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Recent Acquisition - Ephemera Collection
Washington Party is Well Attended in Clopton Church (Clopton Virginia)
#scrapbook#George Washington#Washington's Birthday#February#Washington#patriotic#I cannot tell a lie#red white and blue#paper napkin#Clopton#VA#Virginia#ephemera
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AM - Chapter 3
I Wanna Be Yours
Sirius Black x reader Chapter 3/3 Warnings: angst?, smoking, suggestive themes, fwb to lovers word count: 3,178 masterlist
Currently playing: I Wanna Be Yours by the Arctic Monkeys
Chapters i, ii, iii

Sirius Black did not think of himself as a hopeless romantic. He never cared for the lovey sickness or all the stereotypical heart designs, not the lace nor the saccharine-drenched desserts. He knew you did though. As much as you tried to hide it. He knew well of the small journal-turned-scrapbook you kept under your bed. The one with the tickets and pictures and scraps of napkins and doodles you had accumulated. Sirius Black was not a sentimental person. But he adored that you were. That you kept trinkets and other “useless” artifacts and bits just because they reminded you of a moment, of a memory, of a person. He missed watching you put your sentimental treasures in your boxes, in your journal. You pretended not to know he watched you.
He wondered if you kept things from him. From your moments, your memories together, of him.
He stared at the Polaroid Lily took of the two of you with her muggle camera. You sat on his lap, a cigarette between his lips and a fun pink drink in yours. His arm around your waist, his other hand resting on your thigh. The sparkly dress you wore that night was entrancing to look at even through the still picture. One of your arms hugged his shoulders and your smile was so wide the corners of your eyes crinkled. Your smile was so big it made your eyes almost close. His own lips rounded into a crooked smile between the cig. It was the night you first hooked up. The morning after neither of you could stop giggling. He kept the anxiety of not knowing how to move forward close to his heart.
He remembered your laugh as Lily took two pictures, one for you, one for him. It’s not like he’ll keep it, pads isn’t sentimental like that.
The truth was, you were wrong. He kept it in his desk drawer since that night. He’d look at it often when you weren’t in his arms.
This was the smile he liked the most from you, he thought. The one right before you bust into laughter. He loved seeing it, it was like a firework, like a star shining in the night sky. He hadn’t seen that smile the entire time you had been in your relationship. He hoped it was just because of the distance between you that he hadn't seen it. But after the Ravenclaw party and the way Jacob had manhandled you. He wasn’t so sure anymore.
Remus, Peter, and Sirius waited outside of McGonagall’s office door. It was normal for James to be in trouble. It was usually all of them together but, not in trouble for something like this. Sirius had gotten down just in time to see James’s fist colliding with the Slytherin’s face. The screaming between Marlene and your boyfriend had brought him down and James’s outburst had brought unwanted attention. As Slughorn took James away, Sirius dragged Peter and Remus down. They followed the professor and their friends all the way down to McGonagall’s office. Jacob had been sent to the hospital wing.
Slughorn burst out of the office, no James in sight. The older man seemed upset but didn’t comment on the boys’ presence. The door rested slightly ajar.
“Professor you have to understand, I couldn’t stand for it!” James loudly “whispered” to his head of house. James couldn’t whisper for the life of him.
“Mr. Potter, while I understand that Mr Brown's comment made you very upset and I do not tolerate such foul name calling especially about a dear student like Miss Y/L/N-“
”It was more than name-calling Minnie!”
”Please refrain from calling me that-“ The boys outside could hear the amusement in McGonagall’s voice. It quickly faded. “violence is still not accepted, even if he called her a-“
”a whore! He called our Y/N a whore Minnie!” Sirius felt his blood drain from his body. He was going to kill him.
Remus put his hand on Sirius’s shoulder as if sensing the storm brewing inside of him.
McGonagall sighed and told James that he had a week of detention. Rather light for the offense.
“She doesn’t know does she?” Remus asked James as he exited the office. James’s eyes went wide as he realized they had all heard, it wasn’t like he wasn’t going to tell them. He would on his own time, be a bit apprehensive of Sirius’s reaction. James shook his head no. You had no clue, at least from him.
”I knew he was a good-for-nothing bastard,” Sirius stared at the floor, his hands deep in his pockets. “I’m going to murder him”
If the boys didn't know better, they'd believe him.
You sat at your boyfriend's bedside. By the time you got yourself together and went down to the hospital wing he was sleeping off his bruised cheek and the apparent slight concussion from hitting the floor. You wondered if James was okay, wanting nothing more than to go after your friend. But you felt responsible for his state, even if he had called you something mean, you felt guilty. You felt like you had driven him to blind jealousy and childish name-calling.
"Y/N?" Jacob stirred awake, surprised about your presence. "thought you'd be with Black." His expression soured and his fingers gripped your hand that was placed on the bed.
"I had half a mind to go wait with him for James" Your words were mumbled but you knew he understood you as he tightened his grip on your fingers. Marlene nor Lily had told you what he had said. Alice didn't have any shame in telling you however, he called you a whore Y/N, if I had been in the position to I would've beaten him bloody. You found yourself not caring what the boy had called you.
"I swear I didn't mean what I said honey," you frowned at the nickname "I was just so mad, I was upset, and your friend Maria-"
"Yeah that one, well she kept screaming at me and I just blew a fuse" You couldn't help but stare at him blankly. Jacob Brown was a handsome man but the temper he hid under a shy and stuttering demeanor had crossed a line, and fast. He lost whatever charm he may have possessed. He would never and has never made you feel the way Sirius Black does.
You were never really into blondes anyway.
"I think we're done Jacob," you pulled your hand away. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, not expecting you to have the balls to rip the bandaid off. "And if I had been James, I would've broken your nose, so be thankful"
You got up without another word, he didn't dare speak either. You slowly started walking faster, out of the hospital wing, up stairs, and down hallways picking up more and more speed, until you were running. You sprinted as fast as you could, as fast as your shoes would let you. You could see the glimpses of the remaining sunlight peer through each window you passed. They flashed like a camera lens. You needed the rush of adrenaline, to remind you that you were alive, that your heart was beating. You stopped in front of the fat lady, her nose scrunched up at your disheveled appearance.
"Rictusempra" She opened without further complaint.
Your chest heaved up and down as you slowed down, entering the warm, cozy common room.
"How lovely of you to join us," James laughed from the couch, a small ice pack wrapped around his hand. "How's my favorite whore?" You laughed and scrunched up your nose and Lily gasped in surprise.
"I'm doing great— newly single" your friends oo'd, "how's my amateur boxing champion?" You couldn't help but poke fun, James had a way of lighting up the atmosphere. You were grateful for it.
Lily ran her hands through his hair as she answered in his place, "he's doing better, he only has detention for a week,"
"Lils you're fussing over him too much he does not need that thing-" you laughed as you pointed at the ice pack, the redhead turned as bright as her hair as she laughed too. She knew but it never hurt to indulge James's dramatics. Most of the time.
"Minnie is a saint is all I'm saying," his words came out as more of a purr as Lily continued to pet his hair.
You struggled to ask the obvious, James looked at you like he was daring you to ask, Where's Sirius?
"He's in the astronomy tower-" Remus spoke up from his chair before anyone else could say anything,
Peter chuckled as your cheeks reddened, "Might have to hold him back," the rest of the marauders started giggling like they were twelve "he wanted to commit bloody murder earlier"
You messed with Peter's hair, mouthing a thank you to Remus as you left.
"I thought we said we'd quit," Your words came out in a short breath, the stairs all the way up the tower were no joke.
"Well hello there stranger," The words came muffled as Sirius balanced whatever was left of a cigarette between his lips. You walked to sit with him on the ledge, much like you had in February. Your thighs pressed against one another and you took a brand new box of organic cigarettes out of your pocket. "Glad to see neither one of us held up to the promise of quitting" Sirius chuckled as he took the box from your hands.
He put out the cig on the edge of the wall and took one of yours out. He placed it between your lips, his fingertips softly grazing your lips. You suddenly didn't feel the need to smoke. But you didn't say this as he took out his lighter and lit it for you. He took the cig after you inhaled. You couldn't help but stare at him, your arms crossed on the metal bar in front of you, your head on your forearms. The rings of smoke mixed and danced in front of you again.
"I have another confession to make"
"Besides the fact that you chain smoke like you're a fifty-year-old man?"
"Yes," you said and he turned to look at you, an amused flicker in his eyes. You could see the kindness in them, the care. Sirius always cared. No matter what he said or did, you knew this. All of you knew.
"Spit it out then love," his words were whispered, and he took the cigarette again. Your box was still in his right hand.
"You make me feel like I just downed a bottle of firewhiskey" He barked out a laugh at your childish confession, tilting his head back. He nodded as he passed back the cig. "and if I'm really honest, Jacob never made me feel like that, I fear," you inhaled deeply, allowing the smoke to fill you, Sirius's expression twisted at the mention of the boy.
"I hope not," You couldn't help but wonder if Sirius's need for your attention was simply to scratch an itch. Simply the satisfaction of knowing that he had you wrapped around his finger. The satisfaction of having you in his bed.
"What is it to you Black?"
"Don't call me that," he knocked his shoulder with yours, releasing a giggle from your lips. "If you must know— I could treat you better,"
He looked away now, shy at his admission, even when it had been said haphazardly. Like it wasYou shook your head, unable to process nor accept his statement. Sirius Black did not care. You knew this. He didn't care about your sentimentalism or your feelings. Sirius did not know what you liked to eat or watch or listen to. He did not care. He had never cared to ask or show interest. He didn't care that you knew he only drank pumpkin juice during dinner, or that he liked it when you braided his hair, or that his favorite muggle movie was the new animated Robing Hood and not the Godfather as he always said. You knew Sirius Black did not care that you knew all of his favorite things and he didn't know a single one of yours. And it broke your heart. That he refused to know you or to let you fully in.
"That's not fair," you retracted your legs, curling them up to your chest. Shy of the contact, self-conscious of your closeness and the way you let him in so easily. You didn't accept the cig back from him.
"How?" he put out the cig and pulled at your hand. "He could never make you happy, he will never know you like I do baby" his words were merely a whisper between the two of you.
