#scary blue
smokestarrules · 4 months
I saw a clip from Chaos Theory earlier, that preview clip they play on Netflix when hovering over the show, and I find it incredible how, instead of ANY shots with a dinosaur, they chose the FAR more realistically terrifying scenario of Ben and Darius being followed by a strange car down the road.
As terrifying as the dinosaurs can be, I honestly think the human villains are far more terrifying.
You will NEVER be chased by a T-Rex.
You MIGHT get run off the road by a total stranger for reasons you'll never understand.
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its-stimsca · 1 year
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Stimboard of famous video, “guys what one is your favorite”
X | X | X
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X | X | X
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ch3rn0by1 · 3 months
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notdailynoco · 1 year
your artstyle is literally so cute omg like whattt
thats all i wanted to say bbye bye
Thank you!
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ilaiyayaya · 11 months
FNAF movie kinda mid tbh. I watched it last night on Halloween at midnight in a Discord call with 5 other people who all constantly talked over it to give lore explanations while also playing this video on loop at full volume for the entire movie:
I remember almost nothing about the movie itself but honestly I feel like it was probably a significantly more enjoyable experience than it would have been had I watched it normally. As soon as I saw in the opening credits that it was a Blumhouse film I became hyped as fuck and I immediately knew exactly what the rest of the movie was gonna be like and I could not have been more correct, it was the most generic, dumb as fuck, funny horror movie ever with a Freddy Fazbear coat of paint (that's a positive btw, I love dumb shit horror). The main plot zzzzz the side plot with the evil aunt zzzzz but the moment where they made a fort and Bonnie fell down like a rock and then gave a thumbs up was PEAK FICTION, made the entire movie worth it. I don't know anything about FNAF lore beyond the bite of 87 so like I can't judge whether the lore is accurate myself but my friend who's obsessed with it said it was alright and Matpat's name is Ness and that's all the lore accuracy I need. Why did they play the Jack Black Freddy Fazbear song at the end? There's 2 purple guys?? What the fuck is Remnant???? FNAF World?????? Please shut the fuck up.
Unfortunately learned that Scott Cawthon's maybe not a great guy spongebob womp womp moment, good thing I fully legally downloaded tje film and paid for it and would never pirate anything I mean what?
ngl morbius was kinda better i dont think i could watch fnaf on loop for an entire 3 days like i could that Masterpiece.
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ducktollers · 1 year
if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with. Captivated by a man with big sparkly brown eyes and slutty hands and a pretty waist you may be entitled to financial compensation
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800db-cloud · 29 days
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i’m literally shaking buy them brown contacts pls
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stromblessed · 10 months
Mizu, femininity, and fallen sparrows
In my last post about Mizu and Akemi, I feel like I came across as overly critical of Mizu given that Mizu is a woman who - in her own words - has to live as a man in order to go down the path of revenge.
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If she is ever discovered to be female by the wrong person, she will not only be unable to complete her quest, but there's a good chance that she'll be arrested or killed.
So it makes complete sense for Mizu to distance herself as much as possible from any behavior that she feels like would make someone question her sex.
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I felt so indignant toward Mizu on my first couple watchthroughs for this moment. Why couldn't Mizu bribe the woman and her child's way into the city too? If Mizu is presenting as a man, couldn't she claim to be the woman's escort?
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However, this moment makes things pretty clear. Mizu knows all too well the plight of women in her society. She knows it so well that she cannot risk ever finding herself back in their position again. She helps in what little way she can - without drawing attention to herself.
Mizu is not a hero and she is not one to make of herself a martyr - she will not set herself on fire to keep others warm. There's room to argue that Mizu shouldn't prioritize her quest over people's lives, but given the collateral damage Mizu can live with in almost every episode of season 1, Mizu is simply not operating under that kind of morality at this point. ("You don't know what I've done to reach you," Mizu tells Fowler.)
