley.” You whisper.
“So did I.” He smiles, eyes drifting down to your lips. When he looks back up you lean in and gently press your lips to his for a split second. You pull back far enough to make sure you weren’t moving too fast.
Without taking his eyes off you he opens the door, and slides into your seat, guiding you to sit on his lap. He flicks his eyes from yours down to your mouth and back up, silently asking if he can continue. You nod and eagerly press your mouth against his. His fingers dig into your thigh, and he licks the seam of your mouth begging for entrance.
You gladly oblige, your arm wrapping around his neck as the other hand slots into his curly hair. Your tongues dance and swirl, no spot left untouched. After what feel like eternity, you unlock your mouth from his, lungs desperate for air and brain so foggy you feel like you’re spinning. And then you feel it, a tickle that follows each kiss down your neck and you can’t help but squirm away.
“What’s so funny Red?” He breathes out, his own lungs finally having a chance to fill.
“The ‘stache tickles.” You giggle, combing it with your fingers.
“Say the word and I'll shave it.” He takes your hand, kissing each of your finger tips before kissing your lips.
“You would do that?” You frown. The world famous 'stache shaved for me?
“Only if you promise to keep kissing me like this.” He smiles, pushing your hair behind your ear.
“Can’t shave it, pretty sure the Navy would throw me overboard.” You kiss him on the cheek. “Guess you’ll just have to keep kissing me until I get used to it.” You mumble as you press your open mouth against his.
He sighs, a smile spreading across his face. As you wish, Red.
“Don’t you two took great!” Penny claps her hands together at the sight of Maverick and Rooster in full uniform.
“You say that to everyone in uniform.” Mav chuckles, stealing a kiss.
“Can’t help that everyone looks good in uniform.” She laughs, turning to Rooster. His eyes are already scanning the Family Fun Day crowd for something, or someone.
“We’ll catch up later.” Mav pats him on the back. Rooster gives him a nod and bolts to the row of booths.
“Just me or is he distracted?” Mav smirks at Penny.
“Not as distracted as you.” She winks, taking off toward the crowd.
Rooster waves to a few people as he passes, eyes darting around the carnival until he spots you sitting on a bench. He straightens his uniform, takes a deep breath and saunters over to you.
“Hey Red.” His smooth voice whispers in your ear.
“Cap.” You lean back and smile over your shoulder. Swear her smile gets more beautiful every time...
“How come you’re not over there with all the other pretty girls waiting to walk the runway.” He nods to the group of women dressed in their best 1940’s attire.
“No one wants to see me on that runway.” You playfully roll your eyes.
“I do.” He simply answers, looking at you over the brim of his glasses.
“You think I'm just as pretty?” You smile triumphantly.
“I think you’re more beautiful than any of the women on this base, but that’s beside the point.” He stands up, waltzing around the bench and taking a seat next to you. “What’s it going to take to get you up there?” He nods toward the stage.
“Seriously?” You cross your arms over your chest.
“How about a friendly wager?” He slides off his glasses, clipping them to his shirt, and waits for your answer. You wave your hand for him to continue. 
“You get on that stage and I’ll take you to dinner.” He smirks. “You win that competition, you get to choose the place and I'll pay.” He lays one arm along the back of the bench, and even though he’s not touching you, you can feel the electricity spark from his fingertips.
“Sounds like you just want an excuse to be alone with me.” you point out. He bites his tongue and gives you a shy smile.
“Damn, saw right through me.” He chuckles in your ear. You feel the tip of his nose gently scrape against your cheek, and it takes every ounce of control not to shiver.
“We have a deal, hot stuff.” You say into the shell of his ear and walk over to the sign in table.
He turns to the voice to see Hangman, Phoenix and the rest of the crew barreling toward him.
“What’s up man?” Rooster reaches for Hangman’s hand, pulling him in for a half hug.
“Did you see all the ladies gearing up for the annual 40’s styled battle of the babes.” He claps, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
“I know which one is gunna win.” Rooster fires back.
“And how would you know that?” Phoenix pokes.
“Guess you'll just have to wait and see.” Rooster grins, playfully punching the air and taking off to find you backstage.
“Ready Red?” He whispers into your ear, laughing when you jump a little.
“Bradley! Didn’t your mom ever tell you not to sneak up on people?” You lightly swat his chest, your heart going into overdrive.
“Yea, but the Navy says differently.” He flashes a smile as the precession of ladies moves onto the stage.
Someone is announcing names of the girls and their escorts while the crowd ooh’s and ahh’s at them. You watch each girl walk out into that runway, a seed of doubt sprouting in the back of your mind.
“You don't really have to do this if you don't want to.” Rooster offers, noting the small furrow in your brow. He takes your hand and gently places it in the cook of his elbow, preparing to take you wherever you want to go.
“Tell me one thing before we walk out?” You whisper.
“Anything.” He answers. He’s typically reserved with personal information, but he feels like he can tell you anything.
“You ever met someone that makes you feel… different, like you’ll never be the same?” Like you've been in love the moment you saw them in a bar smiling like at you like you were the best thing they ever laid eyes on?
He takes a deep breath beside you, shaking out the tension in his body. Your turn.
“Ya. You.” He confesses, heart pounding louder than a fighter plane. He slowly looks over to see you look up at him, a smile spreading across your face as one of the volunteers backstage directs you to where to start walking.
“And now we have Miss (Y/Full/N), who I’ve been told was awarded the call sign ‘Red’. Ain’t the cute everyone? Her own call sign!”
Bradley struts beside you, waving and saluting to the crowd and you can’t help but do the same. 
“And look at those amazing victory rolls! Very talented! She’s escorted by Lieutenant Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw...”
A Loud whistle erupts from the crowd, followed by loud cheering. You look to see all of his friends clapping and whistling as you two walk by. When you reach the end of the stage Rooster gives you a twirl and dips you low, making the crowd go wild.
“Rooster!” You giggle as he gently pulls you up, keeping you close.
“Gotta give them the whole show Red.” He chuckles, walking you back up the stage.
“Alright! Let’s see what the judges have to say.” The announcer excitedly tells the crowd. Each judge holds up their cards but you could care less if you won, because you still get the ultimate prize of a date with the handsome man beside you.
“How would one get a hold of 10 pounds of crappy work coffee?” You ask Eric, whom you have labeled “the snack man” since he’s in charge of ordering all the food and drinks for the staff break rooms.
He stops reading the paperwork that’s in front of him and slowly turns to you.
“Why would you need that much?”
“It’s… ugh… for a personal thing.” You shrug. Please don’t ask…
His face turns from concerned to intrigued, which means you’re going to have to fess up.
“I lost a bet with Mav. I now owe him a year's worth of crappy work coffee.” you mumble, finding the toes of your shoes very interesting. 
“Ok. What was the bet?” He finally breaks the silence.
“What?” You look up at him.
“The bet. What was it?”
