#screaming and kicking the air internally but trying to keep it together outside
can't watch the panel from hell at work naturally but i did glance at the reddit thread
idk how much stock to put in everything since some are just stray comments but --
they REDID WYLL'S STORY??? HUH???????? he's 'after karlach' says one comment???? this could change EVERYTHING WHAT
patron interactions for warlocks holy shit, amity's likelihood of multiclassing is rising
body types!!!!!!!!!
genital customization????
no 72 hour headstart for the PC early launch which does make sense, it's coming 3 weeks early. bit of a bummer but can't fault them for that
custom origins?????? and having an intro????
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yourjughead · 7 months
Fighting Exs pt 3
Sweet Pea X Reader
“Reg stop! Where are you going?!” You half shouted across the car park to your ex boyfriend, his back to you looking to where he parked his car.
“I have to kick some Serpent ass” you finally caught up to him outside his car, snatching his keys from his hand.
“Reg stop, it was an accident, we were just dancing and he did it by mistake!”
“Dancing?! You were dancing with that jerk? Isn't it bad enough you took his side yesterday, now you're off dancing with him? What has gotten into you YN?” Your eyes landed on the ground at his sharp tone. You were transported back to when you were dating, being reprimanded for even the smallest thing.
“We were…we were having fun”
“YN, it's okay to have made a mistake” your face contorted in confusion as he moved towards you and caught hold of your hands, dragging your gaze back to him.
“YN, I'd take you back, we can be back together again” you scoffed loudly at him pulling back your arms from his grip.
“I have self respect Reggie”
“Really is that new? Come with the Serpent?” He bit, cocking his head to one side. Ever a group for good timing, Fangs and Sweet Pea rode up the driveway of Pops on their motorbikes. Fangs on the way to meet Kevin, accompanied by Sweet Pea who hoped to run into you. The two parked their bikes, removing their helmets releasing laughter from beneath, short lived as Sweet Pea found his eyes on you and Reggie.
“C'mon YN, come back to me, you'll never find better” his words fed an internal voice you regularly fought off. You bit your lip looking back down, he slowly caught hold of your arms again, unaware of the Serpent heading in your direction.
“No” you almost whispered, pulling back again.
“Don't say no to me! No one else will want you!” The words you hadn't heard from him in so long brought crashing memories back of a tumultuous relationship, you felt your mind go out to the sea of sadness it had spent so long trying to escape from when a familiar voice came as a life raft.
“I’d want her…if she'll have me” you both spun to face Sweet Pea, still holding his helmet in one hand, his other in his leather jacket pocket.
“You!” Reggie seethed, springing from his spot, almost knocking you to the floor in the movement. Your friends came out from inside Pops, to find the Serpent and the Bulldog rolling around shouting and fighting. Kevin ran to your side as you screamed at them both to stop.
“You fucking loser!” Reggie screamed as Archie hauled him up off the floor after Jughead pulled Sweet Pea off of him.
“I'm not the one who cheated on the perfect girl!” He spat back. Your friends' heads shot in your direction. The secret was out. The secret you kept to keep things normal. The secret you kept so they wouldn't have to pick sides and you didn't haven't risk not being who they'd choose.
“YN is that true?” Archie half winced from behind Reggie. You slowly shook your head in agreement, eyes going from Sweet Pea to the floor.
“Wow Reggie you are a loser” Jughead released Sweet Pea as Archie did the same to Reggie.
“At least I'm not a Serpent slut like YN” Reggie barely had the sentence out before Sweet Pea had him pinned to the ground again. Distant police sirens cut through the night air, having been alerted to the commotion outside the diner.
“Shit SP, go, they can't catch you again!” Fangs called, pulling his best friend back by the shoulder. Sweet Pea gave a hurried glance to you before darting off in the direction of the woods behind Pop's.
“Sweet Pea wait up!” You called as you dodged tree trunks, branches and long tangled roots. The latter being the one to send you crashing on to your hands and knees, Pops now long behind you. You swore quietly under your breath as you sat back onto your legs kneeling, wiping your hands on your thighs.
“Really YN, bubble wrap isn't the expensive” Sweet Pea left a half laugh escape his short of breath lungs, reaching a hand down and pulling you to your feet.
“I didn't know that they didn't know about you and…him” Sweet Pea kept hold of your hand, the sounds of sirens cutting out in the distance.
“It's okay, I should have told them when it happened” he nodded in small agreement to you.
“I meant what I said, I'd be with you if you'd let me” Sweet Pea moved closer to you until your chests were touching, whispering the desired words into the top of your head before kissing your forehead. You took your hand from his, sliding it up his chest before going around his neck to clasp the other hand, pulling him down to meet your lips so sweet and softly.
“I'll be with you if you promise to never dance around me again”
“Hmm I think that can be arranged” he smiled against your lips, closing the distance again
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giftofwonder · 2 years
Psychosis (Part 7) - Dabi/Bakugou/Hawks x f!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, violence
Tag List: @sylum @iiashleysykes @bebetiny @valentinesnightmares1
You woke up to your head pounding, nauseating light flooded the room as your blurry eyes cracked open. You blinked slowly, checking the clock on your dresser before shooting out of bed as you scrambled to put on clothes.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” You chanted like it was a personal mantra, rushing around your house as you threw together everything that you needed for the day.
You quickly rinsed your face and brushed your teeth, before pulling your hair up messily. You frantically paced around the apartment looking for your car key, muttering curses as you checked the spots where you’d usually leave it. A vision of Todoroki was pulled from the back of your mind and you stumbled outside, looking under potted plants and your welcome mat, hoping he would have slipped it under something simple when he had returned your car last night.
You saw your key laying beneath the rug and sighed in relief, grabbing your bag and locking the door, finally racing out to your car in hopes that you could still make it to work on time.
You clocked in with only seconds to spare and fell into the chair at the front desk. Only now that you could relax did your mind wander to the night before, heat pulling to your cheeks as memories of Bakugou came rushing back. Your forehead hit the cool surface of the table and you wondered how you were supposed to act around him now with the dynamic between you two shifting so suddenly. If everything had only happened because of the alcohol, you knew it was going to create plenty of awkward tension. Strangely enough, the thought of it being completely genuine also did little to relieve your anxiety.
As you pulled out the agenda for the day, you wondered where Bakugou was. He had been scheduled to come in early, and you almost assumed he called in sick until you saw lazy scribbles on one of the sheets of paper.
You took a deep breath, pushing down your worries as you went to find him, planning on seeing what he needed for the day. You walked down, checking his usual spots before finding the rolling cart outside of Dabi’s door.
You heard a gruff voice shouting and quickened your pace. As you went to unlock the door, you heard another yell, followed by a loud thud. You entered just in time to see Bakugou straddling Dabi, his fist colliding with the man’s jaw.
“Stop!” You called out, fingers quickly pressing your panic button as you rushed over to the two men. You grabbed Bakugou’s arms, trying to pull him off of your patient without much luck. Bakugou was quick to knock your hands away as he grasped Dabi’s shoulders, lifting him slightly before slamming him back down into the floor.
Dabi’s head smacked against the ceramic tiles below and he let out a painful wheeze. You saw the rage overtake his features as his hand shot up and gripped Bakugou’s throat, cutting off his air supply. Dabi shoved the intern off to the side, keeping his hand in place at Bakugou’s neck as he climbed atop him, his other fist pulling back to give the man beneath him a shiner.
Bakugou grabbed the wrist that was still squeezing his throat, digging his fingers into the creases where the man’s skin was joined. Dabi let out an unearthly scream and ripped himself away, standing quickly and letting his foot come down to stomp on Bakugou’s stomach before giving him a swift kick to the ribs.
You urged your body to move, placing yourself between the men. You laid your hands on Dabi’s shoulders before giving him a gentle push, forcing him to step back in hopes to cease their fighting. You watched as blood dripped from Dabi’s cheek and arms, scattered droplets staining the floor below. His face was eerily calm as he stared past you, watching the blonde.
Bakugou’s breath came out in heavy pants as he rose to stand. His eyes narrowed as he met Dabi’s gaze, a line of red trickling down from the split skin of his eyebrow. The bruises on his neck and face were already visible, and you were sure his torso was in a similar condition.
“Move, let me fucking kill him.” Bakugou spat at you.
“I’d like to see you try.” Dabi sneered.
“That’s enough! Bakugou, go wait at the front desk.” You commanded, but he ignored you, stepping forward and throwing you to the side.
“Just watch me.” Bakugou grinned menacingly, running at Dabi and tackling him to the floor. You watched in horror as Bakugou pinned Dabi, fingers grasping at his staples in an attempt to rip them out. You rushed toward the two, shoving yourself against Bakugou in a panic. He landed on the ground with you on top of him. You tried to hold him down, but he rolled you off of his body with ease.
Before they had the chance to continue, Dr. Aizawa burst through the door, putting an end to the assault. He pulled Bakugou roughly to his feet, whispering too low for you to hear as he guided him out into the hallway.
Your attention moved to Dabi, and you crawled over to him, inspecting his wounds carefully. You grimaced at the deep imprints of fingernails in his torn skin and the staples that laid strewn about the floor.
“Hold on, let me grab the first aid kit. It’s right outside the door.” You told him, standing up.
“I’ll be fine.” His tone was dismissive.
“No, I’m going to get you patched up.” You informed him, leaving no room to argue as you stepped outside and grabbed the cart. You came back in and kneeled before him, ignoring the blood that clung to the material of your pants. You grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol, splashing its contents onto a clean rag, and gently wiped at the wounds that decorated his face. He hissed, recoiling at your touch.
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts. I’ll try to finish quickly and then I can get you some ice.” You tried to soothe him, fingertips softly pressing against his uninjured cheek to keep his head steady. He didn’t respond, but he sat still, the only sign of discomfort was the clenching of his hands.
You replaced the staples along his cheek before pressing gauze and bandage tape over the parts that bled, then you moved down his arms repeating the process.
“He said I don’t deserve to live.” Dabi informed you, watching your hands as they worked. You froze, looking at him in disbelief before you grit your teeth in anger.
“Don’t listen to him.” You said, shaking your head.
“Maybe he’s right.” He regarded you calmly as he inspected your face.
“He isn’t. You deserve to live.” You assured him, trying to contain the rage that was simmering in you. It irked you that Bakugou would be so callous toward a patient.
“Do I? Why?” He asked, choking out an empty laugh. While he didn’t seem too bothered by the exchange, it saddened you that he wouldn’t even dispute the notion. That he might even agree with the sentiment.
You rolled words around in your mind, trying to think over how you could possibly respond to his question. Dabi was a complicated man, and you doubted he would accept an answer of “because you just do.” All of the typical explanations didn’t seem to hold much weight. You didn’t know the full extent of his crimes or the burdens he carried. Telling him he deserved to live because the world would miss him or because he hasn’t done anything wrong would get you a scoff at best, so you said the only thing you knew for a fact rang true.
“Because I want you to.” Dabi’s eyes widened as he focused on you, and there was something in his gaze you hadn’t seen before. You don’t know if you could call it some type of warmth, but you could tell your words had resonated with him at least.
As quickly as you had witnessed the emotion, it was gone. Just a flicker before it had faded, and he returned to a look of indifference.
“So what started the fight?” You asked, finishing the last of his bandages. He shrugged, sighing as he stood up and walked over to his bed.
You followed suit, carefully sitting on the edge beside him. He remained silent, staring off across the room. You placed your hand over his, letting your thumb trace along his bruised knuckles, much like he had done to you the other day. His hand twisted in your grasp, long fingers intertwining with yours.
“I started it.” Dabi finally admitted, head slowly turning to look at you.
“What happened?” You prodded when he didn’t continue.
“He was already being an asshole when he came in, grabbing on me and shoving me around. He said he had a headache and to ‘shut up’ anytime I talked, so I pointed out that it was irresponsible to come to work with alcohol on your breath.” Dabi told you and you groaned, rubbing your temples.
“He said he didn’t need some ‘fucking psycho’ telling him how to live his life, so naturally I called him a charmer and said the ladies must love him. He said he knew you did, that you couldn’t keep your hands off him last night.” Dabi continued, his lips curling in disgust as the words left his mouth.
“He told you that?” You asked in shock. It appalled you that he would throw out something so personal in a petty feud, especially at work, and with a patient no less. There was a bitter ache in your chest, the betrayal stinging as resentment filled you. You could feel the trust that had been slowly building crumble in that instant.
“Yeah, he did.” Dabi’s tone was apologetic, his eyes softening as he looked at you. Tears of embarrassment and indignation welled in your eyes without your permission, but you were quick to blink them away.
“What about when he said you didn’t deserve to live?” You tried to compose yourself, wanting to hear the full story.
“After he said you fooled around, I asked if you were sober. I told him I never thought he’d have been the type to take advantage of some drunk girl, and that really pissed him off. He shoved me and said ‘someone like me’ didn’t have the right to judge him, didn’t even deserve to live. I agreed, saying I know I’ve done some dark shit, but at least I never molested anyone. That was when he swung on me.” Dabi shrugged, flopping back onto his bed.
You debated letting your body fall onto the mattress as well, wanting nothing more than to burrow under covers and just go back to sleep, but the door opened and Aizawa stepped in. He motioned for you to come with him and you pushed yourself up, following his instruction.
“I’m going to get a report from the patient on what happened. If you don’t mind, could you go wait with Bakugou at the front desk? I’ve already taken his statement.” Aizawa informed you, not waiting for a response as he shut the door behind him, entering Dabi’s room and leaving you alone in the hall.
You stood there listening to the muffled voices speak for a few moments, wondering what you were supposed to say when face to face with Bakugou. You didn’t want to lash out, but you were deeply bothered. He had used his intimacy with you like some leveraging tool in a fight, and while that irritated you, what upset you more was that it threatened your professionalism.
It wasn’t uncommon for coworkers to have romantic relationships, but divulging details with patients in your care was uncalled for and it crossed a line. Beyond that, he had harmed Dabi and there was no excuse for it. Regardless of what was said or done, everyone employed at the asylum was responsible for the well-being of the individuals receiving treatment.
Your feet carried you slowly down the corridor. You were in no rush to join Bakugou’s company, but eventually you rounded the corner and found him sitting at the desk, hunched over with a scowl on his face. You took a deep breath before walking closer, but it did little to relieve the anger that was brewing inside of you. His head shot up at the sound of your approaching footsteps, but he remained silent.
You leaned against the counter a few feet away from him, letting your gaze wander to focus on the posters that were hung around the room. You could feel his penetrating stare still stuck to you, but you ignored it, unsure of what you would say if you tried to speak.
“What’d that bastard tell you?” He asked. You sighed, slowly glancing at him before looking away and giving a shrug.
“That he instigated it, but you were the first to hit him.” You said, and he pushed himself to stand.
“He said I molested you like I was some kind of fucking pervert!” Bakugou yelled in defense.
“He shouldn’t have known anything that happened anyways! You shouldn’t even be talking about that at work, let alone bragging. Do you know how stupid that makes me feel? And you had no right to put your hands on him, either. He’s our patient.” You snapped. His glare hardened as he stepped forward.
“The fuck do you have to feel stupid for? You should be thanking me. You know that creep is into you right? He just sits in that room pining for you, day after day. Maybe I finally knocked some sense into him.” Bakugou sneered, pressing his chest against yours.
“Oh, grow up. You assaulted a patient, and for what? To stroke your own ego? Show him that I’m all yours now? We are here to help patients, or did you forget that?” You scolded him and his eyes darkened.
“Don’t lecture me on how to do my job. In fact, it wouldn’t hurt you to take some notes. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the people locked in this place are barely even human. They’re disgusting. You act like they’re just innocent kids who wound up on the wrong path, but what do you think their victims’ families would say, huh? You think they believe that deep down everyone can change? That they think any of these sick fucks deserve to still be alive? They are vile and repulsive wastes of space. So don’t tell me how to treat them when they’re lucky I even let them live!” He yelled, staring into your eyes as if challenging you to disagree.
“Lucky you let them live? Oh, how generous of you. God, do you even hear yourself? What’s the point of working here if you hate them so much? I never said they were guilt free or without fault, but they are ill. They deserve respect and to be safe within this facility.” You said.
“Get off your high horse, you self righteous bitch. They’re all scum and you know it. You keep talking down to me like you’re some kind of saint, but that’s a little hypocritical, don’t you think? It’s pretty fucking weird getting educated on my lack of morals from someone who plays peeping-tom in the showers.” He spat, and your face flushed.
He didn’t give you the chance to respond, turning and storming off. You were frozen in place at the daunting realization that he had known everything. A large part of you was glad he chose to walk away. Your only defense was that you hadn’t seen anything, but that mattered little when you had sat listening the whole time.
While Bakugou’s last statement had flustered you, it didn’t dissipate any of the aggression you felt. You knew your coworker didn’t have the best view on the patients, but now that he had gotten physical with one, you feared for the safety of them all. Would he hurt someone else in the future, or was this perhaps not even his first offense?
You also weren’t sure where it left you on a personal level. You had thought him being a little rough around the edges was kind of charming, but now you wondered if it wasn’t more than just a red flag. Maybe he hadn’t truly meant everything he said, he was a reactive individual and being upset could prompt him to lash out. However, even if he hadn’t meant a word of it, he had still taken it too far.
You felt Aizawa’s hand give your shoulder a squeeze, breaking you out of your thoughts, as he led you back to your own office.
You hadn’t really entered the space since it was assigned to you, waiting to get the all-clear that everything had arrived before you went and set up, so you were surprised to see most of your things already in place.
“I got the alert last night that many of your orders had come in, and since I had to be here rather early today, I took the liberty of getting it somewhat ready for you. I hope you don’t mind.” Aizawa said, giving you a small smile.
“No, Not at all. Thank you, I really appreciate it.” You beamed, letting your fingertips glide against your desk as you rounded the table, taking a seat in your chair.
“It was no trouble. Now, I have received a statement from both Bakugou and Dabi. It is to my understanding that you saw some of the events that transpired today, so I would like you to fill out a witness report.” He told you.
You took the form from him, picking up a pen and quickly writing everything out before handing it back. Aizawa regarded it carefully, reading your answers in comparison to the others.
“Alright, that all looks to be in order. Now, aside from what you saw firsthand, was there anything important to note afterwards? I know you were able to discuss the events that took place with each individual. I don’t see much of a discrepancy between their reports, aside from who they attribute the blame towards.” He informed you.
You debated going into the details of the conversations held, but if their statements matched, all you would really be doing was assigning your opinion to the one you felt was more at fault, and you didn’t think that was necessarily your place. Instead, you shook your head and told him that if he had more questions he was free to ask, but you didn’t have anything further to include.
He told you he would be sending Bakugou home for the day while they went over all of the information, and asked that you cover for the rest of the shift. You agreed, pushing yourself to stand and heading back out to the main lobby.
You threw on your jacket, Jirou’s arrival signaled that you were finally free to leave for the evening. You walked to the elevator, your body moving sluggishly as the exhaustion set in. You couldn’t wait to get home and collapse into your bed, looking forward to a long night of sleep.
The elevator opened up on the first floor and you saw Dr. Mic behind the reception desk talking to Director Enji. You gave a small smile and wave as they glanced at you.
You were going to turn and head out the front door, but at seeing a certain custodian, your feet carried you forward past the exit and down the hall. As you strolled over, he gave you a warm smile, wiping his hands on a rag as he waited for you to reach him.
“Hey, long day?” He greeted you.
“Yeah, was just about to head out, but figured I’d come say hi.” You gave a small laugh.
“You look tired, you should get out of here while you can.” He grinned, giving you a nudge.
The two of you began walking aimlessly down the hall as you spoke, his feet naturally falling in step with yours. You ended up at the entry to the courtyard, and upon finding it empty, you unlocked the door and headed out into the chilly night.
The two of you made a beeline for one of the picnic tables and sat side by side, staring out at the flowers in the gardening area.
“So, did you go to the Halloween party?” He asked, leaning forward as he rested his elbows on his knees.
“I did. It was definitely an experience.” You said, wanting to groan at the memory.
“That bad, huh? What happened?” He asked.
“Nothing in particular, it was more just the overwhelming feeling of being out of place. It had started off all right, but something gave me the feeling I wasn’t really wanted there.” You said, thinking back to all of the small clashes and points of tension. It was true no one had really done anything to you, they hadn’t even said anything unkind. It was just in the way they looked at you, and how they spoke amongst each other, that had left you with the impression you were not welcome.
“Oh yeah, I hear ya. For what it’s worth, most of the people here aren’t a big fan of me either.” He laughed, but the twinge of sadness that was woven into his words didn’t go unnoticed. You were sure he had dealt with his fair share of judgment. You hated to say it, but in professions like this, there was a lot of animosity towards those perceived as being a lower status. That was why groups tended to be so segregated with their own kind. Often the most blended group was doctors and interns, as they worked closely with each other, but even then there was always a divide.
You were probably feeling so out of place because typically someone in your position would be more lumped in with Aizawa’s circle, yet you found yourself drawn to the interns. You thought it made sense, they were closer in your age range and you worked alongside them while learning. You were sure you would adjust more into your role overtime, and the bonds you had formed would taper off, but for now it left you in a somewhat strange placement.
You debated on telling Hawks the drama from today, but decided against it. If you opened up about that, it would surely lead into the events from the night prior, and right now you just wanted to forget about anything that had happened. So instead, you chose to get to know the man a little better and keep the focus on him.
