#scanlan's magnificent mansion
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arabella-strange · 5 months ago
the cannonball contest [x]
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Endless TLOVM
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meadowsofmay · 11 months ago
sometimes, only sometimes, i think back to the moment when scanlan came back to vox machina — and they had their first night in the scanlan's magnificent mansion after a long while — and scanlan played cards with vax while catching up on things that happened during the year they've been apart — and vax said i am happy and it took scanlan by such surprise he asked again as if he wasn't sure he had heard him right.
the last thing he remembered of vax was him on a really low point, mirrored by his own, filled with pain, guilt, fear and a myriad of unknown troubles atop of that. and then he left to fix himself, find his own, and vax had a moment to do this too, it seems, and scanlan was so happy for him. so happy and so sad he wasn't there to witness it. yet, still happy.
and to think, as i do sometimes, that scanlan wanted vax — now healed, happy vax — to live, to have more time and yet, was forced to choose in a matter of moments between the whole world and a little percent chance of saving his friend. it's so cruel that it happened to be him to make that decision.
it's so cruel that it's sam who had to give up a ninth level spell to stop the mad god and not to save liam's character.
sometimes i just think and sometimes i think i shouldn't...
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bananathebookworm · 5 months ago
TLOVM S3 Eps 4-6 Ramblings
Ep. 4
Ashley is just... so good at what she does...
Hell is disgusting. I love it.
I know splitting the party is almost always a bad idea in D&D, but I really like how they've done it in this series. It helps to get through so many important plot points. (And also makes it easier on the animators to have less characters involved in each scene.)
The concentration check fail to drop their disguises is a nice touch
I like that we get more about the NPCs stories simply because they introduced things like EXU later. They expanded on lore that didn't exist when this campaign was originally played and it's really cool to see. I'm only disappointed we didn't get to see Senokir.
Loving this card game between Pike and Zerxus.
I really want Bell's Hells to go to the Hells and talk to Zerxus. I mostly just want Luis back at the table. Let him take over like Abu did.
Also the Aabria, Brennan, and Matt in the stained glass pictures while Zerxus is retelling of his friends during the Calamity is phenomenal.
"Do you want your family here?" Damn Pike. Get him.
"We all have blindspots." I refuse to believe that wasn't a deliberate reference to Ashley's show. Especially after Scanlan's reference to Phoenix Wright a few episodes ago.
I need a mini-series of Zerxus life in Hell please.
Ep. 5
Kima and Allura being badass is always a plus. I want a mini-series of their adventuring days.
I wish they had included Scanlan slaying the pit fiend with Mythcarver. It was one of the only times Scanlan used his sword and we got one hell of a cutting words song from it. And also no one but Keyleth saw his victory which would've added to the "Scanlan is not appreciated enough" story.
"Let's get weird." I love that they throw in the various player phrases too. Not just the one-liners from characters, but the actual quirks of the players at the table that span all characters.
Kaiju battle! The only thing missing is Pike's Divine Intervention punching Vorugal out of the sky.
The Magnificent Mansion baby!
Ep. 6
Chateau Shorthalt! Love it.
Okay, but the cannonball contest is one of my favourite downtime moments. I know it was probably passed over for time, but I'd love to see it animated.
Oh god, the bath scene. I knew they wouldn't pass it over just because of how everyone reacted to that moment, but I wasn't sure how they were going to do it. Welp. Here we are. Fucking hilarious as always.
I love these moments of character bonding so much. I know we can't have as many of them in the series as in the game, but it's good that they include at least a few.
Oh this scry is rough... Scanlan is not well.
Well shit. I didn't think he'd leave at that moment. Though I do like that Pike both knows and encourages it because Ashley wasn't there for this whole thing. Sam said that if she'd been there Pike would've been the only one that could've convinced him to stay. I'm really curious if we're still going to get the "What is my mother's name?" breakdown.
Are Kash and Zahra going to return? I know they were there for at least part of this lead up to Thordak.
I really love how these different battles are choreographed. I love that they can combo and support each other's abilities now that initiative order doesn't need to be tracked.
I'm really enjoying this season so far. So many important character things are happening both independently and as a group.
I don't necessarily love the pacing, but I also understand that condensing a 500 hour campaign into seasons that are about 4.5 hours long total is a fucking behemoth of a task. Like even if we go two more seasons, that's only 20-25 hours total. So much has to be cut and reworked to make a coherent story.
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 5 months ago
scanlan’s magnificent mansion is SO AMAZING
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theoutcastrogue · 1 year ago
This is petty but that's never stopped me.
