#scene inspired by Soul Eater
georgi-girl · 1 year
Babble: Track Seven
(In case I haven’t mentioned it before, there are speakers set up all over the clinics’ interior) 
Greensleeves was all my joy 
Greensleeves was my delight 
Greensleeves was my heart of gold 
And who but my lady Greensleeves 
Before the Emotions explored the Trolls’ memories, before Riley and Renne mind-melded in their sleep, before Chief Brady discovered the interns had been sneaking around, a very tense moment occurred in the surveillance room. Renee just stood there while Bridget hugged her. Then she squeezed Bridgets’ head and for a second it looked like she wanted to hurt her. But then she just stepped back, completely silent. 
“We should head back to our rooms.” Miguel said. 
“Yeah...” Riley spoke to Bridget. “Are you umm?” 
“i want to come with you.” Bridget stated firmly. 
“If it’s okay with Renee, it’s okay with us.” 
“It’s... okay.” Tone spoke like someone who just woke up from a strange dream. 
“Before anything else, we wanted to ask...” Zodiac pulled out a drawing and showed it to everyone asking; “Does this symbol mean anything to you?” It was an eye inside a triangle. Jagged stick limbs stuck out from its’ sides, and a top-hat was drawn on the top corner. 
“Illuminati?” Riley asked.  
“Evil Eye?” Miguel shrugged.
“A shape inside a shape.” Tone stated. 
Bridget just shook her head. 
Zodiac nodded, satisfied with their answers, then crumbled up the drawing and ate it! Then, still chewing on the paper, they motioned for everyone to follow them through the hallway. 
“We have many powers. but ever since we were brought here, most of them have been suppressed. We think this “Chief” has some item that’s been limiting us. We can find it, but we need someone to act as a distraction while we look.” 
Tone spoke up: “You can sneak out of your room all you want. Why need a distraction?” 
Zodiac spun around to directly speak to her. “Because, my dainty flower, we might be able to sneak out of our room, but we can’t go wherever we want. Enough guards could overpower us.” They then looked at Miguel. “Think your boyfriend on the outside could help us out?” 
“I don’t know,” Miguel rubbed his arm, “I don’t even know where he is right now.” 
“But you do know how to contact him?” 
“Well...” Miguel thought of the dog whistle in his pocket he used to contact Dante. “Yeah, I could...” 
“Don’t tell us how, as long as you can do it.” Zodiac opened the nearest vent. “Try doing it tomorrow night. Once we get our powers back, we can bust you guys out of here.” They then spoke to Bridget, “You’re coming with us.” 
“What?” Bridget flinched. “Why?” 
“We need your knowledge of the clinic. Plus we don’t want you out of our sight.” They climbed up the wall into the vent. “You don’t have to climb through the vent with us.” 
“That’s not” Bridget began to explain but Zodiac had already disappeared into the metal tunnel. Bridget looked at the others nervously. “I, uh, I guess I’ll be going to their room now.” She politely bowed to them and waddled off. 
Species stood on a snowy hill, gazing at the clinic from a distance. He turned on the camera and spoke into it. 
“I’m waiting for some kind of signal. It’s not a well-thought-out plan, but it’s the best we have on short notice. Jack has been staking out the building. He’s been really understanding of us not wanting to go back there alone.”  
He paused after that, wondering if this was a good time to say out loud what he’d been holding in. Suddenly, he heard a high-pitched melody. And the dog ~ Dante ~ started barking and bouncing in the snow. 
 Jack Frost flew towards them. “What’s up?” 
“I thi-ink Miguel’s calling Dante!’ Species wavered as the sweater-coated Xolo pulled at his pant leg.  
“He is? Then you should let him go.” 
“I would! But he wants me to come and...” 
He didn’t need to answer, Jack understood. “Don’t worry,” he said, “I scout it out for you.” He flew off, with Dante chasing after him and Species standing on the hill, still gripping his camera. 
Riley and Miguel followed behind the flying golden man as he fought through the guards. He hummed baroque compositions as he used his spear like a cattle prod, zapping each man in the gut.  
Riley performed the seeing spell; closing her right eye she whispered “sight to see, show them to me” then she closed her left eye and opened her right eye. The guards were all ugly and monstrous, in place of Renee, she saw a little flying troll, and Renee’s spirit floated next to her.
“Where’s Zodiac?” Riley whispered to Miguel. 
“They said they were looking for the limiter.” Miguel whispered back. 
“I thought we were going to wait until...” Riley was interrupted by a loud snapping noise coming from the speakers. Everyone, including the golden flying man, paused what they were doing. Then one of the guards tried to grab Miguel. Miguel grabbed him back and flipped him on the ground. Th golden man charged at the remaining guards. 
Miguel took a breath, then explained: “Chief Brady was waiting for me in my room. She said she wanted to show me something, I wouldn’t go with her, she asked where the harp was, I remembered I gave it to you, she started chasing me, I ran to Zodiacs’ room, it was scary!”  
The golden man took both of them by the hand. “Come with me.” he hissed, and then the teenagers found themselves flying through the hallway. 
The snapping sound was Zodiac opening the limiter: Gristle’s clasp. They had fought with the Chief up and down the halls, finally pushing her down the stairs. Then they searched every office, examination room and bedroom they could for the thing blocking their powers.
And here it was, with a tiny seal of binding scratched on in. They used their transmutation to remove the seal. For a moment, their entire body glowed and a shiver went through the building. They smiled in satisfaction, then snapping their fingers, they turned their white clinic pjs into something more fitting. Namely, a dark red racing uniform with fingerless gloves, combat boots, and padding on the knees and elbows. They examined the clasp one more time. “Huh? Looks like it opens up.”
They fiddled around with it. Click, out came a cartoonish little cloud with a face. He smiled at Zodiac, Zodiac smiled back. This night was getting better and better.
The golden man flew the teens to the cafeteria. There, he introduced himself as  the “Classical Aspect”. He played a melody on the harp, and all the tables floated to the doors, blocking them. 
Then they ran back to Bridget and the cloud man who were all the way in the back of the hall. Zodiac led them to a supply closet.
Zodiac took a mop and transmuted it into a scythe. The handed it to Bridget. “Use this to fight.”
Bridget stared at the gift, then at Zodiac. “This is a gardening tool.”
“It’s an extremely deadly scythe!” Zodiac insisted.
Bridget blinked twice before answering.
“…And a scythe is a gardening tool.”
Zodiac pulled on their eyelids and groaned; “Freaking agricultural society…” They calmed themselves and said to her; “just swing it at anyone who comes too close.”
Zodiac took some metal materials and transmuted them into an AK-47. Glancing at Bridget, they politely told her. “You might want to cover your ears.”
Bridget did so, and watched as Zodiac pointed the strange contraption at the door. When the guards came in, Zodiac pointed above their heads and rattled off a series of bullets. Anyone who wasn’t terrified by the noise was pummeled by falling debris. 
Zodiac looked back at Bridget. “Let’s go find the others!” 
Something knocked out the Classical Aspect.  
Zodiac stood up and smiled at them. Things had gone awry, but their full strength was back, and their special new friends were safe.
And then…
A burst of red bloomed from their forehead. Riley and Miguel watched in horror as a bullet tore though Zodiac’s brain, and their body crumbled to the ground.
Chief stood behind them, holding a Glock and shacking with fury.
“WE NEVER SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT YOU HERE!” she screamed at the body. Then she pointed her weapon at the duo and started walking towards them. “AND IF YOU’RE NOT BACK IN YOUR ROOMS BY THE TIME I COUNT TO FIVE…:
She never finished her threat. She had just walked by Z’s bloody head when a hand shot out and grabbed her ankle! Chief gasped and looked down.
Zodiac twitched and let out a childish giggle. That was when things got really freaky.
Zodiac stood back up, still holding Chief by the ankle, and spun her around. Then once enough momentum was built up, Z flung Chief into the wall behind them.
Chief hit the wall with a loud crunching sound, her limbs in twisted angles.
