#scary movie fest
ecstarry · 5 months
monster mash moodboard
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moodboard for the graphics I did for the @maraudersmonstermash. i was so so honored when they asked me to do the branding and got even more excited when they shared their vintage horror inspo for it <3
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muddlemore · 5 months
cruella is arguably one of the scariest disney villains which they really toned down in the 90s series. but dalmatian street took that shit and cranked it back up to THE MAX
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duranduratulsa · 2 days
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Now showing on my 90's Fest DuranDuranTulsa's Plenty Scary Movie...Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990) on YouTube #movie #movies #horror #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre3 #leatherfacetexaschainsawmassacreiii #tobehooper #riptobehooper #leatherface #katehodge #WilliamButler #RAMihailoff #ViggoMortensen #kenforee #jenniferbanko #joeunger #carolinewilliams #kanehodder #youtube #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasplentyscarymovie #plentyscarymovie #8sThePlace #ktul
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Ugh ugh ugh so i have a roommate and we are really close friends which is a amazing. she’s been sick for about two weeks now and it sort of goes in and out: it’ll be ok for a few days and then get kind of sucky. The last two days she’s not been feeling well so I’ve been cooking for her and trying to get her to take naps and stuff but she has this really horrid sounding cough? And this is way to much information but here’s the kicker: I’m not sure if I’ve developed a crush? Either way I just really want her to feel better and I want to just cuddle her and rub her back and stuff but I don’t want it to be weird in case I do have a crush?? ANYWAY point is I was hoping that if you have a sec and the inspiration strikes that you’d write some o’knutzy or coops suck cuddles. It’s nothing life threatening just y’know feeling gross and the other(s) trying their best to help. Also if you don’t feel like writing that you can just revel in the silly silly story and the image of coops and o’knutzy cuddles, which are always happy :)))) -lilo
Fic O'Ween Day 10 & 11: Scary Movie & Costumes! Combining these two into one because Halloweekend is busy : ) Lilo, I don't know the whole context here, but it sounds like this is less of a crush and more that you want to take care of someone you care about. If the feelings keep Feeling after she's better, then that might be a crush (feel free to ignore if that's not true). Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW illness (cough, stuffy nose), mention of throwing up (not described)
“You c’n go without me,” came a mumble from the pile of soft things on the couch. A sniffle followed. “I don’t mind.”
Leo sighed, easing himself into the space left over with a rub to the nearest socked foot. One sad, glassy eye peeked out from the depths of his own hoodie. “Harz…”
“S’okay, really,” Finn continued. “The party’ll be fun. I’ll be okay here.”
“We’re not leaving you alone like this.”
“I’m a big kid, I can—” A squeaky yawn interrupted him. “—handle it.”
“You don’t have to, though,” Leo said gently. They had been at it all afternoon, neither he nor Logan able to talk sense into a groggy and unhappy Finn. It had taken them long enough to lovingly bully him into letting them help once he realized he couldn’t get out of bed without wobbling—a headache had followed, then sniffles and a nasty cough, and by noon he finally gave in. The couch had been designated the ‘Sick Zone’. Finn alternated between naps and looking pathetic for the next six hours.
He fumbled for a tissue and blew his nose; Leo didn’t miss the wince that twitched at his shoulders and made a mental note to herd him into a hot shower as soon as possible. “I’m not exactly exciting right now.”
“And so you should go to the—”
“No, Finn.”
“Go to the party!” he insisted, taking Leo’s hand in one of his clammy ones. “I promise I’ll be fine. You don’t have to sit here and worry over me when everyone else is having fun. They’ll miss you, Le.”
“And we would miss you.” Leo squeezed his hand. It felt warmer than before—too warm. He pushed down his worry and ran a thumb over the shadows beneath Finn’s eye. “I like you even when you’re not exciting, cher.”
The front door opened with a creak and they both looked up as Logan entered with an armful of grocery bags. His nose wrinkled. “Who closed the window? It’s—étouffant, you’ll stay sick if you don’t get air in here.”
“Finn was cold.” Leo leaned up for a kiss when Logan passed and saw him soften, looking between them on the couch. He made a small noise of agreement into Leo’s lips, then moved over to brush Finn’s hair off his forehead and leave a kiss in its wake.
“You’re hot, mon rouge.”
Finn cracked a smile. “Always am.”
Logan tsked at him, but the pass of his hand over the back of Finn’s head was gentle when he moved back to the kitchen. “I got your vegetables, Knutty, but I wasn’t sure what makes a medium onion different than regular ones.”
Leo blinked. “Are they…medium-sized?”
“That’s what I’m saying, I don’t know.” Several things clattered before Logan reappeared with two onions. “Is this medium? There were bigger ones and smaller ones.”
“How many onions did you buy?”
Leo laughed and started to get up, then paused and tucked Finn tighter under the blanket. “Don’t move.”
Finn gave him a rueful smile. “Can’t.”
“Shift change,” Leo teased, taking the onions from Logan.
A tug at his elbow stopped him just before he turned into the kitchen. “How long has he been that warm?” Logan asked, so quiet Leo could hardly hear him.
His heart sank. “Not sure. He wasn’t like that when you left, so I’d guess ten to fifteen minutes.”
Logan frowned. “Is he still talking bullshit about us going to the Halloween party?”
“Yeah. He’s pretty out of it, though.” Leo touched the fine bones of his wrist and smiled. “Thanks for going to the store, baby.”
Some of Logan’s worry lifted away into a pleased blush. “De rien, mon amour. Your food is always worth it.”
