#school secretary!sirius black
Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift
Summary: Inspired by his birthday party at school, Liam goes to James for help with your birthday present.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam). Sorta weirdly angsty? Idk how that happened. Vague mention of parental death, grieving.
A/N (27/6/24): Guys just don't believe me when I say I'll update regularly lmao it's never gonna happen. Tried to upload this last night but I literally fell asleep lmao so this is semi edited
Previous Part: Career Fair
Next Part: James Takes Liam to School (coming soon …)
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We all know that James is the best kindergarten teacher at his school.
His students’ test scores always improve through the year
Their standardized test results are exactly where they should be for the grade level, if not higher
And the kids themselves love him
But in order to keep his kids happy and engaged and eager to learn, he sometimes has to … shall we say bend the rules …
Just a teensy weensy bit
A little bit
A tiiiiiiny bit
At the beginning of the year, James told the class that if they were well-behaved by the time that each of their birthdays came around, he would throw a small birthday party for each of them
And let me tell you
The kids were thrilled
James quickly set a few ground rules for the kids (because the admin at his school is stupid and ScHOoL pArTiEs cAnT bE hELd wiThOUt adMiNiStrATivE pErMiSSiOn so he had to be kinda careful)
NUMBER ONE (more for him than them)
James checked each of his students’ allergy records in the school database to figure out what treats he could bring to school 
You know, without sending anyone into anaphylactic shock and probably getting sued in the process
Everyone must thank Mr. Black at the front desk on the day of each party
(Sirius would help James smuggle treats into his room for these parties, so James figured it’d be nice to have them say thank you)
Honestly, James enjoyed these parties just as much as the kids
Even the planning part was fun for him
About a week before a kid’s birthday, he’d ask them what treat they wanted for their party
Some kids *cough* ᵃˡᶠᶦᵉ *cough* want a bunch of super-sugary Halloween-type candy
(James gets them reduced sugar and sugar-free knock-off brands for Alfie’s birthday because he doesn’t think he can handle nineteen sugar-high kids all at once)
Others want to have a pizza party or order from a nearby restaurant
Sweet little Lyra just wanted Fig Newtons lmaooo
(James bought an extra pack for her to take home)
But each and every time, no matter what they want, James makes it happen
Liam’s birthday is on January 2nd, which is over winter break
Which is a shame because James was really excited to celebrate it on the day of
Usually with kids who have birthdays in the summer, he celebrates their half-birthday
But that won’t work for Liam obviously bc his half-birthday is in the summer
So James just decides to celebrate Liam’s birthday when they get back from winter break
Before winter break, however, James asks Liam what treat he wants for his party
And Liam
Sweet summer child
Liam says he’d really like some home-made oatmeal raisin cookies
What the fuck kind of answer is that??
This fucking child is somehow like ninety years old and six at the same fucking time
James’ utter bafflement must have been visible on his face because Liam explains himself pretty quick
And James’ heart breaks when Liam tells him that his grandma died when he was really young but his mom tells him all the time that her mom’s oatmeal raisin cookies were the best thing ever
Apparently every time you try to recreate them for Liam, some disaster happens and you’re unable to finish 
(i.e. you’re called into work and have to take the cookies out of the oven half-baked so the house doesn’t burn down, you and Liam take a nap while the cookies are baking and almost actually burn the house down, Liam accidentally gave you the salt rather than the sugar, etc.)
And Liam just really wants to try good oatmeal raisin cookies
He’s had them from a box from the grocery store before, and they’re not bad (it kinda surprises James that he liked them at all, but then he remembers who exactly he’s talking to lol), but Liam wants to try some good home-made oatmeal raisin cookies
And maybe bring one home for his mom
And FURTHERMORE, Liam is plenty aware that no child in a million years besides him actually enjoys oatmeal raisin cookies
So he asks for chocolate chip for the rest of the class so they get something they’ll actually enjoy
James is just kinda speechless at first
Like you can hear him just blinking down at this sweet, kind, selfless little six-year-old
And slowly he nods, and the bell rings to signify the end of the day (and semester since it’s the last day of school before winter break)
Poor James is practically catatonic as he gets his kids on their busses and in cars home, then packs his own things and finally makes his way to the library to get Remus and Sirius
And they both know something’s up immediately
After some gentle prodding (and Sirius outright refusing to leave the school library until James tells them what was wrong), James tells them what happened
(Remus and Sirius aren’t quite sure what the big deal is until James explains further)
James’ parents died during his second year at university, and he was horribly torn up about it for years after
Still is, sometimes
He was always terribly close with his parents, and they would always do anything—anything—for their James
(Including practically adopt Sirius during high school)
And now, thinking about Liam’s grandmother dying when he was young, all James could think about was you
James couldn’t imagine you’re any older than him, and he’s twenty-four, which means you had Liam young
And if Liam’s grandmother—your mother—had died when Liam was young, that meant you were left to take care of a baby all on your own at—what, twenty years old? Nineteen? All while going to university to become a nurse, and then actually becoming a nurse after that, long shifts and heavy workloads and all
The thought made James’ heart ache terribly in his chest
That night, James spends nearly two hours searching for different oatmeal raisin cookie recipes
He plans to do trials 
A competition of sorts with Sirius and Remus serving as judges
Because James is DETERMINED to bake the best homemade oatmeal raisin cookie Liam will ever have
(He’s sort of nervous for you to eat one, but he figures even if it isn’t as good as your mother’s, it hopefully won’t be awful)
James, Sirius, and Remus’ holiday celebrations only really extend to sleeping over on Christmas Eve at Remus’ mother’s house, which is only a couple blocks away
So James spends every day of winter break baking a new cookie recipe and shoving cookies down Remus’ and Sirius’ throats
But by the beginning of second semester, James has crafted the perfect oatmeal raisin cookie recipe
(It was rather simple, actually, and the “secret ingredient” was more of a secret process than anything; James used only brown sugar rather than a mix of brown and granulated, added some cinnamon, and put the balls of dough in the freezer for twenty minutes before baking so they would be nice and chewy)
James decides to hold Liam’s party at the end of the first week back at school
(Just to make sure the kids know they’ve got to go back to learning)
And Liam’s party goes swimmingly!! (ofc)
James brought chocolate chips, as promised
But he was terribly proud of his oatmeal raisin cookies, so he brought enough for the whole class as well
And holy shit
James never thought it could be done
But EVERY SINGLE KID in that classroom was eating oatmeal raisin cookies like there was no tomorrow
James tried to make sure there was a cookie left at the end for Liam to take home to you
But he couldn’t keep them out of these kids’ grubby little paws and they ended up eating them all :(((((((((
James is really sad when he notices
He hadn’t quite realized just how much he wanted you to try his cookies but now he’s really disappointed
And poor Liam :((((((
Poor baby Liam is also pretty put out by it, James can tell
James apologizes to Liam about it
Liam says it’s fine, but James sees right through it
He gives Liam a big hug at the end of the day as well as another apology
(And a lollipop, but secretly so the other kids don’t ask for one too)
A month passes, and everything’s pretty normal
Until one weekend in early February, James hears knocking on his apartment door
He’d been grading, and Remus and Sirius were over to hang about and chat
James wasn’t expecting anyone else to arrive so he’s pretty confused
But he answers anyway
(Let's be honest here people, James would be the first to be killed in a horror movie)
Thankfully Jason doesn’t murder James on his doorstep
Instead (and very surprisingly) it’s Liam who’s standing anxiously at James’ front door
Immediately, James thinks the worst
Did something happen to Liam? Are you home? Did something happen to you?
James is immediately crouched in front of Liam, eye level, asking him what he needs
And Liam anxiously stutters out that he needs help
With what? you may ask
Well, my dear reader
Liam needs help making homemade oatmeal raisin cookies
For his mom
For her birthday
(He’s also super relieved bc he was real scared for a second that something terrible had happened)
So Liam and James and Remus and Sirius (who Liam knows as Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black from school) all get to work making homemade oatmeal raisin cookies for you for your birthday
Liam explains that you’re working a twelve-hour shift and a couple hours of overtime on top of that, so you set him up with Ms. Hope (Remus’ mom, who watches him often)
Apparently Liam asked her if he could go to James’ apartment to ask if he could bake oatmeal raisin cookies for his mom, and Ms. Hope said yes
(Remus quickly calls his mother to reassure her that Liam arrived safe and sound and is currently baking with them, just so she doesn’t worry herself)
Liam also informs James, Remus, and Sirius that he’s supposed to be staying at Ms. Hope’s house until tomorrow morning, when you’ll pick him up
Ms. Hope insisted that you leave Liam with her and not worry about him, if just for the night
The four boys have a blast for the next three hours or so, baking far too many batches of cookies and then finding a nice gift bag to put them in
James also gets some stray craft supplies (he keeps it around in case he runs out at school) and everyone makes their own birthday cards for you
Harry goes back to Ms. Hope’s just in time for dinner, which James, Sirius, and Remus join them for, much to Ms. Hope’s excitement
The evening is just terribly fun for all of them
Fast forward to the next day and you’re rushing to look semi-presentable to go get Liam from Ms. Hope’s house
The doorbell rings, and you’re cursing internally because you’re already fifteen minutes late
You got home so late at night that it was actually early in the morning, and you’d overslept
And now there’s another thing to deal with at the door
James’ eyebrows raise slightly at the force with which you wrench open the door, and he’s a little concerned that you’ll be displeased at what he’s done
But you realize who it is (Liam) and who he’s with (James) and all the tension in your shoulders melts back
Liam is immediately all over you, wishing you a happy birthday with a big hug and a wet kiss to your cheek and resting his head on your shoulder when you pick him up
You’re completely thrilled to see him
(If immensely confused about why your son's teacher is also on your doorstep with a rather large gift bag)
James smiles sheepishly, but he’s reassured by your smile as you say good morning
So he explains the whoooooole story with you pitching in here and there
Until finally he gets to the fact that he and Liam (and Remus and Sirius ofc) have made you oatmeal raisin cookies
At this point, James is pretty certain that you can’t do much to endear him further to you
But you’ve got the most lovely way of proving him wrong when he begins to think like that because the way your eyes light up at the mention of oatmeal raisin cookies makes James want to keep repeating the words over and over so the look never fades from your face
He hands over the gift bag (with another small explanation about the two extra cards and who exactly Sirius and Remus are), wishes you a happy birthday, and politely excuses himself
As much as James loves to be around you and Liam, he knows his place
At the end of the day, he’s still Liam’s kindergarten teacher, and Liam is still your son
So he leaves you and Liam to celebrate your birthday between the two of you
When he gets back to his flat and locks the door behind him, James feels a strange sort of ache settle over his shoulders and seep deep into the cavity of his chest. He swallows around the strange feeling in his throat and takes a deep breath. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. 
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Next Part: James Takes Liam to School (coming soon …)
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patrophthia · 2 years
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last updated: dec, 07, 2023 don't like masterlist ? find my work here !
most of my work, if not all, are written using fem pronouns.
🌷: fluff | 🌾: angst | 🍀: humor | 🪷: smut | 🌟: personal fav
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◎ mauraders era
halloween blurb
get up | series masterlist
new jeans 2nd ep ‘get up’ out now and every all streaming platform! which track would like to listen to today?
→ sirius black
sycamore girl | 12.3k 🌷 / 🍀 / 🌟
sirius black has the smartest plan in mind for scamming his family, and it might or might not be faking a marriage.
libraries and abs | 1.7k 🌷 / 🍀
sirius makes sure that his girlfriend does well on her test if that was the last thing he does.
make you mine | 1.7k 🌷
part of my get up series
it's hard having crushes, its even harder when you're someone who's on the shyer side crushing on someone as popular as sirius black; good things lily evans has it in herself to play a little bit of matchmaker!
★ blurbs (fics under 1k words)
just kiss already! | hello kitty clips
→ remus lupin
can i kiss you? | series 🌷 / 🍀
an AUs series of established relationship!reader and remus.
bad habits | 1.6k🌷 / 🌾?
remus bites his tongue, it’s a bad habit.
it wasn’t implied? | 4.2k 🌷 / 🌾
to quote clairo: girlfriend or girl that’s a friend? is what you wanted to ask remus when everything becomes a little too complicated.
★ blurbs (fics under 1k words)
it’d be an honor |
→ james potter
falling for ya | 1.7k 🌷 / 🍀
mutual pining with james
the triwizard tournaments | 7.4k 🌷 / 🌾
what happens when james claims that you’re his girlfriend to save face? well let’s find out!
what letters? | 3.1k 🌷 / 🌾
what happens when your letters to james gets lost on their way over right after you confessed your feelings to him? apparently way too much confusion for the both of you
say the word and i’m down | 4.5k 🌷 / 🌾
part of my get up series
your boyfriend is a dick but your best friend james always has your back so maybe, maybe it was time you ended things with him
→ regulus black
what once was | 2.6k 🌷 / 🌟
academic rivals to lovers but it’s with regulus!
willow | 3.8k 🌷
life was a willow and it bent right through your wind
idiots to lovers | 2k 🌷
an argument leading to confessions in the rain!
dresses and fish bait | 0.59k 🌷 / 🍀
reg being annoying bf/best boy at the same time
cruel summer | 1.1k 🌷 / req
regulus purposely throws a game just so people could know about the two of you.
how you get the girl | 1.7k 🌷/ req
best friend CFO!regulus au!
