coruscant-clickbait · 5 months
happy may the 4th! remember the true spirit of star wars - fight fascists, punch nazis and never give up hope.
and as always, free palestine.
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The only person who has a worse time on Mandalore than Bo is Din and the two dingbats keep insisting on going back.
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kanerallels · 1 year
I would be overjoyed to know anything you want to tell me about the happiness AU because It Sounds Delightful
Oh it would be MY PLEASURE to share about it!! Thank you so much for asking, friend! Some fun facts for you
(edit: just so y'all know, none of this is actually published. If you have questions about why, feel free to ask me!)
Kanan, Hera, and the rest of the Ghost crew work finding Force sensitive children and bringing them into the Order
This is how they find Ezra, more or less. Chaos is involved
Obi-Wan and Satine are high key married, and have a kid. The Council doesn't know about this yet, but Obi-Wan is planning to retire once he's done training Leia
Kanan still gets blinded, but it involves Maul, a stolen ship, and lots of explosives
Ezra gets framed for murder one time
The Ghost crew meets Jyn and the rest of the Rogue One crew when Ezra and Jyn get captured by a group of slavers, and when both crews comes to rescue them, Jyn punches Kanan in the face cause she thinks he's one of the bad guys
There is a fic called the Mandalore Scandalore (can't take credit for the title, I found it on Pinterest somewhere) and the plot is pretty much just "how many people can I make wear Mandalorian armor also Anakin and Bo-Katan pick fights constantly. And Hera's the only brain cell"
I accidentally predicted Kanan working with the Bad Batch like a year before it actually happened and I'm way too proud of it
There's a scene where Hera goes to visit her family and takes Kanan with her. They're not in a relationship yet technically she just wants him to come with. That is not what her parents assume
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Tale of Astoria Kenobi [Chapter 3] [Obitine and Anidala featured] [Dad!Obi-wan/Daughter!OC]
Hi! I am so sorry to have left this story alone so long!
I had a hard time writing this chapter, since there aren't too many examples of a Gathering to go off of. Anyway, here it is! I hope you guys like it! :)
I want to apologize to everyone I kept waiting on this story and I want to thank everyone for their patience! 
I plan on making a Masterlist for Astoria but in the meantime Here is the link to the prologue to this story!
And Here is the link to the previous chapter!
I would also love to acknowledge some users that have encouraged me and are on the taglist! (if you want to be on the taglist, please let me know!)
@elite-guard-hardygal for one, as my bestie and sort-of beta reader. Then I want to thank @forcearama for creating the Scandalore AU that helped inspire this story. There is also @sunshineisdelightful who has been wonderfully encouraging, and their other blog @fwtcanimelover​! Thank you all for encouraging me and giving me feedback! Hope this chapter makes up for my absence! 
I hope you guys like this new chapter! Next chapter starts Attack of the Clones!
(Side note for timeline purposes, this chapter is when Astoria is about 12, then there will be a time skip to when she's 15, about when Attack of the Clones takes place, according to a timeline I looked at.)
Now, onto the chapter!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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“How is your training, Astoria?” Mom asks, smiling at me through the hologram.
I grin and lean in a bit. “It’s going great, Mom! I’m finally going to be part of a group for the Gathering!” Mom sees my excitement, but naturally, she’s confused. “It means I’ll go with a group of other Younglings to a special place where I’ll find my lightsaber crystal and create my own lightsaber!”
“Oh, that’s wonderful, darling!” Mom cheers, clapping her hands together and laughing as I eagerly describe how awesome my lightsaber is going to be.
“It’ll be one of the best lightsabers ever!”
“I’m sure it will be, sweetheart, but you can’t let yourself get carried away. Remember to always listen to the instructors and be respectful.”
I nod. “Of course, Mom.” I reply. “I’m just so excited! I get to go with Anakin’s group, and we’ll make our hilts together! It’ll be so fun!”
“Isn’t Anakin your uncle’s apprentice?” Mom asks.
I nod. “Yeah, he’s a Padawan Learner, and few years older than me, but since I’m top of my class, and am ahead of my group in combat training, I get to go a little sooner than my group. We’re leaving tomorrow morning.”
“I see. Well, congratulations Astoria!” Mom says proudly. As usual, there’s a tiny trace of sadness in Mom’s eyes that she isn’t here physically.
I give her a wide smile. “Thanks, Mom.” I reply, wishing she could be here to see my first lightsaber. Then I get an idea. “I’ll show you my lightsaber when I visit for my birthday!”
Mom perks up instantly. “Ah, yes! I’d nearly forgotten.”
My birthday was only a month away. Usually, I was allowed to visit Mandalore briefly for my birthday, usually with Uncle Obi in tow. He was always as thrilled as I was to go back to Mandalore, but he’d never say why. I never ask, thinking it was merely his happiness at seeing Mom again since the two are good friends.
“I can’t wait, Mom!” I cheer, and Mom chuckles.
“Yes, neither can I, dear. But for now, get some sleep. It’s late at night on Coruscant, isn’t it?”
I nod sheepishly. “Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you!”
She puts a hand up patiently. “And I, of course, am always happy to talk to you, but you need sleep. Have a good trip, darling.”
I nod. “I will. Love you, Mom!”
“I love you more, Astoria.” Mom replies and we end the transmission.
Then, I lay down and close my eyes, using the techniques I learned in the meditation lessons to try to get some sleep.
Miraculously, it works and I fall asleep.
“Come along, Astoria. It wouldn’t do to keep the ship waiting.” Comes Uncle Obi’s voice.
I stretch and sit up, rubbing my eyes as I fully wake up. “Are you…” I yawn and rub my eyes, “Are you coming with us, Uncle Obi?” I ask as I stand, pulling on the outer layers of my Jedi robes.
I always just slept in my pants and a spare undershirt.
“Unfortunately not, young one. But Master Fisto is.”
I grin, coming more awake as I move to brush my teeth and pack what little I’d take with me. “Yay!”
Uncle Obi laughs. “You shouldn’t play favorites, Astoria.” He cautions, amused.
“I’m not!” I protest playfully. “I’m just...happy it’s someone I know...better than the other Jedi.”
“Mmm...I’m sure. Now, come along. Even Master Fisto’s patience runs out eventually.”
I slide the last few things in my bag, settle Mom’s necklace around my neck and tuck it in like always before I’m ready to go.
We walk toward the exit ramp where the ship is waiting.