By 8 pm, Leo’s flu suspicions were confirmed in everything but a clinical diagnosis. Finn had given up on trying to convince them to have fun without him, laying his head in Logan’s lap or curling up tight against Leo’s ribs despite his feverish forehead. He dozed until dinner, managed to keep down a bowl of soup, and mustered just enough energy to argue with Logan as the evening’s entertainment.
I’m not going to throw up.
You look like you are.
Just do it, you’ll feel better.
I would rather die.
He slept for 45 minutes to recover from such a harrowing conversation and did not—much to Logan’s annoyance—do the one thing that would make him feel better faster. Finn’s stubbornness, while rare, was damn near impossible to overcome. Leo was just grateful he took a hot shower with little cajoling, even if it meant he looked like the world’s cutest boiled lobster on the other side of it. The sides of his nose were starting to chap from the tissues. Better to nip that in the bud than deal with it for the next week and a half.
Finally, they settled on the couch and let the sounds of the TV fill the apartment. Leo could hear Finn breathing softly through his mouth while Logan combed his fingers through mostly-dry hair and rubbed Finn’s back at the same time. He pulled the edge of the blanket down over Finn’s feet and relaxed into the couch, exhausted. “Dumo sends well-wishes, by the way. Celeste wants to bring over some soup tomorrow.”
Finn made a quiet sound of acknowledgement; Logan cast him a smile that made Leo’s heart warm, reaching over to squeeze his arm. “Merci.”
Leo’s sleepiness vanished in an instant and he sat up straighter, bending slightly to see Finn’s flushed face. “Hey, sweetheart, do you need something?”
He shook his head and shrugged the blanket up over his shoulder. “Can we—can we watch a scary movie?”
Leo looked over to Logan, whose face had fallen into something like distress. He raised a brow; Logan hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, ‘course we can,” Leo said. “Which one?”
“Don’t care.” One hand appeared to pat Logan’s knee. “You don’t have to stay for it. I know you don’t like them.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Logan promised with a kiss to the shell of Finn’s ear. “What kind of boyfriend would I be, eh? Leaving you when you’re sick. It hasn’t happened before and it won’t happen now.”
The faint sound of chaste kisses filled the background while Leo scrolled through the ‘Horror’ section. If he guessed correctly, Finn would be out cold in less than twenty minutes, and then they could change the show to something that wouldn’t petrify Logan for the next month. He didn’t have much of an opinion on scary movies, but that was one of the trials nobody warned him about when he got two boyfriends: movie night was like a judicial negotiation.
“Thank you for staying.” Finn’s voice was nearly inaudible against the opening music. “Both of you. This isn’t how you planned on spending the night, and you worked really hard to put together our costumes, so. You know. Thanks. And sorry.”
“Finn,” they chorused with equal degrees of heartbreak.
Leo pulled on the hem of his pajama pants until Finn looked back at him, altogether too drowsy and adorable for his own good. “If we had gone to that party, we’d spend the whole night worried about you because we care that you’re safe and healthy. Getting you Gatorade and making soup is what I wanted to do. It’s what we get to do for you, now.”
Finn still didn’t look convinced, but Logan moved his hand around to tip his chin up. “It’s not because you can’t take care of yourself,” he said quietly. “It’s because you don’t have to.”
It was a good thing Logan had guided Finn’s gaze away; Leo wasn’t sure he could have handled seeing whatever expression came across his face at that. The caving of Finn’s chest and the full-body tremor that went through him was enough to make his breath catch. “I know,” Finn rasped after a few moments. “God, sorry, I—yeah, I know. I’m working on it.”
“We know.” Leo folded a hand over his ankle, just for a point of contact. “I mean, yeah, I wish we could’ve gone because you’d look hot as Ferris Bueller and I desperately want to see Lo in a fringed jacket someday. But I’m not sad about staying in and watching movies, either. This is fun. Spending time with you two is what I want.”
Finn took a tissue from Logan and blew his nose with a miserable honk. “You never have been good at picking one or the other, huh?”
“Not once,” he laughed.
“Worked pretty well, though,” Logan noted. “I’m not complaining.”
“Choices are for chumps,” Finn agreed. It was good to see him smile. The moment was only ruined a little by a sudden, violent axe-murder occurring on the television—Leo counted them lucky that Logan didn’t launch their sick boyfriend off his lap with the force of his flinch.
“Can we please just watch Halloweentown?” he begged, clutching Finn’s shoulder and arm while Finn cackled himself into a coughing fit. “Or Casper? I’ll put up with Beetlejuice, I don’t care.”
“How about The Exorcist?” Finn suggested.
“I was thinking The Conjuring,” Leo added.
