#scooters with mobile connectivity
dapperenby13 · 1 month
Why are mobility aids so fucking expensive. I just want to go to ikea with minimal pain and fatigue. Why does it cost so much to get a fucking mobility scooter so I can be comfortable.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 months
July is disability pride month! In honor of this, as a proud disabled person, the top 10 things I've heard/read about disability that just need to be addressed.
"Disability payments" = SSI.
Nope. There are a number of programs which are "disability payments." There are programs that look at your income in addition to disability status, such as SSI and VA pensions. There are programs that look at your disability status and work credits, like SSDI. There are also programs that look at disability and if it's service connected to your military status, like VA disability. There are people who have disability through their former employer. All of these provide a monthly payment to people who are disabled and cannot work. 2. Disabled people can't get married.
Okay, this one is complicated. There is to my knowledge no law on the books anywhere in the United States that prohibits a consenting disabled adult from marrying another consenting adult, disabled or not. If you are on disability with a program like SSDI they could care less if you get married or divorced.
The trick here is that if you are receiving disability under a program that considers income, like SSI, if you get married it's more than likely that you will go above the maximum income threshold and lose your benefits entirely. They somehow assume that you both can survive on your spouse's income alone. This also means the disabled person essentially loses all their financial independence. The maximum income threshold for SSI is to my knowledge far lower than almost any other program, so there's very little wiggle room here.
So a disabled person on SSI has to choose between getting married and losing all their income, or maintaining some financial independence with their own income - and that's really not a fair choice at all 3. I saw that wheelchair user stand up! Scammer.
Nope. A lot of people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices are ambulatory. They may have pain or orthopedic issues, they may have a condition causing extreme fatigue or dizziness that makes them a fall risk, they may have a heart issue, they may be able to do some walking and standing but not a lot. Some people need mobility devices only when they are doing something particularly strenuous that would involve a lot of walking and standing - for example going through an airport or visiting a museum or theme park.
Bottom line, if you see someone using a wheelchair, a scooter, a walker, a cane, whatever, don't be an asshole to them, and don't ask them to explain their medical history to you. 4. That person has a placard and is using the parking space close to the building, but they can walk!! Scammer.
Nope. Again, you have no idea what that person's condition might be. They could have a cardiac or respiratory condition, they could have rheumatoid arthritis or an issue with their feet or knees, you have no bloody idea, so mind your business. 5. That person wouldn't be disabled if they'd meditate/take this supplement/pray/think positive! Why were they offended when I told them so?
Because their treatment is not your concern? Because although you did a lot of studying on Tik Tok University, maybe they're trusting the trained medical professionals who are treating them? Maybe because what you are saying has no actual basis in mainstream peer reviewed science? It's gross to try to give a disabled or chronically ill person unsolicited treatment or religious advice. 6. I asked that disabled person what was wrong with them and they got mad! Why?
Random strangers you meet are not required to give you detailed descriptions of their medical conditions. Also, asking anyone what is WRONG with them is so damned rude. 7. Ugh, the pandemic is over but that person is still wearing a mask! ROFL.
Yeah, there are a lot of people out there who are either immunocompromised or have another condition that makes them high risk for the numerous airborne viral illnesses still circulating, or they live with/care for someone who is, or they have another reason they're wearing a mask and they don't want to get sick. And? Mind your business. 8. Heh, that person said they were allergic to soy and I put soy milk in their coffee! They'll never know.
Congrats, you just might have killed someone or sent them to the hospital. If someone's telling you they have an allergy, please for God's sake take them seriously. If they consume or in some cases even smell or have contact with that allergen, it could absolutely kill or hospitalize them. There are also a lot of other medical reasons someone might tell you they can't have a particular food or drink - for example, some very common medications have a serious interaction with some very common fruits that could potentially cause them a tremendous amount of harm. Or they have a condition like celiac disease where eating certain things will result in pain and illness flares and serious complications for them. None of that is a joke. 9. Eyeroll this disabled person needs to get to the bathroom/another area that is only accessible by stairs and now they need me to unlock the elevator or door for them. Damned PITA.
Blame your employer or whoever owns the building for not making it accessible. Don't blame the disabled person who is asking for the same access to the facility as anyone else. Do you really think it's the highlight of anyone's day to find a locked elevator and have to search for whomever has the key, simply to go pee? 10. Eh, that person told me they can't walk up the stairs! But it's not that steep!
If a person tells you they can't walk up or down stairs, they can't walk up or down stairs. Period. Case closed. This isn't something negotiable.