"What could you possibly know about me, Black?" he hated when you called him that "You don't truly know a thing about me-"
"I know everything about you," he was barely a breath away, your warmth mixed with his and if you moved a mere centimeter your faces would touch. "I know your favorite color is pink, but you always say its red, it's not any pink either its the baby pink of the dress you wore to the Christmas dinner at the Potter's last year" You held your breath. “the one that shimmered under the lights-”
"Do you want an award for knowing my favorite color?" Sirius ignored you as he continued.
"I know you like orchids but not as a bouquet, you like lilies best," his fingers tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, but his hand remained there, at the edge of your jaw and you couldn't help but stare into his big grey eyes. You could almost see the constellations in them.
"You like the pixie dust flavored bean but hate the chocolate one, I know you wanted to be an auror when you were little but now you lean more towards a teaching position here," You felt a knot form in your throat as he continued to tell you the things about yourself you thought he had no clue of. "I know you like the smell of my leather jacket and that you keep a scrapbook under your bed, you love frills and lace and they are everywhere on that journal, I know you hate cigarettes because you feel guilty but you can't help yourself when you're anxious" you were somehow closer now, his tender hand on your jaw bringing your faces together to the point you could scarcely feel his lips as he spoke.
"I know you are a sentimental person, who keeps everything and everyone deep in your heart and that you wear your heart on your sleeve, all you do is give to others, your love, and your attention and it drives me insane," your lips were touching now, and you couldn't help but flutter your eyes shut as he finally said "I just want to be yours, love"
He pressed his lips to yours fully, his other hand threaded through your hair as he held your face close to his. You had kissed Sirius a handful of times, between the bites and the pulling of clothes. You had kissed Sirius with fear that he didn't truly want you, he had kissed you like it was something forbidden. But this time was different, he kissed you like a man starved like you'd leave him again for some other prat, he kissed you like he had been waiting a million years for it. He sucked softly at your bottom lip as you allowed him to deepen the kiss. Your hands pressed against his chest, and he broke the kiss. Pressing his forehead against yours.
"Be mine," it wasn't a mere question, it felt like a plead coming from his lips. Like a man on his knees.
"I've always been yours, Sirius Black," he laughed as you did too, at how ridiculous the two of you sounded. The two of you were meant to be. It couldn't go any other way. And everyone had known it but you.
You were such a sure thing.
You grabbed the brand-new pack of cigarettes from Sirius's hand and launched it over the metal bar as hard as you could. It felt cathartic, to let go of it. You barely looked at it as it plummeted down into the darkness. You could only look at him.
"I reckon we oughta quit now" he flashed you one of his toothy smiles, his eyes almost squeezing shut. You couldn't help but pull him in for another kiss.
You didn't smoke a single cig after that day. You'd joke Sirius was intoxicating and harmful on his own. He always feigned hurt. Your fingers never itched for it again. You had Sirius's hand to hold on to, his lips to press against yours. You had him in your pocket instead.
Sirius Black cares, and he always has. He cares that you only have eyes for him, that you spend your every waking moment attached at the hip. Even when you're fast asleep your arms cling to him, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't cling to you as well. Sirius cares that the stupidity that comes out of his mouth makes you laugh to the point of tears in a way he knows no one else can. That warm laugh that is born in your chest and makes him feel like he is the king of the world. Sirius Black cares that your eyes widen and glaze in affection when he gifts you an item of your favorite color, it has more to do than the thought of you tangled in his bedsheets now. Sirius Black's heart clenches every time he thinks of when you helped haul things out of his window when he ran away, dodging the jinxes that his hysterical mother threw your way once she saw you. Sirius has never been the most sentimental man, but tears formed in his eyes when you presented him with matching keys, with a simple live with me. He cares that you still wink at him before you take off the ground, whether to play quidditch in the Potter's backyard or right before you take off sprinting down the street trying to race him to your shared apartment. His pockets are filled with napkins, papers, tickets, and pictures for you to paste onto your journals, he always carries a camera to capture moments for you. So every moment, every memory, and every person is yours to keep.
He knows he never has to worry about anyone else, and he knows you feel just as cloyed and covered in the saccharine disgusting feelings as he does.
Sirius Black knows he loves you. And he knows you love him.

Tags ! (lmk if they don’t work or if u wanna be added) :
@beekeepingageissome, @prongsprincessworld, @w0nd3rlnd, @reevelio, @nrs-15, @sailtomarina
#harry potter#harry potter fanfiction#marauders#the marauders#the marauders era#friends with benefits to lovers#padfoot x reader#padfoot#sirius black angst#sirius black x reader#sirius black#sirius orion black#sirius x reader#sirius o black#sirius black fanfiction#sirius x you#sirius black x you#marauders era#sirius black/reader#sirius angst#sirius fluff#angst with a happy ending#sweet#fluff
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housewife idea??? ish??? what do think könig does when he sees his wifey scrapbooking? using all those fancy tapes and stickers, maybe even pasting polaroids in her journal…
He is...mesmerized. If his pretty girl has such a lovely hobby, it will just pay more into his illusions about having a perfect feminine housewife. Hobbies have no gender, but we're dealing with a socially disadapt moron who barely registered you as a human being and not his daydreaming turn alive, so he will force his fantasies on you. He doesn't understand the hobby at first - you're hoarding every pretty piece of paper you can. find any napkin with a fancy ornament, you're buying stickers and washi tapes like there is no tomorrow...and you made photos - he doesn't really like having his photos taken, it reminds him of the harsher realities of being bullied during schooldays, but he will try to accommodate to your interests. You live in captivity, so it's only natural you started to have weird hobbies. He at first thought that all of your requests for fancy weird scissors were a part of an elaborate plan to help you escape, but then he saw all of those pretty postcards you made...he will take it as trophies. Would request you to make more with your photos in it - so he could hold it in the files of the mission and watch at the carefully placed paper laces and little sticker cutouts the whole day. If you're more domesticated and allowed on base sometimes, you could even start giving little gifts to his friends and just random recruits! Konig was extremely against it at first, but you're always so moody and sad when you realise you literally don't have a social circle outside of him...you need to talk to someone, to have some careful and curated connections - and even a dumbhead like Konig understands this. You can get photos with a squad photographer and make those adorable scrap-booking posters for units and smaller teams - they adore it, mostly. They don't have a choice on the matter, however, because if they dare to refuse...Konig won't be too sad about losing a few dumb recruits.
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buck has a small box stored away under his bed filled with memories from his relationship with tommy. a coffee sleeve from when they started over. a napkin covered in soot from the wedding. a candid picture of them from the medal ceremony that maddie took. movie tickets from a screening of Love, Actually that tommy had dragged him to.
he had planned to turn it into a scrapbook, bc he was ready to make it. but now it sits under his bed collecting dust.
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~Emotional Soup~
(60’s!Elvis X Reader)
Reader decides to make soup for dinner, which Elvis appreciates, but he’s not exactly thrilled at the table.

Y/n was moving around the kitchen like a busy little Bee, having decided to make a simple pot of vegetable soup for Elvis considering he’d mentioned something to her last night about craving some, as simple as it was. With him so busy with filming ‘Charro!’, she thought it wouldn’t hurt to surprise him with a nice hot bowl for when he comes back home. That got her thinking for a moment. Ever since she was a little Girl, she’d always dreamed of becoming a Housewife, caring for her future Husband with such love and affection, and now that the time had came- Well, it couldn’t have been any better. A smile graced Y/n’s lips, thinking fondly of the memories of how she would play pretend, and how she would insist to any Boy that approached her that she was simply ‘betrothed to another’. A soft laugh bubbled up from her throat, shaking her head at the thought. It was memories like those that made her feel content with her childhood. The good parts, anyways.
The sound of the front door opening and closing again drew Y/n out of her thoughts, peering out of the kitchen to steal a glance at Elvis. “Hey, Baby.” She greeted, too busy at the stove to come to him. “How was your day?” With a deep and heavy sigh, Elvis trudged through the house to her side, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. “Tiring..” He muttered, resting his bearded chin against her shoulder. “Wanted to leave the set early, but something popped up. Some issue with the film or another. I dunno…I wasn’t exactly payin’ any attention, I just wanted to come home and see my pretty li’l Wife…” He explained further, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck, tickling her. She giggles at the feeling, stirring the pot of soup. “I see. I’m sorry you’re so tired, Elvis. How much more filming do you need to do?” “Too much…” He grumbles, sighing again at the thought of filming more. “I like this movie, I really do. ‘S not like the others, but…I need a damn break…” “You’re definitely right about that.” Y/n nodded in agreement, turning off the stove.
“Why don’t you go sit at the table? I’ll bring dinner in a second.” She suggested, hearing him groan in response, not wanting to leave her side. “You wound me with such suggestions, Y/n.” He teases jokingly, pressing a sweet little kiss against her cheek before walking off. She giggles in response, grabbing her pot holders and gripping the handles of the pot before following after him. “Thought I’d surprise you with soup tonight.” “I see that.” Elvis smiles, helping her guide the pot over to the middle of the table. “Smells mighty good, Darlin’. Thank ya’ for makin’ this f’me.” He politely thanked her, pulling out the chair beside his own and easing her to sit down, pushing it back in before sitting down himself. “You’re welcome.” As soup was evenly distributed between the two of them and was ready to be eaten, Y/n goes to talk about the day she had. “So I-“ “Shit.” Elvis muttered beneath his breath as soup dripped in his beard, wiping it away with a napkin rather annoyedly. “Sorry, Baby. Yeah, I’m listenin’.” He apologises, motioning for her to continue as he tries again with his spoon. “Right. Anyways, so I was going through my old scrapbook and found-“ “Goddamn it!” He shouts out when even more soup than last time drips down from his spoon. “I fuckin’ hate this goddamn beard! It’s so damn scratchy, it looks wrong on me, and I can’t even eat goddamn soup without gettin’ pissed the fuck off!” Y/n watches on as Elvis furiously scrubbed the napkin against his chin, resting her hand on his bicep, squeezing supportively. “Hey, I know it bugs you, but you’ll be able to shave it off when you’re done filming.” She tries to calm him down.
