ohburgee · 2 months
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Valerie, a peaceful human, fell in love with an omniscient eldritch deity, becoming his eternal lover.
She was sitting at the back of her house watching the ocean she contemplated her life, letting the eldritch deity fall in love with her, recalling she was, his eternal love, perfect vessel, and devoted human...
She heard a footstep coming closer to her and she looked up to see him and turned her head back to watch the ocean again.
"Ocean comforts you?" he asked and she nodded "I see," he said standing behind you "Those sounds of waves made my entire mind peace," she said "Maybe one day I face death i want to touch the ocean water and feel the cold breeze and the sound of waves till my time ends" she added she has been thinking if one day she will be dead.
She heard a movement and she turned her head and saw him walking in front of her, "Why would you say that" he said sounding mad about it "I don't want you to be dead, I won't let that happen" he added looking at her with the desire of not letting you go.
"If the death themself took you I will punish them with an eternity of dread and I will defy them you don't remember I'm the eldritch god I'm the Ruler of Chaos and Creations the existence of reality is in my hands".
"If that happens I will bring you back and make you immortal and keep you with me in the abyss of void, outside of reality" he said and he kneeled in front of her and took her hands slowly caressing with his finger up and down to her arms.
He took both of her hands and reached them to his lips and kissed them looking at her with a full desire of love then tentacles wrapped around both of her arms, "You are mine you are my eternity love, and I'll never let you away from me" slowly kissing her hands the tentacles wrap tightly around her arms.
"Remember that darling"
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ohburgee · 2 months
Your Father's debt
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tw: attempt threat, cursing, stalking (he is stalking you, you just didn't know)
You were replacing some cereal boxes on the shelving and also some bottles of noncold juice, you are hard-working right now since the time when a visitor came to your house and your father was the one looking for and you listened to their talking and you were shocked to hear that your father had debt from those people.
What makes you even more shocked is that your father owns them, 2 million and you realize that the payment for your uncle's operation and his room were paid too.
So that's where the money was from...
And you feel bad since your father doesn't have a better job his boss didn't pay him enough salary and you are also still in college you asked him to let you work but he disagreed because he doesn't want you to get involved and focus on your school.
But you try to tell and understand your father and after pleasing him he finally says yes but tells you to not let too much work on yourself and you promised him.
And now you're here working as you are done putting the products you stay at your counter waiting for some kind of customer that's what you want, you don't like those who just barge in and are rude to you when you say good day and are they just roll their eyes or even just get their product and left.
After an hour the bell rang and you looked up and saw a man, he was tall wearing a long black coat and dark grey shirt and pants and his buzz cut and a well-cut beard also he was wearing black lens shades he is quite handsome though looks like a man who owns everything.
He walks towards the drink center and you look back to your phone scrolling not minding the customer, after a minute you hear footsteps coming closer and you look up to see him carrying a bottle of energy drink and a chocolate bar, what a combination I thought he brought a beer.
You took the energy bottle and punched it with the price scanner and then the chocolate bar, when you were about to say the overall price suddenly a bell rang and a man went in, he looked tired no. He is drunk, in the morning for real!?
Then he approached the cashier counter "Hey can I have one bottle of beer" he said and you immediately looked at him "Sir you need to leave you are drunk" "No I'm not" you said with a tsk, "No sir you need to leave" you said loud and he groans and trying to balance himself "I said no!" he said fighting back at you "Sir yo-" he cut you off "I said I'M NOT DRUNK!" he shout and immediately trying to grabbed you.
Before he could do that a tall man stopped him grabbed his shirt and brought his face closer to him, "The lady said you need to leave" he said in a deep voice that sounded like threatened you to death, "Before I make this place a mess" he added and the drunk man just stare at him with fear and he immediately let go of his shirt and he ran out the convenience store.
"Thanks for that," you said and he smiled "It's $5.35," you told him the overall price and he took out a wallet and stopped and looked at you "Do you accept cards?" he asked and you looked at him puzzled "No we don't accept card only cash," you said made a small laugh and you saw him pulling back a black card inside, jeez this person is rich...