 Riley stepped back, hyperventilating. Miguel gasped and made the Sign of the Cross, Zodiac leaning over laughed hysterically. From behind, the two could see Zodiac’s hair darken and grow longer. They saw their clothing change from red to green. Then Zodiac turned around, and the teens saw three red eyes and deranged grin directed right at them.*
“WoOoWw… ShE FLeW!”
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worldismyne · 2 months
Playlist for my latest Soul Eater fanfic.
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nicolekart · 2 months
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Shadowpeach x Soul Eater but as this scene! Inspired by @/lemonpoet_ tweet
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vesperaink · 2 months
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Friends, my necromancer!Tango/grimreaper!Jimmy, Team Rancher modern with magic apocalypse AU, Graveyard Shift, for @mcytblraufest's Reverse Big Bang is here!
But wait there's more--go read chasing crimson written by @aliferous-ly, beta'd by @dibs2win, my fantastic team for aufest. If you love enemies to lovers, unlikely partnerships, and the power of soul-bound magic weapon contracts, this hilarious + dramatic 22.9k fic kicks off from this comic!
chasing crimson
Jimmy Solidarity works for the esteemed god of Death, reaping lost souls and taking care of unsavory characters. He's recently finished his training, and is determined to do well on his first solo mission. Perhaps this "Tango" would be a good start. Only, the god of Death disappeared years ago, and Necromancer Tango Tek's long since discovered a way around dying. He can't say he enjoys Jimmy swinging through and killing him where he stands, though.
Thank you to my team for being as feral about this AU as I am, and kicking everything about it up to 110. I had so much developing this world with them!
Thanks to @onawhimsicot for helping me with the comic's dialogue, fixing my composition woes with "just add more smoke," and encouraging me to complete it in full color! Check out Cadence's aufest fic, I take it back (ill follow till I fly or till im dead), a Cult of the Lamb AU about follower!Tango and Lamb!Zedaph, the meaning of devotion, silly experiments, eldritch transformations, and...the most platonic slowburn ever?
Lastly, thank you to the aufest team for another wonderful event! I had a blast again, and was giggling kicking my feet at everyone's reactions during claims, I loved every single one of them. Graveyard Shift is definitely an AU I'm coming back to. As always, my askbox is open if you'd like to chat, and I'd love to be tagged if anyone makes anything <3
Timelapse / AU art chatter under the cut!
While Graveyard Shift is the amalgamation of many of my interests, the main premise for this AU is loosely inspired by the webcomic, I'm the Grim Reaper, in both its apocalypse themes and its aesthetics! Not a required read, but highly recommend if you enjoy this au, as well as the anime and manga, Soul Eater!
I came up with a lot of AUs for this event but necromancer!Tango and reaper!Jimmy have been rattling around in my brain in separate AUs since before I started brainstorming for aufest. So I smashed them together, naturally.
(Unfortunately I didn't record all of my process, but most of it is here! CW for flashing; song is Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier)
I could go on forever about concept art and character design if anyone's curious but here's some fun bonus details about this comic:
Originally, Tango's outfit was going to be more like his Dungeon Master outfit but I wanted the setting to be more modern and Jimmy stole the fantasy cloak vibe from him already lol
Jimmy's entrance of lightning is my nod to the Life Series final death sound
The scarf Jimmy's wearing is designed to be a boneyard shawl
The panel of strange text reads "Protection Three" in Galactic :)
+ The name "Graveyard Shift" was thrown at me by Cadence in like 3 seconds flat after i spent 2 days agonizing over a name for this au LOL
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autumnmobile12 · 9 months
My Hero Academia AU: Ambush Simulation
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Aight, storytime:
So awhile back, I was thinking about Episodes 4 & 5 of the anime Soul Eater where the gang is tasked with capturing two villains, the zombie Sid and the guy who resurrected him, Professor Stein.  (There’s also the added stakes that if they fail in this task, they’ll be expelled from school.)  After a somewhat harrowing fight, defeating Sid and losing to Stein, the plot twist is this was never a real fight, Stein and Sid were not villains, and this whole thing was just a test that was orchestrated and sanctioned by the school and definitely skewed more toward hazing than actual education.
And I thought, what if that’s all the Vanguard Action Squad was during the Summer Camp Arc?  Just a test orchestrated by UA that skewed more toward hazing than actual education. (Note:  These are the traditional LoV members, so Muscular, Mustard, and Moonfish are not part of this line-up.) At the very least, that would probably be the meanest ruse Aizawa has pulled. And you can't tell me Principal Nezu wouldn't have been all in for this plan.
"It happened once at the USJ. Despite our precautions, it could happen again. Let's teach them how to prepare...by scaring the absolute shit out of them."
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"Ambush Simulation" is playing off my earlier AU comic with Shigaraki being the adopted nephew of All Might and leading a pretty normal life.  The rest of the squad is more or less in the same boat. For context, Touya’s canon divergence is he returned home after the three-year comatose and actually stayed there, but since nothing about that household environment really changed, he’s still an unhinged mess, but that is a whole other kettle of fish best saved for another comic. (Clearly getting a kick out of the prospect of scaring a bunch of kids, including his brother, half to death, though.)  Toga’s home life is rocky at best after ‘the incident,’ but she’s no longer a runaway teen.  Everybody else just kinda fell in with each other.
Their role as a vigilante team was inspired by the series Durarara!, specifically Kadota and his crew for anyone who's familiar. I genuinely forgot the Vigilantes spinoff existed...sigh, it's been awhile and I only recently got back in this fandom. The Vanguard is pretty much living by a 'you're only in trouble if you get caught,' philosophy. (And the nepotism has probably saved all their asses a few times because it doesn't look good for the No. 2 Hero if his eldest son is busted for vigilantism.)
Anyway, there's a few other details that I can't fit in this post, so head over here if you want to read more behind the scenes of making this thing.
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fanboundbooks · 9 months
Let's post another lovely fic I had the honor of binding for its author!
Angel with a Shotgun
By sillu | @silluuuu
This is a modern AU Soul Eater fic where Maka puts an ad on Craigslist to get a fake boyfriend and I'm sure you know where this is going...
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ I had so much fun incorporating all the phone and tech elements into the story.
As you might expect Craigslist played a central role so I made the cover page look like the CL main search page for the city the story the story is located in with the author's name appearing where the CL name typically would be. The scene break icon is modeled after the CL peace sign. I also used this for the image on the front of the cover and the light purple/white cloth for the cover is Duo cloth which I also chose to try to recall the soft purple of the semi transparent CL name in the ad.
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I researched and worked to recreate what a mobile Craigslist ad looks like to put it in the body of the typeset and I am really happy with the way it turned out! Many little boxes all needing to work together.
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I used an iPhone message creator to create all the text messages. (My favorite bit of that was leaving just a smidge of the last text above the ones that were currently showing to help make it feel like looking at a phone)
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Except for the text from Blake right when Soul looks at the ad. I wanted to show it was intruding on him still looking at the ad so I hand modeled that one to look like a pop up notification appearing over the ad.
The Instagram post! Had to make an icon for the bar that was posting as well as design the post as well. I tried using a fake Instagram post maker but it wasn't working well so I just built that one in the typeset as well.
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Chapter and book titles are Trader Joes inspired as there is a scene there that get called back to later one. There is a brief use of the iphone notes app so had to create that as well.
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The end pages are some I marbled back in April at the Renegade Retreat as well as some shiny purple added to the inside so the painty fingerprints on the backs of the marbled don't show through.
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Back cover image is a wing in monochrome and represents a tattoo in the story.
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So many new fun things to try with this book!
