thatonebluedog · 2 months
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Some fanart I've drawn recently for Cleo Dragon's (dreamyfox25 on instagram) Third Life/Warriors AU "Loneliest Roads"
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oohhh warriors ocs!
Could you share any info on them?
yeah!! I love talking about my silly clan :)
this is gonna be a long post
so firstly, the clan i shared in 1 of my 4, they are Gravel Clan. a clan that lives in a cave behind a waterfall. the clan territory as a whole is rather empty, mainly consisting of gravely ground that is always damp. The heat getting so hot outside and a lack of shade leading many cats to spend all day in the camp if not on patrol and apprentices are only allowed outside at a slightly later age so that their paws build a resistance to walking on the hot gravel ground.
The other clans are Marsh Clan, Bush Clan and Rock Clan (I can explain them and the relations to Gravel Clan another time
Might just make a little allegiances (not really) for Gravel Clan here (gonna have pics here too so you can see who is who):
Robinstar: The oldest leader at the moment in the clans, he is cold and traditional in his ways and doesn't tolerate softness or weakness
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Silvertail: A kind senior warrior, he loves watching over kits and assisting his fellow warriors in times of need. A soft soul who is always there to be a shoulder to lean on
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Apprentice Oakpaw: nervous but determined young cat, she is trying her best to live up to the standards of being trained by the deputy
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Medicine Cat:
Dustynose: A young medicine cat who used to live outside the clans but moved as an apprentice to Gravel Clan to be closer to his half sibling. He was born to a loner who used to live in Gravel Clan. He is skilled in medicine and confident in his abilities.
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Apprentice Foggypaw: a half blind calico she cat who lost her eye at birth and during that time grew an affinity for the medicine den (not that she had much of a choice on her role with how Robinstar treats those with disabilities)
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Tigerstripe: Sister to Silvertail, she is stern and quick to act. but has a soft side for her family and friends.
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Gingerheart: Mate to Silvertail. A strong warrior who has protected many clanmates and is just as worthy of being the deputy as her mate is
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Grasstuft: Goofy warrior, Half sibling of Dustynose. Just a goodfball. Also a trans man
Duskstripe: Mates with Grasstuft. Also very sweet and kind. trans woman (yeah these guys are both trans and dating)
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Seedfur: A warrior that is trying his best with what is handed to him
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Apprentice Tumblepaw: an apprentice who is definitely well old enough to be a warrior, almost the same age as Seedfur (not his first mentor but they retired) Robinstar doesn't want to make a cat with a deformed leg a warrior though
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Goldenpelt: Sibling to Tumblepaw, she loves her brother and wants the best for him (she also has ambitions of being deputy one day)
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Birchpelt: grew up alongside Tumble and Golden, kinda is a sibling to them basically
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Apprentice Spottypaw: Sibling to Foggypaw, she also has slight vision problems but only Birchpelt knows
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Queens and kits:
Petalpelt, Loudkit and Birdkit: a calm soft queen who lost her mate a moon ago, but loves her kits ferociously
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Rabbitear: Funny old man, rarely seen away from his brother
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Haretail: Rabbitears brother. loves to pull harmless pranks on others
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Scarpelt: was a powerful warrior in his day, father of Silver and Tiger. now he spends most of his days resting and listening to his chaotic denmates
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Been playing ClanGen so here’s Foamclan!
There’s Scorchstar, who has far to much faith in her clan. Scarpelt, who’s tried to retire from being deputy twice. Mintwhisker, who definitely didn’t break her vows of celibacy. Ridgesight, Scarpelt’s awful mate. And Pigeonblotch, Scarpelt’s younger sister and cool aunt to the clan.
Then Robinstripe, chronic protagonist. Dapplepelt, struggling to live under the shadow of his mother Scorchstar. Faddedstorm, the awful daughter of Scarpelt and Ridgesight. Lynxmoon, who definitely bears no resemblance to Mintwhisker what the hell are you suggesting. And Branchkit (by the time I finished this actually Branchtail, the new medicine cat), perpetually haunted by her dead brother Flaxkit and Starclan’s own Shardclaw.
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lightboundhellhound · 2 years
Elsie could be Berrysplit maybe? Because strawberry system?
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ariahope · 7 years
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Sorry I got inspired
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charlesmiith · 6 years
🌌 - suffering from blunt force trauma ( a hard punch to the face, hit with a bat, etc )
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          –- A SNARL crossed with a GRUNT broke past the brawler’s lips as he SLAMMED his knuckles into the next assailant crossing his path. He wasn’t entirely expecting another fist fight on their way out of town, yet here he was, fighting alongside John as a local GANG saw fit to try and steal their supplies. It was two against a whole wagon full of men- five, six perhaps, which honestly wasn’t a big deal. What WAS however was when they cut off their wagon, forcing a close range duel- which so far was not turning out PRETTY.
