#scene 1
bobbie-robron · 2 months
You can be the best nurse in the world, Cam. You can’t save everyone.
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After the Flood - 13-Jul-2024
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blam-marie · 6 months
Hey tumblr have a look at this scene and let me know what you think about it please thanks :)
Tristan Jones stared out of the café windows at the cruise ship moored at the docks with the same unnerved trepidation he imagined straight people must feel, just before they married someone they would proceed to jokingly call ’the ball and chain’ in their wedding vows. He didn’t want to get on the ship. He was going to, and he had been reliably informed that he was expected to have a good time while on it, but he personally remained dubious that such a good time could be achieved.
For one, he would be far away from any means of repairing his electronics if they broke, and his electronics were his life-line. For two, the planned itinary of the ship was set to take him into several areas where he would be completely outside of signal range, which was worse. He hadn’t even known such areas still existed in this day and age of magically-boosted satellites and wizard wifi. For three, he was supposed to go on the cruise with Klaus Reed, of all people. Now, it wasn’t that Tristan had anything against Reed. He liked him well enough, had even worked together on occasion. But Reed was excited about the cruise, and a mismatch in attitude like that was always a pain to work around when you were trying to settle into a new cover identity.
Oh, right. There was also that: Tristan Jones wasn’t going on the Three-Months Dream All-Around Tropical Wonder Cruise as a vacation or anything of the sort. He was going on it as a spy working an undercover assignment against his will.
Think of it like a reward, his boss had told him, because he was an asshole. You’re my best agent, so you get the best assignment. In agency parlance, that meant: ‘you pissed me off somehow, but since you consistently bring in results, I’m not allowed to punish you. So I’m going to send you somewhere very scenic, for a mission that will be either mind-numbingly boring if you’re lucky, or extremely fucked up if you’re not.’ And since Tristan was an experienced agent, and he had a sense about these things, he could already tell that the second option was the most likely, even though he’d hadn’t even set foot on the godforsaken boat yet. He’d only needed one look at the mission brief to be able to tell.
According to the files he’d been given, half of the passengers of the cruise were set to board today, and another half at the next destination. Given the speed that the tickets had been sold, the lack of publicity for the cruise, and previously gathered data on some of the passengers, there was a high possibility that most if not all of the people about to board already knew each other, and may be involved in some manner of scheme. Unfortunately, what manner of scheme remained unclear, and it was one of the things that Tristan was here to uncover. With his luck, it might turn out to be anything from a terrorist plot to a weird sex cult.
Tristan scrunched his eyes shut and shuddered at that last thought. In the back of his mind he prayed to whatever deity oversaw spies (like all good spies, the god of them probably knew better than to let anyone know its identity, so he never put a name on his prayers and trusted that they reached the right godly department anyway) to not let him walk into a sex cult. Or at least not while partnered with Reed.
Once again, he didn’t have anything against the guy! And it’s not like Tristan was a prude or anything. He just… not with colleagues. Or other agents, even if they weren’t colleagues. Never again. That was a hard limit that he had set for himself years ago and he was going to hang on to it. It made his whole life so much less complicated.
Speaking of Reed, he sure was taking his sweet time. Tristan checked his watch. It was very fancy and very obviously a knock-off of an expensive brand, and would likely break down on him halfway through this mission. You’d think that would be annoying, but he knew that it was a feature, not a bug. Nobody thought that you were an undercover spy with military-grade equipment if your phone screen was cracked and your watch was a piece of shit. (That wasn’t the reason why he had been given it, though. The reason was that the hacks who worked down in Equipment hated him. It wasn’t his fault if they got offended when he returned his gear with obvious improvements in the softwares and hardwares. He wasn’t trying to insult them, he just needed shit to fiddle with on long boring stakeouts. He was a technomancer, of course he was going to mance the tech! What else did they expect?)
At T-minus-30 minutes to departure time, Reed still hadn’t shown up and Tristan was fidgeting with his undercover identity’s cellphone. He wasn’t actually supposed to turn it on until he’d boarded the ship, to reduce the risk that his movements before embarking could be retroactively tracked. But his partner was way beyond late now, and Tristan needed to know what the fuck was going on. Reed had been delayed, obviously, but Tristan didn’t think it was a catastrophic — or permanent — delay, or he would have received some signal to abandon mission and gtfo. So, what, was Reed just stuck in traffic? Did he slip on a banana peel and twist his ankle? Had he misread the briefing packet and was waiting in a completely different coffee shop? Tristan’s thumb hovered over the phone’s home button. He was just going to text him real quick using the café’s wifi, and then hack into the router to erase his tracks. With his skills, he was reasonably sure that no one but his partner would ever see that message.
The café’s door jingled. Tristan glanced up and away, reflexively, then froze. He slowly put his phone back down and shifted, ready to spring up from his chair. Right, so the mission was fucked-fucked. Good to know.
