#scienz of life
votava-records · 9 months
John Robinson & Figub Brazlevic - Welcome Everyone
This album is a celebration of John Robinson’s love for storytelling, which has been evident since he was a child, and his passion for hearing the epic storytelling of his favorite emcees of the golden era of hip hop. The connection between Figub Brazlevic and John Robinson is far from just another inter- national internet collaboration. The two met in 2009 during Robinson’s first tour in Germany. Shortly after, Figub remixed J.R.`s group Scienz Of Life’s Leviathan album out of love and respect for their music. These yet to be released remixes impressed J.R. and his SOL crew, and he knew he would work together with Figub in the future. That time has come, and the message is clear: Live Life and Tell Stories is a seamless blend of Robin- son’s thought-provoking narratives and Brazlevic’s abstract jazzy boombap soundscapes. This album promises to take listeners on a sonic journey of dope grooves and ill storytelling, where Robinson’s unique storytelling abilities are masterfully in- terwoven with Brazlevic’s jazzy, boom- bap beats. From start to finish, Live Life and Tell Stories is sure to captivate au- diences and keep them grooving to its infectious beats. In an era where the mu- sic industry is dominated by short-lived trends, it is refreshing for two seasoned artists to come together to create music that is both timeless and meaningful. This album is a perfect example of what can happen when artists come together to create something truly unique.
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Scienz of Life & Eloh Kush - P.E.A.C.E
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flushthethrone · 2 months
08.24.24 #ATLHOE
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 9 months
Ok. Finals season is officially over. Time to devote every waking moment of my life to making mad scienze before the next semester starts up
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noloveforned · 4 months
my son just finished third grade and the university just finished spring term which means it's officially summer! i'll continue producing a radio show tonight and every friday night on wlur from 8pm until midnight and we'll continue with our jim white theme through most of the summer.
for those of you that can't stream in realtime, you can check out last week's show on mixcloud and find its setlist reproduced below!
no love for ned on wlur – may 17th, 2024 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label jim white and marisa anderson // aurora // swallowtail // thrill jockey rose mercie // sweet place // ¿kieres agua? // celluloid lunch bad bangs // palace // out of character // blossom rot autocamper // blanche // blanche / budge cassette // safe suburban home ducks limited // when you're outside // when you're outside digital single // carpark phil and the tiles // not today // double happiness // legless gee tee // drag race mag // prehistoric chrome // nailbiter ramones // chain saw // the 1975 sire demos // rhino tuff bluff // do you feel it? // tuff bluff // snappy little numbers les savy fav // world got great // oui, lsf // frenchkiss old 97's featuring exene cervenka // four leaf clover // too far to care // elektra eli winter, tyler damon and sam wagster // davening in threes (live in chicago) // a day behind the deadline // three lobed rosali // rewind // bite down // merge l. eugene methe // hours // maybe tomorrow // grapefruit tilth // four corners more // rock music // round bale the messthetics and james brandon lewis // three sisters // the messthetics and james brandon lewis // impulse! peter brötzmann and paal nilssen-love // ant eater hornback lizard // chicken shit bingo // trost luke stewart silt trio // baba doo way // unknown rivers // pi sathima bea benjamin // i'm getting sentimental over you // memories and dreams // ekapa tha god fahim and oh no // art official // berserko // nature sounds yaya bey // chasing the bus // ten fold // big dada lionmilk // lagoa azul // sauna saudade cassette // (self-released) rapsody featuring bee-b // dnd (it’s not personal) // please don't cry // jamla gipson [the matelot] // elohim // rivers of babylon // forward is the mantra blu and nottz featuring versis and scienze // creme of the crop // gods in the spirit ep // coalmine system exclusive // carry on // click // mt. st. mtn. comité balnéaire // station des iles // split screen (split cassette w/ walk home drunk) // hidden bay the avocados // brandi // by the end of the night 7" // yay! parsnip // turn to love // behold // upset! the rhythm fidel // downey, california // fidel // (self-released) soft covers // every week // soft serve // little lunch nerdy girl // casa nova // twist her // no life
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geneer-gebubu · 7 months
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Frebrurary! Big recs this month. Thinking Fellers is excellent, Gary Wilson is awkward, Scienz of Life is heady, Fatboi Sharif is surreal.