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empydoc · 26 days
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SOUL EATER AU ollie & mentor
check out the masterpost here!
welcome back to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the eighteenth post in the series! we've got ollie & mentor on the menu today. enjoy!
ollie — soul type: weapon weapon type: chakram compatible with: mentor
considering ollie's unempowered status, his weapon form doesn't necessarily experience any buffs, but there's something to be said about the lack of stress that this man might've experienced compared to others in the weaponry & wielding scene. his soul is quite easy to notice and match wavelengths with, resulting in ollie being considered a very easy weapon to work with.
even so, this doesn't denote ollie's uniqueness, considering his weapon form- as he says it, at least- is almost inspired by his fantasy and game loving nature. he's very proud of it, to say the least.
mentor —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: soul resonance - a technique where special attacks are made when resonating with their weapon's soul. compatible with: ollie
as is ollie, mentor is an unempowered person, although this makes the two of them a pretty reliable match. admittedly the two of them haven't really gone out and experienced fully what it's like to wield/be weld, but they anticipate a time where they can 'flex' their abilities as strong partners. sort of. at least outside of working hours.
when ollie confessed to mentor, mentor was slightly taken aback. there's a sort of understanding that mentor wanted a weapon/meister relationship with him, and wondered if that'd change anything. naturally, it didn't. in fact, ollie has always been on board, no matter what it is, when it comes to mentor.
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no backstory this time, but i would like to mention that even though i kinda dropped this 'series' awhile (i stopped rewatching soul eater... man.), i still have a lot of the drafts saved! so, you might see one actually get done and posted every so often.
thank you for the interest!
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animasola86 · 8 months
The Darkness Within: A Fateful Meeting (Part 1/2)
Notes: The lovely @amberlide gave me an amazing idea: to recreate a scene from my Seb+MC fanfic The Darkness Within, and here we are: Auror Sebastian meeting Death Eater Genevieve after seven long years of looking for her, somewhere in Knockturn Alley. (After the screenshots you'll find the accompanying excerpt of Chapter 5.)
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She had noticed him the moment she had left the shop. A black shadow in the darkness around. He was very good at concealing himself, but she had still spotted him, even more so when he started moving. She continued through the narrow streets, yet the more she walked, the tighter she clutched the wand in her pocket.
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“You are here,” he said, ignoring her question. “You are really here... you are back... you are –” He stopped his muttering and tilted his head with a small sigh, the smile faltering a little. She saw him swallow hard. “I can't believe it... I can't believe I finally found you!”
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“Genevieve! Wait!” she heard him call after her, but she turned another corner and kept running.
End notes: Knockturn Alley is actually the “basement” of the Quidditch Pitch and some corners of Hogsmeade (where there are surprisingly few dark alleys).
I dressed Auror Sebastian like this because the scene plays in 1960 and this looks the closest to what I imagined him to look like (just pretend he's wearing a hood). Genevieve is of course very obviously a Dark witch.
If you'd like to read the scene that inspired these shots, keep reading!
Excerpt of Chapter 5 (2k words):
She had noticed him the moment she had left [Borgin and Burkes]. A black shadow in the darkness around. He was very good at concealing himself, but she had still spotted him, even more so when he started moving. She continued through the narrow streets, yet the more she walked, the tighter she clutched the wand in her pocket. She wasn't afraid of being attacked, she knew quite well that she was able to defend herself. Tom had taught her enough. What she was a little wary about was being captured by an Auror.
From the corner of her eye she could see her follower halt, yet he didn't blend into the shadows completely. She turned around and slowly bent down to pick up what she dropped, and her eyes wandered up the stranger's dark form. His face was no longer covered by shadows, and she could see him pretty clearly.
He was young, younger than Tom at least, maybe her age even? His messy brown hair was only half-hidden by the hood of his black cloak. And he was tall, very tall. Lean, but muscular from what she could see. His cloak was not revealing much, but it sat quite snug against his form. His face was hard, a very defined jawline, lean cheeks and high cheekbones, no beard, the slightest hint of freckles on his skin. When she moved her eyes to his, she saw him staring at her out of deep, brown eyes that felt warm in the cold of this late autumn night.
Something inside her soul stirred.
He didn't move, he just stared. And she was beginning to find this encounter rather creepy. She narrowed her eyes at him and waited another second for any sort of reaction, but he wouldn't move. So she inhaled deeply and turned around again, starting to walk away. He followed her almost immediately.
Slowing her pace slightly, she turned a corner and the moment she noticed him following, she pounced on him. Her wand was out, and she grabbed the front of his cloak and pushed him against the nearest wall, staring up at his tall form, only a little bit intimidated by his height. Pressing the tip of her wand against his throat, she rose to her tiptoes and made herself a little taller.
“What do you want?” she hissed through her teeth and watched him closely, bringing her face closer to his as she leaned against his chest, trying to keep him in place. She knew she didn't have the physical strength to do anything to this man, but she had learned that even the smallest person could be intimidating when she was carrying a wand and was very eager to use it.
He just stared at her, and his eyes moved over her face as if he was looking for something – and then he smiled. His lips curved upwards and his eyes started glowing almost, he seemed really happy all of a sudden. She frowned at that and quickly leaned back, letting go of his cloak and only pressing her wand harder against his skin, her arm outstretched.
“What are smiling about?” she asked quietly, genuinely confused by this reaction.
Instead of replying, he only smiled wider and suddenly he moved, completely ignoring the wand pointed at his throat, and he was so swift that she was too surprised to react. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her all the way to the other side of the narrow street and suddenly it was her back pressed against the wall and the strange man leaning over her. She gasped in slight shock and quickly raised her wand again.
“I'm not afraid to use this, I have you know,” she said through gritted teeth and breathed a little heavier. His tall form loomed over her, and she had to admit, she felt a little anxious.
“I'm not going to hurt you,” he then said and the soft tone in his voice made her frown. “I just want to... make sure...”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “What?” she asked, really confused by now.
When he raised his left hand and moved it towards her face, she leaned back against the wall, realizing just how trapped she was. Her heart started accelerating, and she was ready to use any hex on him, but then his fingertips gently touched her cheek, and she not only dropped her wand hand but also her jaw.
His touch was soft and his long fingers slowly pushed aside her long, red hair and revealed the right side of her face. She swallowed hard. His hand cupped her face, his fingers sinking deeper into her hair, while his thumb caressed her cheekbone – and the scars running alongside it.
“What are you doing?” she whispered breathlessly.
He raised his other hand and slowly pushed off the hood of her cloak before he stroked her hair almost affectionately. His smile was even wider now, and he looked happy and sad at the same time. She stared up at him in complete bewilderment.
“I knew it...” he then said quietly, his voice shaking a little. “I knew it worked...”
She saw him pressing his lips together for a moment, and there was turmoil within his eyes. He kept caressing her face, and when his gaze met hers, she felt a shiver run down her spine.
“What are you talking about?” she hissed, growing a little irritated by now.
“You are here,” he said, ignoring her question. “You are really here... you are back... you are –” He stopped his muttering and tilted his head with a small sigh, the smile faltering a little. She saw him swallow hard. “I can't believe it... I can't believe I finally found you!”
He seemed really ecstatic by now, smiling and looking her over, his fingers running up and down her face and her hair, while she just stood there, positively dumbfounded.
“What in Merlin's bloody name are you talking about?” she eventually broke her stupor and raised her wand again, pressing it against his jaw forcefully.
He stopped his touching for a moment and looked at her, as if he only now realized she was a real person and not some kind of weird sex doll the way he was fondling her face. His dark eyes bored into hers, and the smile on his lips caved a little, until it was completely gone.
“Can't you remember?” he then asked, quietly, almost timidly.
“Remember what?” she hissed.
“Remember me? Us?” Concern washed over his handsome face (yes, even in this moment of what the hell is going on, she could recognize that he was rather handsome, despite everything).
“Us? What –” She stared at him. “I have never seen you before in my life!” she replied harshly and narrowed her eyes. She would surely remember if she had.
He leaned back a little and lowered his hands to rest on her shoulders, still keeping her from running away. His eyes grew a little darker, some sort of sadness settling within them. “Really? Have you really forgotten me? Have you forgotten our love?”