A flush rose to Logan’s cheeks and he leaned over to whack Leo on the arm with a pillow. “See if I ever buy you onions again, you ungrateful, evil, horrible—”
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ambreiiigns · 10 months
Youve talked about some extreme movies youve watched and you say youre unaffected a lot but whats something that really messed with you up? Is there anything? What would you suggest to me as I have high tollerance too but would like to watch something heavy as a challenge :]
for what concerns suggestions i feel like it depends on what gets to you ? like it might be more psychological or it might be more body horror etc idk yk but. i really don't mean to be pretentious but. i can't think of anything that REALLY fucked w me ? like. i bring up melancholia 2011 dir lars von trier often it Did kinda get to me a bit it did give me a bit of depression for a sec it's very underrated in the sea of lars von trier movies that get the Disturbing reputation i find it more effective than ANYTHING else tbh the only other thing that maybe kinda comes close is antichrist but not as much.
martyrs 2008 is also Really something and it's def one of the better movies out of all the big deal Disturbing Movies you hear abt
if gore gets to you Do try the guinea pig series they slap
terrifier 2 has a scene that made me Flinch ! i've never flinched since. it's a good fun movie that i'd rec regardless but like. That scene. i think it's gotten pretty famous. it's not like fucks you up type BUT it's hard for me to flinch and i flinched so i thot i'd mention it xx
in the same vein. since tis the season. black christmas 1974 GOOD movie NOT traumatizing but the phone calls are a bit fucky and it Did give me can't-sleep anxiety Once really weird
ummm possession 1981 And audition 1999 same vibes they know how to make you uneasy and uncomfy
hhhghhgyggh i don't fuckinnnnn knowwww my man i don't get Affected i'll just be fine abt whatever i don't KNOWWWW like i guess just watch salò i don't KNOW!!!!
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horror-nostalgia · 2 years
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Spooky season is finally here 🧟‍♂️🎃👻💀🪦🔪
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peachypizzicato · 2 years
so no october splatfest?
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in case you hadn’t heard:
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seekertxt · 2 days
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Hell Fest (2018) (The Other)
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spookyspoiledho · 2 years
31 Days of Horror: Day 17 - American Fright Fest
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No gif!
A standard slasher, it's only 91 minutes but it dragged on too long. Too many characters. Good background noise, no interesting kills and very little suspense.
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theprettyarachnid · 1 year
JJK characters and their reaction to a sensitive, innocent and easily flustered s/o🌹
a/n: yes <3 also i was on a roll with this one and i’m proud of myself
also sorry for the depression fest lately, my bad yall
warnings: the more you scroll the more nsfw it gets
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, yuuta, gojo, suguru, nanami, sukuna (some characters aged up)
🕷️ he thinks it’s really cute how flustered you get over the simplest of things
🕷️ he’ll hold your hand and he catches a glimpse of the tips of your ears turning a little red
🕷️ yuji once made a dirty joke while hanging out with you, megumi, and nobara and while the other two were rolling their eyes or saying their piece about the joke, he noticed you having this confused look on your face
🕷️ almost like you were a stranger within an inside joke
🕷️ he took note of it and will occasionally say things that are dirty when it’s just the two of you only to watch it fly over your head
🕷️ yuji doesn’t really lose his temper but you did something reckless on a mission once and he got really upset
🕷️ he couldn’t stop himself from yelling at you out of concern and fear but when you started crying he stopped
🕷️ he immediately gave you hug while you kept apologizing only to hear him shush you
🕷️ he was upset with himself for the rest of the day and a little more
🕷️ he cuddled with you for hours even when you told him you had something to do
🕷️ “just a few more minutes, you’re warm and i don’t want you to go”
🕷️ you can say whatever you want, i think megumi gets a little flustered at times as well
🕷️ in the beginning of the relationship, nobara and yuji would be snickering in the background as megumi tried to make a move
🕷️ your sensitivity can sometimes be a problem because megumi is naturally stand-offish and can sometimes come off as kind of mean
🕷️ especially because we know he can be kind of bad at comforting people but he’s gotten better at it because of you
🕷️ he likes to tuck your hair behind your ear because he likes seeing your lips thin out while you shyly look down
🕷️ not huge displays of affection in public but even when you two are alone and you kiss both of you end up having coloured cheeks when you pull away
🕷️ if he’s feeling like it, he makes you flustered on purpose just for your reaction
🕷️ as well as he’s not one to be ashamed of showing his affection so throughout the day he holds your hand, kisses your cheek, twirls your hair when he’s bored
🕷️ but he finds it funny when he shows big displays of affection watching you try to run off before everyone starts staring but he catches your hand so you can’t leave
🕷️ “tuna!”