There, I see Master Fisto.
I jog over and hug him. “I’m glad you’re coming!” I cheer.
“Playing favorites is not the Jedi way, Astoria.” Master Fisto teases.
“I know. Master Kenobi told me. I just meant I am happy it’s someone I’m a little familiar with.”
Fisto puts a hand on my back and guides me toward the group of Younglings I’d be going to the Gathering with. “I’m honored to witness your Gathering, little one.”
I smile up at him, then catch sight of a friend. “Roman!” I call, waving at my sparring partner.
“And here I was thinking it’d be a pleasant trip.” He quips as we shake hands in greeting.
“Oh, c’mon. I’m not that bad.” I retort, chuckling.
Anakin then walks over. “Glad you could scrape by to come with us.” He teases.
I roll my eyes. “Why are all my friends teasing me today?” I pretend to be upset, but they know better.
“Because you’re an easy target.” Anakin replies, before laughing and putting a hand on my shoulder. “In all seriousness, I’m glad you’re coming.” He says genuinely.
“Me, too.” I reply. Before we can talk more, Fisto calls for our attention.
“Younglings, you have all proven yourselves to be the top of your class, and some rose above their class to greater heights. Now, it is time for the Gathering, a most sacred Jedi ritual.” We’re all murmuring excitedly and eager to get going, but Master Fisto clears his throat and we fall silent again. “This is the trip that will raise you another step on the path to being a Jedi Knight. This is the trip...you build your lightsabers!”
We are all super excited to get going and crowd toward the ship. Roman and I get into the ship at the same time, looking around and chatting excitedly.
Coming out to meet us from deeper inside the ship was a strange droid. It was an older model, I think, but it seemed to be running smoothly as it greets us.
“Hello Younglings. I am Professor Huyang, lightsaber architect and designer. Welcome to your Gathering.”
“Thank you, Professor. We’re happy to be here!” I chirp, remembering the manners Mom taught me.
Professor Huyang seems to smile at me. “I see someone was elected spokesperson.” He says good-naturedly and I hear some embarrassed shuffling of feet behind me, telling me the others felt bad for not being the first to thank the droid.
“Alright, Younglings. Let’s settle in and get some food and then we’ll start learning about lightsabers when we’re finished.” Master Fisto orders and we file off with him to the spartan rooms we’d be staying on for the overnight flight to Ilum and then the flight back. Once we’re all settled in, we go back to the main area where I assume we would be instructed and actually construct our lightsabers.
Turns out Roman, a Bothan youngling, and I were the first few back to Master Fisto.
“Why don’t we start introductions while we’re waiting on the others?” Master Fisto suggests and I agree.
"Good idea! I'm Astoria Kryze!" I chirp, tapping my chest.
"And I'm Roman Cartalzan." Roman adds, bowing a little in respect.
"Lovely to meet you all. I can tell this trip will be exciting!" Professor Huyang says, again seeming to be smiling as other Younglings file in.
In my excitement, I could hardly remember some of the groups’ names, but then Professor Huyang began his lecture on the history of the lightsabers and how integral they are to a Jedi, describing various lightsabers he’d seen created and even showing us a few of his personal favorites.
By the time bedtime came around, we were mesmerized by the Professor and his stories, but Master Fisto corralled us toward the rooms and we suddenly realize how tired we are, so we don’t protest but so much.
Over the intercom system, Professor Huyang calls us all to breakfast while we make our final approach. We find a set of thick winter clothing outside our doors and I dress in everything but the outer jacket.
Already I was rather warm, but I am too excited to care as I hurriedly brush my teeth and make my way to the dining hall.
“- -in a long, long time. It will be very interesting to see what happens at this Gathering.” I hear the Professor saying to Master Fisto and despite knowing it was rude, I can’t help stopping where I was to listen.
“Indeed, Professor.” Master Fisto replies. “She is one of a kind, that girl. Her mother, a Duchess, and the second Mandalorian Jedi in history! Just imagine her potential! I can’t wait to see how her story unfolds!”
I blink. I was…one of the first-ever Mandalorian Jedis? Wow! I had no idea!
“Yes…especially considering her inherent skill in combat.” Professor Huyang points out.
“Indeed. But she is doing admirably in all other aspects of her training, as well.”
The revelation would have to wait as other Younglings begin to file out of their rooms, so I pretend to be still waking up as I shuffle into the dining area.
“Good morning, Younglings! We have a rather busy day ahead, so I will begin the instructions while we enjoy our breakfast.” Master Fisto greets as we settle at the tables.
I don’t miss the Professor and Master Fisto’s eyes lingering on me for a moment but I don’t want to make a scene yet so I get my food and manage a seat next to Anakin and Roman.
Master Fisto explains that this planet was constantly frozen and that the object of our journey here to Ilum was to find Kyber Crystals, and the crystal would be a very important component of our lightsabers.
He went on to explain that he would not come with us into the caverns where the crystals were held, but would wait at the entrance for us. He also said we only had a day’s rotation to get our crystals. If we can’t get out in time, Illum’s sun will set and we’ll be trapped in the caverns until the next sunrise, 19 days later.
No pressure there…
We finish suiting up and follow Master Fisto into a blustery, winter morning.
Soon, we reach a cliff face of sheer ice. Master Fisto turns to face us.
“In order to get inside the temple here on Ilum, we will have to work together. Only together will the ice be moved to grant us entrance inside.” He explains before turning and raising a hand.
We join him and I search inside myself for that spring, triggering it and imagining the ice falling. Focusing on that feeling, I let myself unleash the Force.
The sound of crumbling ice is all anyone can hear for what feels like a long time, then finally things go quiet.
And there in front of us was indeed an entrance. We hurry through it and inside there are statues of Jedi poised in various fighting stances, all with ignited lightsabers in their hands.
It was truly an impressive sight.
“Younglings, gather if you would.” Master Fisto calls and we obey quickly. “We Jedi are peacekeepers, but how do we defend that peace? Anyone?”
“With a lightsaber, right?” Roman replies.
“Exactly! And that’s what we aim to create today. Now, this planet is very ancient and mysterious. This is the only known place Kyber crystals can be gathered. This is a very guarded secret in the Jedi order, and this ceremony is very important in your training. Today is the day you rise to a new height and create the weapon that will aid you in more ways than you can yet see. But at the heart of a lightsaber is the crystal, so it is important that you choose the right one. Only you can know which crystal is yours and only you can create your lightsaber. Now, time is running out in the day, so I will say only this; trust yourselves and each other and you will overcome this challenge. May the Force be with you all! Good luck!” With that, Master Fisto raised his hand again and what came next was something I will never forget.