Her mouth opened when he mentioned the word love. She blinked slowly. “Love?” she repeated dumbly. “Are you mental?” She was starting to lose her nerve with this man.
He looked a little offended at that and leaned back even more.
“Look what you are doing here!” she snarled darkly. “Following an innocent girl through the streets at night, cornering her, pressing her against a wall, touching her, talking to her about bloody love? Where did you escape from, huh?”
He tilted his head slightly at her words. “I'm sorry,” he then said and caught her quite off guard at that. “You're right. This was not the proper way to do this. I apologize.”
She gaped up at him.
He sighed deeply and then retrieved his hands, letting them hang loosely by his sides. “I... had hoped you would remember me.” He soundly genuinely disappointed now, no more smile, only a sad look on his features, his eyelids lowered as he looked down. He reminded her of a puppy, and she couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of sympathy.
“Who are you?” she then asked and blinked at the fact that she was still somehow intrigued, or at least curious to find out what this was all about.
He looked up at her question, and an eager look pooled from his eyes. “I'm Sebastian,” he said and watched her closely, hoping against all odds that the mention of his name would make her remember. She looked at him and frowned, then shook her head, and the hopeful expression on his face faltered.
“Who do you think I am?” she asked quietly, her eyes wandering over his face.
He smiled at that, a bit of warmth returning to his cheeks. “You're Genevieve. My beautiful Genevieve...”
Something dark crossed her eyes. “Who sent you?” she then spat under her breath and remembered that her wand was still pressed against his jaw, and she poked him a little harder.
Confusion washed over him. “Sent me? Nobody sent me!”
He was an Auror, a member of the Magical Law Enforcement – and this badge was proof enough that he was indeed sent here by the Ministry. They were closing in on them, she realized, and something cold rushed through her veins. And he knew her name, did he also know about what she had been doing as of late? She looked up at him and squeezed her fingers violently around the Auror badge, her jaw clenched.
“Why are you here?” she asked coldly. “You really shouldn't be here, you know? All by your lonesome...” She halted at that and quickly looked left and right, listening intently to her surroundings. He was alone, right? Her heart beat faster.
He watched her closely. “No need to threaten me,” he said quietly. “I thought you were just an innocent girl. What are you so afraid of?”
She stared up at him. “You are still a man cornering me in a dark alleyway, I am just being cautious,” she replied a little sultry. “And I heard you people like to abuse the little power you have...” She pressed his badge against his chest and let go, hearing it clattering to the ground below. He didn't move.
“You have a very bad image of us,” he said softly. “There is really no need to be afraid.”
“Afraid?” she scoffed and took a step back, her wand leaving his jaw, but still pointed at him. “I'm not afraid of people like you!”
“Are you sure? You look a little pale right now,” he teased. “Why should an innocent girl like you be afraid of us anyway?” He watched her very closely. “We are the good guys, believe me.”
“Are you now?” she breathed and took another step back. Her heart was pounding inside her chest by now.
“Believe me, I am. And I don't mean you any harm,” he said and raised his hands in a surrendering fashion.
“Why were you following me then?” Her voice was cold.
“I just wanted to make sure...” he started, then tilted his head. “I wanted to make sure a girl like you would get through this alley unharmed.”
She raised her eyebrows at that. “Are you serious?”
“Yes, I am.”
“And you want me to believe that?” She let her eyes wander over his body for a moment, then looked at the Auror badge lying on the ground. When she looked back up at him, she felt another wave of adrenaline rush through her veins. The Mark on her forearm started itching a little. She took a little step towards him, her shoe stepping on the badge in the process. “I don't believe you,” she then whispered and kicked the badge along the street.
The small clattering noise caught his attention for a second or two, and she used his distraction to move away, quickly falling into a fast run as she tried to bring as much space between them as possible.
“Genevieve! Wait!” she heard him call after her, but she turned another corner and kept running.
[Read the full chapter here]
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chickycherrycola · 2 months
For the writer asks ❤️👻🦋🦈💕🎬💭
Seven questions in one answer post? Let's goooooo 😤🙌
From this Fanfic Writer Asks game
❤️: What is your favorite line that you've written in a fic?
I'd have to go with the following snippet from under your skin:
'He wants to be the heat emanating from her body, the hot water dripping down the planes of her abdomen. He wants to be the scars on her skin, the freckles on her face and the bruises on her legs and arms. He wants to dig his fingers so deep into her flesh that he can no longer tell where he ends and she begins. He wants to be under her skin and in her veins, the energy in her cells and the breath in her lungs.
The very life force that sustains her.'
Heheh 😜
👻: what is your wildest headcanon?
That Maka's mother was a witch. Not sure if it qualifies as 'wild' per se, but i think it's pretty damn compelling and it would explain her absence from the series and Maka's life. @victoriapyrrhi wrote an excellent fic exploring this and I cannot recommend it enough!
🦋: which character is your favorite to write?
SOUL EATER EVANS, WITHOUT A DOUBT 😭💕😩👌 I love writing a pining man. A hopelessly, disgustingly, horrendously down bad man in love (Exhibit A the snippet from the first question lmao). There's also just... a lot to unpack with his character in general. The manga kinda sidelined his character development after he became a Death Scythe imo, when there was still so much more that could have been explored - his inferiority complex, how exactly he copes with the legacy of his family/brother now that he's carving out a different legacy of his own, did he ever have any sort of relationship with his family while he was at the DWMA? How did he adjust to being Kid's weapon as well as Maka's? Where the heck does his 'loyalty to the point of suicidality' thing come from, and does it extend to Kid as well as Maka when he becomes a Death Scythe? I could write a million fics from his POV and I wouldn't tire of it.
🦈: which character is the toughest to write?
My original characters. OCs are definitely the toughest thing for me when navigating original fiction and I think this is my main obstacle that I need to overcome on the road from fanfic author to published novelist.
💕: what is your favorite fic you've written?
This answer might surprise folks cause a lot of you probably follow my work for my smut, but my fave fic that I've written is (no place like) home for the holidays. A lot of the story centered around Soul and his past and his family, so I had a lot of fun with those details (especially writing Wes, dear lord did I have fun writing Wes and crafting his whole character). I wrote Soul as transmasc for the first time as well, which is a headcanon that is important to me. I also think of this fic as a bit of a turning point in my writing journey - it originated as a series of loosely connected scene ideas that I somehow managed to weave together into a cohesive, novel-length narrative, and I definitely felt my writing skills 'level up' while working on it. When I go back and reread, this fic is where I definitely start to notice a consistent difference in my voice and writing style. I learned a lot while writing it!
🎬: if a movie or show were based off your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
King of My Heart, 1000%. And actually, I got this question from several of you, so I'm saving it for it's own post later this week. KOMH fancast in progress 👀😎
💭: what inspires you and your writing?
I find inspiration everywhere and sometimes I truly... don't understand how my brain works. Opening a pair of Bluetooth headphones once gave me a book idea. Entering the wrong information into a flight status tracker website once gave me a book idea. Just hearing certain phrases will give me fic and novel ideas! Ideas and inspiration can come from the most surprising places sometimes. Music, in particular, is very inspiring for me as well. I maintain individual character and fic playlists, and often, just listening to a new song and really paying attention to the lyrics will give me fic/story ideas.
Holy MOLY this post got long. If you read all of that, I'm genuinely impressed 🤣
Thanks for playing!
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the-bloody-sadist · 10 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "the bloody sadist"?
YOU FUCKING BET!!!! I love having the opportunity to list my favorites for anything, though I'm also incredibly picky about fanfics, so I don't actually know (until I start scrolling my bookmarks and listing them) if I'll reach a whole 10 favorites!! But I might! (Note: these are in no particular order)
What I Want From You is Sweet by VampireFaun (Heaven Official's Blessing) [And basically every other work that she's written! But some of my other top favorites of hers are The Thing That Was Not His Highness and Beast With Two Backs]: When I can't get a fanfic out of my head, I usually end up drawing an illustration based on it, if I'm bold enough to risk depicting an author's precious words (rare). This is my MOST re-read fic and I won't ever stop. It doesn't help that VampireFaun/Deer is a WONDERFUL PERSON and I love her personality so much. She's an incredible writer!