"Sorry," he said and pulled 6 dollars "I was kinda used to cards actually," he said chuckling about it "I see" You accepted the money and gave him the exchange. "No need to pack it up," he said and you nodded and gave him the bottle and the bar.
"You should be careful" he said and you looked at him "Thanks for your worries I know and I will," you said and smiled, he chuckled "Might someone point a gun at you," he said jokingly and I laughed at it.
"I will and I won't be stupid if that happens Mr rich," you said joking with him and he put his wallet in his pocket before he got out of the store, "See ya around Miss Lady," he said and got out and you made small wave.
What a nice person, you said in your mind and he also worries about your position after an hour of serving, scanning, and being kind to every customer you encountered it was going to be night and your shift was going to end this day and you saw your co-worker went in and you both exchange and now you are out the store.
You blow a breath and hug yourself in the wintered snow of Chicago well it's time to head home might your father waiting for you. As you walk through the street you feel your stomach getting empty and you don't mind you don't want to spend money you just work hard, you need this for your father's debt.
As you walk you get bumped into a person and he looked irritated "Watch your step bitch" he said and you look at him "What did you just call me!?" you said "I said watch where you're going. Bitch" he said that curse word made you boiled and he saw that you try to fight and he immediately pull something on his pocket but someone stopped him a hand grabbed on his arm.
You look up seeing the man in the store, Mr rich. The guy looked at him and immediately pulled out his hand from his pocket apologizing and walked away, dang who is this rich person why those everyone scared of him?
"Thanks again for that," you said exhaling yourself from anger, you have anger issues so. "I told you to be careful" "I am!" you said crossing your both arms "That guy almost pointed a gun at you," he said, and you shrugged "I know and I know how to defend myself," you told him "I need to get home my father is waiting for me," you said before you could walk away he grabbed your arm and you turn to look at him.
"Where's my payback for that?" he asked "Uh..." You think something yes he has saved you twice now and that think of him too much of saving you, "How about a discount in the store" "No, not interested" "I know you're rich but how about dollars," you said not your work's money for your father, your own money.
"I don't need money dear," he said and you heard your stomach make a small sound really right now, "You didn't eat?" he asked "No but I'll just eat at home," you told him "Where is your address I can take you there safety" "At West Town but thanks for the ride I'll just call taxi," you said "That's too far from here in River North since your hungry I'll buy you food my treat" he said and you look annoyed a bit "No need to-" "I insist"
You both now eating inside a restaurant in River West, you didn't get to fight back and he brought you here, "Why are you working in River North when your home is far from there" he asked sipping his wine well he brought you to an expensive luxury restaurant "I studied in Columbia College with a Audio Arts degree".
"You do music?" you nodded your head and looked at his face he was impressed "I'll always encounter people with art, medicine, and engineer degrees and that's too common, and hearing yours is quite rare," he said and you nodded your head continue eating your food.
After a minute of eating and talking about your life and his small topic about his too. You both got out of the restaurant and you looked at him "Well thanks for the treat I appreciate it" you said and he chuckled and smiled "No worries" "How can I repay you for that?" before he opened his mouth a car went in front of you both and he walks towards and a man got out and opened a door for him. He is really rich.
You turn to look at him when he gets in "I forgot to introduce I just brought you there in a weird way" he said more like asking your name yeah it's weird since you both started to talk about both of your lives without knowing both of your names, you told him your name and he smiled. "Keiran," he said before he rolled up his window.
"Hey about my repay?"
"You can pay me next time dear"
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So this story has 'Part Two' Don't worry I won't just leave the ending without knowing how You gonna repay my oc Keiran. Spoiler alert. He is Yandere in part two just you know why my tag is Yandere and the story is not.
Well, a long one again i don't like doing short stories (sometimes) I want my readers to read a lot haha jk, but it's entertaining to read a long short story with a bit of detail. :)
credits to the dividers: https://www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune
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ohburgee · 2 months
You shouldn't see that
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tw: yandere, angst, murder, a little gore, crimes
You have been scrolling through old cases about victims that have been murdered every week you were a detective investigating, solving some cases that can't be solved but at least still trying.