★ blurbs (fics under 1k words)
better man | what’s wrong with secretary, lupin? | the carpet incident | meowtoos | does it pawther you? | unicorn and squids | a(cceptable)
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◎ golden era
→ george weasley
christmas gifts | 1.6k 🌷/ req
your biggest comfort will always be the weasley, whether they force you to join their christmas or not
→ theodore nott | headcanons
love is sour grapes | 5.9k 🌷/ 🌾 / 🌟
theodore is a quiet piece of shit and that leads to miscommunication and complicated feelings
impossible | 2.4k 🌷
fluffy established relationships with theo after reader gets a little (tiny teenie bit) hurt whilst playing quidditch
red ears, and redder string | 7.2k 🌷 / 🌾 / req
red string soulmate!au with theodore!!
fairy of shampoo | 3.9k 🌾 / req
theodore doesn’t know how to talk to reader
take you to the basics | 3.9k 🌷/🍀/ 🌟
theodore is new to this dating thing and his friends + the golden trio are there to help!
try again | 1.1k 🌾 / req
the classic trope of blaise zabini meddling between you and your exes relationship during draco’s engagement dinner
just curious | 2.2 🌾
words of advice: don’t fall in love with your best friend’s other best friend!
attention is what i want! | 4.3k 🌾
it’s no secret that you have a crush on theodore nott, theo knows it, hell the whole school knew it; maybe if they didn’t then it’d be easier for you to get over him after you embarrassed yourself in front of the whole school. at least you got a new friend because of it.
mini skirt | 3.5k 🌷🪷
blaise zabini’s idea of how to play matchmaker might be different from the traditional way of doing it but at least you ended up getting dicked down, so you guess his method works too.
★ blurbs (fics under 1k words)
ASAP | you’re nice | hey emo boy! | too spicy for your heart | you’ve bewitched me | you’re my favorite comic | ditto | thought you loved me | make it make sense | just fine | dirty little liar
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◎ riddle era
→ tom riddle
do not make him ‘go away’ | 4.6k 🌷 / 🍀 / 🌟
the head boy tom riddle might or might not just fancy a certain hufflepuff who doesn’t seem fazed by his charms.
show me how | 1.2k 🌾?
tom can’t love, but he’s willing to learn how.
love again | 2k 🌷 / 🍀 / req
tom finds himself attracted to someone who wasn’t phased by his charms
from the glue | 1.1k 🌷/ req
tom never thought he’d find love, but you’re here now and so he loves you.
★ blurbs (fics under 1k words)
know you better | new jeans, do you see? | not funny riddle untitled |
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© please do not reupload/translate my work unless i give you my consent to do so!
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krisstheidiot · 4 months
1-Character Intros 1.0
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A/N:- It's a lot but I thought this would be more of an effective background and context than in pics so yeah spare me guys I wrote this with half my usual braincell lol
@series directory
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Name: Y/N Holmes
Age: 18
Year: Freshmen (Fall Sem)
Major: Double major in Computer science and Film Studies with a minor in Fashion Design.
Extracurriculars: Student Rep in the student council, Tennis, Theatre, Writing.
Vibes: Chaotic Academia, Occasionally casual chic, Smiley, Crack most of the time, Spontaneous, Very Indecisive, Sarcasm goes undetected as jokes, Every word is laced with sarcasm so good luck, history is full of how to pull off crimes but its for research nothing much.
Background: Part French(Maternal) and part British-Korean(Paternal), Skipped two years when she was a kid but then took a gap before applying for college, met Seungmin and Han in 7th grade, Mom is a famous fashion designer, Dad a surgeon, during the gap she took she had gone on a trip around Europe with her mom and made friends in France during the month she stayed there.
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Name: Kim Seungmin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Journalism and Media Arts.
Extracurriculars: Treasurer(Student Council), Runs the campus newsletter, Photography club, Baseball.
Vibes: Smart Casual look, Citycore, Straightforward, does not believe in delulu, Sarcastic mean but funny in a way, will sassy shit on people who bother the people he cares about, pretty smile, is very sentimental inside, book boyfriend coded to the T. (*Mom I want one*)
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Name: Han Jisung
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Double major in Audio Engineering and Music Technology
Extracurriculars: Extra curriculars head(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks"
Vibes: Grunge, graphic tees with blazers, Beatles, Chaos, Very shinchan coded lol, Sirius black outfits, Emo boy x Indie, funny but the stupid kind, Will snort at a funeral, under the surface he is very feeling like very, likes anime, will force you to watch silent voice and then proceed to cry like a baby though ofc you would too, Taps his knee to calm his anxiety.
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Name: Bang (Christopher) Chan
Age: 22
Year: Senior
Major: Double major in Music Production and Audio Engineering.
Extracurriculars: President(student council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black, Casual Neat, Comfort is fashion core, Protective, Nice, sweet, Caring, will smile at you for no reason at all, Cry and the person who did it will be 6 feet under, Mans is a walking green flag y'all, Father of 7, Aussie Aussie Aussie, Kangaroo, Very huggable.
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Name: Lee Minho
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Major in Dance and Minor in Culinary Arts
Extracurriculars: Vice president(School council), Dance team, Volunteers at the animal shelter.
Vibes: Casual comfortable, does not like being extravagant, add cat fur on every piece of clothing, Convenient chic fashion, Sass in a very aggressive manner, Mans has evil written all over that attractive ass smirk on his face but in a good way ofc, Will not take anyone's shit, prefers cats to humans but honestly who doesn't, Cat butler to his three fur babies(we Stan).
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Name: Seo Changbin
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Music technology and Production
Extracurriculars: Secretary(Student Council), Music, Part of the band called 3racha on campus, Also the campus radio show host with the other two from 3racha called "Racha Talks".
Vibes: Black again, But make it more edgy, beanies, gym buddy, will fight someone for you, Mans is strong and fit, intimidating at first look but girl don't kid me he is the sweetest when you get to know him, Badtz Maru but slay, will bring you to eat with him because why the hell not.
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Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Fine Arts and Dance.
Extracurriculars: Arts, Dance team, Soccer team.
Vibes: Artsy light academia, Fancy, luxury, part times as a model(flex), Sassy, Judgy sometimes, Side eye 10x, Fears Minho, Sad eater, Seungmin biased, Procrastinates too much, Laughs at every thing you say, Laughing while clapping 100x.
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Name: Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Major: Culinary arts.
Extracurriculars: Gaming club, Dance team, E-culture club.
Vibes: Fancy, colourful, pastels, bright, Deep voice baby face, So sunshiney all the time that you might melt from the warmth he radiates, mans is fixated on levelling up in his games, will help you build your pc, rgb went brr, streams a lot on twitch, shouting ensues whenever he is playing headphones recommended to protect your eardrums.
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Name: Yang Jeongin
Age: 19
Year: Freshmen(Spring Sem)
Major: Fashion Design
Extracurriculars: Soccer team, Theatre(Costume design), Campus volunteer for extra merits.
Vibes: Modern chic, very stylish, ootd's all the time, very confident somehow and will judge people just because, Sass king, Baby bread, is very much the maknae on top even if he isn't the youngest in a setting, also models part time yay!, this guy will bully you about your height ofc in association with Seungmin.
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Name: Simon Daneu
Age: 25
Occupation: CEO of a company specialising in Games and Software called Solyx.
Background: Y/N's Cousin brother but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Formal casual, Polo shirts, Button ups, corduroy pants, very chic, very overprotective as well, will spoil with no hesitation, still will bully as well with no hesitation whatsoever, likes mocking his younger sisters and brother, will pull out his card even you need the most trivial things because with him no one pays.
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Name: Noelle Daneu
Age: 20
Occupation: Famous chef/baker, Owns a line of cafes and bakery/patisseries called 'The Dusk' around that are viral for their desserts and specials, also a model.
Background: Simon's younger sister, Y/N's cousin sister but is closer to a real one because of their bond, Part French(Paternal) and part American-Korean(Maternal).
Vibes: Light academia, Boss girl look, Is very funny, will spoil her younger sibs, Y/N is her baby sister and will be spoiled to bits, besties, Is very sassy which is very much a family trait honestly.
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Name: Theo Holmes
Age: 9
Background: Y/N's lil brother, is a elementary student, lives in Seoul, very much rich kid but the good kind.
Vibes: Whatever mom buys lol, acts way too smug for his won good, will get bonked if he doesn't behave, finds it funny when y/n is annoyed and it makes his life a bit better to see her irritated, will tease y/n and then will whine when faced with retaliation, fights like they were enemies and then the very next minute will be giggling around like idiots.
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Name: Amelia Wallis
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Confident, cool, fashionable, always looking out for y/n, will hit someone for her.
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Name: Mattheo Grey
Age: 20
Background: Y/N's bestie from Paris(met when y/n was on the Europe trip)
Vibes: Dark academia, poems, research papers, theatre kid, Hamilton.
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Name: Elliot Wesley
Age: 19
Background: Y/N's bestie from London(met when y/n was on the Europe trip and then proceeded to become friends with Mattheo and Amelia)
Vibes: Smug, confident, bold, proud, country club fashion, tennis partners with y/n when she was in London, is very annoying when he wants to be.
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Series Taglist:- @hyunverse , @nujeskz , @queen-in-the-shadows , @phtogravi , @authentic-65 , @rylea08 ,......
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vrnicky · 5 months
Finally... I present thee
All Jobs!
Sans- college teacher, science
Papyrus- carpenter (hobby) and architect
Blue- cop
Miere- muffet's bakery cashier
Rojo- mechanic
Cap/tain- chef and also culinary teacher
Orion- works in the planetarium but is also a sustitute teacher
Perseo- cop
Atlas- waiter in different restaurants
Orbit- secretary of the boss of the casino
Meteor- writes books, hides his image tho
Sirius- police officer
Zen- works in a restaurant, he makes the meals
Max- works in a restaurant, he makes the dessert
Odiseo- mechanic but more in the area of fixing bikes for people with disabilities
Hator- from home translator
Loan- works in the same restaurant as Zen and Max, he makes the meals
Nayer- works in the same restaurant as Zen and Max, he makes the desserts.
Azrael- library’s receptionist and translator
Deus- owner of the library, also the one to organize everything, books from his universe
Angelus- vet
Daimon- not a vet but works with Angelus, calming the pets
Astarte- blacksmith
Morpheo- cashier in a coffee shop
Bonnie- works in a casino, either guard or with paperwork
Clyde- doesn't have a main job in the casino
Shark- hitman
Gorilla- matón/bruiser
Patrone- security guard of the casino
Chief- head of the casino along the royals
Devonte- informant to the royals
Sargent- security guard of Iron, ex-mafia member
Wine- makes clothes, often in Black's store but makes his own designs
Coffee/Cofi- freelance artist, webtoon artist
Berry- lawyer
Money- candle maker
Black- manager of fashion store, mind behind the designs
Slim- fashion store, jewelry
Edan- daycare
Hans- animal shelter
Butcher- works at an antique shop as an employee by a nice old lady
Twister- doesn't work
Disco- dance studio, teaching kpop sometimes (forced)
Tango- dance studio, teacher of more traditional dances
Swing- waiter in a cafeteria
Regga- works in a dance school and as a DJ in the weekends
Caramel- owner of a bakery
Sweet- waiter or Caramel’s bakery
Vino- full-time model
Cappuccino- full-time artist, sometimes anonymous modeling
Lur- owner of the market in the farm district
Farren- he harvest everything for the market while also taking care of his animals
Vega- mailman of the neighborhood and carpenter
Carrot- beekeeper
Nicte- foreman
Balam- horse tamer but also a furtive hunter
Garo- forestry and floriculture
Bosco- woodcutter
Sugar- vet
Cherry- doctor
Lemon- dog herd
Lime- soil and plant scientist
CC- agricultural engineer
PJ- winemaker
Gent- General surgeon
Lupin- college teacher, physicist
Aloe- head of the department of chemistry
Lion- mathematician
Cempa/súchil- Quantum control, annealing and computing. Mathematician.
Velvet- Fashion and interior design (hobby). Nature preserve ranger.
Allen- flower shop
Bliss- freelance painter
Nolan- in the police as a detective
Eros- model
Phew, long text
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cinnamonwords · 2 years
Boss bends Busty Secretary over Copy-machine
Pairing(s) James Potter x Female!Reader
Warnings RAPE/NON-CON, dark themes, loss of virginity, p in v, public sex, cheating, bondage, rough sex, slapping, no condom, creampie, non-con breading, mention of pregnancy, swearing. let me know if I missed anything please!
Read at your own risk!
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Working at Prongs & Padfoot Law Firm was truly a dream come true. After graduating law school and receiving no job invitations you were devastated but your friends had cheered you up and convinced you to apply anyway. A few weeks later you received a call back from one of the best law firms in England, there was one problem though, the position was for a secretary not a lawyer. After another round of depression your friends convinced you that any job at a law firm was better than no job at a law firm and being a secretary could help you gain experience.
You had been working at the law firm for 3 months now and things were coming along nicely. Your boss, Sirius Black, was fair and considerate. He was an amazing lawyer who cared deeply for the victims and worked hard to make perpetrators pay. Your coworkers were all hardworking and dedicated and helped you out with any questions you may have.
Today the office was buzzing with nerves. James Potter, the other boss, was arriving back to the office after going on his honeymoon with his beautiful wife, Lily. James Potter was a legend in the courtroom. He could pry secrets out of a corpse with his wit and charm. You had admired him for so long and he was the reason you had chosen to study law in the first place. You just hoped nothing embarrassing happened.
You were alone in the copy room making copies of yesterday’s meeting notes to give to Mr. Black when the door to the copy room slammed open and the shut. You jumped in surprise as you turned to look at the door. Panting, with his back pressed against the door was a man you’d recognize anywhere, James Potter. His eyes were closed as he caught his breath, his dark curls stuck to his sweaty forehead, and his whole body moved as his lungs weezed tiredly.
“Mr. Potter? Are you alright?” You asked, taking a hesitant step towards him, he looked ready to pass out which was odd considering how athletic he was.
James Potter’s eyes snapped open at your voice. He immediately straightened himself out, “Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here. I just needed a moment.”
“No, no. Don’t apologize. It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Mr. Black’s new secretary.” You smiled up at him happily. He was just as great as you imagined, much more handsome than his pictures too.
James tried so hard to listen he really did, but his body felt like a sauna. He had just gotten back from a three month fuck-fest in Bora Bora were he had not cum once. Sweet Lily tried everything. She let him fuck her cunt, asshole, mouth, tits, they had sex outside, inside, in the pool, in the ocean, she even slid underneath the table during dinner and sucked his cock like a porn star, nothing worked. Their sex life before marriage was amazing and full of cum but now James couldn’t cum no matter how much they tried.
“Mr. Potter? Are you sure you’re okay? You look really red.” Your soothing voice engulfed James’ senses. You were peering up at him with wide worried eyes and you were so beautiful. Your lips were red and James wondered if you tasted like cherries or strawberries. Your outfit was modest, with a pencil skirt that fell to your knees and a blouse buttoned all the way to the top, fit with a tie and everything. You were perfect, James needed to have you.
