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wellpartonme · 8 months ago
Beach AU
I love my old man yaoi
Still in progress but wanted to share cuz I’ll prob not finish it in a while
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Mk11 Johnny cage will appear in a speedo
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skettchyartendevours · 4 months ago
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I have drawn more of the sillies, this time in Technicolor! And I gave them strawberries :]
Small Bonus:
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A handful of marshmallowey Vamps I didn't bother to colour
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mightyart · 1 year ago
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Scorp sketch
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beavillains · 1 year ago
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This can't be the first time this has happened.
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ventaverv · 2 years ago
I managed to find a Ro-Bow in the wild for half the average price and did not know that he used gamer talk. I have very mixed feeling about him now.
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localparalysisdemon · 1 year ago
It's 2024 guys time for me to post the 3 other finished drawings from my failed attempt at a drawtober challenge
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rainee-chu · 8 months ago
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Scorp and bunbee my favs…
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year ago
Scrolling through the Scorpius tag and like 50% of the posts are just me and it's so embarrassing how do I block myself
Leave it to me to like the character that doesn't even have a ao3 character tag god
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delaneywuzup700 · 2 months ago
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ScorpGrime: First Meet
It was a typical day at Skylanders Academy, each of the skylanders either on a mission, doing some training, or just having some quality downtime. Meanwhile with Camo and Night Grime, they were busy creating a prank by placing streams of tape in the middle of the hallway for some unsuspecting person to walk right into it. “Aw man Camo, I can’t wait to see the look on whoever's face when they walk right into the tape, they're gonna be like “Oh no where did all this tape come from!” it’s going to be so funny.” Night Grime said connecting a tape end to the wall. Just then, the sound of footsteps came into the room “Ooh! Someone’s coming!” Camo exclaimed, and with that Night Grime and Camo quickly ran into a nearby entrance of a room to hide, while also giggling at the thought of someone’s reaction from walking into the tape. Just then, a voice shouted “What the?!” Night Grime and Camo both proceeded to high five each other and went to see who got stuck in their sticky prank. Once the two got to the spot of the prank, they saw that it was Scorp who got trapped, “Well looks like you got yourself in a sticky situation Scorp!” Camo exclaimed jokingly, Scorp just gave Camo an annoyed glare “Oh c’mon, can’t you TAPE a joke?” Night Grime asked jokingly “Tape a joke that was a good Night Grime!” Camo said, raising his right claw for a high five which Night Grime returned. Scorp rolled his eyes and looked at Night Grime “Aren’t you that new Dark Skylander?” he asked “Yep, all the way from Umberooze City, got some training from the Night Wizards over at Stygian Canyon. Whereas I took their advice to join you folks and now here I am!” Night Grime explained cheerfully, Scorp raised his eyebrow and looked at her “I see” Scorp replied nonchalantly “Gotta say being a Skylander’s pretty cool, I get to go on adventures, save the day, help people, and best of all kick some ass!” Night Grime explained happily “Well you’re looking at the King of Sting here, I’m the biggest star player at Sting Ball.” Scorp explained, once again sounding nonchalant, but sounding a bit proud in the end.
Night Grime then raised her eyebrow playfully, “Hmm, so what is that like a sport?” she asked “Yes, yes it is.” Scorp answered “Stingball requires immense strength, durability, and aerobics. I was the crowning champion, otherwise known as “The King Of Sting”.” he explained, showing pride in being a sports player. “Well it’s no gladiatorial combat we have back in my home but it does sound interesting.” Night Grime commented. She looked at Scorp for a bit and felt something, it was a feeling she had, but she didn’t know what that feeling was. “So uh, uh…” she stammered, trying to make more conversation “You seem like a nice guy, Scorp.” Night Grime stuttered “Here since me and Camo here got someone caught in our prank, how ‘bout we’ll free now.” she replied as she and Camo got the tape off of Scorp. Later that night, Night Grime couldn’t sleep, she turned and twisted in her bed, grunting a bit. Lifting her sleep mask up with annoyed eyes she made a groan “Why can't I sleep?” she complained, Night Grime grabbed the clock on her nightstand and looked at it, it showed 12:03 a.m.. “Maybe I’m hungry?” Night Grime asked herself, stepping out of her bed Night Grime headed over the academy’s kitchen, where she began to think “Come on I had a busy day, what's with the insomnia?” she thought. “I feel fine, and accomplished a successful prank with my new buddy today.” that's when it hit her, Night Grime stopped in her tracks and remembered her and Camo’s little prank, and how Scorp was the victim of it, Scorp. 
