#scion’s musings
metallicdawn · 1 month
I made a post abt it on twt, but Everyone talks about the tunnelers, the return of the NCR, or a possible Yes-Man betrayal as the biggest threat to the courier post-game, but real ones know it’s Joshua once the legion eventually crumbles and he has unrestricted access to recruit disenfranchised ex-legionnaires HE FORMERLY TRAINED to his version of New Canaan.
He’s already been made a living martyr, and I know damn well he’ll take full advantage of that.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 1 year
All and every Scion deserves their own badass motorcycle, including both former and departed ones and Ryne and Gaia. Because I said so.
That’s it. That’s the post.
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scioneeris · 1 month
Things Scion has done this past month:
30k on a new WIP I have no title for
90% edits on Ep 18 of the dragel’s song
Started a crossover dragel fic with Rise of the Guardians
Started ending arc on His Loyal Shadow after rewriting chapter from scratch 3 times 😒
Started another subplot for RBATL
Hilarious poll for latest BTR chap 😏
Took my sweet time moving TBDH chapter scene ideas around in circles
Reread TBDH Chapters for subplot tracking
Cried over edits. 😭
6 out of 7 fluff week pieces
Wrote fluff for wrong character and had to write a new one
Died from typos. 😑
Revived over new WIP idea for Aiden-centric novella
Added 3 chapters to HH4
New SOT short story in progress
Approved more titles for Hoopla backlist (this allows my books in library app)
Got halfway through August schedule post 🥺
Guys, I feel like there is so much incremental progress and no giant leaps. *screams into keyboard*
I just want to finish something soon. 😣
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lavampira · 8 months
okay but what if d’alia does actually bring sid to tural with her…………….
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aetherstories · 10 days
@hydae liked for a Scion!Cassius starter!
"Coerthas wasn't always this cold." Cassius comments, accent wavering slightly at the name of the region. He's too unsettled, after everything that's happened, after the way they've had to flee, to really notice.
He really shouldn't have grown so comfortable with the Scions, he knows it. And yet... He forces himself past the deep grief of betrayal. Oh the irony.
"So if you're going outside," he adds, however, "you might need to bundle up even more."
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tenebriism · 1 month
// One day, I'll write out just how important the Scions are to Dark / my WoL. How he literally went from having absolutely nothing to everything and more because of them. They are forever his found family and the most important people in his entire life ( minus his eternally bonded husband Link, obviously ).
He's closer to some compared to others ( Estinien, Urianger, G-raha Tia, and Alphinaud ), but there's no question that the Scions would do anything and everything for him and vice versa, without hesitation. They are his support, just as he is theirs, both on the battlefield but especially off of it. They all go through too much shit together and individually not to be there properly for one another, and should anyone ever question it, my Scion muses would like to have a word or two.
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yeonban · 11 months
There's something about Dan Heng and his constant connections to dead aeons that's just so... ough to me
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akirakirxaa · 11 months
The fun part of having your favorite characters be already dead people is that it's really hard to get excited for what comes next because it won't have Them. :')
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strykingback · 4 months
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New Muse File Discovered...
Decryption Complete.
OST: Danger Danger!
Opening File: Warflame.
"Welcome to Vale News Network with Lisa Lavender and her Cohost Fossil Greystone!" The announcer said with the camera focusing on Lisa and sitting across from her is Hideyoshi Phalanx.
"Hello once again fellow viewers! I am here with none other than Hideyoshi Phalanx the Third Strongest S-Rank Hunter in this new day and age. Thank you for coming onto the show today Mr. Phalanx."
"Thanks glad to be here Miss Lavender and please call me Hideyoshi." He said with both of them chuckling a bit.
"So Hideyoshi, I have heard that you were once the weakest man ever, do you want to tell us about that? " Lisa would say as it the view changed from inside the VNN studio into to a TV screen.. with a man standing there and watching it....
"Well I have to blame my father for that. He was the only man who was so abusive I can't even look at him in the face and call him my father." Hideyoshi answered.
"I see... and what was he like?"
"Mind my french here but for the kiddies at home watchin' I'll simply keep it PG. He was a sack of crap that got what was comin' to him." He answered with the man watching the TV tightening his fist while Lisa chuckled at his answer.
"Well! I must say I think you proved him wrong didn't you!"
"Yup I sure did!! Hahahahaahahaha!" Hideyoshi would laugh with Lisa as the man punched the T.V with an enraged growl as flames erupted from his Grimmified fist.......
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"I'm gonna kill you Hideyoshi.... and remind you that women like your mother and others.... should remember their place."
Only on Strykingback... Will You Stryke Against This Narcissistic Bastard?
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metallicdawn · 3 months
Got wildly sucked down the Fallout pipeline in a matter of weeks and the Legion pipeline even quicker.
Sorry, all these freaks are inherently interesting and I love to shake them all around in my little sandbox even if their canon writing makes me tear my hair out sometimes
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desiderium-eden · 10 months
Making Phuong yeu-li was a slippery slope to bringing a lot of that blog's elements into royal au...
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Finding Fully Possessed Tiffanie's boss music like
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dragoon-mid-jump · 10 months
In hindsight, trying to fit my ideas for Ancient Main Scions (and other known Echo havers) into characters in the Illiad and Odyssey was probably a bit too restrictive.....
That being said, I'm highly considering naming Ancient!G'raha Odysseus. Also a possibility for Alphinaud.
Edit: Arenvald is also a possible candidate for Ajax.
The names Achilles and Ajax are currently being thrown around among Estinien, Thancred, and Alisaie.
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shinigxmi-muses · 1 year
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And so, with the icons all made...! Here's the full gpose shot of each one that I used! I've done my best to represent everyone, especially since some of them need proper skips to be where they're meant to be...
But-! This is the full cast! I look forward to writing them with y'all.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 1 year
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"And speaking of catgirl...~"
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consulaaris · 2 years
i have so many zori fic ideas lurking in my head rn. so many. someone yell at me to just pick one and write </3
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