He pushed himself forward, grasping your shoulders roughly and pressing his mouth hungrily against yours. You were caught off guard and had no time to fight as James manhandled you on top of the copy machine with your back pressed painfully against the surface. His lips continued their assault on yours as you desperately tried to twist your mouth away from his. James pulled away from you with squelch sound.
“Mr. Potter! Please! What are you doing?!” You were incredibly confused and shocked about the events occurring.
James answered you with a harsh slap across your face, you cried out in pain and he slapped you again. He untied your tie and wrapped it around your mouth, creating a makeshift gag. He then took his own tie off and quickly tied your wrists together. You looked so pretty with mascara running down your face and body twisting trying to find an escape, James was going to have so much fun with you, he would not stop until he came.
James made quick work of unbuttoning your blouse and lifting up your bra. Your boobs were so soft and big, your nipples instantly perked up at the cold office environment. James grasped them and groped them the way Lily liked, rolling your hard nipples in between his fingers. You soft mewls were muffled but James could tell you liked it by the way your thighs rubbed together.
James continued exploring your body with his hands, dragging them downward, past your thighs until he reached the end of your skirt. He pushed your skirt up until all the fabric was bunched at your waist. You shook your head desperately, muffled ‘no’s’ and sobs leaving your lips. James payed no mind to you as he forced you legs apart and pulled your underwear down your legs. There would be time for teasing and eating you out later right now James needed to be inside you.
James ran a thick finger down your pussy, rubbing your engorged clitoris and teasing the entrance to your vagina. You were so wet James was certain he didn’t even need to prep you, but he was larger than average so he decided it was best to do it anyways. James teased your entrance a bit more before gently pushing his middle finger into your hole. Before he could get far he was stopped by a barrier he only felt once before. You were a virgin, your hymen was still in place. Fuck prep James needed to be inside you now.
“Fuck. Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin, sweet thing. Fuck I can’t wait to feel you.”
You wept silently as James quickly unbuttoned his trousers and brought his cock out. You nearly fainted at the sight. He was big, bigger than you had ever seen on porn or in your imagination. You whimpered at the thought that that thing would be inside of you.
“Don’t be scared, love, I’ll be gentle.”
James was anything but gentle as he pushed his cock inside of you mercilessly. He continued pushing even when your walls tried to push him out and your pained sobs grew louder. James could not register anything except the feeling of his cock entering your body. You were tighter than any woman he had ever been inside (and it was quite a few). James was balls deep inside of you when he felt it. The tip of his cock kissed your cervix and his balls convulsed painfully as he let go of 3 months worth of semen and sperm into your uterus.
“Fuck, I knew you were the one.” James groaned as he rode out his orgasm and rubbed your clit as a reward.
Once his orgasm died down James began to thrust into you, he was gentle but he picked up the pace as you began to move your hips to his rhythm.
“See, baby, I knew you would enjoy this. Good girl, that’s it, move your hips just like that.” Your mind was blank as pleasure overwhelmed your entire being. James’ cock stretched you deliciously. The drag of his cock against your inner walls was like nothing you had ever felt before. The pain and fear was long forgotten.
James was in heaven. After the ordeal with Lily he thought he would never find pleasure in sex again but just one thrust into your virgin cunt had him cumming and drooling at the mouth. James bent his body over yours to look you in the eye. He unwrapped the makeshift gag and kissed you passionately. From this moment forward, you were his.
“Cum for me, my love.” James held on to you as the head of his cock pushed against your cervix and once again filled your uterus with his sperm. Your legs shook and your back arched as you felt a powerful orgasm run across your body.
You and James laid there, trying to catch your breath and process what had just happened. After a while James lifted his body off of yours and carefully took his cock out of your body. You whimpered at the empty feeling and James gently shushed you with a kiss. Using his index and middle finger he softly fingered runaway cum back into your overstimulated vagina. It wasn’t James’ intention to baby trap you but he prayed to any god listening that you weren’t on birth control.
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ygrittebardots · 2 years
an incomplete list of fun facts about the harry potter universe that only I know
Vernon Dursley is 17 years older than Petunia. She was his secretary. He became the Director of Grunnings by working his way up from Son of the Director of Grunnings.
Despite what certain films may lead you to believe, wixen robes resemble the unisex fashion of medieval robes. Trousers are not worn underneath.
Wixen society largely predates the concept of nations, which is why most schools of magic are regional rather than national.
Wands are a western system of control. Many regions and cultures don’t use them at all.
Remus Lupin is more aware and capable of wandless magic as a byproduct of lycanthropy. He learns to embrace his abilities between the two wars, but tries to keep the practice to himself around other wizards.
Remus Lupin’s favorite job (when he can get it) is working as a sessional instructor at muggle universities.
Remus Lupin’s dad calls him RJ.
The Evans family moved from West Belfast to Cokeworth in 1969 due to the Troubles. Petunia got rid of her accent and tried to assimilate. Lily did not.
Joining the Order isn’t as big a deal for Lily as others think it is. The threat of violence has always been a backdrop of her life. You still have to get on with it.
Crookshanks is not part kneazle. He is simply the best boy.
Dean Thomas’ father was Caradoc Dearborn, who disappeared before he knew his muggle girlfriend was pregnant.
Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood date for a few years after the Second War before accepting that trauma bonding isn’t a stable basis for a relationship. They remain lifelong friends.
Peter Pettigrew was devastatingly witty and clever in his youth, though undiagnosed ADHD made schoolwork extremely difficult for him. Twelve years living as a rat wreaked havoc on his neural pathways, and the man who emerges after June 1994 is a pale shadow of his former self.
In school, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black were fast friends whose love language manifested in giving each other so much shit.
Ted Tonks is a seer. He doesn’t take it too seriously.
Andromeda Black was arrested at a muggleborn rights demonstration in the late 60s. Ted was assigned her public defender, or whatever the wixen equivalent of that is. He got her off with a slap on the wrist and then said yes when she asked him out for a drink.
Andromeda is an investigative journalist.
Tonks (the younger) is nonbinary.
The plot to bring Harry to Voldemort in 1994/95 could have been accomplished with a significantly less convoluted plan, however. One thing Voldemort and Barty Crouch, Jr. share is a passion for magical education. Barty always wanted to be a teacher, and it turns out he’s actually pretty good at it. Voldemort’s just really into the idea of slowly infiltrating the Hogwarts staff one by one right under Dumbledore’s nose.
Rubeus Hagrid is a trans woman, but never has the framework to realize it in those terms.
Teddy Lupin is a trans girl, and very much does.
(James and Harry Potter are desi, Hermione Granger is Black, and Sirius Black and Remus Lupin are in love. But everyone knows that.)
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I'll Always Come Back | part 2.
Summary: It doesn't matter what happens in life. Sirius always comes back.
Warnings for the Series: violence, character death
Pairing: sirius black x reader, sirius black x black!reader
Word Count: 1.0k
Previous Part
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Ben looked up from his computer as he heard his secretary yelling at someone. A goofy smile appeared on his face as you kept moving despite his secretary trying to stop you. He stood up from his desk. 
“It’s okay, Susan! I have an ongoing appointment with Mrs. Black.” 
You closed the door to his office before Susan could say anything. Ben slapped his forehead as you started closing all the blinds. The rest of the office was definitely going to talk later. They probably thought you were a booty call which made it more awkward because Ben was sure he emphasized the Mrs. part of your name. 
You set the map down on his desk. “Look!” 
Ben’s eyes wandered over the parchment. “Is that…” 
“Peter Pettigrew.” 
“The dead man?” 
“This map shows everyone at Hogwarts.” 
“This only proves he’s a ghost.” 
“No. Because I’ve been to Hogwarts more than once over the years. Neither I or a single staff member has ever seen his ghost. This is an alive man.” 
Ben nodded. “Then Mrs. Black, I think you have a winnable case. I’ll help you write up the arguments and then you’re good.” 
“Thank you so much… I’m not going to obliviate you. But please don’t tell anyone about magic.” 
“My lips are sealed.”  
Ben watched you scurry out of his office, frantically folding the map back as you did. His entire law firm kept going back and forth between your fleeting figure and his office. He had so many questions to answer and even then they probably wouldn’t believe him. 
Sirius was very confused when the weekend rolled around and he didn’t see you. He hadn’t seen you last week either. The man sat in cell, back against the wall, trying not to think too hard about it. He wasn’t sure what was worse, either you were in trouble or you no longer believed in his innocence. Sirius couldn’t stand to lose you. 
An Auror came by his cell with a bundle in hand. “Get up and get dressed. You’ve got a court date.” 
“A what?” 
The guard didn’t repeat himself. Sirius barely caught the bundle of clothes that came through the bars of his cell. He got dressed as quickly as possible, still confused as to what was happening. As best as he could, he smoothed his hair back. The guard still wouldn’t answer questions as they left Azkaban. 
A smile automatically reached his face when he saw you. You looked nervous — that was something you were never very good at hiding. Sirius might have been rambunctious but he wasn’t an idiot. As you gave your arguments — Ben’s arguments since he wrote them — your husband stayed quiet. You left the map in front of Fudge. 
“So as you see. The very nature of Peter Pettigrew being alive blows a hole in the entire story. But I can prove even further that Sirius is innocent.” 
The Ministry couldn’t deny the facts when presented in front of them. Fudge slumped down in his seat as they started to discuss the trial. It was going to be a major headache when everyone found out they screwed up. Not just screwed up but ruined a man’s life. There was nothing they could do to get out of it. Fudge banged the gavel. 
“Mr. Black, it appears that we have made a grave mistake. You are a free man from this day on.” 
Sirius didn’t hear the rest of the speech. He ran at you when the handcuffs were taken off of him, embracing you tightly. You finally held your husband’s face in your hands. It felt so good to feel him under your touch. His hands covered yours. 
“Let’s go home, love.” 
“We can’t.” 
“Hmm?” Sirius raised an eyebrow. 
“The kids get out of school today. We have to go get Harry.” 
That brought a smile to Sirius’ face. He held your hand as you two left the building, choosing to take the public Floo Network to King’s Cross Station. You waited, hand still holding onto your husband, for the train to pull in. You and Sirius were trying to figure out the best way to let Harry get used to him. The first step was showing him that Sirius was actually innocent. But past that, he needed to get used to the other man — his godfather turned father. No one expected Harry to call Sirius “Dad” the way he called you “Mum” but you wanted him comfortable. 
The train sped into the station. You and Sirius waited back while a bunch of parents crowded the train. You learned from last year, Harry took his own sweet time getting off the Hogwarts Express. He was usually talking with friends. The boy jumped out once the platform had somewhat cleared. He waved at you as he ran over. 
“Can I go to Hermione’s tonight? A bunch of us will be there. Neville, Ginny, Ron, Dean, Luna, an—” 
“Please? Mr. and Mrs. Granger already said yes. Please, Mum.” He looked over at Sirius. “Can I go, Dad?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Harry James Potter, you are just like James.” 
Sirius shrugged. “I think we should let him go.” 
“Of course you think we should let him go, pushover. Fine, go have fun.” You watched him run off. “But, hey! Letter home before midnight and Sirius is coming to get you in the morning.” 
“The morning?” 
“Yes, Harry. Eight o’clock, okay?” 
He reluctantly agreed and ran off to go with the small group of friends that had gathered near the Grangers. You gave a wave to them. Remus strolled over, holding a newspaper. The Daily Prophet was quick to announce Sirius’ trial. He scratched the back of his head. 
“I have to say I’m sorry for ever doubting you.” 
Sirius pulled the other man in for a hug. “Oh, please, Moony. We all know what it looked like. I forgive you… but only if you never nag me again.” 
“I promise I won’t,” Remus said with a chuckle. 
You held onto the waists of both of your boys. “Let’s go home.”
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107​ @i-have-no-life-charlie
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leogichidaa · 2 years
Fired Up
For @artemisia-black's prompt: Someone insults Regulus’s nephew.
Setting is a non-magical AU so I can turn Hogwarts into an elite prep school for the very gifted and/or very wealthy.
“Mr. Black,” Dumbledore’s secretary (Alice, or Alexandra, or Annabeth or something, Regulus could never remember) said with a phoney smile. “Lovely to see you again. I’m afraid Professor Dumbledore is in the middle of a very important meeting at the mom--”
“Excellent,” Regulus said, cutting her off and taking some pleasure in the shock in her eyes and flush in her cheeks. She was clearly not as used to being put in her place as a woman of her station ought to be. “So he is in then?”
“Well, yes,” the woman said, frowning. “But you will have to wait if you want to--”
“I do not wait,” Regulus said, walking towards Dumbledore’s office door.
“Clearly,” the woman said with a sigh, as she stood up in a futile attempt to stop him. “You cannot just go in there!”
Regulus did not even turn to look at her as he said, “This is more important than whatever nonsense he is occupied with, I assure you.”
Dumbledore, irritatingly, showed no sign of surprise or dismay upon seeing Regulus barge into his meeting with a man who looked like he had just returned a winner on Britain’s Worst Dressed. He simply smiled pleasantly and said, “Ah, I do apologize Mr. Hemsworth, I quite forgot that I had a meeting with the uncle of one of our fine young students scheduled. You will have to excuse me.”
Mr. Hemsworth bobbed his head and said, “No trouble at all, Professor. I will set up a time to return and finish our discussion with Cora on my way out.”
Cora. It didn’t even ring a bell. What a dreadful name. She should be grateful Regulus never remembered it.
“I must admit, you have done me a favour,” Dumbledore said once the other man had left. Regulus scowled. He had not come here to do Dumbledore any favours. “Mr. Hemsworth is nearly impossible to get rid of once he gets going. What can I do for you, Regulus?”
Regulus arched his brow. “You do not already know?”
“I have my suspicions,” Dumbledore replied, an unnerving smile playing at his lips.
“Your pathetic excuse for a teacher called Asher, my nephew, a ‘waste of space’ and a ‘dullard’. He had the gall to suggest that Asher only has a place here because of our family’s wealth. He should be fired immediately.”