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wishful-seeker · 4 months
When im president every door in a public area will be automatic. Every sidewalk and stairs will have a ramp thats not too steep and a stair elevator able to be used by the wheelchair user easily. Powerchairs and wheelchair scooter attachments are free and automaticly come with each wheelchair which is also free. Healthcare is free, mobility aids are free. Anyone applying for disability gets a free lawyer for their case that actually cares about you. All current doctors are put into a training program on how to better respect and listen to patients, doctors are under penalty if they purposely waste your time and money. Sidewalks will be put literally everywhere idc if you live in bumb fuck nowhere you will have a sidewalk that connects to every other sidewalk acting like small roads. Wheelchairs that are not powered will be designed to roll easily so people who push themselves can actually fucking move without a bunch of resistance or pain. Public transportation with disability accessibility will be accessible EVERYWHERE. There will be free ubers just for disabled people. Caretakers are free and also put through training programs about respecting disabled people. All workplaces are required to be fully accessible for disabled customers and workers.
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rideboomindia · 3 months
RideBoom App hindi driver regsitration राइड बूम ऐप में रजिस्ट्रेशन कैसे ...
Here are the steps to register for the RideBoom app:
Download the RideBoom App Visit the RideBoom website or your device's app store and download the RideBoom mobile app. Create an Account Open the RideBoom app and select the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" option. Enter your basic personal information such as your name, email address, and phone number. Create a secure password for your RideBoom account. Verify Your Identity RideBoom may require you to verify your identity by providing a government-issued ID, such as a driver's license or passport. Follow the in-app instructions to upload a photo or scan of your ID document. Add a Payment Method Connect a debit or credit card to your RideBoom account to enable payment for rides and services. You can also link your mobile wallet or other preferred payment options. Complete Your Profile Fill out any additional profile information, such as your preferred riding preferences, payment settings, and contact details. You can also customize your account avatar and notification preferences. Accept the Terms of Service Review and accept RideBoom's terms of service and privacy policy to complete the registration process. Get Verified RideBoom may require additional verification steps, such as a background check or skills assessment, depending on the type of services you want to use (e.g., becoming a delivery driver). Start Exploring RideBoom's Services Once your account is set up, you can begin booking scooter rentals, accepting delivery jobs, or exploring other mobility options available through the RideBoom app.
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actualfleurri · 8 months
guys i MIGHT ( keyword : might ) be able to go to a con in socal which is connected to a rental place that rents mobility scooters , manual wheelchairs , power chairs , and even ROLLATORS
sad thing is ill probably have to start saving now to get a chance at having money for both the chair and goodies at the con :-(
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loveinsomesacredplace · 10 months
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Because the seasons are so short, a lot of stuff is compressed in the 15 episodes we've gotten. There's only so much information that can be expressed within dialogue/voiceovers or flashbacks - and that's when sets and props and costumes add to characterization.
So during a [redacted] rewatch of season 1, I realized another way Belly and Jere's characters are connected is in the way their rooms look and how they're reflections of them at a certain point in time.
When the audience meets Belly, she's 15 and getting ready to pack for her favorite place in the world and anxious about how the Fishers are going to react to the 'new' Belly. Her room is very colorful and definitely lived in, and yes, messy in a believable way. There are soccer posters, medals, trophies, swimming goggles and a cap, volleyball pictures, postcards and photos hanging from a mobile, and a star lantern. There's also a plush sea turtle.
So immediately: Belly's into sports, beach, and water-related interests, and she's a bit of a tomboy.
Now compare with Jere's room at the Cousins beach house - his bedroom looks very lived in as well - cluttered with clothes, surfing posters, a very small guitar (or is that a ukelele? I am not great with spotting instruments), a skateboard, a scooter, and I suppose in a nod to Jere's queer identity, a rainbow necktie on a mannequin torso - because fashion and you want to know how your shirts drape. There also happens to be a rainbow lei ---which Belly has one hanging from her mirror in her home bedroom.
A shot of his dresser reveals skateboarding trophies and a framed group photo of when they were all very young. Before the drama. It's interesting that he has that photo saved in his room, while Belly has the group photo where she's looking up at Conrad taped onto her mirror. It's two different kinds of nostalgia - Jere's for the past when things were simpler in love, and Belly's 'safe' dream where her affection is very obvious but Conrad isn't paying attention to her, while Jere is leaning against her.
So Jere's room showcases his sportiness, interest in music, clothes, surfing and beach vibes, and of course, that lei. His photos are similarly arranged like Belly's against his wall.
The rooms are both a little messy but definitely full of personality.
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cutelittleriot · 9 months
Somewhere in the rock troll kingdom
There was a tree that was bearing black fruit that rock trolls usually enjoyed snacking on every once in a while but all of a sudden a fruit begins to seemingly twitch i seemingly sems to morph as itt changes color from black to bright pink and covered in glitter. It's stem went from grey to green and little petals seem to pop up around the fruit and the ends of them are in different colors. It also grew in size a bit. Before it was about the size of a apple now it's the size of a cantaloupe it's amazing its still connected to the tree.