“So, how did you end up here?” You asked, shifting on the bench, your knee brushing his.
“I got a recommendation from the Director.” Hawks told you, smiling sheepishly as he scratched his head.
“Oh! So you knew him from before you started working here. How did you guys meet?” You questioned, surprised that they had a connection outside of the asylum.
“That’s a complicated story, you sure you want to hear it?” He cocked a brow at you.
“You have my undivided attention.” You grinned.
“Alright, you asked for it. I was a kid when I first met Enji. He had been a social worker at that time, on a team with a few other CPS employees who were assigned to my case. Enji had done a few wellness checks and was always popping in, stopping to talk to me and see how I was doing. When things got worse at home, he was the one who fought to get me into a foster care program, which didn’t really work out. I was eventually returned to my parents, but it was nice being out of there while it lasted. After I had graduated, I ended up being on the streets and found myself in and out of homeless shelters for the next couple years. Started getting into trouble, and then Enji reappeared in my life.” Hawks said, and it was strange to hear the joy in his voice as he spoke about the director.
You had a hard time picturing Enji in his younger days as a sensitive and compassionate man, but you believed Hawks. You wanted to press further, but feeling he wasn’t finished, you remained silent.
“He really set me straight, told me if I kept on going like I was, I’d end up just like my old man. That really got to me, but he was right. I had been caught up in a lot of shady stuff, didn’t really care about anything or have a plan. It was hard to swallow, knowing I was setting myself up to turn into what I hated the most. I didn’t want to be anything like my father, he was crass and heartless, never gave a shit about me or mom. That was why Enji had meant so much to me, ya know. He was the dad I had always wanted, someone who was stern, but really cared about you. Someone you could trust. Then he recommended the asylum, saying it could be a fresh start for me, and I agreed. Been here ever since.” Hawks said with a shrug.
“I’m glad it worked out, that he was able to get you on a better path. I’m sorry to hear about your family though.” You offered, placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t be sorry. Everyone’s families are kind of messed up, some a little more so than others, but I figure it’s normal.” He smiled.
“So, are you close with the director then?” You asked, and he tensed ever so slightly.
“No, not really. Not anymore.” He sighed, hand rubbing his chin as he seemed to get lost in thought.
“Why not?” You didn’t mean to pry, it had come out before you could stop it, but you thought it was interesting how he had the opportunity to work with someone he saw as a father figure, and yet their connection had been lost.
“We changed. I know it might not seem like it now, but Enji used to be a really down to earth guy. He was the first person to ever really see me for who I was, pay attention to my situation. When I told him the things that bothered me, he listened and he did what he could to help. He’d encourage me, stand up for me against my dad. He was the first person to ever say something nice about me, you know? I idolized him, I still do. He was my hero.” Hawks paused, glancing to you before pushing himself to stand and slowly walking toward the flowerbeds. You got up quickly, following beside him.
“He’s different now, though. I still think he’s a great man, but something happened to him. He got colder, more withdrawn. It was like he put a wall up around himself and just shut everyone out. I heard through the grapevine that he’d had some trouble at home, but I’m not really sure about the details. Then, when the old director disappeared, he was offered the job and I think he was even more isolated. I’m sure running this place is a huge commitment and a lot of added stress. With all that going on, he just sort of stopped checking in. When I see him around nowadays, he doesn’t even look in my direction.” Hawks kneeled, picking a stem that contained a cluster of tiny white flowers.
“What about you? How have you changed?” You asked, hoping to pull his focus away from Enji and any lingering abandonment he may have felt. He was silent, thinking over his answer as you watched him twirl the plant between his fingertips.
“I let it go. I had spent so much time hoping that we’d bond and he’d see me like just another one of his kids, hoping he’d fill the void my own dad left. I know it’s stupid, just some dream I kept on chasing from childhood, but I held onto it for all those years. I wanted it more than anything, but I realized that wasn’t reality. I was never going to be his son, or even his friend. We’re just strangers who share a fragment of the past.” Hawks finished with a whisper, pressing the flowers up to his nose and inhaling deeply before holding it out to you.
“I’m sorry, I know there isn’t really anything I can say that’ll change what’s been done, but for what it’s worth, if I had a son like you I’d be very proud.” You smiled sadly, leaning forward and giving the buds a sniff, noting the faint smell of honey.
“Somehow, I doubt that. I can’t really think of anything in my life that there is to be proud of, but it’s nice of you to say.” He told you, taking the stem and tucking it behind your ear, his eyes softening as your hand rose up to touch the flowers nestling in your hair.
“I mean it.” You assured him and he shook his head with a laugh.
“I’m a janitor in an asylum. I have no car, no house, and barely any money to my name. No wife and kids, no shiny degree. I’m completely alone and I’ll probably never amount to anything more than I am right now. What’s there to be proud of?” He scoffed, casting his gaze away from you.
Your hand reached out and grabbed his, the action pulling his focus back to you as you stepped closer, standing toe to toe.
“There is more to life than owning things and reaching superficial milestones. I know they make everything a hell of a lot easier, but not having them doesn’t take away from who you are. You’re a very kind person. You work so hard, spending most of your time cooped up here doing work that doesn’t get enough appreciation. From the moment I met you, you’ve done your best to make me comfortable and offered any help you could. You’re always so thoughtful. Those qualities are admirable, and I don’t think you give yourself enough credit. You’re a wonderful person, and while I know it probably isn’t much, you have me and-”
Your sentence was cut short as his arms suddenly wrapped around you, pulling you tightly against him. His cheek rested against the top of your head, and you could feel his chest heave with each breath. You let your arms raise to circle his waist, palms splayed flat against his back.
“Sorry, you just looked so cold.” He choked out, his voice straining as he spoke. You hugged him tighter, closing your eyes as you leaned your head down to lay on his shoulder. You wouldn’t pull away, knowing he didn’t want you to see the tears that rolled freely down his cheeks. You would let him hold you for as long as he needed, until the ache in his chest settled, until your words that shattered the distorted image he had of himself sank in.
You hated the pain that the world had caused him, hated the way it had crushed his self-worth until all he saw was a struggling man with nothing to offer. He was a good person who had been wronged by the people that should have loved him the most. His parents had failed him, Enji had failed him. He deserved better.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Razor:  Jealous HCs
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Hey anon!! As much frustration I hold for crippling oblivious couples, I also love the trope so much. Plus I adore Razor. Even though I try to not call Razor a dog, I still google “jealous dog traits”. Also, I found out both Hanniejji and I secretly HCs Bennet is friends with Razor and Fischl. If genshin won’t give me character interactions then I’ll write it myself.
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 2: Pre-Relationship HCs
Semi Part 3: Cuddle HCs
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 @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @sunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @nonniechan @htnicayh @genshins1mpact @morthecreator @ aanne2601 @hanniejji​
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Razor:  Jealous HCs
Bennet and Fischl are both foaming at the mouth at how deeply in love you BOTH are and yet you’re both equally blind. Fischl wants to grab you by the shoulders and yell at you that Razor returns your feelings and you need to stop doing whatever it is you’re doing. A sad Razor looks like a kicked puppy and even she can’t handle it. But Razor absolutely refuses for anyone to confess for him because he believes that you might just genuinely be uninterested in him. Plus, it wouldn’t feel right if he couldn’t confess himself. It’s his first love, this is important to him.
Bennet thinks it’s really sweet that his friend is in love. Even if he does get a bit pouty that whenever he get’s hurt, Razor will ask if he’s alright and leave it at that. But if you accidently trip Razor is already at your side and fussing over you. Bennet uses this as physical proof that yes, your feelings are returned and this man is in love with you, but you always brush it off as Razor’s nature to be caring. He’s smiling patiently on the outside but on the inside he has his hands in his hair and he’s screaming.
God forbid anything upsets you. Razor hasn’t been around other humans long enough to pick up on most social cues but he does have a good sense of smell. If you’re happy then the wind smells like sweet flowers. If you’re upset then it smells like mint. While Razor usually keeps himself in check and is somewhat indifferent, the second he catches any signs of distress from you he’s on high alert. Until you tell him what’s been bothering you - a group of hilichurls stole your bag of snapdragon flowers - he’s going to be on guard and stressed out. He’s already throwing his claymore over his shoulder to go and fight the monsters that tried to upset you. Wow, what a good friend you say to Fischl. Fischl is ready to punt you off a cliff.  
Razor tries his best to show that he likes you by bringing the things you need and looking like such a proud pup. He looks at you with such hopeful eyes that it takes you a second to register what he’s asking before you feel your own heart rate speed up and pound into your ears. You flush pink before you move to embrace him and ruffle his hair as praise as he nuzzles into your shoulder affectionally. You assume his affectious actions are apart of his wolf nature and how they act so you try not to read too deep into things. Even if Razor seems a bit too happy to be hugging you and receiving pets. Or the fact he doesn’t let anyone else pet him...
Bennet tries his best to help his friend out by giving Razor some advice but considering Bennet himself hasn’t been in a relationship yet, it’s all practical. Telling Razor that he’s seen couples bring each other flowers as a sign of affection, maybe Razor could find some plants to bring you? It ends horribly when he offers you a wolfhook and you just stare at him. He says that these are his feelings towards you but you’re just...so confused?? Wolfhooks have thorns so does that mean he thinks you’re clingy? Isn’t that a bad thing? Are you annoying to him?? But wolfhooks also symbolize wolves so is he saying you’re like family to him??? You’re internally screaming while debating if you just got family-zoned or if Razor is trying to subtly tell you that he doesn’t like you.
Just because Razor is, somehow, unsure if you actually like him or not. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get incredibly jealous and possessive at any unknown presence. He’s still a bit wary of the City due to all the conflicting smells and noises but he can’t help but look so sad when you have to run errands and you can’t visit him. But when you mention that a really nice knight gifted you a flower does Razor see red. He gave you a flower?? Shouldn’t you be happy with his? Why do you need another one when you have his? Is his gift not good enough? Is this your way of saying you’re interested in someone else? This poor boy is on the verge of either running off to go sulk or find the man that gave you this flower, which up until his knowledge - courtesy of Bennet - is a sign of courting, and absolutely destroy him to prove he’s the better partner.
He tries to keep it under wraps since he's been told that while in the City, he needs to exercise restrain and understand that if he enters. He's expected to at least respect the laws and people. But this poor wolf is so feral over this new development and this new smell that's been clinging onto you that whatever worries and isolation issues Razor felt about the city flies out the window as his protective instincts kick into overdrive. He sees other people and even pets as a rival for your attention and love. He just wants to scoop you up and growl at everything as a message to say “this is mine, go get your own”.
Even when the both of you are far away from the city, Razor’s continued mood seems to hang heavy over both your heads. You’re not sure what exactly caused Razor to be on high alert. He’s snapping and growling at everything little thing that comes close, even a butterfly!
You abruptly stop walking to Razor’s surprise as you whip around and frown at him. He can feel a chill run up his spine as he stands perfectly straight as you study him before you hold your palm out and looked at him expectantly. He looks at your hand with a small spark of perked attention before his nose twitches and he goes back to sulking. You’re still waiting for him as he shuffles a bit, his hair that resembled a wolf ear is twitching, before he whines and trots over and places his chin on your palm. He’s looking up at you with the most kicked puppy expression and you don’t even know what you did but you feel like the worse person in all of Teyvat.
“Razor...what’s gotten into you?” you ask gently as you rub circles into his cheek as he nuzzles into your palm. He seems really conflicted as his eyes dart away from your face and he almost looks guilty. He just whines and turns and buries his face into your warm palm. You’ve never really seen him like that before as you awkwardly try and comfort him. Until the same flower slips out of your pocket and you hear something primal growl out of Razor. His teeth are pulled back and he snarls at the flower as his pupils dilate. You quickly get between him and the poor flower before Razor tries to do anything.
“Seriously Razor, what’s gotten into you?” you asked concerned. He quickly shifts his attention to you as he pounces and knocks you over. You left off a soft noise as the wind get’s knocked out of you but you peep when his hands cage you from above. Razor’s red eyes bore into yours and you’re suddenly thinking the air is getting too hot. 
“Do you like Razor?” he asks, tilting his head in a cute pout. It makes you internally coo before you quickly snap out of it. Stay focused! 
“Of course I do! Remember we talked about this?” you say as you remember back to your previous interactions but this only seems to frustrate Razor more.
“No. Not that like. More...” Razor struggles with his words as he tries to piece together the right string of sounds to try and convey what he’s feeling. He seems so conflicted that it breaks your heart a bit. So you reach up and gently rub behind his ear as he closes his eyes and relaxes. He breathes in deeply as his eyes open and his pupils return to normal, but vastly determined.
“Together. Always. Just...us,” Razor says softly as he looks at you hopefully. There’s a small pink dust to his cheeks as his fang digs into his lip in nervousness. You’re not sure why but your heart absolutely sky rockets at it and you can feel your face flush pink.
“Um, yes?” you nod along, you think you’re understanding what he’s trying to say. Maybe he was just upset you were spending so much time in the City and away from him that he felt your friendship was neglected? That would make you really upset. But the way he phrases his words makes you believe that perhaps...
Before you can think more on it. Razor’s face breaks into a grin that nearly blinds you from the pure affection that sprouts from it. He’s already hugging you harder as he starts rubbing his nose and cheek against your neck. Making soft and happy sounds as he nuzzles you. He’s never done that before but you assume he’s just so happy. You breath a sigh of relief that it appears that your message to him was clear enough.
Yeah of course, friends always, you think
Lupical. Partner. Mate, Razor thinks.
whistling as I pretend I don’t see your stares. Yeah ik but it’s ok. This is a sorta semi series. We’ll build upon it. But Xiao content is next lol. I’m taking inspiration from this. I mean, when I don’t feel like shit 😷
I’ve been listening to [  Softy - Dear Moon ]. This isn’t the usual kind of music I listen to but it came on shuffle and this is now my mental breakdown song.
Quick edit: Turns out this is an ost from “My Mister”. I’ve never been into kdramas (I think I’ve only seen goblin, she was pretty, and Hwarang) but the cover picture looks so upsetting? My friend is really into tgcf and I believe that had a live action as well. 
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moonbaby26 · 4 years
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Title: First Meeting
Pairing: Peter Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Set during X-Men: Age of Apocalypse, you were with Scott, Jean, Jubilee, and Kurt on their fateful mall run, returning home just in time to meet the speedster who saved all but one from the destruction of your home.
Warnings: None really except minor violence with you also being around for the subsequent Stryker mutant-nappings.
Chapters: Next Chapter Here
Peter Maximoff x Reader Masterlist
Yes, it’s true you’d been under a decent amount of stress lately. Mostly self inflicted, because you had such high expectations of how you wanted to finish out the semester. But as Jubilee rolled her eyes for the second time, you realized you were now wasting your breath trying to explain the amount of consistent studying it took to maintain the high GPA your teachers had come to expect from you.
“We are going to the mall, (Y/N).” Jubilee breathed, as if reiterating this one more time was about to take all the life from her.
Your younger friend could have a flair for the dramatic. You now looked to Jean as the last voice of reason. But you could see by the smile she was barely holding back, that you had already lost. You suspected rightly that this new student, Scott, had had a lot to do with why Jean was suddenly so eager to skirt the rules and leave the grounds without permission.
You relented, but crossed your arms all the same as you gave your terms. “Fine, if Kurt wants to see a mall, then we’ll take him. But I’m driving.” Scott deflated slightly at that, but you didn’t miss a beat. “At least that way if anything goes wrong, I’ll answer to the Professor, not you all.” Of this group, you were the oldest (though not by much), and there was no sense in them getting in trouble over something like this.
Besides, it wouldn’t kill you to get a couple new outfits. You rarely if ever bought anything nice just for yourself. But it wasn’t like you had anyone around here to impress anyway...right?
You weren’t really sure how long you’d all been gone at the mall. Long enough to grab some lunch at the food court together, and waste a decent amount of time and change in the arcade. You hadn’t bought any clothes after all, nothing had struck that right chord with you. But you just remembered a smile on your face all the same, one hand held confidently on the gearshift and the other loosely on the steering wheel as you’d rounded past the mansion���s tree line, beginning to slow the car.
You’d just pushed in the clutch, and then-
You slammed the brakes, only gasps rather than laughter erupting from your friends beside you then as you all took in the scene at once. Debris and bits of ash still floated down gently from the sky as you’d ripped off your seatbelt, jumping from the car and breaking into a run. Your heartbeat had been in your ears as you’d entered the stunned crowd.
You picked out Hank, the first staff member you’d clearly seen, grabbing his arm as you found your voice again. “What on earth happened!?”
His head turned towards you, but his mouth just started to open and you could see in his eyes that he was trying to answer the same thing in his own mind. You’d never seen the brainy “Beast” at such a loss for words.
“Um...it blew up?” A new voice sounded off so matter of factly, then suddenly beside you as you turned to look at a person you’d never seen before.
A boy? No, a man? He seemed about your own age, that kind of in between really. His silver hair framed the sides of his face as he stared back at you, his hands on his hips. It was a surreal moment, your adrenaline still in full bore as you’d looked down to a weathered RUSH band t-shirt and a cool leather jacket that at any other time you may actually have been jealous of. You looked back up to his dark eyes in astonishment.
The stranger raised an eyebrow as your eyes connected again, him seemingly still waiting for some kind of response from you.
All the while, the X-Mansion that had been your home, your refuge for so many formative years just sat smouldering in rubble behind you.
“Where’s my brother!? Where’s Alex!?” Scott’s cry had finally broken the silence as you’d turned yet again.
“Pretty sure I got everyone,” The guy with the silver hair said almost defensively.
And that’s when it first hit you, the building was in complete ruin, but you knew about how many people were there on any given day. The crowd around you, that would be about everyone. But how could they all be outside? All be alive? An explosion that large would have been instantaneous. The building wasn’t just burning, it was leveled.
Scott ran from you all, and your heart felt heavy, knowing surely not everyone could have survived. But you saw Jean and Kurt run with him, helping him, so you again looked back to the stranger.
“You got them out?” You asked incredulously, unsure what that could even mean for this person’s true abilities as you gestured to the survivors standing in equal confusion all around you.
“Of course.” Again that matter of fact tone from him, now almost bordering on smug. But the surprises just continued as he abruptly outstretched one hand to you. “Peter,” he said, grabbing your own hand before you could even react and shaking it awkwardly.
“What?” Was all you could manage, possibly hearing your own brain seize internally at last as you looked down to this stranger’s hand still clasped warmly around your own.
You were done. Really, it was already too much before the unmistakable pulse of helicopter blades broke over the treetops and the downdraft of several of the craft then circling around you began whipping your hair into your eyes.
A woman screamed in warning somewhere behind you. Her voice sounded familar, but you didn’t look back. You just felt Peter’s hand squeeze tighter around yours, why hadn’t you let go?
But you were falling now. No, not metaphorically you hoped, but maybe you would have laughed about that thought if there’d been any more time before your knees hit the ground.
The paramilitary type men now streaming from the helicopters had launched some kind of pulse over the crowd.
Reflexively your mutation flared, your own energy field trying to shield yourself and Peter, but not well enough. Not fast enough as you only succeeded in keeping him conscious just a few moments longer than your peers.
Peter was still holding onto you, the surprise in his eyes quickly fading as they closed.
But your eyes were still open, fear surely in them though as you realized you could not will yourself back to standing. Whatever weapon these men had used was clearly designed to target those of your kind, taking your energy, blocking your powers.
“Her.” “Him.” You heard distantly, but forcefully as the darkness finally began to overtake the edges of your sight. A man was now walking through the fallen mutants with authority, pointing and calling out to who he wanted his men to collect.
And within moments that man’s boots were then inches from you in the soft grass. Your free hand clung to the earth, the other still holding Peter’s hand as if that grip could somehow hold your consciousness to you.
“Resistant to the pulse? Haven’t seen that in a while.” The man commented coldly from above.
You could still just make out his features as he paused, his boot rising up suddenly to kick you solidly in the ribs. It made a sickening sound, a crack as you collapsed the rest of the way down, the air leaving your lungs with the hit.
You buried your face into Peter’s jacket with the pain, stifling whatever pitiful sounds you didn’t want the man to hear. You could smell cheap cologne against the leather then. You tried your best to focus on that scent as you closed your eyes. This wasn’t over. You were going to get out of this. Somehow, some way you were going to help Peter as he had already helped so many of you. You owed him this.
“Take both of these two.” The military man said, then stepping over you both as if he’d done nothing more than vanquish a couple insects that had crossed his path.
(Continued in next chapter here)
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (6)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(some of y’all seemed to like chapter 5! so here’s chapter 6 like promised! and remember, you get chapter 7 if this one is shown some love, so remember to comment and reblog! thanks y’all! <3)
True to their word Tommy and Tubbo came back to see you the very next day, having gotten up early (well early for them) to get ready and head out. Wilbur had wanted to go with them but he’d gotten caught up in presidential matters and couldn’t, much to his dismay. Too bad for him though that neither boy cared to wait on him since according to Tommy,
“It’ll take you hours to handle that stuff, I’m not waitin’ that long!”
So the pair bailed and Wilbur was left to sigh as he continued his work. And the following day he was blindsided by plans for a new public building everyone was wanting to get built in L’manburg. And they couldn’t plan it without Wilbur’s approval and supervision so while he handled that for the next few weeks the two boys would sneak off to spend time in your village.