Tenfold by dgalerab (Bungou Stray Dogs) : Baby's first fic! This was one of the writings that immediately roped me into the fanfic world. When I first was into it, I was under the impression that everyone just went there to write half-assed explorations of sex between characters, and that wasn't so appealing to me. When I discovered that some people can write entire 25-chapter PLOTS with the level of literacy that matches what I hoped to read??? I was hooked. Obviously you can see in this list that I have strong devotion to a handful of fic writers and my favorites are just the top best fics that I return to of their writing. If I find a great writer, I subscribe to them and go on a rampage of consumption through their list of fics, my fandom or not! Please consider doing the same for those authors that I mention like that!! You'll find so much gold. Everything by dgalerab is good in some way, I have almost all of their fics bookmarked. :') My only complaint about this particular story was that HOLY FUCK THE AUTHOR CUT SO MANY SCENES WAY TOO SHORT LMAO. Please let me have a full comfort scene for more than two paragraphs T_T I worked so hard for it. I cried so much. ANYWAY, STILL A HUGE INSPIRATION FOR WHAT I WENT ON TO WRITE!
What You Have Tamed by Parsnipit (Heaven Official's Blessing)
Love is Hard, Life Sucks by gev_ao3 (Bungou Stray Dogs) : A painful inspection of the nuances of domestic abuse. This one rang true to reality so much that I don't think I can re-read it without having a depressive episode. It's not finished, but it's Fyozai, and you know how I feel about that. Also side-plot SKK! I usually can't stand AUs, but this one fits the situations very well. It's the type of fic that only someone who knows a little too much about how abuse works on a victim can write.
Careful Fear and Dead Devotion by intimatopia (Trigun Stampede) : Yet another fic that I couldn't help but draw for! And intimatopia was kind enough to link it in his fic summary T_T - A super angsty sadomasochistic fic about Vash needing pain and Wolfwood needing to give it. If I don't list any other fics by him on here, it's because I'm such a huge enjoyer of his writing (one of my favorite fic authors), so nearly all of them that don't hit on personal triggers are in my favorites category. He's a master at pinning down the PERFECT depictions of characters that make them feel as canon as possible while also becoming more tangible and real. The ZhongXiao, AyaThoma and Kaeluc fics are incredible. Read them all! However, I will mention that one of his fics that first stuck with me was his Kaeluc AU Northbound & Reaching ! Carys has done a lot of BSD fics too, of which a few stick out to me like They Say You Gotta Fake It and that one Soul Eater AU he did where Dazai was a knife in Chuuya's drawer who gained a body. I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT WENT CUZ I CAN'T FIND IT TO LINK YOU BUT GO LOOK THROUGH ALL HIS FICS FOR IT. IT'S REALLY UNIQUE.
Top 5 works, I guess?? As I mentioned several times while gushing, three of these account for entire lists of the author's works that you should enjoy if we share the same taste! VampireFaun, dgalerab, and intimatopia are my top fic authors, and I've read everything they've posted as long as it didn't contain anything personally triggering - and have learned about new fandoms even! Also, Alaruya didn't make it on this list, but they have a Fyozai fic that really inspired me with its imagery and language. I link it in my Sinner fanfic if you're interested!
I have quite a few other random fics I enjoy, but most were from a Heaven Official's Blessing craze recently and then BSD works that inspired me in some way, but they're not very unique or long, so I felt like this was the best collection to list. Most any fic that explores Dazai struggling with self-harm or neediness or asexuality has my attention. It just has to be written well!
AS FAR AS MY NAME - YOU'RE THE FIRST TO ASK THAT QUESTION! I'm a big fan of...how to explain...slightly dehumanizing titles?? Something that isn't really a name, but a description of me in some way. Something that makes me feel mysterious and yet also gives everyone who reads it an idea of the type of works I'm creating. Of course, my main personality trait is being sadistic, and I love the word sadist, and I love putting THE in front of literally any title because I DON'T KNOW LMAO...I'm THE ONE. That kinda thing. I'M THE GUY!! YEAH I'M THE BLOODY SADIST GUY! THAT ONE! I also love smashing words together, so I was like, I can't just be THE sadist....what else do I like....and that's about it. If I name myself I tend to have trouble ever using anything else in reference to me, so Sadist has stuck from the very beginning. It's going to be very hard to part with that name once I publish a novel and have to use a first and last name...
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takeyourcyanide · 3 months
Tumblr media
Fandom: Soul Eater
Character(s): Franken Stein, Marie Mjolnir, mentions of Taruho Firefly
Word Count: 1 246
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Smoking, Nephrectomy Mention, Taruho Firefly Mention, Jealousy, Marie is jealous of Taruho, this is based on chapter 70, Romance, Implied Relationships, Domestic Bliss, Domestic, Someone made a post asking about whether or lot there were fics based upon chapter 70, Marie’s jealousy and irritation specifically, I don’t remember who but here you go nonetheless
Summary: Marie gets a teensy tiny bit jealous after witnessing Taruho’s flirtatious behavior towards Stein. (This is set shortly after the events of chapter 70.
Notes: As I mentioned in the tags, this was inspired by a Tumblr user’s question of “are there any fics based on Marie’s jealousy in chapter 70,” or something along the lines of that. I decided to take it upon myself to write one, because there doesn’t appear to be many, if any. Also, just as a disclaimer, hormones/chemicals such as oxytocin are much more complicated than just “this is responsible for this.” A concoction, a margarita if you will, of chemicals come together to provide you with those sorts of emotions and experiences and such, but oxytocin has been deemed the “cuddly chemical” (essentially) and the “attachment chemical” for a reason. I put these two in fluffy situations in this fic that would likely aid in the production of oxytocin (if I’m not mistaken), so if you like neuroscience, perhaps you’ll appreciate why I titled it the way I titled it. I could go on about it, but I’ll stop. It’s been awhile since I last researched oxytocin and other hormones, so I’ll stop until I’m refreshed on the topic. Enjoy!
“You’ve been unusually quiet tonight, Marie,” Stein brought what remained of his cigarette to his lips, his teeth just barely resting against the filter as he inhaled deeply, putting what was left of the fire out in his ashtray. “You haven’t even bothered me about.. self-care. Something on your mind?”
Marie sat cross-legged on Stein’s swivel chair with one of the many romance novels (it was her favorite genre; something he’d observed, dissected, and noted when they were only children) in her collection, silently flipping yet another page, whilst her meister diligently cleaned his many surgical tools, organizing his belongings and placing them carefully into the proper drawers and containers and such.
She adjusted the stitched-up lab coat she was wrapped in - encapsulated in, a sort of rush of what she presumed to be the ‘oxytocin’ she��d heard the male rant and rave about (just like any other science-y thing), as she pondered how no one else was so much as allowed to even look at his coat wrongly, how he was never one to share. He’d always lament how anyone else’s hands would dirty and ruin his possessions. Not to mention, he was never the type to lean into domesticity.. or at least didn’t seem to be. That, however, only made the unendingly, incessantly playing scene in her head all the more painful.
“… It’s nothing… You’re just…… you sure are… popular.” She shut her book, tossing it next to his keyboard on his desk, with a pensive, morose sigh. She grabbed handfuls of both sides of his (*his*) coat, bringing one side further over and one side further under the other, effectively shrouding herself in the warmth and the fuzzy, floaty feeling it provided her.
“Huh?” He confusedly whipped his body around, his focus now solely on the hammer. “How so? What do you mean by ‘popular’?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t know..”
“… I’m not pretending.”
Marie rolled her eyes, throwing her body off of his desk chair theatrically, shuffling over to the bemused Stein.
“Taruho - or whatever her name was - sure took a liking to you… She was more than willing to give you one of her kidneys if you so wished..”