Master Fisto looked up and through the force turned a large crystal structure and a window opened. Master Fisto further turned the structure and used the reflections of the crystals to direct sunlight toward a large door of ice at the back of the chamber. The ice instantly starts melting and the water rushes down in an impressive display.
When the water was thoroughly drained, Master Fisto smiles. “Now begins your trial. Off you go! I will be waiting here when you are done.”
We all head into the caverns, and I can’t help feeling a bit uneasy.
What was waiting for us down here?
Soon, we reach a large open area with several paths leading off into the unknown.
“Which way should we go?” I ask when no one seems to want to move.
“I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way. Just trust your instincts and the Force. Let’s close our eyes and head toward a path, and whichever way we end up going is where the Force wants us.” Roman suggests and no one disagrees.
I close my eyes and I swear I hear something in front of me, like…like a fight. I head that way with my eyes still closed until I don’t hear my companions.
I open my eyes and find myself in almost complete darkness. I only saw enough to know where the path was, but no more than that.
The noises I heard before start growing louder as I walk down the path. I start walking faster. What was happening?
I start swearing I see things, blurry images of people fighting. One looks so much like Uncle Obi, I call out and move toward it, but I only bump my face into an ice wall. I watch as he runs down some kind of hallway, maybe on a ship, and then there’s a woman being held hostage, but there the images end, seeming to be moved further down the tunnel.
I move with it, trying to see what came next, but darkness returns and I stop. What was going on? How could I see things like that when I’m nowhere near any kind of hologram?
I shake myself and keep moving.
Whispers start soon and I swear I hear not only Uncle Obi, but Mom, as well! She sounds worried, scared!
She’s in trouble! I look around, but there are no visions. Heart starting to beat quicker, I run forward and call out to her.
“Mom! Mom, I’m here!” There’s no answer and I keep running.
“Please, Obi-Wan…tell her.”
“Mom!” Where is she? I turn around and around, desperate for anything to tell me where Mom is, but I see nothing! Mom sounds so scared!
“Satine, it’ll be alright, I promise.”
“Uncle Obi?” I call, but again no answer.
I run forward, eyes flicking to either side of the path to try and find something, anything to tell me what was going on, but I see nothing, led on by these strange whispers.
My heart drops as I hear my mother cry out in pain. I race forward blindly, only caring that my mother was ok!
“Mom! Mom I’m coming! Just hang on!” I then smack right into another ice wall, only this time, I break it and find myself tumbling down a steep slope with ice shards all around me.
My body aches a bit as I wearily pick myself up.
Great…now I’m lost. I have no idea where I am or how to find this crystal I’m supposed to get! I lost track of my mission when I started hearing things!
I should have known not to race around after things like that and get distracted.
I sit down to think of my next move. I could try to climb back up the slope, but that seems treacherous. I don’t know…
What should I do? I’m running out of time and I don’t see any other paths around me!
I cross my legs.
I had to refocus myself, that much was obvious. It had been so easy for the Force to distract me with visions and voices of those I love.
I had to ignore those voices and get some idea of where I’m supposed to go to find my crystal.
And to do that, I’ll have to climb the slope.
I open my eyes, feeling better now I had a plan.
The slope is very hard to climb. One wrong step and I slip down a bit, but luckily there were some small grooves and cracks in the ice I can use as sort of hand and foot holds.
As I climb, I start focusing on the crystals all around me, trying to find out which is mine. I start to hear a faint chime, almost like a whisper, steady as I get closer to the top.
Finally, I hoist myself over the hole I’d made in the wall. I had to be careful or I’d- -
“Astoria!” The whispers are back! That one sounds like Anakin, but…older! I hear battle around me, but I try to ignore it, finding that faint chime again and following that. “Astoria get out of there! C’mon!”
Ignore it…ignore it…
“Agh!” Uncle Obi! He was losing a- -no. No, I can't get distracted again! I have to hurry! I wasted too much time following these voices! They’re just testing me! I have to focus!
I find the chime and keep moving.
The voices gain volume as I progress, but thankfully the chime gets just a bit louder, too, so I don’t lose it.
There were so many now…some I can almost recognize, some I know, and some I have a feeling I have yet to meet.
They’re overlapping and I can’t tell everything they’re saying, but I have to ignore it and focus!
Moving forward and trusting the chime becomes harder when the voices turn desperate and blasters fire in the distance. My heart hammers and I know whatever this vision is…it’s dark. Dark and foreboding, but probably not even true, so I try my hardest to move on.
That chime isn’t as loud now and it’s so hard to hear…
Suddenly, just as the voices are reaching their loudest and most intense, I come to a crossroads, one way seeming to be the source of the voices, the other the source of the chime.
Unsurprisingly, the chime is barely audible now above the chaos of the voices, who were giving orders in the midst of a battle, crying out as they’re blasted to bits, or begging for help.
My heart aches for these people, but I have to keep reminding myself that they aren’t real. They’re just the Force trying to lead me astray, testing me.
I find through all the chaos, under all the screams and voices, that small chime, so I refocus myself and shake off my emotions enough to move toward the path of the chime.
Then…I hear something that stops me in my tracks.
My mother, gasping for breath as if someone was choking her, the sound of a lightsaber stabbing, and her breathing going quiet, her final words too quiet for me to hear, but I know she’s dying.
I whirl, eyes prickling with tears.
Of course, there’s no one there. Only the horrid sound of my mother drawing her last breath.
I can’t help it and take off, tears blurring my vision. “Mom!” I scream but there’s no answer, no voices.
Wait…no voices! I have to get control of myself! This was just leading me astray again!
I stumble to a halt and find myself right at the point I broke through the wall. In fact, I'd come close to falling down the slope again.
Luckily, I am able to jump back a bit and regain my footing.
I wipe my eyes. It wasn’t real. There was nothing there…my mother is fine. She’s on Mandalore. She’s safe.
I’ll see her soon, I just know it!
With that bit of comfort, I refocus on the task at hand, and suddenly everything is quiet. There are no more distractions.
I run back to the split and down the path of the chime, finding a dead end with a small glowing crack in the ice.