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shadow-9x · 5 months
Macbeth Act 1 Scene 1
Scene 1 Thunder and Lightning. Enter three Witches. FIRST WITCH   When shall we three meet again?  In thunder, lightning, or in rain? SECOND WITCH   When the hurly-burly’s done,  When the battle’s lost and won. THIRD WITCH  5 That will be ere the set of sun. FIRST WITCH   Where the place? SECOND WITCH   Upon the heath. THIRD WITCH   There to meet with Macbeth. FIRST WITCH  I come, Graymalkin. ⌜SECOND WITCH⌝  10Paddock calls. ⌜THIRD WITCH⌝  Anon. ALL   Fair is foul, and foul is fair;  Hover through the fog and filthy air. They exit.
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endwithajadestrick · 1 year
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One of the best moments from Shakespeare, possibly under-rated? It's such a clever and very human joke to have a character waffle this hard on a love confession. The actresses I've seen play Beatrice always have so much fun with this part. "I confess NOTHING."
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emotinalsupportturtle · 10 months
David Tennant being a lifelong Doctor Who fan who was inspired by the show to act, becoming the Doctor and Ncuti Gatwa who watched David Tennant and was inspired to act, playing the Doctor opposite David’s Doctor is the most beautiful thing
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sidsinning · 3 months
Gotta love how Mappa always makes Gojo's lips slightly pink and shiny like he got lip gloss on
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Do yalls remember that mini "controversy" where butt hurt anime dudebros edited this frame to not have lip shine or eyelashes bc he didn't look "masculine" enough to them lol
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Mappa was like BET let's make his pretty ass even PRETTIER
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Do you think there's a separate budget for this man's eyelashes
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dancing-with-fate · 4 months
Start from the Beginning
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There's an unease in the air, one so thick and suffocating that it leaves your skin crawling. One would think the rain will release that tension, to clear the air with the scent of mildew. But tonight, it seems as though it only adds to the fear and pain.
The sky rumbles, beating against your heart as lightning strikes in the distance; lighting up the streets of the dark city.
You must look insane to any passing cars. A strange person standing at the mouth of an alleyway, soaked to the bone; simply staring up at the sky as though in a trance.
The hair on your arms stand up as a chill goes down your spine. Something isn't right. You can feel the harsh wind on your face, yet not a single leaf on the trees lining the sidewalk shivers like you.
Lightning strikes once more, lighting up the alleyway across from you. Faces flash, staring straight at you from all corners with a menacing grin. You just barely catch the sight of blood dripping from their teeth as the light fades from the sky.
Your heart pounds in your chest, you can't move, you can't breathe. Whatever it was you saw, it's holding you hostage. Keeping you frozen in place with nowhere to run or hide.
It's claws wrap around your wrists and ankles, tugging harshly. Trying to drag you down to wherever it came from. The monsters face gets closer to you till its hot breath hits your cheek.
You clench your eyes shut, hoping, praying that if you don't give it the attention it wants. Then maybe- just maybe it'll go away.
And it works. The warmth on your face goes away, and the claws retract. But when you open your eyes, to take a peak of your surroundings. You're no longer outside in the rain.
You've awoken to the sight of your living room with the tv playing some children's cartoon. All the sleepless nights, and stress of work must've caught up to you finally.
The claws are gone, and the air no longer feels thick. Everything is normal. Nothing to worry about. There are no monsters, there is no danger. It was simply your imagination.
You sigh, adjusting your position on the couch before closing your eyes once more. It won't hurt to get a little bit more sleep.
There's a knock at the door, making your eyes snap open and heart beat harshly in your chest.
The show on the tv has changed once more, no longer playing a cartoon, but now a movie. You fell asleep again and yet feel no less tired.
There's another set of knocking.
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[ 1 ] Get up and answer the door
[ 2 ] Ignore the knocking, they'll go away eventually
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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possuminthetrashh · 4 months
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What can I say, I sure love raccoons and parks
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leqclerc · 7 months
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Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2018 -> Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2024
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bobbie-robron · 2 months
Sneak peek - scene 1…
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Man’s Best Friend - 03-Aug-2024
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thirstywaffles · 3 months
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Coming soon in theaters near you
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mischiefbuckley · 5 months
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(also ABC I need some more Uncle Buck and Jee scenes)
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sameboot · 1 year
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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hotmandrivefast · 22 days
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“Maybe,” Max says, placing his hand on the edge of the top crate, just centimeters away from Charles’ thigh, “they should have asked whose hotel room you stayed in last night?”
Redbull!Charles from all to play for by @drivestraight
Rambling under the cut for author…
I feel like I owe a lot to this fic. Objects in mirror was my gateway drug into lestappen and pretty much the reason why I decided to stick around in the fandom in the first place. Completely blown away by how insanely well written it was. And subsequently fell so deep into the ship. I remember first finding it in around February? Gave you a big rambling anon ask back then about how good it was too fnjfnf I still reread it once a month just to relive the emotions.
I saw an ask you answered the other day saying you don’t get fanart that often and I was like ?!?? How is this possible?? Not under my watch
I know you’re not much into lestappen anymore but I’m really grateful for all the fics you’ve written for them! Just happy to read anything you post nowadays, doesn’t matter what ship. I love your writing so much. You’re extremely talented ❤️
Hope u like the art, it was made with lots of love 🫶
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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Interview with the Vampire | 2x08 “And That's The End of It. There's Nothing Else”
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