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In the Vox Machina campaign, Scanlan Shorthalt's resounding success in matters of tactics [this post isn't about roleplaying] was partly due to Sam Riegel's skill, and mostly due to the fact that 5e Bards are just that good. However! The "gnome bard" combo was famously chosen by Liam, after Sam, who'd never played d&d before, asked what's the silliest, least powerful and least badass thing he could play. That was his character concept. And at the time, Liam was not wrong to answer "bard". In 3rd Edition/Pathfinder, Bards DID suck, at least out of the box. You could build a strong Bard in Pathfinder, but you had to optimise to high heavens with carefully selected feats and spells and items from various sources. It didn't just happen spontaneously, and it was still nowhere near the raw power and versatility of a Wizard or Druid. Bards played support.
So at lvl 9, they started streaming and switched from Pathfinder to D&D 5e. Scanlan got an ENORMOUS power boost at that point, but Sam was still harbouring under the impression that his chosen class is not powerful or badass at all. And as they kept playing and he kept killing it (he was brilliant at it, no doubt about that!), he presumed that he was killing it with one hand tied behind his back, because he was just a silly little gnome bard. And, he emphatically wasn't silly. He was a whole-ass full caster, top tier class right there.
Pathfinder Bards are half-casters. If they hadn't switched to 5e, Scanlan wouldn't have access to 7th and higher level spells: no Mordenkeinen's Magnificent Mansion (a signature spell), no Dominate Monster (this is how he made the goristro fight Vorugal), no Reverse Gravity (big moment in the first Ripley fight), and no Wish (kind of a big deal!). Other spells aren't in the Bard list, and there's no Magical Secrets in Pathfinder: he wouldn't have access to Bigby's Hand (another signature spell), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (how he got rid of the efrit, and Ripley), Lightning Bolt and Stinking Cloud (his standard damage spells), Polymorph (that's several giant eagles including the "now smarter" Grog (this will never stop being funny), and of course the legendary triceratops), or Counterspell (kind of an enormous deal). And all the other spells would have come later: no Seeming at lvl 11 = no cows. (What a loss! No cows!)
And it's not just access to spells, it's also "likelihood of spells to work", which depends on the DC, which in Pathfinder depended on spell level. Lower level spells had a lower chance of doing anything, by virtue of being easier to resist. And half-casters got a slower spell progression, and ended up with significantly less power overall. Whereas in 5e spell level is irrelevant, spell DCs depend on your character level, and that's that. Even (Bardic) Inspiration got a boost from the switch. All in all, we're talking about a spectacular upgrade.
So a tragic misconception happened: Sam got it into his head that he's so good at d&d that he can gimp himself and still kick ass. Well, he can't.
When he played a Rogue (no big spells, huh? no cheat sheet!) he sucked at it and he hated it. And now that he plays a Cleric and actually, actively gimps himself (he said in a 4-Sided Dive that he deliberately avoids cleric spells that others have used before in CR, which by now is most of them, and certainly the best of them), he very predictably sucks at it too (I mean relatively speaking; it's still a full caster), and he doesn't love it. The one time he was BRILLIANT was when he had a top tier class to work with, and used it to its full potential. But he thought he was gimping himself, because he was thinking of a different game/edition than the one he was playing!
I wanna grab him by the shoulders and shake him up and say my good man, you gotta stop this "I gimp myself" -> "I fail to kick ass" -> *surprised pikachu face*. CHOOSE. Either gimp yourself and accept you won't be kicking any ass, but it's okay because you enjoy roleplaying someone like that more than you enjoy kicking ass, OR stop gimping yourself and kick ass, because you do enjoy kicking ass, don't you?
Both are great! I approve either way! But choose.
I also wanna grab Liam by the shoulders and tell him "Wizard or Sorcerer! For the love of all that's green and good in this world, next time Sam asks you what class to play in D&D, tell 'im Wizard or Sorcerer!". But then I remember that next time they'll probably play Daggerheart and not D&D unless WotC makes them an offer they can't refuse, so the whole thing is moot.
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the-french-belphegor · 6 months ago
Every room in Scanlan’s mansion existed for a reason, as a conscious choice. He often changed the setup, and sometimes forgot to make a room, but a random chamber just popping up into existence for no reason was unheard of. (A few decades after Vecna, Kaylie comes across a room that doesn’t make sense in her father’s magical mansion.)
(Shout-out to @mythtaker, whose post last March about Scanlan probably keeping Vax's room in his Magnificent Mansion nudged my brain until I could finally do something with it 💜)
Still Life
Scanlan had changed addresses again since last time.
Kaylie let herself into the house after disarming the few traps he had told her about in his last letter. Just like he’d said, they were nothing fancy: just small precautions to avoid disgruntled former customers (or worse, the local competition) barging in unannounced.