“It more than just bugs me, Darlin’! It infuriates the piss outta me! I used to enjoy soup, but now it’s just- Just- Emotional!” He gripes. She couldn’t help but chortle at the way he’d talked about the soup like it was a scar on his emotional wellbeing, hiding her mouth behind her hand. He whips his head over to look at her, narrowing his eyes in an annoyed stare. “You laughin’ at me?” He hissed. Y/n shakes her head, trying her hardest not to laugh more than she already did. “N-No, no..! Not laughing at all..! It’s just-“ She was losing her control. “You made it sound like you’re scarred by soup-“ With no more control over her laughter anymore, she simply let it all out, grasping the edge of the table in poor attempts to ground herself. But of course, Elvis, being the way that he was, simply couldn’t stay mad at her. Rolling his eyes playfully, he chuckled a little. “What, you really think I’m gonna let a silly li’l bowl o’ soup make me cry like that? No way, no how, Missy. Now you better stop laughin’ or else your food’s gonna get cold.” But Y/n couldn’t really stop. She was too far gone in her own humour by now to really take a rest from laughing.
#60s elvis#elvis x reader#elvis photos#elvis presley#elvisaaronpresley#elvis imagine#elvis fandom#elvis x you#elvis x y/n#elvis fans
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Well I've been going a bit... Unhinged lately; and the umbrella reader prompt gave me a few... Ideas
Umbrella reader who fell first for wesker? In the whole yandere-ish way? Like "I have an entire scrapbook dedicated to him" way???
oh man this is a good one. cut added bc it ended up much longer than i expected
you’ve been working at umbrella for a while, you’re no longer just a rookie assistant. You’re in charge of your own lab and techs, and they actually like you, which makes manipulating them a lot easier
everyone knows who Dr. Wesker is. And i mean everyone. There isn’t a soul in the building, in the entire company, who doesn’t either shiver or scowl at his name. He’s umbrella’s golden child, after all, especially since Birkin went and got himself killed.
he is not known for being friendly, but he was never cruel to you, at least. Nowadays he’s out making deals and monsters so his time in the actual labs are rare, so every moment you see him is like a miracle from god.
you notice everything about him in these days. The cut of his trousers, how much gel is in his hair, which pair of sunglasses he’s wearing (no one except you even realizes he has different pairs - seven of them, to be exact). You even count his breaths when you’re both in the same lab and one of the assistants is pissing him off (he actually breathes slower when he’s angry, like it takes every ounce of focus to keep his composure)
this is when you think things might be getting out of hand. You’ve gotten yourself into quite a situation. You’re thinking about him constantly - in traffic on the way to work (he drives an unmarked, pristine black sports car), when you’re hunched over your desk working (he actually wears headphones when he’s using a microscope, you noticed he doesn’t like the sound of the slides clicking), when you’re cooking dinner (he never eats during his shifts, and he scowls at anyone who isn’t using a napkin in the break room) - even when you’re showering, all you can do is remember the smooth scent of his air when he walks past you.
you’re certain you know everything about him now. Even his cologne. A few weeks ago he leaned over your shoulder to correct one of your equations, his voice quiet and void of any emotion, and before he stepped away you got a solid breath of his expensive cologne - subtle, woodsy, deep, intoxicating. You went home and spent half the night looking up the undertones of every single obscure cologne you could find, because no way was it cheap or popular, until you found what you think was the right one
(you order it and a week later, you’re elated to find you were correct. Now your entire bed smells like him)
you make your move on a Tuesday. The entire lab had been whispering about annual reviews, Wesker would be conducting them himself since the other supervisors were busy. A few weeks earlier you had seen his coffee cup in the trash and memorized his order (ew, but you had big plans) and you had left a perfect cup of coffee on his desk before he arrived, conveniently walking past him in the halls just a few minutes later and flashing your most charming smile. He actually smiled back
later that day he leaned over your shoulder again, mouth brushing your ear and hand next to yours on your desk, and his voice was pure sin.
“My office, Doctor, three o’clock. I think we have a few things to discuss.”
needless to say, the two of you are inseparable after that
#umbrella reader#albert wesker#resident evil#albert wesker x reader#trekk answers#albert wesker x you#yandere reader
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How Stray Kids say, “I love you,” without saying it (hyung line)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mild cursing
Maknae line
Bang Chan
Spoils you
This man loves nothing more than to spoil the ever-loving shit out of you. He knows he can’t always be there, and the guilt of that eats him alive all the time, so he takes every chance he gets to buy you any and everything he can. You’ve told him a million times that he shouldn’t buy you such expensive gifts, but he won’t have any of that. You’re his whole world outside of Stray Kids, and he just prays that his gifts can make up for the time he has to be away from you.
“Jokingly” calls you the boys’ mother
Originally, it was Jeongin who started the joke because you had asked him to do something around the house, to which he responded with an eye roll and an, “okay, mOm,” but it kind of just stuck, and Chan can’t get enough of it. He’s someone who prioritizes family over everything, so any chance he can include you in that, he will take it in a heartbeat.
Lee Minho
Craves your touch
He might not seem like it, but skz themselves have said that Minho is the most romantic member. He’ll try to be subtle about it, but you’ll somehow always find his hands on you in some way. Whether it be lightly squeezing your hand, tracing his fingers across your back, or even a little boop on the nose, he’s always finding some sort of reason to touch you.
Defends you
If there’s one thing Minho NEVER plays about, it’s how precious you are to him. Therefore, he is most certainly not going to tolerate anyone speaking poorly of you. He will be the first to block “fans” that have something hateful to say about your relationship. It dumbfounds him that people who don’t know either of you think they can comment on the most important person in his world and then act buddy-buddy with him. He won’t think twice about lashing out if it’s for you.
Seo Changbin
“Did you eat?”
Such a simple question that holds so much meaning to Binnie. Like Chan, he wants you to know that he’s always thinking about you, even when he’s a million miles away. He also wants you to know that the pressure to be “perfect” that he faces day-to-day should never be a burden you face, and that starts with having a healthy relationship with food and your body. (Plus, he’s lowkey looking for ideas on what he should have for lunch, so please send him food pics.)
Credits you in his songs
After all the late nights you’ve pulled just to keep him company while he works, you deserve a spot in the credits just as much as he does, in his mind. Especially if he’s writing a love song because who else could he have ever written that about? Might even give you a stage name if your relationship is private so you can both laugh at stay going out of their minds, theorizing who this new writer working with skz is.
Hwang Hyunjin
Loverboy™ has 3 passions. Art, dance, and adding to his portfolio of daily photos of you. He stops you anytime you’re about to leave the house to get a quick pic of your ootd, whether it’s just sweats and an old t-shirt, or a full evening gown, he has an insatiable appetite for the goofy, awkward poses you do anytime he whips out the camera. To him, every photo of you is more precious than gold, and he is not above throwing a mini tantrum if you forget to send him daily pictures while he’s on tour.
Collects your drawings
You could have the art skills of a three-year-old on crack, but this man would still take your napkin doodles and keep them in a special scrapbook. Draw on his arm, and he’ll proudly wear it like a badge of honor, taking pictures so he can still have it after he has to wash it off. Definitely the type to drunkenly get one of your quick sketches tattooed and not have a single regret about it in the morning.
#Spotify#stray kids#skz#skz chan#skz hyunjin#stray kids hyunjin#skz fluff#stray kids fluff#skz fanfic#stray kids fanfic#hwang hyunjin#skz minho#stray kids soft hours#skz changbin#i love you#stray kids hyung line
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WARNINGS: language, violence, blood and unprotected sex
A/N: i’ll never be normal about them 🤭 they have consumed my entire life….i am matz. you are matz, WE ARE MATZ 🥲❤️❤️❤️
“So, what do you do for fun?” the man across the table from you asked politely, his cute dimples appearing as he smiled. Your mind flashed back to memories of your previous life, one you knew you couldn’t openly share with your date. Your past that you were determined to keep secret from new people was one of crime and loss, your heart aching briefly remembering the loss of your closest friend.
You came back to reality and cleared your throat, “Well, I started scrapbooking recently.” you lied, earning a smile from him in exchange. You sipped your wine, hoping it would ease your nerves a little and make you less closed off.
It was your colleague, Wooyoung’s idea to ask the man out, telling you that you were way too hot to sulk over any man and that you should get out into the dating world again and have some fun. He didn’t know however, that the previous men in your life were in fact, the loves of your life.
Flashbacks came back to your mind once again of fast cars, dancing, drinking and crime as you recalled your years as MATZ’s colleague. The gang that once struck fear into whoever heard their name reduced to just two remaining members, after the tragic loss of the youngest. You sighed deeply, not wanting to remember the saddest day of your life and took another sip, polishing off the wine.
You looked at the man across from you as he ate quietly. San was gorgeous, muscular and had a deep dreamy voice you were sure sounded amazing during sex. He’d be the first man that you actually pursued after leaving the gang, but you knew deep down he was just a distraction, as your heart still belonged to Seonghwa and Hongjoong.
“Did you want another drink? Or did you want to head out?” he asked confidently putting his knife and fork down. Your heart skipped a beat and you met his eyes, ready to tell him yes, but in that moment the two remaining members of MATZ walked into the restaurant, sticking out like sore thumbs.
It was as if thinking of them had manifested them in front of you, and you wished badly to be anywhere else but here in this moment. “For fuck’s sake,” you said and covered your face with your napkin, practically slumping down in your chair. San turned to where you were looking and locked eyes with the very garishly dressed men you had seemed to be hiding from. Their long fur coats flowed behind them, their jewelry sparkling in the light. The other patrons stared, the feeling of needing to flee almost overtaking you, that was until he spoke.
“Where you been hiding, doll?” the taller of the two asked as he leaned on the table to look at you. He smiled at you as you moved the napkin away from your face, that signature smile of his that you definitely missed. He tilted his head, showing off his neck tattoo that read “MATZ” in thick black letters. You remembered the night you finally gave your body to him, the memory of dragging your tongue along that same tattoo still fresh in your mind. “Seonghwa,” you said before looking at the man behind him, a worried look on his face. “Hongjoong? What’s wrong?” the man moved closer to you, putting his ornately ringed hand on your shoulder gently. “The same shit, just a different day. It’s good to see you.” Seonghwa scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Not even a proper hello after all this fucking time apart.”
He turned to San, walking up to him slowly and giving him a once over. “And you are?” San asked but Seonghwa just pulled his fur coat open, casually showing off the gun in his waistband. San stayed quiet and simply watched as Seonghwa took his fork and helped himself to the last bit of steak that sat on his plate.
