#scifi ro
arcadebroke · 1 month
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qosmiq · 9 months
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boylikermenlover · 1 year
we are. Going to travel. If i dont answer anyone its be c ause of tgat (lying)
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hypnoticcastiel · 1 year
that's all i want to say after this batshit crazy ep, oh and please for Riker's beard's sake, write anti-hero exits like Ro Laren's in a way that doesn't rely on the idiotic 'can't beam at this moment' trope. seriously, transporters in the future are delivered with built-in codes to never work when life depends on it?! fuck this lazy writing in an otherwise batshit crazy and emotional episode. dear Jack, we're getting you through this, see how many starfleet people die for helping you...
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takeurpickindie · 8 months
i just watched 'the creator' and now i want a plot about a human and a simulant falling in love set after the ending of the movie, when humans and ai reintegrate? preferably queer? bonus points if the human is american and did actually believe that ai wasn't actually alive or mattered.
like this if you're up for it!
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timongerart · 11 months
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Alana chats with her dad, Pete, at his Digger Stew stand in Aktash "Bounty" Station, located in unclaimed territory near the Ravvaian Border.
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damnation-if · 2 years
cyberpunk organised crime ring espionage with sexy demons
lmao... something tells me they wouldn't quite fit together.
#what does the chaos mirror see#anon#time flows differently in the queue#forgive me for rambling in the tags here but. the rot Consumes me#when i say cyberpunk i guess it's technically scifi since it takes place on another planet#but in addition to loving d&d and vampire the masquerade i'm also a big fan of shadowrun#the premise is that mc is a corporate espionage agent who has to seduce their way into a gang of criminals annoying your corpo masters#the planet has a wild orbit that takes it far away from the sun and through an asteroid belt for roughly the half the year#it's a miserable time; there's no sunlight and transports can't land because of the asteroids so the planet is basically on its own#so all the rich people leave during that period and it basically becomes anarchy and chaos as everything turns to lawlessness when they go#until they clear the asteroid belt and the corps send in their private armies to re-establish order via gunfire#both the corps and the gangs know that you can make a hell of a lot of money during this period by doing standard shadowrun crime stuff#but one gang has really been cheesing your corp's onions and they don't know How so they send you to seduce your way in and find out#you pick one of the ROs as a likely mark in the prologue and then it skips forward almost a year to just before the planet goes dark again#so it's like. you still haven't figured it out but also you've been fake-dating this person for nearly a year#i just wanted to write something with. that kind of more complicated relationship dynamic of a longer-term relationship already in place#anyway naturally you get to decide in the end if you destroy the gang or betray your corporate masters lmfao#shadowrun *jazzhands*#i know i said i was keeping myself from pitching RO ideas but. one of them i already decided on is a butch lesbian with a shotgun#she's their driver and is covered in tattoos lmao#also there's a guy who's a spy from a Different corp#anyway yes. Sorry about this
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haywire-cebus · 1 year
i love writing. love googling 'how do submarines and astronauts do oxygen' for your time loop space fic. its great :)
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Star Wars: Doctora Aphra #1
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the-witcher-parks · 5 months
TripleZeroOne par The Parks Via Flickr : Triple Zéro One est un ancien acteur qui jouait dans des films d'espionnages à grand succès. Il faut savoir que Galax Central adore les films, la musique, les objets dont les autos, transformées en voitures volantes, etc. D'où la fureur de la Grande Inkiziteuze lorsque l'acteur à décliné de futurs roles... Kidnappé par les nains, il fut reformarté en métal organique sur la planète Lap-Hipster, avant dêtre retourné sur Terre pour devenir le tueur Triple Zéro One dla grande inkiziteuze !
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bevsi · 6 months
🪤 What is one thing that could be used to lure your OC into a trap?
Isi lures: peace and quiet, the opportunity to wear a custom from her favorite designers, genuine praise, an empty beach
Ro lures: I’ll keep it wholesome… 😇 a new tattoo, concept albums, lost episode of old scifi show, a small venue gig
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13leaguestories · 4 months
While of course as the author your own opinion is the most valid so to speak, it doesn't sit very well with me to see that you don't think the universe of Superstition will never be on par with your fantasy or your sci-fi settings, in a way? Since I'm an artist, I know the feeling of seeing all the flaws in some older works of mine while other people still gush over them, so I guess I understand where your feelings are coming from here, but from a reader's PoV at the very least, Superstition is incredibly rich and utterly amazing. No matter how many IFs I play, I often reference it when I'm talking with people about game structures I like, ROs I adore (well, that's mostly my beloved Chris because he outshines the world) or supernatural settings I find especially interesting.
And yeah, Throne of Ashes is my favorite of your works, but it's not because I think the setting is better than Superstition's. It's just that the story features a mix of some of my favorite tropes in fiction - especially in interactive works.
So yeah, I hope it doesn't sound too presumptous, but please don't have doubts about the awesomeness of your work!
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Okay so let me explain that more, also see thanks for telling me guys cos I would've never known.