“I understand your concern, Regulus. Professor Snape was certainly out of line, I wholeheartedly agree. However, I do think it is a bit hasty to fire him.”
“I knew you would say that,” Regulus said, throwing up his hands in exasperation. “Always backing your horrible staff. It is unacceptable, Dumbledore! A grown man bullying an innocent child. If he is not fired today, I shall have to have a word with the board. The local papers as well. And I dare say you can bid that donation for the new library adieu. Not to mention the loss of tuition when Sirius undoubtedly pulls his children out of this god awful school.”
“I must say, I am surprised that Sirius is not here himself. I imagine he has as much, if not more, to say about the matter.”
Regulus’ mouth twitched. He stared at Dumbledore intently for a minute, then checked his watch. Finally, he said, “He is here.”
“He is in the dungeons...having a word with Snape. I was sent in to distract you.”
“I see,” Dumbledore said. He remained infuriatingly calm. Regulus felt a brief impulse to strangle the man.
“I still expect you to fire him, Dumbledore. I meant every word I said.”
“I have no doubt,” Dumbledore said, rising to his feet and extending his hand towards Regulus. “Now I must bid you good day, as I do believe I have a fight I need to break up.”
Regulus glanced at Dumbledore’s hand and rolled his eyes. “Go on, then,” he said.
“And I am not foolish enough to leave you alone in my office while I do so.”
Regulus sighed. “Fine. This is not over though. I am going to be worse than that Mr. Hermstock, mark my words.”
“I look forward to it, Regulus,” Dumbledore replied, still smiling, as he escorted Regulus out of his office.
Regulus glowered at his back as he walked away. “What an intolerable man,” he muttered.
“Mm,” the secretary chirped. “I suppose you would know.”
Regulus narrowed his eyes at her. “You are lucky you are not horrible to look at, Amy, or I would have you fired as well.”
He turned on his heel and walked into the hallway, hoping that Sirius had achieved a more satisfying result than he had.
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Hi! How are you doing! Just wanted to know if you do a matchup for peaky blinders, Harry Potter, narnia and twilight
I’m a half Asian female and use she/they and pansexual. I’m 19 and 5’0
Personality traits:
Loyal, shy,quiet, reserved until you get to know me, anxious, sarcastic, clumsy,protective, tad bit depressed, kind, stubborn, awkward, a planner, gentle, observant and tad curious
Things I like or to do:
painting, myths,reading, singing, listening to music, being outside, being around animals and walking
Hello dear💖, thanks for your request.
For peaky blinders I ship you with:
Thomas shelby🚬
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He would meet you in the garrison, he would find you intriguing but wouldn't get too close.
He would hire you for some personal work as a secretary.
He would take you to the bridge on your first date and kiss you there, it was where he met his first love.
He would protect you from any dangers.
No one would be able to touch you.
He would give you expensive gifts.
Rumours would form around your relationship.
He would ask you for marriage and you would live in his mansion with a kid with your hair and eyes.
For harry potter i ship you with:
Sirius black🐺
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He met you through hogwarts and the two of you soon formed a relationship.
Many girls were jealous because of your relationship with Sirius.
He would fly you around hogwarts on a broom stick.
You would be friends with the rest of the marauders.
You would have your own animagus.
He would take you out to honeydukes.
He would marry you after the events of order of the phoenix, the kid would have your hair and his eyes.
For narnia I ship you with:
Prince caspian👑
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You met through the pensieve siblings and he caught your eye.
You and Prince Caspian started dating and he took you to the forests.
He made you into a queen.
He trained you to use swords and archery.
He asked you to marry him and you stayed in narnia.
For twilight i ship you with:
Edward cullen🦇
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He met you through high school, you both had a bond to one another.
Edward had taken fascination throughout your years.
He wouldn't turn you however as it deemed to be rather dangerous.
You were best friends with jasper cullen.
You became a vampire and you had a gift of seeing into people's emotion.
The two of you married and you turned. You lived in the Cullen's house.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨️
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historygirl14 · 2 years
They’d shaven his head. How could they shave the head of a 15 year old? The only reason to shave someone's head, thought Euphemia, was if the person in question had lice, but she found it very unlikely that Sirius Black would have contracted lice over the school holidays. She lend down and whispered in her sons ear, even though the noises of the busy platform drowned out their conversation.
“Can you think of any reason why Sirius would want to shave his head?”
“No”, her son whispered back, concern creasing his face, “ he loves his hair way to much to shave it.”
“Ok. You better get moving, the train will be leaving soon.” She watched as her son ran to join his friends so they could board the train together.
“What are you planning?” Fleamont had moved to her side while she was watching the platform.
“Liar, you are always planning something, it’s one of the many reasons I married you.”
Effie laughed as she flicked her wand in Sirius’s direction. As he bordered the train his hair began to grow back.
This, unfortunately caught the attention of Walburga Black, who was at that moment fussing over her second son’s fully groomed hair and clothes. She marched over to were the couple was standing.
“How dare you Euphemia Potter! He is my son and I will dole out what ever punishment I dee..”
“I'm sorry, but I must stop you their Ms. Black. You see, I don’t talk to maniacal bitches without an appointment. If you wish to continue this conversation I must insist that you make one with my secretary.” 
Fleamont chuckled behind her as she spun around on her heel and marched out of the station, leaving a very stunned Walburga Black standing shocked behind her. 
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waynewifey · 3 years
corrupted — s.b
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader, James Potter x Reader
Summary: Perfect hair, perfect life, perfect boyfriend. Everything seemed perfect for Y/N. Until Sirius Black came.
Setting: 21st century
Warnings: cheating, smut, female reader, mentions of drugs, angst, tiny bit of fluff if you squint, creampie, mentions of catholicity, reader is actually an ass, james being cheated on and being completely oblivious to it
words: 5k.
A/N: this is my first time publishing something this big but I really enjoyed writing it, I hope you guys like it. it’s basically high school drama but make it marauders and make it smutty. yeah i just wrote riverdale’s script lol. anyway, i wanna say i’m sorry for language and cultural errors cause this is supposed to be happening in england but i don’t know how they do high school there, english is not even my native language so go easy on me. also im no catholic anymore so if there are anything offensive here please let me know. i just realised most of england is not catholic so this really is a mess.
this is inspired by the song ‘scotty doesn’t know’ by lustra and the movie ‘scott pilgrim vs the world’. link to the music will be at specific the scene.
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His arm is around her waist and both lips are curled up in big smiles. His brown eyes shine at her direction and she laughs, one hand placed against his chest. They look too good to be true, like ceramic figures. And around them, everyone contemplates the power couple in their natural habitat: the schools cafeteria. Their little nobility members make a circle around the couple, but they're only pawns. The king and queen stand with invisible crowns on their heads, ruling the entire school. But, truly, they were happy and in love.
James Potter was no douche. He was a childhood friend of Y/N's, since their parents were friends as well. Things just, sort of, fell into the right place. He was captain of the soccer team and she was the president of the student council. Both amazing students, adored by the professors and the principal. They were everything they were expected to be, children of the wealthiest families of England: perfect. She loved his pure heart and his kindness. He loved her loyalty and her intelligence.
As everybody watched, they kissed. Briefly, no tongue, because after all she was meant to save her purity. He respected that, even admired. So their love demonstrations were usually smiles, hugs and gifts. They were okay with it. School was just their little theatre. The less they showed, the more people wanted them to show.
When the bell rings, they separate and go to different classes. She gossips with her friends about those girls who won't save themselves for marriage. He jokes with his friends about the rival team. The class is over, and before they can meet for their quick chat before James goes to practice, the principal calls her on the speaker, asking for her presence in the office. This wasn't unusual, Y/N had meetings with Mr. Anderson almost daily. She greets his secretary, that tells her to wait in the antechamber. She does so, sitting in the green velvet chair and looking over the window, which has a great view of the soccer field. A few minutes go by and finally Mr. Anderson opens the dark wooden door and tells her to come in. Inside the office, a couple and a student sit in the chairs in front of the principals table. Y/N approaches them, whispering a 'good evening' before recognising Mr. and Mrs. Black, good friends of her family, and their not so friendly son, Sirius Black. She didn't know much about him, he kept it low profile. But by looking at his badly put uniform and sharp features, he didn't seem to care.
"This is Miss L/N, she's the top student of our school, you might have seen her before in our events." The principal begins, and she smiles at the adults. "She surely is the perfect fit to help Sirius get back on his tracks, I believe so."
Confused, she asks:
"I'm sorry Mr. Anderson, I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about."
"The Black family needs your help tutoring Sirius, Miss L/N. He's been... off their expectations, and that needs to be corrected quickly. Of course, extra credit will be given if you succeed. Is that okay?"
Y/N looks at the couple, seeing the hope in their eyes. Then, she looks at Sirius. He looks like a hard work.
"Sure, I'll help him."
It's Sunday afternoon and Y/N just left church. James dropped her off at the Black mansion.
"Call me and I'll pick you up, ok? Love you." He said before leaving.
The butler opens the door. Apparently, only Sirius and the maids are home. She is guided up to his room and knocks on his door. A horrific sound is playing inside: screams and guitars. Metal, probably. When he opens it, he's shirtless and black wearing sweatpants. His dark hair falls over his shoulders, over his chest. The room behind him is messy, the walls are filled with posters of bands and naked women and the floor is filled with graffiti and drink cans. He somehow managed to mutilate the classic bed frame, making it look like it has been through several battles. She looks away, putting her hands in front of her eyes.
"Could you get dressed, please?" He snorts and closes the door. When he's out again, he's wearing a black band shirt with a skull on fire in it. Bizarre. They walk to the house's library and sit on one table. It's a quiet place. A little bit too dark for her taste, her library was filled with chandeliers but this one barely had one. Thankfully, some sunlights came through the window to enlighten the room. She puts her books on top of the wood and sits on a chair.
"Before we start, we should talk a little bit about our working habits-"
"Let me cut you right there. Look, I'm really not interested in your tutoring. I'm only here because my parents are real mad at me. I will not collaborate with this. So, instead of wasting our times, lets get straight to the point. I need to get my grades up. You will help me by doing my assignments. You'll get your extra credit and we won't have to interact. How's that?"
"What? No! I... I won't help you, then. If you don't want to help yourself, then no one will."
"I thought you might say that. Well, then I guess you'll have to tell anyone you failed. Great Y/N couldn't teach me. Your prayers didn't work. You're not so good anymore. It's a shame, really."
She stops. It really wouldn't look good for her.
"At least do the assignments with me. I mean, if we never meet each other, you're parents will know. Perhaps you'll even learn something."
He ponders.
"Alright. Every Sunday then." She nods.
They kept their agreement. Every Sunday James would drop Y/N at the Black's to meet Sirius. The first three sessions were challenging. He really didn't want to help. But, thankfully, she managed to get around him perfectly and by the second month, he was doing almost everything by himself. Sirius Black was intriguing. He never talked about himself. He was a complete mystery. Not to mention he was... bad. All the sinful habits he had. But he was also beautiful. His dark curls framed his face like a portrait. His gray-ish feline eyes were so penetrating Y/N felt like fainting when they pierced her neck. That wasn't uncommon. Her neck, her shoulders, her chest, her legs, even her lips — he glanced at them all. Frequently. She never addressed it because, well, she did it too. Sunday after Sunday the look when he opened the door shirtless lasted longer. She stared at his muscular legs when he wore shorts. She would never confess it, obviously, but she did. And then there were the hand touches. Accidental, most of them. She enjoyed his warmth next to her. She began to crave it. To want more.
James noticed when she turned touchy. Unusual, of course, but he didn't mind. He didn't actually care for purity. How could he? He was a boy, after all. Their kisses lasted longer. No tongue, still, because she wasn't sure how to do so. She would sit on his lap in the cafeteria, hands tangled up his hair. Delicate, however. Nothing too scandalous.
Seeing Sirius in school was confusing. He would smirk at Y/N, and she would greet him with a quick hand gesture. He would also silently laugh at James, but Potter gladly didn't notice.
Last Sunday before winter break, all assignments were finished. As they were saying goodbye to each other, the boy asked:
"Do you wanna, like, do something?"
She gave him a nervous laugh, "Um, like what?"
"You've never done graffiti before, have you?"
She shakes her head.
"Alright, I know a place. But you'll need to get changed."
He handed her one of his black sweatshirts and pulled her by the hand. In the back of the house there was a hidden garage with a mini van in it. It was white and had doodles all around it. They got in and drove to a place far from where L/N used to go. He parked at a dark alley and grabbed a bag.
"Hey, you two!" A manly voice sounds from behind them, and a soft light is in their direction.
Sirius pulls Y/N by the hand, who drops the can to the floor and quickly start running. The boy guides her through multiple aisles, going in a zigzag direction until the footsteps no longer follow them. They go over a tunnel and stop close to some woods. She has a hard time running that fast and when they finally stop L/N feels a burn in her lungs and her blood is circulating way too fast. It feels incredible.
"Oh my god!" She laughs, putting her hair behind her ears. "I can't believe we just did that, it was such a rush!"
Sirius nods, smiling as he wipes the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. He glances at her, still euphorically laughing with a bit of red paint on her cheek. She looks amazing. Alive.
"Can we do it again? I-" She looks at him, furrowing her eyebrows and biting her lower lip. He waits. Finally, she whispers, "I think I wanna kiss you."
There's a pause, in which only the cicadas are heard. What even made her say that? Adrenaline, obviously. Or perhaps the smell of the toxins in the paint. She feels stupid.
"You think?"
"No, I-... I do want to kiss you."
He tries to contain a smirk and she holds her breath. Before she can turn around and run away, he takes her in by placing a hand on the side of her neck, just under her ear. Their lips meet and it's... different. It's not calm and sweet as it used to be with James. It's warm, desperate and even a little bit violent. She puts both hands on his chest and they slowly travel to his collarbones and neck, just as his' stop at her waist and pull their hips together. Their tongues meet and it's unexpectedly incredible. Y/N can't get enough of it.
They quickly get out of breath and separate a bit, their faces less than a inch apart. When she tries to get back to it, he stops her.
"We should probably go somewhere safe, you know."
She ignores the accelerated heartbeat inside her and agrees. They head back to the mini van.