     Gunshots exploding in his ears, shouts of rage suffocating them, Charles just barely managed a glance at John- seeing him hold his own against one of the last remaining vagabonds as Charles held the other two.
     Unfortunately, that lone GLANCE was all the time it took for the butt of a gun to SLAM against the side of Charles’ skull. Like a LOG, he tumbled to the ground, BLACK swarming his vision for a few milliseconds before his lids fluttered back open. He deftly acknowledged his limp body being turned over onto it’s back, and with adrenaline PUMPING back into his veins his chest HEAVED as he was suddenly staddled, GRAPPLING with the man above him as he DESPERATELY tried to regain control. 
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anotherbadman · 6 years
& 👀
Send me “&” for my muses reaction to yours tracing a scar (x)
They just kept doing this. Odd little moments like these. Isolated and quiet, something they wouldn’t speak of again, something they hardly even acknowledged as it was happening. John always seemed to be the initiator, Arthur a reluctant passenger, or so it might appear. 
“Marston,” he warned. Last chance to turn back if this truly were a game, his hand gripping John’s where he’d reached for his chin, ready to tear it away or perhaps keep it close, in the end just keeping him at bay. 
They were on watch. They should be on watch. All the more reason to turn away out of John’s cupped hand and leave and yet he found himself staying. 
“If we’re comparin’ scars, I think you win,” he muttered, as dumb as it was, if only to lessen the intensity of the moment when it became too much.
@scarpelted | always accepting
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gildedinferno-a · 6 years
❝ i don't feel much like readin' no more. ❞ a frustrated huff, and the book is slammed shut. it read otis miller and the arabian prince in bold, black letters — or so he was told, for the boy's skill to decipher the written word might as well be absent entirely. ❝ i'd much rather be practicing my gun. can't you show me that instead? ❞
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a  light-hearted  chuckle  at  the  young  boys  eagerness , it  was  admirable  to  say  the  least  -  ‘  now  john.  ‘  he  pauses,  sneaking  glances  across  the  camp,  noticing  his  partner,  who  was  currently  occupied  with  other  business.  ‘  as  much  as  i  would  love  to  let  you,  son…  you  know  i  can’t,  your  education  is  just  as  important  as  shooting  a gun,  john,  don’t  you  forget  that  - ‘ halting  once  more  when  he  noticed  the  pout on  the  young  boys  face  ‘  i’ll  tell  you  what.  ‘  adjusting  in  his  seat,  tapping  the  book  lightly,  ‘  you  read  one  more  chapter,  and  i’ll  take  you  shootin’  ‘  he  smiles  at  the  young  boy  ‘  promise.  but !!  you  gotta  read  one  more chapter.  
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widowshunt-blog · 6 years
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sadie  adler  was  a  rampaging  woman  that  knew  when  to  have  control  over  herself  and  her  actions,   and  when  she  wanted  to  cause  havoc.   while  in  a  calm  and  collective  state,   her  eyes  bore  into  the  fire  that  provided  her  warmth  and  comfort,   the  features  of  her  face  highlighted  by  the  flames  that  burned  brightly.   “   ‘ve  always  like  t’play  with  fire.   ”   her  tone  came  out  rough  as  she  spoke  to  catch  the  man’s  attention,   words  truthful  to  her  actions  she’s  committed  the  more  she  traveled  with  dutch’s  gang.
@scarpelted   ♡’d  for  a  lyrical  based  starter!
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nctagoodman-blog · 6 years
“ Stay with me. ”
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   oh he wishes he could. wishes his lungs wouldn’t feel as if he’s being crushed, breaths coming out as painful wheezes. it’s too dangerous, however--- too dangerous for john to stick around, pinkertons hot on their trail and ready to jump them at any time. “john---” vision had gone fuzzy a bit ago, though arthur still manages to grasp a hold of john’s arm, grip as tight as he can muster at the moment--- which is to say, isn’t tight at all, but it’s been clear that his body was bound to give up on him sooner, rather than later.
   “go----c’mon git---” weaker than intended, but he hopes the other would take it. take the chance and move forth. they’d had a good run, all things considered. now john could have something arthur hadn’t been lucky enough to keep, so long as he makes his way out of there. and fast. “---go--- an’ don’t turn back---”
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warvigilante · 6 years
❝ ain't no one taught you not to take what's not yours? ❞ there was irony in his reprimand, for he stole plenty himself when opportunity struck, but such hypocrisies came easy when his satchel dangled in another's hand — heavy with the latest take. oh, how lucky they were to be so young. ❝ c'mon, kid. give it back. ❞
       Lucky ?   Ah,  but  they  never  should  have  permitted  such  an  outcome  in  the  first  place,  is  that  not  the  truth ?   Little  vigilante,  stuck  betwixt  a  wall  too  high  and  a  man  intend  on  recovering  his  belongings.   Simplest  miscalculation  /  path  once  known  abandoned  when  danger  grew  near  and  primal  fear  clutched  young  heart.   mistake ?   No,  not  for  them.   Hangman’s  noose,  more  likely. 