“That's it!” Night Grime exclaimed “When she was talking to him a weird feeling popped inside of her “Scorp, Scorp” she thought. She remembered his baffled face, that face, that peridot and emerald-eyed golden face, “Why am I feeling weird about that guy?” Night Grime asked herself aloud, but not too loud. Once she made it to the kitchen, Night Grime went to the fridge to see what was inside “Hmm, I’m craving a midnight hoagie.” she said, Night Grime took out lettuce, baloney, onions, bacon, provolone, and mayo from the fridge. Once she had all of the cooled ingredients, Night Grime proceeded to grab a baguette loaf, then to grab a bread knife and cutting board, now that she had all the things she needed, Night Grime began to make a hoagie. “Maybe this will take my mind off that Scorp guy.” she said as she began to slice the onions “I just don't get it, why can I not stop thinking about him?” she wondered, that’s when she realized something. “Oh Eon don't tell me that I-I-I’m in- nope nope nope nope no! I’m not mentioning that word!” she exclaimed to herself. The word Night Grime was on the verge of saying was love, if she was in love with Scorp. Night Grime wasn't sure if she should be in a relationship again, why? Because of the experience she had with her ex-boyfriend; Weird Leonard. Weird Leonard was a zhenniao like her, and sure did live up to his name, because of his strangeness, he put Night Grime in a bunch of precarious situations, one of them include him giving her an ACTUAL boom fiend as a present, it was not the bomb, she had enough of his odd behavior endangering her life most of the time and dump him, but their failed relationship left Night Grime weary about love, being unsure if she wants to start a romantic relationship again. 
Night Grime grimaced at the thought of Weird Leonard, she wanted nothing to do with him ever again, and he still hasn't given her back her iPod. Once Night Grime finished her hoagie, she began to eat it “Do I have feelings for Scorp? I mean he does seem like a nice guy, and to an extent he seems normal.” she thought  as she chowed on her hoagie. Later that morning, it was a bright and sunny day, outside at the academy, Night Grime was looking for someone in particular, someone she knows who could give her the right advice. That’s when she spot him, a certain purple dragon; Spyro. “Yo Spy!” Night Grime called out, Spyro turned and saw Night Grime coming over to him “Oh hey Night Grime, what's up?” he asked in his usual optimistic manner “You're a pretty helpful guy I need advice for something.” Night Grime answered. “Sure what is it?” he asked “Me and Camo pulled a prank where someone would walk into tape in the hallway and Scorp was the one who stuck. Now that’s when I met the guy for the first time since I’m still new here and now I have this indescribable feeling and I’m not sure if I’m developing feelings for the guy!” she explained in a rush, taking a deep breath afterwards. Spyro looked at her and asked “Well did you notice there are things you like about him?”. Night Grime looked at the dragon and thought a bit, “Well uh, the body to me he has, is well there's no skeleton, no skeleton under that burnt umber chiseled chest, that face shines gold more than the sun, and those lovely peridot and emerald colored eyes.” Night Grime blindly said.
Spyro gave her a playful smirk and Night Grime immediately realized what she just said, her eyes pinning in horror as she covered her face in embarrassment. “Oh jeez, I am in love!” she exclaimed. “And there's nothing wrong with that.” Spyro said “But I don't know if I should be in love again!” Night Grime replied exasperatedly “I dated this literal weirdo in the past who has put my life in jeopardy numerous times because of his non-normalness and ugh!” she explained, not knowing what to do “And I know Scorp sounds more sane than my ex but I’m just so.. unsure.” Night Grime sat down and put her hands against her chin. Spyro looked at her and put his claw on her shoulder “I think what should do is ask him to hang out like grab lunch or see a show, warm up to him. Than if it's a success for you both then maybe you should admit your feelings.” Spyro answered. Night Grime looked at him “Are you sure that'll work?” she asked “Trust me” Spyro said, giving her a kind smile, Night Grime smiled back and said “Thanks Spy, that sounds like a good idea! I’m going to go try that.” with that, Night Grime ran off to go find Scorp, waving goodbye to Spyro as she did it, who also waved goodbye as well.
Night Grime walked to Scorp’s room, he didn't have a mission today, and she decided to see if he was in his room. “Alright anxieties, it’s time for all of you to go down, I’m to ask him and I’m to ask him now.” she said to herself quietly. Night Grime knocked on the door, after she did that the small sound of footsteps came into view, Night Grime gulped and waited for Scorp to come, that’s when the door opened, showing the scorpion she’s been wanting to speak to. “Hello?” asked Scorp as he opened the door, he saw it was Night Grime at the door “Oh hello Night Grime, what is it?” he asked. “I know we got off on a rocky start because of yesterday's tape prank but would you like to go out to have lunch with me?” she asked. A small smiled formed on Scorp’s face “Sure” he replied.