Riff was heading out to go to a concert that was being hosted by queen Barb herself at volcano rock city. He was riding on his motorcycle when he spots something highly unusua hanging on a tree. He had time to take a quick stop and look as he left a little early.
He stops his bike and walks over to the tree. It was a fruit tree but the weird thing is that the fruits are usually black grey or even red but this fruit it was bright pink with small sections of other colors and was it coveted in glitter?!
Why would that be here? It looks like something a pop troll would eat. Maybe Barb can send it to the pop trolls as a gift. Shrugging his shoulders be plucks the fruit from the tree and puts it in a compartment on his bike and heads off.
In an hour he arrives at volcano rock city a bit earlier than expected it wasn't even time for rehearsal yet. He grabs his equipment and the fruit and heads backstage. Barb who was tuning her guitar hears him come in "Yo Riff ya got here earlier than you usually do" She acknowledges before she sees the fruit tucked under his arm. "What.is.that" She stares at the fruit in utter disbelief.
"Don't know found it hanging on a tree on my way here" Riff explains getting a closer look at the fruit. Barb takes it from him and keeps staring at it. Why is something so bright,colorful and glittery in rock troll territory?
As she continues to examine said fruit her dad King Thrasher arrives to check on his daughter. He takes one look at the fruit and his eyes widen "Oh my I never thought I would ever see one of those" He says with a chuckle. Barb looks at her dad in surprise "Wait dad you know what this is?" She says shocked. "Yep sure do hehe let's just say it's a exotic fruit and let's just say something interesting will happen to the troll that eats it" He says with a smile before rolling off on his mobility scooter.
"Something interesting huh?" Barb ponders to herself. She thinks about eating but she does not want to eat something so bright color and ugh glittery it can't taste good no way. But still it is a exotic fruit and it shouldn't go to waste so she has a idea and a solution to get rid of said fruit. She whistles for Debbie and she looks around for a box to put the fruit in. "Uh what are you doing Barb?" Riff asks tilting his head.
"Well I'm sure not gonna eat this glitter bomb of a fruit but I know a certain group of trolls who would~" She sings with a grin as she puts the fruit in a box and manages to staple it shut as Debbie flies in. "Hi my cute wittle Debbie I need ya to deliver this package to Poppy"She says in a cutesy voice to Debbie as she writes down a little note and staples it to the side of the box.
Debbie happily takes the box and flies off to pop village. "Heh wonder how this is gonna go down. Welp back to practice this concert is gonna be KILLER!" She yells as she grabs her guitar ready to rock out.
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Here is the fruit in question (yes its glittery just xoom in)
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visit-new-york · 2 years
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The Williamsburg Bridge continues to serve as a symbol of progress, connectivity, and resilience in the heart of New York City. Its enduring presence and multifaceted importance make it a cherished and celebrated landmark in the city's history and culture.
Commemorative Events: Periodically, the Williamsburg Bridge is the focal point for events commemorating significant milestones, historical anniversaries, or community celebrations. These events bring together residents, visitors, and local organizations to celebrate the bridge's significance.
Sustainability Initiatives: In alignment with broader sustainability efforts in New York City, there has been a growing emphasis on making the Williamsburg Bridge more environmentally friendly. This includes exploring ways to reduce energy consumption for lighting and implementing eco-friendly practices in maintenance and construction.
Connecting Communities: The bridge serves as more than just a physical connection; it also connects the people and communities on either side of the East River. It has played a role in shaping the identities and cultural exchanges between Manhattan's Lower East Side and Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood.
Educational Tours: Educational tours and programs often feature the Williamsburg Bridge as a case study in civil engineering and architectural history. Students and enthusiasts can learn about its construction, design, and ongoing maintenance.
Transportation Innovation: As transportation technology evolves, discussions have arisen about how the Williamsburg Bridge can adapt to accommodate new forms of mobility, such as electric scooters and shared transportation services, to meet the changing needs of city residents.
Civic Engagement: The bridge has been a platform for civic engagement and public demonstrations. Throughout its history, it has been the site of protests, marches, and gatherings where people come together to advocate for various causes and express their views.
Architectural Photography: The bridge's striking architectural features, including its towers, suspension cables, and intricate details, have made it a subject of interest for architectural photographers and enthusiasts.
Resilience Planning: In the face of climate change and extreme weather events, city planners are increasingly focused on ensuring the resilience of critical infrastructure like the Williamsburg Bridge. Measures are being explored to fortify it against rising sea levels and potential storm surges.