The new house was small, but looked cosy, with high windows and whitewashed walls painted a light blue. The Marquesian sun flooded the coloured cement tiles of the study with a golden late afternoon sunlight. Her father, sitting with his feet on his desk and browsing through papers, didn’t appear to notice either the beautiful light or his unexpected visitor.
Kaylie shrugged off her backpack and let it drop to the floor. The thump made Scanlan look up; the next second, he hopped down from his chair and ran to her, smiling from ear to ear.
“Kaylie Shorthalt, apple of my eye, light of my days, vegan cream in my coffee –”
“Hey, Dad.” Tiredness kept Kaylie’s voice somewhat short, but the first thing she did after carefully putting down her violin case was give him a hug he happily returned. It had been a while since they’d seen each other. “How’s tricks?”
Even after all those years, the nugget of warmth curling in her chest when she met her father’s grin still caught her off-guard. She’d missed him, she could acknowledge that at least, but just how much she had still surprised her every time it hit her.
“Tricks are going swimmingly, thank you for asking. Did you get Juni’s letter?”
“I did, yeah, just before I left.”
“Oh, good. Well, it means Wax lost the bet, but she was worried.”
“Wait,” Kaylie asked with the start of a grin she couldn’t quite hold back, “which bet?”
Juniper and Wilhand’ildan Shorthalt, even after leaving home for places of higher learning, still made a point of staying in almost constant contact with each other, their big sister, their Grog, and their parents, by means of letters, second-hand messages, or Sending Stones. Their correspondence included a lot of teasing, bets, and dares, some of which bafflingly silly sometimes. It had dumbfounded both Kaylie and Scanlan somewhat until Pike and Grog had assured them that it wasn’t that unusual between siblings.
Scanlan waved a hand, drawing the suspense, of course.
“You know the kids. I think this time a… goat was involved? I’ll tell you all about it at dinner. In the meantime, shall I fire up the mansion? For old time’s sake?”
“‘Old times’, yeah. Sure.” Kaylie rolled her eyes, but her smile stayed. It had barely been six months since the last time they’d treated themselves to a nice stay in the Magnificent Mansion. Okay, it felt longer, but still. “I could do with a day at the spa anyway after all this heat.”
“Then it’s settled. Give me a minute.”
Scanlan rummaged in his pocket for the components, closed his eyes, and started to hum a tune Kaylie recognised as one she’d been working on the last time they’d seen each other. As always, the air around him went shimmery and warm, citrus and coriander with a dash of purple, and the door winked into existence.
Gnome-sized, of course. And flamboyant and magnificent and ridiculous in an endearing way, just like him.
He opened it for her with a bow and a flourish.
“Ladies first.”
“Show-off,” snorted Kaylie, and walked in with her violin case, trusting Scanlan to bring her bag inside. Which he did, after a double take.
It was always easy to tell, from the look of the mansion, if Scanlan had spent time in Tal’Dorei recently. The layout was different, the ceiling a little lower, the hues a little softer. Some of Wax’s drawings he’d made while inside the mansion hung on the walls in frames; there were touches here and there in the decorations of Pike’s blues and Juni’s golds amongst the pinks and purples. In the foyer, a sheet of paper covered in awkward letters bigger than Kaylie’s whole hand held pride of place on a sideboard along with a plate of cookies. She immediately pilfered a couple on her way inside.
“Where’d you put my room this time?” she asked, rolling her head on her neck. Gods, it had been a long day. Make that a long week. Or a long fucking month, to be honest.
“Ground floor, west wing, couple of doors to the hot springs. I’ll make the servants get started on dinner. Give me a yell if you need anything?”
“Sure thing, thanks.”
Kaylie recognised her bedroom immediately: the door was open, welcoming her in. Scanlan had styled it the way she liked, cool and cosy but not stifling, light on the frills, with plenty of space to put her things away and all the tools she needed to take care of her violin.
The bed looked way too comfy. It was tempting to just faceplant in it and crash. But then, she reasoned, it would still be there after a long soak and a nice dinner.
She threw her bag over her shoulder, padded barefoot out of her room, and opened the second door to the left.
And paused, puzzled.
Every room in Scanlan’s mansion existed for a reason, as a conscious choice. He often changed the setup, and sometimes forgot to make a room, but a random chamber just popping up into existence for no reason was unheard of.
That… wasn’t the hot springs. It was a bedroom, by the look of it, but a bedroom that didn’t make sense.
“Hey, Scanlan?” Kaylie called out, frowning. “What’s this room for?”