Song a daylist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gdaYbYfyrAx3zzwdAOfnO?si=hxteVqKHRuGX4aFFIqWHJw&pi=u-Fnn-McwJRBuQ
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ardeearbee · 8 months
Listen/purchase: BX To New Jeru by Scienz Of Life
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zou-pa · 9 months
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votava-records · 6 months
John Robinson & Figub Brazlevic - Welcome Everyone
This album is a celebration of John Robinson’s love for storytelling, which has been evident since he was a child, and his passion for hearing the epic storytelling of his favorite emcees of the golden era of hip hop. The connection between Figub Brazlevic and John Robinson is far from just another inter- national internet collaboration. The two met in 2009 during Robinson’s first tour in Germany. Shortly after, Figub remixed J.R.`s group Scienz Of Life’s Leviathan album out of love and respect for their music. These yet to be released remixes impressed J.R. and his SOL crew, and he knew he would work together with Figub in the future. That time has come, and the message is clear: Live Life and Tell Stories is a seamless blend of Robin- son’s thought-provoking narratives and Brazlevic’s abstract jazzy boombap soundscapes. This album promises to take listeners on a sonic journey of dope grooves and ill storytelling, where Robinson’s unique storytelling abilities are masterfully in- terwoven with Brazlevic’s jazzy, boom- bap beats. From start to finish, Live Life and Tell Stories is sure to captivate au- diences and keep them grooving to its infectious beats. In an era where the mu- sic industry is dominated by short-lived trends, it is refreshing for two seasoned artists to come together to create music that is both timeless and meaningful. This album is a perfect example of what can happen when artists come together to create something truly unique.
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theparanoid · 5 months
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Scienz Of Life - The Rhyme Related Sessions
(2020 album)
[East Coast Hip Hop]
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flushthethrone · 1 month
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 9 months
Dealers choice of guy bc i forgor all their names SORRY. But what are they best at and do they have any hobbies?
Fair I also unironically forget about my own ocs lol anyways mad scienze characters time because I can't stop thinking about them or I'll explode. I'm excluding their experiments from hobbies on purpose.
Vicky is very meticulous and has an incredibly steady hand. She needs both for her experiments, stitching together corpse parts takes a very careful hand. Lots of tiny nerves that need connecting if you want anything to work right. She likes to read! She's always been fascinated with medical journals and reads them for fun, but before she became completely obsessed on reanimating the dead she also read a lot of horror
Mike is honestly a better programmer than he is st physically building robotics. And that's saying something because he is incredibly skilled with robotics. He builds everything from scratch! Including the programing to translate nerve impulses into something the prosthetics can act on. His hobby WAS building and competing battle bots, but uh, he got banned from competitions. For extreme property damage and casualties.
Zed is a tough one. They would probably say they're the best at everything they do. I think they're probably the best at reading people. They know what makes people tick, it's almost uncanny. As for hobbies, I think they enjoy birdwatching. Also probably video games
Chilopoda is the best at insects. Caring for them, learning about them, studying them- ze is just really obsessive about insects and has been zir whole life. Zir hobby is carpentry.
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londranotizie24 · 5 months
A Giorgio Cuneo il Freedom of the City of London
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Di Pietro Nigro Prestigioso riconoscimento per Giorgio Cuneo che, grazie alle sue forti connessioni commerciali con Londra ha ricevuto il Freedom of the City of London. L’italiano Giorgio Cuneo riceve il Freedom of the City of London Prestigioso riconoscimento al dinamismo e all'operosità di un cittaino italiano a Londra: il giovane Giorgio Cuneo, filantropo e collezionista di origini toscane, riceve il Freedom of The City of London. Istituito per la prima volta nel 1237 il Freedom of the City of London è uno dei più antichi riconoscimenti inglesi ed è assegnato ogni anno nel corso di una cerimonia che si tiene nella Guildhall della City. La maggior parte dei nuovi Freemen proviene da una delle 110 Livery society della City, le società di livrea o meglio