They were both pretty good workers, at least when they weren’t goofing off and getting into shenanigans. You can’t count how many times you’d caught Tommy trying to build structures out of cobblestone in the village. He’d argued that he was improving the village but you threatened to eat his portion of the day’s lunch if he didn’t get rid of whatever tower or thing he’d started construction on. He’d always kick up a fuss but would take them down before the day was done. A few times Tubbo would run screaming for you, telling on Tommy for whatever new cobble thing he was trying to build in secret. Tommy either rushing to tear the structure down or chasing after his friend and screaming at him for being a ‘little snitch’.
You knew the two were just playing and they never failed to finish the tasks you gave them so you were mostly just amused by the pair. Though that didn’t stop you from scolding them when they inevitably broke something of yours or the villagers’. But thankfully the times when scoldings or lectures were needed were pretty rare. You’re not sure if this is because the two boys were actually taking your words to heart or not though. But regardless, the time spent together was nice.
Which meant when the two boys mentioned them needing to go to the Nether and asked if you wanted to tag along you said sure. You remembered the classic Nether and even saw parts of the Nether update, but you’d never gotten a chance to explore it in depth. You’d planned to before.. well before you’d ended up here. But that never happened. And once you ended up here you could have gone to the Nether but to be honest it just wasn’t on your list of priorities. You’d been too focused on improving the village and then building your home and stuff. But you figured there was no harm to checking it out now.
“We’ll either have to go back to L’manburg where there’s already nether portals or we’ll have to find a lava pool around here to make a new one,” Tommy said to you and Tubbo, though more specifically to you. 
You raised an eyebrow and asked why, and both boys started replying at the same time, Tubbo trying to explain that they didn’t have any obsidian on them so it was the only options and Tommy just saying ‘because that’s the options unless you’ve got obsidian’ in his usual blunt manner. 
Without thinking about it you opened your inventory and took out a stack of obsidian and a flint and steel and held them up to the pair. Their eyebrows raised and Tommy started asking you why the hell you had so much obsidian on you! But you just half shrugged and glanced away, saying you kept an approximate assortment of items on you at all times. The boys gave each other a ‘what the hell’ look before Tubbo shrugged and said who cares then asked where they should build the nether portal.
Tommy suggested building it in the village, but you nixed that idea right away. Tommy huffed and asked WHY NOT and you said you weren’t going to open an actual portal to HELL in the middle of your village. Any number of hostile creatures could come waltzing through and kill your villagers or even burn the place down. Tommy winced and softly mumbled that yeah that was a possibility. You rolled your eyes and Tubbo suggested building it outside the bamboo walls surrounding your village. You agreed and then you three set off to find a good spot. 
Thankfully finding a spot a safe distance from the village, on a hill too, was pretty easy. And you made the portal as one usually does. At one point you misplaced a block of obsidian and the two boys laughed and Tubbo said that now the portal was going to be all wonky looking. And Tommy was in the middle of saying you sucked at building when you thoughtlessly deleted the block of obsidian before lighting the portal with the flint and steel. All was silent. 
. . . .
“WOT!? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?” Tommy practically screeched. 
You blinked and looked at the two gobsmacked teens before realizing you’d just pulled some not exactly possible shit. They were giving you two twin Looks that basically screamed for you to explain yourself. But you just stayed silent for a minute before just saying not to worry about it. Internally you winced at that unintentionally dodgy answer but the two boys just kept pestering you, demanding to know how you’d done that. You sighed, knowing they’d keep on pestering you. So you decided to tease them a bit, just for laughs.
“You two can’t expect me to give away all my mystical secrets, can you~?” You said with a sly grin, waggling your fingers when you said ‘mystical’, just to play up the drama.
The two clearly did because Tommy went on a rant about how that was ‘such bullshit!’ and you can’t just ‘pull some weirdo shit like that and expect no questions!’ and more. You laughed and held your hands up in mock surrender before sighing a dramatic sigh and said fine, you’d reveal one of your secrets. But they had to swear not to tell anyone. Like you expected the two agreed without a thought. Then you took a deep breath and laced your fingers together in front of you, telling them to copy you. They did without question, both looking eager to learn. You told them to close their eyes and breathe steadily and listen to your voice. They did and you couldn’t hold back the smile as you continued,
“Alright, keep your eyes closed. Focus on my voice. The key to my master block breaking skills is quite simple really,” you said as you silently inched back, keeping an eye on them both as they stood there, eyes closed and hands clasped in front of them. Your smile grew into a grin as you felt the strange warmth of the nether portal envelop you, purple tinting your vision as you continued,
“The key is to just never reveal your secrets!”
By the time they registered exactly what you said you were almost totally through the portal, and you started laughing your ass off when you heard Tommy scream,
But it got cut off as you were sent through the portal, the last thing you saw was the two boys lunging for you before your view darkened and the almost suffocating heat of the Nether hit you in the face. You stepped forward and yelped as you almost walked right off a cliff into a lava lake. You hurried to put up a wall of obsidian for the boys coming in after you. You didn’t want them to fall, it would have ended poorly for them if they did. 
But you couldn’t focus on that shit right now! You had to hide! There wasn’t much around you to hide behind. You were in a large mostly flat area with some flames here and there and a lava lake behind you and a large wall of netherrack in front of you some ways away. You glanced back when you heard the portal activating again, signaling the two coming through. That’s when you glanced up. With a snicker you jumped up onto the top of the portal and laid down on your side, perfectly able to see down. You stayed perfectly still as the portal made its usual strange sound before it spat out the two boys you’d come to care for in a maternal fashion. You’d almost laughed when they smacked right into the wall you put up to keep them from tumbling to their doom. Tommy cursed before following Tubbo to the other side of the portal.
Tommy was definitely fired up, Tubbo laughing as they boys scoured the area for you. They didn’t see a glimpse of you, which felt crazy because you’re in WHITE. In the Nether! You should stick out like a sore thumb! And there was nowhere within running distance to hide so that made Tubbo sputter and ask how fast you were exactly! You bit your tongue to keep from laughing and watched them start walking away from the portal, calling your name and demanding you ‘show yourself this instant!’ as they did. You just watched them go with a grin, deciding to let them wander around a bit before you popped back up.
You laid there as they got further away, heading for what looked to be a crimson forest about 50 or so blocks to the left of the portal. As you laid there you sighed. Breathing in the Nether wasn’t fun. It honestly just made you want to grimace, this place honestly felt like a shitty dry summer day in a desert. Overwhelming and too humid to do anyone any good. You just wished it wasn’t so warm to breathe in. If the air was cooler, at least by a handful of degrees, then you’d probably be able to enjoy this place. But you supposed it could be worse. It could be a suffocating WET heat, like trying to breathe through a bowl of hot soup. 
At that point you glanced around and noticed you couldn’t see either Tommy or Tubbo anymore. So you figured it was time to go hunt them down so they could try to interrogate you. You walked along, passing a couple zombified piglins as you did. They each had thousand yard stares like regular zombies so you didn’t pay them much mind. Though you noticed when you passed by the regular non zombie piglins they all looked at you, snorting enviously at your golden jewelry. You couldn’t keep the smile from your face. You had to admit that it was nice to have someone appreciate your accessories. The number had increased since you’d started wearing the bangles. The armorer who first made them saw you liked them and so started making more jewelry.
Now you had the bangles, a couple anklets, more than a couple necklaces (both chokers and longer ones), plenty of rings, and even some pretty dangly earrings coupled with some studs. Your ears shockingly hadn’t been pierced when you’d gone to put them in after getting the gift. Which was weird since they’d been pierced before? But it wasn’t a big deal, you’d pierced your own ears before so you just did it again. And when you’d shown the boys they’d said you looked nice but they just didn’t appreciate jewelry like you did. Though you could see the piglins certainly did, but that was probably just because they were gold. But it was nice to have someone like them regardless.
You were appreciating the gold rings on one piglin’s tusks (and idly wondering if you’d be able to do the same for your antlers?) when suddenly you heard Tommy start shrieking. And not his usual angry shriek but instead one that was full of panic and fear. You jolted when you heard him yelling Tubbo’s name frantically, sprinting towards their cries without even saying a parting goodbye to the nice piglin you’d been standing with. Which was good because without wasting time with pleasantries you were able to find Tubbo and Tommy fairly quickly. Only downside was when you found them it was with them backed against a wall in the crimson forest with nowhere to run with a very angry hoglin ramming its huge tusks against Tubbo’s rapidly breaking shield, Tommy right behind him, both screeching and cursing at each other.
You didn’t even think as you charged at the hoglin. When you got up behind it you acted on pure instinct, desperate to get it away from the two screaming kids. So you grabbed its hind leg and yanked it back, momentarily shocked at how easy it was to do so. But you couldn’t worry about that right now. You pulled the hoglin back then swung it around before tossing it a few yards back. It landed with a heavy THUD, clearly taking damage, squealing in anger as it got back up and shook itself off. Though it snorted angrily it didn’t try to attack you but instead tried to go around you to reach the two boys. But you didn’t give it the chance before you were literally grabbing it by the tusks and spinning your body around before slamming the hoglin into one of the nearby tree sized crimson fungus. It smashed through the trunk, destroying two blocks in the process. The hoglin lay crumpled on the ground, weakly trying to stand only to die shortly after when you stomped on its neck.
It disappeared with a small ‘poof’, leaving behind a hide and some raw pork. You grabbed them up before walking over to the stunned teenage boys by the wall. You started checking them over to see if they’d taken any damage and then once you were sure they were okay you started asking them why on earth they’d come to the nether without shields and weapons! Tubbo said his sword had had lower durability than he’d thought and it broke when he was fighting off the hoglin! And Tommy shamefully admitted to having his sword but… dropping his shield when they were climbing across the crimson fungus. Then he’d apparently fallen and gotten surprised by the hoglin, who had done a good chunk of damage to him before Tubbo jumped down (taking damage in the process) to try and help him. All in all the two looked super embarrassed. You just shook your head and said they were idiots, but you were glad they were alive. 
While you grabbed two shields and a sword from your inventory Tommy went nuts, saying that was the coolest shit he’d ever seen anyone do ever! You gave him an amused look and asked what he meant. The killing the hoglin thing? He’d never seen someone kill a pig? He gawped at you and yelled out that NO he’d seen people kill hoglins, but he’d never seen anyone basically fight one with their bare hands! Tubbo cut in and added ‘and live!’ to the blond’s statement, which Tommy nodded along with. You just rolled your eyes and handed them the shields and Tubbo the sword before calling them silly for getting so worked up over you killing a hoglin. Then before they could rant more you pulled them both into a gentle side hug and sighed,
“I’m glad you’re both okay though, you scared me back there. I don’t want either of you getting hurt. So please be more careful, okay? For me?”
The two boys softened at that and each timidly wrapped an arm around you, feeling bad they’d worried you but… oddly happy that you cared enough to even BE worried. Which was a weird train of thought for them. Neither had any parents save for Philza, and he was mostly just a loose dad figure. He was a good guy and helped care for them but he also believed in letting them figure stuff out on their own and didn’t really offer help unless they asked for it. But you felt different. They’d only known you for a few weeks but it felt like longer. They felt safe with you in your village and yeah you had your rules but they strangely didn’t mind following them. It made you happy and when you were happy they were happy too.
Though the touching moment was brought to a sudden halt when Tommy suddenly shrieked. You and the boys looked down to see a baby hogling ramming its tusks against the blond boy’s ankles. You laughed and reached down before smacking it on the haunch, causing it to squeal in shock and run away. Tommy grumbled and cursed the small thing, making you and Tubbo snicker. But then you asked them what they needed from the Nether. Turns out they needed blaze rods and were going to loot a nether fortress. You said that sounded dangerous and asked them if they had any food to restore their health or even fire resistance potions. And well they had food so, not a total facepalm moment. But then they asked you where your weapon was, and your shield! Did YOU have food or fire resistance potions? You blinked and said you’re sure you had some of that stuff yeah.
They pestered you until you pulled out your enchanted axe and shield. You didn’t really need the shield you didn’t think but it seemed to put the two boys at ease so you carried it as you followed them through the nether. Idly you made sure to leave a trail of cobblestone behind you all, so you’d know where you’d come from and could find your way back easier. And it turns out that was a smart move because you all walked a long way, through at least 4 different biomes, before you stumbled across a nether fortress. Said structure loomed over you three, looking utterly massive and low key intimidating. You squinted and told the two boys you could see a couple zombie piglins and wither skeletons up on the landings walking around. Tommy groaned and said the wither skeletons were a pain in the ass but knocking them off the edge was pretty easy.
The rest of the evening was spent following the two around the nether fortress, helping them collect potion ingredients and fend off mobs. And to your utter shock you three had discovered that you just… didn’t take fire damage! Like, at all. You’d been busy helping them knock back a couple wither skeletons when unbeknownst to you three a blaze had approached and shot fireballs at you, hitting you square in the back. You honestly hadn’t even noticed, being too busy with helping Tommy fend off a skeleton. It was only after you knocked them all off and Tubbo yelped about you burning did you pause and ask what he was going on about. You understood when he screamed that you were on fire. And yeah, when you looked down you actually were. But it… didn’t hurt? It wasn’t even burning you or your clothes. You just blinked stupidly before simply patting it out. As you three stood there silently it seemed Tommy became fed up as he shouted,
Which just made you start laughing your ass off, only able to offer him a shrug because honestly you didn’t even know yourself at this point. Tubbo started giggling as well which eventually got Tommy to crack a smile before he broke out into laughter too. You all finished laughing and Tubbo suggested that maybe it was a fluke? Tommy nodded and said maybe you just got lucky or were in shock or something? Though that was disproved when you checked yourself and your skin and clothes were totally fine, no burns at all. Tubbo grinned and suggested testing it. You raised an eyebrow and he pulled out a flint and steel before lighting a patch of the ground on fire. Tommy’s eyes were wide but he was grinning and looking at you, probably wondering if you were actually going to do it. You were anxious, because all your previous life experience told you ‘fire bad’ but… you were curious too.
So you stuck one foot into the fire. And… nothing. It felt warm for sure. Sort of like if you stuck your hand in front of a space heater. Very warm but it didn’t hurt. So you just stepped into the fire and it crawled up your skin until it was licking at your face. But you were totally fine. Tommy and Tubbo laughed incredulously, with the blond saying this whole thing was fucking insane. He asked if you were sure you hadn’t drank any fire resistance potions? You shook your head no and Tubbo pointed out that surely they would have seen the potion particles if that were the case. Tommy hummed but agreed before saying that despite this all being neat and shit that they still had the rest of the fortress to scavenge. Tubbo followed him with you leading the rear and on your way inside the brunet laughingly said he was going to use you as a blaze shield. You just gave a fake offended gasp and just said, “Rude.” which made both boys snicker.
True to their word they’d used you like a human shield. But since you took no damage you just rolled with it, actually finding all of this pretty amusing by now. And after you’d all gathered more than enough blaze rods you’d separated from them for a bit. Mostly just sticking around the sand path that led back to the portal while they searched the rest of the fortress for nether wart and mined for glowstone dust. And while they did that you sat on a block of sand and pulled out some food to eat, mostly out of boredom than from any real desire to satiate any hunger. But while you were munching on a golden carrot a little piglin child came up to you to admire your golden jewelry. You smiled down at them, inwardly cooing over how adorable they were with their little baby tusks. And you almost died when they let out a happy squeal when you offered them a chunk of your golden carrot. You’re not sure how long you sat there with the baby piglin but after eating a couple carrots together you placed down another block of sand before using your finger to draw pictures in the sand, much to the child’s delight. They copied you and started drawing pictures too. Most of which you couldn’t recognize but they were still cute.
“OI! Reader! C’mon, we’re done!!” yelled the blond boy from up the path a ways. 
The baby piglin snorted in distrust and hid a bit behind the sand block, showing they didn’t really trust the two players. You chuckled and said you were coming to the two boys before standing up and dusting yourself off. Then you glanced down at the tiny little piglin and smiled before pulling a gold ingot from your inventory. The baby piglin snorted enviously then squealed loudly when you handed them the ingot. They couldn’t take their wide eyes off of it, making you giggle at how precious they were. But sadly you had to go so you gently patted their head and said goodbye. They managed to tear their eyes away from the gold to snort sadly as you left. Part of you felt bad but the bigger part knew they couldn’t follow you to the Overworld..
After leaving the Nether you broke the portal, not wanting to risk any nether creatures accidentally stumbling through and getting hurt. And with a glance around you saw it was getting late. To the point where Tubbo and Tommy would have to rush to get back to their houses before night fell. So you saw them off, giving them some food for the trip and even giving them another hug goodbye. One you noticed they relaxed into faster than before. Then they were off, calling out goodbyes and saying they’d be back either tomorrow or the next day. You waved bye and said you looked forward to it, calling out your usual ‘be careful!’ before you couldn’t see them anymore. You frowned a little. Despite them having armor and weapons you still worried about them travelling alone at night after they visited you. You think next time you’ll walk them home. Just to make sure they were safe.
@salinesoot @lady-bee-fechin @kacchasu @putridjoy @lunawritesstories @galaxypankitty3030 @paradigmax @zachariethememerie @killmewithafanfic @trinity-1002107 @hufflepuff-demigod @truthdaze @exorcisms-with-elmo @redbloodtea @heythereimhaylz @olyink @jackalopedoodles @nikkineeky @artsimatsu @hufflepuff-demigod @corpiet @beepa99 @anxiousnarwhale​
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grumpy-zane · 2 years
   Gone Like the Wind - Trainjago Oneshot Ft. FSM and Favrile(OC)
Among the gentle tickering of dishes on uneven surfaces shone the light in gentle rays. The tall flat-headed spikes of rock cut the sun out in breaks, becoming more frequent as the train carried on its course through the canyon. From the chair he sat, sipping away at his cider and keeping an eye on the time and his surroundings. This trip was especially important, if not for the joys of being a round trip for this engine’s first time, but for the special guest who decided to let himself rest from his travels.
   The door from the steam room opened up as the conductor called to him, "Time."    "Yep yep," Favrile set his mug down and fixed his gloves, double checking his pockets for everything. Wallet, glasses case, log book, keys... He played with them in his hand, squeezing the metal together as he set his jaw.
  The cart slid down the aisle of the first car, then the second, third, stopping at the people who wanted a refill or a bite. Conversation was struck up a few times, about the train, about the location, the news and weather, and he laughed in the light atmosphere.
   He closed the door behind him in the final passenger car, where he awkwardly locked an eye with the special guest himself. "Sorry, Master, tried to be as quick as I could, I know this stuff cools down pretty quickly."    The man with the straw hat and hidden eyes sat lazily in the booth. He was the only one in this car, sitting alone in silence with nothing but the sound of the cars rumbling along the beams. "Don't be sorry, I would just like more water." He chuckled.    "O-of course," Far tipped his hat some and reached for the pitcher.    The liquid filled the glass, "This ride is going smooth, a lot more smooth than I thought." the FSM took a sip.    Favrile gleamed, "We wouldn't want anything less for our passengers, such a long ride needs to be comfortable. The engine on this one is one I made myself ah, has a lot in the reservation and efficiency department, and less on the lode and speed. Have you ever seen an engine room before?" the words fell from his mouth without him even thinking. Internally he kicked himself.    "No, actually, I haven't. That's partly the reason why I wanted to take this trip, to learn a bit more about how my world has evolved."     Far stared at him with a smile that was held by a dozen invisible fish hooks as he held the pitcher, "I can show you it right now if you'd like! I'm sure Wuul wouldn't mind trading shifts." He pushed the cart down a little further and let Him out of his seat before going over and holding open the door to the outside. "Just go right on ahead."
   "Thanks, oh-" the knob didn't budge. "It's locked."    "What?" Far let go of the cart he was retrieving and went over to test it. indeed, the door of the next car over was locked from the inside. He immediately started patting around for the keys, feeling his wallet, glasses case, log book and... "I don't have them.." He stared wide-eyed, looking about and grabbing for the ladder. "Don't worry I'll be back, I just gotta get them."    The FSM laughed at the mild inconvenience, "Don't fret so much, I'll come with you." He, as well, grabbed onto the ladder.
   He felt his heart pounding in his ears, "It's dangerous to be doing this Master, are you sure?" Far called from the roof, holding a hand out for him. It was in motion now, he thought, it was now or never. Giving him a chance would mean losing a chance.
   "Certainly, I've been alive for a long time, a little wind never-" The yank cut him off and loosened his footing, the FSM scrambling to latch onto anything other than the assailant that pulled.    Favrile let go, watching him fall and snag onto the lower railing. He glared and slid down the rungs, slamming his black boots into his fingers over and over. The FSM gasped and yelped, trying to get enough air against the pressure and pain to scream for help.     Favrile noted the action, causing him to him to grab the rail and leap over, letting his body weight slam against him and knocking him loose once more.
   The cars behind jittered uncomfortably from the object that had lodged itself in their path, the noise being brief as they carried on and reduced it to paste.    Favrile wedged his boot into the gap between the bar and the car to catch himself, gasping and pulling himself back over the railing onto the floor grate with a thud. He huffed and pulled himself to his feet, blinking a few times as if it were a dream he was trying to wake from. He leaned over the side, expecting something or someone to pop up, but there was nothing beyond the stony canyon walls.