She didn’t wait for an answer and stepped in slowly, taking in the dark furniture, the elegant carpet, the plants in large pots scattered across the room. The circular bed was unmade, like its owner had just stepped out. She ran her palm over the quilt, a light, fuzzy fabric meant to look like it was made from black feathers. Or maybe stylised leaves.
Something tugged at her memory.
“What room, Kay—”
The footsteps behind her came to such an abrupt stop Kaylie thought Scanlan had Dimension Doored away elsewhere. But when she looked over her shoulder, there he was, framed in the doorway like a painting and about as motionless.
He looked nothing less than stricken.
And that… was all the explanation she needed.
After the dust settled, after that last big fight, as she was recuperating in Whitestone in a bed too big for her –
(from her wounds, from dying, from coming back to life in her father’s arms with his tears in her hair and her blood on his chest)
– he had come back, bone-tired and too quiet, the smell of booze on him stronger than some of her best and worst benders, but alive. They had talked a bit about what she wanted to do, now that the world wasn’t ending any more. She had pulled him into a hug, the only way she’d found to say everything she’d wanted to say without having words pulled out of her mouth like teeth.
It was only when she had come back from a much-needed nightly stroll and found him passed out at the foot of his own bed that she had realised he hadn’t said a single word about how the fight had gone down except We won.
What they had lost – who – had come up later.
Kaylie didn’t have many clear memories of Vax’ildan. The other members of Vox Machina she’d mostly learned to know after they disbanded. With the exception of her father – and a memorable conversation with Vex’ahlia, still vivid despite the fog of alcohol (But there’s a chance we can bring him back, if you’re willing to help) – the shape they had in her mind was a product of time in a new world, one that no longer involved escaping from dragons or being kidnapped and brainwashed by an asshole god. Vax would forever belong to that former world. The only remnants she had of him were a vague silhouette in dark clothing, a sharp grin, a surprisingly soft voice.
And the taste of blood in her mouth.
The last and strongest memory Kaylie had of Vax was his scrunched up face, contorted by guilt with tear tracks on his cheeks, open hand thrust forwards as Gilmore whisked her and Cassandra de Rolo away to safety. To this day she still viciously hoped some of that guilt was for her, too.
After all, she was the one he’d killed.
And then he had died (or perhaps before and it just took a while to really take, she had never been clear on the timing), and in the process had somehow gained the power to crack Scanlan’s heart right open.
So maybe Kaylie had ambivalent feelings about the guy.
But she was also very aware that saying fuck ‘im would not help at all in this situation.
“Oh, Dad.” She shook her head, but purposely kept her voice gentle, filing down some of her sharp edges for once. “Still, huh?”
Shock rippled on his face at the sound of her voice. It made him look a little less like someone had just punched him in the stomach.
“…I meant a couple of doors on the right,” he said in a small voice.
He’d sounded worse before – hell, he’d looked worse before, she had once seen his lifeless body laid out on an altar after getting ripped apart by a dragon – but something still tugged at her heart at that.
“Yeah, well. The spa can wait. What’s up with that?” She stepped towards him, telegraphing her movements, like he was a horse who might bolt if spooked. “Why did you make that room? You know that’s… that’s not a good idea, right?”
“I didn’t make it make it,” Scanlan protested with a little more life. “I just… didn’t not make it.”
“Okay, but why now?”
Kaylie stared at Scanlan.
“You mean you don’t make it on purpose? It just pops up every time?”
“No! …Yes. Kinda? Look, the mansion’s a complicated spell, okay? It’s not even proper bardic magic in the first place. I’ve been casting it for years and I’m still not a hundred percent sure how it works.”
His eyes stayed mostly on her, but every now and then they strayed to the left, to the coverings, the bed, the plants. However his body still seemed rooted to the spot, and Kaylie was suddenly struck by a flash of insight.
“Dad, did you – have you ever actually stepped foot in there? You know, since he died?”
Scanlan went very still.
(How the hell did he manage to fool anybody, Kaylie wondered as her heart sank in her chest. How good a liar did that make him, really, that she managed to see right through him every time?)
She shook her head again.
“You haven’t, have you. Decades of making this room without even thinking about it and you never… Godsdammit, Dad.”
“I can’t, Kaylie,” he said, barely audible. “It’s not… I wouldn’t…”
Scanlan Shorthalt at a loss for words was a unique phenomenon that could be two things: downright hilarious or powerfully awkward. A very rare third kind of outcome, the instances of which Kaylie could count on the fingers of one hand and a half, was snapping your heart clean in two. And for someone like her, who prided herself on always keeping that soft, vulnerable part of herself safe from all hurt… Well, it sucked. To put it mildly.
Kaylie sighed.
Then she took her father’s hand.
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot,” she said gently, and pulled him into the room.