Her skin is on fire, but he still puts his hands under her sweatshirt and trace them up, until the piece of clothing goes over her head. He's on top of her, black curls pending in the air. He stares at her lace bra for a moment, before attacking her neck with soft bites. She sighs and unconsciously moves her hips against him. Her mind is filled with lust, not letting any space left for her thoughts. He giggles, quickly taking off his own shirt. In a moment, they're both in only underwear, skin on skin. Without further ado, his right hand sits on her core, over the panty. He proudly feels it drenched and makes sure to keep eye contact as he presses it lightly. She suspires as he circles her sensible clitoris, enjoying the electric waves going through her body. Sirius puts the cloth to the side and explores the outside of her entry with his middle finger. She nods at him, consenting. Slowly, he penetrates her. She groans at the pain, forcing her eyes shut. Tears accumulate in the sides. When she recomposes with a deep breath, he takes his finger out and penetrates her again. And again. And again. Until she's used to the feeling, desiring it. He wishes to play with her for longer, but the throbbing sensation under his stomach was starting to hurt. So he takes out his already hard cock, lubrificating it with the wetness pooled on the tip. Quickly glancing at her breasts and messy hair, he can't hold no longer. He enters her with a groan and start a pace. Her legs curl around his waist. Her loud moans are muffled by his lips, that also often let a moan out. The erotic sounds made by their bodies meeting excite her even more, making her orgasm start to build up. She begs for him to go faster, harder, deeper. She screams his name and swear words in a sense she doesn't even understand. At this point, she has no control over what's leaving her mouth. It finally comes, the wave of pleasure that completely washes out her senses. It leaves her numb, legs shaking and dark circles in her vision. The clenching around him it's too much, so Sirius tries to pull out so he can finally release. He is stopped by her legs, that firmly hold him at the same place.
"Inside, please..." She asks and the effect is immediate. He fills her with his cum and she loves the dripping sensation afterwards. She loves the feeling of him inside of her and misses it the moment he's out. He falls on top of her, heavy breathing — both of them. Something clicks inside her brain, like the first time you hit weed, and just like that she's addicted to him.
They meet several times during the break. Y/N tells James she's going shopping. He trusts her. He loves her. Surprisingly, she loves him too. She does not love Sirius. It's only physical. She didn't care for what he had to say. She wanted his body. It's not immoral, after all, that was what he wanted too. He never explicitly said that but kept it going even though he knew she was dating James. There was an unspoken agreement to don't tell anyone about their relationship.
Anyways, winter break was over and they had to go back to reality. They would sneak out to an abandoned classroom during lunch time, and she would laugh a little harder every time at his jokes. He would stare at her eyes, not her body, for longer. They would play with each other's hands while they talked, tangling their fingers.
"I wish we could do this anywhere," Sirius once mumbled. Y/N giggled in response, as her cheeks heated a bit.
Sirius turned out more talkative, trying to get along with some of her friends. He flirted with all of them, of course, but his eyes weren't shining the way they did when he looked at L/N. He started getting riskier. Touching her shoulder to ask for a pen in class, James on her side. Keeping the pen so she would have to meet with him. Using extra perfume so the scent would stick with her. Potter was simply oblivious to not notice it.
On his birthday, James rented a club and invited uncountable people to a massive party. Free entry, free drinks, free everything. Y/N was the perfect accessory for the night, full face makeup in a sparkly tight dress. He bought it himself. She thought using purity to decline it was too hypocritical of her, considering she was getting railed every Sunday. Three hours into the party, he barely talked to her. He was drinking with his friends and didn't want to dance with her.
"I need to go to the loo," She whispered on his ear, leaving before he could respond.
She squeezes herself across the crowd, casually stepping on some girls toes. She grabs her phone and writes a text.
'where are you? i'm bored.'
'just got to the parking lot, doll', Sirius answers.
'don't come in, i'll meet you there.'
Y/N takes a while to recognise his actual car, not his van, in the ocean of vehicles. She gets on the passengers seat, sighting.
"It's that bad?" He asks.
"Ugh, shut up." She takes his mouth quickly, throwing her legs to the drivers seat and getting on top of him.
They do it once, twice, three times before both are too tired to keep on.
"Okay, that's it. What's going on?" It was the ending of April, the spring’s warmth blocked by the windows in James's bedroom. He sits beside Y/N on the bed, while she raises an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. You've been acting all weird lately. You never want to come close to me or touch me anymore. Hell, you barely even look at me." The answer is clear in her mind. Anything she wants to do she does it with Sirius. But the hurt present in his voice makes her say something else. She still loved him.
"I don't know, I just- I guess I've been anxious about college and stuff. I'm sorry, truly." He nods in understanding.
“I also thought you might’ve been bugged by Lily, you know, since she’s been all over me lately.” He says in a lower tone, making Y/N furrow her eyebrows. She hadn’t even noticed that. Her best friend actually did that? “I made it clear to her that wasn’t interested, just so you know. No need to be insecure over that, hm?”
“Yeah, actually it really made me uncomfortable.” Exactly what he wanted to hear, for sure. “I was trying to ignore it but… it freaks me out. Knowing there’s so much option for you out there. A bunch of beautiful girls juts waiting to grab a piece of you.” She continued, suggestively glancing at him.
He pouts, actual tears forming in his eyes. He sights and hugs tightly his girlfriend.
“Princess, there’s no need to worry. I love you and you only. The others? They don’t matter to me. I want you.”
Wow. Y/N screwed up big time. How could’ve she cheat on the most caring and adorable boy ever? And with a stray dog? A junkie. That wasn’t her. She was the golden girl. The pride of her family. Pure, innocent and, well, perfect. Sirius had done that to her. Sirius Black made her sin. He corrupted her. Like the snake in Eden. Now Eve is fated to wilderness, in forever suffering. No. She bit the forbidden fruit but there’s still time to undo it. She will redeem herself. Love and worship James, be devoted to him.
When he softly kisses her, she can feel the salty tears wet her cheek. She quickly makes the kiss more sensual, freeing casual sighs that might come. Potter is skeptical at first and lets her lead him. He trusts her. L/N gets on top of him, separating to take his shirt off. When she tries to go back, he stops her.
“Are you sure you want to?” James asks, and his worry is genuine. He knows how much purity was important to her. How much it was supposed to be. She nods.
“Yes. I want you, forever. I’m ready.” He smiles and kisses her again. In a moment, he’s on top of her while she lays on the soft bed. And when she thinks he’s about to take his trousers off, he heads south.
The sex is good. James is not quite as experienced as Sirius, she can’t help but compare, but he certainly is experienced. Differently from Black, he praised her. Wanted her to have a good time too. He enjoyed preliminaries, teasing and going slow. She found out she enjoyed it too. She didn’t feel filthy or used. It felt right.
James, of course, thinks he just won the lottery. He’d gotten himself a virgin that fucked like a porn star. Poor boy. When they finish, he doesn’t fall asleep. He tells her to go clean up, asks if she’s hurt in any way, if she wants something. She asks for water and goes to take a bath. Nice and clean, they sleep together. She lays on his chest as he caresses her back with his thumb. She’s back in heaven. There’s no snake, no apple. Only Adam and Eve.
The morning after, she feels bad about how she has treated James. She wants to change. But it seams that the more she tried to block it, the more the sin came back to her mind. She was mad at herself for giving in so easily. For not have fought for her purity. She can’t talk to her friends, they would judge her and tell everyone. Her parents also wouldn’t understand. She has no one.
“How long has it been since you last confessed?” The priest’s voice sounds in the cabin.
“Five months, Father.” She whispers, shamed.
“Confess your sins, child.” It took four words to make her throat close. Her hands are shaking as she shifts her knees on the wood, gasping for air.
“I was corrupted by lust and greed. I gave away my purity, my virginity, to a boy I don’t love, who’s not the one I’m promised to. I did it multiple times and I have not yet told my boyfriend. But I love him, I want to be his wife, to be devoted to him. I want to make up for my sins, Father. I don’t want to be a sinner.”
There is a pause. Not even a breathing is heard. Y/N sniffles to hold back a tear. Then a tsk sound is made.
“Child, we are all sinners. What differ us from those who’ll end in hell is our will to change. To be better. To make better choices. Nothing is lost. God loves all of his creations, so he gave us the freedom to do as we want. You’ve wanted to sin. Now you want to redeem yourself. God is merciful.”
His words build up the strength she needed to move the mountains in her way.
“Thank you, Father.”
“As your penance, you shall say five Hail Mary’s. And I welcome you to say an act of contrition as well.”
She takes a big breath, recomposing herself, and does so. She leaves the confessional, feeling light as a feather.
Sirius approaches her at school, with a smirk on his face.
“Good morning, cupcake. Gotta tell you something.” He says, leaning against her neighbour locker and holding her chin with his right hand. She slams her own, after getting her needed books for the day.
“What are you doing?” She takes his hand off her. “We’re in public.”
“There’s barely anyone in the hallway, pup.”
“Barely isn’t enough. And don’t call me that.” She stars walking away from him.
“You sure did wake up a little bitter today, huh?” He follows her. She groans. They’re passing by a brooms closet. She pushes him inside it and closes the door.
“Um… Okay. Freaky.” He puts a hand on her waist, leaning in.
“Shut up! We need to talk.” She takes his hand off her, again.
“Yeah, right! Remember how I told you about the band I was in? We’re about to put on a huge gig and I wanted you to-“
“I’m ending this.” Y/N cuts him.
“What?” His expression is still the same smile he had on while talking.
“This.” She gestures the space between them. “Us. Whatever this is. It can’t keep on going.” His smile slowly fades away, being replaced by a concerned facade.
“Because I’m in love with James, and this was a mistake, Sirius.”
“You’ve been banging another guy for what, four months, and now you decide you’re in love with you boyfriend? What the hell is that?”
“It shouldn’t concern you, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just move on and forget it happened.”
“Well but it fucking does!” He spits, his figure growing in front of her, the angle of her neck feeling larger than usual. “It matters to me, okay? Hell, I- fuck it, I fell in love with you! And now you tell me you wanna be with that bonkers? Fuck this!”
The girl was stunned. Frightened. She didn’t expect that reaction.
“Don’t say that about him.” She whispers.
“Oh that’s the part that got your attention? You wanna know what? James Tiny-Weeny Potter is a fucking waker, that’s what he is.”
“What is wrong with you?” A hard slap explodes on the side of his cheek. Her next words come as a scream. “It’s not him, it’s you! You are the problem, Sirius Black! You’re just such a blighter you can’t be good for me, or for anyone!”
His face is contorted in such upset expression it makes her wonder if she’s gotten too far. No one speaks for a minute. The boy bites the inside part of his lower lip and looks away.
“Fine.” His tone is hurt, clearly. “Have a good happily ever after.”
He storms out of the small room, raven locks leaving behind his scent. That would be the last time Y/N would feel it. She blinked a couple times, got her hair ready, reared up and left the room with a big —fake— smile.
The following weeks were great. She was getting back to her reality, spending more time with her friends. James was so drunkenly in love he would gift her multiple times in a week, with high fashion items — mostly bags and shoes, because he knew how much she loved a good Chanel. They took their usual spot in the cafeteria, but a couple of things changed. Since her ‘first time’, he’d gotten more touchy. She sat on his lap and he forgot about everything else. He made his life purpose to look her deeply in the eyes and repeatedly tell her how much he loved her. Over and over, until their friends got diabetes from how sweet it was.
No one noticed Sirius Black watching it from afar, as his days got more and more blue — or red, if you may. Most of the days he wouldn’t even go to school, because it was impossible to wake up at 7am when you spent your night doing drugs and the closest human being. Fortunately, as one has said before, artists are those who turn suffering into art, and some time later he focused on his band and songwriting. But, still, it was hard to watch the only girl that ever mattered to him slowly drift away.
The weeks went by and prom was getting dangerously close. And, of course, Y/N already had her outfit ready. She grew anxious with so many tasks from the student council. All the things she’d have to say. Make a great speak, they said, you’ll be the voice of this year’s class. Good thing the party itself wasn’t her responsibility. So many applications she had to send, too. All late, due to the time she wasted on Black. That goddamn name kept coming back to her head, like a ghost trying to haunt her. And his face, his lips, his hair, his body. It was all too much. To top all of that, there were rumours of James wanting to propose. No, those weren’t reliable. Lily said to Y/N that Marlene told her that Alice heard Peter tell Dorcas that told… Probably false. Right? She believed so, because any other thing for her to worry about would make her explode.
Prom finally comes and Y/N wants to kiss whoever planned it. It’s wonderful. Red Carpet themed, all students must be taken pictures by the paparazzi — school’s newspaper photographers — before entering the wide hall. A stage is in one wall, currently with a DJ running the music. There are disco globes hanging on the ceiling that reflect the lights forming tiny rainbows across the room. It truly makes her feel like a celebrity. She poses several times with James, in a green dress which’s tone matches perfectly her skin tone. Golden jewellery make her shine in the crowd. She dances all night long, until there’s a change in the stage.
They took the DJ’s table away and put up some instruments. The night is almost over so everyone is excited to discover what’s going on. A blond boy enters the stage, sitting by the drums. Y/N recognises him as Remus Lupin, they used to have classes together in sophomore year. She barely knows anything about him, but his hair is messy and he has some smudged eyeliner on him. He wears ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. Then, a ginger boy comes in, black jeans and a leather jacket. Must be a Weasley, she thinks. He stands close to the bass and ends up grabbing it. The crowd is growing, so James and Y/N hold their hands so they don’t loose themselves. Sirius Black steps into the stage and she gets out of breath. Black vinil pants. Shirtless. Carrying a red guitar. The snake tattoo she adored on his half-exposed crotch. He stands to the microphone. Turns it on and a loud pinch goes around the room.
“One, two” He tests it. When it works, he smiles. That damn smirk. “Hello everyone, we are Sex Bob-Omb and we hope you’re having a great fucking night!” The crowd screams. “Our first song goes to a very nice pal, whose name is… well, you’ll know it soon.”
Lupin’s drumsticks tap three times and the bass starts the music.