    "Time," Far chimed as he pulled the cart back in and set the trays back on the heater.    Wuul looked up from the newspaper, "That took longer than normal."    "Yeah. Was looking for The Master, but I guess he had other plans." He sat down in the chair rather stiffly.    Wuul nodded, "Gone like the wind, he's mysterious like that I guess. But if you're God you can do anything like that." He looked back down at the paper.    "Yeah, Gone like the wind."
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queenofhearts7378 · 4 years
Constellations Ch. 2
(Yes it finally has a title. Yes this is ending up multi chaptered. Yes there’s another part I’m writing. Yes I already have an outline for a vague plot....Yes I’m still blaming @ladylynse for this XD)
Prev. Chapter  -  Next Chapter
Danny was very much unprepared and underdressed for the time when some wizards fell out of his fireplace.
He paused in the doorway, spoon still in his mouth and cheeks full of cereal, as his brother stood up and brushed the soot off him with a displeased nose scrunch.
Danny swallowed. "And you couldn't just use the door?"
Honestly they're lucky his parents had left to chase down the Box Ghost earlier. Otherwise they'd be covered in a lot more than soot and ash.
Danny couldn't help the snort that escaped at the mental picture of Draco covered in ectoplasm and boiling in rage. 
Draco narrowed his eyes, seeming to pick up that Danny was making fun of him. "Using the Floo was quicker."
"....quicker than walking through the door."
"It's a wizard thing you wouldn't understand." Draco snapped back, his go to response whenever he couldn't argue against Danny's logic at the moment. 
"Uh huh. Anyways what are you doing here?" Danny asked, "You aren't supposed to be here for another two weeks."
Which was time previously planned for Draco to prepare for his summer in America while Danny finished school. Spend the two weeks after Hogwarts let out recuperating and making public appearances with his parents, then spend the rest of the summer with the Fentons.
Actually now that Danny was looking, it seemed Draco had come straight from school. His hair was lacking half its gel, he was still wearing his green tie, and his robes were a very boring black as opposed to the various greys and blues he flaunted around in the previous summer.
“Denebola, pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.” Drawled the man standing behind Draco.
“Hello creepy man that I have never met before,” Danny said, echoing his tone.
Draco choked on air as the discount Kylo Ren sneered at him.
“This is Professor Snape Danny.” A familiar please-don’t-say-anything-that-will-get-us-in-trouble tone coloring Draco’s words. “My godfather.”
Oh the potion guy. Danny remembers Draco talking about him now. He was friends with Draco’s parents, which didn’t really impress Danny that much as all of the Malfoy’s friends seemed to be really rich snobs or really racist. Mostly both.
But he was Draco’s godfather, the reason he got into potions, his favorite professor and someone Draco would willingly go to get advice from. So, Danny decided to reserve judgement till he met him. Well….he met him.
Danny looked Draco dead in the eyes, “My apologies.”
Draco closed his eyes in mortification, which made Danny grin internally. They were really getting the hang of the whole ‘speaking without talking to each other twin thing’. 
Professor Snape just scowled at him. “Where are the….muggles?" Disdain dripped off his words, instantly making Danny defensive. He had heard enough at Malfoy Manor about disgraceful, savage muggles from Lucius. Even Draco had echoed his father till Danny dragged him kicking and screaming into being a slightly decent person.
"My parents," Danny said, stressing the word, "Are working right now."
Okay maybe they were just being their usual trigger happy selves and running after Boxy, but there was no way he was telling Professor Snape that without it leading to an hour long discussion about ghosts. And Danny did not have time for that. He shoved a giant spoonful of cereal in his mouth as he met Professor Snape's eyes and-huh.
Draco never told Danny his godfather could read minds. He could feel the light brushes of a foreign mind attempting to gleam information from his surface thoughts. Danny didn't know if it was his wizard ancestry or halfa weirdness that made him sensitive to this kind of stuff. Either way, it was useful in keeping his secrets in his head from privacy invading school teachers.
Danny glowered at Snape and immediately thought of Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up music video.
The two of them stared at each other for a minute, making Draco more and more anxious as no one said anything.
Finally Snape broke contact, "Where should his things go?"
Danny tried very hard not to smirk after winning that staring contest, "You can just leave them here, we'll get them later."
With one last displeased sneer, Snape turned to Draco. "I'm needed back at Hogwarts. I trust you are in good hands."
Draco nodded, still looking tense and anxious as hell.
Snape walked back to the fireplace. He paused next to Draco, "Take care of yourself Draco."
Draco softened under his glare, "I will Professor. Thank you."
Snape nodded and shot one more glare at Danny, who still had Rick Astley echoing in his head, before vanishing into the fireplace in a swirl of green fire.
Draco turned back to Danny and said, "You stress me out."
Danny snorted before walking back into the kitchen to put his bowl in the sink. Draco followed after him, looking at all the kitchen appliances with a barely hidden curious look.
"Something else we have in common."
"What are you wearing?" He asked with a nose scrunched in displeasure.
Danny shot him a look, "My pajamas, cause I just woke up. I haven't finished getting ready for school. You should probably change too."
Danny started for the stairs, Draco still following at his heels. "You can't wear robes to public school. I think you can fit in my jeans."
"What?!" Draco screeched, halting at the bottom of the stairs, "I'm not going to muggle school with you!"
"It's either that or stay here by yourself for hours." Danny said as he paused outside his room. Draco scrambled up after him. "Cause my parents won't be home for a couple more hours, after which you'll be alone with them till I get home."
Danny smirked at him, "My parents are going to be thrilled to see you, can you really handle their enthusiasm all by yourself?"
Draco could barely stand Danny showing various forms of physical affection, as proven last summer when Danny would throw an arm around Draco's shoulders and almost get hexed. And Ancients forbid Danny try to hug him. Draco might actually lose the wand and just punch him. Danny had spent most of their correspondence over the school year prepping Draco for the Fenton welcome wagon so he wouldn't hiss like a cat when he gets hugged. Okay, and maybe Danny just wanted to see his overdramatic brother's face as he is subjected to his parent's bear hugs. 
Draco scowled at him, "Fine. But I'm not wearing any jeans."
Draco stomped into Danny's room and slammed the door in his face. He heard the lock click as it was shut.
"Hey! I still gotta get dressed!" Danny banged on the door, "C'mon Drake it's still my room!"
Danny groaned before walking over to the bathroom. He phased through the wall and landed on the fire escape. It took a few minutes, but he eventually maneuvered to his window and slipped in.
Draco had dug into Danny's closet and pulled out the most dressy tux Danny owned and was in the middle of putting it on. 
"You are not wearing that."
Draco scowled at him, "It’s bad enough I'm lowering myself by going with you-”
“Lowering yourself?”
“-But,” he said loudly, “I absolutely refuse to wear common muggle wear. If I’m going to this school, I will not look anything less than my absolute best.”
Danny stared at him. “Drake you will be thrown into the dumpster if you wear that to my school. Let me just-”
Danny jumped on him, trying to remove the suit jacket from a struggling Draco. Draco shouted and tried to twist away, only for Danny to pull it over his head. Once Draco was out of sight, and swearing loudly at him, Danny subtly used his intangibility to yank it off him. And if he happened to remove all of Draco’s hair gel that he used to keep his hair slicked back….well, that would have gotten him thrown in a dumpster as well.
Danny tried not to laugh as Draco glared at him, his hair fluffed up and looking vaguely like an angry kitten. 
"Do you know how long it takes me to fix my hair? I have to completely redo it now! And how'd you get that off me?" He pointed at the jacket Danny was throwing back in his closet.
Danny grinned at him, "Magic."
Draco gave him a flat look.
"Anyway we've got to go, otherwise I'm gonna be late again, and get detention again, and you'll be forced to either walk home by yourself or stay at school with me."
Somehow Danny had managed to get dressed and drag Draco out the door with him, texting Sam and Tucker his plans to walk so they could meet up on the way.
"What is that?" Draco leaned over to squint at the phone in Danny's hand.
"My phone. I told you about it last summer."
Draco hummed, "I thought it was broken?"
"Yeah, cause your magic blew it up. My parents fixed it." Danny shoved his phone back in his pocket like Draco was about to blow it up again. "Now what happened?"
Draco shot him a glance, before letting his eyes flicker around them. "I did try to tell you muggle 'technology' and magic doesn't always go together."
"Drake, you know that's not what I mean." He said softly.
Draco was silent, his jaw clenched and his hands shaking before he shoved them in his pockets.
They walked in silence for a while.
"You'll get hurt."
Danny looked at him.
"I…." Draco sighed, "I've never…."
Danny waited silently for him to get the words out on his own, knowing that pushing him will only make him clam up.
"You aren't like us. And I don't mean that in any bad way!" He said quickly when he saw Danny's face. "But you know what my parents are like, and their friends are so much worse, and you're the first person I've ever had to worry about. I just want you to be safe."
Oh Ancients, that was a lot to unpack there. 
Danny had known something had happened during school. The two of them spent the school year exchanging letters, both of them wanting to stay in contact. Danny would tell him about his school, and his parents' antics, and explain random muggle technology to get Draco prepared for his summer with the Fentons.
Meanwhile, Draco had complained at length about Potter and a tournament and Potter being insufferable about a tournament. There was a furious letter about being turned into a ferret and how Potter and his friends keep bringing it up. Draco sent him about three feet of parchment around Christmas just making fun of Potter at a dance and how horrible he was. There was a lot about some famous Quidditch guy and then a lot about Potter’s friend stealing the famous Quidditch guy.
Draco complained about Potter a lot, okay?
But Draco never sent him a letter about the tournament results or if Potter got eaten by a bog witch or whatever it was he was hoping for the last task. He just showed up, two weeks early and clearly shaken about whatever it was that happened.
That isn’t a good sign at all. And Danny had eavesdropped enough last summer to get a decent idea as to what was going on.
“This is….this is about him isn’t it?”
Draco flinched, which was enough answer for him. Danny let out a breath.
“We can-we can talk about this later. I care about you too Drake, and I know your family is neck deep in this mess.” Danny bumped his shoulder, “You’re safe here, that’s why Narcissa sent you here right?”
Draco leaned against his brother’s shoulder, eyes still flitting across the street and his jaw clenched. “Yeah. We’re safe here.”
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sherrybaby14 · 4 years
The Acceptance
This is my submission for @darkmcuficswap​  @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​ Holiday swap!  My giftee is  @opheliadawnwalker3​. I hope you enjoy hun!
Summary:  After a holiday gone terribly wrong you face a decision with the new year. 
Holiday:  New Year's/Halloween 
Warnings:  Non Con (PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THIS OFFENDS YOU), SMUT, kidnapping, alcohol.  
****I have chosen not to warn for everything, please READ AT OWN RISK****
Words: 4000
Pairing:  Stucky x reader
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December 31st 
The snow captivated you, tiny white flakes drifting down, landing without fear on the cold ground.  You pinched your eyes shut and bit your lip, wishing you were one of them, free to fall away from this place.  
A knock sounded on the door, but you didn’t turn away from the window.  The wood opened, the knock only a formality, you had no privacy anymore.  Not here.  Not with them.  
“I brought you something special to wear tonight.”  Steve’s voice used to sound like nails on a chalkboard, you missed those days when you would claw at him, scream, try to find a weapon.  The fight in you was burning out with the end of the year.  “I hope you’ll wear your makeup and hair to fit the look.”
There was a warning in his voice.  You dropped your chin in a nod.  He approached you from behind, but you didn’t tense as his hands touched your shoulders.  
“Good girl.”  He placed a kiss on the top of your head.  “If you behave we can have a lot of fun tonight.  All of us.  I promise Doll.”  
“If...if I’m good enough will you let me go?”  You turned and looked at Steve with hope that dashed away as soon as you saw the anger in his eyes.  “To the pool tomorrow?  I want to swim some laps.”  
A smile crept on Steve’s face.  You used to think of him as a symbol of American pride and righteousness, but now all you could see was the wickedness he hid.  
“I think your muscles will be plenty sore after tonight.”  He dropped his hands to your waist and pulled you closer.  “That was a nice attempt at covering the question though, but you know I can’t let that go unpunished.  Would you like to learn your lesson now or ruin our festivities later?”  
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”  Tears spilled as you buried your head into his chest.  “Please, let’s have a good night.  I’ll be good I promise.”  
“Shhhh.”  Steve rubbed your back as you fisted his shirt, terrified of what he had in mind.  You felt his cock harden underneath his jeans, pressing to your stomach with the hug.  “No punishment, but make it up to me right now?”  
Steve’s hands slid up your shoulders and he applied a bit of pressure.  You nodded your head and locked eyes with him as you dropped to your knees.  
He pulled his cock out and you wasted no time taking him into your mouth, flicking your tongue as you gathered saliva to take him deeper.   
“There is no leaving here Doll.”  Steve’s fist found your hair as he started to work with your movements.  “And certainly not for good behavior.  I thought you were starting to understand?”
He let out a grunt and you worked his cock faster, reaching between his legs to fondle his balls as his pants slipped down his thighs.  
“You are so good.  You are the best.  Even when you’re bad, you’re too much fun to ever let go.”  Steve pushed your head down hard and you fought off the gag.  “I bet you’re soaked right now, sucking my cock this way.  Just a pool between your legs?  Once you stop fighting that and admit how happy you are, instead of asking for a swim asking me to fuck you?  Then you might get permission to go, but you’ll never leave because by then you will realize this is where you belong.”  
You squeezed your legs together and hated it that he was right.  You were dripping.  You looked up at him with begging eyes.  He nodded and you wrapped your body around his leg, straddling his shin you began to hump him while you continued sucking, taking him deeper and keeping pace with your mouth.  
“Fucking beautiful Doll.”  Steve bit his lip.  “Speed up because I’m going to finish.” 
You started to pant as you ground against him, trying to give your clit the pressure and action it needed to send you over the edge while drool ran down your chin. You pressed your tongue hard on the underside of his cock, taking him in with deep strokes.  
Your eyes pinched shut, but his hand grabbed your face and you popped them open.  Never look away when you cum. He glared at you with the intensity only he had and you exploded around his legs, bits of pleasure making you shake as your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest.  
Steve let out a moan and his dick expanded in your mouth before his seed shot to the back of your throat.  You flicked your tongue and sucked in your cheeks, knowing better than to let a drop spill.  
“Fuck Doll.”  Steve pulled out and tucked himself a way.  “You are amazing.”  
He lifted his leg and you cringed, all too aware of the wet spot on his jeans.  
“Don’t worry about it, I’m going to dress nicer tonight anyway.”  He kissed the top of your head.  “Be ready in three hours.”
You slumped on the floor as he left the room.  Your naked body recovering from the orgasm, almost upset it wasn’t more intense.  You liked it better when it came from a cock.  Your thoughts made you cringe. 
You were so used to being naked all the time it didn’t even register any more, and the thought about liking the more intense orgasms?   
“What the fuck is wrong with you.”  You looked back out to the snow, wondering if you could piece together where it had all gone wrong. 
“I hate New York.”  You plopped down on the park bench next to your friend and pulled out your sandwich.  “I’m leaving the city as soon as I can.”  
“You’ve only been here six months.”  She laughed and handed you a pop.  “And you met me right? There’s something positive.” 
“I know.” You gave a frown. “I just thought I would get lost in a sea of people, maybe discover myself, but what I’m discovering is I hate crowds, I don’t like my job, and I always feel like someone is watching me.”  
“Like a guardian angel?”  
“No.”  You shook your head. “Like someone is going to jump out of the bushes and grab me.  I miss small town middle of nowhere life.  Not cut out for the city.”  
“Don’t give up yet.”  She touched your arm.  A loud SNAP came from the treeline and both of your heads whipped in that direction.  “Jesus.”  
She started to laugh first and then you joined in.  
“Come over tonight.  We can find you a new job, it’s the land of opportunity.”  
“Alright.”  You agreed mainly because you didn’t want to be alone.  
Your friend continued chatting but your eye’s couldn’t stop looking toward the bushes.  
“I love New York.”  You grinned as you sat down next to your friend.  
“You got the job?”  She beamed at you.  
“I have no idea how or why, but yes.  You’re looking at the newest employee of Stark Enterprises.”  You kicked your knees up and punched the air.  “I mean, it’s a work from home gig, I have no office at the towers, I’m not going to meet the Avengers or anything, but the pay is good and the benefits are nice.  Maybe in a few months I’ll have enough to live in a safer neighborhood.”  
“Still getting stalker vibes?”  
“Big time.  I swear I felt someone breathing on my neck the other night.”  You touched the spot.  “I about sprinted home, but now I’ll never have to leave my apartment.”  
“I’m glad you’re calling it home.”  She gave you a nudge.  “And you will have to leave your apartment!  How else are you going to see me?  Let’s go out tonight and celebrate.”  
“Okay.”  You smiled. 
“Wow, you must be in a good mood, I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten you out after dark.  I was starting to think you were a vampire.”  
“I’m a morning person. No clubs, no bars, no crowds, maybe a nice dinner?”  You shrugged.  
“How are you ever going to meet someone if you don’t do anything social?”  She sighed at you.  “We’re going to a club.  Look nice.  I’ll pick you up at nine.”  
You wanted to object, but you rolled your eyes. Knowing nothing could make you turn her down.  A rock came out of nowhere and hit a pole ten feet from you, the clang making both of you jump.  
“Weird.”  You scanned the treeline but didn’t notice anything but the wind shaking a few bushes.    
“I’m going to call my friend Jonathan.  He will have a hot place to go.”  Your friend was oblivious to the strange happening.  
The club was loud and you felt underdressed.  You watched your friend dance away with a stranger and admired her courage, she looked stunning and you looked like you blended in with the wall.  
“Can I buy you a drink?”  A voice yelled in your ear.  
You turned to see a decent looking man, nothing too special, but nothing threatening.  
“I’m good.”  You shook the full drink in your hand.  
“Bartender, two shots or your strongest stuff.”  The guy held up his fingers.  
“I really, I don’t take shots with strangers. Thank you though.”  You started to walk away but he reached out and grabbed your arm.  
“Come on, don’t be lame.”  The liquid was being poured into the glasses and your stomach turned at the sight.  “Take a drink with me.”  
Your heart rate went through the roof.  You hated saying no almost as much as you hated being grabbed.  Your lips parted as you tried to think about how to respond.  The internal struggle of obedience mixed with the anger about his hand on you.   
Before you could respond the man dropped away.  Someone stepped into the middle of you and pushed the man.  
“The lady said no.”  Was all you could make out over the roar of the club.  
The first guy tried to punch the second, but he grabbed his fist and crumbled it.  You looked at the scene in horror, clutching your purse.  
Violence, alcohol, music, your head began to spin.  You turned and walked outside, feeling a panic coming on.   The heat of the evening hit your face and you climbed into the nearest taxi, texting your friend as you got a ride home, vowing never to test the New York nightlife again.
“We’re going to have to stop having lunch on park benches soon.”  You patted the puffer vest you were wearing.   
“About that,” she took a deep breath. “I didn’t know how to break it to you, but we’re going to have to stop having lunches altogether.”  
“What?”  Your eyes went wide.  “You’re joking right?  You’re like my only friend in the world.”  
“Out of the blue, a recruiter offered me this dream position.”  She turned and grabbed your hands.  “The pay is amazing and that’s not even the best part, it’s like the job was tailor made for me, but it’s in Paris.”  
“Paris?!?!”  Your jaw dropped. 
“We can facetime and you can visit?”  She was having a hard time hiding the glee that matched the despair you were feeling.  
“Congratulations.  I’m so happy for you.”  You smiled, not wanting to ruin her moment, hating New York again.  
October 31
You taped shut the last of the moving boxes.  It was sad seeing your entire life packed up, unable to notice how small the stack was.  All the furniture came with the apartment, you weren’t much of a shopper and never got around to getting that cat.  
Your phone rang and you recognized your boss’s phone number, picking up right away.  
“Hello, Mr. Jones, I’m all packed up.”  You set the last box down.  
“Good, good.  The moving van will be there tomorrow early, we’re looking forward to you joining our team.”  His voice sounded oddly familiar, but you kept brushing it off.  “And you’re still coming to the party tonight?”  
“About that.”  You hit your laptop’s button and saw the invitation.  “I’m really not much of a party person, and I never got around to getting a costume.”  
“I was clear when I offered you the promotion.  We’re a small R&D team, we work very closely.  It is important you bond with us.  People are expecting you, costume and all.”  His tone was almost scolding.  
“Well, we’re going to be living together.  I’m sure there’s plenty of time.  I’d rather get settled first.”  You almost turned the promotion down because of that fact, but then you looked into Stark Corp’s R&D, a team of 100 people who worked around the clock, if you put in a year there you were golden.  It was impossible to turn down even if it did involve living in some town upstate.  
“The car is picking you up in an hour.  You will be here in five.  If you don’t have a costume, then dress nice.  People are looking forward to meeting you.” He paused.  “I am looking forward to having you.”  
“Alright.”  You told yourself you heard him wrong before hanging up the phone.  
There was something off about the situation.  Like you wished you had someone to tell where you were going to stay for the next year.  You hadn’t spoken to your friend since the Paris move, and there was really nobody else in your life to tell.  The foster parents you hadn’t spoken to in years?  The ex who broke your heart?  The former best friend he slept with?  Maybe the crazy old lady down the hall?  
 With a tap of the keys you pulled up the email from “Tony Stark'' offering you the position. This was a top level fortune 500 company.  There was nothing to worry about.  You were being paranoid and needed to accept that your dream was coming true.  