She didn’t have to tug very hard. Scanlan stumbled after her easily. The next moment he absent-mindedly straightened his vest and looked around at the room as though he was seeing it for the first time.
The room, not the contents. It was obvious, from the way his gaze lingered on this and that, how he snorted at the sight of an armchair pillow embroidered with two tiny figures inside a giant black dragon, or smiled at a painting that depicted a bunch of cows and a giant bird, of all things, that the objects that populated the space were familiar, or at least brought up memories.
Kaylie gave him a moment, then climbed onto the human-sized (or rather half-elf-sized) bed, letting her feet dangle over the edge. The movement must have caught Scanlan’s eye; he turned, and after a while shucked off his shoes and clambered up, too.
The silence between them lasted long enough that Kaylie started to wonder whether she should summon one of the mansion’s creepy ghost servants to get herself a drink. But she had cut down on daytime drinking a lot these past few decades, particularly since Juni’s birth. Putting the kibosh on Scanlan’s meat consumption had been a gag at first – plus chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner got old fast – but the excuse of eating healthy to live longer had had some truth behind it. Behind the sarcasm she’d actually wanted her father to stick around, and you kinda had to stay alive for that. It had taken her a few years after that to realise that getting too fucked up too often would make her less inclined to stay alive, too.
Scanlan had stuck by the vegan diet, and Kaylie had cut down her drinking rather dramatically.
But damn if her fingers didn’t still itch for a pint, sometimes.
“So,” she said, if only to hear something. Dammit. She had counted on Scanlan being the first to open his mouth – he usually was. “That’s a nice bedroom. This bed’s comfy.”
“I should hope so,” said Scanlan, his voice almost normal by now. Almost. “Nothing but quality in my Magnificent Mansion.”
“No mirror on the ceiling in this one?”
“Nah, not this time. But I think everybody had one at some point? Gods, it’s been ages. Anyway, I made up for it. Look in the… I think it’s in the bedside table on the left.”
Against her better judgement, Kaylie shuffled to the bedside table. Inside it was a book with a title in Marquesian which in Common translated to The Lotus and the Butterfly.
She raised an eyebrow.
“Isn’t that the one with—?”
“—with beautiful traditional Marquesian illustrations going back two hundred years from the best artists in Yios, yes.”
“I was gonna say ‘the sex positions guidebook’, but sure, let’s go with that.” She shook her head. “I thought you couldn’t leave anything from the Material Plane in the mansion?”
“You can’t. I had the servants make it special from a copy I picked up once at a casino.”
“The one you got scammed in?” Kaylie asked with a grin, making Scanlan roll his eyes. She leafed through the book idly, gaze quickly flitting over text and pictures, neither really registering. “And you just. Left that in your friend’s bedside table. Like that’s not fucking weird at all.” Her head snapped back up as a thought hit her. “Wait, did you… Did you ever hook up with him, back in the day?”
In the two seconds it took for Scanlan to open his mouth, eyes wide, she decided she didn’t need to know the answer. Those two had been good friends and clearly loved each other a lot; whether sex had been involved or not was irrelevant.
She steered clear of sentiment, though, out of habit.
“Wait, don’t answer that. Sorry. Gross, shut up. Still, what the hell? Was it supposed to be some kind of prank?”
“Well, no, I… Okay, maybe just a little. Once I finally got that he and Keyleth were actually, like, A Thing, I put the book in there whenever I made the mansion. Mostly I figured they might need, uh… not exactly something to help them get it on, but just… ideas, you know? It took them long enough to realise they both wanted to boink, just thought I might aid a little in that department.”
Kaylie stared at her father, not knowing whether she might facepalm or laugh herself sick.
“Hey,” Scanlan pointed out, “it was them or Vex and Percy, and once they figured out their own shit they didn’t need any incentive to jump each other’s bones! Man, I’m still surprised they stopped at five kids and didn’t go for the full baker’s dozen.”
Once upon a time, this would’ve been a golden opportunity for her to say something scathing about accidental children. The Kaylie from three decades ago would have verbally eviscerated present-day Kaylie for letting that opportunity pass by. But then again, being her three decades ago had been fucking exhausting. Sure, she sometimes missed the viciousness she had let go of over the years, but she’d also lost some fears and gained a little peace of mind. Overall, not a bad bargain.
She settled for a snort and put the book back in the bedside table. Then she made herself comfortable on the bed, leaning back and kicking her feet a little.
Surprisingly, Scanlan didn’t add anything. He rested his elbows on his knees and his chin on his arms and gazed vaguely ahead with an odd expression, for him.
“Hey, Dad.”
Godsdammit. Pike would be much better suited for this.
