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mr-tony-stark · 2 months ago
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// closed starter for @heroesfromtheashes
Tony kept glancing at Bruce as he worked.  This was so new to the futurist.  Of course he’d dated before.  But never seriously and never for long.  There were never any real feelings involved outside of a brief need for connection and physical touch that was otherwise withheld from him in his day to day life.
Then Tony had met Bruce Banner and everything had changed.  They had connected so quickly.  First on the intellectual, and then on the emotional.  And for the first time, Tony wanted more than just a brief hook up and endorphin high.
But he wasn’t used to this.  Not the companionship. Not the affection.  Definitely not the waiting to have sex.
He got it.  He did.  No one wanted a Hulk out mid coitus - especially not him.  But god … it was so hard to hold back when he wanted him this badly.  He wanted Bruce so badly he ached.
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He was being patient though.  The last thing he wanted was for a person he genuinely cared about to feel pressured.  Especially not about that.  But that didn’t mean he didn’t itch to touch the man.
He was distracted now.  He’d been touching up the same piece of solder for far too long. The circuit was ruined and he’d need to reprint it.  He set everything aside and moved over to Bruce, wrapping his arms around him from behind and kissing his cheek.  “Hey.  You wanna go get dinner?” he asked. 
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sawyer02dk · 2 years ago
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themculibrary · 9 months ago
Bruce And Tony (Science Boyfriends) Masterlist 3
part one, part two
A Manic Monday in the Life of Bruce Banner (ao3) - agentsimmons T, 8k
Summary: Being a dad to so many kids, a hardworking scientist and the s.o. of someone high profile is bound to lead to stress overload sometimes. Thus, Bruce experiences a very manic Monday morning.
A mate in the African Jungle (ao3) - MoPerson E, 3k
Summary: The sun was shining. The trees were green. Sixteen year old Tony Stark was in his element deep in the African jungle. His life was good and he had a great family. It was his good fortune that brought him Bruce Banner, the son of the biologists coming to study the wildlife on the reserve. A mate and a precious child await him.
Blue As True As Blue Can Be (ao3) - aaralyn M, 77k
Summary: Tony Stark has worked hard to make sure everyone sees exactly what he wants them to. After all, they'd all rather see the asshole with the too-bright smile than the terrified person underneath who is desperately trying to conceal that which has caused him so much pain. Trust him, he knows.
(Tony Stark is a mutant, and his father had made sure to note /exactly/ how he felt about that. Now, with the Avengers living with him full-time, it's getting more and more difficult to hide the part of him that almost no one still alive knows about.)
by the light of all your bridges burning (ao3) - branwyn M, 39k
Summary: Bruce Banner is twelve years old. It's not an easy age. For anyone.
Danger is my Middle Name (ao3) - MoPerson E, 4k
Summary: Tony hated trying to cover up who he was. But a contaminated water supply would throw a monkey wrench into his carefully air sealed rouse.
Destiny Says So (ao3) - Rosawyn T, 2k
Summary: Tony is curious about Bruce's soul-mark, if he's found his soulmate yet. And of course there's also the matter of Tony's own soul-marks.
Disconnected (ao3) - brucebabener T, 8k
Summary: Bruce knew his entire life that his "soulmate" was out there. When he meets Tony and finds out it's him, Bruce quickly realizes Tony doesn't feel the same way for him.
Electrolyte Mind (ao3) - writtenbypira N/R, 53k
Summary: (High school AU) The first time Tony Stark talks to Bruce Banner is the same day Bruce Banner first tries to kill himself.
Tony Stark doesn’t realize he is the reason that Bruce fails.
Bruce Banner doesn’t realize he repays the favor three years later.
Five Times Tony Protected Bruce, and One Time Bruce Returned the Favor (ao3) - Zorro_sci T, 5k
Summary: Exactly what the title says. That is all. : )
Forged With Blood, Forged With Fire (ao3) - agentsimmons M, 91k
Summary: When Bruce looks over Tony's blood work he notices an anomaly that sets them both on a search for answers and shows them just how much they mean to one another in the process. But when the truth finally becomes clear, it's only the start of more obstacles and changes to come as they each find themselves facing new enemies and old.
headspace (ao3) - IsisKitsune M, 7k
Summary: “Come on! You can’t go run off every time that damn watch screams that your heart is beating above normal. It’s just making out, how bad can it get?” “Tony, we’re been through this…”
In which Bruce thinks Hulk is the epic cockblock and Tony is helping them get on the same page.
home (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight M, 11k
Summary: An Ace!Bruce-centric peek into our favorite Poly-family, from the first meeting with Alpha!Tony through the addition of Thor, Loki and the most recent kiddos.