🕷️ when you two are alone he’s noticed that you’ve become a little less embarrassed when it’s just the two of you
🕷️ movie night with the gang
🕷️ everyone has turns picking out the movie so panda or gojo (on the rare occasion he joins) might put on a scary movie
🕷️ you’ll cover your eyes at certain parts of the movie but be peaking out a little because you’re too interested
🕷️ he pulls the cringey yawn over the shoulder thing even though he doesn’t have to and he knows it’s cringe
🕷️ also finds it cute but goes easy on you even though he could do a lot worse
🕷️ occasionally pokes fun at you but gives you a quick kiss so you know he’s joking and you don’t have to get upset about it
🕷️ sometimes he can’t help himself and puts his hand a little lower than usual or will gently squeeze your waist
🕷️ can be overprotective during missions
🕷️ when he leaves for missions, he gives you multiple pairs of sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc for you to wear and even when people ask “is that yuuta’s” and you get embarrassed you still keep it on
🕷️ yuuta can’t help himself when he gets back, as soon as he sees you he picks you up bridal style and spins you around while kissing you
🕷️ by the time you’ve stopped spinning, you’re out of breath, dizzy, and grinning like an idiot
🕷️ consider getting a restraining order
🕷️ like sometimes it can be cute like he’ll call you beautiful but other times he gives you a quick smack on the ass or squeezes your boobs when no one’s around
🕷️ you yell at him at times especially if it was in public and really embarrassing with red cheeks
🕷️ and as a sensitive person myself, probably a little tears in the eyes
🕷️ he feels really bad when you yell at him and hugs you for however long he feels necessary
🕷️ for some reason he really likes seeing you in his shades and randomly will put them on you
🕷️ it doesn’t really make you flustered, you actually find it kind of funny at times
🕷️ even when his eyes are covered, you can feel him staring at you and when his eyes are uncovered it’s in adoration
🕷️ gojo just thinks you’re so pretty and he can’t keep his eyes off you
🕷️ he finds it funny how suggestive jokes go right over your head so he’s more direct when it comes to you
🕷️ he whispers something in your ear occasionally and bites the tip of your ear watching your eyes widen and your face getting red
🕷️ he wiggles his eyebrows whenever he says some promiscuous which makes you make your mouth agape as you just turn your head away
🕷️ finds it amusing
🕷️ isn’t as relentless but occasionally will intentionally do something here and there
🕷️ when he’s talking to one of his disciples and you’re with him, he slyly moves his hand down to your ass gently squeezing it
🕷️ the disciple usually looks confused when they notice you hide your face while staring at the floor
🕷️ likes to sneak up on you and will give you a kiss behind your ear and feel the blood rush up your neck and onto your face
🕷️ gently cups your cheek and compliments you a little too loudly so people will hear
🕷️ he likes how innocent you are because the less you know the more he can expose you to
🕷️ is really gentle with you so you don’t get upset
🕷️ death penalty to anyone who makes you upset, the more upset you are the more miserable the death is
🕷️ he doesn’t let you know though, the last thing he wants is to see who he really is when it comes to others
🕷️ noticed it the first time he leaned over you to see what you were doing
🕷️ it was only out of curiosity of what you were doing but he thought it was cute seeing how flustered he made you
🕷️ notices how you keep stealing glances at him when he loosens his tie which shows a bit of his collarbone
🕷️ “you know, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me dear.”
🕷️ even with his statement though, you still would
🕷️ occasionally asks you to loosen his tie for him and watches as you look at the floor quietly giving an “okay” before walking over
🕷️ he takes this opportunity to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss to the forehead
🕷️ he gives you a small smile when you look up before gently kissing you again on the lips enjoying how your hands tremble a little as you still loosen his tie
🕷️ if he raises his voice out of frustration and sees you curl into yourself while looking at the floor, he makes sure to take a breath and apologize
🕷️ it’s a very rare occurrence but it still happens
🕷️ likes when you sit on his lap while he works because he likes how close you are to him and how you stammer a little bit whenever he talks to you
🕷️ oh god
🕷️ not to be cringe but you’re literally in the lions den
🕷️ sometimes literally if you’re in his domain
🕷️ sukuna always makes a point for you to look him in the eyes whenever he talks to you, no matter what he’s saying
🕷️ if you look away from embarrassment, he grabs your chin to make you look at him and sometimes even makes you repeat how he wants you to look at him when he’s talking to you
🕷️ “what did i say about keeping eye contact? say it so i know you understand.”
🕷️ occasionally gives you a break if he’s feeling nice but will still do things to get a reaction
🕷️ you sit on his lap on his throne, one of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other on your thigh
🕷️ a little too high up your thigh most of the time
🕷️ lifts your chin up before he kisses you
🕷️ he doesn’t care if one of his servants comes to him about something and he’s doing whatever to you just to hear you stumble with your words while nervously playing with your hands
🕷️ loves fucking you especially in his true form because he has more arms, two of them holding each of your wrists while another one is slung over his shoulder and being extended just a little too far
🕷️ to make it even worse he makes you beg most of the time and watches your tears run down your face
🕷️ isn’t exactly the nicest person, i mean he’s the king of curses, so he says a lot of insensitive things
🕷️ he rolls his eyes and tells you to stop crying which usually only makes it worse so eventually he gives some weird half-assed kind of an apology so you’ll stop crying
🕷️ he doesn’t say “i’m sorry” but pulls you closer so your head is against his chest while he plays with your hair and that’s usually the closest you get to an apology
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redspringstudio · 11 months
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TOUCHSTARVED is featured in the Steam Scream Fest 👻 Check out our demo and other discounted scary games from Oct 26th to Nov 2nd!
Which love interest do you think would die first in a horror movie? 🤔
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fullofgutsndopamine · 5 months
Hasan Piker Masterlist
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Haunted house worker x
trick or treating x
Halloween movie fest x
competition x
best friends x
frat!hasan takes care of you x
frat!hasan has feelings for you
enemies to lovers
frat!hasan begs you not to go on that date
paint date x
dinner date x
Odds & Ends:
enemies to lovers summer au x
Person A is about to move out of the house they grew up in. Before they leave, they call and invite Person B over so they can dig up the time capsule that they had buried in the backyard together when they were kids. x
5 times it didn't matter when hasan touched you, +1 time when it did
5 + 1 feat fire fighter hasan
hasan works at an animal shelter to feel human. he has a reputation
or, three truths and a lie: hasan is drunk and an idiot and she promised herself she’d stop adopting strays at frat parties. one of these is a lie.
soulmates au x
coffee shop au x
baseball au x x
town hall au
tattoo au x
flowers in exchange for a tattoo x
caught by chat x
bookstore first date x
he comforts you after scary video x
you and hasan divorced, but he’s still there to decorate for your kids party x
you’re the drunk neighbor trying to get him to lower his music x
school teacher contest x
FITPS (big brother!hasan)
missed hockey game x
inviting him for dinner x
things you said when you slept x
Trivia AU (1/4)
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duranduratulsa · 2 days
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Now showing on my 90's Fest DuranDuranTulsa's Plenty Scary Movie...Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990) on YouTube #movie #movies #horror #thetexaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre #texaschainsawmassacre3 #leatherfacetexaschainsawmassacreiii #tobehooper #riptobehooper #leatherface #katehodge #WilliamButler #RAMihailoff #ViggoMortensen #kenforee #jenniferbanko #joeunger #carolinewilliams #kanehodder #youtube #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsasplentyscarymovie #plentyscarymovie #8sThePlace #ktul
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mattatouilletkachuk · 11 months
haunted house with quinn
49. “If you get scared, don’t come crying to me.”