Kaylie resolutely kept her own gaze in front of her and didn’t look at him.
“You do realise it’s… okay if you don’t make this room? Maybe not next time, but like… the time after that. I don’t think he’ll mind, I mean… It’s not… It wouldn’t be betraying him is what I’m sayin’.”
Out of the corner of her eye she saw him turn his head towards her a little, but he remained uncharacteristically silent and still.
“It’s nice that you kept his stuff. No, I know, it’s not really his stuff, but you know what I mean – it’s, uh… it’s a thoughtful gesture. Wherever he is I’m sure he’d appreciate it. But…”
How did people do this? Say words that weren’t even spells and fixed things somehow? Her music could break and heal alike, but that last part felt closer to tying a tourniquet on a bleeding limb: a tiny thing that might keep you from dying just now, but a far cry from magic that knitted bones back together or breathed life back into corpses. She had sung away the hurt from Juni’s scraped knees or Wax’s scratched elbows a few times when her little siblings were kids. She might as well be trying to do the same now on a decades-old wound that somehow still found a way to bleed every now and then.
“But… But there’s better ways to remember him by. This is like… frozen in time. Like a museum, almost. Somehow I doubt that’s what he was about.”
“It’s not,” Scanlan muttered. Then he cleared his throat and added, without the crack in his voice this time, “I mean, yeah, he was… He was, uh.”
She pretended not to see him wipe his nose on his sleeve.
“He had… a lot going on, once he got into his thing with the Raven Queen. That messed him up for some time. But even with all that, even when he went full emo goth chicken with one foot in the grave talking about death all the frickin’ time, he was… he was alive.”
Pause; a small snort of a laugh. When he spoke again he was smiling, but his voice was less than steady again. “Never seen a dead guy so alive, when I think about it.”
Kaylie waited for him to continue. When it became obvious that nothing more was coming, she bit back a sigh, then shuffled closer.
And closer. Just close enough to lay her head on her father’s shoulder if she slumped a little.
(Ever since she’d first laid eyes on him she’d always been a little taller. That he’d never been there while she was still small enough to hold and carry was one of the things she still was angry at him about occasionally – and angry at herself for it. She was tough and strong and a grown-ass adult, godsdammit, not a bloody child.)
After a while, Scanlan laid his head against hers, giving her time to slip away if she wanted, like he usually did.
“Didn’t you want to go to the spa?” he asked quietly.
Kaylie gave a one-shoulder shrug, careful not to jostle their skulls against each other’s.
“I will. In a while.”
“I included the steam room again.”
“Good. It’s nice. Also pretty.”
“Well, you deserve the best.”
“Damn right I do,” she murmured.
Maybe he wasn’t the best father. But he certainly wasn’t the worst she’d thought he was for the first two thirds of her life. Sure, the space between their souls had its share of broken things, but in time they had built trust, and affection, and unspoken words that warmed rather than hurt.
She shifted, just enough that she could kiss his temple just above his ear – a little smaller than her own, one of the few physical traits he didn’t pass on to her – and give his hand a squeeze for good measure, lightning-quick.
Then she settled against him again before he could say anything.
The room was not haunted. In two dozen hours it would disappear, along with the rest of the house; one day it might cease to exist altogether. And maybe, between the two of them (beating hearts, warm bodies, lungs drawing breaths in tandem with one another), they could lay some old ghosts to rest.
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j-esbian · 5 months ago
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utilitycaster · 9 months ago
hi (:
I'm not very involved in fandom and I also dont really watch 4sided dive, so maybe this has been talked through already but-
I noticed how the bells hells dont have any kind of place to call their own. Vox machina had their own keep, and whitestone, and scanlans mansion on the road. The mighty 9 had the xhorhaus and calebs tower, (and the dome/tiny hut).
The hells dont have anything like that do they?? Or if not just their own, do they have a place they could just show up at and stay for a bit?
That feels rather inconvenient, but also like it says something about them/the campaign- about being settled, belonging to somewhere (or to each other?), their financial&political situation, etc .....
I dont really know whether that's a question. Maybe - do you have thoughts on that? Do you know if other people here or in the cast have talked about that?
thanks (:
Hi anon,
Honestly? My thoughts are that the Nein and Vox Machina situations re: permanent, nonmagical housing aren't actually standard and they left them behind so much (well, Greyskull Keep and the Xhorhaus anyway) that I don't blame Matt for not going back to that specific well. It's fairly typical in my personal experience and in other actual plays I've listened to for even a higher level party to not have a specific home base. For what it's worth I assume Bells Hells could show up at Zephrah or Whitestone and at least be taken in given all their service to Accord and to Keyleth particularly. I agree it probably says something about the political situation that rather than service to an existing government, they are serving a vast political alliance who themselves are staying in a war encampment. I don't think it says much about them financially or being settled though - the Mighty Nein rarely if ever had the amount of money Bells Hells has had throughout, and they didn't rely much on the Xhorhaus other than in the arc they spent in Xhorhas. If anything I think it perhaps says more about how globe-trotting this campaign is, and perhaps how much Vox Machina returned to Whitestone.