James doesn’t know that Y/N and me
Do it in my van every Sunday
James looks at his girlfriend, so does everyone in the room, mouth agape. She stares at the singer, unbelieved.
She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and James doesn't know
The instrumental goes on and Potter tries to escape the scene.
“Jamie, wait!” She screams after him, but the music is too loud. The crowd is going crazy. Half dancing, half laughing. The brunet leaves her eyesight and she turns to the stage, middle finger up. “FUCK YOU!” She screams, leaving to find her boyfriend somewhere.
pt. 2 - healed
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Parent-Teacher Conferences
Summary: James meets his favorite student's mother for the first time.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr
Next Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town
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teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james teacher!james te—
specifically james as a kindergarten teacher
(see inspiration post)
(just kindergarten instead of preschool)
(yaknow, for the plot)
Okok lets get started :D:D:D
You’ve got a sweet baby boy of a son (I’m sorry if you don’t!! I also don’t but idk my stepmom is pregnant with a boy and I’m super excited and this mess is what came out so here you go)
And he’s five and in James’ kindergarten class
Baby boy is just the sweetest little thing
James loves him to death
He’s smart and nice and helpful and just an absolute gem
Like seriously tho James goes to the library during his lunch break to hang out with school librarian!Remus and school secretary!Sirius and just can’t shut up about how much he loves your son like James just talks about him the whole lunch period
And Remus and Sirius are like
“That’s great, James 😐"
But James doesn’t care he’s just too excited to have such a bright young boy in his class
And also (because James is nosy af) he’s super curious to see what kind of parents this kid has
So parent-teacher conferences roll around and he’s like “What kind of geniuses are raising this kid?? Let’s see em????”
And then nurse!reader rolls up to the 7:30 PM meeting, still in her hospital scrubs and profusely apologizing for being like three minutes late
And James is like
Not at ALLLLLL what he was expecting
(not that he’s complaining, you’re fucking adorable and a great break from all the stuffy parents he’s had to deal with all day)
So you and him sit down and talk about your son’s work at school
And James just gushes about him to you practically the whole time
Like legit James fell for him before he even met you
Meanwhile you’re like
1) damn i didn’t know my kid’s teacher was so pretty
(Not like that’s important ofc because you have priorities and your son always comes first.)
And 2) but like can my son read?? Can he do math?? Are you teaching him science sir????
And James is like “yeah but he’s NICE and KIND and EMPATHETIC
And you’re like
“……yeah…… bc that’s an important part of learning to be a good person … ofc I showed him how to be kind?? Like what????”
And James
(poor baby’s bar is on the floor from all the Karens who’s kids he teaches)
He’s just so enamored about how you’re just like naturally kind and caring??
And you imparted that onto your kid????
Your conference time is the last one on James’ schedule, and he absolutely irritates the fuck out of Remus and Sirius as he drives them back to their flat
Like he can’t shut up about you
And your kid
Like he just loves your son
And has a little puppy-love crush on you
Remus pretends to be annoyed and Sirius teases him
But when James drops them off they’re already planning your wedding
(Remus: “You know, we haven’t actually even met her …” Sirius: “So? Have you ever seen James this smitten??? It’ll happen, love. Trust the process.”
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Next Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town
144 notes · View notes
After reading your opinion on Molly Weasley, i want to know: What are you're opinions on the Weasley family? Besides Ron & Molly that is.
Five characters? In one post? Well, alright, here we go.
The Weasleys as a Whole
I’ve mentioned this before but JKR writes the Weasleys to clearly be a believable but ideal family. They’re all fiercely loyal, progressive per wizarding world standards, love each other and Harry deeply, and have this wonderful off-kilter joyous house where there’s always some rambunctious thing going on. 
Harry comes to associate the Weasleys with family and, personally, I believe a large part of him marrying Ginny boils down to it will make him a Weasley for real. 
That said, they’ve got some major issues. They’re very righteous people who, as a whole, will ice you out the moment they even suspect you do something that disagrees with them. You don’t even have to do it, what you did or didn’t do doesn’t even have to be something terrible or something bad, but god help you if the family decides they’re done with you. 
They’re very resentful of people like the Malfoys. This isn’t just because Lucius is a smarmy, pompous, ass (he is) or that he indirectly almost murdered Ginny but seems to mostly be because Lucius has so much money. All of their interactions seem to boil down to the money. More than this though, the Weasleys seem fully supportive of laws that... well, used against themselves would be a travesty but used against the likes of the Malfoys it’s about damn time.
They’re unquestioningly loyal to Dumbledore. Granted, most people we see in canon are, Dumbledore’s very very very good at convincing people he’s a saint. However, these guys are practically his cult member to the point where they do things like refuse to have Harry over the summer, even before Voldemort returned, because Dumbledore told them not to. 
They also never really adopt Harry into the family. Oh they give him a nice sweater, he comes over every once in a while to the house, he’s very good friends with Ron but he’s mostly treated just like that, a good friend. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this, except the way JKR sets it up we’re supposed to believe this is the family Harry found. It’s just that the family Harry’s found let’s him stay in a house with bars on his window where twelve-year-old Ron tells them, “Harry’s muggle family is really really awful” in a way that should have been raising red flags. Hermione practically lives at the Weasleys, Harry never does.
Now, are the Weasleys evil? No, far from it, they’re ordinary people who act in ways I’d expect ordinary people too. Technically they didn’t have to do anything more for Harry than they did, they didn’t have to hate Lucius Malfoy for better reasons, and they don’t have to be even slightly less worshipful of Dumbledore. They’re people, and they’re fine characters, but the overwhelming worship and love of the Weasleys we see across fandom does get on my nerves.
But you asked for individuals, so here we go.
 Arthur Weasley
Arthur is the epitome of “Pretty Fly for a White Guy” in the worst of ways and is, frankly, a giant awful joke to me. He’s the white kid you see going around with dread locks, a beanie the color of the Jamaican flag, smoking weed, and attempting to speak like Bob Marley 
Only, because he does it with muggle things, we’re supposed to find him funny and progressive.
Arthur is absolutely, albeit unwittingly, condescending in his love of muggle knickknacks. He has no idea how any of it actually works, not limited to how muggles could possible survive without the gold standard, but ardently believes he does because he can enchant the car to fly. Seriously, that he believes he’s an expert on muggle culture, as a pureblood wizard who heads an office in the ministry on it, is the worst part. His love of toasters comes across as, “Wow, look how cool it is that these poor little muggles made all this neat stuff. We should absolutely love the muggles because of it!” And that he heads an office in the ministry called “The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts” which is all about catching down Jackass style pranksters who think it would be hilarious of they enchanted toasters to bludgeon muggles to death...
Goddammit Arthur, why do you exist?
Right, otherwise, he’s got some pride issues going on. Part of the reason Percy is excommunicated is not so much that Percy doesn’t believe Harry, but because Percy dared to do better than Arthur in his own career. Arthur is stuck in his position as head of a joke of a department, he is an underling at its finest, and frankly likely only has that position because he’s a pureblood and the idea of putting a halfblood or even muggleborn at the head of a department dealing with muggles just made the higher ups shudder. (Don’t tell Arthur that though, he likes to think he’s not benefitting from nepotism). 
Arthur goes so far to accuse Percy as Fudge’s secretary as spying on him. Arthur, the guy who heads “Misuse of Muggle Artifacts”. Yeah, Arthur, I’m sure Fudge is really wasting his time using his straight laced secretary to find out all your dirty secrets. 
He also tends to see the world as very black and white. When Skeeter in book 4 writes an article after the Quidditch World Cup disaster complaining about the ministry’s lax security in enabling domestic terrorists to enter (something completely valid and true by the way) Arthur is so personally offended that both he and Percy go straight to the ministry to complain about Rita Skeeter and her daring to assume freedom of speech! HOW DARE SHE CALL THE MINISTRY’S NON-EXISTENT SECURITY AT THE WORLD CUP LAX! (To be fair, she also cited Arthur as having been in attendance at the event, a ministry employee, and having done nothing but, well, this is also true Arthur. You’re in a guerilla, underground, resistance movement. If I didn’t already think the Order was a joke this would kind of highlight it for me).
He’s also very resentful of Lucius Malfoy, and it seems to mostly be about the money. Arthur and Molly have a severe spending problem and actively resent that Lucius is swimming in money. That Arthur is ardently pleased about a law being passed in which the ministry without warrant can ransack Lucius Malfoy’s home... 
Well, Arthur, imagine the slippery slope if the government decides that it would like to search the Weasley home without warrant? In fact, he doesn’t even have to imagine it, as the beloved government in a few short years turns against him and then it’s all about how corrupt the ministry is. 
Arthur’s delightfully narrowminded, basically, and reminds us at nearly every opportunity.
Percy Weasley
Mostly, I just feel bad for Percy. Percy’s the son/brother that nobody likes and he’s painfully aware of that fact. He doesn’t fit in with the others, he has far too much ambition for the Gryffindor family and they resent him for it, and then he dares to say things like “I don’t know guys, Voldemort resurrecting from the dead after decades doesn’t sound plausible, we know Harry’s a little off kilter, and Dumbledore’s one shady dude”. Percy happens to be wrong about Voldemort resurrecting (and admits as much when the evidence is plainly visible), but he’s pretty on the money with the rest of it.
Regardless, growing up we see Ron constantly hating on Percy along with the rest of the siblings. I’m sure Percy is obnoxious, and certainly full of himself after making prefect and head boy, but he’s very clearly even before Order of the Phoenix the Least Favorite Brother (TM).
Then the Weasley family completely ices him out for a) getting a very high ranking position very quickly as Fudge’s secretary and b) not being gung ho about Dumbledore saying crazy things in the paper. Remember that to Percy Harry is Ron’s weird friend who seems to get into highly illegal activities every other week. From Percy’s point of view, it’s probably a matter of time before Harry becomes a crack head in Knockturn Alley (or given how behind the times wizards tend to be, an opium den). 
He’s constantly getting Ron into not only trouble but life threatening situations, is erratic and apparently a parseltongue of all things, and now Harry’s flipped his lid and saying that Voldemort has been resurrected after having gone through a very traumatic experience of watching a classmate somehow die. 
While we see Percy kind of (sort of)  make up with the family it’s clear that for Percy to have any relation with these people he’s the one who will always, ALWAYS, have to come crawling back on his knees and begging for forgiveness. It’s the Weasley way or the highway and I imagine, at some point probably a little after/during that epilogue, Percy will just slowly drift away because it’s just not worth it anymore.
Percy’s very much the black sheep of the family.
Fred and George Weasley
You all are going to kill me, but I actually don’t care in the slightest about Fred and George Weasley. This is because they basically have no personality aside from “funny”. 
They just have their weird, tandem, twin act and are either playing jokes on the school or else serving as Deus ex Machina in giving Harry magical items such as the Marauder’s Map for no apparent reason. The plot told them it was time, I guess. 
Their jokes, while not as bad as Sirius and James’ “Let’s sexually harrass Severus Snape by pantsing and beating him at the edge of Hogwarts lake” or Sirius’ “Let’s get Snape eaten by a werewolf!” are still often needlessly cruel and... kind of pointless. They harass Slytherin house constantly just because they happen to be Slytherins, they’re acceptable victims (which of course makes house tension that much worse). Harry gets sent a toilet seat in the hospital because... that’s funny? Har de har? 
They’re so indistinguishable from one another I routinely see people mistake which one got his ear chopped off and which one died. Because the point is, that we can’t tell the difference! It doesn’t matter who lived and who died because all we know is that Freorge is dead! 
Similarly, you see tons of fics around where character of the day ends up in this weird twincestuous relationship with Fred and George and it’s not only for a) that delightful twincest but b) because they’re such a singular unit that any attempt to pair one with somebody else feels weird. So you just get these porn fics about Fred and George being weird rapey teenagers who seem like they’d be more interested dating each other. 
Charlie Weasley
I really have no thoughts on Charlie. He raises dragons in Romania, the family loves him. Now, dragon raising feels like one of the most dangerous jobs in the Harry Potter universe, like Charlie had just gone and signed up to be a lumberjack but he seems to like it?
We really don’t see much of Charlie, he’s just the obligatory older Weasley son so that the Weasleys can be this ridiculously large family.
Bill Weasley
We see slightly more of Bill, but again, not enough to really leave an impression. We know that his marrying Fleur sent Molly into a complete state, and that they’re going to have awkward Christmas dinners forever because of it where Fleur just sits there and pretends not to loathe every second of Molly’s presence while Molly notes how bad it is that Victoire got stuck with that ugly pink hair instead of the Weasley red. 
Bill doesn’t seem to really do anything about this. He still marries Fleur, but we don’t really see a major confrontation where he tells the family “Look, I’m marrying her, so grow up.” So, I imagine he just tries to smile pleasantly and tells Fleur to just endure it for another few hours. He loves his family, his family’s great, but they only have to see Fleur once a year at Christmas.
Ginny Weasley
Ginny is weird. She’s this weird, frankly, almost personality-less void whose sole obsession in life seems to be marrying Harry. She and Harry end up in the world’s weirdest relationship and I honestly have no idea how people ship it other than canon told them to.
Ginny’s... well, first off, she’s very much in love with an idea. She had always worshipped Harry Potter but then he personally saves her life in what was a horrifically traumatic year and so that feeling just grows even more. Despite being Ron’s sister, she barely seems to know Harry, and everything she seems to like about it are just things she made up.
I imagine her and Harry’s marriage will be littered with affairs on her end. Not divorce though, because Harry would never admit his wife is having affairs on him all the time even if someone directly confronted him. Harry also won’t admit he’s gay. 
More than though we get hints of a personality. Ginny’s a fiery red-head tomboy with a temper. But... Well, it’s only ever hints. She never felt like a real person to me. She has I think one throwaway line about the Chamber of Secrets incident and how it personally affected her. We’re told she’s great at the bat boogey hex so we know she’s a fiery independent woman.
She feels more like a character sheet than an actual person. 
Whenever she’s around I always had this nagging question in my head where I ask why Ginny’s here. She has a lot of potential but nothing’s ever done with her. And when something is, it’s to get her into this bizarre relationship with Harry where he imagines there’s a green rage monster in his chest that loves her skin.
Okay Harry, if you say so. 