But when I say it won't be on par it's more because unlike the other two where I have this entire world to fill the way I want to, Superstition's world is grounded in history that I choose not to change and actually happened. The gods that I reference are well known and I don't have to sit down and hold your hand as you can easily look them up. Sure, the species differ as I do apply some creative freedom but everything is accessible. Whereas fantasy and scifi is totally up to me. I literally made up a magic element rock in scifi.
So, that's what I mean by it won't ever be up there. And yes, I do know I can do that to the world of Superstition but I've already sat it in actual history so unless I give it a supernatural reasoning or place it in one of the other realms, it's a no from me.
But, I do understand exactly what you mean, like I don't disagree with any of that at all. And thank you!
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harlequinoccult · 4 months
Do you get a lot of ideas for ifs? or how do you come up with ideas?
All the time. constantly. my notes look like the ravings of a mad man. i've been thinking of an if based on death note but with the way i want to write it i am fairly certain i would be burned at the stake by people who want pure romance lmfao. There's also the unnamed urban supernatural roadtrip idea, A scifi space based if/vn with only one ro, a slice of life if where you're married to death, and a few non vn/if game ideas. basically i write ideas down if they seem cool, keep them in the notes for a while, if i can expand on them in that time, great, if i can't then oh well!
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knightotoc · 11 months
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I wanted to design a Post-RotJ survivor Anakin for a while, and my extreme dislike of his de-aged ghost appearance in Ahsoka is motivating me to finally do it. In the movies, almost everything about his disabilities and death was written around morality and convenience. He's scary because of his disabilities and their villain-designed accommodations; he sacrifices himself to prove his goodness, the final "use" in a life devoted to being useful to others. I love the ending of RotJ for the tragic failure in Luke's arc and parallel with Padme, but I also want more for Anakin.
This is a version where Luke succeeds in saving not just his father's morality but his life. Some tiny part of Anakin wants to live, in spite of his pain and guilt. Instead of flying the escape vessel back to the moon of Endor, Luke flies to the nearest Rebel med-ship and gets Anakin out of the failing Vader helmet and suit and into a bacta tank. This continues the theme in RotJ of Luke becoming emotionally distant from his friends/the cause because he still believes in Anakin. In this version, that hope starts to become inconvenient.
I do not think Leia and Han would quickly forgive Anakin, even when they learn he killed the Emperor. This becomes an issue when Luke needs Rebel money for new accommodations for Anakin's amputations, damaged lungs, and newly weakened heart.
CW: long post, medical descriptions
While Palpatine created Anakin's suit and helmet in part to accommodate his disabilities, his greater priority was making Anakin useful, powerful, and intimidating. Luke just wants Anakin to be alive. (Comfortable and independent, if possible: two things Anakin has never been.) Palpatine also spared no expense from his entire galaxy of wealth, while Luke has to borrow from some rich sucker who can get behind the rehabilitation of their most dangerous enemy (Mon? Lando? or someone less politically correct?).
I've been researching what we'd use in the real world for Anakin's disabilities, because I think it's important, and because I've become fonder of hard scifi, and because hand-wavey soft scifi would wear off when the money gets tight. Most limb-different people in the real world do not get prosthetics; they are very expensive and not always useful.
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^ when you look up "most useful," Google will unhelpfully show you "most advanced"
As Vader, he would have had access to the best technology, something like our implantable myoelectric sensors. (One of the best arms on the market today is called LUKE, which stands for "Life Under Kinetic Evolution" and is of course a reference to Star Wars. Life imitates art better than vice versa.) But in this design, Anakin has only one prosthetic, a body-powered hook on his left arm. Obi-Wan cut his legs above the knees, and Dooku cut his right arm above the elbow, so these prosthetics would have to be more complex. But Obi-Wan cut his left arm below the elbow, which is easier to accommodate. Body-powered prosthetics are maneuvered by things like harnesses on your shoulders and have been around for a long time.
Anakin's chronic (type 2) respiratory failure is treated with noninvasive ventilation; as Vader, this was his helmet (sorta similar to F below), which must have been connected to a ventilator somewhere on his person (his chest thing?). In RotJ, he wanted to see Luke with his own eyes, so I think he'd want a different patient interface. The most common is an oro-nasal mask (B).
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A more realistic/cheaper ventilator would take up more space than Darth Vader's. But Luke is not Anakin's only ally; I think R2, when given the chance, would gladly regain his loyalty to Anakin and volunteer as ventilator, mobility aid, and advocate. Would this cause a rift between him and C3PO, who, while Anakin's creation, is also more emotionally complex? Maybe!
Another thing to keep in mind is that Anakin (probably) still has a powerful connection to the Force, which he could use to accommodate his disabilities like the blind guys in Rogue One and Quest for Camelot. But due to his emotional and spiritual exhaustion, I think his connection would be weakened and unreliable. Billions of people wishing him punished or dead would be more than enough reason to cut himself off from their luminous lives.
What would happen next? I write faster than I draw and I want to draw, so I'm shifting into draw mode before I can figure out the rest of the story.