And while I still feel like Mizu has an obvious and established blind spot when it comes to Akemi because of their differences in station, such that Mizu's judgment of Akemi and actions in episode 5 are the result of prejudice rather than the result of Mizu's caution, I also want to establish that Mizu is just as caged as Akemi is, despite her technically having more freedom while living as a man.
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Mizu can hide her mixed race identity some of the time, and she can hide her sex almost all of the time, but being able to operate outside of her society's strict rules for women does not mean she cannot see their plight.
It does not mean she doesn't hurt for them.
Back to Mizu and collateral damage, remember that sparrow?
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While Mizu is breaking into Boss Hamata's manse, she gets startled by a bird and kills it on reflex. She then cradles it in her hands - much more tenderly than we've seen Mizu treat almost anything up to this point in the season:
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She then puts it in its nest, with its unhatched eggs. Almost like she's trying to make the death look natural. Or like an accident.
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You see where I'm going with this.
When Mizu kills Kinuyo, Mizu lingers in the moment, holding the body tenderly:
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And btw a lot of stuff about this show hit me hard, but this remains the biggest gut punch of them all for me, Mizu holding that poor girl's body close, GOD
When Mizu arranges the "scene of the crime," Kinuyo's body is delicate, birdlike. And Mizu is so shaken afterward that she gets sloppy. She's horrified at this kill to the point that she can't bring herself to take another innocent life - the boy who rats her out.
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No wonder Mizu is as stoic and cold as she is.
And no wonder Mizu has no patience for Akemi whatsoever right before the terrible reveal and the fight breaks out:
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Speaking of Akemi - guess who else is compared to a bird!
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The plumage is more colorful, a bit flashier. But a bird is a bird.
And, uh
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I like to think that Mizu killing the sparrow is not only foreshadowing for what she must do to Kinuyo, but is also a representation of the choice she makes on Akemi's behalf. She decides to cage the bird because she believes the bird is "better off." Better off caged than... dead.
But because Mizu doesn't know Akemi or her situation, she of course doesn't realize that the bird is fated to die if it is caged and sent back home.
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Mizu is clearly not happy, or pleased, or satisfied by allowing Akemi to be dragged back to her father:
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But softness and mercy haven't gotten Mizu anywhere good, recently.
There is so much tragedy layered into Mizu's character, and it includes the things she has to witness and the choices she makes - or believes she has to make - involving women, when she herself can skirt around a lot of what her society throws at women. Although, I do believe that it comes at the cost of a part of Mizu's soul.
After all, I'm gonna be haunted for the rest of this show by Mizu's very first prayer in episode 1:
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"LET" her die. Because as Ringo points out, she doesn't "know how" to die.
Kind of like another bird in this show:
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last thing you see before he fucking GETS YOU
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ominouspuff · 7 months
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Fwoom (intimidatingly)
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sandeewithtwoe · 3 months
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Very important question
Wiki belongs to PaintedHen
Wiki: I am what they call “Wiki Sans”. My knowledge far exceed what you know of this world. Ask me a question and I’ll answer. But be warned. What you seek may not be what you need.
Wiki: Whatever you hear come out of my mouth… MIGHT HAUNT YOU FOR ALL YOUR EXISTENCE.
Blue: How are you today?
Wiki: …
Wiki: … I’m good…
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smokestarrules · 4 months
We all should ship Darius with Creepy Ass Uncanny Valley Woman. As a joke.
I mean... must we?
Taking 'pair the spares' to an entirely new level.
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wizardpotions · 1 year
I think it should be illegal to make a fictional character with blue eyes, choose something else.
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shepscapades · 5 months
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Hermit a Day May: Day 4 — Keralis!
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hollis-art · 2 months
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cant even use 👽 in the future. because of woke
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ilaiyayaya · 2 months
MY KICKSTARTER PINS I BACKED LIKE OVER A YEAR AGO FINALLY ARRIVEDand also a book (and a rock) and patches but like the pins are the real boon I love pins I love corn!