Continued Innovation: Engineers and architects continue to explore innovative methods and materials to extend the lifespan of the Williamsburg Bridge and ensure its safety for generations to come.
Artistic Inspiration: Beyond being a subject for photographers, the Williamsburg Bridge has also inspired artists and writers. It has appeared in literature, paintings, and other creative works, often serving as a symbol of urban life and aspiration.
Historical Preservation Efforts: Preservationists and historians have worked diligently to ensure the bridge's historical integrity is maintained. This includes efforts to protect and restore the bridge's architectural features, which are essential for its designation as a historic landmark.
Economic Benefits: The Williamsburg Bridge has played a significant role in facilitating commerce and trade between Brooklyn and Manhattan. It has supported businesses, industries, and economic growth in both boroughs, contributing to the overall prosperity of the city.
Educational Resources: The bridge serves as an educational resource for schools, universities, and institutions interested in studying urban infrastructure, transportation systems, and architectural history. It offers valuable insights into engineering and design principles.
Public Art Installations: Occasionally, the bridge has hosted public art installations that interact with its architecture and surroundings. These installations often engage the public in unique ways and spark discussions about art and urban spaces.
Ceremonial and Parades: The Williamsburg Bridge has been a route for various parades, processions, and ceremonial events, including the annual New York City Marathon, which crosses the bridge as part of its course.
Bridging Communities: The bridge has been a symbol of unity and connection between Manhattan and Brooklyn, fostering cultural exchanges and collaborations between the two boroughs.
Film and Television: The Williamsburg Bridge has appeared in numerous films and television shows, contributing to its recognition worldwide. It has been featured in a range of genres, from dramas to action movies.
International Recognition: The Williamsburg Bridge's iconic design and historical significance have led to its recognition on the international stage, with tourists from around the world coming to see and photograph the bridge.
Transportation Network Integration: As part of New York City's extensive transportation network, the Williamsburg Bridge connects to a vast network of roads, highways, subways, and buses, enabling easy access to various parts of the city and the metropolitan area.
The Williamsburg Bridge remains a cherished icon of New York City, symbolizing its history, diversity, and unwavering spirit. Its enduring presence and cultural significance continue to shape the city's landscape and the lives of those who call it home.
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fatguarddog · 10 months
In addition to the enormous salary, being able to run a Feedism B&B. All well-stocked with food and the numbers of fast food chains on speed dial with discounts when buying as a group.
Little cottages either separate or connected to the others, with the option to mingle with other feedism couples (or throuples or harems or what have you).
A swimming pool, enormous to be able to house up to 50 whales people comfortably.
Activities for fit feeders, with wideset chairs alongside with bells for service so the feedees can snack while their feeders play tennis or something.
Wide doorways (or small, for those who like stuckage). Same goes for windows, and feedees can request cheap furniture specifically for the purpose of breaking it with their weight.
A smoking area (for weed and what not), with a chef trained in hibachi and other dishes so the munchies can be met immediately with food.
Rentable mobility scooters, ice packs, heat packs, canes, and other walking equipment as well as comfort amenities for when feedees get overheated/exhausted/otherwise uncomfortable.
Tiled rooms with drains set up specifically for slobs, so it can be easily cleaned when the feedee has had their fun.
Empty drums and funnels, can be special ordered for each patron.
Emergency backup clothing both a size and two sizes up from the feedee's arrival size.
Complimentary lotion practically everywhere, scentless or scented.
A little shop by the front desk with extra things, such as packs of protein drinks/meal replacements and scented oils.
Damn, that's honestly just a feel on feedist hotel concept! Pretty cool tbh, I do love the idea of places like that or a feedist cruise ship hehe
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Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
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Sometimes silly is just what you need, and some of the silly in Christopher Landon’s SCOUTS GUIDE TO THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE (2015, Prime, Paramount+) is downright inspired. There’s also a lot of juvenile sex comedy that you have to overlook if you want to enjoy the good stuff. But at least Landon has good comic timing, and his young cast is game and at times even charming. An inept janitor (Blake Anderson, who’s very funny) and a temperamental vending machine bring on the zombie apocalypse, and scouts Ben (Tye Sheridan as the nice one), Carter (Logan Miller as the horny one) and Augie (Joey Morgan as the nerd) are caught in the middle of it. With the help of strip club cocktail waitress Sarah Dumont, they try to get to a secret senior party to save Carter’s sister, who’s also Ben’s crush, along with as many other teens as they can. There’s a lot of teen sex comedy in this film. In fact, it takes almost half an hour after the initial outbreak for the principals to come up against any zombies. That can get trying, with too many T&A jokes and a lot of bumptious behavior from Miller. Once things get rolling, the juvenilia intrudes a bit too often — does the world really need jokes about zombie genitalia? But there are also some good sight gags involving an ancient zombie (Cloris Leachman), zombie cats, a scout master (David Koechner) with a Dolly Parton fixation and even a zombie in a mobility scooter. And there are moments of calm where the characters, particularly Sheridan and Dumont, get to connect. It’s not the total monkey dump most critics made it out to be — it has a lot of good points — but it could also be a lot better.