This car felt too important for you.  The driver was friendly, but you ran out of things to say an hour ago.  You glanced at your phone, noting that you were getting close.  Then you noticed a no service bar in the corner.  
“I’ll have to get a new plan.”  You tried to call a random number and got nothing. “No service.”  
“No, this is a top secret area.”  The driver turned and smiled at you. “No service from any provider.  Nothing surrounding the house for 10 miles in any direction, even then it's only a few hunting cabins. Most are abandoned.  You must be a very special lady to make the team.”  
“I don’t know much about the team, only what the website said, and Mr. Jones of course.”  You didn’t think of the isolation when you accepted.  
“Tony had the area declared a no fly zone by the US Government.”  The driver tapped the wheel.  “If you look to your left soon you’ll see the fence.  It’s impenetrable.”  
Tony? The driver must be high up if that was how he referred to Stark. Your thoughts were distracted when you saw the metal and the wiring shine in the distance.  
“This place looks like Jurassic Park.”  The driver slowed as the gate opened ahead.  “I’m starting to think I’ll get kicked out in a week.”  
Anxiety flooded you, you weren’t ready for this.  You’d worked there what? A few months?  You weren’t this smart, what could you contribute?  
“Don’t worry,  I have it on good authority you’re perfect for the role.”  The driver grinned, it was so genuine and infectious you smiled back and your nerves calmed.  
“I understand why people call you Happy.”  You relaxed.  “It fits.”  
“So I’ve been told.”  He looked back to the road.  “I probably won’t see you again, it was a pleasure driving you though.  I’m sure Mr. Rogers will take good care of you.”  
“Rogers?”  You raised an eyebrow.  
“Whatever generic name you want to use, Smith, Mason, Miller, Brown.  They’ll assign you one too.”  Happy shrugged.  “You’re a VIP now.”  
A wave of stupidity washed over you.  It never occurred to you that pseudonyms were being used.    
The house started to come into view.  You grabbed the headrests and moved forward.  It was a mansion, almost a castle.  The place was modern, as if it was made with black glass somehow.  
“This is bigger than a football stadium.”  You had to crane your neck to see up.  
“Just a house Miss.”  Happy pulled into the drive.  “Nothing you can’t handle.”  
He put the car in park and winked at you.  All your nerves were calmed, this was perfect.  Your dream come true.  You were picturing a college dorm situation, but one thousand people could live here, let alone one hundred.  
“Thank you.”  You opened the door to the car as Happy left and went for the trunk.  
You started to stand when something fell off your lap, you chuckled to yourself, your nerves being replaced with excitement as you put on the witch’s hat.  A simple accessory that turned your black dress into a costume.   
There was a warmth growing in you as you walked up the massive steps, taking in the building in the night sky, almost some primal feeling telling you that you were home. 
Happy pushed open the door and set your bag down.  You followed after, entering a great hall, you were beaming ready to meet your new team, but your smile faded when you saw it was empty.  
“Where is everyone?”  You looked at the staircases that wound up to either side, the  echo of your voice giving you an empty feeling. 
“You got her here in one piece?”  Mr. Jones’ voice boomed across the bricks.  
“As promised.”  Happy shrugged.  
“And she wore a costume?”  A new voice made you look to the other stairwell.  
Your brain tried to register the voices with the faces, but the faces took over.  
“Steve Rogers and James Barnes?”  Avengers. Real ones.  You kept looking back and forth.  “What?  How important is this place?”  
You didn’t know whether to thank them for all they had done for the world or question whether you deserved to be on this team.  
“Now that you’re here Doll, it’s the most important place in the world.”  They both arrived at the bottom at the same time.  
“My cue to leave, have a nice night gentlemen.”  Happy sounded so distant as the door shut behind him.  
“I’m,  my name is,  this is so embarrassing.”  You let out a laugh as you brought your hand to your chest.  “I didn’t think I would be meeting Avengers.”  
They walked toward you, both of them as if they were circling you.  
“We know your name Doll.”  Captain America reached out and touched your chin.  
You backed up and ran into the Winter Soldier.  
“We know everything about you.”  The brunette’s hands slid down your arms and stopped at your wrists.  “I’ve been waiting for this for months.”  
He placed a kiss on your neck and you started to step forward, but ran right into Captain, who again touched your chin, this time with a little more force.  
“What?”  You didn’t know what else to say.  
“It was getting too difficult to stay away..”  Steve pressed his forehead to yours.  “Welcome home Love.” 
“I’ve…sorry, what?”  James’ tongue slid up your neck and you gasped, Steve used the opportunity to slide his own into your mouth.  
You were so confused, but reacted on instinct, trying to raise your hands to shove Steve away only to be met with a tighter grip on your wrists by the man behind you. 
Steve let out a chuckle while continuing to kiss you as his hands found your breasts.  He kneaded them as your brain tried to catch up with your body, his fingers finding your nipples through the material of your dress, you let out a squeal as he gave a pinch.  
“Remember, I won the bet.”  James’ teeth grazed your neck as Steve stopped the kiss.  “She wore a costume.”  
Steve scowled as he walked away from you.   
“What’s happening?”  You tried to fight the fog.  “Where am I?”  
“You’re home.”  Steve walked toward a chair and then sat down, you were too busy watching him you didn’t realize a wrist had been freed until the sound of your zipper going down snapped you back to reality.  
Instead of trying to run you attempted to hold the garment up.  Anger flashed on Captain America’s eyes as the Winter Soldier tore the entire thing away.  
“No clothes.  None.  I wanted her naked all the time.”  Steve reached into his pants and pulled his cock out.  
You whimpered at the sight, he was large.  Wait what?  You were too concentrated on the wrong thing and you didn’t notice your bra sliding down your arms.  You started to turn around to shove James away, but he used your motion to flip you over his shoulder and run down the hall.  
SMACK!  His hand hit with your ass as you bobbed over his shoulder, too shocked to really react.  You lifted your head to see the witch hat on the stone floor.   
“I’m so proud of you for wearing the costume.”  The man dropped you, but before you hit the floor his hand was on your back, laying you down on a fur rug. “But I’ve been proud of you for months.  My girl.”  
You tried to spin to your stomach and wiggle away, but he placed a cold hand around your neck, not tight but enough to pin you in place as you shoved at his shoulders.  
“It’s why I get the honor of fucking you first.” His other hand found your panties and shredded them with ease.  “Steve didn’t think you’d listen, but I know what a good girl you are.  How perfect.  Our good girl.”
“Stop rubbing it in Bucky.”  Steve’s voice made you arch your neck to see him sitting in a chair, stroking himself.  
A finger ran up your slit and your attention went back to Bucky as you gasped.  
“She’s soaked.”  He looked up at Steve with a grin.
Everything came flooding down at once and you let out a scream as you renewed your struggles.  The men laughed.  
“At least give me a show while I tell our new teammate about her position.”  Steve dropped to his knees.  
Hands were on you as if they had practiced it, James moving to his back so his legs were in front of you while Steve guided you up so you were facing him.  The sound of a zipper came again and you felt Bucky’s cock brush against your thighs as Captain America positioned you.  
“We like to keep an eye on our people.” Steve spoke as Bucky’s hands grabbed your legs and moved you so your entrance was right about his rigid cock. “And we’ve been watching you for some time now.”  
Metal and flesh fingers were on your waist while Steve’s hands went to your shoulders, pushing you down.  You moaned as Bucky’s thick head slid inside with more ease than you were aware.   
Everything was happening too fast. You struggled to breathe, unsure what to focus on: the cock sliding inside of you or the information being displayed. 
  You pictured the park, the feeling of a stalker, the fight in the club, the dream job, the better job, your friend’s Paris position.  
“That’s good Doll.”  Steve licked his lips. “That understanding.  You knew.  You always knew, but you kept inviting us in.”  
“She feels so fucking good.”  Bucky lifted his ass while you continued to lower on his cock, feeling it hit your cervix you let out a cry.  “She was made for us.”  
“You craved us, didn’t you?”  Steve cupped your face as Bucky began to fuck you.  “You knew what this was. Admit it?”  
You didn’t understand anything. You knew nothing.  
“No, stop that.”  Steve pressed his lips to yours while Bucky dug his fingers into your hips, making you bounce on him.  “I see the struggle in your eyes.  Stop denying the truth.”  
You moaned as Bucky began to make your pussy quake, a coil tightening in your stomach.  
“Let her struggle.” Bucky groaned as he held you down, rocking his cock back and forth.  “We’ll guide her down the right path.”  
“I...I...don’t.”  You thought you might have been trying to say no, but your body was being taken over, your mind losing control.  
“Oh you do Doll.”  Steve brought his thumb to your mouth and you parted your lips as he dragged it along your tongue.  “You know.  You know this is what you need. It’s been almost a year since you came, you don’t even touch yourself.” 
Your eyes went wide with that personal information.  
“We know everything.”  Steve lowered his wet thumb.  “Never lie to us, because we know.”  
You cried out as he pressed his digit to your clit, rubbing in circles with such pressure as James railed into you.  
There was no warning as you came, your body shaking.  Your vision blackened, making you collapse against Steve, shivers sending you to another dimension.  Bucky bottomed out, joining you, contracting and filling you with his cum.  
“Wait.”  You didn’t lift your head, too lost for such a simple task.  You didn’t get what was happening, but you knew one thing for sure.  “I’m not on birth control.”  
“Oh yes you are.”  Bucky hit your ass with a smack as he lifted you off of him. 
Steve spun to the carpet, replacing Bucky’s cock with his own as he cradled you to his chest.  You moaned while he filled your over sensitive pussy once again.   
“For a few months now.”  Steve left your chest pressed to his while he lifted his hips, his pelvis gracing your clit with every thrust.  “You have nothing to worry about now Doll.  You’re home.”  
December 31
You hated your naivety, you hated what they had put you through. But what you hated most of all was the denial. 
The denial that you liked it.  You loved the way they knew what was best, the way they punished you, the way they rewarded you, the way your life had stability for this first time.  
When the knock sounded on your door you said goodbye to the snowflakes at the window.  Maybe you were more like them than you wanted to admit, they would melt someday and you had to accept that you already had.  
You turned to see Bucky and Steve walk in wearing Tuxedos.  They both frowned that you weren’t wearing the beautiful dress Steve brought you, but no doubt confused by the time you spent getting your makeup and hair ready.  Rolling your shoulders back you accepted your fate. 
“Will you please fuck me?”  
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shannygoatgruff · 3 years
Only Fan(s) - A Thriller
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Genre: Thriller
Pairing: Modern Ivar/OC
Warning: Language, sex, stalking, obsession, kidnapping, sexual assault
Rating: MA+18
Summary: Sometimes OnlyFans subscribers want a little more than internet pictures. Sometimes they want to be your ONLY fan…
Header by: @flowers-in-your-hayr
Thanks to @xbellaxcarolinax for being my beta.
Disclaimer: This story will deal with some topics that might be a little uncomfortable for some people. As always, I’ll try to tackle the hard stuff as tactfully as possible.
a/n: I know it’s been a minute. I’m always thinking about these stories because I want to finish them, just can’t seem to focus on writing at the moment.  Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Part iv - Date with Destiny
Finding Ivar Lothbrok should have been easy. Between the two of them, he was the stable one. He was the one with the iron-clad schedule that consisted of drinking, smoking, and partying. Torren’s schedule was a bit more... fluid. She tended to go wherever the wind, or whatever car she acquired, would take her. Naturally, Ivar had the occasional meet-and-greet, red carpet, and/or Comic-con engagement that he had to attend, still, he was pretty easy to keep tabs on. All one had to do was look at (stalk) his social media accounts, and his whereabouts were posted for everyone to see.
Knowing where he’d be and finding out where he lived were a different story. Torren had done her due diligence when it came to locating the town in which Little Kattegat was located. It only took about two days and a few Google image searches of the background of a few of the photos and she had it narrowed down to a general area in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
From what she could tell, the closest town to where he lived was pretty small, and there were only a few large estates hidden in the woods. How hard could it be to find? She was willing to drive to every single house and knock on the door to find him if she had to. But it would just be easier if there was loud music and a bunch of cars in the driveway. That way she could tag along inside with the rest of the guests to get to her man. 
Her shirt landed in the pile of dirty clothes in the center of the bed, as she reached around to unhook her bra. “I really need to tell Baby Boo to stop putting all of his business out in these streets,” her brows furrowed as she shook her head, “What if some crazy, psycho bitch started stalking him, or some shit? Then I’d have to kill a bitch.” Torren’s head whipped around and she narrowed her eyes at his picture, still stuck on her wall, “Is that what you want? Huh? You want me to cut a bitch to prove to you how much I love you? I will, Bae! You know I would do anything for you. I’m your Ride or Die...” 
And being his Ride or Die meant that she needed to keep better tabs on him if she was going to protect him from someone crazier than her, God forbid.  She was only able to do so much on this prepaid phone, and going to the library to get online was becoming a pain in the ass. 
She’d considered stealing a laptop or iPad from the library but was still on the fence about the idea. Of course, the alternative meant going to stupid ass libraries and threatening little kids to get off the fucking computers, and that completely sucked ass. 
She always felt rushed when she logged onto her Bae’s Only Fans page from the public library. Without fail one of those little bastard kids would get the library Nazis to kick her off the computer, or bar her from the library altogether for watching porn. 
Ivar’s page wasn’t porn! It was art. It was sexy. It was love...his love for her. Stupid bitches. 
She had encountered far worse things than getting kicked out of the library, but some of these small towns usually only had one or two within their county limits. If she got banned, how was she supposed to check up on Ivar? In the time it took to log in until she got kicked out, she'd be lucky if she could check 2 of his accounts. What if he had some important information on another platform that she hadn’t checked yet? What was she supposed to do then?
Her relationship with Ivar was hanging in the balance, and she'd be damned if some snot-nosed kid or fucking uptight librarian would fuck that up. She needed a computer. But, on the flip side, when she finally got her man back, she wouldn't need one anymore. She could ask him directly what their plans were.
There was a lot to consider and that took time; time that she didn't have right now.
The thick layer of Nair shaving cream she had applied to her already hairless crotch, was just starting to tingle, signaling she had about 5 minutes left before the sweat-inducing, burning sensation would kick in alerting her to wash the cream off. Until then, she had time to consider an outfit for the night.
She knew Ivar well enough to know that he would want her to be sexy for him, but not so much to distract him from work. She could have gone for something slutty, like those skanky bitches he partied with. She could have gone for more demur, but then she would remind him too much of his bitch ex-wife and completely turn him off. The last thing she wanted on their first night back together was for him to be thinking about that bitch. She could have gone for a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, but Torren never did simple. 
No, Ivar would want her to be herself. That's what he loved about her. That's what attracted him to her in the first place. She would be sexy without being skanky; she would be demure without being a prude.
Fuck! It was already 7:33 p.m. How in the hell did she miss the beginning of his Live? Now she was running late.
She was supposed to be dressed and ready by the time his Live came on that way she could be out the door as soon as he finished. If she was going to make it to be on his Only Fans live stream tonight, she needed to get to his house before he got too distracted. Now, she’d have to watch his Live, while her cooch burst into flames before she had a chance to take a shower and finish picking out her outfit.
If there was one thing Torren was, it was punctual. It was bad enough that she was about 40 minutes outside of his town, but it could take her up to 2 or more hours to find his house. She only hoped that he didn’t plan on starting any real freaky shit on his Only Fans page until around midnight, cause it looked like she wouldn’t be getting there before then, anyway.  
With the smile still plastered on her face, Torren turned on the hot water for a shower, forgetting that the water didn’t get hot. She didn't mind, much, especially since the cold water gave her a break from the heat in her room. 
Phone in hand, she watched him, as she planted herself on the dirty bathtub floor, cross-legged, and started to get herself ready. Starting with her toes, she shaved each one, just below the knuckle, followed by her fingers, arms, pits, and each leg, from groin to ankle, three times. When the burning from her nether regions was so intense that she couldn’t tell her tears from the shower water dripping on her face, she quickly washed off the cream. 
All she could do was hope that she hadn’t broken the skin this time. The last time she had let that damn Nair stay on, just past burning, the skin broke and she bled. She was not having a bloody hoo-ha tonight. 
With that taken care of, she gently used the razor to remove any other pubes closer to the inside that needed to be removed. Then shaved her backside. When she had more time, she was going to get the internal hairs bleached, but she needed to find out what Ivar preferred. 
Shaving ate up so much of her time that she only had a few seconds to rub some body-wash that she had stolen from a drug store over her body and hoped it got rid of the smell of the summer heat. Her hair? Fuck it...she’d wash it another day, for now, this cold water would have to be enough. She’d spritz some perfume and hair spray in it and it would smell fine. 
Torren finished her shower, and walked out of the bathroom dripping wet, only using a towel to wrap around her hair. She was glad it was so hot in her room that her hair would air-dry quickly. She finger-combed her damp tresses to complete that ‘just got out of bed, but it's styled’ appearance. She knew how much he loved when her hair looked like that. It would remind him of freshly fucked hair. 
She spent extra time applying her makeup, even using an extra dark, thick application of eyeliner. She usually went for more subtle warm colors. They matched her tan skin tone better. But, tonight, she had bold, dark makeup, complete with varying shades of purple and blue eye shadows, and dark purple lipstick.
Torren was glad that she decided to match Ivar’s clothes this evening. The swim trunks and smoking jacket he wore would compliment her beautifully. She wanted everyone to know that they dressed alike, the way real couples do. If he was going for less is more, so would she.
She settled on black leather chaps that tied up on the sides, and tight blue boy shorts that left the bottom half of her ass cheeks exposed. The blue shorts brought out the blue swirls in his trunks; she knew he'd appreciate that touch. Her top was a blue bandanna that she wore as a halter with a short black leather jacket with tassels on the sleeves. 
They screamed “couple” in her eyes.
Completely satisfied with how she looked, Torren locked the door to her motel room and started down the hall. She deliberately stopped by the window and peered through the partially opened blinds of the people staying next door to her. She knocked on the window to get the attention of the young couple inside. Judging from their appearance, they were too strung out to know who she was, or that it was her music that they constantly banged on the wall about. She didn’t care. She still flipped them off before making her way to the stairs. 
Reaching her hand through the busted window of the blue Ford Taurus to unlock the door from the inside. Torren slid into the driver's seat and leaned over to find the two cords that she had pulled out from under the steering column when she stole the car. Flicking the cords together, she listened as the engine reluctantly turned over.
She put the car in reverse, looked in the rear-view mirror at her makeup, then pulled out of the spot. As she turned onto the road leading to the highway, she listened to the knocks, bumps, and hisses that her car made. There wasn't time to do much about it now; not when she was on her way to get her man. But, she made a mental note to do something about it later in the week. The only thing she could do was turn the music up louder to drown out the car noise.
Truthfully, she should have stolen a better car than the piece of shit Taurus that she found in the parking lot of the Quickie Mart while driving through Tulsa, Oklahoma. There were plenty of better cars there to choose from but no one would have wanted to take this one. It was so sad looking that she took pity on it. She had been doing the owner of this crap car a favor, by taking it off of their hands. 
The car was truly fucked. The oil light stayed on, and it drank gas like her mother drank liquor. The car had protested every inch of the ride across the three states that she traveled through in one day. She knew that it would only be a matter of time before that piece of shit breathed its last breath.
She needed to get gas again, but fuck that car. She had already refueled four times since she stole it. Gas wasn't cheap and she wasn't putting another dime in that gas guzzler. Speaking of money, she made a mental note to steal another credit card. It would only be a matter of time before the owner of the one that was tucked snugly between her left breast and strapless bra, would eventually realize that it had been lifted from the table in the diner, and canceled.
Laptop, butt bleaching, car, credit card, and more eyeliner from Walgreen's…her To-Do list was growing. She really needed to take some time off and take care of the necessities. Not tonight, though. She had other things to do. She couldn't do anything else, right now, but get to her man. Besides, once Lothbrok was by her side, he would help her remember all the things she needed to do.
As she came off of the highway exit smoke started billowing out from the engine. It backed up through the exhaust system, and came through the vents, inside the cabin. It was ironic – the air-conditioning vents in the car didn't work, but they seemed to work well enough to clog the inside of the car up with thick white smoke. She drove a few more miles before the smoke was so thick that she could no longer see. As she pulled the car over to the graveled shoulder of the road, the car knocked and shook, before it finally cut off.
Just her fucking luck.
She reached under the dash to flick the cords against each other again, trying to force the ignition to catch again, but it wouldn't. The engine had nothing left to give her. "Fuck Murphy and fuck his fucking law," she said calmly as she pulled the hood release.
She opened the car door, taking care to place both black, platform boots on the ground before lifting her backside from the seat. Placing her sunglasses on her eyes, she walked with one foot in front of the other to the front of the Taurus and placed her hand on the hood. It was hot, but not so hot that she couldn't feel under the front of the lever.
As she lifted the heavy metal hood and placed the rod in the slot to hold it in place, Torren let the smoke from the engine engulf her. It was quite a head rush breathing in the thick engine smoke through her nose, and exhaling it from her mouth. She patiently waited for the smoke to thin out before she bent, at the waist, over the engine. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she knew that someone would see her looking over the engine and stop to help her.
Now, if only someone would actually come down this dark stretch of road, she could be back on her way to Ivar.