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eccentric-nucleus · 8 months
sorry i'm still posting about progression fantasies
anyway one story i've been reading and actually enjoying is super supportive.
this got long so i'm putting it behind a readmore.
the setup: it's 2040. aliens contacted humans in the 1960s and were like "hey we'll give you superpowers and magic technology and access to our multiworld government. all you have to do is sign this contract. its fine. just, all the superpowered people are our property and we can summon them up as servants whenever we want to do whatever we want. you'll be obligated to provide some humans to do this. we'll pick who gets superpowers and no they cannot refuse. its fine." one other alien is like "it would be more easier if i explained (the my boss, the alien) that your friend was your pet or your property b/c 'friends' isn't really a reasonable category for them."
the degree to which the aliens are, you know, clearly and obviously taking advantage of humans cannot be understated in the initial chapters. there are supervillains too, and the aliens are just like, yeah we don't care if they murder some humans it's fine. there's a lot of intentionally-jarring narration about characters with skills going between "powerful superhero" and "forcibly-conscripted alien valet" depending on whether they're talking about their image vs. what they actually do. plenty of heroes get summoned out into the universe and are then never heard from again. the secretary at the alien consulate the main character goes to is a prisoner/slave who is under a geas so strong that he can't express food preferences. there's a short little aside about how "stat boosts" to your "appeal" stat also involve mental manipulation to make you more personable and agreeable, and yes yes technically forced mental manipulation usually isn't allowed according to the alien contract but by selecting points in appeal you implicitly consent to it! and yes you could technically say, every time you want to (or are forced by class requirements to) put points in appeal that you don't want any of the mental stuff but really that's just being stubborn and digging your heels in and people won't like that. etc.
it kinda reminded me of uhhh becoming alien in that it is about a human going "wow cool scifi adventure!" and then slowly realizing that the political & bureaucratic structures in play basically make it a meat grinder for idealists. that's fun.
anyway so it's a little jarring when we get introduced to some of the high-powered alien paladin-wizards and they're all perfectly noble and self-sacrificing. or, there's (to me) a very noticeable point in the story where it shifts from Initial Premise mode into This Is A Long-Running Serial mode, and it kinda jettisons some of the existing tensions so it can introduce new concepts. story elements that were introduced early on and connected to hazy, unclear corners of the worldbuilding get resolved in a way that sidelines them (like e.g., alden's gremlin stops being so much a thing with a story connection and a mystery around it to mostly just being a power he has. "hey why does this make me better at wordchains?" gorgon: "weird it's more fragmentary than i thought; it isn't supposed to do that; well, w/e")
i mean yes it is in-progress and it's clearly setting up for the eventual fallout of alden's whole pseudo-knight thing getting revealed (probably like another 100 chapters on), but i would be shocked if any of the actual knights objected to it in a meaningful sense + we have not actually seen any of the exploitative aliens we were promised with the introduction. like, ro-dan maybe. i'm sure artonian politics is gonna come up eventually but as it is currently a whole hunk of that was jettisoned w/ one conversation that's like "well okay maybe we do have this extremely exploitative contract system for all our resource worlds and maybe you are all effectively slave labor who can be compelled by the contract to do whatever we want but actually it's just messy political design-by-committee so it's not like they're all evil or anything. no further questions."
so like i'm sure there will eventually be a "let's talk about artonian politics" arc, probably around whenever alden's whole secret gets blown up, but the nature of serial fiction means that we're gonna be hearing about his time in superhero school for quite a while.
(long-running progression fantasy serials have these two moves that show up again and again. the "let's do a dungeon-crawl" arc and the "let's go to magic school arc". just like, these enormous filler arcs that don't really do much aside from consume the word quota for a while. i mean, super supportive's superhero school section is fine; it's more engaging than most. given the initial concept of the story it's both inevitable and also a natural part of the whole narrative; it's not shoehorned in. i'm just saying, it's an extremely common narrative chunk to throw into all sorts of progression fantasy stuff for no reason. it was very funny when i went to look up what books 3 and 4 of sporemageddon/spores and sorcery were, and the answer was: all of book 3 is a dungeon crawl arc where the only important or interesting thing happens at the very end; all of book 4 is a magic school arc where the only important or interesting thing... actually i don't think anything really happens the entire book. the mc assassinates some people b/c that was the entire point of going to magic school and then they leave and it's like oh okay this could've been a one-paragraph summary of doing a job for the union. anyway this is a tangent.)
anyway i think super supportive is already like 500k words or something so maybe by the time it hits a million words i will have been exhausted by the premise and be done with it. but maybe not!! it's been okay so far!!
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eyesofshan-if · 2 years
what's a genre u would like to see more of in if and what are some of ur favourite type of ros to romance? 👀👀
i would really like to see in interactive fiction is more not western centric settings (nothing against them, but there are already a lot of them in the market), and as for genres... supernatural/fantasy based on different mythologies, time travel/time loops, or scifi!!
gosh i have so many favourite types of ros... estranged childhood friends, pining best friend, star crossed lovers, or basically anyone with any amount of duality!! i love characters who have two sides to them and have complex inner worlds... they're so fascinating 🥺🥺
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