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agentnico · 2 months
Thelma (2024) review
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It was either this or Despicable Me 4. And I ain’t giving another penny to those dastardly minions!
Plot: Thelma Post is a 93-year-old grandmother who loses $10,000 to a con artist on the phone. With help from a friend and his motorized scooter, she soon embarks on a treacherous journey across Los Angeles to reclaim what was taken from her.
I am actually shocked that this is June Squibb’s FIRST lead role. The lady is a damn Academy Award winner for Christ’s sake, and yet it took her to reach her nineties to get top billing? Adds another layer to the saying “better late than ever”. Then again, if you look at the current President of the United States then age doesn’t matter, no matter how many times you forget what you’re talking about or fall down the stairs of an Air Force One plane. So good on Squibb for getting the lead in this film, and not only that, but she’s now essentially an action star too. Kind of. The movie consistently references Tom Cruise’s insane stunts that he does by himself, and I believe Squibb did all her own stunts in Thelma too, which involved walking, typing on a computer keyboard, riding a mobility scooter, going up the stairs, stepping over a lamp and knitting. Honestly it’s impressive stuff I tell ya.
Essentially this is The Beekeeper: Elderly Edition. Remember the Jason Statham action flick earlier this year where he played a beekeeper that goes on a revenge spree following his sweet landlord/friend committing suicide after being scammed out of $2 million by a phishing company. Naturally Statham was on glorious ass-kicking form and there was some thrilling and entertaining action set pieces. With Thelma it’s essentially the same thing, only instead of Statham it’s Squibb, so the process is a tad more slow with a more chill vibe. Look, straight away I should say I’m not the target audience here. This is very much for the type of crowd that went to see those Best Exotic Marigold Hotel films. They’re very sweet in nature, but are extremely melancholic and have that overly comforting factor where you do just want to afterwards go see your grandparents and give them the biggest hug. It helps that June Squibb is adorable in this film, as she has that old-school warmth to her, but also when she starts trying to save the day, you can’t help but want to root for her. Also all the scenes in her house were simply lovely. Think it was the mixture of the light yellow/orange lighting to the typical overly comfortable furniture with flowery designs and essentially a place that’s stuck in time so to speak. Again there’s that warmth to it that was utterly delightful.
The story itself was alright. Like it’s nothing special and I’d say in the middle it does meander a bit too much where I did find myself getting distracted, but overall it’s a very low stakes movie shot in high style that works. I really dug June Squibb’s interactions with her grandson played by Fred Hechinger, and their bond is the true core of the movie. It was the attention to the little details, like when the grandson’s parents are giving him crap about drinking and oversleeping, but when the grandson looks up at June Squibb she simply looks back at him lovingly with zero judgement and even gives a cheeky wink of assurance which was so sweet. I’ve unfortunately never got the chance to meet either of my grandparents as they had passed before I was born, so even though I haven’t had personal experience of this I still very much connected with the grandmother/grandson dynamic.
Thelma is a fun, impressively naturalistic and overwhelmingly earnest look at the idea of growth, both old and young, and the importance of family, and though it’s not a movie that breaks any new ground or will have me want to go out of my way to go see it again, I very much appreciated it’s innocent cosy nature. It’s a movie about a cool grandma - take it as you will.
Overall score: 6/10
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themagicmerci · 2 months
My Lieutenant Ozar doodle dump
Not really unsafe- goofy and some hints to who I’d ship him with for fun! (Go to end for ship expo ^^)
I just really had to get him done! So much fun with doodling my blue man! Good for warming up to the future! Also…my first in a hot while post! And it’s actually a drawing! Wowza!
Anyways, He has big ears, they twitch in tune to emotions and whatnot.
He also got a tail (I hc) because…why not.
Matt and Ekkiki were waiting to wash that ol’ trench coat and a uh…shrunk (the shrikening incident which was fixed by Onito’s grace)
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Fun story on the Ozar/Plaxum/Varkon ship I have as a bonus
Ozar met Plaxum first during a meeting with the Mers. Side he had been tangled up with the war and a previous Bad relationship, he didn’t exactly have the new feeling click till he was already gone. Though he did return when needed. On those times and before the would leave with those accompanying him, he did get back into contact with Plaxum. Overtime he would become familiar with her and the culture of the mers, and she would become more aquatinted with his type. Besides the paladins (Lance and hunk) she hadn’t interacted with many ‘land dwellers’ though he does find them weird yet charming.