Sipping hot chocolate sitting alone inside the diner in the middle of snowy Montreal but when you heard your phone ring and checked to see your best friend's number you answered the call and turned on the speaker then put your phone beside your laptop.
"Hey Snowflakes how u doing!?" he said sounding excited "Here in the diner still searching for some answers," you told sounding stressed "Jeez that killer makes you crazy," he said and you chuckled as you sipped another of your hot chocolate "Guess what I have a surprise for you," he said and you look frown "What su-".
Before you finish you hear your nickname "Snowflakes!" you say your best friend walking towards you as he reaches your table and sits in front of you, he is tall with chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes, and a bit muscular but your best friend doesn't even doing gym maybe he always lifting heavy things that's why.
"Is this your surprise?" you ask him and he smiles at you "No" he says and he takes something from his pocket coat takes a small box with a white theme colored and hands it to you.
"What is this?" You ask and he leans his back in his seat "My gift since you are my lovely best friend, I wanted to give her a special gift" "Aww thank you" you thank him and he even smiles more at you.
You opened the box and saw a silver bracelet with snowflakes around the chain and you looked at him with admiring eyes "For real!?" You said and he nodded you got up from your seat and went to him and hugged him.
"Thank you, thank you!" You said sounding happy and he hugged you back feeling comfortable and happy too, you stopped and went back to your seat and took the bracelet out, and he told you to let him wear it to your wrist and you nodded.
He took the bracelet from your hand and you reached your wrist to him his soft cold hands brushed over to your wrist as he slowly rotated the bracelet and then he locked it before you pulled your arm he touched your bracelet seeing him feeling proud and amazed at what he just did.
You feel a blush coming from your cheek. Still, you lower your head not wanting him to see your face, yes you have been having feelings for your best friend since you both hung out together always. He is also gentlemanly to you and you feel relief and happiness one time when you ask him if ever he wanted a girlfriend but he replies that he doesn't want to have a relationship yet and that makes you feel have a chance.
"It's so beautiful in your wrist," he said smiling as you took your arm back to yours and he shrugged his body and looked at you "Not just a bracelet I wanna give to you," he said and you frowned and confused, "There's a night fest later and there's a lot of food stands and I planned to take you there for my second gift," he said feeling happy to say that to you.
"Yeah, I heard that," you said remembering you saw in the news article on the Montreal page, "I would love to go there with you" you added with a warm smile and he chuckled and smiled "Well then," he said in an exciting tone.
After you both eat in the diner and walk around the street talking, you both stop at his house you leave your files and stuff for a while since you don't want to carry something important outside and his house is not just too far but has fewer people or neighborhoods around.
You both walk around the park where the fest held lots of food stand owners shouting to eat their food and you both walk around buying some stuff you like. He paid it for you and then you both stopped at the keychain shop and you brought him a snowman keychain and you see him smile wider when you told him that he is your most precious best friend you have and he thanked you for your gift.
After walking around you both walked towards the lady who sold bbq which looked delicious and he paid them for you and you thanked him and he smiled.
As you both eat you catch your eyes a man walks towards you both and he looks furious as he reaches to you "You! You are the reason my friend died!" He said and you remember this person is the friend of one of your suspects who murdered a girl last week since you successfully found the suspect and then the police tried to arrest him but he was brave enough to fight back and shot him and died in the blood loss.
"It's all your fault!" He said looking like he was trying to attack you "He would have a chance to kill you!" He added and before he could attack you guards went towards him and held him back and then your best friend defended you as he walked in front of you.
"YOU SHOULD DIE!" he said even more furious "Your friend is a killer if he just didn't fight the police then he might still be alive right now!" You shout at him and he still struggles to attack you as the police take him away from you and your best friend looks at you in concern.
"Are you alright!?" He asked hearing his worried tone "Yes I'm fine" you said and he hugged you and you felt comforted and safe as he hugged you tightly not really hurting you.
He walked you home and told you to be careful maybe that man would attack you again you told him you're going to be fine and he smiled and gave you a goodbye kiss on your head and then left as you went inside your house.