Hongjoong crouched down, taking one of your hands in his, “I know you said you never wanted to see us again but, we need your help.” his voice was soft as he met your gaze, his eyes in an almost silent plea.
You heard the clink of a fork and watched Seonghwa walk back over to you. He reached into his pocket, “You remember the place right?” he said as he held out a familiar looking key in front of you. You stared at it as it dangled from his long finger, the key to their headquarters you once used without shame. “The choice is yours doll, we’ll probably die anyway.” His voice sounded serious as he tossed the key on the table, giving San a pat on the shoulder as he walked out.
“Think about it, please.” Hongjoong kissed the back of your hand before getting up. He looked at San and then back to you and just smirked, his tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek signaling that he was more angry about the situation than he let on. That familiar gesture of his sending a wave of excitement through you as he turned to leave, not even bothering to look in San‘s direction again.
San cleared his throat, “They friends of yours?” You called the waiter over, suddenly needing another drink. “You could say that.” San waited as you asked the waiter for something stronger than wine this time. “Anything i can help you with?” his voice sounding concerned. You shook your head and sighed, “Sorry about that, and no they’re harmless.” You assured him as the waiter brought you your drink, “Well, to me anyway.”
You bid San farewell, thanking him for the meal and promising him another date. After seeing Seonghwa and Hongjoong after all this time however, you couldn’t help but want them deeply all over again. You were suddenly so unsure of your fate, the men popping up out of nowhere and shaking up your life all over again.
As you walked up the steps to their warehouse, you could hear the two men arguing loudly from outside. You groaned and headed inside, seeing the two men arguing amongst their collection of cars and motorcycles. “Why the fuck are the two of you arguing?” you asked as you walked towards the living area you knew all too well. You realized that nothing had changed in the time you were gone and helped yourself to sit at your old desk.
Hongjoong stared at you with cold eyes, then he looked back at his leader who just laughed in his face. “I know you told me not to tell him but, I just couldn’t help myself.” he said as he turned away from Hongjoong, “He got so jealous seeing you with that guy, figured he’d go insane knowing about the two of us.” Your heart skipped a beat as the pretty man in front of you smiled, the memory of fucking him causing you to shift in your seat involuntarily.
His voice was low as he walked up to you, one of his hands coming to rest on your neck gently, “I just love seeing him like this.” he teased and you almost let him kiss you as he leaned in closer, but you pulled away from him instead.
“Look let’s just get down to business, I don’t have time for whatever this is between the two of you.” You pulled up the usual program and waited for their instructions. “I was under the impression Hongjoong didn’t even care that I left, let alone care that we fucked.”
Hongjoong looked over at you and shook his head with a sigh. “It’s the sane people from before, the crew that got Jongho.” Your fingers stopped moving on the keyboard, the quiet in the room almost deafening. “How do you know it’s them?” you asked with a shaky voice. Hongjoong walked over and handed you a small note. As you opened it and saw that familiar Z symbol on the paper, your breath caught in your throat. “They took our money, all of it!” Seonghwa yelled as he lit a cigarette, holding it between his long fingers. He exhaled a plume of smoke through his nose, “We were saving that money to finally, get out.” he explained as he plopped himself on the edge of the nearby bed.
You did a double take, making sure that it in fact was Seonghwa who just said that. “To get out? Really?” your question went unanswered as Seonghwa just sighed and smoked. The man hardened by his past on the streets still not willing to admit he’d give it all up for you and his partner in a heartbeat.
You handed Hongjoong the note, his fingers brushing up against yours as he stared into your eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he bit his lip and walked away.
It didn’t take long for you to find them at all, especially considering you never really stopped looking for them. Seonghwa laughed as you told him about all the intel you’d been collecting. “You can never truly leave, even if you think your life is back to normal, you know theres a part of you that still belongs with us.” He leaned down and gave you a kiss, one that you accepted this time. It was so soft and gentle that you wondered if it was still really him. He’d never been so gentle with you and you almost went dizzy from the change in his personality. You stilled your nerves and began telling them the location and any obstacles they might find.
Hongjoong hurried towards the door after grabbing his gun, waiting for the older man to follow. Seonghwa however, had other plans. “How’s about a little treat before I go? Just in case I don’t come back.” Seonghwa’s voice sounded mischievous as he licked his lips. You watched his hand move down his front and rest on his belt buckle. Your eyes darted from his bulge to Hongjoong as your jaw dropped, “Right now?” Seonghwa pulled his gun from his waistband and placed it on the desk. “Why not? Nothing you haven’t done before.”
He was right, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to give him the suck of his life in case he didn’t come back. But a part of you wished Hongjoong would also partake, as your feelings for him came rushing back. Seonghwa’s hand moved to caress your face as your eyes looked over at the shorter man. Seonghwa knew how you felt about the two of them, a part of him still hurt that you left after confessing to him. But he knew better than to put your business out there, even if it was for the greater good. “He’ll be fine.” Seonghwa said in response to your stare and you moved to get down on your knees.
You quickly unbuckled his belt, your core stirring as you undid the button and zipper of his jeans and finally pulled his cock out of his underwear. You spit on his tip and looked up at him with a smile before taking him into your mouth.
Seonghwa sighed and that was when Hongjoong finally left, the door closing loudly behind him. “If he wasn’t so fucking stubborn, he’d be on his knees for me too.” Seonghwa huffed out as he held the back of your head with both hands. “He’s crazy about us, you’ve never noticed?” You pulled off of him, “Why did you tell him about us?” you asked as you pumped him. Seonghwa chuckled, “To get him to finally claim you, fight for you, anything!” he moaned out as you sucked on his sack. He bit his bottom lip, “Plus, I just love seeing him get jealous, it’s so fucking hot, right?” You thought about how his demeanor changed back at the restaurant and how it thrilled you. He took his cock and shoved it back into your mouth, beginning a brutal pace into it. You watched him as he bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes rolling back as he fucked into your mouth. You held onto him by his thighs, allowing him to use your wet, sloppy mouth as he pleased.
Hongjoong waited outside, his mind reeling from everything that was happening. As if getting robbed of all his money wasn’t bad enough, here you were back in his life looking as stunning as ever. Then seeing you with some loser having dinner, one he wished he had slapped senseless for being so close to you. And now hearing Seonghwa moan your name as you sucked him off on the other side of the door, he was wracked with every emotion possible. He wanted desperately to tell the two of you how he felt.
For years now he felt this way and it almost plagued him. But he could never bring himself to say the words to either of you, something in him holding him back from ruining whatever friendship the three of you had. He mulled over his many thoughts as Seonghwa grunted loudly.
Seonghwa threw his head back as he came into your mouth. His sticky, warm seed dribbled down your chin and he wiped it up with his thumb quickly pushing it back into your mouth where you sucked hard.
He helped you to your feet and brought you into a kiss, his cum still hot in your mouth as your tongues met. He pulled away and rested his forehead on yours. “Fuck, I better come back alive. I’ll be so pissed if I don’t get to fuck you again.” He whispered against your lips and kissed you one last time before hastily tucking himself back into his pants and grabbing his gun.
The eldest of the two sped down the highway, driving as fast as he could to reach the location. The drive was quiet for only a few minuets before Seonghwa sighed deeply, “How long are you gonna keep this shit up?” he asked Hongjoong as he shifted gears and picked up speed.
Hongjoong, who was looking out of the window to avoid the older man’s eyes, finally turned to look at him, “What the hell are you talking about?” he asked angrily, knowing exactly what he was referring to.
“Really Joong, we could be heading to our deaths and you couldn’t admit how you really feel about them?” He looked at Hongjoong again, his eyes lingering too long on him and not on the road.
“Eyes on the fucking road!” he yelped and Seonghwa just scoffed and avoided the car in front of him with ease, the car behind them honking loudly. Seonghwa shook his head, “If not for me then, what about for them? You ready to die without letting them know how much you love them?!” he yelled out this time as he sped up again, so much so that Hongjoong was genuinely scared for his life.
“Stop the fucking car Seonghwa!” his voice shook as Seonghwa pulled over violently and turned the car off. “I fucking hate you so much.” Hongjoong spat as he got out of the car. Seonghwa groaned and followed him out, slamming the car door and getting a honk or two from some passing cars as he walked over to the younger man. “Shut the fuck up, I know you want me, you always have.” he crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned up against the car. “And we both know how you feel about them, so why cant you just-“
“Cause I’m fucking scared Seonghwa!” Hongjoong’s loud voice cut through the noise of the traffic behind them, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. “I’m scared of losing the two of you, after what happened to Jongho. I’m holding onto our friendship like it’s the only thing keeping me alive right now and if I fall too hard for the two of you too fast,” he shook his head, “if something happens to the two of you, I’ll never forgive myself.”
Seonghwa watched the shorter man begin to pace back and forth in thought. “That sounds silly to me Joong,” he moved off of the car and towards the drivers side, “Cause if you’re that scared of losing us, then what’s the harm in telling us the truth?” He explained and got back into the car, waiting for his friend to finish sulking.
They pulled up a ways down the street from the target and waited until it was clear. “You ready?” Seonghwa asked as he cocked his gun. Hongjoong held his gun in his hands, ready to say the words that Seonghwa was dying to hear before his certain death, but he stayed quiet and just nodded as his answer.
The two men headed up to the enemy warehouse, quickly shooting down the two guards that stood outside. They took the people in the warehouse by surprise as they shot into the building, quickly moving to either side of the entrance for cover.
“Fuck there’s too many of them!” Hongjoong yelled to his partner, only to hear him laugh in return. “And what the fuck is so funny?!” the younger asked as the elder reloaded his gun. “I’m just so glad I got my dick sucked before dying,” he said with a sigh and shot into the building, taking down two of the people inside. “Too bad I never got the chance to tell them that I love them.” he sighed and flashed his friend a smile before storming inside.
Hongjoong didn’t think twice and headed in with him, his adrenaline rising as he shot at anyone who got in their way. Seonghwa lead the way, shooting and heading for cover wherever he could. They headed straight for their target who hid in the back, screaming loudly at his subordinates who desperately tried to protect him to no avail. The two men subdued anyone who got in their way quickly, reaching their target and screaming curses at them.