Time passing by, Ozar would end up forming a closer bond with her over her interest in cooking and sea gardening. Learning a bit from her as she would from him and the land above. Eventually Ozar and Plaxum would enter a secret relationship before Olia found out as Plaxum questioned her on what types of fish he’d enjoy eating raw. After that nothing out of the ordinary occured besides a few swimming and diving scares. Once Olkarion was sought to be the headquarters of the Voltron coalition, Plaxum would become one of the first Mer, to fully become land bound by her own choosing. To which Ozar helped her become more accustomed and have better access due to the limited mobility.
Allura and the paladins opted to take some of the fighters out to the space mall for a day trip. Plaxum hadn’t gone far from her home so she jumped at the option. With some time and a bunch of patience on both ends- Ozar and Plaxum were able to make it work.
After an accident with the mall cop(s) and Keith, Varkon would end up spotting the two from afar after they made a run to the Mall’s food court, taking the chance of meeting these two new, if not oddly placed faces, he would figure an idea on approach them. Mostly by scootering over and blurting out an offer of soda from Vrepit-Sal’s. Which was one of the areas Plaxum had been wanting to try anyways. In the end— Varkon got to meet the two a bit more and sort of made a connection between them. Resulting in the trio having more little ‘dates’ in secret before Varkon ended up having to leave his position due to the connection with them. (And when they realized who was being affiliated with)).
Varkon would end up sticking with Plaxum on Olkarion as some extra hands with her cooking for the refugees and coalition members. Ozar drops by often and keeps in constant communication with the two. When he’s able to he’s often seen trying to learn a bit of cooking from Plaxum—though often ends up with Varkon having to put out the resulting flames from his attempts of cooking. Overall they live a fairly uneventful live during the period with the Voltron coalition and it’s expansion over the falling Galra empire.
Just a little brainstorm, I wanna draw more because…well, I love to ship and just do fun stuff with this stuff. Also! Another note…Alfor/Thace is still there just got this done to clear my mind up.
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black-crested-jaybird · 3 months
It's Disability Pride Month.
I manage the website for my church. Yesterday we got a phone call from someone wanting to bring their elderly parent to church and needing to know if the building was wheelchair-accessible, as they hadn't been able to find that information on the website.
The building is wheelchair-accessible, although some areas aren't fully accessible and we lack resources like adult changing tables and really good grab bars in the toilet stalls. But it didn't say any of that anywhere on our site.
I've been managing the website for a few years now. I've also, over the years, seen personal stories about how hard it is to find information on whether a building is actually accessible, and how that makes people with support needs and assistive/mobility devices less likely to try going to new places because too often they are told a building is accessible only to learn that it's not accessible to them.
But despite having read multiple stories like that and having been outraged by the injustice they describe, despite knowing that the access requirements in the Americans with Disabilities Act are both insufficient and routinely sidelined or ignored, it wasn't until yesterday that I connected the dots between the chronic lack of access information in our society and my job as manager of a primary information source, and started putting accessibility information on our website.
So hey, everybody. It's Disability Pride Month. Let's take some time to consider our assumptions in how we include and welcome people into our homes, workplaces, and third places, and do it better - by offering clear and visible information, providing prompt and cheerful support, changing the environment, or in any other ways we can find. Because when we assume people will know they are welcome without telling them how we will welcome them, it's the same as not inviting them at all.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go add a note that service animals are welcome to my church website...
**Here is a list of the types of access support information I've included on my website; please feel free to add others I haven't thought of (because I know there are things I haven't thought of) in the notes/tags/reblogs!
- Physical access for people with mobility devices like walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters
- Amplification devices and written materials for the Deaf/deaf and hard of hearing
- Options for the blind and those with reduced vision
- "Fidget" options for neurodivergent people
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addressadvisors · 11 months
Why do all electric vehicle companies occupy Warehouse and Industrial space in Hosur?
With the electric buzz that has taken the nation by storm, the Government is planning to develop EV parks in the same line as SEZ and pharma parks across the country. The EV park aims to house majority original equipment manufacturers, battery manufacturers, and charging infrastructure developers at one place. With the vision to develop an entire ecosystem at one same place, the Government plans to offer plug-and-play business models to EV industries who will set up their units in these parks. One such park is located in north western districts of Tamil Nadu, just across the Karnataka border from Bengaluru, which houses a number of new-age EV companies, such as, Ather Energy, Ola Electronics, Simple Energy, among others.
