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Life ain't hard only without love ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜
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craigrsumter ยท 1 year ago
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craigrsumter ยท 1 year ago
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Attached to this post are four (4) images. The purpose of this post is to show how my family (these images - accurate, true and correct evidence evidencing my sister, Shalene Sumter Ryall) pretends to the world how they care about and love me but in reality this is just a front as to me, they berate me and call me names and wish me harm. And how they are nothing but fake users.
The top left image is of a text exhange I had with my nephew, Alex Ryall, on 11-6-20. He had asked me questions to which I responded the truth and then my sister, Shalene Ryall, grabbed the phone from him and began to berate me calling me a "fucking twat."
The top right image is of an email my sister, Shalene Sumter (Ryall), sent me on 6-9-21 beginning with the line "Happy Pride." She concluded her email with "Love, Moose."
The bottom right image is of a comment my sister, Shalene Sumter (Ryall) posted to my Instagram Account on 10-23-21 (after I had blocked her account and she made up another account under the name "Shalene Sumter" to stalk me). Here, to my 25,000 plus followers at the the time, calls me a liar by stating "None of this is true., We all love you very, very much and wish you would reach out. We miss you."
The bottom right image is of a comment my sister, Shalene Sumter (Ryall), posted to my Facebook account under a fake account she also created there using the name "Amy Waltman." Here she defends my mother and father, Gloria Sumter and Leonard Sumter Jr., for sexually molesting me when I was nine (9) years old and inadvertantly admits how my parents falsely accused another, completely innocent, man named Terry Breland of actually being the one that sexually molested me. This "Amy Waltman", who is actually my sister, then accuses me of having "psychotic episodes" and berates me. My sister using the fake account "Amy Waltman" posted this to my Facebook page not long before I had the seizure during which I broke my jaw.
I need to also state that both of the fake accounts my sister created (IG-"Shalene Sumter"; FB-"Amy Waltman") were in response of me posting how "I was having to take my family to court" and how that "stressed me out and caused me to have seizures" (Instagram on 10-23-21) and how I "filed a lawsuit against my family" (Facebook in September of 2022).
Also, between my sister creating a second Instagram account so she could continue to stalk me despite being blocked and made nasty slanderous /libelous comments on my post by calling me a liar to my 25,000 plus followers and her creating a second fake Facebook account "Amy Waltman", I took my sister to court for making up the first fake account under her nee, "Shalene Sumter", to stalk and harass me. The judge in that proceeding told my sister to stop creating fake accounts and to stop posting to my social media accounts. To evade taking responsibliity for her actions (obviously not a social media afficionado, my sister purported to the judge that she only changed her Instagram account name from "Shalene Ryall" to "Shalene Sumter" due to her impending divorce. Anyone remotely familiar with social media privacy preferences, understands that by changing the name on an account has no affect as to whether you are blocked. It's the ACCOUNT which is blocked, not the name of the account.
This evidences for what reason my sister subsequently created the "Amy Waltman" Facebook account - she believed she would she be safe from legal recourse for her stalking.
I have, on many occasions, plead with my family to please cease all stalking and harassment as its stress causes me seizures. Why are they so insistent to deny me access to the courts / judicial system? , According to Official Code of Georgia Annotated (Georgia Law) this is explicitly indicia of their guilty. Yet, after nine (9) years of harassment, threats and retaliation they still refuse to relent, instead doubling their efforts. This is evidence of their overt actons to cause my seizures. It also is inculpatory of attempting to murder me as it would be
FYI, you can click on any of the images attached to this, or any post, to see the full text / content of the image.
Oh, one more very important point to show. The top right image which is of the email my sister sent me on 6-9-21 asking questions because she had audio, video and photographic evidence of her then husband, John Ryall, being abusive to my nephews and how she was taking him to court. But shown in the top left image, which is of a text message my sister sent me on 11-6-20 calling me a twat then stating "at least [I] quit calling CPS on her family." That is because after witnessing the abuse of my nephews by both my sister, Shalene Sumter, and my brother-in-law, John Ryall, I had called DCS (Department of Child Services) in August 2014, but not since. But she admits via email in June 2021 that this abuse was occuring.
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