You stick your tongue inside of your cheek. Can't be worse then telling Mav he won, right?
“Whether or not I’d start dating his nephew…”
Eric bursts out laughing, slamming his fists on the desk.
“Eric…” You moan. It’s not that funny!
Eric’s turning red at this point, unable to breath in long enough to give himself oxygen. You give him a few more seconds but it doesn’t seem like he’s going to stop.
“Eric! You going to help me or what?” You shout.
“Ya… ya, I’ll get you your crappy coffee.” He stands and walks past you. “I would say I could have told you you’d lose that bet, but guess you didn’t really lose, huh?” He pats your shoulder and starts gathering the coffee.
“Woah, what’s that for?” Amelia asks as Bradley slams the giant coffee bag onto the island.
“No idea. (Y/N) said to set it on the counter.” He shrugs, taking a seat next to her.
“Oh good, you’re here.” You smile at Amelia as you walk into the kitchen.
“Coffee Beans?” Amelia raises her brow at you.
“Mav and I had a bet. And I lost. He gets a year's worth of work coffee.”
“What was the bet?” Amelia and Bradley say in unison.
“Whether or not I would end up dating Bradley…” The words slowly fall from your mouth.
“We are official now…” Bradley points out to Amelia.
“Called it. But that means you bet against it?” Amelia frowns at the last bit.
“Woah woah, don’t get it twisted. I would date Bradley in a heartbeat…” You clarify. “I didn’t think he would want to date…. me.”
“Why?” They ask in unison again.
“Because sometimes I can’t get past what society has put into my head.” You sigh.
“Babe, You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever met.” He takes your hand and pulls you until you’re standing between his knees. “And I wouldn't change a thing about all these nice curves.” He rumbles into your ear, running his hands along your hips.
“Thanks sugar.” You tell him softly, pressing your lips quickly against his.
“No kissing in front of the children!” Amelia playfully whines, covering her eyes.
“Alright, alright! Help me make this look nice!” You giggle, taking a bunch of supplies out of your bag.
“Amelia said (Y/N) came by earlier and dropped something off for you.” Penny tells Mav as they pull into the garage.
“Really? Thought she was stuck at work-” Mav takes two steps into the house and all he can see from the hall is MAV written in big red letters. He quickly walks over to the kitchen island and there’s a large brown box sitting on the counter that says
Lift me!
He shimmy’s the box up to reveal a very large bag of coffee that has a note taped to the top of it
Look in the box.
“That’s not even the good stuff…” Penny mumbles. Mav’s face breaks into the biggest smile when he remember what he told you a couple months back
“Too late. You owe me a year's worth of crappy work coffee if you two end up dating.”
He looks inside the box and there’s an envelope stuck to the top. He peels it off, flipping it over to open it and almost misses the very small writing along the flap
You win.
He opens it and pulls out a polaroid picture of you and Bradley kissing.
“It’s official.” He smiles triumphantly, turning the picture to show Penny.
“Hope she’s ready for this wild ride.” Penny shakes her head, giving Mav a big kiss on the cheek.
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lordofthesea7 · 2 years
Yandere Summary pt. 3
the long awaited update is here. (In my defense I moved continents and started school)
here we go: episodes 5 and 6
Grian and Taurtis sleep over at Sam's house
Taurtis has to sleep in a baby crib and gets stuck
Sam makes fun of Grian's perpetually pink cheeks
Sam's dad warns them to be careful while going to school because there have been murders happening (take them to school instead maybe? They're FIVE)
Grian is understandably concerned
A car crashes by Sam's house and spills barrels into the yard.
Sam offers to help deliver the barrels while Grian is skeptical (probably because it's implied the barrels have drugs in them)
A teacher named Teacher Vonheimer declares that fish people have no rights
The kids kick him out because he's racist
It turns out that the barrels have laughing gas in them because why not
The barrels are supposed to be delivered to Rowan? (totally not suspicious at all, nooo)
The boys want to keep a barrel but Rowan figures them out and doesn't let them
We also learn that Rowan is Silly's dad
The trio go buy candy and Grian reveals that after the divorce his parents didn't want anything to do with him so they gave him a bunch of cash and shipped him off (this poor guy)
They buy a cake at the store and Sam steals a skack, but Taurtis rats him out and Grian ends up having to pay for it.
The trio and some other students decide to skip school (why do they have school periods anyway, they should be in Kindergarden)
Taurtis starts doing push ups and Sam ask Ellen if Taurtis looks sexy (can I repeat they are FIVE)
When they get to school they are given new schedules and it turns out that they have Teacher Vonheimer for first period
Sam and Taurtis are late to class
Teacher Vonheimer says some more racist things about the fish people (what is happening)
He wants Taurtis's fish because he doesn't like fish I guess?
Apparently Rowan and Vonheimer fought against each other in a war that was about the rights of the fish people. I can't make this stuff up
Vonheimer is in a wheelchair and when asked why he said "The fish people started bashing my legs during the war and that's why they're screwed up"
This is science class, as evidenced by the model body named Malcom who may or may not have been alive at one point
Sam makes fun of Teacher Vonheimer for being disabled and tries to test if he is actually disabled (sam what is wrong with you)
Rowan and Vonheimer argue about yelling at the kids
Aparently Vonheimer tortures fish for "classified information"
A girl named Galaxy brings a wrench with her wherever she goes because she doesn't feel safe. The teachers are evidently failing their students in many ways
Teacher Jane starts class by proclaiming that she really doesn't want to teach them but needs to get paid, then sends the trio into the supply closet to get ingredients for a potion. She doesn't tell them what ingredients to get.
The supply closet is huge and has items like a guillotine, a skeleton, a toilet, and pink underwear
There is a bell in the closet that rings
Back in the classroom the trio chucks everything they've grabbed into the cauldron, at which point Jane realizes she never told them what to get so she makes JStar drink the potion instead of her
It turns J into a centaur
He continues drinking it while his centaur body warps, before eventually returning to normal
After class, Dom Rao pushes Teacher Vonheimer out of his wheelchair and out the window
Rowan congratulates Dom Rao for this
Sam steals the wheelchair but makes Taurtis carry it so if they get caught Taurtis will be the one who gets in trouble
That was a ride. A painful one. Hopefully my next summary will come a little sooner. Only checks notes- 11 more episodes to go
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 14
Dabi x Reader , Bakugo x Reader
Words : 6689
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together.
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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It had been three weeks since Dabi left and in those three weeks you hadn’t heard a peep from him. True to his word he never called you. Shoto seemed to be getting vague updates from Katsuki but nothing that could settle your nerves.
You threw yourself into working out to distract yourself. You refused to ever be weak again. Every day you got up early and hit the home gym that you built with Dabi’s money in his absence. You were surprised how good it felt to spend his money without his permission. You knew he had enough to go around, but it was almost like payback for him leaving you here without him.