The Rise of Hosur Several factors have helped the Hosur belt boom with several big-ticket projects and investments in the region. The cluster witnessed two substantially high profile investments in the last couple of years, with Tata electronics setting up a ₹5,000-crore mobile components plant at Udhanapalli, and Ola, a ₹2,500-crore electric vehicle (EV) plant at nearby Pochampally. These massive investments triggered the new EV boom in Hosur, with EV companies preferring Hosur for putting up their manufacturing units given a competent ancillary supplier network, proximity to Bengaluru where corporate offices of these companies are located, plus amicable and skilled labour force in two-wheeler, automotive, and electronics segment.
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Well-oiled Supply-chain Network The region is equipped with a strong supply-chain ecosystem, making it easier for the companies to locally source components necessary for manufacturing and assembly. This, in turn, would help us in improving cost and time efficiency for the businesses. Moreover, companies are prompting tier-2 suppliers to move their base to Hosur area, to make smaller components in the close vicinity to further add to the efficiency.
Financial SOP and Easier Admittance EV companies in the Hosur area are upheld by EV policy contrived by Tamil Nadu Government. The policy is drafted to support EV companies with repayment of SGST for electric vehicle producing, capital appropriation for battery fabricating, business motivation as far as repayment of EPF for a time of one year, exclusion from instalment of Electricity Tax till 2025 and 100 percent stamp obligation exception.
Proximity to Bengaluru As most of the corporate offices are located in Bengaluru, the first preference of companies is to put up a plant within a comfortable driving distance from head office. As most of the senior employees and mid-level management sit at the head office, most of the companies want employees to be able to move between the office and the plant in an hour or so maximum. For instance, Ather Energy corporate office is located in Koramangala, which is 60 minutes away from the Ather Energy plant in Hosur. Moreover, the connection via Electronics city flyover helps cut through the traffic, which was initially the pain point of employees moving between Koramangala and Whitefield, where Ather Energy plant was located.
Availability of Land and Scalability Scope Given the area related bottleneck in Bengaluru, it is essential for EV companies or any other manufacturing units to look into areas nearby that can accommodate projected production capacity and growth plans. Given, land investments are not made again and again, it is always advisable for the companies to take up the area based on the most optimistic business projections. With the same thought, Ather Energy Hosur plant is spread across 300,000 Sq. Ft. with capacity to produce 1,10,000 scooters annually. Ather Energy envisions that the plant will serve as Ather Energy’s national manufacturing hub, catering to demand from across the country. Moreover, the plant is nearly 10 times the capacity of the Whitefield, Bengaluru, plant.
Hosur Historic Precedence Within the close proximity to Bengaluru, Hosur area has historically been a dominant space for two wheeler, automotive, and electronics business segments. Given that EV is primarily an amalgamation of these three segments, it is therefore a natural choice for EV companies to develop manufacturing units in the Hosur area. Moreover, with established and consistent access to power, land, and labour relevant to the industry, Hosur is the first choice of investment. Furthermore, a lot of fossil-fuelled automotive industries are also expanding into the EV segment. This has prompted an easy transition for existing automotive companies in the area. Also, as Tamil Nadu has over 800 engineering colleges, the state offers an intellectual and skilled labour pool ensuring steady stream for the workforce.
Amicable Labour and Supportive Workforce In the area, it is widely noted that the kind of labour unrest Bengaluru witnesses is not seen in the Tamil Nadu north western districts, which are barely an hour away from each other. The most plausible reason for this could be the existential automotive businesses in the Hosur area, unlike Bengaluru, where labourers are experiencing the automotive industry for the first time. In Hosur, both industry and labour have matured, and the companies have learnt that exploitative practices are rather counter-productive. Therefore, most of the EV companies find this a huge draw in making investment decisions in the Hosur area.
Hosur Meteoric rise and the way ahead Given the reasons above along with a network of highways facilitating logistics of movement and the welcoming policies set by the Tamil Nadu Government for automotive companies, Hosur belt is emerging as an industrial bowl for the electric vehicle manufacturers. Tata, Delta, Ola Mobility, Ather Energy, and Simple Energy are some of the big names in the electronics and electric vehicle (EV) sectors that have made Hosur and the surrounding districts their home in the past few years.
Along with growing awareness and spiralling petrol prices, the demand for EV is set to increase significantly in the coming years. As per the data, In January 2022, overall high-speed EV two-wheeler registrations rose to 27,563 units as compared to 24,725 units in December 2021. To match the rising demand, manufacturers have to up their capacity, for example Ather Energy recently commissioned its second facility in Hosur to increase its capacity from 1,20,000 units to 4,00,000 units. Ola Electric has set out to build the world’s largest EV facility with an initial annual capacity of two million units. Furthermore, TVS has also decided to invest over 1,100 crores in the area for the new EV plant. If the cards are played right, this belt could further emerge as a global player given the fast adoption of EVs, especially in the two-wheeler segment.