October was the best part of the year in your opinion. Autumn was amazing but it was only around Halloween that certain activities were available. Last year you and Quinn went to a corn maze, bobbed for apples, and even went to a fright fest. You had to leave the last one early because as much as you enjoyed the spooky atmosphere you might have been a little too frightened to finish it.
Earlier in the month you had gone to a pumpkin patch and picked apples and you had even gotten Quinn to wear matching costumes with you.
It had taken you months to figure out how you could possibly top last year's fun and when you finally thought you had found it you brought the idea to your boyfriend.
“You want to do a haunted house?” Quinn looked at you quizzically.
You pushed your phone into his space a bit more as if he couldn’t see the information clearly enough.
“Yeah, it’ll be tons of fun.” You said, excitedly. “Afterwards they have a scary movie marathon starting with Child’s play and ending with Nightmare on Elm’s street. They even have another corn maze that we can do if we go early enough.”
“It took us forever to get through the one last year.”
“Yeah, but this one has people in costume chasing you through it,” you pointed to the screen and finally he took your phone to scroll through the website you had up.
“Don’t you think this might be too scary for you?” He asked as he handed the phone back to you.
You frowned at him and crossed your arms over your chest.
“I’m a big girl, Quinny, I can handle it.”
He only raised one of his dark eyebrows at you and said, “I’ll go but if you get scared don’t come crying to me.”
A large smile split across your face as you jumped in excitement. You kissed his cheek and when you pulled back you nodded your head enthusiastically, “Deal!”
You had made it through the corn maze successfully, beating last year's time by two minutes. Quinn claimed it was the man dressed as an evil clown chasing them but that didn’t matter to you because you still beat your personal record.
You were practically bouncing as the two of you waited in line for your turn to enter the haunted house. Lights were strobing and loud scary noises were playing and it only made you more excited. You didn’t miss the exasperated but fond looks Quinn was giving you and when it was finally your turn to enter you grabbed his hand and tugged him behind you.
You refused to admit that Quinn was right. You lasted all of two minutes before you were too scared and were let out of a side entrance. The people working there were understanding and despite Quinn’s claim that you couldn’t come crying to him, you were wrapped up in his arms as tears fell down your face and you got your breathing to even out.
“I really thought I could do it this year,” you mumbled into his chest.
Quinn ran his hand through your hair and sun circles into your back as you shook.
“Maybe we can go home and watch Halloweentown or something. That always puts you in a good mood.”
You perked up at the mention of one of your favorite childhood Halloween movies. Pulling away slightly to look up into your boyfriend's eyes you smiled slightly. “We could even have hot chocolate?”
“Of course,” he said simply as he wiped the remaining tears from your face.
It wasn’t until the two of you were back in his car that you finally said what you had been thinking about since exiting the haunted house.
“Maybe next year will be the year that I finally make it through that place.”
Quinn looked at you in surprise before finally shaking his head and chuckling. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”
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melswifeasf · 8 months
Safest in your arms pt 10
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Pairing: Georgia Miller x fem!oc
Summary: fall fest was supposed to be a fun activity for Samantha but it turned into nothing but a huge disappointment.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI, cursing, age gap relationship (18 and 30) grooming.
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HALLOWEEN WAS THE BEST time of the year which all six friends could account for. they could dress slutty, get drunk and go to parties the whole weekend. it wasn't until their sophomore year they ditched the whole 'binge scary movies and stuff their faces with candy' deal and started going out instead. they had wanted to go to a party that night but none of them had planned a costume and Ellen had said she preferred her daughter to just go out on Saturday instead. Samantha didn't push it, it wasn't like her to do so.
the group of friends were in Matthews like most weekends. they were all sitting on the couch except for Natalie and Oliver who were on the floor like they had been last time they were there the last they were there. it was almost midnight and she thought by now she would be with a certain blonde but her friends were very persistent on her staying and she couldn't say no. even then that didn't stop her from texting her.
🍑 : are you gonna be at the festival
S: prob? depends on if my friends
are going
S: are you?
🍑: i have to since Paul is running for
mayor again, he needs everyone in
the office with him.
S: does this mean Georgia Miller is
going to dress up?
🍑: i have to do that?
S: ofc you do, ur in the Mayors office
you kind of don't have a choice
🍑: does that mean your dressing up?
S: for the festival? no lmao.
S: i prob will later though, i think we're
going to some party
🍑: will i be able to see your costume?
S: i'll send pics;)
🍑: i'll be looking forward to it
🍑: what will your costume be?
S: idk tbh, we're all dressing up together
but they can't decide on what it should
whilst she waited for a response from the blonde she put her phone face down in her lap and turned her head to look at her friends. she was laying her head on Jades lap, her hair was being played with softly. Nia had Samanthas legs on her lap and Matthew was sitting beside the brunette with a respectable space between them. it was understandable that they wanted to keep things between them under wraps, especially considering they were still taking things slow and Oliver was overly protective when it came to Nia and her love life. she only ever had one boyfriend during her Junior year but it only last six months because Oliver would always try and scoot himself in between them. it wasn't fair, Nia never did that with him and Nat.