“Oh……” He drawled, cranking the screw protruding out from his head, an almost relieved chuckle escaping him. “So, you’re jealous then?”
“Oh, shut up, Franken! I am not!” She slapped his arm, blood rushing instantaneously to her cheeks.
Amused giggles outpoured from Stein, a sadistically fond smirk on his visage. He turned briefly from the woman, scrubbing his scalpels to the point of being shiningly reflective.
“Yeah… You’d be surprised how many people are actually into the whole disheveled, crazed, mad scientist sort of archetype.” He turned himself once more, coming face-to-face with Mjolnir, of whom’s expression was less than pleased. Her eyes had narrowed by a noticeable margin, her brows pinched and furrowed, her arms crossed tautly over her chest, as she pouted. “Evidently, you don’t find that very fascinating, do you?”
“Not at all… for more than one reason.. I don’t like it when people treat you like that’s all you are, I never have.”
“And also because you’re a teensy, tiny bit jealous?”
“… Maybe.”
“Why are you jealous, Marie? You’re the one carrying my next test subject, not her.”
She rolled her eyes once more, tilting her head to the side. “That’s not very comforting… and you seemed so quick to jump at the opportunity to dissect her when she clearly wanted some sort of… sexual or romantic favor in return.. and just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t just up and leave, or God-forbid you decide to.. perform some abortion experiment on me in my sleep, or something - not saying I think you’d do that, but I’m just naming possibilities, here…”
Franken inched languidly closer to the frantically anxious Marie, placing a cold hand into her hair, pulling her in. Her face became flush with his comfortably rigid chest, melting into the arm enveloping her waist, enfolding her. “I have no intentions of performing some sort of abortion experiment on you. If I see the imprint of its foot once it starts kicking, though, I will have to restrain myself from making an incision or two.”
Marie tittered, closing her eyes and focusing on the fingers masterfully soothing over her scalp, bringing her own arms around him, holding onto the softness of his turtleneck like a vice.
“But all honestly non-jokes aside, I had no intentions whatsoever in indulging that witch. I truly don’t think I would even had to do anything sexual, she seemed so infatuated with me, I could’ve done whatever I pleased, no matter what. Of course I’m going to jump at the opportunity to experiment on someone - especially when I might be able to obtain their written consent and avoid any possible consequences. And I don’t plan on leaving you. You’re fascinating, and both fetal development, and the development of a child interest me greatly. What incentive do I have to leave?”
While his reassurance was awfully clinical and detached in nature, Marie understood well that Stein was someone who expressed his affection and care in strange, unorthodox ways. In Stein Language, “you’re fascinating, what incentive do I have to leave you” is his way of saying “I feel a sort of foreign fondness for you that I can’t quite seem to comprehend, nor label. Is it even fondness? Does it count when it comes from a place of sadism? Is it only sadism? I don’t know. But I know I like you more than most people.” And to Marie, that was all the reassurance she needed.
“I don’t know… I just… hm…”
“You know I don’t hold anyone else like this, right?”
“Yes…” She’d never seen him hold anyone in his life…. other than her, that is.
“Then what do you have to be jealous about? You worry too much. That witch was just as boring and banal as everyone else. I’d jump at the chance to perform a nephrectomy on anyone, Marie. You know this.”
“She’s not even fit to be another test subject?”
“She’s not even fit to be another test subject.”
Stein tugged gently on her hair as to nonverbally ask her to stop hiding her face away, staring down at her expectantly. He gazed into her soul, examining how her wavelength was gradually steadying, gradually relaxing, and how well it was responding to the uncharacteristic amount of affection, causing a surge of curiosity to rush through his veins.
“You worry too much,” he brushed a few strands of blonde hair away from her face, tucking it tenderly behind her flushed ear. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it, though.”
She shoved him playfully away, the corners of her mouth outstretching into a begrudging smile, though she missed his touch and the comfort it brought her the moment she did as such. “Moment ruined.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty good at that.”
“… But seriously, though,” she began, timidly quieter this time, fiddling with the buttons of his lab coat. “….Uhm… Thank you. I know it was stupid of me, but-“
“No, no, no, it’s fine, Marie. It wasn’t stupid. Personally, I found it to be somewhat cute.”
“You heard me.”
He took her hands gently in his, lifting her arms and amusedly observing how the clearly oversized sleeves fell immediately down a little past her elbows, mirthfully and adoringly grinning.
“You should wear my coat more often.”
Tear You Apart is how I picture Stein’s expression of any possibly adoring and affectionate (both platonic and romantic, though I hc him as being partial to queerplatonic relationships, and possibly struggling to distinguish between the two because he doesn’t feel them often, and also seems to find difficulty in labeling his emotions altogether, even in the series itself), even sexual feelings towards another, especially since they are canonically foreign experiences for him. Perhaps I’ll create a separate post about this.
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casdeans-pie · 10 months
Fanfiction Q&A
Tagged by @thepagemistress thanks so much for the tag!! I love stuff like this asdfghjkl
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly Supernatural because it's my most recent fandom and I have extreme destiel related brainworms - but I do also still write Izuocha/My Hero Academia stories from time to time. I've officially 'left the fandom' but I find the ship cosy to write, so they're easy to come back to every so often. I would really like to get back into writing for Genshin too at some point! There are so many characters and their personalities are all so barely defined that it's a lot of fun to shake the grab bag of them and play around with ships and tropes.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ahh they're all MHA. I wrote them at kind of the emergence of the MHA fic scene though. So it was just good timing. It's crazy that they've remained my most popular fics even this many years later wow.
Also fun fact, the two ships here had fandoms that actively hated each other because Ochako is in both of them. I was living my best multi shipping life.
Also also, the jump in number between #1 and #2 is wild. BBB is a fandom experience I will treasure forever.
#1 Beep Beep Beep - Izuocha / My Hero Academia - 2,245
#2 Saw This. Thought of You - Izuocha / My Hero Academia - 787
#3 Ceiling Scorch Marks - Kacchako / My Hero Academia - 675
#4 Green's Your Colour - Izuocha / My Hero Academia - 582
#5 Sweaty Palms - Kacchako / My Hero Academia - 544
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Heck yeah!! It may take me anywhere between a day and a month, but I will always reply at some point. I like to repay the kindness of leaving a comment with acknowledgement <3 even if all I can manage back is a keyboard smash and a thank you
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, easily easily Don't Stop Dreaming (Izuocha/MHA) I cackle like a classic disney villain every time someone leaves a comment about how they didn't notice the main character death tag and the ending broke them. Did I put it in the middle of the tags simply to make missing it easier? maybe so.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Okay this one is hard. Because 99% of my fics are fluff. They pretty much all have a happy ending lmaoooo
The cheesiest happy ending might have to go to Cat Thief (Reddie/IT) though - that whole fic I tried to capture the vibe of a cheesy Hallmark movie and then for the ending I really dialled it up to ten. Cavity inducing honestly aaa
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so??? I've had the odd piece of criticism here and there, which makes me like >:( because I didn't ask for crit and I'm doing all this for freeeee
But otherwise, nope <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not anything I've ever published (because it's not very good asdfghjkl) It's honestly very vanilla and mostly about the ooey gooey feelings more than the smut itself, so I don't know whether it would really appeal?
Either way any smut I ever decide to post on AO3 would have to be anonymously. Too many people I know in real life know my Izupie username and just the thought of one of them googling me one day and finding my AO3 is bad enough even without any smut fics being on there RIP
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Hmm, not really crossovers? I write AU's of other worlds - like, I wouldn't write the cast of IT meeting the characters of Soul Eater, but I wrote the characters of IT in the world of Soul Eater. Does that make sense??