Upon reaching the back however, another shot rang out amongst the fray and Hongjoong watched in shock as Seonghwa flew back and held onto his arm. He saw his face contort in pain as the target came out of hiding and pointed their gun right at the man he loved. Within seconds and without hesitation he shot the person down, first in the chest and then in their head. He emptied the magazine into their corpse, the sound of the gun clicking as he pulled the trigger over snd over being the only sound in the dead quiet of the building.
The large warehouse was a mess of blood and smoke as Hongjoong quickly went to Seonghwa and observed where he held his arm. Blood stained his silk shirt, the older man not letting go of his arm to show the younger. “It just grazed me, relax.” Seonghwa huffed and smiled at Hongjoong who looked at him with soft eyes that glimmered with tears. “Grab the money babe, you can kiss me later.” He got up with a chuckle, helping Hongjoong with one of the duffel bags.
After retrieving their money, they hurried back to the car and tossed the duffel bags into the trunk. They both breathed deeply and Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa as he shut the trunk. Seonghwa already could feel his eyes on him, “What? Gonna tell me how reckless I was? Give me an earful about how fucking stupid I am for rushing inside?”
Hongjoong simply moved in closer and kissed the taller man, holding him by the back of his neck. Seonghwa kissed him back, his heart swelling as Hongjoong’s hands pulled him closer. Police sirens blared in the distance causing them to pull away from each other. “Get in the fucking car.” Seonghwa’s voice sounded annoyed as they got in the car and hurried out of there.
As they drove, Seonghwa couldn’t help but look over at Hongjoong, delighting in the fact he finally got him to open up and reveal some of the truth. A truth that was revealed only after a very intense life or death situation. “What?!” Hongjoong asked as he turned to him, his pink cheeks he tried to hide visible in the darkness of the car whenever the street lights passed by over them.
“Do you think I can’t handle the two of you?” Seonghwa’s voice was low and sultry, causing Hongjoong to shift in his seat. Seonghwa noticed his partner’s demeanor and reached his hand over, gripping his thigh tightly.
“Bet you’ve been rock hard this whole time, haven’t you? Hearing me get my dick sucked by the person you desire the most?” his hand moved to grope Hongjoong’s thick bulge. “Jealousy looks so good on you Joong.” Hongjoong moved his hips upwards and into Seonghwa’s hand, desperately needing more of his touch. “Take it out.” Seonghwa commanded and without having to be told twice, Hongjoong pulled himself from his pants, his hard dick begging to be touched.
Seonghwa’s eyes darted from the road and back to Hongjoong’s thick cock, a needy sigh escaping his mouth as he spit on his hand. He tugged on him hard, his skilled right hand pumping him as he held onto the steering wheel with his left.
He used his thumb to rub against Hongjoong’s leaking tip, the younger’s hand moving to hold onto the older man’s wrist as he worked. “I just want to hear you say it baby, I need to hear you say that you want me, that you want the both of us,” Hongjoong leaned over and spit on his dick, aiding in Seonghwa’s ministrations as he picked up speed, the smooth rings on his slender fingers aiding in the sensations.
“Fuck!” he cried out, “I want you, the both of you! Need you both so fucking bad!” Hongjoong whined as Seonghwa quickly pulled the car over and shifted into park. He crashed his lips onto Hongjoong’s as he continued to pump him, the younger man bucking up into his hand desperately as their tongues danced in a frenzy.
Hongjoong moaned into the kiss as he came, making a mess on himself and Seonghwa’s hand. “Good boy.” he praised Hongjoong before pulling away from him. He quickly licked the cum off of his hand with a deep moan and got back on the road.
As you waited in the warehouse, your mind raced with thoughts about what could be taking them so long. Were they hurt? Or perhaps worse? You didn’t want to think about them dying alone like that, without you and without them knowing how much you loved them. Tears started to fall from your eyes as the two of them finally came through the front door.
“Finally! Did you get your-“ the two men tossed the bags aside and made their way to you, Seonghwa cutting your question off with a kiss. You pulled him in closer, ecstatic to see him still breathing. Hongjoong stood close by, as if waiting for permission to touch you.
Seonghwa pulled away, “Don’t you have something to say?” he said as he elbowed Hongjoong, wincing suddenly with a sigh as the adrenaline that masked the pain finally wore off. “Shit are you hurt?!” Your voice was filled with worry as you moved his hand from his arm to check what he was hiding. “Let him have his moment doll, worry about me later.”
He walked off towards the bathroom, leaving the two of you to have that talk you so desperately needed. “Did you get hurt?” you looked at Hongjoong, who just smiled at you. “No, I’m not as reckless as he is.” You giggled and looked down at your hands, thinking of what to say next. “I love you, the both of you.” Hongjoong said with a sigh as if he’d been holding onto the biggest secret in the world. “That thing you said earlier, about me not caring that you left the gang, is so far off.” He said as he reached over and placed his hand on your thigh. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day you left.”
“Is that why you did that tongue thing you do when you get mad? When you looked at San in the restaurant?” Hongjoong chuckled and looked away, hiding his blush. “Is that his name?” he asked as you tugged on his red ears playfully. He turned back to you, leaning over and placing a kiss on your lips. “I wanted to kick his ass, to be honest.” his hands moved to your face and he held you close, intensifying the kiss. You moaned against him, the rush of finally getting to kiss him overtaking your whole body. You pulled away and looked at him, “I love you too Hongjoong.”
There was a loud clap and the two of you turned to see Seonghwa applauding the long awaited encounter, shirtless and blood dripping from his wound. “It’s about time!” he cheered as blood trickled down his arm, urging you to grab the first aid kit.
Hongjoong watched as you sewed up Seonghwa’s wound, your delicate fingers trying hard not to hurt him any further. “You’re lucky it wasn’t that deep.” you said, tying a knot at the end with the needle and snipping off the excess thread. You looked down at him as he stared into your eyes with gratitude. “Thank you.” Seonghwa’s voice was soft as he pulled you closer. He looked over at Hongjoong, “Come here,” he spoke to him in the same soft way and Hongjoong moved closer to the two of you. You placed a hand on his head, ruffling his soft brown hair as you looked down at him.
“I need the two of you to know how hard it was for me to leave, I’ve loved you both for so long but after Jongho died I just,” you explained and the two men stayed quiet, ruminating about the huge loss in their life. “I had to leave. He died in my arms begging me to get out, that this life was too dangerous and it wasn’t worth it.” you said as you moved to sit inbetween them. “So I did, cause it was his dying wish but here I am again, because I never stopped loving the two of you. All you had to do was ask and I’d show up! God it’s so pathetic.” You started to cry, remembering how horrible that day was and feeling as if you betrayed Jongho’s dying wish.
Seonghwa sighed as Hongjoong’s arm moved behind you to hold you closer. “Let’s get out then, the three of us, we were planning to anyway. Losing Jongho affected us all, whether we want to accept it or not.” his words were poignant, targeted towards Seonghwa specifically. The older man sighed, looking down at his hands, “This is all I know, so It won’t be easy but,” he turned to the two of you, “If we’re together, and for Jongho’s memory, I’ll do it.” he said with a sigh. Hongjoong’s hand moved past you to hold onto Seonghwa, who looked over at him with a smile. “I love the two of you so much, even if I don’t say it enough.”
“Shit!” you said suddenly and stood up. “I told San I’d go out with him next week, I can’t just disappear!” The two men before you, both extremely jealous and wondering why you’d even be talking about another man in front of them just rolled their eyes. “It’s never too late to get rid of him.” Seonghwa said as he turned to Hongjoong. The younger of the two nodded, “Nothing we haven’t done before, you know where he lives?” he asked turning towards you, but you just crossed your arms over your chest, not swayed or scared by their threats. “I’m saying i can’t just stop showing up for work?” The men were unfazed as they stared at you, “Why not? Drop everything and come with us, clean slate babe. ”Seonghwa advised as he reached his hands out to you. Hongjoong slapped his hands away and reached his hands out instead and you took them in yours.
He pulled you onto his lap and gave Seonghwa a look, one that he just smiled at. “And we can’t start a new life and just end up doing what we did in our old one.” you said before giving Hongjoong a small kiss on his cheek. “Can’t guarantee anything but, I’ll sure as hell try.” Hongjoong pulled your face up to give you a kiss on the lips. Seonghwa moved closer, “The three of us make a good team, we’ll make it work.”Hongjoong pulled away from you and gave Seonghwa a kiss, the older of the two taking his face in his hands.
You felt your gut jump as a wave of pleasure shot through you upon seeing their tongues move against one another messily. Once they broke away from one another, you moved towards the middle of the bed and finally took your dress off, your lace lingerie now on display for them.
Hongjoong did that tongue-in-cheek thing again, “You wore that for him, didn’t you?” You just smiled and took off your stockings, tossing them to Seonghwa. He caught them and inhaled your scent deeply, “Relax Joong, they’re in our bed tonight after all.” You moved over to Hongjoong and wrapped your arms around his neck, “And you’re the one that gets to take it off of me,” you said before kissing him hard, all the years of tension finally breaking free. Seonghwa sat back and watched as the two of you kissed and touched one another.
Hongjoong was so rough with you, his kiss almost desperate as his hands tugged and pulled off the silky bra from your body. You hissed as his hot mouth began trailing kisses down your body, his head quickly settling in between your legs. Hongjoong ripped your panties off, his tongue immediately licking up your slicked folds. You arched your back, your eyes meeting with Seonghwa’s, a very pleased smile on his face.
Hongjoong’s tongue swirled around your bundle of nerves, his mouth sucking hard as he worked. The moans that fell from your lips got louder and louder, your hands moving down to grip onto his hair.
Seonghwa stood up finally, taking off his tight pants along with his briefs, moving to sit in front of you on his knees. “Been waiting forever to have the two of you like this.” he sighed and moved so that his hard dick was in front of your face. You turned a little, trying not to disrupt Hongjoong while you took Seonghwa’s long cock in your mouth. You looked up through your lashes as one of the men you loved stared down at you with all the admiration in the world while the other downright demolished your pussy with his tongue.
