your tree-friend
101 posts
17i love books, music, moviesi love the Osemanversei wanna live inside the mind of David Lynchi'm a vampire i'm real i feel human i don't existask me anything, i'm your tree-friend•────────★•name origin: PERFECT DAYS (2023)•★───────•
Last active 2 hours ago
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tree3friend · 15 hours ago
uuuu i want even more aled
Heartstopper comic update tomorrow!!
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tree3friend · 15 hours ago
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tree3friend · 20 hours ago
how about having a platonic crush but having no one to talk to about it because your friends don't care if it's not a romantic one
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tree3friend · 3 days ago
excerpt from Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber:
Tom: I work for a very large American-owned postproduction company based in London. There are parts of my job that have always been very enjoyable and fulfilling: I get to make cars fly, buildings explode, and dinosaurs attack alien spaceships for movie studios, providing entertainment for audiences worldwide. More recently, however, a growing percentage of our customers are advertising agencies. They bring us adverts for well-known branded products: shampoos, toothpastes, moisturizing creams, washing powders, etc., and we use visual effects trickery to make it seem like these products actually work. We also work on TV shows and music videos. We reduce bags under the eyes of women, make hair shinier, teeth whiter, make pop stars and film stars look thinner, etc. We airbrush skin to remove spots, isolate the teeth and color correct them to make them whiter (also done on the clothes in washing powder ads), paint out split ends and add shiny highlights to hair in shampoo commercials, and there are special deforming tools to make people thinner. These techniques are literally used in every commercial on TV, plus most TV drama shows, and lots of movies. Particularly on female actors but also on men. We essentially make viewers feel inadequate whilst they're watching the main programs and then exaggerate the effectiveness of the "solutions" provided in the commercial breaks. I get paid £100,000 a year to do this.
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tree3friend · 5 days ago
diane, 11:30am, february 24th. entering the town of twin peaks. it’s 5 miles south of the canadian border, 12 miles west of the state line. i’ve never seen so many trees in my life. as w.c. fields would say, i’d rather be here than philadelphia. 54 degrees, on a slightly overcast day – weatherman said rain. if you get paid that kind of money for being wrong 60% of the time, you'd be working. mileage is 79,345, gauge is on reserve – riding on fumes here, i gotta tank up when I get into town. remind me to tell you how much that is. lunch was, uh, 6 dollars and 31 cents at the lamplighter inn, it's on highway 2, near lewis fork. that was, uh, tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, slice of cherry pie and a cup of coffee. damn good food. diane, if you ever get up this way, that cherry pie is worth a stop. okay. looks like I'll be meeting up with the, uh – sheriff harry s. truman. shouldn’t be too hard to remember that. he’ll be at the calhoun memorial hospital. guess we're going to go up to intensive care and take a look at that girl who crawled down the railroad tracks off the mountain. pretty sure I'll be checking into a motel, i’m sure the sheriff will be able to recommend a clean place, reasonably priced. that’s what I need – clean place, reasonably priced.
oh, diame, i almost forgot. got to find out what kind of trees these are. they’re really something...
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tree3friend · 5 days ago
thank you @sadclichee! ✨
Last song: Orange Rolls, Angel's Spit by Sonic Youth (i was listening to my playlist called orange 😆)
Favorite Color: orange
Last Book: Just Kids by Patti Smith
Last Movie: Ed Wood (1994)
Last Tv Show: Sex and the City
Relationship Status: single
Last Thing I Googled: spanish guitar player with a fez 🤣 (i was trying to find a guy i once saw on youtube - found out his name is Emilio el Moro)
Looking forward to: watching three film noirs in a row at my local cinema this sunday
Current obsession:
i don't think i can think of 10 people but here we go:
@babyqueenfangirl @goth-will-graham @hearts4sharksxx @faeriesandfables @lexxiesthoughts8 @youllnever-haveme @universecitizen432
10 people you want to get to know better!
Thank you for the tag @private-bryan 😊
Last song: Frou-frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires by Cocteau Twins
Fav colour: RED and I'm drawn to aquamarine and navy blue
Last book: I've read only the first chapter of The Painted Veil. Still need to find the right time and the perfect mood to read. 😅
Last movie: Birdman (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). Ed Norton was so fine❤️
Last tv show: Masterchef Australia. Not much of tv show fan. It's been a long time since I watched tv.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: All of them! Depends on the mood. Spicy is a must tho.
Relationship status: Single Pringle
Last thing I googled: NYT's Connection hint
Looking forward to: Start making this bag. Finally found a good pattern and the materials are affordable.
Current obsessions: Edward Norton (coming back to my Norton period, thanks to Glass Onion 🤭) and ATLA Maiko.