TL;DR: The Weasleys aren’t evil or anything, I’m not on Team Bash Them All, but they are shortsighted, ordinary, people who don’t deserve to be worshipped as all that is good in this world.
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Hi love!! I just took a look at the prompt lists u have linked and the prompt “you said what to your teacher?” sounds like it could be absolutely hilarious if u wanna write something for that!! <33333
Notes: OMFG HIYA DAN BABEYYYY!!!! Thank you SO SO much you absolute angel face!!! This was the first thing I tried writing and actually enjoyed and just wrote it all at once in the middle of the night dlkfsajlkgjasdofiewghklsdgj THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!!
You Said What To Your Teacher? | Send Me A Prompt💜
“Do you remember when we were nine and I gave you my last sparkler because Regulus was crying that he wanted your purple smoke bomb and I was left with only my shitty poppers to throw when the ball dropped on New Year’s.”
Sub half way to his mouth and mobile lodged between his shoulder and ear, Sirius gently sets down his sandwich and dabs off the splatter of mayonnaise on his cupids bow as he tries to parse out what in bloody hell his best friend is blabbering on about.
“Oh, hi, Jem. Yeah I’m doing well, mate, thanks for asking. Works the typical grind but I think Minnie is about to give me that promotion any day now.”
“It’s a simple yes, or no answer, arse.” James retorts haughtily, sounding somehow frenzied and buoyant all at once.
“Pardon me, I thought we would just have a normal conversation like typical blokes,” Sirius sniffs, tilting back on his chair and clicking around on his desktop to look at the revised dimensions of a new building his firm was employed to begin constructing in south London. “Now remind me, my sweet. Was this the same New Year’s that you stuffed that stink bomb in the back of my shirt after stomping on it so it’d explode on me?”
“That is neither here, nor there.”
“I still feel the debris on my poor back on especially rough days.”
“You’re a twat.”
“And you’re acting dodgy.”
“I need a favor, and I thought a transactional proposition would be the sort of thing that you corporate types would appreciate.” James jabs, laughter in his words. Sirius just hopes he could picture the middle finger he’s emulating through the line.
“Just because you’ve completed residency doesn’t make you a special snowflake, you do realize this, correct?” Sirius tells him, already shooting a message to Minerva and his team that he’ll be jetting off a bit earlier so he could do whatever it is that James needs.
“Slander! It makes me the most special snowflake, Black. And it eats you up inside.” James retorts, moving away from the receiver to yell something towards one of his interns about a patient or the other.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, gorgeous. Now are you going to ever tell me what it is you need from me, or keep trying to get in my trousers, because listen either option is aces on my end. I’ll just add it to the document I send Lily every week about how I’m so obviously your dream partner.”
“It always just comes back to your burning jealousy that I chose her over you, doesn’t it?” James pretends to sigh forlornly. “Listen, my love. It’s not my fault that some birds are just born prettier than others.”
“Psha, I’m the prettiest fucker you know, Potter.”
“It’s the attitude for me, just absolutely no decorum about you.”
“Is this about that snag with me teaching Haz how to properly curse at a United fan?” Sirius asks, moving to collect his satchel and jacket. “Because I stand by that. We’re a fucking Arsenal family, damn it.”
“We were at brunch when he called that poor woman a weasel faced toad, Sirius.”
“Good man,” Sirius insists, waving goodbye to the secretary who always gives him the most devoted heart eyes.
“Well, speaking of the sprog. I’m stuck here with a new bout of paperwork to get someone transported to us from a hospital in the states, and Lily’s stuck in the maternity ward till at least nine.”
“Ooo, a bit of God father/God son time then??”
“With great power, comes great responsibility,” James says gravely.
“What have I told you about your shitty nerd references and how they give me a rash.”
“Spider-man isn’t simply for nerds you absolute pleb! There’s been three bloody franchisements for him in the past two decades!”
“Imma let Harry eat ice cream for dessert, I reckon.”
“Then you’ll have Lily to answer to,” James warns, still seething from the jibe. “And if you’re taking the bike, can you at least park a block away. This new school we’ve enrolled him into this year is well and proper, and I’d not want them to think that our son’s God father is some sort of ne’er-do-well.”
“You put respect on Rosco’s name, or so help me!”
“Right, right, the only constant love in your life.”
“She’s the only one who understands me.”
“ Whatever, just try and behave decently, will you?”
“Hah, and why wouldn’t I?” Sirius asks as he tosses his helmet into the air, patting Rosco in apology for James’s impertinence.
“Hmm, we’ll see, won’t we.” James says in an irritatingly ominous tone before clicking off the line.
There are a lot of reasons why Sirius could hate James. He could hate him for forcing Sirius to join him on his morning runs, or hate him for his intensely perky attitude about every sodding thing. Hell he could probably hate him for his complete disregard of the mad sport that is American football. But all that withstanding, Sirius reasons that for today he’ll hate him for his cryptic fucking warning and how he knew this would happen and is probably cackling over it as he fills out a new set of discharge papers.
That absolute, unceasing, weasel faced, toad.
The ‘this’ that Sirius is referring to of course is the fact that Sirius is left dumbstruck and gawping as he strolls leisurely into Harry’s third year class, eyes roaming over the small cluster of children who had stayed after hours for extra tutoring and who are now just lounging around, waiting for a guardian to come and pick them up. But instead of first spotting the dark head that belongs to his God son, Sirius’s gaze focusses on a man… A very fit, very golden, very beautiful man. A man that’s all lithe limbs and honey eyes, and a small, quietly encouraging smile as he kneels down to chat with a blonde girl who’s got on a blue tutu and rainbow poncho.
“Fuck you James Potter,” Sirius hisses lowly to himself as he tries to collect his wits about him, and remind himself that flirting with his God son’s actual, fucking professor is not a thing that is approved of.
“Uncle Pads!”
Sirius starts, feeling suddenly grounded as Harry bounds towards him and hugs his torso with a tight squeeze. “Hiya Prongslet,” he says, grinning indulgently as he ruffles a hand through Harry’s wild mop of curls.
“Am I coming to yours then?”
“If you’ll have me,” Sirius winks, tapping the bridge of his specs fondly.
“Brilliant! I’ll just tell Professor Lupin.”
Oh, that’s a very sexy name if Sirius does say so himself, though he tries not to marinate on the fact as he waits patiently while Harry leads that absolutely delicious looking man towards him. And God, the way he’s tipping back his head only slightly to meet Sirius’s gaze— It’s lewd.
“You’re Harry’s God father, yes?” Is the first thing Professor Lupin says to him, stretching out a hand that’s all long fingers stained by ink, and knobby knuckles that Sirius suddenly has the insane craving to nip at.
Jesus, he needs to get himself the fuck together.
“Ahem, yes, yes. I’m that. I’m Sirius I mean— Oh, my name, and erm— I’m also serious that I am his God father, that is a thing.” Sirius rambles, feeling like a complete idiot as he takes hold of Remus’s slender hand into his own, and shakes it with two, awkward pumps— holding onto it for a beat too long.
Sirius repeats, fuck James Potter.
“Right,” Professor Lupin says with something akin to amused. “Well he’s only got his maths to finish tonight, and a bit more reading for history.”
“Oh, good. I’ll definitely help with that. I’m great with numbers.”
“Wonderful,” Professor Lupin nods at him before peering down at Harry and grinning widely. “You did great today, just keep up with your novel for Professor Meadows and you’re splendid. Yeah?”
“Thank you Professor Lupin,” Harry preens, chest puffed out not unlike how James had used to do back in their school days every time they won a footie match.
“Nice meeting you Mr— ah?”
“Black!” Sirius quickly offers, straightening up immediately like a rose bud stretching towards the sun. “Sirius Black.”
The corner of Professor Lupin’s mouth twitches up, and Sirius is struck with the searing need to see the full force of his smile directed towards him— and also to snog it right off. “Remus Lupin, just to make things even.”
And fuck.
Sirius swears— hand on his chest and face to God— that it was a flirtatious inflection that Professor Lupin— Remus— used right then, but before he can even have the chance to toy around with the development, a mother in yoga pants and Starbucks strolls in and Remus walks over to greet her hello, and before Sirius knows it, Harry’s tugging on his hand and dragging him out the room.
Damn it.
Despite his total and complete fail of a first meeting with Harry’s sickeningly attractive professor, the rest of the night turns out to go as perfectly as planned. Otherwise known as them stuffing themselves with greasy pizza, and heaps of ice cream, and staying up an hour past Harry’s typical bed time to play Far Cry instead. And if Sirius contemplates asking him more about this elusive Remus Lupin, he bites down the urge and concentrates on sticking his spoon onto his nose before Harry could beat him in their match.
It’s totally fine.
That is until it’s six o’clock in the ruddy morning and he’s woken up by the loud knocking of his front door, only to be met by the grossly chipper faces of Lily and James— that sort of glow is only a thing that happens after a good shag, and Sirius knows that for fact.
“We brought pasties,” Lily tells him as she sashays indoors, red main of hair billowing in the late autumnal breeze and her voice ringing out like she’s some sort of radio show host.
“How was last night?” James asks him as he toes off his boots and follows Lily to the kitchen.
“Fine,” Sirius gripes, still pissy from James’s cruel joke. “Haz is always great.”
“Mmm, I hope Remus didn’t give you any trouble picking him up, you’re on the paperwork and everything but it’s the first time he ever met you and all.” Lily says, faux lightly as she picks out the plates and turns on the electric kettle.
“You knew!” Sirius accuses emphatically, pointing a heated finger her way and then directing it towards James.
“Knew that he is exactly your type?”
“And that you’d look like a tosser talking to him for the first time,” Lily tacks on, giggling.
“Fuck you, and fuck your weird, married telepathy!”
“Nah, not telepathy mate,” James assures, clapping him on the shoulder. “You’re just incredibly predictable.”
“We’d have to be thick not to know that you’d be a total idiot around him— You’re the worst whenever you have to talk to pretty people who you actually want to do more than just screw.”
Sirius feels himself go scarlet. “That is an attack on my person, Evans!”
“Yes, dear. I know.” Lily croons, patting him on the cheek like a doting grandmother. “But does it help that I think you should totally go for it.”
“Lily! He’s our son’s teacher!”
“Only for this year,” Lily shrugs, sitting on a stool that lines the island. “Besides, I really like Remus. We have the same cycling class and he taught me how to make my face into an emoji like I’m a Kardashian.”
“You guys talk about’m like he’s the second coming of Christ,” James harrumphs, doling out their mugs with a scowl.
“He’s just so pretty,” Sirius sighs, beyond dejected. “Did you see that little birthmark on his cheek that looks like a butterfly! And Jesus, his eyes are like a third of his face!”
“Don’t forget how well he fills out those trousers for such a skinny bloke,” Lily adds, mixing the honey into the tea that James had just poured her.
“I alas did not get a chance to give his ass the appraisal it warrants,” Sirius bemoans.
“I very much do not like the idea that my best friend and wife are thirsting over the same bloke.” James sniffs.
“Jealous, lover,” Lily leers, laughing at how James wrinkles his nose at them and kisses his cheek in reassurance. But Sirius doesn’t pay them any of his attention, is too distracted by painting the picture of Remus in his mind’s eye, and how he really does need a second look if he loves himself at all.
“He’s like those caramel lollypops from when we were kids,” he tells them unceremoniously. “But instead of that tart middle, he’s just sweetness through the center.”
“You want to lick him, huh?” Lily asks, smirking at him with a lecherous air.
“I want to lick him until he goes mad and begs me to just flip’m over and—“
“Enough!” James quickly cuts in with a smack of the hand against the countertop. “This man is Harry’s professor, I can’t have these sort of images of him while I go to pick him up after class.”
Sirius jerks forwards, beyond excited. “Then let me pick up Haz from school today, yeah? It’ll give me a chance to speak with Remus!”
“Why do you want to talk to Mr Lupin?”
The three adults turn around at once, met by the image of Harry in the spare uniform he keeps at Sirius’s house— hair sleep rumpled and specs askew.
“Hallo my beautiful boy,” Lily grins, her and James each kissing his cheek and giving his shoulders a squeeze as he sits between them.
“Why do you want to talk to Professor Lupin, Uncle Sirius.” Harry asks again, earnestly as he tares apart his cheese and veggie pasty. “Do you like him?”
“Oh, erm—“ Sirius feels his insides squirm, not sure where to step, afraid that his God son might not appreciate the fact that Sirius’s already planning out a reception party for his impending nuptials with Remus.
“I think it’d be cool if you did.”
And in an instant, Sirius feels his shoulders loosen and his smile go elastic. God he loves this kid. “yeah?”
“Mhmm,” Harry nods, taking a sip of his water to clear his throat. “Ron told me that Professor Lupin use to be married to his Uncle Fabs and then they broke up last year, so I bet he’s sad now. And you’re the best person on the planet and you always have fun! You should make him happy again.”
Sirius’s heart seizes, suddenly needing to be the person to help Remus with anything he could ever need.
“You’re a diamond kiddo, you know that?” Sirius says, standing up to lift his eight year old God son into the air and blowing a raspberry to his cheek. “Shove it to your dad, you’ll be my best man at the wedding, yeah?”
“Imma need to start smoking if he’s gonna be this much of a prat all the time now,” James mutters lowly, making it so Lily crows with laughter.
That afternoon finds Sirius parked back outside Harry’s school, straightening the collar of his jacket and combing a hand through his hair. Though once he steps into the nearly emptied classroom, he’s still slack jawed when Remus looks over his shoulder towards the door and grins at him in such a glimmering sort of way, that it punches Sirius in the fucking solar plexus!
“Mr Black, twice in one week?”
“Hah— Yeah.” Sirius hopes his smile comes out more gentle than a grimace. “It’s not far from my work, actually. So I guess I’ll be around more often.” In fact, the drive is a good twenty minutes from his office, but Sirius doesn’t think that’s really relevant.
“Lucky us.” Remus retorts, looking up and down his frame with a slow, languid sort of gaze that makes Sirius feel filleted right open. “Well I can’t wait to get to know you better.”
“You can know whatever you want,” Sirius practically sputters, wonders if he should try and act cool, especially now that Harry’s wandered over towards them.