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      ❛ Do  you  ever  watch  the  shadows,  mister ? ❜   cautious,  but  never  quiet.   Determination  rings  true  in  voice  of  they  who  stand  tall  in  the  face  of  looming  death.   Though  it  may  waver  lightly,  it  does  not  relent.   (  o’  unseeing  child,  how  lucky  you  are,  indeed. )   nay  gun  at  their  hip,  nor  hidden  friends.   But  that  is  okay.   fearful ?   Of  course,  but  who  would  not  be ?   Waste  not  time  on  regret  ;  your  battle  is  here  and  now. 
       ❛ There’s  people  who  don’t  have  the  luxury  of  choices, ❜  their  grip  tightens,  gloved  fingers  digging  into  leather  of  the  satchel  hanging  from  a  tired  shoulder  —  too  heavy,  not  made  for  adolescent  frame.   ❛ Please, ❜   quieter,  then  ;  gentle  plea.  Even  blindfold  cannot  hide  desperation  ‘pon  features  of  a  hurting  youth.   ❛ I  don’t  know  how  much  longer  they  can  last. ❜
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outlawboah · 6 years
❝ I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me sooner. ❞
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“Wouldn’t have changed nothing if I had.” Whether he’d told Marston about it once he’d found out or had waited longer than this to break the news, it didn’t matter. His fate was already sealed no matter what he’d done. “You’ve got yourself better things to worry ‘bout John. Don’t waste your time worrying ‘bout an old fool. Make sure you get your family out safe.”
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tennelleflowers · 5 years
Hey Tennelle! I know you're probably busy, but I wanted to ask you a question. On some of your videos on YouTube, it says: "go to tumblr to read StarClan Battles." And I'm a bit clueless. Where do I read StarClan Battles? ~scarpelt-warrior
I’m not sure which videos you are referring to? Unless they are super old ones.
But no worries, you aren’t missing anything. You can’t “read” StarClan Battles on my tumblr, or on any of my social medias. You CAN look through my art, videos, and asks to gain more context and a lot of story bits, but the only place to experience the full story will be on the StarClan Battles Youtube channel as we release episodes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_hMHxebCgt8Z5HNHXSbEA
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edgy-warrior-cats · 6 years
OOC POST (make ocs from yours/friends cats)
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Not good at following directions
Tends to annoy older warriors
AKA lesbian college stoner
Dad: N/A
Mom: Fuzzpelt
Siblings: Whisperpaw
Grandma: Scarpelt
Greatgrandma: Strawberryheart
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Easily frightened
Kinda dumb
Super sweet
Hates fighting
AKA Fluttershy
Dad: N/A
Mom: Fuzzpelt
Siblings: Shadepaw
Grandma: Scarpelt
Greatgrandma: Strawberryheart
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Big boi
Really chill overall
Likes yelling
AKA really easy gas station cashier
No one knows anything lmao
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Not socially smart
Petty bitch
Loves kids but forgets names
Will attack own tail
AKA mom friend
Dad: N/A
Mom: Scarpelt
Sibling(s): N/A
Grandma: Strawberryheart
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Will cut a bitch
Squares up with air
Mean but smart
How Fuzzpelt became petty™
AKA angry butch lesbian
Mom: Strawberryheart
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Old but loving
Loves telling stories
AKA best
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anotherbadman · 6 years
[ holds the other's hand when they think they won’t notice. ] // :')
John’s hand was hot on top of his own, hidden between them on the log seating around the fire. They weren’t alone, Javier was nearby, his music drifting throughout the camp and others pottering around or hovering nearby to listen. Arthur hardly moved as he glanced over. A scowl twitched, though not so much in anger. John must have noticed, bastard, but he didn’t seem to be paying attention. Arthur didn’t shy away. Instead, he watched Javier as if he attention hadn’t been stolen the second John acted.
@scarpelted | always accepting
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gildedinferno-a · 6 years
scarpelted replied to your post “❝ i don't feel much like readin' no more. ❞ a frustrated huff, and...”
// god i didn't know what to expect when i sent this in but i wasn't prepared for this softness. DON'T SPOIL HIM TOO MUCH, DUTCH.
DUTCH YES. @scarpelted
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