"i think we should go as nuns" Matthew said and looked up from his phone. they all laughed.
"the day i see you in a nun outfit will probably be the day that i die." Jade said with a chuckle.
"you putting that on would be an insult to nuns and i'm not even religious like that," Natalie said.
Matthew rolled his eyes, "okay i get it, i like sex." he shrugged. Samantha wondered if he was actually offended or if he was just acting like that because he always did. a part of her would believe he was offended, especially since the girl he currently had a thing with was sitting right beside him and listening to everything. although that shouldn't matter, Nia knew who Matthew was since the day they met and it's not like all of that knowledge would disappear now that they were figuring things out.
"more like you get around." Jade mumbled with a small chuckle making the girl in her lap slap her arm softly in warning.
"what about the avengers?" she proposed, trying her best to differ the conversation from him and to something else. "there's six of them so the numbers check out" she continued.
Oliver scrunched his nose, "i don't think any of us want to be hulk"
"or hawkeye" Nia mumbled.
Samantha sighed, "okay. any other ideas?" they had been going at it for a while now and it was starting to annoy everyone in the room. it was just hard, none of them wanted to pick something basic but there weren't that many group costumes, especially with six.
"we could all just wear purge masks" Natalie shrugged making both Samantha and Nia grimace.
"ew that's like super 2019. that is the most boring shit ever" she said shaking her head. Natalie sighed.
"okay then i don't know"
the room fell silent once more as they thought about more ideas. Matthew was on his phone searching for ideas but he seemed to be coming up with the same things over and over.
"what about toy story" Nia said making the raven girl point at her in agreement.
"i can be barbie. she's hot" she said earning a small smile from Jade.
"true." she agreed.
"holy shit," Oliver muttered making them all look at him in confusion. "Matthew and i could be Kens and you girls could be barbie." he proposed with a huge smile. that didn't sound like a bad idea at all, she doubted anyone else would think of doing that. it just surprised her that Oliver was the one to think about that over everyone else. she'd expect that from Nia or maybe even Jade but Oliver? that was something she never saw coming.
"why are you actually kind of a genius" Nia said matching her brothers grin.
"i think i'm more of a raquel though," Jade said, her lips twisted to the side as she was looking at the space in front of her in thought.
"i totally see that" Natalie nodded then gasped as she looked down at her boyfriend in excitement. "we could be Ken and Barbie from the Toy Story movie." she said happily.
Oliver's grin grew wider, "you're a genius babe" he said and the blonde shrugged sheepishly before she leaned down to press a soft kiss on the boys lips.
"i'll be howdy Ken," Matthew said, his lip curling into a smirk.
"valid, valid." Samantha nodded, "i never thought i'd see you in a cowboy costume and honestly i love that for you"
Nia frowned, "but then what would i be? i don't want to be in some horrid 80's work out jumpsuits" she said sadly.
"you could match with me" Matthew offered, his smirk gone and replaced with a small smile that everyone else in the room messed but Nia couldn't.
"yeah, you guys would look great." Natalie said to try and encourage her friend. they really needed to come to a conclusion so they could get the costumes the next morning.
"that just leaves you," Jade said looking down at Samantha.
"i'll be og barbie. you know, with the pink dress? god i'm gonna look so hot" she sighed out a bit dreamily causing them all to laugh.
"i sometimes forget how obsessed you are with yourself," Natalie chuckled.
"whatever, it's called self love." Samantha bit back and threw up her middle finger at everyone in the room.
they all started to talk about what they needed to buy which wasn't much since most of them already had clothes that could go with it. the only person who didn't was Natalie and Oliver because he needed a hawaiian shirt. Samantha figured her dad would have one though she offered to try and look for one for him. Samantha would just wear a pink dress that she already had and wear glittery eyeshadow along with pink heels to really seal the deal.
Samantha didn't feel her phone vibrate any more meaning Georgia hadn't texted her back. she tried not to overthink it, the blonde was probably asleep by now. it's not that she needed to talk to Georgia every minute of the day but the blonde had been a bit distant since the morning and she wondered if she did something wrong. the day that they hooked up Samantha and her stayed up another hour before the blonde grew tired and fell asleep, as soon as she did Samantha snuck out through the balcony. it was thankfully still slightly dark outside, the sun had just began to rise so it wasn't completely light outside. things were fine even the morning after, their dynamic didn't change but she was starting to wonder if the blonde had just now started to regret it, the reality of it all finally sinking in. the thought alone made her stomach hurt.
now that she knew what being with Georgia was like, life before her seemed so boring. nothing compared to the night they shared, the chemistry, the passion and overall it was just so fucking hot and every time she thought about it a light shade of pink would cross her features. her overthinking was cut short by Jade who locked her phone and threw it on the empty spot beside her.
"guess what i heard," she said a small smirk playing at her lips. everyone stopped to look at the girl, each of them just as confused, including Samantha who was looking at her with furrowed brows.
"what?" Oliver chuckled.
Jade looked down at Samantha, "Sophie Sanchez and your sister are talking." she said, her smirk never leaving.
"holy shit, are you for real?" Matthew laughed in slight amazement. Samantha didn't say anything as she waited for Jade to respond to him. there was no way Max was talking to someone - specifically someone she knew and wouldn't tell her. the thought alone hurt her feelings more than she thought it would.