corporazioni. I membri junior di una Livery Company (chiamati Freemen) sono ammessi alla Freedom of the City of London per poter progredire fino a diventare Liverymen (membri senior della loro compagnia) e votare per l'elezione del Lord Mayor e degli Sceriffi della City di Londra. Classe 1992 e originario dell’Isola d’Elba, Giorgio Cuneo, è un imprenditore e filantropo con forti connessioni commerciali con la città di Londra, ed è uno dei tre italiani che ha ottenuto il Freedom of the City of London. La cerimonia è avvenuta nella Chamberlain's Court a Guildhall, sede della City of London Corporation e centro del governo della City di Londra, alla presenza delle autorità civili. Al termine della stessa, il Clerk, dopo aver riconosciuto l’insignito come “a Citizen of London”, ha fatto dono del volume “rules for the conduct of life”, scritto da John Bernard nel XVIII secolo e ha fatto apporre la firma sul registro che sarà conservato presso il “London Metropolitan Archives”. Istituito per la prima volta nel 1237 il Freedom of the City era originariamente riservato ai cittadini protetti dallo statuto della città come segno di libertà dalla giurisdizione feudale, che consentiva di commerciare liberamente attraverso la livery di riferimento. Nel 1835, tale privilegio venne esteso a tutti coloro che abitavano, lavoravano o avevano forti legami con Londra. Oggi, questo riconoscimento è essenziale per chi desidera candidarsi al Common Council o alla Court of Aldermen della City. Recentemente è stato aperto anche ai cittadini non britannici, premiando coloro che contribuiscono a promuovere relazioni internazionali solide e durature. Tale riconoscimento, che ha un valore soprattutto onorifico, è stato assegnato in passato a molti membri della famiglia reale, a personaggi come Horatio Nelson o Stephen Hawking e primi ministri, tra cui Winston Churchill e Margareth Thatcher. Tra gli illustri, anche italiani del calibro di Massimo Capuano, Luciano Pavarotti e Sua Eminenza il Cardinale Renato Martino. “Ricevere pubblicamente questa onorificenza in un Regno così intriso di storia - ha commentato Giogio Cuneo - mi rende particolarmente orgoglioso e desidero esprimere il senso della mia riconoscenza alla Chamberlain ed alla Guild of Freemen. Londra è una città a me molto cara, non solo per la sua cultura, ma anche perché è il luogo dove la mia grande passione per il collezionismo trova ampia offerta. Mi trovo spesso a Londra ed è certamente mio interesse mantenere legami costruttivi nel tempo ed esplorare nuove opportunità". Il profilo di Giorgio Cuneo, promotore dell'incontro tra filatelia e finanza Proveniente da una famiglia storica, Giorgio Cuneo ha conseguito la Laurea in Business Economics and Administration e la Laurea Magistrale in Management presso l’Università Bocconi di Milano. Oggi membro di prestigiose associazioni filantropiche e culturali e imprenditore attivo in diversi settori, Giorgio è dedito allo studio delle scienze documentarie della storia, ricoprendo prestigiose cariche internazionali nelle più importanti organizzazioni del settore ed è un appassionato collezionista d’arte, francobolli e oggetti preziosi. Questa passione, tramandata da generazioni, è stata coltivata e arricchita nel corso degli anni, facendo della sua collezione una delle più ampie e prestigiose del Paese, grazie alla sua eccezionale qualità, stato di conservazione e rarità dei pezzi contenuti. La filatelia è solo una delle passioni che la sua famiglia tramanda da generazioni. Fin da giovane, Giorgio ha coltivato e approfondito questo interesse nel corso degli anni, custodendo e ampliando la sua collezione di francobolli. Oggi, la sua raccolta si distingue come una delle più ampie e prestigiose, grazie alla qualità, allo stato di conservazione e alla rarità dei pezzi in essa contenuti. L’imprenditore è stato recentemente anche uno dei promotori di una pionieristica operazione che vede per la prima volta l'incontro tra filatelia e finanza, dando vita ad una nuova era e presentando i francobolli come asset finanziari al pari di vini pregiati ed orologi di lusso. Mantenere ... Continua a leggere su
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maurobroccalifecoach · 9 months
Le idee nuove nascono dall'ibridazione tra le scienze
Puoi contare su di me.
Mauro Brocca
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Life & Mental Coach
Visita il mio sito: bit.ly/3oDRdch
O scrivimi:
#vip #lifecoach #mentalcoach
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southernvangard · 1 year
@south_memphis_meeks and @jondoeatl share incredible stories about the ATL scene in the 2000s (and shout out to
@johnrobinsonmusic and Scienz of
More incredible stories in Smithsonian
Grade. Pick up your copy at the SVR Bandcamp or on Amazon.
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