I take a few deep breaths, and then focus on my connection to the Force, and picture the crystal moving toward me, hearing the ice cracking and then the crystal is in my hand. I examine it briefly. It was a genuine crystal and I slip it into my pocket before running back down the path I’d come, not looking back, focusing on getting out to the entrance.
Soon enough, I’m back at the large area shortly before the entrance, and I have to dodge out of the way of Roman, who’s running as if something is chasing him.
“The door’s gonna be frozen shut soon!” Is all he says. I run after him and we come out of the door, realizing it was just barely above our heads. It was lower than I thought it would be…
“Welcome back, Younglings!” Master Fisto calls, and I realize Roman and I are the fourth and fifth Younglings back. That means there are still 2 Younglings in the caverns.
Luckily, Anakin was here, so I walk over.
He seems…a bit shaken, so I give him a smile. “Congratulations!” I greet. “You got your crystal!”
“That wasn’t easy.” He murmurs, then shakes himself. “Glad to see you got your crystal, too, Astoria.”
I nod toward a more secluded spot and Anakin follows me there. “You saw your mother, didn’t you?” I ask softly.
Anakin winces, then nods. “I still miss her. I miss her so much it hurts!”
“I know, Anakin. I miss my mother, too. I kept hearing these weird voices, some I think I know and some I didn’t, but they kept trying to lead me down another path. Then, right when I thought I had it under control and was about to go get my crystal…I heard my mother dying.”
“I heard mine calling my name. She needed me. She was in pain!”
I nod. “I know, Anakin.” I give him a hug. He’d told me that he was taken to the temple later than most Younglings. So late, in fact, that the Council very nearly didn’t let him start his training, but through certain circumstances involving Master Qui-Gon Jinn’s death and Uncle Obi’s promise to him to train Anakin, he was allowed to be Obi-Wan’s Padawan and start his training. “I’m so sorry. I hope it was just the Force tricking us.”
Our stories were similar but not the same; I was taken to the Temple at 5 years old, and Anakin at 8. I could visit my mother sometimes and call her, but Anakin couldn’t. With his mother still a slave on Tattoine, there was nothing Anakin could do. He wasn’t far enough in his training.
“...Thanks, Astoria.” Anakin murmurs, returning my hug.
We stay hugging for a few minutes, then Anakin lets go so we rejoin the others.
Some of the group seem a bit rattled but none of them failed to get their lightsaber crystal, so Fisto has us all gather and we file in, my hand on Anakin’s shoulder.
“I see you have emerged from the trial victorious, young ones!” Master Fisto congratulates, smile wide and arms outstretched. “Wonderful! I understand it may have been harder on some than others, but rest easy in the knowledge that you succeeded in this task and are one step closer to becoming Jedi. Now, let us return to the Temple. On the flight back, we will construct your lightsaber hilts. Be aware that the difficulty of the training will increase now, and will continue to increase until it culminates in a tournament where you will display what you have learned and the potential for a Jedi Master taking you as Padawan is at its highest.”
I’d nearly forgotten about the tournament, to be honest. I wasn’t old enough until recently. With my 13th birthday coming up, I’d be undergoing the tournament in a few years and after that, with luck, I’ll begin training under a Jedi Master.
I just had to be patient and learn what I can with my lightsaber before the tournament. I wonder if anyone will choose me as a Padawan, but I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see. No use speculating for a while.
Soon enough, we leave the temple in high spirits that even the howling wind and cold couldn’t dampen. We chat and tell each other what we saw in the caverns as we get some food in the main area.
Professor Hyuang comes out and seems as excited as we are to get started on our lightsabers.  
In fact, we were all so eager to start making our lightsabers, the hours passed in a blur.
I decide to close my eyes as I explore the lightsaber parts the Professor brought out. I grabbed here and there and finally, I felt I had enough.
“Professor?” I ask.
“Yes, my friend?”
I show him my collection. “Is this everything I need?” I ask politely.
“Hmmm…” He pokes through my parts and nods. “Yes, I believe it is. Well done!” He’s then asked to look over another Youngling’s parts and off he goes.
“Well done, Astoria.” Comes Master Fisto’s voice beside me.
I jump. “Ah! You scared me!” I squeak, heart beating in my ears.
Master Fisto chuckles. “It was unintentional, I assure you.” He then nods toward my pile of parts. “I saw you collect these. You are making great strides in your connection to the Force, young one.” He congratulates.
“Thank you, Master Fisto!” I smile at him. “I just…grabbed what I thought was right.”
“And you chose to trust the Force. That is no easy task, at times.” He eyes my parts again. “What an intriguing combination, Astoria. I have never seen that style of pommel with that main hilt and blade emitter.” He notes, nudging the mentioned parts with his fingers.
“Is that…bad?” I ask timidly.
“No, no! Not at all! I had just never seen it before, that’s all.” He shrugs.
Professor Hyuang then calls for our attention and I have to listen. I wanted to talk to Master Fisto about what I heard this morning, but maybe that’s best saved for later…
The Professor was joined by Master Fisto and the pair begin to explain how the Force can aid us in building our lightsabers, creating a weapon we will grow to depend on in our training and beyond.
We all gather our parts and begin sitting in a circle, cross-legged and ready to assemble our parts.
Professor Hyuang sets up a hologram of how the lightsaber parts should be assembled, then Fisto instructs us to trust the Force and create our lightsabers.
I close my eyes, seeking my parts through the Force. I find them, and begin lifting them all, moving them to fit the diagram.
The hilt forms, then the energy core, my crystal tucked securely inside. After that, I form the blade emitter, from the focusing ring to the main hilt, to finally the emitter itself.
From there, it‘s a matter of adding a few screws to keep everything in place and I am done, my lightsaber falling gently into my ready hands.
It is a thing of beauty, gleaming in the artificial light of the ship, reflecting the blue of the hologram nicely as I inspect my handiwork.
“I see we already have a few finished lightsabers.” Professor Hyuang muses happily as he walks around, giving his own inspection to the half of the group that had constructed their lightsabers.
He finally reaches me, and I hand him my lightsaber, feeling a bit nervous I’d messed something up.
“So close, dear. Just invert that section of the energy core” He points to the part of the hologram he meant “and you will have your weapon. Very impressive looking, I must say. Good work, young one!” Is the praise I get. I start unscrewing the parts of the lightsaber. I invert the parts of the core needed and reassemble everything.