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I finally have a physical memento of the most impactful community I've been of in my life! Now when Discord FUCKING DIES and everyone I still know from there FUCKING DIES I'll still have an undeniable form of proof that I once killed a real human being for gambling too much (they were bri'ish so like, it doesn't really count they're not real, they're like phantoms. They were also pink so it was a government sanctioned killing (that's a lie they were purple but I love propaganda)). Unfortunately that also means that there's physical proof that I have an extremely minor connection to fucking chris-chan which means I will never achieve my life goal of being elected prime minister 😔
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THERE I AM GARY THERE I AM!!!!! on the left not on the right i would never wear a "feel the bern" t-shirt. I don't go by Gurren anymore and haven't in like, at least a year, but like idk I think I prefer it not referring to me by what I currently go by, like it keeps this segment of my life in the past. I don't really regret or hate RFCK now like probably at least 50% of people who were there do now, despite that I also don't think I would go back if I could lol.
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THERE I AM IN THE ACTUAL COMIC GARY THERE I AM IN THE ACTUAL COMIC!!!!! can you find me! can you find waldo galdo? I can't find her she's invisible all I can find is The Big Gay, and Kevin. Hi Kevin...
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That's a lie I also see [[REDACTED]], and [[REDACTED]], and [[REDACTED]], and also [[REDACTED]] and also a frog but I genuinely don't know which frog because there were several notable frogs, but I don't see a car under it so I'm gonna assume it's the Frog.
Did you (the reader) find me? I found me! would you like a hint? no? well fuck you too in that case I'll just spoil exactly where I am IDIOT!!!
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^there I am, that's where I am, I'm on the left :)
Godammit I forgot how much involvement chris-chan and her characters actual have in this comic I thought she just appeared at like, the end, no it's like every other page fuck ;-;. I'm so glad that one documentary barely covered RFCK and thus didn't result in wave 2 of half the people in the server almost getting doxxed by actual convicted predators god I love obsessive sonichu fans they're so cool and not actual fucking living stains :)
Aside from the parts with The Greedy Grinner (christine) I'd say it still holds up relatively well kinda almost not at all but like I wanna believe it does. I mean it's completely incomprehensible half the time unless you know exactly what it's referencing most of the time and were involved in the in-game/in-community events it's talking about but like, if you were there when those things happened and actually can understand wtf is going on, I think it kinda holds up it's not too terrible. I'm saying this after re-reading like 20 pages btw I'm not re-reading the entire thing I'd fall asleep and go honk shoo honk shoo hooooonk mimimimi after like 30 pages but like I'll give the rest of it the benefit of the doubt that it's good! I wish they referenced the dt bombing more tho I think that was a funny event honestly probably peak rfck.
Does Ben still make comics? Like not even joking I literally don't know I haven't kept up with him in years I follow him on x.net but like the only tweets I ever see from him are like, Toe Biden related, like I don't even mean that in a mean I just legit don't know if he still makes stuff other than Joe Biden Wake Up twitter posts. Actually no nevermind that's not true I completely forgot he's making a lecture on Bionicle, I know literally nothing about Bionicle but like I'm sure it'll be pretty alright, the Mega Man lecture he did like, idk probably like 2 years ago at this point, was pretty good. I believe in you Ben Saint, I believe you can win the spelling bee championship and convince the mayor not to demolish the community center!!
I did literally buy all of that stuff just for one pin btw like that's not a joke that's 100% :srs: I spent way too much money for the Cop Kriller pin it was Shrimply the easiest method to getting it. I'll also probably someday get it as a tattoo as well I, think it's a really nice design, whoever designed it did a really good job, I don't remember who it was, maybe Ben, maybe Smearg, uhhhh maybe Munchy but I don't think so, uhhhh maybe someone else I'm forgetting but whichever one of them did the Killer logo did a great job and I give them 3 slightly larger than average thumbs up!
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Like it just looks good, it's just a genuinely nice looking design. I mean the Rowdy design is also alright BUT I FUCKING HATE PINK PEOPLE I FUCKING HATE CLOWNS I HOPE THEY ALL DIE AND DON'T COME BACK TO LIFE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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