After you cleaned yourself and went to your desk you heard your phone ring and saw your Chief director and you answered it "Hey I just found out the one who murdered the man yesterday" he said and you looked surprised "Who is it!?" You ask.
"I saw in the CCTV of the killer walking back in the street where the murder happened and I saw his arm has a tattoo that looks like a pointy line I don't know," he said and you remember to have clear one of the pictures of your files that has a person who has a tattoo in the arm but you didn't see the face because you were disturbed by your best friend and didn't get a look before you both walked out the diner.
"I'll send you the picture," he said and I heard my phone notify as you touched the CCTV picture of a man wearing a hood on his head, and exposing both of his arms, you saw a tattoo, a cybersigilism tattoo.
"I think I have a clear picture of this," you said and your Chief hummed "I'll call you back," you said and he said okay and ended the call you scattered your desk finding the file until you remembered that you left it to your best friend's house as you took your phone dialed his number but no one is answering, you dialed again but no avail.
You give up and get up from your seat take your coat, get your keys get out of the house, and drive to your best friend's house.
You reach his and get out of the car it is a quiet place with no neighborhoods and you notice it's starting to snowy you walk upstairs through his house door you knock on it but no answers you try again, and again but no one where is he your mind ask as you took one of the keys.
You have the spear of his house key and you unlock it and get inside, it's not bad if you invade his house since he told you to just go in anytime you want which is weird but he is your best friend.
You walk through to the hallway it is dark only a warm orange light lighting the place maybe that's a fireplace as you reach the room which is the living room as you remember, you see a black stain on the wooden floor as you lower yourself and touch it, it is fresh liquid and you smell it it's like blood and you took your phone and turn flashlight it was blood, real blood.
You immediately take your gun out of your pocket and point it up as you walk to the living room you walk in and see two silhouettes of people and before you talk both of them turn around and see your best friend holding a knife through the person's neck and the person who is holding in the ground is the guy who tries to attack you earlier.
"He tried to hurt you snowflakes," your best friend said and before you talked he sliced deep into his neck and threw his body on the ground the blood bleeding on the floor.
"You shouldn't seen that my snowflakes," he said, and before he walked towards you, you pointed the gun at him "What are you doing!?" You asked him and he chuckled "He tried to attack you and maybe he planning to kill so I killed him before he could do it," he said and slowly approached you.
As you look around and see the files you left and a picture that you have been looking for you see a man in the hood and you see a tattoo the same tattoo that your Chief sent to you a cybersigilism.
And you immediately looked at your best friend and your eyes widened when you saw the same tattoo on his arm.
"How," you said, and before you could guard yourself he immediately attacked you and you tried to fight and kick him away from you but he was strong and your gun was thrown away and landed beside the couch and before you could get it, he took your arm and pulled you close to him. You back pressed into his.
"No no no, I don't want to fight with you," he said pulling you closer to him, his arm around your shoulder and his other hand holding your both wrist.
"And also I don't want to kill you, remember when we first met I was planning to kill you but you were something precious to you," he said as you tried to struggle from his hold and he groaned and held you tight.
"I- is because I was a detective so y-you can gain-ed some information," you said and he chuckled "Yes yes that's right," he said proudly before you tried to get out of his grasp.
"But there's something more that caught my attention" he added and you stopped yourself and looked up at him "You were so cold yet those eyes made me warmly in this cold place, I was alone, alone in the cold place and when you came you made it warmly I feel myself more happy and not being alone, you made me feel lighten up like I was addicted".
And you look down hearing those words coming from him made you feel touched but yet guilty. "And I can't let it go, i said to myself I will keep you as my best friend," he said sounding like he was happy saying those words 'But those feelings that I wanted to keep you with me," he chuckled, and smiled at you as he caressed your hands and keep tightly into his.
You feel butterflies as he says those words again making you feel better, he is your Best friend and yes he is good and kind to you but seeing the truth of him losing you bit of kindness.
Before you say something he injects something into your neck and you feel dizzy and tired can't move your body, arms, and legs as you slowly fall but your Best friend catches you and carries you upstairs to his bedroom and lets you lay in his bed.