Hongjoong had started a pace of pistoning into you with his velvety muscle, his fingers moving to rub your clit. As Seonghwa thrust into your mouth slowly, he reached down and pulled Hongjoong off of you, bringing him up to give him a deep kiss, the two of them sharing your essence on their tongues and moaning in bliss. Seonghwa pulled away first with a bite to the younger man’s bottom lip. “They taste as good as you imagined?” he asked, his voice husky and his lips moving to his neck. “Better,” Hongjoong sighed and raised his arms as Seonghwa helped take off his shirt. You sat up on your elbows watching them kiss each other, their hands all over one another. “The two of you look so good together.” your voice was soft as you moved to crawl on your knees. Hongjoong had rid himself of the rest of his clothes during the intense make out session, both of their hard dicks waiting for you.
The two of them stood in front of you, and you instructed them to move closer to one another so that you could fit both of them in your mouth. They both moaned, going back to kissing each other as you sucked on them in tandem. Their cocks didn’t fit in your mouth that well, but you did your best and focused on sucking their tips as your hands moved to stroke where your mouth couldn’t reach. You spit on both of them, pumping them each in a hand and looking up at them, “Please fuck me, I don’t think I can wait anymore.”
The two men looked down at you, their mouths curling into smiles, almost as if they telepathically shared the same idea.
“This slut thinks they can ask for whatever they want after almost fucking another man tonight.” Seonghwa said and went to sit next to you on the edge of the bed. He moved you so that you were sitting on the edge with him, taking one of your legs and lifting it up. Hongjoong took his lead and sat next to you on your right side, taking your leg and lifting it up so that you were open wide, clenching around nothing.
“You saying we should make them beg?” Hongjoong asked and took one of your breasts in his free hand, “Poor thing’s already soaked.” You breathed heavily as Hongjoong fondled your breasts one after the other. Seonghwa leaned closer and began kissing your cheek and neck, the hand he had holding your leg open began moving upwards slowly, only rubbing the expanse of your skin and not moving any closer to your cunt.
Seonghwa pulled your face to his with his free hand, your pitiful stare making him smile, “Tell us, what you were planning on doing with him, in detail please.” he whispered before sucking hard on your neck, marking you as his. You hesitated at first, feeling Hongjoong’s mouth move to suck on your nipples. “Ah, I wasn’t even sure I was going home with, ahh!” you yelped as Seonghwa slapped your pussy, “Don’t lie whore, you don’t wear shit like this without knowing you’ll get fucked in it.” His words made you leak even further, his jealousy and roughness with you driving you insane as you pondered your next thoughts.
Hongjoong had littered your chest with blooming marks by now, pulling your face to his to kiss you hard on the lips. “Go on,” Hongjoong said before moving down to kneel in front of you, his mouth trailing soft kisses on your inner thighs. “I wanted him to fuck me! Fuck me so hard I’d have trouble walking tomorrow.” You explained and Hongjoong moved closer to your cunt, but he only blew cold air against your throbbing clit as he spread your legs further with Seonghwa’s help. “So you wanted him pretty bad then huh?” the older man asked with a laugh, adjusting himself so that his knee rested on the bed while he brought his cock to you face. You stuck your tongue out, silently begging him to finally let you suck him off again but he just slapped his tip against your tongue, teasing you. “What do you think Hongjoong?” Seonghwa asked as he used his dick to slap your face playfully. Hongjoong, who had spent the time marking up your thighs with hickeys and bruises looked up. “I think I need them to ride my dick.” he said as he stood up, his dick at full mast. “Please Joong, please fuck me.” you begged with tears in your eyes.
Seonghwa clicked his tongue, “Good job baby” he praised you and gave you a kiss on the cheek as Hongjoong came closer and picked you up. He turned so that he sat on the bed, your body hovering over his dick. You wasted no time in sinking your wet cunt down onto him, sighing loudly as he stretched you out for the first time. “Fuck!” you yelped as he plunged in deeper every time you bounced back down on him. Seonghwa crawled on the bed over to Hongjoong, leaning over him with his cock in hand. Hongjoong graciously received Seonghwa’s cock, the older man adjusting himself so that the younger could suck him off comfortably.
Your hands rested on Hongjoong’s abdomen, your breasts bouncing as you picked up your pace. Seonghwa reached over and squeezed one of your tits, touching you as much as he could while you worked. Hongjoong began meeting your thrusts with his powerful hips, your skin slapping against each other as sweat began to form where your bodies touched. You could feel just how badly he’s been wanting to fuck you, his hands gripping tight onto your plush thighs as if you’d suddenly disappear if he didn’t hold on.
Seonghwa pulled his cock out of Hongjoong’s mouth and moved behind you. His hands groped and fondled your breasts, his tongue hot on your neck and his praises in your ear soft and sweet as you chased your high. You looked down at Hongjoong who bit down on his bottom lip, his intense and intimidating eyes on you as a wide smile spread on his face as he felt you clench down hard on him.
“Gonna fuck you so good you forget all about that fucker,“ he huffed out. “Bet you don’t even remember his name, right?” You nodded as he spoke, your arms going back to wrap around Seonghwa’s neck, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. Seonghwa’s hand trailed down to rub your clit as Hongjoong kept his brutal pace, your body soon convulsing into a blinding orgasm.
You moaned against Seonghwa’s lips, your breathy please being swallowed by his mouth. Hongjoong couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his face as he threw his head back and came hard into you, a deep moan falling from his lips in the sweetest melody. His hands rubbed your bruised thighs as you milked him, “Getting to fuck you like this for the rest of my life, feels like a damn dream.”
Hongjoong sat up, wrapping his arms around you and Seonghwa, the older man meeting him with a kiss. He then moved to kiss you and the three of you kissed hard, a clash of tongues and teeth as you bit and sucked on one another’s lips. Seonghwa couldn’t hold himself back anymore, pulling the two of you away from one another by your hair. Hongjoong smiled devilishly along with you as the older man moved the two of you to bend over in front of him. He sucked on his fingers messily, his left hand first and then his right hand before inserting them in yours and Hongjoong’s asshole.
The two of you sighed and quickly kissed each other to silence your moans as Seonghwa fucked his long fingers into the two of you. You could tell he was enjoying the hell out of the situation by the way he giggled and moaned behind the two of you.
“Since you got that pretty little pussy of yours pounded so good by Joong, I should fuck him next, right doll?” he asked as he leaned over to give you a quick kiss on your lips. You nodded and turned to Hongjoong, “It’s gonna feel so good Joong, promise.” You said with the softest sigh and moved to kiss him, trying to ease any worries he may have had.
The taller man behind him moved over and caged his smaller body with his arms on either side. Seonghwa’s long dick was hot against Hongjoong’s back as the younger looked behind him to meet the older man’s eyes. The older man stayed quiet and just smiled before spitting in his hand and leaning back to stroke himself, using his saliva in place of lube. “I won’t go that hard baby, promise.” He cooed and lined himself up with Hongjoong’s entrance, the younger’s eyes never leaving Seonghwa’s dick as he slowly pushed himself in.
Hongjoong tensed suddenly, your eyes catching Seonghwa’s expression as he bit his bottom lip, and you moved to kiss Hongjoong before the older could say anything. “Relax Joong,” you said and reached under his body to tug on his dripping cock, “We’ll both make you feel so good.” his features softened and you stared at him as Seonghwa was able to push himself in a bit further, just enough to feel him tighten around him. “Yes baby, perfect fuck.” You continued to tug on his dick as he reached over to cup your face and kiss you, his breaths hitching in between kisses as Seonghwa moved behind him.
He thrusted in as deep as he could, not wanting to hurt him or disrupt anything as he moaned Hongjoong’s name in praise. It was more than enough for Hongjoong though, as his eyes rolled back and his ass perked out towards the older man behind him. “Slow down baby, I’ll give you whatever you need, I swear.” Seonghwa grabbed onto his plump rear and picked up his pace, fucking his asshole quickly, while you continued to stroke him.
Hongjoong moaned loudly over and over again, his breath heavy and cheeks going red as his orgasm washed over him. You felt his warm seed shoot out all over your hand and continued to pump him lazily as you stared into his eyes, his mouth agape as he breathed. Drool dripped from the corner of his mouth and you moved to lick it up with your tongue. Seonghwa chuckled and slowed down, his hips stuttering and head going back as he came hard into the man below him. “Fuuuuck!” he cursed and slapped Hongjoong’s ass hard a few times before pulling out and moving to lay between the two of you. “Let me catch my breath, needy little brats.” he said between breaths and wrapped his arms around the two of you, pulling you closer as the two of you laughed at his comment. He gave each of you a kiss on your foreheads while you and Hongjoong lay comfortably against him.
After a bit of chit-chat about your future lives together, Hongjoong went off to shower and complained loudly about how unfortunate it was that the shower was too small for the three of you to shower all at once. You traced the tattoos on Seonghwa’s chest as he slept. “That tickles,” his tired voice spoke as he adjusted himself to face you. His eyes scanned your face , “You doing okay?” he asked softly, a kiss following his question not long after as he pulled you closer by the waist.
“Yeah I’m fine, I didn’t realize how much I missed the two of you, and I’m really happy right now.” You took his face in your hands and pulled him close, giving him a kiss on his nose. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect Jongho, if I wasn’t off getting drunk and partying,” his voice trailed off and you pulled him closer and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Seonghwa, don’t think about that, we can’t go back and change things, we just have to honor his memory, okay?” you kissed him on the lips lovingly, “I forgive you, and I love you.” He nodded and held back his tears as Hongjoong rounded the corner, naked and drying his hair with a towel. “Is everything alright?” he asked and tossed the towel on a nearby chair. “Just talking about Jongho, we miss him a lot.”
You stood up and walked over to him, giving him a kiss on his cheek before heading off to the bathroom. Seonghwa stood up to follow you, Hongjoong taking his arm as he walked by. He looked up at him with hopeful eyes, “Did you apologize?” Seonghwa nodded and took his chin, “Yeah, they forgave me, told me not to dwell on it.” He leaned down and kissed the younger man on the forehead, “I’m lucky to have the two of you, I know that now.” Hongjoong smiled and gave his lover a kiss on the lips, “You sure are, don’t take it for granted this time.” Hongjoong said and slapped Seonghwa’s rear as he walked off.