The gym was simple. A treadmill, some free weights, and a punching bag.
The guys took turns coming to check on you. Shoto more than the others, which was fine with you considering he was the only one with the balls to spar with you. You didn’t know if they were scared of you, Dabi, or Katsuki. But whoever it was, they were keeping their hands to themselves. And that’s how you ended up here now pinned underneath Shoto’s knee.
“I told you, stop thinking so hard. Your moves are predictable, I can read your every move before you do it. You need to relax and trust your instincts.”
You shoved him off of you and sat up, putting your elbows on your knees.
“I knew I’d be rusty… but I didn’t think it’d take this long to get back into shape.”
Shoto handed you a water bottle and sat next to you. “Well you’ve always been good, but you’ve also relied on your quirk pretty heavily up until now. You’ll get there, just takes time.”
You sat for a while in silence. That’s another thing you appreciated about Shoto. His ability to find comfort in shared silence. He never forces a conversation or pushes you to talk about things you don’t want to.
“So how long can you stay this time?”
His mismatched eyes met yours with a guilty look. “Honestly I’ve already been here a little too long. My shift starts soon, and I have a long drive.” He sighed as he screwed the cap back onto his water bottle. “Last I heard from Bakugo there wasn’t really much change but they’re both still alive and well. I’m supposed to be hearing from him again sometime in the next few days. So, I should have a better update the next time I see you.”
You followed him to the front door, feeling your heart sink as you went. You hated this part. The part when they left. There wasn’t exactly a schedule, they just came and went when they could. It was incredibly lonely when it was just you and you were already getting anxious thinking about it. “I wish he’d just come home already. I hate being here alone…”
Shoto sighed with his hand on the door. “I can only imagine… I’ll see what I can do about getting you some better company. Maybe we can rework our shifts or something… I don’t know, but we’ll figure something out.” He reached a hand out and gently pressed it to your shoulder, “Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone, and for the love of god follow my idiot bothers laws.” His eyes twinkled, “Oh! That reminds me…ware your fucking collar… his words not mine.”
Your eyes bulged. Those where the first words you’d gotten from him since he left. Your fingers darted to your bare neck, “I-It’s charging… the battery doesn’t last forever.”
Shoto chuckled, “Well according to him you haven’t worn it for two days. He interrupted my last call with Bakugo just to tell me.”
“I guess I should have known he’d be watching the stats like the creep his is.” You rolled your eyes and tried to suppress the blush that was threatening to break out across your cheeks. Of course he was watching. Watching the tracker to make sure you were where you were supposed to be. Watching your vitals to makes sure you were staying healthy. Watching your call log to make sure you weren’t doing anything you weren’t supposed to be doing.
For the first time since he left you felt an odd giddy feeling. It reminded you of the feeling you’d get when you were in school and a boy you had a crush on liked one of your pictures on social media. It wasn’t direct interaction, but it was a reminder that he cared.
Shoto gave you a quick hug before leaving, reminding you to lock the door as he went.
As soon as you heard the security system signal that is was on, the empty feeling returned. You were alone again. By yourself. With only your thoughts to keep you company… how awful.
You dragged yourself over to the where your collar was charging and put it back on. Your fingers brushed over the familiar material. A warm feeling started to push through the empty feeling in your stomach as you thought about how Dabi was probably checking on you every chance he got. The least you could do was reassure him that you were okay.
Despite being able to talk again you had decided to keep up with the sign language. It was a good distraction and also something really helpful to know. You learned from Shoto that Izuku had learned sign just in case Katsuki went deaf, and he ended up teaching Shoto. So it seemed it could definitely come in handy down the road.
You also spent a great deal of time watching cooking shows and trying to learn some things.
You were never that great with cooking before, hell you didn’t even really know how to efficiently shop for groceries. You were rarely home, and when you were you were ordering in or letting Katsuki cook for you. But now that you were home alone for days at a time, you decided it was time you learn.
Tonight, you watched a video on how to sign different colors and numbers as you attempted to make rice balls. The chef made it look so easy in the video you watched earlier. But so far you were finding it to be incredibly difficult.
You were trying to take this time alone to improve yourself. Now that he wasn’t here it was easier to see how much you had relied on Dabi. You wanted him to come back to a new and improved you.
You sat down to dinner with your pathetic looking rice balls and fought to push down the empty feeling in your stomach once again. The loneliness killed your appetite, you could feel yourself sinking into a funk. Every day it got harder to convince yourself that eating was important, that getting out of bad even mattered, that working out was worth it.
But then you thought about what Dabi would say if he found out you weren’t taking care of yourself. He’d probably bend you over his knee and spank you for even thinking about skipping a meal.
So even though your depressed brain tried really hard to convince you that you weren’t hungry, you shoved bite after bite into your mouth. He’d be livid if you so much as lost a pound while he was gone.
You thought about the way he loved to worship your body. How he groaned when his hands gripped your hips. How his hands traveled up your thick thighs and around to your ass before giving it a squeeze and… great… now you’re working yourself up.
There had been several times your needs had riled you up to the point where you had tried to take care of them yourself. But no matter what you did or how hard you tried, you hadn’t been able to get yourself off. Your hands were no comparison to Dabi’s.
You let out a frustrated growl as you dropped your plate into the sink.
Once again you had this burn in your core that was spreading and you were already frustrated knowing there was nothing you could do about it. You didn’t even have any toys to help and there was no way you could ask one of the guys to bring you one the next time they came. You flushed at the image of Shoto or Izuku handing you a vibrator.
With the ache between your legs only seeming to grow worse, you skipped to your bedroom, well Dabi’s bedroom, but you guess it was yours now too.
You were sweaty from your workout and was in desperate need of a shower which gave you the perfect idea.
You quickly stripped your clothing and stepped into the hot spray of the shower you quickly washed your hair and body before turning the hot water down a little to a nice room temperature.
With nervous hands you pulled the shower head down from it’s spot and played with the settings. You switched between them until you found one that seemed… promising?
The shower head slowly roamed from your neck to your chest, to your nipple. You sucked in a breath as you closed your eyes and tried to pretend that it was something or rather someone else. Your breathing picked up as the spray slowly moved further down until it reached the spot that was giving you all the trouble.
Suddenly a jolt of pleasure ran through you and you had to put a hand on the wall to keep yourself from falling over. A low moan fell from your lips and you rolled your hips against the pressure. “Oh god. Oh shit. YES!” It had been weeks since you last orgasmed and you could feel everything that had been building coming to a climax… literally.
Your breathing became erratic as you imagined rough callused fingers rubbing your clit while wet, sloppy lips mouthed at you neck. Your head swam with desire as you felt the familiar clenching in your core.
Then out of nowhere you felt your pleasure snap as your first orgasm in weeks washed over you in heavy waves. “FuUuck!” Your legs wobbled and almost buckled underneath you. Your orgasm seemed to go on way longer than any one you’ve had in recent memory. It just kept going and going till the point that you thought you couldn’t breathe.