“Is that an open offer?” Remus asks, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth and lying back leisurely against his desk.
“Yes. Yes, absolutely.”
Remus’s beautiful face goes absolutely incandescent right then. “Good.”
“Good,” Sirius repeats, completely devout.
“Oh, before you go,” Remus says, pointer finger raised to freeze them while his other hand fishes into a drawer of his desk. “It’s not a caramel pop, but at least the Tutsi ones are sweet all the way through.”
Sirius feels his jaw completely drop while Remus gently places the stick of the treat into his open hand, tossing him a quick wink before walking off to chat with a new parent who had wandered in.
“Harry— You said what to your teacher.”
“That you said he looked like a caramel pop,” Harry answers, totally owlish and unconcerned.
Sirius contemplates drowning into the lake, but then decides that this is a game he will not lose against Remus.
“All right, Prongslet. Let’s grab us some chocolate eggs and you can tell me everything you know about your dear Professor.”
“Okay, Uncle Pads,” Harry beams.
~My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist💜
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msotherworldly · 3 years
Writing the Whodunit
Though this advice can be best applied to mysteries, other genres, such as fantasy or paranormal romance, often feature mystery elements. Harry Potter is the most notable example, but Cassandra Claire’s Shadowhunter novels also feature villains created using these tricks. When crafting a villain for any genre, keep these tips in mind if you want a villain who's not only compelling, but hard for readers to predict.
Even if you don’t write mysteries, other genres can utilize mystery tropes - particularly where villains are concerned. While the Harry Potter books are classified as fantasies, much of their plots involve a classic “whodunit” mystery. Bad events take place, and it's up to the heroes to determine who is committing the crimes, and why. However, how should one create a villain without it being obvious?
There are a few simple tricks: first, the character should be both small enough to be forgotten, but large enough to be remembered. What this means is that the character will appear too small to affect the plot, but will be mentioned frequently enough for the reader to remember who they are. They may even be introduced quickly, among a group of other smaller characters. The character won’t seem consequential to the story beyond adding flavour, and yet their personality will be defined enough for the reader to clearly visualize them and understand who they are - or who they appear to be.
What’s more, the character may even be so innocent or endearing that they couldn't possibly be a villain; the character may be the underdog, the comic relief, or otherwise the most sympathetic character of the piece. Their career may also be small; they will be a secretary, retired, or one member of a larger group. 
The arrogant or mean spirited characters are too obvious, but can act as the red herrings of the piece (a red herring is a fancy way of saying false lead). Snape was such an effective red herring that readers believed him to be a villain not once in the Harry Potter series, but twice. 
Red herrings can have many of the unlikeable traits, such as sarcasm, cruelty, violence, or an unhinged manner. Snape puts his students down and has a passion for the Dark Arts, while Sirius Black is blamed for the deaths of several Muggles and nearly tears Ron’s leg off. With so much fanfare around the red herrings, it's even easier for the true baddies to sneak past the reader undetected.
As for the actual villains readers encounter in the series, Professor Quirrell is a great example: he's a small character, a nervous teacher who is introduced as another of the many professors at Hogwarts. With his stutter and anxious nature, he's also a sympathetic character - rather than see him as a villain, you want to protect him. 
In the third Harry Potter novel, Peter Pettigrew likewise gives off an innocent facade. He struggled in school, being the quietest of the four Marauder’s. He was chubby, shy, and he worshipped Harry’s father, James. The other three boys took Peter under their wings, so to speak, and helped him succeed in ways he would never have on his own. He's even compared to Neville Longbottom, and who would suspect Neville of murder? 
The villain of your piece should be the character you want to help, or protect: the little girl who loves reading mystery novels; the dedicated secretary, offering kindness to others even as her boss hassles her; the loyal wife, in love with her suddenly murdered partner; the childlike fool who keeps tripping over his own feet or quoting poetry; or the bullied kid, desperate for friends or attention. 
When creating an unexpected villain, write a character your readers will want to shelter or comfort. Create someone silly, cuddly, and sweet. Create someone who loves to eat chocolate after every meal, or who was relentlessly abused as a child. Create someone your readers will literally want to hug - then rip the rug out from under their feet, and show how twisted your antagonist truly is.
After becoming acquainted with Roger, who loves to do crochet and collect teddy bears, proceed to detail his motives for the torture or brutal murders he has participated in. Create traits in your character which contrast with his darker nature. 
If a cuddly character isn't your type, someone who is decorated or law abiding can be effective too. The character could be a celebrated war veteran, a retired and respected police officer, or a legendary and aged knight beloved by the people. Ultimately, this type of character has a sterling reputation, and would appear against breaking the law or disobeying the rules. They should come across as heroic, and show genuine care for others. 
Another trick to employ is the fake death. If your readers are particularly savvy, they may guess the doting grandfather is the villain - especially if they can, from the details you've provided, compile a compelling motive for why. If you have the character stage their own death, however, then even the most observant reader will be thrown off the trail - if only temporarily. 
Peter Pettigrew fakes his own death by creating an explosion, cutting off his own finger, and transforming into a rat. With Peter’s death being an established fact at the start of the story, nobody can suspect him. 
A notable Agatha Christie book also employs the use of the fake death (however, I’m not going to name the book because that would be a spoiler for anyone hoping to read it; suffice it to say that many of Christie’s books feature villains we can sympathize with, but who are seldom the most prominent of the cast initially). 
Finally, the villain should have a compelling motive for why they are committing the crimes they are. If the character is a decorated war veteran, their targets may be members of the government who failed to recognize their achievements or care for them as their health failed. If the character seems childish or sweet, their motive may be to avenge a dead loved one or save those they see as being oppressed. The law abiding character may murder those he deems to be unworthy in the eyes of the law, such as criminals who they see as having “gotten off the hook.”
In other words, you should be able to feel (a little) sorry for the antagonist, even after the horrifying things they've done. Their positive traits may even be real; the childish character is still clumsy and loving, or the decorated veteran still cared about the lives he saved during his career, even if both of these characters went on to torture, maim, or murder. Their goal should be something the reader would agree with - if the methods used to achieve it weren't so reprehensible. 
To conclude, the villain of the piece should be a member of a group. The character should be fleshed out and memorable, but still appear inconsequential to the plot and blend in easily with several other characters (such as fellow teachers or guests). The character should also be innocent (childish, forgetful, or easily frightened) or lawful (an ex police officer, a goody two shoes, or a character who would otherwise be easily trusted). They should be paired against a red herring with less desirable traits (a criminal history, violent tendencies, or a penchant for hurting others). For added flair, they could even fake their own death. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 3 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Book II
Words: 1,603
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
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"I don't think you'll find friends if you're in the library all the time, Percy," says Jo. I stop and turn to see her.
“I'm looking for books, Jo. Not friends.”
"Don't you think you've spent a lot of time there?" She crosses her arms.
"How is it that every time I mention it when I'm with you it seems like you have war flashbacks?" I scoff.
“Not because I'm Ravenclaw, it means I love to read! The library is boring and you always have to be quiet…”
"Something you should try.”
She snorts.
"You are a lost case. If someone asks, I don't know you,” She says, then lightly bumps her shoulder with mine.
I watch her walk away and smile.
“See you later, Josiepad. I love you!" I scream, drawing the attention of several students.
Josephine looks at me, from my place I can notice that her ears turn red, then she runs off to avoid everyone's stares. I laugh at her reaction.
That went well.
I continue on my way to the library and enter the corridors full of books. I caress the back of some as I pass until one catches my eye. Astronomy.
I take it and go to one of the tables near a window, sit down and open it.
I don't know how long it's been when I hear someone clear her throat near me.
The first time I ignored it, but I think if someone does it three times it’s to get attention. And unfortunately for me, that person wanted to talk to me.
I sigh and take my eyes off the book, finding a girl with thick brown hair and eyes of the same color, which are staring at me, her thin lips are pursed.
"Hello?" I said tensely.
“Shouldn't you be doing your charms homework? It's for tomorrow,” She raises an eyebrow.
“Uh….” I look at her in surprise. "Sorry, do I know you?"
"No, but I know you. You’re Perseus John Singh. We’re in the same classes and in the same house. Why do you read an astronomy book instead of charms?"
I close my book and frown.
"I don't think it's healthy to know much about a person you've never talked to,” I try not to sound too aggressive... and I also try to hide my fear. "And I don't think it's very nice to scold me either, girl-I've- never seen-before.”
Her cheeks are flushed, but her gaze remains steady.
Will she be breathing still?
"I-uh," She clears her throat again. "I'm sorry. You're right,” she stands up and when I think she's going to leave, she sits next to me. "I'm Hermione Granger.” She offers her hand, which I just stare at. She sighs and drops it. "I didn't mean to be rude, sorry.”
Her tone changes completely. I shake my head.
“I-it’s okay. Uh-it doesn't matter,” I settle into my chair and reopen my book, but my interest can't go back to it. Less with Hermione by my side.
"I've finished all my homework, I'm just reading this for fun,” I sigh and then look at her.
Now she looks at me in surprise.
"It's strange to hear that from someone else,” I shrug. "Why astronomy?"
I laugh.
“My mom and I have always liked stars and constellations. My name’s a constellation. And it’s also the name of a Greek demigod, my family has the tradition of naming their children as gods and stuff like that.”
"What is your mother's?"
She frowns.
"Wait, I thought you were a pureblood.”
She blushes again.
“Not that I have done research on you, specifically. I, uh— Well, it's no secret that your cousins ​​Atlas, Hades, and Hercules are purebloods. Some people have become obsessed with that subject,” She says, looking away.
"Pure blood? I don’t understand.”
"Hasn't anyone explained it to you?"
“No, actually, I don't know much about the wizarding world. That's why I spend a lot of time in the library.”
It seems the girl's eyes are about to pop out.
"But you… Your cousins?"
"My mom raised me without magic.”
"It's something wrong?"
“No, it's just that… Sorry I'm being rude again,” She shakes her head. "I am Muggle-born,” She smiles proudly. "Professor McGonagall visited us to explain to my parents that I am a witch.”
“I also like being in the library. I don't understand why people think it’s boring.”
I laugh remembering Jo's words.
"I get you,” We both smile. "Uh, would you like to explain that pureblood thing to me?"
"Sure! I know a book that can help,” She says, then gets up and goes to the bookshelves.
Wait, did I just make a friend?
"Did everyone understand?" The men sitting at the same table nod. "Miss Singh?”
I clench my teeth.
“Yes, sir.”
"Well, you can go.”
I follow my colleagues until we leave to our offices.
"Singh, wait!" I roll my eyes without stopping. “Wait!”
A blond man runs to be in front of me, I sigh.
"What do you need, Edwards?”
He smiles at me trying to calm his breathing.
"You always run out of every meeting.”
"My shift is over and I have no other reason to be here,” I try to continue my way, but the blond moves to avoid it.
"You're right, I can't stand work either.”
"Then why are you still here?" I raise an eyebrow.
He opens and closes his mouth trying to speak and then smiles.
"You always know what to say," He laughs.
I frown.
That makes no sense.
"What do you want?"
“Well, I was thinking that— uh… I heard that your son finally left to Hogwarts.”
“Every time I offer you a drink, your answer was that you wanted to be with him and now he’s gone. Would you go for a drink with me now? It doesn't have to be formal, maybe just go to a bar or restaurant or…” His cheeks turn red. "Or if you want to go to my place?” He scratches the back of his neck.
I stir in my place.
"Just an hour, I promise.”
"Sorry, but no,” He looks down. "It's nothing personal, I'm not ready to go out with someone.”
That catches his attention as he returns his gaze to me, only now his eyes show no illusion. He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, sure. And what about the man who sometimes comes for you? Uh?"
“Excuse me?"
“I bet you’ll go with him. The others were right about you,” He huffs rolling his eyes and then leaves.
I stand in the hallway in a daze. I shake my head and keep walking toward the elevator.
As I left the building, I found Remus waiting for me. I hug him tightly when I get to his side.
"You won't believe what just happened to me.”
"Let me guess,” He says amused as we walk. He puts a hand on his chin. "Did they give you more paperwork?"
"The boss's secretary sent you another hate note?”
"Another colleague asked you out?”
"I guess you turned it down…”
"He didn't take it well?”
“He has been working with us for four weeks, he doesn't even know me, I’ve rejected him almost every day, I’ve never shown interest in anyone and he still has the nerve to claim that apparently 'the others are right about me’.”
"What does that mean? What do they say about you?"
“I have no idea and I don't want to know. I hate everyone in that office. They don't deserve my attention.”
We get to the restaurant where we always go, he opens the door for me, we ask for the usual table and we sit down.
“Oh, he mentioned you too. They keep thinking that I'm going out with you.”
He laughs.
"And they still keep asking you out?"
“They don't care about anything, Wolfie. His brain does not allow him to see beyond his own needs,” I sigh leaning back on the chair.
"Do you want me to talk to someone?" He says worried.
"Not worth it.”
We ordered our dinner and continued talking.
"Has Percy sent you a letter yet?”
I nod, searching in my bag for the letter and handing it to him. His eyes move while he reads and smiles.
"Gryffindor?" He looks at me raising his eyebrows.
"No wonder,” I reply smiling and he returns to the letter.
"Apparently he is a bookworm after all,” He grimaces and then laughs. “And his hate towards Harry is still intact,” He folds the letter and passes it to me.
"Hasn't he made any friends?"
I sigh.
"No. I'm a little worried, I thought that being in the place where he belongs, he would be more sociable,” I grimace. "Neither Sirius nor I were shy…”
"Just give it time, it's always difficult to be in a new school.”
I nod.
“You know? Maybe he's more like Apollo. Quiet, in his own world with a book in hand,” I smile. "He even reminds me of Regulus sometimes…”
"It is still part of the family.”
"I guess,” I settle into the chair. I shake my head. “You're right, he will be fine. It's just that,” I shrugg, “I thought it would be something like what you, James and Sirius had. I want him to find a family there.”
“True friendship will come when you least expect it. We met by chance.”
“Cheesy," I joke making him laugh.
“Hey," He takes my hand on the table. "Everything will be fine.”
"I hope so.”
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