"Just sleep my snowflakes you need rest since I made you stress finding me and I feel bad and sorry for that," he said you kept trying to open your eyes but slowly couldn't hold them, "No no keep those eyes closed you need to sleep my snowflakes I'll come back when I'm done, I just need to clean the mess downstairs," he said softly and kissed your forehead and then your lips.
"Good night my snowflakes love"
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Welp a bit long I write but I was satisfied writing this story, I got inspired by a psychological thriller movie called The Snowman.
Also sorry for taking long for me to update I'm kinda lazy sometimes but I'll try to write as soon or maybe not hehe. Hope you all doing well and don't forget to take care of yourselves :)
credits to the dividers: https://www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune
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ohburgee · 3 months
Take care of yourself, My Tulip
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You are tired from your work at the convenience store as you always sit in the cashier waiting for customers to pick what they want and pay, riffling some stocks in the displays, and walking back to the storage room and then to the main room.
It was a tiring day as you went home very tired and stressed and you really wanted to eat something to relax you, you put your bag on the sofa and walked towards the kitchen you checked the fridge to find something to eat and you saw leftovers of lasagna and also one pudding which can make your dessert.
You take both out, put the lasagna in the oven let it heat up, and prepare plates to put it in while waiting you suddenly feel dizzy and you realize have a runny nose, "since when do I have a fever" you ask yourself getting some tissue in the counter in front of you.
After a few minutes, you hear the oven as you take the lasagna out, take the leftovers, put it on your plate, walk towards the table, and put the plate as you took out your phone and put on your favorite show and eat.
While you're eating you suddenly cough and almost throw up your lasagna you eat and you put your hand in your mouth to support your mouth to not opening and you let the lasagna into your stomach and continue coughing, did I really make myself have a fever jeez?
You hear your phone get a notification and you take your phone and check there's an unknown text and you press it.
Unknown Number: You have a fever? You should never let yourself stress my tulip.
You frown at the message and you look around your house, you wonder who is texting you right now you haven't told anyone yet that you have a fever as you type to reply you cough again and now it's getting worse and you put your phone in the table and got up to get some medicine.
When you check the drawer to find the med for fever or for coughing to make yourself feel a bit of comfort you don't see anything that can help your coughing as you try to find but to no avail to related to as your coughing worse and worse, you are really badly sick...
You need to take medicine but you have to go out and buy some in the pharmacy store you feel tired and can't barely walk right now as you continue coughing you hear your phone notif again and you take it and check the message.
Unknown Number: Go take the medicine it's out your door.
You stare at your phone for a minute. You cough again and decide to go towards the door, open it, and see a paper bag. You took it and checked what was inside its medicine for fever and also for coughing and for your running nose and what your eyes widened is the pink tulip behind and you took it out and examined it, it was fresh and still beautiful.
You go inside close the door lock it walk towards the kitchen and put the paper bag on the table and the pink tulip behind as you take out the meds you hear your phone notif again and you check it.
Unknown Number: You better take the medicine and also take a long rest don't mind your work.
You look at the words as you feel cared for since you didn't know this person but they gave you medicine and told you to take care of yourself which made your stomach do something like butterflies flying inisde you.
You took the medicine and drank water with it, you felt better now and you took your phone and typed replying to the unknown person.
You: Thank you, even though I don't know you I am really thankful.
You replied you know it's stupid you just accept the unknown person who just gave you meds without knowing if it's dangerous or not but you feel this person is not bad, as you sit back and relax you hear your phone notif.
Unknown Number: Remember take care of yourself, my tulip.
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Welp, my second story, sorry for little too long to write i was just graduated yesterday and busy celebrating but here I am for another story, it's a soft one with a fluff plot, I'm not just into writing dark themes but also soft themes, hope you like it :)
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ohburgee · 3 months
Finally, met you
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After a few hours of waiting for the bus
You were sitting in the waiting area as you slowly swayed on your feet while waiting for your bus to stop, it was raining strongly you sighed and leaned your back against the transparent wall of the shelter area. You were in the countryside of your grandparent's hometown you visited them wanting to check if they were okay, in good health, no bad things happened to them which made you feel relief.