As for lack of magical accommodations, the really simple and boring answer is no bard (for most of the campaign, anyway) nor wizard. Tiny Hut and Magnificent Mansion (which is the basis of Caleb's tower) are both available only to bards and wizards. Caleb had specific reason to prioritize these (half the party being kidnapped resulting in the death of another party member early on) but Bells Hells couldn't have cast these even if they wanted to. They also don't have anyone who can cast teleportation spells more than once a day; Fearne multiclassed and won't have Transport Via Plants for another level, and I don't think that's the 7th level Imogen took (and we know it's not what Dorian took). So it's harder for them to return to a static home base, and no one can cast the magical home base because of the spellcaster choices (though I will also note they would have only just gotten to the point of having it now - Magnificent Mansion is 7th level which you get at L13.) I'm interested to see what Sam does if he rolls up with another cleric, because technically clerics have Temple of the Gods, which is basically like if Magnificent Mansion were a lock-in. That's also L7, so also wouldn't have come into play until now.
They did, I should note, have the Silver Sun, which they received at roughly the same level as the other parties received Greyskull/The Xhorhaus, and could have served in many ways as both transport and home base had they not decided to crash it into the key. I support this choice, and yes, their base being an airship does say things about the campaign's focus, but they did indeed have it for a time.
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critrolepolls · 9 months ago
[Please consider reblogging to increase sample size! 🗳🐦‍⬛]
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mythtaker · 1 year ago
Scanlan probably never changed Vax's room in the magnificent mansion, it's probably exactly the same way it had been the very last time Vax got to use it. Scanlan might update his room, or the others, or the pit or kitchen but not that room.
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katiefratie · 5 months ago
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dykeyleth · 1 day ago
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looking through the wiki for the new vestiges sorry i think it's literally just a reflavoring of scanlan's magnificent mansion. not that deep
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storiedhistories · 1 year ago
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@yieldingdreams asked: ‘ did you think that i had left you for good? ’ for Percy from Puck
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On the road as much as they were these days, it had been quite some time since Percival had seen Puck. And he found himself actually missing his presence. To be quite honest, he hadn't been sure what to think of him initially, but he'd been polite and had quickly discovered that Puck was an immensely interesting figure. He was quite powerful in his own right, and for some reason, he'd taken an interest in Percy, of all people.
While he still wasn't entirely sure he understood Puck's interest, Percy would be lying if he said he wasn't flattered. He'd always been fascinated by the Feywild, and Vox Machina's little trip there had been quite different from what he'd been imagining from his books. And the fac that Puck indulged at least some of his questions delighted the gunslinger.
Thanks to Scanlan's Magnificent Mansion, he even had a full workshop while they were traveling, though he had to bring along his own materials, if he wanted to take anything out of the mansion with him. He'd been tinkering with different materials when he could, trying to create a gun without any iron in it, since Puck had seemed interested in his inventions. It hadn't quite worked, which meant he needed to try a few other things before he could build any sort of prototype.
In the meantime, he'd been working on a puzzle box, just to make something that wasn't purely for destruction, even though that was what much of their free time was currently focused on.
He'd been working on the box when he heard a familiar voice, one he hadn't thought he'd hear again for quite some time, if ever. After all, Puck surely had more important things to do than to hang around him as much as he had been for a little while there.
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Percy looked up, an easy grin on his face when he saw his visitor.
"I hadn't been certain," he admitted, sitting back in his chair. "I just assumed you'd come to your senses after all and found something better to do than hang around here." His tone was nonchalant, but he was quite delighted to see the fae again, if he was being honest with himself.
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thessalian · 5 months ago
Thess vs TLOVM S3, Ep 6
Since new episodes drop tomorrow, now's a good time to watch the last of the episodes that dropped last week. So now on to Scanlan's Magnificent Mansion.
He has gold records. Of various of his songs throughout the series. How the fuck does he even know what records are?
Ooooooooh so it's not a Magnificent Mansion spell but the magical key from Umbrasyl's hoard! Interesting way of incorporating the spells from the game without going too far into spell slot stuff.
I love how the currently-visible Unseen Servants that come with the mansion are his back-up band.