Jade nodded, "yeah. i heard it from Kate. i think she even invited her to some party Brodie's throwing." she laughed and anyone who had common sense knew she was making fun of Max.
the raven haired girl didn't even care to comment on that. all she could think about was the fact that her sister was talking to someone and she didn't bother to loop her in. maybe she was a hypocrite considering she didn't tell the girl about her ex girlfriend but that was different, she couldn't tell Maxine because she knew it would ruin a lot of friendships and she didn't think it was fair for that to happen when all she wanted to do was to be happy. Maxine didn't have that problem, it's not like Samantha would get mad if she talked to Sophie. she just wished she was important enough in Maxs life to have been in the circle. maybe she was a shittier sister than she thought she was.
the girls mood had drastically changed and the only person who seemed to notice was Nia who began to rake her fingers through the girls hair. "you okay?" she asked softly, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
Samantha shook her head as she tried to form a smile, "yeah." she whispered.
both of them knew she was lying.
the next day the group of friends all rode together to the festival. they had all gotten everything they needed for their costume and there was a while until they needed to get ready so they decided why not go. Natalie Oliver were still parking the car seeing as there wasn't any empty parking spaces so they dropped the four friends off before driving off to try and find a space. as soon as Nia and Jade saw that there was fresh apple cider they each broke away from Matthew and Samantha leaving them on their own. they were each waiting for the two girls near the face painting station where Samantha could clearly see her sister and her friends.
what she had heard yesterday was still fresh in her heart and seeing her sister only made it sting even more. she never thought she would be left in the shadows of her sisters life and yet here she was.
she wasn't the only one overthinking though. Matthew glanced at the shorter girl briefly, his heart was beating faster than usual which he had never felt before. why was he nervous? he only felt like this before games. he sighed, "can i ask you something?" he spoke up breaking Samanthas stare in her sisters direction and directing her sight toward him.
she had an idea of what he would be asking but nodded regardless, "what's up?"
"has Nia told you anything.. about us lately?" he asked a bit hesitantly, he paused to try and get the words out without seeming too n invested.
Samantha shook her head, "about what?" she asked feigning confusion. she didn't want to throw her friends under the bus like that, especially not with the literal guy she was crushing on.
Matthew looked at her with 'seriously' look on his face. "you're her best friend and she hasn't said anything? i don't believe you" he said and crossed his arms against his chest.
the raven girl rolled her eyes, "if you already knew the answer then why'd you ask."
Matthew shrugged, "i want you to be honest."
"she has."
"what did she say?" he quickly responded.
Samantha looked at him with raised brows, not at all used to seeing him this desperate. "just that you guys talked during Sophomore sleepover." she said honestly. they hadn't really spoken since and she assumed it was because they were taking things slow.
Matthew nodded, his face turning so he was looking in front of him and not directly at the shorter girl. "that's it?"
"did you want her to tell me something else?"
he shook his head. "i just.. i know she likes me and all but i don't know if she would want to actually go on a date with me." he said scratching the back of his neck nervously.
Samantha's expression softened, she now understood that it wasn't just one of his usual conquest, he actually care for Nia. "i think she'd say yes"
"really?" he asked his head snapped back toward the girl. she nodded with a gentle smile.
the boy couldn't contain his smile so he turned back around, "okay" he confirmed. neither of them could continue their conversation considering the sole topic of it was walking toward them with a cup in hand. she was laughing at something Jade had said and Samantha didn't miss the way the boys eyes shinned at the sight. she loved them together.
the brunette and Jade approached them, each holding a cup of cider. "want some?" Nia offered Samantha as she held her cup out but Samantha shook her head.
"im good. thanks though." she said earning a smile from the brunette as she went back to talking with Jade.
soon enough Oliver and Natalie were walking toward them hand in hand, once they were caught up with the group they walked around a bit to see what they could do. there were some activities which they participated in which really just means Oliver and Matthew would compete with one another. they spent half an hour carving a pumpkin which both looked equally as bad, none of them had the heart to tell them that though. that thankfully didn't last long since they all went toward the stage when they heard Paul begin to announce who had won the decoration competition. they all knew who the winner was even before so it was really pointless.
Samantha could see Georgia up on the stage, their eyes met for a second, each of them sharing a smile before the blonde turned to talk to her coworker. the six teens were in the crowd, half of them whispering to each other whilst Nia and Matthew were watching Samantha and the blonde exchange small glances.
"bootylicious really takes the whole costume thing seriously." Matthew said with a small smirk knowing the name he called her would annoy her.
he was right, the raven girl rolled her eyes at him. "shut up" she mumbled making both Nia and Matthew glance at one another in amusement. she looked so hopelessly in love and yet couldn't see that herself.
"best window decoration," Paul announced, a small card being pointed at him so he could read off of it. he was wearing a suit that was unbuttoned to reveal a super man costume, he was even wearing a black wig and glasses to complete the look. "goes to.. Liz Chavez" he finished earning an applause from the crowd. they watched as a trophy was brought up to Paul before her gave it away to the winner. "winner of best apple pie," Cynthia which isn't a surprise at all. "to the surprise of no one, goes to Cynthia Fuller." as they all expected. everyone began to clap once more but neither Samantha nor her friends did.
"bitch," Jade muttered under her breath making them all laugh.