Haven't got 10 people, tagging @hopeconquersall @helloimcornelius @goldbloomsworld if you want to😁🫶🏻
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tree3friend · 5 days ago
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☕️ Happy Twin Peaks day 🌲
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tree3friend · 6 days ago
how do you guys feel about sharing bits and pieces from your personal/real life here on tumblr? anecdotes and such, i mean.
see, i'm not sure: i can't think of anything bad that can happen as long as i don't share anything that can be used to identify me, as nobody i know from real life knows about my blog. on the other hand, it just feels wrong to share anything directly from my real life - even if it stays anonymous - with strangers on the internet.
are there any dangers that my conscious mind can't see but which i instinctively know is there? or is it just an ungrounded fear that i need to learn to overcome?
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tree3friend · 7 days ago
happy birthday Kyle Maclachlan!
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tree3friend · 7 days ago
i am laughing at this story for the last 5 minutes - the man simply stopped turning up to work and instead studied freaking Spinoza? and people noticed it only because they wanted to give him an award for working there for a long time? modern society is too funny 🤣
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tree3friend · 8 days ago
these hit right through the core
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Tori Spring
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tree3friend · 8 days ago
nihilism, existentialism and absurdism are, how do i put it, quite *hip* in today's society. there are so many who declare themselves experts on these philosophies after watching a 45-minute video essay on them.
but these people (who often think the three are synonymous) see these philosophies as justifications for their hedonism. "nothing means anything and none of it makes any sense, so we should do what is most pleasurable at any given moment."
i can't express how much i hate this mindset. nobody sees that this is no different than, say, blindly believing in what the catholic church says - both are ways in which you never leave your comfort zone and are glad with that.
this also pushes everyone towards an individualistic and cynical place. one of the things they keep repeating is "i choose to live this way, but i'm not telling you to do the same. you don't have to do this just because i do it." and then they go on judging you based on how you don't make the same choices as them. hypocrisy at its finest.
sorry, usually don't mean to hate people. but this particular thing makes me furious. none of my 'friends' are open to discovering new music. they don't read any books because books don't give instant pleasure (the ones that do treat books as fashion accessories). they don't watch any movies (except mindless superhero/action movies) because they "can't dedicate 2 hours of time to watching a movie when they could instead do many other, more pleasurable things". they don't listen to any music except either pop/rap or the one artist they have liked since forever, because new music doesn't give them immediate satisfaction. they watch series (anime, mostly) and play video games. they usually do both at the same time. sometimes with music, a video or a podcast in the background. because that's how they can achieve most pleasure, right?
and after all of that, they come and make fun of me, call me a poser, say that i only pretend to enjoy watching movies/read books/listen to new music when in reality i do it because i have a superiority complex and want to feel like i'm different from them. they don't even consider the possibility that i enjoy putting myself out of my comfort zone, being challenged, immersing myself in a piece of art, discovering new perspectives, new ways to view the world around me. god forbid. how could i be doing that? if i was doing that, wouldn't i be a creative genius, or even some kind of art deity? i look like them from the outside, so how could i be different from them in the inside? no, i must surely be faking it, because there is no way i don't like what they like. i must stop pretending and start doing the most pleasurable thing at any given moment. just like them.
oh, how much i want to find new people to be around. any tips on how i can do that?
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tree3friend · 8 days ago
i feel like most people's solution to almost any problem is "stop thinking about it. don't question any of it. ignore it all."
they pretend not to see the beast in the room until they make themselves believe that it doesn't exist.
it's only us who still have our eyes open who see that the beast hasn't gone away. it's still here.
no mystery why they call us insane.
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tree3friend · 9 days ago
i just finished rewatching Twin Peaks - i think i want something similar, but i'm not sure in what way.
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tree3friend · 9 days ago
Charlie & Nick trying alcohol for the first time was one of my favourite moments of Heartstopper and i don't even know why
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tree3friend · 9 days ago
i havent watched a single episode of the simpsons, but this seems fun
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happy Thursday the 20th
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tree3friend · 9 days ago
this is the best expression of how february makes me feel
February & my love is in another state
so when i walk down the street, i hold hands with the wind. there’s a chimney coughing up ahead & a sky so honey, i could almost taste it. a cat struts away from me & two yellow eyes become four: just like that, i’m the loneliest creature on this block. soon the streetlights will come alive & television sets will light up with blues. stay with me. while the sky is still golden, hold the ladder so i can climb, & from the highest rung, i can scrape away a drizzle of light to wear around my neck. alone is the star i follow. in love & in solitude: alone is the home with the warmest glow.
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