You guys know how the story goes– unconditional acceptance, Alpha!Tony being an instantly smitten kitten, tooth rotting sweetness and our favorite genius getting all the love he deserves.
In the Broken World (ao3) - sahiya G, 15k
Summary: Truly, Bruce only meant to stay a day or two at the lake house. He never intended to move in with Tony and Peter; the two of them were clearly a world unto themselves, and Bruce didn’t want to wear out his welcome. He also didn’t want to be on the outside looking in all the time, so for everyone’s sake, it seemed wise to limit this first stay to just a day or two.
And yet. Three days passed, then five. Bruce didn’t feel like an intruder, and he didn’t feel unwelcome. He felt... comfortable. And he came to the somewhat disturbing realization that he had no desire to ever be anywhere else.
in this together (ao3) - i_buchanan E, 62k
Summary: Bruce was pretty sure that he was going to be the youngest person at MIT. He didn’t realize that honor actually went to his roommate, the already-infamous Tony Stark. Granted, the child prodigy turns out to be nothing like he expects, for better or worse, and Bruce figures that they just have to make it work. Besides, it should only be for one semester, right?
Or, the fic where they live together, move out together, and eventually get together.
Just a Touch (ao3) - The_Buzz T, 8k
Summary: When Bruce and Tony are trapped under the debris from a bomb, Bruce can't afford to transform into the Hulk without risking Tony's life. To make matters worse, Bruce is badly hurt and help might not be on the way for a while.
meanwhile the world goes on (ao3) - sahiya G, 7k
Summary: Bruce had no idea what he would find when he finally returned to Earth, bruised and battered and exhausted. Two years was long enough for a lot to happen, and Bruce had long ago stopped trying to predict the future. Tony was the futurist, not him.
He hoped that Tony was okay, more or less, and he expected that even if he was, he would sooner spit in his face than kiss him hello. Bruce could handle that. He deserved it, even.
What he didn’t expect was the kid.
Somewhere That's Green (ao3) - volunteerfd T, 63k
Summary: A mild-mannered dork’s nerdy hobby leads to the creation of a gigantic green monster that ruins his life. But there is a happy ending.
In which Bruce Banner owns a flower shop on Skid Row, Audrey Fulquard is his assistant, and Tony Stark is Tony Stark.
Special Delivery (ao3) - heyjupiter G, 3k
Summary: When Peter leaves for a semester abroad in Wakanda, Bruce and Tony send him care packages. When Peter returns from Wakanda, he brings back gifts for Bruce and Tony to return the favor.
the world's a beast of a burden (ao3) - sleeponrooftops T, 1k
Summary: In which Steve takes a look at Tony the bully and Bruce the very, very nice man and doesn't understand them at all.
When Bruce Banner Asks for a Favor and Gets A Lapful of Tony Stark Instead (Not that he's complaining) (ao3) - Aria_Lerendeair E, 7k
Summary: Tony missed Bruce when he disappeared six months ago. He likes the Hulk, but has a 'thing' for Bruce. He decides to convince him to stay by showing him his state of the art lab(s) (yes, there are two) he built for him. Maybe even seduce him if he has the chance.
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itsagentromanoff · 2 years ago
Tony: Here's your coffee, brewed from the finest Colombian lighter fluid.
Bruce: Thank you. [drinks it] Horrible.
Tony: Aren't you supposed to be drinking tea anyway?
Bruce: Tea is soothing. I wish to be tense.
Tony: Okay, but you're destroying a perfectly good cultural stereotype here.
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anxietyprxme · 2 months ago
bruce: tony, have you been tested for autism tony: yes. of course i have. i had jarvis do it. bruce: ... and what were the results? tony: i dunno, i told jarvis to kill me if i ever asked to know.
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luxshine · 1 year ago
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Ship and let ship used to be the fandom mantra (Ok, so sometimes we also fought over which ship was better, but it didn't use to be a MORAL thing). So what if you ship two men together, two women together, five people together? It's your ship and your way to see fandom and as long as you don't bother anyone else, why should they bother you? Yes, I did a video about it! https://youtu.be/fJZQtdcm2RM?si=rvepIGp2bi7ZXO_q
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ggoatz · 2 years ago
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rottmnt x yj (-: (p1)
first is wally and donnie. this is oldish art so i think i’ll probably redo it here in the future.