Your legs crumpled underneath you and you fell as your orgasm finally finished.
After a few minutes you used your foot to turn the water off as your breathing finally started to even out.
Your heart practically leapt out of your throat as your collar started beeping with an incoming call. You answered it immediately in the hopes that it was Dabi.
“Y/N!? Are you okay?”
That voice didn’t belong to Dabi but it was probably the second best option.
“Kats? Y-yeah I’m fine. W-why do you ask?” You sucked in a huge breath to help yourself come back down from your high.
“Dabi said he got an alert that your vitals were at dangerous levels. Apparently, your heartbeat was erratic… You workin out or somethin?”
You blushed and cleared your throat, “Or something.”
There was a brief silence on the other end before you heard a muffled curse. “Fuck, okay so you’re more than good.” You could almost hear the blush in his voice. “Sorry to interrupt… have a good night…”
Before he could hang up you panicked and shouted, “WAIT!”
“… Yeah?”
“How are you guys?” You hated how weak you sounded. How desperate you sounded for any update on their progress.
“We’re alive and making good progress. That’s all I can really say right now.”
“Good okay… hey uh Kats… please be safe. Both of you.”
“We’ll try… I gotta go now. Good night y/n.”
Before you could respond you heard the beeping, indicating that he had hung up.
Groaning you picked yourself up and made your way to the big comfy bed that just felt too big now that it was just you. You pulled one of Dabi’s shirts on that dwarfed you and queued up a movie on the TV.
Sleep didn’t take long to take you and your last thoughts were of how monotonous your life was now. You go to bed, wake up, work out, work on Sign Language, watch cooking shows, cook dinner, rinse repeat.
You just needed something to mix it up.
And your wish would be granted not even two days later when Kirishima showed up at your door with pointy toothed grin. “Hey Y/N! How’s it going? Gone crazy yet?”
“I think I went crazy years ago bud.” You giggled as you stepped to the side to let him in. Instead he just stood there looking at you funny. “So are you coming in or did you just drop by to stare at me and leave?”
“Oh! Right? Hold on… close your eyes! I have a surprise.”
You narrowed your eyes but complied with a sigh. “Kiri I swear if this surprise is a wet willy, I will hypnotize you and make you pee yourself.”
He was quiet as he tiptoed away quickly. Only moments later you heard the pitter patter of him trying and failing to sneak up on you. You knew he was next to you now, but you kept your eyes closed anyways.
“Kiri what are you—”
You shrieked as a wet tongue licked you from your chin to your ear. “WHAT THE FUCK KIRI!”
Your eyes bolted open to see a crying Kiri holding a puppy. He was laughing so hard you were scared he was going to drop the dog.
You reached out and yanked the puppy from him and could immediately feel yourself sinking into its soft fur. “Oh my goodness! Who is this sweat baby?”
You nuzzled into and started rubbing its soft ears.
“He is your new guard dog. Well he’s more of a guard puppy, but you get the point.”
He started to walk back towards his car, “Wait? Are you leaving already?”
He gave you a regretful look, “Yeah sorry princess, I only had time to come drop off your new friend. I have to go pick up my kid from school, but I think I’m coming back soon. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” With a wink he hopped into his car and sped away.
You were only sad for a brief moment before you scurried back inside with your new friend.
You plopped yourself down on the couch with the puppy sitting in your lap. He was a little ball of fur with big ole paws and floppy ears. From what you could tell he might be an Australian Shepheard. “What are we going to call you huh?”
The little furball cocked his head at you and started chewing on your fingers.
“Hmmm what about Buddy? No that’s cliché. Ajax? He was the strongest warrior in all of Greece.” You watched as the “warrior” in question sniffed his own butt. “Hm maybe not. What abouuuuut… Bravo?”
He looked at you and gave the cutest little “woof”
You smiled and scratched behind his ears. “Okay then Bravo it is. Welcome to your new home sweet boy.”
Bravo was exactly what you needed in order to break out of your slump. You could feel your serotonin rise every day as you bonded with him. He was keeping you company and also keeping you very busy. Between poddy training and teaching him basic commands he was a handful. He loved to follow you everywhere you went and nip at your ankles until you paid attention to him.
It was amazing how quickly Bravo was becoming the most important thing in your life. Since Dabi left you had frequent nightmares that often led to anxiety attacks once you woke up. But now you had a fuzzy four-legged friend who not only woke you up when you cried in your sleep but also laid on top of you until you calmed down. You almost laughed thinking about how Dabi would react when he came home. You knew he’d find a way to be jealous of a dog.
Bravo settled into a routine with you and he never let you out of his sight. He really had the potential to be an excellent guard dog. He was extremely smart, picking up new tricks and commands easily. He was perceptive. And most importantly he didn’t hesitate to attack any of the guys, in his cute puppy way, when they came to visit. He was one hundred percent a Mamma’s boy.
Today had been a weird one. It was officially a month since the boys left. You stayed in bed a little longer than usual but you had responsibilities now and Bravo wasn’t going to let you be sad all day. He decided growling and pulling on your blanket was the best way to get you attention.
“Bravo, no. I know you want to play, just let me be sad a little longer, and then we’ll go outside.” You knew he didn’t understand you, but it felt so nice to just talk to him even if he can’t respond.
Bravo continued to jump and bark at you obviously trying to get you play with him. You rolled your eyes as you threw the blanket off of you. “Alright, alright, I get it. Let’s go outside.”
You rolled out of bed and pulled your hair into a bun. It was cold out now, and it even looked like it might snow soon. You used to love the snow, but the older you got the more miserable it sounded. You pulled a pair of sweatpants and a baggie hoodie on and started to drag your feet towards the back door. “You couldn’t let me wallow for even a couple hours huh?”
You slid the sliding glass door open and Bravo took off into the backyard.
The sky was a dark and depressing shade of grey. You could see your breath escaping you and it made you shiver. “Okay Bruno let’s make this quick! It’s fucking cold…” You shoved your hands in your pockets as Bravo sprinted from one side of the yard to another before stopping to sniff a spot on the fence to pee. “Good boy Bravo… let’s go in now. Eat some breakfast, how does that sound?”
Snow started to fall and before long you could feel it soaking through your hoodie. “BRAVO! You little shit, come on it’s cold!”
He ran towards you like he was going to listen before turning at the last second and running off to the side. You groaned. You loved the dog, but it was times like this that reminded you how frustrating taking care of another living thing could be.
You took a couple steps towards him and he just stood there wagging his goofy little tale. You leapt towards him just for him to run off again in the other direction. “I swear Bravo, if you love me at all you will come to me right now!”
You tip toed towards him slowly, “Come on dude. It’s too cold.” You were so close now, you just needed to scoop him up. You jumped at him but again he leapt out of the way except this time… your foot slipped on some fresh snow on the concrete surrounding the pool… and in you fell.