Seonghwa joined you in the shower, helping you bathe and whispering sweet words to you between kisses. His hands trailed down your body and he slipped his fingers into you, his long wet digits easily finding your spot, “Can you take more?” his voice was low in your ear as he pushed his fingers into you roughly. “Of course Seonghwa-ahhh!” you moaned out as he almost brought you to climax, only to pull his fingers out of you with a dark chuckle.
He turned you so that your back was against the tiled wall of the shower, taking your lips in a searing kiss. You let him lift you up, spreading your legs for him to slot between them, his hard dick prodding at your entrance. Your body slid against the wet tiled wall and he giggled softly as he steadied you, holding you tightly so that it didn’t happen again. “Sorry baby,” he said and held you by your waist while his other hand held the base of his cock so that he could push himself into you.
He felt you clench down hard and nipped at your bottom lip, “Forgot you’re a fucking tease.” He held you up with both hands now, his nails digging into your thighs as you held onto him tightly by his neck. But unlike your first time with him, he was so much more gentle. He kissed your face and neck, his soft lips alone making you melt against him. His thrusts were slow, almost agonizingly so as he made love to you. “Yes Seonghwa, feels so good baby.” You were sure Hongjoong could hear you from the bedroom, your moans and pleas echoing in the bathroom loudly.
His pace picked up, his long dick dragging against your sweet spot and erupting a fire in your belly and core. “I love you Seonghwa,” you huffed out as you felt your peak nearing. He bit down on your neck, pumping into you harder and harder as you moaned out and milked him. “I love you too baby,” he responded and soon stuttered against you.
He cursed into your ear gruffly, nibbling and kissing at your earlobe and neck. Your climax had hit you like a truck as he sucked hickeys into your neck, your pussy practically throbbing around his now softening cock as his warm seed spilled into you.
When he finally finished marking you up, he helped you to stand and finish washing up. The two of you emerged from the foggy bathroom and soon dressed, each getting a sweet kiss from Hongjoong who waited patiently.
The three of you agreed that the best course of action would be to leave town as soon as possible. They did the usual things to ensure that you wouldn’t be followed like changing license plates and destroying any incriminating evidence. They even burned down their warehouse. The three of you reminisced briefly about your time there as you stood in front of the roaring fire, finally deciding together to let the past go and to start anew.
They then helped you get your most important things from your home and agreed to buy anything else you might need along the way. You said goodbye to your old life, the one that you tried to live without them and said hello to the new life you were always meant to have with them. The three of you didn’t have a destination, but it didn’t matter one bit. Because you had each other, your undying love for one another and your whole lives ahead of you.
A/N: idk if i wanna continue this but i might be writing a part 2?? it wont have much plot just sex sooooo, if yall are interested…I JUST LOVE MATZ 🤭 i cant help it!!! ❤️
#ateez#ateez smut#kpop#kpop smut#ateez matz#matz#matz smut#park seonghwa#park seonghwa smut#kim hongjoong#kim hongjoong smut#ateez x reader#seongjoong#park seonghwa x reader#kim hongjoong x reader#seongjoong x reader#matz x reader
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Journaling 101:
A guide for all your journaling needs, whether you’re just starting out and don’t know where to start, or if you’re looking for a way to stay more organized, you’re in the right place!
(disclaimer that this does include a lot of my personal experiences, and different things may work better for different people!)
-gratitude journal: keeping a journal including things that you’re grateful for really adds a new, and positive aspect to your life. Start by writing down a list of 3-5 things that happened that day that you’re thankful for, happy about, accomplishments you’ve achieved, or maybe even a special event you’re looking forward to. Doing so really reminds you of all the good things that come to you in life.
-shadow work journal: Shadow work journals are very useful if you deal with trauma. They make you reflect on your past and help you to understand the root of your trauma, leading to helping you heal from it. Shadow work journals ask certain questions that really make you think, helping to uncover your trauma and heal from it. You can’t heal if you don’t fully understand what you’re healing from! They sell certain books that specially come with the questions already inside, or for a cheaper and more easily accessible option, you can look up some shadow work journal prompt ideas online.
-dream journal: A dream journal is a perfect journal idea if you’re someone (like me) who has the most vivid and interesting dreams. I usually just write down everything I remember from my dreams into my notes app, but that can get cluttered easily, so I recommend keeping a notebook next to your bedside for easy access first thing in the morning. After you write down everything you can remember, you can begin to dissect the dream, detail by detail. Dreams have meanings & every single detail is a sign from your subconscious. I have a book called 12,000 Dreams Interpreted by Gustavus Hindman Miller, and it’s very interesting to read about, but sometimes my dreams are super specific and weird that I have to resort to using google!
-scrapbook/junk journal: This is one of my favorite things I’ve started doing! There are so many different ways to do it, but for me personally, every week I collect items (receipts, post cards, wrappers, movie tickets, restaurant menus, business cards, photos, napkins, letters, clothing tags, etc.) from that week and I create a weekly recap spread! It helps me document what I did that week, so in the future, it helps to look back and remember the small details too. Even as I’m scrapbooking at the end of the week, it helps me to reflect and look back on just how progress I had made that week. It doesn’t even have to be big events, but maybe just receipts from a small trip to the grocery store. Think of anything. Get creative! I really do love that you can get really creative with this! I also decorate the pages with some washi tape, stickers, markers, pens, and paper. Another idea I like is to just make some themed collages using stickers, paper, and other supplies. I started by watching some scrapbooking ASMR videos on YouTube and I enjoyed it so much, I just knew I needed to do it myself.
-spirituality journal: I love keeping a spirituality journal!!! This journal is what I write in to manifest, where I take notes about different essential oils, chakras, crystals, meditation techniques, and other spiritual tips! This journal is also where I write down my daily tarot readings, and I do a lot of spiritual growth and daily talks of healing and reflecting here. It’s kind of like a stream of conscious type of thing! I write however I’m feeling or what I’m thinking, usually with no second thoughts, and it does wonders after I put my spiritual thoughts out there onto paper. It helps to solidify however I feel. This has been my most used journal lately, and it really helps!
-sketchbook: A sketchbook is super useful for those who have a more artistic side to them and always need to be using their hands and being creative. I keep a sketchbook myself, and although I haven’t used it in quite some time, I still find them to be very useful. Whether you’re sitting in class and doodling while you listen to the lecture, or you’re trying to capture the beautiful landscape around you in the park, sketching is a very relaxing activity and a great creative outlet. Even if you aren’t very artistic, sketches are supposed to be a rough drawing, so they definitely do not have to be perfect. Plus who knows? Maybe with sketching, you will discover some hidden artistic abilities! I personally feel that it’s best to try my hand at everything, so I never turned down sketching to help myself relax. Plus, it helps to draw out any emotions you’re feeling in that moment.
-daily diary: Of course I have to talk about the classics. A daily, basic, diary. Perfect to just jot all your thoughts down on. It’s perfect to write in first thing in the morning. You can write about your hopes for the day, your current thoughts, and then revisit at night and talk about what occurred that day. Another option is to carry it around with you, like in a purse, and document when needed. This also makes for a good time capsule, and in a few years it will be interesting to look back on how your day-to-day life was at the time. You can also include any personal secrets, drama, and emotional turmoil you feel at the moment as that will also be something to look back on in the future, so you can see how far you’ve come since then. Trust me! Everybody loves the classics.
-shared journal: SUCH a cute idea for you and a group of friends to do! One way I’ve seen this one before, is one friend keeps the journal for a few weeks at a time, and writes down anything they’re thinking, documents whatever they’re doing in life, and just anything they want in general! Then, they send it off to the next friend and it just keeps going around the friend group until the journal is filled 🤍 This idea is great for people who have friends that live far away from them and don’t get a chance to see them all the time, as it gives them a way to still keep in contact other than being over the phone. And I can imagine that it’s very fun to look at what all your friends are up to once it’s your turn with the journal! I’ve seen people who have filled up multiple journals with their friends! I will definitely be starting this with my friend group! It’s like a sisterhood of the traveling journal for sure🥰
-bullet journal: A bullet journal is basically just an everyday journal to keep your notes, to-do lists, and trackers in! You can track your mood, the weather, exercises, how many books you’ve read, and so much more! I’ve seen people take it month by month, and each month they create a beautiful cover page that coincides with that month! I’ve never done a bullet journal before, and I feel like my artistic side is not as well developed to achieve the same looks as some of these bullet journals I’ve seen online! You can start one easily with a dot grid notebook and some pens and highlighters! There are so many ideas for spreads on apps like Pinterest and TikTok if you have trouble getting started Using a dot grid notebook makes it much easier to split the pages into equal sections. This is perfect for those who love to use a calendar and want to have it be physical!
-poetry/fiction writing journal: Basically self explanatory but a journal to keep all your poetry and fiction writing! Poetry writing is a great way to get your feelings down on paper and is also great a form of art! I enjoy fiction writing a lot, and it helps me to stay creative!
♡I hope this helped some of you get a new start in journaling and find what works for you! Feel free to send me any asks if you have any questions!♡
#healing#love myself#love yourself#manifestation#manifesting#positive affirmations#positive mindset#self care#self discovery#self healing#journal#self journey#journaling#girl blog aesthetic#girl blogger#be that girl#growth#mindset growth#becoming that girl#girlblogging#this is a girlblog
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Made by Demy Leigh
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#journal#journaling#art#traditional art#art journal#art journaling#mixed media#mixed media journal#mixed media art journal#mixed media art journaling#gluebook#collage#collaging#collage journal#scrapbook#scrapbooking#stamps#ephemera#napkins#stickers#vintage#positive
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Eddie Headcanons
* He can sew. That bitch is always making something and loves to make himself (and you, of course) little costumes based on whatever is hyper fixating on at the moment
* He makes loving you his whole personally. He’ll talk about you to whoever will listen, bragging about your accomplishments or even just sharing a little story about something funny you said.
* He loves to draw, making little doodles on any scrap of paper her can find, whether it’s the margin in a book or a napkin from a restaurant where the two of are having dinner. And he’ll always signing it with his sloppy yet adorable signature before giving it to you and you’ll inevitably put it in your scrapbook where you keep all of his masterpieces to look back on.
* I feel like he’s the type of person who’s always cold. It’ll be seventy-five degrees outside and this man will be wearing a hoodie and jeans, shivering.
* He loves any activity he can do with his hands. It doesn’t matter what it is, but it’s one of the few ways he can stimulate his brain.