It didn't take long before a pair of headlights rounded the bend of the road, just off to her right. Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she accentuated the leather, chaps against her hips, and lifted her ass higher in the air, to catch the driver's attention. She couldn't help but smirk when she heard the tires of a large vehicle turn onto the graveled pavement in front of where she broke down. She didn't turn to face the car or the driver. She didn't care who they were or what they looked like. She had an appointment to keep and this pit stop was fucking up her timetable.
"You need some help?" A deep voice asked as its owner approached her.
Torren took a moment to peer around the hood, noticing that there were no other cars around. "Broke down," she answered, continuing to bear her weight from one hip to the other. She placed her hands on the metal frame of the car, arched her back, and looked at the man over her shoulder. "You know something about cars?"
"Yeah," he replied, moving around to her side, looking at her, and not the smoky engine.
She gave him half a smile, as she noticed him notice her. "You a mechanic or something?" She asked standing up. She rubbed her hands together to remove some of the visible engine soot while considering the guy in front of her. He was about 6 feet tall with a moderate build. He was dressed in blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and Timberland boots. He didn't look like he was more than 25 years old. Judging from the way he was looking at her and from the ring on his left hand, he wasn't too worried about her car, or his wife, for that matter.
"Nah, not a mechanic, but I work on my own car... in my spare time." He smiled when she did. She was gorgeous, in that slutty kind of way. She wouldn't be dressed like that and leaning over the hood of a car if she wasn't looking to have some fun. "Lemme take a look at it."
Did he work on his car? Hopefully, that meant that his ran better than hers did.
Torren moved over to the side and let him take the position under the hood. "I'll be right back," he explained before walking over to the bed of his F150.
Grabbing a flashlight from the trunk, he took a second to admire the view of her, from behind. If he could get her car moving again, she would hopefully follow him to this cheap motel he knew that was just up the highway.
He leaned in close, taking a whiff of her hair, "You overheated…want to check the coolant level."
She had heard him say something else but she had stopped listening; she was too busy watching the street. "You want me to try to start it?" she asked, removing her sunglasses before making her way to the driver's door. She wasn't sure if he answered or not. She had no intention of driving the Taurus again, even if he could get it started. She just needed to get something out of the car.
She slid into the seat and reached down on the floor. She found the hard metal object on the floor of the passenger's side and gripped it tightly. As she walked back around to the front of the car, she heard him talking, presumably about the car, or maybe he was asking her out. Who the fuck knows? She was on a tight schedule and all of his chatting was holding her up. She stood by the side of the hood, looking at the angle he was leaning over the hood. Quickly, she lifted her arm, and with one powerful blow, she struck him in the head with the crowbar that she used to procure her now-defunct car.
Torren stood over his body, looking at him intensely. God, it felt good. The rush of knowing that one minute this dude was towering over her, and the next he was on the ground. She had dropped his ass. She was the one with the power.
 "Thanks," she said, digging her hand in his pocket to retrieve his cash, credit card, and the keys to his truck. She wiped the blood on the crowbar on his shirt before walking to her new mode of transportation.
Torren sat in the truck's driver's seat and turned on the engine. She had managed to cross two things off of her To-Do list without even planning to.
Thank God the truck had air conditioning. All this heat and humidity was bound to make her hair frizzy. She cranked the AC up as high as it would go and sat still for a moment enjoying the cool air. After a minute, she adjusted the seat and tilted the rearview mirror to look at herself. She was starting to sweat and her eyeliner was starting to run just a bit at the corners of her eyes. She dabbed at the black liner to even out the lines, and then pushed the mirror back to where she could see. Giving the area another once-over, she made sure that no one else had seen her interaction with that guy on the ground, before pulling out from the gravel and onto the paved street.
"Ugh!" Torren yelled. Chester Bradley, the printed name on the credit card, had shitty taste in music. She pushed the stereo button on the steering wheel to do a scan of the radio. Anything was better than country music. Once she found some trap music on the XM radio, she turned up the volume and pulled back onto the highway.
Part iii/
Tags: @ideagarden-blog1  @youbloodymadgenius @xbellaxcarolinax @a-mess-of-fandoms @didiintheblog @conaionaru @peachyboneless @flowers-in-your-hayr @heavenly1927 @zuxiezendler @waiting4inspiration @saldelys @revolution-starter​
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
When We Drive, Ch. 10: Resurrection, Gestation, and Frozen Casseroles
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, Rated M
Alexandria, Virginia
April 7, 2001
He’s alive.
Scully can’t decide what feels more unreal; the past six months without him, or the fact that he’s back from the dead, buckled into the passenger seat of her car.
Her belly is cumbersome in its fullness and thrumming with life, and her lower back aches; but she hardly cares. Because Mulder, her Mulder, is breathing and healing and living right next to her.
She looks at him frequently, at safe intervals as she drives. Her eyes graze over the healing scars on his cheeks, the bags under his eyes, his messy crop of hair, and he’s so beautiful she fears she might cry. Again.
Mulder is subdued, eyes tracing the scenes outside his window. “It’s spring,” he murmurs, observing the trees in a park they drive past, lush green branches filled with blossoms. “I missed your birthday.”
Scully swallows a sob before the sound can reach her throat. “Don’t worry about that,” she says gently, laying a tentative hand over his. His skin is warm, just as it should be, and she wants to kiss each finger. “Let’s just get you home.”
“Where is home for me now?” Mulder asks softly, almost to himself.
“I… I kept your apartment,” Scully confesses.
He turns to look at her then, and she feels suddenly exposed. He’s held her naked in his arms, joined his body with hers, and yet the small admission makes her want to hide her face from him instinctively. Instead she keeps her eyes fixed on the road.
“You told me to never give up on a miracle,” she explains simply, the words strung tightly around a bundle of unspoken things.
I slept in your bed, wrapped in one of your shirts. I would wake up in the middle of the night and feel the baby kicking. Our baby, Mulder. Yours and mine. I would hold my belly alone in the dark, knowing you were cold in the ground miles away from us.
She has so much to say to him. She wants to cry, to scream, to shout how much pain she was in and weep with joy that he’s back. She wants to fall on her knees and swear oaths to him, beg him to be only hers. Plead with him to never leave her again.
Instead, she asks him if he’s hungry.
He isn’t. “Haven’t had much appetite lately,” Mulder explains. “‘M’not the biggest fan of worms.”
She hates him for making jokes about being dead, and it feels like love.
“I’ll bring some groceries over for you, once we get you settled,” she says. “You’ll need to have regular solid meals, rebuild your strength, even if you don’t feel like eating anything.”
“Haven’t you heard, Dr. Scully? I’m in perfect health,” he replies, voice tired.
Just let me fuss over you a little, she implores internally. Let me see and feel that you’re alive, it’s all I want. You are all I want.
“Let’s maintain that perfect health, then,” she says. “My mom is already planning to fill your freezer with casseroles.”
“How is she?” Mulder asks awkwardly. It almost sounds like he’s trying to be polite.
Well, I’m having a baby out of wedlock and haven’t told her much about it, but she suspects it’s yours. She’s glad you’re alive, by the way. Because you were dead.
“She’s fine,” Scully replies. “Excited about another grandchild on the way, circumstances aside.” She glances at Mulder and sees him turn his head away quickly, discomfort coming off of him in waves.
The silence between them is devoid of any of their previous warmth or comfort. It feels like every time she gets anywhere near the subject of her pregnancy, the air around him bites like ice.
Does he not realize it’s…?
“Ah, a familiar landmark,” Mulder says suddenly, fingertip pressed against the car window as they pass a newsstand a few blocks from his apartment building. “Do you think they have six months’ worth of back issues of UFO Magazine laying around?”
I love you. I’m sorry; I should have told you years ago. “I’m sure they do, since I imagine you were the only buyer,” she says lightly. Levity is a foreign sensation after all these months, like squeezing your toes into your school shoes after a long barefoot summer, and she decides she’s not quite ready for banter yet. “Do you want me to bring you anything else? Something to read?”
“Honestly Scully, I kind of just want to take a nap,” he says. “The old adage ‘you can sleep when you’re dead’ is false.”
Scully presses her lips together, nods. “Well, here we are,” she says, pulling up in front of his building.
Mulder inhales deeply and slowly exhales, gazing out the window at 2630 Hegal Place.
“I’ll carry your bag,” Scully says, unbuckling her seatbelt.
I’m carrying your child.
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General Hux x Female Reader/Kylo Ren x Female Reader
A/N: I literally kicked this out this morning, and I am posting it now before I change my mind. Bring in the Knights… I clearly woke up this morning and chose violence.
Warnings: alcohol, poison, blood, torture, Hux and Kylo finally work together, minor character death. Not a pretty chapter at all.
Word Count: 3530
Read Chapter 12 here on AO3.
Start from Chapter 1 here.
The ride in Kylo’s Command Shuttle was quiet, just the sound of the pilots communicating, a few troopers lounged in the seats behind you and you could feel their gazes upon the back of your neck. Your brain was fried, only a few hours ago you had woken up fully dressed and alone in Kylo’s bed. He hadn’t spoken much, letting you eat breakfast in comfortable silence while he scrolled through a datapad before announcing his business was concluded here and he was withdrawing the fleet from Canto. The unasked question of whether you were coming hung in the air and you chose to ignore it, getting up and dutifully following him to the ship. You were sad to see the beautiful place fall away, maybe once the war was over you could come back. Visions of returning with your arm linked with Hux’s made you smile a little but when they flickered out of existence and were replaced with your arm in Kylo's, your composure slipped.
The shuttle alighted smoothly in the main hangar, the refiltered air filling your lungs and you already missed the freshness of being planet side. It didn’t surprise you that Mitaka was ready and waiting to bring Kylo up to date on the latest, leaving you with a single trooper to escort you to Hux’s quarters.
The ever unchanging silence curled around you, filtering into the cracks of your damaged soul and expanding. Making an ache start in your chest, one you couldn’t suppress until your soft cries pierced the quiet. You had thought long and hard over Hux’s abrupt change in behaviour, bringing you to the conclusion that he was hating himself for opening up to you. For allowing so much of himself to be exposed in one go, so now he was clamming up and pushing you away. It didn’t hurt any less but you supposed it would be like this, one step forward and two steps back. You expelled a long breath thinking it was a dance you were committed to, no matter the outcome.
You had a quick shower, putting on a nightgown and robe now you were once again governed by the day cycle of the ship. You didn’t expect to see Hux tonight so you opened a bottle from the restocked cooler, pouring the clear liquid over a couple of rocks of ice before settling on the couch and picking up the datapad to read the manuscript you were invested in but you couldn’t focus. The words blurred into one on the screen and the alcohol made everything hazy. Your heart jolted when the door opened and you heaved yourself off the couch in surprise, clutching the arm to hold you up as the room spun slightly.
“Armitage,” you mumbled in surprise. “I didn’t…I wasn’t expecting to see you….today—night?” You frowned at your own nonsense. This wasn’t how you wanted him to see you, not now, not when he possibly needed you.
“In all honesty I wasn’t sure you’d be here.” He replied. He carefully put his hat on the table, slowly followed by his gloves and then his coat which he hung on the back of the chair. You watched him approach the cooler, his slender fingers wrapping around the bottle and looking at the label.
“Did you finish work? Are you staying?” Your tongue felt thick, your body was at a fever pitch and you stumbled when you tried to head in his direction.
“Armitage…” you lifted your hand trying to focus on it but your vision blurred. “I can’t…see.”
“What?” His response was whip sharp and you winced against the sudden pounding on your head. You cried out as your legs gave way, collapsing to the floor in a heap. Your vision swam, your breaths were laboured and a tingling sensation was racing over your body. In the dark corner of your mind you realise this wasn’t just too much to drink. You heard him call your name but you were sinking, not able to hold onto him, everything was melting before you. Disappearing into a cloud of black smoke and you couldn’t find your way out.
Hux watched Ren pace up and down the small area outside your private room. Actually it was a medical room set aside for the Supreme Leader, he’d had you directed there when he saw the urgent message for a medic to Hux’s quarters. Every footfall that sounded from the large man set Hux’s teeth on edge but he bit back a rebuke. The force user hadn’t lashed out yet and Hux wasn’t going to give him an excuse. Hux also wondered why he was here, the fleet was chasing down a lead on a new possible Resistance base so surely his attention would be better elsewhere than on Hux’s wife. Both men looked up as the door opened and a Dr came out, his face was grave and Hux felt the blood freeze in his veins.
“Supreme Leader, General. She has been poisoned.” Hux had already deduced that fact and he felt a flash of annoyance that this was being repeated back to him.
“What else?” He demanded abruptly.
“I’ve had to put her in a medically induced coma so her body can recover, it seems there is some damage to her internal organs and…” he swallowed nervously as the two most dangerous men stood glaring at him. “It seems this is one poison we haven’t encountered before.”
“Just put her in a bacta tank,” snipped Hux, not understanding why they were wasting time telling him this.
“They can’t,” rumbled Kylo. Hux frowned, hating the extra insight he had.
“Why not?” He could feel his temper slipping, his teeth clenching together as he glared at the doctor wanting him to answer and not Ren.
“The poison seems to have some bacta resistant qualities….” The floor rolled under Hux and he swayed slightly, if they couldn’t find an antidote the poison would keep eating away at you until your body gave up. “I seem to have slowed the effects, by keeping her body cold and slowing the blood flow but we need an antidote within the week, she won’t be able to stay in this state for long without accruing serious deficits.” Hux wanted to double over, he wanted to accept the pain that erupted from his centre and scream at the floor, but he didn’t. He wanted to barge past the doctor and hold you in his arms, he wanted to rip through his ship and shoot his own troops in the face if they so much as looked at him wrong. It wasn’t until Kylo removed his hand from Hux’s elbow that he realised the Supreme Leader had been holding him upright.
Hux’s feet finally became unstuck from the floor and he moved into the room, his heart in his mouth as he looked at you on the bed. The chill blankets glowed a soft blue colour, a tube was down your throat helping you breathe. Sensors were placed across your forehead and he felt the rage bubble up inside him, who would poison you? Why would someone do this? He also wanted to yell at you for drinking out of a bottle that clearly wasn’t First Order approved, which meant someone planted it and they were still in the ship.
“I’ve already got the Knights tearing through the ship.” Hux resisted rolling his eyes and chose to frown instead.
“Is that wise Ren?”
“Do you want them found?” He snarled, stepping up to the other side of your bed. Hux studied the feral look in his eye, the tenseness of his posture and the hatred that flared in his expression, until his gaze slid to you. His hand rose as though to touch you but thought better of it, curling his leather covered hand into a fist. His expression softened for a moment before looking back up at Hux. “I will let you know if we find anything.”
“Shouldn’t I be there?” Hux asked, not happy to be pushed out of such an investigation of his own personnel.
“Maybe you should stay here and be with your wife,” mumurmed Kylo.
“She’s in a coma. She doesn’t even know what day of the week it is, let alone if I’m here or not.” He couldn’t sit here staring at you, seeing how helpless and weak you were. He wouldn’t be able to sit and watch you waste away before him without doing something to try and stop this.
“Fine.” Hux moved to follow the Supreme Leader out of the room, his fingers flexing and a little ripple of anticipation ran down his spine. It had been a while since he got his hands dirty.
He couldn’t explain it, the way this trooper’s screams fed something twisted inside him. He leaned heavily against the wall of the interrogation room, sweet collected on his upper lip and he swept his damp hair off his brow in a fluid motion. Ren had shed his tunic, his corded muscles bulged, his pale skin flushed as he stretched an arm towards the man kneeling on the floor. Fresh screams erupted from the bound trooper and Hux momentarily closed his eyes as if basking in the sound.
A part of him recoiled at the unwavering way Ren ploughed through people's minds, he showed no mercy and Hux felt a stab of jealousy that Ren himself was clearly going to all this trouble for you. Hux had been told you had breakfast on a private balcony with the Supreme Leader, leaving in a hurry and then you were seen heading to his private room on Canto Bight. Hux wasn’t an idiot, but he had hoped you wouldn’t have stabbed him in the back so early on.
“Ren, stop.” Hux managed to say as the trooper’s heart rate spiked off the charts and the man fell with a clatter to the floor. “Anything?” Hux winced, his voice sounded loud against his tender ears. Kylo rolled his shoulders, sweeping his dripping hair away from his face before shaking his head once. It had been two days, two full days and night of torture, screams and questions all coming up with nothing. Hux gripped the datapad in his hands, his arms trembling as he fought the urge to throw it against the wall, screaming his hatred and frustration out. He’s always looked down his nose at Ren’s temper tantrums but now it was all he wanted to do, to break something or someone, to exercise his absolute fury out until he felt exhausted. He hadn’t slept for two days, he was already at his stimulant limit but he still considered another shot.
“You should rest.”
“No, I'm fine.”
“It wasn’t a request, General. You’re no good to her dead.” Hux contemplated ignoring the order altogether but he knew he needed a rest. He felt stretched, his breaking point was within reach and what good would he be if he was in a bed in the medbay as well? He wordlessly handed over the datapad as medics came to retrieve the trooper.
“You’ll keep going?” He asked brusquely.
“I will see you in 10 hours,” stated Kylo but Hux paused, his coat resting on his forearm.
“Five,” he countered.
“Eight,” Ren shot back.
“Done.” Hux nodded before leaving the room. He had six hours to pass out and then he was going to find out who did this to you.
Kylo waited until Hux had gone before slipping from the room and heading to his own quarters. Ap’lek stood outside the door in full armour, his executioner’s ax grasped in his hand as he stood guard. They didn’t exchange words, they didn’t need to. The door opened and he came face to face with Vicrul, his scythe blade resting on his shoulder ready to swing at a moment's notice. He stepped to the side to let Kylo in, revealing the scene in his quarters. There was a dark haired man kneeling on the floor surrounded by the rest of the Knights, Cardo had his arm cannon pressed into the back of his neck, Ushar had the kinetic charged end of his club in position ready to stun the man if necessary and Trudgen sat before the prisoner running a whetstone along the blade of his vibrocleaver. The sound rang out loud and clear in the silent quarters as he swept the stone with long strikes against the massive blade. Kuruk appeared from the bedroom, performing his checks and making sure the quarters were secure.
Kylo made his way to crouch before the shaking man, slowly running his eyes over the First Order uniform and seeing it was ill fitting.
Has he said anything? Kylo looked up at Trudgeon, the only Knight without his mask on.
No. Came the swift reply followed by another singing note from the blade.
“You won’t get anything out of me.” Kylo turned his attention back to the prisoner.
“We just did,” he stated softly. The prisoner looked up and Kylo could see the man had already surrendered to the idea that he was going to die here.
“The Resistance is not dead. Our spark shines bright in the Galaxy.” Kylo looked at him, just staring as he tried to decide how he was going to play this.
“Vicrul.” The Knight stepped forward and Trudgeon moved out of the way, tossing his chair away with a loud noise. Kylo rose and Vicrul took his place before the prisoner, removing his pastillion ore helmet and placing it carefully on the floor before locking gazes with the prisoner.
Sweat began to bead on the man’s brow, his face quivering the longer Vicrul looked into his eyes. Kylo could feel it, the ripples in the force that his Knight created, the darkness manifested and clung the Resistance fighter, gathering around his head. The other Knights all watched, their own vibrations reacting to their brothers and only the prisoners laboured breathing sounded in the room. It didn’t take long before a scream ripped the air and he began to thrash in the Knights grip, lost in nightmarish visions that only he could see. Kylo let Vicrul have his fun, showing the prisoner visions that would make a Wookiee cower, his screams increasing in pitch. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he began to convulse in the firm grips of Cardo and Ushar.
“Enough,” said Kylo softly. Vicrul broke eye contact and picked up his helmet, the darkness retreated and the prisoner blinked rapidly as though the light was too much for him, his entire body heaved and he looked wildly around.
“What are you going to do to me?” He cried, his voice full of panic.
“It depends what you tell us,” Kylo gestured to the armoured men around him. “My Knights are bored so I suggest you cooperate.”
“Wait wait! Can’t you just search my mind? Take the information for yourself?” Kylo turned away as the Knights shuffled forward, closing ranks around the prisoner.
“Where is the fun in that Major Wexley?” The man was screaming before Kylo had even made it past his door, Kuruk followed and silently traded places with an eager Ap’lek. “Let me know if he says anything. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Kuruk nodded and silently watched his master walk away. They knew where he was going.
Kylo sat at your bedside, his large hand covered yours and echoes of what was happening in his quarters shattered the quiet of his mind. He could feel the force pulsing with the darkside, spreading its touch through the ship. It manifested in different ways, someone pulling a risky move in the training ground and hitting their opponent harder than necessary, an officer shouting at his staff for a simple misdemeanour that should have been dismissed. A fight breaking out in the cantina between two troopers who didn’t like each other, a moment of blind frustration from a medic who threw what he was holding, letting it shatter against the wall.
The Knights had found Wexley trying to slip into a TIE and escape, Kylo hadn’t told Hux. The General was on a cliff edge as it was, Kylo didn’t need him on a murdering spree before all information was dragged from the Resistance pilot, so Kylo let his Knights have a reward. Their energy was chaotic when unused, it needed a release every now and again.
He moved his hand along your cold arm, hating how lifeless you looked, you were still alive. He could feel your light but the warmth was weak and fading. Kylo hoped this pilot had some answers because he didn’t know what he’d do if they didn’t find the antidote in time. He cast a quick eye over the machines noting how your numbers remained steady even though you ebbed ever so slowly away.