I notice Professor Hyuang off talking to Roman about his lightsaber, so I wait patiently before walking over.
“Got it fixed, then?” The professor asks happily, turning to me.
“I think so.” I reply, handing him my lightsaber for a second time.
He looks it over and hands it back. “Marvelous! You have your weapon, young one!”
I smile. “Thank you!”
“It’s always a pleasure instructing future Jedi.” He seems to smile at me, patting my shoulder before moving to help other younglings.
“That is a lightsaber to be proud of, Astoria.” Master Fisto says when I show him.
“Thank you!” I try some swings with it deactivated. “I can’t wait to test it out!”
“It is a tool to use only when needed, Astoria.” He reminds me gently.
“Yes, Master.” I bob my head. Then I remember what Master Fisto had said this morning.
“Something on your mind, young one?”
I glance around. “Um…”
“You’d rather we talked in private, hmm?”
I nod. “If we can.”
“Of course. This way.” He leads me to what I assume is his quarters. “Now, what troubles you, young one?”
“Well…” I shift my feet. I wouldn’t be in trouble for accidentally eavesdropping, would I? “I may have accidentally overheard you and the Professor talking this morning. Just the last bit! Ab-about me…”
“I see.” He chuckles. “You wonder if what we said is true?”
I nod. “I know I shouldn’t have eavesdropped. I’m sorry.”
“It’s quite alright, young one. It was bound to be revealed at some point in your life. It is true that you are only the second Mandalorian Jedi recorded in history, but don’t let it trouble you. There are other species who do not develop a connection to the Force often.”
“I know, but…does it change anything? In my training? In the way the Counsel treats me?”
“Oh, Astoria.” I am scooped up in a hug. “You are welcome in the Jedi Order with open arms!” He sets me down and ruffles my hair. “I am sorry you felt troubled by the discussion this morning, but let those feelings wash away with the knowledge that you are valued in the Jedi Order for more than your birthplace.”
I nod, feeling a bit better. “Thank you, Master Fisto.” I hadn’t even realized how troubled I was about being only the second recorded Mandalorian Jedi until now. But I do feel those emotions subsiding as Master Fisto guides me back to everyone else.
I was a part of the Jedi Order and a Mandalorian. I had to find balance and peace with that as I continue my training.
Hopefully, it won’t be too hard…and then I’ll be a Padawan, out on adventures with a wise Jedi Master!
I can hardly wait!
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rotschild · 4 years
Claiming Obi-Wan was 15 on his year on the run on Mandalore feels like just another Scandalore cover-up attempt.
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Star Wars and the Holonet
We all know the hilarity of Scandalore and Coruscant Clickbait but...
Can you guys imagine an AU timeline, where all our favorites are alive and everything is good and jolly? And the paparazzi is everywhere?
Like - the Jedi Council becoming masters of decpection, because seeing a Jedi out and about on Coruscant is worth so much? (Bonus if it's one of the Skywalker's or Ahsoka Tano or Mace Windu - he never leaves the Temple).
Anakin and Obi-Wan constantly trashing each other, selling the most ridiculous stories for credits. Their respective partners spending far too much time talking to news outlets and smoothing things over?
Everyone eagerly witnesses our favorite Senator and Jedi knight with their kiddos (which must have their faces blurred out, because Padmé will not have her children's image plastered all over the Galaxy). Photos of the two kissing in public quickly become worthless because they do it so frickin often
Obi-Wan and Satine, on the other hand, rarely hold hands in public. Photos of them being within ten centimeters of each other are worth a fortune.
Quinlan often adds fuel to outrageous rumors - whilst doing some ridiculous stunt. "Yep, Anakin and Obi are in love. Master Windu is really a Sith Lord. We keep our ancient texts on Mustafar. Darth Maul is immortal. There are Force-sensitive droids. The Clones are really Jedi younglings that were never chosen as padawans."
It becomes Galatic scandal when the Jedi remove the 'ban' on marriage. Also when Korkie says casually, "Yeah, Kenobi's my dad. Next question?" Now that's a fun one to explain to the Council.
There are tours of flagships, because everyone is so curious to see the ships that helped protect so many planets during the war. There are also interviews with very uncomfortable clone troopers - though Fives loves it and trolls everyone else. (Because he didn't die :)
When Leia becomes a Senator (she represents Tatooine) everyone is appalled how much of a temper she has. She looks like Padmé, yes - but she is certainly Anakin's daughter. Every guy she dates becomes newsworthy, especially when Han Solo comes into the picture and refuses to leave.
Everyone tends to forget about Luke, though he's usually beside Anakin or Obi-Wan, quietly observing and only speaking when it is necessary. There's a video of Chancellor Mon Motha jumping and yelling at Luke, who was convinced to sneak up on her at a state dinner. No one knows who convinced him (it was Yoda).
Mara Jade and the Emporer's hand kids are eventually discovered, and it shakes the galaxy to the core. Sidious sympathizers drop significantly, escpially when Mara teams up with Luke and spreads the tales of her upbringing.
But there's a dark side too, because everyone is so intrigued by the Jedi and associates. They have virtually no privacy. So the Jedi counteract this, talking passionately about ending civil wars, tax reforms, women's/species rights, putting an end to slavery, breaking up sex trafficking. (Anakin and Aayla are the ones most passionate about the last topic, for obvious reasons. Depa, Shaak, and pretty much every female member of the Jedi Order are soon to follow.)
Tatooine is the first planet to be completely liberated.
A good chunk of Mandalorians realize they're Force Sensitive, and it's delicious irony when they come crawling to the Jedi for help.
Jedi outreach programs begin on Outer-Rim planets, providing education to those who would not have it otherwise. Former Separatist planets help with these, as they respected the Jedi and their education program (because Dooku always seemed so well-educated).
What else did I miss?