"careful, the witch might hear." Matthew quickly whispered before turning back toward the front so they could watch the red head take a picture with the mayor. Samantha saw the small and cold interaction between her and Georgia when she grabbed the trophy from the blondes hand. that made a smile form on her lips, she loved that about Georgia. the camera snapped a quick picture and the redhead pulled away from the mayor and behind him on the stage.
"and now a very exciting announcement from the mayors office. we are going to be renovating the Wellsbury public library." cheers erupted from the crowd once more, even from the six teens who were glad they were finally going to do something different in the town.
not everyone had the same reaction though, Cynthia walked back up toward the front of the stage clearly upset with what she had just heard. "but the library is one of the most historic buildings." she said.
"exactly. this is why it deserves upkeep." Paul nodded. "we're gonna be adding a third floor. we are going—"
he was quickly interrupted by the red head who sounded even more upset, "upkeep? sounds like your plan is to depreciate a beloved landmark." she said in a condescending tone then reached over to snatch the mic causing it to make a slight squeaking sound making everyone cringe.
"fuck." Samantha muttered knowing whatever was going down wouldn't be good.
"what Wellsbury deserves is a mayor with a vested interest in preserving that standards in this town. i mean, first the drugs, now the library. where does it stop?" she said. cameras were snapping pictures repeatedly, each of them wanting the hot new story for the day.
"bitch needs to get laid," Nia joked earnings snickers from the group.
"someone get her a broom so she can fly away." Oliver added making his girlfriend shove him softly, not able to contain her amusement at his words.
"green gardens actually allowed us to have a surplus that far exceeds—"
"i saw Mayor Randolph last night on a date." she interrupted him, talking louder to drown his words out. murmurs erupted in the crowd causing her to nod, "yes. with his assistant" she confessed pointing at the blonde in accusation.
the crowd fell silent at her words just like Samantha felt her stomach drop, her before amused expression replaced with a blank expression. the three oblivious teens began to whisper their surprise whilst Nia and Matthew looked at their friend worriedly. they glanced at one another, each of them trying to have a silent conversation so try and figure out what to do.
Samantha's eyes locked with Georgia who looked nothing short of regretful but she quickly looked away, turning her attention to Paul making that horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach intensify. this was why she had been super distant they day before. she probably couldn't find the balls to tell her that she wanted to end things then. it shouldn't even matter, they aren't even together but that didn't take away the absolute pain she was feeling in her chest. was this what all of her one night stands felt when she didn't talk to them anymore? was this her karma?
she chuckled softly, her head shaking in disbelief. she felt stupid for ever thinking her and Georgia could be anything but a simple fuck.
"let's go." she said dryly, not even turning to look at her friends as she began to walk away from the crowd. not even Cynthia making a skeptical of herself could make her feel better and all she wanted was to get that horrible feeling out of her body and never have to talk to Georgia again. the pettiness of her words didn't matter to her, she didn't care that it had only been two months since they met, or that they only had sex once and that they never agreed to be exclusive. it was the fact that Georgia didn't tell her, the fact that she kept her in the dark and even texted her asking if she would be able to see her after she went to the halloween party because Ginny would be out til late. did she think she could just keep her little date a secret?
no, fuck her.
none of them questioned her as they walked to Oliver's car, at least not until they were actually in it. "why'd we leave? i wanted to get my face painted." Oliver said when he began to pull out of the parking space. his words earned him a slap in the back of his head from his sister who was sitting directly in the seat beside him.
"ouch, what the fuck?" he said his hand rubbing the impact to try and soothe the pain. Nia shot her brother a look through the rear view mirror which cause him to shut up a second later. Samantha wasn't paying attention to Jade and Natalie who looked extremely confused by the whole situation.
thankfully Matthew was the one who solved the problem which meant more to Samantha then she could ever really express. "Sam was having an attack." he lied. well, it wasn't a complete lie, she was having a sort of anxiety attack but it didn't have to do with the crowd around her.
"are you okay?" Jade asked quickly after, she turned her head to look at her friend with worried eyes.
Samantha nodded softly, "i'm good. i just didnt take my meds today." which also wasn't a lie. since she stayed the night at Matthews she didn't have her pills. she was planning on taking them before going to the party since she wasn't planning on drinking, the idea of driving to Georgias house drunk was incredibly irresponsible but that wasn't the case anymore and she was starting to regret it. in fact the only thing that could make her feel better at this point would be blacking out so she didn't have to think about her shitty love life. funny how she went from not having one just a month ago and now it was more complicated than ever.
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sluttyminghao · 11 months
spooktober fest!!
the hyung line dressed up in the scream mask🤭
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seungcheol: u know that tiktok trend where they get the men to wear the scream mask and lean against the door? it's literally what he would do I won't take any questions
jeonghan: tries to scare you with it initially, but then notices you're actually kinda turned on by it and would proceed to fuck you while wearing it
joshua: is confused on why you want him to wear a mask, but when you tell him why, he gets like very dominant and insists on wearing it very often
junhui: literally just puts it on with no hesitation, and then proceeds to fuck you stupid, and then afterwards watches scary movies with you all while still wearing it
soonyoung: "but you won't be able to see my face?" would wear it but not without complaint, but not because he doesn't like it, but because he cant see you properly through the eye holes
wonwoo: probably only wore it because you asked him to, and then would see your reaction and not want to take it off because your reaction lowkey turns him on
jihoon: would wear it for like an hour max and complain the entire time, thinks it smells weird but keeps it on just long enough to keep you happy, then probably throws it somewhere
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