He still won’t talk. Kylo sighed, feeling the disappointment in Vicrul’s thoughts.
I’m on my way. He stood, bending over you and peering at your still face for a moment before sweeping abruptly from the room.
The first thing he could feel was the pilot's pain, it radiated out in all directions and Kylo clenched his fists against it. The next thing he noticed was the smell, blood, sharp and tangy against his nose. The floor was slick with the red stains, blood spatter littered the walls in spectacular patterns and Kylo came to a stop looking down at the pitiful man as he bled out onto the floor, his skin was pale, drained of colour because it now painted Kylo’s quarters. He crouched down beside Wexley who was laying on his side, the First Order uniform ripped and tattered, ruined beyond repair much like Wexley himself.
“Are you going to talk?” Asked Kylo softly.
“No.” He admired the man's tenacity, but his time was up. The screams that spewed from him had a hoarse quality, like his throat was too tired, his lungs had no air but Kylo didn’t care as he raced through the man's memories. He had planted the bottle, but it wasn’t meant for you, it was meant for General Hux. The antidote was a plant out in the Teth system. One of the few wild systems left in the Galaxy and travelling there and back again in the time frame left would be a risk, but it was one Kylo was ready to take. He withdrew from the dying Major, his memories growing dark as his body gave up.
“Ready the Night Buzzard,” he demanded. Kylo stood, hearing the last breath from Wexley before moving, his Knights following obediently behind as he began to make his way to the hangar.
Hux woke to the sound of his alarm, swiping it off the screen of the datapad feeling unusually refreshed. He had slept in his uniform so he could get up and find Ren straight away. He walked through the corridors of the Finalizer pleased to see his staff avoiding his gaze as he marched along, this investigation was reminding everyone who was actually in charge here and bringing out Hux’s ruthless side for everyone to see served as another reminder that he wasn’t to be messed with.
He stepped into the interrogation room, taking in the emptiness before turning smartly and heading to the bridge. His lips bruised together in irritation, if Ren had found something and left Hux out he was going to explode. As soon as he entered the bridge Mitaka was at his side.
“Sir, the Supreme Leader gave strict instructions not to wake you.”
“What’s happened?” Snapped Hux.
“The Supreme Leader and the Knights have left for the Teth system.” Mitaka told him.
“Left? What do you mean left?”
“They have gone to retrieve the plant needed for the antidote for….for…..” For you. Hux didn’t have time to pander to his Lieutenant and his sad emotions right now. He tutted, since when did you become such a beloved member to certain people who weren’t him? “He also said to tell you there is a mess in his quarters, but he wanted you to see it before it was cleared up.” Hux left without a word, what an earth could Ren want him to see?
Whatever Hux had imagined on the way to the Supreme Leaders quarters did not prepare him for the sight that met his eyes. Did he really need to see this? Hux was no stranger to torture and death, blood didn’t bother him, violence was his way of life but seeing this gruesome scene did indeed turn his stomach slightly. He also recognised the Knights' handy work.
“Do we know who this is?” He asked a Major who looked rather grey coloured.
“Apparently this is…was Temmin Wexley, Resistance pilot and the person who planted the bottle in your quarters, sir.”
“Clear up this disgusting mess. It has lingered on my ship long enough.” He snapped, displeasure and disgust making his expression contort. He left, stepping the familiar path to the medbay realising now all he had to do was wait. And he hated waiting.
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Christmas (one shot)
Harry Potter Marauders AU 
Request: (I am combining two requests on this one because they are similar) 
1.  idk if it taking requests and i don’t want to be told forward but do you think that maybe you could write one with the reader as James little sister where she’s dating regulus and when Sirius runs away during the winter he manages to get reg to go with him and it’s rly sweet bc they spend Christmas together and it’s like the start of them all becoming really close and Reggie becomes like an honorary gryffindor... 
2. So I had an request with Regulus where he is dating the sister of James, and in the Christmas break he tells it Walburga and Orion but they kick him out, and so he goes to her house, kinda like when Sirius did :)
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- violence
Regulus stood outside of his mother’s sitting room working on getting the nerve to go inside. Today was the day that he would tell both Orion and Walburga about his relationship with you. It had been over a year of secrets and he was finally tired of it. Your parents were totally fine with the relationship so Regulus could only hope that his parents would be happy with his “happiness.”
You’re barking mad if you think that mum and dad will be happy. The Potter’s are blood traitors. They will flip.
Regulus had to shake the negative thoughts from his mind as he finally stepped into the room. Walburga sat beside her husband who was reading a newspaper. This was all that his parents seemed to do. Sit together but never speak. Regulus never understood it. When he started dating you his confusion over his parent’s odd relationship deepened. Regulus couldn't imagine just sitting beside you in silence every night.
Walburga looked up from the magazine that she was reading to gaze at her youngest son. It wasn’t often that Regulus appeared during her quiet time with Orion.
“What is it, Regulus?”
Regulus took a breath.
“I wanted to talk to you and dad about something.”
Orion put down his newspaper with a curious frown.
“Well, here we are. What is it?”
Regulus internally told himself to keep his nerve. If his parents could see that he wasn’t scared of them (like they wanted) maybe they would be a bit more perceptive to their son’s wants.
“I have a girlfriend. I’ve been dating a girl for over a year now. It's time for the two of you to know.”
Walburga immediately frowned.
“I see. We have promised you to…”
Regulus shook his head.
“I am not dating one of my cousins. I love the girl that I am with and want to be with her.”
Orion immediately crossed his arms over his chest.
“Who is she?”
“Y/n Potter.”
Both Walburga and Orion were on their feet in an instant. Walburga started screeching about the Potters being blood traitors.
“I forbid it! This relationship is over. You have no business in mixing with Potter trash.”
Regulus suddenly felt braver than he had in a long time.
“You don’t know her. Y/n is a wonderful girl. She’s smart, kind, beautiful...and she loves me.”
Orion sighed, putting a hand over his face.
“Is that what she told you? Regulus, love isn’t a real emotion. We have told you how some frivolous girl would use mentions of love to ensnare you into some trap. In this world there are only business arrangements. That’s what marriages are supposed to be about. If you let yourself become filthy by some blood traitor, no proper girl will want you.”
“I love her. Love is also very much real. I don’t care if the two of you don’t like it. You can hate it for all that I care. I will not give her up.”
Sirius lay on his bed throwing a small ball up in the air waiting for it to come back down. He was bored shitless and wanted nothing more than to get into something. The moment that he heard Regulus scream, Sirius sat up.
He swung his feet over the edge of the bed and went into his brother’s room.
“Did you see a spider again, Reggie? I don’t think that it is going to get you.”
Sirius frowned, seeing no sign of Regulus in the room. His bed was neatly made and everything looked in order. Regulus screaming again made Sirius quickly turn and run down the stairs. He has a sickening feeling that he knew what was going on. Normally it was him who his mother enjoyed using as a punching bag. It was very few and far between when Walburga turned her wrath on her “favorite.”
Skidding into the sitting room, Sirius wanted to scream at the sight of his mother using the cruciatus curse on his little brother. Regulus lay in a fetal position bleeding from the nose and mouth while screaming for his mother to stop.
“Mother, stop it!”
Sirius snapped. Walburga and Orion, whom Sirius just realized was in the room, looked up to their eldest son.
“Go away, Sirius. Your brother is being punished and it's none of your concern.”
Sirius shook his head.
“When he’s bleeding from the nose, ears, and mouth it is my concern. Stop before you kill him.”
Orion finally spoke up,
“This is what he deserves for dating a blood traitor. Were you aware that your brother was dating the Potter girl?”
Sirius frowned. This is what it was about. His parents discovered Regulus’ romance with you and was having a fit. Sirius was worried that this would happen the moment that the two of you started dating. This was why Sirius begged Regulus to not breathe a word of this to their parents. How they found out, Sirius wasn’t for sure.
“Nothing is wrong with Y/n. Now stop before you kill him!”
You sat beside James as your mother put a plate of freshly made cookies in front of you. Euphemia smiled proudly.
“Enjoy you two. I know that I said no Christmas cookies before Christmas but you know that I can’t help it. I love cookies.”
James grinned and eagerly grabbed a cookie.
“Yes! I was hoping for cookies.”
He said gleefully as the doorbell rang. You quickly stood up.
“Keep stuffing your face. I’ll go get the door.”
James gave you a wide grin as you walked down the hallway to the front door as the knocking continued.
“Keep your shirt on, we are coming.”
You yelled as you opened the door. The moment the door was opened you instantly found yourself wanting to scream. Both Sirius and Regulus stood on the other side looking as if the shit had been knocked out of them.
You screamed before reaching out and tugging them both inside. Assessing the situation, Regulus looked a lot worse off than Sirius. Seeing your boyfriend like this was enough to make you want to sob.
“What happened? What is going on?”
You heard James and your mother running in from the living room. James was the first in the room and was as stunned as you. He made a b-line for his best friend as you continued to check Regulus’ normally flawless face for injuries.
Euphemia stood with her hands over her mouth before quickly “getting her head in the game.”
“James, Y/n, bring Sirius and Regulus into the living room. I’m going to get some towels.”
You quickly did as you were told. Wrapping an arm around Regulus’ waist, you stepped as close to him as possible.
“Love, please...what happened. You’re not talking and it's scaring me.”
Regulus tried to think past the pain that was going through his aching body.
“I told my parents about us.”
You could clearly see your mother spin around at the comment Regulus made. Euphemia was as stunned as you were. Sirius tossed his hair over his shoulder.
“Mum and dad used cruciatus curse on us then threw us out.”
Euphemia came back with a bunch of clean towels.
“I wouldn’t let the two of you go back anyway. There is no way that I could let either of you return to that house.”
“Mrs. Potter, we couldn’t impose…”
Regulus started but Euphemia cut him off.
“Nonsense. The two of you are staying. James, go tidy your room. I don’t want Sirius to break an ankle trying to move around in there.”
Sirius laughed at the expression on James’ face.
“I told you that you were messy.”
James grabbed his friend by the hand and tugged him into the room and closed the door. Euphemia turned back to face where Regulus stood quietly at your side.
“You two come with me.”
If anyone could patch Regulus up it would be your mother. Euphemia was perfect at healing spells. After having James Potter for a son, she had to learn a thing or two quickly before her only son bled out.
“What happened to make your mother do something like this, dear?”
Euphemia asked as she gently took a towel and dabbed at Regulus’ bloody nose. Regulus winced at the bit of pain that went through his face. Euphemia stopped, having a feeling that the boy’s nose was broken.
“The truth?”
Regulus questioned. Euphemia smiled.
“That would be lovely. After you get done tell me what the truth is then maybe you can enlighten my son a bit. His stories are getting a little old. He needs new material.”
Euphemia was relieved when Regulus smiled at that.
“I can understand that. His excuse for making a bad grade on a test before Christmas was something about asbestos.”
Euphemia chuckled.
“You’ve heard that one too.”
Regulus was silent a moment longer before deciding that it was best to tell Euphemia what actually happened. She would find out soon enough and it wasn’t like she was going to hit him. Euphemia didn’t seem like a mother that would beat her children. She was nothing like his mother.
“I told my mother that I was dating Y/n. My parents said that your family is…”
Euphemia pursed her lips having a feeling where this was going.
“Let me guess, blood traitors.”
Regulus blushed before looking down. He didn’t even want to say yes to this. For once, everything that his family stood for was nothing that he wanted to be a part of any longer.
“Yes...I don’t feel that way though. I love Y/n and I want to be with her.”
Euphemia patted his shoulder.
“No need to fret, dear. I didn’t think of you in that way at all. You may be your mother’s son but you are not her. Now I’m going to fix your nose then you two need to get some rest.”
(5 minutes later)
You stepped into your bedroom followed by Regulus. He was still holding a blood-soaked towel under his nose.
“Are you alright?”
You asked. Regulus nodded then shook his head. He looked down at his still trembling hands. He sat down on the bed before he fell down.
“No, I’m not alright. No parent should treat their kid like this. I shouldn’t be beaten to hell for being in love with you.”
You quickly took your place on his lap. Placing a leg on either side of Regulus’ body, you sat up enough to gently cradle his head against your chest. Stroking your fingers through his hair, you gently whispered that everything would be fine. Whether Regulus believed it or not you weren't sure.
“None of my friends will probably talk to me again.”
Regulus finally said in a sad defeated tone. He knew that Evan would probably give him the tongue lashing of a lifetime for doing something to be kicked out of such a prestigious family. If Evan spoke to him after that would be a great question in itself. Barty would find this the perfect chance to take Regulus’ place. He had been desperate to do it for years so why would he wait?
“You can stay with my friends. They won’t mind. James already is cool with us being together. He just had to get over that initial older brother issue.”
Regulus wasn’t sure how hanging out with a herd of Gryffindor’s would go but at the moment it didn’t seem as if he had much of a choice. He would be with you...that would be the main perk. Now he didn’t have to say goodbye again and wonder if his parents were going to hang him for being your boyfriend.  
“That’s good to know. I’m sorry that he had to find out by catching us snogging.”
You were relieved to see a smile spread across Regulus’ face.
“He just had to sit quietly for a moment.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. James had to sit quietly whenever you did something questionable. Regulus pulled his attention off of James. As much as he was relieved to apparently have James Potter in his corner now, Regulus didn’t want to think about him at the moment. He had a feeling that he was going to be watched by James anytime the two of you were within inches of each other. This was going to make snogging be a bit difficult. Hopefully, he wouldn’t just come bursting into the room at any given time.
Looking around your room, Regulus couldn’t help but smile. Everything was comfy and screamed your name. For the first time, in a long time, Regulus felt safe. Knowing that he didn’t have to go back home was a welcomed thought.
Your fingers unbuttoning his shirt quickly got Regulus’ attention. He watched with amused eyes as you pushed the garment off of his shoulders.
“What are you doing? I don’t think messing around tonight would be a good idea. I would hate for your father to walk in with me between your legs.”
You blushed before pulling Regulus into a kiss. Everything seemed to even out at this moment. Regulus’ trembling hands seemed to steady as he wrapped an arm around your waist to keep your body against his.
“Oh, we aren’t having sex tonight. You need some rest.”
You kissed Regulus once more before getting off of his lap to pull down the duvet. Regulus smirked when he noticed the bunny-themed sheets.
You blushed.
“I’ve had these for years.”
“I like them.”
Regulus commented before taking his place on the side of the bed by the door. He knew that he had nothing to protect you from in your home but it felt right sleeping on this side.
“You do not.”
You replied with a snort before getting into bed beside him and snuggling down to his chest. Regulus’ long fingers toyed with your hair.
“I do because it's all you. Everything about you is good...except when you're hungry then you get a little mouthy.”
The two of you laughed quietly until Regulus turned on his side. He was more than ready to go to sleep and forget the bad part of the current day.
“Want to know the best part about this arrangement other than not having to be apart?”
“What’s that?”
Regulus asked with a yawn.
“We get to have our first Christmas together. Happy Christmas a day early.”
Regulus kissed your forehead before snuggling back into the pillow.
“Happy Christmas, darling.”
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stusbunker · 3 years
BGDC: Stay Down
A Supernatural Fan-fiction Mini-series
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Featuring: Female Hunter!Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Chuck and Jack
Written for: @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo
Summary: Everything comes to a head. Can she do better this time? Is there anything worth salvaging? Chuck has his own thoughts.
Square filled: In Vino Veritas
Word Count: 2615
Warnings: THIS HURTS, Flashbacks in italics, canon-ish, verbal arguments, that pesky motherfucker HOPE, Chuck is still a dick.
Series Masterlist
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Inherit the Earth con’t
    It had taken Sam two weeks to get out of Dean what happened, why she left. It was not his proudest moment, but the thought of her in their home made him sick. So, he had shown her the door. He thought he was her hero, he’d never imagined she’d treat him like a piece of meat.
    There were some lines that you shouldn’t cross and he didn’t know if he’d ever be able to forgive her that.
The drive to Sam and Jack feels like an eternity, even ignoring all traffic laws. The day is bright, but the impala rumbles garishly, a black omen. The static hiss of unmanned radio stations gives her something to do. She diligently sorts the tapes, finds something to fill the void. 
Melody as white noise. A band aid on a bullet wound. Dean can’t fix what’s been broken. But she never even tried.
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Sam cries at the sight of her. She runs into his arms and he squeezes until he can’t any longer. An ounce of redemption in the ocean of guilt. Sam glances over her head to his brother, he feels the other shoe drop.
“Where’s Cas?” Jack’s obvious question echoes the shame in the new arrivals’ eyes. She holds her breath as Dean explains, like she’s waiting for his story before she can move on. Like he didn’t tell her either.
Sam aches with what he’s allowed to happen. The old internal rage gnashing at his gut as he screams in an abandoned restaurant. They’re what was left behind. All they have left to do is give Chuck what he wants.
His ending, at last.
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Dean didn’t tell her what he and Sam were doing. Didn’t need an outside opinion on this one. Instead he asked her to keep an eye on Jack, knowing she’d say yes. He guessed he wasn’t done asking for things. The sight of Chuck makes him see red. But this was it, he’d die with his brother beside him. For the world.
When Chuck blows off their offer, he can’t say that he’s surprised. Disgusted, angry, regretful maybe, but Dean’s not surprised. 
The house always wins.
They crash at a motel for the night, everyone gets their own rooms for a change. She knocks on his door just after midnight with a bottled peace offering and her ratty sleep clothes. Dean doesn’t need this right now, but he doesn’t have the energy to be cruel.
“Where’d you get this?” Dean holds the amber liquid up to the light to read the label.
“Liquor store down the street. Don’t even feel bad for taking the five finger discount anymore,” she sighs and drops on the spare bed. “You gonna tell me about your little side mission or do I just get to guess at the outcome?”
Dean cracks the bottle open and sighs. “Bupkis. So, nothing to tell, really.”
She’s watching him for signs of lies, at least she’s not overtly antagonistic with her appraisal.
He offers her the bottle and she shakes her head. ‘Maybe she learned her lesson,’ he thinks and then takes a long pull off the glass rim.
“So, the Empty, huh?” Dean grimaces as she closes her eyes, taken aback.
“What makes you think I want to talk about it?” Her faces pinches and he is just too fucking tired.
“Because you always want to talk about it. It was kind of a thing.” Dean shrugs.
“I came to check on you, dumbass,” she mutters. He sits on his bed, leaves the bottle between them on the nightstand.
He doesn’t stop the sour hum that claws up his throat. He was trying to play nice, but she just had to keep on being the tough guy. “Funny, didn’t think you cared much what happened to me anymore, or how I feel about things at least.”
She has the gall to look surprised, but underneath it he sees she’s almost as tired as he is. “I did not come here looking for a fight. If you’ve got something to say to me--- Maybe you should remember who called who. And who dropped everything to help.”
“And I don’t seem to remember you doing too much of that,” Dean snaps back, turning his head only.
She pauses and Dean feels a little smug that he’s getting to her. But not nearly as much as he should. He cocks his eyebrows, waiting for her obvious answer.
She shoves him back on his proverbial heels instead. “We both know you were just keeping tabs on me. There wasn’t anything for me to do. And then I became a fucking bargaining chip. So screw you, Dean. I’m not here for a performance review.”
“I think we already established, no one is screwing anyone here,” Dean mutters, letting his head fall back against the wall. 
“Is that what this is about?! You are honestly bringing that shit up now?!”
“So what if I am? Better than acting like it never happened. Playing the fucking martyr,” Dean bites back. “I, at least, own my shit. Maybe you should try it some time.”
“You kicked me out! What was I supposed to do, wait on a damn cross until you finished your case?!” She still doesn’t get it. Dean’s chest is writhing with all the things they never buried.
“It doesn’t matter. We were family. And you threw it all away,” Dean lays it out.
“Yes, you!” Dean’s standing, hunching over her, unleashing. “You had to make it about your feelings and the crush you had on me when we were kids. Don’t you see? It was more than that. We WERE more than that. But you were lonely, or horny or needed to drown your feelings. And you cheapened everything. And now---- we can’t even have a real conversation.”
It’s like he’s looking at a completely different person. He doesn’t even know her anymore. 
“Dean, I---” He cuts her off, this was entirely pointless.
“Don’t, okay? Just--- leave it. I’m gonna get some air.” Dean starts towards the door and slumps, half turned he continues, “Look, I’m glad you didn’t get stuck in the Empty. But Cas did---- And to be clear, this wasn’t ever about rebuilding bridges, it was about stopping Chuck. And we couldn’t manage that.--- But we can’t just go back to the way things were just because we’re all that’s left. The sooner you understand that, the easier this will be--- for everybody.”
The heaviness of wasted effort sinks into his shoulders. Dean closes the door behind him with a gentle click. They both know she’ll be gone before he gets back.
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No one left in the entire world and one of my oldest friends still doesn’t want me around. This wasn’t humble pie, it was a goddamn humility infused vat of pie filling. Not a spoon in sight.
Fuck him. Fucking pie metaphors even. Fucking brain.
I leave the damn whiskey, but I really want to throw it against the wall. Dump it in his boots. Bath in it. But I don’t. I give him his twenty paces and I duck out, bypass my room, Jack’s, and head back towards the liquor store. There was a pick-up I might be able to hot wire, if I remember where I saw it.
I mash my lips together to stop their quake, but everything keeps clawing its way up, centering itself in my way. I did this. The one person I needed to believe in me and I fucking ruined it. It was never about Amara, or Cas or him being too good for me. I just wanted what wasn’t there. 
