drchucktingle · 1 year
ASTRONAUT 1: weve gotta get this alien out of your chest cavity now. its gonna burst any second. (raises scalpel)
ASTRONAUT 2: but this chest bursting killing machine has a different perspective (grabs partners hand) we have to hear... (ribs cracking. literally dies) both sides
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from-a-legends-pov · 2 months
Star Wars Legends: Poll of the Week — Favorite Smart or Crafty Moments
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Legends is full of moments where our heroes have to come up with unorthodox solutions to unexpected challenges — and some of the smaller moments can have a major impact. Of these examples, which is your favorite smart/crafty moment?
When her trail goes cold thanks to a bounty hunter, Han Solo finds missing Rebellion spy Scarlet Hark by going to the greasy spoon from which she’s been ordering breakfast sandwiches and intercepting her delivery order (Honor Among Thieves)
At the Battle of Folor, Kell Tainer and Runt pretend to be two whole groups of X-Wings protecting a damaged Millennium Falcon with Princess Leia on board (impersonated by Dorset Konnair and her wingmate using two A-Wings) to distract Admiral Trigit from the evacuation of Folor Base (X-Wing: Wraith Squadron)
Threepio and Artoo help Leia Organa and Han Solo break out of prison on Aphran IV by reprogramming the food service droid to think that Leia’s lightsaber and Han’s pistol are food rations (The New Jedi Order - Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand)
When Lando Calrissian and Zerba are kidnapped by corrupt cops sent by Black Sun and about to die in a crumbling warehouse, their heist team rescues them by having one ship blow a hole in the wall large enough for the Falcon to fit through, after which Chewbacca swoops through long enough to drop one of the escape pods into the building so Lando and Zerba can barricade themselves inside (Scoundrels)
Luke Skywalker uses the power supply from his prosthetic hand to rewire the lock on his enclosure and escape Talon Karrde’s custody (Heir to the Empire)
Let’s create more Legends moments together! Follow @from-a-legends-pov and come join us for From A Legends Point of View, a fanfiction event where we’ll be building a collection of fics featuring Star Wars Legends characters (including OT characters) during the time of the Original Trilogy. Writer signups are open now — use our Signup Form to pitch your story concepts (Signup Guidelines here), check out our Event Overview and FAQ for more information, and encourage your favorite writers to participate! Signups are open through June 2.
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starchaserdreams · 1 year
Wolfstar Microfic: Scoundrel
“You bloody scoundrels, you come back here!”
Sirius and Remus were howling with laughter as they ran, each with pockets full of chocolate frogs from Honeydukes. They’d snuck in through the tunnel but gotten caught in the street, which was good; the secrecy of the tunnel wouldn’t be compromised. 
They ran as long as their gangly 15-year old legs could carry them, half-limping from the effort of laughing all the while. 
By the time they reached the outskirts of Hogsmeade, Sirius held out a hand to stop Remus and they paused, propping themselves up against a building while they caught their breath. 
Sirius could feel the rush of adrenaline even after they’d stopped moving, still felt a burst of energy, a need to do something. 
He grinned at Remus, ready to dare him to race all the way back to the castle, but Remus’ appearance caught his eye. 
His cheeks and nose were ruddy from the wind, his hair was wild, and his robes were long past reasonable. 
He looked wild.
Sirius couldn’t help but stare. It made him feel hot and bothered just to look at Remus like that.
Remus noticed Sirius staring, and his eyes went wide. Sirius couldn’t imagine what his own face looked like, but Remus must have seen something. Something he liked, because he stood up straighter and took two steps towards Sirius, backing him into the wall. Not close enough to be touching, but close enough to make Sirius’ energy rev even faster. 
“Sirius,” Remus said suddenly, voice deeper and lower than Sirius was used to, “Dare me.”
“What?” Sirius began, even though he knew exactly what Remus was getting at, even as he took another step closer. Sirius felt his back hit the side of the building. 
“Dare me,” Remus said, bringing a hand up to Sirius’ chest. The touch was featherlight, but enough to completely short circuit Sirius’ brain. 
He lost all sense of words. He lost all sense of anything other than Remus’ gaze, and his body leaning in, and his hand. 
Without speaking, Sirius put his hands on Remus’ hips and reeled him in, until they were only a hair’s breadth apart. 
Remus laughed ever so lightly as he was pulled.
“I dare you,” Sirius replied.
Remus closed the distance, and it was the last thing either of them said for a while.
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trippingtroll · 9 months
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*COPS theme intensifies*
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pynapplepyro · 3 months
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I thought I put smarted the system, but I forgot Tumblr is run by scoundrels
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stormsketch · 10 months
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From a seafaring D&D campaign, here's my Felix and fellow crew member Elegy enabling each other into being absolute and utter chaotic neutrals. 🏴‍☠️📸
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sammperson · 1 year
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sadie-shrimp · 1 year
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weirdlittleberry · 1 year
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Drunk History (2016)
Ed Helms as William McMasters
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lady-who-owns-a-sword · 3 months
@ gerard way on the 4th of may 2022 in parco nord bologna you said on behalf of all ur comrades too that you were coming back .well where are you
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eliotbaum · 8 months
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The Scoundrel ✨ A character class for The Hidden Isle.
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a-decrepit-house · 9 months
Harrow, in Gideon the Ninth: I cannot conceive of a universe without you in it
The literal plot of Harrow the Ninth:
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al8estos · 3 months
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Dress up a monkey in Armani
He may seem precocious and cute
Despite all that primpin'
You still got a chimp in a suit!
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polarsirens · 1 year
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something about karna learning how to “play chess” as a play, a game without consequences and something done for fun for the first time (also me obsessing over how this passing comment from colin just sets up for more heartbreak because do they have time?)
also some notes on… self-indulgent things
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rhythmicwizard · 1 year
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There are beasts on my lamp post again;
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