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raineydaywrites · 7 years
Scandalore Drabble
So @forcearama 's Scandalore au is beautiful and I wrote this triple Drabble set in it. Planning on more to follow. Obi-Wan awoke contentedly, lying next to his wife. She was already awake as she tended to be on the mornings he had to leave early, which was, come to think of it, practically all of them. “Good morning dear,” she mumbled contentedly as he began to get up. “Good morning. I've got to be getting back to Anakin.” Satine sighs at the reminder. “When are you going to tell him?” “Soon, soon. But he’ll tell the Council and I can’t just leave them, not in the middle of a war.” “I know, darling. I'm just so tired of this.” “Me too.” Obi-Wan left the bedroom and walked down the hall to the room Korkie stayed in when he was here. He always stayed there when Obi-Wan had come to visit. He entered the boy's room, smiling when he saw the teenager sleeping contentedly. He brushed his hand over Korkie’s hair and smiled. “Dad…” Korkie mumbled in greeting. “I have to get back to the ship, Korkie. Good morning.” “G’d morning.” And with that Korkie drifted back to sleep. Obi-Wan quietly left the home, making sure no one saw him. A few people knew the truth, over the years of keeping it secret, but he’d prefer not to be seen by anyone as he left. He made it back to the ship, and headed through the hallways. Most of the clones were asleep at this time, and besides, if he were caught it wouldn't be as bad as it would be on the planet. He could simply explain he hadn’t been able to sleep and took a walk. He didn't notice Rex shaking his head at how obvious the general was being. But Rex wouldn't tell. General Kenobi was one of his generals, and he wouldn't ruin his life for him.
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obes-kenobes-blog · 8 years
imagine a Clone Wars episode/arc where a criminal is hired to dig up dirt (real or imagined) on the Jedi so they're expelled or fall out of favor with the Chancellor or something but like the investigator/criminal gets inVeStEd "what do you MEAN Windu has never taken a day?? in his Jedi career?? someone teach this man SELF CARE" "what do you MEAN General Kenobi would have left the order for Satine Kryze??? and they haven't seen each other in over seven months?? do I NEED to wreak havoc on Mandalore so you can get thee to her, ginger-in-chief?" "what do you MEAN Yoda's apprentice fell to the dark side? what absolute madman does that to a liddle green bloke?" "I have a bad feeling about exposing any of General Skywalker's private life... as in... imperially bad feeling... I think he needs some blankets and maybe calming herbal teas" "boss I'm sorry Commander Tano has done nothing wrong in her life ever"
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resistancepilots · 7 years
@asokatanos reblogged your post:  #anakin's letters are all basically tweet length #they're full of meaningless things and small reminds like #To The Esteemed Duke: you should wear armor more often. also pls buy more blue milk we're out #Obi wan takes to space snapchatting these letters and the whole of Jedidom loves reading them 
#some cheeky padawan (it was totally ahsoka but she'll never admit to it) PUBLISHES them #space twitter is born - 140 character limit like anakin's longest letter #the space twitter logo is house kryze-kenobi's coat of arms #padme and satine are off getting drunk together and lamenting about their Most Extra husbands #bail organa joins them for several of these soirees #anakin and obi wan are not invited
AHSOKA STARTING SPACE TWITTER IN THE WAKE OF SCANDALORE. Obi’s marriage and dukedom being responsible for space twitter is the Most accurate!! 
ofc obi’s honorary husband bail gets invited. every time him and breha are on Alderaan being Happy and Enjoying A Well-Deserved Vacation, obi wan pops up on the holos with another new scandal, and Bail is suddenly drowning in 40392 space emails bc he’s one of the v few politicians obi listens to. 
Bail’s twitter is like. god tier re: follower count. All he does is subtweet about how Trying (but ultimately v v fun) his friendship with obi is 
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evaceratops-art · 8 years
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@forcearama THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT. (ohh and by the way, in case you don’t recognize the url, it’s me, @evaceratops! this is my art blog)
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coruscant-clickbait · 17 days
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thank you for everything, and may the force be with you.
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Din knows how to keep the spice alive in a relationship which is why he's always getting captured.
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kanerallels · 2 years
Oh!! Mandalore Scandalore (*chuckles*) for the ask game!!
Oh you're probably gonna like this one!! Okay so it's set in this Order 66 didn't happen series that I will never publish (I'm writing it for fun and my friend who I lost a bet with) where Kanan and Hera are working together (with the whole Ghost Crew of course) to find Force sensitive children!
But anyways Hera and Sabine go to Mandalorian because they've heard a rumor that there's a Force sensitive child there (hmmm who could it be what a mystery it all is). However, they get there just as Gar Saxon is making an attempt to steal the throne. Chaos ensues, and Sabine and Hera barely escape, with the help of Bo Katan and the Protectors
However, they lose contact with Kanan, and he is NOT too happy about that. So he, Ezra, and Zeb sneak onto Mandalore, with the help of Hondo Ohnaka, and kinda end up helping Bo Katan rescue her sister and reclaim their throne
It's basically like a happiness au mashup of Heroes of Mandalore, Trials of the Darksaber, Legacy of Mandalore, and my own weird ideas. There's some background Kanera, background Sabezra, and of course there's some Obitine! Oh, and Bofenn. And Anakin Skywalker getting bossed around by Hera Syndulla. And Obi Wan getting Mandalorian armor/befriending the Children of the Watch
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So, I’ve been seeing an AU called Scandalore started by @forcearama play out on my dashboard all day long and I must say, I LOVE EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT. I love Obitine and so I love this AU to bits. Throughout this whole thing, I’ve been wondering things such as, how much does Korkie knows? Not to mention the implications of Anakin meeting Satine at an earlier age. Did he constantly tease Obiwan about her? Or what about the Mandalore arc in this AU? Perhaps not only was Satine frustrated with the clone wars but the fact her HUSBAND was participating in it, making the fight between the two much more of a big deal. But did I write about any of the above? NOPE. Here, have 1.4k of how these two ended up secretly wed in the first place.
When Satine starts throwing up in the morning, she dismisses it as her illness of the month. Satine has never been the peak of Mandalorian health. Her immune system has always taken harder hits than most, and it is one of the many reasons her opponents have used against her ascend to leader of the houses.
But it goes longer than it should, and when she is finally persuaded to see a medical droid, it appears to be something far more drastic.
“You are pregnant.” The droid announced stoically.
“Pregnant?” Satine’s heart starts beating wildly.
The medical droid starts rattling on about the medical definition of being pregnant but the duchess tunes him out. She can’t be pregnant. Not right now. She has just reached a tentative peace among all of Mandalore–she knows there is still pockets of groups who are waiting for any first sign of weakness. A child with a Jedi father would cause a massive scandal. Many willingly overlooked her Jedi protectors, but none would be willing to overlook the fact she conceived a child with one of them. Mandalore’s hatred for Jedi still ran strong in some houses.