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c0ck-slapper · 1 year
Despite your rough exterior, you had one weakness - Stella and Thunderbolt Murderface.
Your grandmother wasn't always the woman stuck in a mobility scooter or your grandpa the old husk he was now. Your grandpa has Native ancestry and made sure you connected to it - he took you fishing, exploring, hunting. It's how your fascination with weaponry started.
Your first gun was his old rifle he used, an old antique you took the most care with in your collection of weaponry and torture devices. You had your first hunt with him and took out a large buck - the pride on his face when you brought it home and Stella's face as she saw all the venison she could cook with made you thrist for more.
Stella was a brilliant cook and even better teacher. She made sure you were clean, tidy, cared for. On the outside, it was an older couple taking care of their grandchild, and doing a good job of it too. But you can't help but hate the people they became in their old age, holding on to old people values and expecting everyone to be cookie cutter versions of an era that has long since passed.
That included you. Calling and sending money, making sure they were cared for and fed, helping with their medical needs - if you weren't richer than most world economies you would have been bankrupt after your first album. All because she expected that her only surviving descendant take care of her and her husband.
Your closet door is open and immediately the first thing you do is bolt. Bad enough she found you, but by the sounds of her scooter revving up she began chasing you.
If you were lucky you might find a new place to hide before she caught up. But your not the most fit, not like Nathan was with his hulking body, or like Pickles with his powerful legs. You lacked basic restraint around food andhad no self care like Skwisgaar and you definitely didn't have a body built like Toki. (Now that you think about it, has the rhythm guitarist ever exercised?)
"William, why don't you answer me? WILLIAM!"
You scramble to leave her sight around a corner, but she catches up to you as you try to catch your breath and she uses her purse filled with god-knows-what to smack you in the back. You think you hear Toki make a run for it from the closet you both were tucked away with, but the sound of the scooter whirring and groaning to a stop as she readjusted herself made it hard to find out.
"How dare you run from me!"
"Ow! Schit, why-! OW!" She smacks you again this time for cursing, and it takes every cell in your body to keep your mouth shut. Besides, Stella didn't raise no bitch, so you took it like a man and bit your tongue.
"You stupid boy! I was worried sick and here you are trying to run from me!" She pulls up on her scooter, and takes you into her arms in a heavy embrace. Fleeting as it was, the warm tightness gave you comfort and she always made sure no one saw you get hugged by her. She had a weird thing about public displays, which made it all the more easier for you to keep up appearances.
You are William Murderface, the most brutal and bestest bassist alive (according to drunk Skwisgaar, who behemently denied ever saying it the one time you and him recorded some tracks while he was shitfaced).
"And none of that 'Planet Piss' work! You could at least pick up the phone!" She grabs you again in a tight embrace, and for a second you think perhaps maybe she is worried.
"At least do it for your grandpa? You could do with some bonding time..." You did not want to tell her that she must be senile because the man she kept alive through sheer force of will was just a husk at that point, but you bit your tongue.
Talking back was always a hard smack, and she didn't raise no hooligan.
"... and think about how stressed we all are! We can't keep hounding our boys ..." Oh God, she was talking about the other moms now - and once she started, she never shut up.
Murderface stares back at his grandma, unsure of what to say. Its been a while seen he had seen his grandmother in this kind of state.
He feels a small pang of guilt and looks down at his feet, unable to muster up anything.
He takes one deep breath.
"Im schorry."
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untitledinstinct · 7 months
I have always liked the feeder/feedee dynamic in the hypothetical, but seeing your posts about how it’s limiting your ability to socialize/go outside/move around makes me soso sad. is it still enjoyable, despite all of it?
Honestly, my limited ability with socialization, and mobility have nothing to do with my size.
(No offense taken)
I have fibromyalgia, which is what limits my mobility, and I have pretty intense (diagnosed) 'panic disorder with agoraphobia', which is connected to c-ptsd stuff.
And I've been tracking my pain, since I was first 240 to 260, to 199lbs, to 307lbs, about three or four times a week all along and haven't found a trending correlation to my weight.
That was one of my stipulations.
I was to be able to remain as independent as I can with this.
[[[Edit: there are also other factors I measure once in a while as well to monitor]]]
I've been wanting to get the scooter/ebike for almost 10 years, because I just travel within the city, and it would be significantly cheaper, and more independent than the busses.
After some events happened, my agoraphobia got worse, and that's what stopping me from getting on the bus 90% of the time - not the task outside itself.
I'm sorry, I should probably make that more clear in my post.
It's more a moped than a mobility scooter
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