The dirtiness slides down and clings to me, like a wet coat. An unwashable stain, that’s all my presence is anymore. I don’t want to be where I am unwanted, unneeded, unuseful. Well, useless really. But, I can’t lose Sam too. Not again and definitely not now. I stop when I spot the truck. 
Running isn’t going to mend what running severed.
Know better, do better.
I creep back to the motel and pretend to sleep. There are salt lines dried across my skin when Jack knocks on my door.
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The sun still rises. Dean tosses his things in his bag, even the whiskey. Waste not want not. They’re heading home to regroup or to hide or just for something to do. He doesn’t care, but being out in the open feels like he’s leaving them open for an ambush, or Chuck’s prying eyes at the very least.
He knows they’re not safe from that anywhere. It just feels safer somehow.
Dean feels good in motion. Sam’s at his side, while she and Jack sit in their own quiet corners in the back. The looming reality of an empty planet unnoticeable on the backroads. Denial is a helluva drug.
So is hope. Good thing he kicked that one.
When they pull into the garage, he doesn’t even bother grabbing his duffel from the trunk. Dean bee lines for the hard stuff and no one even bats an eye.
Maybe he has always been that predictable. Maybe he no longer cares.
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I’m sitting on my bed, flipping through an old photo album when Sam finds me. It’s been three days and the bunker just keeps getting hollower the longer we stay inside. It’s like Chuck is slowly strangling the oxygen from the air.
I’m pretty sure I’ll be the first one to break.
Dean’s too far into a pity party at the bottom of a bottle to be pushed off any one edge and Sam’s too good at keeping on. Of course, Jack is getting by on sheer purity of spirit.
“How you holding up?” Sam’s voice is scratchy, but familiar, I don’t know the last time we actually spoke. I don’t really make eye contact, but shrug all the same.
“You?” I ask, unnecessarily.
He sits down beside me, looking over my shoulder. He huffs out a laugh at one of the pictures.
“I can’t believe you managed to keep all of these,” Sam says as he reaches over and slides his finger tips over the poorly taped Polaroids.
“They were at Bobby’s for a while, but I dug them out of a storage unit after--- well, after I fucked things up with your brother. Figured they were all I had left after that.”
Sam inhales at my bluntness, cocks his head because it hurts to hear, but also doesn’t sit right. What a doof.
“Spit it out, Legs, I know you wanna say something,” I goad.
“I guess I don’t really--- what happened?” Sam’s eternal need to know things going for my weak spot. “I mean, Dean said you tried to put the moves on him, but I guess, why was it so horrible?”
“Well, I actually have some new information on that front,” I offer, turning to face him and placing the memories on the far side of the bed. 
Sam’s brows pitch. 
“Apparently, I--- cheapened everything. Dean thought whatever our relationship was, was more important than hooking up. And I made it all about me.”
“He said that?” Sam asks in a hush.
“Yup,” I huff out. “And a very firm, ‘there is no rebuilding bridges’,” I say in my best/worst Dean voice.
“Wow.” Sam looks to the ceiling then scratches the back of his head. He doesn’t know what to say.
“It’s okay, I mean, I did kiss him. I knew it was a bad idea, but I had psyched myself up that entire night, misread everything. I’ve never been the one guys willingly go home with. I shouldn’t have forced it.”
“Don’t say that. You’ve had---,” Sam breaks off when he thinks about my asshole ex.
“I’ve had a couple of real winners,” I finish for him. “But it’s okay. Because now we’re the last people on Earth. No one left to break my heart.”
I slap the edge of the mattress and lurch to my feet, ignoring the pain in Sam’s eyes. He just lost Eileen and here I am moping about something that happened over two years ago. Once a shitty friend, always a shitty friend.
“You can keep looking through that if you want. I’m gonna start dinner,” I add at the door.
Sam nods, but he doesn’t reach for the album. He just sits on my bed and chews the inside of his lips.
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Jack’s feeling things and Sam’s looking at Dean with insistence, but Dean’s hungover-leeched brain is not putting things together.
Sam grimaces, heavy on the bitch factor. “I think you should be the one to tell her we’ve got a lead. Meanwhile, I’ll start packing the car.”
“Great. Sure.” Dean does little to hide his disdain. Sam doesn’t budge.
He grunts through an explanation as she cleans her gun. Luckily, she doesn’t ask too many questions because the vibrations of his own voice are adding to the throbbing at the base of his skull. 
She slips him a bottle of painkillers before ducking into the back seat next to Jack. He doesn’t say thank you, but he knows she knows he’s grateful. They used to be able to do that, not as easily as he and Sam, but silent communication was possible, once.
He gets them on the road before noon, the familiar feel of the wheel in his hands steadies Dean until the pain starts to subside. The soft, yet urgent Jack-P-S guiding their way.
They stop for an inevitable pitstop and Dean gets hit with a pure dose of that damning hope. A white, shaggy dog is laying outside the men’s room and his face breaks into a smile for the first time in weeks. It’s the proof he needed aside from Jack’s fuzzy radar.
Chuck didn’t get everything.
He scoops the dog up and shows him off to Sam, forgetting entirely about his need to pee. He sets the sudden miracle in the backseat, promises there’ll be enough room for him.
That’s when Dean spots Chuck in the field, menacing and knowing. Dean straightens on instinct, facing the threat. As Chuck raises his hand to snap, a gushing voice rushes to Dean’s side.
“Oh, who’s a good boy?!” She doesn’t see their destructive creator waiting in the wings and Dean moves to shield her from Chuck’s gaze. 
It’s too late.
Suddenly Chuck is standing beside the impala’s trunk.
“Now, how exactly did I miss you?” Chuck gapes, the disbelief and rage shifting across his once amiable face.
She chokes on her breath, freezes on the spot. Dean sees the power trip flash in Chuck’s piercing blue gaze. He likes when people are fearful, he likes to see them squirm.
“She wasn’t here when you iced everybody, Chuck. It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s still just us,” Dean reasons, downplaying her worth.
“Nah, I don’t like it. It’s supposed to be you and Sam. Jack, fine. He’s just a pet anyway. But her? You guys get over your crap and suddenly there’s a whole new generation of thorns in my side. Sorry,” Chuck huffs and snaps his fingers. She disappears faster than Dean could take it in. “Not sorry.”
“What the hell?!” Dean barks. Panic, rage, and overwhelming sadness shoot through him as he dives towards Chuck. But he’s gone before Dean can get there. Falling to the gravel, gracelessly, Dean spins on his knees to see if Sam or Jack are still alive and accounted for. He spots their silhouettes through the convenience store windows. With that little platitude, Dean staggers over to soothe the dog’s sudden whimper. And then it vanishes too.
Maybe Dean never made it out of Hell after all.
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Tell me what you think?
Tagging: @peridottea91​​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​​ @cosicas-cuquis​​ @flamencodiva​​ @akshi8278​​​ @dontshootmespence​​​ @smi727​​​ @ericaprice2008​​​ @crashdevlin​​​ @dolphincliffs​​​ @spnfamily-j2​​  
Read On: Free Will
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babygirlwolverine · 4 years
Tinsel and Tourists - Chapter Ten
Word Count: 1,811 (another long chapter, I’m sorry)
Dean’s POV
Link to ao3 / Link to masterpost
“For God’s sake, Dean. Snap out of it, lover boy. We’ve got a real case here that’s far more complicated than a salt-n-burn. Could you quit staring at your phone with heart-eyes for five freaking seconds so we can actually do our jobs,” Sam said, crossing his arms and snapping his computer open with a poignant look thrown Dean’s way.
“You’re the one who set me up with him in the first place,” Dean shot back. “You’ve been deliberately pushing us together, and just when I’m about to kiss him, you had to interrupt.”
“Dead body showed up and we needed to check it out. Pretty damn important if you ask me,” Sam said.
“You couldn’t have waited one extra minute? You clearly saw I was milliseconds away from finally kissing him-”
Sam loudly slammed a book down onto the table, effectively cutting Dean off. “Five times, Dean. Five times tonight so far you’ve given me crap for interrupting. I’m sick of hearing about it. Go out there and find Cas and kiss him right now or shut the hell up and get to work, unless you want whatever this is to take Cas and kill him, too.”
Damn. That was a sobering thought. If any monster even so much as looked at Cas, Dean swore he was going to lose it. He couldn’t stop his mind from screaming mine; a protective streak burning inside his gut and wrapping up into his chest.
Placing his phone back down on the table, Dean opened his own laptop and sighed. “How do we even begin to start narrowing down what this thing is? Is there any connection between Callie and Oliver?”
Sam pushed both of the files across the table towards Dean. “Other than the fact they were roughly around the same age, 28 and 29, that’s all I’ve got. Callie worked at the local theater. Oliver was a second grade teacher. They live in different neighborhoods and run in completely different social circles. Oliver is well known in town and is one of the most popular teachers at the elementary school. Callie was quieter. Both of them have helped out with work around the town in different ways- Oliver volunteers at the local animal shelter and Callie helped out at the elderly home. As far as I can tell, both of them are pictures of model citizens, just in different ways.”
Flipping open the files, Dean scanned the contents as he listened to Sam rattle off the big details. “So either they’re both hiding something and that’s why they were targeted, or they both really were squeaky clean and that’s why they were taken.”
“This whole town is filled with good people, Dean. That doesn’t exactly narrow it down for who could potentially be taken next. And we can’t exactly protect an entire town,” Sam said. “Something about it still feels sacrificial.”
Dean sighed, dropping his head down to the table before muttering, “We’ve talked about this, though. No signs of a God in town. No happy success stories or flourishing town.”
They lapsed into silence for a few minutes, and all Dean could hear was the clacking of Sam’s keys as he typed. He let his eyes close, mind wandering back to Cas and their date tomorrow night. God, he was so freaking whipped it was unbelievable. How was he even supposed to tell Cas he’d never been ice skating in his entire life? He was going to look like a complete idiot falling on his ass on the ice tomorrow. And yet, despite the impending humiliation, Dean’s heart was hammering against his chest just at the mere thought of seeing Cas again.
He replayed the almost-kiss over again for probably the hundredth time that night, and he felt himself flush. Cas’ lips… God, even just the briefest brush had been enough to have Dean breathless. He’d been half tempted to walk out of the motel and find Cas when Sam suggested it, merely because he could barely get his brain to focus on anything except kissing Cas and how damn good those chapped lips would feel sliding against his own.
When his phone buzzed on the table, breaking his wandering thoughts, Dean all but hurled himself to pick it up, hoping it was another text from Cas. When he saw Bobby’s name, he scoffed and dropped the phone back down again; trying desperately to tamper down the disappointment that it wasn’t Cas.
“You’re like a lovesick teenager,” Sam muttered from the other side of the table.
“Shut up, no I’m not,” Dean snapped back instantly.
“Sure you’re not. That wasn’t a predictable reaction to thinking your crush has texted you only to find out it wasn’t him,” Sam said, raising an eyebrow.
“Go screw yourself. I don’t have a crush. I’m not twelve.”
Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes. “You’re so transparent you might as well be translucent, Dean.”
Pushing his chair back, Dean stood up. “I’m done having this conversation.”
“Where are you going?”
“To get a beer from the fridge because I’m way too sober to be dealing with your crap right now,” Dean muttered, storming off to the small fridge in the room.
Just as Dean got the cap off the beer, a thought flittered into his head. “You keep saying it feels sacrificial, right?”
Sam looked up from his laptop as Dean approached, taking the beer that Dean held out to him as a peace offering. “Yeah, but as you keep pointing out, there’s no signs of a God.”
“Right, but what if the sacrifices aren’t being done by a God, but being done to appease a God? Something that was protecting and serving the Gods. Almost a middle man between the Gods and the people.”
Sam thought about it for a second before nodding. “We are days away from the winter solstice. And all the patterning shows the sacrifices leading right up to that time frame. And you said it when we left the scene, the way her body was cut up, it was precise; extremely ritualistic.”
“No blood left in her, either. And no obvious signs of vamps draining people around here. A blood offering?”
Sam hummed, before he started typing with renewed interest. “You might be onto something. I’ve got a couple theories. Why don’t you put a call out to Bobby to see if he knows anything, and I’ll hit the lore.”
“Got it,” Dean said, grabbing his phone and taking his beer with him as he stepped outside to call Bobby. After explaining everything that was happening with the case and the details they’d picked up so far, Bobby promised he’d do some research of his own and call if he found anything useful.
By the time he’d finished his call with Bobby, Dean had finished his beer and he was pleasantly warm inside despite the cold wind.
In the morning, he’d blame it on the alcohol, which was a weak excuse when he’d only had the one beer. And yet, after he hung up with Bobby, his finger moved to hover over Cas’ contact. And before he could talk himself out of it, he pressed call.
The second the dialing tone rang in his ear, Dean panicked and went to hang up, but Cas answered on the second ring.
Dean’s heart instantly kicked up in his chest, and he felt the air in his lungs stutter at just hearing Cas’ voice through the phone.
“Hey Cas,” Dean said.
“Did something happen? Is there- has there been another death?”
Dean shook his head, kicking a small bank of snow as he began to walk around the motel. “No. No, I just- I uh, I missed you.”
Shit. As soon as the words came out, Dean winced. What was wrong with him? He really was a lovesick teenager. One date and a botched first kiss and Dean was so smitten he could barely go five seconds without thinking about Cas. Just hearing Cas’ voice made Dean yearn, and the words had slipped out without his control. And yet, he meant them. Even the case was barely keeping his attention right now. He’d already began an internal countdown to their date tomorrow night, which was pathetic and desperate and yet he couldn’t stop himself.
“I’ve kept my phone with me all night since you texted me,” Cas said quietly, before he laughed softly.
Oh God. Was Cas waiting by the phone for him? Jesus. Why was that so cute that it made Dean’s chest ache?
“My witty humor just so good that you were waiting for more?” Dean said, automatically switching to teasing.
“Something like that,” Cas replied, and Dean could almost feel his smile through the phone.
“I um- I have absolutely no idea how to ice skate, by the way,” Dean admitted, reaching up to snap an icicle off the roof just to keep his hands busy.
“You’ve never ice skated before?” Cas asked, shock bouncing down the phone.
“Nope, never.”
“I’ll teach you,” Cas said earnestly.
“Only if you promise not to let me fall on my ass,” Dean said with a laugh.
“I promise I won’t take my hands off of you,” Cas replied instantly, before the weight of his words seemed to settle in the air. Dean swallowed thickly, his stomach twisting on itself at the thought of Cas’ hands lingering on him.
“And what if I can’t keep my hands to myself?” Dean said, words raw and yet filled with an emotion he couldn’t quite name.
“Is that a promise, Dean?” Cas asked, voice slipping an octave lower; sending a thrill down Dean’s spine.
“God, yes,” Dean found himself saying, words ripped from his throat as he was overcome with the urge to grab Cas right now and kiss him. “Swear to God, if you don’t bring mistletoe-”
Cas laughed and the sound made Dean’s chest feel tight. “As long as you don’t leave me standing underneath it alone again.”
“Not a chance in hell,” Dean said. Just as he was about to say something else, his phone buzzed in his hand and a text from Sam flickered across the screen. Time to get back to work. “Listen, Cas, I gotta get back to work. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“7 o’clock, Dean. Don’t you dare be late,” Cas said.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Dean replied, before handing up; heart racing from the call and his hands sweaty just from flirting with Cas again.
As he made his way back to the room, his eyes flickered to an oak tree near the motel; a clump of mistletoe hanging from one of the branches. Reaching up, Dean snagged a few pieces, smiling to himself as he slipped them into his pocket. Just a little bit of extra insurance to make sure he got that kiss with Cas tomorrow.
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obscureamor · 4 years
teach me
❥ hs! takeda ittetsu x fem! reader
❥ TW// mentions of stalking
» you teach ittetsu how to kiss... but something isn’t right.
» A/N some good ole mr. takeda as a third year kissin’ a family friend ;))
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You don’t want to be here, but with your parents out of town, it was only logical to have you stay with the Takeda’s. 
You notice that his room hasn’t changed one bit from when you were kids. You’re both sitting on his bed, a small twin sized with plain bedding. It screams Ittetsu loud and clear. You look around, fiddling with your hands as no one says anything. You know that the only reason why the atmosphere is so awkward is because of you. Before this there were one-liners and ‘how have you been’s being passed around, but you can only keep up with that for so long before it dies out. 
You wonder what Ittetsu is thinking about—
“Have you ever kissed anyone, y/n?” his voice cuts through the awkward stench filled air. 
Where was this coming from? You don’t spend too much time dwelling on it though. Ittetsu has always asked you the weirdest things, mainly concerning your life experiences.
“Y-Yeah... I have. How about you, ’Tetsu? Is there some special girl you’ve kissed?”
You’re smiling at him warmly. In all honesty, Ittetsu has always been like that weird younger cousin to you. You weren’t related in any way, but with how long you’ve known him you might as well be family at this point.
“N-No, that’s why— I was—”
His face is red and he keeps pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 
“Ittetsu, are you o—?”
“Can you teach me!?” he cuts you off before you could even question him. 
Teach him? How to kiss? 
You chuckle awkwardly. “Don’t you want to try this out with someone your own age? How about that one girl in our class? I mean... I—”
“You’re only a couple months older than me,” he grumbles out. 
“That’s true, but don’t you want it to be special? With someone you know well? Someone you care about?”
He seems to be thinking over something before he speaks, “I care about you.”
“O-Oh okay, but... you don’t know me that well.” You try and let him down softly but the look on his face makes you fold. You give a deep sigh before scooting closer to him. “Okay, you’re sure you want to do this?”
He gives a firm nod and you place your hand on his cheek. You lean forward stopping right before you touch his lips. 
“Just do what you think feels right.”
You can hear his breath hitch when you finally connect. His hands are balled into fists in his lap. It’s one simple press, but when you pull away he’s chasing your lips. 
“C-Can we do that again?” His cheeks are flushed, lips slightly parted. 
You want to laugh at the look on his face. It’s no surprise that one simple peck would have Ittetsu losing his mind. You don’t say anything as you lean forward. This time your tongue swipes along his bottom lip and he whimpers out at the contact. It seems as if he’s getting a hang of it, but his nervousness still shines through. You pull back, taking his hands from his lap and placing them on your waist.
Your hands hold his face as you speak, “you need to calm down, Ittetsu. You’re doing fine.”
It surprises you when he’s the one who leans forward, placing his lips on yours. You softly nip at his bottom lip and the gasp he lets out is the cutest. Ittetsu’s eyes are wide as your warm tongue makes its way into his mouth. 
This is really happening, he thinks.
He’s gripping onto your shirt tightly almost as if you aren’t real. You lean back after a few seconds and his eyes immediately darted down to the string of saliva connecting you. 
“I didn’t really teach you anything, but you seem to have the hang of it,” you mutter while wiping off your bottom lip.
You scoot away from him and his hands reluctantly leave your waist. Not knowing what to say or do, you stand from the bed, walking towards his bookshelf to see what someone like Ittetsu would read. He doesn’t have anything of importance, just fiction and the occasional test prep. 
“You like to study at the library on Tuesday,” his voice cuts through the silence.
There’s a weary smile on your face as you turn to look at him. It’s most likely a coincidence that he knows. You’ve seen him at that same library occasionally. 
“You go out for ramen with your friends whenever one of you achieve something.” He’s fiddling with his fingers as he continues, “Sometimes on Friday nights, when your parents are gone, you— you,” he takes a deep breath before continuing, “you like to touch yourself!”
It comes out of his mouth so fast you almost didn’t catch it. He doesn’t look at you as you take a step closer to him. 
“W-What?” you breathe out.
“You said I didn’t know anything about you, but I do!” His head snaps up to look at you. “I-I just wanted to let you know...”
You blink at him. Your mouth is slightly agape as you try and gather yourself, as well as process this new information. 
“Ittetsu, have you— have you been stalking me?”
His eyes widen, worry and confusion written all over his face. His hands wave about as he speaks to you, “N-No! No, I’m not! I’m just—” his voice drops to barely a whisper, “I like to watch over you...”
“That’s not— Ittetsu, that’s stalking. You’re stalking me.”
There’s a tremble in your voice. You can’t bring yourself to yell at him as much as you want to. You’re screaming internally at the thought of him watching you like that. You should be livid. You should throw something at him, storm out of the house and stay with a friend instead, but you don’t. 
“You’ve got it all wrong, y/n! I’m just watching out for you! What if someone tries to hurt you?!” 
The way his voice sounds at the end makes you shiver. He looks like a kicked puppy, eyes blown wide behind his glasses, brows furrowed. 
“Nobody would hurt me, Ittetsu.” You shake your head. “You need to stop because this... this isn’t right. There were better ways to handle this. You could’ve just asked me where I was going.” 
You don’t know why you’re taking this route. The route of comfort and dismissal. Maybe it’s because you’ve known Ittetsu for almost your entire life, but it still doesn’t make sense. You only know him when your families get together, outside of that you won’t ever catch yourself associating with him. You’ve never let people at school know that Ittetsu and you were friends in fear that they’d chastise you. You could already hear the laughter and scrutinizing words directed towards you, ‘A player from the girls’ volleyball team friends with nerdy Takeda!?’ 
You just have to ask the one thing that’s been eating at you, “Why? Why would you do this?”
His eyes widen before he looks off to the side bashfully. 
“Because I care about you.”
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