The ice-cold water cut through you straight to your bones like a million needles. You gasped which was a huge mistake as you sucked in water into your lungs. Now the panic was setting in. The last time you were in this pool you drowned. And this time there was no Dabi to resuscitate you. There was no one here. You could die here, and no one would even know for days.
No, no, no, this was not the time to have a panic attack. You had to think. You had to get out of this pool. But you couldn’t, the only thing you could think was how cold you were, how painful the water in your lungs was, how the cold water felt like you were being stabbed. You vision was blacking out, your limbs were becoming numb, you finally started to try and swim, but your muscles were so sluggish. It was agony trying to get your arms and legs to cooperate. Were you going into shock?
You felt yourself sinking and there was nothing you could do. Your baggie hoodie and sweatpants were only getting heavier on your limbs. It was like you had forgotten how to swim. Or like one of those dreams where it doesn’t matter how hard or how long you keep swimming you never make it to the surface. You expected your life to flash before your eyes, but it didn’t. Instead all you had was fear. Fear and regret. And those almost weighed you down more than your soaked clothes.
You have unfinished business. You had a corrupt hero system to dismantle. You had a life to reclaim. You had… people who loved you, and you couldn’t leave them behind just yet.
You pushed as hard as you could now. You refused to give up. Just before you blacked out your head broke the surface. You struggled to stay afloat as you managed to get yourself to the ladder. You gripped it with all your determination. Your breathing was getting shallow but you didn’t know if it was the panic or the cold.
You screamed as you tried to pull yourself out of the pool. It hurt so bad. Your muscles sched and it was almost like they stopped working all together. You could hear Bravo barking as he paced the side of the pool. As soon as you got your upper body on the concrete Bravo took your sleeve in his mouth and tugged. It wasn’t enough to pull you out on his own, but it definitely helped.
Your body was wracked with shivers. You were shivering so hard it hurt. Your collar was beeping but you couldn’t bring your fingers up to push the button to answer. You were literally frozen… from the cold, from the fear.
The beeping just continued, and tears flowed down your cheeks. All you had to do was move your hands, you just needed to push the button, and you could answer, you could ask for help. You knew Dabi had to have been alerted that you were in danger by now. Someone had to be coming for you.
Bravo laid on top of you licking your face as you lost your mind. The beeping from your collar kept going, and you don’t know what possessed you, it must have been one last surge of adrenaline, your bodies last effort to save yourself. But your fingers crawled towards your collard and clicked the button.
“Y/N! Thank god! I’ve been calling! Are you okay?” It was Kats again. You were quiet for a while as you tried to cough up some water. “Y/n? Are you okay? Or is this another… false alarm?”
You sniffled, “I-I-I F-Fe-Fe-ll I-In T-The-Pool.”
“Uhm Okay? Are you okay? Did you hit your head or something?”
A sob left you, “No! I-I’m Not O-Okay. I-I”
There was a muffled sound on the other end of the call, "Y/n, baby I need you to breathe. I know you’re scared. Can you get inside?”
“Dabi?” His voice filled you with the warmth you desperately needed, but it wasn’t enough to get your body moving. “No. I-Its t-too C-Cold. I-I-“
“Stop talking! Conserve your warmth. Shoto’s already on his way. He’ll be there soon baby. I’m going to stay on the phone with you until he gets there, but I need you to stay awake. Can you do that?”
Bravo curled up next to your neck and nuzzled into you while whining.
You don’t remember passing out. But when you woke up you felt like you were in an oven.
Your eyes slowly opened to find that you were under several blankets with Shoto sitting next to you with his hand on your forehead. “She’s still asleep… but I’m worried she’s getting sick. I’m pretty sure she has a fever.” He was on the phone with someone, “I keep going back and forth from trying to warm her up to cooling her down… Well what do you want me to do I’m not a doctor… Do you know anyone we can trust?” Whoever he was talking too was obviously not happy. “How do you suppose we do that?”
Your eyes closed and sleep claimed you once more. You tried to stay awake, but it seemed impossible. You didn’t even dream, you were just sucked into the black abyss.
The next time you woke up there was a cloth on your forehead and two voices whispering by the door.
“She probably needs an IV at this point. She’s been in bed for three days and she hasn’t eaten anything. Shoto this is more than just a cold. She’s really sick.”
You knew that voice belonged to Izuku. He sounded stressed out. Had he really said there days. There’s no way you had been sleeping that long.
“I agree, but where would we get one? Do you know how to set one up? No? Because neither do I. I swear all of you are crazy. First Dabi rips me a new asshole over the phone about how I was supposed to keep her safe, then Bakugo gives me shit for not being able to find her a doctor, and now you. I’m doing my best!”
You wanted to sit up and tell him you were fine. But you couldn’t because once again sleep was calling you back. The black abyss sucked you back in.
The next time you woke you felt slightly better, your head definitely hurt a little less.
“I can’t believe you idiots where hiding this from me? Did you not trust me, or did you just think you could dismantle the entire system on your own?”
When the fuck did Aizawa get here?
“You’ve been retired for years… we didn’t want to drag you into this.”
A brief silence passed, and it sounded like he was standing up from a chair, “Well I’m glad you did. She was in rough shape. The IV will help. Let me know if you need anything else. And I mean anything. Like you said… I’m retired now so I have a lot of free time.”
You managed to open your eyes, but had to squint at the bright light. “Was that Sensei?” Your voice sounded rough and foreign, but it was unmistakably yours.
Shoto’s mismatched eyes filled your vision, “Oh thank god you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
You tried to clear your throat but if felt like sandpaper, “Like shit…”
He climbed into bed next to you, “When I found you, you had hypothermia. I warmed you up but then you got really sick. I finally caved and had to call Aizawa. I don’t know how he knows how to set up an IV or how he even got his hands on all this medicine and medical equipment. But I’m not going to question it either.”
You leaned on him. “That was nice of him…” Your muscles still ached, and you you’re your skin was so sensitive. You just wanted to pass out again and wake up when all of this was over. “Where’s Bravo?”
At the sound of his name you felt a weight near your feet shift. He got up and made his way to you putting his head on your chest. His big fuzzy head was making you all warm and cozy. “I think I’m going to take a nap.”
“Y/n no, come on I need you to eat something. Seriously, it’s one of your laws, you have to eat, so you need to stay awake.”
You hugged your blanket to you. “I’ll eat when I wake up… promise.”
This time when you slept you had dreams waiting for you. They were all weird and generally involved your time at UA. You dreamt of sports festivals, hanging out with your friends, and training with Sensei. But for once you didn’t have a nightmare. Which was a blessing.
“Wake up… you need to eat something… open your eyes baby.”
You stirred and found that you were laying on top of something, or rather someone. A hand was wrapped tightly around your waist while the other was brushing your hair out of your face.