She knows what she must do. She must sacrifice the child for the sake of peace. She knows this, and yet her mind can’t help traveling back to Obiwan. She remembers the time he played with some children in a village they spent a few days in. How his eyes gleamed as he patiently answered each one of their numerous questions. He would be a great father, she knows it.
She thinks long and hard about the issue, before coming to a conclusion.
Drawing a deep breath, she wipes the medical droid’s memory before dismissing it from the room. She then reaches for her comm and clicks on the senior padawan’s contact.
“Sa-satine?” He asks, a bit surprised. He hadn’t expected her to contact him after the dust had settled and she retained her status as rightful Duchess of Mandalore.
She seemed adamant in the two ceasing contact with one another. It was perhaps for the best, as painful as it was for him. She was a duchess and he a Jedi. Both had duties to uphold, and had no time for attachments to distract them from their goals.
“Satine, are you alright?” He questions after she doesn’t respond the first time.
On the outside, she looked relatively fine. No one except her closest confidants would notice her that her hairpiece was slightly crooked and the vacant stare in her eyes.
“Obiwan, how I wish you were by my side,” Her voice cracked, but she continued on, “Something unexpected has come up, and I am unsure how to proceed.”
“What is it?” He asked, growing increasingly worried, “Are you being threatened again? I’m sure the Republic wouldn’t mind–”
“It’s not like that,” She interrupts, shaking her head, “It’s a completely different it’s–I’m pregnant, Obiwan.”
Oh. OH.
“with my child?” He asks weakly, collapsing onto his chair in a startled heap.
“Of course, your child, Obiwan Kenobi,” She says in a scandalized tone, but she smiles gently despite it.
His emotions are set ablaze and he does his best to calm himself. He can sense Qui Gon’s confusion across their training bond and attempts to briefly reassure him before turning his attention upon Satine once more.
“What do you plan to do?” He asks softly.
“I can’t have a child,” Satine confesses, “I shouldn’t. It’s something that my opponents would use against me–”
“I understand.” He quickly says, lowering his head, “Jedi are pledged to protect all lives, no matter how small. But I understand if–”
“You don’t understand,” She cuts in, “I shouldn’t have a child and yet–I cannot bring myself to terminate my pregnancy in order to buy peace. I cannot. I will hide my pregnancy from public’s eyes if I must. But Obiwan…”
Her voice halts sharply as she lets her guard down for a moment and gazes at him. She is sharp and strict and fierce but she is so much more than that. She is kind and patient and selfless. Obiwan doesn’t know a lot about mothers, but he senses she would make a fine one.
“I understand you are a Jedi, that your duties lie elsewhere. I respect whatever decision you make,” Her eyes fall away from his face, unwilling to make eye contact, “I–I don’t know quite know how to say it but I have loved you from the moment you came to my aid a year ago on Kalevala.”
“Satine,” He reaches out, wishing desperately to caress her cheek, “You–you know I feel the same. Had you asked me earlier to leave the Jedi Order, I would have right and then there.”
A smile emerges onto her face as something runs down her cheek. A tear, he realizes. “Do you still feel the same?” She asks.
“I do.” He bows her head, “I hope you would still have me, Duchess.” He takes her relieved laughter as a sign of acceptance.
He doesn’t resign from the Jedi Order right then and there, as promised. Tensions in Mandalore are still running high and he reluctantly agrees with Satine to wait a little longer until it cools down. Still the two are secretly wedded. It is a very private wedding, held within the House of Kyrze.
Jedi, of course, don’t have any wedding traditions so they follow the traditions of the Mandalores. She explains that their wedding is not unusual by normal Mandalore standards. Weddings are often simple functions attended by only the Houses of the two parties involved. It is only in ruling houses such as Kyrze that weddings tend to be more extravagant.
“It is…not uncommon for two ruling houses to arrange a marriage to keep the peace between them.” She explains, “My parents were an arranged marriage.”
Qui Gon never questions Obiwan when he returns to the Temple late from a solo mission. He wonders if his master knows, but if he does, he keeps silent on the matter. Qui Gon had given him the usual lecture of attachments when he noticed him growing close with Satine but had otherwise kept his mouth shut.
He slowly works up the courage to tell Qui Gon, but by the time he’s ready, it’s already too late.
He calls Satine, late in the night, after he safely made sure Anakin is tucked into bed. The two are given private quarters in the Theed palace and he is currently hiding in the room’s closet. His eyes are bloodshot and his hair disheveled as he tries to slow his breathing.
The hologram flickers, as Satine comes into view. She’s dressed in one of her court outfits, which meant he probably disrupted a meeting of some sort.
“Hello Satine,” He smiles weakly, “I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
“Obiwan, what’s happened?” She asks, her eyes seized with worry.
At the sound of her voice, he breaks down crying and it takes him a moment to regain his composure enough to tell her. He tells her everything, from the start of the crisis, to hiding out in Tatooine and to facing the sith lord on Naboo.
“I–I made a promise to him before he died,” Obiwan’s voice trembled, “That I would train the boy–Anakin. The Council is inducting him into the Order and is willing to let me train him, Satine.”
Obiwan’s eyes skirts around her gaze as he whispers quietly, “I understand Satine, if you wish to dissolve our union.”
He almost wants her to. She doesn’t deserve to keep their marriage secret for whatever amount of years it takes to train Anakin up. It has only been one year, and yet he can see the strain the secrecy places on their marriage. Rarely can they see one another face to face, let alone comm each other.
Obiwan is stretched thin between his alliances and one will collapse sooner than later.
“Obiwan, look at me,” Satine asks–no–demands and he looks up to her regal features.
Even with the blueish hue of the holo, her beauty shines through.
“On Mandalore, we treat vows with the utmost respect,” She says sternly, “If you made a vow to your master, Obi, then I will not stand in your way. But know you still have a vow to me, and I am waiting for you to fulfill it one day.”
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raineydaywrites · 7 years
Dark Scandalore au
Okay so I’m too tired to write a full fic and also tumblr has already swallowed this post once, but I want to get down some thoughts about sad scandalore.
- at the beginning it goes much like it did in canon. The Council gets Satine’s message for Obi Wan and are like, “we can’t interfere isn’t an internal matter.” Obi Wan goes anyway.
- he’s concerned because he asked Satine to be careful, but not high key worried yet because he doesn’t know about Maul.
- on the way there in the Twilight he tries to contact Korkie because he knows he’s running with the Nite Owls, but can’t get through. He figures it will work out anyway.