I'm not sure who would have been better to find Scanlan's sex dungeon, but I guess Vax wasn't the worst person to find it.
Oh gods, I remember when he commissioned that portrait in game!
That's the best we're going to get for the cannonball contest, I guess.
Huh. Combining a couple of conversations, there.
I ... do love Vex. I keep thinking about the de Rolo kids and Laura just being, "They ... like ... to bone!"
Oh, this is ... horrifiiiiiiiiiiic.
You two, though? You two are doing better.
I wonder if he's just going to leave without the whole ... dying ... thing.
"Of course. It's hers." N'awwwwwwwwwww.
Yeah. He's going to go without the whole ... dying ... thing. Which is good if that's the case because the nightgown and ... mess ... kind of felt gross.
Called it.
Ripley, you shitlord.
At least they're just wyrmlings. At least they're just wyrmlings. At least they're just wyrmlings--
C'mon, Pike, get the hang of that plate!
You don't have any wat-- you have ice, Keyleth! Water plus flame equals--?!? Fine. Allura's got it.
Oooooooooh fuck, the castle.
In the castle, being a badass; that is where Cassandra is.
GO, GROG! ...But quickly because there's a structural integrity issue!
Yes it can, Percy. Sorry, but yes it can.
I get that you're a green dragon, Raishan, but riddles and circuitous language is not what you need here. Use your words--
Huh. Percy. You at least-- Yeaaaaah there we go.
Neither side of this has ever heard of the term "compromise", have you?
Ugh. This is all just a mess. And ... for all I thought Scanlan was too harsh on the group during the campaign ... how the fuck did none of them notice that Scanlan didn't bamf with them?!?
(Well, okay, they ported into a whole big mess, but ... first thing you do is count your fucking allies.)
Ah, Vex. Level head, loving heart.
Scouring your hands clean in anybody's blood is generally not the way to go, guys. Maybe you should actually be considering Orthax in all this?-- Aaaaand that's where we're ending it.
Yeah, there are some things I'm glad they threw aside. The reasoning behind Scanlan's departure in the campaign was ... understandable to a point, but especially when relying on revivification being a tricky-as-fuck thing to pull off, it's better this way. Honestly, both sides handled the preliminaries of Scanlan's departure abysmally in the campaign, and it was the only part of the campaign I really didn't like. Pranking Scanlan after his death. Not only letting his daughter see his corpse, but letting her see him embarrassed by people who are supposed to care about him? Scanlan didn't even need to go into "What's my mother's name?" But on that one and "you never did anything for me", he went a little too far too, and it was ... ugly and ... less out of character and more everyone taking multiple steps backwards from their character development. Having Scanlan make a choice and stick to it, instead of trying to be all things to all people, and realising that Jack of All Trades doesn't apply to matters of the heart? The series just did his departure better.
So three more eps tomorrow, and now I can end the evening with finally watching Omn1's reaction video. It's been really fun watching him become a bona-fide Critter in real time. From "This looks interesting" to "I have a campaign coming up and I got the dice and I have the Vex-with-broom Funko ... well, I have all of the Funkos, but..." while wearing CR merch. Probably one of the most genuine and hilarious reactors I've seen. And since I seldom if ever get to watch things with people, this is the next best thing. Or at least, definitely better than watching stuff with my mother, who misses half of what she watches because she's talking through it. (Watching with Marion was fun, though. ...Maybe I'll see what in my DVD / streaming service collection I can throw at the head of @noctumsolis when dinner happens. That could be cool. I seem to recall having a couple of friends over and finding out they'd never seen Leverage and I fixed that so fast...)
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seccndchances · 7 months ago
"Next time we should just steal Percy's car. I doubt he'd mind." Pike admitted with a soft chuckle as she turned on her heels and invited the other to keep pace with her. "It's been awhile since it's just been us Scanlan." She added, "Today's been nice." She admitted with a soft warm blush across her pink cheeks. Scanlan had been a source of constant frustration but also kindness and love. Even if she hadn't always realized how much she had relied on his closeness for comfort. At the mention of like old times, she couldn't help but smile. "I don't know the Magnificent Mansion was quite comfortable."
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.。.:*☆ "Does sound like I plan, I would say." Even when things were easier with those phones nad cars here in Ivy Cove, sometimes you were still stuck with no way out. But at least the weather was nice, and Pike was with him, so, really, Scanlan could not complain too much.
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"Almost like in the good old times, right?" He instead mused with a chuckle. "Though I bet the bed is going to be more comfortable this time around."
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fjordstan · 6 years ago
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CR Inktober day 8 - home - Scanlan's Magnificent Mansion
Because nothing says home quite like a magical door that leads to a lavish home inside a pocket dimension
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