Composition blog
23 posts
Luke Gonzales
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
If i could tell myself anything at the start of the semester, it would be to save EVERYTHING you make!!!!!
Who knows how many sketches and exercises for other classes i lost.
Also that you are not going to apply yourself as much as you can if you’re working 25+ hours each week. 
overall though, I am pleased with what I’ve achieved
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
This chord progression is based of a rock song i wrote recently, this track doesn’t sound similar at all which is something i’ve wanted to do for a while
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
“yarbles” because the second synth is clockwork orange inspired 
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
It is only two instruments
switch time signature again with drums
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
hip hop ?
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
A 6/4 analog sequence and mid way through a 4/4 bass is included changing the time signature of the song
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
This is such a weird track for these guys to make so early in their career. Like is that a keytar? Was that a tapping solo?
This album blends genre so well and is essential for the 200s
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
Ableton Progress
I’m surprised as to how fast i’m learning to use ableton, having no experience prior to this semester. Youtube tutorials and “” have played a big part in this, as well as my general interest motivating me. I hope to get ableton on my laptop rather than just staying back after class, I think i’d learn even quicker.
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
listening to a lot of vince, who sometimes has a old school feel to his music. This beat sounds like a dangerous west coast 90s track, but still sounds qiute modern with the production. One of my tracks is sounding definitely influenced by this 
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
Great video explaining how they found the sounds through the one synth; the prophet 5. Also mentions rhythmic elements such as ostinato pattern of the bass
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
A favourite film of mine, and a favourite film score as well. This piece of music was written by Henry Purcell and was for the funeral of Queen Mary titled ‘March��. The synthesizers in this version completely fit the sci-fi theme and add a strange eerie dynamic to the piece. 
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
This thread has some great responses from MGMT about influence, composition and production. I was always curious as to what the effects were on the vocals of the track “Little Dark Age”, and now know that it was a non linear reverb with lots of chorus. They also used a vintage soviet drum machine called Pulsar on the track. I think they make great psychedelic music that sounds new, rather than how a lot of modern psych bands would basically sound like Pink Floyd’s music 40 years ago
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
there probably could’ve been 5 good songs made from the segments of this song but it all still fits perfect together, i wonder if they intended it to be one song when writing.
I’m doing this currently, with a few different sketches together in a track. It’s pretty ambitious but i hope it works out
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
Isolation is a potential AOTY
Romil from Brockhampton killed the production on this track
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
I watch a lot of vox videos, especially the “earworm” series because they show production/writing styles and techniques in examples, what their function is and the history of them in music. I’m currently trying to use shepard tones with the operator instrument in a hip hop track, building suspense before the bass kicks in
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lukegonz-composition-blog · 7 years ago
It’s awesome not using my guitar to write, because i don’t find myself doing the same thing or following scales much. Knowing where everything is and what goes together can be a hindrance sometimes so using a qwerty keyboard instead is very refreshing. 
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