Two birds with stone because Dances of the Souls (Reddie/IT/Soul Eater) is also the craziest 'crossover' I've ever written. I saw some fanart and got inspired, and to this day I can't believe I wrote like 10k words of that.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I did !! Many manyyy years ago. Someone sent me a message to say that they'd noticed somebody had reposted one of my fics but just changed the characters. Can't even remember what fandom they'd made it for.... They'd stolen a whole bunch of Izuocha fics and just changed the names! So a few affected Izuocha writers including myself sent them messages asking them to take the stolen fics down and within a few hours their whole profile had been deleted.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No!! But I would LOVE that !! Anyone who ever wants to translate any of my fics, please know the answer will be yes!!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I'm the process of that actually with Seal My Heart (Izuocha/MHA)!! It's been such a fun process but I feel so bad because I'm really bad at procrastinating and getting distracted by working on multiple things at once and I don't have a whole lot of free time, so I am probably the worst collab partner you could have!!! (sorry!!!!)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I usually change this answer based on my current fandom tbh! Right now I can't imagine any ship affecting my brain in quite the same way as Destiel.
I think it's the ALMOST of it that has given me infinite brainworms and hurts my soul. And they have just the most delicious dynamic. They're best friends. They're fighting. They're soft. They're gonna burn the whole world for each other. They're wearing silly cowboy hats. etc etc
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I wish I had it in me to write part 2 of Barks (Reddie/IT). I had this whole extra plot with all these conspiracies and saving the town and ultimately wanted to end it with Eddie getting turned into a werewolf too, but it had already gone on to nearly 100k words and I just wanted to write other things asdfkl
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmm.... I would say maybe the way that I create a mood? I like to really appeal to all the senses when I write to kind of make you feel like you're there in the scene. Changing my writing style to add to the atmosphere is also something I think I do quite well? Like short choppy sentences for tension etc etc.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Dialogue all day. If everyone could just, not speak? That would be great. I really struggle to capture characters specific voices.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
I can't say I've ever given it much thought... I think it would be okay as long as you're VERY sure that it's correct.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Ahh that would be my Yu-Gi-Oh self insert fanfiction all hand written in a little notebook that I wrote as a child :') I wrote me and a friend into so many adventures with the Yu-Gi-Oh characters. It's extremely cute.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Beep Beep Beep without a doubt. I had so so so much fun with it. I have a whole notebook filled with plans and notes about each character (even the ones that appear for small scenes or are only mentioned!) and I just had a blast the whole time coming up with what cameos I could insert and little references I could scatter around. I had backstories planned out that didn't even make it into the fic but helped inform how this universe had changed the characters from their canon counterparts.
Updating it and having people anticipating the updates was such a buzz I can't even explain. I would get messages about it, some very kind artists drew fanart of it! The whole experience was all I had ever wanted as a fanfic writer. I loved every moment.
On a more recent note - I haven't written anything as self indulgent as Flicker, Fizzle, Pop (Destiel/Supernatural) for a long long time and I LOVE that for me. I had soooo much fun! And I was so excited to update it because I had so many people excited to read it! Very very fond of this fic <3
Phew that went on for longer than I expected - turns out I can ramble about my own writing for a long time, who knew right???? asdfghjkl;
Tagging some writers! @encyclopika @amynchan @citrinediamondeyes @velvethopewrites @loserchildhotpants @king4aday @fivefeetfangirl @jemariel @microsuedemouse No pressure though! (I'm just curious about your answers hehehe) But also if you see this and you're not tagged and wanna do it anyway - do eeeeet!!
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spitandkiss · 2 months
Teen Touya Centric Hurt/Comfort Angst fic I wrote inspired by the Crona Shadow Soul scene in episode 21 of Soul Eater ft Giran cameo
5.6k words
I’ve had this idea since March of 2023 and only last week did I finally write this and hoping the writing bug sticks with me as I’ve been dry creatively for the last few? Several? Years lol :’))
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1pcii · 8 months
one more little tibit on my growing soul eater au
I've been thinking about how devil fruits should be integrated into the universe. so what if they were like another type of soul? alongside kishin, witch, mighty, etcetc. one that integrates with the consumers own and can be eaten by anyone regardless of wheatger they are a miester or a weapon, and so are kinda passed down through each user (sabo eating the Mera Mera fruit/soul LITERALLY becoming one with ace... the gomu gomu fruit being passed into Luffy from joyboy/Nika/whoever who is a god at a similar level at death. etc).
also soul resonance allows weapon and miester to exchange pain/injuries now because I need a thriller bark -esque scene to exist.
while my whole inspiration stems from the famous crossover fanart the longer I think about it the more my ideas deviate into my own thing, I'm having alot of fun playing around with different ideas! while they have most of the main characters match different captains of the captain trio and I'll probably stick w those. I'm really liking the idea of sanji as crona. the black blood being the equivalent of judge/the vinsmokes experimentation. and sanji having an artificial weapon as someone who starved for human connection is an idea that absolutely breaks my heart in all the best ways.
I'm still uncertain about any other classifications tbh. I can see Franky as a weapon for obvious reasons, and robin as his miester works. (lots of arms + super versatile weapon = match made in heaven)
I like the idea of nami and usopp being a miester/weapon pair but I'm not sure... the way he in canon builds her iconic climabaton... but also he himself is a character who is super reliant on his arsenal of nick nacks, his whole fighting style is based around it! and I could see nami as a sick ass pistol or smth. idk if anyone has any ideas they'd like to share my ears are wideeee open plzplz
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bcbdrums · 10 months
Remember Me
AO3 | FFn
A Soul Eater story. Short missing scene from episode 40.
Inspired by this amazing fanart.
Remember Me
"Will you remember me, after I'm gone?"
Stein listens to the familiar way the response is voiced. Timbre high, breathy, with the final consonant punctuated just enough to add weight to the question. He can read the weapon's thoughts in that single word.
What does he mean by 'gone'? Why will he be gone? What will be the cause? And the meaning that grounds Stein to the moment the most—don't go.
"I think..." Stein continues, not answering the spoken nor the implied questions, "I would like to be remembered."
"Stein you're... It's... You're stronger than this. I know you are."
"Hmm," is the slightly sighing, slightly scoffing response Stein gives.
He begins to turn his head up from where it's set back against the wall, and the pain the movement causes brings him a greater awareness of the environment.
He is in the very back of his lab-home, in a small room little used except recently by Marie. Someone has drawn back the curtains that keep the world from getting inside, allowing sunlight to break through and illuminate the destruction his madness has wrought. Furniture overturned, objects torn apart, everything scattered across the floor as if a robber had broken in and a fight had ensued. And there is blood staining everything, because there is always blood.
Stein wonders what injuries will be revealed when he finally does try to move.
The skittering creatures and dark hands that threaten to squeeze the life from his throat have gone. So has the rain of blood that was nothing like the real thing now that he can see it before him. He's aware of a slight chill and realizes one shoulder of his coat has fallen down his arm, but he makes no motion to correct it. His glasses are gone too.
He wonders what brought him back this time, can't remember any specific word or action that did it. Only that the pressure, the madness, retreated suddenly. And then he became aware of a familiar, welcome soul at his side.
In his periphery, less than two feet distant on his right, he can see the dark trouser leg of the weapon standing next to him. He's not leaning against the wall but facing it instead, and Stein painfully tilts his head up just enough to see that Spirit has his left arm folded high on said wall and his forehead is rested against it. His eyes are closed and his face is twisted in anxiety.
Stein licks his lips, tastes drying blood. He stares.
If this is to be his last true moment of sanity, he wants to memorize every detail. He wants to recall the way Spirit's brows pinch together as they always do when he's stressed. The way the skin of his cheeks have paled indicating it's not anger that has his mouth twisted into a snarl. The way his hair just brushes his shoulders, and how that one longer strand falls across his face and yet never seems to bother him.
That hair. It's always been better, somehow, than the blood that Stein can feel seeping out of him in undiscovered wounds. Better than the trails of it he can see on the floor, than the dark stains of it on Spirit's cuff. Somehow Spirit's hair has had more life to it than blood ever can. Perhaps because it doesn't control life, the way blood does, so can never herald death. Or perhaps simply because it's so near his expressive eyes.