* In modern day, he’d definitely be against social media but only have accounts so he can comment on your posts because he’s that down bad.
* He likes to pretend he’s not a gossip, but he totally would totally act like he’s not invested in your phone conversation with your friends while he works on one of his campaigns.
* Definitely has food sensory issues and has to have his food separated or he will flip his shit.
* Also definitely has a specific plate, cup, and coffee mug that he likes to use and refuses to use anything else. Yes, he will notice if you try to switch it up on him.
* He loves to annotate books, especially yours, and leaves you cute little notes in the margins.
* He also somehow always naturally smells good and you can never figure out where exactly the scent comes from.
* As much as I would like the believe he can, this man absolutely cannot cook. Everything he makes burns to a crisp somehow. Mans can’t even make ice.
* Always has to follow his daily routine and if it gets screwed up even a little bit, it throws him off and he’ll have to start it all over.
* Loves to drive really fast and only goes the speed limit when you’re in the vehicle since you’re precious cargo and all.
* He seems like the kind of guy who’d act like he doesn’t like musical theater but then you’d get into his car where he forgot to switch the tape. (In private he’s very much like Winston in New Girl where he’s singing along to the Wicked soundtrack if y’all get that reference)
* Also, he definitely has a Fleetwood Mac tape hidden in his glove compartment.
* He’s got a box full of fidget toys that he made himself that he can fiddle with as a stimulant. He’s even given them out to members of the Hellfire Club.
* Loves to go to random places he’s found on the internet, like bars or even a bookstore. Somewhere he can explore that’s far enough away from home so he can finally get a moment of peace.
* Hates making phone calls, even if he’s calling someone he already knows. The whole thing makes him anxious and he’s dying to hang up every second the phone rings, but as soon as the other person picks up, he’s fine.
* He has a very particular taste in movies and every time Steve gets a new movie in at Family Video and wonders “Who the hell is gonna watch this?” Eddie would. The answer is always Eddie.
If y’all would like my NSFW headcanons, please let me know!
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Oneshot -Broppy Wedding Planning
Pop Village was buzzing with celebration!
The former town grump, Branch had finally…
Proposed to Queen Poppy!
And she said ‘Yes’!!!
The town had never been this excited!
This would be the first Royal Wedding since they escaped Bergen Town!
The first Troll wedding attended by Bergens!
It would be the first Royal Wedding to be attended by the other Trolls Tribes in centuries!
This was going to be the event of a lifetime!
Satin and Chenille had produced a scrapbook they had made for Poppy as an engagement gift.
It was full of wedding ideas they had collected over the years that they thought Poppy could one day use.
Flower arrangements, colours, cakes, songs, dance numbers…
The scrapbook was huge!
Branch found Poppy in her pod later on.
Poppy was at a table lazily flipping through the pages of the scrapbook.
Branch sat across from her, surprised that she looked so deflated.
Without saying anything, Poppy pushed the scrapbook over for Branch to see.
Branch looked over a few pages.
“Wait? You've already planned everything?”
“No. Satin and Chenille made it.”
“And you're upset? Are their ideas that bad?
“No it's not that…” she looked away.
Branch put the book aside and took her hands into his.
“What is it you usually say to me? If you're having feelings, you can talk about them with me.”
Poppy sighed.
“It’s just…a lot”
Branch nodded encouragingly.
“Go on.”
“Look at it, Branch. Everyone is so excited for our wedding! Everyone is expecting a huge thing and we haven't even begun to plan anything yet!”
“You've never had trouble planning things like this before.”
“This is different. It's not just about me this time.”
Branch thought her words over.
“You're worried about me.”
Poppy looked over to him with almost apologetic eyes.
Branch smiled and leaned in close to whisper.
“Poppy, I don't know if you know this about me but…”
Poppy leaned her ear in.
“-Sometimes I over prepare for things.”
Poppy blinked at him then burst into silly giggles.
Branch smiled proudly that he was able to get her to laugh like this.
“Poppy when I proposed, I knew exactly who I was proposing to. I know what I'm getting myself into. So, individually handcrafted invitations? Coordinated dance numbers? Napkins matching the flowers? Each guest's face painted onto the cake?-”
“You're just giving me ideas now.”
“I’m saying that I want all of that with you.”
“I get to marry my best friend. We've been through a lot together and I think we should have the celebration we deserve.”
“It’s your wedding too. I don't want you to get overwhelmed just to make me happy. You don't think it's going to be too over the top?”
“I know it's going to be over the top! I'm fully prepared for that and happy to help in any way I can to go over the top with this. Let's really go ‘Poppy’ on this thing.” he smirked.
Poppy snort laughed at his word choice.
“You'll let me know it's too much?”
“Don't I always?”
Poppy narrowed her eyes skeptically. A cheeky grin spread across her face
“How ‘Poppy’ are we talking?”
“I want you to go ‘Full Poppy’.”
“You do know what you're letting into the world, right?”
Branch kissed her hand then looked deep into her eyes.
“Let’s throw the biggest, loudest, craziest party ever.”
Poppy poked his chest.
“Keep saying things like that and we aren't gonna last until the honeymoon mister.” she growled.
Poppy smooched his cheek gratefully before she grabbed the scrapbook and took off to find Satin and Chenille.
It wasn't until she was out of sight that his eyes widened with the realization of what she was implying.
And Branch's lovestruck face flushed red.
#trolls#dreamworks trolls#trolls movie#trolls band together#character design#trolls branch#broppy trolls#trolls broppy#broppy#queen poppy#branch trolls#poppy trolls#Broppy wedding#Trolls oneshot#trolls headcanons#trolls fandom
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helloooo there!
I just recently found your profile, and let’s just say I deeply fell in love with each and every one of your yandere chars.
I hope you are having a beautiful day. I would like to say that, I am very obsessed with my yandere! lawyer husband yulian <3. HE IS JUST SO STANDARDS!
and with regards to that, I was thinking if you could write on how he would react to reader has always loved embroidery and even makes small articles of clothing which they put their entire love into. but because their parents were not supportive of them going into arts pathway, they just took that as a hobby.
so, on the night of reader and yulian’s wedding, they bring out a very beautifully designed tie as a wedding gift for yulian. they feel a little conscious about it, so they babbles about how he doesn’t have to wear it but they just hopelessly adore him thus they want to show their love through the gift. the tie is a light green (matches his gorgeous eyes) with a golden line patterns to shows his success, affluence, and luxury.
yulian is someone who love his spouse immensely. and honestly, I cannot ever get enough of him. but please ignore if this is very weird! 😭
thank you and apology in advance! <3
Bawling at this ask, I'm glad people love him as much as I've loved him!!! Moya!!! Love!! Feeding me so well!! That aside, this is the first thought I had after reading this all,
"Sir, you've been wearing the same tie everyday. Can't you at least change it for once?"
"Nonsense. It fits my suit so well."
My man changes the suit to match the tie and not the other way around! Will not change it unless you gave him another tie :) he is such a lovesick puppy.
Anyway, I can see this happening in a much more modern setting timeline (one of the lives after Yulian gets to be with darling in the utopia!)
You are his beloved, anything you fancy will be sent to your doorstep, including embroideries' tools (...uh right?) Yulian knows you enjoy doing stuffs like these, making clothes for your dolls, scrapbooks, tending flowers and so on including embroidering.
The only thing was that you had never given him anything until the wedding ceremony shits happened.
You gave him something that made him feel like melting on the spot, a tie which reminded him of the emerald eyes he loathed yet he just couldn't bring himself to hate your creations.
The golden line patterns were adorable, he deduced that it symbolized the affluence and fame he carried.
"Dear... I love this... thank you, so much." He pulled you into a hug, his hand clutching the tie tightly, "What do you say about making more of these for me? Napkin will do well too. Hm? Oh what nonsense! This is beautiful! I've always known you are talented in handiworks! You are almost like a Clockworker!"
He will boost your confidence by 400% with his words, he's a lawyer and he knows how to word shits well. Almost too well.
So here we are, a husband who proudly only wears ties that are made by his spouse! A husband who is only seen using the napkins you give (unless it turns bloody) and is also the same guy who makes the people around him blind and bleeding from his lovesick ass.
#LIfE Project#theatric guest#yandere x reader#yandere oc#oc#yandere male#yandere husband#yandere headcanons#yandere imagines#x gn reader#yandere scenarios
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I raise you: timid fem boy yan falls for timid fem boy darling because they see them and thinks “if they can be so perfect maybe I’m not so bad” or the “their anxiety negates my own, time to tell the cashier they said no pickles”
People who said both - I see you. Misha (pending name for Yan) and darling generally have a fun time trading cute outfits and beauty tips with each other. Sometimes Misha forgets where he left reader's favorite clothes, but he promises to return it as soon as he finds them or the same ones he sees in stores. Reader's a bit shier than him which comes as a shock since he always thought pretty folks are the most confident and reader's the cutest person he's ever seen. Insists on putting lipstick on them just once so he can have them kiss a napkin to wipe off the excess which he keeps it his scrapbook. I love him very much and will do more with him soon
#yandere oc#yandere x reader#yandere imagines#yandere x you#yandere headcanons#yandere#yandere scenarios#Misha my oc
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Things you could put in your journal :
I've noticed that in the journaling community there can be a lot of pressure to make your journal seem super aesthetic and it can feel like there's a right way to journal when there really isn't! I thought I'd do a post talking about some ideas of things that could be fun to put in your journal to really show how journaling has no rules! These are some things I like to put in my journals :
Receipts, napkins, leaflets, business cards, labels from things I buy etc from when I go out. This is also something I love to do to help me remember my day out even when I'm not feeling up to doing much in my journal. I have a lot of pages in my journal that just has these things stuck in and some doodles or stickers or washi tape or whatever I feel like doing and it's so fun to do!
Postcards (especially if I go to a museum or something and then stick in the postcard on the pages where I'm writing about the outing. I also really love to only stick the postcard in along one side so I can write on the other side and flip it up and the postcards also work pretty well on a random journal entry to make it a bit more fun)
Poems / quotes
Random little notes you've made throughout the day or if someone's written you a note
Drawings or doodles
A screenshot / print out of an interesting or fun news article / social media post
Ofc I also love to use things like scrapbooking paper, washi tape, stickers etc
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