Your sleepy brain was desperately trying to figure out if you were still sleeping because this had to be a dream.
“Are you really here?”
A kiss was placed on your forehead, “Yes baby, I’m really here. And I really need you to eat something so you can get better.”
His words had your stomach growling, making your groan.
Your eyes opened to find his blue ones staring back at you. The amount of concern in them was startling. “I must look like shit if you’re looking at me like that.”
Dabi didn’t so much as crack a smile at your humorless joke. “Well by law I can’t lie to you… so yeah. You’ve definitely looked better.” His thumb brushed your cheek, “Nothing that can’t be fixed with a shower and a good meal though.”
He helped you sit up and fluffed some pillows behind you. “You don’t have to do all this. I’m feeling better now. I can do it myself—”
Dabi cut you off with a glare. “Does it look like I care. I’m sure you could take care of yourself, but when will you accept the fact that you don’t have to anymore. Stupid girl.”
He reached next to him and picked up a bowl of soup. “This will be easy enough on your stomach. You are going to eat every last bite, and then we are going to take a shower.”
He didn’t leave anything up for debate. It was a demand. “We?”
“Yes we. You’re not leaving my sight for the foreseeable future.” He held a spoon full of soup up to your mouth. You wanted to protest that you could at least feed yourself but quickly thought better when you saw the look he was giving you. He wasn’t to be challenged or questioned.
So, you accepted it and swallowed, your eyes never leaving his. You continued on like that until the spoon scraped the last bit of soup from the bowl. You could see the tension in Dabi’s clenched jaw. He was upset, possibly even mad.
Your eyes averted to your lap, “I’m sorry.”
“For what? What do you have to be sorry about?”
You played with hem of your shirt. Trying to look anywhere but at those intense blue eyes. “I fucked up. I was careless and I… I fell into the pool.” Your fists clenched, “It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t so fucking weak. I panicked, and it put me in danger. I’m sorry.”
His fingers intertwined with yours and pulled them to his lips. “You have nothing to be sorry for, and you are most definitely not weak.” He kissed the tip of your nose, “Look at me please.”
It was so rare that he said please. It sent butterflies through your stomach. You raised your eyes to his once more, but this time they were much softer. “Your panic is totally understandable. If anything, it’s my fault because I’m the reason you have fucking PTSD.” He pressed his forehead to yours, “I feel like no matter how hard I try, I just end up hurting you. Even when I’m not here, my actions still have consequences.”
“Well you know what I think? I think I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you. I think you have saved me in so many ways, and you have been there when it matters most. Like right now.” You tucked yourself under his chin and hugged him until you felt the tension bleed from him as he relaxed into your hold.
You felt his chest rise and fall as you both just sat there holding each other.
Finally, he pulled back and sighed, “Okay as nice as it feels to hold you again… you kinda stink… can we go shower now?”
You frowned, “Hey! I’ve been sick. It’s not like I could bathe myself. Did you want Shoto to do it for me?”
He growled and threw you over his shoulder. “You’re lucky. If I wasn’t worried about nursing your sick ass back to health, that comment would have gotten your ass in trouble.”
It wasn’t until Dabi was stripping you down in the bathroom that you remembered Bravo. “Hey! Where’s Bravo?”
Dabi froze, “Who the fuck is Bravo?”
You rolled your eyes, “My dog asshole. Bravo. Where is he?”
He growled, “That little shit wouldn’t let me near you, so I threw him out.”
You pushed his hands away from you, “Excuse me… You WHAT? It’s cold outside. Go bring him inside right now!”
He grabbed your flailing hands and held them down at your sides. “I said I threw him out, not outside. If I had to guess the little runt is probably sitting outside the door to the bedroom, waiting to sink his teeth into my ankles the second I open the door. Relax.”
He let go of your hands and continued to undress you, and then himself. “You be nice to him. That little ankle biter is my new best friend.”
“Hmmm I don’t think so.” His arms wrapped around your now naked body. He picked you up like you weighed absolutely nothing and walked you over to the shower. “I think I’m your best friend.”
You smirked as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Oh you think so huh? So we’re friends now? That seems like a demotion to me…” You kissed his chest before pulling away. “Last time I checked friends don’t shower together… so I guess I’ll just get out and wait my turn—”
“Don’t you dare step out of this shower.” His fingers dug into your hips. “I haven’t seen you in a month, and I had to come home to find you sick and skin and bones.” He leaned in and you could feel his breath on the shell of your ear, “You are mine. I don’t think you truly understand what that means.” He kissed the side of your head, “You are my best friend.” He kissed your forehead, “My responsibility.” He kissed your cheek, “My confidant.” He kissed the tip of your nose, “My lover.” He kissed you jaw. “My partner.” His lips hovered over yours for a brief moment, “My everything.”
His lips smashed onto yours and you could feel all of your little puzzle pieces fit together again. The emptiness you had felt the past month evaporated. You felt whole once more.
There wasn’t anything overly sexual about this kiss. For the first time since you’ve known him, this was the first time Dabi had ever kissed you just to kiss you. And so you let him. You just stood under the water with him and kissed until you started to get lightheaded.
He must have felt your shift because he pulled away from the kiss and pulled you to lean on him. Without another word, he ran a washcloth over your skin and cleaned you up.
You remembered back to the days he’d help you bathe when you couldn’t walk. He’s taken such good care of you without asking for anything in return. So much as changed in the past few months, but there was something about this moment that felt permanent. Like no matter what happens Dabi will always be there to clean you up afterwards.
Dabi could feel the stress and the worry that had piled up over the last month melt away with every rise and fall of your chest. You were safe, you were okay, you were alive, you were in his arms.
Something almost broke in him when he heard the fear in your voice that day. When Bakugo called you after you fell in the pool. He had never felt so fucking helpless. He had a constant eye on your vitals after that. Calling his brother every single time there was even a tiny change. He’d never tell you this, but for a brief moment when Shoto couldn’t get your temperature down he panicked. He couldn’t lose you. Somewhere deep down he knew it was irrational to think you were going to die. But he couldn’t help it. You were sick, and only getting worse and he was thousands of miles away.
There was a constant nagging at the bag of his head of what if he didn’t get back in time. What if he didn’t get to say goodbye. What if… what if…
No. He’s fine now. You’re fine now. He had freaked out for no reason. You’re here, you’re safe, you’re alive, you’re his.
You had eaten the soup, showered, and taken your medication without even a hint of protest. You were being such a good girl for him. Doing everything he asked, never leaving his side.
It was obvious you missed him, and for some reason that made him feel… pride.
Now he had you curled up with him on the couch eating ice cream as you showed him all the things you had trained Bravo to do. You had a glint in your eyes as you commanded the furball to sit, lay down, roll over, and whatever the fuck else you had taught it.
Dabi had this weird feeling settle over him. Sitting here with you in his lap, as you ate ice cream and played with your dog. It felt like you had become… a family.