Since your grandmother called you one day that someone broke into their house and at that time in their town, there are cases of murder... A serial killer is lurking around the town finding some blood to kill which makes you feel more worried so you go to town and now you are stuck, waiting for your bus.
You have been waiting for an hour and the bus is not around yet?
As you sit you see a person approaching and when you take a look, it's a guy who is wearing a dark green jacket black pants, and a black t-shirt as you look at the face looking like something wants to steal as you were experienced thief tries to hurt you before. You move to your seat away from him as he glances at your action.
"Why moving away from me Miss?" he says as you hear the voice you know this man has something bad you don't mind him and he begins to continue talking, "You look pretty though," he says with a smirk on his face and a little laugh and he walks towards to you and you quickly got up from the seat and then before you walk away he grabbed your hand.
"Hey!!" you yell at him and he just laughs "I just want to be friends" he says as you try to struggle from his grip "Let me go I don't want to be friends" You finally get out of his grip and immediately walked away faster and then he followed you as you walk faster looking at ground keeping yourself to relax as you panic the rain was soaking you and you suddenly bump to a person.
You look up and wipe the drops of the rain on your face and see a pair of beautiful hazel eyes and his brownish medium-length hair, you shake the thoughts and look back to the man approaching, "Go away!" you shout enough to know that you were crept out by the guy "Hey I just wan-"
Before he finish the man behind you spoke, "You're scaring her if she didn't want to be friends with you don't force her" The man said calmly as the creepy guy hissed and gritted his teeth "Fine old man that's yours now fuck this shit" he said and cursed and walk away from us.
"You're okay?" the man asked you and you nodded "Thanks for saving me" you whispered and he smiled "It's dangerous for a woman to be here alone in the rain" he said as he put the umbrella to join you with him to cover from the rain and you whispered 'thank you', "I was waiting for my bus" you replied and he nodded his head.
"At this hour it's already midnight" "Yeah I think the bus is a bit late" you said as you noticed the rain was getting stronger, "Move closer to me so you don't get soaked" he said as you slowly move closer to him you can feel his warm breaths and his body also warm you feel relaxed but you feel shy as you feel bit flustered of closure, "There's a sheltered area" you said and he looks at your finger pointed as you both walk back to the waiting area.
You sat back from where your place and he sat behind you and closed his umbrella and shook it to let the raindrops fall on the ground as you both sat there silent after a second you broke the silence, "Are you going to wait for the bus too?" you ask and he turns his head to look at you "No" he replies.
"Then why are you here?" "I stay here with you so you can get on the bus safety, maybe that guy might come back at you, I want you to be safe" he said and you felt at ease at the word 'safe', "You're too kind but you don't have to do that" you said and he just chuckled.
"It's kind to help and keep other people safe who need help" he said and you slowly nodded your head feeling more relaxed as his voice sounded like a whisper of the birds. After a minute the bus came and stopped in front of you both as you got up and before you went inside you turned around to face him as you took out your phone and showed your number to him.
"Maybe a coffee as a thank gesture" you said and he smiled and took out his phone and typed your number "Well thank you" he said "Update me" he added and smiled at you as you smiled back and went inside the bus and took your seat you waved at him and he waved back as the bus drive away.
He got up from his seat opened his umbrella and looked at his phone "You look more beautiful in person" he said looking at the picture of you with your grandparents celebrating as he took a pic on his phone a chuckle came out from his mouth.
"I finally met you, Darling"
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Wooh my first story I write here I finally let this idea out of my imagination i know it's just simple and a bit common but well it's my first. I try my best for my next story.
- also when the creepy guy called him 'old man' i meant he is in 30's or 40's and very handsome man :)
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ohburgee · 9 months
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ohburgee · 2 years
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ohburgee · 2 years
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her ladyship, a princess cat 🌸🐱👸
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ohburgee · 3 years
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“Spring adds new life and beauty to all that is.” - baron.0723
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