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snakes-of-the-undercity · 4 months ago
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newblandmarvelheadcanons · 10 months ago
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Bruce Banner falls asleep to Bob Ross’s painting shows. He finds them relaxing. When Tony is sitting with him while watching the show, Bruce will fall asleep on his shoulder and Tony will pull a blanket over Bruce.
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captainenjolras · 6 days ago
Tony: Dude are you alright? You haven’t moved in like five minutes.
Bruce who’s been hitting his pen all day: 🔴👄🔴 wha t?
Huge fan of Bruce being a big stoner. Like yeah. Sure.
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themculibrary · 11 months ago
I'm looking for fanfictions centred on Tony Stark and Bruce Banner in a relationship. Preferably angst. Any recommendations?
Here's some you may like:
Destiny Says So (ao3) - Rosawyn T, 2k
Summary: Tony is curious about Bruce's soul-mark, if he's found his soulmate yet. And of course there's also the matter of Tony's own soul-marks.
so here’s to drinks in the dark at the end of my rope (ao3) - sleeponrooftops E, 11k
Summary: “That you’re in love with each other. God, it’s like—it’s kind of ridiculous.” When he says this, Bruce snaps his gaze back up, frowning. “You two are so stubborn and blind, but the whole world knows that science boyfriends—I mean, honestly—isn’t just a pet term for you two. Even Jarvis knows, okay. You two are so stupid.”
the world's a beast of a burden (ao3) - sleeponrooftops T, 1k
Summary: In which Steve takes a look at Tony the bully and Bruce the very, very nice man and doesn't understand them at all.
When Bruce Banner Asks for a Favor and Gets A Lapful of Tony Stark Instead (Not that he's complaining) (ao3) - Aria_Lerendeair E, 7k
Summary: Tony missed Bruce when he disappeared six months ago. He likes the Hulk, but has a 'thing' for Bruce. He decides to convince him to stay by showing him his state of the art lab(s) (yes, there are two) he built for him. Maybe even seduce him if he has the chance.
- Tori
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itsagentromanoff · 2 years ago
Bruce: Oh dear, oh dear.
Tony: I hate when you say that.
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aidonotknow · 4 months ago
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I didn't ship them much, I guess it's because Jayce isn't my type😅
But I do like watching their soap opera, whether it's a straight guy caught between his capable girlfriend and his sciencebro, or his bisexual identity crisis, it's just so realistic somehow🍿🧋
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aiartgenerate · 8 days ago
Space is not just a distant void but a critical arena for scientific discovery, technological innovation, and international cooperation, with tangible benefits for life on Earth and beyond.
beautifuluniverse #matter #dreamworld #spacetoday #relativity #astronomy #curiosityofspace #blackhole #universefacts #darkmatter #thedailycosmos #astronomical #spacearts #sciencebros #astrophile #andromedagalaxy #engthings #scifimovies #astronomylovers #scienceisawesome #spacecraft #surreal42 #fantasyworld #astronomynerd #stringtheory #blackholes #nikolatesla #physicsoftheuniverse #surreal #sciences
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lullabyes22-blog · 5 months ago
oh my GOD. I for SUPER into XOXO a while back and then had to take a bit of a break -- got to the segment about Jinx's haircut and the magic kicking in and then life got in the way you know? And I've seen your stuff on my dash but I didn't realize it was DONE. that's nuts. i feel like I only looked away for a minute. congratulations!!!!!! and now i learn that jinx and viktor are gonna be science bros?? oh i am DYING to get back into this. jinx and viktor interacting is like, top of my wish list for season 2. how does it feel to be THEEEEE jinx, & silco writer? <3 <3 <3
Hehehe thank you so much<3
Lmao FnF is far from done - we're only wrapping up Act V and still have Acts VI, VII, VIII and IX to go (all of which come with a hearty heaping of suffering and trigger warnings c,:)
Viktor and Jinx will def be Sciencebros - and so much more - as well as causing plenty of disasters along the way.
Prepare for freaky magic stuffs with a sciency twist<3
(They are both so grounded by the end of Act VI)
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the-iron-fjord · 1 year ago
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