Stein suddenly blinks out of his study. Blood. On Spirit's cuff. He reaches out unthinkingly and touches it, so lightly that the weapon doesn't notice.
"Did I hurt you?"
Spirit opens his eyes, and Stein forgets where he is as clear teal eyes fix upon his face.
"No," Spirit replies with a slight shake of his head, and Stein believes him.
Spirit is staring down at him. Despite how expressive his eyes are, and despite how Stein spent the better part of five years simply staring at them, learning to the read them and know his weapon's thoughts... He doesn't know what Spirit is thinking.
"Will you...remember? Me?" Stein voices again, the words heavy with their years of memories, and he knows the look that enters the older man's eyes then.
Pain. Fear. Words he wants to say but holds back with his breath.
Spirit's lips part in silence, and when he does glance away he bites his lower lip and gives an uneasy sigh. Stein slowly sets his head back against the wall and lets his gaze drift over the room, to a panel of sunlight on the bloodstained floor.
It occurs to him then... This is the only time since Lord Death brought them back together that they've really been able to be alone, to talk as just themselves. Not as duty-bound meister and weapon, not as teachers at the academy, not as doctor and death scythe... But just them. He wonders if Spirit knows it too.
Of course, he thinks ironically, he has to barely have a hold on sanity for the conversation.
"If...if I say yes..." Spirit begins hesitantly, and Stein can't help the slight warmth that curls through him. Spirit could never deny him anything. "Will you promise me, Stein..."
Stein shifts slightly, focuses his gaze on Spirit's bright, unblinking eyes.
"Will you promise me you won't give up?"
For a moment all is still. And then the corners of Stein's mouth make an almost imperceptible turn upward.
As much as he has learned to read the weapon, likewise the older man knows exactly how to read him and follow the trail of his thoughts to every possible conclusion. And Spirit isn't wrong in what he is thinking.
A bitter ache settles over Stein's chest, because he knows now that that path is closed to him.
"I promise."
The choking darkness begins to lift, and the resolve in his own voice surprises him. But it shouldn't, really. After all, Stein could never deny Spirit anything.
Spirit doesn't turn, but he does reach down to where Stein is seated, his fingers lightly curled and hovering near the meister's shoulder. When Stein reaches up he's surprised to see blood on his knuckles, but then a vague memory of striking out at the creatures and the groping hands reminds him of the source of the small wounds. He wonders how the other more serious ones he can feel occurred while he was lost to the madness.
The touch, slight though it is, is like electricity. Warm and life-giving and making him believe he can at least try to follow through on the promise. He allows Spirit to help him to his feet, takes a moment to let the dizziness pass as he presses his hand to a wound at his hip, the act of standing causing it to re-open. He takes a slow breath through his nostrils and doesn't say anything.
"Let's ah...let's go back to the lab," Spirit says a little uncertainly, starting slowly for the corridor. He makes no move to release Stein's fingers, and the meister follows obediently. "Where's Marie?"
"She's..." Stein trails off as his brow furrows. Where is his other weapon?
In the doorway Spirit pauses, turns to look at him as he puzzles over the question. Stein listens to his sigh and doesn't need to look up to know disappointment will have joined the other emotions in the teal eyes.
"Have a seat," Spirit says, finally releasing the slight hold on Stein's fingers to gesture to the eyesore of a couch that Marie had placed in the great room of his office.
Stein swallows and slowly steps past Spirit, releasing the pressure on the wound in his side. He straightens his coat before sitting, hoping the weapon won't notice the more serious wound, and then tips his head to rest on the back of the couch and closes his eyes against the spinning of the room.
A multi-colored, multi-legged creature flickers through the blackness in his vision, and Stein opens his eyes again.
"I'm supposed to be reporting to Lord Death. I'll...see if I can find someone to clean up that room for you. All right?" Spirit says and starts to turn for the door.
The meister is relieved to see his weapon stop immediately, turn on his heel and the muddle of emotions in his eyes melt away into nothing but concern. But the words Stein had been about to say have left him, his mind falling blank under the kind gaze from clear, teal eyes.
Apparently words aren't necessary as Spirit approaches the couch and kneels in front of him. A hand settles on his shoulder and Stein again feels the electricity, the warmth. Not a true resonance, because he doesn't dare expose Spirit to his mind the way it is, but just enough of a connection that he feels he can actually make good on his promise.
"Please." Again, the timbre of the weapon's voice rises. The word comes out on an exhale, and the end of the word is precise.
Stein simply stares, again memorizing as much as he can while his mind is his own. The crystalline intensity of teal that seems to stare straight into his soul. The feathery halo of red that perfectly frames gentle cheekbones and a strong jaw.
It's almost enough to banish the dancing of technicolor creatures that are beginning to swarm the edges of his vision again. Almost. But he ignores them if only for one last moment of clarity. One last look at his weapon.
"Please, Stein. Don't give up! Try to fight it!"
Stein's voice is lost again, lost somewhere between the dark forest of hands that waver behind the protective shield that surrounds him with his weapon's presence, and behind the sincere care of a friend.
"I have to go... Just try. I'll come back."
Spirit's hand leaves his shoulder, taking the warmth with it. The creatures skitter closer and the dark hands eagerly surround the weapon as he retreats, moving past him and snaking slowly toward Stein. He draws his elbows up to the back of the couch as if readying to flee, but the rest of his body is as lead. Too weak to fight anymore. Except...
"I'll try," he echoes, and Spirit stops at the door and looks back at him one last time. Stein's gaze pierces beyond the eel-like arms coming closer and the bright things hovering near his feet to look at the grim set of the weapon's jaw. But his eyes rise higher, to a pair of narrowed, giant yellow eyes above the door and a forked tongue that flicks toward him suddenly.
His throat tightens, and he lowers his eyes anxiously to the weapon.
"I'll come back."
It's on that promise that Stein sets his hope as everything closes in. Spirit vanishes through the door, taking his radiance and sound mind with him, and then the whole of the lab wall seems to disappear to be replaced by three massive, ominous eyes arranged like rosebuds, red and twitching and bleeding evil that sings toward Stein with dark purpose.
The strange, dazzling creatures skitter upon the sofa toward his knees. The eyes blink and a static begins filling his ears, getting louder and louder until he can hear nothing but noise and the fearful hammering of blood in his ears. The forked tongue darts out of the swarm of arms to lick his face as the black hands get closer, only inches away now.
Stein closes his eyes to all of it. Pictures teal eyes and red hair, clings to the image. And as he feels the creatures attack and the hands close around his throat, before the madness can steal his breath fully, he parts his lips one last time.
"Remember me."
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autumnmobile12 · 8 days
Wow, so this old memory just resurfaced: When I first start fics, sometimes they involve random parodies of dialogue from unrelated stuff. One of the early bits with Ambush Simulation...started with a Try Guys episode. The wilderness survival one...which works really well with the summer camp angle.
So in addition to The Summer Camp Ambush Simulation being inspired by a scene in Soul Eater, also know that the vibe was kinda inspired by that one Try Guys episode in which everyone is slowly going insane in the wilderness.
League of Villains canon: Invades summer camp
Vanguard Action Squad AU: Chaperones summer camp, collectively loses their minds
Aizawa: Just remember, nature hates you and wants you dead.
Twice: A pretty successful poop and quite a beautiful place to do it actually.
Mr. Compress: What fun it is in the forest! Everyone's having a grand time in the forest!!
Mr. Compress: Spinner's probably running around screaming 'what's up' at plants.
Cut to Spinner running around and screaming: "Oh, whatchu want, woods?!"
Mr. Compress: Dabi at this point has to have stripped down to try to become nature.
Cut to Dabi halfway up a tree: "I'll stab you all in the face. I'm a motherfuckin' owl."
Mr. Compress: And I just hope Twice isn't dead.
Cut to Twice in the middle of an empty field: "...nobody told me how fucking boring this was gonna be. This is awesome!"
Twice: Dabi, don't step in my poop!
Dabi: *freezes mid-run* What?!
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