Family… was never a word that had inspired positive feelings for him. He had terrible memories of his old home life. He had a few fond memories of his siblings, maybe even some of his mother. But everything was overshadowed by the hell his father put him through.
But now he could feel that frozen heart of his, start to thaw out. He still struggles convincing himself that he doesn’t deserve you, and sometimes he still thinks you might be better off with Bakugo. But for now, you were his, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.
His hand snaked down and spread out over your stomach and his chin rested on your shoulder. He watched Bravo hop into your lap and had to admit he was a little jealous of the little guy.
“Aw who’s a good boy? Who’s mommy’s good boy?” You squished Bravos cheeks together and kissed his nose.
“Okay enough with the dog. You’ve been loving on the dog since I got home. It’s my turn.”
You scoffed, “Please don’t tell me you feel threatened by a puppy.”
He flipped you over so you were chest to chest with him laying on top of you, caging you to the couch. “Of course I’m not threatened… but I’ve been gone a while and the mutts hogging all the attention.”
You giggled as he nuzzled into your neck demanding that you love him. “I can’t believe big, bad, who’s your daddy, Dabi is jealous of a little puppy.”
Your hands moved, one to his hair and the other snaked under his shirt and scratched his back. He hummed as his lips pressed a quick peck to your jaw. “I missed you…”
Your hands continued to trace patterns up and down his back. “I know. I missed you too.”
His breathing started to slow and he squeezed you closer to him. He started mumbling things as he slipped into the first peaceful sleep he’s had since he left.
“What was that? Dabi you’re mumbling honey.”
He let out a huge sigh and mumbled again only this time slightly louder, “Said ‘m gonna putta baby in you.”
*The Laws* 1. No fucking shrugging 2. No drugs 3. No saying sorry for something that isn't your fault 4.We work on communication every day 5. Wake up whenever the hell you want 6. No locked doors 7. We eat three full meals a day 8. No means no, no negotiations 9. We work on exercise every day 10. Ice cream must be kept in stock at all times 11. Accept help when it is offered 12. No lying 13. I will not initiate the sexy time without written or verbal consent.
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe@unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602@pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop@bakubby99 @squichymochi @sarahschance
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veinsandknuckles · 4 years
please write something w abed being comforted by his partner!! i don’t mind if it’s sfw or not!! just please make it soft and stuff! thanks!!
Very good prompt, thank you anon!!! Abed Nadir/Reader Abed shuts down, goes nonverbal and the reader helps him recover. PG-13 Content warnings: ableism, self harming stims, Autism Speaks (implied), reader and Abed are both hornballs (implied) I think I wrote a gender neutral reader, but if I didn’t succeed lmk what I should fix. Same goes for any content warnings I may have missed! -------- You turned heel and ran as soon as you heard Abed scream. There was nothing quite as painful, both sonically and emotionally, as that high pitched, drawn out shriek and you knew it never came until he’d been pushed well beyond his limits. It carried, too, before it trailed off - there was a good distance between your upcoming lecture and the library so by the time you threw open the door to the study room, you were out of breath.
Abed sat on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest and Britta crouched beside him, awkwardly patting his shoulder and waving a hand in front of his face.
When she saw you, she got to her feet to give you room. “I don’t know what happened, I found him like this.”
“Thank you, Britta.” You got to your knees in front of him and Abed stared right through you. It would be alright - you had a plan. “Abed, can you talk?”
Abed blinked. You drew a deep breath and looked him over. His grip was a little tighter, his posture was a little more hunched. You studied his hands - his nails were digging into his arms, he was hurting himself. As counterintuitive as it sounded and as heartbreaking as it was to see, you knew this was a good sign.
You kept your tone and face as neutral as possible so he wouldn’t have anything to interpret. “Can you make a sound?”
He screwed his eyes shut and after a pause, he managed a little hum.
“Alright, good. Last question, are we doing scenario A?”
This time the hum came quicker and stronger. Once meant yes, twice meant no. Silence meant he was beyond choosing. You turned to Britta.
“Britta, do you have Abed’s class schedule?”
“I think so.” She got out her backpack and started rifling. You could tell she was nervous, and like most nervous people, this meant she wanted to talk. “I should have a copy in my wallet, or I can get one from -“
“Can you find his professors and tell them what’s up?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.”
“Great, thank you. I’ll keep you updated.” You turned back to Abed. “Abed, I’m going to grab you.”
With a bit of effort, you managed to get him on his feet with his arm across your shoulders. He stood on his own but held on tight. “Good. Now we’re going to walk, just follow my lead.”
The sight of the two of you staggering awkwardly down the halls was enough to make practically everyone stop and stare. You knew from experience that glaring right back sometimes prompted people to get out of the way but usually didn’t remind them to mind their own business. Abed had told you he didn’t notice, especially not when he was this far gone, and that if he noticed, he didn’t care. That didn’t stop you hurting on his behalf.
It took some doing, but in less than five minutes you made it to the right door. Abed walked on his own now so he entered ahead of you and stood motionless in the middle of the room while you turned on the lights, shut and locked the door behind you and made sure everything was as you’d left it. Popularity with the dean might be a mixed bag, but it definitely had its perks and the use of this dilapidated, dank corner of the campus as an emergency hide-out was one of them.
You made sure to walk into Abed’s eye line before touching him again, then took him by the arm and led him to an armchair placed against the far wall. He sat and you sat beside him.
From under your own chair, you got out a box of emergency supplies and dug out a candy bar, thanking the stars that no rats or stoners had found this little stash yet. You peeled off the wrapper and handed it to Abed who held it in both hands and took a bite. Slowly, gradually, his breathing deepened and his limbs relaxed.
“What time is it?” His voice was steady but quiet.
“It’s twenty minutes past three.”
“I have a test.”
“That’s alright, you can take it over another day. Britta is filling everyone in”
Abed sighed. He’d finished the candy and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
“You want another one?”
He held his hands out, but wide apart, and you placed the whole box in his lap so he could help himself.
It always baffled you when people insisted Abed was difficult to read - all you’d had to do to learn was watch, listen, use a very little imagination and then ask him to explain whatever wasn’t logically obvious. He fished out a Rubik’s cube and went to work of separating the colours as thoroughly as he could.
“Thank you,” he said and looked at you properly for the first time.
For now, as long as nothing caught him off guard and he was careful, the danger had passed. You smiled and squeezed his knee. “Always.”
“Aren’t you missing your classes?”
“Eh. I like to be a little unpredictable - keeps them on their toes.”
He smiled back. “People love a good mystery. Simple mysteries, anyway.”
“Who are you calling simple?”
Abed looked a little questioning, so you waggled your eyebrows to signal that you were kidding. His expression didn’t change. “You’re not simple. You figured me out and not even I got very far with that.”
“I don’t know about all that... it’s usually easier to understand other people’s problems than to understand your own.”