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unofskylanderspages · 3 months ago
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Seen above: Scorp's Core Skylander icon
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yourlocaltoad · 1 year ago
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Assets used for Skylanders Trap Team's Earth Skylanders Polaroids (skylanders.com, 2013/2014) (pt2)
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skettchyartendevours · 8 months ago
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Here, have a recent batch of these goofy li'l marshmallowified Gobots
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beedokart · 2 years ago
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A bit more Inhibitor Phase fan art, this time referencing Ranma because, hey, it almost makes sense and that’s my main fandom.
Poor Warren and Scrop.
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lebenkopf · 1 year ago
Ilema around Ufa on chill
Birthday gift for @ilmeshka
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joeraetzer · 3 months ago
When Are the Benefits of an LLC Stronger Than an S Corp?
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When choosing a business structure, many people find it challenging to determine where to begin. You may have heard about forming an LLC or an S Corporation, but understanding what these terms mean and how they differ can be confusing. Both Limited Liability Companies ("LLCs") and S Corporations offer personal liability protection, meaning your personal assets are generally protected from business liabilities and debts. Additionally, both structures provide tax advantages compared to other types of business entities. What is an S Corp? An S Corporation is a tax classification, not a standalone type of business entity. To become an S Corporation, you must first establish a C Corporation or an LLC. Both S Corporations and LLCs are "pass-through entities," meaning their profits pass directly to the owners' or shareholders' personal tax returns, which helps avoid corporate tax and double taxation. For LLC owners with above-average income in their industry, opting for S Corporation taxation can reduce self-employment taxes. This setup allows you to take a reasonable salary (aligned with industry standards), while any remaining profits can be distributed as dividends, which are not subject to self-employment tax. What is an LLC? An LLC is a legal business structure that offers liability protection to its owners, shielding their personal assets from business debts or legal claims. There are two types of LLCs: - Single-member LLC: Owned by 1 person and taxed like a sole proprietorship. - Multi-member LLC: Owned by multiple people and generally taxed like a partnership, unless it elects to be taxed as an S Corporation. LLCs are popular because they’re relatively simple to start and manage while providing liability protection and potential tax benefits. However, if your annual income exceeds a certain threshold, you may face a high tax bill. To reduce taxes, LLC owners can elect S Corporation taxation, which changes how certain portions of income are taxed. To form an LLC, you’ll need to file Articles of Organization with your state’s Secretary of State office. Then, file IRS Form 2553 to choose your tax classification. Once approved, your LLC can elect S Corporation taxation if it meets specific IRS requirements. So what's the difference? So, what are the main differences? The key distinctions between an LLC and an S Corporation relate to ownership, management, and required business formalities. These factors can influence which structure is the best fit for your business. 1. Ownership LLCs offer flexibility in ownership. They can have an unlimited number of owners (referred to as members), who don’t need to be U.S. citizens or residents, and can even include other business entities. In contrast, S Corporations face more restrictions: they can have no more than 100 shareholders, all of whom must be U.S. citizens or residents, and they cannot be owned by other business entities like C Corporations, LLCs, partnerships, or other S Corporations. 2. Classes of Stock and Voting Rights The IRS limits S Corporations to a single class of stock, which means all shareholders have the same voting rights. This restricts S Corporations from offering voting and non-voting shares, a flexibility typically available to traditional corporations. If an S Corporation tries to implement different voting rights, it may face tax penalties. LLCs, however, don’t issue stock. Instead, ownership and voting rights are defined in their membership agreements, allowing for customizable ownership and voting rights among members. 3. Management Structure An LLC can choose to be managed by its members (owners) or by appointed managers. A member-managed LLC operates more like a partnership, while a manager-managed LLC resembles a corporation, with selected managers making business decisions. S Corporations, on the other hand, are required to have directors and officers. The directors oversee the company’s affairs, while the officers handle daily operations. Business Formalities Both LLCs and S Corporations must adhere to some formalities, but the requirements for S Corporations are generally more extensive. S Corporations are required to adopt bylaws, authorize and issue stock, hold annual shareholder and director meetings, and keep detailed meeting minutes. LLCs may choose to follow these practices but are generally not legally required to do so. Tax Considerations One of the key reasons some people choose an S Corporation is the tax treatment it offers, allowing owners to take a salary and receive distributions from profits while potentially reducing self-employment taxes. However, an LLC can also elect to be taxed as an S Corporation by filing the necessary IRS paperwork, providing the flexibility of both structures. Making the Right Choice There’s no one-size-fits-all answer for small businesses when deciding between an LLC and an S Corporation. Your choice should depend on the specific needs and goals of your business. Raetzer PLLC Read the full article
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ceohaven · 3 months ago
Tax Advising That Help You Pay less Taxes
CEOHAVEN tax advisor specializes in proactive tax planning for entrepreneurs, real estate investors, and business owners earning well. Their approach is to reduce taxes legally through correct tax advice. Visit the website to know more!
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