- from there it goes much the same, he steals Death Watch armor, breaks Satine out, they try to leave in the Twilight, it is explodes and maul shows up.
- they get dragged to the throne room and his worry goes up a few notches, but still he’s been through so much and survived all of it and he thinks- he really thinks they’ll make it out okay.
- then maul starts his spiel, chokes Satine and pulls out the dark saber. This is when Obi Wan realizes one of them isn’t going to make it.
- he tries to goad maul into attacking him instead, hoping that he can keep the collateral damage to a minimum, but it doesn’t really work because though maul has a temper, he sees right through Obi Wan right now.
- don’t make me say it.
- okay, so we know what happens next, Satine dies. Her confession goes slightly differently because they are married not just pining from afar, but she still thinks it would b good to remind him that she loves him.
- that’s when it hits. The Dark. He doesn’t Fall, no, he’s not the type, but it’s a closer call than it was in canon (not that it was super close, but you get what I mean). He’s so angry with Maul for what he’s done, he’s grieving, he’s terrified of having to tell Korkie what happened…. it’s a bad time for Obi.
- he pushes it back, reminds himself of his training and tries to breathe through the /pain/ he’s feeling.
- ( he remembers Anakin asking him why he needed the twilight, offering to come along, and his own refusal because he didn’t want to get Anakin in trouble, because two Jedi acting together is less forgivable in the eyes of the Council and Senate than one, and he /regrets/ )
- he’s dragged out by the death watch and saved by the Nite Owls. Korkie is with them. Obi Wan dreads telling him, but he does, finds a moment, because his son deserves to know what happened. He hears a quiet gasp from the people around them, and Bo-Katan turns away from them, grieving.
- he’s afraid Korkie will blame him (force knows he blames himself) but Korkie just looks unbelievably sad, like when he was a little kid and they told him why he couldn’t call Obi Wan “Dad” in public.
- they hold each other for a moment and try not to cry because now is not the time, now it is time to escape. Obi Wan tries to convince Korkie to leave Mandalore with them, but Korkie is his fathers son and he won’t leave people behind who need him. Besides where in the galaxy could he go?
- so obi wan leaves. He pilots a course back to Coruscant, makes himself a cup of tea, and then he falls out of battle mode and has nothing to distract him from what has happened.
- in canon I think he held it together, maybe shed a few tears, but he reminded himself of all he’s learned and pushes it down deep.
- in this au, oh he breaks. He loved his wife dearly and now she’s gone, at the hands of his old enemy and he /breaks/
- he makes it back to the Temple, where he is scolded harshly but the Council, though it doesn’t know the truth, knows he cared about Satine and let’s him go off to his apartment, figuring he can meditate on her death and move on.
- He walks numbly through the Temple and considers. He’s always figured he’d leave the Order one day, when the war is over and they don’t need him as much, but now, where would he go? And so he realizes he can’t let on how much he cared for Satine because it will ruin the only thing he has left going for him.
- Anakin is in his apartment when he gets there, and that was not anticipated, he thought he’d be able to be alone again. Instead, he makes a pot of tea, hands shaking as he pours Anakin a cup, and Anakin can tell something’s off but he doesn’t know what.
- Obi Wan’s voice breaks when he tells Anakin what happens. (Must fix that, he thinks, and he does, repeating the fact that Satine is dead later that night over and and over until he can say the words without emotion.)
- Anakin doesn’t know the whole truth yet, but he knows Obi Wan cared and he’s a good friend, offering him whatever he needs. Obi Wan says he would like some space.
- he spends the rest of the evening trying to meditate, but this familiar action is little comfort now though it does help a little. He just can’t seem to focus!
- that night he lies down to go to sleep and he can’t. He knows why. He’s spent countless nights alone because of the situation they’re in, but he has had nights where he missed Satine and wanted to be with her. He usually holocalled her and talked with her and that helped, but there is no comfort now.
- the next day is even worse because he’s gotten little to no sleep and everyone know he went on an unsanctioned mission to save his friend and failed, and are offering their remorse over the death of his “friend.” It’s the only time he feels like a proper grieving husband- a widower, he realizes with another pang
- he blames himself. Maybe if he hadn’t married her none of this wouldn’t have happened. If he hadn’t been so obvious with his emotions Maul wouldn’t have killed her (he’s wrong, even if they’d stayed apart this still would have happened, but there’s no one to tell him that.)
- everyone can tell he’s not dealing with this the way a Jedi is supposed to deal with losing a friend (and there’s a reason for that, he’s dealing with this as a man who lost his wife). Weeks later and he still looks like death warmed over. No one can get him to talk about it except Anakin. So everyone goes to him with their concerns.
- Anakin confronts him one day, and Obi Wan tells him the truth. Anakin is shocked and horrified. Obi Wan thinks the latter is because Obi Wan has revealed himself to be a hypocrite but Anakin’s soft “you lost your wife?” a moment later proves that to be untrue. Obi Wan expects Anakin to tell the Council and for him to be kicked out of the Order, but he can’t seem to bring himself to care right now. He needs his friend to help him.
- Anakin refuses to say a word to anyone about what he and Obi Wan talked about that day, but everyone agrees it helped. That doesn’t mean it’s over though.
- /everything/ reminds him of her, even things that reasonably shouldn’t, but she’s never far from his mind these days. He finds himself trying not to cry at the strangest times and his mind feels blurred, like he’s staring at the world through a curtain.
- eventually he’s reassigned to the field, and the 212th can tell something’s up, and they have an inkling what it is.
- Obi Wan holds himself tighter and looks a little colder and fights just a touch too hard until one day Cody sits him down and admits that he knew Obi Wan and Satine were involved. Obi Wan gets a chance to talk about Satine to someone for once because all the Jedi expect him to push it aside, but the clones have no such qualms.
- and he probably talks to Padme about it too because like, they’re friends and she knew Satine and it helps
- I can’t decide if this makes Anakin easier to turn or harder, because Anakin and Obi Wan are closer here, so making Anakin think of Obi Wan as an enemy is harder, but also, Anakin has now seen what it did to his friend to lose his wife, felt just a part of his pain through their bond and its worse than he imagined and he’ll do anything to avoid that.
And yeah. That’s my thoughts. ;) @forcearama how do like my twisting of your happy au? I know Star Wars doesn’t need any help to be sad, but like, when the opportunity arrives take it.
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dameronalone · 8 years
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