“I guess that’s true.” He seemed to be working through something, so you let him be until he spoke again. When he did, he sounded hesitant. “Will you get bored?”
“How do you mean?”
“Once you’ve figured me out.”
“Abed, you’re not a puzzle.”
“I don’t know. A lot of awareness campaigns would disagree with you.”
“No, I meant you’re not a puzzle because that implies a challenge.”
Now he stared at you and his slightly offended expression made you laugh. It might suck to always be called special, but it did still mean you were special.
“Being with you is not hard work. At least it isn’t hard work for me.” But Abed didn’t look reassured, so you went on. “Does it feel like I’m trying to solve you?”
“I’m not sure. You’re methodical. Maybe I just worry about it, so I look for signs...”
You reached out and put an arm around him. Abed leant his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t want to make you feel like that because it’s not true. I love all of you. If I just wanted to learn how to help someone through a shutdown, there’s easier ways to do that than dating you.”
“Cool.” He held up his hand and you laced your fingers between his.
“Should I do anything differently?”
“No... I just needed to be sure.”
“What happened to stress you out, anyway?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. It wasn’t interesting.”
You snorted. “Alright then.”
He leaned out, a small smile playing on his lips. “So, if you're not dating me for my mind, it must be because I’m physically irresistible.”
“Of course it is.”
“Every time you talk about Inspector Spacetime I tune out your voice and imagine climbing you like a palm tree.”
“I meant -“ you began, but then Abed waggled his eyebrows and you laughed. “Oh, I see. Very nice.”
“My mind was somewhere else.”
“Yeah, I bet.”
He pulled at you, gently, and you slipped out of your seat to sit on his lap. Abed put his arms around you and kissed you and the kiss still tasted of sugar. When he broke it, you felt short of breath for the second time that day.
You leaned your forehead against his to steady yourself and forced yourself to ask, “are you ready to get back out there?”
“Technically, yes. If I lie, will you stay here with me?”
“Of course.”
“Then I’m not ready.”
“Good. I was hoping you’d say that.”
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Screw the schedule I guess lmao
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duhragonball · 2 years
Like Fanfiction
I just noticed I haven’t updated this blog in eleven days.  I’ve probably had longer gaps, but this just seemed kind of startling to me for some reason.  Anyway, I’m here today to talk about “Charmed.”
I finished my scheduled Fantastic Four comics for the month, so I decided to just completely waste the next weeks or so, and that led me to YouTube, where I found a series by Allison Pregler where she reviewed “Charmed” season by season. I think the whole thing ended up being ten hours long?  Anyway, I liked this because I never watched “Charmed” but it was on throughout my 20′s, and I was always aware of it, but never knew what its deal was supposed to be.  So it’s nice to finally get that settled. 
What I didn’t expect was that the main characters turned into such unlikable assholes as the series wore on.   By Season 4, Shannon Doherty left the series, and the other two leads, Alyssa Milano and Holly Marie Combs, became producers.   Pregler notes this as a turning point in the series, where their characters, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell, became more self-absorbed and were almost never called out for any character flaws.  It sounds like something out of professional wrestling, like when a top talent gets booking power and writes himself as a world champion who never loses.   Anyway, much of Pregler’s review series is taken up with unflattering montages of Phoebe and Piper being heartless jerks. When a crisis unfolds, they make it about themselves.  When innocents are in danger, they want to ignore it.   Maybe Pregler is exaggerating, but she found a lot of clips for her videos. 
Occasionally, she would compare certain plot developments to fanfiction, and not as a compliment.   I felt the same way at times, and it struck me that a lot of the storylines in “Charmed” seemed to revolve around this sort of indulgent wish-fulfillment fare.   I don’t know what went on backstage, but it really does feel like Milano and Combs wanted to do stories where their characters were beloved and respected by those around them, but also blameless and beyond reproach, no matter how snarky or dismissive they were of their magic responsibilities.   I guess that is how a lot of fanfic goes down.   Someone watches a movie and doesn’t like how their favorite character got handled, so they write their own story where their fave gets better treatment.  
That, and fanfiction often skips to the good part, whatever “good” happens to be for the writer.   If they’re doing a story about a love confession, they’ll just go straight to that, and not bother setting anything up.   When I first learned about fanfiction, I was surprised by how casually the writers would just presume that the reader knows all about the characters.  I’ve seen X-Men fics where they just call him “Scott” and never mention that he uses the codename “Cyclops” and shoots optic blasts and wears blue tights.   It’s just taken as a given, and the time you save not explaining this can be used to hurry up and get to the sex scene. 
At a guess, I think that may have been where “Charmed” lost its way.   It was supposed to be this urban fantasy thing, I think, tapping into the success of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, with three sisters getting witch powers and fighting demons.   So it makes sense for the characters to get frustrated with that, and wish that they could chuck the whole deal and lead normal lives.  You see that in every superhero story.   Spider-Man wishes he could be a normal guy again, or look the other way when shit goes down, but he knows he can’t.   It makes sense for “Charmed” to do the same thing once in a while, but I think somewhere along the way, they got a little too comfortable with that trope and fell into a rut.   When Phoebe Halliwell complains once in a while that these demon-of-the-week adventures are really screwing up her career and love-life, that’s relatable.   When she complains about it every week, and has to be convinced to take action every single time, then it starts to make her look like a real piece of shit.   There was one scene where she insists that they shouldn’t risk their lives to save a particular innocent, because if they got killed, then that would doom many more innocent people that they might be able to save later.  That’s kind of messed up.   Maybe there’s a more balanced interpretation to Phoebe’s character, but what I’ve seen looks pretty bad.
Anyway, it occurred to me that this incompleteness is probably what people mean when they compare things negatively with fanfiction.  When it’s in actual fanfic, I think it gets a pass, because the writer’s doing it for free, but when a TV show or movie does it, it gets people mad because there’s higher expectations.   For example, “Charmed” introduced a magic school, very similar to the one in the Harry Potter books, and they even went out of their way to point out the similarity, which seems pretty weak to me.   But the biggest letdown was that it was literally named “Magic School”.   Like, that’s what it says on the sign and everything.   It’s like they never bothered to improve on the working name, like how “Snakes on a Plane” ended up being the actual title of the movie.  They could have called “Merlin Academy”, or “Shadow Hall” or literally anything else, but they were like “Fuck it, ‘Magic School.’“  
For that matter, I never understood calling the main characters “The Charmed Ones”.   That sounds really basic, especially when the main thing about them is that they’re a trio.   Call them the “Witches Three” or “The Triune of Power” or just “The Halliwell Sisters” or whatever.   It’s just such a lack of effort for something that they were going to have to use for the whole run of the series.  On the other hand, they seemed to put a lot of work into the episode where Alyssa Milano played Lady Godiva to defend breastfeeding in public or something.  Which... yeah, sounds like a fanfic plot now that I think about it.
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